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Digital Physicians: Unleashing Artificial Intelligence in Transforming

Healthcare and Exploring the Future of Modern Approaches

Article · February 2024

DOI: 10.58496/MJAIH/2024/005


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3 authors, including:

Ban Salman Shukur Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani

Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia


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Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Vol.2024, pp. 28–34
DOI: ; ISSN: 3005-365X

Research Article
Digital Physicians: Unleashing Artificial Intelligence in Transforming Healthcare
and Exploring the Future of Modern Approaches
Ban Salman Shukur1,*, , Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani2, , Burhanuddin bin Mohd Aboobaider3,
1 Computer Science Department, Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, Baghdad, Iraq
2 Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka, Malaysia
3 Department of Intelligent Computing and Analytics, Faculty of Information Communication Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka,
Article History
Received 20 Nov 2023 Growing global awareness that attention to health care is the basis for maintaining citizens' quality of
Accepted 11 Jan 2024
life. Health institutions seek to increase interest in electronic care services and enhance patient results by
Published 02 Feb 2024
integrating artificial intelligence techniques. Artificial intelligence tools are indispensable to diagnosis,
Keywords treatment, and patient care. Integrating artificial intelligence techniques into the development of the
Healthcare electronic healthcare environment works to enhance public health and disease prevention and provide
Artificial intelligence free services to all citizens. Designing electronic platforms raises health awareness in society, provides
health programs and initiatives, and reaches homes, gardens, schools, and universities through
Machine learning
applications based on artificial intelligence. The primary purpose of this article is to challenge the extent
Health institutions
to which artificial intelligence is related to medicine and its contribution to the positive and negative
Electronic care effects of revolutionizing healthcare services.

Healthcare services are the primary step in physical existence [1][2]. It is an integrated service that can be diversified in
social, cultural, and economic terms. In this sector, the quality, cost and accessibility of the service provided to the target
patient population are among the most important evolving issues today. These services are an economic activity that aims to
give people the resources they need for continued living. Health is one of the important services that countries must pay
attention to by providing basic activities to preserve human life, create a quality of life, and protect it from epidemic diseases
[3][4]. Modern artificial intelligence strategies aim to develop and encourage various sectors to pay attention and achieve
progress in meeting the needs required by the environment and society. Many sectors suffer from neglect and problems that
need solutions using devices and applications to meet the needs of citizens. One of these sectors is healthcare, which is
considered one with the most incredible pressure to respond to diseases and treatments. Recent years have witnessed the
application of artificial intelligence techniques in the development of medicine, as technological convergence has created a
healthy environment for tracking the spread of diseases and monitoring patients [5-7]. This integration led to the development
of health care by increasing the accuracy of diagnosis and predicting disease behaviours within patients. Artificial
intelligence and medicine provide opportunities to eliminate traditional practices, enhance healthcare systems, and assist
physicians and healthcare workers in providing services to all patients [8][9].
Comprehending the operation mechanism of artificial intelligence techniques is considered a basis in various sectors and
verifying doubts about the work of these techniques and what purposes they will achieve [10][11]. In addition, developing
digital media that plays an essential role in the communication process between people and healthcare workers and what
needs patients have. The primary motivation for integrating artificial intelligence and recognising the capabilities it possesses
in facing all challenges in the area of healthcare. These technologies contribute to eliminating traditional methods and
incorrect diagnoses, increasing medical resources, and generating modern electronic services that help patients improve their
health (see Figure 1). These techniques provide innovative solutions to alleviate the issues that hinder healthcare workers

*Corresponding author. Email:

29 Shukur et al, Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Vol.2024, 28–34

and patients, usher in a new era of accuracy and efficiency in business, develop many platforms, and reduce the financial
burden on patients [12-14].

Fig. 1. Alzheimer’s disease detection using AI methods [15].

Medical diagnosis is one of the most critical areas that should be paid attention to, as machine learning algorithms appear,
which play an important role in diagnosing medical data, as they have the ability to study patterns and abnormalities found
in x-ray images or computed tomography images [16][17]. These algorithms enhance the accuracy of diagnosis, early disease
detection and prediction, and develop treatment and drug development plans. In addition, these algorithms perform accurate
data diagnoses and help specialists and physicians make decisions and reduce diagnostic errors. These algorithms have the
ability to constantly adapt to patient data, continually learning and making plans to improve treatments. They design
treatment plans based on the data they learn from and are also trained to discover new patterns of drug discovery, which
leads to accelerating medical discoveries. With the advancement in modern technology, especially after the COVID-19
pandemic, health services have improved and developed, and people’s quality of life has improved. Advanced technologies
in the field of healthcare are methods of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of post-treatment processes, communication
with patients and preventive health services and processes, health institution management processes, payment methods,
patient appointment systems and much more [18]. In general, artificial intelligence (AI) and technologies and applications
related to artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming increasingly important to healthcare organisations and
society. These technologies have the potential to develop many aspects of patient care in addition to creating electronic
administrative processes within health institutions. Digital technologies can be found in different areas, such as portability,
wearability, machine-to-machine connectivity (M2M), cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence.
The benefit of these technologies in healthcare services is that they allow the digitalisation of processes [19][20].
This article reviews the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the application of artificial intelligence techniques in
developing the medical field and healthcare services. Review the primary purposes of applying these technologies and their
role in improving patients' health.

This section will discuss the effect of artificial intelligence (features and defects) in the healthcare field. There is no doubt
that artificial intelligence techniques involved in healthcare have significant advantages that facilitate and accelerate the
processes that have become a problem for humans. Many currently published studies agree that artificial intelligence,
especially machine learning, is a tool that helps physicians in many tasks, including diagnosis and data analysis [21][22].
Artificial intelligence techniques are the backbone of growing healthcare services within the environment. The capabilities
that result from these techniques are the ability to process the vast amount of medical and biological data that are produced
daily. This procedure is complex and is continuously being improved. Companies that develop artificial intelligence seek
to periodically analyse threats related to new diseases, as it is one of the advantages that help people predict the spread of
epidemics and viruses through the application of strategies that support humans in preparing and responding to the threat
of emerging diseases. Discovering diseases or their observers is a significant challenge for humans. Therefore, artificial
intelligence is vital in producing practices relating to analysing data in actual time to detect diseases and abnormal
behaviour. The development and improvements in AI as it relates to medicine tend are much more significant over time,
and more doctors and healthcare workers are involved in improving and tracking patient data. The more these techniques
30 Shukur et al, Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Vol.2024, 28–34

are used, the more accurate the prediction accuracy of the artificial intelligence methodology will be enhanced and thus
will be of greater importance in future missions.
In general, artificial intelligence is still in its early stages with regard to large-scale applications in providing health care
services, despite the emergence of many applications such as ChatGPT and others [24][25]. The COVID-19 pandemic has
presented us with many challenges in confronting and tracking epidemic diseases [26][27]. Rapid processing and analysis
of relevant data is essential to limit the negative impact of any disease outbreak. This data can be broken down into
molecular, patient, population, and community levels, contributing to successful treatment and prevention. However, this
was challenging about COVID-19 in the initial deployment period due to the task's enormity and sophistication. One of the
drawbacks of applying artificial intelligence in healthcare is in the field of kidney disease, where many nephrologists and
specialists in this field still need to become more familiar with the basic principles of medical artificial intelligence. Also,
for fully developed countries, the costs are very high, which creates a huge barrier between patients and health institutions.
Figure 2 shows the importance of healthcare and technology in serving humanity. The Third Industrial Revolution is
considered the basis because it implemented the digital revolution when electronics and information technology allowed
production automation. The current Fourth Industrial Revolution depends on the Third Industrial Revolution. The main
goal is to transform any sector into a digital environment. Industry 4.0 affects not only the healthcare sector but all sectors.
With Industry 4.0, medical devices have become more efficient, innovative, and valuable, diagnosis of diseases has been
accelerated, accuracy rates in their treatments have increased, and hospital and medical clinic data system security has been
increased. Preparing for Industry 5.0, as the smart digital society characterises it, the integration of virtual and physical
spaces, the Internet of Things, robotics, augmented reality, the innovation ecosystem, the brain-machine interface, and the
centrality of human technology. This industry, the concept of which was launched in 2016, is still under development as it
focuses on combining the creativity and craftsmanship of humans with the speed and productivity of robots. Therefore, the
transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 will take place by generating a set of interactions between humans and machines,
human creativity and the power of their minds, and enhancing automation through robots and automating all tasks [28-30].

Fig. 2. The importance of healthcare and technology in serving humanity [23].

Managing datasets from the cloud is one of the desirable tasks implemented in healthcare institutions. It is essential and
necessary for artificial intelligence, data processing, and information analysis. Unfortunately, healthcare organisations have
limited datasets and need to be equipped to share them quickly because they use older-generation IT infrastructure rather
than newer cloud-based systems. Even when they can combine data sets, because each person classifies their data in
different ways, an AI system will only be as valuable as the data it relies on to learn from. Providing diagnosis and managing
31 Shukur et al, Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Vol.2024, 28–34

the patient's condition is one of the objectives of artificial intelligence and medicine. Thus, it is preferable to employ
artificial intelligence techniques because they are able to give personalised diagnoses for diseases such as multiple sclerosis,
and its goal is to accurately predict these procedures by providing physicians with a prediction of clinical disability for two
years in patients with multiple sclerosis with an average error (see Figure 3) [31][32]. Not only that, predicting patients
infected with COVID-19, that is, accurately predicting the occurrence of future coronavirus cases in all settings and
countries [33][34]. Another goal that confirms the excellent use of artificial intelligence practices in the field of healthcare
is that combining human and artificial intelligence indicates superiority over a single approach. Table 1 illustrates the
difference between artificial intelligence and human doctors in providing healthcare services. Diagnosis is one of the most
critical procedures required to be implemented in health institutions, as each diagnosis must be necessary in the shortest
possible time “retrospective interpretation, that is, providing diagnostic judgments. In analysing x-ray images, artificial
intelligence has a major and vital role in analysing a large group of x-ray images and studying the patterns found in them.
It has become possible to analyse these images with the help of artificial intelligence, as doctors and specialists can analyse
them based on visual aids and pattern recognition.
Table 1. The key differnce between AI and human doctors.

Key differences
AI Human Doctors
Data Processing and Pattern Recognition Data-driven Experience
Experience and Intuition Algorithmic Intuition
Adaptability and Learning Adaptive Lifelong-learning
Emotional Intelligence Emotionless Empathetic
Ethical and Moral Decision-making Amoral Ethical
Communication Non-communicative Communicative

Fig. 3. AI in radiological images [35].

Changing the perspective of healthcare in the face of many barriers that can be terminated through artificial intelligence
techniques. The world is expected to witness a significant change in artificial intelligence scenarios in the medical field in
the coming years. Therefore, it has become necessary to study the research conducted on this technology and learn about
its various applications in the medical field. Moreover, medical ethics has an essential role as an intermediary between the
physician and the patient. The application of artificial intelligence techniques in health care has a promising role, and there
are technical and ethical challenges. [36-40] Finally, AI-based systems are machine-based, controlled, and implemented
by computer programmers without medical training. This has led to a problem-oriented approach involving AI in
developing healthcare and transitioning to electronic environments.
32 Shukur et al, Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Vol.2024, 28–34

Healthcare is considered one of the most important sectors contributing to developing the nations' economies. In recent times,
this sector has witnessed its reliance on artificial intelligence technology to perform many tasks within health institutions.
Increased knowledge and ease of access to information have led to developments in information technology as well as
changes in the healthcare sector, which has led to the creation of electronic tasks that assist patients in improving their
medical condition. Digital transformation contributes to creating an electronic environment in a short time that includes
many tasks, as access to these tasks has become effortless thanks to various artificial intelligence technologies. Therefore,
these practices resulting from digital transformation are being integrated very quickly with the healthcare sector in hospitals
and medical clinics. Various AI strategies are being used by patients, healthcare professionals, hospital management, and
healthcare delivery processes. These strategies will significantly impact many sectors in the future, especially the healthcare
sector, as they are being integrated into diagnosis, treatment processes, planning, patient tracking, hospital information
management, and much more. AI techniques utilised in healthcare must be integrated with other healthcare systems and
standardised so similar AI products can work together in coordination. In addition, these techniques should be taught to
patients who use electronic healthcare services and healthcare professionals who use applications in healthcare delivery.
Thus, the public and private sectors must work together, and the necessary improvements in this area must be updated over
The authors had no institutional or sponsor backing.
Conflicts Of Interest
The author's disclosure statement confirms the absence of any conflicts of interest.
The authors extend appreciation to the institution for their unwavering support and encouragement during the course of
this research.

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