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Natural Resistance Against Insect Pests in Cotton

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Din et al.

, The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26(5): 2016,

ThePage: 1346-1353
J. Anim. Plant Sci. 26(5):2016
ISSN: 1018-7081


Z. M. Din*, T. A. Malik, F. M. Azhar and M. Ashraf

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Corresponding author’s email address:

Insect pest infestation is a major constraint in cotton production and causes heavy yield losses every year. Some studies
report that insect pests attack on genotypes/cultivars with the traits, frego bracts, okra leaf, and red leaf color is
comparatively lower. Genotypes/cultivars having these traits were assessed for insect pest infestation in comparison to
commercial cultivars which did not contain these traits. Experimental plots were separated by fine netting to confine
insect pests within the genotype/cultivar. The Gossypium arboreum cultivar, FH-170, had lower population buildup of
sucking and chewing insect pests. In general, among the G. hirsutum genotypes/cultivars, lowest population buildup of
jassid, white fly, spotted bollworm and American bollworm was found on Gumbo Okra (okra leaf). Minimum aphid was
recorded on Russian Red (red leaf color). PBG-Fb-5 (frego bract) showed the most resistant response against pink
bollworm. Population buildup of thrips, mites and aphid was relatively higher under water deficit conditions compared to
well water conditions whereas, population buildup of jassid, and white fly was higher under well watered conditions.
Key words: Okra Leaf Cotton; Frego Bract Cotton; Red Leaf Color Cotton; Insect Pests; Relative Water Contents of
Cotton leaf.

INTRODUCTION lignifications of cell walls, sturdiness of tissue etc., alone

or in combination influence feeding preferences of insect
Insect pest infestation is responsible for huge pests on host plants (Silva et al., 2008; Rahman et al.,
losses in crop production which may reach up to 70% of 2013). Varietal resistance of variable strength against
the potential production in the absence of pest control insect pests has been reported by a number of researchers
measures (Haque, 1991; Thirasack, 2001). Indiscriminate (Goussain et al., 2005; Pathan, et al., 2007; Amjad and
use of pesticides has been responsible for development of Aheer, 2007; Inbar and Gerling, 2008; Ashfaq et al.,
insect pest resistance to pesticides (Naik et al., 1993; 2010; Shahid et al., 2012; Nawab et al., 2014).
Razaq et al., 2006) and emergence of new pests (Soomro Bract in cotton is the set of small leaf like
et al., 2001) as well as creating health hazards to human structures surrounding the flower bud, flower and boll.
and animals. Pesticides are a huge source of There is a considerable variation in flower bract size and
environmental pollution and reduction in population of shape. Normal bracts are wide and large, close to the boll
beneficial insects (Etienne et al., 1990, Hosoda et al., and provide shelter to insects, however, frego bract is
1993). Considerable reduction in the population of thin, twisted and moves away from boll uncovering it
predators by the application of pesticides has been completely and thus do not protect eggs of insect pests
reported (Younis et al., 2007). Insect pests of cotton are and so confers resistance to genotypes against insect pests
categorized into sucking insect pests such as whitefly like bollworm and boll weevil (Aslam et al., 2000;
(Bemisia tabacii), thrip (Thrips tabacii), aphid (Aphis Rahman et al., 2008). Surface area of bract is
gossypii), jassid (Amrasca devastans) and mites significantly reduced and does not offer any shelter to
(Tetranychus spp) and chewing insect pests; american larvae of bollworms (Bhat and Basu, 1984) hence,
bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), pink bollworm bollworms do not prefer to lay eggs on frego bract
(Pectinphora gossypiella) , spotted bollworms (Erias genotypes (Bhat and Jayaswal, 1989; Baloch et al.,
insulana) and army bollworms (Spodoptera litura) on the 2001). Red leaf color in cotton has been reported to be
basis of their feeding habits. They feed on leaves, buds, developed by the plant as a defensive mechanism against
flowers and bolls. aphids (Hamilton and Brown, 2001). Cotton plants with
Host plant resistance to insects can be due to red leaf color have shown less foliage damage than those
morphological traits, physiological features and with normal green leaf color (Jones et al., 2000).
biochemical characteristics of a plant (Ponti, 1977) which Similarly okra leaf cotton allows light penetration to the
exert pressure for insects to select the plant as host lower part of the plant (James and Jones, 1985), hence
(Painter, 1951). Plant morphological and anatomical may affects insect pest build up.
features like color, frego bract shape, okra leaf shape, Environmental conditions like temperature,
hairs and spines on leaves, deposition of waxes, moisture contents, light intensity, CO2 concentration alter

Din et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 26(5):2016

biological processes of plant, hence affect insect after irrigation (water deficit condition). The data for
population buildup (Khan et al., 2008). It is reported that relative water contents of fully expanded leaves from
in cotton, aphids, mites, and thrips infestation increases in middle of plant was recorded from selected plants of each
dry environments, whereas, ample amount of water genotype in a replication. The samples were covered with
reduces their infestation and increase boll worms and polythene bags immediately after excision and fresh
jassid attack due to succulence of leaf (Kuepper, 2004). weight was recorded. The leaf samples were submerged
Present study was conducted to find the effect of frego in water overnight and turgid leaf weight was recorded.
bract, okra leaf and red leaf cotton plant traits on the The samples were then dried for 72 hours at room
population build up of insects under optimum leaf temperature before recording dry weight. Relative water
moisture and moisture deficit conditions. content was calculated using formula described by Barrs
and Weatherley (1962).
MATERIALS AND METHODS RWC = [(Fresh weight–Dry weight) / (Turgid weight–Dry
weight)] x 100
The data was subjected to analysis of variance
Seven genotypes/cultivars of G. hirsutum and
and means were separated by applying LSD test as in
one cultivar of G. arboreum were grown in the field
Steel et al. (1997).
during a normal crop growing season (June to November)
in 2010, in a randomized complete block design with
three replications to assess insect pests infestation (Table RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The analysis of variance indicated significant
Table 1. Genotypes of two cotton species, G. hirsutum differences among the genotypes for RWC and for
and G. arboreum used in the studies population build up of all the insect pests studied. Means
of RWC for genotypes as well as population of thrips,
Sr. Genotype/culti Description jassid, white fly, mites, aphid, spotted bollworm, pink
No. var bollworm and american bollworm on genotypes under
1. Russian Red Genotype with red leaf color well watered (WW) and water deficit (WD) conditions
2. PBG-Fb-5 Genotype with frego bract are given in table-2. The genotype effects are also given
3. Gumbo Okra Genotype with okra leaf type in table-2. Comparison of mean population build up of
4. S-12 Cultivar insect pests (taken at 9 different dates) on different
5. MNH-93 Cultivar genotypes/cultivars is shown in table-3.
6. FH-1000 Cultivar Thrips (Thrips tabacii) Gossypium arboreum cultivar,
7. FH-170 G. arboreum cultivar FH-170 had minimum population build up of thrips,
hence was the most resistant cultivar, among genotypes
Experimental plots were separated by a fine net under study. Among G. hirsutum genotypes, the genotype
to keep the insect populations confined within a Gumbo Okra with okra leaf type had minimum
genotype/cultivar. The soil was a sandy loam with pH of population build up of thrips. Maximum number of thrips
7.8. Plant to plant and row to row distance was 30 cm and were found on S-12. Stanton et al. (1992) evaluated 43
75 cm respectively. There were 21 rows in each accessions for resistance to thrips from 1988 to 1990 at
replication (three for each genotype/cultivar). Cotton Experiment Station, Mariana, Arkansas, USA.
Observations on insect pest populations were taken at ten They reported that G. arboreum accessions were
days intervals beginning 15th of July 2010 to 15th of comparatively less damaged by thrips. Resistance in okra
October 2010. Data were recorded from ten random leaf type cotton was also reported by Syed et al. (1996)
healthy plants from each experimental unit. Sucking and Arif et al. (2006) which are in conformity with the
insects (thrip, jassid, white fly, mite and aphid) were results of present study. Low population of thrips on
examined on a per leaf basis. Three leaves per plant each Gumbo Okra may be attributed to its reduced leaf surface
from top, middle and bottom sections of the plant were area. Reduced surface area of okra leaf cotton allows
examined for both adult and nymph, using magnifying light penetration to the lower part of plant hence exposes
glass (5X). Populations of bollworms (spotted bollworm, the hiding places of thrips. In the present study,
pink bollworm and american bollworm) as a percentage maximum number of thrips was observed on normal leaf
of infested bolls, squares and flowers were counted on a cotton S-12 and FH-1000. These genotypes are
per plant basis. characterized by large and wide leaves.
The data for relative water content was recorded twice, 7
days after irrigation (well water condition) and 30 days

Din et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 26(5):2016

Table 2. Population build up of insect pests under well watered (WW) and water deficit (WD) conditions on different genotypes, relative water contents
(RWC) as well as Mean squares (MS) for genotypes, RWC × insect population and genotype x RWC × insect population

RWC Spotted Pink American

Thrip Jassid White fly Mites Aphid
Means bollworm bollworm bollworm
Genotypes WD
Russian 55.22
4.372 4.744 2.254 2.371 4.562 4.871 6.821 7.642 6.490 8.431 7.342 6.967 3.509 4.212 7.121 8.120
Red 40.03
PBG-Fb-5 4.420 8.032 2.873 2.442 4.851 4.17 5.431 9.101 7.851 12.031 4.033 6.967 1.915 2.003 8.230 6.232
Gumbo 72.77
3.620 5.832 2.234 2.483 4.561 3.221 6.192 5.870 7.221 9.33 4.033 6.967 4.712 2.631 6. 122 4.011
Okra 55.54
S-12 3.612 7.645 2.843 1.721 5.421 4.741 7.024 10.513 7.352 13.58 6.332 6.967 1.627 4.331 9. 071 6. 021
MNH-93 3.223 5.871 2.490 1.380 5.423 4.972 5.375 7.023 7.543 9.13 9.067 8.112 2.891 3.172 10.113 6.973
FH-1000 4.661 8.172 2.323 2.163 4.713 4.181 5.823 8.881 7.382 9.121 6.121 5.032 2.772 3.232 7. 032 14.922
FH-170. 3.172 5.673 1.921 1.121 3.874 2.472 5.001 7.621 5.524 6.28 5.333 3.121 2.583 1.174 2.415 6.973
Average 3.868 6.567 2.419 1.954 4.772 4.089 5.952 8.093 7.051 9.700 6.037 6.305 2.858 2.947 7.156 7.607
MS for
826.87** 365.63** 393.63** 393.69** 362.40** 341.91** 363.90** 414.51** 331.96**
MS for
2242.12** 1522.27 ns 1171.51 ns 1183.25 ns 1470.68 ns 1563.58 ns 1055.56 ns 1206.66 ns 1025.99 ns
MS for
x RWC × 49.26** 21.27ns 21.72 ns 24.05 ns 21.30 ns 14.44 ns 34.10 ns 24.48 ns 36.15 ns
ns = non-significant ; **= highly significant (p<0.01)

Din et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 26(5):2016

Table 3. Comparisons of mean population build up of insect pests (taken at 9 different dates) on different cotton

Thrip Jassid White fly Mites Aphid Spotted Pink American

bollworm bollworm bollworm
S-12 PBG-Fb-5 FH-1000 PBG-Fb-5 PBG-Fb-5 FH-1000 MNH-93 FH-1000
7.77a 1.99a 4.8a 8.33a 8.25a 10.66a 2.45a 12.21a
PBG-Fb-5 Russian MNH-93 S-12 Gumbo MNH-93 FH-1000 MNH-93
7.49b Red 4.79a 7.64a Okra 10.13a 2.23b 8.08b
FH-1000 1.98a PBG-Fb-5 FH-1000 6.77ab S-12 S-12 PBG-Fb-5
7.36b S-12 4.63b 6.50ab FH-1000 9.90ab 1.96c 7.13b
Russian 1.97a Russian Russian 5.58b Russian Gumbo S-12
Red MNH-93 Red Red S-12 Red Okra 7.12b
6.69c 1.93ab 4.62b 5.56bc 4.03c 8.09b 1.81c Russian
MNH-93 Gumbo Gumbo MNH-93 MNH-93 PBG-Fb-5 Russian Red
6.63c Okra Okra 3.86cd 3.72c 8.13b Red 6.24b
Gumbo 1.85ab 4.51c Gumbo Russian Gumbo 1.79c Gumbo
Okra FH-1000 S-12 Okra Red Okra PBG-Fb-5 Okra
6.11d 1.80 b 4.39d 3.84cd 3.66c 8.11b 1.23d 2.74c
FH-170 FH-170 FH-170 FH-170 FH-170 FH-170 FH-170 FH-170
4. 68e 0.97 c 2.43e 2.61d 1.85d 2.03d 1.08e 2.72c
0.146 0.154 0.107 0.686 0.313 0.539 0.266 0.537
Note:- The genotypes sharing the same alphabets have non-significant differences

Jassid (Amrasca devastans) Minimum number of jassid Alexander et al. (2004) also reported red leaf color cotton
was present on G. arboreum cultivar, FH-170. Among as resistant against white fly. Similarly, Neto et al. (2008)
the upland cotton (G. hirsutum) FH-1000 and Gumbo reports that cotton genotype with red leaf color is less
Okra had minimum infestation of jassid. Bhatnagar and preferred by white fly compared to normal green plant.
Sharma (1991) investigated varietal resistance of cotton
Mite (Tetranychus spp) The lowest number of mites was
genotypes against sucking insect pest of cotton and
found on G. arboreum cultivar, FH-170. Among the G.
recorded less number of jassid on okra genotypes. Chu et
hirsutum genotypes minimum population buildup of
al. (2000) studied host plant resistance in normal and
mites was present on Gumbo Okra. Kular and Butter
okra leaf genotypes against jassid and found okra leaf
(1999) investigated varietal resistance of 51 cotton
cotton as resistant compared to normal leaf cotton.
cultivars and found that okra leaf cotton was least
Ahmad et al. (2005) evaluated ten upland genotypes for
affected by mite infestation. Similarly a normal leaf
plant resistance against jassid and found okra leaf
cotton variety, Deltapine-90 and okra leaf, Siokra-14
genotype (Okra-170) as the most resistant.
were compared and it was found that losses due to mite
White fly (Bemisia tabacii) Gossypium arboreum infestation in term of yield and oil contents in okra leaf
cultivar FH-170 showed minimum white fly infestation. genotype was lower compared to normal leaf genotype
Among G. hirsutum genotypes, Gumbo Okra and S-12 (Sadras and Wilson, 1996). Syed et al. (2003) evaluated
had relatively lower population build up of white fly. 21 genotypes of cotton and recorded minimum
Relatively higher number of white fly was recorded on population build up of mites on Russian Red and Rode
FH-1000 and MNH-93. Modifications in leaf Okra (okra leaf). In the present study, Russian Red also
morphology such as okra leaf type has been reported to had relatively lower infestation of mites.
confer high level of resistance against white fly (Painter,
Aphid (Aphis gossypii) The lowest aphid population
1951; Jones et al, 1976).
build up was recorded on G. arboreum cultivar, FH-170.
Soomro et al. (2000) evaluated okra leaf upland
Among upland cotton genotypes, Russian Red had
cotton strains compared to normal leaf cultivars (CRIS-9
minimum population build up of aphid. Red leaf color
and NIAB-78) at seven different locations, and reported
genotypes are reported to be less preferred by aphid
as relatively tolerant to white fly. Similar, results have
(Radcliffe and Chapmann 1966; Ali et al., 2009). Present
been reported by other researchers (Huffaker and Croft
study and earlier reports suggest that red leaf trait should
1976; Bhatnagar and Sharma 1991; Chu et al, 2002).
be incorporated in cotton cultivars if the problem of aphid
Russian Red genotype displayed a medium level of
infestation is severe in the area. The Bt cotton tailored
resistance against white fly in the present study.

Din et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 26(5):2016

with red color may provide additional benefits against leaf, flower or stem (Painter, 1951). Red leaf color in
this sucking insect pest. plants is due to the presence of anthocynin pigments
(Coley and Kursar, 1996; Bohm, 1998; Vargas et al.,
Spotted bollworm (Erias insulana) Gossypium
2000). Red color has been developed by evolution in
arboreum cultivar FH-170 had minimum infestation.
plants as defensive mechanism (Hamilton and Brown,
Among upland cotton genotypes, Gumbo Okra, PBG-Fb-
2001) and hence is less affected by insect pests (Jones et
5 and Russian Red had minimum infestation. Maximum
al., 2000).
damage was recorded on FH-1000. Abro et al. (2003)
investigated varietal resistance in ten cotton genotypes Relative water content and insect pest infestation The
including okra genotypes against Erias spp. and recorded relative water content of the genotypes was different
minimum infestation on okra genotypes. Indrayani and under well water (WW) and water deficit (WD)
Sumartini (2007) reported that floral bract positively conditions (Table 2). Population build up of thrips, mites
associated with bollworm damage. They investigated 18 and aphid was relatively higher, on genotypes under WD
cotton accessions against bollworm damage, and reported compared to WW conditions and vice versa. Whereas, in
higher damage to bolls in accessions with large floral case of jassid and white fly, population build up was
bract. Results of present study and earlier research show higher under WW compared to WD conditions.
that the traits, okra, red leaf color and frego bract traits Bollworms population build up on genotypes was almost
confer resistance against spotted bollworm. So cotton similar in WW and WD condition and was non-
cultivars should be tailored with these traits to reduce significant. Interaction between the populations build up
damage by spotted bollworm. on the genotypes and RWC was also non-significant.
This means that population build up on the genotypes
Pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) Gossypium
was not due to difference of RWC but was due to insect
arboreum cultivar, FH-170 had minimum infestation.
pest resistance traits (okra leaf, frego bract and red leaf
Whereas, among G. hirsutum genotypes; PBG-Fb-5,
color) of the genotypes. Water balance and abiotic
Russian Red and Gumbo Okra had minimum infestation.
stresses affects cell sap composition and have been
Maximum pink bollworm damage was recorded on
reported to contribute toward resistance/susceptibility to
MNH-93. Mehetre et al. (2009) studied genotypes
insect pest (Cornelissen and Fernandes 2001; Jenks and
including arbroreum and thurberi cotton and found least
Hasegwa, 2005; Agele et al., 2006; Vickers, 2011).
damage to arboreum and thurberi genotypes by pink
Kuepper (2004) has reported that mites, thrips and aphid
bollworm. Okra leaf type genotypes have less surface
infestation increases in water shortage /low relative water
area and provide better light penetration and air
contents conditions. While rainfall enhances the
circulation so are resistant to pink bollworm (Wilson and
population of jassid (Shuaib et al., 2008, Ashfaq et al.,
George, 1982; Wilson, 1986). It is also reported that
2010) and white fly (Jalal et al., 2006). The results of
genotypes with frego bract, glabrous and nectariless traits
present study and earlier reports indicate that relative
show lower bollworm damage (Nyambo 1985; Jones, et
water content has pronounced impact on population build
al, 1989). Baloch et al. (2001) found that narrow and
up of sucking insect pests like thrips, jassid, white fly,
small bract genotypes were less damaged compared to
mites and aphids.
broad and normal bract genotypes. Indrayiani and
Sumaitini, (2007) studied different insect resistant traits Conclusion: Insect resistance cotton plant traits frego
in cotton and reported that frego bract type genotypes had bract, okra leaf and red leaf color are effective to restrict
resistance against bollworm damage. Resistance of frego insect pest population, so these traits should be
bract genotypes against bollworm is attributed to narrow, incorporated in commercial cultivars. Transgenic cotton
long bracts that keep the boll naked (Rahman et al, 2008). offers resistance only against bollworms. Bt cotton
tailored with insect resistance traits would provide
American bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) FH-170,
additional resistance against sucking insect pests. Soil
the arboreum cultivar was found the most resistant to
water conditions also affects population builds up of
American bollworm. Among G. hirsutum
sucking insects so this should be taken into account for
genotypes/cultivars minimum infestation was recorded on
insect pest control management.
Gumbo Okra and Russian Red. Whereas, maximum
infestation was noticed on FH-1000. Fitt et al. (2002) and
Ahmad (2004) have reported that morphological traits REFERENCES
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