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A Fertile Palaeoproterozoic Magmatic Arc Beneath The Central African Copperbelt

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Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Stanley et al.

(eds) © 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 068 X

A fertile Palaeoproterozoic magmatic arc beneath the Central African Copperbelt

Department of Geology, University of the Witwatersrand, Pvt. Bag 3, WITS 2050, South Africa
Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra 0200, ACT, Australia
Department of Geology, University of the Witwatersrand, Pvt. Bag 3, WITS 2050, South Africa
Department of Geology, University of the Witwatersrand, Pvt. Bag 3, WITS 2050, South Africa

ABSTRACT: Chemical characteristics and new U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age data from the basement of the
Katangan Sequence in the Central African Copperbelt confirm the existence of a Palaeoproterozoic calc-
alkaline volcanic arc. The Lufubu schists, comprising intermediate to acid metavolcanics, have been dated at
circa 2000 Ma. Granitic gneiss from the Mkushi copper mine south of the Zambian Copperbelt yields an age of
2049 Ma, whereas the Mufulira granite in the Copperbelt is 1991 Ma. The Samba copper porphyry is dated at
circa 1960 Ma. Quartzite from the Muva Supergroup, which unconformably overlies the crystalline basement,
exhibits a broad range of detrital zircon ages from 3180 Ma down to 1941 Ma, indicating both Archaean and
Palaeoproterozoic provenances. The basement to the world class copper-cobalt deposits of the Katangan
Sequence is regarded as a magmatic arc that is, in itself, copper enriched. This has implications for ore-genesis
models in the region.

1. INTRODUCTION basement is mainly exposed in the Zambian

Copperbelt and in immediately adjacent areas of
The Central African Copperbelt, hosted by Katanga. About half of this basement consists of
Neoproterozoic metasediments of the Katangan granitoids, and the rest consists mainly of Lufubu
Sequence, is one of the great metallogenic provinces schists, with subordinate areas of Muva quartzites.
of the world, being a leading producer of Cu and Co,
as well as lesser amounts of Pb, Zn, Ge, Ga, U, Au
1.2 Lufubu schists
and PGE (Master, 1998a, b). It has long been
recognised that the basement to the Katangan The Lufubu schists consist mainly of biotite or
Sequence in the Copperbelt contains abundant muscovite and quartz-bearing micaceous schists and
copper mineralization (Pienaar, 1961), and many quartzites, with minor or accessory plagioclase, tour-
authors have regarded this as having an important maline, sphene, zircon, calcite and pyrite. Although
bearing on the origin of the Copperbelt ores. This they were previously regarded as of meta-
pre-Katangan basement consists of schists of the sedimentary origin (e.g. Mendelsohn, 1961), new
Lufubu Group, which are intruded by a variety of geochemical results (Figs. 1 and 2) show that the
granitoids, both of which are unconformably overlain Lufubu schists are calc-alkaline metavolcanics, with
by metaquartzites and schists of the Muva compositions ranging from trachyandesite to rhyo-
Supergroup. Whereas the granitoids have previously dacite and rhyolite.
yielded Rb-Sr ages of between c. 2.0 to 1.8 Ga, no
dating has been done on the Lufubu schists or the 1.3 Granitoids
Muva sequence. We present here the first SHRIMP
U-Pb zircon ages of the Lufubu Schists, various Field evidence from Mufulira and other places
granitoids, and detrital zircons from the Muva indicates that the schists are intruded by a variety of
quartzites. granitoids, which range in composition from biotite
granites to quartz monzonites, granodiorites and
tonalites (Mendelsohn, 1961). Previous dating of
1.1 Regional Geological Setting these granites has yielded imprecise ages of 2.0-1.8
Ga (Cahen et al., 1984; Ngoyi et al., 1991).
Although the Central African Copperbelt has a strike
length of 500 km in the Lufilian Arc of Katanga
(D.R. Congo) and Zambia, the pre-Katangan 1.4 Muva

1 Rainaud
The Muva Supergroup unconformably overlies the
Lufubu schists and includes mainly quartzites with

minor argillaceous beds (Garlick, 1961).

Figure 1: Lufubu schists plotted

on the classification diagram of
Winchester and Floyd (1977).
Filled squares - Lufubu schists
from Mufulira. Filled circles -
Lufubu schists from Kafue
River, south of Mufulira.
Diamonds - Lufubu schists
from Kinsenda.

Figure 2: Lufubu schists

(symbols as in Fig. 1), and host
rocks of the Samba porphyry
Cu deposit - half filled squares
(Wakefield, 1978) plotted on
the discrimination diagram of
Irvine and Barager (1971),
showing calc-alkaline comp-
ositional trends.

2. RESULTS We present new zircon U-Pb ages of the Mufulira

granite, the Mkushi gneisses from the Mkushi copper
mine, SE of the Copperbelt (for which an earlier Rb-

2 Rainaud
Sr age of 1777 ± 89 Ma had been obtained by 44 analyses have been carried out on 42 detrital
Ng’ambi et al., 1986) and detritus from the Muva zircons from a sample of the Muva quartzite close to
quartzites. In addition we have age data for the Mufulira. The results are plotted on the concordia
Samba porphyry and a granite intersected in diagram in Figure 5, where it is seen that a wide
boreholes through the Chambishi Basin, as well as range of ages exist. A significant Archaean
intermediate to felsic metavolcanics from the Lufubu component is observed with ages clustering at 2550
schists. to 2700 Ma and also at around 3000 to 3180 Ma.
Palaeoproterozoic zircons range down to 1941 Ma,
the youngest zircon in the population and an
2.1 The Lufubu Schists
indication, therefore, of the maximum age of
The Lufubu schists, sampled from Kinsenda (in the deposition for the Muva Supergroup. The
DR Congo) and Mufulira (Zambia) yielded similar provenance for the Muva sediments clearly
ages at circa 2000 Ma. The existence of material of comprises both the local Palaeoproterozoic basement
similar age from a large sampling area indicates as well as Archaean crust.
widespread intermediate to acidic volcanism in
Central Africa.

2.2 Granitoids
The Mkushi gneiss yielded a weighted mean
Pb/206Pb age of 2049 ± 6 Ma (Fig. 3) which can be
interpreted as the age of emplacement of the gneiss
protolith. Aplites which cut through the gneisses
contain significant economic copper mineralization
(now mined out), but their age has not yet been

Figure 4: Concordia diagram of the Mufulira granite.

Figure 3: Concordia diagram of the Mkushi gneiss.

The Mufulira granite yielded a well-constrained age

of 1991 ± 3 Ma (Fig. 4), which is considered as the
age of the intrusion.

The Samba porphyry, a mineralized granite with

copper ore reserves estimated at 50 million tons Figure 5: Concordia diagram showing ages of detrital
(Wakefield, 1978), together with a granite located zircons in the Muva quartzite.
beneath the Chambishi basin, yielded similar ages at
circa 1960 Ma.
2.3 Muva quartzite
The basement to the Katangan Sequence, host to the
world-class Cu-Co mineralization of the Central

3 Rainaud
African Copperbelt, comprises a Palaeoproterozoic mineralization. Abstract, Québec 1998, GAC
calc-alkaline magmatic arc. Tonalite-granodiorite MAC-APGGQ Annual Meeting, Québec,
gneisses (Mkushi) together with more evolved Canada, May 1998.
granitoids (Mufulira, Samba, and Chambishi)
represent the plutonic phases of a major intermediate Ng’ambi, O., Boelrijk, N. A. I. M., Priem, H. N. A.
to acid volcanic province (Lufubu schists) emplaced & Daly, M. C. 1986 Geochronology of the
in the range 2050 to 1950 million years ago. This Mkushi Gneiss Complex, Central Zambia.
basement complex is unconformably overlain by the Precambrian Res. 32: 279-295.
Muva Supergroup which is younger than 1940 Ma
and contains detrital zircons, the age of which Ngoyi, K., Liégeois, J. P., Demaiffe, D & Dumont,
indicate the presence of both Archaean and P. 1991. Age tardi-ubendien (protérozoique
Palaeoproterozoic provenances. This basement inférieur) des dômes granitiques de l'arc cuprifère
complex is characterized by the presence of Cu zaïro-zambien. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris: 313:
mineralization in the form of the economically
significant Samba porphyry copper deposit and the Pienaar, P. J. 1961. In Geology of the Northern
enigmatic aplite-related copper mineralization in the Rhodesian Copperbelt: Macdonald, London, 30-
Mkushi gneisses. The basement to the Katangan 41.
Sequence is, therefore, fertile with respect to copper
and this has implications for the origin and formation Sweeney, M., Binda, P. L. & Vaughan, D. J. 1991.
of the enormous metal concentrations in the latter. Genesis of the ores of the Zambian Copperbelt.
Ore genesis models which favour the circulation of Ore Geol. Rev. 6: 51-76.
diagenetic or metamorphic brines through permeable
basal Katangan sediments, enabling fluids to interact Wakefield, J. 1978 Samba: a deformed porphyry-
with detrital metal-rich components derived from the type copper deposit in the basement of the
fertile basement, and then re-precipitate sulphide ores Zambian Copperbelt. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall.
at redox interfaces in the overlying sedimentary 87: B43-B52.
sequences (Master, 1998a) receive added impetus in
the light of the data presented above. Winchester, J. A. & Floyd, P. A. 1977. Geochemical
discrimination of different magma series and
REFERENCES their differentiation products using immobile
trace elements. Chem. Geol/. 20: 325-343.
Cahen, L., Snelling, N. J., Delhal, J., Vail, J. R.,
Bonhomme, M. & Ledent, D. 1984.
Geochronology and Evolution of Africa:
Clarendon, Oxford, 512pp.

Garlick, W. G. 1961. In Geology of the Northern

Rhodesian Copperbelt: Macdonald, London, 21-

Irvine, T. N. & W. R. Baragar 1971. A guide to the

classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can
J. of Earth Sci. 8: 527-548

Mendelsohn, F. 1961. Geology of the Northern

Rhodesian Copperbelt: Macdonald, London, 523

Master, S., 1998a New developments in

understanding the origin of the Central African
Copperbelt. Abstract, Mineral Deposits Studies
Group Annual Meeting, University of Greenwich,
Chatham Maritime, UK, 5-6 January 1998.

Master, S. 1998b A review of the world-class

Katangan metallogenic province and the Central
African Copperbelt: tectonic setting, fluid
evolution, metal sources, and timing of

4 Rainaud

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