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Setting of the giant Muruntau Gold Deposit: Implications for ore genesis

Article  in  Journal of the Virtual Explorer · January 2000

DOI: 10.3809/jvirtex.2000.00004

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Andy Wilde
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Journal of the Virtual Explorer (2000), ISSN 1441-8126 Volume No. 1

Setting of the giant Muruntau Gold Deposit:

Implications for ore genesis


1Department of Earth Sciences,
P.O.Box 28E Monash University,
Victoria 3800, Australia
2BHPWorld Minerals
550 California St
San Francisco CA 94104

Abstract: The Muruntau gold deposit is situated in the Kyzyl Kum Desert of Uzbekistan. It is currently
being mined in the world’s largest open pit gold mine with production believed to be of the order of two
million ounces per annum. The open pit measures about 3.5 by 2.5 km and extends to a depth of 350m. The
gold ore resource in the Muruntau deposit, including production, is about 170 million ounces of gold
(Anonymous, 1996). This paper presents a summary of the deposit geology and its regional geological
setting. Information used in this paper has been generated from observations made on two visits to the mine
and its environs, and a review of the Russian- and English-language literature.

Discovery History terrestrial evaporitic facies in the Karatau Range (Cook et

al., 1997; Lapointe et al., 1997) and extrusion of alkalic
The giant Muruntau Gold deposit was discovered in andesites in the so-called "Valerianovsky volcanic belt".
1958. The area was a source of turquoise since the days These andesites have been intersected in petroleum wells
of the Silk Road. It was not until the nineteen fifties, and are inferred at depth from aeromagnetic data (see Drew
however, that the Muruntau area was systematically et al., 1996). Palynological data from overlying sediments
explored, initially for uranium. A huge gold and arsenic suggest that these volcanic rocks are pre-Triassic in age
geochemical anomaly, (see Drew et al., 1996) detected consistent with Carboniferous K-Ar dates (Burshtein, 1998).
during systematic geochemical sampling and 1:200,000 Alkalic chemistry suggests deposition in a rift environment
scale geological mapping of the area indicated the (Y. Savchuk, pers. comm., 1998).
Muruntau deposit. Auriferous quartz veins were Cover Sequence 1 was intruded by granites during the
subsequently found in surface exposures at the site of the Late Carboniferous Hercynian orogeny. Some authors
current open pit. Mining commenced on the deposit in infer a major Carboniferous collisional suture beneath
1967, and production has been continuous ever since. the sedimentary rocks of Cover Sequence 2 (Fig. 1).
There is, however, little evidence of active subduction
Tectonic Setting here during this time.
Cover Sequence 2 (Syr Daria or Kyzyl Kum Basin)
The Kyzyl Kum area is underlain by three main comprises over 2 km of mainly terrestrial sedimentary
tectonic units (Fig. 1). The oldest (basement) consists of rocks which unconformably overlie Cover Sequence 1
metamorphosed and folded Lower Palaeozoic and Hercynian intrusions. Sedimentation during the
carbonaceous and sulphidic clastic rock referred to as the Jurassic was confined to narrow NW- and NNE-trending
Besopan Formation. The Besopan Formation was basins. During the Cretaceous and Tertiary, however,
metamorphosed and deformed during the Lower sedimentation extended beyond these narrow basins and
Palaeozoic Caledonian orogeny. After erosion and covered rocks of the basement and Cover Sequence 1
exhumation it became basement to an unconformable throughout the Kyzyl Kum region (Fig. 1).
cover sequence of Devonian to Early Triassic carbonate
and clastic sediments and volcanic rocks referred to
herein as Cover Sequence 1.
Cover Sequence 1 has been divided into a lower Basement
carbonate-dominant section reflecting passive margin The Lower Palaeozoic Besopan Formation basement
sedimentation. The upper part is marked by a change to outcrops as a number of inliers, comprising perhaps 15%

Wilde, A. 2000. Setting of the giant Muruntau Gold Deposit Journal of the Virtual Explorer - Volume 1

A distinctive black siliceous layer occurs within the

Besopan 3. The layer is a few metres thick and can be
traced as discontinuous surface exposures extending
more than 15 km west from the deposit. A sample of the
siliceous layer (collected 10 km west from the Muruntau
open pit) contains elevated palladium (0.1 ppm), V and
Hg as well as abundant fine-grained carbon as patches
and veins. Inclusions of carbonate in quartz suggest in
the sample that this horizon may be a siliceous
replacement of a carbonate-bearing shale horizon
(Gilbert, 1995).
Cover Sequence 1
Unmetamorphosed Devonian to Carboniferous
carbonate-dominant rocks overlie the meta-clastic rock
of the Besopan Formation with angular unconformity.
Comparable sequences are exposed in the Karatau Range
of southern Kazakhstan about 200 km north of Muruntau
(Fig. 1). Here the sequence consists of a variety of
Devonian and Carboniferous carbonate rocks and
breccias interpreted as having an evaporitic origin
modified by karstic collapse (Lapointe et al., 1997). The
depositional environment is interpreted to be a migrating
shelf to platform transition reflecting fluctuating sea
levels (Fig. 2; Cook et al., 1997, Lapointe et al., 1997;
Cook pers. comm., 1998) .
The late Carboniferous of the Karatau Range is
Figure 1. Regional geological setting of the Muruntau Deposit, based marked by a major change to a shallow-marine terrestrial
on Soviet regional metallogenic mapping. (evaporitic) facies (Fig. 2). Petroleum exploration drill-
holes north-west of Muruntau intersected folded Late
of the Kyzyl Kum area (Fig. 1). These inliers form low Permian to Early Triassic red-brown sandstones and
ranges of hills which trend west-north-west. The mudstones, black mudstone and tuffaceous sandstones
Besopan Formation consists of metamorphosed which overlie gray-colored porphyritic andesite lavas
mudstones, siltstones and sandstones. It has been divided (Burshtein, 1998).
into four units, termed Besopan 1, 2, 3 and 4, based on
colour variation and the ratio of coarse to fine-grained Cover Sequence 2
clastic sedimentary rocks. Besopan 1 is the oldest, and The Jurassic of Cover Sequence 2 comprises unfolded
Besopan 4 the youngest. The lithological succession in terrestrial sediments which include sandstone, siltstone,
the Besopan Formation is difficult to define precisely, mudstone and coal. The environment of deposition is
because of repetition and omission of units caused by interpreted as fluvial, alluvial and lacustrine (Burshtein,
isoclinal folding and major thrust faults (e.g. Drew et al., 1998). The Cretaceous of Cover Sequence 2 comprises
1996). hematitic siltstone, mudstone and conglomerate. Lenses
Besopan 3 ("Variegated Besopan") is the main gold of anhydrite occur in the upper parts. The Early
host at Muruntau. It is represented by green to red Cretaceous rocks are terrestrial in origin but a marine
(hematitic) phyllites in surface exposures but is influence is apparent in the upper part of the section
extremely carbonaceous at depth (Y. Savchuk, pers. (Burshtein, 1998).
comm., 1996). The Besopan 2 consists of similar
lithologies to the overlying Besopan 3, namely phyllite Granites
and meta-sandstone. Marakushev and Khoklov (1992)
show that the two units are identical petrochemically. Granites comprise less than 10% of the Palaeozoic
The main difference may be caused by variation in the bedrock exposures in the Kyzyl Kum region.
abundance of carbon and in the sulphide minerals Aeromagnetic data indicate that they could be more
between Besopan 2 and Besopan 3. extensive beneath sedimentary rocks of Cover Sequence

Wilde, A. 2000. Setting of the giant Muruntau Gold Deposit Journal of the Virtual Explorer - Volume 1

2 (Savchuk et al., 1991). Savchuk et al. (1991) recognise Muruntau, Devonian and Carboniferous carbonate rocks
an older Bokalinsk Suite and younger Nuratinsk suite. are thrust over the top of the older basement rocks ( Fig.
The Bokalinsk Suite outcrops rarely and comprises only 3; Drew et al., 1996). The age of this thrusting is
5% of outcropping intrusions. The Nuratinsk Suite is therefore Carboniferous or younger. Drew et al., (1996)
predominantly composed of granite and granodiorite and consider that the contact between the Besopan 3 and 4 is
comprises 95% of exposed intrusions in the Kyzyl Kum marked by a Carboniferous shear zone, the Sangruntau-
region. It is spatially and probably temporally associated Tamdytau shear zone.
with tin mineralisation in the region. Granites of this A thrusting event at this time helps to explain the
suite intrude folded sedimentary rocks of the Basement change at the top of the Carboniferous (in the Karatau
and Cover Sequence 1. range) from shallow marine to terrestrial. The
Two intrusive bodies and dykes of several widespread intrusion of granitic intrusions also occurred
compositions are known in the vicinity of the Muruntau at this time, possibly in response to crustal thickening by
deposit. One of the intrusive bodies, the Sardarin Pluton, thrusting.
is 12 km south of the Muruntau deposit, but is apparently
not exposed. Its extent has been determined from drilling Permo-Triassic Deformation
and from interpretation of airborne magnetic data. The Alexeiev et al., (1997) have documented a major
other intrusive body, the Murunski Pluton, is composed Permo-Triassic deformation event in the Karatau Range,
of a medium-grained alaskite, and was intersected north of Muruntau (Fig. 1). This event is synchronous
beneath the deposit in an exploratory diamond drill hole with the major unconformity between Cover Sequences
at a depth of 4 km (Kostitsyn, 1996). Contact 1 and 2. The main manifestation of this event is the giant
metamorphism about the pluton is manifested as biotite Karatau Fault (Fig. 1) which has right-lateral
porphyroblasts and locally, as andalusite and cordierite displacement of 150 km and related steeply-plunging Z-
porphyroblasts (Kotov and Poritskaya, 1992; Drew et al., shaped folds (Alexeiev et al., 1997). A parallel structure
1996). Hornfels has been observed in the drill holes occurs about 50 km south of Muruntau (Fig. 1). Outcrops
beneath the Muruntau deposit. of the basement and Cover Sequence 1 throughout the
The Sardarin Pluton yielded a Rb-Sr isochron of 286 ± region are elongate in the direction of strike-slip faulting
1.8 million years and initial ratio of 0.7078 (Kostitsyn, (i.e. NW) as are the principal magnetic trends.
1996). The Murunski Pluton yields an identical isochron A second set of faults trends NE and ENE (Fig. 3). A
of 287 ± 1.8 million years (Permo Carboniferous) and fault of this orientation, the Muruntau-Daugyztau fault,
initial 87Rb/87Sr ratio of 0.716. is spatially and probably temporally associated with
mineralisation at Muruntau (Fig. 3). The age of this and
parallel structures is clearly Carboniferous or later.
Major deformation events
Figure 3 shows NE-trending anticlinal and synclinal
Caledonian (Silurian) Deformation axes paralleling, and probably related to, major strike-
The Basement is strongly folded and pelitic rocks have slip faults. These folds are open with a wavelength of
a well-developed axial planar cleavage. Isoclinal folds approximately 1 km and the axes plunge shallowly
with east-striking axial planes overturned to the north north-eastwards. Much of the gold at Muruntau is
have been described (e.g. Kotov and Poritskaya, 1992). located within the axial zone of the syncline.
Such isoclinal folding is interpreted to have occurred
prior to deposition of Cover Sequence 1, which exhibits Late Mesozoic and Tertiary Deformation
open folds with vertical axial planes. The east-west Localised open fold sets with an interpreted post-
trending fold visible west of Muruntau (Fig. 3) is Tertiary age are superimposed on the Hercynian
believed to be of Caledonian age. deformation. These folds occur in Tertiary exposures
Metamorphic grade of the Basement did not exceed about 50 km to the south-west of the Muruntau deposit.
greenschist facies over much of the region. Rb - Sr dating of A further 70 to 100 km of right-lateral movement
metamorphic micas has yielded a Caledonian (Early occurred along the Karatau fault during the late
Devonian) cooling age of 401 ± 11 million years (Kostitsyn, Mesozoic and early Tertiary (Alexeiev et al., 1997).
1996). This age is consistent with the unmetamorphosed
nature of unconformable Cover Sequence 1.
Muruntau gold deposit
Hercynian (Late Carboniferous) Deformation Geometry of the Mineralisation
There is evidence of a deformation event during the The geometry of the Muruntau deposit was controlled
Hercynian (late Carboniferous) in this region. North of by three main factors: presence of the carbonaceous and

Wilde, A. 2000. Setting of the giant Muruntau Gold Deposit Journal of the Virtual Explorer - Volume 1

as isolated clots within quartz veins. Pyrite grains

sometimes enclose small pyrrhotite grains suggesting
that some pyrite may have replaced pyrrhotite (Gilbert,
1995). Rare chalcopyrite, sphalerite and molybdenite
were observed in a number of low-grade stockpiled ore
samples. Gold has been observed as minute inclusions in
pyrite (Gilbert, 1995) and intimately intergrown with
antimony sulphide (Schandl, 1997).
The deposit is anomalous in tungsten which occurs as
scheelite. According to Uspenskiy and Aleshin (1993)
tungsten is confined to shallow-dipping stratabound
zones which are cut by later discordant gold ore zones.
Grades are generally sub-economic (typically hundreds
of ppm) but can reach 0.5%. Uspenskiy and Aleshin
(1993) provide evidence that scheelite occupies fractures
in early folded quartz veins and also occurs as veinlets
with pyroxene and amphibole selvages.
Figure 2. Depositional profile of the Karatau Range, Kazakhstan Tungsten veins are cut by auriferous arsenopyrite
(from Cook et. al., 1997). veinlets, suggesting that the tungsten pre-dates gold
mineralisation. In the open pit, tungsten-bearing zones
sulphidic Besopan 3 unit; proximity to the ENE-trending are observed to be cut by gold ore zones, which are
Muruntau-Daugyztau Fault and presence of an ENE- related to the large discordant quartz veins (Central
trending fold axial zone on the north side of the fault. Veins; Uspenskiy and Aleshin, 1993).
Drew et al. (1996) have argued that another control is the A distinctive silver-rich gold and base-metal sulphide
presence of a Carboniferous thrust fault at the top of the assemblage occurs in the region about the Muruntau
Besopan 3 unit. Thus the orebody is to some degree deposit. Samples from the Cosmanachi silver mine, 16
stratabound within the Besopan 3 horizon but is also km west from Muruntau, consist of galena, sphalerite,
structurally-controlled by small-scale folding and tetrahedrite, pyrargyrite, millerite, an unidentified silver
fractures related to the Muruntau-Daugyztau fault zone sulphide, a silver sulphide-telluride mineral, lead silver
and its related folding. Interpretation of the ore geometry antimony sulphide and others (Gilbert, 1995). These
is complicated by some post-ore movement on the minerals overprint early arsenopyrite and pyrite (Gilbert,
Muruntau-Daugyztau Fault. 1995) suggesting that the silver-rich mineralising event
Gold occurs in sub-vertical quartz-sulphide veins and is later than the main gold event. Secondary minerals
irregular quartz vein stockworks which cut include chalcocite, covellite, lead arsenate and stolzite
hydrothermally-altered clastic host-rocks. The veins and (lead tungstate).
vein stockworks are most intense within a few hundred
metres of the major north-easterly trending Muruntau- Hydrothermal Alteration
Daugyztau strike-slip fault (Fig. 3). Several large sub- Gold-coeval hydrothermal alteration at the Muruntau
vertical quartz-gold veins (the Central Veins) form the deposit is very extensive. The alteration, which consists of
core of the mineralisation and contain the highest gold quartz, albite and biotite ("metasomatite") overprinting and
grades seen at Muruntau. These veins are undeformed replacing the regional and contact metamorphic
and trend ENE and easterly. They can be several metres assemblages, extends in a lens-shaped area with
thick. dimensions of approximately 8 km by 2 km about the gold
Mineralised veins such as the Central Veins and mineralisation at Muruntau, in the so-called "Muruntau
stockworks postdate earlier, boudinaged and isoclinally Lens" (Fig. 3); (e.g. Marakushev and Kokhlov, 1992;
folded quartz veins. The early veins are typically thin (a Kotov and Poritskaya, 1992). There is some petrographic
few cm) and usually parallel to the dominant cleavage of evidence that much of this alteration consists of layer-
the host phyllites. parallel replacement of carbonate-bearing units (Gilbert,
1995; Schwandl, 1997). The modal mineral composition of
Ore Mineralogy and Paragenesis the alteration is illustrated in Figure 4.
Gold is associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite, which The albite-stable alteration ("metasomatite") is
comprise a few volume percent of the ore. The sulphide overprinted by sericite and chlorite related to the main
minerals often occur as veinlets in altered host-rocks and ore depositing phase (Kotov and Poritskaya, 1992).

Wilde, A. 2000. Setting of the giant Muruntau Gold Deposit Journal of the Virtual Explorer - Volume 1

Figure 3. Geology of part of the Tamdytau Mountains showing the setting of the Muruntau deposit, based on compilation of Soviet mapping by
Drew (1993).

Sericite and chlorite is limited in extent relative to the basin formation that spanned the Late Permian and Early
earlier alteration, being confined to narrow vein selvages Triassic. The event is marked by a profound change in
of a few millimetres extent (Kotov and Poritskaya, 1992) sedimentary depositional environments from a marine
and pervasive replacement of feldspar. carbonate shelf-type sedimentation in the Late
A ubiquitous alteration phase is pale-coloured dravitic Palaeozoic to non-marine terrigenous, saline to
tourmaline (Gilbert, 1995). Microprobe analysis reveals hypersaline depositional settings in the Jurassic and
that these dravites are rich in V (up to 2.7% V2O3), Mg Cretaceous characterized by the "red-beds" of Cover
and Na (Gilbert, 1996). Carbonaceous material is locally Sequence 2 (Syr Daria Basin). This change can be
abundant in the pit. Petrographic determinations on observed through much of Central Asia.
stockpiled ore samples reveal an average of 4% by Mineralisation was emplaced within the pre-existing
volume and locally as much as 50% (Schandl, 1997). metamorphic aureole of a buried Permo-Carboniferous
Marakushev and Khokhlov (1992) describe carbon felsic intrusive. Isotopic data indicate that mineralisation
"fronts" but the relationship between carbon "fronts" and occurred about 30 million years later than cooling of the
gold is not well understood at this time. intrusion below its Rb-Sr closure temperature (Kostitsyn,
1996). The intrusion and its metamorphic aureole
Age of the Hydrothermal System(s) probably controlled the subsequent development of the
One of the most controversial aspects of the Muruntau
orebody is its age. Alteration replaces and exploits a pre-
existing cleavage and also overprints contact
metamorphic andalusite and cordierite associated with
the buried alaskite pluton beneath the deposit (Kotov &
Poritskaya, 1992; Drew et al., 1996). These observations
strongly suggest that alteration was considerably later
than peak deformation, and post-dates the thermal event
accompanying the emplacement of the adjacent granite.
Kostitsyn (1993, 1996) provides three Rb-Sr
mineralisation ages: 257.6 ± 2.2, 230.2 ± 3.5 and 219.4 ±
4.2 million years (Permian to Triassic). All these ages are
significantly younger than the crystallisation age of the
Murunski intrusive, 4 km beneath the Muruntau deposit.
Gold deposition is inferred to have occurred during a Figure 4. Modal mineralogy of 64 samples from Muruntau (Schandl,
major period of strike-slip movement and terrestrial 1997; I.P. Zarevich, unpub. data).

Wilde, A. 2000. Setting of the giant Muruntau Gold Deposit Journal of the Virtual Explorer - Volume 1

ore-forming hydrothermal cell because of the Outcrop Analogs for Coeval Carbonate Reservoirs in the N.
permeability variation imposed on the host succession by Caspian Basin: "Carbonate Reservoir Systems", AAPG.
the intrusion and its metamorphic halo. The aureole and DREW, L.J., BERGER, B.W., KURBANOV N.K., 1993, Geology
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his vast knowledge of the Muruntau deposit and its KOTOV, N.V. & PORITSKAYA, L.G., 1992, The Muruntau Gold
surroundings, the Uzbek government for permission to visit the Deposit: Its Geologic Structure, Metasomatic Mineral
mine and BHP Minerals for permission to publish this paper. Associations and Origin. Int. Geol. Rec., 34/1,77-87.
The manuscript was much improved by comments from KOSTITSYN YU. A., 1993, Rb-Sr Isotopic Studies of the
Douglas Haynes and Noel White. Jim Mavrikios drafted the Muruntau Deposit: Isochrone [sic] Dating of the ore veins.
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