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Integration of Cloud Computing with Internet of Things: Challenges and Open


Conference Paper · June 2017

DOI: 10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.105

145 17,419

5 authors, including:

Hany F. Atlam Ahmed Alenezi

University of Southampton Northern Borders University


Robert John Walters

University of Southampton


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2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom)
and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData)

Integration of Cloud Computing with Internet of

Things: Challenges and Open Issues
Hany F. Atlam1, 2, Ahmed Alenezi1, Abdulrahman Alharthi1, Robert J. Walters1, and Gary B. Wills1
Electronic and Computer Science Dept., University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Computer Science and Engineering Dept., Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt
{hfa1g15, aa4e15, aaa2g14, rjw5, gbw}

Abstract— The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming the next manages self-configuring objects in a highly intelligent way.
Internet-related revolution. It allows billions of devices to be The IoT is moving towards a phase where all items around us
connected and communicate with each other to share will be connected to the Internet and will have the ability to
information that improves the quality of our daily lives. On the interact with minimum human effort [5]. The IoT normally
other hand, Cloud Computing provides on-demand, convenient includes a number of objects with limited storage and
and scalable network access which makes it possible to share computing capacity [6]. It could well be said that Cloud
computing resources; indeed, this, in turn, enables dynamic data computing and the IoT will be the future of the Internet and
integration from various data sources. There are many issues next-generation technologies. However, Cloud services are
standing in the way of the successful implementation of both
dependent on service providers which are extremely
Cloud and IoT. The integration of Cloud Computing with the
interoperable, while IoT technologies are based on diversity
IoT is the most effective way on which to overcome these issues.
The vast number of resources available on the Cloud can be rather than interoperability [6].
extremely beneficial for the IoT, while the Cloud can gain more This paper provides an overview of the integration of
publicity to improve its limitations with real world objects in a Cloud Computing into the IoT; this involves an examination of
more dynamic and distributed manner. This paper provides an the benefits resulting from the integration process and the
overview of the integration of the Cloud into the IoT by implementation challenges encountered. Open issues and
highlighting the integration benefits and implementation research directions are also discussed. The remainder of the
challenges. Discussion will also focus on the architecture of the
paper is organised as follows: Section II provides the basic
resultant Cloud-based IoT paradigm and its new applications
scenarios. Finally, open issues and future research directions are
concepts of Cloud computing, IoT, and Cloud-based IoT;
also suggested. Section III discusses the benefits of integrating the IoT into the
Cloud; Could-based IoT Architecture is presented in section
Keywords— Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Cloud based IV; Section V illustrates different Cloud-based IoT applications
IoT, Integration. scenarios. Following this, the challenges facing Cloud-based
IoT integration and open research directions are discussed in
I. INTRODUCTION Section VI and Section VII respectively, before Section VIII
It is important to explore the common features of the concludes the paper.
technologies involved in the field of computing. Indeed, this is
certainly the case with Cloud Computing and the Internet of II. BASIC CONCEPTS
Things (IoT) – two paradigms which share many common This section reviews the basic concepts of Cloud
features. The integration of these numerous concepts may Computing, the IoT, and Cloud-based IoT.
facilitate and improve these technologies. Cloud computing has
altered the way in which technologies can be accessed,
A. Cloud Computing
managed and delivered. It is widely agreed that Cloud
computing can be used for utility services in the future [1]. There exist a number of proposed definitions for Cloud
Although many consider Cloud computing to be a new computing, although the most widely agreed upon seems be
technology, it has, in actual fact, been involved in and that put forth by the National Institute of Standards and
encompassed various technologies such as grid, utility Technology (NIST). Indeed, the NIST has defined Cloud
computing virtualisation, networking and software services [2], computing as "a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient,
[3]. Cloud computing provides services which make it possible on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
to share computing resources across the Internet. As such, it is computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage,
not surprising that the origins of Cloud technologies lie in grid, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
utility computing virtualisation, networking and software released with minimal management effort or service provider
services, as well as distributed computing, and parallel interaction" [7].
computing [4]. On the other hand, the IoT can be considered
both a dynamic and global networked infrastructure that

978-1-5386-3066-2/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE 670

DOI 10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.105
As stated in this definition, Cloud computing comprises implementation, such as data storage, heterogeneous resource-
four types of deployment models, three different service constrained, scalability, Things, variable geospatial
models, and five essential characteristics. deployment, and energy efficiency [13].
Cloud computing deployment models are most commonly
classified as belonging to the public Cloud, where resources C. Cloud-Based Internet of Things
are made available to consumers over the Internet. Public The IoT and Cloud computing are both rapidly developing
Clouds are generally owned by a profitable organisation (e.g. services, and have their own unique characteristics. On the one
Amazon EC2) [8]. Conversely, the infrastructure of a private hand, the IoT approach is based on smart devices which
Cloud is commonly provided by a single organisation to serve intercommunicate in a global network and dynamic
the particular purposes of its users [7]. The private Cloud offers infrastructure. It enables ubiquitous computing scenarios. The
a secure environment and a higher level of control (Microsoft IoT is typically characterised by widely-distributed devices
Private Cloud). Hybrid Clouds are a mixture of private and with limited processing capabilities and storage. These devices
public Clouds. This choice is provided for consumers as it encounter issues regarding performance, reliability, privacy,
makes it possible to overcome some of the limitations of each and security [14]. On the other hand, Cloud computing
model [9]. In contrast, a community Cloud is a Cloud comprises a massive network with unlimited storage
infrastructure which is delivered to a group of users by a capabilities and computation power. Furthermore, it provides a
number of organisations which share the same need [10]. flexible, robust environment which allows for dynamic data
integration from various data sources [8]. Cloud computing has
In order to allow consumers to choose the service that suits partially resolved most of the IoT issues. Indeed, the IoT and
them, services in Cloud computing are provided at three Cloud are two comparatively challenging technologies, and are
different levels, namely: the Software as a Service (SaaS) being combined in order to change the current and future
model, where software is delivered through the Internet to environment of internetworking services [6].
users (e.g. GoogleApps) [2]; the Platform as a Service (PaaS)
model, which offers a higher level of integrated environment The Cloud-based Internet of Things is a platform which
that can build, test, and deploy specific software (e.g. allows for the smart usage of applications, information, and
Microsoft Azure) [11]; and finally, with the Infrastructure as a infrastructure in a cost-effective way. While the IoT and Cloud
Service (IaaS) model, infrastructure such as storage, hardware computing are different from each other, their features are
and servers are delivered as a service (e.g. Amazon Web almost complementary, as shown in TABLE 1. This
Services) [7]. complementarity is the primary reason why many researchers
have proposed their integration [14].
B. Internet of Things
The IoT represents a modern approach where boundaries TABLE 1. COMPARISON OF THE IOT WITH CLOUD COMPUTING
between real and digital domains are progressively eliminated Items IoT Cloud Computing
by consistently changing every physical device to a smart Characteristics IoT is pervasive (things Cloud is ubiquitous
alternative ready to provide smart services. All things in the are everywhere). (resources are available
IoT (smart devices, sensors, etc.) have their own identity. They These are real world from everywhere).
are combined to form the communication network and will objects. These are virtual resources.
become actively participating objects [6]. These objects Processing Limited computational Virtually unlimited
capabilities capabilities. computational capabilities.
include not only daily usable electronic devices, but also things Storage Limited storage or no Unlimited storage
like food, clothing, materials, parts, and subassemblies; capabilities storage capabilities. capabilities.
commodities and luxury items; monuments and landmarks; and Connectivity It uses the Internet as a It uses the Internet for
various forms of commerce and culture [7]. In addition, these point of convergence. service delivery.
objects are able to create requests and alter their states. Thus, Big data It is a source of big data. It is a means by which to
all IoT devices can be monitored, tracked and counted, which manage big data.
significantly decreases waste, loss, and cost [8].
The concept of the IoT was first mentioned by Kevin Since the IoT suffers from limited capabilities in terms of
Ashton in 1999 [9], [10], when he stated that “The Internet of processing power and storage, it must also contend with issues
Things has the potential to change the world, just as the such as performance, security, privacy, reliability. The
Internet did. Maybe even more so”. Later, the IoT was formally integration of the IoT into the Cloud is certainly the best way to
presented by the International Telecommunication Union overcome most of these issues. The Cloud can even benefit
(ITU) in 2005 [11]. A great many definitions of the IoT have from the IoT by expanding its limits with real world objects in
been put forth by numerous organisations and researchers. a more dynamic and distributed way, and providing new
According to the ITU (2012), the IoT is “a global services for billions of devices in different real life scenarios
infrastructure for the Information Society, enabling advanced [6], [14]. In addition, the Cloud provides simplicity of use and
services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based reduces the cost of the usage of applications and services for
on, existing and evolving, interoperable information and end-users. The Cloud also simplifies the flow of the IoT data
communication technologies” [12]. The IoT introduces a gathering and processing, and provides quick, low-cost
variety of opportunities and applications. However, it faces installation and integration for complex data processing and
many challenges which could potentially hinder its successful

deployment [15]. The benefits of integrating IoT into Cloud are 5. New abilities
discussed in this section as follows. The IoT is characterised by the heterogeneity of its devices,
protocols, and technologies. Hence, reliability, scalability,
1. Communication interoperability, security, availability and efficiency can be
Application and data sharing are two significant features of very hard to achieve. Integrating IoT into the Cloud resolves
the Cloud-based IoT paradigm. Ubiquitous applications can be most of these issues [6]. It provides other features such as ease-
transmitted through the IoT, whilst automation can be utilised of-use and ease-of-access, with low deployment costs [19],
to facilitate low-cost data distribution and collection. The [22].
Cloud is an effective and economical solution which can be
used to connect, manage, and track anything by using built-in 6. New Models
apps and customised portals [7]. The availability of fast Cloud-based IoT integration empowers new scenarios for
systems facilitates dynamic monitoring and remote objects smart objects, applications, and services [11], [20]. Some of the
control, as well as data real-time access. It is worth declaring new models are listed as follows:
that, although the Cloud can greatly develop and facilitate the
IoT interconnection, it still has weaknesses in certain areas. • SaaS (Sensing as a Service) [11], which allows access
Thus, practical restrictions can appear when an enormous to sensor data;
amount of data needs to be transferred from the Internet to the
• EaaS (Ethernet as a Service) [23], the main role of
Cloud [7], [16].
which is to provide ubiquitous connectivity to control
remote devices;
2. Storage
As the IoT can be used on billions of devices, it comprises • SAaaS (Sensing and Actuation as a Service) [11],
a huge number of information sources, which generate an which provides control logics automatically.
enormous amount of semi-structured or non-structured data • IPMaaS (Identity and Policy Management as a Service)
[17]. This is known as Big Data, and has three characteristics [23], which provides access to policy and identity
[4]: variety (e.g. data types), velocity (e.g. data generation management.
frequency), and volume (e.g. data size). The Cloud is
considered to be one of the most cost-effective and suitable • DBaaS (Database as a Service) [23], which provides
solutions when it comes to dealing with the enormous amount ubiquitous database management;
of data created by the IoT. Moreover, it produces new chances
for data integration, aggregation, and sharing with third parties • SEaaS (Sensor Event as a Service) [11], which
dispatches messaging services that are generated by
sensor events;
3. Processing capabilities • SenaaS (Sensor as a Service) [23], which provides
IoT devices are characterised by limited processing management for remote sensors;
capabilities which prevent on-site and complex data • DaaS (Data as a Service) [23], which provides
processing. Instead, gathered data is transferred to nodes that ubiquitous access to any type of data.
have high capabilities; indeed, it is here that aggregation and
processing are accomplished. However, achieving scalability
remains a challenge without an appropriate underlying IV. CLOUD-BASED IOT ARCHITECTURE
infrastructure. Offering a solution, the Cloud provides According to a number of previous studies, the well-known
unlimited virtual processing capabilities and an on-demand IoT architecture is typically divided into three different layers:
usage model [18]. Predictive algorithms and data-driven application, perception and network layer. Most assume that
decisions making can be integrated into the IoT in order to the network layer is the Cloud layer, which realises the Cloud-
increase revenue and reduce risks at a lower cost [6]. based IoT architecture, as depicted in Fig. 1.

4. Scope
With billions of users communicating with one another
together and a variety of information being collected, the world
is quickly moving towards the Internet of Everything (IoE)
realm - a network of networks with billions of things that
generate new chances and risks [18]. The Cloud-based IoT
approach provides new applications and services based on the
expansion of the Cloud through the IoT objects, which in turn
allows the Cloud to work with a number of new real world
scenarios, and leads to the emergence of new services [22].

Fig. 1. Cloud-based IoT architecture [1].

The perception layer is used to identify objects and gather VI. CHALLENGES FACING CLOUD-BASED IOT INTEGRATION
data, which is collected from the surrounding environment. In There are many challenges which could potentially prevent
contrast, the main objective of the network layer is to transfer the successful integration of the Cloud-based IoT paradigm.
the collected data to the Internet/Cloud. Finally, the application These challenges include:
layer provides the interface to different services [20].
1. Security and privacy.
Cloud-based IoT makes it possible to transport data from
The Cloud-based IoT approach has introduced a number of the real world to the Cloud. Indeed, one particularly important
applications and smart services, which have affected end users’ issues which has not yet been resolved is how to provide
daily lives. TABLE 2 presents a brief discussion of certain appropriate authorisation rules and policies while ensuring that
applications which have been improved by the Cloud-based only authorised users have access to the sensitive data; this is
IoT paradigm [4], [24 – 27]. crucial when it comes to preserving users’ privacy, and
particularly when data integrity must be guaranteed [18]. In
TABLE 2. CLOUD-BASED IOT APPLICATIONS addition, when critical IoT applications move into the Cloud,
issues arise because of the lack of trust in the service provider,
Application Description information regarding service level agreements (SLAs), and
the physical location of data [25], [27]. Sensitive information
Cloud-based IoT has brought many benefits and
opportunities to the field of healthcare. It can leakage can also occur due to the multi-tenancy. Moreover,
Healthcare clearly develop and improve healthcare services public key cryptography cannot be applied to all layers because
and keep the field innovative (e.g. intelligent of the processing power constraints imposed by IoT objects
drug/medicine control, hospital management). [18]. New challenges also require specific attention; for
A middleware for future smart cities can be example, the distributed system is exposed to number of
provided through the IoT, attaining data from possible attacks, such as SQL injection, session riding, cross-
sensing infrastructure, IoT technologies and placing site scripting, and side-channel. Moreover, important
Smart Cities information in a consistent manner. This will lead vulnerabilities, including session hijacking and virtual machine
to the generation of services that can communicate
with the surrounding environments (e.g. Smart escape are also problematic [18], [29].
streetlights, Bigbelly, ShotSpotte).
A large number of Cloud-based IoT applications 2. Heterogeneity
have enabled the automation of home activities, One particularly important challenge faced by the Cloud-
Smart Homes where the adoption of various embedded devices based IoT approach is related to the extensive heterogeneity of
and Cloud computing has empowered the
automation of in-house activities (e.g. home devices, platforms, operating systems, and services that exist
security control, smart metering, energy saving). and might be used for new or developed applications. Cloud
platforms suffer from heterogeneity issues; for instance, Cloud
By embracing Cloud-based IoT, intelligent video
surveillance will make it possible to manage, store services generally come with proprietary interfaces, thus
and process video content from video sensors allowing for resource integration based on specific providers
Video easily and efficiently; this will also make it possible [18]. In addition, the heterogeneity challenge can be
surveillance to extract information from scenes automatically. It exacerbated when end-users adopt multi-Cloud approaches,
has become one of the supreme tools for many and thus services will depend on multiple providers to improve
security-related applications (e.g. Wireless CCTV
Cameras, Movement detection system).
application performance and resilience [30].

The integration of Cloud computing into The 3. Big data

Automotive and Global Positioning System (GPS) and other
Smart Mobility transportation technologies represents a promising With many predicting that Big Data will reach 50 billion
opportunity to solve many of the existing IoT devices by 2020, it is important to pay more attention to
challenges (e.g. traffic state prediction & the transportation, access, storage and processing of the
notification, remote vehicles). enormous amount of data which will be produced. Indeed,
Cloud computing and the IoT can work together given recent technological developments, it is clear that the IoT
Smart energy and effectively to provide consumers with smart
smart grid management of energy consumption (e.g. smart will be one of the core sources of big data, and that the Cloud
meters, smart appliances, renewable energy can facilitate the storage of this data for a long period of time,
resources). in addition to subjecting it to complex analysis [4]. Handling
the huge amount of data produced is a significant issue, as the
It allows for, and eases, the automated management
Smart logistics of goods flow between producers and consumers,
application’s whole performance is heavily reliant on the
while simultaneously enabling the tracking of properties of this data management service. Finding a perfect
goods in transit (e.g. logistics industry, tracking data management solution which will allow the Cloud to
shipments). manage massive amounts of data is still a big issue [31].
By combining the Cloud with the IoT, a high-speed Furthermore, data integrity is a vital element, not only because
information system can be provided which will link of its effect on the service’s quality, but also because of
Environmental the entity that monitors wide-area environments
monitoring and sensors that have been properly deployed in the security and privacy issues, the majority of which relate to
area (e.g. pollution source monitoring, water outsourced data [18].
quality monitoring, air quality monitoring).

4. Performance 2. Fog Computing
Transferring the huge amount of data created from IoT Fog computing is a model which extends Cloud computing
devices to the Cloud requires high bandwidth. As a result, the services to the edge of the network. Similar to the Cloud, Fog
key issue is obtaining adequate network performance in order supply communicates application services to users. Fog can
to transfer data to Cloud environments; indeed, this is because essentially be considered an extension of Cloud Computing
broadband growth is not keeping pace with storage and which acts as an intermediate between the edge of the network
computation evolution [18]. In a number of scenarios, services and the Cloud; indeed, it works with latency-sensitive
and data provision should be achieved with high reactivity applications that require other nodes to satisfy their delay
[29]. This is because timeliness might be affected by requirements [6]. Although storage, computing, and
unpredictable matters and real-time applications are very networking are the main resources of both Fog and the Cloud,
sensitive to performance efficiency [18]. the Fog has certain features, such as location awareness and
edge location, that provide geographical distribution, and low
5. Legal aspects latency; moreover, there are a large nodes; this is in contrast
Legal aspects have been very significant in recent research with the Cloud, which is supported for real-time interaction
concerning certain applications. For instance, service providers and mobility [4], [6].
must adapt to various international regulations. On the other
hand, users should give donations in order to contribute to data 3. Cloud Capabilities
collection [32]. As in any networked environment, security is considered to
be one of the main issues of the Cloud-based IoT paradigm.
6. Monitoring There are more chances of attacks on both the IoT and the
Monitoring is a primary action in Cloud Computing when it Cloud side. In the IoT context, data integrity, confidentiality
comes to performance, managing resources, capacity planning, and authenticity can be guaranteed by encryption. However,
security, SLAs, and for troubleshooting. As a result, the Cloud- insider attacks cannot be resolved and it is also hard to use the
based IoT approach inherits the same monitoring demands IoT on devices with limited capabilities [4], [18].
from the Cloud, although there are still some related challenges
that are impacted by velocity, volume, and variety 4. SLA enforcement
characteristics of the IoT [4], [31]. Cloud-based IoT users need created data to be conveyed
and processed based on application-dependent limitations,
7. Large scale which can be tough in some cases. Ensuring a specific Quality
The Cloud-based IoT paradigm makes it possible to design of Service (QoS) level regarding Cloud resources by depending
new applications that aim to integrate and analyse data coming on a single provider raises many issues. Thus, multiple Cloud
from the real world into IoT objects. This requires interacting providers may be required to avoid SLA violations. However,
with billions of devices which are distributed throughout many dynamically choosing the most appropriate mixture of Cloud
areas [28]. The large scale of the resulting systems raises many providers still represents an open issue due to time, costs, and
new issues that are difficult to overcome. For instance, heterogeneity of QoS management support [18], [31].
achieving computational capability and storage capacity
requirements is becoming difficult. Moreover, the monitoring 5. Big data
process has made the distribution of the IoT devices more In the previous section, we discussed Big Data as a critical
difficult, as IoT devices have to face connectivity issues and challenge that is tightly coupled with the Cloud-based IoT
latency dynamics [18]. paradigm. Although a number of contributions have been
proposed, Big Data is still considered a critical open issue, and
VII. OPEN ISSUES AND RESEARCH DIRECTIONS one in need of more research. The Cloud-based IoT approach
involves the management and processing of huge amounts of
This section will address some of the open issues and future data stemming from various locations and from heterogeneous
research directions related to Cloud-based IoT, and which still sources; indeed, in the Cloud-based IoT, many applications
require more research efforts. These issues include: need complicated tasks to be performed in real-time [18], [28].
1. Standardisation 6. Energy efficiency
Many studies have highlighted the issues of lack of Recent Cloud-based IoT applications include frequent data
standards, which is considered critical in relation to the Cloud- that is transmitted from IoT objects to the Cloud, which
based IoT paradigm [18]. Although a number of proposed quickly consumes the node energy. Thus, generating efficient
standardisations have been put forth by the scientific society energy when it comes to data processing and transmission
for the deployment of IoT and Cloud approaches, it is obvious remains a significant open issue [4]. Several directions have
that architectures, standard protocols, and APIs are required to been suggested to overcome this issue, such as compression
allow for interconnection between heterogeneous smart things technologies, efficient data transmission; and data caching
and the generation of new services, which make up the Cloud- techniques for reusing collected data with time-insensitive
based IoT paradigm [4], [6], [18]. application [18], [31].

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