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Lec10 Microwave Network Analysis (II)

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Lec10 Microwave Network

Analysis (II)
Equivalent voltages and currents can be defined for TEM and non-TEM waves in a
microwave network. Then, we can use the impedance and/or admittance matrices
of circuit theory to relate these terminal or port quantities to each other,

At a specific point on the nth port, a

terminal plane, tn, is defined along with
equivalent voltages and currents for the incident
(V+ n , I+ n ) and reflected (V- n , I- n ) waves.

an arbitrary N-port microwave network

The impedance matrix [Z] of the microwave network then relates these voltages and

or in matrix form as
Similarly, we can define an admittance matrix [Y] as

or in matrix form as
[Z] and [Y ] matrices are the inverses of each other: 3
Zi j can be found by driving port j with the current Ij , open circuiting all other ports (so
and measuring the open-circuit voltage at port i .

Similaly, Yi j can be determined by driving port j with the voltage Vj , short circuiting
all other ports (so ), and measuring the short-circuit current at port i .
In general, each Zi j or Yi j element may be complex. For an arbitrary N-port
network, the impedance and admittance matrices are N × N in size, so there are
2N2 independent quantities or degrees of freedom.
If the network is reciprocal (not containing any active devices or nonreciprocal
media, such as ferrites or plasmas), the impedance and admittance matrices are
symmetric, so that Zi j = Z ji, and Yi j = Yji .
If the network is lossless, we can show that all the Zi j or Yji elements are purely
Reciprocal Networks (互易网络)

Consider the arbitrary network to be reciprocal

with short circuits placed at all terminal planes
except those of ports 1 and 2.
Let Ea, Ha and Eb, Hb be the fields in the network
due to two independent sources a and b.
From the reciprocity theorem

The fields due to sources a

and b at the terminal
planes t1 and t2 are
Substituting the fields into the reciprocity equation gives

where S1 and S2 are the cross-sectional areas at the terminal planes of ports 1 and 2.



Now use the 2 × 2 admittance matrix of the (effectively) two-port network to

eliminate the I1a, I1b, I2a, I2b, :


Because the sources a and b are independent, the voltages V1a, V1b, V2a, and V2b can
take on arbitrary values. We must have Y12 = Y21

Since the choice of which ports are labeled as 1 and 2 is arbitrary, we have the
general result that

Then if [Y ] is a symmetric matrix, its inverse, [Z], is also symmetric.

Lossless Networks

If the network is lossless, then the net real power delivered to the network must be
zero. Thus, Re{Pavg} = 0, where


Since we could set all port currents equal to zero except for the nth current. So,


let all port currents be zero except for Im and In. Then

The elements of the impedance and admittance matrices must be pure

imaginary in a lossless network.

Find the Z parameters of the two-port T-network

Z11 can be found as the input impedance of port
1 when port 2 is open-circuited:

The transfer impedance Z12 can be found measuring the open-circuit voltage at
port 1 when a current I2 is applied at port 2.


A practical problem exists when trying to measure voltages and currents at
microwave frequencies because direct measurements usually involve the magnitude
and phase of a wave traveling in a given direction or of a standing wave.
A representation more in accord with direct measurements, and with the ideas of
incident, reflected, and transmitted waves, is given by the scattering matrix.

Once the scattering parameters of the network are known, conversion to other matrix
parameters can be performed, if needed.

Photograph of the Agilent N5247A Programmable Network Analyzer.
This instrument is used to measure the scattering parameters of RF and
microwave networks from 10 MHz to 67 GHz.
The scattering matrix relates the voltage waves incident on the ports to those reflected
from the ports.
Consider the N-port network shown in Figure 4.5, where V+ n is the amplitude of the
voltage wave incident on port n and V− n is the amplitude of the voltage wave
reflected from port n.


A specific element of the scattering matrix can be determined as

Si j is found by driving port j with an incident wave of voltage V+j and measuring
the reflected wave amplitude V−i coming out of port i .
The incident waves on all ports except the jth port are set to zero, which means
that all ports should be terminated in matched loads to avoid reflections.

Sii is the reflection coefficient seen looking into port i when all other ports
are terminated in matched loads.
Sij is the transmission coefficient from port j to port i when all other ports
are terminated in matched loads.


Find the scattering parameters of the 3 dB attenuator circuit

S11 can be found as the reflection coefficient
seen at port 1 when port 2 is terminated in a
matched load (Z0 = 50 ):

Because of the symmetry of the circuit, S22 = 0.

From the fact that S11 = S22 = 0, we know that V−1 = 0 when port 2 is terminated
in Z0 = 50 , and that V+2 = 0.

By applying a voltage V1 at port 1 and using voltage division twice

The output power is one-half (−3 dB) of the input power.

The scattering matrix can be determined from the [Z] (or [Y]) matrix and vice versa.

Assume that the characteristic impedances, Z0n, of all the ports are identical and
the total voltage and current at the nth port can be written as

Using the definition of [Z] gives

That is,

where [U] is the unit, or identity, matrix.

for a one-port network

in agreement with the result for the reflection coefficient seen looking into a load
with a normalized input impedance of z11.

Solving for [Z] gives



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