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Casseterite 2010

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GEOLOGICA BELGICA (2010) 13/1-2: 91-112



Stijn DEWAELE1, Friso DE CLERCQ2, Philippe MUCHEZ2, Jens SCHNEIDER2, Ray BURGESS3, Adrian BOYCE4

(8 Figures, 5 Tables and 2 Plates)

1. Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Leuvensesteenweg 13, B-3080 Tervuren,
Belgium. E-mail:
2. Geodynamics & Geofluids Research Group, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200E, B-3001 Leuven,
3. University of Manchester, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, United Kingdom
4. Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, Rankine Avenue, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park,
East Kilbride G75 0QF, Scotland, UK

ABSTRACT. The Mesoproterozoic Kibara orogen in Central Africa hosts different granite-related rare element deposits
that contain cassiterite, columbite-tantalite (“coltan”), wolframite, beryl, spodumene, etc. as typical minerals. The primary
deposits of these minerals are formed by pegmatites and quartz veins that have historically been related to the youngest,
most evolved G4-granite generation in the northern part of the Kibara orogen. This study focuses on quartz vein-type
cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area in Rwanda.
The Rutongo area consists of a large anticline that is characterised by the presence of cassiterite-mineralised quartz vein
sets that dominantly occur in quartzites. The emplacement of the quartz veins has been related to a later phase in the
deformation history of the Kibara orogeny. The mineralised quartz veins are associated with intense alteration, comprising
silicification, tourmalinisation, sericitisation and muscovitisation. Cassiterite itself is associated with muscovite in
fractures in and along the margins of the quartz veins. Cassiterite crystallisation is followed by the precipitation of
different sulphides, such as arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena. Cassiterite mineralisation resulted from the
circulation of high-temperature and moderate-salinity fluids with a H2O-CO2-(CH4-N2)-NaCl composition. The stable
isotopic composition of the cassiterite mineralising fluids indicates precipitation during metamorphic hydrothermal
conditions, during which the metamorphic fluids where in isotopic equilibrium with granitic rocks. The circulation of
these fluids probably resulted in the remobilisation of the Sn from these magmatic rocks, as indicated by the relative low
Sn concentration of the specialised G4-granites. 40Ar-39Ar age dating of muscovite associated with the mineralisation
gives an integrated age of 869 ± 7 Ma, which is clearly younger than the age of the G4-granites (~986 Ma) and the
pegmatites with associated columbite-tantalite mineralisation (~965 Ma) in the area. Based on this large time gap, the
Ar-39Ar age is interpreted to reflect a hydrothermal event post-dating the emplacement of the Kigali granite, only
indicating a possible minimum age for the formation of the cassiterite mineralisation.
Based on the structural setting, petrographical observations, the geochemistry of the G4-granites, stable isotope
geochemistry, we therefore propose a model in which Sn was mobilised from primary magmatic rocks by a metamorphic
hydrothermal fluid system that was generated after crystallisation of the granites and pegmatites. Cassiterite was
precipitated in structurally controlled locations, together with the alteration of the host-rocks.

KEYWORDS: Kibara orogen, Rutongo area, cassiterite, stable and lead isotopes, 40Ar-39Ar age dating

1. Introduction PO4), gold (Au), etc. The presence of these mineral

deposits plays an important role in the numerous conflicts
The Central African Mesoproterozoic Kibara orogen in this Central African area, which generate important
extends from Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo, socio-economic and humanitarian problems. The minerals
DRC) in the south to southern Uganda in the north. This are present in different types of mineralisation. They occur
orogenic belt forms a large metallogenic province that as primary mineralisation in quartz veins, greisens and
contains numerous granite-related ore deposits, which are pegmatites, but also as secondary mineralisation in alluvial
rich in minerals like cassiterite (SnO2), columbite-tantalite or eluvial deposits.
(also called coltan, (Nb,Ta)2O5), wolframite ((Fe,Mn)
WO4), beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18), spodumene (LiAlSi2O6), This article is focussing on the cassiterite mineralisation
amblygonite ((Li,Na)AlFPO4), monazite ((Ce,La,Y,Nd,Th) present in the Rutongo area (Fig. 1), which can be
92 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

Figure 1. Simplified
UGANDA geological map of
DRC Rwanda (after maps
Location of the Rutongo
RWANDA area and of Musha (M)
is indicated by dots.
Lake area

M Victoria


Kibali basement Archean rocks

DRC Ruzizian rocks Basalts

Kibaran rocks Palaeozoic


0 50 100 km

considered as representative for primary vein-type This article combines “historical” information (i.e.
cassiterite mineralisation in the Kibara orogen. The mining archives of the former Belgian colonial and post-
Rutongo area is situated in the central part of Rwanda, colonial mining companies: Société Minière de Muhinga
about 10 km north of Kigali. Exploration and exploitation et de Kigali (SOMUKI) and Société des Mines du Rwanda
started in the 1930’ies. During the first decades, production (SOMIRWA)), with selective new data and analyses to
mainly came from eluvial and alluvial workings, but obtain an updated metallogenic model for the formation
progressively exploitation was oriented underground by of the vein-type cassiterite mineralisation in the
selectively mining the quartz veins. Cumulative production Mesoproterozoic Kibara orogen. The main quarries in the
from different deposits in the Rutongo area reached Rutongo area were visited to control the “historical”
~30000 tons of cassiterite between 1931 and 1982. geological data and to sample new material. It should be
Currently, the possibilities for (semi-) industrial mining noted that the mines have not been exploited in an
are being evaluated again. Secondary deposits are organised way since mid 80’ies, which complicated
considered to be exhausted, but – mainly primary – underground observations.
resources are estimated at ~6700 tons of certain resource,
~10700 tons of probable resource and ~6900 tons of
2. Geological Setting
possible resource (unpublished data Société Minière du
Rwanda [SOMIRWA]).
2.1 Geology of the Kibara orogen

Although many historical (pre-independence DRC & The Kibara orogen formed and evolved between two pre-
Rwanda-Burundi) mineralogical and general geological Mesoproterozoic domains: the Archaean-
studies are reported on the mineralisation in the Kibara Palaeoproterozoic Congo craton to the west and the north,
orogen (e.g. Agassiz, 1954; De Kun, 1954, 1959; Legraye, and the Archaean- and Palaeoproterozoic Tanzania craton
1955; Peeters, 1956; Safiannikoff, 1955; Steenstra, 1967; and Bangweulu Block to the east and the south. The
Varlamoff, 1948, 1950, 1954a,b,c, 1956, 1961, 1963, Kibara belt consists of two distinct segments, separated in
1969, 1975), only few recent metallogenic studies have the Kivu area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
been carried out to explain the formation and origin of the (DRC) by the northwestern extension of the
mineralisation, using modern laboratory techniques and Palaeoproterozoic Ubende belt (SW Tanzania) across
metallogenic models of granite-related rare element ore- Lake Tanganyika. The “Northern” (Rwanda, Burundi,
deposits (Günther, 1990; Pohl, 1994; Pohl & Günther, Maniema and Kivu in the DRC) and “Southern” (Katanga
1991; Dewaele et al., 2007a, 2007b, 2008, accepted; De in the DRC) segments should be viewed as two separate
Clercq et al., 2008). – albeit coeval – orogenic belts (Tack et al., 2002a, 2002b,
Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda 93

2006). Numerous models exist concerning the origin of metamorphism is in general low grade, while higher
the Mesoproterozoic Kibara belt. It has been interpreted grades are confined to tectono-metamorphic complexes or
as a collisional orogeny (Kampunzu et al., 1986, in the vicinity of granitic domes (Gérards & Ledent, 1970;
Rumvegeri, 1991), as an intracratonic orogen with Fernandez-Alonso & Theunissen, 1998). After intrusion
different periods of extension and compression (Klerkx et of the G4-granites, pegmatites were emplaced at 968 ± 8
al., 1984, 1987), and as an intracratonic extensional Ma (Brinckmann & Lehmann, 1983). Columbite-tantalite
detachment structure, conditioned by strike-slip and cassiterite mineralisation are associated with some of
reactivation of NW-trending shear zones in the these pegmatites. The columbite-tantalite mineralisation
Palaeoproterozoic basement (Fernandez-Alonso & has been dated in Burundi at 965 ± 5 Ma and 962 ± 2 Ma
Theunissen, 1998). (Romer & Lehmann, 1995; Brinckmann et al., 2001),
which overlaps with the timing of pegmatite emplacement.
The Kibara orogen consists dominantly of Palaeo- and The entire set has been cut by quartz veins that have been
Mesoproterozoic rocks that were intruded by different dated at 951 ± 18 Ma (Rb-Sr muscovite, Brinckmann et
generations of granites (Fig. 1; e.g. Cahen et al., 1984). al., 1994). These quartz veins may contain cassiterite and/
These were identified based on petrographic observations or wolframite mineralisation.
and Rb-Sr dating (Cahen et al., 1984). However, recent
U-Pb Shrimp dating indicates the presence of only two
2.2 Geology of the Rutongo area
main granite generations in the Kibara orogen (Kokonyangi
et al. 2004; 2006; Tack et al., 2006, 2008). In the northern Detailed geological information on the Rutongo area and
part of the Kibara orogen (Kivu, Rwanda and Burundi), – more specific – on the individual mining sites is available
the main granite generation G1-3 intruded the Palaeo- and in the archives of the Royal Museum for Central Africa
Mesoproterozoic rocks at 1380 ± 10 Ma (U-Pb SHRIMP (RMCA, Tervuren) and originates from the former
zircon; Tack et al., 2006, 2008). The crystallisation of colonial and post-colonial Belgian mining companies
these granites did not result in an economically significant (mainly SOMUKI and SOMIRWA) that were active in the
concentration of rare metals (Dewaele et al., accepted). At area. More recently, the mineralisation in the Rutongo
986 ± 10 Ma, the so-called Kibara G4-granites or “tin area has been studied by Günther (1990), Pohl & Günther
granites” were emplaced (U-Pb SHRIMP zircon; Tack et (1991), Pohl (1994) and Dewaele et al. (2007b).
al., 2006; 2008). Their intrusion is attributed to the ~ 1.0
Ga main compressional regime, which resulted in the The Rutongo area is situated on an important anticline
preferential development of syn-form upright folding of (Fig. 2), the so-called Rutongo anticline, adjacent to the
the metasediments and S2 cleavage (Tack et al., 2006; Yanza syncline in the W and the Nzoko-Rwamahili
2008). This compressional event has been interpreted as syncline in the E (Bertossa et al, 1964; Pohl, 1975). The
an intraplate far-field effect related to the 1.0 Ga “global” Rutongo anticlinal structure plunges to the north and has
collisional orogeny that led to Supercontinent Rodinia a westward vergency. In the eastern part of the anticline,
amalgamation at the end of the Mesoproterozoic Era the dip of the bedding planes is ~15°, while it attains about
(Tack et al., 2002a; 2002b; 2006; 2008). Regional 60-70° in the western part. Different thrust faults have

Reference sandstone Intermediate Thickness

Group Formation
unit package (m)

Pindura Bulimbi

Gikoro Nduba Nduba quartzite 30

Musha Quartzophyllites 500

Nyabugogo Kyanza sandstone 50

Phyllites and small sandstones 250
Mahaza quartzite 95
Phyllites and small sandstones 300 Table 1. Updated geo-
Karambo sandstone 120 logical stratigraphic
Phyllites 350 column, showing a
Kisanze quartzite 170 combination of the
Phyllites 150 historical different
Hôpital quartzite 50 quartzite units (column
Phyllites 250 reference quartzite unit
Kitaba sandstone 50 and intermediate pack-
Phyllites 150 age) in the Rutongo
Rutongo-Gasambya quartzite 130 area (cf Lhoest 1957b;
Phyllites 180 Pohl, 1975) and the re-
Masoro quartzite 30 cent stratigraphy of
Phyllites and small sandstones 200 Baudet et al. (1988)
Mugambazi sandstone 100 (column Group and
Kambo phyllites and sandstone bancs 465 Formation).
94 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

Nduba Quartzite
Mahaza Quartzite

Karambo Quartzite

REMERA Nyiramududu
Gisanze Quartzite
224.000 L’Hôpital Quartzite

Kirambo Rutongo-Gasambya Quartzite

Masoro Quartzite
Mugambasi sandstone
MUSENYI Intermediate schistes
and sandstones

Primary deposit
Kiyanza Secondary deposit








Zanzari river






JABANA 364.00



N Figure 2. Geological
map of the Rutongo area
(modified after Pohl,
360.500 1975; unpublished data
0 1 2km
Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda 95

been mapped in the main anticline: NS oriented low-angle but their inclination varies. At the scale of the anticline,
thrust faults in the centre and EW oriented faults in the the inclination is fan-shaped, i.e. dipping to the east in the
southern part (Peeters, 1956; Lhoest, 1957a, b; Pohl, eastern flank and to the west in the western flank (Lhoest,
1975). Two fold orientations have been identified. The 1957a). However, in the Sn-mineralised areas in the centre
first is oriented N-S and runs parallel to the main axis of of the anticline, the cleavage planes are weakly expressed
the anticline, while the second is E-W. The dip of the E-W and are only locally present (Lhoest, 1957a; Pohl, 1975).
axes is not large, but increases towards the centre of the
anticline (up to 50°). The N-S oriented folds are mostly In the south-eastern part of the Rutongo anticline,
developed in the core and in the western part of the granitic rocks of the Kigali granite can be found on the
anticline. The transversal E-W orientations mostly left bank of the Nyabugogo river. The Kigali granite has
developed in the eastern part of the anticline. intrusive contacts with the quartzite units. The Kigali
granite is generally strongly kaolinised and sericitised,
The Mesoproterozoic rocks found in the Rutongo area but some fresh parts identify it as a two-mica granite
belong to the lower and middle part of the Rwanda (Bertossa et al., 1964). In the contact zone between the
Supergroup (Gikoro and Pindura Group) (Baudet et al., granite intrusion and the host-rocks, it can be seen that the
1988). They typically consist of a succession of different intrusion postdates microfolds in the host-rocks (Lhoest,
low grade metamorphosed quartzite units, separated by 1957a, b). The Kigali granite is interpreted to have been
large packages of metapelites with intercalations of emplaced during a late phase or post-folding of the rocks,
quartzite. The rocks in the Rutongo area have only been when the latter already had formed the general style of the
submitted to a regional low grade metamorphism (Baudet layers (Peeters, 1956; Lhoest, 1957a, b; Bertossa et al.,
et al., 1988). Detailed mapping of Lhoest (1958) and Pohl 1964, Pohl, 1974). Peeters (1956) observed on a
(1974; 1975; unpublished data SOMIRWA) resulted in a microscopic scale minor crushing of the granites, with
detailed stratigraphy and geological map of the Rutongo resulting mechanical deformation and recrystallisation of
area (Table 1 and Fig. 2), during which 9 main quartzite feldspar crystals. According to the author, this is an
units have been identified. An important observation of indication of a second tectonic phase, less important than
Pohl (1974, 1975) is that the quartzite units are not the first that took place after intrusion of the granites. In
continuous for tens of kilometres but rather can be the contact zone between the granite and the host-rock,
interpreted as lenticular bodies. The presence of the rocks are impregnated with tourmaline crystals, which
conglomerates, quartzites with ripple marks, the alternation crosscut the microfolds (Lhoest, 1957a, b). Also, some
of metapelites and quartzites and cross-laminated beds, small scale muscovite-tourmaline bearing pegmatites
etc. allowed Baudet et al. (1988) to postulate a occur in the contact zone (Lhoest, 1957a). The Kigali
sedimentation environment close to the coast, more granite has been interpreted to belong to the youngest
specifically of turbiditic and deltaic deposits. These granite generations of the Kibara orogen (G4-granite)
depositional environments are complex and cause (Pohl, 1975). Lhoest (1957a, b) and Pohl (1975) described
important lateral variations. Cleavage planes can be in the eastern part of the Rutongo anticline different
observed in the metapelitic host rocks. According to anticlinal domes caused by granite intrusion. The most
Lhoest (1957a), their orientation is more or less parallel, remarkable domes are the Nyabugogo dome, situated on

Type of Geographical
Prefecture Commune Name deposit Geological formation Minerals
mineralisation location
SnO2 WO 3 Q-vein detrital coX coY
Kigali Mbogo Ntaba Nyabugogo formation x x 1°44' 29°59'
Nyiramududu Musha formation x x 1°45' 30°01'
Kirambo (Lusine amont) Musha formation x x 1°46' 30°00'
Mbogo (Mulindi Source) Musha formation x x 1°46' 29°59'
Mugambazi Gisanze Nyabugogo formation x x 1°47' 30°01'
Kanyoni Nyabugogo formation x x 1°47' 30°01'
Gasuma (Nyakibande) Nyabugogo formation x x 1°47' 30°03'
Kiyanza Musha formation x x 1°46' 30°03'
Nyamuko Bulimbi formation x x 1°45' 30°04'
Karambo-Murambi Nyabugogo formation x x x 1°46' 30°03'
Muyanza (Aval) Bulimbi formation x x 1°46' 30°05'
Nyirabukingure Nyabugogo formation x x 1°46' 30°04'
Gasambya Nyabugogo formation x x x 1°48' 30°03'
Zanzari riv Nyabugogo formation x x 1°48' 30°04'
Mahaza Nyabugogo formation x x x 1°48' 30°05'
Ntyaba Nyabugogo formation x x 1°48' 30°02'
Gatiti (riv Mulindi) Nyabugogo formation x x 1°51' 30°07'
Gatare (Rusasa-Nord) Bulimbi formation x x 1°49' 30°07'
Rusasa Nyabugogo formation x x 1°49' 30°07'
Gikomero Kulisha I en II Nyabugogo formation x x x 1°49' 30°06'
Gasura Bulimbi formation x x 1°50' 30°07'
Nduba Bulimbi formation x x 1°50' 30°07'
Karama Nyabugogo formation x x x 1°51' 30°60'
Nyabugo Nyabugogo formation x x 1°51' 30°06'
Rutongo Nyamyumba (Rutongo) Nyabugogo formation x x x 1°49' 30°03'
Masoro (Mugambazi et Kigoma) Nyabugogo formation x x x 1°50' 30°03'
Karuruma Nyabugogo formation x x 1°53' 30°03'

Table 2. Summary table showing the different mineralisation that have been reported in the Rutongo area (information from archives
RMCA), with indication of type of mineralisation and the coordinates.
96 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

0 500m
W Scale 1/1000 E

Bouveau 11, 1836m 1840

Bouveau 22, 1826m
Bouveau 16, 1799m 1800
Bouveau 27, 1771m
Bouveau 4, 1740m 1740
Bouveau 28, 1704m 1710
Bouveau 31, 1676 m
Sandstone 1670
Quartz vein 1650
Bouveau 1640

Figure 3.Cross-section through the axis of secondary anticline at Nyamiumba (modified after unpublished data of SOMIRWA), with
indication of different drives (bouveaus). A to M refers to a certain quartzite level.

the left bank of the Nyabugogo river, and the several hundreds of meters. In the economically most
Nyirabukingule dome, situated south of Kanyoni. important mineralisation (Nyamiumba, Masoro,
Gasambya, Karambo, Murambi and Mahaza), the veins
2.3 Cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area are oriented NS, with a dip of 60° to the west (unpublished
archives SOMIRWA; Lhoest, 1957a; Pohl, 1975). The
An overview (Table 2) of the different mineral occurrences quartz veins can be crosscut by less thick and less regular
in the Rutongo area was compiled from the information in quartz veins. The lower part of the mineralized quartz
the mining archives of the RMCA. The area is mainly veins is particularly rich in cassiterite (Aderca, 1957;
characterised by cassiterite mineralisation (26 of 27 Lhoest, 1957a).
deposits). For one deposit (Mulindi Source), tungsten
mineralisation has been described. Most of the deposits 3. Petrography and paragenesis
are secondary alluvial (23 of 27 deposits), while only 11
primary quartz vein mineral occurrences are known. Some
The paragenetic sequence (Fig. 4) of the cassiterite
occurrences contain primary quartz veins as well as
mineralisation in the Rutongo area has been studied on
secondary alluvial deposits. The majority of quartz vein
samples from different quartz vein occurrences, i.e.
deposits have been described for the Nyabugogo
Masoro, Mahaza and Nyamiumba (Fig. 2). Thin and
Formation (10 of 11 deposits), which is also the case for
polished sections have been studied by transmitted and
the secondary deposits (15 of 23 deposits). The individual
incident light microscopy.
vein systems occur, however, in different quartzite units.
The most important primary mineralisation can be found
at Nyamiumba, Gasambya, Karambo, Murambi, Masoro In the Rutongo area, the host-rock of the mineralised
and Mahaza, all located in the eastern flank of the anticline. quartz veins is dominantly composed of quartzite, with
Using aerial photographs and unpublished geological smaller intercalations of metapelitic rocks. The quartzites
maps of the former SOMIRWA, all primary mineralisation are very pure and contain only a limited amount of
could be linked to a lineament that has been interpreted as additional minerals (mainly feldspars, detrital muscovite
a fault (see Fig. 2). and biotite and sulphides) in addition to quartz. The quartz
grains are intensely compacted and recrystallized due to a
The primary mineralisation in the Rutongo area low grade regional metamorphism. The quartz veins are
consists of mineralised quartz veins that often occur in bordered with a dark rim of tourmaline (Plate 1C), which
sub-parallel swarms. Several hundreds of quartz veins can passes into more disseminated tourmaline and muscovite
be found. The quartz veins are generally restricted to the (Plate 2A, B) further away from the vein. This zonation in
quartzite units (Fig. 3). Only a limited number of veins cut alteration is caused by sericitisation, silicification,
the metapelitic rocks, situated between the quartzite bancs. tourmalinisation and muscovitisation. The quartzites often
The average width of the veins varies between 0.5 and show a slight cleavage development. Tourmaline and
1m, with minimum and maximum width of some muscovite crystals can be found along this foliation
centimetre up to several meters respectively. The extension orientation (Plate 1A, 2C). In addition, it can be observed
of the quartz veins can vary significantly, but is mostly in some samples that the quartz veins, with associated
determined by the thickness of the quartzite units. The alteration, crosscut the foliation. This would imply a syn-
quartz veins can have an extension of some meters up to to post-cleavage development of the alteration and quartz
Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda 97

Figure 4. Paragene-
sis of the Rutongo


Veining and fracturation
Main quartz veins
Main cassiterite

veins. Intercalated metapelitic layers in the quartzite units

are often completely altered to tourmaline (the so-called
{ Late sulphide

for measurement of inclusion fluid δD. Although

handpicking ensured that mineral separates were pure, it
“tourmalinite” rocks). was unavoidable that different fluid generations were
The quartz vein itself is fractured. The fractures are sampled (cf. Günther, 1990; Dewaele et al., 2007b). In the
dominantly filled with muscovite, associated with minor quartz and cassiterite samples, no primary inclusions were
quartz. Cassiterite mineralisation is concentrated in certain found along crystal growth zones. In the cassiterite
zones of these fractures and associated with large crystals, the fluid inclusion population is dominated by
muscovite crystals (i.e. the so-called “poches de greisen”, randomly dispersed inclusions that have been interpreted
Plate 1B, 2D). The mineralisation is mostly present in the as ambient fluids responsible for cassiterite precipitation,
centre or at the margin of the quartz veins. The cassiterite whilst the quartz crystals are dominated by secondary
crystals show a colour zonation (Plate 2E) and are often
fluid inclusions (Dewaele et al., 2007b). The technique
recrystallised and fractured. The fractures are filled with
involves decrepitation of fluid inclusion under vacuum
arsenopyrite (Plate 2F), pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena
using bulk samples (> 600 mg quartz) following the
associated with another quartz generation. Recent
weathering resulted in the formation of hematite, goethite technique of Fallick et al. (1987). Data are reported in δD
and kaolinite in fractures. notation as per mil (‰) variations from Vienna Standard
Mean Ocean Water (V-SMOW). Reproducibility of this
procedure is around 5‰.
4. Stable isotopes

δ18O and δD stable isotope analysis of quartz and Location Mineral d O

cassiterite from mineralised quartz veins has been carried Nyamiumba Quartz 14 -29.9 *
out at the SUERC in East Kilbride, Scotland. Quartz Nyamiumba Quartz 13.5 *
samples were selected based on their relationship with the Mahaza Quartz 15 -65
mineralisation and hand-picked. All separates were Musha Quartz 15.3 -40
analysed for δ18O using a laser fluorination procedure, Nyamiumba cassiterite 6.6 *
Nyamiumba cassiterite 5.5 -95
involving total sample reaction with excess ClF3 using a
Musha cassiterite 6.2 -76
CO2 laser as a heat source. Reproducibility is around
0.3‰ (1σ). Results were reported as per mil (‰) deviations Table 3. Uncorrected δ18O-δD data from quartz of mineralised
from the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (V-SMOW) veins of Rutongo, Mahaza and Musha and from cassiterite of
standard. Samples of quartz and cassiterite were selected Musha and Nyamyumba. * from Dewaele et al. (2007b).
98 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

Figure 5. δ18O-δD
, d18Ofluid (V-SMOW, ‰) isotopic plot for the
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 calculated fluid
20 composition (400°C)
of the mineralised
10 quartz veins of
0 Pore water in Nyamiumba, Mahaza
ocean sediments
-10 and Musha and of
dDfluid (V-SMOW, ‰)

cassiterite from Musha

-20 Kuroko -type and Nyamiumba. The
-30 deposits meteoric water line,
-40 the isotopic fields of
metamorphic and of
-50 en primary magmatic
r lig
Metamorphic water

-60 fluids and of volcanic-


-70 associated massif

-80 sulphide (Kuroko type)

water deposits are drawn
after Yurtsever & Gat
-100 (1981), Pisutha-
-110 Arnond & Ohmoto
-120 (1983), Ohmoto (1986)
Quartz vein with cassiterite (Rutongo - Mahaza - Musha) and Sheppard (1986).
Cassiterite from quartz vein (Musha - Nyamiumba)

Four quartz samples (Nyamiumba, Mahaza and The formation temperature of the cassiterite, calculated
Musha) and three cassiterite samples (Nyamiumba and based on the isotopic equilibrium between cassiterite and
Musha) from mineralised quartz veins were selected to quartz from Nyamiumba and Musha is ~ 400°C, which is
trace the origin of the mineralising fluids (Table 3). Musha comparable to the pressure-corrected temperature obtained
is a similar vein-type cassiterite mineralisation as those in by fluid inclusion microthermometry (Günther, 1990).
the Rutongo area, but located 40 km to the east (Fig. 1). Thus, equilibrium seems to have been established between
The δ18O value of the ambient fluids responsible for the the two phases. However, in a δ18O-δD plot, the values
precipitation of cassiterite and quartz is calculated based for the quartz samples plot in the field typical for
on a pressure corrected ThTot of the fluid inclusions metamorphic fluids whereas the cassiterite samples plot
(~400°C; Günther, 1990). The calculated oxygen isotopic slightly to the right and below of the field typical for
compositions of the ambient fluid show marked similarity primary magmatic fluids, definitely outside of the field for
metamorphic fluids (Fig. 5).
between the fluids involved in depositing cassiterite and
quartz, ranging between +9 ‰ and +10.8 ‰ V-SMOW
for quartz and between +9.6 ‰ and +10.4 ‰ V-SMOW 5. Lead isotopes
for cassiterite. The δD values vary between -29.9 ‰ to
-65 ‰ V-SMOW for quartz and between -76 ‰ and -95 Lead isotope analyses were carried out on sulphides from
‰ V-SMOW for cassiterite. the mineralisation and the host-rock using Thermal

206 204 207 204 208 204

Sample Location Origin Pb/ Pb Pb/ Pb Pb/ Pb
9347 Ruhengeri Sed 18.39 15.73 39.3 *
9348 Ruhengeri Sed 18.69 15.76 39.19 *
9372 Nyungwe Sed 18.77 15.76 39.19 *
9378 Shari Sed 18.84 15.76 38.63 *
9373 Gatumba Peg 25.45 16.25 41.83 *
9376 Rwansibo Peg 18.65 15.74 38.43 *
25 Shyorongi Q+W 18.64 15.74 38.97 *
26 Shyorongi Q+W 18.25 15.69 37.85 * Table 4. Existing and
6005 Rutongo Q + Sn 18.26 16.1 38.4 ** new Pb/Pb data of
6006 Rutongo Q + Sn 18.76 16.15 38.98 ** sulphides related to
RG 8539 Rutongo-Kigali Sed Py 18.580 15.898 38.511 mineralisation in
RG 10281 Concentrate Rutongo Q + Sn Asp 18.846 15.998 39.199 Rwanda. * from Cauet
RG 10281 Concentrate Rutongo Q + Sn Py 18.615 15.950 38.676 & Pohl (1988); ** from
RG 6006 Rutongo-Kababara Q + Sn Gn 18.156 15.942 37.951 Monteyne-Poulaert et
RG 6005 Rutongo-Karambo Q + Sn Gn 18.118 15.892 37.793 al. (1962). Analysis of
RG 9633 Kirengo Peg Py 18.251 15.910 37.906 RG samples are from
RG 9981 Buranga Peg Py 27.072 16.512 40.889 Dewaele et al. (2008)
Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda 99

Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS). Samples were 6. Ar-Ar dating

weighted and dissolved in 8M HBr. After evaporation to Muscovite crystals associated with cassiterite
dryness, residues were dissolved in nitric acid, dried again mineralisation in a fracture in a larger quartz vein from
and dissolved in 1 ml of deionised water. Sample aliquots Nyamiumba were analyzed by the Ar–Ar stepheating
of roughly 250 ng Pb were loaded on single Re filaments technique. The mineral fractions were hand-picked under
using silica gel and dilute phosphoric acid. The isotopic a binocular microscope. The separates were weighted,
composition was measured on a six collector Finnigan wrapped in Al foil and were vacuum-encapsulated in
MAT 261 mass spectrometer running in static quartz vials with the neutron flux monitor Hb3gr (t =
multicollection mode. Pb isotope ratios were corrected for 1073.6 ± 5.3 Ma; Jourdan et al., 2006). Nuclear irradiation
instrumental mass fractionation using a discrimination was carried out on position B2W of the SAFARI-1 reactor
factor of 0.123 ± 0.029 % per amu (2σ) based on replicate at Pelindaba, South Africa, using a fast neutron flux of
analysis of the NBS SRM 981 Pb standard. Errors and ~2×1018 n cm2. The J value determined from Hb3gr was
error corrections were calculated according to Ludwig 0.01034 ± 0.00010 (2σ).
(2003). The 2σ uncertainties amount to 0.06, 0.09 and
0.12 % for the 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb The Ar isotopes were measured using an MS1 mass
ratios, respectively. spectrometer at the University of Manchester, equipped
with a Baur-Signer ion source and a Faraday collector.
Pb/Pb analyses have mainly been carried out on The irradiated samples were step-heated in a Ta-resistance
sulphides of the sulphide mineralisation stage of the furnace over the temperature interval of 500 to 1600 °C,
paragenesis (Table 4), which postdates the main cassiterite using 30 min heating steps. During heating, Ar was
mineralisation in the paragenesis (Dewaele et al., 2008). purified using a Zr–Al getter at 450 °C. Raw isotopic data
The data obtained is comparable with the values from were corrected for mass discrimination (calibrated using
older literature (Monteyne-Poulaert et al., 1962a; Cauet & atmospheric argon), radioactive decay and neutron
Pohl, 1988). It has been observed that the values cluster interference corrections. Further experimental details are
with the values from dispersed pyrite from the surrounding given by Burgess et al. (2004). 40Ar–39Ar ages were
rocks. This could indicate that the Pb originates from the determined from age spectrum diagrams, using the
surrounding sedimentary rocks (cf. Pohl & Günther, 1991; ISOPLOT/Ex 3.23 software (Ludwig, 2003), and all data
Pohl, 1994). are reported at the 2 σ level of uncertainty. The isotopic
data are given in Table 5 and age spectrum diagram is
plotted in Fig. 6.

Temp. Ar Cl1 Ca2 K3 40
Ar 40
Ar*4 Cum. 39Ar 40
Ar*/39Ar Age5
15 9 9 9 15
(ºC) (× 10 moles) (× 10 moles) (× 10 moles) (× 10 moles) (× 10 moles) (%) (%) (Ma)

SD05 mass = 0.01099 g

700 0.29 ± 0.13 0.4 ± 0.06 32.9 ± 26.9 46.3 ± 0.6 322.1 ± 0.6 73.1 0.3 40.2 ± 6.4 627.2 ± 83.9
800 0.46 ± 0.09 0.28 ± 0.04 58.8 ± 40.4 308.0 ± 3.0 1802.8 ± 2.3 92.5 2.5 42.8 ± 0.7 661.0 ± 8.4
900 0.22 ± 0.14 nd 154.8 ± 153.0 4617.5 ± 44.1 36341.8 ± 63.1 99.8 34.7 62.1 ± 0.1 894.9 ± 1.3
930 0.13 ± 0.14 nd 46.8 ± 85.3 1820.2 ± 17.5 14098.7 ± 18.8 99.7 47.4 61.1 ± 0.2 883.0 ± 2.3
950 0.28 ± 0.09 0.23 ± 0.14 133.4 ± 58.0 725.4 ± 7.5 5514.5 ± 8.0 98.5 52.5 59.2 ± 0.4 861.3 ± 4.5
980 3.06 ± 0.07 0.15 ± 0.04 173.0 ± 38.2 778.8 ± 7.5 6617.2 ± 10.2 86.3 57.9 58.0 ± 0.2 847.6 ± 2.6
1000 0.32 ± 0.09 0.13 ± 0.07 149.8 ± 35.2 759.3 ± 7.3 5734.5 ± 9.0 98.3 63.2 58.7 ± 0.3 855.8 ± 3.2
1020 0.23 ± 0.09 0.11 ± 0.06 171.2 ± 34.4 851.5 ± 8.2 6373.1 ± 11.4 99.0 69.2 58.6 ± 0.3 854.0 ± 3.0
1040 0.32 ± 0.09 0.34 ± 0.09 200.9 ± 47.6 997.2 ± 9.6 7411.7 ± 10.4 98.7 76.1 58.0 ± 0.2 847.7 ± 2.6
1060 0.34 ± 0.09 0.42 ± 0.14 232.3 ± 45.8 1407.1 ± 13.6 10512.8 ± 13.8 99.0 85.9 58.5 ± 0.2 853.4 ± 2.1
1080 0.33 ± 0.10 0.34 ± 0.07 219.5 ± 52.1 1052.2 ± 10.1 7911.9 ± 11.2 98.8 93.3 58.7 ± 0.2 856.0 ± 2.7
1100 0.40 ± 0.09 0.15 ± 0.04 145.3 ± 40.4 576.9 ± 5.6 4243.2 ± 5.6 97.2 97.3 56.5 ± 0.4 830.4 ± 4.5
1150 0.40 ± 0.06 0.09 ± 0.03 83.9 ± 40.9 288.7 ± 2.8 2156.1 ± 3.0 94.5 99.3 55.8 ± 0.5 821.4 ± 5.5
1300 1.07 ± 0.08 0.03 ± 0.05 56.4 ± 20.7 68.1 ± 0.7 762.1 ± 1.1 58.7 99.8 51.9 ± 2.7 775.3 ± 32.9
1500 3.09 ± 0.06 0.02 ± 0.05 12.8 ± 12.8 28.3 ± 0.4 1082.1 ± 1.5 15.5 100.0 46.9 ± 5.0 713.3 ± 63.0
Total 10.94 ± 0.37 1.67 ± 0.41 1871.7 ± 226.4 14325.5 ± 54.0 110884.3 ± 72.0 59.4 ± 0.1 863.9 ± 6.6

38 æ K 38 Ar ö
Determined from 37
× (mole/mole ) ; b = ç
Cl(n, g , b ) 38 Ar : Cl = 9 .0159 ´ 10 4 . × ÷ ; (K/Cl )Hb 3 gr = 5 .242 ; b = 7.13 ± 0.07
b×J ç Cl 39 Ar ÷
è ø H b3gr
37 Ar æ K 37 Ar ö
Determined from 40 37 4
Ca(n, a ) Ar : Ca = 8 .042 ´ 10 . × (mole/mole ) ; a = ç × ÷ ; (K/Ca )Hb 3 gr = 0 .1674 ; a = 0.505 ± 0.001
a× J ç Ca 39 Ar ÷
è ø H b3gr

3 Ar K l
Determined from 39 K(n, p)39 Ar : K = × 40 × (mole/mole); l/ l e = 0. 581; K/ 40 K = 1.167 ´ 10- 4 ; J = 0.01035 ± 0.000027
J K le

4 40
Ar* = 40Artotal - 295.5×36Ar

Includes uncertainties on the J value.

Table 5. 40Ar-39Ar analytical data for a muscovite sample from Nyamiumba (SD05).
100 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

Figure 6. 40Ar-39Ar
spectrum of muscovite
from Nyamiumba.

Apparent age (Ma)




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Cumulative 39Ar fraction

The Nyamiumba muscovite sample shows low Ma, with a possible upper limit of ~ 895 Ma. The possible
apparent ages in the first two steps, followed by a geological significance of this age is discussed below.
maximum age step at 900°C of 895 Ma comprising 32%
of the 39Ar release. Apparent ages then decline to 848 Ma 7. Discussion and conclusion
at intermediate release before rising again to 869 Ma,
followed by a further decrease at higher temperature. The
7.1 Source of cassiterite mineralisation in Rutongo
integrated age of the sample, excluding the two low
temperature steps, is 869 ± 7 Ma (2σ including uncertainties
on the J value). Overall the apparent age spectrum is The Kibara orogen is characterised by the presence of
upwards-convex (Wijbrans and McDougall, 1986), a several granite generations. The main granite generation
relatively common shape for micas (phengite, muscovite (the former G1-3 granites) intruded at 1380 ± 10 Ma in
and biotite) from orogenic terrains. This type of spectrum the Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoic rocks (Kokonyangi et
is not readily interpreted using the concept of plateau age al., 2004, 2006; Tack et al., 2006; 2008) and is not
(i.e. single diffusion domain) and may relate to Ar mineralised. Historically, the Sn-mineralisation has been
degassing from two or more different microstructural or related to the so-called G4-granites, which are spatially
microchemical domains or mixed mica phases (e.g. associated and have been described as non-deformed
Forster and Lister, 2004). Data do not define an isochron equigranular muscovite granites (Cahen et al., 1967).
on a plot of 36Ar/40Ar versus 39Ar/40Ar, but does indicate These Kibara G4-granites have recently been dated with
that any non-radiogenic Ar in the sample is most likely to U-Pb SHRIMP zircon at 986 ± 10 Ma (Tack et al. 2006,
be atmospheric argon. 2008).
Despite the lack in understanding the details of the The major and trace element composition of the
apparent age variations during stepped heating of granites in the Kibara orogen has been investigated in
Nyamyumba muscovite, the range of ages obtained (895- numerous studies (e.g. Fernandez-Alonso et al., 1986;
869 Ma) is clearly younger than the ages obtained for the Lehmann & Lavreau, 1987). These studies were mainly
G4-granite (986 ± 10 Ma, Tack et al. 2006, 2008), for the carried out to distinguish differences in geochemical
Kibara pegmatites (968 ± 8 Ma, Brinckmann et al. 2001), composition between possible granite generations
with associated columbite-tantalite mineralisation (965 ± (Fernandez-Alonso et al., 1986). However, no major
5 Ma; Romer & Lehmann 1995) and also for the quartz systematic variations were observed, except for the G4-
vein of Mulehe in Burundi (951 ± 18 Ma; Brinckmann et granites. The Kigali granite has been interpreted to belong
al., 1994). Our present lack of detailed understanding of to the youngest granite generation of the Kibara orogen
the apparent age variations in our sample of Nyamyumba (G4-granite). If we use the classification of Cerny et al.
muscovites would lead us to an integrated age of 869 ± 7 (2005), these G4-granites should be considered as
Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda 101

“parental granite for hydrothermal mineralisation” or resulted in segmentation (Aderca, 1957). However,
“parental granite for a rare element pegmatite” (Dewaele Aderca (1957) does not specify when this process
et al., accepted). Although the major and minor element happened with regard to the general evolution of the area.
composition of this granite generation shows depletion He refers by geometric analogy to the “boudins” developed
and enrichment trends (Dewaele et al., accepted) typical in the Bastogne area (High-Ardenne Slate belt, Belgium),
for granites associated with rare element mineralisation where they were described for the first time (Lohest et al.,
(Cerny et al. 2005; Plimer 1987; Stemprok 1979), the 1908). At the time, the genetic significance of the term
average tin content of these G4-granites is below the boudinage had already the nowadays widely accepted
minimum concentration for a typical tin mineralised definition (e.g. Cloos, 1947) of the process of layer-
granite (i.e. < 15 ppm, Cerny et al. 2005; Plimer 1987; parallel extension of competent layers, which are
Stemprok 1979). It is suggested that tin either was not embedded in an incompetent matrix, with possibly the
enriched (opposed to all other typical rare elements) or development of interboudin veins (Sintubin et al., 2000;
that it has been mobilised during later hydrothermal events Kenis et al., 2002; van der Pluijm & Marshak, 2004).
post-dating the crystallisation of the G4 granites. However, based on the geometry of the cracks in the
Redissolution and redistribution of tin during later Rutongo area, it appears unrealistic that the Sn-mineralised
hydrothermal events has been described from granite veins formed by this kind of layer-parallel extension. In
related tin deposits worldwide (eg. Groves & Taylor, the third dimension, the veins are not perpendicular to a
1973; Lehmann & Harmanto, 1990; Halter et al. 1998, single layer, but rather crosscut several layers and do not
Kontak & Clark, 2002). look like typical “sausage-like” structures, as would be
the case if boudinage was the responsible formation
7.2 Structural setting of the Sn-mineralised quartz process.
According to Lhoest (1957a), the general NS
Peeters (1956), Aderca (1957), Lhoest (1957a, b) and Pohl orientation of the Sn-mineralised quartz veins is subparallel
(1974, 1975) investigated the structural setting of the Sn- to the overall direction of the structural grain. Therefore,
mineralised veins in the Rutongo area and proposed a he interprets the fractures, which host the Sn-mineralised
relative time relationship between deformation (folding at veins, to be contemporaneous with major EW folding.
different scales, faulting and thrusting), granite intrusion The intrusion of the granite caused subsequently the
and mineralisation. These authors describe that large scale formation of small EW-trending secondary folds and
folding of the area occurred due to EW compression, thrust faults in the anticline. The author suggests also that
forming the large west-verging Rutongo anticline. Axial the previously formed fractures in the quartzite layers
planar cleavage developed in the metapelitic rocks and were opened due to this granitic doming and were
refracted cleavage or fractures formed in the quartzites. subsequently filled with cassiterite-bearing quartz. The
Folding progressively continued and folds were breached alteration at the base of the quartzite layers might indicate
through along NS-trending, east-dipping low-angle thrust that this contact zone served as a pathway for the
faults in the core of the anticline. During a late to post- mineralising fluids (Lhoest, 1957b). Lhoest (1957a)
tectonic phase, a granite batholith (i.e. Kigali granite) remarks that the quartzite units west of the thrust fault in
intruded the south-eastern part of the anticline, which the core of the anticline, although fractured, do not contain
resulted in doming of the overlying layers (Lhoest, 1957a, Sn-mineralised veins, notwithstanding the fact that they
b; Pohl, 1975). Finally, the fractures were opened and are located at the same stratigraphic level as those located
filled by hydrothermal fluids from the granite. However, east of the fault and which are mineralised. In his model,
the authors do not agree on the relative timing of the NS- the NS-trending thrust faults predate mineralisation and
trending thrust faults and the formation of the mineralised acted as a barrier for the mineralising fluids. The pre-
veins. Lhoest (1957a) states the faults formed before the existence of fracture planes is refuted by Pohl (1975),
emplacement of the granites, Pohl (1975) places their who states that fracture development in the competent
formation after granite intrusion but contemporaneous beds would also have resulted in a general cleavage
with vein formation, whereas Peeters (1956) states their development in the metapelitic rocks, which is not the
emplacement is post-vein formation. Pohl (1975) remarks case. He also rejects the possibility of fracture opening by
the NS-trending thrusts could not be younger than the Sn- magmatic doming since no Sn-mineralised veins were
mineralised veins because the veins did not experience observed at the Nyirabukingule dome and radially
considerable deformed or rotation since their formation. dispersed Sn-mineralised veins, which would be expected,
were not observed at the Nyabugogo dome.
The authors also disagree on the processes which
caused formation of the Sn-mineralised veins. According Pohl (1974, 1975) interpreted that the Sn-mineralised
to Aderca (1957), the mineralised quartz veins of Rutongo quartz veins formed late in the main deformation, i.e.
are the result of “large scale boudinage”. Longitudinal when the core of the anticline was closed and deformation
stretching of the layers was the result of an intense was only possible by thrust faulting. This resulted in an
compression, which was oriented nearly perpendicular to important deformation of the eastern flank of the anticline.
the orientation of the beds. The quartzite beds adapted to The fractures formed because the front part of the
this compression by layer-parallel extension, which overthrust block moved faster than its roots towards the
102 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

Figure 7. Picture (A) and drawing (B) of a Sn-mineralised quartz vein at Masoro. The vein is hosted by a quartzite bed and stopped at
the bottom by shale. At the margins of the vein a centimetre thick muscovite alteration zone is present. σ3 is indicated by red arrows.
Scale bar is 9 cm.

west (Pohl, 1975). During their formation, the fractures EW-trending folds is still a matter of discussion. During
were filled by a hydrothermal fluid originating from the formation of the NS-trending Sn-mineralised veins, the
granite (Pohl, 1975). According to Pohl (1975), the small direction of maximum principal stress (σ1) could have
secondary EW-trending folds formed contemporaneous been oriented horizontally or vertically. In the first case
with the main fold, before intrusion of the granite and (σh > σv), σ1 was oriented NS. In this case, the development
thrust faulting. Our own field observations are difficult to of the veins could have occurred prior, contemporaneous
reconcile with the compressional setting proposed by Pohl with or after the formation of the EW-trending secondary
(1975). Fig. 7 shows the trajectory of the foliation planes folds, in a late phase of deformation. Since the orientation
in metapelitic layers in the vicinity of a Sn-mineralised of the veins is almost perpendicular to the axis of the
quartz vein, which is hosted by a competent quartzite bed. secondary folds, the veins could have been rotated during
The fold-like structure in the metapelitic rocks could be folding without any change in dip orientation. In the
interpreted as the result of foliation parallel shortening. second case (σh < σv), σ1 was oriented vertically and the
However, this is in contradiction with the presence of the veins developed during uplift, after deformation of the
vein-fracture, which formed in an extensional setting. area. The second option could be preferred if the
Therefore, the structure is interpreted as a passive entering relationship between the mineralised fractures and the
of the foliation planes into the cavity created during the plastically deformed foliation planes are considered,
opening of the fracture. Both opening of the fracture and which favours a vertical maximum compressive stress in
the plastically deformed foliation planes suggest a an extensional regime. Anyhow, the structural setting of
maximum compressive stress oriented at high angle to the the mineralised veins indicates a relatively late formation
bedding. Since bedding has an orientation of ~15°, a in the general evolution of the Rutongo anticline.
vertical maximum compressive stress in an extensional
regime is more likely than a horizontal compressive stress.
During extension, the direction of minimal stress (σ3) was 7.3 Fluid flow in the Rutongo area
oriented ~EW.

As advocated by the different authors, there is no An exploratory microthermometric investigation has been
evidence that the Sn-mineralised quartz veins (or precursor carried out by Günther (1990). He measured inclusions in
fracture planes) formed before the main folding event. different quartz and cassiterite samples, of which,
This would cause a fan-shaped dip direction across the however, the paragenetic position was not determined.
anticline. In the eastern flank of the anticline, there is Based on the presence of additional gas components and
almost no variation in the dip of these veins (Lhoest, the volume of the gas bubble, he made a classification of
1957a; Pohl, 1975). In the western flank of the anticline, four types of inclusions (Fig. 8); group SIA/C and SIID/E
only unmineralised bedding parallel quartz veins have are inclusions with a H2O-CO2-N2-CH4-NaCl composition.
been observed, which dip to the west (Lhoest, 1957a). The difference between both groups SIA/C and SID/E is
The large anticline formed due to EW compression, during that the gas bubble of group SIA/C inclusions homogenises
which it is unlikely to form NS-trending veins, except to the liquid phase, and the gas bubble of most group
when bedding is at high angle to σ1. In addition, Sn- SID/E inclusions homogenises to the gas phase. Group
mineralisation is related to the intrusion of the G4-granite, SII are aqueous inclusions that often contain a daughter
which post-dates general folding. The relative timing of mineral, while group SIII are aqueous inclusions without
the veins with respect to the formation of the secondary a daughter mineral.
Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda 103

Notwithstanding this work, the exact relationship is associated with muscovite crystals in fractures in quartz
between the different fluid types and the cassiterite veins. A similar paragenetic sequence can be observed for
mineralisation itself was not indicated. To determine the cassiterite mineralisation in the pegmatites of the
which fluid was responsible for the cassiterite Gatumba area (Dewaele et al., 2007b, 2008). Cassiterite
mineralisation, preliminary microthermometric precipitation in these pegmatites is associated with an
measurements were carried out on samples from the intense K-alteration (sericitisation and muscovitisation)
Nyamiumba mineralisation (Dewaele et al., 2007b). No that resulted from fluids with a H2O-CO2-(X)-NaCl-KCl
primary inclusions oriented along growth zones can be composition (ThTot between 240° and 366°C; TmIce
found within the quartz and cassiterite crystals. Most fluid between -19.2 and -8.2°C). Dewaele et al. (2007b, 2008)
inclusions in quartz crystals are randomly distributed, but identified that K-alteration and cassiterite mineralisation
there are some inclusions that occur along secondary trails clearly postdates columbite-tantalite mineralisation in the
that are directed towards cassiterite mineralisation. pegmatites.
Therefore, these are interpreted to be representative for
the fluids responsible for mineralisation (cf Dewaele et 7.4 Stable and radiogenic isotopes
al., 2004; El Desoucky et al., 2008). Fluid inclusions in
cassiterite crystals are randomly distributed or occur along Many existing combined stable isotope and fluid inclusion
cleavage planes. Cassiterite shows indication for intense studies trace the origin of tin-mineralising fluids
fracturing and recrystallisation along crystallographic (references in Heinrich, 1990; Taylor, 1997, Jackson et
planes. Where fracture planes are developed, randomly al., 2000). Some indicate a direct input of magmatic fluids
distributed fluid inclusions are decrepitated, which (Sun & Eadington, 1987), whilst the majority shows a
indicates that these belong to an earlier generation. mixture of dominantly magmatic fluids with meteoric
fluids that equilibrated with granite at 600°C to 400°C.
Although no primary fluid inclusions have been found, Heinrich (1990) suggested that irrespective of the
the fluids in the trails towards mineralisation in the quartz ambiguity regarding the ultimate source of H2O, the stable
crystals and the randomly distributed inclusions in the isotope data from nearly all deposits indicate that tin-
cassiterite crystals are considered representative for fluids mineralising fluids were equilibrated isotopically with a
related to cassiterite mineralisation (Dewaele et al., hot (>400°C) granite source rock, prior to transport into a
2007b). Cassiterite precipitation is interpreted to have cooler depositional environment. Transport of hot fluids
occurred from a H2O-CO2-(X)-NaCl (with X = CH4-N2; into a cooler environment involves structural focussing
Günter 1990) fluid at a homogenisation (minimum and prevention of complete chemical equilibrium with
formation) temperature between 220° and 300°C and wall-rocks.
TmIce values between -12.7 and -4.4°C. These data
correspond well to the SI fluid type identified by Günther The calculated stable isotope composition of the
(1990) (Fig. 8). ambient fluids of the cassiterite plots adjacent to the field
of primary magmatic fluids, whilst that of the ambient
The mineralised quartz veins in the Rutongo area are fluids of quartz falls into the field of metamorphic fluids
associated with intense alteration of the host-rocks, (Fig. 5). It should be noted that fluid inclusions, which are
represented by silicification, tourmalinisation, sericitisation interpreted to be directly related to cassiterite precipitation,
and muscovitisation. The cassiterite mineralisation itself dominate the population in cassiterite (Dewaele et al.

-5 Figure 8. TmIce-ThTot diagram

SI D-E showing the distribution of
cass SI A-C the different fluid types
identified by Günther (1990),

SI D-E compared with the data of

-10 quartz the ambient fluids related to
Tmice (°C)

the cassiterite mineralisation

SIA-C (dashed square; Dewaele et
quartz al., 2007b). Group SIA/C
(green coloured square for
-15 fluid inclusions in quartz and
purple coloured square for
fluid inclusions in cassiterite)
and SID/E (pink coloured
square for fluid inclusions in
-20 quartz and light-blue coloured
0 square for fluid inclusions in
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 cassiterite) are inclusions
with a H2O- CO2-N2-(CH4)-
Th(°C) X-NaCl-X composition.
104 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

2007b), whereas secondary inclusions, arguably not exact paragenetic position of the cassiterite mineralised
related to the cassiterite mineralisation, are more dominant generation of quartz veins is, however, mostly not
in the quartz crystals. The stable isotope composition of indicated. The emplacement of the cassiterite mineralised
the fluids in the quartz veins would favour a metamorphic quartz veins has been dated at 951 ± 18 Ma in Burundi
origin. The discrepancy of H isotopes can be explained in (Rb-Sr muscovite; Brinckman et al., 1994).
two ways. Either the δD signature of the fluids in Rutongo
cassiterite directly indicates a magmatic origin. In this The new apparent age obtained in our investigation
case, the signature would have been preserved due to a (869 ± 7 Ma) is much younger than the accepted ages for
limited interaction between the fluids and the host-rock, the G4-granite, younger than the Kibara pegmatites and
reflected by the narrow alteration halos around the associated columbite-tantalite mineralisation and younger
mineralised quartz veins. The shift in isotopic composition than the age reported for the Sn-mineralised quartz vein
of the ambient fluids in cassiterite and quartz would then (Brinckman et al., 2001). Looking at other published data,
indicate a transition from circulation of magmatic fluids the newly obtained age is, however, not exceptional.
to a dominantly metamorphic system (cf Wilkinson, 1990; Monteyne-Poulaert et al. (1962a, b) obtained Rb-Sr ages
Wilkinson et al. 1995). Another explanation would be that of muscovites from different Nb-Ta-Sn-mineralised
the δ18O-δD signature reflects the interaction and pegmatites and Sn-mineralised quartz veins from
equilibrium of metamorphic fluids with magmatic rocks D.R.Congo (Kivu), Rwanda and Burundi that range
(in this case granite in the basement) for the fluids between ca 1100 and 870 Ma. The authors interpreted this
precipitating the cassiterite. The stable isotope composition range of ages to be caused by different post-tectonic
of the fluids in the quartz veins would then indicate thermal events. Cahen & Snelling (1966) place the
metamorphic fluids that did not equilibrated with the formation of post-tectonic pegmatites and veins with
granitic rocks. Given the probable co-precipitation of the cassiterite and sulphides between 1000 ± 30 Ma and 870
two phases (same calculated formation temperature), their ± 26 Ma for the Rwandese-Burundese part of the Kibara
established O isotope equilibrium and the suggested orogen, based on a compilation of published K/Ar, Rb/Sr,
remobilisation of Sn in the granitic rocks, the second U/Pb and Pb-Pb ages. Brinckmann (1988) dated muscovite
explanation is favoured. crystals from Sn-mineralised quartz veins and from altered
host-rocks at Mulehe, Burundi, which yielded a Rb-Sr age
This intense interaction between circulating fluids and of 936 ± 82 Ma. The K-Ar age determinations, however,
the host-rock during late stages in the formation of the yielded apparent ages between 840 and 780 Ma, with an
Rutongo vein system is indicated by the Pb isotopic age cluster between 830-800. The author interpreted the
composition of sulphides present in the cassiterite K-Ar ages as indication for late thermal or thermodynamic
mineralised quartz veins. These sulphides (galena, pyrite events during which the K-Ar ratio was altered. In
and arsenopyrite) formed after the cassiterite. The addition, Ikingura et al. (1992) carried out 40Ar-39Ar dating
similarity of the Pb isotope ratios of the sulphides in the on micas from granites in the Karangwe-Ankolean (Kibara
quartz veins and the diagenetic pyrite in the surrounding orogen in the northwestern part of Tanzania) and obtained
host-rock favours that Pb originated from pyrite in the ages in a range between 945-700 Ma. This range has been
surrounding sedimentary rocks (cf Pohl, 1994) and that interpreted as indicative of partial gas loss as a result of
the Pb was homogenised prior to precipitation of the thermal overprinting.
sulphides in the quartz veins.
The integrated age of 869 ± 7 Ma obtained in this
7.5 Timing of the cassiterite mineralisation in the study could have several implications. First, it could
Rutongo area directly identify that the cassiterite mineralisation
postdates the G4-granite emplacement and the pegmatite
After intrusion of the G4-granites (986 ± 10 Ma, Tack et formation. Secondly, it could just indicate the time period
al., 2006; 2008), pegmatites were emplaced at 968 ± 8 Ma when the hydrothermal system dropped below the closing
(Brinckman & Lehmann, 1983). The pegmatites are temperature of muscovite (~350°C) after a long period of
mineralised with columbite-tantalite and cassiterite. cooling. The formation temperature of the cassiterite is
Recent investigation by Dewaele et al. (2007a, 2008) calculated at ~ 400°C, based on the isotopic equilibrium
indicates that the columbite-tantalite mineralisation is between cassiterite and quartz and based on the pressure-
contemporaneous with the crystallisation of the pegmatites, corrected homogenisation temperature of fluid inclusions
whereas the cassiterite present in the pegmatites formed (Günther, 1990). The discrepancy between the formation
during a later phase of intense K-alteration (sericitisation temperature and closing temperature of muscovite could
and muscovitisation). In addition, it has been reported that imply that the age of 869 ± 7 Ma would not directly reflect
pegmatites are sometimes crosscut by a generation of the age of the cassiterite precipitation. However, multiple
cassiterite-mineralised quartz veins (Varlamoff, 1956; recent studies indicate that the cooling period of tens and
1969). It should, on the other hand, be noted that Varlamoff certainly more than 100Ma is unrealistic for a hydrothermal
(1956) and many geologists of former Belgian colonial system directly linked to the cooling of a granite. In recent
mining companies (unpublished mining archives of the discussions, a cooling period of 20Ma is even questioned.
MRAC) described different generations of quartz veins, Different magmatic pulses are proposed for such a time
of which some of them are crosscut by pegmatites. The elapse. It can, therefore, be postulated that the age of 869
Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda 105

± 7 Ma obtained in this study does not necessarily 7.6 Conclusions

contribute to our understanding of the age of cassiterite
mineralisation with regard to the age of the G4-granite For the Kibara orogen, it is postulated that the main granite
emplacement and pegmatite formation. Thirdly, the age generation G1-3 intruded at 1380 ± 10 Ma in the Palaeo-
could indicate the time when the muscovite crystals have and Mesoproterozoic rocks. These granites are not
been recrystallized due to a younger hydrothermal event, associated with mineralisation. At 986 ± 10 Ma, the G4-
not related to the G4-granite emplacement. Granites granites, such as the Kigali granite, were emplaced. It can
associated with rare element mineralisation often have be observed that these G4-granites show depletion and
high contents of heat-producing elements, due to which enrichment trends typical for granites associated with rare
they can act as regional thermal anomalies for long periods element mineralisation (Dewaele et al. in publication).
after the emplacement of the granites, i.e. 10 to 30 Ma The average tin content of these granites is below the
after initial emplacement of the granites (cf Jackson et al. minimum concentration of typical tin-mineralised
1989, Willis-Richards & Jackson, 1989; Kontak & Clark, granites. Since Sn is not enriched in such a way as the
2002; Zhao et al., 2004), with temperatures above the other typical elements for rare element granites, it is
closing temperature of muscovite (~ 350°C). However, suggested that Sn has been mobilised during hydrothermal
Alderton & Harmon (and references herein) report events post-dating the crystallisation of the G4-granites.
hydrothermal activity associated with Sn-, W-, Cu-, Pb-, After emplacement of these G4-granites, pegmatites were
Zn mineralisation up to 100 Ma after granite consolidation. intruded at 968 ± 8 Ma. Some of these pegmatites are
But in this case, the Sn-mineralisation is mainly formed associated with columbite-tantalite mineralisation. The
during the early phases. In the past, authors have columbite-tantalite has been dated in Burundi at 962 ± 2
interpreted ages in the Kibara fold belt – younger than the Ma, which overlaps with the timing of pegmatite
granite emplacement period at ~1400Ma and ~1000Ma – emplacement. In the Gatumba area, the cassiterite
to be related to different post-Kibaran tectonothermal mineralisation and the associated K-alteration clearly
events (Monteyne-Poulaert et al., 1962a, b; Cahen & postdate the columbite-tantalite mineralisation, as
Snelling, 1966; Brinckmann, 1988; Ikingura et al., 1992). observed by their crosscutting relationship. Fluids and
Several events affecting the Kibara belt, postdating the metals were introduced along fractures and faults.
intrusion of the G4-granite generation, which could have
caused thermal overprinting, have been described in Structural analysis indicates that the mineralised veins
literature. According to Monteyne-Poulaert et al. (1962b), formed due to extension, with maximum compressive
after the emplacement of the pegmatites a late phase of stress at high angle to the bedding. Combined with the
U-mineralisation took place around 845 Ma (U-Pb on formation of the secondary E-W oriented folds, it would
uraninite and cyrtolite). Another possible heat source for seem that the maximal compressive stress would have
thermal overprinting could be Neoproterozoic magmatic been oriented vertical. This would imply that veins formed
intrusions. In central and southern Africa there is evidence during uplift, i.e. clearly after the formation of the N-S
of widespread within-plate and rift-related magmatism at oriented fold and granite emplacement. The obtained age
~1000-710 Ma (Hanson, 2003). These alkaline plutonic can probably not directly be related to the formation of the
centres in the Kibara belt reflect uprise of mantle-derived cassiterite mineralisation, but is interpreted to reflect a
magmas along older lines of structural weakness in the younger hydrothermal event.
same time frame (Hanson, 2003). Kampunzu et al. (1998)
determined Rb-Sr whole rock ages of three Neoproterozoic Although there is no single straightforward argument
igneous complexes in Kivu (D.R.C.), which are composed to directly exclude a magmatic-hydrothermal origin of the
of undersaturated silicate rocks. cassiterite mineralisation, it is postulated, based on the
structural setting, petrographical observations,
Based on the arguments above, it is suggested that the geochemistry of the G4-granites and stable isotope
integrated age probably indicates a resetting of the geochemistry, that the Sn was transported syn- to post-
muscovites, which occur associated with the cassiterite deformation by metamorphic fluids, clearly after formation
mineralisation, during a hydrothermal event post-dating of the Rutongo anticline, G4-granite crystallisation (and
the emplacement and cooling of the Kigali granite and not pegmatite emplacement). The metamorphic fluids that
directly related to the cassiterite precipitation. It infers precipitated the cassiterite are in stable isotopic equilibrium
that the integrated Ar-Ar age would only indicate a with the magmatic rocks and could have remobilised the
minimum age for the cassiterite mineralisation, while the Sn from these granites, which have now a Sn concentration
pegmatite emplacement and associated columbite-tantalite below the limit for a typical tin-mineralised granite. The
mineralisation age would indicate a maximum age (~965 circulation of the fluids resulted in precipitation of
± 5 Ma; Romer & Lehmann 1995). Hydrothermal cassiterite in structural traps at temperatures around
circulation – and interaction with the host-rocks – clearly ~400°C and promoted intense alteration of the host-rock
existed after the formation on the cassiterite, as is of the quartz veins. A maximum age for the cassiterite
illustrated by the Pb-isotopes of the sulphides that formed crystallisation would be the age of pegmatite emplacement
after the cassiterite in the quartz veins. (965 ± 5 Ma), while the newly obtained apparent Ar-Ar
age (869 ± 7 Ma), which is interpreted to reflect a
hydrothermal resetting, would reflect a minimum age.
106 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

8. Acknowledgements BURGESS, R., KIVIETS, G.B. & HARRIS, J.W. 2004.

Ar/39Ar age determinations of eclogitic clinopyroxene
The work of Friso De Clercq is supported by the Institute and garnet inclusions in diamonds from the Venetia and
for the promotion of Innovation through Science and Orapa kimberlites. Lithos, 77: 113–124.
Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen). Herman Nijs CAHEN, L. & SNELLING, N.J., 1966. The geochronology
and Rene Boyen kindly prepared the numerous thin and of Equatorial Africa. North-Holland Publishing Company,
polished sections and the doubly-polished wafers. Amsterdam.
Colleagues of the former REDEMI in Rwanda (Dr CAHEN, L., DELHAL, J. & DEUTSCH, S., 1967.
Michael Biryabarema, Ir Jean Ruzindana and Jean-Bosco Rubidium-strontium geochronology of some granitic
Rusanganwa) are thanked for access to the different mine rocks from the Kibaran belt (Central Katanga, Rep. of the
sites in the Rutongo area during our first period of Congo). Annales des Sciences Géologiques Musée Royal
fieldwork. Mr Leonidas Simpenzwe and Mr Martin de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium. Série in 8°, 59,
Kahanovitz of Eurotrade International S.A.R.L. are 65 pp.
thanked for the access and logistic help at Rutongo during CAHEN, L., SNELLING, N.J., DELHAL, J., VAIL, J.R.,
recent fieldwork. The authors are especially thankful to H. BONHOMME, M. & LEDENT, D., 1984. The
Van Balen for helpful and constructive discussions. The geochronology and evolution of Africa, Clarendon Press
text has largely improved by the comments of two Oxford, 512 pp.
reviewers, Mr Michel Gauthier and an anonymous
CAUET, S. & POHL, W., 1988. Lead isotope composition
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Rwanda. Metallogeny of the Kibara belt, Central Africa.
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110 S. Dewaele, F. De Clercq, Ph. Muchez, J. Schneider et al.

Plate 1.
A. Handpiece of Masoro (RG132997), showing the crystallisation of tourmaline crystals (TM) along cleavage planes. Sample width
is ~10cm.
B. Mineralised quartz (Q) vein from Nyamiumba, with cassiterite (Cass) associated with muscovite (Musc). Sample width is ~15cm
C. Quartz vein with an alteration halo from Mahaza (RG 133021), showing a decrease in tourmaline (TM) away from the quartz vein
(Q). Sample width is ~10cm.
Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda 111

Plate 2.
A. Compacted quartzite forming the host-rock of Sn-mineralisation at Masoro, showing compacted and fractured quartz grains (Q),
associated with muscovite (Musc). Sample: Masoro RG132964. Transmitted light.
B. Host-rock of Sn-mineralisation, showing muscovite (Musc), tourmaline (Tm) and quartz (Q). Sample: Mahaza RG133307.
Transmitted light.
C. Host-rock of Sn-mineralisation showing growth of a tourmaline crystal (Tm), following a foliation plane consisting of muscovite
(Musc). Sample: Masoro RG132990. Transmitted light.
D. Fracture in quartz vein, which is filled with cassiterite (Cass) and muscovite (Musc). Sample Masoro: RG132990. Transmitted
E. Wafer of a cassiterite crystal (~1cm wide) from Nyamiumba, showing nice colour zonation. Transmitted light.
F.. Microphotograph showing an arsenopyrite crystal (Asp) occurring in a fracture in a cassiterite crystal (Cass). Reflected light.

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