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DLL - Sci - 9 - Q1week - 4

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Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 4 (SEPTMEBER 18- 22,2023) Quarter FIRST
(7:30-8:20) NEWTON
(11:10-12:00) EINSTIEN
(1:00-1:50) GALILEO

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial
activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed during Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and
competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
 the different patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able:

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives  The learners should be able to able to explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance(
Write the LC code for each OBJECTIVES:
1. Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance (incomplete dominance and codominance),
2. Identify characters whose inheritance does not conform with predicted outcomes based on Mendel’s laws of inheritance,
3. Solve genetic problems related to incomplete dominance,
4. Express how non-Mendelian inheritance (incomplete dominance and codominance) different from Mendel’s observation,
5. Identify the law that was not strictly followed in the non-Mendelian inheritance (incomplete dominance and
II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.


III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative
materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 28-32

2. Learner’s Material pages 20-22

3. Textbook pages
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources

IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which
you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn things, practice their learning, question their learning
processes and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.

A.Reviewing previous lesson or DAY 1

presenting the new lesson Let’s review the concepts of Mendelian Inheritance you have studied in GRADE 8. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of
the correct answer.
Column A Column B
1. Allele A. a different form of a gene that controls a certain trait.
2. Dominant B. any characteristic that can be passed from parent to offspring.
3. Genotype C. gene combination involving 2 dominant or 2 recessive genes
4. Heterozygous (e.g., RR or rr); also called pure.
5. Homozygous D. gene combination of one dominant & one recessive allele (e.g.,
6. Phenotype Rr); also called hybrid.
7. Punnett Square E. gene that shows up less often in a cross (the trait which did not
8. Recessive appear on an individual); represented by a lowercase letter.
9. Trait F. stronger of two genes expressed in the hybrid (the trait that will
appear on an individual); represented by a capital letter
G. the appearance of an individual regardless of the genotype. refers
to the visible expression of an organism. (ex. color, height, shape)
H. the individual genetic composition. It includes all genes present in
an individual (ex. RR, Rr, Ww, T, t)
I. The method by which one can determine the possible genotypes
and phenotype when two parents are crossed.
B. Establishing a purpose for the

new lesson
Characteristics/ Traits Family Member
Father Mother Brother Sister You
Eye color (brown or black)
Shape of ear lobes (attached or detached)
Dimples (present or absent)
Tongue roller (present or absent)
Bent little finger or Hitch-hikers thumb
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
(present or absent)
Nose (pointed or flat)
C. Discussing new concepts and DAY 2
practicing new skills #1 Then discuss the concepts on:

Non-Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance

In the Mendelian patterns of inheritance, the effects of the recessive gene are not observed when the dominant gene is
present. In this lesson, you will find out that certain traits do not always follow the Mendelian principles of heredity. This was
discovered by scientists after Mendel. They found out that some genes are not always completely dominant, which leads to
the formation of the offspring with phenotype intermediate between parental phenotypes.

Incomplete Dominance
In Incomplete Dominance- a heterozygote shows a phenotype that is intermediate between the two homozygous
phenotypes. Neither allele is dominant over the other.

In incomplete dominance, it is only the phenotype that is intermediate. The red and white alleles remain separate and distinct.
Half the gametes of the pink four o’clock carry the allele for red and half carry the allele for white. Therefore, the genotypic ratio also
becomes the phenotypic ratio.

1. In four o’clock plants, R is the allele for red color and r is the allele for
white color. Two pink flowered four o’clock plants were crossed.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
Show the possible outcome of the cross between two pink flowered four o’clock plants by using the Punnett square.

2. Show a cross between a black bird (BB) & a white (bb) bird producing offspring that are gray. The color of these birds is determined
by just two alleles.
a) What are the genotypes of the parent birds in the original cross?
b) What is/are the genotype(s) of the offspring?
3. In humans, tongue rolling is a dominant trait; those with the recessive condition cannot roll their tongues. What percent of the
offspring could roll their tongue if one is a hybrid (Rr) to roll tongue and one is a pure recessive (rr) to roll tongue?
4. In radishes, red (RR) and white (rr) are pure breeding colors, while hybrids are purple (Rr). If a red radish is crossed with a white
radish, what will be the phenotype of their offspring?

D.Discussing new concepts and DAY 3:

practicing new skills #2 Study the diagram below:

Guide Questions:
1. Describe what you have observed in Set up A
2. Describe what you have observed in Set up B
3.If we will connect the result in set-up A with our lesson, what non mendelian pattern of inheritance does it represent? Explain
your answer.
4.Can you guess what non mendelian pattern of inheritance was observed in set-up B? Explain your answer.

Then proceed in discussing:

Another non mendelian pattern of inheritance is codominance. This results when one allele is not dominant over the other.
The resulting heterozygotes exhibit the traits of both parents. One example of codominance is roan fur in cattle.
Consider this:
Red - (RR = all red hairs),
White - (WW = all white hairs),
Roan - (RW = red & white hairs together).
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

1. If you cross a red bull and a white cow, the offsprings produced are roan. Roan refers to cows with red hair and white

Guide Questions:
1. What are the phenotypes of the offspring formed?
2. What are genotypes of offspring formed?
3. What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring?
4. What is the genotypic ratio of the offspring?
5. What is the phenotypic % of the offspring?
6. What is the genotypic % of the offspring?

E. Developing mastery DAY 4

Then proceed to doing the:
F. Finding practical applications of DAY 5
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
concepts and skills in daily living Analyze and solve the following genetic problems.
Examples used in the problems were the practical applications of the concepts learned in daily living. If there is still ample
time, then let the students solve the problem below:

Cat fur color is determined by codominance. The allele for tan fur (TT) and the allele for black fur (BB) are codominant. The
heterozygous condition results in a cat with tan and black spots called tabby cat (BT). Show genetic crosses between the
following cat parents, using the Punnett squares provided and record the genotypic and phenotypic %s below:
a. tabby x tabby b. tan x tabby c. tabby x black

Phenotype and phenotypic Phenotype and phenotypic Phenotype and phenotypic

ratio%: _________ ratio %: _________ ratio %: _________
Genotype and genotypic Genotype and phenotypic Genotype and genotypic
ratio %: __________ ratio %: __________ ratio %: __________

G.Making generalizations and Reiterate the following:

abstractions about the lesson  Many characteristics have more complex inheritance pattern than those studied by Mendel. They are complicated by
factors such as incomplete dominance.
 Incomplete dominance occurs when the phenotype of the offspring is somewhere in between the phenotype of both
parents; a completely dominant allele does not occur.
 The law of Incomplete Dominance state that is a heterozygous allele, one allele is not completely dominant over the other
alleles resulting in the blending of characteristics.
 Codominance is a form of inheritance in which both alleles are equally shown.
 This result when one allele is not dominant over the other.
 The resulting heterozygotes exhibit the traits of both parents.
1.SpongeBob and his pal Patrick love to go jelly fishing at Jellyfish Fields! The fields are home to a special type of green jellyfish known
as Goobers(green) and only great jelly fishermen are lucky enough to catch some on every trip. Many of the jellyfish are yellow (YY) or
blue (yy), but some end up green (Yy) because of incomplete dominance. Use this information to help you complete each section below.
a. What would happen if SpongeBob and Patrick crossed two “goobers” or green jellyfish? Complete the Punnett square to help
you determine the probability for each color of jellyfish.
Give the possible genotypes and phenotypes for the offspring.
Phenotypes: ___
Genotypes: ___
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
What percentage of the offspring would be yellow? %
What percentage would be blue? _____%
What percentage would be “goobers” (green)? _____%

2. In horses, some of the genes for hair color are incompletely dominant. Genotypes are as follows: brown horses are BB, white horses
are bb, and a Bb genotype creates a yellow-tannish colored horse with a white mane and tail, which is called “palomino”. Show the
genetic crosses between the following horses and record the genotypic and phenotypic percentages:
a. Brown x white b. brown x palomino c. palomino x palomino
I. Additional activities for application
or remediation


VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your
instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

Alvin Marc M. Dancel Danica D. Guevarra Jennifer S. Lumanug,EdD

Teacher III Master Teacher I Principal II

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