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The Cloud Computingand Io T

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The Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT)

Article in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science Engineering and Technology · January 2020
DOI: 10.32628/IJSRSET196657


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1 author:

Chamandeep Kaur
Jazan University


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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (
© 2020 IJSRSET | Volume 7 | Issue 1 | Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099
The Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT)
Chamandeep Kaur
PhD Research Scholar, Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India


The cloud is a huge, interconnected network of powerful servers that performs services for businesses and
people. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital
machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data
over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT has evolved with
the greater generation of data. Internet of Things Cloud Service creates excessive communication between
inexpensive sensors in the IoT which means even greater connectivity. Billions of connected devices and
machines will soon join human-users. IoT generates lots of data while on the other hand, cloud computing
paves way for this data to travel. In this paper we try to focus on cloud providers who take advantage of this to
provide a pay-as-you-use model where customers pay for the specific resources used. Also, cloud hosting as a
service adds value to IoT startups by providing economies of scale to reduce their overall cost structure.
Keywords : Cloud computing, IoT, Future computing.

I. INTRODUCTION scalability. When you have hundreds, thousands, or

even millions of sensors, putting large amounts of
The IoT is generating an unprecedented amount of computational power on each sensor would be
data, which in turn puts a tremendous strain on the extremely expensive and energy intensive. Instead,
Internet infrastructure. As a result, companies are data can be passed to the cloud from all these sensors
working to find ways to alleviate that pressure and and processed there in aggregate.
solve the data problem. Cloud computing will be a
major part of that, especially by making all of the The Internet of Things entered in daily life. For
connected devices work together. But there are some instance, Take smart homing. People can start their
significant differences between cloud computing and cooling devices remotely through their mobile
the Internet of Things that will play out in the
coming years as we generate more and more data[1]. phones. This earlier used to be possible via an SMS,
but today the internet has made it easier. Apart from
Using the cloud is important for aggregating data and providing smarter solutions for homes and housing
drawing insights from that data. For instance, a smart communities, IoT has also been used as a tool in
agriculture company would be able to compare soil business environments across various industries[3].
moisture sensors from Kansas and Colorado after However, with the amount of big data that is
planting the same seeds. Without the cloud, generated by IoT, a lot of strain is put on the internet
comparing data across wider areas is much more infrastructure. This has made businesses and
difficult[2]. Using the cloud also allows for high

IJSRSET196657 | Accepted : 01 Jan 2020 | Published : 07 Jan 2020 | January-February-2020 [ 7 (1) : 19-22]
Chamandeep Kaur Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol. January-February-2020 ; 7 (1) : 19-22

organizations look for an option that would reduce

this load.

Enter cloud computing- an on-demand delivery of

computing power, database storage, applications and
IT resources. It enables organizations to consume a
compute resource, like a virtual machine (VM)
instead of building a computing infrastructure on
premise. Today, cloud computing has more or less
penetrated mainstream IT and its infrastructure.
Many tech biggies such as Amazon, Alibaba, Google
and Oracle are building machine learning tools with
the help of cloud technology to offer a wide range of Fig 1: IoT in different environments
solutions to businesses worldwide. This article aims to
inform you of the role of cloud computing in IoT and When a business uses thousands of sensors for data
why IoT and cloud computing are inseparable. collection, each of those sensors is loaded with large
amounts of computational power[10]. This demands
II. ROLE OF CLOUD COMPUTING IN IOT huge amount of energy and is costly at the same time.
In this situation, data can be passed to the cloud from
Cloud computing and IoT are work towards these sensors and processed there in total.It can be
increasing the efficiency of everyday tasks and both said that the cloud is ‘the brain’ for much of the IoT,
have a complementary relationship. IoT generates lots as most collected data is after all processed and
of data while on the other hand, cloud computing analysed in the cloud.
provides a way for this data to travel. There are many
cloud providers who take advantage of this to provide
a pay-as-you-use model where customers pay for the
specific resources used. Also, cloud hosting as a
Sensor networks:
service adds value to IoT startups by providing
economies of scale to reduce their overall cost
With cloud provides a new opportunity in collecting
structure[4]. Cloud computing also enables better
sensor data it also hinders the progress because of
collaboration for developers, which is the order of the
security and privacy issues. Sensor networks have
day in the IoT area. By simplifying developers to store
amplified the benefits of IoT. These networks have
as well as access data remotely, the cloud allows
allowed users to measure, infer and understand
developers to implement projects without delay. Also,
delicate indicators from the environment[5]. However,
by storing data in the cloud, IoT companies can access
timely processing of a large amount of this sensor data
a huge amount of Big Data.
has been a major challenge.

Enables inter-device communication:

Cloud Cache and Dropstr are enabled by cloud

communications, allowing easy linking to
smartphones. This eases devices to talk to each other
and not just us, which essentially is the tenet of IoT
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 7 | Issue 1
Chamandeep Kaur Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol. January-February-2020 ; 7 (1) : 19-22

cloud. It would be fair to say that cloud can accelerate cloud providers allow data transfer via the internet,
the growth of IoT. However, deploying cloud that means facilitates a way to navigate the data. In a
technology also has certain challenges and cloud infrastructure, you can deploy applications to
shortcomings. Not because the cloud is flawed as a process and analyze data quickly and make decisions
technology but the combination of IoT cloud can as soon as possible.
burden users with some obstacles. If you ever go
ahead with an IoT cloud solution, it is better if you IoT devices which utilize common APIs and back-end
know the kind of challenges you may face in infrastructure can receive important security updates
advance[9]. instantly through Cloud as soon as any security
breach happens in the infrastructure. This IoT and
Remote processing power Provider Cloud computing combined feature is a vital
parameter for user security and privacy. Cloud
Cloud technology allows IoT to move beyond regular computing helps to collaborate in IoT development.
appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators etc. Using Cloud platform, IoT developers can store the
This is because the cloud has such a vast storage that data remotely and access easily[7].
it takes away dependencies on on-premise
infrastructure. With the rise of miniaturization and Iot in cloud offers public cloud services can easily
transition of 4G to higher internet speeds, the cloud help the IoT area, by providing third party access to
will allow developers to offload fast computing the infrastructure[8]. Hence, the integration can help
processes. IoT data or computational components operating over
IoT devices.
Networking and communication protocols:
Increased Scalability: IoT devices need a lot of storage
Cloud and IoT allows machine-to-machine to share information for valuable
communications among many different types of purposes. Iot in cloud, like the Cloud Connect to
devices having various protocols. Managing this kind Microsoft Azure can provide customers with greater
of a variation could be tough since a majority of space which can increase as per the users demand.
application areas do not involve mobility. As of now Helping to resolve the storage needs of customers.
WiFi and Bluetooth are used as a stop-gap solution to
facilitate mobility to a certain extent. Increased Performance: The large amounts of data
produced by IoT devices need extreme performance
IV. IOT AND CLOUD COMPUTING FOR FUTURE to interact and connect with one
another. Iot in cloud provides the connectivity which
In the near future, the combination of IoT and Cloud is necessary to share information between the devices
Computing will inevitably boost the growth of the and make meaning from it at a fast pace[6].
IoT systems and cloud-based services. Most of the
industries have understood and accepted the Pay-as-you-go: Internet Cloud Computing
importance of lining up robust cloud services as the infrastructures help IoT to give meaning to the
backend to many IoT projects. In addition, most of greater amount of data generated. Users have no
these organisations have already started line up the worry of buying greater or less storage. They can
two technologies and are benefiting from it. IoT and easily scale the storage as the data generated increases
cloud computing has a complementary relationship[6]. and pay for the amount of storage they consume with
While IoT generates large amounts of data, many Internet Cloud Computing.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 7 | Issue 1
Chamandeep Kaur Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol. January-February-2020 ; 7 (1) : 19-22

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 7 | Issue 1

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