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Damage Caused by Seed-Feeding Insects in Senna Corymbosa: A New Host Plant For The Subfamily Bruchinae

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Floresta e Ambiente 2021; 28(1):e20200008
ISSN 2179-8087 (online)


Damage Caused by Seed-Feeding Insects in Senna corymbosa:

A New Host Plant for the Subfamily Bruchinae
Marciane Danniela Fleck1
Ervandil Corrêa Costa1
Jardel Boscardin2
Jéssica Maus da Silva1

In the larval stage, bruchines can cause several damages to the seeds of their host plants due to the consumption of
the embryo. The aim of this study was to identify the species of seed-feeding insects in Senna corymbosa (Fabaceae)
and quantify the damage caused to seeds. For this purpose, ripe fruits of S. corymbosa were collected monthly from
May to August 2014. The fruits were stored in containers to obtain the adult insects and quantify the damage to the
seeds. A total of 3,548 seed beetles emerged from the fruits, around 89% belonging to Sennius lateapicalis. Insects
consume up to 43.2% of the internal seed content. Moreover, the seed beetles Hymenoptera parasitoids emerged. In
this study, seed-feeding insects are recorded for the first time in S. corymbosa. In addition, it contributes to describing
fruits and seeds, as well as associated bruchine species and the damage they cause to seeds.
Keywords: forest entomology, parasitoids, seed predation, seed beetles, Sennius.

1. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES H. S. Irwin & Barneby (Fabaceae) that are consumed by
different species of Amblycerus (Ribeiro-Costa et al., 2018).
Several species of Senna have been the focus of studies on The species S. corymbosa is an easily cultivated ornamental
seed-feeding insects that cause damage to seeds (Ribeiro-Costa, plant and has long lasting flowering and abundant fruiting.
1998; Linzmeier et al., 2004; Sari & Ribeiro-Costa, 2005; Sari It is used in urban greening due to its size, which can reach
et al., 2005; Wolowski & Freitas, 2011; Modena et al., 2012; up to three meters in height (Miotto et al., 2008). In Brazil,
Viana & Ribeiro-Costa, 2013; Viana & Ribeiro-Costa, 2014). its flowering occurs in the months of March and April, with
Among the granivorous insects, Bruchinae (Coleoptera: fruiting in May (Flora, 2020). This plant species is native from
Chrysomelidae) can act as agent of natural selection, influencing South America, occurring in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
the population size and the spatial distribution of the plants, and Brazil. However, it is also cultivated in the United States of
due to the partial or total consumption of the seeds, which America, in several countries of Europe, and in China (Irwin
may harm the reproductive potential of the species (Ribeiro- & Barneby, 1982; Fortunato, 1999; Lin & Li, 2011). In Brazil,
Costa & Almeida, 2012). As forest seeds have high nutrient S. corymbosa is found in the Central-west (Mato Grosso do
content, they favor the development of larvae from several Sul), Southeast (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo)
seed-feeding insect species in their interior (Costa et al., 2018), and South (Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina) regions
such as legume seeds belonging to Senna corymbosa (Lam.) (Reflora, 2020). In Rio Grande do Sul, this plant species is

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Departamento de Defesa Fitossanitária, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil

Creative Commons License. All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
2-6 Fleck MD, Costa EC, Boscardin J, Silva JM

widely found growing in sandy or humid fields, in secondary Area between Seasonal Deciduous Forest and Steppe.
vegetation, and in forest edges (Rodrigues et al., 2005). According to the Santa Maria/Rio Grande do Sul Automatic
The floral biology of the species is mainly associated with Weather Station, located approximately 60 kilometers
floral visitors belonging to Bombus atratus (Franklin, 1913) from the collection site, the temperature and relative
(Laporta, 2005). In China, the occurrence of species of the humidity averages were 15.1 °C and 86%, respectively,
orders Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Mantodea, Diptera, and with an accumulated precipitation of 883 mm during the
Coleoptera was reported visiting the flowers. Among the collection period.
Coleoptera, the Chrysomelidae family occasionally visits To assess the damage caused to seeds by seed-feeding
the flowers; however, they are not considered effective insects, five plants of S. corymbosa of similar size were
pollinators (Lin & Li, 2011). Their fruits are cylindrical, randomly chosen, all located at the border of a forest remnant
glabrous, indehiscent, pendulous legumes, 8-10 cm long of secondary vegetation, 30 meters apart from each other.
with brownish seeds (Rodrigues et al., 2005). One sample per month was performed in May, June, July
Senna corymbosa is related to environmental and and August 2014. In each sample, around 50 ripe fruits (per
ecosystem services being used by farmers as green manure tree) were removed from the middle third of the tree crown,
and to improve soil quality. In addition, it has apicultural individually packaged in clear bags and taken to laboratory
importance in the production of honey by Apidae Meliponini for analysis. In all collections performed, the different stages
(Gomes et al., 2019), since the flowers are yellow-gold colored, of fruit maturation in green, yellow, and brown colorations
which attract pollinating insects (Rodrigues et al., 2005). were mixed together, forming the lot / tree.
This species also presents medicinal properties among its In the laboratory, fruits were sorted according to two
characteristics (Simões et al., 1995). methodologies. The first consisted of packaging the fruits
Nonetheless, in addition to the apicultural and medicinal in glass containers sealed with voil to obtain adult insect for
importance of this plant species, no studies were found subsequent identification of fungi growth in the fruits. For
in the literature regarding the interaction of this plant this purpose, 10 ripe fruits from each tree in each collection
with seed-feeding insects that cause damage to seeds date were stored in the same container, being monitored for
in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This knowledge related to three months. Therefore, 200 fruits of S. corymbosa (5 plants x
seed-feeding insects is extremely important, since these 10 fruits x 4 months) were stored. After adult emergence,
insects interfere in the dynamics, distribution, life cycle, 10 out of the 40 stored fruits from each tree were dissected,
and evolution of plants due to their consumption and totalling 50 dissected fruits throughout the study period.
consequent damage to seeds, thus limiting their supply They were selected at random, regardless of whether or not
to the environment (Ribeiro-Costa & Almeida, 2009). insects had emerged. Prior to the dissection procedure,
However, the degree of seed predation attributed to fruits and seeds were measured for length, thickness, and
bruchines is quite variable in space and time, and is strictly width with an analog caliper. With the dissection, the total
dependent on the host plant (Klips et al., 2005). Studies number of seeds per S. corymbosa tree (N) was obtained
on damage caused by granivorous insects in host plants and the percentage (%) of healthy seeds (hs), seeds damaged
are crucial for the ecological management of economically by insects (sd), and empty and/or without embryo (se)
important plants, such as S. corymbosa. Thus, the aim of (aborted seeds) were calculated. This classification of the
this study is to report the occurrence of species of seed- fruit dissection was analyzed without distinguishing the
feeding insects in S. corymbosa and quantify the damages emerged species of granivorous insect, being considered
caused in their seeds. only with or without damage.
Consumed seed content from the fruits stored in
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS glass containers was obtained by the difference in average
weight (grams) between healthy and damaged seeds. For
An experiment was conducted in a rural property in this purpose, 10 repetitions of 100 healthy and damaged
the municipality of São Sepé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil seeds were weighed (Barreto et al., 2017) in an electronic
(30°12’24”S; 53°34’30”W). The climate in the region is precision balance (MarK, model 3500). The analysis of
characterized as humid subtropical (Cfa), according to variance was performed, followed by the Bonferroni test
Köppen classification (Alvares et al., 2013), and the soil for averages (p ≤ 0.05) with the Sisvar software version 5.3
belongs to the Vacacaí Mapping Unit (Streck et al., 2008). (Ferreira, 2014).
The municipality is located in the state’s Central Depression, The second methodology adopted aimed to quantify the
in the phytoecological zone defined as Ecological Tension number of insects emerged from 136 fruits. The fruits were

2 Floresta e Ambiente 2021; 28(1):e20200008

Damage Caused by Seed-Feeding Insects... 3-6

accommodated in isolation in clear plastic hoses, 15 cm long and Barneby, S. multijuga (Rich.) Irwin and Barneby, S.
and 1.5 cm wide, sealed with cotton at the ends to allow air occidentalis (L.) Link, Cassia speciosa Schrad., S. surattensis
flow and prevent insects from escaping. Based on the number (L. L. Burman) Irwin and Barneby, S. bicapsularis (L.) Roxb.,
of insects emerged per fruit, the confidence interval of the S. pendula (Willd.) var. advena (Vog.) Irwin and Barneby,
mean (IC (µ, 0.95)) was determined, considering three classes: S. pistaciifolia (H.B.K.) Irwin and Barneby, S. alata (L.)
Upper: number of individuals greater than the upper limit of Roxburgh, S. neglecta var. oligophylla, S. neglecta var. neglecta,
the IC at 5%; Middle: number of individuals located within S.  appendiculata  (Vogel) Wiersema and S. macranthera
the IC at 5%; and Lower: number of individuals lower than (DC. ex Collad.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby (Bondar, 1937;
the inferior limit of the IC at 5%. It was determined with the Silva et al., 1968; Johnson, 1984; Macêdo et al., 1992,
Student’s t distribution. Ribeiro‑Costa, 1998, Ribeiro-Costa & Reynaud, 1998,
Thus, 336 mature fruits were stored throughout the Linzmeier et al., 2004, Viana & Ribeiro-Costa, 2013).
assessment period; 200 fruits stored in glass containers This species is distributed in Colombia (Valle del Cauca),
and 136 in plastic hoses. The containers and the hoses were Venezuela (Carabobo), Bolivia (Santa Cruz), and Brazil
maintained in acclimatized culture room during three months (Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Mato
with controlled temperature at 25±1ºC and relative humidity Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Rio Grande do
70±10%. After emerging, adults were accommodated in Norte, Piauí, Distrito Federal and Espírito Santo) (Viana &
Eppendorf microtubes with alcohol 70% for subsequent Ribeiro-Costa, 2013). For the species S. lateapicalis, there
assembly, labelling, and identification. are records in the host plants S. splendida and S. bicapsularis
Insects of the order Coleoptera, family Chrysomelidae, (Bondar, 1937; Bosq, 1943; Silva et al., 1968) distributed in
subfamily Bruchinae, were deposited in the Departamento Brazil (Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina) (Macêdo et al.,
de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná (Identification 1992). Acanthoscelides multimaculatus with distribution
n. 79). The Coleoptera of the families Mycetophagidae published for Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso do Sul
and Latridiidae were deposited in the Departamento de and Paraná) has already been registered, causing damage
Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná (Registration to S. neglecta var. oligophylla, S. neglecta var. neglecta and
number: 0113/2014-RN). Hymenopteran parasitoids S. occidentalis (Viana & Ribeiro-Costa, 2013). This data
were deposited in the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da suggests our study was the first to record these insects
Amazônia (INPA). associated to S. corymbosa in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Larvae of seed beetles feed on the cotyledon during their
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION development, and in their last instar before pupating, they
compact excrement and food remains to form a pupal chamber
Altogether, 3,548 seed-feeding insects emerged from (Ribeiro-Costa, 1998) (Figure 1). This result is similar to the
the 336 ripe fruits of S. corymbosa, being distributed one found by Linzmeier et al. (2004) for S. bondari in seeds
among Sennius lateapicalis (Pic, 1927) (Chrysomelidae) of S. macranthera.
(n = 3,165; 89.2%), Acanthoscelides multimaculatus Viana & The flowering phenophase of the host plants provides food
Ribeiro-Costa, 2013 (Chrysomelidae) (n = 376; 10.6%) and for adults, and the fruiting phenophase provides substrate for
Sennius bondari (Pic, 1929) (Chrysomelidae) (n = 7; 0.2%). oviposition and larval development. Thus, adult bruchines
In addition, 102 mycophagous beetles belonging to two consume pollen, while the larvae obtain nutrients for their
different species emerged: Lytargus tetraspilotus Le Conte, complete development, consuming the internal seed content
1856 (Mycetophagidae) with 84 individuals (82.4%) and (Rossi et al., 2011). For the species found in this study,
Corticaria sp. (Latridiidae) with 18 individuals (17.6%). S. bondari consumes the internal content of a single seed
In Brazil, 68 species and one subspecies of the genus (Ribeiro-Costa, 1998) in seeds of Senna alata (L.) Roxb.
Acanthoscelides, and 30 species and 2 subspecies of Sennius and S. macranthera (Linzmeier et al., 2004). However, there
(Sekerka et al., 2020) were recorded feeding on several species are species that need more than one seed to complete their
of plants. There are records in the literature that Amblycerus development (Ribeiro‑Costa & Almeida, 2012).
nigromarginatus (Motschulsky, 1874), Amblycerus hoffmanseggi Bruchines emerged from the fruits collected during the
(Gyllenhal, 1833), and Amblycerus submaculatus (Pic, 1927) four months of evaluation. It is worth mentioning that it was
cause damage to the seeds in S. corymbosa (Ribeiro-Costa not verified whether the three species of bruchines occur
et al., 2018). in the same fruit. Moreover, the separation of the damaged
The species Sennius bondari is registered for the fruits by each species of coleoptera suggests that future
following host plants: Senna splendida (Vog.) Irwin studies may fill this gap.

Floresta e Ambiente 2021; 28(1):e20200008 3

4-6 Fleck MD, Costa EC, Boscardin J, Silva JM

Figure 1. (A) Host plant Senna corymbosa. The arrows indicates some fruits. (B) Detail of healthy seed of Senna corymbosa, (C) pupal
chamber, (D) seed consumed with adult insect exit hole, (E) and totally consumed seed, (F) dorsal view of Sennius lateapicalis (Pic, 1927),
(G) dorsal view of Sennius bondari (Pic, 1929), (H) dorsal view of Acanthoscelides multimaculatus Viana & Ribeiro-Costa, 2013.

The average length of the fruits was of 8.34 cm (minimum 5 - Nevertheless, the percentage of seeds damaged by bruchines
maximum 14,5 cm), with 0.75 cm thickness (minimum 0.5, may vary considerably between species, as demonstrated in
maximum 1 cm) and 0.72 cm width (minimum 0.5, maximum the study by Rodrigues et al. (2012), who found a predation
0.9 cm). The seeds presented average length, thickness, and rate which varied from 0.62% in Senna hirsuta (L.) H.S.Irwin
width of 0.57, 0.23 and 0.42 cm, respectively. The number of & Barneby (Fabaceae) by Acanthoscelides sp. to 42.08% in
seeds ranged from 21 to 32 per fruit. 10 to 19 seeds per fruit Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) of Wit (Fabaceae) predated by
were healthy without the presence of insects, while 1 to 13 Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Schaeffer, 1907). By studying
were damaged, and 1 to 8 seeds per fruit were empty and/or the species L. leucocephala, Raghu et al. (2005) found that
without its embryo. This variation in the number of damaged the percentage in seeds pre-dispersed by A. macrophthalmus
seeds per fruit can compromise the reproduction of the host varied from 10.75% to 53.54% of seeds damaged in pods that
plant, as emphasized by Sousa-Lopes et al. (2019), who found, remained on the tree for one and four months, respectively.
for example, that seeds of infested fruits have less resource
allocation and, consequently, worse germination rate than Table 1. Total number of seeds (ts), healthy seeds (hs), seeds damaged
healthy seeds of non-infested fruits. After the dissection (sd), seeds empty and/or without embryo (se) and the respective
of 50 fruits, it was found that each fruit had an average of percentages per tree of Senna corymbosa in the municipality of
São Sepé, RS. (N = 10 per tree).
24.04 seeds (minimum 8, maximum 38), and the average of
damaged seeds was 6.6 (minimum 0, maximum 26). Hence, Tree ts hs sd se
seed beetles can consume around 27% of S. corymbosa seeds. A 260 119 (46%) 115 (44%) 26 (10%)
From the total number of seeds analyzed (n = 1,238), 57% B 315 103 (33%) 133 (42%) 79 (25%)
were healthy, 27% were damaged by seed beetles, and 16% C 208 117 (56%) 43 (21%) 48 (23%)
were empty and/or without embryo (Table 1). The percentage D 253 193 (76%) 32 (13%) 28 (11%)
of damaged seeds found in this study was high compared to E 202 178 (88%) 9 (4%) 15 (7%)
the result obtained by Sari and Ribeiro-Costa (2005), who Total 1,238 710 (57%) 332 (27%) 196 (16%)
found 12.5% of S. multijuga seeds damaged by Sennius crudelis
Ribeiro Costa & Reynaud, 1998, Sennius puncticollis (Fåhraeus, When calculating the percentage of seeds that were
1839) and Sennius nappi Ribeiro-Costa & Reynaud, 1998. empty and/or without embryo, and damaged seeds, the

4 Floresta e Ambiente 2021; 28(1):e20200008

Damage Caused by Seed-Feeding Insects... 5-6

latter with a high probability of not germinating, the value Further studies on the impact of insect species on
is around 43% of seed loss. When considering that several germination and seedling quality of S. corymbosa are needed.
other factors can occasionally decrease the germinative
potential such as pathogens and unfavourable environmental SUBMISSION STATUS
conditions, this percentage may become significant (Sari Received: 03 Feb. 2020
& Ribeiro-Costa, 2005). Accepted: 10 Jul. 2020
While analyzing the confidence interval for the number of Associate editor: Natália Corniani
emerged seed beetles, from 136 fruits, up to eight bruchines
emerged in 118 fruits, up to sixteen adults emerged in CORRESPONDENCE TO
15 fruits, and more than seventeen bruchines emerged in Marciane Danniela Fleck
three fruits (Table 2). Universidade Federal de Santa (UFSM), Departamento de
Defesa Fitossanitária, Avenida Roraima, 1000, CEP 97105-900,
Table 2. Confidence interval for the number of insects emerged Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
per fruit of Senna corymbosa, in the municipality of São Sepé, RS. e-mail:
Confidence Intervals (IC (µ, 0.95)) Number of fruits
Lower (0 - 8 insects emerged) 118 REFERENCES
Middle (9 - 16 insects emerged) 15 Alvares CA, Stape JL, Sentelhas PC, Gonçalves JLM, Sparovek
Upper (17 - 24 insects emerged) 3 G. Köppen’s climate classification map for Brazil. Zeitschrift
Meteorologische 2013; 22(6): 711-728.

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The average weight of healthy and damaged seeds was 2.59g Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica
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