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Electrical Network Theory

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The document discusses an electrical network theory textbook written by Norman Balabanian, Theodore A. Bickart, and Sundaram Seshu. It covers topics such as matrix analysis, linear graphs, Laplace transforms, and network analysis.

The book is about electrical network theory and covers fundamentals such as frequency and time response analysis, synthesis, and analysis of active, nonreciprocal, and passive network components.

The book covers topics such as matrix analysis, linear graphs, functions of a complex variable, Laplace transforms, network analysis, frequency and time response, analysis and synthesis, and time-varying and nonlinear networks.



Theodore A. BICKART
Sundaram Seshu


Syracuse University

with contributions

from the work of the late


University of Illinois






Copyright 1969 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced by any means, nor transmitted,
nor translated into a machine language without
the written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 69-16122

SBN 471 04576 4
Printed in the United States of America


This book was initially conceived as a revision of Linear Network

by Sundaram Seshu and Norman Balabanian in the summer of 1965.
Before the work of revision had actually started, however, Seshu died
tragically in an automobile accident. Since then the conceived revision
evolved and was modified to such a great extent that it took on the character of a new book and is being presented as such. We (especially Norman
Balabanian) wish, nevertheless, to acknowledge a debt to Seshu for his
direct and indirect contributions to this book.
The set of notes from which this book has grown has been used in a
beginning graduate course at Syracuse University and at the Berkeley
campus of the University of California. Its level would also permit the use
of selected parts of the book in a senior course.
In the study of electrical systems it is sometimes appropriate to deal
with the internal structure and composition of the system. In such cases
topology becomes an important tool in the analysis. At other times only
the external characteristics are of interest. Then " systems " considerations
come into play. In this book we are concerned with both internal composi
tion and system, or port, characteristics.
The mathematical tools of most importance are matrix analysis, linear
graphs, functions of a complex variable, and Laplace transforms. The
first two are developed within the text, whereas the last two are treated
in appendices. Also treated in an appendix, to undergird the use of impulse
functions in Chapter 5, is the subject of generalized functions. Each of
the appendices constitutes a relatively detailed and careful development
of the subject treated.
In this book we have attempted a careful development of the fundamen
tals of network theory. Frequency and time response are considered, as are
analysis and synthesis. Active and nonreciprocal components (such as
controlled sources, gyrators, and negative converters) are treated sideby-side with passive, reciprocal components. Although most of the book
is limited to linear, time-invariant networks, there is an extensive chapter
concerned with time-varying and nonlinear networks.



Matrix analysis is not treated all in one place but some of it is introduced
at the time it is required. Thus introductory considerations are discussed
in Chapter 1 but functions of a matrix are introduced in Chapter 4 in
which a solution of the vector state equation is sought. Similarly, equi
valence, canonic forms of a matrix, and quadratic forms are discussed in
Chapter 7, preparatory to the development of analytic properties of net
work functions.
The analysis of networks starts in Chapter 2 with a precise formulation
of the fundamental relationships of Kirchhoff, developed through the
application of graph theory. The classical methods of loop, node, nodepair, and mixed-variable equations are presented on a topological base.
In Chapter 3 the port description and the terminal description of
multiterminal networks are discussed. The usual two-port parameters are
introduced, but also discussed are multiport networks. The indefinite
admittance and indefinite impedance matrices and their properties make
their appearance here. The chapter ends with a discussion of formulas
for the calculation of network functions by topological concepts.
The state formulation of network equations is introduced in Chapter 4.
Procedures for writing the state equations for passive and active and
reciprocal and nonreciprocal networks include an approach that requires
calculation of multiport parameters of only a resistive network (which
may be active and nonreciprocal). An extensive discussion of the timedomain solution of the vector state equation is provided.
Chapter 5 deals with integral methods of solution, which include the
convolution integral and superposition integrals. Numerical methods of
evaluating the transition matrix, as well as the problem of errors in
numerical solutions, are discussed.
Chapters 6 and 7 provide a transition from analysis to synthesis. The
sufficiency of the real part, magnitude, or angle as specifications of a
network function are taken up and procedures for determining a function
from any of its parts are developed. These include algebraic methods as
well as integral relationships given by the Bode formulas. Integral
formulas relating the real and imaginary parts of a network function to
the impulse or step response are also developed. For passive networks the
energy functions provide a basis for establishing analytic properties of
network functions. Positive real functions are introduced and the proper
ties of reactance functions and RC impedance and admittance functions
are derived from them in depth. Synthesis procedures discussed for these
and other network functions include the Darlington procedure and active
RC synthesis techniques.
Chapter 8 presents a thorough treatment of scattering parameters and
the description of multiport networks by scattering matrices. Both real



and complex normalization are treated, the latter including singlefrequency and frequency-independent normalization. Reflection and
transmission properties of multiport networks, both active and passive,
reciprocal and non-reciprocal, are developed in terms of scattering
parameters. Applications to filter design and negative resistance amplifiers
are discussed.
Concepts of feedback and stability are discussed in Chapter 9. Here the
signal flow-graph is introduced as a tool. The Routh-Hurwitz, LinardChipart, and Nyquist criteria are presented.
The final chapter is devoted to time-varying and nonlinear networks.
Emphasis is on general properties of both types of network as developed
through their state equations. Questions of existence and uniqueness of
solutions are discussed, as are numerical methods for obtaining a solution.
Attention is also devoted to Liapunov stability theory.
A rich variety of problems has been presented at the end of each chapter.
There is a total of 460, some of which are routine applications of results
derived in the text. Many, however, require considerable extension of
the text material or proof of collateral results which, but for the lack of
space, could easily have been included in the text. In a number of the
chapters a specific class of problems has been included. Each of these
problems, denoted by an asterisk, requires the preparation of a computer
program for some specific problem treated in the text. Even though writing
computer programs has not been covered and only a minimal discussion
of numerical procedures is included, we feel that readers of this book may
have sufficient background to permit completion of those problems.
A bibliography is presented which serves the purpose of listing some
authors to whom we are indebted for some of our ideas. Furthermore,
it provides additional references which may be consulted for specific
We have benefited from the comments and criticisms of many colleagues
and students who suggested improvements for which we express our
Syracuse, New York
November, 1968



T. A.



1. F U N D A M E N T A L






Basic Operations

Types of Matrices



The Inverse of a Matrix


Pivotal Condensation


Linear Equations


Characteristic Equation




Sylvester's Inequality


Norm of a Vector



















The Transformer


The Gyrator


Independent Sources



Controlled or Dependent Sources


The Negative Converter













Kirchhoff's Laws


Loop Equations


Node Equations


State EquationsA Mixed Set


Solutions of Equations




Introductory Definitions


The Incidence Matrix


The Loop Matrix


Relationships between Submatrices of A and B


Cut-sets and the Cut-set Matrix


Planar Graphs




Kirchhoff's Current Law


Kirchhoff's Voltage Law


The Branch Relations




Loop Equations


Node Equations


Node-pair Equations



















Driving-Point Functions


Transfer Functions









Open-circuit and Short-circuit Parameters


Hybrid Parameters


Chain Parameters


Transmission Zeros




Cascade Connection


Parallel and Series Connections


Permissibility of Interconnection








Connecting Two Terminals Together


Suppressing Terminals


Networks in Parallel


The Cofactors of the Determinant of Y








Determinant of the Node Admittance Matrix


Symmetrical Cofactors of the Node Admittance Matrix


Unsymmetrical Cofactors of the Node Admittance Matrix


The Loop Impedance Matrix and its Cofactors


Two-port Parameters



















Solution of Homogeneous Equation


Alternate Method of Solution


Matrix Exponential




The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and its Consequences


Distinct Eigenvalues


Multiple Eigenvalues


Constituent Matrices


The Resolvent Matrix


The Resolvent Matrix Algorithm


Resolving Polynomials






Topological Considerations


Eliminating Unwanted Variables


Time-invariant Networks


RLC Networks


Parameter Matrices for RLC Networks


Considerations in Handling Controlled Sources



Output Equations












Transfer Function Nonzero at Infinity


Alternative Derivation of Convolution Integral




Superposition in Terms of Impulses


Superposition in Terms of Steps





Multi-input, Multi-output Networks


State Response


Propagating Errors


N U M E R I C A L E V A L U A T I O N OF e



Computational Errors


Errors in Free-state Response


Errors in Controlled-state Response




6. R E P R E S E N T A T I O N S O F N E T W O R K F U N C T I O N S








Locations of Poles


Even and Odd Parts of a Function


Magnitude and Angle of a Function


The Delay Function




All-pass and Minimum-phase Functions


Net Change in Angle


Hurwitz Polynomials




Ladder Networks


Constant-Resistance Networks




Maximally Flat Response


Chebyshev Response











The Bode Method


The Gewertz Method


The Miyata Method





Reactance and Resistance-Integral Theorems


Limitations on Constrained Networks


Alternative Form of Relationships


Relations Obtained with Different Weighting Functions




Impulse Response


7. F U N D A M E N T A L S O F N E T W O R K S Y N T H E S I S





Step Response







Elementary Transformations


Equivalent Matrices


Similarity Transformation


Congruent Transformation






Transformation of a Quadratic Form


Definite and Semi Definite Forms


Hermitian Forms




Passive, Reciprocal Networks


The Impedance Function


Condition on Angle




Necessary and Sufficient Conditions


The Angle Property of Positive Real Functions


Bounded Real Functions


The Real Part Function







Realization of Reactance Functions


Ladder-Form of Network


Hurwitz Polynomials and Reactance Functions





Ladder-Network Realization


Resistance-Inductance Networks




Resistance-Capacitance Two-Ports









Cascade Connection


Cascading a Negative Converter


Parallel Connection


The RC-Amplifier












Normalized VariablesReal Normalization


Augmented Network


Reflection Coefficient for Time-Invariant, Passive,

Reciprocal Network


Power Relations




The Scattering Matrix


Relationship To Impedance and Admittance Matrices


Normalization and the Augmented Multiport



Interpretation of Scattering Parameters









Two-Port Network Properties


An ApplicationFiltering or Equalizing


Limitations Introduced b y Parasitic Capacitance




Frequency-Independent Normalization


Negative-Resistance Amplifier


9. S I G N A L - F L O W G R A P H S A N D F E E D B A C K











Graph Properties


Inverting a Graph


Reduction of a Graph


Reduction t o an Essential Graph


Graph-Gain Formula


Drawing the Signal-Flow Graph of a Network




Return Ratio and Return Difference






Routh Criterion


Hurwitz Criterion


Linard-Chip art Criterion




Discussion of Assumptions


Nyquist Theorem











Reduction to Normal Form


The Components of the State Vector




A Special Case of the Homogeneous Equation Solution


Existence and Uniqueness of Solution of the Homogeneous



Solution of State EquationExistence and




Periodic Networks




The Gronwall Lemma


Asymptotic Properties Relative to a Time-Invariant



Asymptotic Properties Relative to a Periodic Reference


Asymptotic Properties Relative to a General Time-Varying








Topological Formulation


Output Equation




Existence and Uniqueness


Properties of the Solution




Newton's Backward-Difference Formula


Open Formulas


Closed Formulas


Euler's Method


The Modified Euler Method


The Adams Method


Modified Adams Method





Milne Method


Predictor-Corrector Methods


Runge-Kutta Method






Stability Definitions


Stability Theorems


Instability Theorem


Liapunov Function Construction



Appendix 1


Generalized Functions



Convolution Quotients and Generalized Functions



Algebra of Generalized Functions


Convolution Quotient of Generalized Functions


Particular Generalized Functions


Certain Continuous Functions


Locally Integrable Functions


Generalized Functions as Operators


The Impulse Function



Integrodifferential Equations



Laplace Transform of a Generalized Function


Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable



Analytic Functions








Cauchy's Integral Theorem


Cauchy's Integral Formula


Maximum Modulus Theorem and Schwartz's Lemma




Appendix 2






Infinite Series


Taylor Series


Laurent Series


Functions Defined b y Series


Multivalued Functions


The Logarithm Function


Branch Points, Cuts, and Riemann Surfaces


Classification of Multivalued Functions


The Residue Theorem


Evaluating Definite Integrals


Jordan's Lemma


Principle of the Argument



Partial-Fraction Expansions



Analytic Continuation


Theory of Laplace Transformations


Appendix 3

Laplace Transforms: Definition and Convergence



Analytic Properties of the Laplace Transform


Operations on the Determining and Generating





Real and Complex Convolution


Differentiation and Integration


Initial-Value and Final-Value Theorems




The Complex Inversion Integral










Electric network theory, like many branches of science, attempts to

describe the phenomena that occur in a portion of the physical world b y
setting up a mathematical model. This model, of course, is based on ob
servations in the physical world, but it also utilizes other mathematical
models that have stood the test of time so well that they have come to
be regarded as physical reality themselves. As an example, the picture
of electrons flowing in conductors and thus constituting an electric cur
rent is so vivid that we lose sight of the fact that this is just a theoretical
model of a portion of the physical world.
The purpose of a model is to permit us to understand natural phe
nomena; but, more than this, we expect that the logical consequences to
which we are led will enable us to predict the behavior of the model
under conditions we establish. If we can duplicate in the physical world
the conditions that prevail in the model, our predictions can be experi
mentally checked. If our predictions are verified, we gain confidence that
the model is a good one. If there is a difference between the predicted
and experimental values that cannot be ascribed to experimental error,
and we are reasonably sure that the experimental analogue of the theo
retical model duplicates the conditions of the model, we must conclude
that the model is not " a d e q u a t e " for the purpose of understanding the
physical world and must be overhauled.*
* An example of such an overhaul occurred after the celebrated Michelson-Morley
experiment, where calculations based on Newtonian mechanics did not agree with
experimental results. The revised model is relativistic mechanics.


[Ch. 1

In the case of electric network theory, the model has had great success
in predicting experimental results. As a matter of fact, the model has
become so real that it is difficult for students to distinguish between the
model and the physical world.
The first step in establishing a model is to make detailed observa
tions of the physical world. Experiments are performed in an attempt to
establish universal relationships among the measurable quantities. From
these experiments general conclusions are drawn concerning the behavior
of the quantities involved. These conclusions are regarded as " l a w s , "
and are usually stated in terms of the variables of the mathematical
Needless to say, we shall not be concerned with this step in the process.
The model has by now been well established. We shall, instead, intro
duce the elements of the model without justification or empirical veri
fication. The process of abstracting an appropriate interconnection of the
hypothetical elements of the model in order to describe adequately a
given physical situation is an important consideration, but outside the
scope of this book.
This book is concerned with the theory of linear electric networks. B y
an electric network is meant an interconnection of electrical devices form
ing a structure with accessible points at which signals can be observed.
It is assumed that the electrical devices making up the network are
represented by models, or hypothetical elements whose voltage-current
equations are linear equationsalgebraic equations, difference equations,
ordinary differential equations, or partial differential equations. In this
book we shall be concerned only with lumped networks; hence, we shall
not deal with partial differential equations or difference equations.
The properties of networks can be classified under two general headings.
First, there are those properties of a network that are consequences of its
structurethe topological properties. These properties do not depend on
the specific elements that constitute the branches of the network but
only on how the branches are interconnected; for example, it may be
deduced that the transfer function zeros of a ladder network (a specific
topological structure) lie in the left half-plane regardless of what passive
elements constitute the branches. Second, there are the properties of net
works as signal processors. Signals are applied at the accessible points of
the network, and these signals are modified or processed in certain ways
b y the network. These signal-processing properties depend on the elements
of which the network is composed and also on the topological structure
of the network. Thus if the network elements are lossless, signals are
modified in certain ways no matter what the structure of the network;
further limitations are imposed on these properties by the structure. The

Sec. 1.1]


properties of lossless ladders, for example, differ from those of lossless

lattices. We shall be concerned with both the topological and the signalprocessing properties of networks.



In the analysis of electric networks, as in many other fields of science

and engineering, there arise systems of linear equations, either algebraic
or differential. If the systems contain many individual equations, the
mere process of writing and visualizing them all becomes difficult. Matrix
notation is a convenient method for writing such equations. Furthermore,
matrix notation simplifies the operations to be performed on the equa
tions and their solution. Just as one learns t o think of a space vector with
three components as a single entity, so also one can think of a system of
equations as one matrix equation. In this section, we shall review some
elementary properties of matrices and matrix algebra without great
elaboration. In subsequent chapters, as the need for additional topics
arises, we shall briefly digress from the discussion at hand for the purpose
of introducing these topics.
A matrix is a rectangular array of quantities arranged in rows and
columns, each quantity being called an entry, or element, of the matrix.
The quantities involved may be real or complex numbers, functions of
time, functions of frequency, derivative operators, etc. We shall assume
that the entries are chosen from a "field"; that is, they obey an algebra
similar to the algebra of real numbers. The following are examples of

Square brackets are placed around the entries to enclose the whole
matrix. It is not necessary to write the whole matrix in order to refer to it.
It is possible to give it a " n a m e " b y assigning it a single symbol, such as
M or V in the above examples. We shall consistently use boldface letters,
either capital or lower case, to represent matrices.
The order of a matrix is an ordered pair of numbers specifying the

[Ch. 1


number of rows and number of columns, as follows: (m, n) or m n. In

the examples above, the orders are (3, 2), (2, 2), and (4, 1), respectively.
When the alternate notation is used, the matrices are of order 3 2,
2 2, and 4 1, respectively. The latter is a special kind of matrix
called a column matrix, for obvious reasons. It is also possible for a
matrix to be of order 1 n; such a matrix has a single row and is called
a row matrix. A matrix in which the number of rows is equal to the
number of columns is called a square matrix. In the above examples, Z
is square. For the special cases in which the type of matrix is a column
matrix, row matrix, or square matrix the order is determined unam
biguously by a single number, which is the number of rows, columns, or
either, respectively; for example, if M is a square matrix with n rows
and n columns, it is of order n.
In order to refer to the elements of a matrix in general terms, we use
the notation

If the order (m, n) is not of interest, it need not be shown in this expres
sion. The " typical element" is ay. The above simple expression stands
for the same thing as


Equality. Two matrices A = [a ] and B = [b ] are said to be equal if

they are of the same order and if corresponding elements of the two
matrices are identical; that is, A = B if
a = b
for all i and j.
Multiplication by a Scalar. To multiply a matrix A = [a ] by a scalar
(i.e., an ordinary number) k, we multiply each element of the matrix b y
the scalar; that is, kA is a matrix whose typical element is ka .






Addition of Matrices. Addition is defined only for matrices of the same

order. To add two matrices we add corresponding elements. Thus if

Sec. 1.2]


A = [a ] and B = [b ],



Clearly, addition is commutative and associative; that is,


Multiplication of Matrices. If A = [a ]
product of A and B is defined as

ij m,n

and B = [b ] ,
ij n,p

then the


where the elements of the product are given by


That is, the (i,j)th element of the product is obtained by multiplying

the elements of the ith row of the first matrix by the corresponding
elements in the jth column of the second matrix, then adding these pro
ducts. This means that multiplication is defined only when the number
of columns in the first matrix is equal to the number of rows in the
second matrix. Note that the product matrix C above has the same
number of rows as the first matrix and the same number of columns as
the second one.

When the product AB is defined (i.e., when the number of columns in

A is equal to the number of rows in B), we say that the product AB is
conformable. It should be clear that the product AB may be conformable
whereas BA is not. (Try it out on the above example.) Thus AB is not
necessarily equal to BA. Furthermore, this may be the case even if both


[Ch. 1

products are conformable. Thus let


which shows that A B B A in this case.

We see that matrix multiplication is not commutative as a general rule,
although it may be in some cases. Hence, when referring to the product
of two matrices A and B , it must be specified how they are to be multi
plied. In the product A B , we say A is postmultiplied
by B , and B is
premultiplied by A .
E v e n though matrix multiplication is noncommutative, it is associative
and distributive over addition. Thus if the products A B and B C are defined,


Sometimes it is convenient to rewrite a given matrix so that certain

submatrices are treated as units. Thus, let A = [a ] .
It can be separated
or partitioned in one of a number of ways, two of which follow.
IJ 3,5


Sec. 1.2]




The submatrices into which A is partitioned are shown b y drawing dotted

lines. Each submatrix can be treated as an element of the matrix A in
any further operations that are to be performed on A; for example, the
product of two partitioned matrices is given by
Of course, in order for this partitioning to lead to the correct result, it is
necessary that each of the submatrix products, A B , etc., be conform
able. Matrices partitioned in this fashion are said to be conformally par
titioned. This is illustrated in the following product of two matrices:
2 1

1 1


[Ch. 1

Differentiation. Let A be of order n m. Then, for any point at which

da (x)/dx exists for i = 1, 2, ..., n and j = 1, 2, ..., m, dA(x)/dx is defined

Thus the matrix dA(x)/dx is obtained by replacing each element a (x)
of A(x) with its derivative da (x)/dx.
Now it is easy, and left to you
as an exercise, to show that



We see that the familiar rules for differentiation of combinations of
functions apply t o the differentiation of matrices; the one caution is that
the sequence of matrix products must be preserved in (10).
Integration. Let the order of A be n m. Then, for any interval on

Sec. 1.2]



a (y)

dy exists for i = 1, 2, ..., n and j = 1, 2, ..., m,



A(y) dy

is defined as
Thus the (i, j)th element of the integral of A is the integral of the (i, j)th
element of A.
Trace. The trace of a square matrix A is a number denoted by tr A
and defined as

where n is the order of A. Note that tr A is simply the sum of the main
diagonal elements of A.
Transpose. The operation of interchanging the rows and columns of a
matrix is called transposing. The result of this operation on a matrix A
is called the transpose of A and is designated A'. If A = [a ] ,
A' = [b ] ,
, where b = a . The transpose of a column matrix is a row
matrix, and vice versa. If, as often happens in analysis, it is necessary to
find the transpose of the product of two matrices, it is important to know
ij mjn

ij n



that is, the transpose of a product equals the product of transposes, but
in the opposite order. This result can be established simply by writing
the typical element of the transpose of the product and showing that it
is the same as the typical element of the product of the transposes.
Conjugate. If each of the elements of a matrix A is replaced by its
complex conjugate, the resulting matrix is said to be the conjugate of A
and is denoted by A. Thus, if A = [a ] ,
then A = [b ] ,
b = a and a denotes the complex-conjugate of a .
ij ntm




ij njm


Conjugate Transpose. The matrix that is the conjugate of the transpose

of A or, equivalently, the transpose of the conjugate of A, is called the
conjugate transpose of A and is denoted by A*; that is,

There are two special matrices that have the properties of the scalars
0 and 1. The matrix 0 = [0] which has 0 for each entry is called the zero,



[Ch. 1

or null, matrix. It is square and of any order. Similarly, the unit or

identity matrix U is a square matrix of any order having elements on the
main diagonal that are all 1, all other elements being zero. Thus

are unit matrices of order 2 , 3 , and 4 respectively. It can be readily veri

fied that the unit matrix does have the properties of the number 1; namely,
that given a matrix A

where the order of U is such as to make the products conformable.

If a square matrix has the same structure as a unit matrix, in that
only the elements on its main diagonal are nonzero, it is called a diagonal
matrix. Thus a diagonal matrix has the form

All elements both above the main diagonal and below the main diagonal
are zero. A diagonal matrix is its own transpose.
If the elements only below the main diagonal or only above the main
diagonal of a square matrix are zero, as in the following,


Sec. 1.2]


the matrix is called a triangular matrix, for obvious reasons. Also, to be

a little more precise, A might be called an upper triangular matrix and B
might be called a lower triangular matrix.
Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices. A square matrix is said to be
symmetric if it is equal to its own transpose: A = A' or a = a for all
i and j . On the other hand, if a matrix equals the negative of its trans
pose, it is called skew-symmetric:
A = A ' or a =a .
When this
definition is applied to the elements on the main diagonal, for which i = j ,
it is found that these elements must be zero for a skew-symmetric matrix.
A given square matrix A can always be written as the sum of a sym
metric matrix and a skew-symmetric one. Thus let




Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Matrices. A square matrix is said to
be Hermitian if it equals its conjugate transpose; that is, A is Hermitian
if A = A* or, equivalently, a = a for all i and j . As another special case,
if a matrix equals the negative of its conjugate transpose, it is called
skew-Hermitian. Thus A is skew-Hermitian if A = A* or, equivalently,
aij = a for all i and j . Observe that a Hermitian matrix having only
real elements is symmetric, and a skew-Hermitian matrix having only
real elements is skew-symmetric.




With any square matrix A there is associated a number called the

determinant of A. Usually the determinant of A will be denoted by the
symbol det A or |A|; however, we will sometimes use the symbol A to
stand for a determinant when it is not necessary to call attention to the
particular matrix for which A is the determinant. Note that a matrix and
its determinant are two altogether different things. If two matrices have



[Ch. 1

equal determinants, this does not imply that the matrices are equal; the
two may even be of different orders.
The determinant of the n n matrix A is defined as

or, by the equivalent relation,


where the summation extends over all n! permutations vi, v ..., v of

the subscripts 1, 2, ..., n and is equal to + 1 or 1 as the permutation
vi, v ..., v is even or odd. As a consequence of this definition, the
determinant of a 1 1 matrix is equal to its only element, and the
determinant of a 2 2 matrix is established as

The product a a
was multiplied by = + 1 because v , v = 1, 2 is an
even permutation of 1, 2; the product a a
was multiplied by = 1
because v , v = 2, 1 is an odd permutation of 1, 2. Determinant evalua
tion for large n by applying the above definition is difficult and not always
necessary. Very often the amount of time consumed in performing the
arithmetic operations needed to evaluate a determinant can be reduced
by applying some of the properties of determinants. A summary of some
of the major properties follows:




1. The determinant of a matrix and that of its transpose are equal;

that is, det A = det A'.
2. If every element of any row or any column of a determinant is
multiplied by a scalar k, the determinant is multiplied by k.
3. Interchanging any two rows or columns changes the sign of a
4. If any two rows or columns are identical, then the determinant is
5. If every element of any row or any column is zero, then the deter
minant is zero.
6. The determinant is unchanged if to each element of any row or
column is added a scalar multiple of the corresponding element of any
other row or column.
Cofactor Expansion. Let A be a square matrix of order n. If the ith row
and jth column of A are deleted, the determinant of the remaining

Sec. 1.2]



matrix of order n 1 is called a first minor (or simply a minor) of A or

of det A and is denoted by M . The corresponding (first) cofactor is
defined as

It is said that is the cofactor of element a . If i =j, the minor and
cofactor are called principal minor and principal cofactor. More specifically,
a principal minor (cofactor) of A is one whose diagonal elements are also
diagonal elements of A.* The value of a determinant can be obtained by
multiplying each element of a row or column by its corresponding cofactor
and adding the results. Thus
i j


These expressions are called the cofactor expansions along a row or
column and are established by collecting the terms of (17) or (18) into
groups, each corresponding to an element times its cofactor.
What would happen if the elements of a row or column were multiplied
by the corresponding cofactors of another row or column? It is left to
you as a problem to show that the result would be zero; that is,
The Kronecker delta is a function denoted by


i= j

= 0



i j

i j

and is defined as

where i and j are integers. Using the Kronecker delta, we can consolidate
(20a) and (21a) and write
* This definition does not limit the number of rows and columns deleted from to
form the minor or cofactor. If one row and column are deleted, we should more properly
refer to the first principal cofactor. In general, if n rows and columns are deleted, we
would refer to the result as the nth. principal cofactor.



[Ch. 1

Similarly, (20b) and (21b) combine to yield

Determinant of a Matrix Product. Let A and B be square matrices of
the same order. The determinant of the product of A and B is the product
of the determinants; that is,
Derivative of a Determinant. If the elements of the square matrix A
are functions of some variable, say x, then |A| will be a function of x.
It is useful to know that

The result follows from the observation that

and from the cofactor expansion for | A| in (22) or (23) that d | A|/da


= .
i j

Binet-Cauchy Theorem. Consider the determinant of the product AB,

assuming the orders are (m, n) and (n, m), with m < n. Observe that the
product is square of order m. The largest square subrnatrix of each of the
matrices A and B is of order m. Let the determinant of each square submatrix of maximum order be called a major determinant, or simply a
major. Then |AB| is given by the following theorem called the BinetCauchy theorem.

The phrase "corresponding majors" means that whatever numbered

columns are used for forming a major of A, the same numbered rows are
used for forming the major of B.
To illustrate, let

Sec. 1.2]



In this case m = 2 and n = 3. B y direct multiplication we find that

The determinant of this matrix is easily seen to be 18. Now let us apply
the Binet-Cauchy theorem. We see that there are three determinants of
order two to be considered. Applying (26), we get

This agrees with the value calculated by direct evaluation of the deter

In the case of scalars, if a 0, there is a number b such that ab = ba = 1.

In the same way, given a square matrix A, we seek a matrix B such that


Such a B may not exist. But if this relationship is satisfied, we say B is

the inverse of A and we write it B = A . The inverse relationship is
mutual, so that if B = A , then A = B .
Given a square matrix A, form another matrix as follows:
- 1

- 1

- 1

where = det A and is the cofactor of a . B y direct expansion of

AB and BA and application of (22) and (23), it can be shown that B is
the inverse of A. (Do it.) In words, to form the inverse of A we replace
each element of A by its cofactor, then we take the transpose, and finally
we divide by the determinant of A.
j i




Ch. 1

Since the elements of the inverse of A have in the denominator, it is

clear that the inverse will not exist if det A = 0. A matrix whose deter
minant equals zero is said to be singular. If det A 0, the matrix is
The process of forming the inverse is clarified by defining another
matrix related to A. Define the adjoint of A, written adj A as


Note that the elements in the ith row of adj A are the cofactors of the
elements of the ith column of A. The inverse of A can now be written as


Observe, after premultiplying both sides of (28) b y A, that

A [adj A] = U det A.


Each side of this expression is a matrix, the left side being the product of
two matrices and the right side being a diagonal matrix whose diagonal
elements each equal det A. Taking the determinant of both sides yields

(det A)(det adj A) = (det A)

det adj A = (det A )

n - 1


In some of the work that follows in later chapters, the product of two
matrices is often encountered. It is desirable, therefore, to evaluate the
result of finding the inverse and adjoint of the product of two matrices
A and B. The results are

- 1

= B

- 1

- 1

adj (AB) = (adj B)(adj A).


Sec. 1.2]



Obviously, the product AB must be conformable. Furthermore, both A

and B must be square and nonsingular.
In the case of the first one, note that
- 1

- 1

- 1

(AB)(B A ) = A(BB )A
- 1

- 1

= AA

- 1

= U.

_ 1

Hence A B is the inverse of B A , whence the result. For the second one,
we can form the products (AB)(adj AB) and (AB)(adj B)(adj A) and
show by repeated use of the relationship M(adj M) = U (det M) that both
products equal U (det AB). The result follows.

B y repeated application of the cofactor expansion, the evaluation of the

determinant of an n n array of numbers can be reduced to the evalua
tion of numerous 2 2 arrays. It is obvious that the number of arith
metic operations grows excessively as n increases. An alternate method
for determinant evaluation, which requires significantly fewer arithmetic
operations, is called pivotal condensation. We will now develop this method.
Let the n n matrix A be partitioned as


where the submatrix A is of order m m for some 1 m < n. Assume

A is nonsingular. Then A
exists, and A may be factored as follows:




The validity of this factorization is established by performing the indi

cated matrix multiplications and observing that the result is (33).
Now, by repeated application of the cofactor expansion, it may be
shown (Problem 35) that the determinant of a triangular matrix is equal
to the product of its main diagonal elements. Since




[Ch. 1

are triangular with "ones" on the main diagonal, their determinants

are unity. So, only the middle matrix in (34) needs attention. This matrix,
in turn, can be factorized as


The determinants of the matrices on the right are simply det A and
d e t ( A A A A ) , respectively.
Since the determinant of a product of matrices equals the product of
the determinants, then taking the determinant of both sides of (34) and
using (35) leads to

- 1


2 1

1 1

1 2

If A is the scalar a
equation reduces to
1 1


0 (i.e., the order of A

1 1

is 1 1), then the last

Now, according to the properties of a determinant, multiplying each row

of a matrix by a constant 1/a , will cause the determinant to be multi
plied by l / , where m is the order of the matrix. For the matrix on the
right side whose determinant is being found the order is n 1, one less
than the order of A. Hence



This is the mathematical relation associated with pivotal condensation.

The requirement that the pivotal element a be nonzero can always be
met, unless all elements of the first row or column are zero, in which case
det A = 0 by inspection. Barring this, a nonzero element can always be
placed in the ( 1 , 1 ) position by the interchange of another row with row 1
or another column with column 1. Such an interchange will require a
change of sign, according to property 3 for determinants. It is of primary
significance that repeated application of (37) reduces evaluation of det A
to evaluation of the determinant of just one 2 2 array.

Sec. 1.2]



The example that follows illustrates the method of pivotal condensation.

change of
1 and 3)



[Ch. 1

Many of the steps included here for completeness are ordinarily eliminated
by someone who has become facile in using pivotal condensation to
evaluate a determinant.


Matrix notation and the concept of matrices originated in the desire

to handle sets of linear algebraic equations. Since, in network analysis,
we are confronted with such equations and their solution, we shall now
turn our attention to them. Consider the following set of linear algebraic

Such a system of equations may be written in matrix notation as


This fact may be verified by carrying out the multiplication on the left.
In fact, the definition of a matrix product, which may have seemed strange
when it was introduced earlier, was so contrived precisely in order to
permit the writing of a set of linear equations in matrix form.
The expression can be simplified even further by using the matrix
symbols A, x, and y, with obvious definitions, to yield
Ax = y,


This single matrix equation can represent any set of any number of linear
equations having any number of variables. The great economy of thought
and of expression in the use of matrices should now be evident. The re
maining problem is that of solving this matrix equation, or the corre
sponding set of scalar equations, by which we mean finding a set of

Sec. 1.2]



values for the x's that satisfies the equations simultaneously. If a solution
exists, we say the equations are consistent.
Each column (or row) of a matrix is identified by its elements. It can
be thought of as a vector, with the elements playing the role of components
of the vector. Although vectors having more than three dimensions cannot
be visualized geometrically, nevertheless the terminology of space vectors
is useful in the present context and can be extended to
space. Thus, in (40), x, y, and each column and each row of A are vectors.
If the vector consists of a column of elements, then it is more precisely
called a column vector. Row vector is the complete name for a vector that
is a row of elements. The modifiers " c o l u m n " and " r o w " are used only
if confusion is otherwise likely. Further, when the word " vector " is used
alone, it would most often be interpreted as " column vector."
Now, given a set of vectors, the question arises as to whether there is
some relationship among them or whether they are independent. In
ordinary two-dimensional space, we know that any two vectors are independent of each other, unless they happen to be collinear. Furthermore,
any other vector in the plane can be obtained as some linear combination
of these two, and so three vectors cannot be independent in two-dimensional space.
In the more general case, we will say that a set of m vectors, labeled
x (i = 1 to m), is linearly dependent if a set of constants k can be found
such that

(k not all zero).



If no such relationship exists, the vectors are linearly

Clearly, if the vectors are dependent, then one or more of the vectors
can be expressed as a linear combination of the remaining ones by
solving (41).
With the notion of linear dependence, it is possible to tackle the job
of solving linear equations. Let us partition matrix A by columns and
examine the product.


[Ch. 1


Expressed in this way, we see that Ax is a linear combination of the

column vectors of A. In fact, there is a vector x that will give us any
desired combination of these column vectors. It is evident, therefore, that
y must be a linear combination of the column vectors of A, if the equation
y = Ax is to have a solution. An equivalent statement of this condition
is the following: The maximum number of linearly independent vectors
in the two sets a , ..., a and a , a , ..., a , y must be the same if the
system of equations y = Ax is to be consistent.
A more compact statement of this condition for the existence of a
solution, or consistency, of y = Ax can be established. Define the rank
of a matrix as the order of the largest osigular square matrix that
can be obtained by removing rows and columns of the original matrix.
If the rank of a square matrix equals its order, the matrix must be nonsingular, so its determinant is nonzero. In fact, it can be established as a
theorem that the determinant of a matrix is zero if and only if the rows and
columns of the matrix are linearly dependent. (Do it.) Thus the rows and
columns of a nonsingular matrix must be linearly independent. It follows
that the rank of a matrix equals the maximum number of linearly inde
pendent rows and columns.
N o w consider the two matrices A and [A y ] , where the second matrix
is obtained from A by appending the column vector y as an extra column.
We have previously seen that the maximum number of linearly indepen
dent column vectors in these two matrices must be the same for consis
tency, so we conclude that the rank of the two matrices must be the
same; that is, the system of equations y = Ax is consistent if and only if

rank A = rank [A
This is called the consistency




Suppose A is the following matrix of order 3 4:

B y direct calculation, it is found that each of the four square matrices

of order 3 obtained by removing one column of A is singularhas zero
determinant. However, the 2 2 matrix

Sec. 1.2]



obtained by deleting the third row and third and fourth columns is nonsingular. Thus rank A = 2. This also tells us that the column vectors

are linearly independent. The column vectors

are linear combinations of a a n d a ; in particular,


If y = Ax is to have a solution, then y must be a linear combination of

a and a . Suppose y = a + a . Then we must solve

or, since


Thus for any x and x , x is a solution of y = Ax if x = 3 x 3 x

and x = + 2x + x . The fact that the solution is not unique is a
consequence of the fact that the rank of A is less than the number of
columns of A. This is also true of the general solution of y = Ax, to which
we now turn our attention.




[Ch. 1

Suppose the consistency condition is satisfied and rank A = r. Then

the equation y = Ax can always be partitioned as follows:


This is done by first determining the rank r b y finding the highest order
submatrix whose determinant is nonzero. The equations are then re
arranged (and the subscripts on the x's and y's modified), so that the first
r rows and columns have a nonzero determinant; that is, A is nonsingular. The equation can now be rewritten as

The second of these is simply disregarded, because each of the equations
in (44b) is a linear combination of the equations in (44a). You can show
that this is a result of assuming that the consistency condition is satisfied.
In (44a), the second term is transposed to the right and the equation is
multiplied through by A
which exists since A is nonsingular. The
result will be



This constitutes the solution. The vector x contains r of the elements of
the original vector x; they are here expressed in terms of the elements of
y and the remaining m r elements of x.
Observe that the solution (45) is not unique if n > r. In fact, there are
exactly q = n r variables, the elements of x , which may be selected
arbitrarily. This number q is an attribute of the matrix A and is called the
nullity, or degeneracy, of A.

Sec. 1.2]



For the special case of homogeneous equations, namely the case where
y = 0 , it should be observed from (45) that a nontrivial solution exists
only if the nullity is nonzero. For the further special case of m = n (i.e.,
when A is a square matrix), the nullity is nonzero and a nontrivial solu
tion exists only if A is singular.
To illustrate the preceding, consider the following set of equations:

W e observe that the first four rows and columns 2, 4, 6, and 8 of A form
a unit matrix (which is nonsingular) and so rank A > 4. In addition, the
fifth row is equal to the negative of the sum of the first four rows. Thus
the rows of A are not linearly independent and rank A < 5. Since 4
rank A < 5, we have established that rank A = 4. For precisely the same
reasons it is found that rank [A
y] = 4. Thus the consistency condi
tion is satisfied. Now the columns can be rearranged and the matrices
partitioned as follows:



[Ch. 1

This has been partitioned in the form of (43) with A = U, a unit matrix.
The bottom row of the partitioning is discarded, and the remainder is
rewritten. Thus

Since the inverse of U is itself, this constitutes the solution. In scalar

form, it is

For each set of values for x , x , x , and x there wili be a set of values for
x , x , x , and x . In a physical problem the former set of variables may
not be arbitrary (though they are, as far as the mathematics is concerned);
they must often be chosen to satisfy other conditions of the problem.


An algebraic equation that often appears in network analysis is

x = Ax


where A is a square matrix of order n. The problem, known as the eigen

value problem, is to find scalars and vectors x that satisfy this equation.
A value of , for which a nontrivial solution of x exists, is called an
eigenvalue, or characteristic value, of A. The corresponding vector x is
called an eigenvector, or characteristic vector, of A.
Let us first rewrite (46) as follows:
( U - A ) x = 0.


This is a homogeneous equation, which we know will have a nontrivial

solution only if U A is singular or, equivalently,
d e t ( U - A ) = 0.


Sec. 1.2]



The determinant on the left-hand side is a polynomial of degree n in

and is known as the characteristic polynomial of A. The equation itself
is known as the characteristic equation associated with A. For each value
of that satisfies the characteristic equation, a nontrivial solution of (47)
can be found by the methods of the preceding subsection.
To illustrate these ideas, consider the 2 2 matrix

The characteristic polynomial is

The values 3 and 4 satisfy the characteristic equation ( 3)( 4) = 0

and hence are the eigenvalues of A. To obtain the eigenvector correspond
ing to the eigenvalue = 3, we solve (47) by using the given matrix A
and = 3. Thus

The result is

for any value of x . The eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue

= 4 is obtained similarly.

from which

for any value of x\.


[Ch. 1



Two square matrices A and B of the same order are said to be similar
if a nonsingular matrix S exists such that
- 1

S A S = B.


The matrix B is called the similarity transform of A b y S. Furthermore,

A is the similarity transform of B by S .
The reason that similarity of matrices is an important concept is the
fact that similar matrices have equal determinants, the same character
istic polynomials, and, hence, the same eigenvalues. These facts are easily
established. Thus, by applying the rule for the determinant of a product
of square matrices, the determinants are equal, because
- 1


- 1

- 1

B| = | S A S | = | S | |A| |S| = | S S | |A| = |A|.

The characteristic polynomials are equal because
- 1


|U - B| = |U - S A S | = | S ( U - A)S|
- 1

- 1

= | S | |U - A| |S| = | S S | |U - A|


Since the eigenvalues of a matrix are the zeros of its characteristic poly
nomial, and since A and B have the same characteristic polynomials, their
eigenvalues must be equal.
An important, special similarity relation is the similarity of A to a
diagonal matrix

Now, if A and are similar, then the diagonal elements of are the
eigenvalues of A. This follows from the fact that A and have the same

Sec. 1.2]



eigenvalues and, as m a y easily be shown, the eigenvalues of are its

diagonal elements.
N e x t we will show that A is similar to a diagonal matrix A if and only
if A has n linearly independent eigenvectors. First, suppose that A is
similar to . This means = S A S or, equivalently,
- 1

S = AS.


N o w partition S by columns; that is, set S = [Si S ... S ] , where the S are
the column vectors of S. Equating the jth column of AS to the jth column
of S, in accordance with (50), we get

S = AS .


B y comparing with (46), we see that S is the eigenvector corresponding

to . Since A is similar to , S is nonsingular, and its column vectors
(eigenvectors of A) are linearly independent. This establishes the necessity.
N o w let us suppose that A has n linearly independent eigenvectors. B y
(50), the matrix S satisfies S = AS. Since the n eigenvectors of A
(column vectors of S) are linearly independent, S is nonsingular, and
S = AS implies = S A S . Thus is similar to A and, equivalently, A
is similar to .
We have just shown that, if the square matrix S having the eigenvec
tors of A as its column vectors is nonsingular, then A is similar to the
diagonal matrix = S A S .

- 1

- 1

As an illustration take the previously considered matrix

Earlier we found that i = 3 and = 4 are the eigenvalues and that, for
arbitrary, nonzero sn and s ,



are the corresponding eigenvectors. Let sn = s


= 1; then





[Ch. 1

Then, of course,

The procedure so far available to us for ascertaining the existence

of S such that A is similar to requires that we construct a trial matrix
having the eigenvectors of A as columns. If that trial matrix is nonsingular, then it is S, and S exists. I t is often of interest to know that an S
exists without first constructing it. The following theorem provides such
a criterion: The n eigenvectors of A are distinct and, hence, S exists, if
1. The eigenvalues of A are


2. A is either symmetric





Consider the matrix product P Q , where P is a matrix of order m n

and rank r and where Q is a matrix of order n k and rank r . Let
denote the rank of the product matrix. Sylvester's inequality is a
relation between r , r , and r
which states that



r + r nr min


{r ,

r }.


Note that n is the number of columns of the first matrix in the product or
the number of rows of the second one.
As a special case, suppose P and Q are nonsingular square matrices of
order n. Then r = r = n, and, by Sylvester's inequality,
nr nor
= n. This we also know to be true by the fact that | Q | = | P | | Q | 0,
since | P | 0 and | Q | 0. As another special case, suppose P Q = 0 . Then
is obviously zero, and, by Sylvester's inequality, r + r < n.




* Proofs may be found in R. Bellman, Introduction to Matrix Analysis, McGraw-Hill

Book Co., Inc., New York, 1960, Chs. 3 and 4.
A proof of Sylvester's inequality requires an understanding of some basic concepts
associated with finite dimensional vector spaces. The topic is outside the scope of this
text and no proof will be given. For such a proof see F. R. Ganthmacher, The Theory of
Matrices, Vol. I, Chelsea Publishing Co., New York, 1959.

Sec. 1.2]




One of the properties of a space vector is its length. For an n-vector the
notion of length no longer has a geometrical interpretation. Nevertheless,
it is a useful concept, which we shall now discuss.
Define the norm of an n-vector x as a non negative number ||x|| that
possesses the following properties:
1. ||x|| = 0 if and only if x = 0 .
2. ||x|| = || ||x||, where is a real or complex number.

+ x ||



+ ||x ||, where




are two


A vector may have a number of different norms satisfying these properties.

The most familiar norm is the Euclidean norm, defined by


This is the square root of the sum of the squares of the components of the
vector. The Euclidean norm is the one we are most likely to think about
when reference is made to the length of a vector; however, there are
other norms that are easier to work with in numerical calculations. One
such norm is

that is, the sum of the magnitudes of the vector components. For want of
a better name, we shall call it the sum-magnitude norm. Another such
norm is

that is, the magnitude of the component having the largest magnitude.
We shall call it the max-magnitude norm. It is a simple matter to show that
||x ||, ||x|| , and ||x|| each satisfy the stated properties of a norm.
That each of these norms is a satisfactory measure of vector length can
be established by several observations. If any one of these norms is non
zero, the other two are nonzero. If any one of them tends toward zero as
a limit, the other two must do likewise.
A matrix is often thought of as a transformation. If A is a matrix of
order m n and x is an n-vector, then we think of A as a matrix that



[Ch. 1

transforms x into t h e m-vector Ax. We will later need to establish bounds

on t h e norm of the vector Ax; to do this we introduce the norm of a
The matrix A is said to be bounded if there exists a real, positive con
stant K such that

for all x. The greatest lower bound of all such K is called t h e norm of A
and is denoted by ||A||. It is easy to show that t h e matrix norm has t h e
usual properties of a norm; that is,
1. ||A|| = 0 if and only if A = 0;
2. ||A|| = ||||A||, where is a real or complex number; and
3. | | A + A | | < | | A | | + ||A ||.

In addition, it is easily deduced that | | A A | | ||A1|| ||A ||.

B y t h e definition of t h e greatest lower bound, it is clear that


It is possible to show that a vector exists such that (57) holds as an

equality. We will not do so in general, but will take t h e cases of t h e summagnitude norm in (54), t h e max-magnitude norm in (55), and t h e Eucli
dean norm in (53).
Thus, b y using t h e sum-magnitude norm in (54), we get


The first step and t h e last step follow from t h e definition of t h e summagnitude norm. The second step is a result of the triangle inequality
for complex numbers. Suppose the sum of magnitudes of a is t h e largest

1 7 1


for t h e kth column; that is, suppose



1 7 1

|a | =

|a fc|. Then (58) is



satisfied as an equality when x = 0 for j k and xjc = 1. Therefore



Sec. 1.2]



Thus the sum-magnitude norm of a matrix A is t h e sum-magnitude norm

of the column vector of A which has t h e largest sum-magnitude norm.
N e x t let us use the max-magnitude norm in (55). Then

The pattern of steps here is the same as in the preceding norm except that
the max-magnitude norm is used. Again, suppose the sum of magnitudes

of a is largest for the kth row; that is, suppose ^ ] j = 1 l 'l =i \ w\.
Then (60) is satisfied as an equality when x = sgn (aA; ). (The function
s g n y equals + 1 when y is positive and 1 when y is negative.)

Thus the max-magnitude norm of a matrix A is the sum-magnitude
norm of that row vector of A which has the largest sum-magnitude norm.
Finally, for the Euclidean norm, although we shall not prove it here,
it can be shown* that
* Tools for showing this will be provided in Chapter 7.

where is the eigenvalue of A*A having the largest magnitude. It can

also be shown that a vector x exists such that (62) holds as an equality.

||A|| = | | / 2 .

As an illustration, suppose y = Ax, or




[Ch. 1

From (59) the sum-magnitude norm of A is

||A|| = max {6, 5} = 6.

From (61) the max-magnitude norm of A is

||A|| = max {2, 2, 7} = 7.

As for the Euclidean norm, we first find that

The characteristic equation of A*A is


= 26.64 and

We also know, b y substituting the above matrix norms into (57), that


In this section, we have given a hasty treatment of some topics in

matrix theory largely without adequate development and proof. Some of
the proofs and corollary results are suggested in the problems.



The signals, or the variables in terms of which the behavior of electric

networks is described, are voltage and current. These are functions of

Sec. 1.3]



time t and will be consistently represented by lower-case symbols v(t) and

i(t). Sometimes the functional dependence will not be shown explicitly
when there is no possibility of confusion; thus v and i will be used instead
of v(t) and i(t).
The Laplace transform of a time function will be represented b y t h e
capital letters corresponding to t h e lower-case letter representing t h e
time function. Thus, I(s) is the Laplace transform of i(t), where s is
the complex frequency variable, s = +j. Sometimes the functional
dependence on s will not be shown explicitly, and I(s) will be written as
plain I.
The fundamental laws on which network theory is founded express
relationships among voltages and currents at various places in a network.
Before these laws can even be formulated it is necessary to establish a
system for correlating the sense of the quantities i and v with the indica
tions of a meter. This is done b y establishing a reference for each voltage
and current. The functions i(t) and (t) are real functions of time that can
take on negative as well as positive values in the course of time. The
system of references adopted in this book is shown in Fig. 1. An arrow

Fig. 1.

Current and voltage references.

indicates the reference for t h e current in a branch. This arrow does not
mean that t h e current is always in the arrow direction. It means that,
whenever the current is in the arrow direction, i(t) will be positive.
Similarly, the plus and minus signs at t h e ends of a branch are the
voltage reference for the branch. Whenever the voltage polarity is actu
ally in the sense indicated by the reference, v(t) will be positive. Actually,
the symbol for voltage reference has some redundancy, since showing
only the plus sign will imply the minus sign also. Whenever there is no
possibility of confusion, the minus sign can be omitted from the reference.
For a given branch the direction chosen as the current reference and the
polarity chosen as the voltage reference are arbitrary. Either of the two
possibilities can be chosen as the current reference, and either of the
two possibilities can be chosen as the voltage reference. Furthermore, t h e
reference for current is independent of the reference for voltage. However,




[Ch. 1

it is often convenient to choose these two references in a certain way, as

shown in Fig. 2. Thus, with the current-reference arrow drawn along-

Fig. 2 .

Standard references.

side the branch, if the voltage-reference plus is at the tail of the current
reference, the result is called the standard reference. If it is stated that the
standard reference is being used, then only one of the two need be shown;
the other will be implied. It must be emphasized that there is no requirement for choosing standard references, only convenience.




It is possible to arrive at a classification of networks in one of two ways.

One possibility is to specify the kinds of elements of which the network is
composed and, on the basis of their properties, to arrive at some generalizations regarding t h e network as a whole. Thus, if the values of all the
elements of a network are constant and do not change with time, the network as a whole can be classified as a time-invariant
Another approach is to focus attention on the points of access to the
network and classify the network in terms of the general properties of
its responses to excitations applied at these points. In this section we shall
examine t h e second of these approaches.

Let the excitation applied to a network that has no initial energy storage
be labeled e(t) and the response resulting therefrom w(t). A linear network
is one in which the response is proportional to the excitation and the
principle of superposition applies. More precisely, if the response to an
excitation ei(t) is wi(t) and the response to an excitation e (t) is w (t),
then the network is linear if the response to the excitation k e (t) +
k e (t) S kiwi(t) +
k w (t).
This scalar definition can be extended to matrix form for multiple

Sec. 1.4]



excitations and responses. Excitation and response vectors, e(t)

w(t), are defined as column vectors



where e ,e ,
etc., are excitations at positions a, b, etc.; and
w ,w ,
etc., are the corresponding responses. Then a network is linear if the
excitation vector kie (t) + k e (t) gives rise to a response vector k w (t)
k w (t),
where w is the response vector to the excitation vector e .



A network that will produce the same response to a given excitation no

matter when it is applied is time invariant. Thus, if the response to an
excitation e(t) is w(t), then the response to an excitation e(t + t ) will be
w(t + t ) in a time-invariant network. This definition implies that the
values of the network components remain constant.


Some networks have the property of either absorbing or storing energy.

They can return their previously stored energy to an external network,
but never more than the amount so stored. Such networks are called
passive. Let E(t) be the energy delivered to a network having one pair
of terminals from an external source up to time t. The voltage and cur
rent at the terminals, with standard references, are v(t) and i(t). The power
delivered to the network will be p(t) = v(t) i(t). We define the network to
be passive if



This must be true for any voltage and its resulting current for all t.



[Ch. 1

Any network that does not satisfy this condition is called an active
network; that is,
v(x) i(x) dx < 0 for some time t.

^ -


If the network has more than one pair of terminals through which
energy can be supplied from the outside, let the terminal voltage and
current matrices be

with standard references. The instantaneous power supplied to the net

work from the outside will then be

The network will be passive if, for all t,



Some networks have the property that the response produced at one
point of the network by an excitation at another point is invariant if the
positions of excitation and response are interchanged (excitation and
response being properly interpreted). Specifically, in Fig. 3a the network





Fig. 3.

Reciprocity condition.

is assumed to have no initial energy storage; the excitation is the voltage

vi(t) and the response is the current i (t) in the short circuit. In Fig. 3b,
the excitation is applied at the previously short-circuited point, and the

Sec. 1.4]



response is the current in the short-circuit placed at the position of the

previous excitation. The references of the two currents are the same
relative to those of the voltages. A reciprocal network is one in which,
for any pair of excitation and response points, here labeled 1 and 2,
i = i if V2 = v . If the network does not satisfy this condition, it is
Up to the last chapter of this book we shall be concerned with networks
that are linear and time invariant. However, the networks will not be
limited to passive or reciprocal types. The latter types of network do have
special properties, and some procedures we shall discuss are limited to such
networks. When we are discussing procedures whose application is limited
to passive or reciprocal networks, we shall so specify. When no specifi
cation is made, it is assumed that t h e procedures and properties under
discussion are generally applicable to both passive and active, and to
both reciprocal and nonreciprocal, networks. The final chapter of t h e
book will be devoted to linear, time-varying and t o nonlinear networks.



N o w let us turn to a classification of networks on t h e basis of the kinds

of elements they include. In t h e first place, our network can be charac
terized b y t h e adjective " l u m p e d . " We assume that all electrical effects
are experienced immediately throughout t h e network. With this assump
tion we neglect t h e influence of spatial dimensions in a physical circuit,
and we assume that electrical effects are lumped in space rather than being
In t h e network model we postulate the existence of certain elements that
are defined by t h e relationship between their currents and voltages. The
three basic elements are t h e resistor, t h e inductor, and t h e capacitor. Their
diagrammatic representations and voltage-current relationships are
given in Table 1. The resistor is described b y t h e resistance parameter R
or t h e conductance parameter G, where G= 1/R.
The inductor is described by t h e inductance parameter. The reciprocal
of L has no name, but t h e symbol (an inverted L) is sometimes used.
Finally, t h e capacitor is described by t h e capacitance parameter C. The
reciprocal of C is given t h e name elastance, and t h e symbol D is some
times used.
A number of comments are in order concerning these elements. First,
the v-i relations (v = Ri, v = L di/dt, and i = C dv/dt) satisfy t h e linearity
condition, assuming that i and play t h e roles of excitation and response,



[Ch. 1

as the case may be. (Demonstrate this to yourself.) Thus networks of

R, L, and C elements are linear. Second, the parameters R, L, and C
are constant, so networks of R, L, and C elements will be time invariant.
Table 1
Voltage-Current Relationships



Resistance R
Conductance G


Inductance L
Inverse Inductance


Capacitance C
Elastance D




In the third place, assuming standard references, the energy delivered to

each of the elements starting at a time when the current and voltage were
zero will be



Each of the right-hand sides is non-negative for all t. Hence networks

of R, L, and C elements are passive. Finally, networks of R, L, and C
elements are reciprocal, but demonstration of this fact must await later
It should be observed in Table 1 that the inverse v-i relations for the
inductance and capacitance element are written as definite integrals.
Quite often this inverse relationship is written elsewhere as an indefi
nite integral (or antiderivative) instead of a definite integral. Such an
expression is incomplete unless there is added to it a specification of the

Sec. 1.5]



initial values i(0) or v(0), and in this sense is misleading. Normally one
thinks of the voltage v(t) and the current i(t) as being expressed as
explicit functions such as , sin t, etc., and the antiderivative as being
something unique: ( l / ) , (1/) cos t, etc., which is certainly not
true in general. Also, in many cases the voltage or current may not be
expressible in such a simple fashion for all t; the analytic expression for
v(t) or i(t) may depend on the particular interval of the axis on which the
point t falls. Some such wave shapes are shown in Fig. 4.
- t

- t


Fig. 4.

Signal waveshapes.

The origin of time t is arbitrary; it is usually chosen to coincide with

some particular event, such as the opening or closing of a switch. In
addition to the definite integral from 0 to t, the expression for the capaci
tor voltage, v(t) = ( l / C ) J i(x)dx

+ v(0), contains the initial value


This can be considered as a d-c voltage source (sources are discussed

below) in series with an initially relaxed (no initial voltage) capacitor, as
shown in Fig. 5. Similarly, for the inductor i(t) =


Fig. 5.

v x


dx + i(0),


Initial values as sources.

where i(0) is the initial value of the current. This can be considered as a
d-c current source in parallel with an initially relaxed inductor, as shown
in Fig. 5. If these sources are shown explicitly, they will account for all



[Ch. 1

initial values, and all capacitors and inductors can be considered to be

initially relaxed. Such initial-value sources can be useful for some methods
of analysis but not for others, such as the state-equation formulation.

The R, L, and C elements all have two terminals; other components

have more than two terminals. The next element we shall introduce is the
ideal transformer shown in Fig. 6. It has two pairs of terminals and is




Fig. 6.

An ideal transformer.

defined in terms of the following v-i relationships:


The ideal transformer is characterized by a single parameter n called the

turns ratio. The ideal transformer is an abstraction arising from coupled
coils of wire. The v-i relationships are idealized relations expressing Fara
day's law and Ampere's law, respectively. The signs in these equations
apply for the references shown. If any one reference is changed, the
corresponding sign will change.
An ideal transformer has the property that a resistance R connected
to one pair of terminals appears as R times the turns ratio squared at the
other pair of terminals. Thus in Fig. 6b, v = R i . When this is used in
the v-i relationships, the result becomes


Sec. 1.5]



At the input terminals, then, the equivalent resistance is n R.

Observe that the total energy delivered to the ideal transformer from
connections made at its terminals will be
The right-hand side results when the v-i relations of the ideal transformer
are inserted in the middle. Thus the device is passive; it transmitsbut
neither stores nor dissipatesenergy.
A less abstract model of a physical transformer is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7 .

A transformer.

The diagram is almost the same except that the diagram of the ideal
transformer shows the turns ratio directly on it. The transformer is
characterized by the following v-i relationships for the references shown
in Fig. 7:
Thus it is characterized by three parameters: the two self-inductances L\
and L , and the mutual inductance M.
The total energy delivered to the transformer from external sources is




[Ch. 1

It is easy to show* that the last line will be non-negative if

Since physical considerations require the transformer to be passive, this
condition must apply. The quantity k is called the coefficient of coupling.
Its maximum value is unity.
A transformer for which the coupling coefficient takes on its maximum
value k = 1 is called a perfect, or perfectly coupled, transformer. A perfect
transformer is not the same thing as an ideal transformer. To find the
difference, turn to the transformer equations (73) and insert the perfecttransformer condition M=L L
; then take the ratio v /v . The result
will be


This expression is identical with v = nv

for the ideal transformer if

N e x t let us consider the current ratio. Since (73) involve the derivatives
of the currents, it will be necessary to integrate. The result of inserting
the perfect-transformer condition M = L1L
and the value n =
L 1 / L , and integrating (73a) from 0 to t will yield, after rearranging,


* A simple approach is to observe (with Li, L , and M all non-negative) that the
only way L\ii + 2 M i i + L i can become negative is for ii and i to be of opposite
sign. So set i = xiu with x any real positive number, and the quantity of interest
becomes Li 2Mx - f L * . If the minimum value of this quadratic in x is non-negative,
then the quantity will be non-negative for any value of x. Differentiate the quadratic
with respect to x and find the minimum value; it will be Li M / L , from which the
result follows.
Since, for actual coils of wire, the inductance is approximately proportional
to the square of the number of turns in the coil, the expression V L1/L2 equals the ratio of
the turns in the primary and secondary of a physical transformer. This is the origin of
the name "turns ratio" for n.

Sec. 1.5]



This is to be compared with i1 = i /n for the ideal transformer. The

form of the expression in brackets suggests the v-i equation for an induc
tor. The diagram shown in Fig. 8 satisfies both (78) and (76). It shows
how a perfect transformer is related to an ideal transformer. If, in a
perfect transformer, L1 and L are permitted to approach infinity, but in
such a way that their ratio remains constant, the result will be an ideal

Perfect transformer

Fig. 8.

Relationship between a perfect and an ideal transformer.


Another component having two pairs of terminals is the gyrator,

whose diagrammatic symbol is shown in Fig. 9. It is defined in terms of


Fig. 9.

A gyrator.

the following v-i relations:

For Fig. 9a

For Fig. 9b



[Ch. 1

The gyrator, like the ideal transformer, is characterized b y a single para

meter r, called the gyration resistance. The arrow to the right or the left in
Fig. 9 shows the direction of gyration.
The gyrator is a hypothetical device that is introduced to account for
physical situations in which the reciprocity condition does not hold.
Indeed, if first the right-hand side is short-circuited and a voltage v1 = v
is applied to the left side, and if next the left side is shorted and the
same voltage (v = v) is applied to the right side, then it will be found
that i = i1. Thus the gyrator is not a reciprocal device. In fact, it is
On the other hand, the total energy input to the gyrator is


Hence it is a passive device that neither stores nor dissipates energy. In

this respect it is similar to an ideal transformer.
In the case of the ideal transformer, it was found that the resistance at
one pair of terminals, when the second pair is terminated in a resistance R,
is n R. The ideal transformer thus changes a resistance by a factor n .
What does the gyrator do in the corresponding situation? If a gyrator is
terminated in a resistance R (Fig. 10), the output voltage and current

Fig. 1 0 . Gyrator terminated in a resistance R .

will be related by v = R i . When this is inserted into the v-i rela

tions, the result becomes


Thus the equivalent resistance at the input terminals equals r times the
conductance terminating the output terminals. The gyrator thus has the
property of inverting.
The inverting property brings about more unusual results when the


Sec. 1.5]


gyrator is terminated in a capacitor or an inductor; for example, suppose

a gyrator is terminated in a capacitor, as shown in Fig. 11. We know that

Fig. 1 1 . Gyrator terminated in a capacitance C.

i = C dv /dt. Therefore, upon inserting the v-i relations associated with

the gyrator, we observe that


Thus at the input terminals the v-i relationship is that of an inductor,

with inductance r C. In a similar manner it can be shown that the v-i
relationship at the input terminals of an inductor-terminated gyrator is
that of a capacitor.


All the devices introduced so far have been passive. Other network
components are needed to account for the ability to generate voltage,
current, or power.
Two types of sources are defined as follows:
1. A voltage source is a two-terminal device whose voltage at any instant
of time is independent of the current through its terminals. No matter
what network may be connected at the terminals of a voltage source, its
voltage will maintain its magnitude and waveform. (It makes no sense to
short-circuit the terminals of a voltage source, because this imposes two
idealized conflicting requirements at the terminals.) The current in the
source, on the other hand, will be determined by this network. The
diagram is shown in Fig. 12a.
2. A current source is a two-terminal device whose current at any instant
of time is independent of the voltage across its terminals. No matter what
network may be connected at the terminals of a current source, the cur
rent will maintain its magnitude and waveform. (It makes no sense to



[Ch. 1

open-circuit the terminals of a current source because this, again, imposes

two conflicting requirements at the terminals.) The voltage across the
source, on the other hand, will be determined by this network. The
diagram is shown in Fig. 12b.

Fig. 1 2 . Voltage and current sources.

Everyone is familiar enough with the dimming of the house lights when
a large electrical appliance is switched on the line to know that the voltage
of a physical source varies under load. Also, in an actual physical source
the current or voltage generated may depend on some nonelectrical
quantity, such as the speed of a rotating machine, or the concentration
of acid in a battery, or the intensity of light incident on a photoelectric
cell. These relationships are of no interest to us in network analysis,
since we are not concerned with the internal operation of sources, but
only with their terminal behavior. Thus our idealized sources take no cog
nizance of the dependence of voltage or current on nonelectrical quan
tities; they are called independent sources.

The independent sources just introduced cannot account for our ability
to amplify signals. Another class of devices is now introduced; these are
called controlled, or dependent, sources. A controlled voltage source is a
source whose terminal voltage is a function of some other voltage or
current. A controlled current source is defined analogously. The four possi
bilities are shown in Table 2. These devices have two pairs of terminals
one pair designating the controlling quantity; the other, the controlled
quantity. In each of the components in Table 2, the controlled voltage or
current is directly proportional to the controlling quantity, voltage or
current. This is the simplest type of dependence; it would be possible to
introduce a dependent source whose voltage or current is proportional to
the derivative of some other voltage of current, for example. However,
detailed consideration will not be given to any other type of dependence.

Sec. 1.5]



For certain ranges of voltage and current the behavior of certain

vacuum tubes and transistors can be approximated by a model consisting
Table 2

voltage source
(hybrid g)
voltage source
current source
current source
(hybrid h)
of interconnected dependent sources and other network elements. Figure
13 shows two such models. These models are not valid representations
of the physical devices under all conditions of operation; for example, at
high enough frequency, the interelectrode capacitances of the tube would
have to be included in the model.

Fig. 1 3 . Models of transistor and triode.



[Ch. 1

The last point brings up a question. When an engineer is presented with

a physical problem concerned with calculating certain voltages and cur
rents in an interconnection of various physical electrical devices, his first
task must be one of representing each device by a model. This model will
consist of interconnections of the various components that have been
defined in this chapter. The extent and complexity of the model will de
pend on the type of physical devices involved and the conditions under
which they are to operate. Considerations involved in choosing an appro
priate model to use, under various given conditions, do not form a proper
part of network analysis. This is not to say that such considerations and
the ability to choose an appropriate model are not important; they are.
However, many other things are important in the total education of an
engineer, and they certainly cannot all be treated in one book. In this
book we will make no attempt to construct a model of a given physical
situation before proceeding with the analysis. Our starting point will be
a model.

The last component we shall introduce is the negative converter (NC for
short). It is a device with two pairs of terminals and is defined by the
following v-i equations:



There is no special diagram for the NC, so it is shown by the general

symbol in Fig. 14. The NC is characterized by a single parameter k, called
the conversion ratio. If the left-hand terminals are considered the input
and the right-hand ones the output, it is seen from the first set of equa
tions that when ii is in its reference direction, i will also be in its reference
direction; hence the current will be " i n v e r t e d " in going through the NC.
On the other hand, the voltage will not be inverted. This type is therefore
called a current NC, or INC.
For the second set of relations the opposite is true: the voltage is in
verted, but the current is not. This type is called a voltage NC, or VNC.
When either of these devices is terminated in a passive component at one
pair of terminals, something very interesting happens at the other pair.



Fig. 14. Negative converters: (a) current-inverting variety: vi = kv and i = kii;
(6) voltage-inverting variety: vi = kv and i = kii.

Thus, let an inductance L terminate the output; then v = L

When this is inserted into the v-i relations, there results



Thus at the input terminals the equivalent inductance is proportional

to the negative of the terminating inductance. (Hence its name.) Similar
conclusions would follow if the terminating element were a resistor or
The introduction of the NC expands the number of network building
blocks considerably, because it is now possible to include negative R, L,
and C elements in the network.

1 . Is (A + B ) = A + 2AB + B in matrix algebra? if not, give the correct



Compute AB and AC and compare them. Deduce, thereby, which law

of ordinary algebra fails to hold for matrices?
3. Under what conditions can we conclude B = C from AB = AC?



[Ch. 1


Compute AB. What theorem of ordinary algebra is not true for matrices?
5 . Let A and B be conformable and let the submatrices Ay and B be
conformable for all i and k. Verify the statement that the (i, k) submatrix of the product AB is Ay R .
j k


6 . Show that


Prove that

(AB) =



(AB)* =


8 . Verify the statement that any square matrix A can be expressed as the
sum of a Hermitian matrix A and a skew-Hermitian matrix ASH. Find
and A .

9 . Prove that if A is skew-Hermitian, Re (an) = 0 for all i.

1 0 . Prove "*=i -<* = 0 if j.
1 1 . Define the inverse of A as the matrix B such that B A = A B = U. Show
that, if the inverse exists, it is unique. (Assume two inverses and show
they are equal.)
1 2 . Check whether any of the following matrices are nonsingular. Find the
inverses of the nonsingular matrices

1 3 . Prove that the inverse of a symmetric matrix is symmetric.


Prove that ( A i ) '


( A )

1 5 . Prove that if Z is symmetric, so is (BZB').



16. Prove that adj (AB) = (adj B) (adj A) when A and B are nonsingular
square matrices.
17. Prove that
18. Prove that
19. Prove that
20. Show that

21. If A and B are nonsquare matrices, is it true that AB can never equal
BA? Explain.
22. A is of order n and rank n 1. Prove that adj A is of rank 1.
23. Let D be a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements da, and let A = [y]
be a square matrix of the same order. Show that (a) When D
premultiplies A, the elements of the ith row of A are multiplied by
da; and (b) When D postmultiplies A, the elements of the ith column
of A are multiplied by dii.
24. Prove that (a) (AB)' = B'A' and (b) (A + B)' = A' + B'.
25. Let A and B be symmetric and of order n. Prove that (a) the product AB
is symmetric if A and B commute, and (b) A and B commute if the
product AB is symmetric.
26. In the matrix product A = BC, A and C are square nonsingular matrices.
Prove that B is nonsingular.
27. Use pivotal condensation to evaluate the determinant of the following



[Ch. 1

28. For a set of homogeneous equations the solution as given in (45) will
become xi = A{^ Ai x . If m = n and the matrix A is of rank
r = n 1, determine an expression for each of the x% variables in xi in
terms of cofactors of A.

29. Prove the statement: A determinant is zero if and only if the rows and
columns are linearly dependent.
30. For the following set of equations verify (42).

31. Solve the following systems of equations:

32. Evaluate det A by applying the definition of a determinant when

33. Show the maximum number of linearly independent n-vectors from the
set of all n-vectors x that satisfy 0 = Ax is equal to the nullity of A.
34. If qp, qQ, and qpQ denote the nullity of P, Q, and PQ, respectively,
show that
qQ < qpQ qp

+ qQ-

35. Show that the determinant of a triangular matrix equals the product of
the main diagonal elements.



36. Let

where A n and A

2 2

are square submatrices. Show that

37. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the following matrices:





38. Each of the following matrices A is similar to a diagonal matrix

A = S A S . Find S in each case.




39. Evaluate the matrix norms ||A||i, ||A|| , and ||A||oowhen





40. A network has the excitation and response pair shown in Fig. P-40. A
second excitation is also shown. If the network is linear and timeinvariant, sketch the response for this second excitation.


[Ch. 1


Fig. P-40

41. Suppose the output current of a linear, time-invariant, and reciprocal

network, subject to excitation only at the input, is as illustrated in
Fig. P^ll. Find the input current ii when the network is excited as
shown in Fig. P-41b.



Fig. P-41

42. Show that the controlled-voltage source shown in the circuit of Fig. P-42
is not a passive device. Comment on the activity or passivity of both
independent and dependent sources.

Fig. P-42

43. Show that a negative converter is not passive.


44. Establish the terminal equations for the networks shown in Fig. P-44.


Fig. P - 4 4

45. Draw a diagram containing only controlled sources to represent:

(a) an ideal transformer; (b) a gyrator; (c) a negative converter.
46. Find the v-i relations at the input terminals of a gyrator when the
output terminals are terminated in an inductor L. In a particular
application a customer requires a 1000 f capacitor. Can you suggest
what to ship the customer?





When two or more of the components defined in the previous chapter are
interconnected, the result is an electric network. (A more abstract definition
is given in Section 2.3.) Such networks store energy, dissipate energy, and
transmit signals from one point to another. A component part of a
network lying between two terminals to which connections can be made
is called a branch. The position where two or more branches are connected
together is called a node, or junction. A simple closed path in a network is
called a loop.
In the first section of this chapter, we shall briefly discuss a number of
ideas with which y o u are no doubt familiar to a greater or lesser degree.
Most of these will be amplified subsequently, but an early introduction in
rather a simple form will serve to focus the discussion of these concepts
before a fuller treatment is given.

In network theory, the fundamental laws, or postulates, are Kirchhoff's

two laws. These can be stated as follows.
Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) states that in any electric network the

Sec. 2.1]



sum of all currents leaving any node equals zero at any instant of time. When
this law is applied at a node in a network, an equation relating the branch
currents will result. Proper attention must, of course, be given to the cur
rent references. Thus, in Fig. 1, KCL applied at node A leads to the
following equation:

Fig. 1.

Illustrating KCL and KVL.

Since the reference of ii is oriented toward the node, the current " l e a v i n g "
the node through branch 1 is i1; similarly, the current leaving the node
through branch 3 is i .
Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) states that in any electric network, the
sum of voltages of all branches forming any loop equals zero at any instant of
time. Application of this law to a loop in an electric network leads to an
equation relating the branch voltages on the loop. In stating KCL, it was
arbitrarily chosen that currents "leaving the n o d e " were to be summed.
It could, alternatively, have been decided to sum the currents "entering
the node." Similarly, in applying K V L , the summing of voltages can be
performed in either of the two ways one can traverse a loop. Thus, going
clockwise in the loop formed by branches 1, 2, 5, and 6 in Fig. 1 leads to
the equation


Since the reference of v is oriented opposite to the orientation of the loop,

the contribution of this voltage to the summation will be v .
It should be noted that KCL and K V L lead to algebraic equations that
form constraints on the branch currents and voltages. There will be as


[Ch. 2


many KCL equations as there are nodes in the network and as many K V L
equations as there are loops. Later we shall prove that these equations are
not all independent; if the number of nodes is n + 1 and the number of
branches is b, then we shall prove that the number of independent KCL
equations is n and the number of independent K V L equations is b n.
We shall not dwell on these matters now, but simply observe them and
note that together there are n + (b n) = b independent KCL and K V L
Now each branch in the network also contributes a relationship between
its voltage and current. This may be an algebraic relationship like v = Ri
or a dynamic relationship like v = Ldi/dt. In any case there will be as
many such equations as branches, or b equations. Altogether there will
be b + b = 2b equations relating b currents and b voltages, or 2b variables.
(As discussed in a later section, independent sources will not be counted
as branches in this context.) Hence the three sets of relations together
namely, KCL, KVL, and the branch v-i relationshipsprovide an ade
quate set of equations to permit a solution for all voltages and currents.
Now 2b is a relatively large number, and a prudent person will try to
avoid having to solve that many equations simultaneously. There are a
number of systematic ways of combining the three basic sets of equations,
each leading to a different formulation requiring the solution of less than
2b simultaneous equations. In this introductory section, we shall briefly
discuss three such procedures and illustrate each one. The bridge in Fig. 2

Fig. 2 .

Example for network equations.

will be used as an example. The voltage source in series with a resistor is

counted as a single branch. Standard branch references are assumed and
are shown by the arrows on the branches. The time following which we are
interested in this network is taken to be t = 0, and we assume there is an
initial voltage v (0) = V on the capacitor and an initial current i (0) = I
through the inductor.

Sec. 2.1]




In this network there are six branches (b = 6) and four nodes (n = 3).
Hence there will be b n = 3 independent K V L equations and n = 3
independent KCL equations. In Fig. 2, the circular arrows indicate the
orientations of the loops we have chosen for writing KVL equations.
They do not carry any implication of current (as yet). But suppose we
conceive of fictitious circulating loop currents, with references given by
the loop orientations. Examination of the figure shows that these loop
currents are identical with the branch currents ii, i , and i .
The following equations result if KVL is applied to the loops shown:


These are three equations in six unknowns, and they are observed to be
independent. Into these equations are next substituted the v-i relation
ships of the branches, leading to


These are still three equations in six unknowns, this time the branch
current unknowns.
There remains KCL. Application of KCL at the nodes labeled A, C,
and D results in


These equations are seen to be independent. In writing KCL equations

any one node of a network can be omitted, and the resulting equations
will be independent. It is observed that all branch currents are expressed



[Ch. 2

in terms of the three currents i1, i , and i , which are identical with the
loop currents. When these equations are substituted into (4) and terms
are collected, the result becomes

This is a set of three simultaneous equations in the three loop-current

unknowns. When the terms are collected in this manner, the equations are
said to be in standard form. They are called the loop equations. Since both
integrals and derivatives of variables appear, they are integrodifferential
equations. Once the equations are solved for the loop currents, the
remaining currents can be found from the KCL relationships in (5).
Let us review the procedure for writing loop equations. The first step
consists of writing a set of (independent) K V L equations in the branchvoltage variables. Into these equations are next inserted the v-i relation
ships, changing the variables to branch currents. Finally, the branch
currents are expressed in terms of loop currents, resulting in a set of
integrodifferential equations in the loop-current unknowns.

Suppose now that the order in which the steps were taken is modified.
Suppose we first write KCL equations as in (5); then we insert the i-v rela
tionships. The result (when the terms are written on the same side) becomes


These are three equations in the six branch-voltage variables. When

writing the KCL equations, node B was omitted from consideration.

Sec. 2.1]



Suppose node R is selected as a datum with respect to which the voltages

of all other nodes in the network are to be referred. Let these voltages
be called the node voltages. In Fig. 2, the node voltages are VAB , vCB, and
VDB- All the branch voltages can be expressed in terms of the node
voltages by applying KVL. Thus


When these expressions are inserted into (5), and the terms are collected,
the result becomes


These equations are called the node equations. Like the loop equations,
they are integrodifferential equations. Once these equations are solved
for the node voltages VAB, VCB, and VDB, all the branch voltages will be
known from (7).
To review, the first step in writing node equations is to write KCL
equations at all nodes of a network but one. This particular node is
chosen as a datum, and node voltages are defined as the voltages of the
other nodes relative to this datum. The i-v relationships are inserted into
the KCL equations, changing the variables to branch voltages. The
branch voltages are then expressed in terms of the node voltages. Thus
the order in which KCL, K V L , and the v-i relationships are used for
writing node equations is the reverse of the order for writing loop equa

The presence of the integral of an unknown in the loop and node

equations presents some difficulties of solution. Such integrals can, of
course, be eliminated by differentiating the equations in which they



[Ch. 2

appear. But this will increase the order of the equations. It would be
better to avoid the appearance of the integrals in the first place.
In the present example it may be seen that an integral appears in the
loop equations when the voltage of a capacitor is eliminated in a KVL
equation by substituting its v-i relationship. Similarly, an integral appears
in the node equations when the current of an inductor is eliminated in a
KCL equation by substituting its i-v relationship. These integrals will
not arise if we leave the capacitor voltages and inductor currents as
variables in the equations.
With this objective in mind, return to the K V L equations in (3).
Eliminate all branch voltages except the capacitor voltage v by using
the branch v-i relations. Since the branch relationship of the capacitor is
not used in this process, add it as another equation to the set. The result
will be


These are four equations in six unknowns, but now one of the unknowns
is a voltage. As before, the KCL equations can be used to eliminate some
of the currents. Substituting them from (5) into (9) and rearranging terms

Sec. 2.1]



Here we have four equations in four unknowns, and they can now be
solved. But we seem to have complicated matters by increasing the
number of equations that must be solved simultaneously. However, note
that the last two equations in this set are algebraic; they contain no
derivatives or integrals. The first of them can be solved for i , the second
for i , and the results inserted into the previous two equations. The
result of this manipulation will be

or, collecting terms,

or, in matrix form,





[Ch. 2


The resulting matrix equation (10) represents two first-order differential

equations in two unknowns. It is called the state equation, for reasons
which will be discussed in a later chapter. The variables i and v are
called the state variables.
In looking back at the procedure used to write the state equations,
note that the basic ingredients are the same as those for writing loop or
node equations. This time, however, we do not insist that the eventual
variables be either all voltages or all currents; we settle for a mixed set of
variables. Integrals are avoided if we choose capacitor voltages and
inductor currents as variables. The starting point is a set of K V L equations
into which all branch relationships except for capacitor branches are
inserted. Then KCL is used to eliminate some of the branch currents. In
the resulting equations, some resistor currents also appear as variables,
but it is possible to eliminate them because a sufficient number of equa
tions are algebraic in nature and not differential.


The loop, node, and state equations of linear, time-invariant, lumped

networks are ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients.
(Integrals that may appear initially can be removed b y differentiation.)
There remains the task of solving such equations. A number of different
methods exist for this purpose. A time-domain method for solving the
state equations is discussed in a later chapter, and the Laplace-transform
method is discussed in Appendix 3.
In the transform method, the Laplace transform of the simultaneous
differential equations is taken, converting them to simultaneous algebraic
equations in the complex variable s. These algebraic equations are solved

Sec. 2.1]



for the transform of the desired variables, whether loop currents,

node voltages, or state variables. Finally, the inverse transform is taken.
This yields the solution as a function of time following the initial instant,
to = 0.
The solution has contributions from two places: the exciting signal
sources and the initial conditions. The initial conditions are the values of
capacitor voltages and inductor currents immediately after t . The
principles of continuity of charge and of flux linkage impose constraints
on the capacitor voltages and inductor currentsconstraints that serve
to determine their values just after t from their values just before t .*
The network is said to be initially relaxed if the values of capacitor
voltages and inductor currents are initially zero.
In the interest of concreteness, we shall carry out the remainder of the
discussion with the state equations (10) previously derived for Fig. 2
as an illustration. Taking Laplace transforms of these equations and
rearranging leads to


where I and V are the initial values. These can now be solved for
or V (s). For I (s) we get

I (s)


where = s (a + e)s + ae bd is the determinant of the equations. The

contributions of the source and of the initial conditions are clearly
Again for concreteness, suppose that

* For a detailed discussion of initial conditions, see S. Seshu and N. Balabanian,
Linear Network Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1959, pp. 101-112.



[Ch. 2

and suppose the initial values are such that


The partial fraction expansion of I (s) puts into evidence all of its
poles. Some of these poles [the second term in (15)] are contributed by
the exciting (source) function, whereas the remainder are contributed by
the network. In the inverse transform we find terms that resemble the
driving function and also other terms that are exponentials. There is an
abundance of terminology relating to these terms that has been accumu
lated from the study of differential equations in mathematics, from the
study of vibrations in mechanics, and from the study of a-c circuit theory,
so that today we have a number of names to choose from. These are the

1. Forced responsenatural, or free, response;

2. Particular integralcomplementary function; and
3. Steady statetransient.
Perhaps you are most familiar with the terms " s t e a d y s t a t e " and
"transient." When the driving function is a sinusoid, as in our example,
there will be a sinusoidal term in the response that continues indefinitely.
In our example the other terms present die out with time; they are
transient. Thus the sinusoidal term will eventually dominate. This leads
to the concept of the steady state. If the driving function is not periodic
the concept of the steady state loses its significance. Nevertheless, the
poles of the transform of the driving function contribute terms to the
partial-fraction expansion of the response transform, and so the response
will contain terms due to these poles. These terms constitute the forced
response. In form they resemble the driving function. The remaining
terms represent the natural response. They will be present in the solution
(with different coefficients) no matter what the driving function is, even
if there is no driving function except initial capacitance voltages or
initial inductance currents. This leads to the name "natural," or "free,"
response. The exponents in the natural response are called the natural

Sec. 2.1]



In the illustrative example the exponents in the natural response, the

natural frequencies, are negative real numbers. If there were positive
exponents, or complex ones with positive real parts, then the natural
response would increase indefinitely with time instead of dying out. A
network with such a behavior is said to be unstable. We define a stable
network as one whose natural frequencies lie in the closed left half s-plane;
that is, in the left half-plane or on the j-axis.*
Actually, some people
prefer to exclude networks with j-axis natural frequencies from the class
of stable networks.
Let us now clearly define the various classes of response. The complete
response of a network consists of two parts; the forced response and the
natural, or free, response. The forced response consists of all those terms
that are contributed by poles of the driving functions, whereas the free
response consists of all the terms that are contributed by the natural
frequencies [the zeros of (s)]. If the driving function is periodic, the
forced response is also called the steady state. If there are no j-axis
natural frequencies, then the free response is also called the transient.




As discussed briefly in the previous introductory section, the funda

mental " l a w s , " or postulates, of network theory are the two laws of
Kirchhoff and the relationships between the voltages and the currents of
the components whose interconnection constitutes the network. Kirch
hoff's two laws express constraints imposed on the currents and voltages
of network elements by the very arrangement of these elements into a
structure. Network topology is a generic name that refers to all properties
arising from the structure or geometry of a network.
The topological properties of a network are independent of the types
of components that constitute the branches. So it is convenient to
replace each network element b y a simple line segment, thereby not
committing oneself to a specific Component. The resulting structure
consists of nodes interconnected by line segments. There is a branch of
mathematics, called the theory of linear graphs, that is concerned with
the study of just such structures.
We shall begin a thorough study of network analysis by focusing first
on linear graphs and those of their properties that are important in this
study. The discussion of linear graphs will not be exhaustive, and it will
* This definition is applicable to all lumped, linear, time-invariant systems. More
general and precise definitions of stability will be discussed in later chapters.



[Ch. 2

be necessary to consider rapidly the definitions of many terms without,

perhaps, adequate motivation for their introduction.

A linear graph is defined as a collection of points, called nodes, and line

segments called branches, the nodes being joined together by the branches.
Sometimes it is convenient to view the nodes, which coincide with the
end points of the branches, as parts of the branches themselves. At other
times it is convenient to view the nodes as being detached from the
A correspondence between a network and a linear graph can imme
diately be made. Thus the graph associated with the network in Fig. 3a
is shown in Fig. 3b. The nodes and branches are each numbered. In

Fig. 3 .

A network and its associated linear graph.

what follows, we will use this graph to make some observations from
which generalizations can be drawn. Also, properties to be defined will be
illustrated with this graph as an example.
Branches whose ends fall on a node are said to be incident at the node.
In the example, branches 2, 4, and 5 are incident at node 2.
Each branch of the graph in the example carries an arrow to indicate
its orientation. A graph whose branches are oriented is called an oriented
graph. The elements of a network with which a graph is associated have
both a voltage and a current variable, each with its own reference. In
order to relate the orientation of the branches of a graph to these refer
ences, we shall make the convention that the voltage and current of an
element have the standard referencevoltage-reference " p l u s " at the
tail of the current-reference arrow. The branch orientation of a graph will
be assumed to coincide with the associated current reference. Of course,

Sec. 2.2]



the properties of the graph have nothing to do with those conventions

related to a network.
A subgraph is a subset of the branches and nodes of a graph. The
subgraph is said to be proper if it consists of strictly less than all the
branches and nodes of the graph.
A path is a particular subgraph consisting of an ordered sequence of
branches having the following properties:
1. At all but two of its nodes, called internal nodes, there are incident
exactly two branches of the subgraph.
2. A t each of the remaining two nodes, called the terminal nodes, there
is incident exactly one branch of the subgraph.
3. No proper subgraph of this subgraph, having the same two terminal
nodes, has properties 1 and 2.
In the example, branches 2, 5, and 6, together with all the nodes, consti
tute a path. Nodes 1 and 3 are the terminal nodes. Although three
branches of the graph are incident at node 2, only two of these, 2 and 5,
are members of the subgraph.
A graph is connected if there exists at least one path between any two
nodes. The example is a connected graph. The graph associated with a
network containing a transformer could be unconnected.
A loop is a particular connected subgraph of a graph at each node of
which are incident exactly two branches of the subgraph. Thus, if the
two terminal nodes of a path are made to coincide, the result (which can
be called a closed path) will be a loop. In the example, branches 4, 5, and 6
together with nodes 2, 3, and 4 constitute a loop. When specifying a
loop, either the set of all the branches in the loop or (when no two branches
are in parallel) the set of all nodes can be listed. Each of these will uniquely
specify the loop. Thus, in the example, to specify the loop just described
it is sufficient to list either the set of branches {4, 5, 6 } or the set of nodes
{2, 3 , 4 } .
A tree is a connected subgraph of a connected graph containing all the
nodes of the graph but containing no loops. When specifying a tree, it is
enough to list its branches. In the graph of the example, branches 2, 4,
and 5 constitute a tree. The concept of a tree is a key concept in the
theory of graphs. The branches of a tree are called twigs; those branches
that are not on a tree are called links. Together they constitute the
complement of the tree, or the cotree. This is not a unique decomposition
of the branches of a graph. Figure 4 shows two trees for the graph of
Fig. 3. In the first one, branches 2, 4, and 5 are twigs, so branches 1, 3,
and 6 are links. In the second tree, branch 2 is still a twig, but branches 3
and 6, which were previously links, are now twigs. Whether a particular



[Ch. 2

branch is a twig or a link cannot be uniquely stated for a graph; it makes

sense to give such a designation only after a tree has been specified.
Each of the trees in Fig. 4 has a special structure. In the first one, all
the twigs are incident at a common node. Such a tree is called a starlike
tree, or a star-tree for short. In the second one, the nodes can be so ordered
that the tree consists of a single path extending from the first node to the
last. Such a tree is called a linear tree. In a linear tree there are exactly
two terminal nodes, whereas in a starlike tree all nodes but one are
terminal nodes.

Fig. 4 .

Two trees of a given graph.

The number of branches on a tree of a graph is one less than the

number of nodes of the graph. This result can be proved by induction.
Thus for a graph with two nodes the number of twigs is 1. Suppose the
result is true for a graph with k nodes; that is, suppose the number of
twigs equals k 1. Now consider a connected graph having k + 1 nodes
and focus on a tree of this graph. There will be at least one node on this
tree at which is incident exactly one twig. (If not, two or more twigs will
be incident at each node, which is impossible, because this would require
that the tree contain at least one loop.) Let the node and the single twig
incident at this node be removed, leaving a tree having k nodes. B y
hypothesis, the number of twigs on this tree is k 1. Replacing the
removed node and twig leads to the result. For future convenience the
number of nodes in a graph will be denoted by n + 1. Then, the number
of twigs on a tree will be n.
If a graph is unconnected, the concept corresponding to a tree for a
connected graph is called a forest, which is defined as a set of trees, one for
each of the separate parts. If p + 1 is the number of separate parts
of an unconnected graph and n + 1 is the number of nodes, then a forest
will contain n p twigs. This can be proved as before for a connected
graph. The complement of the forest is the coforest.

Sec. 2.2]




When a graph is given, say the example in Fig. 3, it is possible to tell

completely which branches are incident at which nodes and what are the
orientations, relative to the nodes. Conversely, the graph would be
completely defined if this information (namely, which branches are
incident at which nodes and with what orientation) is given. The most
convenient form in which this incidence information can be given is in
matrix form.
For a graph having n + 1 nodes and b branches, the complete incidence
matrix (or more completely, the complete node-branch incidence matrix)
A = [a ] is an (n + 1 ) b rectangular matrix whose elements have the
following values:

aij = 1 if branch j is incident at node i and oriented away from it;

atj = 1 if branch j is incident at node i and oriented toward it;
aij = 0 if branch j is not incident at node i.
The subscript a on A stands for all nodes.
For the example in Fig. 3, the complete incidence matrix is




In this example it is observed that each column contains a single + 1

and a single 1 . This is a general property for any linear graph because
each branch is incident at exactly two nodes, and it must perforce be
oriented away from one of them and toward the other. Thus, if all other
rows are added to the last row, the result will be a row of zeros, indicating
that the rows are not all independent. At least one of them can be elimi
nated, since it can be obtained as the negative sum of all the others. Thus
the rank of A can be no more than (n + 1 ) 1 = n.
The matrix obtained from A by eliminating one of the rows is called
the incidence matrix and is denoted by A. (For emphasis, it is sometimes
called the reduced incidence matrix.) It is of order n b. W e shall now




discuss the rank of matrix A and how to determine its nonsingular

For a given graph, select a tree. In the incidence matrix arrange the
columns so that the first n columns correspond to the twigs for the selected
tree and the last b n correspond to the links.
In terms of the example, let A be obtained from (17) by eliminating
the last row. Select the first tree in Fig. 4. Then the A matrix will become



In general terms, the matrix A can be partitioned in the form

to the

At is a square matrix of order n whose columns correspond to the

and Aj is a matrix of order n (b n) whose columns correspond
the example,

The determinant of this matrix is found to equal 1 , and so the matrix is

nonsingular. Hence, for this example, the A matrix is seen to be of rank n.
We shall now show that this is a general result. Specifically, if a graph
has n + 1 nodes, the rank of its incidence matrix equals n. This will be
established by showing that an nth order submatrix of A whose columns
correspond to the twigs for any tree is nonsingular.
Proof. Given a connected graph and its complete incidence matrix A ,
eliminate one row to get A and partition it in the form [At Al], where At
is square, of order n, and its columns correspond to twigs. Since the tree
is connected, there is at least one twig incident at the node corresponding
to the eliminated row. The column in At corresponding to this twig


Sec. 2.2]


contains only one nonzero element (which equals + 1 ) . Hence det A

equals plus or minus the cofactor of this element. The matrix associated
with this cofactor corresponds to a connected subgraph with n 1
branches; this matrix contains neither of the rows in which the eliminated
column had nonzero elements. Since this subgraph is connected, it must
contain at least one twig incident at one of the two eliminated nodes. The
column in the matrix corresponding to this twig contains only one non
zero element. Hence its determinant equals plus or minus the correspond
ing cofactor, whose associated matrix is of order n 2. Continue this
process until a cofactor of order 1 remains. This corresponds to the last
node, and, since the graph is connected, the cofactor is nonzero. As a
conclusion, not only has det A been found to be nonzeroand so A is
nonsingularbut its value has been found to be + 1 . And since an n n
submatrix of Aa is nonsingular, Aa is of rank n.
The preceding is a very useful result. The converse is also true. That is,
given an n n nonsingular submatrix of the incidence matrix A, its
columns correspond to the twigs for some choice of tree. The proof will
be left as a problem.
The preceding has also shown that the determinant of every n n
nonsingular submatrix of the incidence matrix equals + 1 or 1.
With the preceding result, it is now possible to find a measure of the
number of trees in a graph. Since each nonsingular n n submatrix of A
corresponds to a tree, ail we have to do is to count ail such nonsingular
submatrices. This implies evaluating the determinants of all n n
submatrices of A, which is quite tedious. The problem can be simplified
b y using the Binet-Cauchy theorem, which was discussed in Chapter 1 .
According to this theorem,

(products of corresponding majors of A and A')

(ail nonzero majors of A )


number of trees.
The second line foilows from the fact that a nonsingular submatrix of
A' has the same determinant as the corresponding submatrix of A. Since
each nonzero major equals + 1 , and there are as many nonzero majors as
trees, the last line foilows.
Thus, to find the number of trees of a graph, it is required only to
evaluate det (AA'). For the example of Fig. 3, the incidence matrix was



[Ch. 2

given in (18). Hence the number of trees will be

Given a graph, it is a simple matter to write the incidence matrix.

The problem might often be the converse: given an incidence matrix (or
complete incidence matrix), draw the graph. In an abstract sense, the
incidence matrix defines the graph. It is one representation of the graph,
whereas the drawing of lines joining nodes is another representation. It
is desired to obtain this second representation from the first.
The procedure is quite straightforward. Given the matrix A, place on
the paper one more node than there are rows in A and number them
according to the rows. Then consider the columns one at a time. There
are at most two nonzero elements in each column; place a branch between
the two nodes corresponding to the two rows having nonzero elements in
that column. If there is only one nonzero element, the branch goes
between the node corresponding to this row and the extra node. The
orientations will be determined by the signs of the elements.
To illustrate, let the given A matrix be

Sec. 2.2]



Two different people studying network analysis were given this job, and
each came up with a different-looking graph, as shown in Fig. 5. The
apparent problem was that right at the start they placed the nodes on
the paper in a different pattern. However, both graphs have as incidence
matrix the given matrix.


Fig. 5.

Isomorphic graphs.

We say two graphs are isomorphic if they have the same incidence
matrix. This requires that they have the same number of nodes and
branches, and that there be a one-to-one correspondence between the
nodes and a one-to-one correspondence between the branches in a
particular waynamely, in a way that leads to the same incidence matrix.

The incidence matrix gives information about the incidences of branches

at nodes, but it does not explicitly tell anything about the way in which
the branches constitute loops. This latter information can also be given
conveniently in matrix form. For this purpose we first endow each loop
of a graph with an orientation, which is done by giving its nodes a cyclic
order. This order is most easily shown by a curved arrow, as in Fig. 6
where two possible loops are shown. To avoid cluttering the diagram, it is
sometimes necessary simply to list the set of nodes in the chosen order.
For the loops shown in Fig. 6, this listing would be {1, 3, 2 } and {1, 2, 3, 4 } .
For a graph having n + 1 nodes and b branches, the complete loop
matrix (also sometimes called the complete circuit matrix) B a = [bij] is a
rectangular matrix having b columns and as many rows as there are
loops; its elements have the following values:
bij = 1 if branch j is in loop i, and their orientations coincide;
bij = 1 if branch j is in loop i, and their orientations do not coincide;
bij = 0 if branch j is not in loop i.



Fig. 6.

[Ch. 2

Loop orientations.

The subscript a again stands for all the loops.

Unlike the number of rows in the complete incidence matrix (equal to
the number of nodes of the graph), the number of rows in B a is not simply
expressible in terms of n and b. For the example in Fig. 6 there are seven
loops specified by the nodes as:

The loop matrix will therefore be

loops branches


The set of all loops in a graph is quite a large set, as illustrated by this

Sec. 2.2]



example. There is a smaller subset of this set of all loops; it has some
interesting properties and will be discussed next.
Given a graph, first select a tree and remove all the links. Then replace
each link in the graph, one at a time. As each link is replaced, it will form
a loop. (If it does not, it must have been a twig.) This loop will be charac
terized b y the fact that all but one of its branches are twigs of the chosen
tree. Loops formed in this way will be called fundamental loops, or f-loops
for short. The orientation of an f-loop will be chosen to coincide with that
of its defining link. There are as many f-loops as there are links; in a graph
having b branches and n + 1 nodes, this number will be b n.
For the example, let the chosen tree be the second one in Fig. 4. The
f-loops formed when the links are replaced one at a time are shown in
Fig. 7. (Note the orientation.) In writing the loop matrix for the f-loops,


Fig. 7 .


Fundamental loops.

let the columns be arranged in the same order as for the reduced incidence
matrix for the same tree; that is, with the twigs first, then the links. Also,
let the order of the loops be the same as the order of the columns of the
corresponding links.
The matrix of f-loops will then be



The subscript f stands for fundamental. The square matrix formed by the
last three columns corresponding to the links is seen to be a unit matrix;
hence it is nonsingular, and the rank of B / for this example equals the
number of links, b n.



In general terms, the matrix off-loops

can be partitioned in the form

[Ch. 2

for an arbitrary connected graph

The (b n) (b n) square submatrix whose columns correspond to the
links for a particular tree will be a unit matrix from the very way in
which it is formed. Hence the rank of Bf will be b n.
Now the matrix of fundamental loops is a submatrix of the matrix of
all loops. Hence the rank of B is no less than that of Bf; namely, b n.
We shall next show that the rank of B a is no more than b n, and so it
is exactly b n. To do this, we shall use a result that is of great importance
in its own right.
Given a graph, let the columns of the two matrices A a and B a be
arranged in the same order. Then it will be true that

Of course, the second one will be true if the first one is, since B A'a =
(A B )'.
The relationships in (24) and (25) are called the orthogonality
relations and can be proved as follows.
The matrices A and B'a will have the following forms:



Focus attention
rows of Aa; that
is on the loop or
incident at the


on any one of the columns of B'a and on any one of the

is, focus attention on a loop and a node. Either the node
not. If not, then none of the branches on the loop can be
node. This means that corresponding to any nonzero

Sec. 2.2]



element in a column of
there will be a zero element in the row of A ;
so the product will yield zero. If the node is on the loop, then exactly
two of the branches incident at the node will lie on the loop. If these two
branches are similarly oriented relative to the node (either both oriented
away or both toward), they will be oppositely oriented relative to the
loop, and vice versa. In terms of the matrices, if the elements in a row
of A corresponding to two branches are both + 1 or both 1 , the corre
sponding two elements in a column ofB'awill be of opposite sign, and vice
versa. When the product is formed, the result will be zero. The theorem
is thus proved.
With the preceding result it is now possible to determine the rank of
Ra by invoking Sylvester's law of nullity, which was discussed in Chapter
1. According to this law, if the product of two matrices equals zero,
the sum of the ranks of the two matrices is not greater than the number
of columns of the first matrix in the product. In the present case the
number of columns equals the number of branches b of the graph. So,
since the rank of a matrix is the same as the rank of its transpose,

The rank of A a has already been determined to be n. Hence
Since it was previously established that the rank of B a is no less than b n
and it is now found that it can be no greater than b n, then the rank of
B is exactly b n.
Observe that the removal of any number of rows from A or any
number of rows from B will not invalidate the result of (26) and (27).
Let B be any submatrix of B having b n rows and of rank b n. (One
possibility is the matrix of f-loops, Bf.) Then the orthogonality relations
can be written as


Let the columns of B be arranged, as were the columns of A earlier,

with the twigs for a given tree first and then the links. The matrix can
then be partitioned in the form



[Ch. 2

where B is square of order b n. [If B is the matrix of f-loops, then B is

a unit matrix, as in (23).] We shall now show that, with B partitioned as
shown, the submatrix B , whose columns are links for a tree, will be
To prove this, let A be partitioned as in (19) and use (28) to write


Since A is nonsingular,

Finally matrix B becomes
N o w let the same procedure be carried out starting at (30), but this
time with the matrix B of the f-loops for some tree, with B partitioned
in the form

the subscript f on B being used to avoid confusion. The details will be
left for you to carry out; the result will be
f t

B y comparing this with (32), it foilows that
Since B and B are both of rank b n, then B must be nonsingular. This
foilows from (52) in Chapter 1. The result is thus proved.
The converse is also true; that is, if the loop-matrix B is partitioned
into two matrices as in (29), one of them being square of order b n and
nonsingular, the columns of this matrix will correspond to the links for
some tree. The proof is left for you to carry out. (See Problem 6.)
Since B in (35) is nonsingular, the matrices B and B are row-equivalent
matrices. (For a discussion of equivalent matrices, see Chapter 7.) Hence,
the rows of B are linear combinations of the rows of B , and vice versa.

Sec. 2.2]



Additional useful results are obtained by solving (30) for A . Since

B is nonsingular, we get

The last step follows because the transpose of a product equals
of transposes in the reverse order. The preceding step follows
operations of transpose and inverse are commutative for a
When this is inserted into the partitioned form of the A
result will be

the product
because the
matrix, the

This should be compared with (32), which gives the loop matrix in a
similar form.

In the example of Fig. 3, suppose branches 1 and 5 are removed. The

result is shown in Fig. 8a. (By " r e m o v i n g " a branch we mean deleting it


Fig. 8.


Removing branches for a graph.

or "open-circuiting" it, but leaving intact the nodes at which it is

incident.) The graph is still a connected graph. Now if branches 3 and 4
are also removed, the result becomes Fig. 8b. The graph is now uncon
nected: it has been " c u t " into two parts. This development leads to the
notion of a cut set, which is defined as follows: A cut-set is a set of branches
of a connected graph whose removal causes the graph to become unconnected
into exactly two connected subgraphs, with the further stipulation that the
removal of any proper subset of this set leaves the graph connected.



[Ch. 2

In the example, {1, 3, 4, 5 } was seen to be a cut-set. Set {1, 2, 3 } is

also a cut-set. (A single isolated node, which is one of the two parts in
this case, is considered to be a bona fide "part.") But {1, 2, 3, 6 } is not a
cut-set even though the graph is cut into two parts, because the removal
of the proper subset {1, 2, 3 } does not leave the graph connected.
The cut-set classifies the nodes of a graph into two groups, each group
being in one of the two parts. Each branch of the cut-set has one of its
terminals incident at a node in one group and its other end incident at a
node in the other group. A cut-set is oriented b y selecting an orientation
from one of the two parts to the other. The orientation can be shown on the
graph as in Fig. 8c. The orientations of the branches in a cut-set will
either coincide with the cut-set orientation or they will not.
Just as the incidence matrix describes the incidences and the orienta
tions of branches at nodes, so a cut-set matrix can be defined to describe
the presence of branches in a cut-set and their orientation relative to
that of the cut-set. We define a cut-set matrix Q a = [qij] whose rows
correspond to cut-sets and whose columns are the branches of a graph.
The elements have the following values:
qij = 1 if branch j is in cut-set i, and the orientations coincide;
qij = 1 if branch j is in cut-set i, and the orientations do not coincide;
qij = 0 if branch j is not in cut-set i.
The subscript a stands for all cut-sets.
Since cutting all branches incident at a node separates this node from
the rest of the graph, this set of branches will be a cut-set, provided the
rest of the graph is not itself cut into more than one part. In the graph shown
in Fig. 9, cutting the set of branches incident at node 1 will separate

Fig. 9.

A hinged, or separable, graph.

the graph into three parts, of which the isolated node 1 will be one part.
So this set of branches is not a cut-set.
However, the graph shown in Fig. 9 is a peculiar kind of graph, and
node 1 is a peculiar node. We define a hinged graph as a graph in which
there is at least one subgraph which has only one node in common with its


Sec. 2.2]


complement subgraph in the graph. A node having this property is called a

hinged node. In a hinged graph the nodes can be grouped in two sets such
that every path from a member of one set to a member of the other must
pass through a hinged node. In Fig. 9, nodes 2, 3, and 4 form one set; and
nodes 5 and 6, the other. If the branches incident at a hinged node are
cut, there will be no path from a node in one set to a node in the other.
Hence the remaining subgraph, not counting the hinged node, will not be
connected; so the set of branches incident at a hinged node will not be a
cut-set. For all other nodes, the set of branches incident there will be a
For nonhinged graphs the orientation of the cut-set that consists of all
branches incident at a node is chosen to be away from the node. Thus
the cut-set matrix will include the incidence matrix for nonhinged graphs.
For the example of Fig. 3, in addition to the cut-sets consisting of the
sets of branches incident at each node, there are three other cut-sets:
{1, 3, 4, 5 } , {2, 3, 5, 6 } , and {1, 2, 4, 6 } . The cut-set matrix Q a is then
cut sets


where the first four rows are identical with A a and the last three rows
correspond to the cut-sets {1, 3, 4, 5 } , {2, 3, 5, 6 } , and {1, 2, 4, 6 } , respec
The cut-set matrix Q a of a graph is seen to have more rows than its inci
dence matrix. The question of the rank of the cut-set matrix then arises. To
answer this question, consider a special kind of cut-set formed as follows.
Given a connected graph, first select a tree and focus on a branch b of
the tree. Removing this branch from the tree unconnects the tree into two
pieces. All the links which go from one part of this unconnected tree to
the other part, together with b , will constitute a cut-set. We call this a
fundamental cut-set, or f-cut-set
for short. For each twig, there will be



[Ch. 2

an f-cut-set, so for a graph having n + 1 nodes (hence, n twigs) there will

be n fundamental cut-sets. The orientation of an f-cut-set is chosen to
coincide with that of its defining twig.
As an illustration, take the graph of Fig. 10. The tree is shown in

Fig. 1 0 . Example of fundamental cut-set.

heavy lines. Each f-cut-set

is uniquely determined. Let us write the
cut-set matrix for the f-cut-sets, arranging the columns so that the first n
of them correspond to the twigs and are arranged in the same order as
the associated cut-sets.


The subscript f stands for fundamental. The square submatrix corre

sponding to the first four columns is seen to be a unit matrix; hence it is
nonsingular, and the rank of this cut-set matrix equals the number of its
rows, or the number of twigs in a tree.
This is, in fact, a specific illustration of a general result. In the general
case let the columns of the f-cut-set matrix be arranged for a given tree
with the twigs first, then the links, the twigs being in the same order as
the cut-sets they define. The matrix can be partitioned in the form
From the very way in which it is constructed, the n n submatrix Q
whose columns correspond to the twigs will be a unit matrix. Hence the


Sec. 2.2]


Q matrix will be of rank n. This still does not tell us everything about
the rank of Qa. But since the matrix of f-cut-sets is just a submatrix of
Qa, the rank of Qa can be no less than that of Q , or rank of Qa > n.
When seeking to find the rank of B a , it became necessary to use the
orthogonality relation A B ^ = 0 . But Qa is a matrix that contains Aa
as a submatrix, and it might be suspected that this same relationship is
satisfied with Aa replaced by Qa.* This is true and can be proved in the
same way as before. It is only necessary to establish that if a cut-set has
any branches in common with a loop, it must have an even number. This
fact can be readily appreciated by reference to Fig. 11, which shows a

Fig. 1 1 . A cut-set has an even number of branches in common with a loop.

cut-set separating a graph into two parts. Suppose branch 1 of the cut-set
is in a loop. If we start at its P1 end and traverse the branch to P , it will
be necessary to return to P1 via another branch of the cut-set in order to
form a closed path. The path need not be closed b y only one excursion
between P1 and P , but any single excursion will use up two branches
of the cut-set. If these two branches have the same orientation relative
to the cut-set, they will have the opposite orientation relative to the
loop, and vice versa. Hence, b y the same reasoning used in obtaining (24),
it follows that

The rank of Qa can now be determined. Using Sylvester's law of nullity
and the known rank of B, it will follow that the rank of Qa is no greater
than n. (You may carry out the details.) And since Q is a submatrix of
Qa having a rank of n, the rank of Qa is no less than n. Hence the rank of
Qa is exactly n.
Removal of any number of rows from Qa will not invalidate (39). Let
Q be any n-rowed submatrix of Qa of rank n. (One possibility is the matrix
of f-cut-sets,
Q .) Then

* This statement applies only for a nonhinged graph.



[Ch. 2

In particular, let Q be Q and let it be partitioned as in (38). Then


and, finally,
Something very interesting follows from this expression. Comparing it
with (37) shows that
Since A is a nonsingular matrix, the incidence matrix of a graph is
row equivalent to the fundamental cut-set matrix for some tree. Thus
the rows of A are linear combinations of the rows of Q , and vice versa.


All of the properties of graphs that have been discussed up to this

point do not depend on the specifically geometrical or topological charac
ter of the graph, only on its abstract characteristics. We shall now discuss
some properties that depend on the topological structure.
Topological graphs can be drawn, or mapped, on a plane. Either they
can be drawn so that no branches cross each other or they cannot. We
define a planar graph as a graph that can be mapped on a plane in such a
way that no two branches cross each other (i.e., at any point that is not
a node). Figure 12 shows two graphs having the same number of nodes
and branches; the first is planar; the second, nonplanar.
The branches of a planar graph separate a plane into small regions;
each of these is called a mesh. Specifically, a mesh is a sequence of branches
of a planar graph that enclose no other branch of the graph within the
boundary formed b y these branches. In Fig. 12a, the set {1, 2, 3 } is a
mesh, whereas {1, 2, 4, 5 } is not. The outermost set of branches separates
the plane into two regions: the finite region in which the remaining

Sec. 2.2]



branches lie and the infinite region. The infinite region can be looked upon
as the "interior" of this set of branches. It is the complement of the
finite region. Hence this set of branches can also be considered a mesh
and is called the outside mesh. In Fig. 12a the outside mesh is {1, 2, 6,
7, 8, 5 } . However, when the meshes of a graph are enumerated, the outside
mesh is not counted.

Fig. 12.

Planar (a) and nonplanar (b) graphs.

The set of meshes of a planar graph is a special set of loops. A question

arises as to whether the meshes can be the f-loops for some tree; or,
stated differently, is it possible to find a tree, the f-loops corresponding to
which are meshes? To answer this question, note that each f-loop contains
a branch (a link) that is in no other f-loop. Hence any branches that are
common between two meshes cannot be a link and must be a twig. A
tree can surely be found for which the meshes are f-loops if the branches
common between meshes form no closed paths. For some planar graphs
it will be possible; and for others, not. To illustrate, Fig. 13 shows two

Fig. 13.

Meshes may or may not be f-loops for some tree.

very similar planar graphs having the same number of nodes, branches,
and meshes. The branches common between meshes are shown darkened.
These must be twigs for a tree if the meshes are to be f-loops. However,



[Ch. 2

in the first graph, these branches form a loop, and so the desired result
is not possible; whereas it is possible for the second graph.
This completes the discussion of linear graphs as such.



Broadly, an electric network consists of an interconnection of two or

more elements, or branches. These branches may consist of the compo
nents discussed in Chapter 1 or other, more general (nonlinear, timevarying, etc.) components. Each branch has a voltage and a current
variable, and these variables are related to each other by specific relation
To tie in the analysis of networks with linear graphs, we shall make the
following definition:
An electric network is an oriented linear graph with each branch of
which there are associated two functions of time t: the current i(t) and
the voltage v(t). These functions are constrained by Kirchhoff's two
laws and the branch relationships to be described.

Kirchhoff's current law (abbreviated as KCL) states that in any electric

network the sum of all currents leaving a node equals zero, at each instant of
time and for each node of the network. For a connected network (graph)
having n + 1 nodes and b branches, the KCL equations can be written as
where a has the same definition as the elements of the incidence matrix.
Hence, in matrix form, KCL becomes

where A is the incidence matrix, i(t) is a column matrix of branch currents,
and I(s) is the column matrix of Laplace transforms of the branch currents.



Sec. 2.3]


(Of course, it is also true that A a i(t) = 0 if all the nodes are included.)
Since the rank of A is n, all of the equations in this set are linearly
Let the incidence matrix be partitioned in the form A = [A A ] for
some choice of tree, and let the matrix i be similarly partitioned as

Then KCL yields


since A is a nonsingular matrix.
The message carried by this expression is that, given a tree, there is a
linear relationship by which the twig currents are determined from the
link currents. This means that, if the link currents can be determined
by some other means, the twig currents become known from (48). Of all
the b branch currents, only b n of them need be determined indepen
Using (48), the matrix of all currents can now be written as


Comparing the matrix on the right with the one in (34) and also using
(35), there follows that
Each of these equations expresses all the branch currents of a network in
terms of the link currents for some tree by means of a transformation



[Ch. 2

that is called a loop transformation. The link currents for a tree are seen
to be a basis for the set of all currents. We shall shortly discuss sets of
basis currents other than the link currents for a tree.
Other sets of equations equivalent to KCL in (45) can be obtained.
(Recall that two sets of equations are equivalent if they have the same
solution.) Consider a particular cut-set of a network. It will separate the
network into two parts, P1 and P . Write the KCL equations at all the
nodes in one of the parts, say P i , and consider the columns. If both ends
of a branch are incident at nodes in P1, the corresponding column will
have two nonzero elements, a + 1 and a 1 . But if one end of a branch is
incident at a node in P1 and the other end at a node in P (i.e., if this
branch is in the cut-set), this column will have but a single nonzero
element. N o w suppose these KCL equations are added; only the currents
of the cut-set will have nonzero coefficients in the sum. The result will be
called a cut-set equation. A cut-set equation is, then, a linear combination
of KCL equations. The set of all such cut-set equations will be precisely
Qai(t) = 0 , where Qa is the previously defined cut-set matrix for all
cut-sets. But the rank of Qa is n, which is less than the number of equa
tions. These equations are thus not independent. Let Q be a cut-set
matrix of n cut-sets and of rank n. (One possibility is the matrix off-cut
sets, Q . ) Then


will be equivalent to the KCL equations.

In particular, if the matrix of f-cut-sets
Q f = [ U Ql] then

is partitioned in the form


which is the same as (48) in view of (43). This expression can be inserted
into the partitioned form of the matrix of all currents as in the case of
(48) to yield


Sec. 2.3]



(The final step comes from the results of Problem 17.) This is again a
loop transformation identical with (50a). Note that the matrix of the
transformation is the transpose of the matrix of fundamental loops.
We have seen that the link currents for a given tree are basis currents
in terms of which all currents in a network can be expressed. Another set
of basis currents are the loop currents, which are fictitious circulating
currents on the contours of closed loops. This can best be illustrated by
means of an example. Figure 14 is a redrawing of Fig. 13a, with the
branches and nodes appropriately numbered. This graph is planar, but
it is not possible to find a tree for which the meshes are f-loops, as discussed
earlier. Let a loop matrix be written for the loops specified in the figure.
(This set of loops is neither a set of f-loops nor a set of meshes.) The
orientation of the loops is given by the ordering of the nodes; it is also
shown by means of the arrows on the diagram. The B matrix will be


(This matrix is of rank 4 since the submatrix consisting of the last four
columns is nonsingular.) Now suppose a set of circulating currents, i ,
i , etc., is defined on the contours of the same loops for which the B
matrix is written and having the same orientation. B y inspection of the

m 2



[Ch. 2

Loops (specified by enumerating nodes)

1{1, 2, 5}
2{2, 3, 4, 5}
3{3, 4, 5}
4{1, 3, 2}

Fig. 14.

Illustrative example.

graph, it is possible to express the branch currents in terms of these

circulating currents as follows:


B y comparing the matrix of this transformation with the transpose of

B in (54), it is seen that they are the same.
This is a general result that follows by observing that each row of a B
matrix tells the incidence of branches of the graph on the corresponding
loop. Similarly, each column of B focuses on a branch; the entries in the
column specify those loops on which that branch is incident and with
what orientation. If circulating loop currents are defined on the same
contours as the loops, and with the same orientation, then each column
of B will specify the corresponding branch current in terms of the loop
In a graph having b branches and n + 1 nodes, let i be a vector of loop
currents defined by b n loops for which the B matrix is of rank b n.
Then the branch-current matrix i is given in terms of i by the transfor


Sec. 2.3]



For a planar network the currents defined b y the meshes will be an

adequate basis. (The proof of this is left as a problem.) For this case the
transformation in (56) is called the mesh

The second of Kirchhoff's laws is Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL), which

states that in any electric network the sum, relative to the loop orientation,
of the voltages of all branches on the loop equals zero, at each instant of time
and for each loop in the network. For a connected network having b branches
the K V L equations can be written as

where b has the same definition as the elements of the loop matrix. In
matrix form, K V L becomes


where B is a loop matrix, v(t) is a column matrix of branch voltages, and

V(s) is a column matrix of their Laplace transforms.


If all the loops in the network are included, the coefficient matrix will be
B . However, the rank of B a is b n, and the equations in this set will
not be independent.
Let B have b n rows and be of rank b n. (One possibility is the
matrix of f-loops.) It can be partitioned in the form B = [B B ] for
some choice of tree. Let v also be partitioned conformally as

Then K V L can be written as



[Ch. 2

from which
since B is a nonsingular matrix.
The message carried by this expression is that, given a tree of a graph,
there is a linear relationship b y which the link voltages are determined
from the twig voltages. If the twig voltages can be determined by some
other means, the link voltages become known by (60). Of all the b branch
voltages, only n of them, those of the twigs, need be determined inde
Now let (60) be inserted into the partitioned form of the branch
voltage matrix v(t). Then


The last step follows from (42).

Another form is obtained by inserting (43) here. There results
If A is a unit matrix, then

Thus the branch-voltage matrix is expressed in terms of the twig-voltage

matrix for some tree b y means of a transformation. The matrix of the
transformation can be the transpose of the f-cut-set
matrix Q or the
transpose of the A matrix, provided A is a unit matrix. (See Problem 5
concerning the condition for which A will be a unit matrix.) The twig
voltages for a tree are seen to be a basis for the set of all voltages. Since
a twig voltage is the difference in voltage between a pair of nodes, twig
voltages are node-pair voltages. Not all node-pair voltages are twig
voltages; Nevertheless, a suitable set of node-pair, but not necessarily
twig, voltages may constitute a basis set of voltages. Let us consider this
point further.
If one of the two nodes of each node pair is a common node, then each
node-pair voltage will simply equal the voltage of a node relative to that

Sec. 2.3]



of this common, or datum, node. These voltages are referred to as the

node voltages. Since each branch of a graph is incident at two nodes, its
voltage will necessarily be the difference between two node voltages (with
the datum-node voltage being zero). Thus ail voltages of a graph are
expressible in terms of only the node voltages, of which there are n.
When writing the A matrix of a graph, one of the nodes is omitted. If
this node is also taken as the datum node for the definition of node
voltages, then the branch-voltage matrix can be expressed in terms of
the node-voltage matrix v as

This follows from the fact that each column of the A matrix pertains to a
specific branch. The nonzero elements in a column specify the nodes on
which that branch is incident, the sign indicating its orientation. Hence
each column of A will specify the corresponding branch voltage in terms
of the node voltages.
The following example will illustrate this result. Figure 15 is the same

Fig. 15.

Branch voltages in terms of node voltages.

graph as in Fig. 14, with a different branch numbering. The A matrix

with node 5 omitted is



[Ch. 2



Now take node 5 as datum node and let v , v , v , and v be the

node voltages, the voltages of the other nodes relative to that of node
5. B y inspection of the graph, it is possible to express the branch voltages
relative to the node voltages. Thus





The matrix of this transformation is seen to be the transpose of the A

Note that the first 4 columns of A in (65) form a unit matrix. This
agrees with Problem 5, since the tree consisting of branches 1 through 4 is
a star tree. Hence, it happens that the node-pair voltages defined by a
tree in this case are the same as the node voltages (relative to node 5 as
datum). To allay any worries on this score, choose node 4 as datum.
There is no star tree with node 4 as the common node. The A matrix will


Sec. 2.3]


be the same as that in (65) but with the last row replaced b y [1
1 1 0 0 0 0]. Whatever tree is now chosen, A will not be a
unit matrix, and (63) will not apply. However (64), in terms of the new
node voltages, will still apply. You are urged to verify this.


Kirchhoff's two laws expressing constraints on the voltages and

currents of the branches of a network are independent of the specific
nature of the branches, whether capacitor, resistor, source, etc. They
apply to nonlinear as well as to linear elements, and to time-varying as
well as to time-invariant elements. They express constraints imposed b y
the topology of a network.
However, the manner in which the voltage of a particular branch is
related to its current does depend on the constituents of the branch.
There is a considerable amount of flexibility in selecting the makeup of a
network branch. One possibility is to let each element itself (resistor,
capacitor, etc.) constitute a branch. This would require us to count as a
node the junction between elements that are connected in series. It m a y
sometimes be convenient to consider series-connected elements as a
single branch or parallel-connected elements as a single branch. In the
network of Fig. 16, the series connection of R and La can be taken as a
single branch or Ra and La can be considered as two separate branches.


Fig. 16. Illustrating the v-shift and i-shift.

There is similar flexibility in the manner in which sources are treated.

Let a voltage source be said to be accompanied if there is a passive branch
in series with it. Likewise, let a current source be said to be accompanied
if there is a passive branch in parallel with it. In Fig. 16a, neither source
is accompanied. For a passive branch, both the current and voltage are
unknowns whose variations with time are to be determined. However.



[Ch. 2

either the voltage or the current of a source is known. Thus general

statements about the number of unknowns in terms of the number of
branches cannot be made if unaccompanied sources are treated as
branches. For this purpose it is convenient to use some equivalences,
which will now be discussed in order to remove unaccompanied sources
from consideration.
Consider the network in Fig. 16b. The source v has been shifted
through one of its terminals into each branch incident there, maintaining
its proper reference and leaving its original position short-circuited.
Applications of K V L to any loop show that these equations have not been
changed. Now, however, each voltage source is accompanied; it is in series
with a passive branch. In the case of the current source, it has been
shifted and placed across each branch of a loop that contained the
original source, maintaining the proper reference and leaving its original
position op en-circuited. Application of KCL to all nodes will show that
these equations have remained invariant. Thus the solutions for the
other branch variables should be expected to be the same in this new
network as in the old one. We shall refer to these two equivalences as
the voltage shift (or v-shift) and the current shift (or i-shift), respectively.
As a result it is always possible to make all sources accompanied sources.
Sometimes it is convenient to treat all independent sources as accom
panied; and at other times, it is not. For the development of the loop
and node equations, the former is the case. Hence in this chapter we will
assume that all independent sources are accompanied. Later, when
convenient, this requirement will be relaxed.
As we start discussing the v-i relationships of branches, aside from
independent sources, we shall first consider passive, reciprocal networks
only. After the basic procedures have been established, active and
nonreciprocal components will also be introduced.
The most general branch will be assumed to have the form shown in
Fig. 17, containing both a voltage source in series with a passive branch

Fig. 17.

A general branch.

and a current source in parallel with this combination. (In Fig. 16b, for
example, the left-hand current source can be considered to be in parallel


Sec. 2.3]


with the series connection of v , R , and L .) Thus the current of this

kth branch that is to be used in KCL will be i i . Likewise the voltage
that is to be used in K V L will be v v . Hence (45) and (58) will be
replaced by

g k


where i and are column matrices of source currents and voltages.
Similarly, the transformations from branch variables to loop currents
or node voltages must be replaced by the following:

Since sources can be handled in this way independently of the passive
parts of a branch, we shall henceforth concentrate on the passive compo
nents. When doing so, the sources will be made to vanish, which is done
by replacing the voltage sources by short circuits and the current sources
by open circuits.
N o w we can turn to a consideration of the relationships between
voltage and current of the branches of a graph. At the outset, we shall
make no special conventions regarding the manner in which branches are
selected and numbered. We shall deal with the Laplace-transformed
variables and assume that initial conditions have been represented as
equivalent sources. The impedance and admittance of branch k will be
represented b y lower case z and y , respectively, whereas the corres
ponding matrices will be Z and Y .
The branch relationships can be written as follows:

Branch k




[Ch. 2


Fig. 18.

Illustrative example.

The nature of these branch matrices can be illustrated with the example
shown in Fig. 18. The two inductive branches 1 and 2 are mutually
coupled. N o w (73) with the branch-impedance matrix Z shown in detail
can be written as follows:



Sec. 2.3]


Note that, because of the way the branches were numberedwith each
element a separate branch and with inductance first, then resistance,
then capacitancethe matrix can be partitioned as shown, with obvious
meanings for the submatrices. The resistance and inverse-capacitance
matrices are diagonal because there is no coupling from one branch to the
other. This is not the case for the h matrix because of the inductive
It is clear that these properties of the submatrices of the impedance
matrix are quite general if the above numbering scheme for branches is
used. Such a numbering scheme is useful, so we shall adopt it when
convenient for the purpose of determining properties of the corresponding
matrices. There will be times, however, when we will want greater
flexibility and will number the branches differently.
In the general case, then, if each element is counted as a separate
branch and if the inductive branches are numbered first, then the resistive
branches, and then the capacitive branches, the branch impedance and
admittance matrices can be written as follows:


- 1

where R , G , C , and D are diagonal matrices with G = R P , D =

CP , and T = L . (The subscript p in these matrices stands for
"partial.") They are called the partial branch-parameter matrices. In case
there are perfectly coupled transformers in the network, L will be
a singular matrix and will not exist.
Sometimes it is convenient in referring to the branch-parameter
matrices to assume that each one extends over the total dimensions of
the Z matrix; that is, we could write



for the branch resistance matrix and similarly for the others. If this is



[Ch. 2

done, then the branch impedance and admittance matrices can be

simply expressed as follows:




It should be observed that the order of each of the branch-parameter

matrices equals the number of branches of the graph. For convenience in
writing (77), we have increased the dimensions of these matrices. For
computational purposes, the increased dimensions of the matrices will
be a disadvantage. In this case it would be better to use the partial
Although a special branch-numbering scheme was used in arriving at
the branch-parameter matrices given by (76) and others like it, these
matrices can be defined without using that numbering scheme. The only
difference will be that the nonzero elements will not all be concentrated
in a single submatrix as in (76). In a later chapter we shall investigate
the properties of these parameter matrices and shall discuss their realizability conditions.



The basic relationships presented in the last section are Kirchhoff's

current law (KCL), Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL), and the branch
voltage-current relationships. For a network containing b branches and
n + 1 nodes, there are n independent KCL equations and b n inde
pendent K V L equations for a total of b. There are also b branch v-i
relationships, which combined with the other b independent equations
are sufficient to solve for the 2b branch variables, b currents and b vol
tages. However, solving 2b simultaneous equations is a substantial task,
and anything that can be done to reduce the work will be of advantage.
In the last section it was observed that the branch currents could all
be determined in terms of a smaller subsetfor example, the link currents

Sec. 2.4]



for a tree or the loop currents. Similarly, the branch voltages could all be
determined in terms of a smaller subset of voltages. We shall now consider
a number of procedures for utilizing these results to carry out an analysis
of a network problem. The outcome depends on the order in which the
three basic relationships are used.


Given a network, let us first apply K V L , arriving at (68) which is

repeated here (in Laplace-transformed form).
Here B is of order (b n) b and of rank b n. Into this expression we
next insert the branch relations of (73), obtaining
Finally, we express the branch currents in terms of a set of b n other
currents, which may be loop currents or link currents for a treeif B
is the matrix of fundamental loops for that tree. Let us say the former;
that is, we substitute for I(s) the loop transformation in (70). The result is

where E is shorthand for B {V Z I } and

This matrix equation represents a set of b n equations, called the
loop equations, in the b n loop-current variables. The coefficient matrix
Z (s) is called the loop-impedance matrix, not to be confused with the
matrix Z. For a passive reciprocal network, Z is a
symmetric matrix. Hence (see Problem 1.15) Z is also symmetric.
The loop-impedance matrix can be written explicitly in terms of the




branch-parameter matrices b y inserting (77) into (81). Thus



are the loop-parameter matrices.
To illustrate (80), consider the network of Fig. 18 for which the branchimpedance matrix was given in (74). Its graph is redrawn in Fig. 19 to

Fig. 19.

Illustrative example for loop equations.

show the loops chosen. This is a planar graph, and perhaps the simplest
loops would be the meshes. However, for illustrative purposes another
set of loops is chosen. The B matrix for this choice is the following:

Then the loop-impedance matrix becomes





B y relating this matrix to the graph, it is observed that the elements

of the loop-impedance matrix can be interpreted in the following straight
forward way. Each term on the main diagonal is the sum of the impe
dances of the branches on the corresponding loop, with due regard to the
impedance coupled in from other loops by mutual coupling. Each offdiagonal term is plus or minus the impedance of branches common
between two loops; the sign is positive if the loop currents traverse the
common branch with the same orientation, and negative if they traverse
the common branch with opposite orientations. Verify the loop-impedance
matrix for the example by using this interpretation.
A similar interpretation applies to the loop-parameter matrices L ,
R , and D . Thus from the Z matrix we can write the loop-resistance
matrix as follows:

From the network we observe that the main diagonal elements in this
matrix are simply the total resistance on the contour of the corresponding
loop; the off-diagonal elements are plus or minus the resistance common
to the corresponding loops: plus if the orientations of the two loops are
the same through the common resistance, minus if they are opposite.
The source vectors will be

Sec. 2.4]



Then Z I has a nonzero entry only in the seventh row, and its value is
I /sC .
Hence the right-hand side of (80) becomes

The quantity Io/sC is the Thvenin equivalent voltage of the current

source in parallel with C . Thus the quantity E is the equivalent loop
voltage-source vector whose entries are the algebraic sums of voltage
sources (including Thvenin equivalents of current sources) on the contour
of the corresponding loop, with the references chosen so that they are
opposite to the corresponding loop reference.
Once the loop equations have been obtained in the form


the solution is readily obtained as


This, of course, is essentially a symbolic solution in matrix form. The

actual solution for the elements of I requires a considerable amount of



[Ch. 2

further work. We shall postpone until the next chapter further considera
tion of this subject.
In reviewing the preceding discussion of loop equations it should be
noted that, at least for the example considered, less effort will be required
to write the final loop equations if a straightforward scalar approach is
used. In fact, it is possible to write the loop-impedance matrix Z and
the equivalent source matrix E by no more than inspection of the network,
once a set of loops is chosen. We seem to have introduced a matrix pro
cedure that is more complicated than necessary. Three comments are
appropriate to this point. In the first place, the general approach discussed
here should not be used for writing loop equations for networks with a
B matrix of relatively low rank. The general procedure becomes preferable
when dealing with networks having large B matriceswith tens of rows.
Secondly, the general approach using topological relationships is amenable
to digital computation, which makes it quite valuable. Finally, the
general form constitutes an "existence theorem"; it is a verification
that loop equations can always be written for the networks under con


In writing loop equations, the branch v-i relationships were inserted

into the K V L equations, after which a loop transformation was used to
transform to loop-current variables. Now, given a network, let us first
apply KCL, arriving at (67), which is repeated here:
Into this expression we next insert the branch relations in (73), getting
Finally, we express the branch voltages in terms of the node voltages
through the node transformation in (72). The result is

Sec. 2.4]



where J is shorthand for A ( I YV ) and where


This matrix equation represents a set of n equations, called the node
equations, in the n node-voltage variables. The coefficient matrix Y (s) is
called the node-admittance
This time the right-hand side, J, is the equivalent node current-source
vector whose entries are algebraic sums of current sources (including the
Norton equivalents of voltage sources) incident at the corresponding
nodes, with the references chosen so that they enter the node.
The node-admittance matrix can be written explicitly in terms of the
branch-parameter matrices by inserting (77) into (89). The result will be



are the node-parameter
Once the node equations are available in the form
the solution is readily obtained by inverting:
Again, this is essentially a symbolic solution. In the next chapter we shall
consider the details of the solution.
Let us now illustrate the use of node equations with the example of



[Ch. 2

Fig. 18, which is redrawn as Fig. 20. Let node 5 be chosen as the datum
node and as the node that is omitted in writing the A matrix.

Fig. 2 0 . Illustrative example for node equations.

The A matrix and the branch-admittance matrix will be

where = L L





Sec. 2.4]





[Ch. 2

The source matrices V and I are the same as before. Hence we get

The quantity G V is the Norton equivalent of the voltage source in

series with G . Thus, J is the equivalent current-source vector whose
elements are the algebraic sum of current sources (including Norton
equivalents of accompanied voltage sources) incident at the correspond
ing node, with the references chosen to be directed toward the node.
As in the case of loop equations, the node equations can be written
directly from the network b y inspection, for networks without mutual
coupling. The elements of the node-admittance matrix can be found as
follows. Each element on the main diagonal is the sum of the admittances
of branches incident at the corresponding node. Each off-diagonal element
is the negative of the admittance common between two nodes. In this
case all signs of off-diagonal terms are negative, unlike the loop-impedance
case, because the voltage of a branch is always the difference between
two node voltages, since the node voltage references are uniformly
positive relative to the datum node.
A similar interpretation applies to the node-parameter matrices C ,
G , and . Let us, for example, construct the node-capacitance matrix.
From the diagram, there are two capacitors, C and C , incident at node 1,
CQ being common between nodes 1 and 2, and C being common between
nodes 1 and 3. Hence the diagonal term in the first row of C will be
C + C , and the three off-diagonal terms will be C , C , and 0.
Continuing in this fashion, C is found to be

This agrees with the node-capacitance matrix obtained from the previously
found Y matrix.

Sec. 2.4]




The variables in terms of which the node equations are written are the
voltages of the nodes all related to a datum node. This set of variables is
a basis for all branch variables. It was observed earlier that the twig
voltages for a given tree also constitute a basis for all branch voltages.
Hence we should expect the possibility of another set of equations similar
to the node equations, but with twig voltages for a tree as the variables;
this expectation is fulfilled.
Given a network, the first task is to select a tree and to apply KCL to
the fundamental cut sets, arriving at (69), which is repeated here:
Here Q is of order n b and of rank n. (The subscript f is omitted for
simplicity.) Into this expression we next insert the branch relations of
(73) getting
Finally, we express the branch voltages in terms of twig voltages through
the transformation in (71). The result is
where J is simply shorthand for Q {I Y(s)V } and

Note that this expression is quite similar to the node equations given
in (88), the difference being that the f-cut-set
matrix Q replaces the
incidence matrix A, and the variables here are not node voltages but
node-pair voltages. We shall call these equations the node-pair
The coefficient matrix of the node-pair equations Y (s) is called the
node-pair admittance matrix; it can be written explicitly in terms of the
branch-parameter matrices by inserting (77). The result will be




[Ch. 2


are the node-pair parameter matrices.
The same example will be used (Fig. 18) to illustrate the node-pair
equations as used earlier for the loop and node equations, except that it
will be assumed there is no mutual coupling between branches 1 and 2.
The diagram is repeated here as Fig. 21. The tree consisting of branches

Fig. 2 1 . Example for node-pair equations.

3, 4, 5, and 7 shown in heavy lines is selected. The branches in each cut

set and the f-cut-set matrix for this tree are as follows:

The order of the columns is the same as the original numbering of the
branches, not the order for which Q can be partitioned into [U Q ] . The
reason for this is that the branch-admittance matrix was already written
for that order when the node equations were written. Refer back to the
branch-admittance matrix and note that L / is now replaced by 1/L ,


Sec. 2.4]



and Ln/ by 1/L ; also the off-diagonal elements are zero, since there is
no mutual coupling. The node-pair equations are found to be



[Ch. 2

Again we find that a simple interpretation can be given to the cut-set

admittance matrix. B y observing the network in Fig. 21, we see, for
example, that sC + 1/L s + 1 / L s , which is the (4, 4) term in Y , is the
sum of the admittances of the branches in cut-set 4. Similar interpretations
apply to the other diagonal elements. We also observe that some of the offdiagonal elements have positive signs, others, negative signs; for example,
the (1, 3) element in Y is 1 / L s . This is seen to be the admittance of a
branch common to cut-sets 1 and 3. The orientation of this common branch
is the same relative to both cut-sets, so the sign of the term is positive.
As a general rule, the elements of the cut-set admittance matrix Y
have the following interpretations. Each diagonal element is the sum of
the admittances of branches which are in the corresponding cut-set. Each
off-diagonal term is plus or minus the admittance of a branch common to
two cut-sets. The sign is plus if the branch orientation is the same relative
to both cut-sets, minus if it is not the same. You are urged to verify the
Y matrix of the example by using this interpretation.
As for the source term, Q(I YV ), this is the equivalent cut-set
current-source vector, each of whose entries is the algebraic sum of source
currents (including Norton equivalent of voltage sources) that lie in the
corresponding cut-set.



There is a striking parallelism between the loop and node systems of

equations. This observation raises the following interesting question.
Is it possible to find two networks such that the loop equations for one
network are the same as the node equations of the other, except for the
symbols? In other words, can the loop equations for one network become
the node equations for the other if we interchange the symbols v and i
throughout? To answer this question, note that the loop equations result
when the branch relations are substituted into KVL, and then KCL is
used (in the form of the loop transformation). On the other hand, the
node equations result when this order is reversed; that is, the branch
relations are inserted into KCL, and then K V L is used (in the form of the
node transformation). On this basis we see that the question can be
answered affirmatively if two networks N and N exist that satisfy the
following two conditions:

1. The KCL equations of N are a suitable set of K V L equations for

on replacing i by v for all j .
2. The expression for branch voltage v of N in terms of branch current
ij becomes the expression for branch current i of N in terms of branch
voltage vj on interchanging i and v .


Sec. 2.5]


If these conditions are satisfied, N is said to be the dual of N . In fact,

it is easy to see that if N and N are interchanged, the above conditions
will still be satisfied (if they were originally satisfied). Hence N is also
the dual of N . The property of duality is a mutual property; N and N
are dual networks.
In matrix form, condition 1 can be stated as follows: Let A i = [ai ] be
the incident matrix of N . Then

where B is a loop matrix of N . Clearly, the number of branches of the
two networks must be equal, and the rank of A must equal the rank of
B . Thus

where b and b refer to the number of branches; n + 1 and n + 1 refer
to the number of nodes of the two networks, respectively.
Evidently these relationships constitute conditions on the structure of
the two networks. First, there must be a correspondence between the
branches of the two networks, as defined by the ordering of the columns
in the matrices A and B to satisfy (100). Secondly, there must be a
correspondence between the nodes of N (rows of A ) and the loops of
N (rows of B ) .
Two structures that are related b y (100) are called dual graphs. We
shall not discuss the abstract properties of dual graphs here but shall
state some of the simpler results.*
The basic result is that a network will have a geometrical (structural)
dual if and only if it is planar. If two planar networks can be superimposed
such that each junction but one of N lies inside a mesh of N and the
references of corresponding branches are suitably oriented, then a row
of A and the corresponding row of B will be identical. Such a loop and
node are shown in Fig. 22. The branches and loops of N are primed, and
the branches and nodes of N are unprimed. Node 1 in N corresponds
to loop 1' in N . You should verify that the KCL equation at node 1
has the same coefficients as those of the K V L equation for loop 1'. The
coefficient of i in the KCL equation at node 2 is + 1 . In order to make the

* For a more detailed account, see H. Whitney, "Nonseparable and Planar Graphs,"
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 339-362, 1932, and C. Kuratowski, "Sur
le probleme des courbes gauches en topologie," Fundamenta Mathematicae, vol. 15,
pp. 271-283, 1930.



Fig. 22.

[Ch. 2

Dual loop and node.

coefficient of v in the KVL equation for loop 2' the same, namely + 1 ,
loop 2' must be oriented as shown. B y following through the entire graph
in the same manner, it can be seen that all the loops must be oriented in the
same sense (all clockwise if the branch references are as shown in the
figure, or all counterclockwise if the branch references are reversed).
If the meshes of a planar graph are chosen for writing K V L equations,
and all loops are oriented in the same sense, then the off-diagonal terms in
the loop equations will all carry negative signs, just as they do in node
The second condition of duality has to do with the branch relationships.
Figure 23 shows dual pairs of v-i relationships. For mutual inductance there
is no dual relationship. From the definition, then, only planar networks
without mutual inductance have duals.
Given such a network, say N , construction of the dual network

Fig. 23.

Dual branches.

Sec. 2.5]



proceeds as follows. Within each mesh of N we place a node of what will

be the dual network N . An additional node, which will be the datum
node, is placed outside Ni. Across each branch of N is placed the dual
branch joining the two nodes located inside the two meshes to which that
particular branch of N is common.* Finally, the branch references of N
are chosen so that the matrix of K V L equations for N (with all loops
similarly oriented) is the same as the matrix of KCL equations for N .
Because the two networks are mutually dual, the node-admittance
matrix of one network equals the loop-impedance matrix of the other,
and vice versa; that is,

Since these matrices are equal, their determinants and cofactors will be
As an illustration, consider the diagram in Fig. 24a. A node is placed


Fig. 24.

Construction of a dual.

* In this process it is convenient to consider the sources as separate branches for the
purpose of constructing the dual.



[Ch. 2

within each mesh, and an additional one is placed outside. In part (b)
of the figure, dashed lines are used to represent dual branches crossing
each of the branches of N . Finally, the dual is shown in part (c). You
should verify (100) and (102) for this example.



The coefficient matrices of the loop equations and the node equations
are, respectively, BZB' and AYA'. The success of carrying out a loop
analysis or node analysis in this general form, then, depends on the
existence of a branch-impedance matrix Z or a branch-admittance
matrix Y. For the passive, reciprocal networks dealt with up to this
point, both of these matrices exist. (This statement must be qualified for
a perfectly coupled transformer, for which Y does not exist.)
Now we shall consider networks containing active and/or nonreciprocal
devices, in addition to passive ones having more than two terminals.
Table 1 shows such components, together with their representations.
There are two points to consider when dealing with these components.
One has to do with how the graphs of such multiterminal components are
to be represented. This will influence the number of KCL and K V L
equations and, hence, matrices A and B. The other point concerns the
existence of a branch representation that can be used in a loop or node
analysis. We shall initially take up the former point and consider the
graphs of the components.
Each of the components shown in Table 1 has four terminals. However,
the terminals are always taken in pairs, so that it is more appropriate to
consider them as having two pairs of terminals. It is possible, of course,
to identify (connect together) one terminal from each pair without
influencing the v-i relationships of the components. Thus each component
can be looked upon as a three-terminal component. The behavior of each
component in the table is specified by two relationships among two pairs
of variablestwo currents and two voltages. This is a special case of a
general condition; namely, that the behavior of an n-terminal component
can be completely specified in terms of n 1 relationships among n 1
pairs of voltage and current variables. (This condition is, in effect, a
postulate and, as such, not susceptible to proof.)
For a component with one pair of terminals, described by one voltage
and one current, the graph is represented by a single branch. The compo
nents in Table 1 have two pairs of terminals, and two voltages and
currents; their graph will be represented by two branches across the

Sec. 2.6]



Table 1




Type of






Hybrid g


Hybrid h


Hybrid h
Hybrid g
Hybrid h
Hybrid g

Each of these components also has a chain matrix representation.




[Ch. 2

pairs of terminals, as shown in Fig. 25. If one terminal from each pair is


Fig. 25.

Two-port and its terminal graph.

a common terminal, the corresponding branches of the graph will also

have a common terminal.
The above discussion has related to general three- and four-terminal
components. But the components in Table 1 have certain degeneracies,
as shown by the number of zeros in their characterizing equations. For
the controlled sources the input pair of terminals is either open or shorted.
It will support either an arbitrary voltage with zero current or an arbi
trary current with zero voltage. There is a row of zeros in the v-i rela
tionship. This means that only one representation exists for each type
of component. To write loop (node) equations, however, requires an
impedance (admittance) representation. If loop (node) equations are to
be written for networks containing any of these components, it will,
therefore, be necessary to make some preliminary adjustments.
This can be done in the manner illustrated by the following example.
The subnetwork of Fig. 26 contains a controlled source. The graph of
the subnetwork is also shown, the heavy lines representing the two
branches of the controlled source. Branch 3 of the graph does not even
physically appear in the network; there, it is simply an open circuit.
However, the voltage of this branch, v , is nonzero; and, since it appears
explicitly in the branch equations of the component, it cannot simply be
disregarded. But observe that v can be expressed in terms of other branch
voltages; in this example, v = vi v . Hence, if this relationship is
inserted for v in the branch relationship, neither v nor i will appear any
longer. Consequently, branch 3 can simply be removed from the graph.
Thus the controlled source is now represented by a single branch (branch
4) in the graph, and its branch equation becomes


Sec. 2.6]



Fig. 26.


Subnetwork with v-controlled i-source.

The preceding example dealt with a single component of the seven

listed in Table 1. Since each of them has a different type of representation,
somewhat different approaches are appropriate for each. Let us now
examine them systematically to see how an impedance and/or admittance
representation can be obtained for each.
First consider the gyrator; it has both an admittance and an impedance
representation. Hence there need be no special techniques for carrying
out a loop or a node analysis. As an illustration, consider the network
containing a gyrator shown in Fig. 27. The graph of the gyrator will

Fig. 27.

Network with gyrator and its graph.

have the two branches shown in heavy lines. The branch-impedance

matrix of the entire network, including the gyrator, is easily written.
With the branch and loop numbering schemes shown, the B matrix and



[Ch. 2

the branch-impedance matrix become the following:


From these the loop-impedance matrix follows:

(Verify these relationships.) Notice how the gyrator parameter enters to

make both the branch- and loop-impedance matrices nonsymmetric.
Since the gyrator also has an admittance representation, node equations
can be readily written. With node 5 as the datum node, the incidence
matrix, the branch-admittance matrix, and, from these, the nodeadmittance matrix are

Sec. 2.6]



You are urged to verify these. The presence of a gyrator, then, requires
nothing special for writing loop and node equations.
N e x t let us consider the v-controlled i-source. This was already done
in the illustration in Fig. 26. We saw that the input branch of the graph
of this device can be eliminated when the controlling voltage is expressed
in terms of other branch voltages. The device is then represented by a
single branch, and a branch-admittance matrix is easily written, leading
to a successful node analysis.
If a loop analysis is required, however, a problem will arise. Loop
equations require an impedance representation of the components. In
Fig. 26, what is needed is to write an expression for v explicitly in terms
of currents. Since v does not appear explicitly in (103), which is the
pertinent branch equation, we appear to be at an impasse. However, a
remedy can be found if branch 4', which is in parallel with 4 in Fig. 26,
is lumped together with 4 into a single branch. If i is the current of the
combined branch, then the following equation will replace (103):

Now it is possible to solve for v , after each of the other voltages has been
eliminated by inserting its branch relationship. Thus




[Ch. 2

The branch-impedance matrix can now be completed.

What has happened to the graph in carrying out the preceding? The
one branch that was left representing the controlled source has been
eliminated by combining it with a parallel branch. Clearly, this required
that the controlled source be accompanied, which can always be arranged
by using the i-shift.
The i-controlled v-source can be handled in a completely dual way.
Here, the input branch of the graph of the device can be eliminated when
the controlling current is expressed in terms of other branch currents.
The branch-impedance matrix can then be written, and a loop analysis
can be carried out. This time, however, if a node analysis is required, it
will become necessary to combine into a single branch the controlled
source and an accompanying branch. An accompanying branch can
always be provided by the v-shift. After this step, the branch relation
can be inverted, and an admittance representation can be written. The
details of this development will be left to you.
This leaves us in Table 1 with four components that have only a
hybrid representation. Before an impedance or admittance representation
can be found, the branches of these components must be combined with
accompanying branches, and the controlling voltages or currents must
be expressed in terms of other branch currents.
Let us illustrate these comments by considering the network of Fig. 28,




Fig. 28.

Network with ideal transformer, and its graph.


Sec. 2.6]


which contains an ideal transformer. The ideal transformer can be

replaced by an equivalent consisting of two controlled sources, as shown.
This step is not essential; all further steps can be carried out with reference
to the graph, without considering this equivalent network. In the graph
of the network, the branches representing the transformer are the heavy
ones. Note that each of the controlled sources is accompanied. The voltage
across the left-hand branch, Va, is the same as the voltage across its
accompanying branch, V . Similarly, the current in the right-hand
branch, I , is the same as the current in its accompanying branch, I .
The transformer equations are


Now let us write the branch relations for the transformer, this time
combining them with their accompanying branches. Let the sum of I
and the current in branch 3 be written I , and the sum of V and the
voltage across branch 4 be V . Then



These equations can be rewritten to provide either an impedance or an

admittance representation. The results are




As a consequence of the preceding steps, branches a and b in the graph

merge with their accompanying branches and disappear from the graph.



[Ch. 2

(Node 5 also disappears.) The branch impedance will now be


You can complete the problem by determining the loop-impedance

matrix Z .
The preceding discussion makes it clear that the presence of certain
four-terminal devices presents some problems in the writing of loop or
node equations, but the problems are not insurmountable. If we insist
on writing such equations, it can be done, with some preliminary mani
pulations. These manipulations involve the lumping of certain branches,
with a corresponding effect on the graph. Although the graphs of these
devices are represented in general by two branches, we have sometimes
found ourselves discarding these branches as soon as we have put them
in. The controlling branches of the controlled sources were removed
(after appropriately expressing the controlling voltage or current). The
controlled branches were also removed from the graph whenever it was
desired to carry out an analysis that did not fit the natural representation

Fig. 29.

Potentially singular impedance matrix.

Sec. 2.7]



of the device. In later work, we shall find other ways of dealing with the
branches of the graphs of these devices.
The comment should be made that for low-order networks the general
systematic formulation we have carried out requires more effort than
needed to write loop or node equations using a straightforward scalar
approach. Furthermore, the work is increased by the requirement that
the components be represented in a fashion that is not natural to them. In
the next section we shall consider an alternative approach, which utilizes
the hybrid representation directly.
One final point: the presence of nonreciprocal and/or active devices in
a network may mean that a unique solution cannot be found for certain
values of network parameters. This is illustrated b y the network in
Fig. 29, which contains a v-controlled v-source. For this network the
node-admittance matrix will be singular if G = (k 1 ) G . Hence a
solution will not exist in this case. Verify this.



We observed in the last section that the desire to write loop or node
equations for networks containing multiterminal elements meets with
some difficulty for certain kinds of elements. The success of writing loop
or node equations depends on the existence of an impedance or admittance
representation for the branch relationships. When a multiterminal
device has no such representation, certain preliminary manipulations and
combinations of branches can be performed in order to write the desired
We shall now discuss a scheme that avoids these preliminary manipula
tions and permits all branch relationships to appear in their natural form.
This desirable result must be purchased at a price, however, as will be
evident as we proceed.
Of all the elements in our arsenal, some (including R, L, C, and gyrators)
have both impedance and admittance representations; one (the vcontrolled i-source) has only an admittance; one (the i-controlled
has only an impedance; and some (transformer, NC,
v-source and i-controlled i-source) have only a mixed, or hybrid, repre
sentation. Whatever scheme we come up with must accommodate this
fact. We should also recall that twig voltages form a basis set of voltages
in terms of which all branch voltages can be expressed. Similarly, link
currents form a basis set of currents in terms of which all branch currents
can be expressed.



[Ch. 2

With these thoughts in mind, given a network, we first choose a tree.

Instead of expressing the branch relationships as V = ZI or I = YV, we
write mixed branch relationships in the following form:


(The orders of the submatrices are as indicated.) The notation for the
coefficient matrices is chosen as an aid to the memory. For uniformity
the first submatrix in the first row should be written H , and the second
one in the second row should be H . But since they have the dimensions
of admittance and impedance, respectively, the simpler and more sugges
tive notation was chosen.
In these equations we express twig currents and link voltages in terms
of a mixed set of variables consisting of twig voltages and link currents.
Here we see the possibility of accommodating hybrid branch representa
tions if the branches having such representation are chosen as links or
twigs appropriately. This point will be amplified shortly.
There remain K V L and KCL to apply. Let us assume that K V L is
applied to the fundamental loops for the given tree, and KCL is applied
at the f-cut-sets.
Using (68) and (69) for K V L and KCL; partitioning the
B and Q matrices in the usual manner, with B = [B U] and Q = [U Q ] ;
and remembering that B = Q ' from (41), we get
1 1

2 2




Sec. 2.7]



(The f subscript, denoting "fundamental," has been omitted for simpli

city.) The first of these can be solved for V , the second can be solved for
I , and the result can be inserted into (110). After rearranging, the result
will be


This is a set of equations in mixed voltage and current variables; namely,

twig voltages and link currents. There are as many variables as there
are branches in the graph, which is the price we have to pay. On the
right-hand side, the Q matrix can also be partitioned, and B can be
replaced by Q j . Thus, for a given problem, it is enough to form Q and
to write the V-I relationships as in (109). From these, Q and submatrices
of the branch-parameter matrix H are identified; then the final equations
in (112) follow.
Note that when multiterminal elements are not present in the network,
H = 0 and H = 0. Then, after the matrix equation (112) is expanded
into two separate equations, substituting the second equation into the
first will lead to the node-pair equations; and substituting the first into
the second will lead to the loop equations. The truth of this is left for you
to demonstrate.
The forms of the equations in (110) are guides to the proper selection of
a tree. Any R, L, or C branch has both an impedance and an admittance
representation and can be chosen as either a twig or a link. (Refer to
Table 1.) The gyrator also has either representation, so its two branches
can be either twigs or links. However, since the voltage of one branch is
related to the current of the other, both branches must be twigs or links
Since the i-controlled v-source has only an impedance representation,
both of its branches must be links. Just the opposite is true for the
v-controlled i-source; it has only an admittance representation, so both
of its branches must be twigs. In the case of the ideal transformer and
negative converter, only hybrid representations exist, but there are two
possibilities: hybrid h or hybrid g; so that input voltage and output
current can be expressed in terms of output voltage and input current,
or vice versa. Hence one of the two branches must be a twig, the other a
link, and it does not matter which is which. Finally, the v-controlled
v-source and the i-controlled i-source each have only one hybrid repre
sentation. For the first of these, the controlling branch current is expli
citly specified (to be zero), and so the branch must be a twig; the con
trolled branch voltage is specified, so it must be a link. The situation is

1 2

2 1



just the opposite for the i-controlled

in Table 2.

[Ch. 2

i-source. These results are summarized

Table 2
Twig or Link


Type of







current source




voltage source




Ideal transformer
or NC

Hybrid h
or g



voltage source

Hybrid g



current source

Hybrid h



Since there are limitations on the nature of what is permitted (twig or

link) for the branches of some of the multiterminal components for some
networks, it might be impossible to find a tree that permits each branch
to become what Table 2 decrees. In this case the present approach will
However, observe that there was no a priori reason for choosing to
write the branch relationships in the form of (109). We can instead write
them in the inverse form, as follows:


In this case, the twig and link designations in the last two columns of

Sec. 2.7]



Table 2 will have to be reversed. It turns out that the equation corres
ponding to (112) using the G system will be somewhat more complicated.
The details of obtaining this equation will be left as a problem. In any
case, if one of these hybrid representations fails, the other one might
To illustrate the mixed-variable equations, consider again the network
of Fig. 28, which is redrawn here as Fig. 30. A possible tree is shown in
the graph b y heavy lines. For purposes of comparison, the same branch
numbering is made as before, but this is not the natural one for the tree
selected; care must be exercised about the ordering of branches when
writing the equations. The matrix off-cut sets, taken in the order 1, a,
4, 5, is found to be

To write the V-I relations in the form of (109), the twig and link
variables are listed in column matrices in the same order as for Q. Thus

* Matters can be salvaged, even if both fail, by a modification that uses two trees.
It should be clear, however, that failure of both representations can occur only in net
works having a proliferation of controlled sources in peculiar connections. Hence the
need for such a modification is so rare that further discussion is not warranted.



Fig. 30.

[Ch. 1

Example for mixed-variable equations.

Now the H matrix is filled in. The only branches that will yield offdiagonal terms are those of the transformer. The appropriate equations
are V = Va/n, and I = I /n. The result will be

From this expression the H submatrices are easily identified.

As for the sources, assume there are no initial currents in the inductors;
so I = 0, and V is nonzero only in the first element, which is a twig.
Hence B V reduces to B V = Q'lV , which, with the Q previously
found, becomes

g t


Now all the submatrices that make up (112) are determined. Putting
everything together leads to

Sec. 2.7]



(You should verify this result.) This is a seventh-order matrix equation.

However, it is not as bad as it looks, since the coefficient matrix is sparse;
that is, many entries are zero.
Let us consider one more example. In the network in Fig. 31, let the
transistor have the simple model of a current-controlled current source
shown in Fig. 31b. The heavy lines in the graph designate the tree, as usual.


Fig. 31.


Mixed variable equations for transistor network.

Branch 7 is the controlling branch of the source. According to Table 2,

this branch must be a link, and the controlled current branch (branch 5)
must be a twig. For the ideal transformer one branch must be a twig; and
the other, a link. Once the branches of the multiterminal components
have been assigned their appropriate character, the other branches of
the tree are selected. The branch relationship and the Q matrix can now
be written.



[Ch. 2

As for the sources, assume that the capacitors have initial voltages
and v , respectively. These can be represented as voltage sources
v /s and v /s. The source matrices are, therefore,




Sec. 2.7]



Hence QI becomes I = [I
0 0 0 0]', and B V becomes Q/V +
V = [v /s
v /s
0 0]'.
When all of the above are inserted into (112), the final equations become

g l


g t



Again the size of the matrix may appear to be excessively large but again
it is quite sparse.
To summarize the features of the mixed-variable equations, after a
tree has been selected, the V-I relationships of the branches are written
as a single matrix equation in which twig currents and link voltages are
expressed in terms of twig voltages and link currents. Next, KCL applied
to the f-cut-sets for the chosen tree and K V L applied to the f-loops are
used to eliminate the twig currents and link voltages from this expression.
The result is rearranged to give a set of equations in the twig-voltage and
link-current variables. The number of equations equals the number of
branches, which is the same as the sum of the number of loop equations
and node equations. This is the major drawback of the approach. The
virtue is the fact that multiterminal elements can be accommodated
quite naturally.
One other observation should be made here. In selecting a tree the
only restrictions involve the branches of multiterminal components. No
special pains are taken in assigning two-terminal elements to the tree or
the cotree, because the equations require no special distinctions among
capacitors, inductors, or resistors. As we shall see in a later chapter, this
is not the case when dealing with the state equations, and there are
reasons for assigning capacitors and inductors uniquely to the tree or


[Ch. 2


1. When writing the state equations for the bridge network in Fig. 2, the
branch relations were inserted into KVL to eliminate all branch
voltages except that of the capacitor. Then KCL was used to eliminate
some of the branch currents.
Instead, start with KCL and use the branch relations to eliminate
appropriate currents. Then use KVL to eliminate some of the branch
voltages. The final result should be the same as (10).
2. Let A be an nth order nonsingular submatrix of the incidence matrix
of a connected linear graph, where n + 1 is the number of nodes. Prove
that the columns of A correspond to twigs for some tree. (This is the
converse of the theorem on p. 74).

3. Suppose a set of branches of a linear graph contains a loop. Show that

the corresponding columns of the A matrix are linearly dependent.
4. Prove that any set of n branches in a connected graph that contains no
loops is a tree.
5. The incidence matrix of a graph can be partitioned as A [A A ] ,
where the columns of A correspond to twigs and the columns of A
correspond to links for a given tree. The submatrix A is nonsingular;
in some cases it will be a unit matrix. What must be the structure of
the tree for which A = U? Prove and illustrate with an example.

6. Let B be a (b n)th order nonsingular submatrix of a loop matrix B

that is of order (b n) b. Prove that the columns of B correspond
to the links for some cotree of the graph which is assumed to be

7. A linear graph has five nodes and seven branches. The reduced incidence
matrix for this graph is given as

(a) It is claimed that branches {1, 3, 4, 5} constitute a tree. Without

drawing the graph, verify the truth of this claim.



(b) For this tree write the matrix of f-loops, B (again, without drawing
a graph).
(c) For the same tree determine the matrix of f-cut-sets, Q . (No
graphs, please.)
(d) Determine the number of trees in the graph.
(e) Draw the graph and verify the preceding results.

8. Repeat Problem 7 for the following incidence matrices and the specified

branches: {2, 3, 4}


branches: {1, 3, 5, 6}


9. Prove this statement: In a linear graph every cut-set has an even

number of branches in common with every loop.
10. With A = [A Al] and B = [B U], it is known that B = (At-1Al)'.
Thus, to find B , it is necessary to know A . The following matrices
are specified as candidates for A . State whether or not they are




11. Let A = [A A ] , where A is nonsingular. Prove that the nonzero

elements in each row of A
must have the same sign.
12. Define a path matrix P = [p ] of a tree as follows:



[Ch. 2


p = + l [ - l ] if branch j is in the (unique) directed path in the tree

from node i to the datum node and its orientation agrees [disagrees]
with that of the path, and pi = 0 otherwise.

The path matrix P is a square matrix whose rows correspond to paths

from the corresponding nodes to the datum node and whose columns
correspond to branches; for example, the nonzero entries in, say the third
column, specify the paths on which branch 3 lies; and the nonzero entries
in, say the fourth row, specify the branches that lie on the path from
node 4 to datum. Write the path matrix for each of the indicated trees in
the graph of Fig. P-12.

Fig. P - 1 2

13. When forming B or Q from the incidence matrix, it is necessary to find

the inverse of A . A simple method of doing this is required. Prove that
= P', where P is the path matrix of the tree whose branches are
the columns of A .

- 1

_ 1

14. Use the result of Problem 13 to find A

for the trees of Fig. P-12.
Verify by evaluation of A P'. For each case verify the result of Problem

15. (a) Two branches are in parallel in a graph. Determine the relationship
of the columns corresponding to these two branches in the Q matrix,
(b) Repeat if the two branches are in series.

16. Let Q = [U Q ]. Suppose a column of Q , say the jth, has a single

nonzero entry, and this is in the kth row. What can you say about the
structure of the graph as it relates to branches j and k?

17. Let Qf= [U Q ] and B = [B U]. Suppose the Q matrix of a graph

is given, (a) Determine the B matrix for this graph; (b) discuss the
possibility of determining the A matrix of the graph and the uniqueness
of this graph from a given Q matrix or a given B matrix.


18. In the graphs of Fig. P-18 determine the number of trees




Fig. P - 1 8

19. Prove that a graph contains at least one loop if two or more branches
are incident at each node.
20. For a connected planar graph of b branches and n + 1 nodes show that
the B matrix of the meshes is of rank b n. This will mean that the
mesh currents will be an adequate basis for expressing all branch
21. Using the concept of duality, show that KVL equations written for the
meshes of a planar graph are linearly independent.
22. Let a branch t of a graph be a twig for some tree. The f-cut-set
determined by t contains a set of links l , l , ... for that tree. Each of
these links defines an f-loop. Show that every one of the f-loops formed
by links l , l , etc. contains twig t.

23. For the graph in Fig. P-23, let B be the loop matrix for the meshes.

Fig. P - 2 3

(a) Form B ' ( B ) ' and verify that the branch currents are correctly
given in terms of the link currents for the tree shown.
(b) For the same tree determine B directly and verify that
Bj=B'(Bl )'.
(c) Verify the mesh transformation.




[Ch. 2


2 4 . In the graph of Fig. P-18b, branches {2, 3, 7, 6} form a loop. Verify the
result of Problem 3 for this set of branches.
2 5 . In the graph of Fig. P-18b, branches {2, 4, 5, 6} form a tree. Partition
the A matrix into [A A ] by using this tree. From this, letting
B = [B U] and Q = [U Q ] , determine B and Q and verify that


2 6 . It is possible for two f-loops of a graph for a given tree to have twigs
and nodes in common. Prove that it is possible for two f-loops to have
two nodes in common only if the path in the tree between the nodes is
common to the two loops.
2 7 . In Fig. P-27 the following loops exist:
loop 1: , e, g, b
loop 2: d, c, g,f
loop 3: , d, f, j , h, b
loop 4: e, c, h, j

Fig. P-27

(a) Do the KVL equations for these loops constitute an independent set?
(b) Either (1) find a set of links that form f-loops that are meshes of
the graph or (2) prove that there is no such set.
2 8 . In a linear network let the power in branch j be defined as p (t)
Vj(t) i (t), with standard references for the variables.

(a) For a given network assume that KCL and KVL are satisfied. Show
that p (t) = v(t)' i(t) = 0, where the summation is over all branches of
the network. The result v'i = 0 is called Tellegen's theorem.
(b) Next assume that Tellegen's theorem and KVL are both true. Show
that KCL follows as a consequence.
(c) Finally, assume that Tellegen's theorem and KCL are both true.
Show that KVL follows as a consequence.

This problem demonstrates that, of the three laws, KCL, KVL and
Tellegen's theorem, any two can be taken as fundamental; the third
will follow as a consequence.



29. Construct the duals of the networks in Fig. P-29. The numbers shown
are values of R, L, or C.





Fig. P - 2 9

30. (a) If two branches are parallel or in series in a graph, how are the
corresponding branches in the dual graph related? Verify in terms of
Fig. P-29.
(b) Figure P-30 represents, the network in Fig. P-29b. Within the box

Fig. P - 3 0

is a bridged-tee. In the dual network how is this bridged-tee modified?

(c) What kind of structure is the dual of the bridge network in
Fig. P-29c?
31. For the networks in Fig. P-29 (a) write the loop equations by using the
meshes for loops and the mesh currents as a set of basis currents. For
which of these networks do the meshes constitute f-loops for some tree?



[Ch. 2

(b) Choose some tree [different from part (a)] and write loop equations
for the f-loops.
32. For the networks of Fig. P-29 choose the lowest node as datum and
write a set of node equations.
33. For the networks of Fig. P-29 choose a tree and write a set of nodepair equations with the twig voltages for this tree as basis variables.
34. For the network in Fig. P-34 (a) write a set of node-pair equations for
the tree shown, (b) Write a set of node equations using a convenient
node for datum.

Fig. P - 3 4

35. For the network in Fig. 29 in the text write a set of node equations
and verify that the node-admittance matrix will be singular when
G =
(k-1)G .

36. Fig. P-36 shows a network having a potentially singular nodeadmittance or loop-impedance matrix. Determine conditions among the
parameters that will make it singular

Fig. P - 3 6



37. For the network in Fig. P-37 set up in matrix form (a) the node
equations; (b) the mixed-variable equations, and (c) for the latter, show
all possible trees of the graph.

38. For the network of Fig. P-38 set up (a) the loop equations, (b) the
mixed-variable equations (use the usual small-signal linear equivalent
for the triode), and (c) for the latter, show all possible trees.

Fig. P-38

39. Find all possible trees for which mixed-variable equations can be
written for the network in Fig. 31 in the text.
40. Show that the loop-impedance matrix Z = B Z B ' f can be written as
Z + Q'lZ Q , where Q = [U Q ] and Z is conformally partitioned.

41. Show by doing it that, for RLC networks, the mixed-variable equations
in (112) can be converted into loop equations or node-pair equations.
The next six problems involve the preparation of a computer program to help
in implementing the solution of some problems. In each case prepare a program



[Ch. 2

flow chart and a set of program instructions, in some user language like
FORTRAN IV, for a digital computer program to carry out the job specified
in the problem. Include a set of user instructions for the program.
*42. Prepare a program to identify a tree of a connected network when each
branch and its orientation in the graph are specified by a sequence of
triplets of numbers: The first number identifies the branch, the second
number identifies the node at the branch tail, and the third number
identifies the node at the branch head. The program must also renumber
the branches such that twigs are numbered from 1 to n and links are
numbered from n + 1 to b. An example of a typical set of data is given
in Fig. P42 for the network graph shown there.

Fig. P-42

*43. Prepare a program to determine a reduced-incidence matrix of a

connected network using, as input data, the output data from Problem
*44. Prepare a program to determine the following:

An f-loop matrix by using (34).

An f-cut-set matrix by using (43).

The output data from Problem 43 should be taken as the input data for
this problem.
*45. Prepare a program to determine the number of trees in a network by
(20) with pivotal condensation used to evaluate the determinant.
Specify the input data format.
*46. Prepare a program to determine the (a) node-admittance matrix,
(b) loop-impedance matrix, and (c) node-pair-admittance matrix of an
RLC network by evaluating the (1) node-parameter matrices of (91),
(2) loop-parameter matrices of (83), and (3) node-pair-parameter



matrices of (99), respectively. Assume the input data is presented as a

sequence of quintuplets of numbers: The first identifies the branch,
the second identifies the node at the branch tail, and the third identifies
the node at the branch head, the fourth identifies the branch type
according to the following schedule, and the fifth is the value of the
branch parameter. Assume also that (1) a reduced-incidence matrix, (2) an
f-loop matrix, and (3) an f-cut-set matrix have already been evaluated by
the programs of Problems 43 and 44.





*47. Combine the programs of Problems 43, 44, and 46 to create a single
program that will determine at the program user's option the nodeadmittance matrix, loop-impedance matrix, and/or node-pair-admittance
matrix of an RLC network.


In the last chapter we described a number of systematic methods for

applying the fundamental laws of network theory to obtain sets of
simultaneous equations: loop, node, node-pair, and mixed-variable
equations. Of course, these formal procedures are not necessarily the
simplest to use for ail problems. In many problems involving networks of
only moderate structural complexity, inspection, Thvenin's theorem,
and other shortcuts may doubtless provide answers more easily than
setting up and solving, say, the loop equations. The value of these
systematic procedures lies in their generality and in our ability to utilize
computers in setting them up and solving them.
The equations to which these systematic methods lead are differential
or integrodifferential. Classical methods for solving such equations can
be employed, but we have so far assumed that solutions will be obtained
by the Laplace transform. With this in mind, the formulation was often
carried out in Laplace-transformed form.
Assuming that a network and the Laplace-transformed equations
describing its behavior are available, we now turn to the solution of
these equations and the network functions in terms of which the network
behavior is described.



Given a linear, time-invariant network, excited by any number of

independent voltage-and-current sources, and with arbitrary initial
capacitor voltages and inductor currents, (which can also be represented

Sec. 3.1]



as independent sources) a set of loop, node, or node-pair equations can be

written. The network may be nonpassive and nonreciprocal. In matrix
form these equations will all be similar. Thus


The right-hand sides are the contributions of the sources, including the
initial-condition equivalent sources; for example, J = [ J i ] , where Ji is
the sum of current sources (including Norton equivalents of accompanied
voltage sources) connected at node i, with due regard for the orientations.
The symbolic solution of these equations can be written easily and is
obtained by multiplying each equation by the inverse of the corresponding
coefficient matrix. Thus

Each of these has the same form. For purposes of illustration the second
one will be shown in expanded form. Thus


where is the determinant of the node admittance matrix and the

are its cofactors. The expression for just one of the node voltages, say
Vk, is
j k



[Ch. 3


This gives the transform of a node voltage as a linear combination of the

equivalent sources. The J's are not the actual sources; for example, in
Fig. 3.1 suppose there are no initial conditions. The J-matrix will be

Fig. 1.

for V

Illustration for equivalent sources.

the appropriate expressions in terms of actual sources are substi

for the J's, it is clear that (4) can be arranged to give V (s) as a
combination of the actual sources. Thus for Fig. 1 the expression
would become

As a general statement, then, it can be said that any response transform
can be written as a linear combination of excitation transforms. The
coefficients of this linear combination are themselves linear combinations
of some functions of s. These functions are ratios of two determinants,
the denominator one being the determinant of Z , Y , or Y , and the
numerator one being some cofactor of these matrices; for example, in
(5) the denominator determinant is det Y , and the coefficient of I
the difference between two such ratios of determinants.
Once the functions relating any response transform (whether voltage
or current) to any excitation transform (V or I) are known, then the


Sec. 3.1]



response to any given excitation can be determined. Thus in (5) know

ledge of the quantities in parentheses is enough to determine the response
V (s) for any given values of V , I , and I .
We shall define the general term network function as the ratio of a
response transform to an excitation transform. Both the response and
the excitation may be either voltage or current. If the response and
excitation refer to the same terminals (in which case one must be a voltage,
the other a current), then the function is called a driving-point
either impedance or admittance. If the excitation and response refer to
different terminals, then the function is a transfer function.





To be more specific, consider Fig. 2a, in which attention is focused

Fig. 2 .

Driving-point functions.


on one pair of terminals to which external connections can be made. We

assume that the network (1) contains no independent sources, and (2) is
initially relaxed.
B y the "driving-point impedance" and the "driving-point admittance"
of a network at a pair of terminals we mean


where V\ and 1\ are the transforms of the terminal voltage and current
with the references as shown in Fig. 2. In making this definition nothing
is said about how the terminals are excited or what is connected to them.
The implication is that it makes no difference. (Is this completely intuitive
or does it require proof?) The conditions of no independent sources and
zero initial conditions are essential to the definition. Clearly, if the network
contains independent sources or initial conditions, then Z or Y can take
on different values, depending on what is connected at the terminals;
thus it will not be an invariant characteristic of the network itself.



[Ch. 3

Another factor to be noted is that no assumption has been made about

the nature of the time functions v (t) and i (t). Whatever they may be,
the definition of Z or Y involves the ratio of their Laplace transforms.
N o w let us turn to an evaluation of Z and Y for a network and let us
initially assume that the network contains no nonpassive,
devices. Since it makes no difference, suppose the network is excited with
a current source, as in Fig. 2b. Let us write a set of node equations. We
choose one of the two external terminals as the datum node in order that
the source appear in only one of the node equations. Under these circum
stances the solution for V\ can be obtained from (4), in which only
J is nonzero and its value is I . Hence for the impedance we find


where Z is the driving-point impedance at the terminals of the network.

The notation y is used on the determinants to indicate that is the
determinant of the node equations.
A dual formula for the driving-point admittance Y can be obtained,
quite evidently, by considering that the network is excited by a voltage
source, as in Fig.2c; a set of loop equations are then written. The loops
are chosen such that the voltage source appears only in the first loop;
thus V will appear in only one of the loop equations. The solution for
the loop equations will be just like (3), except that the sources will be the
equivalent voltage sources Ek (of which all but the first will be zero in
this case and this one will equal V ) and the variables will be the loop
currents. Solving for I then gives

where Y is the driving-point admittance and the notation z means that
is the determinant of the loop impedance matrix.
Expressions 7 and 8 are useful for calculating Z and Y, but it should be
remembered that they apply when there are no controlled sources or
other such devices. They may also apply in some cases when controlled
sources are present, but not always.
As an illustration of a simple case in which (7) and (8) do not apply
when a controlled source is present, consider the grounded-grid amplifier
shown in Fig. 3a. The linear model is shown in Fig. 3b, in which a voltagecontrolled voltage source appears. Since this does not have either an

Sec. 3.1]





Fig. 3 .

Grounded grid amplifier.

impedance or an admittance representation, let us express the controlling voltage V in terms of a branch current; from Fig. 3b the proper
expression is V= R I
V . W^^th this expression replacing the control
ling voltage, the controlling branch is not even shown in the graph of
Fig. 3c. The V-I relation of the controlled branch (branch 2 in the graph)
is V = V= R I
V . This gives an impedance representation of
the branch. (V is simply an independent accompanying source and
will appear in the source-voltage matrix.) The tree in solid lines is chosen
so that the exciting source appears in only one loop. The loop matrix B,
the branch impedance matrix Z, and the source-voltage matrix V can
be written as follows:



[Ch. 3

The loop equations ( B Z B ' I = B V ) now become


The driving-point admittance is I5/V1.

loop equations for I . The result is

This can be found by solving the

Thus, even though we were careful to choose only one loop through the
exciting source, the source voltage V appears in both loop equations,
and the final result differs from (8). It may be concluded that one should
not rely on special formulas such as (7) and (8) but should go to definitions
such as (6).



In the definition of a network function, when the excitation and re

sponse are at different terminals, the function is a transfer function. Let
the response be the voltage or current of some branch. We can focus
attention on the branch by drawing it separately, as in Fig. 4. For the
notion of transfer function to be meaningful, we continue to assume that
there are no internal independent sources and the network is initially
relaxed. In Fig. 4a, four different transfer functions can be defined with




Fig. 4 .

Transfer functions.

either VL(S) or Iz,(s) as the response and either V (s) or I (s) as the exci
tation. Again, in making these definitions there is no stipulation as to

Sec. 3.1]



the manner in which the network is excited. Since it makes no difference

let us apply a current source, as shown in Fig. 4b, and use node equations.
The solutions for the node voltages are given by (4). The only things left
to settle are the sources. Even though there is only one actual source,
this may appear in more than one node equation if the network contains
controlled sources. Hence let us temporarily assume there are no controlled
sources. Then all the J's in (4) are zero except Ji, which equals Ii. The
result will be

From these, and from the fact that I L = Y L Vz,, each of the transfer
functions Vz,/V , VL/Ii, IL/V , and IL/I can be obtained. In a similar
manner, by assuming a voltage source is applied, as shown in Fig. 4c,
the loop equations may be written. The resulting expressions from both
the node and loop equations will be



Voltage gain, or transfer voltage


Current gain, or transfer current


Let us emphasize t h a t
1. These formulas are valid in the absence of controlled sources and
other nonpassive, nonreciprocal devices.



[Ch. 3

2. The transfer impedance is not the reciprocal of the transfer admit

3. The references of voltage and current must be as shown in Fig. 4.
When controlled sources are present, these particular formulas may not
apply. Nevertheless, the transfer functions will still be linear combinations
of similar ratios of determinants and cofactors.



In our study of electric networks up to this point we have assumed that

the internal structure of the network is available and that an analysis
is to be carried out for the purpose of determining the currents and voltages
anywhere in the network. However, very often there is no interest in all
the branch voltages and currents. Interest is limited to only a number of
these; namely, those corresponding to terminals to which external con
nections to the network are to be made. As far as the outside world is
concerned, the details of the internal structure of a network are not
important; it is only important to know the relationships among the
voltages and currents at the external terminals. The external behavior of
the network is completely determined once these relationships are known.
Consider the network, shown in Fig. 5a, having six terminals to which


Fig. 5.

Six-terminal network.

external connections can be made. Exactly how should the voltage-andcurrent variables be defined? Consider Fig. 5b. Should the voltages he
defined so that each terminal voltage is referred to some arbitrary datum
or ground, such as V ? Should they be defined as the voltages between
pairs of terminals, such as V , or V ? Should the currents be the ter2



Sec. 3.2]



minal currents, such as I , or should they be like the loop current J

shown flowing into one terminal and flowing out another? In fact, each
of these may be useful for different purposes, as we shall observe.
In many applications external connections are made to the terminals
of the network only in pairs. Each pair of terminals, or
represents an entrance to, and exit from, a network and is quite de
scriptively called a port. The six-terminal network of Fig. 5 is shown as a
three-port in Fig. 6a and as a five-port in Fig. 6b. Note that no other


Fig. 6.

Six-terminal network connected (a) as a three-port and (b) as a five-port.

external connections are to be made except at the ports shown; for

example, in Fig. 6a no connection is to be made between terminals 1
and 3 or 1 and 5. Connections must be so made that the same current
enters one terminal of the port as leaves the network through the second
terminal of the port. The port voltages are the voltages between the pairs
of terminals that constitute the port.
There is a basic difference (besides the number of ports) between the
two types of multiport network shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6b, one of the
terminals of each port is common to all the ports. The port voltages are
therefore the same as the terminal voltages of all but one terminal,
relative to this last one. Such a network is called a common-terminal, or
grounded, multiport. In the first network in Fig. 6 there is no such
identified common ground.
It is possible that other kinds of external connections may be required
to a multiterminal network besides the terminal-pair kind. In such a
case a port description is not possible. An alternative means of descrip
tion, which will be necessary in this case, will be discussed in Section


[Ch. 3


At this point it is possible to proceed by treating the general multiport
network and discussing sets of equations relating the port variables. After
this is done, the results can be applied to the special case of a two-port.
An alternative approach is to treat the simplest multiport (namely, the
two-port) first. This might be done because of the importance of the twoport in its own right, and because treating the simplest case first can lead to
insights into the general case that will not be obvious without experience
with the simplest case. We shall take this second approach.
A two-port network is illustrated in Fig. 7. Because of the application

Fig. 7.

Two-port network.

of two-ports as transmission networks, one of the portsnormally the

port labeled 1is called the input; the other, port 2, is called the output.
The port variables are two port currents and two port voltages, with the
standard references shown in Fig. 7. (In some of the literature the refer
ence for I is taken opposite to our reference. When comparing any
formulas in other publications, verify the references of the port para
meters.) External networks that may be connected at the input and
output are called the terminations. We shall deal throughout with the
transformed variables and shall assume the two-port to be initially
relaxed and to contain no independent sources.
The discussion that follows may appear somewhat unmotivated, since
in restricting ourselves to analysis we have lost much of the motivation
for finding various ways of describing the behavior of two-port networks.
The need for these various schemes arises from the demands made by
the many applications of two-ports. The usefulness of the different
methods of description comes clearly into evidence when the problem is
one of synthesizing or designing networksfilters, matching networks,
wave-shaping networks, and a host of others. A method of description
that is convenient for a power system, say, may be less so for a filter
network, and may be completely unsuited for a transistor amplifier. For

Sec. 3.3]



this reason we shall describe many alternative, but equivalent, ways of

describing two-port behavior.
In the problem of synthesizing a network for a specific application, it
is often very convenient to break down a complicated problem into
several parts. The pieces of the overall network are designed separately
and then put together in a manner consistent with the original decompo
sition. In order to carry out this procedure it is necessary to know how
the description of the behavior of the overall network is related to the
behavior of the components. For this reason we shall spend some time on
the problem of interconnecting two-ports.
Many of the results obtained in this section require a considerable
amount of algebraic manipulation that is quite straightforward. We shall
not attempt to carry through all the steps, but shall merely outline the
desired procedure, leaving to you the task of filling in the omitted steps.

To describe the relationships among the port voltages and currents of

a linear multiport requires as many linear equations as there are ports.
Thus for a two-port two linear equations are required among the four
variables. However, which two variables are considered " i n d e p e n d e n t "
and which " d e p e n d e n t " is a matter of choice and convenience in a given
application. To return briefly to the general case, in an n-port, there will
be 2n voltage-and-current variables. The number of ways in which these
2n variables can be arranged in two groups of n each equals the number
of ways in which 2n things can be taken n at a time; namely, (2n)!/(n!) .
For a two-port this number is 6.
One set of equations results when the two-port currents are expressed
in terms of the two-port voltages:


It is a simple matter to obtain interpretations for these parameters by

letting each of the voltages be zero in turn. It follows from the equation



[Ch. 3


Dimensionally, each parameter is an admittance. Setting a port voltage

to zero means short-circuiting the port. Hence the y's (for which the
lower case letter y will be reserved) are called the short-circuit admittance
parameters (the y-parameters for short). The matrix of y's is designated
Y and is called the short-circuit admittance matrix. The terms y and
are the short-circuit driving-point admittances at the two ports, and
y and y are short-circuit transfer admittances. In particular, y is the
forward transfer admittancethat is, the ratio of a current response in
port 2 to a voltage excitation in port 1and y
is the reverse transfer
A second set of relationships can be written by expressing the port
voltages in terms of the port currents:
s c







This time interpretations are obtained by letting each current be zero
in turn. Then


Dimensionally, each parameter is an impedance. Setting a port current

equal to zero means open-circuiting the port. Hence the z's (for which the
lower case letter z will be reserved) are called the open-circuit
parameters (the z-parameters for short). The matrix of z's is designated
and is called the open-circuit impedance matrix. The elements z11
and z are the driving-point impedances at the two ports, and z and
Z12 are the transfer impedances; z is the forward transfer impedance,
and z 2 is the reverse transfer impedance.
It should be clear from (10) and (12) that the Y and Z matrices are
inverses of each other; for example,
o c

2 2

2 1

2 1

s c

o c

From this it follows that
Demonstration of this is left as an exercise.

Sec. 3.3]



The results developed so far apply whether the network is passive or

active, reciprocal or nonreciprocal. Now consider the two transfer
functions y
and y .
If the network is reciprocal, according to the
definition in Section 1.4, they will be equal. So also will z and z ; that
is, for a reciprocal network


1 2

2 1

which means that both Y

s c

and Z

o c

are symmetrical for reciprocal net


The z and y representations are two of the ways in which the relation
ships among the port variables can be expressed. They express the two
voltages in terms of the two currents, and vice versa. Two other sets
of equations can be obtained b y expressing a current and voltage from
opposite ports in terms of the other voltage and current. Thus



The interpretations of these parameters can be easily determined from

the preceding equations to be the following:




[Ch. 3

Thus we see that the h- and g-parameters are interpreted under a mixed
set of terminal conditions, some of them under open-circuit and some
under short-circuit conditions. They are called the hybrid h- and hybrid
g-parameters. From these interpretations we see that h
and g
impedances, whereas h and g
are admittances. They are related to
the z's and y's b y





The transfer g's and h's are dimensionless. The quantity h is the forward
short-circuit current gain, and g is the reverse short-circuit current gain.
The other two are voltage ratios: g is the forward open-circuit voltage
gain, whereas h is the reverse open-circuit voltage gain. We shall use H
and G to represent the corresponding matrices.
B y direct computation we find the following relations among the
transfer parameters:






In the special case of reciprocal networks these expressions simplify to

h = h
and g = g . In words this means that for reciprocal
networks the open-circuit voltage gain for transmission in one direction
through the two-port equals the negative of the short-circuit current
gain for transmission in the opposite direction.
Just as Z and Y are each the other's inverse, so also H and G are
each the other's inverse. Thus



o c




Y o u should verify this.


Sec. 3.3]



The remaining two sets of equations relating the port variables express
the voltage and current at one port in terms of the voltage and current
at the other. These were, in fact, historically the first set usedin the
analysis of transmission lines. One of these equations is


They are called the chain, or ABCD, parameters. The first name comes
from the fact that they are the natural ones to use in a cascade, or tandem,
or chain connection typical of a transmission system. Note the negative
sign in I , which is a consequence of the choice of reference for I .
Note that we are using the historical symbols for these parameters
rather than using, say, ai for i and j equal 1 and 2, to make the system of
notation uniform for all the parameters. We are also not introducing
further notation to define the inverse parameters obtained by inverting
(23), simply to avoid further proliferation of symbols.
The determinant of the chain matrix can be computed in terms of z's
and y's. It is found to be


which is equal to 1 for reciprocal two-ports.

The preceding discussion is rather detailed and can become tedious if
one loses sight of the objective of developing methods of representing
the external behavior of two-ports by giving various relationships among
the port voltages and currents. Each of these sets of relationships finds
useful applications. For future reference we shall tabulate the inter
relationships among the various parameters. The result is given in Table 1.
Note that these relationships are valid for a general nonreciprocal twoport.

There is an important observation that can be made concerning the

locations of the zeros of the various transfer functions. This can be seen
most readily, perhaps, by looking at one of the columns in Table 1; for

Table 1




Sec. 3.3]



example, the column in which all parameters are expressed in terms of

the y-parameters. We see that



Except for possible cancellations, all of these transfer functions will have
the same zeros. We use the generic term transmission zero to refer to a
value of s for which there is a transfer-function zero, without having to
specify which transfer functionwhether current gain, transfer admit
tance, or any other.
As an illustrative example of the computation of two-port parameters,
consider the network shown in Fig. 8, which can be considered as a

Fig. 8.

Example for calculating two-port parameters.

model for a vacuum triode under certain conditions. (The capacitances

are the grid-to-plate and plate-to-cathode capacitances.) Let us compute
the y-parameters for this network. The simplest procedure is to use the
interpretations in (11). If the output terminals are short-circuited, the
resulting network will take the form shown in Fig. 9. As far as the input
terminals are concerned, the controlled source has no effect. Hence y is
the admittance of the parallel combination of R and C :



Fig. 9.

[Ch. 3

Network with output terminals shorted.

To find y , assume that a voltage source with transform V (s) is applied

at the input terminals. B y applying Kirchhoff's current law at the node
labeled 1 in Fig. 9, we find that I = g V sC V . Hence y


N o w short-circuit the input terminals of the original network. The

result will take the form in Fig. 10. Since V\ is zero, the dependent source

Fig. 1 0 . Network with input terminals shorted.

current is also zero. It is now a simple matter to compute y




We see that y
is different from y , as it should be, because of the
presence of the controlled source.
If the y-parameters
are known, any of the other sets of parameters
can be computed b y using Table 1. Note that even under the conditions
that C and C are zero and R infinite, the y-parameters exist, but the
z-parameters do not (z , z , and z become infinite).





Sec. 3.4]





A given two-port network having some degree of complexity can be

viewed as being constructed from simpler two-port networks whose
ports are interconnected in certain ways. Conversely, a two-port network
that is to be built can be designed by combining simple two-port struc
tures as building blocks. From the designer's standpoint it is much easier
to design simple blocks and to interconnect them than to design a complex
network in one piece. A further practical reason for this approach is that
it is much easier to shield smaller units and thus reduce parasitic capaci
tances to ground.

There are a number of ways in which two-ports can be interconnected.

In the simplest interconnection of 2 two-ports, called the cascade, or tan
dem-connection, one port of each network is involved. Two two-ports are
said to be connected in cascade if the output port of one is the input port
of the second, as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 1 1 . Cascade connection of two-ports.

Our interest in the problem of "interconnection" is, from the analysis

point of view, to study how the parameters of the overall network are
related to the parameters of the individual building blocks. The tandem
combination is most conveniently studied by means of the
ABCDparameters. From the references in the figure we see that

Hence for the ABCD


system of equations of the network N

we can



[Ch. 3

Furthermore, if we write the ABCD system of equations for the network

N and substitute in the last equation, we get

Thus the ABCD-matrix

of two-ports in cascade is equal to the product of the
A BCD-matrices of the individual networks; that is,


Once the relationships between the parameters of the overall two-port

and those of the components are known for any one set of parameters, it
is merely algebraic computation to get the relationships for any other set;
for example, the open-circuit parameters of the overall two-port can be
found in terms of those for each of the t w o cascaded ones b y expressing
the z-parameters in terms of the ARCD-parameters
for the overall
network, using (26) and then expressing the ABCD-parameters
for each
network in the cascade in terms of their corresponding z-parameters. The
result will be


The details of this computation are left to you.

A word of caution is necessary. When it is desired to determine some
specific parameter of an overall two-port in terms of parameters of the
components in the interconnection, it m a y be simpler to use a direct
analysis than to rely on relationships such as those in Table 1. As an
example, suppose it is desired to find the expression for z in Fig. 11.
The term z is the ratio of open-circuit output voltage to input current:
z = V /I . Suppose a current source I is applied; looking into t h e
output terminals of N , let the network be replaced b y its Thvenin
equivalent. The result is shown in Fig. 12. B y definition, z
V /I





Sec. 3.4]



Fig. 1 2 . Replacement of network N by its Thvenin equivalent.


with the output terminals open. Now I

network in Fig. 12 to be


can easily be found from the




which agrees with (27).

An important feature of cascaded two-ports is observed from the
expressions for the transfer impedances in (27). The zeros of z are the
zeros of z
and z .
(A similar relationship holds for z .) Thus the
transmission zeros of the overall cascade consist of the transmission
zeros of each of the component two-ports. This is the basis of some
important methods of network synthesis. It permits individual two-ports
to be designed to achieve certain transmission zeros before they are
connected together. It also permits independent adjustment and tuning
of elements within each two-port to achieve the desired null without
influencing the adjustment of the cascaded two-ports.

2 1 a




Now let us turn to other interconnections of two-ports, which, unlike

the cascade connection, involve both ports. Two possibilities that imme
diately come to mind are parallel and series connections. Two two-ports



[Ch. 3

are said to be connected in parallel if corresponding (input and output)

ports are connected in parallel as in Fig. 13a. In the parallel connection

Fig. 13.


Parallel and series connections of two-ports.

the input and output voltages of the component two-ports are forced to
be the same, whereas the overall port currents equal the sums of the
corresponding component port currents. This statement assumes that
the port relationships of the individual two-ports are not altered when
the connection is made. In this case the overall port relationship can be
written as

That is, the short-circuit admittance matrix of two-ports connected in parallel

equals the sum of the short-circuit admittance matrices of the component twoports :
The dual of the parallel connection is the series connection. Two
two-ports are connected in series if corresponding ports (input and output)
are connected in series, as shown in Fig. 13b. In this connection the input
and output port currents are forced to be the same, whereas the overall
port voltages equal the sums of the corresponding port voltages of the
individual two-ports. Again, it is assumed that the port relationships of
the individual two-ports are not altered when the connection is made. In
this case the overall port relationship can be written as

Sec. 3.4]




That is, the open-circuit impedance matrix of two-ports connected in series

equals the sum of the open-circuit impedance matrices of the component twoports:
Of these twoparallel and series connectionsthe parallel connection
is more useful and finds wider application in synthesis. One reason for
this is the practical one that permits two common-terminal (grounded)
two-ports to be connected in parallel, the result being a common-terminal
two-port. An example of this is the parallel-ladders network (of which the
twin-tee null network is a special case) shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14.

Parallel-ladders network.

On the other hand, the series connection of two common-terminal

two-ports is not a common-terminal two-port unless one of them is a
tee network. Consider two grounded two-ports connected in series, as in
Fig. 15a. It is clear that this is inadmissible, since the ground terminal of
N will short out parts of N , thus violating the condition that the indi
vidual two-ports be unaltered by the interconnection. The situation is
remedied by making the common terminals of both two-ports common
to each other, as in Fig. 15b. In this case the resulting two-port is not a
common-terminal one. If one of the component two-ports is a tee, the
series connection takes the form shown in Fig. 15c. This can be redrawn,



[Ch. 3

as in Fig. 15d, as a common-terminal two-port. That the last two net

works have the same z-parameters is left for you to demonstrate.



Fig. 15.

Series connection of common-terminal two-ports.

Variations of the series and parallel types of interconnections are

possible by connecting the ports in series at one end and in parallel at the
other. These are referred to as the series-parallel and parallel-series con
nections. As one might surmise, it is the h- and g-parameters of the indi
vidual two-ports that are added to give the overall h- and g-parameters,
respectively. This also is left as an exercise.


It remains for us to inquire into the conditions under which two-ports

can be interconnected without causing the port relationships of the
individual two-ports to be disturbed by the connection. For the parallel
connection, consider Fig. 16. A pair of ports, one from each two-port, is

Fig. 16.

Test for parallel-connected two-ports.


Sec. 3.4]


connected in parallel, whereas the other ports are individually shortcircuited. The short circuits are employed because the parameters
characterizing the individual two-ports and the overall two-port are the
short-circuit admittance parameters. If the voltage V shown in Fig. 16
is nonzero, then when the second ports are connected there will be a
circulating current, as suggested in the diagram. Hence the condition
that the current leaving one terminal of a port be equal to the current
entering the other terminal of each individual two-port is violated, and
the port relationships of the individual two-ports are altered.
For the case of the series connection, consider Fig. 17. A pair of ports,


Fig. 17.

Test for series-connected two-ports.

one from each two-port, is connected in series, whereas the other ports
are left open. The open circuits are employed because the parameters
characterizing the individual two-ports and the overall two-port are the
open-circuit impedance parameters. If the voltage V is nonzero, then
when the second ports are connected in series there will be a circulating
current, as suggested in the diagram. Again, the port relationships of the
individual two-ports will be modified by the connection, and hence the
addition of impedance parameters will not be valid for the overall network.
Obvious modifications of these tests apply to the series-parallel and
parallel-series connections. The preceding discussion of the conditions
under which the overall parameters for interconnected two-ports can be
obtained by adding the component two-port parameters has been in rather
skeletal form. We leave to you the task of supplying details.
When it is discovered that a particular interconnection cannot be
made because circulating currents will be introduced, there is a way of
stopping such currents and thus permitting the connection to be made. The
approach is simply to put an isolating ideal transformer of 1 : 1 turns
ratio at one of the ports, as illustrated in Fig. 18 for the case of the parallel



Fig. 18.


[Ch. 3

Isolating transformer to permit interconnection.


The preceding section has dealt with two-port networks in considerable

detail. Let us now turn our attention to networks having more than two
ports. The ideas discussed in the last section apply also to multiports with
obvious extensions.
Consider the n-port network shown in Fig. 19. The external behavior

Fig. 19.

Multiport network.

of this network is completely described by giving the relationships among

the port voltages and currents. One such relationship expresses all the
port voltages in terms of the port currents:


Sec. 3.5]



B y direct observation, it is seen that the parameters can be interpreted

which is simply the extension of the open-circuit impedance representa

tion of a two-port. The matrix Z is the same as that in (12) except that
it is of order n.
The short-circuit admittance matrix for a two-port can also be directly
extended to an n-port. Thus
o c



If we now think of extending the hybrid representations of a two-port,

we encounter some problems. In a hybrid representation the variables are
mixed voltage and current. For a network of more than two ports, how
are the " i n d e p e n d e n t " and " d e p e n d e n t " variables to be chosen? In a
three-port network, for example, the following three choices can be made:

as well as their inverses. In these choices each vector contains exactly

one variable from each port. It would also be possible to make such
selections as



[Ch. 3

where each vector contains both the current and voltage of one particular
port. The former category are like the hybrid h and hybrid g representa
tions of a two-port. The latter has some of the features of the chainmatrix representation. It is clearly not very productive to pursue this
topic of possible representations in the general case.
Just as in the case of two-ports, it is possible to interconnect multiports.
Two multiports are said to be connected in parallel if their ports are
connected in parallel in pairs. It is not, in fact, necessary for the two
multiports to have the same number of ports. The ports are connected in
parallel in pairs until we run out of ports. It does not matter whether we
run out for both networks at the same time or earlier for one network.
Similarly, two multiports are said to be connected in series if their ports
are connected in series in pairs. Again, the two multiports need not have
the same number of ports.
As in the case of two-ports, the overall y-matrix for two n-ports
connected in parallel equals the sum of the y-matrices of the individual
n-ports. Similarly, the overall z-matrix of two n-ports connected in
series equals the sum of the z-matrices of the individual n-ports. This
assumes, of course, that the interconnection does not alter the parameters
of the individual n-ports.



The port description of networks is possible only when external con

nections are to be made to the terminals of the network taken in pairs.
More generally, the terminals need not be paired into ports. In such a case
it would be useful to have a description of the external behavior as a
multiterminal network rather than a multiport network. In this section
we shall introduce such a description.
Let us return to Fig. 6. The six-terminal network shown there is viewed
as a common-terminal five-port by defining the voltages of five of the
terminals with reference to the voltage of the sixth one as a datum. For
any such common-terminal multiport, suppose the datum for voltage is
taken as an arbitrary point external to the network, as shown for an
n-terminal network in Fig. 20. We assume that the network is connected,
implying that none of the terminals is isolated from the rest of the network.
The currents are not port currents but terminal currents. Clearly, they
satisfy Kirchhoff's current law, so that

Sec. 3.6]


Fig. 20.

Definition of terminal variables.



Since the network is linear, currents can be expressed as a linear combi

nation of the terminal voltages to yield


The elements of the coefficient matrix of this equation are, dimensionally,

admittance. They are, in fact, short-circuit admittances. Figure 20b shows
all terminals but one grounded to the arbitrary datum; to the kth terminal
is connected a voltage source. Each of the terminal currents can now be
found. The parameters of the matrix will be
They are almost like the y-parameters of a multiport. We shall examine
the relationships below.
The coefficient matrix in (36) is called the indefinite admittance matrix
and is designated Y i . A number of the properties of this matrix will now
be established.
First, suppose the scalar equations represented by the matrix equation
36 are all added. B y Kirchhoff's current law, the sum of the currents is
zero. Hence



[Ch. 3

The quantity within each pair of parentheses is the sum of the elements
in a column of Y i . The terminal voltages are all independent. Suppose all
terminals but one, say the kth one, are short-circuited. This expression
then reduces to
Since V 0, this means the sum of elements in each column of the
indefinite admittance matrix equals zero. Thus the columns are not all
independent and Yi is a singular matrix.
What is true of the columns is also true of the rows. This can be shown
as follows. Suppose all but the kth terminal are left open, and to the kth
is applied a voltage source V . Assuming, as we did, that none of the
terminals is isolated, the voltages of all other terminals will also equal
V . All terminal currents will be zeroobviously, ail but I because the
terminals are open, and I because of Kirchhoff's current law. With ail
the voltages equal in (36), the jth current can be written as

Since V 0, the sum of elements in each row of Y equals zero.

To make a common-terminal n-port out of a network with n + 1
terminals is simple once the indefinite admittance matrix is known. If
the terminal that is to be common to the n-ports, say terminal n + 1,
is taken as the arbitrary datum, its voltage will be zero. Hence the last
column of Y in (36) can be removed, since its elements are the coefficients
of this voltage, which is zero. Also, the current at this terminal is redun
dant, by Kirchhoff's current law, and hence the last row of Y can also be
removed. Thus, to make one of the terminals of a network the common
terminal of a grounded n-port, simply delete the row and column of the
indefinite admittance matrix corresponding to that terminal.
The converse operation permits the formation of a Y matrix from the
short-circuit admittance matrix of a grounded n-port; that is, given the
short-circuit admittance matrix of a common-terminal n-port, add to the
matrix another row each of whose elements is the negative sum of all
elements in the corresponding column. Then add another column, each
of whose elements is the negative of the sum of all elements in the corre
sponding row.
Let us illustrate this process with the common-terminal two-port shown
in Fig. 21a. The port voltages that would normally be labeled V and V
are labeled V and V to emphasize the two terminals of each port.
In Fig. 2 1 b the voltage datum is taken as a point other than one of the



Sec. 3.6]



Fig. 21.

Grounded two-port represented as three-terminal network.

terminals. Let us first write the two-port y-equations; then replace

b y Vi - V and V b y V - V :




B y Kirchhoff's current law, I in Fig. 21b equals (Ii + I ). When this

equation is added to the previous two the result becomes


The coefficient matrix of these equations is Y . Notice how it could have been
formed immediately from the original Y - m a t r i x by the process of add
ing a row and column, using the zero-sum property of rows and columns.
The preceding discussion provides a method for taking the Y - m a t r i x
of a common-terminal multiport with one terminal as the common termi
nal and from it easily writing the Y -matrix of the common-terminal
multiport with any other terminal taken as the common ground.
This is especially useful in obtaining, say, the grounded-grid representa
tion of a triode amplifier from the grounded-cathode representation or
the common-base representation of a transistor amplifier from the
common-emitter representation. To illustrate the approach, consider
the common-terminal two-port shown in Fig. 22a. The short-circuit
admittance matrix of this two-port is the following:






Fig. 22.

[Ch. 3


Indefinite admittance matrix for electronic amplifier.

(The letters at the top and the end identify the columns and the rows
with specific terminals.) From this the indefinite admittance matrix is
immediately written as


To find the short-circuit admittance matrix of the grounded-grid confi

guration shown in Fig. 22b, all that is necessary is to delete the row and
column corresponding to the grid terminal, which is the first one in (40).
Of course, it should be ensured that the order of the rows and columns
that remain correspond to the desired order of input and outputin this
case, cathode-plate. Hence

Once the indefinite admittance matrix of a multiterminal network is at

hand, the results of further manipulations on the network easily show up
as changes in the Y -matrix. Some of these will now be discussed.


Suppose two terminals of an n-terminal network are connected together

into a single external terminal. The two external currents are replaced by
one, equal to the sum of the original two. The two voltages are now


Sec. 3.6]


identical. Hence the Y -matrix of the resulting (n 1) terminal network is

obtained by adding the two corresponding rows and columns of the
original Y -matrix. (This sum replaces the original two rows and columns.)
The extension to more than two terminals is obvious.


Suppose one of the terminals is to be made an internal terminal to

which external connections are not to be made. This procedure is called
suppressing a terminal. The current at that terminal, say the nth one,
will be zero. The equation for I = 0 can be solved for V (assuming
0) and the result substituted into the remaining equations. This
will eliminate V and will leave n 1 equations in n 1 voltages. This
can be extended in matrix form to more than one terminal as follows.
With I = Y V, partition the matrices as follows:




where I and V correspond to the terminals that are to be suppressed;

that is, vector I = 0. From the second equation solve for V and sub
stitute into the first equations. The result will be


The new indefinite admittance matrix is


The indefinite admittance matrix of two networks connected in

parallel equals the sum of the Y matrices of each. B y "connected in
parallel" we mean that each terminal of one network is connected to a



[Ch. 3

terminal of the other and both have a common datum for voltage. It is
not necessary that the two networks have the same number of terminals.
If they do not, then rows and columns of zeros are appended to the Y matrix of the network having the fewer terminals. In particular, a
simple two-terminal branch connected across two terminals of a multi
terminal network can be considered to be connected in parallel with it.
Note that the indefinite admittance matrix of a branch having admittance
Y is


A very interesting property of the determinant of the indefinite

admittance matrix results from the fact that the sum of elements of each
row or column equals zero. Suppose det Y is expanded along the jth row.
The result is

where is the (j, k)th cofactor of det Y . Because the elements of the
jth row sum to zero, we can write one of the elements as the negative
sum of all the others. Thus
j k

When this is inserted into the preceding equation and terms are collected,
the result becomes

The determinant equals zero because Y is singular. Furthermore, it is

zero no matter what the values of the elements y
may be. Hence the
last equation can be satisfied only if each of the parenthetical terms are
zero; that is,


This means all cofactors of elements of any row are equal.
The same procedure, starting with an expansion of det Y along a
column, will yield a similar result concerning the equality of cofactors of
elements of any column. Since each row and column has a common


Sec. 3.6]


element, the cofactor of this element equals ail cofactors of that row and
column. The conclusion is that all (first) cofactors of the indefinite
admittance matrix are equal. This property has led to the name equicofactor matrix for Y .

Let U S now illustrate with an example how the indefinite admittance
matrix can be used for certain network calculations. Consider the network
shown in Fig. 23a. It is desired to find the short-circuit admittance matrix
of the common-terminal two-port shown. We shail do this by (1) finding
the indefinite admittance matrix of the four-terminal network in Fig. 23b,
(2) adding to it that of the single branch, (3) suppressing terminal 3, and
finally (4) making terminal 4 the datum.




Fig. 23.

Finding short-circuit admittances by using Y .


To find Y in Fig. 23b, we shall first treat that network as a commonterminal three-port with terminal 4 as datum. The y-parameters of this
three-port can be found from the definitions; for example, apply a voltage
to the left-hand port and short-circuit the other two, as in Fig. 24. Three

Fig. 24.

Calculating Y


for the three-port.

of the y-parameters are easily found from the diagram shown there. The
remaining y's are found in a similar way, with the result


[Ch. 3


The indefinite admittance matrix is easily found by adding a row and

column whose elements are determined by the zero-sum property of rows
and columns. To this is added the Y -matrix of branch 5. Since it is
connected between terminals 2 and 4, its nonzero elements appear in
those two rows and columns. The overall Y -matrix is

The next step is to suppress terminal 3. For this purpose we interchange

rows and columns 3 and 4 in order to make 3 the last one. Then we
partition as follows, in order to identify the submatrices in (41):


Sec. 3.6]



The new indefinite admittance matrix with terminal 3 suppressed, using

(43), is

Finally, terminal 4 is made the common terminal by deleting the last row
and column. The desired y-matrix of the two-port is

It may appear that a conventional approach would have required less

work. It is true that more steps are involved here, but each step is almost
trivial; many of them are simply written by inspection. Also, the last
row and column of Y
need not be calculated; it is done here only for
i n e w



After learning about the indefinite admittance matrix, natural curiosity

probably impels you to think of a dual, which might be called an indefinite
impedance matrix. All our notions of duality dispose us favorably to such
an idea.
Look back at Fig. 20, in terms of which the notion of Y was developed.
The important condition that led to the zero-sum property of rows and
columns is the fact that the sum of all terminal currents equals 0, b y
Kirchhoff's current law. Clearly, for the dual situation we would need to
find that the sum of some set of voltages equals zero, by Kirchhoff's



[Ch. 3

voltage law. Obviously, the terminal voltages are n o t such a set of

voltages, since Kirchhoff's voltage law is satisfied only on a closed path,
and the terminal voltages are not a set of voltages encountered on a closed
path. However, if we choose as variables the voltages between adjacent
pairs of terminals (as in Fig. 25a), we see that they do satisfy Kirchhoff's
voltage law. There will be as many of these voltage variables as there are

Fig. 25.

Variables for the indefinite impedance matrix.

For the linear networks with which we are concerned, linear relations
expressing these voltage variables in terms of the terminal currents can
be written. However, it is more convenient to define a set of currents
other than the terminal currents, as shown in Fig. 25b. The currents J
are external loop currents between pairs of terminals. There is a simple
linear relationship between the terminal currents and these loop currents;
namely, I = J Jk+i- Hence a linear relationship expressing the volt
ages in terms of these loop currents can be written just as readily as one
expressing them in terms of the terminal currents. Such a relationship will be


The matrix of these equations is designated Z and is called the in

definite impedance matrix.
Exactly as for the Y -matrix, it is possible to show that the sum of the
elements of each row and column of Z equals zero. This is done for the
columns by adding the equations and using Kirchhoff's voltage law. It is
done for the rows by setting all voltages but one equal to zero and apply
ing a current source between the terminals associated with that voltage.


Sec. 3.7]


This implies shorting all terminals together, which makes (1) the last
voltage also zero, by Kirchhoff's voltage law, and (2) all the external
loop currents equal. The details of these steps are left to you. Then, as for
Y , the indefinite impedance matrix is singular.
Recall that the indefinite admittance matrix was simply related to the
short-circuit admittance matrix of the common terminal (n 1) port
derived by short-circuiting one terminal of the network in Fig. 20 to the
datum. The corresponding situation here is: The indefinite impedance
matrix Z is simply related to the open-circuit impedance matrix Z of
the (n 1) port derived by opening one pair of terminals of the network
of Fig. 25. (The open-circuit impedance matrix thus established will be
called the common-loop open-circuit impedance matrix.) In fact, Z is
obtained by first adding a row to Z , each element of that row being the
negative sum of all elements in the corresponding column, and then adding
a column to the resulting matrix, each element of that column being the
negative sum of all the elements in the corresponding row.
For the Y -matrix the zero-sum property of rows and columns led to the
equicofactor property. In the same way the (first) cofactors of the indefinite
impedance matrix are all equal.
Because common-terminal port relations are often encountered, let us
examine the relation of a common-terminal open-circuit impedance
matrix to a common-loop open-circuit impedance matrix. In Fig. 25,
suppose terminal n is to be the common terminal and the voltage variables
for the port representation are to be the terminal voltages taken with
respect to terminal n as datum. Thus V = 0. Since the sum of the
terminal currents equals zero, by Kirchhoff's current law, one of them is
redundant. Since each terminal current is the difference between two
external loop currents, the terminal currents will not change if all the
external currents are increased or reduced by the same amount. Suppose
J is taken to be zero. This is equivalent to subtracting J from each
external current, so the terminal currents remain unchanged. From
Fig. 25, we can write the following:

o c

o c

The equations for the J's can be written




[Ch. 3

where M is the lower triangular matrix of order n 1.


A similar development applies for the voltages. The port voltage V is

the voltage of terminal k relative to that of terminal n. These port voltages
are expressible as


The details are left for you.

Since J = 0, the last column in Z in (45) can be deleted. Similarly,
the last row can be deleted because V does not appear in (48). In this
way we obtain the common-loop open-circuit impedance matrix Z ( l ) .
Hence, using (48), (46), and (45) with the last row and column deleted,
we get


o c


(Keep in mind that Z (Z) here is the Z of (45) with its last row and column
removed.) This equation relates the port voltages to the port currents.
Hence the common-terminal open-circuit impedance matrix Z is

o c

The last follows from the fact that a triangular matrix with nonzero
diagonal terms is nonsingular. The relationship here is seen to be much


Sec. 3.7]


more complicated than the corresponding one relating the commonterminal short-circuit admittance matrix Y to Y . Given Z , (50a)
permits finding Z after first writing Z
. Conversely, given Z for a
common-terminal (n 1) port, (50b) gives Z
. From this, Z is obtained
by adding a row and column, using the zero-sum property of rows and
s c

o c

o c

o c ( l )


o c ( l )


Let us pause briefly and review what has been done in this chapter.
In the first section we defined network functions as the ratios of Laplace
transforms of a response to an excitation. These may be driving-point
functions or transfer functions; but for linear, lumped networks they will
all be rational functions of the complex frequency variable s. Expressions
for any of these functions can be found by solving the loop or node
equations. In all cases the network functions can be expressed in terms of
ratios of the determinant of the node admittance matrix and its cofactors
or the loop impedance matrix and its cofactors. The subsequent sections
of the chapter were devoted to a discussion of different ways of describing
the external behavior of networks. These descriptions all entail sets of
network functions defined under various conditions imposed on the
terminals (open-circuit impedance, short-circuit admittance, etc.). Any
of these functions can be evaluated according to the discussion in the
first section. They all boil down to calculating a determinant and its
We shall now turn our attention to the task of finding relatively simple
means for evaluating determinants. The usual methods of evaluating
determinants (e.g., cofactor expansion or pivotal condensation) require
that many terms be multiplied together and then added. In this process
many terms eventually cancel, but only after extensive calculations have
been made. It would be of tremendous value to know which terms will
cancel in the end. The method we shall now discuss achieves exactly this

We start by considering the node equations Y (s)V (s) = J(s), where


in which A is the incidence matrix and Y is the branch admittance



[Ch. 3

matrix. In this section we shall restrict ourselves to passive reciprocal

networks without mutual coupling; that is, to RLC networks with no
transformers. Our interest is in evaluating det (AYA'). To this task we
shall apply the Binet-Cauchy theorem, which we have used with profit
before. According to this theorem
products of corresponding majors of (AY) and A'.
We have here taken the product AY as one of the two matrices of the
You should here recall some of the properties of A and Y. Remember
that the branch admittance matrix Y for the networks to which we are
here limited is diagonal; denote the diagonal elements by y for j = 1,
2, ..., b. Remember also that the nonsingular submatrices of A correspond
to trees and that their determinants equal + 1 .
The matrix AY has the same structure as A except that the j t h column
is multiplied b y y . Hence the nonsingular submatrices of AY still
correspond to trees of the network, but the value of each nonzero major is
no longer + 1 but plus or minus the product of branch admittances on
the corresponding tree. As discussed in the previous chapter, a submatrix
of A' is simply the transpose of the corresponding submatrix of A. A
nonsingular submatrix of A' will have the same determinant ( + 1) as
the corresponding submatrix of A. Consequently, each term in the sum
mation in (52) will simply be the product of admittances of all twigs of
a tree, which we shall call a tree admittance product and designate T(y).

tree admittance products.


This is a very interesting result, first developed by Maxwell. It says

that to calculate the determinant of the node admittance matrix of a
network we must first locate all the trees of the network, multiply
together the branch admittances of each tree, then add the resulting
products for all trees. (For simplicity we shall often say "tree products "
instead of "tree admittance products.")
To illustrate this result, consider the example shown in Fig. 26. We

Sec. 3.8]


Fig. 26.


Example for evaluation of det AYA'.

shall assume the network is to be excited across R with a current source.

There are four nodes in the network, so each tree will have three twigs.
The trees are the following:








Note that, in this example, locating all the trees may not be a difficult
job. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to tackle the problem systematically.
Since each tree contains n twigs, in a network having n + 1 nodes, one
procedure is to list all combinations of b branches taken n at a time. From
this set are then eliminated all those combinations that form a loop and
hence cannot be a tree.
To return to the example, once the trees are listed, the tree admittance
products are formed. In fact, this can be done in such a way that terms
with like powers of s are written together. The result will be


N e x t we turn to the cofactors of det AYA'. We shall treat these in two

groups: the symmetrical cofactors, like , and the unsymmetrical ones
like . We consider first the symmetrical ones.
; j

j k



[Ch. 3

The cofactor is obtained from the node admittance matrix by delet

ing row j and column j . The same result is obtained if, in AYA', we delete
row j of the first matrix and column j of the last one. But column j of A'
is row j of A. Let us denote by A _ the matrix A with row j deleted. Hence
j j


How is A-j related to the network? Since each row of A corresponds to

a nondatum node, deleting a row means short-circuiting the corresponding
node to the datum node. If the original network is labeled N, let the
network that results by short-circuiting node j to the datum node d be
labeled N_ . Then A _ is simply the incidence matrix of network N_ ,


This expression can be used to find ; but it would be even more useful
to relate to the original network N.
N o w N_ has one less node than N; hence, one less twig in a tree. A tree
of N_ cannot be a tree of N, and it cannot contain a loop of N. This
statement is an obvious consequence of the fact that a tree of N_ contains
no closed path in N_ and, thus, cannot contain one in N. Then, since a
tree of N_ has one less twig than a tree of N, it must be contained in a
tree of N. Let T_ denote a tree of N_ and let it be contained in T, a tree
of N. Clearly, T_ is a two-part subgraph of T. (This does not contradict
the fact that it is a one-part subgraph of N_ . Why?) Since node j and
the datum node d are short-circuited in T_ as a subgraph of N_ , there is
no path between them in T_ as a subgraph of T. Hence nodes j and
d are each in a different part of T- as a subgraph of T. Such a structure
is called a two-tree. Specifically, in a network of n + 1 nodes, a two-tree is
a set of n 1 branches that forms no loops and separates some tree of the
network into two connected parts. The product of branch admittances
constituting a two-tree is called a two-tree admittance product and is
labeled T(y). Subscripts are used to indicate the nodes that are required
to be in different parts. Thus T (y)
means a two-tree admittance
product in which nodes j and d are in separate parts.
j j

j j


For the example in Fig. 26, the network N_i is formed by shortcircuiting nodes 1 and 4 together, as shown in Fig. 27. Branch sets 13,
34, 45, and 24 are four of the trees of this network. In the original network
N these branch sets have the configurations shown in Fig. 28. Each of
these is a two-tree with nodes 1 and 4 in different parts. In some of them

Sec. 3.8]


Fig. 27.


Network N j corresponding to N of Fig. 26.

node 1 or 4 is isolated; in another, not. Besides these, there are four other
two-trees (12, 15, 23, and 35) in which nodes 1 and 4 are in different parts.
(Verify them.) All of these contribute to 11.

Fig. 28.

Some two-trees (1, 4) of N in Fig. 26.

With the introduction of the concept of a two-tree, the expression for

the cofactor in (55) can be rewritten as
j j

admittance products, (56)

where d is the datum node.

With formulas for both and a symmetrical cofactor available, we
are now in position to evaluate driving-point functions. Let the network
N in Fig. 29 be a passive, reciprocal network without transformers and

Fig. 29.

Calculation of driving-point function.




assume that it is excited b y a current source. Let the lower terminal of

the source (labeled 0) be chosen as a datum for node voltages. The
driving-point impedance from (7) is

Substituting for and

1 1

from (53) and (56) leads to


This is truly a powerful result. It permits the evaluation of drivingpoint functions of simple networks and even those of moderate complexity
essentially by inspection, without extensive analysis. Furthermore, it
provides an approach by which the digital computer can be applied in
more extensive networks, first for searching out all the trees and two-trees
and, second, in forming the required products.
Let us apply the formula to the high-pass filter network in Fig. 30

Fig. 30.

High-pass filter network.

for which it is desired to find the driving-point function. There are four
nodes, hence three twigs in a tree and two branches in a two-tree. The
trees and two-trees ( 1 , 0 ) are the following:

Two-trees ( 1 , 0 )

(Branch 1 connects the two input nodes, so it can immediately be ruled

Sec. 3.8]



out of a two-tree.) The admittance products are now formed. They can be
written in any order, of course, but we can note the powers of s to which
each tree or two-tree will lead and can group those with like powers of s,
as we have actually done in the listing. The result will be


From the preceding development, and as illustrated in the examples,

the topological formulas that we have developed can be called minimumeffort formulas. There is no subtraction of terms; every term that is
evaluated appears in the final result.

As far as the node admittance matrix is concerned, there remains only

for us to discuss the unsymmetrical cofactors of the form . N o w
= ( 1 ) M , where M is the corresponding minor. To form M
we delete row i and column j from the node admittance matrix. Hence
we need to examine det (A_ YA'-j). B y the Binet-Cauchy theorem,
i j


i j




products of corresponding majors of A _ Y and A'_


As before, a nonzero major of A _ Y corresponds to a two-tree in which
nodes i and datum are in separate parts. Similarly, a nonzero major of
A-j (which equals + 1 ) corresponds to a two-tree in which nodes j and
datum are in separate parts. Since, to be of interest, each factor of the
product in (60) must be nonzero, the subnetworks that contribute to
must be two-trees with nodes i and d, as well as j and d, in separate
parts. Since there are only two parts to a two-tree and d is in one of them,
we conclude that both i and j must be in the same part. Thus two-trees
with nodes i and j in one part and the datum node in the other are the
only ones that contribute to . Such two-tree products are designated
T (y).
The only reservation lies in the sign. Since A
and A _ are
different, there is no assurance concerning the signs of corresponding
majors of A - Y and A'_j. However, it turns out* that the sign of the

i j

i j


* For a proof see S. Seshu and M. B. Reed, Linear Graphs and Electric Networks
Addison-Wesley, 1961.



[Ch. 3


product is ( 1 ) . Hence the final result becomes

With this result it is now possible to evaluate some transfer functions.
Consider the situation in Fig. 31. It is desired to find the transfer voltage

Fig. 31.

Calculation of the transfer function.

ratio V (s)/V1(s).
Suppose a current source is applied as shown and
node 0 is taken as datum. The node equations can be solved for node
voltages V1, V , and V . Since V = V V , we get


As a specific example, look back at the network in Fig. 30. Let the
output voltage be the voltage across branch 5. The T ( y ) products
were already determined and given as the numerator in (59), so let us
concentrate on the numerator two-tree products in (62). For the two-tree
containing both nodes 1 and 2, branch 4 must be present. Branch 1 con
nects nodes 0 and 1; branch 2 connects nodes 0 and 2. Neither of these
branches can be present in T
0(y). Similarly, in order for nodes 1 and
3 to be in one connected part, branches 4 and 5 must both be present.
Since the two-tree has only two branches, no others are possible. Hence

1 , 0

1 2 ,


The transfer function, therefore, is


Sec. 3.8]



The occurrence of something very interesting can be observed here.

There is a common term in the two-trees in (63) that cancels when they
are substituted into (62). Hence that is not a minimum-effort formula.
Another interesting observation can be made by comparing the two-tree
products in (63) with
(y), which is the denominator of (64); T
contains both T
(y) and T
(y) entirely. These observations moti
vate the following discussion.
Consider a two-tree (j, d) and a node i. This node must be in either the
part containing j or the part containing d. Thus the sum of T (y) and
T (y) must contain all the terms contained in T (y); that is,
2 T

1 ,









This relationship can be used to write the following identities:


Note that they have some common terms. When these are inserted into
(62), the result becomes

In contrast with (63), this is a minimum-effort formula, since nodes 2 and

3 are in separate parts in both of the two-tree products in the numerator.
This also makes it evident that the load admittance cannot appear in the
As a final illustration, let us use this formula to compute the transfer
voltage ratio V /V
for the network in Fig. 26. In this example node 4
plays the role of node 0. The two-trees (1, 4) were discussed in connection
with Fig. 28. As for the other two-trees, there are very few of them. In

and so






From notions of duality one would expect that what has been done for
the node admittance matrix can also be done for the loop impedance
matrix. This is true, with some characteristic differences, as we shall now
discuss. One of these differences is that determinants of nonsingular
submatrices of the loop matrix B do not necessarily equal + 1 . They do,
however, if B is the matrix of fundamental loops. Hence we shall make
the assumption that fundamental loops have been chosen in writing the
B matrix.
The beginning point here is the loop impedance matrix BZB'. Again
the Binet-Cauchy theorem is applied. This time the nonsingular sub
matrices (of B) correspond to cotrees (complements of trees) instead of
trees. We define a cotree impedance product as the product of link impe
dances for some tree. We use the symbol C[T(z)] to indicate this product.
B y following the same kind of proof as for the node admittance matrix
(whose details you should supply) we find that


that is, to find the determinant , we must locate all the trees, from which
we find all the cotrees, multiply together the link impedances of each
cotree, and then add the resulting products.
The question no doubt has occurred to you as to whether there is any
relationship between the determinants of the loop impedance matrix and
the node admittance matrix. We shall now examine this question. Suppose
a tree admittance product is multiplied by the product of all the branch
impedances of the network. The twig impedances will cancel with the
twig admittances, leaving a cotree impedance product. If we do this
for all the tree admittance products and add, the result will be a sum of
all cotree impedance products; that is to say
Since the branch impedance matrix Z is diagonal, the product of impe
dances in this expression is simply the determinant of Z. Hence it can be
rewritten as

Sec. 3.8]



This is a very significant result. It states that the loop and node
determinants, although arising from different matrices (which are, in
general, of different orders), are related in a very simple way. In particular,
if we take each R, L, and C to be a branch of the network, the two deter
minants can differ at most by a multiplicative factor ksp. This means the
loop and the node determinants always have the same zeros, except
possibly at s = 0; that is, the nonzero natural frequencies of a network
are independent of whether the loop or the node basis is chosen for
analysis. (In this form, the relationship applies also when mutual induc
tance and transformers are present.)
It must be emphasized that this relationship between the determi
nants applies when they refer to the same network. There is the possibility
of going astray on this point when different sources are applied to a network.
Consider the situation in Fig. 32a. Suppose a voltage source is applied



Fig. 32.

Importance of terminal conditions.

at the terminals a and b. As far as the loop impedance matrix is concerned,

the voltage source is a short circuit, and the appropriate network for
evaluating | is the one in part (b). This even has one less node and hence
one less twig in a tree than the original. It would be a mistake to imagine
that | for Fig. 32a is related to | for Fig. 32b by (70). If the first
network is labeled N, then the second one is obtained by short-circuiting
node a to node b. This is what we called network N_a.
N o w let us turn to the cofactors of | and consider first the symmetrical
cofactor = det B _ Z B ' _ , where B _ is the matrix obtained from B
when row j is deleted. Deleting row j from the matrix means destroying
l o o p j in the network. To destroy a loop, we must simply open it, without
at the same time opening any other loop. This is possible if l o o p j contains
a branch that no other loop contains. Since we are assuming f-loops, this is
the case, and so opening loop j alone is possible. The resulting network
when loop j is opened has one less loop than the original. The determinant
is simply the determinant of the loop impedance matrix of this new
network. Hence (68) applies for its evaluation, except that the network
is the new one with one loop less.

j j

j j



[Ch. 3

The ideas in the preceding development should become clearer as we

use them in finding the driving-point impedance of the network in Fig. 33.

Fig. 33.

Driving-point function.

Let N be the network when the terminals are open; that is, when loop 1
is opened. Then, with a voltage source applied, the resulting network is
N , since the source is just a short circuit for the evaluation of deter
minants. This means | is evaluated from (68) for network N . Recall
that tree admittance products for N
are two-tree admittance products
for N. Hence cotree impedance products for N
are co-two-tree impedance
products for N.
The driving-point admittance at the terminals of N is given by (8)
as Y(s) = / | , where is the determinant of the network N that
results when loop 1 in network N
is opened. Then, since Z(s) = 1/Y(s),
we find from (68) that

1 1

1 1


The notation appears cumbersome, but the ideas are simple. Thus
C[ T
(z)] is a blueprint for certain operations. It says: Find a two-tree
in which nodes 1 and 0 are in separate parts; take the branches that are
not in the two-tree (they are in the complement of the two-tree, the co-twotree) and multiply together their impedances. The numerator of (71) is
simply the sum of such terms for all two-trees (1, 0).
Note that this result could have been anticipated from the expression
for the impedance in (58) arrived at from the node admittance matrix.
Suppose numerator and denominator of that expression are multiplied
b y det Z. As discussed above, each term, which consists of a product of
admittances of certain branches, is converted to a product of impedances
of the complements of those branches. Hence (71) follows.
FinaUy we turn to the unsymmetrical cofactors of the loop impedance
matrix. Specifically, we look back at Fig. 31 with the change that a


Sec. 3.8]



voltage source is applied instead of a current source. We assume that

the source and load ZL do not lie on any other loops except loops 1 and 2,
respectively. The transfer functions V /VL, V /I1, I /VL, and I2/I1 all
in the numerator. One would intuitively expect that the
topological formula for | will be the dual of that obtained for the
corresponding cofactors of the node admittance matrix. This turns out
to be the case, the result being


1 2

1 2

in which the complements are computed without the load Z L *
Consider, for example, the transfer voltage ratio for Fig. 31. In terms
of the loop equations, this is given by

An expression for this voltage ratio was previously given in (67). Suppose
the numerator and denominator of that expression are multiplied b y
det Z for the network with loop 1 open. (Why is det Z for this particular
network used?) N o w ZL, is a factor of det Z. Since Y L did not appear in
the numerator, Z L will not cancel in any term of the numerator. Hence it
can be factored out. The result will be


in which the complements in the numerator are computed without ZL.

Comparison of this result with (73) leads to the formula for given in
(72). The above, in fact, constitutes a proof of the formula.
1 2


Since short-circuit admittance and open-circuit impedance parameters

of a two-port are frequently used, it would be of value to have available
topological formulas for their evaluation. We shall rapidly develop such
formulas here, not pausing for detailed examination of all the steps.
* For a lengthy proof, see Seshu and Reed, op. cit.



[Ch. 3

The prototype two-port is shown in Fig. 34. Terminal 0 is chosen as

Fig. 34,

References and datum node used in calculation of two-port parameters.

a datum for defining node voltages. Note that the port voltage V is the
difference between node voltages V
and V . Assume that current
sources are applied at the input and output ports. The node equations
will be




N e x t we solve for node voltages Vi, V ,


and V




Observing that V = V



the open-circuit equations become

To find the short-circuit admittance matrix we must invert Z . Let
be the determinant of Z . From (77), this determinant is
o c

o c

o c


Sec. 3.8]



This expression can be simplified by using Jacobi's theorem,* which says



is the cofactor formed by deleting rows i and j , and columns
i and k from . When these identities are used (78) becomes
i i j k


With this the inverse of (77) can now be written as


We have topological formulas for all the cofactors except those with
four subscripts. Let us define a three-tree of a graph having n + 1 nodes
as a set of three unconnected subgraphs having a total of n 2 branches and
containing no loops. We denote a three-tree with the symbol T together
with subscripts indicating which nodes are in the separate parts. N o w
just as was shown to equal the sum of the admittance products over all
trees of the graph and was shown to equal two-tree (ij, d) admittance
products over all two-trees of the type in which i and j are in one part
and d in the other, in the same way it can be shown that

i j


where T1,
(y) is a three-tree admittance product with nodes 1, 2, and
0 in separate parts, and the other three-trees have similar interpretations.


* See, for example, A. C. Aitken, Determinants and Matrices, 9th ed., Interscience
Publishers, New York, 1956.



[Ch. 3

Using the last two sets of equations, we find that


Before inserting the topological formulas for the cofactors into (81),
note also that it is possible to simplify the expression for the first element
in the matrix there. Thus


When all the above is collected and inserted into (77) and (81), the
results are

where ~ I\y) is defined in (84). Note that the numerators of the transfer
impedances and of the transfer admittances differ in sign only. This
verifies our earlier observation that these functions have the same zeros
unless there is a cancellation with the denominators.
As an illustration, the network of Fig. 30 is redrawn as a two-port in
Fig. 35. Let us find Y . For this network the two-trees (1,0) were already
listed under (58). We shall repeat them here together with the other
required two-trees:
s c


(1, 0):
(12, 30):
(13, 20):
(2, 3):

23, 25, 26, 34, 35, 45, 46, and 56

34 and 46
12, 13, 14, 16, 24, 34, and 46

Sec. 3.8]


Fig. 35.


Example of two-port parameter calculation.

In this example there are four nodes. Hence a three-tree has only one
branch. The three-trees are, therefore, easily determined. They are

(1, 2, 30): 3 and 6

(13, 2, 0): None
(12, 3, 0): 4
(1, 3, 20): 2

The denominator of the short-circuit admittance parameters, therefore, is

The parameters themselves are

As a final observation we should note that, although the development

of the topological formulas was couched in terms of the node equations
and the loop equations, we do not write these equations when applying
the formulas. Given a network, what we do is to enumerate trees, two-trees,
and three-trees and then form products of branch impedances or admit
tances. Thus what looked like unnecessary complications when we were



[Ch. 3

setting up loop and node equations in the last chapter, requiring exten
sive matrix multiplications to obtain AYA' and BZB' turns out to be of
great value, because the Cauchy-Binet theorem permits some further
mathematical derivations culminating in some simple formulas that
require no matrix operations.

1. In the network of Fig. PI solve for the voltage-gain function V (s)/Vi(s).
Do this by (a) using mixed-variable equations; (b) using node equations
after expressing I in terms of appropriate voltages.

Fig. PI

2. Figure P2 shows an amplifier together with appropriate linear equiva

lents. It is desired to find the output impedance Z for both cases shown,
when the output is taken from the plate and when it is taken from the

(a) Do this by using node equations and an admittance representation

for the controlled source.
(b) Repeat by using loop equations. (How many are there?)
(c) Repeat by using mixed-variable equations.
3. Repeat Problem 2 for the amplifier of Fig. P3.
4. The diagram in Fig. P4 shows a difference amplifier. Assume that each
transistor can be represented by the linear equivalent circuit shown. It
is desired to find values for RL, R , and R in order that the output
voltage V , will equal approximately K(I Ii). Use any convenient
set of equations.

5. The diagram in Fig. P5 is an approximate hybrid model of a transistor.

Find the h-parameters.




Fig. P2



Fig. P3



[Ch. 3


Fig. P4

Fig. P5
6. The two-port shown in Fig. P6 is a potential negative converter.
(a) Find the hybrid h-parameters.
(b) Specify the ratio R /R1 in terms of to make h h
= 1.
(c) Comment on the relative values of R and R for = 50. ( = 50 is
an easily realizable current gain.)
(d) Is this a voltage or a current negative converter?



7. The two-port of Fig. P7 is a potential negative converter.

(a) Find the hybrid h-parameters.
(b) Find the ratio of R /Ri in terms of to make h h
= 1.
(c) Draw an equivalent network based on the hybrid g-parameters for
this two-port. Show all component values using the condition found
(d) Let = 50. Design possible compensating networks to be placed
in series or shunt at the ports in order to convert this two-port to an
ideal negative converter.




Fig. P6

Fig. P7

8. (a) Find the h-parameters of the two-port in Fig. P8.

(b) Let 1 = 1. Can you find values of , R and R1 to make the twoport an ideal negative converter?

Fig. P8

9. In Fig. P9a, a common-terminal gyrator has terminal 3 as the common

(a) Determine the short-circuit admittance matrix of the two-port
obtained by making terminal 1 common instead.



[Ch. 3


(b) Repeat if terminal 2 is made common.

(c) The symbol for the gyrator is sometimes drawn as in Fig. P9b.
Comment on the appropriateness of this symbol, in view of (a) and (b).


Fig. P9

10. A certain nonreciprocal network can be represented by the network

shown in Fig. PlO. It is desired to connect a resistor Ri as shown in
Fig. PlOb in order to stop reverse transmission (from right to left).
Determine the required value of Ri.


Fig. P10

11. Figure PI 1 shows a two-port network terminated in an impedance Z^.

Show that

12. Verify that det Y = 1/det Z for a two-port.

13. Show that the two-ports in Fig. 15c and d have the same open-circuit
impedance parameters.
s c

o c



Fig. P11

14. Two two-ports Na and N are connected in cascade, as in Fig. P14.

Using a direct analysis, determine the overall short-circuit transfer
admittance y (s) in terms of the short-circuit parameters of N and


Fig. P14

15. Repeat Problem 14 with a voltage negative converter cascaded between

Na and N , as in Fig. P15.


Fig. P15

16. Figure P16 shows an interconnection of two-ports, one of which is a

current negative converter. Obtain an expression for the voltage transfer
ratio V (s)/V1(s) in terms of the y parameters of N and N and the
conversion ratio k of the negative converter. Compare, if the negative
converter is not present.

17. An ideal transformer is cascaded with a two-port in the two possible

ways shown in Fig. P17. Write the open-circuit impedance parameters
of the combination in terms of n and the z-parameters of the two-port.



[Ch. 3

Fig. P16


Fig. P17

18. Show that the Y matrix of the two-port shown in Fig. P18a, consider
ing each transistor as an ideal current-dependent current source as
shown in Fig. P18b, is
s c

where G = R/R R
and g = G + 1/R , under the assumption that
R e / 1 << R ^ R e . Verify that the two-port in Fig. P18c is equiva
lent to this two-port.
19. The hybrid h-matrix of a two-port device has one of the following



This two-port is terminated in an impedance Z/,. Find the impedance

at the other port. (The device is called a general converter.)






Fig. P18

20. Find the hybrid h-matrices for each of the networks in Fig. P20.
(Replace each transistor by the simplest possible small-signal equivalent.)


Fig. P20

21. In Fig. P21, the two-port is a general converter having the hybrid
h-matrix shown. Find the impedance Z.
22. For the diagram of Fig. P22, show that the voltage transfer ratio is

(Observe that the conductances Gi, G , and G can account for the input,
output, and feedback impedances of an actual amplifier of which the
controlled source is the idealization.)



[Ch. 3

Fig. P21

Fig. P22

23. For each of the networks in Fig. P23 find the short-circuit current-gain
function h . Use the y-parameters of the two-port N.

24. Find the voltage transfer ratio for the two networks in Fig. P24 in
terms of the y-parameters of the two-ports N and N , and the amplifier
gain . Verify for Fig. P24b that the limiting value as -> is
V /Vi=
y /y .



25. Find the open-circuit impedance parameters of the feedback amplifier

shown in Fig. P25 in terms of g and of the z-parameters of two-port N .
The limiting values as g -> oo should be

26. A two-port N with a resistance R across both its input and output ports
is shown in Fig. P26a. The resulting two-part is denoted N , and the
z-parameters of N are z , z , z , and z . The network N ,
after introducing either a series or shunt resistance R at its ports, is to
be cascaded with the feedback amplifier of Problem 25. The two cascade
configurations to be considered are shown in Fig. P26b and c. Show that

l l b

1 2 b

2 1 b

2 2 b





Fig. P23


Fig. P24

the open-circuit transfer impedance in both cascade cases is given by

as g -> . (Nf denotes the entire feedback structure of Fig. P25.)




[Ch. 3

Fig. P25



Fig. P26

27. Let a transmission zero of a two-port be defined as a zero of the shortcircuit transfer admittance y (s). Show that the output current or
voltage of the terminated two-port in Fig. P27 will be zero with either
a voltage or current excitation, even if yn or y also have a zero at
this frequency, leading to a cancellation in (25) and causing z , h ,
or g , or all three to be nonzero. Comment on the appropriateness of
the term " transmission zero ".





28. (a) For the series-parallel and parallel-series connections of two-ports

in Fig. P28, show that the h- and g-parameters of the components are
added to give the overall h- and g-parameters, respectively.
(b) State and prove conditions under which the series-parallel and



Fig. P27

parallel-series connections can be made without violating the condition

that the same current leave one terminal of a port as enters the other



Fig. P28(a) Series-parallel connection; (b) parallel-series connection.

29. Find the chain matrix of the two-ports in Fig. P29. The transformers
are perfect.


Fig. P29

30. Treat the bridged-tee network of Fig. P30 first as the parallel connection
of 2 two-ports and then as the series connection of 2 two-ports to find
the overall y-parameters. (The answers should be the same.)
31. Find the y-parameters of the two-ports in Fig. P31 by decomposing
them into suitable parallel-connected two-ports.



[Ch. 3

Fig. P30


Fig. P31

32. The short-circuit admittance matrix of the network in Fig. P32 with
terminal 3 as the common terminal is

Find the short-circuit admittance matrices when each of the other

terminals is made the common terminal of a two-port.

Fig. P32



33. Figure P33a shows a common-terminal three-port with terminal 4 as the

common terminal. The short-circuit admittance matrix of this configura
tion is the one given. (Take the elements of the matrix to be values of
conductance.) It is desired to reconnect this network as a two-port, as
shown in Fig. P33b, the input port being 3, 2; the output port 1, 2.
Find the corresponding short-circuit admittance matrix.



Fig. P33
34. Figure P34a shows a four-terminal network connected as a commonterminal three-port. The short-circuit equations of this three-port are as
shown. It is desired to connect a unit capacitor between terminals 1
and 2, as shown in Fig. P34b. Find the short-circuit admittance matrix
of the network when it is considered as a two-port with the ports
shown in Fig. P34b.



Fig. P34



[Ch. 3

35. The n-terminal network shown in Fig. P35 is linear, lumped, and
time invariant. It is represented by I = Y V, where Y is the indefinite
admittance matrix, and the currents and voltages are defined on the
diagram. It is proposed to retain the first k terminals as terminals and
to connect the remaining ones to ground through impedances, as shown.
Let Z be the diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are the impe
dances Zj. Find an expression relating the new terminal currents to the
voltages in terms of Z, Y , and submatrices thereof.



Fig. P35

36. The diagram in Fig. P36 is a linear RLC network with no transformers.
Determine a relationship for the voltage transform V(s) using topologi
cal expressions for the determinant of the node admittance matrix and
its cofactors, taking node 5 as the datum. Simplify as much as

Fig. P36



37. Figure P37 is an RLC network without transformers. Find an expression

for the voltage transform V(s) in terms of the node admittance
determinant and appropriate cofactors, carefully specifying the precise
network structure to which this matrix is pertinent. Write the result in
terms of topological formulas and simplify as much as possible.

Fig. P37

38. Discuss the modification in the indefinite impedance matrix Z when

(a) two terminals are connected together and (b) a terminal is suppressed.
Compare with Y .
39. Given the indefinite impedance matrix for an n-terminal network, with
n = 3 and n = 4, find the open-circuit impedance matrix of the common
terminal multiport resulting when terminal n is made the common

40. Find the driving-point admittance of each of the networks in Fig. P40
by using topological formulas. Do it twice, once with the node admit
tance matrix and once with the loop impedance matrix.


Fig. P40

41. In the networks of Fig. P41 find the driving-point admittance at the
left-hand port by using topological formulas. Do it twice, once with
the node admittance matrix and once with the loop impedance matrix.



[Ch. 3


Fig. P41

42. In the networks of Fig. P41, find the transfer voltage ratio V2/V1 by
using topological formulas.
43. For a common-terminal two-port the topological formulas for Y
Z will simplify to some extent. Find these simplified formulas.

s c


o c

44. For the networks in Fig. P44, find the open-circuit impedance matrix
Z using topological formulas.
o c





Fig. P44

45. (a)

Prove that the impedance of an RLC network without mutual



inductance will have a pole at s = 0 if and only if there is an allcapacitor cut-set that separates the two terminals.
(b) Prove that the impedance will have a pole at infinity if and only
if there is an all-inductor cut-set separating the terminals as in (a).
4 6 . (a) Prove that the admittance of an RLC network without mutual
inductance will have a pole at s = 0 if and only if there is an allinductor path between the terminals.
(b) Prove that the admittance will have a pole at infinity if and only
if there is an all-capacitor path between the terminals.


be the open-circuit parameters of an RLC two-port without mutual

(a) Using topological formulas show that

This means that if a power of s is present in the numerator of z , it

must also be present in the numerators of both zn and z . Further
more, the coefficients in zn and z will he positive and greater than the
magnitude of the corresponding coefficients in z . which can be negative.
(b) What further conclusions can you draw if the two-port is a
common-terminal one?
(c) Suppose the three functions given refer to y
y , and y .
What is the corresponding result?
These conditions on the coefficients are called the Fialkow condition.







4 8 . (a) For the network of Fig. P48 find the short circuit admittance
parameters by direct application of the definition. Fialkow's condition
is apparently not satisfied.
(b) Find the parameters again, using topological formulas and compare
the two answers. State a condition that must be assured in order for
Fialkow's condition to be valid.



[Ch. 3

Fig. P48

49. Let the hybrid h-matrix for a transistor in the common-emitter con
nection be

Find the h-matrix of the transistor in the common-base and commoncollector configurations through the agency of the indefinite admittance
50. The diagram in Fig. P50 is a passive, reciprocal network in which the
resistor R is shown explicitly. The driving-point impedance of the
network is Z(s). Suppose the branch containing R is opened and the
terminals so formed constitute the input port of a two-port whose other
port is the original pair of terminals of the network. Let g (s) be the
forward voltage-gain function of this two-port. Show that, if the net
work contains n resistors,


Fig. P50

51. Consider a reciprocal two-port N that is both structurally and electri

cally symmetrical. Its z- and y-parameters are denoted by z11 = z ,
2 2



z and y = y , y , respectively. If we consider bisecting the twoport at its structural line of symmetry, a number of terminals (two
or more) will be created at the junction between the two halves. Assume
that none of the leads from which these terminals are formed are
crossed. Now consider the two cases shown in Fig. P51 in which these
terminals are left open and short-circuited, respectively. The input
impedance and input admittance are designated z
and y
in the two
cases, respectively, where the subscript h stands for "half." Show that


2 2


l l h

l l h


(Hint: Apply voltages V1= V = V at the terminals of the original

network and show that no current will flow across the structural line of
symmetry. Then apply voltages V1 = V = V and show that the
voltage at each point on the structural line of symmetry will be the
same.) This result is known as Bartlett's bisection theorem.

Fig. P51

52. The current and voltage variables in the loop, node and node-pair
equations in (1) are Laplace transforms. The solution, say, for one of
the node voltages is as given in (4).

Now suppose the excitations are all exponentials, so that the ith
equivalent current source is I e 0 . I is a complex number, called a
phasor. Assume that s =j is not a natural frequency of the network
and assume the network is initially relaxed. The forced response to the



[Ch. 3

exponential excitation will also be exponential and the forced component

of the node voltage v (t) will be

where U is also a phasor.

Find an expression for U . Compare it with the expression for V (s)
above, in which the excitation is arbitrary.
53. A two-port has the following hybrid V-I relationship.

Fig. P53

Design compensating networks to be placed in series or shunt at the

ports in Fig. P53 in order to convert the two-port to an ideal negative
54. Repeat Problem 53 for the two-ports having the following V-I relation




In Chapter 2 we developed loop-current, node-voltage, and mixed variable

representations of electrical networks. In the general case each scalar
loop or node equation is an integrodifferential equation of the second order.
Each scalar mixed-variable equation, on the other hand, is of the first
order. However, unless care is exercised in the selection of a tree, some
of the mixed-variable equations m a y contain integrals, rather than deri
vatives, of the variables.
There are some distinct advantages in describing the network in such
a way that first-order differential equations, without integrals, result.
When expressed in matrix form the result is a first-order vector differen
tial equation that governs the dynamical behavior of the network.
Some of the reasons for seeking such a network description are the
1. There is a wealth of mathematical knowledge on solving such equa
tions and on the properties of their solutions that can be directly applied
to the case at hand.
2. The representation is easily and naturally extended to time-varying
and nonlinear networks and is, in fact, the approach most often used in
characterizing such networks.
3. The first-order differential equation is easily programmed for
computer solution.
In this chapter we shall formulate and solve the first-order vector
differential equations that are known as state equations. We shall be



[Ch. 4

limited here to linear, time-invariant networks that may be passive or

nonpassive, reciprocal or nonreciprocal. In preceding chapters we con
sidered only the Laplace-transformed equations. In this chapter we shall
revert to the basic equations with the variables expressed as functions of
time. This may require a reorientation in your patterns of thought; for
example, if in the present context we say an equation is algebraic, we
mean that no derivatives of the variables appear in the equations. In
terms of the Laplace-transformed equations this would mean that the
coefficients are independent of the complex frequency variable.



Related to the network description (state equations) we shall develop

in this chapter is a question we shall discuss first. The number of indepen
dent Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL)
equations in a network, n and b n, respectively, is determined only by
the graph of the network, and not by the types of the branches. The same
is true of the number of independent node-voltage variables (n) and loopcurrent variables (b n). These numbers would not be influenced if the
branches were all resistors, or if some were capacitors or inductors. How
ever, in an all-resistor network the loop or node equations would be
algebraic, with no variation in time; that is to say, static. On the other
hand, when capacitors or inductors are present, the equations will be
dynamic. The question arises as to how many dynamically
variables there are; that is, how many variables are there such that, when
these variables are determined (as a function of time), the remaining
variables can be found purely algebraically?
We know that each capacitor and each inductor introduces a dynamic
variable, since the v-i relationship of each contains a derivative. We also
know that all initial voltages and currents in a network become known if
the initial capacitor voltages and inductor currents are specified. The
maximum number of initial conditions that can be specified independently,
therefore, equals the number of independent energy-storing branches
(capacitors plus inductors). This motivates us to introduce the notion of
order of complexity by the following definition:
The order of complexity of a network is equal to the number of independ
ent initial conditions that can be specified in a network.
This is also the number of arbitrary constants appearing in the general

Sec. 4.1]



solution of the network equations. Hence it is equal to the number of

natural frequencies, if we count each one according to its multiplicity;
for example, suppose the free response of a network consists of the
The natural frequency s is of multiplicity two; hence the total number of
natural frequencies is stated to be five. This is also the order of complexity.
Clearly the order of complexity cannot exceed the number of energystoring elements. Suppose, however, that there is an algebraic constraint
relationship among capacitor voltages or inductor currents. Such con
straints can be caused by loops containing only capacitors or only
capacitors and independent voltage sources, and cut-sets containing
only inductors or only inductors and independent current sources.*
In the first case, K V L applied around the loop will give a linear relation
ship among the capacitor voltages, and in the second case, the KCL
equation for the cut-set will give a linear relationship among the inductor
currents. In Fig. 1 there are five energy-storing elements. However, in

Fig. 1.

Network with an all-capacitor loop and an all-inductor cut-set.

this network there is an all-capacitor loop consisting of two capacitors

and a voltage source. There is also an all-inductor cut-set consisting of
two inductors. Thus the capacitor voltages and inductor currents will be
restricted by the following constraints:

* To avoid repetition, we shall use the term "all-capacitor loop" to mean a loop con
taining only capacitors or only capacitors and independent voltage sources. Likewise, we
shall use the term "all-inductor cut-set" to mean a cut-set containing only inductors or
only inductors and independent current-sources.



[Ch. 4

(with appropriate orientation of the variables). This means that initial

values of both v and v cannot be prescribed independently, nor can initial
values of both i and i9.
Each such constraint relationship reduces the number of independent
initial conditions b y one. In a network having only two-terminal com
ponents, the component equations cannot introduce additional algebraic
relationships between capacitor voltages or inductor currents. We conclude,
therefore, that:

The order of complexity of an RLC network equals the total number of

reactive elements, less the number of independent all capacitor loops and
the number of independent all-inductor cut-sets.
In the network of Fig. 1 the order of complexity is 5 1 1 = 3.
The question might arise as to the influence of loops containing
inductors only or cut-sets of capacitors only. Consider, for example, the
network in Fig. 2, which contains an all-inductor loop; K V L around the
loop leads to


Fig. 2.

Network with an all-inductor loop.

Integration of this expression from 0 to t leads to

where we understand t = 0 to mean 0 + . It might appear that this also
represents a constraint on the inductor currents. However, the constant K
is not specified. In fact, its determination requires an independent rela
tionship. This is provided by the principle of conservation of flux linkages,
which states that
L i over any closed loop is continuous. (This prin
ciple cannot be derived from Kirchhoff's laws.) The continuity condition

j j


Sec. 4.1]


requires that the value of flux linkage just before t = 0 (i.e., at 0)

equal its value just after t = 0. Thus
The 0 values of all three inductor currents can certainly be independ
ently specified, without violating Kirchhoff's laws; such specification will
fix the 0 + value of the flux linkage. Hence we conclude that an allinductor loop does not reduce the number of initial conditions that can be
independently specified and so has no influence on the order of complexity.
A similar conclusion follows concerning an all-capacitor cut-set;
namely, that it will have no influence on the order of complexity. An
equation like (5) will be obtained for an all capacitor cut-set except that
the terms will be C v = g (charge) rather than flux linkage. In this case,
the role analogous to the principle of conservation of flux linkage is the
principle of conservation of charge, which, applied to a network, states that
CjVj =
summed over any cut-set is continuous.
Although all-capacitor cut-sets and all-inductor loops do not influence
the number of natural frequencies, they do influence the values of natural
frequencies. In Fig. 2, for example, suppose i (t) is the desired response.
It is clear that a constant current can circulate around the all-inductor
loop. Hence one of the terms in i (t) will be a constant, which corresponds
to a natural frequency s = 0. Thus an all-inductor loop leads to a zero
natural frequency. A similar conclusion follows for an all-capacitor cut
set. However, natural frequencies at s= 0 are somewhat peculiar in that
whether or not the corresponding term appears in the response depends on
(1) what specific variable constitutes the response and (2) the location
of the excitation. In Fig. 2, if the response is v (t) rather than i (t), a
constant term will not appear, since v = di /dt, and differentiation will
remove the constant. All other natural frequencies will contribute to v ,
since the derivative of an exponential is proportional to that exponential.
The preceding discussion indicates that what may be of interest in some
cases is not the total number of natural frequencies but the number of
nonzero natural frequencies. This can be obtained from the total number
by subtracting the number of all-capacitor cut-sets and all-inductor loops.

The number of nonzero natural frequencies equals the order of com

plexity minus the number of independent all-inductor loops and the
number of independent all-capacitor cut-sets.
The word "independent," both here and in the definition of the order of



[Ch. 4

complexity given previously, is important. We can confirm this by

reference to Fig. 3. Of the three all-inductor cut-sets only two are indepen
dent; the KCL equation for one of the cut-sets can be obtained from the
All-capacitor loop
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11

All-capacitor cut-sets
5, 6,7
5, 7,8

All-inductor cut-sets

All-inductor loops

Fig. 3.

Network with many degeneracies.

other two. The same is true of the three all-capacitor cut-sets: only two are
independent. Since there are a total of 11 inductors and capacitors, and
3 linear constraints (one all-capacitor loop and two all-inductor cut-sets),
the order of complexity and the number of natural frequencies is
11 3 = 8. Of these natural frequencies, two are zero, corresponding to
the two independent all-capacitor cut-sets. Thus there are 8 2 = 6
nonzero natural frequencies.



We are now ready to begin the development of the state equations. The
basic equations at our disposal are still K V L , KCL, and the v-i relation
ships. It is the particular combination and the particular order in which
these are invoked that we must choose. The decision is made on the basis
of a number of considerations:
1. We want the final equations to contain no integrals. Integrals arise
from the substitution of i = j" v dxjL + i(0) for an inductor current
in KCL and the substitution of = J i dx/C + v(0) for a capacitor
voltage in KVL. So, we shall simply not make these eliminations of
inductor currents and capacitor voltages but keep them as variables.
2. We want the final equations to be first-order differential equations.



Derivatives arise from the substitution of = L di/dt for an inductor

voltage in K V L and i = C dv/dt for a capacitor current in KCL. We
shall make these substitutions, thus removing capacitor currents and
inductor voltages from the final set of variables.
3. Of the two capacitor variables, voltage and current, it is the voltages
whose initial values can be independently specified in a networkexcept
when there is an all-capacitor loop, as discussed in the last section. Likewise,
for inductors, the initial currents can be independently specified
except when there is an all-inductor cut-set. This gives added impetus to the
retention of capacitor voltages and inductor currents among the variables.
4. All the above considerations are nontopological; they have no
bearing on how a tree is selected and what type of branches are twigs or
links. Topologically, we know that twig voltages are a basis for all
voltages; that is, knowledge of twig voltages determines all other voltages.
Since we wish to have capacitor voltages among the final variables, we
should place capacitors in a tree, as much as possible. Likewise, link
currents are a basis for all currents. Since we wish to have inductor currents
among the final variables, we should place inductors in the cotree, as
much as possible.
5. Up to this point we have not counted independent sources as separ
ate branches but have assumed they are always accompanied; we have
lumped them with their accompanying branches. For reasons of conven
ience we shall here reverse this procedure and shall count independent
sources as separate branches. The strain of the reorientation should not
be too great. Since the voltage of a voltage source is a " known," it cannot
be determined from other voltages. So, a voltage source cannot be made
a link, because then its voltage would be fixed in terms of twig voltages.
Similarly, a current source cannot be made a twig, since its current would
then be fixed in terms of link currents. One might conceive of a network
having a loop containing only independent voltage sources, in which case
one of them would have to be a link. These sources could not truly be
independent, since their voltages would have to satisfy K V L around the
loop. If they did, then one of the sources could be a link, and its voltage
would be determined from the other sources. Similar considerations apply
to a cut-set containing only independent current sources. We assume,
therefore, that our networks have no all-independent-voltage-source
loops and no all-independent-current-source cut-sets.
The convergence of the above considerations leads to the following
approach: Define a normal tree as a tree having as twigs all of the indepen
dent voltage sources, the maximum possible number of capacitors, the
minimum possible number of inductors, and none of the independent


[Ch. 4


current sources. (If the network is not connected, the corresponding term
is "normal forest." For simplicity, we shall later refer to a normal tree,
sometimes reverting to the use of "normal forest" for emphasis.)
If there are no all-capacitor loops, all the capacitors will be twigs of the
normal tree. Also, if there are no all-inductor cut-sets, none of the induc
tors will be twigs of the normal tree; they will all be links. This can be
proved by contradiction. Suppose there is a capacitor link in the absence
of an all-capacitor loop. Both end nodes of the capacitor link lie on the
corresponding normal tree. If this capacitor link is added to the tree, it
will form a loop that, by hypothesis, is not an all-capacitor loop. If from
this loop a noncapacitor branch is removed, the result will be a new tree
that will have one more capacitor than the preceding one. This is not
possible, since the preceding normal tree has the maximum number of
capacitors, by definition. A similar proof applies for the inductors.
Given a network, we first select a normal tree (or a normal forest if the
network is not connected). We then write KVL equations for the f-loops
and KCL equations for the f-cut-sets
of this tree. We use the branch
v-i relationships to eliminate capacitor currents and inductor voltages but
we have not yet discussed how to handle the variables of the resistive
elements, including controlled sources, gyrators, as well as resistors.
Before considering this problem in a general way, let us spend some time
in discussing some examples through which the general approach can
As a first illustration consider the network shown in Fig. 4a. It is de
sired t o find the output voltage v (t) when voltages v (t) and v (t) are
the inputs. There are three reactive elements and no degeneracies.
Hence the order of complexity is 3. There are six nodes and nine branches.
(Remember that the two voltage sources are counted as separate
branches.) A normal tree must contain both voltage sources and both





Fig. 4.

Illustrative example for writing state equations.



capacitors, but not the inductor. This information is shown in Fig. 4b,
where the solid lines show a partial normal tree and the dashed line re
presents the inductor link. We need one more twig, and this must connect
node c to the rest. There are clearly two possibilities among the resistive
branchesbranch 5 or 6. We have chosen 5 to complete the tree, as
shown in Fig. 4c. Notice that the branches have been numbered with the
twigs first, then the links.
Now let us write the KCL equations for the f-cut-sets
and the K V L
equations for the f-loops.
With the usual partitioning, these can be
written as



Note that, because the sources are counted as separate branches, the
right-hand sides in (6) are 0 and not Qi and B v , as we have been used to
writing them. In scalar form (7) leads to the following:





[Ch. 4

There remain the v-i relationships of the components. We assume that

t = t is the point in time at which the network is established. The source
voltages v and v are specified for t > t . The initial inductor current
and capacitor voltages are also specified; that is, v (t ), v (to), and i9(to) are
given. The v-i relationships of the sources and reactive elements are







The resistor equations are either of the form v = Ri or i = Gv, but we have
no guidelines yet as to how they should be written. According to our
earlier discussion, we want to eliminate capacitor currents and inductor
voltages. Hence we substitute i , i , and v9 from the last three equations
into the appropriate KCL and K V L equations in (8). This step leads to




There are two classes of variables on the right-hand sides: (1) capacitor
voltages and inductor currents (v and i9), which we want to keep; and
(2) resistor currents and voltages. There are four of the latter kind of
variable; namely, v , i , i , and i . Note that none of these appears
explicitly solved for in the Kirchhoff equations in (8), but their comple
mentary variables do. To change these complementary variables to the
desired ones, we can combine the appropriate v-i relationships with (8).



In fact, now we have a guide as to a suitable form of these relationships.

They are

Thus for the twigs we use the form v = Ri; and for the links i = Gv.
When these are inserted into the appropriate four equations in (8), the
result can be rewritten in the following form:
These are purely algebraic equations giving resistor voltages or currents
in terms of (1) source voltages, (2) capacitor voltages, and (3) inductor
currents. These algebraic equations can be easily solved (the last two
trivially) to yield

Finally, these equations can be substituted into (10) to yield, after re




[Ch. 4



This is a set of first-order differential equations. Let us write them in

matrix form. After dividing by the coefficients on the left, the result will


This is the equation toward which we have been striving. It is a matrix

differential equation of the first order. The following terminology is used:
State vector



The elements of the state vector are state variables. We refer to the matrix
equation as a state equation. Equation (15) can be written in compact



matrix notation as
where the meanings of the matrices A and B are obvious. This is called
the normal form of the state equation. The derivative of the state vector
is given as a linear combination of the state vector itself and the input,
or excitation, vector. (The letter " e " stands for excitation.)
The desired output quantities may be state variables or any other
variables in the network. In the present case we had wanted the output to
be v (t). From the network it is found that vo = v v , which can be
written in matrix form as

or more compactly as
where w is the output vector.
The next step would be to solve the state equations, a project that will
occupy a major part of the remainder of this chapter. However, before
undertaking this major effort, we shall consider another example, which
will introduce some features not present in this past example.
The network for this example is shown in Fig. 5. It has an all-capacitor
loop (capacitors and voltage sources). A normal tree must contain both
voltage sources but clearly cannot include all three capacitors. The ones
numbered 3 and 4 have been placed on the tree. The normal tree can be
completed by any one of the three resistors; the one numbered 5 is chosen

Fig. 5.

Illustrative example of circuit with all-C loop for writing state equations.



[Ch. 4

The next step is to write KCL equations for the f-cut-sets

equations for the f-loops in the form of (7). The result is

and K V L

If we followed the approach of the preceding example, we would next
write the v-i equations of all the capacitors (the only reactive elements in
this case) in order to eliminate the capacitor currents from (18) and retain
only the capacitor voltages. However, because of the all-capacitor loop,
not all these voltages are dynamically independent. Therefore we write
the v-i equations of only those capacitors that are in the normal tree.

These are now inserted into the appropriate KCL equations in (18) to

Of the three variables on the right sides, the capacitor link current i
and the resistor link currents i and i are treated separately. The K V L
equation for v in (18f) is inserted into the v-i equation for i , yielding



which gives i in terms of "desirable" variables only.
This leaves us with i and i to eliminate from (20). These do not
appear explicitly solved for in (18). Again we write the v-i relations for
the resistor links as v = Ri and for the twig (branch 5) as i = Gv. The
appropriate three equations in (18) can then be rewritten as follows:

This is simply a set of algebraic equations that can be solved to yield


where K = 1 + R (C + G ). The last two of these equations together with
(21), when inserted into (20), will eliminate the unwanted variables.
After rearrangement, the result in matrix form becomes



[Ch. 4


The final result is obtained upon premultiplying by the inverse of the

coefficient matrix on the left. Again we have a first-order matrix differen
tial equation, but this time the right-hand side has a term containing the
derivative of the input vector, in addition to the input vector itself.
As a final calculation, suppose the outputs are taken as i1 and i .
These can be expressed in terms of the link currents i , i , and i by
means of (18a) and (18b). These currents are, in turn, eliminated by using
(21) and (23). The result of these operations for the output equation in
matrix form will be


The derivative of

can be eliminated by using (24). The detailed result is algebraically

complicated and is not given here. Nevertheless, it is clear that the kinds
of terms present on the right side of the output equation will be the same
as those present on the right side of (24).
Equations (24) and (25) can be written in compact form as follows:



The first of these is a differential equation. Once it is solved, the output

variables are determined algebraically from the second one. As a matter of



terminology, the two equations together are called the state equations.
The second one is called the output equation. Our next task is to carry out
a solution of these equations.



In the examples of the last section we found that the input and output
variables are related through equations such as (26). We shall find in later
sections that such equations result for all networks of the class we are
considering. Observe that a somewhat simpler form is obtained b y setting
in (26), which then becomes

The derivative of the excitation has been eliminated in the first equation
but not in the second. For simplicity we shall simply remove the bar and
write x instead of 5. Furthermore, we shall replace B + AB
b y B,
by D, and D by D. The equations we shall treat will, there
fore, have the forms



If the first of these equations resulting from a network is not initially in

this form (because it contains a term involving the derivative of e),
the transformation of (27) will put it in this form. E v e n with this trans
formation, however, we see that the derivative of e will be present in the
output equation unless D = 0. Whether or not this condition is true will
depend on the specific network and on the variables that are the outputs.
The vector x is assumed to be an n-vector (n components). The number


[Ch. 4


of components in e will generally be different from n. So, A is a square

matrix, but B is generally not square.
We now turn our attention to the solution of (28) for x(t), assuming the
initial values are expressed by the vector x(t ). For this purpose we shall
use the method of variation of parameter. Let

in which Y(t) is a square matrix of order n that is assumed to be non
singular for all finite t>t .*
Insert this transformation into (28). The
result after suitable arrangement of terms will be


It is clear that the solution is simplified if the quantity in parentheses

is assumed to be zero. This will then lead to a homogeneous matrix dif
ferential equation for Y. After that equation is solved, Y can be inserted
into the right side of (30). The result can then be directly integrated to
find X i . After both Y and x i are found, x is determined from (29).
Proceding in this way, the two equations that result from (30) by setting
the quantity in parenthesis equal to zero are



The second equation comes from premultiplying by the inverse of Y,

which exists because Y was assumed to be nonsingular. We shall tempor
arily postpone solving the first equation and assume a solution has been
obtained. The second equation can be solved for X i by direct integration
from t to t. The result will be

* The development of this chapter is extravagant in the use of symbols. The need far
outstrips the availability. This forces us to use a symbol in one context when it already
has a well-defined meaning elsewhere. Thus in earlier work Y is an admittance matrix.
Its use here with a different meaning will hopefully cause no confusion.

Sec. 4.3]



The initial-value matrices are related b y


Therefore Xi(t ) = Y ( t ) x ( t ) is the specified initial condition for (33).

Now premultiply both sides of (33) by Y(t). Since the integration is
with respect to r, Y(t) can be taken under the integral sign. Furthermore,
since Xi(to) = Y ( t ) x(t ), the result will be

- 1

This is a very significant result. It tells us that in order to solve (28) we
first solve (31) with some nonsingular initial condition, such as Y(to) = U.
We then carry out the indicated integration in (35). However, the
integrand requires us first to find the inverse of Y, which is a considerable
It turns out that this can be avoided, because Y(t) Y ( ) is a matrix
function of t r, which, as will be seen shortly, is easily determined. We
express this relationship symbolically as
- 1

When this is inserted into (35), the result becomes
The matrix is called the state-transition matrix. The name derives from
the idea that when e = 0 the transition from the " state " of the network
at time t to the " state " at time t is governed by , as (37) illustrates.
Equation (37) constitutes the time-domain solution of the original
nonhomogeneous differential equation in (28). Its importance cannot be
overemphasized. However, it is really a symbolic solution, because we are
still required to solve the homogeneous equation (31) before the job is
complete. This will be our task now.


Consider a first-order homogeneous differential equation



[Ch. 4

where a is a constant and the initial condition is y(to) = 1. The solution

that satisfies the initial condition is

which may be verified by direct substitution into the equation. Since the
form of the matrix equation (31) is identical with that of the scalar
equation, it is tempting to seek an exponential solution:
The only trouble is, we do not know the meaning of an exponential with
a matrix in the exponent. You have no doubt encountered a similar
difficulty in defining an exponential with a complex-number exponent.
This is handled by defining a complex exponential in terms of the series
expansion of the real exponential. (See Appendix 2.) We shall do the same
thing here and define


Since A is a square matrix of order n, e

As an example, suppose

A t

is also a square matrix of order n.




It can be shown that each of the elements of the matrix e converges

to a continuous function of t, absolutely for any finite t and uniformly

Sec. 4.3]



over any finite time interval. Hence term-by-term differentiation of the

series is permitted. Thus


that is, the formula for the derivative of a matrix exponential is the same
as it is for a scalar exponential. When this result is used it is found that
Y(t) = e o) given in (38) is the (unique) solution satisfying (31) and the
initial condition Y(to) = U.
Recall that in obtaining (32) it was assumed that Y(t) is nonsingular
for all finite time following t . We must now show that it is, in fact,
nonsingular. This is not difficult. From the series definition of a matrix
exponential, we can write

Now let this series be multiplied by the series for the positive exponential
in (39). The result will be
All other terms cancel. This term-by-term multiplication is permissible
because of the absolute convergence of the two series for all finite t.
The result tells us that we have found a matrix ( e ) , which, when multi
plied by e , gives a unit matrix. B y definition, it is the inverse of e .
Hence Y(t) is nonsingular for t t .
There is only one thing left to do. We must give an explicit expression
for the state-transition matrix (t T) = Y(t) Y ( ) . This is an easy
task. We know that Y(t) = e
and Y ( ) = e
; therefore
A t

A t

A t

A ( t t o )

- 1

A ( t o )

and is, like Y(t), a matrix exponentialonly the scalar time variable is
different. This relation can now be inserted into (37) to yield


[Ch. 4


The solution is now complete. Starting with a vector differential

equation of the form of (28), we first solve the homogeneous equation (31)
subject to the initial condition Y(t ) = U. The solution is ^ - ) . We
then insert this into (45), changing t to under the integral, carry out
the integration, and the job is done.

/ o



We have just treated the solution of the state equation in the general
case. In a particular situation, suppose there is no excitation (e = 0) or
for a given network B = 0. Then the state equation reduces to the homo
geneous equation


Comparing this with (31) shows that they are of the same form. There is,
however, one difference: whereas Y (or, equivalently, the state-transition
matrix ) is a square matrix, in the present equation x is a column
vector. Among other things, this means the initial value in the present
case cannot be a unit matrix but must be represented by the initial-value
vector x(t ).
From the general solution in (45) the solution of (46) can be written as

This is, of course, much simpler than the general solution when Be 0.
It would, therefore, be of considerable value if, by some modification of
variables, it would be possible to convert the general nonhomogeneous
state equation into a homogeneous one. This is what we shall pursue in
this section.
Consider the state equation (28a), repeated here for convenience:


Suppose there exists a vector f that satisfies the differential equation


Sec. 4.3]



with the initial value f(t ) and that is related to e by



In these expressions F and K are matrices to be determined. Now sub

stitute (50) into (48) and combine the resulting equation with (49). The
result can be put in the following form:


which is homogeneous like (46). Consequently the solution will be


just as (47) was the solution of (46). (The notation exp(u) stands for e .)
The solution for x(t) is, of course, just the first n-elements of this solution
for [x f ] ' .
There is one major drawback to this method of obtaining a homo
geneous differential equation equivalent to the nonhomogeneous state
equation. Suppose f is an m-vector. Then the matrix exponential in (52)
is of order n + m. In the solution (45) of the original state equation the
order of the matrix exponential is just n. Since m may very easily be large,
the increase in the order of the matrix exponential by m can result in a
substantial computing effort merely to eliminate computing the integral
appearing in (45).
It is possible to use an alternative procedure that will lead to a homo
geneous differential equation without increasing the order of the matrix
exponential to be evaluated. As might be expected, this is achieved at a
price. Let

or, equivalently,

where S is a matrix to be determined. Substitute (54) into the state

equation (48) to get



[Ch. 4

Then substitute (49) and (50) into this equation and rearrange terms to
If an
can be found that satisfies the following two-sided, linear, alge
braic matrix equation
then (56) becomes
which is the same homogeneous differential equation as in (46). Its solu
tion, therefore, is
in which
from the definition of y in (53). The solution for x(t) is obtained by sub
stituting y(t) from (59) and f (t) from the solution of (49) into (54).
The solution of the two-sided matrix equation (57) is not a trivial
matter.* Since Sf will be an n m matrix, (57) is equivalent to nm
linear algebraic equations for the nm unknown elements of Sf.
To illustrate these two methods of obtaining an equivalent homogene
ous differential equation, let us start with the state equation

* It turns out that, if the eigenvalues of F are different from those of A, the solution
for S can be expressed in closed form using some of the results of the next section. This
closed-form solution will be given in Problem 17. You will find a proof for that solution
in: J. S. Frame, "Matrix Functions and ApplicationsPart IV," IEEE Spectrum,
Vol. 1, No. 6, June 1964, pp. 123-131. A second closed form solution will be given in
Problem 35. You will find a proof for that solution in: A. Jameson, "Solution of the
Equation A X + X B = C by Inversion of an M M or N N Matrix," SI AM Jour, of
Applied Mathematics, Vol. 16, No. 5, Sept. 1968, pp. 1020-1023.

Sec. 4.3]



It may easily be verified that

is the solution of the differential equation

Observe that


The matrices A , B, and F are obvious from the state equation and the
differential equation for f. The vector differential equation corresponding
to (51) is, therefore,

The solution of this equation is now easily written.

The alternative method requires solution of the two-sided matrix
equation (57). Since the order of A is n = 2 and the order of F is m = 2,
S will be a 2 2 matrix. For this example (57) will be



[Ch. 4

As you may easily verify, this is equivalent to the following algebraic


whose solution is

Using these values for the S , the matrix S is

i j

Thus S exists, and the solution for y(t), and then x(t), can be obtained by
the use of this method.
In this example we converted the two-sided matrix equation for S into
an equivalent vector equation for a vector with the same elements as S.
Let us indicate how this is accomplished in general. Let s and k
denote the ith column vectors of S and K, respectively. Then the vector


is equivalent to the two-sided matrix equation (57) in the sense that the
solution of (61) above yields values for all the elements of S.

Sec. 4.3]



Many excitation functions are encountered over and over again in

analysis. There are, in a sense, a standard set of excitations used in
analyzing the performance of a network. The sine and cosine of the past
example are only two functions from that set. Some of the other oftenused excitations are step functions, ramp functions, exponential functions,
and exponentially damped sinusoids. To eliminate the necessity of con
structing the F matrix and the corresponding initial vector f(0) each time
these standard excitation functions are encountered, we have constructed
a table (Table 1) of the most often encountered f(t)'s and the associated
F's and f(0)'s. Observe that t = 0 in this table; there is no loss of general
ity in doing this, and it is decidedly convenient to do so. Note also that
the constant appearing in Table 1 can be zero. If this is done, the
elements of f(t) become simply powers of t in the one case, and ordinary
sine and cosine functions in the other.

Table 1



Since a network excitation vector is very apt to have elements that are
combinations of the elements of standard excitation vectors with different
values of , , and k, it may be necessary to combine the several differen
tial equations for the different standard excitation vectors into a single
differential equation. To make this point clear we shall consider a simple
example. Let



[Ch. 4

The elements of e can be related to the standard excitation functions,

appearing as elements of f, as follows:

Based on Table 1, there are five differential equations, each for a part of
the f-vector on the right; they are

Sec. 4.3]



They combine into one vector differential equation for f(t):



These formal solutions have buried a major difficulty. The matrix

exponential is just a symbolic solutionit does not tell us much. Although
the series form of the exponential may permit some approximate numer
ical answers, it does not lead to a closed form. Thus in the simple example
shown in (40), each element of the matrix is an infinite series, and we do
not know what function it represents. Clearly, we need some means for
finding closed-form equivalents for the exponential e .
One equivalent of the exponential can be found by Laplace transforms.
To simplify matters, suppose the initial time is t = 0. If we take the
Laplace transform of the homogeneous equation in (31), we shall get
A t

where Y is the Laplace transform of Y(t). This can be written as follows:




[Ch. 4

Finally, we take the inverse transform to get Y(t). Because we have taken
to = 0, Y(t) will also equal e . Hence
A t

This is very interesting. Let us apply it to the simple matrix considered
earlier in (40). The matrix (sU A), its determinant, and its inverse are
easily obtained as


A partial-fraction expansion was made in the last step. The inverse

transform of this expression is

It is left as an exercise for you to expand the exponentials here and to

verify that the series are the same as in (40).
The Laplace transform is one way of evaluating the matrix exponential
e . However, if we are going to use Laplace transforms, we can do so on
the original nonhomogeneous equations and avoid going through all the
intervening steps. This, of course, can be done; but we will not be using
matrix mathematics to advantage in so doing. We need some additional
means for finding the matrix exponential.
A t



The matrix exponential e is a particular function of a matrix; it is

a member of a general class that can be called functions of a matrix.
It is possible U) learn much about the particular function e by studying
the theory of the general class. This is what we shall do in this section.
A t

Sec. 4.4]



The simplest functions of an ordinary scalar variable are powers of

the variable and polynomials. These are also the simplest functions of a
matrix. Consider a polynomial f(s) of the complex variable s.

Suppose the variable s is replaced by a square matrix A of order n. The

corresponding function will be a matrix polynomial:

The generalization of a polynomial is an infinite series:


Such a series, in fact, can represent any analytic function of a complex

variable, within its domain of convergence. With s replaced b y A, the
series becomes


The function f (A) is itself a matrix, each of whose elements is an infinite

series. This matrix series is said to converge if each of the element series
converges. We shall not show it, but it turns out that the matrix series
will, in fact, converge if the eigenvalues of A that is, the zeros of the
characteristic polynomial, det(sU A)lie within the circle of conver
gence of the scalar series in (65).*
Transcendental functions of a matrix can be defined by means of
infinite series. One such function is the exponential, for which the series
definition has already been given in (39). A series definition of a function
of a matrix is not of much value in evaluating the function, except for an
approximate numerical value. Furthermore, a series definition will not
always be suitable, as when the zeros of the characteristic polynomial do
not lie within the circle of convergence. Fortunately, it turns out that if
f(s) is an analytic function that is regular at the zeros of the characteristic
polynomial of A, then f(A) can be expressed as a polynomial function;
that is, a finite series. Let us see how this comes about.
* For a proof, see L. Minsky, An Introduction to Linear Algebra, Oxford University
Press, London, 1955, pp. 332-334.



[Ch. 4


To start, let us define an annihilating polynomial of a matrix A as a

polynomial a(s), which reduces to zero when s is replaced by A; that is,
a(A) = 0. The characteristic polynomial, d(s) = det(sU A),
of a
square matrix A is an annihilating polynomial of A. This follows b y
observing that the inverse of (sU A) is given by
N o w suppose s is replaced by A. On the right side a factor A A
appears; hence d(A) = 0, and d(s) is an annihilating polynomial. This
result is known as the Cayley-Hamilton

Any square matrix satisfies it own characteristic


The Cayley-Hamilton theorem permits us to reduce the order of a

matrix polynomial of any (high) order to one of order no greater than
n 1, where n is the order of the matrix. Suppose A is a square matrix
of order 3. Its characteristic equation will have the form d(s) = s + dis
+ d s + d . Hence, by the Cayley-Hamilton theorem,


Given a polynomial of order greater than 3, all powers of 3 or more can be

replaced by quadratics in A by using this expression for A . Hence the
entire polynomial will reduce to a polynomial of order 2.
As a collateral result, the Cayley-Hamilton theorem permits the evalu
ation of the inverse of a matrix as a matrix polynomial. Thus, if the
characteristic equation of a matrix A is



Sec. 4.4]

If the equation is multiplied through by A

d A . Hence


, the last term becomes

- 1


This explicit relationship is valid only when zero is not an eigenvalue of

A, so that d(s) does not have a factor s and d O.
We are mainly interested in functions f(A)
other than polynomials;
in particular, exponentials. How do we deal with such functions? A clue is
obtained by considering polynomials again. Suppose two polynomials
pi(s) and p (s) are given, the order of pi(s) being less than that of p (s).
The latter can be divided by the former, yielding a quotient q(s) and a
remainder r(s) whose order is one less than that of the divisor polynomial,
pi(s). The result, after multiplying through by pi(s), can be written as

Instead of polynomial p (s), suppose we have an analytic function f(s)

and we replace pi(s) by a(s). Then, in analogy with the preceding equa
tion, we hope that

where q(s) is an analytic " q u o t i e n t " function, which is regular at the
zeros of the polynamial a(s), and where g(s) is a " remainder " polynomial
whose order is less than the order of a(s).
Suppose the polynomial a(s) is an annihilating polynomial of matrix A;
that is, a(A) = 0. This means that, with s replaced by A in (70), we get
where f(A) is a function and g(A) is a polynomial.
This is a very interesting result. Remember that f(s) is an arbitrary
function; thus this result states that any analytic function of a matrix A
can be expressed as a polynomial in A of order no greater than one less than
the order of A.
We still have the job of determining the " r e m a i n d e r " polynomial
g(s). Before doing this, let us look at annihilating polynomials a little
further. The Cayley-Hamilton theorem assures as that a square matrix
has at least one annihilating polynomial. (You should show that this
implies there are an infinite number of annihilating polynomials of the



[Ch. 4

matrix.) Let the one having the lowest degree and with unity leading
coefficient be labeled m(s) and be called the minimal
One interesting fact about a minimal polynomial is given in the follow
ing theorem:
The minimal polynomial of any square matrix s is a factor
of every annihilating polynomial of A.
This is easy to prove. Given a(s) and m(s), where m(s) is of no higher degree
than a(s), we can divide a(s) by m(s) to obtain a quotient qi(s) and a
remainder ri(s) of degree lower than that of m(s). After multiplying
through by m(s) the result will be

Now replace s by A and observe that a(A) = 0 and m(A) = 0. Hence

ri(A) = 0. But this is a contradiction, unless ri is identically zero, because
n ( A ) = 0 means ri(s) is an annihilating polynomial of lower degree than
m(s). Hence ri(s) = 0 , and m(s) is a factor of a(s).
It is unnecessary to spend effort seeking to find the minimal polynomial
in anything we shall do. In any of the calculations to be carried out it is
possible to use the easily determined characteristic polynomial d(s),
which is an annihilating polynomial and which may sometimes be the
corresponding minimal polynomial.
We are now ready to take up the job of determining the polynomial
g(s), which can be written as
in which the coefficients are unknown. The starting point is (70).
Let us deal with the characteristic polynomial d(s) of matrix A which
we know to be an annihilating polynomial, and rewrite (70) as


We shall first assume that the eigenvalues of A are distinct and write
d(s) in factored form as
Now let us evaluate (73) at each of the eigenvalues s i . Since d(si) = 0,

Sec. 4.4]



we find

There are n such relationships. When (72) is used for g(s) these n relation
ships become


The right-hand sides are known quantities, since f(s) is the originally
given function. This is a set of n equations in n unknown g coefficients.
Inversion of this set of equations gives the solution.
Let us illustrate the process with the same simple example considered
before. For the A in (40), the characteristic polynomial was given in (64).
They are repeated here:

A t


The desired matrix function is e , so f(s) = e . B y substituting into (76)

we obtain

from which



[Ch. 4


The next step is to replace s by A to get g(A),

which, b y (71), equals

B y an obvious rearrangement, this becomes

which agrees with the previously determined result.

A glance back at the set of equations in (76) reveals a certain uniformity
in the matrix of coefficients. It should be possible to solve the equations
in literal form and take advantage of the uniformity in the matrix to
arrive at an easily interpreted result.
If we let be the determinant and the (i, j)th cofactor of the co
efficient matrix in (76), the solution for the g 's can be written
i j

With these coefficients inserted, the polynomial g(s) now becomes


What we have done in the last step is to rearrange the terms so that it
is not the powers of s on which we focus, but on the values f(s ). Since the
equations of (76) are all so similar, it must be possible to write this result
in a simpler form, and indeed it is. The result was first given by Lagrange
in the context of passing a polynomial of degree n 1 through n points.
It is called the Lagrange interpolation formula and converts the summation

Sec. 4.4]



within the braces above to a product, as follows:

(It is suggested that you verify this.) From this, g(A)
Finally, since f(A) = g(A), we get

is easily obtained.


From this result a very interesting observation can be made. Given a

matrix A the eigenvalues s are uniquely determined from A. Hence
everything within parentheses in (78) is a function only of A and is in
dependent of the specific function f(s) under consideration. Once the
quantity within the parentheses is determined, any function of a matrix
can be determined merely by evaluating the function at the eigenvalues
of A. We shall make note of this again in the more general case to be
treated next.



If the eigenvalues of A are not distinct and there are repeated values,
a modification of this procedure is necessary. Let d(s) be written as
where the multiplicities are obviously r for the ith eigenvalue.
Let us now consider differentiating (73), after which we shall evaluate
the result for s = s . Except for the derivatives of the product (s)d(s),
the derivatives of f and g will be equal. Thus,


What happens to the summation when s = s ? If the order of the deriva

tive is less than the multiplicity of the eigenvalue s (i.e., if j < r ), then
from (79) it is clear that d d(s)/ds = 0 for s = s and for i < j . This means
all the terms under the summation sign will vanish, and so

and for derivative orders j = 0, 1, 2, ..., (r 1); that is, for derivatives of



[Ch. 4

any order up to one less than the multiplicity of s . This equation is a

generalization of, and includes, (75). It gives as many relationships as
there are eigenvalues when each eigenvalue is counted according to its
multiplicity. Since g(s) in (72) also has that many coefficients, they can
be determined by applying (81). Thus the first ri relationships evaluated
for s = si will be

Similar sets of equations will result for each distinct eigenvalue. The
entire result in matrix form will be



Sec. 4.4]


This is a horrible-looking expression; it is inflicted on you by our desire

to be general. Actual cases will rarely have such generality, and the actual
equations will look considerably simpler than this. In any case, the g
coefficients are obtained by inverting this matrix equation. This is the
generalization for multiple eigenvalues of (76) which applies for simple
As an example of the determination of a function f(A) when A has
multiple eigenvalues, let f(s) = e and


Take si = 2 and s = 3 ; then the multiplicities are ri = 2 and r = 1.

Let us use d(s) as the annihilating polynomial in determining g(s). For
this example (82) becomes


since df(si)/ds = te
inversion, as


= te .

The solution for the g's is easily found b y

With go, gi, and g now known, g(s) = go + gi s + g s will be




[Ch. 4

or, after an obvious rearrangement of terms,

The next step is to form g(A)

by replacing s by A:

The remaining work is just arithmetic, after A is inserted here. The final
result is obtained from (71): f(A) =g(A)
leads to

This completes the example. (You should verify that this equation follows
from the immediately preceding one upon the insertion of A.)


Let us look back at (82). This equation can be solved for the g coeffi
cients which are then inserted into the g(s) polynomial, just as in the case
of (76). Again we rearrange the terms so that the focus is on the elements
of the right-hand vector in (82), rather than on the powers of s. The re
arranged expression can be written as follows:


Sec. 4.4]



It is only for later convenience that the K 's have been chosen as the
coefficients of the derivatives divided by the factorials rather than just
the derivatives themselves. When the eigenvalues are of single multipli
city this complicated expression reduces to just the first column, which is
simply (77).
The next step is to replace s by A. Recalling that g(A) = f(A),
now get


assuming the functions f (s) not singular for s = s . The coefficients

K (A)
in (84) are matrices, which are often expressed as K . They are
called the constituent matrices of (A) and depend only on A, not on the
function f(s). This can be observed by looking at (82). The nonzero ele
ments of the coefficient matrix there are proportional to various powers of
the eigenvalues of A; K (s) is simply a linear combination of cofactors
of that coefficient matrix. Since the eigenvalues and, hence, the entries of
that coefficient matrix depend only on A, the result in verified. This is a
very powerful point. It means that the constituent matrices K (A)
a square matrix A can be determined once and for all, independent of
any specific function. For any given function f the expression in (84) can
then be formed simply by evaluating the various derivatives of f at the
eigenvalues of A.
So far the only way we know to find the constituent matrices when A
has multiple eigenvalues is to set up (82), solve for the g coefficients,
insert into g(s), and then rearrange to put it in the form of (83). It would
be in order to look for simpler methods, and fortunately the search pays
off. When the eigenvalues of A are simple, of course, we have the Lagrange
interpolation formula. We need something like that for multiple eigen


i j





Since the constituent matrices K = K (A)

do not depend on the
specific function f if we can find a simple function for which (84) can be
written, then the K ' s thus determined will be the same for any function.
The success of this approach depends on finding a convenient function.
Consider the functionf(s') = l/(s s') = (s s') , where s' is a complex
i j





[Ch. 4


variable that is to play the role formerly played by s; for example, it is

s' that is to be replaced by A. At the risk of confusion, we have used the
symbol s to stand for another complex variable. Another symbol, say z,
should have been used here instead of s, but our choice results from the
desire to end with an equation containing s. You might avoid confusion
by thinking "z" when you see "s" in this development. If we take
derivatives with respect to s', we obtain


where s are specific values of s'. Now substitute (85) in (84) and replace
s' by A inf(s') = (s s') . The result will be (sU A)
in terms of the
constituent matrices. Next, from (67) this can be written




The numerator of the right side is a matrix whose elements are poly
nomials in s since they are cofactors of the matrix (sU A). Since each
element of the numerator is divided by d(s), the whole thing is a matrix
of rational functions. A partial-fraction expansion of the right-hand side
can be carried out and leads to


In view of (85), this expression is exactly of the form of (84), and our
anticipation in using the same symbols K = K (A)
for the coefficients
of this partial-fraction expansion as for the constituent matrices is
justified. That is, the constituent matrices are the coefficient matrices in
the partial-fraction expansion of (sUA) .
The matrix (sUA)
called the resolvent matrix.
Given a matrix A and a function f(s), the determination of f(A) in the
form of (84) is carried out by expanding the resolvent matrix (sU A)
into partial fractions. The coefficients of the expansion (which are the
residues if the eigenvalues are simple) are the constituent matrices.
i j





Sec. 4.4]



Let us illustrate by means of the example considered before. Let f(s)

= e and

To find the inverse of sU A, we need its determinant and cofactors.

When these are determined, we get

Let si = 2 and s = 3 . The partial-fraction expansion is carried out

next. The result is

Finally, these constituent matrices are inserted into (84) to yield for the
matrix exponential

This agrees with the earlier answer.



Let us review the procedure for determining the constituent matrices.

It requires first the determination of the eigenvalues, which is true for
any other method also. It requires next the inversion of the matrix
(sU A), which we have done by determining the cofactors of this
matrix. But this will be an onerous task for large n. It requires, finally,



[Ch. 4

the partial-fraction expansion of the resolvent matrix

(sUA) .
Any assistance in reducing the tedium of the computation would be quite
valuable. There is available an algorithm that provides just this required
assistance. We shall call it the resolvent matrix algorithm.*
Observe from (86) that the resolvent matrix is expressed in terms of
the characteristic polynomial in the denominator and the adjoint matrix
of (sU A) in the numerator. The elements of this matrix are poly
nomials in s. We can focus attention on the powers of s by rewriting this
matrix as a sum of matrices, one for each power of s. Let.
Multiplication of (86) by d(s)(sU A) yields
which, upon inserting (88) and (89), becomes

Equating coefficients of like powers of s on the two sides leads to


* Early reports of this algorithm may be found in: J. M. Souriau, " Une mthode pour
la Decomposition spectrale inversion des matrices," Compt. Rend., Vol. 227, pp.
1010-1011, 1948; D. K. Fadeev and I. S. Sominskii, "Collection of Problems on Higher
Algebra," 2nd ed. (in Russian), Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1949; J. S. Frame, "A Simple
Recursion Formula for Inverting a Matrix," Bull. Am. Math. Soc, Vol. 55, p. 1045,
1949. H. E. Fettis, "A Method for Obtaining the Characteristic Equation of a Matrix and
Computing the Associated Model Columns," Quart. Appl. Math., Vol. 8, pp. 206-212,

Sec. 4.4]



It is clear that, if we knew the d coefficients of the characteristic poly

nomial, these equations would permit us to determine the P matrices
one at a time. Of course, the d coefficients can be determined by evaluating
the determinant of (sU A). We shall now show that even this is not
B y taking the trace of the matrices on both sides of (90) we find that

We shall now show that tr [P(s)] equals the derivative of d(s). Write
d(s) as

where is the Kronecker delta, (s a ) is an element of (sU A),

and is the cofactor of (s a ). Refer back to (25) in Chapter 1,
where the derivative of a determinant was discussed. For an arbitrary
matrix B(s) = [b (s)] it was shown that
i j


i j






In the present case the determinant is d(s) = det (sU A). Hence, using
(94), we get


Using this relationship, we can substitute for tr P(s) in (92) to get,

after rearrangement,


Finally, we substitute the expressions for P(s) and d(s) from (88) and (89)



[Ch. 4

into this equation to get

Again we equate coefficients of like powers of s on both sides to find

solutions for the d coefficients:


This set of expressions for the d coefficients, together with (91) for the
P matrices constitute an algorithm, with a finite number of steps, to
compute the resolvent matrix, ( s U A ) . We shall write them again,
side by side, showing the sequence of steps:

- 1



Sec. 4.4]



The last equation in this set can be used as a check since all its components
have already been determined in the preceding steps. If the equation is
not satisfied, then an error (or more than one) has been made.
The important point concerning the resolving matrix algorithm is the
fact that all of the steps involve purely numerical operations; the variable
s does not appear. Consequently, although it might appear that there is a
prodigious amount of matrix arithmetic, the algorithm can be easily
programmed for a computer.
A side result of the algorithm is an evaluation of the inverse of A when
zero is not an eigenvalue of A. In that case d = d(0) 0. From (86),
(sU A)- = P(s)/d(s). Setting s = 0 gives A - 1 = P(0)/d(0), or


To illustrate the resolvent matrix algorithm, consider again the example

treated earlier. The flow of the algorithm is as follows:

As a check, we find that AP

+ 12U = 0. Collecting the information from



[Ch. 4

the preceding, we can write the resolvent matrix:

In the last step the result was again rearranged into a single matrix.
Compare this with the earlier solution. Incidentally, since zero is not an
eigenvalue of A, (99) gives the collateral result that

Note that the algorithm gives the characteristic polynomial d(s) in

expanded form. To find the constituent matrices it is still necessary
(1) to factor d(s) in order to find the eigenvalues and (2) to obtain a partialfraction expansion. Computational algorithms for the first of these are
readily available,*


Looking back again at (84), we remember that the constituent matrices

K depend only on A, and not on any specific function. As we mentioned
earlier, if these matrices can be evaluated for some specific functions, the
results so obtained will be good for any other function. We found one
function, leading to the resolvent matrix ( s U A ) , from which the
constituent matrices could be evaluated. We shall now discuss a set of
functions that can also do the job.
Consider a set of functions f1(s), f (s),
...,f (s),
each of which is a
polynomial. Each of these polynomials can be inserted, in turn, into (84)
and will lead to an equation in which the unknowns are the constituent
i j

- 1

* The quotient-difference algorithm is one of the most widely known of the methods
for determining the zeros of a polynomial. The algorithm is described in: P. Henrici,
Elements of Numerical Analysis, John Wiley, New York, 1964, Chap. 8.

Sec. 4.4]



matrices. There will be as many equations as there are unknowns. In

matrix form these equations will be as follows:

We shall call this the resolving equation. Although the vector elements
are square matrices of order n, these matrices are treated as single quanti
ties when the indicated matrix multiplication is interpreted. Thus the
matrix multiplication, when performed, gives terms in which a matrix is
multiplied by a scalara perfectly legitimate operation; for example, in
the first row of the product.


the matrix K is multiplied by the scalar f (s ).

If this approach is to work, the coefficient matrix of (100) must be
nonsingular and easily inverted. It becomes a problem of selecting an
appropriate set of polynomials, which will be called resolving
The simplest polynomial is a power of s. Thus one possible set of re
solving polynomials is

Rather than writing the general expression for this case, suppose, for



[Ch. 4

example, the characteristic polynomial is d(s) = (s si) (s s ) .

n = 4 and f1 = l , f = s, f = s , and f = s . Hence (100) becomes



It is clear that the elements of the right-hand vector are easy to determine
in this case but that inverting the matrix will require considerable effort,
especially if n is much larger.
As a more explicit illustration let us consider the example given earlier
in which


With the resolving polynomials chosen according to (102), we get for (100)

We now invert this equation to get

which in expanded form gives


Sec. 4.4]



Now you can complete the problem by inserting A and A in these

equations and verifying that the same constituent matrices are obtained
as before.
Another choice of the set of polynomials is the following:

where the s 's are the eigenvalues. In this case the evaluation of f (A)
will require a large effort, but the matrix in (100) will be easy to invert.
Again we shall consider the particular case in which d(s) = (s s1)
(s s ) . Then

and (100) becomes




[Ch. 4

The coefficient matrix is seen to be upper triangular in this case and can be
easily inverted. This is true in general for this selection of resolving
For the specific example treated before, given in (104), the resolving
equation becomes

which can be readily inverted to yield

On comparing the last step with (105) we find they are identical, as they
should be.
In this section we have treated a number of methods for evaluating a
function of a matrix. Each method has certain advantages and dis
advantages. Some are more readily applied to low-order matrices; others
lend themselves to numerical evaluation by computer. Our basic interest
is in determining equivalent closed-form expressions for the function e ,
which constitutes the solution to a homogeneous state equation.
A t



Let us briefly review what has been done in this chapter. We started
by considering the order of complexity of a network. We discovered
that the number of dynamically independent variables for RLC networks
equals the number of reactive elements, minus the number of all-capacitor
loops and the number of all-inductor cut-sets. For a network containing
multiterminal components (controlled sources, etc.), additional algebraic
constraints among capacitor voltages and inductor currents may be intro
duced, thus further reducing the order of complexity. We shall here
assume that in all cases the order of complexity is the same as would be
computed for an RLC network. If it turns out that the assumption is
false in a particular network, then it will be impossible to obtain the
equations in the desired form by the process we shall describe. An illustra
tion will be provided shortly.

Sec. 4.5]



Next, we defined a normal tree of a graph as one containing the

maximum number of capacitors and the minimum number of inductors
as well as all the independent voltage sources, but none of the independ
ent current sources. We showed b y means of examples that a set of net
work equations could be written having as variables the capacitor twig
voltages and inductor link currents for a normal tree. The equations had
the general form

However, by the transformation x -> x + B e,

these could be reduced to



Equation (109a) is the normal form for the state equation; x is the state
vector, and its elements are the state variables. Actually the state vector
in the last pair of equations is a linear combination of the original " s t a t e
v e c t o r " (with capacitor twig voltages and inductor link currents as
variables) and the source vector e. Even with this transformation the
second equation of the pairthe output equationmay still contain the
de/dt term. We shall shortly clarify the conditions under which this will
occur. For purposes of accurate reference we shall refer to the first equa
tion of either pair as the state equation and the second equation of either
pair as the output equation. The two equations together will be referred
to as the state equations.
Our next task was to solve the state equation, and this was done by
finding a solution first for the homogeneous equation (with e = 0).
Symbolically, this solution involves the matrix exponential e , so we
devoted some effort to determine methods for evaluating such functions
of a matrix. Once the matrix exponential is evaluated, the state vector x
is found from (45). We shall defer further consideration of the evaluation
of this integral and its ramifications to the next chapter.
A t


[Ch. 4


We must now formalize the writing of the state equations (109) for a
given network and show that this is the general form. Let us observe at
the outset that it is possible to choose some variables other than the
capacitor voltages and inductor currents as state variables. In Fig. 6,

Fig. 6.

for example, the resistor current i might be chosen as a state variable

rather than the capacitor voltagesince v is directly proportional to
i . Nevertheless, while recognizing this flexibility, we shall proceed in
the manner to be described now.



The first step is the selection of a normal tree (or normal forest).
Generally this is not unique. If there are no degeneracies (no all-capacitor
loops or all-inductor cut-sets), at least the reactive elements will be
uniquely assignable to the normal tree and cotreebut not the resistive
elements. However, when there are degeneracies, there will be a choice
even among the reactive elements.
According to our usual convention, in writing a loop or cut-set matrix
we first number the twigs and then the links. We shall here make a more
detailed convention of branch numbering and adopt the following order
within the twig and link categories:

Voltage-source twigs
Capacitor twigs
Resistor twigs
Inductor twigs


Capacitor links
Resistor links
Inductor links
Current-source links

Note that the terms " resistor twig " and " resistor link " include branches
of multiterminal devices, such as gyrators and controlled sources, whose
v-i relationships are algebraic like that of a resistor. We are imposing no
specific order in the numbering of such branches but are including them

Sec. 4.5]



among the branches representing resistors. This numbering of branches

leads to a partitioning of the current-and-voltage vectors as follows:



where, for example, v is the vector of capacitor twig voltages and i is

the vector of resistor link currents. We have placed no twig subscript
on v and i , and no link subscript on i and v , because the voltage
sources are always twigs and the current sources are always links.
Our next step is to write K V L equations for the f-loops and KCL
equations for the f-cut-sets,
as in (6) and (7). They are repeated here as
C t

R l

where the usual partitioning is Q = [U Q ], B = [B
U ] . The last step
follows from B = Q'l. If the current-and-voltage vectors partitioned
according to (110) are to be inserted here, we must also partition the Q
matrix conformally; that is, into four rows and columns. Now each row
of Q corresponds to an f-cut-set defined by a twig for the normal tree.
The columns correspond to links. If we arrange the columns and rows in
the conventional order decided upon, Q must take the form



[Ch. 4

If there is a capacitor link, it will be by virtue of an all-capacitor loop.

Since there will be no resistors or inductors in such a loop, the column
corresponding to a capacitor link cannot have a nonzero entry in the rows
corresponding to R and L twigs; that is, the entries in the first column,
third and fourth rows must be zero. Similarly, if there is an inductor
twig, it is by virtue of an all-inductor cut-set. Since there can be no
resistors or capacitors in such a cut-set, the row corresponding to inductor
twigs cannot have nonzero entries in the columns corresponding to C and
R links. Hence Q can be written as


When this is inserted into the Kirchhoff equations in (111) the result can
be expanded into
To illustrate this partitioning return to the examples considered earlier

Sec. 4.5]



in the chapter. For Fig. 4 the Q matrix is


Since there are no inductor twigs, capacitor links, or current sources in the
network, the Q matrix is less than full.




Up to this point the discussion has been topological. We must now bring
in the v-i relationships. First, let us write them for the reactive elements;




In these expressions C and C are the matrices of capacitor twigs and

links; they are both diagonal. Because of the possibility of mutual
inductance, there may be coupling between inductor twigs and links, as
well as between inductor twigs themselves and inductor links themselves.
Hence the inductor matrices need not be diagonal ( L and L are not
even square), but L and L are symmetric and L = L' . Note that by
keeping the capacitance and inductance matrices under the derivative
sign these expressions apply equally well to time-varying networks.
The eventual variables of interest are v and i L ; all others must be


t t

l l

l t

C t

l t




[Ch. 4

eliminated. For the capacitors this means eliminating i , v

Let us start this process b y rewriting (113b) as follows:
C t

C l

, and i .
C l


Into the left-hand side we insert the capacitor v-i relationship from (114).
This side then becomes


The next-to-last step follows by substituting for v

simplify, define

C l

from (113e). To


which equals C when there are no all-capacitor loops, and



which is the zero matrix when there are no loops containing just capacitors
and independent voltage sources. Then, with the last two equations in
serted into (115), we get

Sec. 4.5]



There is still an unwanted variable here, i , but before we discuss its

elimination, let us arrive at a similar result for inductors.
We start the process by rewriting (113g) as
R l


Into this we next insert the inductor v-i relationship from (114). The lefthand side becomes


The next-to-last step follows by substituting for i

simplify, define

L t

from (113). To


which equals L

l l

when there are no all-inductor cut-sets, and


which is the zero matrix when there are no cut-sets containing just


[Ch. 4


inductors and independent current sources. With the last two equations
inserted into (120) there results


This is the counterpart of (119). It also contains the unwanted variable

v , just as (119) contains i .
To continue with the elimination process it will be necessary to express
the v-i relationships of the resistor branches in terms of these two vari
ables; namely, i and v (resistor link currents and resistor twig voltages).
We shall assume that the resistor branch v-i relationships can be written
R t

R l

R l

R t

This is one of the hybrid-parameter forms.* It is the same form used in
Chapter 2 for the mixed-variable equations. For simple RLC networks
the G and G matrices will be diagonal, and G and G will be zero
matrices. More generally, none of the matrices need be diagonal, and they
may all be nonzero. There is no assurance at the outset that equations of
the form of (125) exist for a given network; but unless they exist, the
method we are developing will not work. This does not mean that state
equations do not exist, but only that our method will fail.
As a simple example, consider the network of Fig. 7. The normal tree
includes only the two capacitors. The resistor branches of the graph are
all links, but their v-i relationships have the form




The second one prevents us from writing an equation of the form of

(125). This comes about because the controlled voltage source, controlled
by a capacitor voltage, introduces an additional algebraic constraint
* We could have started with the resistor branch v-i relations in the other hybridparameter form. (Or, indeed, in the y-parameter, the z-parameter, or the ABCD-para
meter forms.) We shall leave these alternate representations of the resistor branch v-i
relationships to you as an exercise.

Sec. 4.5]





Fig. 7. Numerical example.

among capacitor voltages, thus reducing the order of complexity. This

means that the normal tree must contain only a single capacitor. With
very little effort we can write the following state equation for this network,
demonstrating that one exists:

Returning now to the task of eliminating i

and v
from (119) and
(124), we have available for this purpose the v-i relations in (125) and
the topological relations in (113c) and (113f). When the latter two are
substituted into the former two and the terms are rearranged, the result
will be
R l

R t


These are a pair of vector algebraic equations in the two variables i and
v . They will have a solution if the following matrices have inverses:
R l

R t



[Ch. 4



It is left as an exercise for you to verify this statement.

If these inverses do not exist, we cannot proceed, and our procedure
fails. So we assume that they exist and that (126) can be solved for i
and v . When the solutions are substituted back into the equations for
the derivatives of Cv
and Li
in (119) and (124), the resulting expres
sions are extremely complicated and do not give any particular insight.
It is clear, however, that there are terms involving the state variables
and i , the sources v and i , and their derivatives. We shall not
write out the details here but simply indicate the final form:
R l

R t


C t


L l



The symbols we have used for the matrices take into account the dimen
sions. Thus y and y relate a current vector to a voltage vector and so
have the dimensions of admittance. The H and G are dimensionless; they
correspond to the hybrid h- and hybrid g-matrices. In this form the equa
tions apply to time-varying as well as time-invariant networks. Also,
they can more readily be generalized to nonlinear networks. Look over
the preceding development and note that, in arriving at these equations,
we have used all the v-i relationships and all the topological (Kirchhoff)
relationships in (113) except the fitst and last, relating to the voltagesource currents and the current-source voltages. These two will be used in
the determination of output variables, assuming that elements of i
and v are output variables.
In fact, we should establish that, once the state equation and its
solution is available, all other variables can be expressed in terms of
the state variables v
and i , the source quantities v and i , and the
derivatives of the latter, as in (109). It is a matter only of looking over the
previously developed equations to verify that this is the case. It will be
left as an exercise for you to do at this point.

C t

L l

Sec. 4.5]



One point should be clear after contemplating (129) and the way in
which any output variable is expressed in terms of the state variables.
This is that source-voltage derivatives will appear only when there is
an all-capacitor loopand even then only when this loop includes a
voltage source, making C = Q C Q
nonzero. Similarly, sourcecurrent derivatives will appear only when there is an all-inductor cut
setand only when this cut-set includes a current source, making L =
Q _ L T TQ L J + L Q
nonzero. It is only in these cases that deriv
atives of source quantities can appear in the state equations.






Let us now limit ourselves to time-invariant networks. In this case

(129) can be rewritten as follows:


Finally, assuming that C and L are nonsingular matrices, we get






[Ch. 4


This is the desired result. What has been done here is to present a
procedure for arriving at a first-order vector differential equation for a
given network in the form of (131). However, we have not derived formu
las for the A, B1, and B matrices directly in terms of branch-parameter
matrices and submatrices of Q , because such formulas would be extremely
complicated and impossible to use. The result depends crucially on the
existence of the inverse of the matrices in (127) or (128) and of the matrices
C and L . Unfortunately, there are no simple necessary and sufficient
conditions to tell us when these inverses exist and when this procedure
will work.


There is, however, one class of networks for which the above-mentioned
procedure will always work. This is the class of time-invariant RLC
networks. It is of interest to carry through the development for this class,
because the results can be written out explicitly and provide insight into
the more general case.
The first simplification comes in the v-i relations of the resistor branches
in (125). There will be no coupling terms in the parameter matrices.
Hence G and G are both zero matrices, and the matrices G and G are
diagonal and, hence, nonsingular. Let us rename these matrices according
to the dimensions of their elements; G is dimensionally conductance, and
G is resistance. Set






from which
Equations (126) reduces to
The conditions for the existence of a solution reduce to the existence of

Sec. 4.5]


the inverse of K

or K


where these have become

so that K = R G and K = G R. Thus K and K will be nonsingular
if G and R are nonsingular. We shall shortly show that R and G can be
interpreted as loop-and-node parameter matrices and are consequently
nonsingular. Accepting this fact here we conclude that a solution for
(136) always exists. We now solve this equation for i
and v
substitute into (119) and (124). The details of the process are tedious and
will not be given here. The result will be

R l

R t





Note that the matrix G in the case of the reciprocal networks under
consideration is the negative transpose of H, which is something we
would expect. The form of (139) is the same as that of (129) for the general
network. The difference in the present case is that we have explicit
expressions for the coefficient matrices of the state and source vectors.



[Ch. 4

Now, in a time-invariant RLC network, C and L will be time-invariant,

diagonal matrices. Therefore, their inverses exist and (139) can be rewritten
in the desired form


where A , B , and B are as indicated in (132), (133), and (134).

The innocent-looking simplicity of this final equation masks the exten
sive matrix operations that go to make up the A , B , and B matrices.
For ease of reference and as an aid to the memory, the essential results are
summarized in Table 2.


In arriving at the final equation, a number of matrices such as C, R,

and y were introduced for notational simplicity. It is possible to give
rather simple interpretations for these matriceswhich we shall now
First consider the parameter matrices R, G, C, L. Although we are
here dealing with the state equations, let us temporarily switch our atten
tion to the loop-impedence matrix Z = BZB', where Z is the branchimpedance matrix formed after removing the sourcesreplacing v-sources
b y short circuits and replacing i-sources by open circuits. Let us arrange
the rows and columns of Z in the following order: C, R, and L twigs;
then L, R, and C links. The branch-impedance matrix can then be written
as follows:

N e x t we partition B in the usual form [B B ] . Then we further partition

B ( = Ql) in accordance with the partitioning of Q in (112), keeping

State Equation

RLC Networks



Sec. 4.5]

Table 2


[Ch. 4


in mind that the row and column corresponding to sources are now absent.
Now, because of the order in which the elements are arranged in Z,
B U but is a rearrangement of the columns of U. Thus the partitioning
of B becomes

The loop-impedance matrix is now formed. This will be quite a complicated

expression. The details will be left for you to work out. From the loopimpedance matrix, the loop-parameter matrices (resistance and induct
ance) can be written. When this is done, it is found that
1. R = R + Q R Q
is a submatrix of the loop-resistance matrix
for the f-loops defined by resistor links for a normal tree, with all sources
2. L = L + Q _ L Q
is a submatrix of the loop-inductance
matrix for the f-loops defined by inductor links for a normal tree, with all
sources removed.


l l


t t


In a completely analogous way, by forming the node-pair admittance

matrix QYQ' and partitioning in the same manner as above, it will be
found t h a t
1. C = C + Q C Q
is a submatrix of the cut-set capacitance
matrix for the f-cut-sets
defined by capacitor twigs for a normal tree,
with all sources removed.
2. G = G + Q G Q
is a submatrix of the cut-set conductance
matrix for the f-cut-sets defined by conductance twigs for a normal tree,
with all sources removed.





With these interpretations it is possible to evaluate these parameter

matriceswithout going through the extensive matrix multiplications
involvedmerely b y inspection of the network after a normal tree has
been selected.
To illustrate, look back at the example in Fig. 4. For this example,
L is trivially given by [L9]. To find R, we note that the resistor links are
branches 6, 7, 8. The f-loop defined by link 6, for example, contains R

Sec. 4.5]


and R . There are no resistors common to the f-loops

6, 7, and 8. Hence R is


formed by branches

As for G, there is only one f-cut-set

defined by a conductance twig;
namely, branch 5. This cut-set contains G and G . Hence G = (G + G ).
Finally, for C there are two f-cut-sets defined by capacitor twigs (branches
3 and 4) and they contain no other capacitors. Hence

This example is too simple to permit a meaningful illustration. Let us

find the C matrix for the example of Fig. 5. Here also there are two f-cutsets defined by capacitor twigs (branches 3 and 4 again). This time each
cut-set contains two capacitors, and C is common to both cut-sets.
However, branch 6 is oriented in one way relative to one cut-set and the
opposite way relative to the other. Hence the off-diagonal term in the
matrix will carry a negative sign. Thus

This checks with the result back in (24).

To illustrate the preceding development for the writing of a vector
state equation, consider the network in Fig. 8. The first task is to find a


Fig. 8. Illustrative example for state equations.



[Ch. 4

normal tree. There are a total of six reactive elements, but there is an
all-C loop (including a voltage source) and an all-L cut-set. Hence the
order of complexity will be 4, so there will be four state variables. One of
the capacitors must be a link; and one of the inductors, a twig. A possible
normal tree is shown in heavy lines in Fig. 8b. The branches are numbered
according to the scheme: twig v-source, C, R, and L; then link C, R, L,
and i-source. For purposes of simplification we will assume that the branch
numbers are also the numerical values of the elements: resistance in
ohms, inductance in henries, and capacitance in farads. With this choice
of normal tree, the branch parameters are

The next step is to write the Q matrix and to partition it appropriately:

The various submatrices are evident from the partitioning. The parameter
matrices are now computed, as follows:

Sec. 4.5]


The next step is to compute the y, i_% and H


N e x t we compute the y, i_% H, and G matrices:




[Ch. 4

Finally, the terms involving the source derivatives:

When all of this is inserted into (139) and the resulting equation is premultiplied by

we obtain


This is the state equation. Observe that it is not in normal form. If we set

Sec. 4.5]



and substitute it into the above state equation, we obtain the following
normal-form state equation:


You should verify this result. The new state variables x\ and x are linear
combinations of a capacitor voltage and the voltage of the source. They
cannot be identified on the network diagram as measurable voltages.
In looking over the effort just completed, you may despair at the large
amount of work involved. But observe the kinds of mathematical
operations that occur. They are largely matrix multiplications and addi
tions. Such operations are easily programmable for a computer, and so the
work reduces to writing a convenient program.
Note, in this case, that the parameter matrices could have been written
by inspection; for example, L is the inductance submatrix of f-loops
defined by inductor links 9 and 10. Each loop also contains inductor 6
whose orientation coincides with that of the first loop but is opposite to
that of the second. Hence

which is what we obtained before. You should verify the remaining

parameter matrices in this manner.
The equation in (143) contains the derivative of the voltage source.
This is why we had to make the change x ->(x B e) in order to obtain
a state equation in normal form. Observe that the presence of the sourcevoltage derivative is caused by the all-capacitor loop including the voltage
source. The current source is not included in an all-L cut set, and so there
is no derivative of the source current. Although we carried out the example
by evaluating all the matrices previously defined and then inserting into


[Ch. 4


the formulas, for any given problem we could also proceed by actually
retracing the steps of the derivation. This may sometimes require less
effort than inserting into formulas. You might carry out the solution for
this example that way and compare the amount of work.



In writing the state equations for the preceding example we simply

evaluated the matrices appearing in the final equations and substituted
therein. When dealing with nonpassive, nonreciprocal networks this
approach is not possible. Instead it will be necessary to return to a point
midway in the development of the equations and to proceed step by step
from there. The essential equations are (119), (124), (125), and (126).
The steps to be carried out and the differences from the RLC case are as

Write Q matrix and partitionsame as for RLC.

Evaluate C and L matricessame as for RLC.
Write resistor-branch v-i equations as in (125).
Form the pair of equations (126) and solve. This is the critical
If there is no solution, stop.
Use solution of (126) to eliminate v from (119) and i from (124).
R t

R l

When setting up the normal tree care must be exercised in assigning

the resistor branches corresponding to multiterminal devices, as discussed
in Chapter 2. In the case of a gyrator both branches must be either twigs
or links. For an ideal transformer and a negative converter one branch
must be a twig and the other a link. In the case of controlled sources
each branch is uniquely assignable either as a twig or a link. Whether a
branch (controlling or controlled) is a twig or link depends on which vari
able is specified. Equation (125) expresses link currents and twig
voltages explicitly. Hence, if the current of a branch is specified, it must be a
linkand if its voltage is specified, it must be a twig; for example, take
the current controlled voltage source. The controlling quantity is the
current in a short circuit; but for a short circuit the voltage is specified
(specified to be zero). Hence this branch must be a twig. For the controlled
branch it is again the voltage that is specified. Hence this branch must
also be a twig.
As an illustration consider the network in Fig. 9. The transformer
is ideal. The graph of the network is in two parts because of the trans
former. A normal forest must contain four branches, of which two are the
voltage source and the capacitor. One of the two branches of the trans
former must also be a twig. Both branches of the controlled source must
be links, since it is the current that is specified in both cases. The normal
forest is shown in heavy lines in Fig. 9b.

Sec. 4.5]



Fig. 9.

Example with multiterminal components.

The first task is to write the Q matrix and to partition it.




[Ch. 4

The v-i relationships of the transformer and controlled source are

Using these, the resistor branch v-i relations according to (125) become

We now have all the submatrices to insert into (126). These equations

Since the coefficient of v in the second equation is nonsingular, we can

solve for v in terms of i , insert the solution into the first equation,
and then solve for i , from which v is then determined. The result of
R t

R t

R l

R l

R t

Sec. 4.5]



these steps is

The matrix on the left is nonsingular, and its determinant

= 1 + n R C . Therefore, upon premultiplying b y its inverse,


and hence

For this example the reactive-element parameter matrices are simple.

There is only one capacitor, so C = [C ] and C
= [1/C ]; the L matrix is
the diagonal matrix

- 1

Finally, we substitute into (119) and (124), multiply by C

and L
respectively, and combine the two into a single equation. To simplify,



[Ch. 4

let R = kR , so that R G = k. The result will be



In looking over this example you will notice that many of the sub
matrices are sparse (meaning that many elements are zero). This results
in the need for many operations whose result is zero. It is possible to
carry out the same steps with the equations written in scalar form. This
obviates the need for writing large numbers of zeros, but sacrifices
compactness. You might parallel the steps of the solution with the equa
tions in scalar form to observe the difference.
It should also be noted in this example that G H' because of the
presence of g ; but if g = 0, then G will equal H'.



Let us now turn to an interpretation of the y, Z, H, and G matrices.

We shall do this for the general case, not just the RLC case. For this
purpose look back at (115) and (116), together with the definition of
C and C in (117) and (118), respectively. Combining these equations
leads to

Sec. 4.6]



Similarly, from (120) and (121), together with the definition of L and
in (122) and (123), respectively, we get

These two can be combined into a single matrix equation. Then the deriva
tives can be eliminated by substituting the state equation of (129),
which applies to the general network. The result will be


This is a purely algebraic equation relating certain reactive-element

voltages and currents, and the source quantities. Note that the derivatives
of the sources have also disappeared. An interpretation of the various
matrices can be obtained by first considering the network of Fig. 10.



Subnetwork of


Voltage sources

Fig. 10.

Network decomposition into subnetworks.

The overall network is shown as an interconnection of subnetworks. The

central subnetwork consists of all the resistor branches (including control
led sources, etc.) to which are connected the subnetworks of capacitors,
inductors, and independent sources. The resistor subnetwork can be



[Ch. 4

considered a multiport with as many ports as there are reactive elements

and independent sources. N o w we must further distinguish between
reactive elements that are twigs and those that are links.
This situation can be expressed symbolically as shown in Fig. 11, where


Fig. 11.

Multiport interpretation.

each element represents a subnetwork of its class. Each port variable

shown stands for all the scalar variables of its class and so is a vector.
The orientations of the variables are consistent with orientations for which
the equations were developed. The current orientations are opposite to
the standard references for port currents. Thus the power into the resistor
multiport from any port is v'i. The capacitor twigs and links, and the
inductor twigs and links are shown as separate subnetworks. Let us
reemphasize that, in order to arrive at (146) for the general case, we
assume that no further algebraic constraints are introduced by the resis
tive branches to reduce the order of complexity below what it would be
from reactive-element considerations alone.
Suppose we open-circuit all the reactive links and the independent
current sources, and short-circuit the voltage sources. This will make
i J , and v all zero vectors. But if all inductor link currents are
zero, so also will all inductor twig currents be zero by KCL for the allinductor cut-sets; that is, i = 0. Under these circumstances from (146)
we can write

L t


Sec. 4.6]



Remembering the opposite orientation of the port currents, we conclude that

y is the short-circuit admittance matrix of the resistive multiport whose
ports are the terminals of the capacitor twigs, when all other reactive
elements are open-circuited and all independent sources are removed
(meaning that voltage sources are shorted and current sources are opened).
This interpretation gives us a means for calculating the matrix y for a
purely resistive network without going through the formal development
of the last section.
The other matrices can be evaluated in a similar manner. To find Z,
short-circuit all reactive twigs and the independent voltage sources, and
open-circuit the current sources, so that v , v , v , and i are all zero
vectors. From (146) we can write
C t

L t

We conclude that Z is the open-circuit impedance matrix of the resistive
multiport whose ports are the terminals of the inductor links, when all
other reactive elements are shorted and all sources are removed.
Matrices H and G can be found by similar means. We shall state the
results and ask you to supply the details.
Thus H is the current-transfer matrix of the resistive multiport, the
input ports being the terminals of the inductor links that are replaced by
current sources, and the output ports the shorted terminals of the capacitor
twigs when the capacitor links are open-circuited and all independent
sources are removed. The inductor twigs will be replaced by current
sources as dictated by KCL at the all-inductor cut-sets.
Finally, G is the voltage-transfer matrix of the resistive multiport,
the input ports being the terminals of the capacitor twigs that are re
placed by voltage sources, and the output ports the
terminals of the inductor links, when the inductor twigs are shorted and
all independent sources are removed.
To illustrate these interpretations return to the example considered in
Fig. 9. We shall carry through the calculations of each of the matrices
in turn. To find y, we are to open-circuit the two inductors, remove the
independent voltage source by shorting it, replace the capacitor with a
voltage source v having the same polarity as the capacitor voltage, and
then find the current i in this voltage source. The appropriate diagram



[Ch. 4

is shown in Fig. 12, where the ideal transformer terminated in R is

replaced by a resistor n R ,
or n kR
when, as previously, we set
R = kR . The result is a series connection of R and n R across which
there is a voltage v . The resulting current i is easily found, from which
the voltage v follows. The controlled source current is now known.
Hence KCL applied at one of the terminals of v yields i . The details of
the computation are given in Fig. 12.

Calculation of G

Fig. 12.

Calculation of y

Computation of y and G.

Since there are no inductor twigs, the diagram for the calculation of G
is the same as the one in Fig. 12. However, now the desired outputs are
the voltages across the open-circuited inductors. The computation is also
shown in Fig. 12.

Sec. 4.61



To find Z we remove the voltage source, short the capacitor, and re

place the two inductors with current sources ig and i , with appropriate
references. The result, shown in Fig. 13, consists simply of R in parallel
with n R fed by the sum of i9 and i . The voltages V9 and v are equal
and easily computed. The totally painless computation of Z is shown in
Fig. 13.
Finally, for H the diagram is the same as the one in Fig. 13, except
that the desired output quantity is the current in the shorted capacitor.
This can be found by applying KCL at the lower terminal of the controlled
current source, leading to i = i gmv7 i6. But i = v /R , v =
v ,
and v was found in the diagram in terms of ig and i . The matrix H
is obtained when all of these are inserted into the expression for i .
The entire set of calculations is shown in Fig. 13.
Although the discussion of the computation of these matrices for this
example appears to be somewhat lengthy, the actual effort involved is
very small. (It takes longer to talk about it than to do it.) You should
compare the results with the A matrix in (145) to verify that the same
answers have been obtained.
1 0

1 0


1 0



1 0

Now let us turn to the submatrices y, Z, H, and G that make up

Bi, the coefficient matrix of the source quantities. Looking again at
(146) and Fig. 11, suppose we open all reactive links and the independent
current sources, and we short all reactive twigs. Under these circumstances
(146) yields
Thus y is computed by finding the currents in the shorted capacitor
twigs, and G is computed by finding the voltages at the open inductor
links, both resulting from the independent voltage sources.
Similarly, suppose we short all reactive twigs and the independent
voltage sources, and open the reactive links. Then (146) yields
Thus H is computed by finding the currents in the shorted capacitor
twigs, and Z is computed by finding the voltages across the open
inductor links, both resulting from the independent current sources.

Calculation of Z

Fig. 13.


Computation of Z and H.

Calculation of H

[Ch. 4

Sec. 4.6]



Again we shall illustrate by means of the example in Fig. 9. There are

no current sources in this case, so Z and H are both zero matrices. To
find y and G, open both inductors and short the capacitor. The result is
drawn in Fig. 14. The current i is trivially determined from the series
connection of R and n R . From this v is obtained as R i. This deter2

Fig. 14.

Computation of y and G.

mines the current of the controlled source, and KCL then gives i . The
voltages vg and v are also trivially obtained. The details are shown in
Fig. 14, with the result


Comparison with (145) shows agreement.

Let us see what we have to show for our efforts. Except for the terms
containing source derivatives, we have been able to obtain the vector
state equation completely from computations on a resistive multiport
network, together with the simple evaluation of C and L as submatrices
of the cut-set capacitance matrix and loop-inductance matrix. We have
not obtained the terms contributed by the source derivatives when there
are degeneracies. A glance back at (118) and (123) shows that these terms
are rather simply given anyway, compared with the multiport matrices.
To be accurate in stating that the state equations have been obtained b y



[Ch. 4

a series of calculations for port relations alone, however, we must assume

that no source-derivative terms will appear. This means that we are
assuming the network will have no voltage sources in an all-capacitor
loop and no current sources in an all-inductor cut-set. In terms of the
submatrices of Q , we are assuming that Q
= 0 and Q = 0.





Having found an approach to determining the vector state equation by

simple resistive multiport computations, let us turn our attention to
similar calculations to find any variable that may be chosen as an output.
Look again at Fig. 11. The port variables there encompass all possible
output variables. For the reactive-element and source-element voltages
and currents this statement is clear. The only other unknown branch
variables are the resistive branch variables. Now current-source voltages
and voltage-source currents can actually account for any resistorbranch variables for the following reasons. Any voltage variable of a
resistor branch can be made the voltage across a current source simply
by attaching a current source of zero value across those points. Similarly,
any resistor-branch current can be considered the current in a voltage
source simply by placing a voltage source of zero value in series with the
branch. Of course, doing this increases the effort introduced, but it permits
ease of interpretation.
Continue looking at Fig. 11. Now v
and i are the state variables.
The term v
can be expressed in terms of v by K V L around the allcapacitor loops. Similarly, i can be expressed in terms of i by KCL at
the ail-inductor cut-sets. This leaves the following sets of variables:
C t

L l

C l

C t

L t

L l

Consider the first set. Into the v-i relation i = C d /dt insert the K V L
equation in (113e). Remembering the assumption that Q
= 0, we
obtain i = C Q dv /dt.
But dv /dt
is expressed in terms of state
variables and sources by the state equation. When this is substituted
from (129) there results
C l



C l





Sec. 4.6]


A similar development for v

L t



Thus both capacitor link voltages and inductor twig currents can be
expressed as output variables in terms of state variables and source
variables. Aside from the matrices already found when forming the state
equations (i.e., L, C, y, and H), we require a knowledge of the topological
matrices Q
and Q , and the parameter matrices C , L , and L .
As for i and v , which are the variables complementary to the state
variables, we already have (146). This, however, is not exactly in the
desired form for output equations because of the term containing i and
v . However, (152) can be substituted for these, so that (146) can be
rewritten as

C t


t t

t l

L l

C l

L t


We observe that any reactive-component voltage or current variable can
be written as an output in the standard form in terms of state variables
and sources. Except for the matrices C and L L Q , this is done in
terms of matrices already found in writing the state equations.
This leaves the output variables v and i . Recall that the topological
equations expressing these variables in (113a) and (113h) had not been
used in arriving at the state equations. When the solutions for v
i of (126) are inserted into these equations, the result will be in terms of
state variables and sources. It will have the following form:

l l

l t


R t

R l


The interpretation of the matrices in these expressions can be obtained

in terms of the multiport network in Fig. 11 in the same way as shown



[Ch. 4

earlier; for example, y is obtained by opening the inductor and independ

ent current-source links (and hence also the inductor twigs), replacing the
capacitor twigs with voltage sources v , shorting the independent
voltage sources, and writing an expression relating the currents (i )
in these short circuits to v .
The conclusion of this discussion is the following. B y looking upon a
network as made up of an interconnection of single-component types of
subnetworks as in Fig. 11, we have a way of evaluating those matrices
that are coefficients of the state variables and source variables in the state
equation. We assume that the network contains no voltage sources in
all-capacitor loops and no current sources in all-inductor cut-sets. B y a
similar approach we can compute the matrices that are coefficients in
the output equation, whatever the output variables may be. When the
output variables are reactive-element variables, no further calculations are
needed on the resistive multiport. The pertinent equations are collected
in Table 3.
C t

C t

Table 3


Output equations

To illustrate, consider the network shown in Fig. 15a. With the usual
equivalent circuit for the triode, the result is redrawn in (15b). Let the
desired output be the voltage v and the current i . Hence we insert a
current source across the right-hand terminals, with i = 0. In the graph
this current source is shown by branch 11. Branch 8 is the controlling

Sec. 4.6]






Fig. 15.

branch of the controlled

capacitor becomes a link
capacitor twigs 1, 2, and
orientation. Hence the C

RC oscillator network.

source. There is an all-capacitor loop, so one

of the normal tree. The f-cut-sets
defined b y
3 each contain capacitor 6, and with the same
matrix is easily written as

Since there are no inductors and voltage sources, (146) and (154) reduce to


Thus to find y and G we open-circuit the capacitor link 6 and the current
source. (In this case the latter step is not needed since the only current
source has zero value.) We then replace the capacitor twigs by voltage
sources. The resulting network is shown in Fig. 16a. It is a matter of
computing the currents i1 i , and i in this resistive network by any



[Ch. 4

Fig. 16.


Resistive network for computing y.

convenient method. The details of the computation will be left to you.

The result is

From the diagram it is clear that v = [v] = [Ri ];

found as follows:

so G is also easily

For the remaining matrices we continue to open-circuit capacitor link 6,

but this time we short-circuit the capacitor twigs. The details of the com
putation will be left to you. The result will be

Sec. 4.6]



For this example, since the only source is a zero-value current source,
there was no need of finding H and Z; they will be multiplied b y zero in
the final equations anyway. We went to the trouble of finding them here
only for the purpose of illustration.
We can now easily write the state equation and the output equation.
For simplicity, let us use the following numerical values: C = J; r = R =
10; = 6. Then

The output i is a current in a capacitor twig. Hence, to get the correspond

ing output equation, we must use (153a), which reduces to i
C C y v , where C is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements
equal to C =1/4.We do not want all of i but only the third row. Thus the
state and output equation will be

C t

- 1

C t

C t

This completes the example.


[Ch. 4



For the networks in Fig. P1 determine (a) the number of natural

frequencies and (b) the number of nonzero natural frequencies. Verify
your answers by considering topological formulas for the determinant of
the node admittance matrix or the loop impedance matrix.




Fig. PI

2. For each of the networks in Fig. P1, draw at least one normal tree.
3. Show at least three normal trees for the network in Fig. 3 in the text.
4. How many normal trees are there in Fig. 5 in the text?
5. Equation 24 relating to Fig. 5 contains the derivative of the source
voltages. Make a transformation of variables so that the corresponding
equation in the new variables does not contain derivatives of source
voltages. Can you interpret the new variables in terms of the network?
6. Assume A and B are square matrices of the same order. Under what
condition is the following relation valid:

Use this result to show that (44) is a valid consequence of (36).



7. Show that each of the following matrices satisfies its characteristic








8. Using the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, find the inverse of each of those

matrices in Problem 7 that is nonsingular.
9. Let f(s) be a polynomial and d(s) the characteristic polynomial of a
matrix A. Let g(s) be the remainder polynomial of least degree when
f(s) is divided by d(s). In each of the following cases evaluate f(A).




10. For a given matrix A, observe that d(s) equals the minimal polynomial
m(s) if the zeros of d(s) are simple. For each of the following matrices



[Ch. 4

with simple eigenvalues evaluate e


A t

using the Lagrange interpolation







11. For each of the matrices of Problem 10, set up equations (76) or (82) if
the eigenvalues are not simple, and solve them for the g coefficients
using f(s) = e . From this determine e and compare with the previous


A t

12. For each of the matrices of Problem 10, use the resolving matrix
algorithm to evaluate [sU A] .
Then make a partial-fraction expansion
of [ s U A ] to determine the constituent matrices of A.

- 1

13. For each of the matrices of Problem 10, determine the constituent
matrices by the method of resolving polynomials, using f (s) = s .
i - 1

14. For each of the matrices of Problem 10, determine the constituent
matrices by the method of resolving polynomials using the set of poly
nomials in (106).
15. Evaluate the following matrix functions:





16. Solve the following sets of state equations with the state vector evaluated
using first (45), then (52), and finally (54) with (49) and (59). In each
case evaluate e by first finding the constituent matrices of A and then
applying (84).
A t









[Ch. 4












Fig. P18



[Ch. 4

17. If the eigenvalues of A are different from those of F, then

is the unique solution of

where the K are the constituent matrices and the s are the eigenvalues
of A. We let r denote the multiplicity of s and k the number of
distinct eigenvalues. In each of the parts of Problem 16 solve for S
by using the above formula, when the eigenvalues of A and F are

18. For each of the networks in Fig. P18, derive the state equations by
(a) the formal matrix approach and (b) the method of resistive multiport
parameter evaluation.
19. Derive the state equations for the network in Fig. P19 by both the
matrix method and the method of resistive multiport parameter evalu
ation. For the pentode use the equivalent circuit shown. The response
variables are the volages across all the inductors.



Fig. P19

20. Determine the order of complexity of the nonpassive, nonreciprocal

networks in Fig. P20.
21. Using the method of Section 4.6, derive the state equations for the
networks in Fig. P21. In (a) the ouput is i1(t); further, choose a normal
tree so that all the C capacitors are included. In (b), the outputs are ii
and V2 ; further, choose the normal tree to include L .

22. Derive the state equations for the single-stage amplifier shown in Fig.
P22a. Use the hybrid-pi-equivalent circuit for the transistor, as shown in
Fig. P22b. The voltage v is the network response.





Fig. P20



Fig. P21


Fig. P22




[Ch. 4

23. Derive the state equations for the network of Fig. P23. Solve for the
state-transition matrix. Set up the equation for the solution of the
response vector w = [v v ]'. The capacitors are uncharged at time
to = 0. Carry out the solution.

Fig. P23

24. In deriving the general formulation of the state equations from

topological considerations, we assumed all branches could be classified as
(1) independent sources, (2) capacitive, (3) inductive, or (4) resistive.
The general formulation of the state equations can also be derived using
the compound branch of Fig. P24a, instead of a capacitive branch; and


Fig. P24

the compound branch of Fig. P24b, instead of an inductive branch.

Unaccompanied resistors would continue as branches. Carry through the
details of this development. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of deriving state equations in this manner.
25. Using the method developed in Problem 24, determine the state
equations for each of the networks shown in Fig. P25. The output vari
ables for each case are indicated.
26. Derive the state equations for the amplifier shown in Fig. P26a. Use the
transistor model shown in Fig. P26b.





Fig. P25



Fig. P26



[Ch. 4


27. Derive the state equations for the three-stage amplifier network shown
in Fig. P27a. Use the triode model shown in Fig. P27b.


Fig. P27

28. In deriving the state equations in the text, a hybrid-g representation

was used for the resistive v-i relationships. It is possible to use another
representation instead. Replace the resistive equations (125) in the text
with one of the following sets of equations and show how they, together
with the Kirchhoff equations, yield the vectors i and v needed in
(119) and (124). Explicitly state any conditions needed to guarantee a
solution for i and v .
R l

R l

R t

R t






29. In the networks in Figs. 4 and 5 in the text, solve for i and v
using the method based on (125) discussed in the text. Then solve for
i and v using one of the other representations in Problem 28.
Do some representations require less computational effort? Discuss.
R l

R t

R t

R t



30. Derive the state equations for the network shown in Fig. P30. Use the
transistor model shown in Fig. P26b.

Fig. P30

31. Derive the state equations for the differential amplifier network shown
in Fig. P31. Use the transistor model shown in Fig. P26b.

Fig. P31

32. Derive the state equations for the network shown in Fig. P32 using the
transistor model shown in Fig. P26b.

Fig. P32



[Ch. 4

33. Determine the state equation for each of the oscillator networks shown
in Figs. P33a through c by using the transistor model shown in Fig. P33d.





Fig. P33

34. The network shown in Fig. P34 is a simple RC oscillator circuit.

Determine the state equation and indicate for what value of there will
be two imaginary eigenvalues of A.

Fig. P34

35. Suppose A and F in (57) have no eigenvalues in common. Let


m - i


be the characteristic polynomials of A and


n - i




Then the solution of (57) is given by either of the following equations:

In each of the parts of Problem 16, solve for S using each of the above
formulas, when the eigenvalues of A and F are different.
36. (a) For the network shown in Fig. P36a, specify the number of natural
frequencies and the number of nonzero natural frequencies.
(b) Repeat for the network in Fig. P36b. State whether the values of the
natural frequencies (not their number) are the same or different in the
two cases. Explain.



Fig. P36

The next six problems involve the preparation of a computer program

to help in implementing the solution to some problems. In each case,
prepare a program flow chart and a set of program instructions, in some user
language such as FORTRAN IV, for a digital computer program to carry
out the job specified in the problem. Include a set of user instructions for
the program.

37*. Prepare a program to evaluate (sU + A)

algorithm of (98).

by the resolvent-matrix


[Ch. 4


38*. Prepare a program to evaluate A

by (99).

39*. Prepare a program to identify a normal tree of a connected network

when each branch is specified by a sequence of quadruplets of numbers:
the first number identifies the branch; the second number identifies
its type according to the schedule given below; and the third and fourth
numbers identify the nodes to which the branch is attached. The
program should also renumber the branches in accordance with the
convention in Section 4.5 under " Topological considerations " and
provide as output data the sequence of number quadruplets with the
new branch number. An example of a typical set of data is given in
Fig. P39 for the network shown there.

Type of Branch
Independent voltage source
Independent current source

Fig. P39

40*. Prepare a program to determine, first, a reduced node-incidence

matrix of a connected network and then an f-cut-set matrix associated
with a normal tree. Take as input data the output data from Problem
39*. Assume the third number of each quadruplet of numbers denotes
the node to which the tail of the branch is connected; then the node
at the head of the branch will be the fourth number.
41*. Prepare a program to determine A , B1, and B
network is


of (142) when the

RC with no capacitor links and no resistor twigs




RC with no capacitor links

RC with no resistor twigs
RC (general)
RL with no inductor twigs and no resistor links
RL with no inductor twigs
RL with no resistor links
RL (general)
LC with no capacitor links and no inductor twigs
LC with no capacitor links
LC with no inductor twigs
LC (general)
RLC (general)

The input data are given as a sequence of quintuplets of numbers:

the first number identifies the branch, the second number identifies
its type according to the schedule of Problem 39*, the third number
identifies the node at the branch tail, the fourth number identifies
the node at the branch head, and the fifth number is the value of the
parameter associated with the branch (zero will be entered for all
independent sources). Assume the f-cut-set evaluated by the program
of Problem 40* is available.
42*. Combine the programs of Problems 39* and 40* with each of those of
problem 41* to create a single program which, starting with the input
data of Problem 41*, determines the network state equation for each
of the several types of networks listed in Problem 41*.


We have now reached a level of ability where given any linear, timeinvariant network and an arbitrary excitation the complete response can
be obtained. The complex-frequency-domain methods of Chapters 2 and 3
are very useful in determining an analytic expression for the response.
In particular, when the network is initially relaxed, we have seen that it
can be characterized by its transfer function. Hence it is not even neces
sary that the network be given, as long as its transfer function is known.
The time-domain methods of Chapter 4 are also useful in establishing an
analytic expression for the response, but they are particularly suited to
numerical evaluation of the response in the time domain. As with the
complex-frequency-domain methods, if the network is initially relaxed,
it need not be given; it is sufficient to know the integral relation giving the
response in terms of the network excitation.
In this chapter we shall be concerned first with the problem of determin
ing the response of a network to an arbitrary excitationnot when the
network is given, but when its response to some standard excitations is
given. Step and impulse functions will be used in defining these standard
excitations. We shall establish analytic results by using both time-domain
and complex-frequency-domain methods. Furthermore, we shall treat the
problem of obtaining numerical results in the time domain.
To start with, let us relate the network response in the complexfrequency domain to the response in the time domain. To achieve this
goal we shall need a result from the theory of Laplace transforms. How
ever, this result is probably less familiar than such standard things as
partial-fraction expansions. Hence we shall spend some time discussing it.

Sec. 5.1]





Suppose an initially relaxed network is excited b y voltage and/or

current sources at its various inputs, and it is desired to determine the
voltages and/or currents that are its outputs.
An illustration is given in Figure 1; in the amplifier network there is a
voltage source and a current source. The desired responses are the two

voltages v and v , and the current i . The transforms of the excitation
and response vectors for this network are as follows:

assuming e(t) is transformable. Let H(s) be the matrix of transfer functions,

called the transfer matrix, relating the excitation and response transforms.
Then the response transform can be written

In this example H is of order (3, 2), but the relationship is quite general.
In the general case E is a p-vector; and W, an r-vector; hence H is of order
Now, with W(s) known, w(t) is most often found b y first making a
partial-fraction expansion of W(s) and then inverting each term in the



[Ch. 5

expansion. What we should like to do now is to express both H(s) and

E(s) in terms of the time functions of which t h e y are the transforms.
We shall assume H(s) is the transform of a matrix of ordinary point func
tions. If we can express the result of subsequent manipulations on those
time functions in the form


then, from the definition of the Laplace transform, we can conclude that
whatever is in the parentheses is the desired response vector. What we
plan to do does not depend on the interpretations of H(s) as a transfer
matrix and E(s) as an excitation vector. Hence we shall use a more general
notation in developing this result.
Let F1(s) and F (s) be the Laplace transforms of the matrix functions
F1(t) = [f (t)]
and F (t) = [f (t)],
respectively; that is,





We have used as dummy variables u and v rather than t to avoid confusion

in the later development. Assume that the matrix product F1(s) F (s) is
defined. Then we find


The last step is clearly justifiable, since each integral in the second line
is a constant with respect to the other variable of integration. The product
of integrals in the second line can be interpreted as a double integral
over an area whose coordinate axes are u and v. The integration is to be
performed over the entire first quadrant, as indicated in Fig. 2a.


Sec. 5.1]




Fig. 2.

Region of integration.

Let us now make a transformation to a new set of variables, as follows:


Actually, the second one of these is an identity transformation and is

included only for clarity. We now need to express the double integral in
terms of the new variables. The element of area du dv in the old variables
is related to the element of area d dt in the new variables through the
Jacobian of the transformation; thus,*


Computing the partial derivatives from (5) and substituting here leads
to the result that d dt = du dv.
To complete the change of variables we must determine the new limits
of integration. Note that, since t=u + v = + v, and since v takes on
only positive values, t can be no less than T . The line t = in the T - t
plane bisects the first quadrant; thus the desired area of integration is the
the area lying between this line and the t-axis, as shown in Fig. 2b.
In order to cover this area we first integrate with respect to from = 0
to T = t; then we integrate with respect to t from 0 to infinity.
With the change of variables given in (5) and with the limits changed
as discussed, (4) yields
* See Wilfred Kaplan, Advanced Calculus, Addison-Wesley, Cambridge, Mass., 1953,
p. 200.




This is exactly the form of (2), so that we can identify the quantity in
the parentheses as F(t) = { F ( s ) } . It should be clear that, if in (3) we
write F1(s) in terms of the dummy variable and F (s) in terms of u, then
in the result given by (7) the arguments of F1 and F will be interchanged.
The final result can therefore be written in the following two alternative



The operation performed on the two matrices Fi(t) and F (t) repres
ented by these expressions is called convolution. The two matrices are
said to be convolved. The convolution of two matrices is often denoted by
the short-hand notation F1_*F . We can state the above result in the form
of a theorem, as follows.

Let the two matrices F1(t) and F (t) be Laplace
transformable and have the transforms F1(s) and F ( s ) , respectively.
product of F 1 ( S ) with F ( s ) , if they are conformable, is the Laplace transform
of the convolution F1(t) with
F (t).


While we are still in this general notation let us state another useful
result concerning the derivative of the convolution of two matrices.
If the matrices F1(t) and F (t), in addition to being Laplace transformable,
are also differentiable for t > 0 (they need be continuous only at t = 0),
then their convolution will also be differentiable for t > 0. The derivative
will be


Sec. 5.2]




where the dot indicates differentiation with respect to t. These expres

sions can be found by applying the Leibniz formula for differentiation
under an integral. In fact, we can observe that we do not really need the
hypothesis that both F1(t) and F1(t) are differentiable. If either function
is differentiable and the other continuous, then the convolution F1*F
Although the preceding has been carried out in matrix form, the results
are, of course, valid for the scalar case as well, a scalar being a onedimensional vector. Thus, for scalars, (8) and (9) become



Let us return to our original problem of finding the response w(t) of an

initially relaxed network having the transfer matrix H(s) to the excitation
e(t). Recall that H(s) must be the transform of a matrix of ordinary point
functions in order to apply the convolution theorem. This implies that
H(s) tends to 0 as s tends to infinity within the sector of convergence for
H(s). Let W (t) denote the inverse transform of H(s); that is,

The reason for this choice of notation will be clear shortly. Now the con
volution theorem applied to (1) provides us with the result





This is a very valuable result. B y this expression we are able to express

the time response of a network to an arbitrary excitation e(t) in terms of
the inverse transform of the transfer matrix of the network.
A further interpretation is possible if we are willing to admit the
impulse function in our discussions.* Such an interpretation is not really
needed, since (15) can stand on its own feet, so to speak. However, the
interpretation may prove useful in some instances. For instance, b y using
this interpretation, one can find a close approximation to W (t)
N o w suppose that all excitations are zero except the jth one and that
this one is an impulse. In this case the excitation vector, denoted b y
e (t), has all elements equal to zero except the jth, this element being
the impulse function (t). We may think of e (t) as the jth column of the
p p excitation matrix E (t). Thus, for example,

* The impulse function (t) is not an ordinary point function; rather, it is a generalized
function. Symbolically, we may manipulate mathematical relations involving the impulse
function and its derivatives as we would relations involving only ordinary point
functions. On the other hand, mathematical precision requires that we view each function
as a generalized function, and each operation as defined on the space of generalized
functions. A short treatment of the theory of generalized functions is given in Appendix 1.
Here it is enough to observe that the impulse function satisfies the following relations.

For other values of T outside the range [a, b], each of the above integrals yields zero.

Sec. 5.2]



is the second-column vector of the excitation matrix

Similarly, let w (t) be the response vector resulting from e (t); that is,
w (t) is the collection of all the scalar responses when there is a single
excitation and this excitation is an impulse. Let these w vectors be
arranged as the columns of an r p matrix designated W (t) and called
the impulse response of the network. Note carefully that W (t) is a set of
response vectors, one column for each column of E (t). It is thus not an
observable response in the same sense that each of its columns is an ob
servable response. On the other hand, the sum of elements in each row of
W (t) is an observable (scalar) responsethe response to the sum of all
excitations, these excitations all being impulses. Let us illustrate with the
example of Fig. 1.

Finally, the s u m of the elements in the first row of W (t) [namely,

v (t)
+ vo (t)] is the voltage v (t) when each of the two sources in the diagram
is an impulse.
N o w consider the Laplace transforms. Since E (t) = (t)U, then


Equation (1) relates corresponding columns of the transforms of E (t)
and W (t). Hence, b y using (16), we obtain





or, equivalently,
In words, the last equation states that the inverse transform of the network
transfer function is equal to the impulse response of the network. We
anticipated this result in using the notation in (14).
Let us return now to (15). We see that this equation expresses the fact
that, once the impulse response of an initially relaxed network is known,
the response to any other excitation e(t) is determined. What we must do
is premultiply the excitation at each point T b y the impulse responsenot
at the same point, but at a point (t )and then integrate. Another
viewpoint is that the input vector is " weighted " by the impulse response.
This leads to the name of " weighting matrix " used by some authors for
the impulse response.*
Let us elaborate a little on the concept of weighting. Perhaps a simple
example would be more satisfying as a means of communicating this
point. Therefore let us consider a single-input, single-output network with
the transfer function

which is the transfer function V (s)/Vi(s)

the impulse response is given by

Fig. 3.

of the network of Fig. 3. Then

Example for the concept of the weighting function.

A plot of this function is given in Fig. 4.

Suppose we wish to compute the response of this network to some driving
* The term weighting function has been used as another name for the impulse response
of a single-input, single-output network. Weighting matrix seemed to be the natural
generalization for the multi-input, multi-output networks discussed here.

Sec. 5.2]


Fig. 4.


Impulse response of the network of Fig. 3.

function e(t). For convenience of interpretation let us take the convolu

tion of w (t) and e(t) in the second form given in (15). We shall use T as the
running variable. To get the value of the response at any given time T ,
we first reverse the impulse response and translate it along the -axis so
as to obtain w(t ) as a function of T . Compare w (t) versus t in Fig. 4 to
w(t T) versus in Fig. 5a. The excitation over the interval 0 to t is
superimposed on w (t ) in Fig. 5a. Now according to (15) we
must multiply the two curves w(t ) and e() point by point on this
interval. The resulting product is shown in Fig. 5b. Since w (0) = 0, the
value of e() at the point t contributes nothing to the response at t, in
spite of the fact that e() has a maximum value at this point. On the other
hand, the most important neighborhood is around (t 1), because the
values of e() in this vicinity are multiplied by the largest values that w
assumes. Similarly, the values of e() for less than (t 2) do virtually
nothing to the response at t. Thus w decides how much weight to attach
to the values of e at various times. In this case the response, that by (15)
is the integral of w (t ) e() from 0 to t, is decided almost entirely by
the values of e(t) for the previous 2 seconds; the most significant contribu
tion coming from the values of e(t) about the point 1 second prior to the
time under consideration.



The question now arises, What should we do if the network transfer

function does not have a zero at infinity? In such a case w (t) will
contain impulses and first derivatives of impulses. Since we are permitting
impulses in the excitation, we might just as well relax the original condi
tion on H(s) and permit it to be nonzero at infinity. Let us see what effect
this will have.






Fig. 5.

Illustration of convolution

The transfer function of a network can be more than just a nonzero

constant at infinity, it can have a first-order pole there. Let K be the
residue matrix of H(s) at the pole at infinity, and let K be the constant
matrix that is the limit of H(s) K s as s approaches infinity along the
real axis. Then we can write


where H(s) has a zero at infinity. The impulse response will then be

where W (t) is a well-behaved matrix not containing impulses. Let us use

Sec. 5.2]



this expression in the second form of (15) to find the response of the net
work to an excitation e(t). The result will be

The last step follows from the properties of impulse functions and their
derivatives, as given in Appendix 1. This is the general form of the con
volution integral.


In deriving (21) we permitted W (t) in the second convolution integral

to include impulses and derivatives of impulses; that is, all elements of
W (t) were not necessarily ordinary point functions. Now it is a fact that
the convolution theorem is valid when elements of W (t) are not ordinary
point functions; however, the proof given in the last section does not hold
in this more general case. It is necessary, therefore, to give an alternative
derivation of (21). This is easily done in terms of the time-domain results
of Chapter 4.
Recall that the state equations for a network may be written as


Recall also that the solution of the differential equation for the state
vector and, from (22b), the solution for the output vector, are

Observe that part of the response is a consequence of a nonzero initial
state. We shall let



[Ch. 5

denote this part. The superscript f was chosen because w (t) is known as
the free response of the network; this is a sensible name, since w (t) is
independent of the controlling influence of the network excitation. The
remaining part of the response stems from nonzero excitation of the net
work. We shall let


denote this part. The superscript c was chosen because we may think of
w (t) as the controlled response, since w (t) is controlled b y the network
excitation. As a consequence of these definitions we have


When the network is initially relaxed, x(t ) = 0 and hence w (t) = 0.

Thus the total network response is simply the controlled response. Now,
upon letting t = 0, we get


Observe that (21) and (27) are identical after the obvious identification
of W (t) with Ce B, K with D, and K with D; the theorem is thus
One further comment on the need for generalized functions is in order.
Suppose we restrict e(t) and w(t) to the set of ordinary vector-valued
point functions. As (27) then makes evident, if D 0, we must also require
that e(t) have a derivative for t > 0. A restriction such as this is not desir
able, since it is often of value to examine w(t) when elements of e(t) are
discontinuous functions or functions with slope discontinuities. Two very
typical functions of this type are the unit step function

which is discontinuous at t = 0; and the unit ramp function t u(t), which

has a slope discontinuity at t = 0. We can circumvent the differentiability
restriction by removing the initial restriction on e(t) and w(t) to the set
of ordinary vector-valued point functions, and by allowing e(t) and w(t)


Sec. 5.2]


to be vector-valued generalized functions. This act removes the differ

entiability restriction because every generalized function has derivatives
of ail orders.
The application of the convolution integral in the solution of a problem
is quite straightforward. It is necessary first to find the impulse response
W (t) = {H(s)} and then to substitute this, together with the excita
tion as specified by a functional expressionpossibly different functional
expressions over different intervals of timein the convolution integral.
We shall illustrate this process in the following example.

Fig. 6.


In the initially relaxed network of Fig. 6, let the responses be v and i

as shown. There is only a single source, having a voltage given in the
diagram. Hence the excitation vector is 1 1, and the response vector is
2 1. The transfer-function matrix is

(You may go through the details of finding this; try it by finding the state
equations.) We see that the first element of H(s) has a zero at infinity,
whereas the second one is nonzero at infinity. The impulse response,
therefore, is



[Ch. 5

Since the excitation has a different functional form for 0 t 1 from

the one it has for t 1, the response for each of these ranges must be found
separately. Thus

Hence, from (21), for 0 t 1

In the range t 1, the integral from 0 to t must be broken into two

integrals, the first going from 0 to 1, the second from 1 to t. The excitation
in the first interval is v1(t) = 2t, the same as in the calculation just completed.
Hence in this next calculation it is enough to replace the limit t by 1 in
the preceding integral and then to evaluate the second integral. Note that
t is not replaced by 1 everywhere in the evaluated integral above but only
in the contribution coming from the upper limit. So, for t 1,

Sec. 5.3]



Y o u should carry out the details of these calculations and verify that
both expressions give the same value of w at t = 1.



In the last section we established that the response of an initially

relaxed network to any arbitrary excitation can be found simply from a
knowledge of the impulse response of the same network. In this section
we shall show that the same conclusion applies as well to a knowledge of
what shall be called the step response of the network.
Suppose that all excitations are zero except the jth one, which is a
unit step. Denote by e j(t) an excitation vector with all its elements
equal to zero except the jth, this one being a unit step u(t). We can think
of e j as the jth column of a p p matrix E (t). Thus, for example,

is the third column-vector of the excitation matrix

Similarly, let w (t) denote the response vector resulting from e (t);
that is, w j(t) is the collection of all the scalar responses when there is a
single excitation and this excitation is a unit step at the jth input.
Suppose these w vectors are arranged as the columns of an r p matrix
designated W (t) and called the step response of the network.

u j



[Ch. 5


Now consider the Laplace transforms. From (1) it follows that

However, since {E (t)} = {u(t)U} = U/s, it follows that


This expression immediately tells us something about the relationship

between the step response and the impulse response, since H(s) =
{W (t)}. To get the relationship between the time responses, we take
the inverse transform of (29) either as it stands or after multiplying
through by s. The results will be



The initial value of the step response is readily found from (29), by using
the initial-value theorem. Provided H ( ) is finite, it will be
where is a real scalar. We conclude that the initial value of the step
response of a network will be zero if the transfer function has a zero at infinity.
Further, if H ( ) is nonzero but finite, the initial value of the step response
will be nonzero and, in addition, the impulse response will itself contain an
impulse. If, on the other hand, H ( ) is nonzero but infiniteH(s) has a
simple pole at infinitythen the step response has an impulse at t = 0,
and the impulse response contains the derivative of an impulse at t = 0.
Note that this does violence to our ordinary concepts of calculus, as em
bodied in (30) and (31). If W (t) is an integrable matrix, then (30) tells
us that W ( 0 ) should be zero (simply by putting zero as the upper limit);
however, if we admit impulses, then our constitution must be strong to
withstand the consequences. Note, however, that if W (t) contains a
first-order impulse, W (t) is not impulsive; further, if W (t) contains the
derivative of an impulse, W (t) has an impulse but not the derivative of an
impulse. Hence W (t) is always better behaved than W (t).
Let us now return to our original task and assume that an arbitrary

Sec. 5 . 3 ]



(but without impulses) Laplace-transformable excitation e(t) is applied to

the network. Equation 1 relates the transforms. This equation can be
rewritten in one of several ways after multiplying numerator and de
nominator by s. Thus




In each case we have used (29) to obtain the far-right side. To find w(t)
we shall now use the convolution theorem. Focus attention on (33). This
can be written
B y using the convolution theorem, we can write

If we evaluate f(0), we shall find it to be zero, unless W (t) contains an

impulse. We saw that this is not possible even if H(s) has a finite nonzero
value at infinity. In fact, the step response will have an impulse only if
H(s) has a pole at infinity. Hence, if we admit only those H(s) matrices
that are regular at infinity, then w(t) will be the derivative of f(t), based
on (36). Thus




[Ch. 5

We now have an expression for the response of an initially relaxed

network to an excitation e(t) in terms of the step response. This result
ranks in importance with (15). Using the results stated in (12) and (13),
we can put the last equation in the following alternative forms:


This will require that e(t) or W ( t ) , as the case may be, be differentiable
and that, correspondingly, e(0) or W ( 0 ) be finite.
These same expressions can be obtained in an alternative manner,
starting from (34) and (35). To use (34) let us first write


We can now use the convolution theorem on (34). The result will be


which is the same as (41). In a similar manner, (40) can be obtained starting
from (35). The details are left to you.
For future reference we shall collect all of the forms of these expressions
that have been derived. They are as follows:



Sec. 5.3]




These expressions, as scalar rather than vector equations, were originally

used by DuHamel in 1833 in dynamics. They are variously known as
the DuHumel integrals, Carson integrals, and superposition integrals.
Carson himself called (46) the fundamental formula of circuit theory.
In applying the superposition integrals to the evaluation of a network
response, the first step is to find the response W ( t ) . A decision is then
required as to which matrix, e or W , should be reversed and translated
to the argument (t ). This choice is guided b y the simplicity of the
resulting integrals. Then a decision is needed as to which one, e or W ,
should be differentiated. Sometimes there m a y be no choice, since one of
them may not be differentiable.
To illustrate, consider again the example of Fig. 6 which was earlier
evaluated by using the impulse response. Since we already have W (t),
(30) can be used to find W ( t ) . The result is

Because of the functional form of the excitation, it is much simpler to

differentiate e() = [v1()] then W (t). The derivative is shown in Fig. 7;
its analytical form is also given.

Note that if we differentiate W (t) instead, then, b y using (31) for W and
inserting it into (45), we get back the convolution integral.
Let us use the second form of (44), which should be simpler than the
first form, since V1(t ) = 2[u(t ) u(t T 1)], which is simply the



Fig. 7.

[Ch. 5


square pulse in Fig. 7 shifted b y t units. Since e(0) = [v1(0)] = 0, we get

for 0 t < 1

This answer can be verified b y comparing with the result previously

found. Note that the integration was considerably simpler in this case.
This would be the response for all t if '1 would stay constant at 2;
but it does not; it takes a negative step downward at t = 1. Hence, to find
the response for t > 1, we simply replace t by t 1 in the above expression,
to get the response to the negative step at t = 1, and subtract the result
from the above expression. The result for t > 1 will be

This again agrees with the previously found result.


Sec. 5.4]




In the preceding sections of this chapter we obtained, in a formal way,

expressions that relate the response of an initially relaxed network to an
excitation e(t) and the impulse response or step response through a con
volution integral. It is possible to interpret these integrals as statements
of the superposition principle. This will be the subject of the present
Concepts relating to the superposition principle are best developed with
illustrations. Unfortunately, it is difficult to illustrate vector and matrix
functions. Therefore we shall develop our results for a single-input,
single output network, since only scalar equations are then involved, and
the scalar functions encountered can be illustrated. At the appropriate
place we shall state the corresponding results for the vector equations
characterizing multi-input, multi-output networks.


Consider the excitation function sketched in Fig. 8a. The positive time
axis is divided into a sequence of equal-length intervals, the length being
T . It is not necessary that the intervals be equal, but the task ahead is
easier to formulate if they are.
N o w consider the sequence of impulses labeled f(t) shown in Fig. 8b.
The impulse at the point k has a strength e(k), which is the area of
a rectangle formed by the base T and the height of the curve of Fig. 8a
at the point k . The rectangle is shown shaded. The heights of the arrows
in the figure have been drawn proportional to this strength. However,
remember that the impulses are all of infinite height. Hence, for any
finite T , no matter how small, the string of impulses is not a good pointwise representation of the excitation function, which is everywhere
finite. Nevertheless, let us compute the response of the network to this
sequence of impulses. Now f(t) is not a point function; it is a generalized
function that can be expressed as


Let us denote b y w the response at time t to one of these impulses. Then




[Ch. 5


Fig. 8.

Decomposition of function into impulse train.

w will be equal to the strength of the impulse times the impulse response,
suitably displaced. Thus

is the response at time t to the impulse at time k .
Let us now concentrate on a particular point on the axis, which we can
call T . For a given value of T , this point will be k . If we let get
smaller, we shall have to increase k proportionately so that the value
T = kT will stay the same, since it refers to a fixed point on the axis.
Hence, (47) and (48) can be rewritten as follows:

The response at any time t is obtained b y adding the responses to each of

Sec. 5.4]



the impulses up to time t. Let us denote b y w(t) the response to the

sequence of impulses as we let T approach zero.


(The summation has been indicated as extending from r = 0 to r = t.

Actually, it should be k = 1 to n, where n is the largest integer such that
nT t, with the limit taken as T tends to zero. Since T = kT, the
notation we have used is equivalent to this.) The indicated limit is, b y
definition, the integral written in the last line.
The question that remains to be answered is whether the sum of impulse
functions f(t) given in (49) can represent the original excitation e(t) in
the limit as T approaches zero. In a formal way, the summation in (49)
will become an integral which, by the sampling property of impulse
functions, becomes e(t). Thus, in the limit, the series of impulses represents
the excitation.
In view of the preceding discussion, we can, for a single-input, singleoutput network, interpret the convolution integrals in (15) as expressing
the response to an excitation e(t) as the superposition of responses to a
sequence of impulses that make up the function e(t).
N o w let us turn our attention to the multi-input, multi-output case.
Precisely the same type of development leading to the convolution of the
impulse response with the excitation can be carried out. Thus



is the response to the vector of impulses occurring at time T = kT in

the representation of e(t) given b y



[Ch. 5

To give a suitable interpretation, we must reformulate the result. Let

w denote the jth column vector of W . Then from (52) we get


N o w w (t) is the response when the jth input is excited by a unit impulse
at time zero and all other inputs have zero excitation. Thus, in the multiinput, multi-output case, an appropriate interpretation of (52) is the
following: The response to the excitation e(t) is the superposition of a set of
responses, each of which is the response of the network to excitation at a
single input, the excitation consisting of a sequence of impulses.


A development similar to that just completed can be carried out by

representing an excitation function as a sum of step functions. Let us, as
before, initiate the discussion in terms of a single-input, single-output
network. The positive time axis is divided again into equal intervals of
length T . The excitation function represented as a sum of step functions
is illustrated in Fig. 9. The resulting " staircase " function is not a very

Fig. 9.

Decomposition of a function into step functions.

good approximation to e(t), but it gets better as T is made smaller.

When T is very small, the value of each step in the staircase can be
approximated by the product of T and the slope of the curve at the jump,
since each of the little figures between the curve and the staircase function
approaches a triangle.


Sec. 5.4]


The response of the network to the excitation e(t) can be approximated

by the response to the staircase function. However, this is nothing but
a sum of step-function responses, suitably displaced and multiplied by the
value of the discontinuity. Let w be the response at time t to the step
occurring at k . It will be given b y


where the dot indicates differentiation. The factor in brackets is the value
of the step, whereas w (t K ) is the response to a displaced step func
The total response will be the sum of the contributions for each step.
Again, if we focus attention on the point = K and take the limit as
T approaches zero, we shall get


In this development we have assumed that the excitation is a contin

uous function and that the initial value is zero. N o w suppose it has dis
continuities of value i occurring at times t , respectively. We shall consider
a nonzero initial value to be a discontinuity at t = 0. The total excitation
will then be e(t) + u(t t ), where e(t) is the continuous part of the
excitation. We have already found the response to this part; to this we
must now add the response due to the discontinuities. The complete
response will be


In particular, if there are no discontinuities except at t = 0, then the total

response will be [with e(0) written for y ]


This expression is identical with the first one in (44). We have now demon
strated that the response to an excitation e(t) can be regarded as the
superposition of the responses to a series of step functions that represent
the excitation.



[Ch. 5

In the case of the multi-input, multi-output network, the corresponding

result is achieved by simply changing e(t) to e(t), to , w to w ,
w(t) to w(t), and w (t) to W (t) in (56) through (59). Corresponding to
(58) we get

which may be rewritten as
where ( ) denotes the jth element of and w ( t ) denotes the jth column
vector of W ( t ) . Now w (t) is the response when the jth input is excited
by a unit step at time zero and all other inputs have zero excitation.
Therefore the following interpretation of (61) can be given: The response
to an excitation is the superposition of a set of responses, each of which
is the response of the network to an excitation at a single input, the excita
tion consisting of a sequence of step functions.





These interpretations that we have given for the convolution-integral

representations have an important application in the numerical computa
tion of network response (e.g., by using a computing machine). It makes
little difference to the final results whether we take the impulse or the
step representation. Therefore, for the present discussion, let us take the
Suppose we wish to find the response of a single-input, single-output
network to a time function that is not easily represented as a sum of
elementary functions; for instance, the time function may be given
simply as a curve, or its analytical formula may be very complicated.
In such cases the Laplace transform E(s) may be either difficult to find or
be so involved as to be useless. If we approximate E(s) by a rational func
tion, we shall not know how good an approximation of the response
function we shall get in the time domain. In such cases it is more meaning
ful to approximate e(t) in the time domain by an impulse sequence, as
in Fig. 8, or by a staircase function, as in Fig. 9.
Let us once again resort to an example. Suppose we have a network
that has the impulse response shown in Fig. 10a. This impulse response


Sec. 5.5]



Fig. 10.

Numerical computation of network response.

may have been found experimentally by using a short pulse as an

" a p p r o x i m a t i o n " to the impulse. Suppose we wish to find the response of
the network to the excitation in Fig. 10b, which again may be an experi
mental curve or the result of some other numerical computation.




We now select a suitable interval T such that the variations of w (t)

and e(t) over an interval T are small enough to be negligible. Then we
use the approximate representation


for the excitation. This expression is usually interpreted as the result

of multiplying e(t) by the impulse train (t k T) T. The set of values
e(kT) is referred to as a time sequence, and the function e(t) is referred to
as a time series. It can be shown that the same final results as we shall
obtain here using these concepts can also be obtained by approximating


b y a staircase function and using Laplace-Stieltjes transforms, without

using the impulse function. Thus our final results can be justified in the
realm of rigorous mathematics.
Now, b y using the convolution theorem, the response of the network to
the time series (62) can be written as follows:


In particular, the value of the response at our chosen points n T will be

given b y *

Let us see the implication of this equation. We notice that the sum on the
right is simply a sum of real numbers, not functions. Thus we can get an
approximate idea of the response simply by adding these numbers,
without integrating functions.
* Since n is the only variable in this equation, we can write this in more conventional
form as

and observe that it is the Cauchy product of two time sequences, for e and w .


Sec. 5,5]


To make this point a little clearer, let us find the approximate response
at t/T= 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 for the example of Fig. 10, by using the values
given in Table 1. (The invervals chosen are too large for any accuracy,
but the example suffices as an illustration.) Lines 1 and 2 of this table are
found by reading the values of e(kT) and w (kT) from the graphs. The
remaining odd-numbered lines, the lines associated with w [(n k) T],
n = 2, 4 , 6 , 8, and 10, are obtained by copying line 1 backwards, starting at
the column corresponding to k = n 1. The elements in each of these lines,
when multiplied by their corresponding entries in line 2, give the entries
in the even-numbered lines, those associated with w [(n
The sum of the entries from k = 1 to k = n in each of the evennumbered lines is w (nT)/T.

This computation has given a numerical value for the response at a few
selected points. The final tabulated values are a time sequence. With
these values, the time series can be written as

This method of representing everything by time series leads to the socalled z-transform method of analysis used in sampled-data systems.
The same concept of time series is also used in time-domain synthesis.
Quite often the synthesis problem is specified by means of a curve for the
excitation e(t) and a curve for the response w(t) that is desired. Then one
of the procedures in use is to represent e(t) and w(t) as time series and to
use simultaneous equations derived from (66) to find the time series for
w (t). The synthesis then proceeds by finding H(s). The mathematical
problems that arise are too numerous for us to consider this question any
further, and so we leave this application to advanced courses on synthesis.



Let us now examine the changes needed to handle the multi-input,

multi-output network. The time series for e(t) will be




Table 1

w [(2-k)T]
w [(2-k)T] e(kT)
t<; [(4-k)T]
w [(4-k)T] e ( k T )
w [(6-k)T]
w [(6-k)T] e(kT)
w [(S-k)T]
w [(S-k)T] e(kT)
w [(lO-k)T]
w [(\0-k)T] e(kT)

w (kT)























[Ch. 5

Sec. 5.5]



The response to that time series for n T 1 < (n + 1) T, and specifically

at the points n T, will be


and hence the associated time series will be


Conceptually, the multi-input, multi-output network time-series res

ponse is quite easily computed. The time required to perform the calcula
tions, however, is considerably greater than that needed to evaluate the
response of a single-input, single-output network. It is significant, there
fore, that (68) is easily programmed for solution by a digital computer.
One drawback to such a program and its execution will be the large amount
of storage space needed to retain W ( n T ) and e(nT), for n = 0, 1, ..., N,
in memory, or, if not stored, the large amount of time required to re
compute W ( n T ) and e(nT) each time they are needed in a calculation.
The latter alternative is only possible if W ( n T ) and e(nT) are known
analytically and not just experimentally. The technique to be developed
now overcomes some of these problems.



Thus far we have sought to solve for the network response directly
without consideration of the network state. Since the network response
could be, without loss of generality, the network state, all that we have
concluded till now concerning the response vector applies equally well
to the state vector. Because, in the method about to be developed, no
significant simplicity is achieved by assuming that the network is initially
relaxed, we shall no longer make this assumption.
According to (23) the state vector is the sum of the free-state response
and the controlled-state




[Ch. 5

that is,

We shall take to = 0 and suppose that e(t) is approximated by the time

series (67). Remember that the network response in (68) is the controlled
response. Then for the controlled state response for nTt<(n
+ l)T
and at the point t = n T, we can write



At t = n T, the free-state response is simply


Substituting (73) and (74) into (72) we get

The last rearrangement is obtained by writing the term of the summation

corresponding to k = n separately, and then factoring e
from the other
terms. B y comparing the quantity within braces with the previous line,
the only difference is seen to be a replacement of n by n 1. Hence


This is an extremely valuable recursion formula. Observe that this

expression could have been deduced directly from (23) by setting
x(t ) = x [(n1)T]
and by assuming e
B e() is essentially
constant on the interval (n1)TnT
and equal to its value at
= nT. The present approach was adopted in order to be consistent with
the previously formulated results.
Notice that the recursion relation established by (75) requires that we
A ( n T

Sec. 5.5]




have knowledge of e
at only one point in time; namely, t = T. This fact
largely alleviates the computer storage-space problem referred to earlier.
The solution for the network response now proceeds as follows: We
first let x(0) equal the initial state x(0); then (75) is used to solve for the
state vector x(nT) as n successively assumes the values 1, 2, 3 , . . . .
For each value of n, the network response at t = nT, according to (22b),
is given by
This gives the time sequence of the network at the sampling points nT.
The time-series approximation to the network response then follows
Let us now illustrate these results with a simple example. Suppose

Using the procedures of Chapter 4, we find simply that

Suppose the interval is chosen to be T=

Using this, (75) and (76) become

0.2; then



[Ch. 5

Let the network be initially relaxed and let the excitation be the function
e(t) given in Fig. 10. The values for e(nT) are given in the top line of
Table 2. Using the recursion formula and numerical values above, computations for n = 1, . . . , 5 yield the results given in Table 2.
Table 2


A particular type of error is created in evaluating x(nT) numerically

according to the recursion relation (75). Any error in the numerical value
of e(nT) propagates and generates errors in x(mT) w i t h m n. Similarly,
an error in x(0) propagates and generates errors in xg(mT). To get an idea
of how such errors progagate, suppose e(nT) is correctly known for ail n
except n = n . Let e ( n T ) = e ( n T ) + , where e ( n T ) is the actual
value and is an error vector. Suppose also thatx(O), e , B, and Tare
correctly known. Further, let X (nT)
denote the value of x(nT) for
n n when e ( n T ) replaces e ( n T ) . Then, by applying the recursion
relation successively for n = n , n + 1, . . . , n, we find that


and, for n no,

Note that the error BT in the state response at n T propagates and
causes an error in the state response at nT, equal to the error in
x (n T)
premultiplied b y ( e )
In a similar manner, let x(0) = x ( 0 ) + , where x ( 0 ) is the actual
value and is an error vector. The recursion relation yields


( n n 0 )


Sec. 5.5]



where x ( n T ) denotes the value of x (nT) computed when x(0) is

replaced b y x ( 0 ) . Again, the error in x (0) propagates and causes an
error in x (nT) equal to the error in x (0) premultiplied b y ( e ) .
Errors in the numerical evaluation of e
also propagate. However, we
shall defer consideration of these errors till we examine the problem of
calculating e
in the next section. Although we shall not consider them
here, errors in B and T also propagate. Using the recursion relationship,
you should work out how these errors propagate.
It is clear that the value of ( e )
determines to what extent an
error in x ( m T ) , due to errors in the excitation and in the initial state,
affects the accuracy of x (nT) at a later time. We shall lump the stateresponse errors contributed by errors in excitation and initial state. Let
x ( m T ) be in error by and let




( n - n i )

be the propagated error in x ( n T ) , assuming n > m. A question that is of
great significance is: How does the " size " of the error behave as n is increased? Here we are dealing with an error vector; we specify the " size "
of a vector in terms of its norm.
For a refresher about norms of vectors and matrices, see Chapter 1.
There, the norm of a vector was written as |||| and defined as a nonnegative number having the following properties:


|||| = 0 if and only if = 0 ;


|||| =



| | ||||,



|| || +

|| ||,

is real or complex number;



are vectors. (This is the


A vector may have a number of different norms satisfying these properties.

The following three were discussed in Chapter 1:
the sum-magnitude norm;
the Euclidean norm;
the max-magnitude norm.


Of these, the most common and familiar one is the Euclidean norm, which




corresponds to the length of a space vector. However, as a practical

matter, the numerical evaluation of the other two norms is often signifi
cantly easier.
As discussed in Chapter 1, the norm of a matrix as a transformation,
transforming one vector into another, satisfies the three properties of a
norm listed above. Further, the norm of the vector K, that is, the trans
formation of by K, satisfies the inequality
In addition and as a direct consequence of (81), the matrix norm has the
following property:
The matrix norms corresponding to the three vector norms in (80)
are the following. Let K = [k ]; then

the value of the norm of the column vector

with the greatest sum-magnitude norm;


is the eigenvalue of K*K with the
largest magnitude;


the value of the norm of the row vector with

greatest sum-magnitude norm;


Our interest is in determining the norm of the error in the state response.
In particular, we want to know in (79) if || || < || || when n > m. In
this equation the two errors are related through the matrix ( e )
Taking the norm of both sides of (79), and using (81) and (82) leads to


( n m


We conclude that, if the norm of e

is less than 1, then the norm of the
error vector will be a decreasing function of n. Any of the matrix norms in
(83) may be used to evaluate | | e | | .
Thus, for the previous example in which

Sec. 5.6]




we find

For this example, any of the norms shows that the norm of the error vector
decreases as n increases.




In the numerical example of the last section we had an exact analytic

expression for e ; it was

For T = 0.2, this becomes

0 . 2 A

Is is evident, however, that this is only an approximate value of e

accurate to three digits. The actual e
has elements with an infinite
number of digits, because e
and e
are irrational numbers. Thus,
in any finite numerical process, only an approximate value of e
can be obtained.
What is true for this example is true for the general case; that is, it is
generally true that for any n n matrix A and any nonzero real constant
T, only an approximate value of e
is known at the end of a finite numer
ical process. This becomes even more evident when it is realized that an
exact analytic expression for e
is not usually known and that it might
be necessary to evaluate e
by evaluating the terms in its defining power
0 . 2 A

- 0 . 2

- 0 . 9

0 . 2 A






[Ch. 5


It is clear that only a finite number of these terms can possibly be

evaluated in a finite numerical process. We shall now discuss the error
resulting from the truncation of the series in (85) and a criterion for
selecting the number of terms required to achieve a specified accuracy.
Let us write


is the truncated series approximation of e




is the remainder or error matrix. N o w if A is a good approximation of

e , then A should be a good approximation of e , where is an arbit
rary n-vector. A quantitative measure of the quality of the latter approxi
mation is the norm of the error vector


relative to the norm of e


; that is,



is a measure of how well A approximates e . Obviously, the approxi

mation gets better as S gets smaller. Thus a reasonable criterion for select
ing K, the maximum value of the index of summation in the truncated
power series, is as follows: K should be chosen such that is less than some
prescribed, positive number . The value assigned to , the prescribed
upper bound on , is selected to insure a desired level of accuracy in the
knowledge of e through evaluation of A.
It must be kept in mind that the accuracy we are talking about is
that achieved through calculations with numbers from the set of all real
numbers. When the set of numbers is finite, as it is in doing calculations

Sec. 5.6]




on a digital computer, there is a bound on the achievable accuracy. This

computer-imposed bound on accuracy is related to the number of signifi
cant digits in floating-point numbers used in doing arithmetic on the
computer. The implication for the problem we are examining is this: The
accuracy of machine-performed calculations is determined by only for
greater than some value established by the number of significant digits
in numbers used by the computer in performing arithmetic operations.
We shall obtain, first, an upper bound on that is independent of .
A simple manipulation gives

which implies that

- 1

Thus | | e | | is bounded from below b y | | e

| | ||||. Then, since
||R|| is bounded from above b y ||R|| ||||, we find in conjunction with (89),
the defining equation for , that



To continue, we would like to evaluate the norm of R and of e

; but
each of these is defined by an infinite series, and evaluation of the norms
is not possible. However, we can calculate a bound on ||R|| as follows:
The several inequality relations applied to the norm of the series (88) for
R yield

Upon setting l = k K1,


we get, after a simple rearrangement of



[Ch. 5

The last line follows from the fact that (K + 1)!(K + 2)'/(K + 1 + l)! 1
for all I 0. Now, let K be the least non-negative value of K such that
K + 2 > | | A | | T ; then for all KKo,
we have ||A||T/(K + 2) < 1 and

Substituting this result in the preceding inequality, we find, for K




The right side is an upper bound on the norm of R.

N o w let us turn to the norm of e ~ . If T is replaced b y T in (85),
we obtain the defining power series for e
; thus

- A T

An upper bound on | |

- A T

| | is easily calculated. We find that


When the upper bounds on ||R|| and | | e

stituted into (91), we get


| | in (92) and (93) are sub


for K K0. The right-hand side of (94) is a decreasing function of K,

which tends to zero as K tends to infinity. Thus, for any given value of ,
there are values of K, in fact a least value, such that


Sec. 6.5]




and hence < . Thus the values of K K that satisfy (95) also satisfy
the previously stated criterion for selecting K. Of all the satisfactory
values of K, it is suggested that K should be set equal to the least value
that satisfies (95), since the number of arithmetic operations then needed
to evaluate the truncated power series (87) will be minimized.



In the previous section we decomposed the state response x(t) into the
sum of the free response x (t) and the controlled response x (t). As shown
in (74), we found that


Furthermore, when e(t) is approximated by the time series

we found, as shown in (73b), that


We are now interested in computing the error resulting from replacing

by its approximation in these two equations.


Let us first consider the free-state response. Let ( n T ) denote the

difference between the actual free state response ( e ) x ( 0 ) and the
approximate free-state response A x ( 0 ) ; that is,

After taking the norm of both sides of this equation, we get


Thus, in bounding || (nT)||, we must establish an upper bound on terms

of the form | | ( e ) A ||. We have used l, rather than n, to denote the
power to which e
and A are raised, since the bound we shall establish




[Ch. 5

will be applied to relations other than just (99). In those other cases n will
not be the exponent.
B y the properties of matrix norms, we show that


The second line follows from the binomial theorem. The next line results
from the triangle inequality and from (82). Finally, the last line is a result
of the binomial theorem applied backwards. If we require that K
satisfy the inequality relation (95), we know from that equation that
||R|| < | | e - | | . Furthermore, it is easily shown (Problem 15) that

- 1

a n d , therefore, that ||R|| < \\e^ \\. With the added observation that
| | e | | ||A|| + ||R|| and the reasonable assumption that < 1, we get


Combining (100) and (101) results in



Observe that this bound on | | [ e ] A || is a decreasing function of I if

and only if ||A||/(1 ) < 1; therefore we shall assume ||A||/(1 ) < 1
in the rest of this section.

Sec. 5.6]




Let us return to the task of bounding | | ( n T ) | | . The result of substitut

ing (102) in (99) and of some simple manipulations is


The second line is just the first line with the terms grouped differently.
The last line follows from the fact that [1 (1 ) ] is a bounded, increas
ing function of n that never exceeds n. It is an elementary calculus
problem to find the maximum of the right-hand side of (103) with respect
to n. In doing so, we obtain


We see, b y (104), that | | ( n T ) | | is bounded and, by (103) that | | ( n T ) | |

is a decreasing function of n, tending toward zero as n tends to infinity.
Furthermore, | | ( n T ) | | tends to zero with . It should be kept in mind
that computers that might be used to compute x ( n T ) recursively use
numbers with a limited number of significant digits. Thus, as discussed
previously, the error in numerical evaluation of x ( n T ) will be bounded in
accord with (103) and (104) only if is greater than some value dependent
upon the computer accuracy.


Next, let us consider the controlled-state response x ( n T ) given b y

(97). Let ( n T ) denote the difference between the actual controlledstate response
( e ) ~ B e(kT) T and the approximate controlledstate response
A * B e ( k T ) T; that is,


n -

= 1




[Ch. 5

After taking the norm of both sides of this equation and applying the
inequality in (102), we establish that


Suppose, for k = 1, 2, . . . , that ||B e ( k T ) | | E, where E is a constant;

that is, suppose ||B e ( k T ) | | is a bounded function of k. Then it is found that


n - ;

The second line follows from the inequality [1 ( 1 )

] (n k)
for all k n. The third line results from replacing n k b y L Under our
assumption that ||A||/(1 ) < 1, the right-hand side of (107) is a bounded
increasing function of n; therefore

The equality at the right follows from the fact that a series of the type
m=o < is equal to /(l ) for < 1. We see b y this inequality that
| | ( n T ) | | is bounded and tends to zero with . However, for reasons dis
cussed previously, when computing a numerical value for x ( n T ) , the
accuracy limitations of a computer preclude the error in numerical
evaluation of x ( n T ) being bounded in accord with (108) if is too small.

Let us illustrate the many ideas we have developed in this section with
an example. Let us use the same A and T as in the last example; thus,

and T=

0.2. For the norm of A we shall arbitrarily select the least of the

Sec. 5.6]




two norms (83a) and (83c). We have ||A||1 = 3 and ||A|| = 2; therefore
we shall use the latter norm. To simplify the example, certainly not for
accuracy, we shall require only 0.001.
Recall that K is the least non-negative (integer) value of K such that
K + 2 > | | A | | T . Since ||A||T=0.4,
we find that K = 0. Thus, by (95),
we must find a K 0 such that

We easily find that K = 4. The approximation A is evaluated as follows:


Hence, to an accuracy of five digits,

Observe that


= 0.967. Therefore, by (104), | | ( n T ) | |

and, b y (108), | | ( n T ) | | is bounded as

is bounded




Let us conclude this section with an observation on one type of error

not considered in this or the previous section. Let e(t) be the network
excitation and x(t) the corresponding state response. The values of x(t) at
t= nTwill be x ( n T ) , and, unless e(t) = (t), x(nT) x ( n T ) . The difference between x(nT) and x (nT) is an error that stems from representing
e(t) b y (t). Even though we have not treated this type of error, we do
know that, if we can convert a set of nonhomogeneous state equations
into a set of homogeneous state equations, as shown in Chapter 4, then
this type of error will not arise, since for the homogeneous equations

e ( t ) = = 0.

1. In the text, the concept of the convolution of two matrix functions is
introduced; extend the concept to more than two matrix functions.
2. Prove that the convolution of scalar functions shares the following
algebraic properties with ordinary multiplication: Iffi,f , andj are
integrable functions (so thatf|*f = J fi(x)f (t x) dx is defined, as is
/ * / and fffi),



=f *fi

(commutative law)



= (fi*f )*f3



=f, where u is the unit step function (identity)



(associative law)


Which of these properties hold when considering the convolution of

matrix functions?
3. In the alternative derivation of the convolution integral from the state
equations, only one form of the integral is obtained, namely, that given
in (21). Show that the other form is also valid.
4. Find the impulse response and the step response of the networks given
in Fig. P4 assuming initially relaxed conditions. The desired responses
are indicated in the figures. Demonstrate that (31) is satisfied.
5. Find the indicated response of the same networks to the excitation
functions in Fig. P5 by using the impulse response or the step response
and a superposition integral. (The ordinate shows multiple labels to
correspond to the several different source designations in Fig. P4.)









Fig. P4

6. The equivalent circuit of a two-stage RC-coupled amplifier is shown in

Fig. P6. Find the response of the amplifier to the excitations shown in
Fig. P5 using a superposition integral with (1) the impulse response and
(2) the step response.
7. Solve the following integral equation of the convolution type:

The unknown matrix function is F(t), and Gi(t) and G (t) are square
matrices and are known (integrable) matrix functions.

8. Obtain a solution of the following scalar integral equations:




[Ch. 5







Fig. P5

Fig. P6



9. Obtain a solution of the following matrix integral equations:



10. Given the differential equation

get an explicit formula for y(t) (the solution) by finding first

Use this formula to find the solution whenf(t) is

11. The triangular voltage pulse shown in Fig. P11a is applied to the network
of Fig. P11b. Find the output-voltage response for all time by using
the convolution theorem.
12. Use the convolution-integral theorem to prove the translation (shifting)
theorem of Laplace-transform theory.



[Ch. 5



Fig. P11
13. The trapezoidal pulse shown in Fig. P13a is applied to the network of
Fig. P13b. Find the output-voltage response for all time by using the
convolution theorem.



Fig. P13
14. The network of Fig. P14a is excited by two voltage sources. The
voltages as functions of time are shown in Fig. P14b. Using the convolu
tion theorem, compute the indicated network responses v, ii, and i
for all time.


15. Prove that | | e | | >


- A T

- 1

|| .

16. The network of Fig. PI lb is excited by the function

Fig. P14


Find the approximate response of the network for 0 < t < 2, using timeseries representations. Estimate the maximum error in the solution for
the chosen interval.





[Ch. 5

1 7 . Repeat Problem 16, but use the excitation

Use the staircase approximation and the step response. Estimate the
1 8 . The network of Fig. P18a is excited hy the function of Fig. P18b. Find
the approximate response v (t) for 0 < t < 5.



Fig. P18

1 9 . For each of the networks of Fig. P4, compute the impulse-response time
sequence with T = 0.1 and for n = 0, 1, . . . , 15. Then compute the
network-response time sequence for n = 0, 1 , . . . , 15, when the network
excitations depicted in Fig. P5 are approximated by their time sequences.
20. The measured impulse response W(t) of a single-input, single-output
network is shown in Fig. P20a. Using the time sequence for the impulse
response, with T= 0.1, compute the network-response time sequence
for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 10, when the network excitations e(t) depicted in
Fig. P20b are approximated by their time sequences.





Fig. P20
21. Consider a network for which

Evaluate x (nT) according to the recursion relation (75) and w ( n ) by

(76) for n = 1 , . . . , 15, when e(t) = [u(t) - (t - l)u(t 1) + (t - 2)u(t - 2)],
T = 0.2, andx(0) = [ 1 2]'.
22. Suppose that an arithmetic mistake introduces the error vector

= [0.001 0.012]' into the computed value of x (4T) of Problem 21.

Will the norm of the propagated error decrease for increasing time?
What is the value of the bound on the propagated error in the computed
value of x (14T) as evaluated by (84)? Answer the questions for each
of the norms of (80).



[Ch. 5

2 3 . Repeat Problems 21 and 22 after replacing A by each of the following





2 4 . Repeat Problems 21 and 22 after replacing A, B, C, D, x(0), and


x(0) = [l




= [0.001



2 5 . Repeat Problem 21 with e(t) and x(0) replaced by each of the following:

2 6 . Repeat the calculations of the example in Section 5.6 using the other
matrix norms in (83).
2 7 . For each of the following A matrices




Determine K in the truncation (87) and the error bounds for (104)
and (108) when T= 0.1 and = 0.001. Use the three different matrix
norms in (83).
0 . 2 A

2 8 . Repeat the calculations of Problem 21 after replacing e

by its
truncated-power-series approximation A computed such that, in the
truncation criterion, (a) = 0.01, and () = 0.001. In each case use
the three different norms in (83). Compare the results of these calculations
with those obtained in doing Problem 21.
2 9 . Repeat Problem 28 after replacing A by the matrices in Problem 23.



30. If r(t) and e(t) are the response and excitation of a linear time-invariant
network N, then, as illustrated in Fig. P30, r (t) is the response to

Fig. P30

e (t). This suggests a method for computing an approximation of r(t):

(a) Approximate e by straight-line segments, (b) differentiate once to
get a staircase approximation of . (or twice to get impulse-train approximation of ), (c) find the response of N to the approximation of (or ),
and (d) integrate once (or twice) to get the approximate response. Using
this method, with either the step or impulse response, compute the
approximate response of the networks in Fig. P4 for the excitations in
Fig. P 5 .
The next four problems involve the preparation of a computer program to
help in implementing the solution to some problems. In each case, prepare
a program flow chart and a set of program instructions, in some user language
such as FORTRAN IV, for a digital computer program to carry out the job
specified in the problem. Include a set of user instructions for the program.
31*. Prepare a program to evaluate W(nT) for n = 1, . . . , N according to
(65). The values of N, e(kT), and w(kT) are to be supplied as input

32*. Prepare a program to evaluate A, the approximation to e , in (87).

The program should lead to a selection of K for which (95) is valid. The
matrix A and the scalars T and are to be given as input data. Use
the matrix norm of (83) or (83c).
33*. Prepare a program to evaluate x (nT) for n = 1, . . . , N according to
(75) when e(nT) = 0 for all n. The values of N, x(0), and e
are to be
supplied as input data.


34*. Combine the program of Problems 32 and 33 to create a single program

that, starting with iV, x(0), A, T, and as input data, evaluates
x (nT) for n = 1,
N when e(nT) = 0.


It is our purpose in this chapter to discuss ways in which network

functions are represented and to begin the study of properties of network
functions as analytic functions of a complex variable. We shall here
concentrate largely on those properties that apply generally to network
functions, without regard to their specific nature as driving-point or
transfer functions. We shall also study the relationships that exist between
parts of a network functionreal and imaginary parts, magnitude and
angleand observe how the function is represented by any one of its
component parts.



Recall that a network function is defined as the ratio of the Laplace

transform of a response to that of an excitation when the network is
initially relaxed. Let us begin by observing a few elementary properties
of network functions that should have become clear by now, even though
some of them may not have been stated explicitly.
We are dealing with lumped, linear, time-invariant networks. Network
functions of such networks are rational functions, the ratios of two poly392

Sec. 6.1]



nomials. In Chapter 3 we related network functions to the determinants

and cofactors of the node admittance or loop impedance matrices. Let us
here relate them to the state equations. Recall that the state equations
for a network can be written as follows:



where x, e, and w are the state, excitation, and output vectors, respec
tively. The last term in the second equation can appear only when an
element of the output vector is a capacitor current in a capacitor and
independent voltage-source loop or an inductor voltage in an inductor
and independent current-source cut-set.
Assuming initially relaxed conditions, let us take the Laplace trans
forms of these equations, solve the first one for X(s) and substitute into
the second. The result will be*
The quantity in braces is the transfer matrix H(s), each of whose elements
is a network function. Thus
Examine this expression carefully. The last two terms indicate a direct
relationship between excitation and response without the mediation of the
state vector. These terms control the behavior of the response as s
approaches infinity. In fact, as observed in the last chapter, D is the matrix
of residues of H(s) at infinity.
In the first term of (3), C and B are matrices of real numbers. The
* Note that e(0) does not appear in (26) even though the derivative of e appears
in (16). This is dictated by the requirement that the network be initially relaxed. The
initial value of e could appear only if the derivative of the excitation term is present in the
equation. Since it will be present only when there are all-capacitor loops or all-inductor
cut-sets, setting initial capacitor voltages and initial inductor currents to zero will require
initial excitation values also to be zero.



[Ch. 6


complex variable s appears only in (sU A) .

Letting d(s) be the charac
teristic polynomial of A, as before, this term can be written

N o w the elements of adj (sU A) are simply cofactors of det (sU A)
and hence are polynomials. This fact is not modified when adj (sU A)
is premultiplied by C and postmultiplied b y B. Hence the whole term is
a matrix whose elements are polynomials divided by d(s). We have thus
verified that network functions are rational functions of s.
Something more can be established from the preceding. In preceding
chapters reference has been made to the natural frequencies of a network.
In Chapter 3 we considered these to be the zeros of the determinant of the
loop impedance matrix or the node admittance matrix. There we showed
that these two determinants could differ at most by a multiplier KsP,
and hence their nonzero zeros were the same. However, in Chapter 4 we
treated the natural frequencies as the eigenvalues of the matrix A;
namely, the zeros of d(s). We now see that the zeros of d(s) are the same as
those of the loop impedance determinant and the node admittance
determinant. This follows from the fact that W(s) refers to any output.
Thus, if we choose all the node voltages, and only these, as the outputs,
W(s) is the matrix of node-voltage transforms. Since network solutions
are unique, (2b) must give the same results as the solution of the node
equations. In the latter case the denominator of the solution will be .
Hence and d(s) have the same nonzero zeros. A similar conclusion
follows concerning . We shall state this result as a theorem for ease of

Theorem 1 . The nonzero zeros of det (sU A) are the same as the nonzero
zeros of det (AYA') and det (BZB').

Let F(s) be the generic symbol for a network function. Since it is a

rational function, it can be written in the following forms:


Sec. 6.1]



Since each of the matrices A , B, C, D, and D, on the right of (3) are

matrices of real numbers and F(s) stands for any element of H, then all
the coefficients of s in (5a) must be real.* Now if s takes on only real
values in (5a), then F(s) will be real. A function of a complex variable that
is real when the variable is real is called a real function. So network func
tions are real functions of s. From this the reflection property immediately
follows; namely,

that is, network functions take on conjugate values at conjugate points
in the complex plane.
Now look at the second form in (5) in which the poles s and the zeros
are placed in evidence. Aside from a scale factor K, the network
function is completely specified in terms of its poles and zeros, which
determine its analytic properties. In fact, the poles and zeros provide a
representation of a network function, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The zeros


Fig. 1.

Pole-zero pattern.

are shown by circles; and the poles, by crosses. We refer to such diagrams
as pole-zero patterns or configurations. Because of the reflection property
(6), the poles and zeros of a network function are either real or occur in
complex-conjugate pairs.
Another simple property possessed by network functions follows from
a consideration of stability. We know that the free response is governed
* This statement should be qualified in a trivial way, since it is possible to multiply
every coefficient in the numerator and denominator by an arbitrary complex number
without changing the function. This difficulty is overcome by fixing, say, the coefficient
of the highest power in the denominator to be 1.



[Ch. 6

by the poles of the network function. Since


we immediately conclude that the network function of a stable network

cannot have any poles in the right half-plane, and any poles on the jaxis must be simple. Otherwise, the free response will be unbounded and
the network will be unstable.
This conclusion can be strengthened in the case of a driving-point
function. Both driving-point impedance and admittance exhibit this
property, and, since one is the reciprocal of the other, the driving-point
functions can have neither poles nor zeros in the right half-plane. Further
more, both poles and zeros on the j-axis must be simple.
In the case of a transfer function the reciprocal is not a network
function. Hence we can say nothing about its zeros. They may lie any
where in the complex plane, subject only to the reflection property.



Generally speaking, F(s) will have both even and odd powers of s;
it will be neither an even function nor an odd function of s. Hence we can
where E v F(s) means " e v e n part of F(s)," and Od F(s) means " o d d
part of F(s)." Now an even function g(s) is characterized by the property
g(s) =g(s); and an odd function, by the property g(s) = g(s). Using
these properties together with (8), we can express the even and odd parts
of a function as follows:

Alternative forms can be obtained if the even and odd powers of s are
grouped in both the numerator and denominator of F(s). Thus, write


Sec. 6.1]



where m1 and m are even polynomials, and n1 and n are odd polynomials.
Then, using this in (9), we get


Note that the denominator is the same for both the even and the odd
part of F ( s ) , and it is an even polynomial. The numerator of E v F(s) is
even, and that of Od F(s) is odd, as they should be.
It is of interest to observe where the poles of E v F ( s ) [and Od F(s)
also] lie. From (9) it is clear that E v F(s) has poles where F(s) has poles
and also where F(s) has poles. But the poles of F(s) are the mirror
images about the imaginary axis of the poles of F(s). This can be illustrated
by the following F ( s ) and

F(s) has a real negative pole and a complex pair in the left half-plane.
The poles of F(s) are the mirror images of these, as shown in Fig. 2.
Now E v F(s) has all the poles in Fig. 2, both left half-plane (lhp) and
right half-plane (rhp).

Fig. 2.

Poles of Ev F(s).



[Ch. 6

The pole pattern in Fig. 2 possesses a certain symmetry. A pole configu

ration that has symmetry with respect to both the real and imaginary
axes is said to have quadrantal symmetry. So we say that the poles of
E v F(s) and Od F(s) have quadrantal symmetry.
The function F(s) specifies a value of F for all complex values of s.
Of all the values of s, of particular significance are those on the j-axis.
For s =j, we are often interested in the behavior of one of the following
quantities: real part, imaginary part, angle, and magnitude (or log
magnitude). These are the quantities involved in the steady-state response
to sinusoidal excitation. Any one of these quantities can be referred to as
a frequency response. These components of a function are interrelated by
where the meanings of the symbols are obvious.
Look at (9) under the assumption that s= j; what becomes of the
even and odd parts of F(j)? Since F(j) = F(j) = F(j) from (6),
we see that
That is to say, the real part of a function on thej-axis is its even part;
the imaginary part on the j-axis is its odd part divided by j . Another
way of stating this is to say that the real part of F(j) is an even function
of angular frequency , and the imaginary part is an odd function of .


Similar statements can be made about the magnitude and angle.

Thus, using the notation of (12), we can write the square of F(j) as



Sec. 6.2]



N o w replacing by , it is seen that the magnitude-square

is an even rational function of . Observe that | F(j)| is the value of the
even rational function G(s) F(s) F(s) on thej-axis. It is of further
interest to note that both the poles and zeros of G(s) occur in quadrantal
symmetry, a fact that is true of any even rational function.
For the angle, we get


Hence we are tempted to say that the angle is an odd function of .

However, the angle is a multivalued function. Only by remaining on the
appropriate Riemann surface can the claim about the angle function be


A transfer function will be called ideal if it is of the form F(s) = e~ .

For s=j,
the magnitude identically equals 1, and the angle is propor
tional to . If a network having this transfer function is excited by a
signal e(t), the response of the network, in view of the shifting theorem of
Laplace transform theory, will be w(t) = e(t T ) . The response signal is
the same as the excitation except that it is delayed in time by an amount
T , called the time delay. Since () = for the ideal function, the time
delay is the negative derivative of the angle function.
On the basis of the preceding, a function called the delay is defined for
an arbitrary transfer function as the negative derivative of the phase
function. Thus

is the delay function.

rational function.


In contrast with the angle function, the delay is a


As we observed earlier in this chapter, the zeros of transfer functions

can occur in any part of the complex plane. However, those functions that
have no zeros in the right half-plane have certain properties that are



[Ch. 6

quite important. For this reason we give these functions a distinctive

name for ease of identification. We define a minimum-phase
function as one that has no zeros in the right half-plane. Conversely, any
transfer function that has zeros (even one zero) in the right half-plane is
labeled nonminimum-phase.
The reason for these names will become appar
ent below.
In order to determine the effect of right half-plane zeros on the magni-



Fig. 3.

Complex and real zeros in quadrantal symmetry.

tude and angle of a transfer function, consider Fig. 3a. This shows a pair
of conjugate zeros in the right half-plane and the left half-plane image of
this pair. Let P {s) and P (s) be quadratics that have the right half-plane
pair of factors and the left half-plane pair of factors, respectively; that is,

It is clear that P (s) = P ( s ) . The geometrical construction in the figure
indicates that the magnitudes of P and P are the same when
As for the angles, we find


Sec. 6.2]



Note that in order for the angle of P to be zero at = 0, as it must be

if the angle is to be an odd function, we have written the angle of (s s )
as ( + ), rather than . The difference of 2 corresponds to
specifying the angle of one Riemann surface rather than another. This
desire to have the angle function an odd function of is quite deep-seated
in network theorists. The main reason for this desire is that it simplifies
the statement of many theorems that we shall state later in the chapter.
It is clear from Fig. 3 that 1 + , the angle contributed by the lefthalf-plane zeros, is positive for all positive . It runs from 0 at = 0
to at infinity. This is illustrated in Fig. 4. It follows, then, that the angle

Fig. 4.

Angle of a pair of complex left half-plane zeros.

of a pair of conjugate right-half-plane zeros is always negative for positive

values of , running from 0 at = 0 to at infinity.
Let us now consider the situation in Fig. 3b, which shows a real zero
on the positive real axis and its left half-plane image. Again, the magni
tudes of the two factors (j a) and (j + a) are equal. The angle of the
left half-plane factor (j + a) is for positive . (It will be for negative
.) We shall choose the angle of the right half-plane factor (j a) to be
( + ) for positive and for negative in order to make the
angle an odd function. Sketches of these angles are shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.


Examples of angle functions: (a) arg (j + a); (b) arg (j a).



[Ch. 6

Note that there is a discontinuity of 2 in the second figure that is intro

duced simply by our desire to make the angle an odd function. This
discontinuity corresponds to jumping from one Riemann surface to
Now, if we consider two real right half-plane zeros, we can define the
angles in such a way that this discontinuity is eliminated. The situation
becomes similar to the case of a pair of conjugate right half-plane zeros.
Thus a jump occurs at the origin only when there is an odd number of
right-half-plane zeros.


With this discussion as background, let us now consider the following

two transfer functions:
where s and its conjugate lie in the right half-plane. These two functions
are identical except that Fi(s) has a pair of right half-plane zeros, whereas
in F (s) these are replaced by their left half-plane images. The common
function F(s) may have additional right half-plane factors. Suppose we
multiply numerator and denominator of F1(s) by the left half-plane
factors (s + s )(s + so) = Pi(s). The result will be




Let us define an all-pass function as a transfer function all of whose

zeros are in the right half-plane and whose poles are the left half-plane
images of its zeros. It is clear, therefore, that an all-pass function has a
unit magnitude for all values of s =j. (This is the reason for its name.)
A consideration of the last equation now shows that F (s) is an all-pass
function. It is a second-order all-pass function, the order referring to the

Sec. 6.2]



number of poles. From (18), the angle of F (j) is found to be


For positive frequencies this is a negative angle. Thus the angle of an
all-pass function is negative for all positive frequencies.
Using this equation and (20), we can now write
This result tells us that, at all positive frequencies the angle of a function
having right-half-plane zeros is less than that of the function obtained
when a pair of these zeros is replaced by its left half-plane image.
This procedure of expressing a transfer function as the product of two
others may be repeated. At each step a pair of complex zeros or a real
zero from the right half-plane may be replaced by their left-half-plane
images. A sequence of functions, of which F1 and F2 are the first two,
will be obtained. Each member of the sequence will have fewer right
half-plane zeros than the preceding one. The last member in this sequence
will have no right half-plane zeros. Let us label it F (s). B y definition,
F (s) is a minimum-phase function (as the subscript is meant to imply).
Using (23), and similar results for the other functions, we can write

Each of the functions in this sequence will have the same j-axis magnitude,
but the angles get progressively larger. Paradoxically, the minimumphase function will have the largest angle of all (algebraically, but not
necessarily in magnitude). The reason for this apparent inconsistency is
the following. We have defined transfer functions as ratios of output
transform to i n p u t transform. When the minimum-phase concept was
first introduced by Bode, he defined transfer functions in the opposite
way. With such a definition the inequalities in (24) will be reversed, and
the minimum-phase function will have the smallest angle algebraically.
At each step in the above procedure a second-order or first-order allpass function is obtained. The product of any number of all-pass functions
is again an all-pass function. It follows that any
transfer function can be written as the product of a
function and an all-pass function; that is,
where F

is a minimum phase and F is an all-pass function.





[Ch. 6


We can establish one other result from a consideration of the variation

of the angle of an all-pass function as increases from zero to infinity.
Equation 22, together with Fig. 3a, shows that the change in angle A,
defined as the angle at plus infinity minus the angle at = 0, for a
second-order all-pass function is 2. Similarly, for a first-order all-pass
function, we can find from Fig. 5 that this change is A = , not count
ing the discontinuity at = 0. It is easy to appreciate that for an nthorder all-pass function the change in angle is n, not counting any
discontinuity at = 0. If n is even, there will be no discontinuity;
however, if n is odd, there will be a discontinuity of , and the total
change in angle will become n .
Consider now a non-minimum-phase function that has n zeros in the
right half-plane. This can be expressed as the product of a minimumphase function and an nth-order all-pass function. The net change in
angle of the non-minimum-phase function as varies from zero to plus
infinity will be the net change in angle of the corresponding minimumphase function, plus the net change in angle of the ail-pass function. Since
this latter is a negative quantity, it follows that a non-minimum-phase
function has a smaller net change in angle (again, only algebraicaily),
as varies from zero to infinity, than the corresponding minimum-phase
function, the difference being n or n + , where n is the number of
right-half-plane zeros.
It is also of interest to determine what the net change in the angle of a
minimum-phase function will be as varies from zero to plus infinity.
The angle contributed by each zero to this net change is /2, whereas that
contributed by each pole is /2. Hence the net change in angle will be
/2 times the number of finite zeros, minus the number of finite poles.
Thus, if the transfer function is regular at s = , the
function will have a smaller \A\ than the corresponding
non-minimumphase function, since both angles are nonpositive.


Let us now consider another aspect of minimum-phase and nonminimum-phase functions; namely, some relationships between the coef
ficients of a polynomial and the locations of its zeros. Polynomials with
no zeros in the open right half-plane are called Hurwitz
If, in addition, there are no zeros on the j-axis, the polynomial is called
strictly Hurwitz, for emphasis. Thus the numerator polynomial of a mini
mum-phase function is Hurwitz.

Sec. 6.2]



Now a necessary condition for a polynomial to be Hurwitz is that all

its coefficients have the same sign; however, this is not a sufficient
condition. (You can easily make up a counterexample to demonstrate
this.) That is to say, some polynomials with zeros in the right half-plane
can have all positive or all negative coefficients. However, if a poly
nomial has coefficients of only one sign, there will be a limitation on the
permissible locations of its zeros. The limitation is given by the following
2. If a real polynomial P(s) of degree n has coefficients of only
one sign, it will have no zeros in the open s-plane sector given by |arg s\ < /n.
The excluded region is shown in Fig. 6.* In the limiting case, if the only

Fig. 6.

Forbidden region for zeros of a polynomial with no negative coefficients.

nonzero coefficients of a polynomial are the first and last (i.e., if P(s) =
s + a ), then there will be a zero on the boundary |arg s| = /n. Note
that the converse of the theorem is not generally true; that is, if the
zeros of a polynomial are excluded from the sector |arg s| < / n , the
coefficients need not all have the same sign. Thus the polynomials

all have a real negative zero and the same right-half-plane factor
s 0.8s + 1 whose zeros do not lie in the sector |arg s\ < / 3 ; yet two
of the polynomials have coefficients with different signs.

* For a proof using the principle of the argument see Norman Balabanian, Network
Synthesis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1958.




[Ch. 6


Up to this point the discussion has been carried out in terms of functions.
We shall now switch to a consideration of the networks of which these
functions are transfer functions. The locations of transmission zeros of a
network depend both on the types of elements contained in the network
and on the structure of the network. Nothing definitive can be stated as to
restrictions on the locations of transmission zeros due to element types.
Thus RC networks, which have only one type of reactive component,
can have complex transmission zeros, as well as real ones, and can even
have zeros in the right half-plane. But structure alone does place restric


The most notable restriction is given by the following theorem:

3. The transfer function of a passive, reciprocal ladder network
without mutual coupling between branches is
The graph of a general ladder network is shown in Fig. 7. The series

Fig. 7.

General ladder network.

and shunt branches need not be single elements but can be arbitrary
two-terminal networks with no coupling between branches. The first
and last shunt branches may or may not be present. Using topological
formulas for network functions from Chapter 3, the open-circuit transfer
impedance can be written as
The right-hand side follows because no shunt branch can appear in a
two-tree that includes both nodes 1 and 2 but excludes node 0. The zeros

Sec. 6.3]



of z (s) will occur where the numerator has zeros and where the denom
inator has poles that do not cancel with poles of the numerator. Every
tree must contain node 0 and, hence, every tree product must contain at
least one of the shunt-branch admittances, Y1, Y ... Y +1.
Hence the
poles of these admittances must be the poles of the denominator of z (s).
Some of the series branches may also be in a tree, but the poles of the ad
mittances Y , Y4, etc., in these tree products cancel with the poles of the
numerator of z . The conclusion is that the zeros z (s) occur at the
zeros of series-branch admittances Y , Y4, etc., and at the poles of shuntbranch admittances
Yi, Y , etc. But the poles and the zeros of the
admittance of a passive, reciprocal network cannot lie in the right
half-plane. Hence, the result follows.
Although the development was carried out for the z function, the
result is true for other transfer functions also, as discussed in Problem
48 of Chapter 3.
It was shown above that the transmission zeros of a ladder network
occur when a shunt-branch admittance has a pole (the branch is a short
circuit) or a series-branch admittance has a zero (the branch is an open
circuit). It is not true, however, that a transmission zero must occur at
such pointsonly that these are the only points at which it can occur.
Examples where a series-branch admittance zero and a shunt-branch
admittance pole are not zeros of transmission are given in Problem 6.
The foregoing becomes very useful in the synthesis of ladder networks.
We shall not pursue it here, but the realization of a driving-point function
as the open-circuit impedance or short-circuit admittance of a ladder
network with certain prescribed transmission zeros utilizes this knowledge.
However, if the job is to design a filter, say, with transmission zeros in the
right half-plane, we at least know that a ladder network cannot realize
such zeros; thus other structures must be sought.
The simplest structures whose transfer functions can be non-minimumphase are the bridged tee, the twin tee, and the lattice, shown in Fig. 8.
Whether they are actually non-minimum-phase will depend on the types
of elements present and on their numerical values; for example, the twintee network in Fig. 9 will be minimum phase for some values of the resistors
and non-minimum-phase for other values, as shown by two particular
cases in the figure.








We saw in (25) that a non-minimum-phase transfer function can be

written as the product of a minimum-phase function and an all-pass
function. This has significance in synthesis; if F (s) and F (s) can be





[Ch. 6


Fig. 8. Potentially non-minimum-phase networks: (a) bridged-tee; ( 6 ) twin-tee; (c)


Transmission zeros at

Fig. 9.

Transmission zeros at

Twin-tee that can be either minimum- or non-minimum-phase.

realized separately, an interconnection of the two realizations will give

the desired network. Consider, for example, the cascade of 2 two-ports
shown in Fig. 10, each one realizing one of the two types of functions.


Fig. 10.


Cascaded two-ports.

Sec. 6.3]



Unfortunately, this interconnection is not necessarily an appropriate

realization, because the loading of the second one on the first one causes
its transfer function to be changed. If it could be arranged that the twoports do not load each other in ways that are as yet unaccounted for,
then the cascade realization can be used.
One way of eliminating the loading is to make the two-ports constantresistance networks, as shown in Fig. 11. A constant-resistance network


Fig. 11.


Cascade of constant-resistance networks.

is defined as a two-port whose input impedance at one port is R when the

other port is terminated in a resistor R. Thus whatever the transfer function
of the second two-port in Fig. 11 may be, the load it presents at the output
port of the first two-port is a resistance R. If the transfer function of each
two-port is realized with a termination R, they can then be cascaded
without introducing any loading. What has just been described applies
to any number of cascaded constant-resistance networks, and it applies
whether or not the two-ports are minimum phase.
B y direct evaluation of the input impedance of various simple networks
when terminated in R, it is found that the two-ports shown in Fig. 12 are
constant resistance under the conditions Z Zb = R ; that is, when the
impedances Z and Z are inverses of each other with respect to R .
When each of these two-ports is terminated in R, the transfer function
can be calculated. For concreteness we shall deal with the voltage gain
G (s) = V /V1. It is found to be


You should verify these.

(for the lattice),


(for the bridged-tee and ells).






[Ch. 6



Fig. 12. Some constant-resistance two-ports for Z Z = B : (a) lattice; () bridged-tee;

(c) right-ell; (6) left-ell.

Constant-resistance networks provide a means of realizing a given

transfer function of any order. The function can be decomposed into a
product of any number of simple transfer functions, each one can be realized separately as a constant-resistance network, and the results can be
connected in cascade. We shall now discuss this problem in some detail.
Let us start with an all-pass function. Any all-pass function can be
written as the product of the following first-order and second-order
all-pass functions.*



When these expressions are compared with (27a), we see that the forms
are the same. Hence we can identify Za directly and then find Z from
the relation Za Z = R . Thus for the first-order lattice we get

* Notice that the numerator factor in the first-order case is written as a s rather than
s a. This amounts to changing the sign of the transfer function or inverting the polarity
of the output voltage. Doing this will avoid the discontinuity of radians in the angle.

Sec. 6.3]




and for the second-order lattice,


Thus the two-ports that realize first- and second-order all-pass functions
take the form shown in Fig. 13.


Fig. 13.


Constant-resistance lattices: (a) first order; (6) second order.



[Ch. 6

The lattice network has the disadvantage of not having a common

ground for its two-ports. This cannot be avoided in the first-order case
because no common-terminal two-port can realize a zero on the positive
real axis, as this lattice does. However, for the second-order all-pass
lattice a common-terminal equivalent may exist. This will depend on the
locations of the zeros. Bridged-tee and twin-tee equivalents of this lattice
are discussed in Problem 10.
With the all-pass functions accounted for, there remains the realization
of minimum-phase functions. We shall illustrate the realization of a
transfer-voltage-ratio function by means of constant-resistance networks
in terms of an example. The realization of a minimum-phase function in
the general case will become evident from this example. Let the load
resistance R be 1 and let

where K is a gain constant that we shall take to be 1 in this example. The

given function has been multiplied and divided by the quadratic surplus
factor s + s/2 + 1 in order to put the result in the form of an all-pass
function times a minimum-phase function; G = F F . The all-pass
function is immediately realized by the second-order lattice in Fig. 13b.
The angle of the transmission zero is 69. Hence conditions for both the
bridged-tee and twin-tee equivalents of the lattice discussed in Problem
10 are satisfied.
To realize F by means of one of the other networks in Fig. 12, we
must write this function in the form of (27b). Thus


From this we get

W i t h Z a Z = R and R = 1, we get Z = Y .

We see that the Z a = 1 / Y a

Sec. 6.3]



branch is the parallel connection of a capacitor, an inductor, and a resistor.

If we use Fig. 12d for the realization, the resistor R can be combined with
the parallel resistor in the Za branch. The final realization is shown in
Fig. 14, where one of the bridged-tee equivalents of the lattice has been

Fig. 14.

Realization of G21

The minimum-phase part of the transfer function in the preceding

example was realized by a left-ell network, which is a simple ladder.
Although we shall not do so here, it can be proved that any minimumphase transfer function can be realized by a constant-resistance ladder
(a cascade of ell networks) by choosing a sufficiently small value of the
constant K.* In some cases this may require the introduction of surplus
factors by which both numerator and denominator are multiplied, leaving
the function unchanged but permitting the identification in the form of
(27b). Thus a transfer function C = l/(s + 2s + 2) can be written as



* For a proof, see Norman Balabanian, Network Synthesis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood

Cliffs, N.J., 1958.



[Ch. 6

The surplus factor (s + 1) converts the transfer function into a product of

two functions, each of which can be put in the form of (27b).
The fact that all-pass functions have unit magnitude for all values of
s = j is utilized in the design of transmission systems by permitting an
independent design for the magnitude and for the angle of the transfer
function. Thus a network is designed to realize a desired magnitude
function without concern for the angle. From the designed network, an
phase function is then determined. Finally, a number of constantresistance all-pass lattices are cascaded with this network to correct for
the angle. Further development of this idea will be left to books on syn


The preceding sections have been largely concerned with the determin
ation of the properties of a network function. Given a rational function, it
is possible to determine, among other things, its real and imaginary
parts, and its magnitude and angle. We shall now consider the inverse
operation: that of reconstructing a network function when only its real
or imaginary partor its magnitude or angleis known.
We start first with a consideration of the magnitude-square function.
(This is simpler to talk about than the magnitude function.) The necessary
conditions for a rational function G(j) to be the magnitude square of a
network function on the j-axis are quite simple: G(j) must be an even
function of , and the degree of the numerator should not exceed that of
the denominator by more than 2. This is because the network function
cannot have more than a simple pole at infinity. In addition, any finite
poles of G(s) on the j-axis must be double, since the poles of a network
function itself on the j-axis must be simple.
Given such a C(j), we replace j by s; then all that is left is to identify
the poles and zeros of the network function F(s) from those of C(s).
The poles and zeros of G(s) occur in quadrantal symmetry. Since F(s)
must be regular in the right half-plane, we see, by looking at (15), that all
the left-half-plane poles of G(s) must be assigned to the network function
F(s). [The right-half-plane poles of G(s) will be mirror images of these and
will automatically become poles of F(s).] Any poles of G(s) on the jaxis will be double and will be assigned as simple poles of F(s). As for the
zeros, the answer is not as clear-cut. There is generally no limitation on
the locations of zeros of a network function, unless it is a driving-point

Sec. 6.4]



function, in which case the zeros must lie in the left half-plane. For trans
fer functions, we need not assign to F(s) all the left-half-plane zeros of
G(s). Thus the zeros of F(s) are not uniquely determined from a given
G(s), unless the transfer function is specified to be minimum-phase. In
this case the zeros of F(s), as well as the poles, must lie in the left halfplane.
Let us now consider some examples that illustrate this procedure and
are of practical interest. The requirements on most common electrical
filters involve transfer functions whose j-axis magnitudes are ideally
constant over a given frequency interval, which is referred to as the pass
band, and are ideally zero over the rest of the j-axis, which is referred to
as the stop band. It is not possible for the j-axis magnitude of a rational
function to behave in this ideal manner. (Why?) However, it is possible
to find transfer functions whose j-axis magnitudes approximate the desired
magnitude in some fashion or other.
Consider the ideal low-pass filter function shown in Fig. 15a. Two

Fig. 15.



Approximations of low-pass filter: (a) ideal; (6) Butterworth; (c) Chebyshev.

possible ways of approximating this ideal function are shown in parts

(b) and (c) of the figure. The first of these is called a maximally flat, or
Butterworth, approximation,
whereas the second one is called an equalripple, or Chebyshev, approximation. The maximally flat approximation is
monotonic in both the pass band and the stop band, the maximum error
occurring near the edge of the band. On the other hand, the Chebyshev
approximation is oscillatory in the pass band, the peaks of the ripples
being equal. In this way the error is distributed more uniformly over the
pass band.
The analytical forms of these functions, aside from a scale factor, are
given by





[Ch. 6

(equal ripple),


where is a small number that controls the ripple amplitude, = 1

corresponds to the edge of the passband, and T () is a Chebyshev
polynomial* defined by

which reduces on substituting s = j to
Our problem now is to find the transfer function F(s) when its
squared magnitude is known



Let us first consider the Butterworth response. According to the pre

ceding discussion, we first replace by s in (32). The result is

This function has no finite zeros, so we need only factor the denominator.
In the present case this is a relatively simple task. The zeros of the de
nominator are found b y writing
which is simply
where the minus sign applies for n even. Taking the 2nth root in (37a),
we find the poles of G(s) to be
* The use of the letter T for the Chebyshev polynomial is a legacy of the past. Some
of Chebyshev's work was first published in French, leading to the use of the French
spelling "Tschebyscheff," or its variation "Tchebycheff." This spelling of the name has
now been discarded in the American literature.

Sec. 6.4]



Thus, there are 2n poles, each of which has unit magnitude. The poles are
uniformly distributed on the unit circle, as shown in Fig. 16 for the case

Fig. 16.

Butterworth pole distribution for n = 4.

n = 4. Notice that the imaginary parts of the poles lie in the pass band
in the range < 1.
To form F(s) we simply take the n left half-plane poles of C(s). These
are the ones given by values of k from 1 to n. For n = 4 these will be

Finally, for the case n = 4,


The coefficients of the Butterworth polynomials up to order 10 and the

factors of these polynomials are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively,
for reference purposes.
The designation "maximally flat" is a result of the following considera
tion. Suppose a Taylor series of the function in (32) is written (by long
division, say) for the region < 1. The error between the desired magni
tude function in this range, namely 1, and the series will be




Note: b and b are always unity.





Coefficients of Butterworth Polynomials:


Table 1.






[Ch. 6



Table 2.

s2+s +

(s +


s+ l
s + 1.4142s + 1
(s + 0.7654s + l ) ( s + 1.8478s + 1)
(s + l ) ( s + 0.6180S + l)(s + 1.6180s + 1)
(s + 0.5176s + l)(s + 1.4142s + l)(s + 1.9319s + 1)
(s + l)(s + 0.4450s + l)(s + 1.2470s + l)(s + 1.8019s + 1)
(s + 0.3002s + l)(s + 1.1111s + l)(s + 1.1663s + l)(s + 1.9616s + 1)
(s + l)(s + 0.3473s + l)(s + s + l)(s + 1.5321s + l)(s + 1.8794s + 1)
(s + 0.3129s + l)(s + 0.9080s + l)(s + 1.4142s + l)(s + 1.7820s + l)(s + 1.9754s + 1)

Factors of Butterworth Polynomials

Sec. 6.4]



[Ch. 6

2 n

Since the Taylor series for the error starts with the power, this means
the first n 1 derivatives with respect to are 0 at = 0. Hence the
name maximally flat.
The Butterworth function just illustrated is particularly simple, since
all of its zeros are at infinity. It is possible to introduce a modified maxi
mally flat function that will have some finite zeros. A glance back at the
magnitude-squared functions in (32) and (33) shows that they are both of
the form


where f( ) is an even function of ; the argument is expressed as

to accent this fact. In the case of the Butterworth function, f( ) is a
power of ; in the equal-ripple case, it is a polynomial.
Now suppose t h a t f ( ) is a rational function,


is a polynomial whose order, 2k in , is less than 2n. Then |F(j)| and

the difference between the desired function in the pass band, namely 1,
and this function will become


In the last step a power series is obtained by long division. Again the
series starts with the power, and so the first n 1 derivatives of the
error with respect to are 0 at = 0. The magnitude-square function in
(43) is therefore also maximally flat. In contrast with the Butterworth
function, it has some finite zeros.
As an illustration consider the following magnitude-square function:
2 n

Sec. 6.4]



Note that corresponding coefficients of numerator and denominator are

equal up to the highest power of the numerator, as required by (43).
Setting = s leads to


Note that the double zeros of F(s) F(s) are assigned equally to F(s)
and to F(s). The locations of the poles and zeros of F(s) are shown in
Fig. 17 and are compared with the poles of the fourth-order Butterworth

Fig. 17.

Pole locations for example. Dots correspond to poles of Butterworth response.




[Ch. 6


N e x t let us consider the Chebyshev response in (33). The first step is to

replace j by s. We then set the denominator equal to zero in order to
locate the poles. The result using (34) will be


In order to solve this equation let us define a new variable w = x + jy

and write
and, consequently,


If we now expand cosh nw in the last equation and set reals and imagin
aries equal on both sides of the equation, we will find the values of x and
y that satisfy the equation. When these values are substituted in (46a)
we find the corresponding values of s. These are the pole locations. If
we designate them b y s = +j ,
the result of the indicated operations
will be



Y o u should verify these equations.

In order to get some interpretation for these seemingly monstrous
expressions, divide each of them by the hyperbolic function, square both
sides, and add; the result will be


Sec. 6.4]



This is the equation of an ellipse in the s-plane. The major axis of the ellipse
will lie along the j-axis, since the hyperbolic cosine of a real variable is
always greater than the hyperbolic sine. The pole locations for n = 4 are
shown in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18.

Chebyshev pole distribution for n = 4.

Finally, the left half-plane poles of G(s) are alloted to -F(s), and the task
is again complete.
For a typical case, if the permissible ripple is given to be = 0.1 and
the order n = 4, the pole locations are found from (47), and we get the
transfer function


In the last section we found thatstarting with an even rational
function that satisfies necessary conditions for realizability as the square
of the magnitude of a network functionwe can determine a rational
function F(s) (often more than one) such that the square of the j-axis



[Ch. 6

magnitude of F(s) is equal to the given function; the function becomes

unique when it is required to be minimum-phase.
In the present section we shall discuss the possibility of a similar
procedure for determining a rational function from a given function of
frequency that is claimed to be an angle function. An expression for the
angle of a transfer function was given in (14b) and is repeated here:


In the following discussion we shall assume that the function which is

given is the tangent of (), to which we shall refer as the tangent function.
In addition, since we shall be using the ratio on the left side of (49b)
quite often, let us denote it with a single symbol. Let

We shall refer to this function simply as the A-function.

With these preliminaries disposed of, note that for tan () we can

The last step follows from (49b) and (50). If we now invert this last
equation and solve for A(j), we get

Let us now inquire into the conditions that the tangent function must
satisfy if it is to be a realizable function. Note that

where R and X are the real and imaginary parts of the network function.
We know that these are, respectively, even and odd functions of .

Sec. 6.5]



Hence tan () must necessarily be an odd rational function. There are no

other requirements that we can place on this function unless we specify
whether the desired F(s) is to be a driving-point or a transfer function.
If an odd rational function is prescribed as the tangent function, the
first step will be to form A(j) according to (52). If we now replace j by
s, we get the ratio of F(s) to F(s), according to (50), The question now is:
How do we extract F(s) from this ratio? The situation here is not as
simple as it was in the case of the magnitude function.
In order to carry on, let us write F(s) as the ratio of two polynomials:


Then A(s) can be written


Our problem can now be restated as the problem of finding P(s) and
P (s) when the function on the right side of the last equation is known.
Note that A(s) will always have zeros in the right half-plane, and it will
usually have poles in the right half-plane also. It differs from an all-pass
function in that it may have poles in the right half-plane as well as zeros.
On the other hand, it is similar to an all-pass function in that each zero
is the negative of a pole. As a matter of fact, it can be expressed as the
ratio of two all-pass functions, but this has no utility for our present
purpose. It can have neither zeros nor poles on the j-axis, since, if P1(s)
has a pair of such zeros, so also will P1(s), so that they will cancel in the
ratio; similarly if P (s) has j-axis zeros.
Let us now consider assigning the poles of A(s) to P1(s) or P (s).
If A(s) has any right half-plane poles these must belong to P1(s),
since P (s) cannot have right half-plane zeros. On the other hand, the
left half-plane poles cannot uniquely be assigned to either P (s) or P\( s).
If we assign one of the left half-plane poles of A(s) to P1(s), then P1(s)
will have the corresponding right half-plane factor, indicating that the
transfer function is a non-minimum-phase one. Of course, the distribution
of poles and zeros will be dictated by the permissible degrees of numerator
and denominator of F(s).
Once P (s) and P1(s) have been established from the denominator of
A(s), it is not necessary to examine the numerator, since the transfer
function will now be known; it is only necessary to replace s b y s in
P1(s) to get P1(s).



[Ch. 6

Let us now illustrate this procedure with an example. Suppose we are



The first step is to substitute this into (52) to obtain A(j). The result is

If we now replace j by s, we get

We find that all the poles of A(s) are in the left half-plane, whereas all the
zeros are in the right. Hence there is no unique way to assign the zeros and
poles of F(s). Any one of the following functions will be suitable:




Notice that the last two have right half-plane zeros. Each of these
functions will have the same angle for all values of , but their magnitudes
will be quite different. If F(s) is required to be minimum-phase, the answer
is once again uniquein this case the first function of (57).*
In our computations so far we have assumed that () is specified to be
a continuous function of . If, however, a function F(s) has either poles or
zeros on the j-axis, the corresponding phase function () will have
discontinuities of + at each pole and zero. In such cases we consider the
* Even this uniqueness is only to within a constant multiplier. The angle is obviously
independent of a real positive gain constant.

Sec. 6.6]



discontinuities separately, applying the procedure above to the " c o n

tinuous p a r t " of the function; that is, we write

where () is a continuous function. The index j runs over all the zeros
and poles on the j-axis, and the minus sign applies to the poles.
We now have to identify the step discontinuities. For this we examine
a typical factor in F(s) (pole or zero factor):

Obviously this factor changes from j to +j as increases through .

Therefore, as we go through a zero on the j-axis, in the direction of
increasing , the angle of F(s) increases abruptly by ; and as we go
through a pole, () decreases by . Thus we can restore all the poles
and zeros of F(s) on the j-axis by observing the discontinuities in the
given function.


In the last two sections we discussed the possibility of determining a
network function from a specified rational function of which is to be the
j-axis magnitude of the function or the tangent of its angle on the j-axis.
We found that in most cases it is not possible to obtain a unique answer
unless the function is a minimum-phase one. Nevertheless, it is possible
to calculate a number of functions that will satisfy the requirements.
In the case of a specified magnitude we are able to find a number of trans
fer functions that have the given j-axis magnitude but differ from each
other in their angles. Similarly, from a given tangent function, we are able
to find a number of transfer functions that have the same angle on the
j-axis but differ in magnitude. In the present section we shall discuss
some computational procedures that will permit us to calculate a network
function from its j-axis real part.
Again the question of uniqueness must be answered. Is a network
function uniquely determined if its j-axis real part is known? We can
very quickly think of several different networks whose network functions
have the same real part, so that the question must be answered in the
negative. As an example, suppose the desired function is a driving-point
admittance function. Consider the network shown in Fig. 19a. In part (b)



Fig. 19.

[Ch. 6


Two networks whose admittances have the same real part.

of the figure an additional branch is connected at the input terminals.

The admittance of the second network is

Its j-axis

real part is

that is, the real parts of both admittances are the same, yet the admit
tances themselves are different. The function Y1(s) differs from Y(s) by
having a pair of poles on the j-axis. If the real part is given, we cannot
tell whether to choose Y(s) or Y1(s) corresponding to this real part. As a
matter of fact, an infinite number of functions that differ from Y(s) by
having additional poles on the j-axis will have the same real part on the
j-axis. What we can hope to do from a given real part, then, is to find
the particular function that has no poles on the

Let us turn back to Section 1 and look at the discussion of the real
part of a function starting at (8) and ending at (13). If an even rational
function of with no finite or infinite poles for real is specified to be the
real part of a network function, we replace j by s, and the result will be
the even part of F(s). Thus
* Such a function is a minimum-susceptance function if it is an admittance, and a
minimum-reactance function if it is an impedance. This condition on driving-point
functions is the analogue of the minimum-phase condition on the transfer function.

Sec. 6.6]



The question is: How can we find F(s) from its even part? As discussed
in Section 6.1, the poles of E v F(s) have quadrantal symmetry. Its left
half-plane poles belong to F(s); and its right half-plane poles, to F(s).
If F(s) has a nonzero value at infinity, then F(s) will have this same
value. It is, therefore, clear how to find F(s) from E v F(s): Expand
E v F(s) in partial fractions and group ail the terms contributed by poles
in the left half-plane; if there is a constant term in the expansion, we add
half of this to the group; finally, we multiply b y 2; the result is F(s).
To illustrate, let

be a specified real part. The first step is to replace b y s , which leads



We have already discussed the pole locations of this particular function

in connection with the Butterworth response. The denominator can be
easily factored, as shown, and the partial-fraction expansion obtained:
F(s) is easily identified from the left half-plane poles. It is


The procedure described here was first proposed by Bode, so we shall

refer to it as the Rode method.

An alternative approach was first described by Gewertz. To outline this

procedure, let us write F(s) as the ratio of two polynomials. Thus




[Ch. 6

where the m's refer to the even parts of the numerator and denominator
and the n's refer to the odd parts. The even part of F(s) can now be
written as in (11a). Thus


where the right side has been written in expanded form. When a real-part
function is specified as an even rational function in , the right side of
(63) is obtained when is replaced by s . We first go to work on the
denominator. Since the poles of E v F(s) are those of both F(s) and F(s),
the ones belonging to F(s) are those that lie in the left half-plane. Hence,
when we factor the denominator of (63), we assign all the left half-plane
factors to F(s). In this manner the denominator of F(s) in (62) becomes
Turn now to the numerator. Suppose we write F(s) as a rational function
as in (62) with unknown literal coefficients in the numerator but with
known denominator coefficients. We then form the expression m1m
n1n and set it equal to the numerator of the given function in (63).
Equating coefficients of like powers of s on the two sides of this equation
will permit us to solve for the unknowns. Note that three sets of coeffi
cients are involved: the small a's the capital A's, and the small b's. Of
these, the last two sets are known at this point; only the small a's are
Let us carry out the process just indicated. Identifying m1, m , n 1 ,
and n from (62), we can write


Equating the coefficients yields


Sec. 6.6]



To find the unknown a's, we must solve this set of linear equations
We shall now illustrate, using the function in (60) already treated by
Bode's method. The left-half-plane factors in the denominator of that
expression are

Since the given R() is zero at infinity, so also must F(s) be zero at infinity.
(Why?) Hence the numerator of F(s) must be of the form

B y inserting the last two equations into (65) and utilizing the fact that
all the capital "A" coefficients are zero except A , which is unity, we get

These equations are then solved to yield a = 1, a1 = 4/3 and a = 2/3. The
network function thus obtained verifies the one previously found in (61).


A variation of these methods is due to Miyata. With F(s) given b y

(62), the even part is given by (63). Now consider a new function Fo(s)
whose even part is

where m + n is the same denominator as that of F(s). Using either the

Bode or the Gewertz method, find the function Fo(s) of which E v F is
the even part. Let it be written as


The numerator of the even part of this expression is m m n n and,

according to (66), equals 1. Next consider a new function F(s) formed



[Ch. 6

b y multiplying F (s) by m1 m n1 n , which is the numerator of the

even part of -F(s), and form its even part:



The next-to-last step follows from the fact that m m n n = 1. Thus

F(s) and F(s) have the same even part; but F(s) in (68a) may have a highorder pole at infinity (because the order of the numerator may be higher
than that of the denominator). Suppose the denominator is divided into
the numerator yielding a polynomial q(s) as a quotient and a remainder of
order no higher than that of the denominator. Thus,

The even part of the polynomial q(s) is simply the sum of all its even
powers, if any. If q(s) has any even powers, then the right side of the
last equation will become infinite as s approaches infinity, whereas we
know, by (68b), that the left side does not. The conclusion is that q(s) is an
odd polynomial and has no even powers, so that E v F = E v F and, hence,
E v F = E v F from (68b). Furthermore, this remainder function has the
same poles as the specified function; consequently, it is the desired
functionnamely, F (s) = F(s).
In summary, we may state that when an even rational function
(m1m nin )/(m
n,2 ) is specified, a network function -F (s) whose
even part is l / ( m n ) is determined. This function is then multiplied
b y (m1m ni n ), following which a long division is carried out, yielding
a remainder function with no pole at infinity. This is the desired function
whose even part is the specified function.
To illustrate, let

Sec. 6.7]




But this is the same function as previously considered in (60) and (61).




In the preceding several sections, algebraic procedures were discussed
for determining a network function as a rational function of s, given one
of the components of the function as a rational function, where by " a
component of a function" we mean one of the quantities: real part,
imaginary part, angle (or tangent function), or magnitude (or log magni
tude). One drawback of these procedures is that the given component must
already be in a realizable rational form. If, say, the real part is specified
graphically or even analytically but not as a rational function, it is neces
sary first to find a realizable rational approximation to the given function
before proceeding to find the network function and, from that, any of the
other components.
Network functions are analytic functions of a complex variable,
and hence their real and imaginary parts are related by the CauchyRiemann equations. However, these equations are implicit relationships
and do not provide explicit formulas for computing one component from



[Ch. 6

the other. In this section we shall present a number of relationships

between the parts of a network function. These are well known in mathe
matics as Hilbert transforms. However, since they were first used in net
work theory by Bode, we shall refer to them as the Rode formulas. One
immediate advantage of these relationships is that the specified compo
nent of a function can be given merely as a graph; and beyond this, the
Bode formulas have many useful implications and applications, some of
which we shall discuss.
Since we are dealing with analytic functions of a complex variable,
one point of departure for relating components of a function could be
Cauchy's integral formula (see Appendix 2), which states that

In this expression C is a closed contour within and on which F(s) is regular;
z represents points on the contour, whereas s is any point inside. If we let
the contour be a circle and express both z and s in polar coordinates, we
shall be able to express the real and imaginary parts of F(s) in terms of
either its real or its imaginary part on the circle. Finally, by means of a
transformation, the circle is mapped into the imaginary axis. The result
ing expressions relating the real and imaginary parts are referred to as
Hilbert transforms.
An alternative approach, which we shall adopt, is to start with Cauchy's
integral theorem. (See Appendix 2.) This theorem states that the contour
integral of a function around a path within and on which the function is
regular will vanish. In order to apply this theorem, it is necessary to know
(1) the integration contour and (2) the function to be integrated. In the
present problem the contour of integration should include the j-axis,
since we want the final result to involve the j-axis real and imaginary
parts of a network function. Consequently, since the functions we are
dealing with are regular in the entire right half-plane, the contour of
integration we shall choose will consist of the j-axis and an infinite
semicircular arc in the right half-plane. B y Cauchy's theorem, the complete
contour integral will be zero. Hence it remains only to calculate the con
tributions of each part of the contour.
Let F(s) be a network function of either the driving-point or the transfer
type; in the usual way write


Sec. 6.7]



where () = ln | F(j)\ is the gain function and () is the angle function.

If F(s) is a driving-point function, it will have neither zeros nor poles in
the right half-plane. Hence ln F(s) will be regular there. If F(s) is a trans
fer function, then ln F(s) will be regular in the right half-plane only if
F(s) is a minimum-phase function. Hence the results we develop will
apply both to F(s) and to ln F(s) so long as F(s) is a minimum-phase
Let us now consider possible poles of F(s) on the j-axis. We know
that any such poles must be simple. In carrying out the contour integra
tion such poles must be bypassed by a small indentation to the right. The
contribution of this indentation to the total integral is 2j times half the
residue of the integrand at the pole. (See Appendix 2.) Our objective is to
obtain expressions relating the real part of a network function to the
imaginary part, so that when one of these is given, the other can be
calculated. Thus we are not likely to know the residues at the j-axis poles.
Hence we shall assume that F(s) has no poles on the j-axis; this includes
the points zero and infinity as well, so that F(s) is assumed regular at zero
and infinity.
If F(s) has a pole on the j-axis, then ln F(s) will have a logarithmic
singularity there. If the integrand in question involves ln F(s), we shall
again indent the contour about this singularity. But because the singul
arity is logarithmic, this indentation will contribute nothing to the contour
integral. (See Appendix 2.) Hence, in case the integrand we choose involves
ln -F(s), we can permit F(s) to have simple poles on the j-axis In the
following discussion we shall always take the function in the integrand
to be F(s). However, identical results apply if we replace F(s) by ln F(s).
In the formulas, R() can be replaced by (), and X() by ().
Let us now consider integrating a network function F(s), which is
regular on the j-axis including zero and infinity, around the contour
shown in Fig. 20a, which consists of the entire j-axis and an infinite
semicircular arc to the right. B y Cauchy's theorem, the integral of F(s)


Fig. 20.

Path of integration.



[Ch. 6

will be zero. Our procedure will be to evaluate the contributions of those

parts of the contour that we can evaluate and then to express the re
maining parts in terms of these. With these ideas, it is obvious that we
shall not be able to obtain the type of relationship we are looking for with
F(s) alone as the integrand. No particular point on the j-axis is singled
out and attention directed thereto.
Suppose we divide F(s) by s j before integrating, where is any
value of . This will put a pole of the integrand on thej-axis. In order
to apply Cauchy's theorem, we shall have to bypass this pole with a
small semicircular arc C , as shown in Fig. 20b. The complete contour now
consists of three parts, and the contribution of arc C will have to be
evaluated. This will focus attention on the value of F(s) at
s=j .
Note that the result of the integration will not be a function of s, which
is only a dummy variable of integration, but of , which is an arbitrary
point on the j-axis. It will be convenient to use a different symbol for
the dummy variable; let us use z = x+jy.
Then the point j can be
relabeled j.
If F(s) is a network function that is regular on the entire j-axis as
well as on the right half-plane, application of Cauchy's theorem leads to
the following result:


where the closed contour is the one shown in Fig. 20b.

The complete contour consists of three parts: the large semicircle C1,
the small semicircular indentation C about the point z=j,
and the
imaginary axis. The contribution of the small indentation to the overall
integral is 2j times half the residue of the integrand at z =j, which is
simply F(j). To compute the contribution of the infinite semicircle,
let us initially assume it to be of finite radius, with z = R e .


where F() is the value of F(s) at s = . Thus as R approaches infinity,

the integral on C1 approaches j F ( ) . Since the imaginary part must
be zero at infinity, F() is also equal to R().

Sec. 6.7]



N o w it remains to consider the remainder of the contour. This can be



Note that the integration along the imaginary axis must avoid the pole at
z = j in a symmetrical manner. This will yield the principal value of
the integral on the right. In all the subsequent integrals we must keep
this point in mind. N o w collecting all these results and substituting into
(72) we can write


If we next write F(j) and F(jy) in terms of real and imaginary parts, and
equate reals and imaginaries, we get, finally,



We are leaving the algebraic details of these steps for you to work out.
The message carried by these two expressions is very important. The
second one states that when a function is specified to be the real part of a
network function over all frequencies, the imaginary part of the function is
completely determined, assuming the network function has no poles on the
j-axis. Similarly, if the imaginary part is specified over ail frequencies,
the real part is completely determined to within an additive constant.
Remember that the same results apply if F(s) is replaced by its logar
ithm. However, now we must require that F(s) be minimum-phase (if
it represents a transfer function). On the other hand, we can relax the
requirement of regularity of F(s) on the j-axis. A simple pole of F(s)
on the j-axis becomes a logarithmic singularity of ln F(s), and such a
singularity will contribute nothing to the integral, as mentioned earlier.
Thus, for minimum-phase transfer functions, (76) with R and X replaced
b y and , relate the gain and phase functions over all frequencies.



[Ch. 6

Let us now obtain alternative forms for the two basic expressions in
(76) that will throw additional light on the relationships and will bring
out points that are not at once apparent from these expressions. Remem
ber that the real and imaginary parts are even and odd functions of
frequency, respectively. Let us use this fact and write (76b) as follows:
In the first of these integrals, replace y and y and change the limits
accordingly. The result is
The last step follows from the fact that R(y) = R(y).
into (77), we get

Substituting this

In a completely similar way, starting with (76a) we get
In the last two expressions it still appears that the integrand goes to
infinity on the path of integration at the point y = . This is really
illusory, since we must understand the integral as the principal value.
E v e n this illusory difficulty can be removed if we note by direct integra
tion that
again using the principal value of the integral. Hence we can subtract
R()/(y ) from the integrand in (79) and X()/( ) from the
integrand in (80) without changing the values of these integrals. The
results of these steps will be



Sec. 6.7]



A very important feature of the results that we have established is the

fact that it is not necessary to have the real part (or the imaginary part)
as a realizable rational function. Corresponding to any given real part,
whether in analytical or in graphical form, an imaginary part can be
computed from the integral. As a matter of fact, the expressions are
quite useful when a desired real part is specified in a vague sort of way
and it is desired to obtain an approximate behavior of the imaginary part.
For example, suppose it is desired to know the approximate behavior
of the angle function in the pass band of a low-pass filter. In this discussion
we shall interpret R and X to represent the gain and the angle ,
respectively. In the pass band the gain is approximately zero up to some
frequency . Hence in (82b) the lower limit becomes . Furthermore,
the point , which lies in the pass band, is less than ; thus in the inte
grand we can neglect compared w i t h y, since y varies from to
infinity. Thus an approximate value is given by


Now let us make the change of variable y = 1/p; then dy/y = dp. After
appropriately modifying the limits of integration as well, this equation

Note that the integral in (83) or (84) is not a function of and that, for a
given value of the band edge , it will be simply a constant. Thus the
angle will be approximately a linear function of within the pass band.*
Of course, the approximation will get progressively worse as we approach
the band edge, since then can no longer be neglected in comparison to y
in the integrand.


The two pairs of expressions obtained so far in (76) and (82) relate the
imaginary part at any frequency to the real part at all frequencies;
or the real part at any frequency to the imaginary part at all frequencies.
* Such a linear phase characteristic corresponds to a constant time delay in the trans
mission of sinusoidal functions over this range of frequencies. Therefore for signals that
have essentially only this frequency range we get a distortionless transmission. For this
reason a linear phase characteristic is desirable.



[Ch. 6

We should be able to find limiting forms for these expressions when fre
quency approaches zero or infinity.
First consider (82a) when approaches zero. This leads immediately
to the result
This expression is referred to as the reactance-integral theorem. It states
that the integral of the imaginary part over all frequencies, weighted by
the reciprocal of frequency, is proportional to the difference of the real
part at the two extreme frequencies. It is also called the phase-area theorem,
since the result remains valid when F(s) is replaced by its logarithm, R by
, and X by .
A more convenient expression is obtained if a change to logarithmic
frequency is made. Define
where is some arbitrary reference frequency. Then dy/y becomes du,
and (85) can be written as follows:
Note the change in the lower limit, since u = when y = 0. The argu
ment of X(y) has been retained a s y for simplicity, although the integrand
should more accurately be written as X ( e ) . Alternatively, a new func
tion X\(u) = X(e ) can be defined. However, this introduces additional
new notation to complicate matters. In subsequent equations we shall
retain y as the argument of the integrands and write X(y) or R(y), as the
case may be, with the understanding that we mean to convert to a func
tion of u by the substitution y = e before performing any operations.
Thus we see that the area under the curve of the imaginary part, when plotted
against logarithmic frequency, is proportional to the net change in the real
part between zero and infinite frequency.
N e x t let us multiply both sides of (82b) by and then take the limit as
approaches infinity. Remember that the upper limit on the integral
means that we integrate up to R and then let R approach infinity.
Thus (82b) becomes


Sec. 6.7]



There are two limiting operations involved on the right-hand side. If

we interchange these two operations, the expression can be evaluated
readily; but we must inquire whether this interchange is permissible.
The answer is affirmative if the integral is uniformly convergent for all
values of , which it is. Hence interchanging the two operations and taking
the limits leads to

The result expressed by this equation is referred to as the resistanceintegral theorem. (It is also called the attenuation-integral
theorem, since
the result remains valid if F(s) is replaced by its logarithm.) If the asymp
totic behavior of the imaginary part of a network function is specified,
thenno matter how the j-axis real part behaves with frequencythe
area under the curve of the real part, with the horizontal axis shifted
upward by an amount R(), must remain constant. Looking at it from
the opposite viewpoint, when the integral of the real part of a function
over all frequencies is specified, then the infinite-frequency behavior of
the imaginary part is fixed.
Consider the special case in which F(s) has a simple zero at infinity;
then F() = R() = 0. Hence
However, according to the initial-value theorem, the limit on the righthand side is simply the initial value of the impulse response of the network
represented by F(s). In this case, then, (89) becomes



where f(t) = {F(s)}

is the impulse response. Note that the dummy
variable has been changed to to suggest the physical meaning.


What has just been developed can be used to determine some basic
limitations on the behavior of networks, when allowance is made for
certain inevitable parasitic effects. Consider the situation depicted in
Fig. 21a. The capacitance C accounts for parasitic effects that almost
inevitably occur, such as junction capacitances in a transistor or just




Fig. 21.

[Ch. 6


Network constrained to have a shunt capacitance across its input terminals.

plain wiring capacitance. The presence of such a capacitance imposes some

limitations that we shall now discuss.
Let Z1(s) be the impedance of the network N beyond the capacitance.
The total impedance Z(s) is given b y


Whatever the behavior of Z1(s) may be at infinity, we observe that the

total impedance Z(s) will have a simple zero at infinity. We shall initially
assume that the network N does not start with a shunt capacitor as in
Fig. 21b, meaning that Z1(s) has no zero at infinity. If it does, in fact, the
result is an effective increase in the value of C.
With these stipulations, (90) is valid with F(s) = Z(s). Inserting (92)
into the right side of (90) and evaluating the limit yields

Finally, when this is inserted into (91), the result becomes


We see that the shunt capacitance imposes an effective limit on the area
under the curve of the real part. Although this resistance integral evolved
as the limiting value of the general expression relating the real and imag
inary parts of a network function, it appears to provide a figure of merit
of some sort for network capability.

Sec. 6.7]



Since the resistance-integral theorem applies to functions having no

pole on the j-axis, (93) is valid for such a function. If a function does
have such poles on the j-axis, the contour of integration must be indented
around these poles and the contributions of these indentations must be
taken into account. If one goes through the preceding development
carefully, one finds that additional terms are subtracted from the right
side of (93) in this case, these terms being proportional to the residues at
the poles on the j-axis. In the next chapter we shall show that all such
residues of driving-point functions are real and positive. Hence, when
Z(s) has poles on the j-axis, the right side of (93) is reduced in value.
For all cases, then, whether Z(s) is regular on the j-axis or not, the result
can be written as follows:

Further interpretation of this important result can be obtained from

a consideration of Fig. 22, where a two-port is terminated in a resistor R ,

Fig. 22.

Resistance-terminated two-port.

Assuming sinusoidal excitation, a calculation of the real power delivered

to the input terminals by the source and the power delivered b y the net
work to the load will be
power from source =


power to load =


Clearly, the load power cannot exceed the power from the source for a
passive two-port. Hence the second expression can be no greater than the
first; so



[Ch. 6

The equality is valid when the two-port is lossless. Thus the squared
magnitude of the current gain of a lossless two-port is proportional to the
real part of the impedance at the input terminals of the two-port when the
output is terminated in R . Thus, with (96) inserted into (94), and with
R() interpreted as Re Z(j), there results

Suppose the two-port in Fig. 22 is to be a filter with constant power
gain over a given band of frequency and zero outside this band. Then the
integral in (97) will simply equal the constant-power gain times the band
width. In the more general case, even though the transfer function may
not be an ideal-filter function, the area under the curve represented by
this integral is dimensionally power gain times bandwidth. For this
reason the integral in (97) is generally called the gain-bandwidth integral.
Thus we find a basic limitation on the gain-bandwidth product introduced
by the presence of the shunt capacitor C.


In the preceding discussion two sets of equivalent integral expressions

relating the real and imaginary parts of network functions at all frequen
cies were found in (76) and (82). Still other forms are also possible, one of
which is especially convenient for computation and leads to a simple
evaluation of stability in closed-loop control systems. This form is most
relevant when ln F (the gain and angle) is involved, rather than the net
work function itself. The expression utilizes the logarithmic frequency
defined in (86).
Let us start with (82b) and perform some preliminary manipulations
utilizing the change-of-frequency variable. We shall also use and
instead of R and X. Thus


Sec. 6.7]



Note the change in the lower limit, since u = when y = 0. The

argument of (y) has been retained as y, as discussed earlier.
As the next step, we integrate the last form by parts. Using the general


Hence (98) becomes

Note that coth u/2 is an odd function of u, being strictly positive when u
is positive and strictly negative when u is negative. Hence its logarithm
for negative u will be complex, the imaginary part being simply . For
negative u it can be written

When u = + , ln coth u/2 0; and when u = , ln coth u/2 = j .
Hence the integrated part of the last equation becomes simply j[(0)
N o w consider the remaining integral. If we use (100) for negative
values of u, the result will be



[Ch. 6

Finally, using all of these results in (99), we get


This equation is quite easy to interpret even though it looks somewhat

complicated. Note that the gain is not an even function of the logarith
mic frequency u, and so it is not possible to integrate over only half the
range. The equation states that the angle at any frequency depends on
the slope of the gain at all frequencies (when plotted against logarithmic
frequency), the relative importance of different frequencies being deter
mined by the weighting factor


This function is shown plotted in Fig. 23. It rises sharply in the vicinity of
u = 0(y = ), falling off to very small values on both sides of this point.
This means that most of the contribution to the angle at a frequency
comes from the slope of the gain in the immediate vicinity of .

Fig. 23.

Plot of weighting factor

Another useful form can be obtained by simply adding and subtracting

the slope evaluated at u = 0(y = ) under the integral in (101). We shall
leave the details of this operation to you. The result will be


Sec. 6.7]



Note that by d()/du we mean the slope of the gain as a function of u,

evaluated when u = 0(y = ). The slope d()/du is measured in nepers
per unit change of u. A unit change of u means a change in frequency by
a factor e.
We see that the angle at any frequency is /2 times the gain slope at
the same frequency plus another term given by the integral. If the gain
is a continuous function, then the difference in the integrand will be small
in the vicinity of y = , just where the weighting factor has large values.
Hence, in this case, the contribution of the integral to the angle will
always be small. As a first approximation, then, we can say that the angle
will have a value of /2 radians whenever the gain slope is 1, a value of
radians whenever the gain slope is 2, etc.
N o w suppose a gain function is given in graphical form. We can first
approximate the curve by a series of straight-line segments having slopes
of n, where n is an integer. An approximation to the (minimum-phase)
angle function corresponding to the given gain function can now be
quickly sketched according to the discussion of the last paragraph.
As an example of this procedure, suppose the gain plot* shown in Fig.
24 is given. The straight line approximation is superimposed. N o w an
approximate sketch of the angle, using only the approximate gain plot
and completely neglecting the integral in (103), is the discontinuous
function shown by the solid lines in the figure. The actual angle function
might have the form shown by the dotted curve.


In deriving the integral relationships of this section, we started with the

integrand in (72) and the closed contour shown in Fig. 20. The function
l/(zj) multiplying the network function F(z) in (72) is a weighting
function. The same relationships derived here can also be derived by using
different weighting functions with integration around the same basic
contour. Of course, if the weighting functions introduce additional poles
on the j-axis, we must avoid these poles by small indentations; for
example, the resistance-integral theorem can be derived in short order by
integrating the function [F(z) R()] around the basic contour. The
weighting function here is 1. Similarly, the reactance-integral theorem
follows readily when we integrate the function F(z)/z around the basic
contour with an indentation around the origin. The weighting function is
1/z. Y o u should verify these claims.
* This is, with a scale change on both axes, the Bode diagram of |F(j)|, which finds
extensive use in control theory. The Bode diagram, which is just 20 log |F( j)| versus
log , is discussed in most basic texts on control systems analysis.



Fig. 24.

[Ch. 6

Approximate angle corresponding to a given gain function.

From this discussion it seems likely that additional relationships

between the real and imaginary parts can be established by using different
weighting functions. In fact, a great variety of relationships can be
derived, but we have already presented the most important and useful
ones. If we consider the two cases mentioned in the preceding paragraph,
the criterion for choosing a weighting function appears to be to choose it in
such a way that the term in which the known component of the network
function appears is an even function of frequency, whereas the term in
which the unknown component appears is an odd function. In this way the
unknown component will disappear from the integration along the j-axis
and will appear only in the contributions from the indentations and from
the infinite arc. It seems that this consideration in choosing a weighting
function will apply quite generally.

Sec. 6.7]



So far in this section we have found that for a suitably restricted net
work function, when the real part is specified over all frequencies, the
imaginary part is completely determined. Similarly, when the imaginary
part is specified over all frequencies, the real part is completely determined
(to within a constant). The question may be asked: Suppose the real partis
specified over some frequency intervals and the imaginary part over the
remainder of the entire frequency spectrum; is the function completely
Instead of considering this problem in a completely general form, let
us suppose that the real part is known for all frequencies less than and
the imaginary part for all frequencies greater than . We wish to find an
expression that will give the unknown parts of the two components. The
discussion concerning the choice of weighting functions suggests that if
we can choose a weighting function that changes character at s o that
below the term involving the real part is even while above the term
involving the imaginary part is evenour problem will be solved. What
we need is a multivalued weighting function.
Suppose we choose the following weighting function:

Again z = x + j y is taken as a dummy variable. The irrational factor in

the denominator is multivalued, with branch points at z = + j . We
must choose the branch cut in such a way that the integration along the
j-axis will stay on a single sheet of the Riemann surface. This will be the
case if, when z = j y , we take

real and positive for


< ,

imaginary and positive for

y > ,

imaginary and negative for

y < .

With this choice, l y /

is an even function in the interval
<y < , whereas over the remainder of the axis it is odd.



[Ch. 6

The contour of integration consists of the basic contour shown in

Fig. 20 but with indentations at z = +j. In the present case the infinite
arc contributes nothing, since the integrand goes down at least as fast
as 1/z at infinity. The contributions of the indentations are j times the
residue of the integrand at the corresponding pole, which is easily
evaluated. There remains the integration along the j-axis. This is broken
up into two parts, one beween zero and , the other between and
infinity. The details will be left for you to work out. The result will be


We have now answered the question posed at the start of this discussion,
insofar as the present problem is concerned. If we are given the real
part of a function over part of the imaginary axis and the imaginary part
over the rest of the axis, then the function is completely defined. Our
method of obtaining the result in the last equation can be extended if
there are more than two intervals over which one or the other of the two
components are known. Additional irrational factors are introduced
giving additional branch points at appropriate points on the axis. The
resulting expressions, however, become rather complicated and hence
limited in usefulness.
Let us now summarize the results of this section. Our objective is to
obtain relationships between the real and imaginary parts of a network
function F(s) (or between the gain and the phase), so that when one of these
is prescribed the other can be calculated. The point of departure is
Cauchy's integral theorem, the contour of integration consisting of the
imaginary axis with an infinite semicircular arc joining the ends. An
integrand is chosen involving F(s) or ln F(s), multiplied by a weighting
function. The contour is indented to bypass poles of the integrand
introduced by this function.

Sec. 6.8]



If the integrand involves a network function F(s), then the only

restriction is that F(s) be regular on the j-axis, including the points at
zero and infinity. If the integrand involves ln F(s), then F(s) need not be
regular on the j-axis, but now it must have no zeros in the right halfplane; it must be a minimum-phase function.
The overall contour is divided into the straight segment consisting of
the imaginary axis; the semicircular curves bypassing j-axis singularities
deliberately introduced into the integrand; and the semicircular arc at
infinity. The contributions of the semicircular contours can be computed,
leaving only the integral along the imaginary axis.
A very useful feature of these expressions is the fact that the prescribed
function need not be given in a realizable analytical form. An approxi
mate graphical form is sufficient. Furthermore, the integrations them
selves can be performed graphically.



The preceding sections have been concerned with the frequency

properties of network functions and the relationships among the compon
ents of such functions in the frequency domain. Since a network function is
the ratio of Laplace transforms of a response function to an excitation
function, we might expect relationships to exist between the components
of a network function and the time response. In this section we shall
examine such relationships.
Let us refer to the notation in Chapter 5 and let w (t) be the (scalar)
response to a unit step excitation and w (t) be the response to a unit
impulse excitation. The corresponding network function F(s) is related to
these as

We shall restrict ourselves to network functions

having no poles on the j-axis.


Now, from the definition of the Laplace integral, we get




[Ch. 6

If we set s = j, the exponential does not die out as t goes to infinity,

but the integral will converge if w (t) -> 0 as t -> . Next, from the finalvalue theorem, we find that

Thus, requiring that w (t) -> 0 as t -> means that F(s) must have a zero
at s = 0. With this stipulation we can now write (106) as

From this it follows that


Thus the real and imaginary parts of a network function can be obtained
directly from the step response.
Converse relationships giving the step response in terms of the real or
imaginary part also exist. These can be obtained starting with the
inversion integral for the step response. Since w (t) = {F(s)/s},

We are still assuming that F(s) has no poles on the j-axis, but let us not
restrict it to have a zero at the origin for this development. Then the
integrand in the last expression might have a pole at the origin. If it
were not for this pole, the Bromwich path could be taken as the j-axis.
Instead, let us take the path shown in Fig. 25, which consists of the jaxis except for a semicircular arc that bypasses the origin. As the radius
of the semicircle approaches zero, the path approaches the entire
j-axis. The three parts of the path have been labeled C1, C , and C .
Equation 108 can now be written as follows:


Sec. 6.8]





Fig. 25.

Contours of integration.

On the parts C1 and C , s = j and ds = jd. On the part C , which is

shown expanded in part (b) of Fig. 25, we can write

Hence (109) becomes


The last integral on the right involves the radius R in a complicated way.
However, we intend to let R approach zero, in which case this term
reduces to F(0)/2. Y o u should verify this. Note that if we place the addi
tional restriction that F(s) has a zero at s = 0, then this term will disap
pear. When we let R -> 0, the remaining two integrals in (110) combine to
give the principal value of the integral running from to + . Hence,


(Note that, although it is not explicitly shown, we are to understand the



[Ch. 6

last integral as representing the principal value.) This expression can be

further simplified by writing F(j) in terms of its real and imaginary
parts, expanding the exponential and using the odd and even properties
of the resulting functions to change the range of integration to the positive
-axis. The details will be left to you. The result is

We have replaced F(0) by R(0), since X(0) = 0. Observe that this ex

pression is defined for negative as well as positive values of t. However,
Wu(t) = 0 for negative values of t. Hence in the two ranges of t we get


When we substitute the last equation into (112), we obtain the final result:

Up till now we have performed various mathematical manipulations to
put the relationships between F(j) and w (t) in various equivalent
forms. But now we have something new. The last equation shows that the
step response of the network can be computed when only the real part of
the network function along the j-axis is known. Note that this relation
ship does not require that R(0) = F(0) be zero. With the step response
determined, (107b) can be used to compute the imaginary part of F(j).
However, from the derivation of (107b) we know that the asymptotic
value of the step response that is to be used in (107b) must be zero.
Hence, before using w (t) as computed from (113b), we first subtract its
asymptotic value, R(0), in case it is not equal to zero. In this way F(j)
is completely determined from a knowledge of its real part alone.
Similarly, starting with the imaginary part X(), we can compute the
step response from the integral in (113a). The portion of the step response

Sec. 6.8]



computed from this integral will approach zero as t approaches infinity.

To the value thus computed we can add any constant, which will become
the zero-frequency value of R(j), denoted by R(0) in (113a). However,
omitting this step, we can now compute the real part R() from (107a).
Thus F(j) will be completely determined, except for an additive
constant, from a knowledge of the imaginary part alone.
The procedures just discussed for finding a network function from its
real or imaginary part are quite different from those discussed in earlier
sections. They are also apparently more complicated, since they involve
evaluating two integrals. However, it should be noted that the real or
imaginary part need not be given as a rational function; a graph is suffi



Let us now turn to the impulse response. Everything that was done
starting from (106) can be duplicated (with appropriate changes) in terms
of the impulse response. We shall list the results and leave the details of
the development to you. It will still be required that F(s) be regular on the
j-axis, but now it need not have a zero at s = 0. Instead, application of
the inversion integral to F(s) will require that F(s) have a zero at infinity.
If we retrace the steps starting at (106), we shall get the following




The first two of these are the counterparts of (107), whereas the last two
are to be compared with (113). As a matter of fact, the last two equations
can be obtained from (113), in view of the fact that the impulse response is
the derivative of the step response. (No impulses will be involved, since
we assumed F() = 0.)



[Ch. 6

Equation (114d) shows that the impulse response of the network can be
computed even if only the imaginary part X() is known. Note that X()
will approach zero as approaches infinity, even though F() may not be
zero. With the impulse response computed, the real part of R()or
R() R ( ) if R() = F()0can
now be found from (114a).
Thus F(j) is determined to within the additive constant F() = R()
b y its imaginary part alone.
Similarly, starting from a knowledge of only the real part of R()or
R() R() if R() = F() 0the impulse response can be com
puted from (114c). Having found the impulse response, the imaginary part
X() is now calculated from (114b). Thus we find that a transfer function
is completely determined from a knowledge of its real part alone.
In each of the above cases, once the step response or impulse response
has been calculated from a given R() or X(), it is then necessary to find
only the Laplace transform, since {w (t)}=
F(s)/s, and {w (t)}=
In this way one of the integrations of (107) and (114) can be avoided.


Suppose the following is specified to be the real part of a network
function on the j-axis:
We see that this has a nonzero value at infinity, and so (114b) cannot be
used directly. If we subtract its infinite-frequency value, we get

We can now apply (114b), which leads to


The second line follows from the use of the exponential form of cos t.
If in the second integral in this line we replace by and appropriately
change the limits, the last line will follow.

Sec. 6.8]


N o w consider the following contour integral in the complex



where the contour consists of the entire j-axis and an infinite semi
circle to the left. The integrand satisfies the conditions of Jordan's lemma,
since the rational function in the integrand vanishes at infinity as 1/s .
Hence the contribution of the infinite arc will be zero, and the complete
integral reduces to its value along the j-axis. B y the residue theorem,
the value of the integral equals 2j times the sum of the residues at the
left half-plane poles. In the present case there are only two simple poles,
at s = 1 and s = 2 , in the left half-plane and their residues are easily
computed. Hence we get

When this expression is substituted into (116), we get

The transfer function can now be found b y taking the Laplace transform.
The result will be

This function has a zero at infinity. To this we should add the infinitefrequency value of R(), which is F() and which we subtracted from the
original function at the start. Thus

This is the desired network function.

As a second example, let the real part of a network function be specified
by the ideal curve shown in Fig. 26. B y using (114c), the impulse response



Fig. 26.

[Ch. 6

Specified real part.

is computed to be

This is then inserted into (114b) to yield*

* The last two lines may be obtained from integral 412, in R. S. Burington, Handbook
of Mathematical Tables and Formulas, 2nd ed., Handbook Publishers, 1940.




For the networks shown in Fig. P1, verify that the nonzero eigenvalues of
the A matrix in the state equation are the same as the nonzero zeros of
the loop impedance matrix and of the node admittance matrix.



Fig. P I


Find the even part, Ev F(s), and the odd part, Od F(s), of the following
functions from the even and odd parts of the numerator and



The polynomial P1(s) = s 6s + 12 has a pair of zeros in the right

half-plane. It is to be multiplied by another polynomial, P (s), of
degree n so that the resulting polynomial has no negative coefficients.
What is the minimum value of n?
Let a transfer function be given by


The angle function is defined as

which is consistent with (49) when s = j. The delay function is defined




[Ch. 6

(a) In F(s) let a = 0 for all i and insert into the expression for the
delay function. Find the value of the b coefficients if the delay is to
be a maximally flat function for the cases m = 3, m = 4, and m = 5.
(b) Repeat if a 0 and n= m 1.


Prove that if all the coefficients of a real polynomial P(s) of degree n

have the same sign, then P(s) will have no zeros in the sector |arg s|


In Fig. P6 find z and verify that there is no transmission zero at

s = 1 even though the left hand shunt branch has an admittance
pole at s = 1.


Fig. P6


The shunt branch admittances in the diagrams in Fig. P7 have a pole

Fig. P7

at infinity and zero, respectively. Show that the overall two-ports

must have transmission zeros at these frequencies (unlike the case in
the previous problem), no matter what the rest of the network

A symmetrical lattice has series and cross branch impedances Za

and Z , respectively. Show that when it is terminated in a resistance
R, the input impedance equals R if Za Z = R . Verify that for this
constant-resistance case the voltage gain function is




Verify that the bridged-tee in Fig. 12b and the ell-networks in Figs.
12c and 12d are each constant-resistance networks when terminated in a
resistance R if Za Z = R . Verify also that under this condition the
voltage gain function is


Figure P10a shows a symmetrical lattice.

(a) Find the y parameters (possibly using topological formulas) and
show that the Fialkow condition (defined in Problem 47 of Chapter 3)
will be satisfied under any one of the three conditions listed.

(b) Figures P10b and 10c show two bridged-tee networks. Show that the
first has the same y parameters as the lattice under condition (1) above,
and hence is equivalent to the lattice. Show also that the second one
has the same y parameters as the lattice under condition (2) above,
(c) If the y parameters of the lattice are expanded in partial fractions,
the result will have the form:


On the right side a fraction of the finite pole has been combined with the
pole at infinity and the rest of it is combined with the pole at the
origin. Show that each of the tee networks in the twin-tee shown in
Fig. P10d has one of the sets of y parameters within the above
parentheses. Determine the range of values of and show that this
range of values exists if condition (3) above is satisfied. Thus under this
condition the twin-tee is equivalent to the lattice,
( d ) Determine the angle of the transmission zeros of the bridged-tees
and twin-tee determined by the three conditions in part (a).
Find a two-port network terminated in a 100-ohm resistor whose
voltage gain function is given by each of the following all-pass functions.



[Ch. 6

In each case involving a lattice determine if a common-terminal

equivalent exists, and convert to it if it does.






Fig. P10


Find a two-port network terminated in a 50-ohm resistor whose voltage

gain function is given by each of the following nonminimum-phase
functions. Select any convenient value of K. Convert any lattices to



common-terminal equivalent networks where possible.





The following functions are specified as the tangent functions of a

transfer function. Find the corresponding transfer function F(s). If
the answer is not unique, give all possibilities.









The following functions are specified as the real part of an impedance

function F(s). Use any one of the methods of Bode, Gewertz or Miyata
to find the function F(s).





Suppose each function in Problem 14 is the j-axis magnitude squared

of a network function. Find the function. If there is more than one
possibility, find them all.
Give a derivation for (103) in the text starting with (101).


Give a derivation for (104) in the text.


Derive the reactance integral theorem in (85) by integrating the function

around the basic contour with a small indentation around the



[Ch. 6


Derive the resistance integral theorem in (89) by integrating the func

tion F(s) R() around the basic contour consisting of the j-axis
and an infinite semicircle to the right.


Derive (79) by integrating the function F(z)/(z + ) around the basic

contour with indentations at z = + j.


Derive (80) by integrating the function z[F(z) R()]/(z

around the basic contour with indentations at z = +j.


By integrating the function [F(z) R(0)]/z(z + ) around the basic

contour with indentations at z = 0 and at z = +j, derive the following


+ )

Compare this with (82a) in the text.

Each of the curves in Fig. P23 is the magnitude | F(j)| of a transfer
function for > 0. Assuming the function is minimum-phase, find the
corresponding angle function making appropriate approximations.

Fig. P23




Let the magnitude of a function be the maximally flat function in (32).

Show that the angle is given by the following expression:


Let the real part of a function on the j axis be given by the following
functions. Find the corresponding step response using (113b) and the
impulse response using (114c).






Suppose the imaginary part of a network function is as shown in Fig.

P26. Use (113a) to compute w (t) and then use (107a) to determine
the real part of the network function.

Fig. P26


Suppose the step response w (t) of a network is as shown in Fig. P27.

Use (107a) to determine R() and the use (114c) to determine the
impulse response w (t). Verify this result by finding w (t) directly
from w (t).

The next 3 problems marked with an asterisk involve the preparation of a

computer program to help in implementing the solution of some problems. In
each case, prepare a program flow chart and a set of program instructions, in
some user language like FORTRAN IV, for a digital computer program to
carry out the job specified in the problem. Include a set of user instructions
for the program.



[Ch. 6

Fig. P27

28.* Suppose f( ) in (41) is a rational function of . L e t / ( ) be

characterized by a list of numbers: The first two numbers will be the
numerator degree and the denominator degree; these will be followed
by a stream of numbers which are the numerator and denominator
coefficients. Prepare a program to accept these data as a description
of f( ) and compute a stable minimum phase F(s), where F(j)
satisfies (41). Assume a subroutine exists which will determine all the
zeros of a polynomial.

29.* Prepare a program to determine a stable minimum phase F(s) from

tan () which is assumed to be a rational function in . Use an input
data format similar to that in Problem 28. Assume a subroutine exists
which will determine all the zeros of a polynomial.
30.* Prepare a program to determine F(s) from Ev F(s) using: (a) Bode's
method; (b) Gewertz's method; (c) Miyata's method. Use an input
data format similar to that in Problem 28. Assume a subroutine exists
which will determine all the zeros of a polynomial.
One algorithm which might be the basis of such a subroutine program is the quotientdifference algorithm. This algorithm is described in H. Henrici, Elements of Numerical
Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1964, Chap. 8.


Network synthesis is the process of designing and constructing a network

to provide a prescribed response to a specified excitation. This is the
converse of the analysis problem where a response is to be calculated when
a prescribed excitation is applied to a given network. In contrast with the
latter, the synthesis problem may not have a unique solution. In fact, it
may not have any solution, since there may be no network that has the
desired response to the given excitation. At the outset, then, one m a y be
faced with the necessity of approximating the desired response with one
that is obtainable.
Specification of the response and its approximation may be either in the
time domain or in the frequency domain. In the frequency domain the
end result of the approximation process is the specification of one or more
network functions that characterize the desired network. From these
functions it is then necessary to realize the network. The realization is
guided by the fact that there are various classes of networks. These
classes can be characterized by the number of external terminals, b y the
type of components (lossless, active, RC, etc.), by the structure (ladder,
grounded, etc.), and so forth.
The first task in the realization process is to determine the properties
of network functions that are appropriate for each class of network. These
properties include permissible locations of poles and zeros, the signs of



[Ch. 7

residues and real parts, and the relative size of coefficients. This is the
task on which we shall largely concentrate in this chapter.
In order to establish the analytical properties of network functions, it
will be necessary to introduce some additional mathematical topics. The
first two sections will be devoted to this effort. We shall not strive for
completeness of exposition but shall often be content simply with the
statement of a result with some discussion of plausibility.



Given a square matrix A, a number of operations can be performed on

it to yield another matrix B. This matrix, of course, will be related to the
original matrix A, the specific relationship depending on the operations
that are performed. The matrix A is said to be transformed in some way.


A number of specific operations have properties that are of great impor

tance. They are very simple operations and are collectively called ele
mentary transformations. Given a matrix A, the elementary transformations
of A are the following:
1. The interchange of any two rows or two columns of A.
2. The addition of the elements of one row or column of A to the correspond
ing elements of a second row or column.
3. The multiplication
of each element of a row or column of A by a
scalar constant.
Clearly these transformations do not change the order of A. From the
properties of determinants discussed in Chapter 1, the first transformation
simply changes the sign of the determinant of A; the second one leaves the
determinant unchanged; the third one multiplies the determinant by a
constant. Hence, if matrix A is nonsingular, then the matrix obtained
after an elementary transformation is also nonsingular. In fact, an ele
mentary transformation of a matrix cannot change its rank, even when
the rank is less than the order. (See Problem 5.)
The operations on a matrix A represented by the elementary trans
formations can be carried out by multiplying A by certain simple,
nonsingular matrices. These matrices, called elementary matrices, are
themselves obtained by carrying out the corresponding operation on a
unit matrix. Thus, adding the third row to the second row of a third-order

Sec. 7.1]



unit matrix leads to the elementary matrix on the left below; similarly,
adding the third column to the second column of a third-order unit
matrix leads to the elementary matrix on the right:

When a matrix A having three rows is premultiplied b y the elementary

matrix on the left, the effect is to add the third row of A to the second row.
When a matrix A having three columns is postmultiplied
by the ele
mentary matrix on the right, the effect is to add the third column of A to
its second column. Thus

Note that A need not be square; it must, of course, be conformable with

the elementary matrix.
Since an elementary transformation of a unit matrix will not change its
rank, any elementary matrix is nonsingular. Since the product of two non
singular matrices is nonsingular, this leads to the conclusion that the
product of any number of elementary matrices is nonsingular. A question of
greater significance is, Does it work backwards? Can any nonsingular
matrix be decomposed into elementary matrices? The answer is yes. It
can be shown that any nonsingular matrix can be written as the product of a
finite number of elementary
As further illustrations, suppose it is desired (1) to add the first row of a
(4 3) matrix A to its third row after multiplying the first row by 5, and



[Ch. 7

(2) to interchange the third column and the second column after the second
has been multiplied by 3. The two elementary matrices that will accom
plish this are the following:

The first one should premultiply A; the second one, postmultiply A.

You should confirm this result.
The further exposition of the details of elementary matrices will be left
to an extended set of problems. In the following development it will be
assumed that the results of these problems are available.


Let A and B be two matrices of the same order. We say that B is

equivalent to A if it can be obtained from A by a finite number of ele
mentary transformations. If all the transformations are carried out on the
rows, B is row equivalent to A; if all the transformations are carried out
on the columns, it is column equivalent. Carrying out a number of con
secutive elementary transformations means multiplying A by the product
of a number of elementary matrices. Such a product can be represented
by a single matrix that is necessarily nonsingular, since each of the
elementary matrices is nonsingular. Hence the general definition of
equivalence can be restated as follows.
1. Let A and B be two matrices of the same order. Matrix
equivalent to A if and only if

B is

where P and Q are

- 1

- 1

Since P and Q are nonsingular, then A = P B Q . This is of the same form

as (1); hence, if B is equivalent to A, then A is equivalent to B; that is,
the equivalence of two matrices is a mutual property.
Since an elementary transformation of a matrix does not change its
rank, a sequence of elementary transformations leaves the rank of a
matrix unchanged. Hence two equivalent matrices have the same rank.

Sec. 7.1]



In particular, if a square matrix A is nonsingular, a matrix equivalent to

A is also nonsingular.
In fact, if A is a nonsingular matrix, it can always be reduced to a unit
matrix b y successive elementary transformations; that is, there will
always be nonsingular matrices P and Q (each one being the product of
elementary matrices) such that
Thus, if A is nonsingular, it can always be factored into the product of
two nonsingular matrices P and Q . This, of course, is an " e x i s t e n c e "
statement; it does not specify an algorithm for carrying out the factoring.
The fact that a nonsingular matrix is equivalent to a unit matrix, as
expressed in (2), is a special case of a more general case. Let A be a
matrix of order (m n) and of rank r. Then by elementary transformations
it can always be reduced to a matrix B of the form

- 1


The upper-left-hand submatrix is a unit matrix of order r. When A is

square and nonsingular, n = m = r, and (4) reduces to (2). The matrix on
the right side of (4) is called the normal form of matrix A.
In (1), suppose that Q = U; the result is B = PA. The nonsingular
matrix P is the product of elementary matrices. Multiplying A by P means
carrying out elementary transformations on the rows of A. In the product
matrix B, then the rows are simply linear combinations of the rows of A.
Consequently, if two matrices are row equivalent, the rows of one are
linear combinations of the rows of the other, and vice versa. In a similar
way, if two matrices are column equivalent, the columns of one are linear
combinations of the columns of the other; for example, in Chapter 2 it was
found that the fundamental cut-set matrix Q of a network is obtained by
premultiplying the incidence matrix A by the nonsingular matrix A .
So we should expect the rows of Q to be linear combinations of the rows
of A or, equivalently, the cut-set equations to be linear combinations of
Kirchhoff's-current-law equations at nodes, which we know to be true.




[Ch. 7


In the equivalence relation (1), there need be no relationship between

the matrices P and Q. However, when there are certain specific relation
ships, the equivalence takes on such useful properties that it becomes
convenient to classify and to name the corresponding transformations.
Suppose that in (1), A is a square matrix and P = Q . Then


This transformation is a similarity transformation; A and B are called
similar matrices. This transformation has already been discussed in
Chapter 1, where we saw that two similar matrices have the same eigen
values. It is included here for completeness.


Another special kind of equivalence is the following. In (1) suppose

P = Q'. Then the transformation
is called a congruent transformation; B is said to be congruent to A .
Since Q can be written as a product of elementary matrices, Q' will
equal the product of the transposes of these elementary matrices, but in
reverse order. Hence Q'AQ is obtained from A b y carrying out pairs of
elementary transformations, one transformation on the rows and a
corresponding one on the columns.
A comparison of the similar transformation in (5) and the congruent
transformation in (6) shows that the two will be identical if Q = Q'.
This property is given a special name. A matrix having the property


is called an orthogonal matrix.

If A is a real symmetric matrix of rank r, we can prove b y means of a
sequence of elementary transformations that it is congruent to a diagonal
matrix D in the form

Sec. 7.1]



where D is a diagonal matrix of order r and rank r, and Q is nonsingular.

This resembles the normal form in (4), but there are a number of differ
ences. In the general case of (4), A need not be square, and the two matrices
P and Q need not be related.
The nonzero elements on the diagonal of D may be positive or negative.
The rows and columns can always be interchanged to place the positive
elements first. The corresponding product of elementary matrices can
be lumped into Q. When the positive and negative terms are shown expli
citly, the result can be written as follows:


where both D and D _ are diagonal matrices with positive diagonal

elements, the order and rank of D being p, and the order and rank of
being r p.
Let us now define a matrix

r p





Then after a further congruent transformation of D b y the matrix D

(9) may be written as




Since D is nonsingular, so also is Q D . Hence the right-hand side is

simply a congruent transformation of A. It is said to be a canonical



[Ch. 7

matrix; the congruent transformation of A in (12) is said to put A in

canonical form. The integer p in this expression is called the index of
the matrix.



The subject of this section is a mathematical form that arises in net

works from a consideration of power dissipated or energy stored. In
order to see how it arises, before we delve into its mathematical properties,
let us consider a purely resistive network with a branch-resistance matrix
R; the branch voltage and current vectors at any time are v(t) and i(t).
The power dissipated in the network at any time is p(t) = i(t)'v(t). When
the branch relation v = Ri is introduced, the power becomes
For a network with three branches, for example, the quantity on the
right is

This expression is quadratic in the currents and illustrates what we shall

now describe. To indicate that the results are general we shall use a general

Let A = [a ] be a real, square matrix and x = [x ] be a column vector,

real or complex. The expression


Sec. 7.2]



when x is a real vector (i.e., the elements of x are real), and the expression


when x is a complex vector, are called quadratic forms. The reason for the
name becomes clear when we perform the indicated matrix multiplica
tions and get
when the x's are real, and
when the x's are complex. We see that these are homogeneous expressions
of degree 2 in the variables x1, x , ..., x .
The matrix A in (14) through (17) is called the matrix of the quadratic
form. We consider the x's to be variables, so that the matrix essentially
defines the quadratic form. We shall concern ourselves with quadratic
forms in which the matrix A is real and symmetric. Actually, any real
quadratic form with a real matrix can be converted into a quadratic
form with a symmetric matrix, because, if the x's and the a 's are real,
we can write



We see that the contribution to the quadratic form of the two terms on
the left of this equation will remain unchanged if we replace both a
and a in the matrix by half their sum. Thus, if A is not symmetric, we
define the symmetric matrix B as


The matrix B is called the symmetric part of A. This operation leaves the
diagonal elements of A unchanged, whereas the off-diagonal elements are



[Ch. 7

modified in the manner just described. From the preceding discussion it

follows that
Let us now turn our attention to a quadratic form in which the vector
x is complex. As long as the matrix A of the quadratic form is real and
symmetric, the quadratic form x*Ax will be real. To prove this result,
observe that


The second line is a consequence of A being symmetric, whereas the last

term in the last line is a result of the fact that x x is the conjugate of
Everything in the last line is now real, thus proving the result.




Let us now observe what happens to a quadratic form when the vector
x is subjected to a real, nonsingular linear transformation. Let x = Qy,
where Q is nonsingular and y is a column vector. The quadratic form
where we used the fact that Q is real to write Q* = Q'. Within the paren
theses we find a congruent transformation of A. It was observed earlier
that a real, symmetric matrix A can always be reduced to the canonical
form of (12) by means of a nonsingular, congruent transformation. Hence
the quadratic form can be reduced to

We can state this result as the following theorem:

Sec. 7.2]



2. Every real quadratic form x*Ax in which A is real and
symmetric can be reduced by means of a real, nonsingular, linear trans
formation x = Qy to the canonical form given in (23) in which is the rank
of A and p is the index.
This theorem is, of course, an existence theorem, it does not give any
guidance as to how one goes about finding the appropriate linear trans
formation. One procedure for doing this is called the Lagrange reduction,
which consists of repeatedly carrying out a process similar to completing
the square. Let us illustrate this with a number of examples.
1. For simplicity, suppose x is a real vector. Let

In this process 4 x
Now set


was added and subtracted to complete the square.


In this case the rank of A equals its order (2) and the index is 1.
2. This time let x be a complex vector and



[Ch. 7

The first set of terms can be written as a magnitude square by adding

(x + 3x )(x + 3x ), which means subtracting the same quantity from
the second set of terms. The result of this operation is

In the last step, 9x x was added and subtracted in order to " complete
the square " in the preceding step. Now let

Then the quadratic form finally becomes



It can be observed from (23) that the value of the quadratic form will
normally depend on the values of the y-variables. However, it may happen
that the value of the quadratic form will remain of one sign independent
of the values of the variables. Such forms are called definite. In particular,
a real, quadratic form x*Ax is called positive definite if for any set of
complex or real numbers x1, x , ..., x , not all zero, the value of the
quadratic form is strictly positive. Similarly, we say the quadratic form
is positive semidefinite if

for all x 0, provided there is at least one set of values of the variables
for which the equality holds. Since the positive property of such a quad
ratic form is not dependent on the values of the variables, it must be
associated with the matrix A of the quadratic form. The following
terminology, then, appears quite natural. A real, symmetric matrix A
is said to be positive definite or semidefinite according as the quadratic form
x*Ax is positive definite or semidefinite.
We need to find means for determining whether or not a quadratic
form is positive definite. An approach to this is obtained b y considering
the canonic form in (23). The matrix A of the form is characterized by

Sec. 7.2]



three integers: the order n, the rank r, and the index p. If the index is less
then the rank (but greater than zero), the matrix can be neither positive
definite nor positive semidefinite.
Suppose that the index equals the rank: p = r. Then all the signs in
(23) will be positive. There are two possibilities: (1) the rank is equal to
the order, r = n, so that A is nonsingular; or (2) r < n, so that A is singular.
Suppose r < n. Then choose y1 up to y = 0 and y + 1 to y 0. This will
cause the quadratic form to vanish but, with x = Qy, not all the x's will
be zero. For any other choice of y-variables, the quadratic form will be
positive. Hence the quadratic form satisfies (25) and is positive semidefinite. The converse is, clearly, also true.
On the other hand, if r = n (with p still equal to r), so that A is non
singular, then every nonzero choice of the y's (and hence of the x's) will
lead to a positive value of the quadratic form. The conclusion is the follow
ing theorem:

3. A
rank r and index
the index equals
singular and p =

quadratic form having a real, symmetric matrix A of order n,

p is positive definite if and only if A is nonsingular and
the rank: p = r = n. It is positive semidefinite if A is

If a quadratic form is positive definite, then it can be seen from (23)

that its canonical matrix will be a unit matrix; that is, the nonsingular
linear transformation x = Qy leads to
It is possible to find the determinant of A by taking the determinant of both
sides of this expression. Since det U = 1, and the determinant of a product
of matrices of the same order equals the product of determinants, we get
Since Q and its transpose have the same determinant, which is nonzero
since Q is nonsingular, we obtain,

This result expresses the fact that the determinant of a positive

definite matrix is positive. Furthermore, suppose we set the last variable
x in the quadratic form equal to zero. Then none of the coefficients a
or a of the matrix A will appear in the quadratic form. This is most





[Ch. 7

easily seen from (16) with x = 0. Hence we might as well remove the
nth row and column of A and consider it to be of the (n l ) t h order.
For this new matrix (28) still applies. But the determinant of the new
matrix is the principal cofactor of the old matrix obtained by removing
the last row and column. Since permuting the variables has no effect on
the quadratic form, it is immaterial which one of the variables we call
x . It follows that all the first principal cofactors of a positive definite
matrix will be positive.
This argument can now be repeated by setting two of the variables
equal to 0, then 3, and so on, up to all but one. We shall find that all the
principal cofactors of A will be positive. In the last case, with all but one
of the variables equal to zero, we find that all the elements of A on the
principal diagonal must be positive. (These elements are the (n l ) t h
principal cofactors of A).
What we have succeeded in proving is that, if a matrix is known to be
positive definite, then its determinant and all its principal cofactors will
be positive. Actually, what we need for testing a given matrix is the
converse of this result. It happens that this is also true. The proof, how
ever, is quite lengthy and will not be given. For future reference we shall
list this result as a theorem.

4. A real symmetric matrix A is positive definite if and only
if its determinant and principal cofactors are all positive. It is positive
semidefinite if and only if its determinant is zero and all its principal
cofactors are non-negative.
As an example, consider the real matrix previously used to illustrate
the Lagrange reduction. It is required to form the determinant and
principal cofactors.

We observe that the diagonal elements are all positive. Since this is a
third-order matrix, the diagonal elements are the second cofactors. The
first principal cofactors are easily formed:

They are all positive. This leaves the determinant, which is found to be
4 . This is less than zero, and hence A is not positive definite, or semidefinite.

Sec. 7.3]




Up to this point we have been dealing with quadratic forms having real
matrices that are symmetric. If the matrix of a quadratic form is complex,
it is possible to replace the matrix by its Hermitian part without changing
the value of the form, just as a real matrix_was replaced by its symmetric
part. Let H be a Hermitian matrix (h = h ). The expression


is called a Hermitian form. When H is real, the Hermitian form reduces to
a quadratic form. It should be expected, then, that the properties of
Hermitian forms are analogous to those of quadratic forms. We shall
merely list a few, without extensive comment.
B y carrying out an expansion as we did in (21) for a quadratic form, it
can be shown that the value of a Hermitian form is real.
A Hermitian form of rank r can be reduced to the canonical form given
on the right side of (23) by a nonsingular linear transformation x = Qy,
where Q is generally complex.
The terms " positive definite " and " semidefinite " apply to Hermitian
forms and are defined in the same way as for quadratic forms. The theorem
relating to the determinant and principal cofactors of positive definite and
semidefinite matrices applies to a Hermitian matrix also.



N o w that a mathematical background has been presented, we are

ready to turn to a consideration of network functions. Specifically, we
shall relate certain network functions to the energy stored and dissipated
in the network. Then, from a physical knowledge of the nature of this
energy, we can draw some conclusions about the properties of network
Consider a multiport network excited by voltage sources at each port.
Figure 1 shows the use of a two-port network, but the discussion will be

Fig. 1.

Excited two-port.



[Ch. 7

carried out in terms of a general multiport. The network, which is linear

and time invariant, is assumed to be initially relaxed. Now consider
writing a set of loop equations for this network. Referring back to Chapter
2, we find that it will have the form


where Z is the loop impedance matrix, and R , L , and D are the

loop-parameter matrices; E is the equivalent loop source voltage vector.
Since there are no other sources except the ones at the ports, and the
loops are chosen such that each voltage source lies on only one loop, and
the loop orientation relative to the source is as shown in Fig. 1, then
an element of E will be nonzero for the loops that include a port and 0
for the internal loops.
In (30), the variables are Laplace transforms of voltages and currents.
When excitations are sinusoids of the same frequency, the same expres
sions, (30), are valid, with the transform variables replaced by phasors
and s replaced by j . (See Problem 50.) Let us use the subscript p to
designate phasors; for example, I is a complex number whose magnitude
is the rms value of a sinusoidal current and whose angle is its phase. Then,
assuming an n-port so that E has n nonzero components, and assuming
m loops so that I
has m components, (30) becomes

m p


Let us now compute the power supplied to the network. The complex
power supplied at port k is I pk V ]c. The total complex power delivered
at all the ports is therefore I ^ E ^ . The real part of this is the real,
average power. The imaginary part is proportional to the net average

Sec. 7.3]



energy stored in the network, the difference between the average energy
stored in the inductors and in the capacitors. Thus,

The complex power input to the network can be obtained by premulti
plying both sides of (31) by I * . The result becomes

(On the right side appear only those loop currents that are port currents,
so that the m subscript can be omitted.) We find that the complex power
input on the right equals the sum of three terms on the left. We recognize
each of these terms as a quadratic form.
For a nonreciprocal network the loop-parameter matrices are not
symmetric. However, as discussed in the last section, the value of the
quadratic form is unchanged if the matrix of the form is replaced by its
symmetric part. We shall assume that this has been done. Each of the
quadratic forms on the left side of (33) is real. Hence comparing (32) and
(33) leads to the conclusion that


It is possible to obtain equivalent expressions for each of these quad

ratic forms. The matrix of each form is one of the loop-parameter matrices.
Returning to Chapter 2, we find that the loop-parameter matrices can be
written in terms of the branch-parameter matrices, as follows:




[Ch. 7

where R, L, and D are the branch-parameter matrices, and B is the loop

Let us consider the quadratic form that involves R . Using (35a).
results in

Recall from (56) in Chapter 2 that B T
= I is the loop transformation
that specifies the branch currents I in terms of loop currents. Thus
m p

where b is the number of branches in the network. For a general non
passive, nonreciprocal network, nothing specific can be stated about this
quadratic form.


Let us now restrict consideration to passive, reciprocal networks. In

this case, the branch-resistance matrix is diagonal. Then (37) becomes
We know that the real power supplied cannot be negative for such net
works. Hence the quadratic form must be at least positive semidefinite.
It will be positive definite if none of the branch resistances is zero. This is
true because in that case the diagonal matrix R will be nonsingular. The
same conclusion follows from the right side of (38), as it should, since R
is non-negative for all k.
Tracing through identical arguments for the other two quadratic forms
involving the loop-inductance and inverse-capacitance parameters leads


Note the differences on the right-hand sides of these two expressions. The
branch-inverse-capacitance matrix is diagonal, whereas the branchinductance matrix is not necessarily diagonal. When there is no mutual

Sec. 7.3]



inductance, L is also diagonal. Again, from the interpretation in (34)

as average energy stored, these quadratic forms must be positive semidefinite.
For purposes of convenient reference we define the following notation:
From their physical interpretations, these quantities are collectively
called energy functions, even though the first one is dimensionally not
energy. The choice of symbols for these functions is an unfortunate one,
since they can be confused with other quantities having similar symbols;
but they have become quite standard in the literature, so we shall con
tinue to use them.
The positive semidefinite condition on T( j) imposes conditions on the
sizes of mutual inductances. If mutual coupling in a network is always
between pairs of branches only, the semidefinite condition is equivalent
to the usual constraint that the coupling coefficient cannot exceed unity.
If more than two branches are mutually coupled, the restriction of the
coupling coefficient to values less than unity is not sufficiently strong to
insure positive semidefiniteness; that is, in this case positive definiteness
is a stronger condition than unity coupling. (See Problem 17.)
As an illustration, consider the network in Fig. 2. Both sources are

Fig. 2.

Illustrative example for energy functions.

sinusoidal at an angular frequency . The loop-parameter matrices are



[Ch. 7

The energy functions are

Since I + I
equals branch current 3, the term R |I
+ I |
is the
power dissipated in R and |I
+ I|
I) /2
is the energy stored in
I) . The positive semidefinite nature of T(j) is not evident from the
right-hand side. Observe, however, that the matrix L is singular only for
Li L M = 0, which is the condition of unity coupling.
To summarize the result so far obtained, the loop resistance, inductance,
and reciprocal-capacitance
matrices R , L , and D
of a passive,
reciprocal network are positive semidefinite. This result was established by
giving physical interpretations to certain quadratic forms based on a
sinusoidal steady-state analysis.
Let us now return to the original loop equations in (30) in which the
variables are Laplace transforms. Without any concern for physical
interpretation, let us premultiply both sides by I*(s). The result will be






Again we find the same quadratic forms we had before, only now the
variables are loop-current transforms rather than phasors. The quadratic
forms in this equation do not have an energy interpretation like those of
(33). However, the matrices of these quadratic forms are identical with the
former ones. Hence these quadratic forms are positive semidefinite. We
therefore give them symbols similar to those of (40) and continue to call

Sec. 7.3]



them energy functions, although even dimensionally they do not re

present energy.
When this notation is used, (41) becomes


(The notation on the right side has been modified in two ways. The m
subscripts have been dropped because the only loop currents that remain
in the product I*E are those that are the same as port currents. Also, the
only nonzero components in E are the port voltages. Hence I * E can be
replaced by I*V, where I and V are the port vectors.)
Let us digress here for a moment. This entire development started from
the loop equations. Alternatively, a completely dual development can
proceed on the basis of the node equations. Instead of the loop-parameter
matrices R , L , and D , the conductance, inverse-inductance, and
capacitance node-parameter matrices G , , and C , respectively, will
appear. Energy functions can now be defined in terms of these parameter
matrices and the node-voltage vector V . These will have the same form
as (42) with V in place of I and with the node-parameter matrices in
place of the loop-parameter ones. From these it is concluded that the
node conductance, capacitance, and inverse-inductance
matrices G , C ,
and of a passive, reciprocal network are positive semidefinite. An equation
similar to (43) can now be written with these new energy functions, with
V and I interchanged. This alternative development is not needed to carry
on the subsequent discussion, just as the node system of equations itself
is really superfluous. However, just as node equations provide helpful
viewpoints and often simplify computation, so also this alternative
approach may sometimes be useful. You should work out the details of
the procedure just outlined if you are interested.

Look again at (43). The quantities appearing on the left side are defined
in terms of loop-current variables (or branch-current variables through
the loop transformation). But on the right we find port variables. Of
course, the port voltage and current variables are related to each other.



[Ch. 7

If this relationship is used on the right side of (43), an extremely important

result follows. As a relation between the vectors V and I, we can use
The first of these can be inserted directly into (43); the second can be
inserted after taking the conjugate transpose of (43) which leads to



This follows because the quadratic forms are real scalars. The result of
inserting (44a) into (43) and (44b) into (45) is



It is from these expressions that some of the most fundamental proper

ties of network functions originate. We shall now embark on a study of
these properties.


Let us consider first the simplest multiport; namely, a one-port. In this

case Z is the scalar Z(s), the impedance of the one-port, and I reduces to
the scalar input current. From (46a) the expression for Z(s) becomes
o c


Sec. 7.3]



Note that the quadratic forms are functions of s only through the fact that
the loop currents are functions of s. The real, positive semidefinite nature
of the quadratic forms does not depend on the current variables, but only
on the loop-parameter matrices, which are constant matrices.
The preceding expression can be separated into real and imaginary
parts after replacing s by + j. Thus



Notice that these equations apply no matter what the value of s may be,
except at zeros of I(s). These two are extremely important equations, from
which we can draw some interesting conclusions. For later reference let
us state these results as a theorem.
are true.

5. Let Z(s) be the driving-point impedance of a linear timepassive, reciprocal network N. Then the following

(a) Whenever 0, Re [Z(s)] 0.

(b) If N contains no resistances (F (s) = 0), then

> 0 implies Re [Z(s)] > 0,

= 0 implies Re [Z(s)] = 0,
< 0 implies Re [Z(s)] < 0.

(c) If N contains no capacitances

(V (s) = 0), then


> 0 implies lm [Z(s)] > 0,

= 0 implies lm [Z(s)] = 0,
< 0 implies lm [Z(s)] < 0.

(d) If N contains no inductances (T (s) = 0), then


> 0 implies lm [Z(s)] < 0,

= 0 implies lm [Z(s)] = 0,
< 0 implies lm [Z(s)] > 0.
These results follow immediately from (48). Part (a) states that the
value of Z(s) corresponding to a value of s lying in the right half-plane
must itself lie in the right half-plane. It leads to the discussion of positive



[Ch. 7

real functions, which we shall take up next. Part (b) leads to the historic
ally important reactance theorem of Foster. Parts (c) and (d) lead to
Cauer's results on RL and RC networks.

Another property of the impedance function can be determined from

(47). Note that |I| , F , T , and V are all positive constants for any
value of s. Hence Z(s) can be written as

where each of the coefficients is positive. Let s = + j be a point in
the right half-plane; that is, > 0, as shown in Fig. 3. Each of the

Fig. 3.


Demonstration that |arg Z| < |arg s\ for |arg s\ < / 2 .

terms on the right of (49) can be represented by a directed line in the

complex plane, as shown in Fig. 3b for the corresponding value of s.
Whatever the legnths of these lines may be, the sum cannot lie outside the
cross-hatched sector shown in Fig. 3a. B y observing from the diagram
what happens for a number of possible angles of s, including 0 and / 2
radians, the following result is obtained:

Sec. 7.3]



This seems to be a stronger condition on the impedance than the condi

tion Re [Z(s)] 0 for Re s 0. Not only must Z(s) be in the right halfplane when s is but its location there is limited by a condition on its angle.
It is not, however, a stronger condition, since it followed from the
previous one.
What has been done in this section is to start with a class of networks
and to derive some properties that the driving-point impedance of such
networks necessarily satisfies. This was done from considerations of
energy in the frequency domain. An alternative approach would be to
start from the definition of a passive network given in Chapter 1 and
repeated here for a one-port:


Suppose the current and voltage at the terminals of a passive network


where so = + j with > 0 and I = |I | e . We assume these signals

were initiated at t = , at which time there was no initial energy stored
in the network. Because e = 0 for t = , both signals start from 0.
There is, then, no question of a transient, and the given expressions for
current and voltage represent the excitation and total response.
Inserting these expressions for v and i into (51) leads, after some man
ipulation, to



N o w express the multiplier of the exponential in the last brackets in terms

of its magnitude and angle:


When this is inserted into the preceding equation, the result will be




[Ch. 7

The worst case occurs when the cosine equals 1 . For this case the con
dition reduces to


Each side of this expresssion is the real part divided by the magnitude of
a complex quantity, which equals the cosine of the corresponding angle.
from which it follows that
Since Re s = > 0, this is identical with (50).
This completes the development of the general necessary properties of
impedance functions of passive networks. Completely similar properties
could have been developed for the admittance function by starting from
(46b) instead of (46a). Thus Theorem 5 and Eq. (50) are true when Z(s) is
replaced by Y(s). We shall now define a class of mathematical functions
having these same properties and shall investigate the detailed behavior
of this class of functions.



A positive real function F(s) is an analytic function of the complex

variable s = + j , which has the following properties:
1. F(s) is regular for > 0.
2. F() is real.
3. 0 implies Re [F(s)] 0.
This is a mathematical definition for a class of mathematical functions.
Our motivation in making this definition is the fact that a network func-

Sec. 7.4]



tion of interestnamely, a driving-point impedance (or admittance)

possesses these properties. B y making a mathematical study of positive
real functions we can perhaps determine things about impedances that
we could not establish from physical reasoning alone. The concept of a
positive real function, as well as many of the properties of positive real
functions that we shall consider, are due to Otto Brune.
We shall now show that, if a function is rational and satisfies the last
two of the above conditions, it will automatically satisfy condition 1. We
shall do this by showing that a pole of order n of a real rational function
is surrounded by 2n sectors in which the real part of the function is
alternately positive and negative. Let s be a pole of order n of the rational
function F(s). The case n = 3 is illustrated in Fig. 4. In the neighborhood

Fig. 4.

Pole of order 3.

of the pole of order n, the function has a Laurent expansion of the form


If a sufficiently small neighborhood of s is chosen, the first term of the

Laurent expansion can be made much larger in magnitude than the rest;
hence the real part of F(s) in this neighborhood will take on both positive
and negative values. We show this as follows: If we write





[Ch. 7

Since is a fixed angle and can vary from 0 to 2 in this neighborhood,

we see that the real part of the dominant term changes sign 2n times as
varies from 0 to 2. Therefore the real part of F(s) also changes sign 2n
times (although not necessarily at exactly the same values of , due to the
other terms in the Laurent expansion).
Now suppose that the function F(s) satisfies the last two conditions in
the definition of a positive real function, but it has a pole in the interior
of the right half-plane. According to what we have just proved, the real
part of F(s) will then take on both negative and positive values in the
right half-plane, which contradicts condition 3.
We conclude that in the case of rational functions, whose only singular
points are poles, condition 1 of the definition of a positive real function is a
consequence of the other two conditions and hence is unnecessary.
As a further aid to the understanding, the definition of a positive real
function can be interpreted as a conformal mapping. A positive real func
tion W= F(s) maps the real s-axis into the real W-axis, and maps the
right half s-plane into the right half W-plane. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.


Fig. 5.


Mapping by positive real functions.

An immediate consequence of this interpretation is the fact that a posi

tive real function of a positive real function is itself positive real; that is, if
F1(s) and F (s) are pr (this is used as an abbreviation for positive real),

is also pr; because the right haJf s-plane goes into the right half F -plane
since F (s) is positive real. Also, the right half F -plane goes into the right

Sec. 7.4]



half F1-plane since F1 is positive real. The composite mapping therefore

maps the right half s-plane into the right half F -plane. The real axis is
preserved throughout.
This is a useful result. We can use it to show immediately that, if F(s)
is pr, so are 1/F(s) and F(l/s). To prove this result we merely observe that


is a pr function. Now we use 1/s and F(s) as Fi(s) and F (s) in (62), in
both possible ways, and the result follows immediately.
From the fact that the reciprocal of a pr function is itself pr, it follows
that a positive real function can have no zeros in the right half-plane;
because if it did, then its reciprocal would have poles in the right halfplane, which is impossible. Since the impedance of a passive reciprocal
network is a pr function, its reciprocalthe admittanceis also a pr
From a conformal-mapping point of view, the points F(s) = 0 and
(these are the zeros and poles of the function), which are on the boundary
of the right half F-plane, cannot be images of any interior points of the
right half s-plane. Let us now inquire into the properties resulting when
other boundary points of the right half F-plane are images of boundary
points of the right half s-plane; that is, let a point on the j-axis be mapped
by a pr function F into a point on the imaginary axis of the F-plane.
If j is the point in question, then

where X is real (positive, negative, or zero).
Consider a neighborhood of j in the s-plane and the corresponding
neighborhood of j X in the F-plane, as shown in Fig. 6. Let si denote a
point in the right half-plane, in this neighborhood of j . Let us now

Fig. 6.

Conformal mapping by positive real functions.



[Ch. 7

expand F(s) in a Taylor series about j and evaluate it at s = s1. The

result is


where F (j )
is the first nonvanishing derivative of F(s) at j .
As si approaches j , the dominant term on the right will be the first
term. Let us define.

Then, in the limit, we shall find from (65) that
But the positive real condition requires that || /2 as long as || /2.
Therefore we conclude from (67) that
Thus the first nonvanishing derivative is the first one, and its angle is
zero at s = j . This is a very important result. For future reference we
shall state it as a theorem:

6. If any point on the j-axis is mapped by a positive real function
F into a point on the imaginary axis in the F-plane, then at this point the
derivative dF/ds is real and positive.
A number of other results follow from this important theorem. Note that
if F(s) has a zero or a pole on the j-axis, the conditions of the theorem
are satisfied. In the case of a zero ( X = 0), a point on the j-axis is
mapped into the origin of the F-plane, which is on the imaginary axis.
Hence the derivative dF/ds is real and positive. This also implies that the
zero is a simple one, since at a higher order zero the first derivative will be
zero. If F(s) has a pole on the j-axis, its reciprocal will have a zero there
and the theorem will apply to the reciprocal. However, d(l/F)/ds evaluated
at a pole of F(s) is the reciprocal of the residue of F(s) at the pole. (See

Sec. 7.4]



Appendix 2.) These considerations can now be stated as the following

7. If a positive real function has any poles or zeros on the j-axis
(including s = 0, ) , such poles or zeros must be simple. At a simple zero
on the j-axis the derivative is real and positive. At a simple pole on the jaxis, the residue is real and positive.


We have up to this point collected quite a number of necessary condi

tions that a positive real function satisfies. What we would like to do is to
find a set from among these necessary conditions which proves to be
sufficient as well. The result is contained in the following theorem:
8. A rational function
real if and only if

F(s) with real coefficients is


F(s) is regular for > 0;

Poles on the j-axis (including s = 0, ) are simple, with real positive
Re [F(j)] 0 for all , except at the poles.

That these conditions are necessary is obvious from the definition of a

pr function and from Theorem 7. Therefore only the sufficiency needs to be
proved; that is, let us assume that a function F(s) satisfies these conditions
and show that the function must be positive real. Let 1, , ..., be
the poles on the j-axis and let us examine the principal parts at these
poles. If there is a pole at the origin, the principal part is

where k is real and positive. It is evident that F (s) is itself pr and, in

addition, that

Similarly, the principal part at a possible simple pole of F(s) at infinity is

where k is real and positive; F (s)

part on the j-axis is zero; that is,

is also pr and, in addition, its real



[Ch. 7

Any other poles on the j-axis must occur in conjugate pairs and with
conjugate residues, since F(s) is a real function. Since the residues are
real by hypothesis, the two residues are equal. Taking the principal parts
at the conjugate poles j and j together, we get

where k is real and positive. This function is also positive real, and, in
addition, has the property

(We may note that F (s) is the impedance of a capacitance, F (s) that of
an inductance, and F (s) that of a parallel tuned circuit.)
Thus we can subtract from the given function F(s) the principal parts
at all of its poles on the j-axis. The remainder function F (s) still has
property (c) of the theorem; that is,

The remainder function F (s) is a function that is regular in the right
half-plane and its entire boundary, the j-axis, including the point at
infinity. For such a function the minimum value of the real part through
out its region of regularity lies on the boundary. This can be proved by
using the maximum-modulus theorem (see Appendix 2) in the following
way. Let G(s) = e
This function will have the same region of regular
ity as F (s). Hence, according to the maximum-modulus theorem, the
maximum magnitude of G(s) for all 0 lies on the j-axis. Since

- i r ( s )

the maximum magnitude of G(s) will correspond to the smallest value of
Re[F (s)]. This proves the desired result that the minimum value of
Re [Fr(s)] for all 0 occurs on the j-axis. Since according to (69) this
value is nonnegative, the real part of F (s) must be non-negative every
where in the right half-plane; that is,

Since, in addition, F () is real, we conclude that F (s) is a positive real

function. N o w we can write


Sec. 7.4]



W e have shown that each term on the right is pr. Y o u can easily show
that the sum of two (or more) pr functions is itself pr. Hence, F(s) is
positive real. This completes the proof of the sufficiency of the stated
Since the reciprocal of a pr function is also pr, we can restate these
necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of the zeros of F(s).

9. A real rational function

F(s) is positive

real if and only if

F(s) has no zeros in > 0.

Zeros on the j-axis (including s = ) are simple, with real
Re [F(j)] 0 for all (except at poles).


This theorem follows directly from the preceding one if we remember that
the residue of a function at a simple pole is the reciprocal of the derivative
of the reciprocal of the function.
In testing a given function to determine positive realness, it may not
always be necessary to use the necessary and sufficient conditions listed
in the preceding two theorems. It may be possible to eliminate some
functions from consideration by inspection because they violate certain
simple necessary conditions. Let us now discuss some of these conditions.
We have seen that a rational positive real function has neither zeros
nor poles in the right half s-plane. We previously defined a Hurwitz poly
nomial as one that has no zeros in the right half-s-plane. This definition
permits zeros on the j-axis. With this terminology, we see that a positive
real function is the ratio of two Hurwitz polynomials.
The factors that constitute a Hurwitz polynomial must have one of the
following two forms: (s + a) for real zeros or (s + as + b) for a pair of
complex zeros, with a being non-negative and b being positive. If any
number of such factors are multiplied, the result must be a polynomial
all of whose coefficients are non-negative. Furthermore, unless all the
factors correspond to zeros on the j-axis, all the coefficients of the poly
nomial will be strictly positive. If we introduce the added condition that
zeros on the j-axis be simple, then it is found that, when all the zeros are
on the j-axis, every other coefficient will be zero and the remaining
coefficients will be strictly postive. Even though this is a necessary
condition for a Hurwitz polynomial, it is not sufficient, as the following
counter-example readily demonstrates:

The polynomial on the right has no missing powers of s and ail coefficients
are positive, yet it has a pair of zeros in the right half-plane.



[Ch. 7

Hence, if a rational function is presented as a candidate for positive

realness, this criterion can serve as a negative type of test. If the numerator
or denominator polynomials have any negative coefficients, or missing
coefficients (other than all alternate coefficients as described above), the
function can be discarded. On the other hand, if this test is passed,
nothing definite can be said about the function.
Another simple test follows from the fact that a positive real function
can have no more than a simple pole or a simple zero at zero or infinity
(which are on the j-axis). This requires that the highest powers of s in
numerator and denominator not differ by more than unity; and similarly
for the lowest powers.
To illustrate we shall list some rational functions and see if they can
be ruled out rapidly as not satisfying certain necessary conditions for
positive real functions.

No more than simple pole at infinity; pos
itive coefficients. Might be positive real.
Coefficient of cubic term missing. Not
positive real.
Double zero at infinity. Not positive real.
Coefficients missing in numerator looks
bad, but all even powers missing. Might
still be positive real. (In fact, it is.)
No negative or missing coefficients, but
triple pole at s = 2 might seem peculiar.
N o t ruled out. (In fact, it is pr.)



An important property of the impedance of a passive network that was

found earlier was the angle property given in (50). This property can be
proved mathematically, without recourse to energy considerations,
simply from the definition of a positive real function. However, the proof
is somewhat lengthy even though it is straightforward. It will therefore
not be given but will be outlined in a problem. Furthermore, assuming

Sec. 7.4]



the truth of (50) for a real function F(s), it follows that F(s) is positive

Thus this angle property is not only necessary but sufficient as well. We
shall therefore state it here as a theorem.

10. A real rational function

F(s) is positive

real if and only if





It is possible to relate another function to a positive real function

through a bilinear transformation. The function so obtained possesses
some interesting properties. Consider the following bilinear transformation:
The mapping between the F- and W-plane is shown in Fig. 7. The right
half of the F-plane is mapped into the inside of the unit circle in the Wplane. The j-axis becomes the contour of the unit circle.
If F(s) is a pr function, right-half-plane values of s map into right-halfplane values of F and so are mapped inside the W-plane unit circle. When



Fig. 7.

Mapping of bilinear transformation.



[Ch. 7

F(j) takes on values in the right-half-plane or on the jX-axis,
and these fall inside or on the W-plane unit circle. Hence, if F(s) is pr
and W(s) is related to F through (74), then
N o w consider the poles of W(s). From (74), these occur where
F(s) = 1. Values of s for which this is true cannot lie in the closed
right half-plane if F(s) is pr, since that would require Re F < 0 for
Re s 0. Hence W(s) must be regular both in the right half-plane and
on the j-axis.
A function W(s) having these propertiesnamely, W(s) regular in the
closed right half-plane and | W(j)| 1is called bounded real. Thus a
bilinear transformation of a positive real function is bounded real. The
converse of this is also true; that is a bilinear transformation of a bounded
real function is positive real. Sketching the few steps in the proof is left to
This relationship of bounded real and positive real functions leads to an
interesting conclusion. Suppose a pr function F(s) is written as

where ii and m are even polynomials, and n and n are odd. Then the
bilinear transformation (74) gives


The magnitude squared | W(j)|



N o w suppose mi and m are interchanged; the value of | W(j)| will

clearly not be affected, as observed from (78), neither will the poles of
W(s), as observed from (77), although the zeros of W(s) will. Let the new
W-function obtained by interchanging mi and m be called W(s). It is
clearly a bounded real function. From (77), W is found to be


Sec. 7.4]



The corresponding pr function F(s) is found from the bilinear transforma

tion to be

This is simply the original F(s) with the even powers of the numerator and
denominator interchanged. Since F(s) is a bilinear transformation of a
bounded real function, it is pr. The reciprocal of F is also pr. But the
reciprocal of F is the same as the original F(s), with ni(s) and n (s) inter
changed. The conclusion is given as the following theorem:

I I . If in a positive real function the even powers of the numerator
and denominator, or the odd powers, are interchanged, the result is a positive
real function.



Since the real part of a pr function plays such a central role in its
properties, we should examine the behavior of the real part of such a
function on the j-axis. Remember that the j-axis real part of F is equal
to the even part evaluated at s = j ; that is,
so that statements made about the even part can easily be interpreted in
terms of the real part on the j-axis.
We already know that R() is necessarily an even function of and
non-negative for all . It is also easy to establish that the even part of
F(s) can have no poles on the j-axis. Any poles of the even part would
also have to be poles of F(s); but on the j-axis, these are simple. If we
consider F(s) expanded in partial fractions as in (71), the function F(s)
will contain the same terms, but all those involving the poles on the jaxis will have a negative sign. Hence, in forming the even part,
F(s)+ F(s), these will all cancel, leaving the function with no poles
on the j-axis. Interpreted in terms of the real part, this means that R()
must be bounded for all .
N o w let U S consider a possible zero of R(). Figure 8 shows a sketch
of R() versus in the vicinity of a zero. Because of the positive real
requirement, R() must remain positive on both sides of the zero. It
follows that a zero of R() on the -axis cannot be of odd multiplicity;
it must be of even multiplicity.



Fig. 8.

[Ch. 7

Sketch of real part of positive real function.

We have here determined certain necessary conditions for the j-axis

real part of a positive real function. Let us now list a set of necessary and
sufficient conditions as a theorem.
12. A real function R() of a real variable is the j-axis
part of a rational positive real function F(s) if and only if

R() is an even rational function

R() is bounded for all .
R() Ofor all .


with real coefficients.

We have already seen that these conditions are necessary. As a matter of

fact, it has already been demonstrated in Chapter 6, by actual construc
tion, that conditions (a) and (b) are sufficient to find a real rational func
tion F(s) from a given R(). If condition (c) is also satisfied by R(), this
is sufficient to make the rational function in question a positive real func



Let us now turn our attention to some special types of positive real
functions. These arise from a consideration of networks containing only
two types of elements (LC, RC, RL). Historically, such networks were
studied before the more general ones, starting with the work done by
Foster in 1924.
We shall initially consider networks that have no resistance. Such net
works are referred to as lossless, or reactance, networks. In Theorem 5 we
noted that the driving-point impedance of a lossless network is purely

Sec. 7.5]



imaginary on the j-axis; that is, Re [Z(j)] = 0. Stated in terms of a

transformation, the impedance of a lossless network maps the imaginary
axis of the s-plane into the imaginary axis of the Z-plane. Having observed
this property of the impedance of a network, we shall now revert to
mathematics and make this property the basis of a definition. We shall
make the following definition: A reactance function is a positive real function
that maps the imaginary axis into the imaginary axis. In this terminology,
the driving-point impedance of a lossless network is a reactance function.
Let us now establish some properties of reactance functions. In the
first place we shall show that the poles and zeros of a reactance function
all lie on the j-axis.
To prove this theorem note that, just as a function that maps the real
axis into the real axis has symmetry about the real axis [i.e., F(s) = F(s)],
so a function that maps the imaginary axis into the imaginary axis has
symmetry about the imaginary axis. To see this clearly let us rotate the
two planes (the s-plane and the F-plane) clockwise by / 2 radians. We do
this b y defining


These transformations are shown in Fig. 9. Note that the real

Fig. 9.



Transformation that rotates axes by /2 radians.

becomes the imaginary z-axis, and vice versa. A similar case obtains for
the other transformation. When z is real, the argument of F(jz) is
imaginary, so by hypothesis F(jz) will also be imaginary. Hence (z) will
be real when z is real. It follows from the reflection property given in (6)
of Chapter 6 that



[Ch. 7

If we now translate back through the transformations in (82) this relation

Note that the point s is the image of the point s with respect to the
imaginary axis. A similar case obtains for the points F and F. Hence
the result in (84) states that image points with respect to the imaginary
axis in the s-plane go into image points with respect to the imaginary axis
in the F-plane.
It follows that, if F(s) has a pole or a zero in the left half-plane, then the
image point in the right half-plane is also a pole or a zero, which is not
possible for a pr function. Hence the poles and zeros of a reactance function
must all lie on the j-axis.
Let U S turn back to Theorem 6 for a moment. There we saw that if a pr
function maps a point on the j-axis into a point on the imaginary axis,
then the derivative of the function at that point is real and positive. But
according to Theorem 5, a reactance function maps the entire j-axis into
the imaginary axis in the F-plane. Hence for such a function the derivative
property will hold at all points on the j-axis (except at poles). This is
the basis of another very important property; namely, the poles and zeros
of a reactance function alternate on the j-axis; that is, between any two
poles is a zero and between any two zeros is a pole.
As already noted, Theorem 6 applies at all points on the j-axis except
at poles. Hence the derivative dF/ds evaluated at s=j
is real and
positive. Let us compute the derivative along the j-axis, which we are
permitted to do since the derivative exists. The result will be


We have used the usual notation F(j) = R() +jX(),

and, since F is
here a reactance function, R() is zero. Notice that X() is a real function
of a real variable. Therefore, if there is no pole between two zeros of X(),
the derivative will become negative somewhere in between, which, as we
have just shown, is impossible. A similar conclusion applies to successive
poles. Figure 10 illustrates the form that X() should have for successive
zeros or poles without intervening poles or zeros, respectively.
The property that we have just proved is referred to as the alternation
property of the poles and zeros. From this property it is clear that the
plot of X() against must have the general shape shown in Fig. 11.
Since X() is an odd function of and the alternation of poles and

Sec. 7.5]


Fig. 10.


Impossible behavior of a reactance function.

Fig. 11.

Behavior of a reactance function.

zeros must hold on the entire imaginary axis (positive and negative values
of ), we conclude that the point s = 0 is either a zero or a pole of a react
ance function.
Note that, if F(s) is a pr function mapping the imaginary axis into the
imaginary axis, so is the function F(l/s). With the transformation s -> 1/s,
the point in the s-plane goes into the origin in the 1/s-plane. Hence, b y
using the immediately preceding result, we find that the point s = is
either a zero or a pole of a reactance function.
We have now discussed several properties of reactance functions. We
should also note that certain properties of general pr functions apply in
particular to reactance functions. Thus, since we have shown that poles
and zeros of a pr function that lie on the j-axis are simple and that
residues at such poles are real and positive, we conclude that all poles
and zeros of reactance functions are simple and that residues at all poles
are real and positive.
We are now in a position to consolidate our results about reactance
functions and to state necessary and sufficient conditions for a rational
function of s to be a reactance function.



only if

13. A real rational function

(s) is a reactance function

[Ch. 7

if and

All of its poles are simple and lie on the j-axis;

The residues are all real and positive;
The function has either a pole or a zero at s = 0 and at s = ; and
Re (j) = Ofor some .

Notice that this statement involves only the poles and the residues,
not the zeros. We have already shown these conditions to be necessary; it
remains to prove that they are sufficient; that is, assuming a rational
function to satisfy the stated conditions, we must show that the function
is a reactance function. This is most easily done b y considering the partialfraction expansion of such a function. If we combine the two terms due to
conjugate poles, the most general form of the partial-fraction expansion
will be*
where the summation runs over all the poles, and all the k's are positive.
Of course, the pole at the origin or at infinity, or both, may be absent.
This expression is consistent with (71) with F (s) = 0, since in the present
case there are no other poles except these on the j-axis. The desired
result follows immediately. Each term in this expansion is imaginary for
imaginary values of s, so that (s) maps the imaginary axis into the imagin
ary axis, which makes (s) a reactance function by definition.
The alternation property of the poles and zeros forms the basis of an
alternate set of necessary and sufficient conditions, stated as follows:

14. A real rational function of sis a reactance function if and only
if all of its poles and zeros are simple, lie on the j-axis, and alternate with
each other.
Again, we have already proved that a reactance function necessarily
satisfies these conditions. It remains to show that the conditions are
sufficient. A rational function that satisfies the given conditions must have
the following form:
* In the absence of condition 4 of Theorem (13) a constant term would be permitted
in the expansion of (86). Condition 4 is required to eliminate this constant, which cannot
be part of a reactance function.

Sec. 7.5]



In (87) K is a positive constant, and k = 2n 2 or 2n according as (s)
has a zero or a pole at infinity. If (s) has a pole at s = 0, we take to
be zero. A factor s will then cancel. The desired result now follows
immediately. Each of the quadratic pole and zero factors in (87) is real
when s is imaginary. This means that, due to the factor s, (s) is imaginary
when s is imaginary. Hence, (s) is a reactance function, by definition.*



At the start of this discussion we showed that the driving-point

impedance of a lossless network is necessarily a reactance function. Note
that the driving-point admittance of a lossless network is also a reactance
function; that is,
is also imaginary for imaginary values of s if Z(s) is.
The question now arises as to whether the converse of this condition is
also true; that is, given a reactance function, is this the driving-point
impedance (or admittance) of some lossless network? In order to answer
this question in the affirmative, we shall have to construct a lossless
network that has the given reactance function as its impedance or admit
tance. The question was answered in 1924 by Foster in his famous
reactance theorem (although not in the form given here).
15. A rational function of s is a reactance function if and only if
it is the driving-point impedance or admittance of a lossless network.
We have already established the sufficiency. It remains to show that,
given a reactance function, it is necessarily the impedance or the admitt
ance of a lossless network. To show this, turn back to the partial-fraction
expansion of a reactance function given in (86). We can recognize each of
the summands of the partial-fraction expansion to be the impedance or
admittance of a very simple reactance structure. The structures are shown
in Fig. 12. Thus, if (s) is to be an impedance, we can represent it as a
* It appears that this argument requires only that (s) be an odd rational function:
ratio of two even polynomials with an additional factor of 5 in numerator or denominator.
But, in addition to mapping the imaginary axis into the imaginary axis, a reactance
function has to be pr. Without the alternation property, an odd rational function will
not be pr.



[Ch. 6

Network representation

Fig. 12.



Representation of partial-fraction summands.

series combination of the elementary one-port networks in column 2 of

Fig. 12. Or, if (s) is to be an admittance, we can represent it as a parallel
combination of the elementary one-port networks in column 3. The forms
of the resulting networks are shown in Fig. 13. They are referred to as
Foster's first and second form.



Fig. 13.

Foster's forms of lossless one-ports.

We have now proved the theorem with a vengeance. We found that a

given reactance function can be both the impedance and the admittance
of some lossless network (not the same network, of course).
Let us illustrate this result with the following function. Let


Sec. 7.5]




In the first of these, the term 4s is recognized as the impedance of a

four-unit inductor. Similarly, 9/s is recognized as the impedance of a
^-unit capacitor. (The units are not henry or farad because this is presum
ably a normalized function.) The impedance of a parallel LC branch is

Hence, by direct comparison, the values of L and C are found to be C =

L = -. The network takes the form shown in Fig. 14a.


Fig. 14.

Reactive network realizations.

The admittance in (90b) is seen to consist of two terms, each of which

can be realized b y an inductor and a capacitor in series. The admittance
of such a series-tuned circuit is

Hence the values of L and C for each of the two branches can be found by
comparison of this expansion with each of the numerical terms in the
given function. The result is shown in Fig. 14b.
The two networks obtained are entirely equivalent at their terminals.
No measurements made there could distinguish one from the other.



[Ch. 7

The Foster forms are not the only possible networks that realize a
given function. (There are, in fact, an infinite number of alternative
structures.) Let us illustrate one possible alternative with the example
already treated, before generalizing. The impedance in (90) has a pole at
infinity. If this entire pole is subtracted from Z(s), the remaining
function will no longer have a pole at infinity and so it must have a zero
there. Thus

The result of subtracting 4s from the impedance means removing a

four-unit inductor from the network as illustrated in Fig. 15a. leaving a




Fig. 15.

Ladder-network realization of impedance.

network whose impedance is Z1. Now the reciprocal of Z1 will have a pole
at infinity. This pole can be totally removed by subtracting s/24, leaving

Sec. 7.5]



The equivalent of subtracting s/24 from the admittance is to remove a

^ - u n i t capacitor from across the input terminals of Z1, as shown in
Fig. 15b. The admittance Y remaining after this removal has no pole at
infinity, b u t its reciprocal, Z , does. This can be removed, leaving

The network equivalent of sutbracting an impedance of 48s/5 is to remove

a ^ unit inductor, as shown in Fig. 15c. The remaining impedance Z is
simple enough to identify as a capacitor. The final network is shown in
Fig. 15d. It is in the form of a ladder network.
A ladder network having arbitrary branches is shown in Fig. 16. Its

Fig. 16.

Ladder network with arbitrary branch impedances.

impedance can be written in the following continued-fraction



In the example just treated the process carried out step by step is
actually a continued-fraction expansion, where each of the Z and Y
functions in (91) is of the form ks, in which k is inductance or capacitance.
The expansion deals exclusively with the pole at infinity, removing this



[Ch. 7

pole alternately from the impedance and then the remaining admittance.
The result of this process for an arbitrary reactance function will have the
network structure shown in Fig. 17a.


Fig. 17.

First and second Cauer forms of lossless ladders.

An alternate continued fraction expansion can be made by dealing with

the pole at the origin, s = 0. The expansion is obtained by removing the
pole at s = 0 alternately from the impedance and then the remaining
admittance until the function is exhausted. For the example previously
treated the expansion is

The result is like Fig. 17b with the first four elements being C1 =
L - , C = ^ , a n d L = WTo summarize, we have shown that the impedance and admittance of a
lossless network are reactance functions; and conversely, given any
reactance function, a number of networks can be found whose impedance
or admittance is equal to the given reactance function.



We have found that a reactance function is an odd rational function,

the ratio of an odd to an even polynomial, or vice versa, as observed in

Sec. 7.5]



(87). If we denote even and odd polynomials by m(s) and n(s), respectively,
then a reactance function (s) can be written as


where m and n have no common factors.

Now consider the parallel combination of a lossless network and a
one-ohm resistance. Taking (s) to be the admittance of the lossless net
work, the impedance of this combination will be


where (92) is used for (s). The impedance of this RLC network will
be pr and regular on the j-axis; hence its poles cannot lie in the closed
right half-plane. The polynomial m + n in (93) is therefore a strictly
Hurwitz polynomial. This is a very useful result. We shall state this result
and its converse as a theorem.
16. IfP(s) = m(s) + n(s) is a Hurwitz polynomial, then the ratio
m/n is a reactance function. Conversely, if the ratio of the even and odd parts
of a polynomial P(s) is found to be a reactance function, then P(s) will differ
from a strictly Hurwitz polynomial by at most a multiplicative even poly
This theorem provides us with a means for easily determining whether
a given rational function is regular in the right half-plane, as positive
realness requires. We take the ratio of the even and odd parts (or its
reciprocal) of the denominator polynomial, then expand in a continued
fraction or a partial fraction. To illustrate, let

* A proof is outlined in problem 43 for you to work out. An alternate proof is given
in Norman Balabanian, Network Synthesis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood, Cliffs, N.J.,
1958, pp. 77-81.



[Ch. 7

N o w form the ratio m/n and expand in a continued fraction. The result
will be

The elements in a lossless-network realization of this continued fraction

will all be positive. Hence m/n is a reactance function and P(s) is a strictly
Hurwitz polynomial. In this example we assumed without detailed
investigation the absence of a multiplicative even polynomial. A criterion
for verifying this will evolve from the next example
As another illustration consider


Observe that n/m = s/2 is a reactance function; but the continued-frac

tion expansion terminates prematurely because a polynomial

is a factor of both even and odd parts. This is an even polynomial that
has two zeros in the right half-plane and two in the left. The original
polynomial is

and is exactly a Hurwitz polynomial times an even polynomial, in accor

dance with the theorem.
To conclude: Given a polynomial P(s) = m(s) + n(s), in order to detect
the presence of an even polynomial factor, we note that this must be a
factor of both the even and odd parts. Hence, when the ratio is formed

Sec. 7.6]



and a continued-fraction expansion is carried out, the premature termina

tion of the expansion will signal the presence of such an even factor. The
final divisor, just before the termination, will be the even polynomial in



Let us now turn to another type of two-element network: namely, RC

networks. We can, if we like, carry out a complete discussion of this case,
without referring to the discussion of LC networks. However, this would
be a waste of time, since it is possible to interrelate the driving-point
functions b y means of suitable transformations. The procedure we shall
follow was first used b y Cauer in extending Foster's work to RC and RL
Let Z(s) be the driving-point impedance of an RC network N. With the
usual choice of loops, let the loop impedance matrix of N be
where the elements of the matrix are

Let us replace each resistance in N by an inductance of equal value
(R ohms becomes R henrys). Then the loop impedance matrix of the new
network N' becomes

The driving-point impedance of network N' is found from a solution of the

corresponding loop equations; it will be given b y the ratio of det ( ) and
one of its first principal cofactors. The impedance of network N will equal
the ratio of det ( Z ) and one of its first principal cofactors. But and
are related through (96). Hence, remembering the effect on the
determinant of multiplication of a matrix b y a scalar s, we find the
driving-point impedance of the network N' to be



[Ch. 7

The network N' contains only capacitance and inductance, so that (s)
in the last equation is a reactance function. Thus we have found that the
impedance of an RC network can be transformed to a reactance function
b y replacing s by s and then multiplying by s.
It would be of interest to see if the converse is also true; that is, given
a reactance function (s), can we convert to the impedance of an RC
network with the opposite transformation? To do this, consider the reac
tance function to be expanded in partial fractions, as shown in (86).
N o w divide the entire result by s and replace s b y s. (This is the opposite
of the transformation just used.) The result will be

Each term on the right can be recognized as the impedance of a simple RC

structure. The term k /s is a capacitor; and k a resistor. Each of the other
terms represents the impedance of a branch consisting of R and C in
parallel, given by (l/C)/(s + 1/RC). The values of R and C are obtained b y
comparing the two expressions. As a matter of fact, the representations of
column 2 in Fig. 12 will apply, with inductances replaced by resistances.
For convenient reference let us state this result as follows:


17. If Z ( s ) is the driving point impedance of an RC network,


is a reactance function.

Conversely, if (s) is a reactance function,



is the driving-point

impedance of an RC network.

Let us now consider the admittance of an RC network. B y using (98),

it can be expressed as

Sec. 7.6]



B u t the reciprocal of a reactance function is itself a reactance function.

Hence, given a reactance function (s), to obtain an RC admittance we
replace s by / s , then multiply by s. For convenient reference we shall
state this as follows:

18. If Y ( s ) is the admittance


of an RC network, then


is a reactance function.


if (s) is a reactance function,


is the driving-point


of an RC network.

Here we find a basic distinction between reactance functions and RC

impedance-and-admittance functions. Whereas the reciprocal of a react
ance function is again a member of the same class of functions, the recip
rocal of an RC impedance is a member of the class of RC admittances, and
vice versa.
With the preceding transformations we are in a position to translate
all the properties of reactance functions into properties of RC impedances
and admittances. The procedure for establishing these results is quite
straightforward. To start with, let us apply (98) and (100) to the partialfraction expansion of a reactance function given in (86). With appropriate
changes in notation for the poles and residues, the results will be



where the k's and 's are all real and positive. Note that we have used the
same symbols for the residues and poles in both cases, but these are general
expressions for classes of functions and the two are not supposed to be
Equation (102) is not a partial-fraction expansion of Y (s).
It is, rather
an expansion of Y (s)/s,
after which the result is multiplied through by s.
If we divide (102) b y s, we find that the form is identical with (101).
This shows that an RC admittance function divided by s is an RC imRC




[Ch. 7

pedance function. We see that the poles of both these functions are
negative real, and the residues of Z
and Y /s are all positive.
B y differentiating the last two equations along the real axis (s = ),
we obtain a result that is the counterpart of the positive-slope property
of a reactance function; that is,




Thus the curves of RC driving-point functions plotted for real values

of s are monotonic; Z ( ) is strictly decreasing, whereas Y ()
strictly increasing. Just as in the case of reactance functions, this implies
that the zeros and poles of both must alternate, in this case along the real
Sketches of typical RC driving-point functions for real values of s are
shown in Figs. 18 and 19. In Fig. 18 note that the first pole near the origin
may in fact move into the origin, making F(0) infinite. Also, the last
zero on the negative real axis may move out to infinity, causing F()
to become zero. Similarly, in Fig. 19 the first zero may be at the origin,
causing F(0) to be zero. Also, the final pole may move out to infinity,
causing F() to become infinite.
Let us now collect all of these results and state them in the form of
theorems. Theorems 19 and 20 are for RC impedances; Theorems 21 and
22, for RC admittances.


19. A rational function F(s) is the driving-point impedance of an
RC network if and only if all of its poles are simple and restricted to the
finite negative real axis (including s = 0), with real positive residues at all
poles and with F(oo) real and non-negative. (This is the counterpart of
Theorem 13 for reactance functions.)
20. A rational function F(s) is the driving-point impedance of an
RC network if and only if all the poles and zeros are simple, lie on the negative
real axis, and alternate with each other, the first critical point (pole or zero),
starting at the origin and moving down the negative real axis, being a pole.
(This is the counterpart of Theorem 14 for reactance functions.)
21. A rational function F(s) is the driving-point admittance of an
RC network if and only if all of its poles are simple and restricted to the
negative real axis (excluding the point s = 0, but including infinity), with

Sec. 7.6]


F(0) real and non-negative,



and with all the residues of F(s)/s real and posi

Fig. 18.


Z ().

Fig. 19.


Y ().



22. A rational function F(s) is the driving-point admittance of an
RC network if and only if all the poles and zeros are simple, lie on the negative
real axis, and alternate with each other, the first critical point (pole or zero),
starting at the origin and moving down the negative real axis, being a zero.
(The only difference between this theorem for admittances and Theorem
20 for impedances is the last word.)
We have already sketched the proofs of all these theorems in the pre
ceding discussion. You m a y organize the proofs as an exercise.



[Ch. 7

We have now stated several sets of necessary and sufficient conditions

for a rational function to be the driving-point impedance or admittance
of an RC one-port network. Generally, when it is desired to prove the
sufficiency of a set of conditions for a given function to be the drivingpoint (or transfer) function of a network from a class of networks, it is
done by showing that a network (at least one) of the given class can be
realized from the given function. In the present case we tied up the proof
with reactance functions by showing that the given function can always
be transformed to a reactance function. This function can then be realized
as an LC network. The desired RC network is then obtained by performing
the inverse transformation. This step amounts to replacing each L in the
LC network with an R of equal value.
Alternatively, we can work on the given function itself, expanding it in
partial fractions just as we did for reactance functions. We have already
obtained the desired forms in (101) and (102). Each term in these expres
sions can be recognized as the impedance or admittance of a simple RC
structure. The series or parallel connection of these structures (depending
on whether the function is to be impedance or admittance) gives the
desired result. The networks have the same form as the Foster forms of
lossless networks shown in Fig. 12. Hence they are referred to as Foster
realizations of RC networks, although it was Cauer who first gave these
results. Figure 20 shows the realizations of the terms in (101) and (102).

Fig. 20.

Foster realizations of RC components.

To illustrate, let the given function be

Sec. 7.6]



The poles are real, negative, and simple; and the residues are positive, as
the partial-fraction expansion shows. The constant term can be recognized
as a two-unit resistor. The term 3/(s + 1) represents a parallel RC branch.
B y reference to Fig. 20, the values of C and R are found to be C = \,
R = 3. The last term has the same form as the second one and can be
realized b y the same kind of branch. The complete realization is given in
Fig. 21a.

Fig. 21.

BC networks realizing a given function.

N o w consider the reciprocal of the function under consideration:

The right side is obtained by first expanding Y(s)/s in partial fractions

and then multiplying by s. B y reference to Fig. 20, the realization shown
in Fig. 21b is obtained. You should verify that both networks have the
same impedance.


Since a one-to-one correspondence has been established between

reactance functions and RC driving-point functions through appropriate
transformations, we should expect that whatever procedures are used to
obtain a network realization of a reactance function can also be used to
obtain realizations of RC functions. The Foster forms have already been
obtained. The ladder (Cauer) forms can also be obtained b y expanding
ZRC and YRC in continued fractions. We shall not give the detailed
development in the general case, since it should be quite obvious. Instead,
an illustrative example will be given, with the same function for
which Foster-form realizations were obtained above. There will be some



[Ch. 7

characteristic differences in obtaining the continued-fraction expansion of

ZRC or Y
compared with that of a reactance function, because Z
cannot have a pole at infinity and Y
cannot have a pole at zero. Also,
(see Problem 31) the smallest value of the real part occurs for different
values of s for Z
Y .
Starting with the previously given Z(s), a continued-fraction expansion
dealing with the infinite-frequency behavior at each step is obtained as





The corresponding network is shown in Fig. 22a.

Fig. 22.


Ladder-network realizations.

An alternative realization is obtained b y starting with the admittance

Sec. 7.7]



and dealing with the zero-frequency behavior. Thus

The corresponding network is shown in Fig. 22b.


What has been done for RC networks can be duplicated for RL net
works. The starting point is again a transformation that will take a reac
tance function into an RL impedance or admittance. It is immediately
found that the class of RL impedance functions is identical with the
class of RC admittance functions, and vice versa. Hence there is no need
to duplicate the detailed development. In any theorem involving RC
networks it is only necessary to replace the word " impedance " with the
word " admittance " (or " admittance " with " impedance ") to arrive
at a valid theorem for RL networks. We shall not pursue this subject
here but will suggest some of the results as problems.



In the last three sections we studied some of the most important

properties of driving-point functions of linear, time-invariant, passive,
reciprocal one-port networks. We stall now go on to a consideration of
multiport networks; in particular, two-ports. The groundwork was
already laid in (46) for a consideration of the open-circuit impedance and
short-circuit admittance matrices. These expressions are repeated here
for convenience.




[Ch. 7

The left-hand side of each of these equations is a positive real function.

(The left-hand side of the second equation is the conjugate of that of the
first). The right-hand side of each equation is a quadratic form that is
now seen to equal a positive real function. Just as we say that the matrix
of a positive definite quadratic form is positive definite, so also we say that
the matrix of a positive real quadratic form is positive real. The conclusion
is as follows:
23. The open-circuit impedance and short-circuit
matrices of a linear, time-invariant,
passive, reciprocal multiport are
positive real matrices.
The same result can be demonstrated in a different way. It will be
illustrated for a two-port by the network shown in Fig. 23. The two pairs

Fig. 23.

Brune's demonstration that the z- and y-matrices

are positive real.

of terminals of the two-port are connected in series through ideal trans

formers whose turns ratios are x : 1 and x : 1 , respectively. The voltage
and current at the input terminals will be given by



If we now compute the driving-point impedance Z(s) = V/I at the input

terminals, we shall get


Sec. 7.7]



Since the impedance is positive real, this proves that the quadratic form
on the right is also positive real. To prove the condition for the y-matrix,
the two pairs of terminals can be connected in parallel through ideal
transformers and the overall input admittance calculated. This is left
for you as an exercise.
Let us now restrict ourselves to two-ports; the extension of the sub
sequent results to higher order multiports is simple and will become
evident. The fact that Z and Y are positive real matrices has some
interesting consequences. Let x and x be two arbitrary real numbers.
Since the quadratic forms
o c

s c


( 1 0 7 6 )

are positive real functions, it follows that any pole of these functions on
the j-axis must be simple, and the residue at such a pole must be real and
positive, Suppose, for instance, that the z-parameters have a pole at
s = jt. Since this pole is a simple pole of the quadratic form, the residue


( 1 0 8 )

If we give the residues of z11, z (= z ), and z at the pole s = j the

labels k i ,
ki ,
and k ,
respectively, then the residue of the quad
ratic form will become







( 1 0 9 )

Thus the residue itself is a quadratic form whose matrix is the matrix of



[Ch. 7

residues of the z-parameters.

However, this residue must be real and
non-negative for all values of x\ and x . Hence the matrix of residues of
the z-parameters at any poles on the j-axis must be positive definite or
semidefinite. As discussed in Section 7.2, this requires that the deter
minant of the matrix and all of its principal cofactors be non-negative;
that is,

The first line in these expressions is already known, since zn and z
are driving-point functions and therefore positive real. The second line,
however, is a new and important result. It is known as the residue
What was done for quadratic form Qi is also valid for Q /s. Thus the
same conclusions follow for residues of Y c / . We shall state this result as
a theorem.

24. At any pole on the j-axis of Z or Y$ /s of a linear, timeinvariant, passive, reciprocal two-port network, the residues of the parameters
satisfy the condition
0 C

where kfj is the residue of z or y / s at the j-axis pole.
(The superscript has been omitted for simplicity.)
i j


In particular, if the network is lossless, all the poles z and y are on the
j-axis, and hence the residue condition (111) applies at all the poles. One
of the implications of this fact for a lossless network is that it is impossible
for z to have a pole that is not also a pole of zn and z , nor for y
to have a pole that is not also a pole of yn and y .
For if either k or
k is zero when k is not, the residue condition will be violated. On the
other hand, it is possible for zn or z (or both) to have a pole not shared
b y the other parameters. We refer to such poles as private poles of zn or
z . A similar statement applies to the y-parameters.
Let us now turn to another consequence of the positive real nature of
Z and Y . B y definition, positive realness is linked with the real part
of a function. Hence we should expect to obtain some relationship among
the real parts of the z- and y-parameters.
Let us denote these real parts








o c


s c


Sec. 7.7]



r11, r (= r ), and r for the z-parameters and g , g (= g ), and g

for the y-parameters. The real part of the quadratic forms Q1 and Q2 in
(107) can then be written as follows:








Whenever s lies in the right half-plane or on the j-axis, these quadratic

forms must be positive semidefinite or definite, since Qi and Q% are positive
real functions. As in the case of the matrix of residues, it follows that


for the real parts of the z-parameters,



for the real parts of the y-parameters.

Again the first lines in each set
carry no surprises, since zn, z , yn , and y
are driving-point functions
and hence positive real. The second lines, however, express a new result,
which is called the real-part condition. In fact, the real part condition
alone is a sufficient condition that Z or Y be positive real matrices.
(Verify this statement.)


o c


s c


As a final note, observe that what was said about lossless two-ports is
also true for RC two-ports, by virtue of the transformations previously
discussed and with appropriate and obvious modifications. Thus for RC
two-ports, the z- and y-parameters will have all their poles on the negative
real axis, and the residue condition will apply at these poles. No pole of
z can fail to be a pole of both zn and z , but zn and z can have
private poles; and similarly for the y-parameters.
As an illustration, consider the RC two-port shown in Fig. 24. The short21





[Ch. 7

Fig. 24. Resistance-capacitance two-port.

circuit admittance parameters of this two-port as are follows:

Note, first, that all three functions have the same poles. The zeros of yn
are at (approximately) f and T h u s the zeros and poies of both
yn and y
alternate on the negative real axis, and they have the appro
priate behavior at infinity (which is?), so that both are RC admittance
functions. On the other hand, y
does not have all the properties of an
RC admittance; among other things, the residues of y /s
are not all
A test for the residue condition shows that it is satisfied at all the poles;
in fact, the residue condition is satisfied with the equals sign. To distinguish
when the residue condition is satisfied with the equals sign and when it is
not, we say the pole is compact if the residue condition at the pole is
satisfied with the equals sign. Thus, for the illustration, all the poles
(including the constant term) are compact. Verification that the real-part
condition is satisfied will be left to you.
For driving-point functions of networks containing two kinds of ele
ments only we found sets of necessary conditions that were also proved
to be sufficient. In fact, actual procedures for realizing one or more net
works from a given function were obtained. The case for a two-port is not
as simple, since a set of three parameters is involved. Although necessary
conditions on these parameters have been obtained, these conditions turn



Sec. 7.8]



out to be generally sufficient for realizability only if we admit the inclusion

of ideal transformers. If transformers are not permitted, a general set of
sufficient conditions is not available. We shall not pursue this subject any
further in this book.



Up to this point we have accomplished the following. For a linear,

time-invariant, passive, reciprocal network with two kinds of elements,
we have established necessary and sufficient conditions for the drivingpoint functions. Given a function satisfying these conditions, procedures
have been discussed for finding a network having a given function as its
impedance or admittance. More generally, we have seen that positive
realness is a necessary condition for the impedance or admittance of the
most general network of the class under discussion. We have not, however,
shown that this is a sufficient condition. This was shown initially b y
Brune in 1932, but we shall here discuss an alternative structure first
developed b y Darlington in 1939. He showed that any positive real func
tion can be realized as the impedance of a lossless network terminated in a
single resistance.
Consider the network of Fig. 25. It consists of a lossless network

Fig. 25.

Resistance-terminated lossless two-port.

terminated in a resistance R. The impedance at the input terminals can be

written in terms of R and the two-port parameters as




[Ch. 7

(See Chapter 3.) In the final form all impedances have been normalized to
R, which is equivalent to taking the value of R to equal 1.
Now suppose a rational positive real function Z(s) is given. The even and
odd parts of its numerator and denominator can be separated, and the
function can be written in the usual form. Then this expression can be
placed in the same form as (115b) in two possible ways, as follows:

(case A)


(case B)


For each of these two cases, formal identifications can be made b y compar
ing these expressions with (115b). Thus
Case A

Case B


Since Z(s) is positive real, both mi + n\ and m + n are Hurwitz

polynomials. Hence the ratios mi/ni and m /n ,
and their reciprocals,
are reactance functions. Also, using Theorem 11 (concerning the inter
change of the even or odd parts of numerator and denominator of a pr
function), the ratios mi/n and ni/m are also reactance functions. Thus
all the functions in (119) are reactance functions.
There remains the task of determining z from the expressions in (119),
so that a complete set of parameters of the lossless two-port in Fig. 25 will
be available. To do this, observe that


(case A),
(case B).

Sec. 7.8]




we get for z ,

b y using (120) and (119):

(case A),
(case B).

Of course, once the z-parameters are known, the y-parameters can also be
found. (See Table 1 in Chapter 3.) The complete results are tabulated in
Table 1.
The question is, do these open-circuit or short-circuit parameters satisfy
realizability conditions for a passive, reciprocal, and lossless two-port?
The first difficulty appears to be that z is not a rational function because
of the indicated square root. However, if m\ m n\ n is a perfect square,
the apparent difficulty will disappear. Observe that mi m ni n is the
numerator of the even part of Z(s). Because Z(s) is a positive real function,
zeros of its even part on the j-axis must necessarily have even multi
plicity. There is no such requirement, however, on any other zeros. Hence,
unless some remedy can be found, it appears that z will generally be
A remedy has been found in the following way. Suppose the given Z(s)
is augmented b y multiplying its numerator and denominator b y a strictly
Hurwitz polynomial m + n , which certainly does not change the func
tion. Thus



The new even part of Z(s) will be


The new z


for case A will be


Case B:
Pole or zero of Z(s)
at s= 0

Case A:
No pole or zero of
Z(s) at s = 0


Table 1.


[Ch. 7

Sec. 7.8]




It is now clear how to make z a rational function: we set m n equal

to the product of all factors in mi m ni n that are of odd multiplicity
and thus cause z
to be irrational in the first place. Since m n
(mo + no)(m no),
the augmenting polynomial m + no is found by
taking the left-half-plane zeros of m n .
The question arises as to the significance of cases A and B. When is one
appropriate and when is the other? We observe from Table 1 that the
denominator of z ( o r y ) is odd for case A and even for case B. Since z
should be an odd rational function, the numerator of z should be even
for case A and odd for case B. If m\ m n n has s as a factor, taking
the square root will make the numerator of z
odd, and so case B is
appropriate. On the other hand, if mi m ni n does not have s as a
factor, case A will be appropriate. The only way in which s can be a
factor of mi m ni n is for either mi or m to have its constant term
missing. This means that case B applies when Z(s) has a pole or a zero at
s = 0, and case A applies if Z(s) has neither a pole nor a zero at s = 0.
TO illustrate the preceding, let







This function has a zero at s = 0; hence case B is appropriate. We form

This is a complete square, so that augmentation is not needed. Hence,

from Table 1.


Whatever the given Z(s), it is possible to make z an odd rational func

tion b y augmenting the original function if necessary. Now let us consider



[Ch. 7

the other realizability conditions. The real-part condition of (113) and

(114) is satisfied identically with the equals sign when s = j. Since the
functions are regular in the right half-plane, the maximum modulus
theorem can be used to show that the real-part condition will be satisfied
anywhere in the right half-plane.
There remains the residue condition. The residue of a function can be
calculated as the numerator divided by the derivative of its denominator,
evaluated at a zero of the denominator. For the z-parameters the residues
at finite nonzero poles are given in Table 2, in which the primes indicate
Table 2.

Case A

Case B

the derivative with respect to s. Thus, by forming k k k , it is

found that at all the finite nonzero poles the residue condition is satisfied,
and, furthermore, it is satisfied with the equality sign. Hence all the
finite, nonzero poles of the z-parameters are compact.
It is also true that the residue condition is satisfied at a possible pole
at infinity or at zero, but not always with an equality sign. (See problem
53.) A similar development can be carried out for the
divided by s, leading to similar results. The conclusion is that the residue
condition is satisfied by both the z-parameters and the
divided by s at ail their poles.
We have now established that, given a positive real function, it is
possible to find a set of open- or short-circuit parameters that satisfy
realizability conditions of a lossless two-port terminated in a unit resist
ance. There remains the task of actuaily realizing (constructing) the twoport. One procedure for doing this was developed by Cauer. It starts by
expanding, say, the z-parameters into partial fractions. The terms in
each z-parameter corresponding to a particular pole are lumped together;
they are simple enough so that a lossless two-port realizing this set of
parameters can be recognized. The component two-ports so obtained are
then connected in series. However, as the discussion of interconnecting
two-ports in Chapter 3 described, in order to permit a series connection it



Sec. 7.8]



may be necessary to use ideal transformers. The series structure of twoports is not a very desirable one; one objection is that all but one of the
two-ports will be floating above ground.
A more desirable structure is a cascade structure. Darlington's contri
bution was to show that such a realization is possible. We shall do no more
here than outline his procedure. Observe, first, that if the given impedance
function has poles and zeros on the j-axis, these can be removed as the
branches of a ladder network. Such branches are shown in Fig. 26 as type





Fig. 26. Canonic sections for cascade realization: (a) Type A; (b) type B; (c) type C;
(d) type D.

A and type B. These branches may consist of a single inductance or

capacitance, a series-tuned circuit, or a parallel-tuned circuit.
After all poles and zeros of Z(s) on the j-axis have been removed by
branches of type A and B, the even part of the remaining impedance will
have three types of zeros: real, imaginary, and complex. A typical even
part will be


All zeros are shown as double zeros. For a positive real function, those on
the j-axis must necessarily be double. If the other zeros are not initially
double, the function is augmented to make them so. The transmission
zeros of the lossless two-port are exactly the zeros of the even part of Z(s).
It turns out that a type C section, as shown in Fig. 26, has a pair of
transmission zeros that are either real or imaginary (depending on the dot



[Ch. 7

arrangement of the ideal transformer), and a type D section has a quad

ruplet of complex transmission zeros. Removal of a type C section is found
to leave a reduced impedance whose even part has all the other zeros
except the pair realized by the section. Similarly, removal of a type D
section leaves a reduced impedance whose even part has all the other zeros
except the quadruplet realized by the section. Hence a cascade connection
of these four types of two-ports will realize the desired lossless two-port.
We observe that, generally, ideal transformers are required in the realiz
It is not our purpose here to examine the details of the realization of the
lossless two-port but simply to observe the result. Thus it is now possible
to state the following (Darlington) theorem:
25. A positive real function can be realized as the impedance of a
lossless two-port terminated in a unit resistance.
This actually constitutes an existence theorem; it proves the sufficiency
of the positive real condition for the realizability of a passive, reciprocal
For specific functions other, more useful, structures of the two-port m a y
be found than the type C and type D sections with their ideal transformers.
To illustrate this point, let

It appears that we shall need a type C section in the lossless two-port N to

realize the pair of imaginary transmission zeros, as well as something for
the transmission zero at infinity. Suppose the z-parameters are now formed
b y using Table 1. The result will be as follows:

Observe that z11 has a private pole at infinity; this can be removed as a

Sec. 7.8]



J unit inductance, leaving a set of z-parameters having the same poles.

The partial result is shown in Fig. 27a. The z-parameters remaining after



Fig. 27.

Realization of impedance as lossless ladder termination in R.

the series inductor is removed are pertinent to the two-port .

Let us now invert these and find the y-parameters of N. The result
will be as follows:

This can be rewritten as



[Ch. 7


Notice that, in addition to a common term Y, y11 and y

have an extra
term. These terms can each be realized by a capacitor, one across the input
and one across the output of N, as shown in Fig. 27b. That leaves Y,
which is simple to realize; a type A section, as in Fig. 26a, with Z = 1/Y,
has exactly the y-parameters y11 = y = y = Y The complete net
work, then, is shown in Fig. 27c. It is in the form of a lossless ladder net
work terminated in a unit resistance. No ideal transformer, as required by
the type C section, appears.
It was earlier found that the impedance of a passive, reciprocal network
is a positive real function. What has now been established is the converse;
namely, that a positive real function can always be realized as a passive
reciprocal network. In particular, the network will be a lossless two-port
terminated in a resistance. In the most general case, the lossless two-port
may require the use of type C and type D sections. In some cases, these
complicated sections can be avoided. Certain sufficient conditions exist
under which a realization avoiding type C and D sections can be found
but we shall not pursue it further here.






Let us now look back over the procedure followed in the last section
to observe if there are features of a general nature that can serve as
guides to other kinds of networks. The first step was to consider a network
structure representative of a particular class. In Fig. 25 this was a lossless
two-port terminated in a resistance. An expression was then written for
the function of interest in terms of the component parts of the structure,
as in (115). Then a rational function of the class under consideration was
manipulated to make it take on this same form, as in (117) and (118).
Finally, the pertinent functions of the component parts of the network
were identified. Of course, it must be verified that these functions satisfy
realizability conditions for the class of networks under consideration.
Furthermore, procedures must be established for realizing these functions.
In this section we shall carry out similar procedures for networks con
sisting of resistance, capacitance, and possibly active devices. A number of
considerations make such networks of practical importance. These include

Sec. 7.9J



the relatively large size and weight of inductors, the low cost of transistors
and other active devices, and the fact that realization of resistance,
capacitance, and active devices is obtainable in integrated circuits.



Consider first the network shown in Fig. 28, in which two RC two-ports

Fig. 28.

Cascaded BC two-ports.

are connected in cascade. The function of interest is the open-circuit

transfer impedance z = V2/I1. This function can be written in terms of
the open-circuit parameters of the individual two-ports as follows:*


If a rational function is specified as the transfer impedance of an RC

two-port, this function must be manipulated into the form of (126).
In the first place, for an RC network we know that the poles of z must be
real and negative (possibly including s = 0), but there are no restrictions
on the locations of the zeros. There should, however, be no more finite
zeros than poles; for example, two possible functions are the following:



The first has a single finite zero, which is real. The second has two pairs
of complex zeros. Each of these is a realizable RC transfer impedance for
any value of the constant K.
* See Chapter 3.



[Ch. 7

Observe from (126) that the denominator is the sum of two RC impe
danceswhich is, again, an RC impedance; but the denominator of any
given rational function will be a polynomial. The situation is remedied by
dividing numerator and denominator of the given function b y an auxil
iary polynomial D(s). The degree and the zeros of this polynomial must be
chosen to make QjD an RC impedance. This is easy to do: the degree of
D(s) must be equal to, or be one greater than, the degree of Q(s) ; and its
zeros must alternate with those of Q(s). Thus, if the first function of (127)
is used as an example,
The choices


are both acceptable. Let us choose D(s) = (s + l)(s + 3)(s + 5). Then, by
comparison with (126), we can write


Observe that choosing one of the zeros of D(s) at s =

advantage of a cancellation in z az .
This is not
all cases.
The identification of the individual parameters
equations is not unique. Choosing the constant K
identifications can be made:


5 has the collateral

a general feature for
from the last set of
as f f , the following

Each of these two sets is now easily recognized. Two port Na is easily seen

Sec. 7.9]



to be a degenerate tee network with a shunt branch only (like the type B
section in Fig. 26b), as shown in Fig. 29a. As for N , in addition to a



Fig. 29. Realization of numerical example showing: (a) N ; (6) IV& ; (c) the overall net
work with a cascade connection.

common term between z

and z , which will lead to a degenerate tee
network, there are private terms in z
that will appear in series with the
input. The network N is shown in Fig. 29b, and the overall network is
shown in Fig. 29c. You should verify that this network has the given func
tion as its transfer impedance.
To review the procedure, the first step when presented with a realizable
transfer function P(s)IQ(s) (having real and negative poles) is to divide
both numerator and denominator by the auxiliary polynomial D(s), so
chosen as to make QjD an RC impedance. Then QjD is expanded in partial
fractions. An assignment of terms from this expansion is made to z
z . This assignment is guided b y the decomposition that is to be made of
PjD into the product of z
and z .
Clearly, the realization is not

l l b

l l b


l l b





In the synthesis procedure just discussed, when a function z = P(s)/

Q(s) is given, it is required that a polynomial D(s) be selected to make QjD
an RC impedance. Thus the poles of the original function must be real and



[Ch. 7

negative. This is a limited class of functions. If this restriction is removed

and the poles are permitted to lie anywhere in the left half-plane, the
function will not be realizable as an RC network. The function QjD will
have complex zeros (some), and the residues at the poles will not all be
positive. This latter observation provides a clue as to a remedy.
Suppose a negative converter of the voltage-conversion variety is
cascaded between the t w o component two-ports, as shown in Fig. 30.


Fig. 30. BC network with a negative converter cascaded between two-ports.

The load on N is not simply N , as it was before, but N preceded b y a

negative converter. Assuming a conversion ratio of one, the impedance at
the input terminals of the negative converter is z , and this replaces
in (126). The overall transfer impedance now becomes

l l b


N o w suppose a rational function P(s)IQ(s) with complex poles is given.

We divide numerator and denominator b y an auxiliary polynomial D(s)
with an appropriate number of real, negative zeros. N e x t we expand QjD
in partial fractions. Some of the residues will be positive and some nega
tive. If these are collected together, the result will be


where the subscripts p and n stand for " p o s i t i v e " and "negative."
The identification of z

2 2

and z

l l b

is now immediate: all those terms in the

partial-fraction expansion of QjD having positive residue belong to z

those with negative residue, t o z . The factors of the numerator poly
nomial P(s) are assigned to z
or z
with the requirement that z a
have no pole that z a does not have and that z
have no pole that z
2 2 a

l l b





l l b

Sec. 7.9]



does not have. (The term " p o l e " includes the behavior at infinity. Thus,
if z
is nonzero at infinity, z
must also be nonzero.)
As an illustration take a fourth-order Chebyshev function with two
pairs of j-axis transmission zeros thrown in:

l l b

The auxiliary polynomial must be at least of the fourth degree; suppose

we choose D(s) = s(s + l)(s + 2)(s + 3). Then

Clearly, each of the quadratic factors in P(s) must be assigned to one of

the component two-ports. It is clear that two poles (at 0 and 2) belong
to N , and two poles (at 1 and 3) belong to N . Also, one of the pairs
of imaginary zeros must be assigned to N ; the other pair, to N . Thus

Both of these are nonzero at infinity, and so both z

and z
must be
nonzero at infinity. However, in the partial-fraction expansion of Q/D,
no constant term appears among the negative-residue terms. This is
remedied by adding and subtracting a constant, say 1. Hence

l l b



[Ch. 7

Each of the pairs of functions z , z

and z , z
is realizable as an
RC two-port. There remains the job of carrying out the realization.
Because the transmission zeros are not real, the problem is somewhat more
difficult than the preceding example. Nevertheless, routine procedures are
available for doing the job, but we shall not pursue the details here. (See
Bibliography on Synthesis.)
2 2 a


l l b



As another configuration, consider the network in Fig. 31a. An RC




Fig. 31.

Parallel-connected two-ports with a negative converter.

two-port N is cascaded with a negative converter of the current-conver

sion variety, and the combination is connected in parallel with another
RC two-port N . The function of interest is the voltage gain
V (s)/Vi(s),
which is given in terms of the overall y-parameters as V2/V1 =
y /y .
For parallel-connected two-ports the overall y-parameters equal the sum
of the corresponding component y-parameters. However, the presence of
the negative converter reverses the sign of y
and y
(assuming a
unity conversion ratio), and hence the desired function becomes






N o w when a rational function P/Q is given, the usual auxiliary poly

nomial D(s) can be used to divide numerator and denominator, and the
result manipulated to the form of (132). We shall not carry out this
general development but shall replace the general two-ports in Fig. 31a

Sec. 7.9]



with a specific configuration, as shown in Fig. 31b. This does not limit the
class of transfer functions that can be handled.
When the y-parameters
of these simple networks are calculated and
substituted into (132), the result becomes


The denominator of this expression contains the numerator added to

another term. N o w when a transfer function is given as P(s)/Q(s),
it must
be manipulated to the form of (133). Thus


In this expression a multiplying constant K has been shown explicitly.

The polynomial KP(s) was added and subtracted in the denominator, and
then the usual auxiliary polynomial D(s) with real, negative zeros was
introduced. Comparison of the last two equations leads to



After a partial-fraction expansion of Y/s is made, the terms with positive

residues and those with negative residues are grouped together. The terms
with positive residues in the two expressions are identified with Y
Y a, respectively; and those with negative residues, with Y
respectively. From their manner of construction each of these quantities
will be a realizable RC admittance function, and a realization can be
easily obtained.
As an illustration, take the Chebyshev function treated in the last sub





[Ch. 7

For convenience K had earlier been taken as ^. The auxiliary polynomial

chosen earlier was of degree 4 and had a factor s . An RC admittance can
not have a pole at s = 0, and therefore s cannot be a factor of the auxiliary
polynomial in the present case. Also, since an RC admittance can have a
pole at infinity, let us choose D(s) = (s + l ) ( s + 2)(s + 3). Then

The value of K can be chosen with a view toward simplifying the network.
Since KP/D is to be subtracted from Q/D, K can be chosen to cancel one of
the terms. Thus, with K = 3.75/52 = 0.072, we get


The complete network is shown in Fig. 32.

Sec. 7.9]




Fig. 32.

Realization of numerical example.

For the structure under consideration, it is necessary to realize only

two-terminal RC networks. This circumstance makes the design effort
relatively small.



In the preceding subsections the active device used in conjunction with

RC networks has been a negative converter. Obviously, other network
configurations can be found that utilize different active devices. The
simplest possibility would be an amplifier in a feedback arrangement. The
amplifier can be represented in its simplest form as a controlled source
(voltage or current). Although many different configurations are possible,
we shall treat only one and suggest others as problems.
Consider the configuration in Fig. 33. This contains two voltage ampli-

Fig. 33.

Feedback-amplifier configuration.



[Ch. 7

fiers (voltage-controlled voltage sources), each having a different polarity.

Note that the overall output voltage is taken as the input voltage of the
second amplifier. An evaluation of the voltage gain function for this
configuration leads to
We shall assume that the second amplifier gain is greater than 1.
Now, given a rational function P(s)/Q(s) as the voltage gain, we divide
numerator and denominator by the usual auxiliary polynomial D(s)
having an appropriate degree (equal to, or one less than, the degree of Q
or P , whichever is greater) and distinct real, negative zeros. Each of the
functions P/sD and Q/sD is expanded in partial fractions, and the
positive-residue and negative-residue terms are collected. Finally,
identification of the admittances in (136) is made by comparison with this
expression. Thus


From the first of these we get


When these are inserted into (137b), Y

and Y

can be identified. Thus


Sec. 7.9]



General expressions for Y and Y cannot be written, because there will be

uncertainties in the right-hand side; for example, the constant term
ko ko may be positive or negative. In the former case, the constant term
will go to Y ; in the latter case, to Y . Furthermore, the set of poles
is contained in the set { , } , since the latter is the set of all
zeros of D(s). Hence there will be some cancellations of terms, with
uncertainty in the general case as to the resultant sign. These uncertain
ties disappear, of course, when dealing with a specific case. This will be
clarified with an example below. In any case, it is required only to realize
two-terminal RC networks. Also, it will be necessary to specify the ampli
fier gains.
In an actual realization it would be useful for elements to appear at
appropriate places at the input and output of the amplifier to account
for parameters of an actual amplifier other than the gain. An equivalent
circuit of an amplifier is shown in Fig. 34. The actual amplifier that is
used to realize the controlled source will have input, output, and feedback
impedances, as represented by G , C , and G in Fig. 34. Look back at

i p


Fig. 34.

i n

Amplifier equivalent circuit.

Fig. 33. Because of the position of Y , it is possible for this branch to

account for the output impedance of the first amplifier. Similarly, Y and
Y can be made to account for the input, output and feedback impedances
of the second amplifier. It is therefore useful to have a constant term in
the expansion of Y . If it does not appear there by virtue of the fact that
ko ko in (139), then an appropriate constant can be added and sub
tracted on the right side of (139).
As an illustration, take the following all-pass function:



[Ch. 7

In the present case, the degree of D(s) need be no more than 1. Let
D(s) = s + l . T h e n

from which

We observe that there is no constant term on the right side. Hence, in

order to account for the input impedance of the second amplifier, we add
and subtract a constant G. Identifications for Y and Y become

For concreteness let i = 5, = 2, and G = 1; Y

then becomes

Thus Y is realized as a ^-unit resistance in series with a parallel RC

branch. The complete realization is shown in Fig. 35. Note that the realiz
ation does not account for the input impedance of the first amplifier.
If the input impedance of the actual amplifier is not to have any influence,
then the network should be driven by a voltage source, or at least a source
whose output impedance is small in magnitude compared with the input
impedance of the amplifier.
To summarize this section: we have illustrated the classical pattern of
formal network synthesis in terms of RC passive and active two-ports.
The first step is to seek a specific structure incorporating components of the
class of networks under consideration and to write the appropriate trans
fer function in terms of the parameters of the components. Then a rational
function is manipulated into the same form, after introducing an auxiliary
polynomial by which the numerator and denominator are divided. This


Amplifier 2

Amplifier 1

Fig. 35.


Realization of BC amplifier.

permits an identification of the parameters of the component networks,

care being taken to ensure that they are realizable. The final step is to
realize the components.

Elementary Matrices. Elementary matrices are of three types, corres
ponding to the three types of elementary transformation. Use the following

Type 1: E
Type 2: E
Type 3: F

i j

i j

is the elementary matrix which interchanges rows j and i.

is the elementary matrix which interchanges columns j and i.
is the elementary matrix which adds row j to row i.
is the elementary matrix which adds column j to column i.
is the elementary matrix which multiplies row i by .
is the elementary matrix which multiplies column i by .

i + j

i + j

1. Construct the single matrix that will perform the following operations
on a matrix A:
(a) Interchange the third and second rows after the third row is multi
plied by 2. Order of A: (3,5).
(b) Add the first column to the third after multiplying the first by 3 and
the third by 4. Order of A = (2,3).
(c) Add the second row to the first after multiplying the first by 1.
Order of A: (3,3).



[Ch. 7

2. Find the single matrix which will perform the following operations on a
matrix A:
(a) Multiply the first row by k and add it to the third row, then
multiply the second row by 3 and interchange this row with the first.
Order of A: (4,4).
(b) Add the second column to the first, then multiply the second column
by 2 and add it to the third, then interchange the second and third
columns. Order of A = (4,3).
3. Write the single matrix which performs each of the following operations
on the rows of a matrix A:
() Multiply row 3 by 2, then add to row 1, then interchange row 1
with row 3. Order of A: (3,3).
(b) Interchange row 4 with row 2; then multiply row 1 by 5 and add to
row 3; then subtract row 3 from row 2. Order of A: (4,4).
4. Repeat Problem 3 if the operations are performed on the columns.
5. Let a matrix A of order (m,n) with m < n have rank r. Show that the
product of any elementary matrix with A will have the same rank, r.
Do this by multiplying A by each type of elementary matrix and
determining the effect of this on the determinant of appropriate sub
matrices of A.
6. Show that the inverse of an elementary matrix is an elementary matrix
of the same type.
7. Prove that a nonsingular matrix A can always be written as the product
of a finite number of elementary matrices.
8 . Prove that two matrices A and B of order (m,n) are equivalent if and
only if they have the same rank.
9. For each matrix A given below find matrices P and Q such that PAQ
is the normal form of A.




10. Reduce the following matrices to normal form:





11. Reduce the following matrices to canonic form using the Lagrange
reduction procedure:




12. Determine whether the following matrices are positive definite:




[Ch. 7

13. Prove that a symmetric matrix A is positive definite if and only if A

is symmetric and positive definite.

- 1

14. () Prove that a real symmetric matrix A is positive definite if and

only if there exists a nonsingular real matrix B such that A = BB'.
(b) Prove that a real symmetric matrix A of order n and rank r is
positive semidefinite if and only if there exists a matrix B of rank r
such that A = B'B.
15. Let A be a real symmetric matrix of order n and B a real matrix of
order (r,n) and rank r. Prove that if A is positive definite, then BAB'
is positive definite.
16. Let A be a real nonsymmetric matrix and x a complex vector. A can be
written as the sum of its symmetric and skew symmetric parts, A
and A , respectively, where


Show that
17. In the network of Fig. P17 all three inductances are mutually coupled.
Suppose it is possible to have the given inductance matrix in which all
mutual inductances are less than unity. Verify that this inductance
matrix is not positive definite or semidefinite. Setting RL = R = R = 1
for convenience, compute the natural frequencies.

Fig. P17



18. Let A = [a ]. The ascending principal cofactors of a square matrix A are

defined as:

Prove the following stronger condition for positive definiteness than

Theorem 4 in the text. A real matrix symmetric A is positive definite if and
only if all ascending principal cofactors are positive.
19. (a) Find the rank of each of the following matrices. (They will be

(b) Verify that the quadratic forms X'AX and X'BX are equal.

20. Let A be a real, symmetric, positive definite matrix. Prove that A is

also positive definite.
21. Let F(s) be a positive real function. Prove the angle property, namely
that |arg F(s)| < |arg s| for 0 < |arg s| < /2. Hint: make the following
bilinear transformations:

Observe how the right half F and s-planes are mapped into the W and p
planes. Show that W(p) satisfies Schwarz's lemma (see Appendix 2), then
substitute the above transformations in the lemma.
22. It is claimed that the functions below are not positive real for n >
Verify this claim and determine the value of N for each function.






23. Let F(s) be a reactance function and let F(j) = jX().

[Ch. 7

Prove that

(Hint: use energy functions.)

24. Prove that a bilinear transformation of a bounded real function is
positive real.
25. Let

The even part of this positive real function has a zero (double) on the
j axis. Hence, this function maps this point on the j axis to a point
on the jX axis in the Z-plane. Verify that the derivative dZ/ds at this
point is real and positive.
26. Let Z(s) = (mi + ni)/(m
+ n ) be a positive real function. Prove that

is a Hurwitz polynomial, where , b, and c are positive constants.

27. Let P(s) be a Hurwitz polynomial. Prove that F(s) is a pr function,

28. Let Z(s) = P(s)/Q(s) be a positive real function. Prove that the following
function is also positive real:

29. Let

To obtain a realization for Y

it is suggested that the first branch across
the terminals be a resistor of 1/2-ohm. The remaining admittance will
h YRc 2. Is this a pr function?



30. Using the partial fraction expansions in (99) and (100), show that

lm [Z (jc)]
Im[Y (j)]
Re [Zjic(j)]
Re [Y (j)]



$ 0
for 0, respectively.
for ^ 0, respectively.
is a monotonically decreasing function of for 0.
is a monotonically increasing function of for 0.

31. From the result of Problem 30, show that:


32. The results of Problem 30 can be described as a mapping of the upper
half s-plane into the lower half Z-plane and a mapping of the lower half
s-plane to the upper half Z-plane. Use this to obtain an alternative proof
that dZ (s)/ds is negative on the real axis.

33. Using the approach of Problem 32 show that, for the impedance Z ( s )
of a passive RL network, dZ (s)jds
is real and positive on the real axis.


34. Let Z1(s) and Z (s) be RC impedance functions. Prove that Z1/Z is a
positive real function.

35. Find one or more realizations of the following reactance functions:



36. The following rational function is given:

It is also known that



Find a realization as a ladder network and as one of the Foster forms.

37. Let P(s) be a polynomial whose zeros are all imaginary. Prove that

is a reactance function.
38. The admittance of a passive RC network has zeros at s = 0, 1 and 3.
At each of these points the slope of Y() equals 2. For large values of



[Ch. 7

s = , Y() approaches 4. Find a ladder network and a network in one of

the Foster forms to realize this function.
39. Let Y (s) be the admittance of a passive RC network. Prove that the
residues of Y
are negative at all poles except the pole at infinity.


40. Let P(s) be a polynomial whose zeros are all real and negative. Prove
that each of the following two functions is the admittance of a passive
RC network:

41. Let P(s) be a polynomial whose zeros are all real and negative. If K is
a real, positive constant, prove that all the zeros of F(s) are real and
negative, where

42. (a) Let F(s) = P(s)/Q(s) be an RC impedance function. Prove that F(s)
is also an RC impedance function, where

(b) Repeat, replacing the word admittance for impedance.

43. It is desired to prove Theorem 16 on Hurwitz polynomials. In the first
place, to prove that if P(s) = m(s) + n(s) is Hurwitz, then m/n is a
reactance function, note that the factors of a Hurwitz polynomial are of
the form (s + as + b) or (s + c), where , b, and c are real and positive.

Then, the ratio of the even and odd parts is:

Show that m/n will be a reactance function provided m1/n1 is also.

Repeat this procedure, with P1 = m1 + n1 until all the factors of P(s),
both quadratic and linear, are exhausted.



In the second place, it must be proved that, if P(s) = m(s) + n(s) and
m/n is a reactance function then P(s) is a Hurwitz polynomial (except
for a possible even factor). The zeros of P(s) occur when

Prove that, since m/n is a reactance function, m / n = 1 cannot occur in

the right half s-plane.
44. Verify whether the following polynomials are Hurwitz:
45. Suppose that a network having a driving-point impedance Z = F(s) is
given. It is desired to find a second network whose driving-point
admittance Y is equal to F(s). Such networks are called inverse. Discuss
the conditions under which the inverse of a given network may be found
by the method of duality discussed in Chapter 2.

46. For each of the one-ports shown in Fig. P46 find the inverse network.


Fig. P46

Verify that the driving-point admittance of the inverse is the same as the
driving-point impedance of the given network.
47. Show that the residue condition is satisfied with the " equals " sign
(compact poles) at all the finite, nonzero poles of the y parameters of a
lossless two-port terminated in a unit resistance, as given in Table 1.
48. Show that the symmetric matrix of rational functions



[Ch. 7

is a positive real matrix if and only if the matrix of real parts

is positive definite or semidefinite in 0.

4 9 . Let yn = y and y = y be two real rational functions. Suppose the
lattice shown in Fig. P49 is to have these functions as its short-circuit



Fig. P49

parameters. Show that the branch impedances Za and Z will be

positive real if

(-) yn is positive real;

(b) the real part condition ( R e y ) ( R e y ) 0 is satisfied for
Re s > 0.


If in (b) it is only known that the real part condition is satisfied on the
j-axis, what additional conditions must be placed on the given functions
yn and y before the theorem will again be true?
50. Show that at a zero of z on the j-axis, z is imaginary. Hence show
that any j-axis poles of the open-circuit voltage gain



are simple and with imaginary residues. Repeat for the short-circuit
current gain h (s).

51. Figure P51 shows a lossless two-port terminated in a unit resistance at

one port. In Fig. P51b the two ports have been interchanged. In the
first case, the impedance is



(a) Find expressions for Z (s) appropriate to the Darlington case A and
case B.
(b) Observe the relationship between Z1 and Z when (1) m1 = m , and
(2) n1 = n .



Fig. P51

52. Find the z or y parameters of the lossless two-port which, when

terminated in a resistance, realizes the following impedance functions.
Specify whether the Darlington case A or case B applies.







53. Let Z(s) be the impedance of a lossless two-port terminated in a 1 unit

resistance. Show that:
(o) if Z(s) has a pole at s = 0, the z parameters of the lossless two-port
have a noncompact pole there;
(b) if Z(s) has a zero at s = 0, the y parameters have a noncompact pole
(c) if Z(s) has neither a pole nor a zero at s = 0, then both the z's and
the y's will have a compact pole there;
(d) the conclusions of the previous parts are true if the point s = 0 is
replaced by the point s= .
54. Darlington's theorem shows that Z(s) can be realized as a reactive twoport terminated in a resistance at one-port. However, the two-port will
generally require transformers in the realization. An alternative which



[Ch. 7

does not is given in the following. Let a positive real function be written

where m , m are even polynomials and n n r e odd. The zeros of the

polynomial m m n n have quadrantal symmetry.
Let H(s) be a Hurwitz polynomial formed from the left-half-plane zeros
of m m n n ; that is



(a) Prove that

is the open circuit impedance matrix of a reactive three-port which, when

terminated in resistances at two of its ports, as shown in Fig. P54
realizes Z(s) as the impedance at the remaining port. (The major element
of the proof is in proving the residue condition.)
(b) Prove that




Fig. P54
is the short-circuit admittance matrix of the above reactive three-port,
(c) Realize the following impedances in the above form. (The Darlington
realization requires transformers.)



55. Prove that the inverse of a positive real matrix is positive real.
56. Let Q(s) be a Hurwitz polynomial whose zeros are all complex. Let P(p)
be a Hurwitz polynomial associated with Q(s) in the following way, after
the transformation s =p :

That is, P(p) is the polynomial containing all the left-half-plane zeros

ofQ(P ).


where A and B are even polynomials, as emphasized by the manner of

writing their arguments.
(a) Prove that Q(s) can always be written as the difference of two
polynomials in the form

where A(s) and B(s) have real negative zeros only and where A/sB and
BjA are both RC impedance functions. This form of Q(s) is called the
Horowitz decomposition of Q (not to be confused with Hurwitz).



[Ch. 7

(b) Apply the result of (a) to the following polynomials:


Q(s) = (s2 s + 2)(s2 + + 10),

Q( ) = (s2 s l)(s
Fourth order Chebyshev, with ripple = 0.1,
Fourth order Butterworth,
Q(s) = ( 2 + s + 2)(s2 + 2s + 5)(s2 + s + 8),
Q(s) = ( 2 + + l)(s2 + 2s + 3)(s2 + 3s + 5),
Sixth order Chebyshev, with ripple = 0 . 1 ,
Sixth order Butterworth.

57. Let Qi and Q be polynomials of the same degree, with associated

Hurwitz polynomials P1 and P , and let their Horowitz decompositions

(a) Prove that, if P\j P is positive real, then


are also Horowitz decompositions; that is,

are all RC impedance functions.

(b) Apply this result to pairs of applicable polynomials from Problem 56.

58. Let Qi(s) = A (s) sBi (5) be the Horowitz decomposition of a

polynomial Qi(s). Let Q (s) be another polynomial of degree no greater
than that of Qi and with no real zeros,
() Prove that Q can always be written as


are all RC impedance functions.



[With the transformation s = p , Q (p )/Q (p )

is the even part of a pr
function. From this form the pr function itself, say F(p) , and write
numerator and denominator in terms of even and odd polynomials.
Finally, from F(p) form the even part; its numerator should be Q (p )-]
(b) Apply this result to the appropriate polynomials in Problem 56.
59. If in Problem 58 the polynomial Q is allowed to have real negative zeros
as well, show that Q can be decomposed into


are all RC impedance functions.

[This time pQ (p )/Q1(p ) is the odd part of a pr function. Construct the
pr function from its odd part, adding enough of a constant so that the
result has no zeros on the j axis. Reconstruct the odd part from the pr
function; its numerator should be pQ (p ).]

60. Let F(s) =

be any real rational function.

(a) Prove that it can be decomposed into


are all RC impedance functions.

(b) Apply this result to the following functions:





[Ch. 7

61. Let the rational function F(s) in Problem 60 be further restricted as

follows: (a) F(s) has no pole at and F() 0. (b) Any real negative
poles of F(s) are simple with positive residues,
(a) Prove that F(s) can be decomposed as


are all RC impedances.

(b) Apply this result to the appropriate functions in Problem 60.
62. The following transfer impedance functions are to be realized by the
cascade RC-negative converter network shown in Fig. 30. Find the
Horowitz decomposition of the denominators (as in Problem 56) and
from this the z parameters of the RC two-ports.





63. Let the functions in Problem 62 be transfer voltage ratios which are
to be realized in the parallel RC-negative converter network shown in
Fig. 31. Use an appropriate auxiliary polynomial and obtain a network.
64. The functions in Problem 62 are to be realized in the amplifier network
in Fig. 33. Use an appropriate auxiliary polynomial and obtain a
65. Suppose a given rational function is augmented by an auxiliary
polynomial with real negative zeros, and a partial fraction expansion is
carried out as in (131) in the text. The function can be expressed as in
(130). The result is to be realized by the cascade connection shown in
Fig. P65a, were N is RC. Two-port N is shown in dashed lines. Its
input impedance z
is z . This two-port, in turn, is made up of the
components shown in Fig. P65b. Show that the parameters of N are

l l b



given in terms of those of N by


Note that z is the negative of an RC impedance. From a sketch of

z(s) specify conditions on the parameters g and G for which N will
be an RC two-port.


Fig. P65

66. (a) Develop a procedure for the realization of a voltage transfer ratio
in the form of Fig. P22 in Chapter 3, where the two-port and the
admittance Y are RC. (b) Realize each of the functions in Problem 62
in this configuration.
67. A transfer impedance function is to be realized by a cascade of the units
shown in Fig. P26 (Chapter 3) in which each of the two-ports N and
N are to be RC. (a) Develop a procedure which will permit the
identification of RC-realizable functions z
and y ,
and similar
functions for the other units in the cascade, (b) Illustrate the procedure
with the functions a and d in Problem 62.



68. Let Z(s) be a rational positive real function.

(a) Prove that

is also positive real, where k is a real, positive constant.



[Ch. 7

(b) Show that the numerator and denominator have a common factor
(s + k) if and only if Z ( - k ) =


(c) When Z(s) is expressed in terms of F(s), the result is

Show that if Z(k) Z(k), then the numerator and denominator of

the expression for Z(s) will have a common factor (s + k).
(d) Illustrate the above with the following pr functions:



69. Two positive real functions Fi(s) and F (s) are said to be
if their sum is equal to a positive constant K. Suppose that F(s) and
K are given. Determine the restrictions on Fi(s) and K such that F(s)
will have a complementary function. If Fi(s) and F (s) are
complementary and represent driving-point impedance functions, this
means that the series connection of the two corresponding networks has
a constant input impedance. In case Fi(s) and F (s) are admittance
functions, then the parallel connection of the corresponding networks
will have a constant input admittance. We refer to such pairs of
networks as being complementary.

70. Refer to Problem 69. Let Zi(s) be the driving-point impedance function
of an RC network and assume that it is regular at the origin. Show that
its complementary function Z (s) will be an RL impedance function
regular at infinity.




Fig. P71
71. Find complementary networks for each of the networks shown in
Fig. P71.


The properties and behavior of multiport networks can be described in

terms of impedance, admittance, or hybrid matrices, as discussed in Chap
ter 3. These matrices are defined in terms of either open-circuit port
voltages or short-circuit port currents. In actual operation the multiport
may not have open- or short-circuit conditions at any of its ports. Never
theless, such open- and short-circuit parameters can adequately describe
the operation of the multiport under any terminating condition. Of course,
some networks may not have a z-matrix representation, some may not
have a y-matrix representation, and some (such as ideal transformers)
may have neither.
It would be of value to have another representation of a multiport
network, one that describes network operation with port-loading con
ditions other than open- or short-circuit. If a set of parameters are defined
with some finite loading at each port, this set should be more convenient
to use when describing transmission (of power) from a physical generator
(with internal impedance) at one port to some loads at the other ports.
The scattering parameters are such a set.
Scattering parameters originated in the theory of transmission lines.
They are of particular value in microwave network theory where the
concept of power is much more important than the concepts of voltage
and current; in fact, the latter become somewhat artificial. Scattering


[Ch. 8


parameters should be defined in such a way, then, that the quantities of

interest in power transmission take on very simple expressions.
In the development here we shall freely use concepts such as incidence
and reflection from transmission-line theory, purely for motivational pur
poses. The resulting mathematical expressions, however, do not depend
for their validity on such interpretation. We shall start by treating the
simpler one-port network before graduating to two-ports and multiports.



W e begin b y considering the situation shown in Fig. 1 . A one-port net-




Fig. 1. A one-port network terminating a second one represented by its Thvenin


work is shown terminating a voltage source in series with an impedance

z(s), which can be considered as the Thvenin equivalent of another net
work, a source network, to which Z is connected. The lower case letter z
stands for the source impedance. If it is real, the situation will be as shown
in Fig. l b . The one-port will absorb power from the source network.
Optimal matching will occur when Z(s) = z(s), in which case maximum
power is transferred. (When s=j,
z(s) becomes z(j) = z(j) =
z(j). Thus Z(s) = z(s) reduces to Z(j) = z(j), which is the usual
form for maximum power transfer.)
When z is real (equal to r), matching will occur when Z = r. Using the
terminology of wave propagation, we say that if the one-port is matched
to the source (network), there will be no reflection at the terminals.
Under unmatched conditions the voltage transform V at the terminals
is pictured as having contributions from the "incident w a v e " arriving
from the left and the "reflected w a v e " coming back from the one-port.
A similar case obtains for the current transform I. Thus we can write

Sec. 8.1]



where the subscripts i and r refer to " i n c i d e n t " and "reflected," respec
tively. The negative sign in the second equation is a result of the reference
chosen for the reflected current. Suppose we think of a real quantity r as
the "characteristic impedance" of the transmission system to the left of
the one-port terminals. Then the incident and reflected quantities are
related by


which are well-known relations for a transmission line. B y using this

result, (1) can be inverted to give

where g = 1/r. It is now possible to define a voltage reflection coefficient p
as the ratio between reflected and incident voltage transforms, and a
current reflection coefficient as the ratio between reflected and incident
current transforms. Thus, using (3) for the incident and reflected variables,
we get


Some of the steps in this sequence used V= ZI. Just as the impedance Z
can characterize the behavior of the one-port network, so also the reflec
tion coefficient can characterize it completely. There is a one-to-one cor
respondence between Z and p given by the bilinear transformation
p = ( Z r)(Z + r) . We observe that the current and voltage reflection
coefficients are the same. It must be emphasized, however, that this is
true only for the case under consideration; namely, a real source im
pedance. When we consider the general case later, we will find that the
two reflection coefficients are different.
The wave-propagation concepts that were used in the preceding dis
cussion are artificial in the case of lumped networks. Nevertheless, it is
possible to regard (3) as formal definitions of the variables V , V and
I , I without attaching any interpretive significance to these quan
tities that reflect their intuitive origin. In the development we used r as
the characteristic impedance. However, this idea is not necessary in the



[Ch. 8

definitions expressed by (3) or (4); r is simply an arbitrary real positive

number that has the dimensions of impedance.
It is, in fact, possible to introduce the incident and reflected voltages
in an alternative way. Consider again the one-port in Fig. 1; it is charac
terized b y the two variables V and L Instead of these, a linear combina
tion of these variables can be used as an equally adequate set. Thus the

defines two new variables V and V in terms of the old ones, V and I.
The coefficients of the transformation should be chosen in such a way that
the new variables become convenient to use. The choice a11 = a = \ and
a = a = r/2 will make (5) reduce to (3). Other choices could lead to
additional formulations, which may or m a y not be useful for different
It is possible to interpret the incident and reflected variables b y refer
ence to the situation shown in Fig. lc, in which the one-port is matched
to the real source impedance. In this case V= rI. Hence, from (3a) we
find that





when matched. This tells us that when the one-port is matched to its
terminations, the voltage at the port is V and the current is I . Further
more, under matched conditions, (3b) tells us that V = 0 and I = 0;
and from Fig. 1c we observe that

From (4) we see that, under matched conditions, the reflection coefficient
is zero.
When the one-port is not matched, V and p are not zero. In fact, (1)
can be rewritten as



that is, the reflected voltage V is a measure of the deviation of the oneport voltage, when under actual operation, from its value when matched.


Sec. 8.1]


Similarly, I is a measure of the deviation of the current, when under

actual operation, from its value when matched. Note the slight asymmetry,
in that one deviation is positive and the other negative.



The preceding discussion has been carried out b y using two pairs of
variables: the incident and reflected voltages, and the incident and re
flected currents. Since these quantities are proportional in pairs, from (2),
it should be sufficient to talk about one incident variable and one reflected
variable. However, rather than select either the voltage or current, we
use normalized variables related to both.
The normalized incident and reflected variables are defined as follows:



We shall refer to a and b as the scattering variables.

B y using (3) these new variables can be expressed in terms of the
voltage and current as


The square root of r appearing on the right of these expressions is dis

concerting. It could be eliminated by defining a normalized voltage and

Then the scattering variables become



[Ch. 8

A glance at (4) will show that the reflection coefficient is invariant to

the normalization. Thus


where Z = Zjr is the normalized impedance.

Conversely, the normalized voltage, current, and impedance can be ex
pressed in terms of the scattering variables and the reflection coefficient
b y inverting (12) and (13). Thus





The normalization just carried out can be interpreted b y reference to

the network shown in Fig. 2. The normalized value of the source resistance

Fig. 2.

(a) Normalized network; (6) augmented normalized network.

is 1. The ideal transformer of turns ratio 1 : r gives the appropriate

equations relating the actual voltage and current on its secondary side to
the normalized voltage and current on the primary side. The original oneport in cascade with the ideal transformer can be called the normalized
one-port network. When the original one-port is matched to r, this is
equivalent to the normalized one-port being matched to unity. Because
of its normalizing function, r is called the normalizing number, or the


Sec. 8.1]


reference resistance. In the event that the normalizing number is unity,

the resulting 1 : 1 ideal transformer in Fig. 2 need not be included.
From the normalized network it is clear that when the one-port is
matched, the input impedance at the transformer primary is a unity re
sistance. Hence V = I ; from (12), this means a = V and b = 0. Thus,
under matched conditions, the incident scattering variable equals the
normalized voltage, and the reflected scattering variable is zero. Further
more, with the normalized source voltage defined as V = r V , we
see that the relationship of V to V given in (7) is invariant to normali
zation. Thus



We can go one more step and include the series unity resistance in with
the normalized network, as illustrated in Fig. 2b. The result is then called
the (series) augmented normalized network. Of course, it is possible to think
of the original network as being augmented by the series resistance r,
without reference to normalization. The reflection coefficient of the
original network can be expressed in terms of the input admittance
Y of the augmented network or Y
of the augmented normalized
network. It is clear from Fig. 2 that we can write


(In the derivation, r was added and subtracted in the numerator.) This is
a useful expression. It can often be the simplest form for computing the
reflection coefficient.
As an example, consider the situation shown in Fig. 3. Two one-ports
having impedances given by Z =f (s)
and Z =f (s)
have reflection co
efficients p i and p 2 , respectively. It is desired to find the reflection co
efficient of the one-port shown in Fig. 3b in terms of p i and p 2 . Since p is
invariant to normalization, let the normalizing number be unity and cona


[Ch. 8



Fig. 3.

Illustrative example.

sider the augmented network. The augmented input admittance can be

readily written as follows:

Hence, b y using (16), we obtain

For this example it is clear that the reflection coefficient of the overall
network is more simply expressed in terms of the reflection coefficients of
the components than is the overall admittance in terms of the component





The analytic properties of p(s) for a time-invariant, passive, reciprocal

network can be obtained by reference to (13). For such a network Z (s)
is a positive real function of s. A positive real Z maps the j-axis of the

Sec. 8.1]



s-plane into the closed right half Z -plane. Equation 13 is a bilinear

transformation. (See Appendix 2.) The bilinear transformation maps the
closed right half of the Z -plane into the interior or boundary of the
-plane unit circle. Hence, when s = j , the corresponding point lies inside
or on the boundary of the p-plane unit circle. Thus

As for the poles of (s), they are given by the zeros of Z (s) + 1. They
cannot lie in the closed right half-plane since this would require Re Z = 1
for a point in the closed right half-plane, which is impossible for a positive
real function. Hence (s) is regular in the closed right half-plane. We see
that the positive real condition on the impedance of a one-port can be
translated into equivalent conditions on the reflection coefficient.
A bounded real function (s) was defined in Chapter 7 as a function that
is (1) real when s is real, (2) regular in the closed right half-plane, and
(3) |( j)| 1 for all .
The above discussion has shown that for a time-invariant, passive, re
ciprocal network the reflection coefficient is a bounded real function.


We have seen that the scattering variables have special significance in

describing power transfer from a source to a load. We shall here discuss
the power relation in the network of Fig. 1 in terms of the scattering
variables. Let us assume sinusoidal steady-state conditions. The complex
power delivered to the one-port is W= V(j) I (j). What happens to
this expression if the voltage and current are normalized as in (11)? With
the stipulation that r is a positive real number, the answer is: nothing.
When the normalization is inserted, we still have
We can now use (14) to express this result in terms of the scattering
variables. The real power will be


The last step follows from p = b/a.

A number of observations can be made from here. The magnitude
square of both a and b has the dimensions of power. Thus the dimensions



[Ch. 8

of the scattering variables are the square root of power, (voltage current) / .
We can think of the net power delivered to the one-port as being made up
of the power in the incident wave, P , less the power returned to the
source b y the reflected wave, P . Of course, under matched conditions
there is no reflection. The power delivered under these conditions is the
maximum available power, say P , from the source in series with resis
tance r. This power is easily found from Fig. lc to be


The last step follows from (15). With these ideas, (19) can be rewritten as


where Pi = |a| and P = |b| . This is an extremely important result. The

right side specifies the fraction of the maximum available power that is
actually delivered to the one-port. If there is no reflection (p = 0), this
ratio is unity.
For a passive one-port, the power delivered cannot exceed the maximum
available; that is, P\P
1. Hence

(for passive one-port).




As discussed in the last section, the scattering parameters are par

ticularly useful in the description of power transfer. The simplest of such
situations is the transfer of power from a source with an internal impe
dance to a load, which we have already discussed. More typical is the
transfer from a source to a load through a coupling network N, as shown
in Fig. 4. The two-port network N may be a filter or an equalizer matching
network. The load m a y be passive, either real or complex, or it m a y be
active (e.g., a tunnel diode). More generally, the coupling network is a
multiport with transmission of power from one or more ports to one or
more other ports.

Sec. 8.2]


Fig. 4.


Two-port filter or matching network.

We shall deal in detail with the situation shown in Fig. 5. A multiport

is terminated at each port with a real positive resistance and a source.
A special case is the two-port shown in Fig. 8.5b. The development is
simply a generalization of the one-port case except that scalar relation
ships will now be replaced by matrices. We shall treat the general n-port
case but will illustrate the details with the two-port for ease of visuali

Fig. 5.

Multiports with real normalizing numbers.

To begin, we define the vector variables as follows:




[Ch. 8

and the diagonal matrix


The matrix r is nonsingular and positive definite, since all r 's are assumed
positive. From Fig. 5 we can write

where Z is the open-circuit impedance matrix of multiport N. Suppose
now that at each of the ports the multiport is matched to the source re
sistance. This means the ratio V /I is to equal the resistance r at the j t h
port. In matrix form this becomes V = rl, or Z = r when the multiport
is matched. B y analogy with the one-port case, we introduce the incidentvoltage vector V and the incident-current vector I as equal to the
port-voltage vector and the port-current vector, respectively, when the
ports are all matched; that is,
o c

o c

when matched.
Similarly, we introduce the reflected-voltage vector V and the reflectedcurrent vector I , as the deviation of the port-voltage vector and the portcurrent vector, respectively, from their matched values. In analogy with
(8) for the one-port case, they are written as

When the last two pairs of equations are used with (25), the incident
and reflected variables can be written as

Sec. 8.2]




These expressions should be compared with (7) and (3) for the one-port.


For the one-port a reflection coefficient was defined relating reflected

to incident voltage and another one relating reflected to incident current.
These two turned out to be the same reflection coefficient whose value
was invariant to normalization. In the multiport case the relationship of
reflected to incident variables is a matrix relationship. We define two
such relationshipsone for the voltages and one for the currentsas
where SI is the current-scattering matrix and SV is the voltage-scattering
matrix. These matrices can be expressed in terms of Z and the terminat
ing impedances b y using (29) for the incident and reflected variables, and
b y using V = Z I . The details will be left to you; the result is as follows:
o c

0 C

Study these expressions carefully, note how S is relatively simple when
( Z + r ) premultiplies
( Z r), and S is relatively simple when it
postmultiplies ( Z r).
What is ( Z + r)? It is, in fact, the open-circuit impedance matrix of
the augmented network; that is, the multiport in Fig. 5, which includes
the series resistance at each port as part of the multiport. The inverse,
( Z + r ) , is the short-circuit admittance matrix of the augmented
multiport, which we shall label Y . In terms of Y , the two reflection
coefficients are found from (31), after some manipulation, to be

o c

o c

0 c

o c

o c




[Ch. 8

The only difference seems to be that in one case r postmultiplies Y and

in the other case it premultiplies Y . Each of these equations can be
solved for Y . When these two expressions for Ya are equated, a relation
ship between S and S is found to be

- 1

We seem to be at an impasse; the matrix r or r seems to crop up and

spoil things. Perhaps normalization will help. Look back at (9) to see how
the incident and reflected voltages and currents were normalized. Suppose
we carry out a similar normalization, but in matrix form. To normalize
currents, we multiply b y the matrix r ; and to normalize voltages, we
multiply b y r , where



is a real diagonal matrix, each diagonal entry of which is the square root
of the corresponding entry of matrix r. To see what will happen, let us
multiply both sides of (30a) by r and both sides of (30b) by r . Then


But observe from (33)through premultiplying and postmultiplying both
sides by r that


where the matrix S is introduced for convenience.

Since V = r l , it follows that the two normalized variables on the right
side of (35) are equal; that is, r V = r I . In view of (36), it follows that
the two normalized variables on the left side of (35) are also equal.



Sec. 8.2]



With the preceding discussion as justification, we now define the

normalized vector scattering variables as
These scattering variables are related by a scattering matrix S, which is
related to the current- and voltage-scattering matrices through (36). Thus


The relationship between this scattering matrix and the matrices Z

and Ya can be found b y appropriately pre- and post-multiplying (32) and
(31) by r and r
consistent with (36). If we define
o c



where Y , the short-circuited admittance matrix of the multiport, is
, then
s c

- 1

o c



We leave the details for you to work out. Compare (40) with (16), which is
the corresponding scalar result for a one-port.
The relationship between S and Y a points up an important property
that is not evident from the manner in which it was obtained. Because of
the series resistances in the augmented network, this network may have
an admittance matrix even though the original multiport has neither an
impedance nor an admittance matrix. This will be true for any passive
network. Thus an advantage of scattering parameters (as we call the ele
ments of the scattering matrix) is that t h e y exist for all passive networks,



[Ch. 8

even those for which impedance or admittance parameters do not exist.

An illustration is provided by the ideal transformer shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

Ideal transformer.

The augmented network for unity reference resistances at both ports is

shown. The ideal transformer has neither an impedance nor an admittance
matrix. Nevertheless, the augmented network has an admittance repre
sentation. The short-circuit admittance matrix can be calculated directly,
and then (40) will give the scattering matrix. The details will be left to
you; the result will be

This reduces to an especially simple matrix for a turns ratio of n = 1.

Note that S is the negative of S . Two-ports that satisfy the con
ditions S = S
are said to be antimetric, in contrast to symmetric
two-ports, for which S = S . (See Problems 10 and 11.)








The normalized scattering variables a and b can be expressed in terms

of voltages and currents by applying the normalization to (29). Defining
the normalized voltage and current as V = r V and I = r I, these
equations and their inverses take the relatively simple forms



Comparing these with (12) and (14) shows that the expressions for the
multiport scattering variables are identical with those for the one-port,
except that they are matrix expressions in the present case.

Sec. 8.2]



Finally, note that the two expressions in (28) relating incident voltage
and current to V , reduce to a single equation under normalization:

The normalization can again be interpreted b y appending ideal trans
formers to the ports. This is illustrated for the two-port in Fig. 7. The



Fig. 7.

Normalized and augmented two-port.

turns ratios of the transformers are 1 : r1 and 1 : r . They provide

the appropriate equations relating the actual voltages and currents to the
normalized values. The total network, including the ideal transformers, is
called the normalized network. Even though the reference resistances at
the ports may be different, the matched condition corresponds to an input
resistance of unity at each port. If we include a series unit resistance at
each port, the resulting overall network is the augmented (normalized)
network, as shown in Fig. 7b.
How are the port normalizing numbers r chosen? In the ideal-trans
former example, for instance, what caused us to choose unity normalizing
numbers for both ports? The answer to these questions is simply con
venience. If a network will actually operate with certain terminating re
sistances, it would clearly be convenient, and would simplify the resulting
expressions, if these resistances were chosen as the normalizing numbers.



[Ch. 8

In other cases choice of some parameter in the network as the normalizing

number leads to simplification. Consider, for example, the gyrator shown
in Fig. 8. It has an impedance representation containing the gyration

Fig. 8.


resistance r. If the port normalizing numbers r1 and r for both ports are
chosen equal to r, the matrix Z can be written very simply. Equation 40
then leads to the scattering matrix. Thus



The preceding discussion provides means for finding the scattering

parameters of a multiport from either its impedance or admittance
matrixor the admittance matrix of the augmented network. But the
scattering parameters appear in the relationships between incident and
reflected scattering variables. We shall now consider in greater detail
what these relationships are. For simplicity we shall treat the two-port,
for which the equations are

Sec. 8.3]



We shall assume arbitrary loading of the two-port, with possible signals

applied to each port, as shown in Fig. 9 .

Fig. 9.

Two-port with arbitrary loading.


From ( 4 4 ) the scattering parameters can be interpreted as follows:


We see that each parameter is the ratio of a reflected to an incident

variable, under the condition of zero incident variable at the other port.
What does it mean for an incident variable, say a , to be zero? This is
easily answered b y reference to ( 4 2 ) or, equivalently, ( 2 9 ) , which relate
scattering variables to voltages and currents. Thus a = 0 means
= I , or V = r I . N O W look at Fig. 9 . The condition
V = r I means that port 2 is terminated in r (rather than in im
pedance z ) and that there is no voltage source; that is, port 2 is matched.
Furthermore, if there is no incident variable and V = r I , (29b),
shows that the reflected voltage is the total voltage at the port (V = V )
and (29d) shows that the reflected current is the total current (I = I ).
Similar meanings attach to the condition a = 0 .
Thus the scattering parameters of a two-port are defined as the ratio
of a reflected to an incident variable when the other incident variable is
zeromeaning, when the other port is match-terminated.
More specific
ally, consider S . This is the ratio of reflected to incident variables at
port 1 (b /a ) when port 2 is matched. Let us now substitute into b a the
scalar equation for port 1 resulting from ( 4 2 ) . Then










[Ch. 8

where Z is the normalized input impedance at port 1. Comparing this

with (13), which gives the reflection coefficient for a one-port, we see that
S is the reflection coefficient at port 1 when the other port is matched. A
similar conclusion is reached about S .
NOW look at the off-diagonal terms, specifically S . When a = 0, as
we have already mentioned, b = V ,
or V = V . Furthermore,
a = V /2,
from (43). Hence







Thus S is seen to be proportional to a voltage gain, a forward voltage
gain. A further clarification is given in terms of Fig. 10. Here the two-port

Resistance looking into

transformer primary= r

Fig. 10. Transducer voltage ratio.

has been replaced b y an ideal transformer of such turns ratio that the
resistance r becomes matched to r\. The output voltage under this con
dition is called V' . N o w if we take the ratio of the actual output voltage
V t o V' , the result is called the transducer voltage ratio. The calculation
given in the figure shows this quantity to be the same as the right-hand
side of (47). Hence S is the forward transducer voltage ratio. When the
source is matched as in Fig. 10, it will deliver to the network at its ter
minals (namely, the primary side of the transformer) the maximum
available power. This is seen to be P = | V | /4r .
N o w return to the original setup. The power transferred to the load
with network N in place, when it is matched and when the port 2 voltage
is V , will be P = | V | /r .
Hence the magnitude square of S in (47)
will be






Sec. 8.3]



Thus the magnitude square of S , which is often called the transducer

power gain, G( ), is simply the ratio of actual load power to the maximum
power available from the generator when both ports are matched. A com
pletely similar discussion can be carried out for S , the reverse transducer
voltage ratio. (The argument is written because G is an even function
of frequency.)
A slight manipulation of (48) leads to |S | = | V | /| V /2| .
is, in fact, the transducer power gain for the normalized network. The
conclusion is that the transducer power gain is unchanged b y normali
zation. When a two-port is to be inserted between two resistive termina
tions, this result gives added reason for using the terminations as the
reference resistances; the transmission coefficient then directly describes
the power gain property of the network.
Without detailed exposition, it should be clear that the scattering para
meters for a multiport can be interpreted in a similar fashion. The para
meters on the main diagonal of S will be reflection coefficients. Thus






is the reflection coefficient at port j when all other ports are matched; that
is, terminated in their reference resistances.
The parameters off the main diagonal are called transmission coefficients,
in contrast with the reflection coefficients. They are given b y


Following an analysis like that leading to (48), we find the magnitude

square of a transmission coefficient to be the ratio of load power at one
port to maximum available power from a source at another port when all
ports are matched. Thus


As an illustration, consider the network of Fig. 1 1 . A three-port is

formed with a gyrator b y making an extra port, as shown. (The gyrator
symbol shown was mentioned in Problem 3 in Chapter 3.) The objective
is to find the scattering matrix of the three-port and to interpret its ele
ments. Let the gyration resistance be taken as unity. This amounts to



[Ch. 8




Fig. 1 1 . Gyrator as three-port circulator.

choosing the normalizing numbers of the ports as the gyration resistance.

Then the gyrator relationship is

But I = I + I , I = I I ,
Fig. 11. With these, we get

and V = V


as observed from

The coefficient matrix here is Z . The scattering matrix can now be com
puted from (41). The result is


This is a very interesting result. Note first that the diagonal elements
are all zero. Hence the reflection coefficients at all ports are zero, which
means all the ports are matched. As for the transmission coefficients, con
sider Fig. 11b, in which only port 1 is excited and all 3 ports are matched.
Thus, V =I
and V = I . Hence, from (28) and (37), we find
a = V = Vg /2 and a = a = 0; from (52), b = b = 0 and b =
V /2.
But b = V = V ; hence the power in the matched load at port 3 is




Sec. 8.3]



The conclusion is that when a signal is incident at port 1, with all ports
match-terminated, none is reflected (b = 0), none is transmitted to port 2
(b = 0), but all of it is transmitted, without loss, to port 3, the power
there being the maximum available from the source at port 1.
Similar conclusions follow from (52) for the other transmissions;
namely, that a signal incident at port 2 is all transmitted to port 1, and a
signal incident at port 3 is all transmitted to port 2. In this latter case,
because of the minus sign in b = a , there is a reversal in voltage phase,
but the power transmitted is not affected.
The three-port in Fig. 11 seems to have a cyclic power-transmission
property. Power entering one port is transmitted to an adjacent port in a
cyclic order, as shown by the circular arrow. A multiport device having
this property is called a circulator, the symbol for which is shown in Fig.
11c for a three-port. For our circulator in Fig. 11, the cyclic order is 132.
Clearly, a circulator of the opposite cyclic order (123) is also possible.
Its scattering matrix must clearly be of the form

where |S | = |S | = |S | = 1. At a single frequency the angles of the

nonzero parameters can have any values without influencing the power
transmittedand we have so indicated on the right. For the simplest
case all the angles are zero and the nonzero scattering parameters are all
unity. More generally, each of the nonzero transmission coefficients can
be an all-pass function.
The particularly happy way in which the scattering parameters are re
lated to power transmission and reflection gives a further, though belated,
justification for the normalization that we carried out in (37). It was done
there for the purpose of arriving at a single scattering matrix rather than
the two based on current and voltage. These simple interpretations of the
scattering parameters in terms of power transmission and reflection would
not have been possible had we continued to deal with either the current
or the voltage scattering matrix.






[Ch. 8


Since the scattering parameters have meanings intimately connected

with power, the processes of power transmission are quite conveniently
expressed in terms of scattering parameters. Assume a multiport with
arbitrary terminating impedances in series with voltage sources, as in
Fig 5, except that the terminations are arbitrary. The complex power
input to the multiport in the sinusoidal steady state will be W = V*I,
where V* is the conj u gate transpose of V. If you go through the details o
substituting the normalized variables for the actual ones, you will find
that the expression for power is invariant to normalization. Thus


Here (42) was used to replace the normalized voltage and current vectors
b y the scattering variables. The last term in parentheses on the far right
is the difference of two conjugate quantities, since

The last step here follows because these matrix products are scalars and
the transpose of a scalar is itself. But the difference of two conjugates is
imaginary. Hence the real power will be


This was obtained b y substituting Sa for b. This equation should be

compared with (19) for the one-port case.
The properties of the scattering matrix for different classes of networks
can be established from (54). First observe that the right side is a quadratic
form. For convenience, define

Sec. 8.4]



Without placing any restrictions on the type of network, let us take the
conjugate transpose of Q:
As discussed in Chapter 1, a matrix that is equal to its own conjugate
transpose is said to be Hermitian. Thus Q is a Hermitian matrix. Its
elements are related by q = q which requires the diagonal elements to
be real.
We are interested in particular classes of networks: active and passive,
reciprocal and nonreciprocal, lossless and lossy. There is not much of a
specific nature that can be said about active networks. Hence we shall
concentrate mainly on passive networks, which may be reciprocal or
nonreciprocal. We shall also focus on the lossless subclass of passive
networks; these also may be reciprocal or nonreciprocal.
First, for passive networks in general, the real power delivered to the
multiport from sinusoidal sources at the ports must never be negative.


U S*S is positive semidefinite


This is the fundamental limitation on the scattering matrix of a passive

multiport. It should be compared with (22) for the one-port case.
A necessary and sufficient condition for a matrix to be positive semidefinite is that the principal cofactors be no less than zero, as discussed
in Chapter 7. The diagonal elements of Q are also principal cofactors and
must be non-negative. In terms of the elements of S, this means

Each term in this summation is positive. The expression tells us that a

sum of positive terms cannot exceed unity. This requires, a fortiori, that
each term not exceed unity, or
This is a fundamental limitation imposed on the scattering parameters as
a consequence of passivity. It tells us that for a passive network, the
magnitude of a reflection coefficient cannot exceed unity, nor can the magni
tude of a transmission
Next, consider a lossless multiport, whether reciprocal or nonreciprocal.



[Ch. 8

In this case no power is dissipated within the multiport. Hence the realpower input shown in (56) must be identically zero for any possible vec
tor a. This is possible only if the matrix of the quadratic form vanishes;
that is,



- 1

B y definition of the inverse, we see that S = S*. A matrix whose inverse

equals its conjugate transpose is called a unitary matrix. Thus the scatter
ing matrix of a lossless multiport is unitary. (The last step in the equation
follows because a matrix commutes with its inverse.)
The unitary property imposes some constraints on the elements of the
scattering matrix that can be established by expanding the products in
(61). The result will be

from which


from which

j k

is the Kronecker delta.



The immediately preceding equations specify properties of the scatter

ing parameters of multiports. We shall examine these in detail for the

Sec. 8.4]



two-port network, specifically limiting ourselves to lossless networks, both

reciprocal and nonreciprocal
First, with n = 2, set j = k =1 in (62); then j = k = 2 in (63). The
results will be
Subtracting one from the other gives

Thus, for a lossless two-port, whether reciprocal or nonreciprocal,

magnitude of the reflection coefficients at the two ports is equal. This result
can be extended to complex frequencies by analytic continuation. Using
the symbol for reflection coefficient, the result can be written as follows:

In terms of poles and zeros, we conclude the following. The poles and
zeros of (s) (s)
and (s) (s) are identical, and they occur in
quadrantal symmetry. In making the assignment of poles and zeros of
(s) from those of p (s) (s), the only consideration is stability. No poles
of p (s) can lie in the right half-plane. Hence the left-half-plane poles of
(s) (s) must be poles of (s). As for the zeros, no limitation is
imposed by stability; zeros of (s) (s) can be assigned to (s) from
either the left or the right half-plane, subject to the limitation that these
zeros, plus their images in the j-axis, must account for all the zeros of
(s) ( s ) . Similar statements can be made about the poles and zeros
of (s).
Let us return again to (62) and this time set j = k = 2. The result will be


When this is compared with (64b), we see that


that is, the magnitude of the forward-transmission coefficient equals that



[Ch. 8

of the reverse-transmission coefficient. This is not surprising for reciprocal

networks, since then S (s) = S (s), but it is true for nonreciprocal net
works also. In fact, even more detailed relationships can be found by
setting j = 2, k = 1 in (62). The result will be





This applies to both reciprocal and nonreciprocal lossless two-ports. For

the reciprocal case S = S ; hence the ratio of S (s) to S (s) will
then be an all-pass function. Since (s) can have no poles in the right halfplane, the zeros of this all-pass function must cancel the right-half-plane
poles of (s).






A number of different applications can be handled by the configura

tion shown in Fig. 12a. A lossless coupling network N is to be designed for



Fig. 12.

Filter, equalizer or matching network.

Sec. 8.4]



insertion between a source with a real internal impedance and a real load.
The network may be required to perform the function of filtering or
equalizing; that is, shaping the frequency response in a prescribed way.
Alternatively, the load may be an impedance Z as shown in Fig. 12b,
and the coupling network is to be designed to provide a match to the
resistive source over a band of frequencies. This case can be related to the
former one b y using Darlington's theorem. That is to say, Z can be
realized as a lossless two-port N terminated in a resistance r , as shown
in Fig. 12c. The cascade combination of N and N plays the role of the
lossless network N in Fig. 12a. A limited discussion of this matching prob
lem will be given in the next section.
Let us concentrate on the filter or equalizer problem. What is specified is
the transducer power gain as a function of frequency. We shall label this
function G( ). According to (48), G( ) is simply the magnitude square
of S . But |S |
is related to the magnitude of the input reflection
coefficient by (64a). If this expression is analytically continued, it can
be written as




where we have again replaced S by . If G( ) is specified, the righthand side is a known even function. It is now only necessary to assign the
poles and zeros of the right side appropriately to p (s).
Furthermore, the reflection coefficient and the impedance Z looking
into the input terminals of N with the output terminated in r are related
b y (46), which can be solved for Z as follows:


Hence, once (s) has been determined from (70), the input impedance Z
becomes known as a function of s. The task is then reduced to an appli
cation of Darlington's theorem; namely, realizing Z (s) as a lossless twoport terminated in a resistance.
To illustrate this discussion let the transducer power gain be given as

This is a third-order Butterworth filter function. The continuation is




[Ch. 8

obtained through replacing ( ) by s . When this is inserted into (70),

the result is

In the last step the denominator has been factored, putting into evidence
the left- and right-half-plane poles. The left-half-plane poles must
belong to (s), as opposed to ( s ) . In the example the zeros also are
uniquely assignable: three zeros at the origin to (s) and three to ( s ) .
The only ambiguity arises in the appropriate sign. There is no a priori
reason why (s) must have a positive sign. The conclusion is that (s)
must be the following:

When this is inserted into (71), the impedance is found to be

depending on the sign chosen for (s). But these are inverse impedances,
and their realizations will be duals. In the present case the realization is
rather simply obtained by expanding in a continued fraction. Thus, b y
using the second function, we obtain

The network realizing this function, and its dual, are shown in Fig. 13.
These are the normalized realizations. Recall that the normalized opencircuit impedance matrix is obtained b y dividing all elements of Z b y
r r .
To undo this normalization, all branch impedances must, there
fore, be multiplied by r r . One denormalized network, with the actual
source and load resistances, is shown in Fig. 13c.
o c

Sec. 8.4]






Fig. 13.

Illustrative example.



The general matching problem illustrated in Fig. 12b and c takes on

some additional significance for the special case shown in Fig. 14a, where




Fig. 14.

Two-port constrained by parasitic capacitance.

the load impedance is the parallel combination of a capacitor and a resis

tor. This configuration is identical with that of a network working between
two resistive terminations R and R , but constrained b y a parasitic
shunt capacitance across the output terminals, which can be treated as
part of the two-port, as suggested in Fig. 14b. This is equivalent to the
situation illustrated in Fig. 14c, where a parasitic shunt capacitance occurs
across the input port.


[Ch. 8


We have already seen in Chapter 6 that such a parasitic capacitance

leads to some integral constraints on the real part of the driving-point
impedance. We shall here derive a similar integral constraint on the
reflection coefficient and use it to find a limitation on the transducer power
The two situations in Fig. 14b and c are similar and can be treated
simultaneously b y considering Fig. 15, where R is either R \ or R . In the


Fig. 15.

Shunt capacitance constraint.

first case, Z is the impedance Z\ looking into the left-hand port of the
dashed two-port in Fig. 14c, with R in place; and is the corresponding
reflection coefficient . For R = R , Z is the impedance Z looking into
the right-hand port of the dashed two-port in Fig. 14b, with the other
port terminated in R ; and p is the corresponding reflection coefficient .
In either case,

Ideally, under matched conditions, = 0. This requires Z = R inde

pendent of frequency, at least over the frequency band of interest. But
this cannot be achieved exactly; it might only be approximated. If p
cannot be identically zero, at least we would like to make its magnitude as
close to zero as possible.
It is customary to define another quantity related to p as follows:


When = 0, the return loss is infinite; under totally mismatched condi

tions, (when = 1), the return loss is zero. Thus maximizing the return loss
over a band of frequencies is a measure of the optimization of matching
over this band.


Sec. 8.4]


An integral constraint on the return loss can be obtained by taking the

contour integral of ln(1/) around the standard contourthe j-axis and
an infinite semicircle to the right, as described in Chapter 6 and shown
again in Fig. 16. To apply Cauchy's theorem, the integrand must be
regular in the right half-plane. However, although p is regular in the right

Fig. 16

half-plane, 1/ need not be. Hence we first multiply 1/p by an all-pass

function, as follows:


where each s is a pole of 1 / in the right half-plane. The resulting function

is regular in the right half-plane, and the contour integration can be car
ried out. There will be contributions to the contour integral from the
j-axis and from the infinite semicircle. The evaluate the latter, observe
that as s-> , Z - > 1/sC because of the shunt capacitor. Hence


Also, the all-pass function approaches


As a consequence



[Ch. 8

The negative sign before the right-hand side suggests that we take the
logarithm of A ( s ) / instead of +A(s)/.
Thus, since ln(1 +x)->x


where C is the infinite semicircular part of the standard contour and

d s / s

= -j

Along the j - a x i s ,


The first step follows from the fact that the magnitude of an all-pass
function is unity on the j - a x i s , so l n | A ( j ) / ( j ) | = ln|1/|. The last step
follows because ln |1/| is an even function of , whereas the angle is an
odd function.
From Cauchy's theorem, the sum of the integrals on the left sides of the
last two equations should equal zero. Hence


Recall that s is a pole of 1/ in the right half-plane, so that its real part is
positive. The sum of all such poles will, therefore, be real and positive.
If 1 / has no poles in the right half-plane, this sum will vanish. The final
result will therefore be


This is a fundamental limitation on the return loss (or the reflection

coefficient) when a two-port matching network is constrained b y a shunt
capacitor across one port.
This constraint places a limitation on the achievable transducer power
gain also. To illustrate this, suppose the band of interest is the low-fre
quency region 0 , which is the passband, the remainder of the

Sec. 8.5]




frequency range being the stopband. There will be contributions to the

integral in (80) from both bands. The most favorable condition will occur
when 1 / has no poles in the right half-plane and the magnitude of is
constant, say | |, in the passband. Then


Outside the passband, there should be a total mismatch and |p| should
ideally equal 1. More practically, although its value will be less than 1, it
should be close to 1. Hence ln l/|| will be a small positive number, ideally
zero. Therefore the integral from to will be positive, and (81)
will yield


When this expression is combined with (64), the magnitude squared of

S becomes

This puts an upper limit on the achievable transducer power gain, | S ( j)|,
over a wide frequency band, even if we assume a constant value is possible
over the passband. The wider the frequency band of interest, the more
stringent will this limitation become for a fixed shunt capacitan.ce. Note
that the immediately preceding result is valid for Fig. 14c; it also applies
to Fig. 14b through (65) and (68).



The scattering parameters treated up to this point were defined for a

multiport operating with resistive terminations. Normalization was car
ried out with these real numbers. Suppose the terminations of a multiport
are not resistances but impedances; how do we normalize them? We shall



[Ch. 8

now turn our attention to this general problem. For simplicity, we shall
illustrate with a two-port, but the results will apply in matrix form to the
general multiport.
The situation to be treated is illustrated with a two-port in Fig. 17.


Fig. 17.

Two-port with general terminations: (a) general case; (6) matched case.

The terminating impedances are strictly passive with positive real parts:
These real parts play the same normalizing role as the resistive termina
tions before, and they are represented by the positive definite diagonal
matrix in (24). From Fig. 17a, we can write

which can be generalized for the multiport as

The right-hand side results from the substitution of V = Z I. This
should be compared with (25) for resistive terminations.
N o w suppose that the multiport is simultaneously matched to the
terminating impedances at all the ports; that is, the impedance looking
into port j of the multiport is z . This is shown in Fig. 17b for the two-port.
From Fig. 17,
o c

when matched.


As before, the incident voltages and currents are defined as the port
voltages and currents under matched conditions; that is, V = V and I = I,

Sec. 8.5]



when matched. Hence, generalizing the last equation and inserting into (85),
we obtain
since z + z = 2r. These should be compared with (28) for real terminations.
Note that the expression for V in terms of V is not as simple as it is in the
case of real terminations.
The condition of simultaneous match at all ports, requiring as it does
that Z be the conjugate of the terminating impedance z, is not possible
of attainment at all frequencies, but only at a single frequency. Hence the
procedure being described here is strictly applicable only at a single
frequency, which may be at any point on the j-axis. It may also be used
in narrow-band applications without excessive error.
Again we define the reflected variables as deviations from their matched
values, according to (27). When (85) and (87) are inserted there, and
after some manipulation whose details you should supply, the incident
and reflected variables become

o c

Again we note that the expressions for the voltages are somewhat com
plicated compared with those for the currents.
Let us now introduce voltage, current, and impedance normalizations.
To normalize currents we multiply by r , and to normalize voltages we
multiply by r . Impedances are normalized according to (39b). The
normalized incident and reflected variables become






[Ch. 8


where z = r z r
= [z /r ]. Examine these expressions carefully. For
the case of real terminations, both quantities in (89) are the same; they
were together labeled a in (37). Likewise, both quantities in (90) are the
same for real terminations; they were collectively labeled b before. Clearly,
this is no longer true for impedance terminations. Observe that if z is
made real, the two expressions in (89) reduce to a and the two in (90)
reduce to b in (42).
Two different scattering matrices can be defined, one for the currents
and one for the voltages, even for the normalized variables. We shall
arbitrarily define a and b as the normalized incident and reflected currents.
Thus from (89) and (90) we get

We now define the scattering matrix S, as before, by the relationship
b = Sa. When (91) are inserted for a and b, we can solve for the scattering

This should be compared with (41) for the case of real terminations. Note
that ( Z + z ) is the normalized admittance matrix of the augmented
network, Y . Hence, b y adding and subtracting z within the first
parentheses in (92), this expression can be rewritten as

a n

since z + z = 2U. This is the same expression as (40) for real termina

Another matrix, say S, can be defined for the normalized voltage

variables by writing r V = S r V . Inserting from (89) and (90) leads to


Comparing this with (92) gives the relationship between the two matrices

Sec. 8.5]



The relative complexity of the voltage scattering matrix S is adequate

reason for our having chosen the definitions of a and b, and the scattering
matrix S as we did. But even more pertinent is their relation to power.
To see this, first solve for V and I in terms of a and b from (91). Thus

since z + z = 2U. These are not quite the same as (42) for the case of
real terminations. However, if the expression for V*nIn is formed similar
to (53), the expression for the real part will turn out to be exactly the same
in terms of the scattering matrix defined here as it was before in (54).
Hence the properties of the scattering matrix as discussed in Section
84 apply also to the scattering matrix S given in (92). This is, then,
the appropriate extension of the scattering variables and the scattering
matrix to complex normalization.



The preceding discussion concerning complex normalization, being

based on optimal matching in the sinusoidal steady state, is limited to a
single frequency. We shall now extend the discussion to arbitrary signals
and to all values of s. In Fig. 18 is shown a two-port that is representative

Fig. 18.

General matching with arbitrary signals and passive impedance terminations.

of any multiport, excited by arbitrary voltage signals through passive

impedance terminations. For the general case,
These are identical with (85) except that they apply for all s. N o w let



[Ch. 8

that is, r (s) and r (s) are the even parts of z (s) and z (s). Since r(s) is even,
r(s) = r(s); so we shall not write the argument of r except for emphasis.
Without making any claims about real power matching, let us define a
condition of the two-port in which


We take this as a reference condition and call it the matched condition*.

When s = j , r is simply the real part of z(s).
A S before, the incident voltage and current are defined as the port
voltages and currents under matched conditions; that is, V (s) = V(s) and
I (s) = I(s) when Z = z(s). From Fig. 18 and from (97) there follows

o c


The reflected variables are again defined as deviations from the re

ference (matched) condition, just as before. B y inserting (100) and (97)
into I = I I and V = V V , we obtain

Compare these with (88); note that z has been replaced by z(s). When
s = j , z(-s) = z(-j) = z[(j)] = z(j).
Another useful form is obtained by inserting V = Z

o c

I. Then

The next step, as before, is normalization. However, this process is now

more complicated. Previously the matrix r was a matrix of real numbers,
* A more complete treatment in the time domain is given in E. S. Kuh and R. A.
Rohrer, Theory of Linear Active Networks, Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1967, pp. 287300.

Sec. 8.5]



and normalization amounted to dividing or multiplying the components

of vectors to be normalized by the square roots of the scalar elements of r.
N o w r(s) is an even rational function of s. The process of taking the square
root is not that simple. Let us digress here a moment in order to examine
the properties of r(s).
Let US start with the impedance z, whose elements are rational positive
real functions, hence regular in the right half-plane. We write the numera
tor and denominator of the j t h element of z as n (s) and d (s). Thus




Both the numerator and denominator of the right side are even poly
nomials of s. Hence their zeros occur in quadrantal symmetry. We now
define a rational function f(s) whose zeros and poles are all the zeros and
poles of r (s) that lie in the left half-plane. The function containing all the
right-half-plane poles and zeros of r (s) will then be f(s).


Each of the function f(s) and f(s) is something like a "square r o o t " of
r (s), since their product gives r (s).
Before we proceed, here is a simple example. Suppose Zj is the positive
real function





[Ch. 8

Observe that the real parts of these two functions for s = j are equal;
thus for complex normalization at a single frequency s = j , either one
will do.
We dealt here with a single element of the r(s) matrix. In matrix form
what was just described becomes

where f(s) is a diagonal matrix each of whose nonzero elements is a

rational function whose numerator and denominator are both Hurwitz
Let us now return to the main discussion. Our impulse is to normalize
by multiplying currents b y the "square r o o t " of r(s), but which "square
root," f(s) or f(s)? Our guide must be the desire that the scattering
variables to be defined must lead to a scattering matrix that satisfies the
fundamental relationship relative to power given in ( 5 4 ) . In the present
case the conjugate of a vector is generalized by making the argument of
the vector (s). Thus V becomes V(s), which reduces to V when s = j
What should be done is to form an expression for the power, and from it
to determine the required normalization.
The first step is to solve (100a) and (101a) for the voltage and current in
terms of the incident and reflected currents. The result will be


N e x t we form V'(s) I(s) and take the even part. Calling this P , we get
P = even part of
= even part of
= even part of

Note that r is diagonal and hence r' = r. B y direct evaluation it is found


Sec. 8.5]



since X and Y are diagonal matrices. Thus X(s) is even, and Y(s) is odd.
Now let us define the current scattering matrix as
and insert it into (108), with the result

Recalling that r = f(s) f(s), this expression can be put in the form of
(54) uniquely as follows:

Now it is clear! We must define the scattering variables a and b as the
normalized incident and reflected current variables; and we must define
the scattering matrix S as the normalized current scattering matrix in the
following w a y :
[Equation 111b is justified if (109) is multiplied by f(s) and the expressions
for a(s) and S are used.] Then (110) becomes
This expression reduces, for s = j , to the power input as given in (54) for
the case of real normalization. Hence the scattering matrix defined b y
(112) and (109) has the same properties as discussed in Section 8.4 for
real normalization.
The only thing left to do is to find expressions for S in terms of Z and
o c



[Ch. 8

the terminating impedances. For this purpose return to (102) and use (109)
to find the current scattering matrix


where Y is the admittance matrix (not normalized) of the augmented


When (114) is inserted into (112), the scattering matrix becomes

Compare this with (92) and (93) for the single-frequency complex nor
We see that in the case of frequency-independent normalization the
expression for S is somewhat more complicated than the expression for the
single-frequency scattering matrix.
For a one-port having an impedance Z(s), the current reflection coeffi
cient i is obtained from (114) by noting that the matrices in that expres
sion are scalars in t h e one-port case. Thus


The reflection coefficient itself is seen from (116) to differ from this expres
sion by the function f(s)/f(s), which is an all-pass function. Thus


where A(s) =f(s)/f(s)

is an all-pass function.

Consider, for example, the one-port in Fig. 19 terminated in a parallel

Sec. 8.5]


Fig. 19.


Reflection coefficient of a one-port.

R and C. Then

The current reflection coefficient from (117) is

Finally, from (118) the reflection coefficient is

As another example of frequency-independent complex normalization,

consider the network in Fig. 20. A gyrator is terminated at one port b y a

Fig. 20.

Illustrative example.



[Ch. 8

resistor and at the other port by an impedance

The gyrator has an open-circuit impedance matrix; thus the following

can be written:


The terminating impedance z is the same as the one treated earlier just
below (105). Thus the functions f(s) and f (s)


When all the above is inserted into (116), the scattering matrix becomes

Sec. 8.5]



Observe that S
equals S
multiplied by an all-pass function; their
magnitudes on the j-axis are, thus, the same. Equation 65 and, more
generally, (66), are satisfied. You can verify that (64), (67), (68), and (69)
are also satisfied.




As a further illustration of the application of scattering parameters, we

shall discuss a network whose analysis and design are greatly simplified
when scattering parameters are used. An impetus to the development of
the negative-resistance amplifier came from the advent of the tunnel
diode, a simple linear model for which is shown in Fig. 21a. A more com
plete model is that shown in Fig. 21b, but for many purposes the simpler
model is adequate.



Fig. 21.

Models of tunnel diode.

The impedance of the simple tunnel-diode model is

This is clearly not a positive real function. Let us now form the function
Z ( s ) , as follows:

which is a positive real function, the impedance of a parallel G and C.

This is, in fact, an example of a more general result that can be stated as
follows. Let Z (s) be the impedance of an active network consisting of
positive inductances and capacitances, and negative resistances. Let Z(s)
be the impedance of the passive network obtained when the sign of each
resistance is changed. Then Z(s) = Z ( s ) . The proof of this result is
left to you. (See Problems 30 and 31.)



[Ch. 8

N o w suppose a tunnel diode represented by the model in Fig. 21a is the

termination at one port of a lossless three-port network, as shown in Fig.
22a. Let the normalizing impedances at the three ports be z = R ,
z = R , and z = 1/(G + sC). Thus ports 1 and 2 are terminated in their


Fig. 22.

Negative resistance amplifier.

normalizing impedances, whereas port 3 is terminated in an impedance

z (s) related to its normalizing impedance by z (s) = z (s). The scat
tering relations of the three-port can be written as follows:

Alternatively, if the termination at port 3 is included in the network,
the structure can be regarded as a two-port N', as shown in Fig. 22b,
with the real terminations R and R . Let the scattering parameters of
this two-port be labeled with a prime. B y definition,


The first step follows from (119a) with a = 0. Since port 3 in Fig. 22a is

Sec. 8.5]



terminated in an impedance that is the j-axis negative conjugate of the

normalizing impedance, then b = 0, according to Problem 27. Hence the
second step in the last equation follows from (119c).
B y a similar approach the remaining scattering parameters of Fig. 22b
can be formed. The results are given here with the details left for you to
work out.


N o w since the three-port in Fig. 22 is lossless, its scattering matrix is

unitary. This property imposes certain conditions among the scattering
parameters. (See problem 35.) Under these conditions the above equations


These equations provide relationships for the reflection and transmis

sion coefficients of the two-port negative-resistance amplifier in terms of
the scattering parameters of the lossless three-port. The transducer power
gain of the amplifier is G( ) = |S' (j)| , which, from the above,



since |S (j)|
l . Then

= |S (j)|.

Because N is a lossless three-port,

|S (j)|


But S is the reflection coefficient at port 3, across which there appears a

capacitor. Hence, as discussed in the last section, there is a fundamental
limitation on this function as given in (80), with S = .




[Ch. 8

The optimum design over a given frequency band 0 is to give

|S (j)| its largest constant value over the band and to make |S (j)| a
constant. The maximum of |S (j)|
is 1. With the limitation given in
(82), we find the transducer power gain to be limited b y




where R= 1/G in Fig. 22. This is a basic " g a i n - b a n d w i d t h " limitation
dependent only on the parameters of the tunnel diode.
We turn now to a consideration of the design of the three-port net
work. Suppose the three-port in Fig. 22a is to be a reciprocal network. If
|S (j)|
= 1 over a band of frequencies, all the other scattering para
meters of the three-port (S , S , etc.) will vanish over that frequency
band. (See Problem 36.) Thus a nontrivial reciprocal three-port with the
above optimum design is not possible.
Consider the three-port circulator shown in Fig. 23a. Its scattering





Fig. 23.

Nonreciprocal negative resistance amplifier.

matrix, normalized with respect to resistances r , r , and r , where r is

an arbitrary real number, is


Thus S identically equals 1; but the remaining parameters of the circu

lator are not adequate to make just the circulator the desired three-port.
If something else is attached to port 2, the resulting S will no longer
equal 1. This leaves port 3.


Sec. 8.5]



Consider the structure shown in Fig. 23b. It consists of the circulator

with a reciprocal two-port N in cascade at one of its ports. Let the
scattering matrix of the two-port N be


normalized with respect to r and z = 1/(G + sC), at its input and output,
respectively; r is the same as the port 3 normalizing resistance of the
circulator. It remains to express the scattering matrix of the overall threeport in terms of the parameters of S and S in (126) and (127). This can be
done by using the results of Problem 24. The details are left for you; the
result is


Finally, the scattering matrix of the overall negative-resistance ampli

fier (the one denoted b y S') is obtained by using (122). Thus


The reflection coefficients are both zero, indicating that the amplifier is
matched at both input and output. If (65) is used, it is observed that the
reverse transmission S' has a unit magnitude. The forward transmission
of the amplifier is related only to the output reflection coefficient of the
two-port N. Thus


The design problem now becomes the following. A gain function G( )

is to be selected, subject to the gain-bandwidth limitation of (125), so as
to maximize l / | S ( j ) | . Now, from |S (j)| ,
it is a problem of deter
mining the two-port N, shown in Fig. 24 terminated in r at one port and





Fig. 24.

[Ch. 8

Two port to be designed.

in the tunnel diode at the other. The problem is not unlike that of the
filter problem illustrated in Section 8.4. From |S (j)|
it is necessary to
determine S (s).
This is related to the impedance Z looking into port 2 of
by (118), in which p plays the role of S . The two-port can then be
designed from Z.
This quick description has ignored a number of problems having to do
with the proper selection of S (s) from its magnitude squared, since this
is not a unique process. The details of this process would take us far afield
and will not be pursued any further here.





1. Two one-ports having impedances Z =f (s)
and Z = f ( s ) have
reflection coefficients and . Find the reflection coefficient of the
one-port shown in Fig. PI in terms of and .

Fig. PI
2. The sense of incident and reflected waves is related to what is taken to be
the direction of power flow. Figure P2 shows a one-port in part (a) with



the usual references of voltage and current. The reflection coefficient for
this one-port is 1. In Fig. P2b the current in the one-port is reversed.



Fig. P2

The one-port is thus considered as supplying power to the network to

the left of the terminals. Find the new reflection coefficient p in terms
of Z and in terms of 1.

3. It was shown in the text that S = U 2 Y , where Y is the y-matrix

of the normalized augmented network, by assuming that a multiport
has a short-circuit admittance matrix. Prove this result from the
augmented network without making this assumption.
a n

4. Show that S = 2(U + Y )


- 1

a n

- U.

5. Consider a matched, nonreciprocal, lossless three-port. Starting with the

general form of the scattering matrix, and using the appropriate
properties of matched and lossless multiports, determine the elements
of the scattering matrix. Can you identify the class of multiport from
this scattering matrix?
6. (a) Write out a scattering matrix to represent a four-port circulator,
(b) Take the transpose of this matrix and identify the kind of four-port
it represents.
7. In Fig. P7 are shown the two controlled sources that have no impedance
or admittance representations. Find the scattering matrices for these

Fig. P7



[Ch. 8

8 . In Fig. P8 are shown two controlled sources. One has no impedance

representation, the other no admittance representation; but they both
have a scattering matrix. Find them.



Fig. P8

9 . Use (41) in the text to find expressions for S , S ,

two-port in terms of the z-parameters.



and S


for a

10. Symmetrical passive two-ports are defined as two-ports for which

z = z
Using the results of Problem 9, show that symmetrical
two-ports have S = S .

2 2 .



11. Antimetrical passive two-ports are defined as two-ports for which

z =y
, z =yn and z = y . Show that antimetrical two-ports
are characterized by S = S .







12. (a) Let the circulator of Fig. 11 in the text be terminated in a

resistance r at port 1 and r at port 3. Find the relationship between
voltage and current at port 2. A one-port device having this v-i
relationship has been called a norator,
(b) Repeat (a) but with r and r interchanged. A one-port device having
this v-i relationship has been called a nullator.
13. Show that

where Z is the impedance matrix of a multiport normalized to real


14. Each of the multiports in Fig. P14 is an ideal junction consisting of

direct connections between the ports. Find the scattering matrix of each
for 1-ohm normalizing resistances at each port. In each case suppose that
power is supplied by a voltage source in series with the terminating
resistance at one port. Find the fraction of the power reflected at that






Fig. P14

port and transmitted to each of the other ports. Is this what you
would have expected without finding S?
15. The structure in Fig. P15 is a hybrid coil. It consists of a three-winding
ideal transformer from which a four-port is formed. The two transformer

Fig. P15

secondary windings have turns ratios n and n relative to the primary.

The equations characterizing the transformer are given in the figure.
Assume each port is terminated in its real normalizing resistances
r , r , r , and r . The turns ratios and the normalizing resistances are
to be chosen so that

(a) When port 1 is excited (by a voltage source in series with its
terminating resistance), there is no transmission to port 2, and vice
(b) When port 3 is excited, there is to be no transmission to port 4, and
vice versa;
(c) All ports are matched (no reflections).
Find the scattering matrix of this four-port in terms of n and n only.



[Ch. 8

16. It is desired to investigate the possible existence of a lossless, reciprocal

three-port that is match terminated with real impedances. Use the
properties of the scattering matrix to determine the realizability of such
a device. If realizable, find S and S .


17. Figure P17 shows a lossless, reciprocal three-port network that is

assumed to be symmetrical. The three-port is not match terminated.

Fig. P17
When one of the ports is excited (by a voltage source in series with its
termination), it is assumed that equal power is delivered to the other
two-ports. Find the maximum fraction of available power that is
delivered to each port under these conditions and find the fraction of
power that is reflected.
18. The network in Fig. P18 is a lattice operating between two resistive
terminations. Compute the transducer power gain. Determine conditions

Fig. P18
on the lattice elements that will make the gain identically unity,
independent of frequency. Under these conditions find the reflection and
transmission coefficients.
19. Figure P19 shows a two-port terminated at the output by an impedance
that is not the normalizing impedance. Let be the reflection coefficient
of Z normalized to r , which is the output normalizing resistance of the
two-port. The input is match terminated; that is, r is the normalizing



Fig. P19

resistance. Find the input reflection coefficient and the voltage gain
V / Vg in terms of and the scattering parameters of the two-port.

20. This is a generalization of the last problem. An n-port network is match

terminated at m of its ports and terminated in arbitrary loads at the
remaining n m ports, as illustrated in Fig. P20. the scattering equation
of the multiport are partitioned, as shown. The reflection coefficient at
the port terminated by Z is . Let be the diagonal matrix

Fig. P20



[Ch. 8

It is desired to find the scattering matrix S' for the m-port within the
dashed lines in the figure, given by the relation b1 = S ' a 1 . Using the
relation between a , b , and , write an expression relating a , b ,
and . Insert this into the partitioned form of the scattering relations
and show that

21. One of the ports of the circulator in Fig. P21 is not match terminated.
Use the result of the previous problem to find the scattering matrix S'
of the two port within the dashed line.

For the circulator

Fig. P21



22. The four-port network in Fig. P22 is a hybrid that is match terminated at
two of the ports but not at the other two. Find the scattering matrix
of the two-port within the dashed line in terms of and . Under
what condition will the two-port have no reflections at either port?

For the hybrid, with n = n

in problem 8-15,

Fig. P22
23. In order to find the relationships among the port voltages and currents
of a two-port that consists of the cascade connection of two sub-twoports, it is convenient to express the port relationships of the sub-twoports in terms of the chain matrix. It is desired to find a matrix T that
can play a similar role for two cascaded two-ports; but this time the
variables are scattering variables, rather than actual currents and
voltages. For the network shown in Fig. P23, let the desired overall
relationship be written x = Ty.

Fig. P23
(a) Determine the elements of the vectors x and y (from among the
scattering variables) such that the overall T matrix equals T i T , where
xi = Tiyi and x = T y . Specify any condition on the normalizing
impedances that may be required for complex normalization and also for
real normalization. (This can be referred to as a compatibility condition.)



[Ch. 8

(b) Express the elements of the matrix T for a two-port in terms of the
scattering parameters of that two-port.
(c) Determine a condition that the elements of T satisfy if the two-port
is reciprocal.

n ports

k ports

k ports

m ports

24. Instead of terminating some ports in Problem 20 in individual loads,

suppose these ports are connected to other ports of a multiport, as shown
in Fig. P24. The multiport N has m + k ports, and multiport N has

Fig. P24
n + k ports. A total of k ports of one are connected to k ports of the
other, leaving an (m + n) port network. Let S and S be the scattering
matrices of the two multiports. The scattering equations can be
partitioned as follows:

where b and a are m-vectors, b , a , b , and are k-vectors, and b

and a and n-vectors. The normalizing impedance matrix (frequency
independent) of each multiport is also partitioned conformally, as



Let S' be the scattering matrix of the overall (m + n) port and write
the scattering equations as

(a) Find the compatibility condition that will permit the result b = a ,
= b . (See Problem 23.)
(b) Show that the overall scattering parameters are given by

(c) Compare with the more special result of Problem 20 and verify that
this result reduces to that one.
25. The four-port network within the dashed lines in Fig. P25 represents a
telephone repeater. The two-ports labeled L are low-pass filters, and
those labeled H are high-pass filters. They are reciprocal and symmetric
two-ports and hence are characterized by only two parameters each.

Fig. P25



[Ch. 8

The two-port labeled A is an amplifier that has transmission in one

direction only (down). There are also two ideal three-port junctions in
the repeater. The scattering matrices of each component are the
following with all normalizing resistances being 1 ohm:

Find the scattering matrix of the four-port repeater. By examining the

elements of this matrix, describe the reflection and transmission of
low- and high-frequency signals at each of the ports.
26. For single-frequency complex normalization, current and voltage
scattering matrices were not defined in the text. Define S and S as

Starting from (88) in the text, show that


The first of these agrees with (114) derived for frequency-independent

normalization. Similarly, for frequency-independent normalization,
show that

27. Let z (s) be the complex normalizing impedance of the kth port of a

(a) If this port is terminated in an impedance z (s), show that the

incident variable at that port is zero: a = 0.
(b) If the port is terminated in an impedance z (5), show that the
corresponding condition is b = 0.

28. Find the scattering matrix of the ideal transformer shown in Fig. P28
normalized to the terminating impedances. (Frequency-independent


Fig. P28

29. Find the scattering matrix of the gyrator in Fig. P29 normalized
(frequency independent) to is terminating impedances. Verify the
properties of reflection and transmission coefficients of a two-port.

Fig. P29

30. In Fig. P30a a passive, lossless two-port is terminated in a 1-ohm

resistance. In Fig. P30b the same two-port is terminated in a + 1-ohm



Fig. P30




[Ch. 8

resistance. Show, by writing expressions for Z and Z in terms of the

z- or y-parameters of the two-port, that Z (s) = Z(5).
31. In Fig. P31a the network contains positive inductances and capacitances,
and n 1 negative resistances, all taken to be 1 ohm for convenience.
It can be represented by the n-port network shown in Fig. P31b with all
but one port terminated in 1 ohm. Let the same n-port be terminated
in + 1-ohm resistors, as shown in Fig. P31c and let the corresponding
impedance be Z. By writing the open-circuit impedance equations and
solving for Z, show that Z(s) = Za(5).



Fig. P31

32. Let z (s) be the impedance of an active network containing inductances,

capacitances, and negative resistances. Let z(s) be the corresponding
impedance when the signs of all resistors are reversed. Each of these
networks is to be the terminating impedance of a one-port Z(s). Let the
two frequency-independent, complex normalized reflection coefficients
be pa and p, respectively. Show that a(s) = l/(s)

33. Derive the results given in (121).

34. Prove that the determinant of a unitary matrix is unity.
35. Let S be the scattering matrix of a passive, lossless three-port. From
the unitary property of S, prove the following. [Where the argument of
a parameter is not given, it is j; thus S means S (j).]




36. In a lossless reciprocal three-port, suppose the j-axis magnitude of one

of the transmission coefficients is identically 1. Show from the unitary
and symmetric properties of S that all the other scattering parameters
must be identically zero.
37. A negative-resistance amplifier is to have the structure shown in Fig.
P37. This is obtained from the one discussed in Fig. 23 by appending
another two-port at port 2 of the circulator. Following the procedure in
the text, obtain expressions for the overall amplifier scattering matrix
S' in terms of the scattering parameters of each of the subnetworks in
the figure.

Fig. P37


The linear network model that has been developed up to this point
includes a number of components: resistors, capacitors, gyrators, trans
formers, etc. Each component of the network model has been characterized
b y a parameter, such as R, and by a graphical symbol, such as this -/V
for the resistor. Networks are made up of interconnections of these
components. In each voltage-current relationship, our interest often has
been directed at the scalar parameter; for example, in writing v = L di/dt,
attention has been focused on the L.
But each voltage-current relationship defines a mathematical
Instead of focussing on the parameter, one could emphasize the mathe
matical operations and the signals on which the operations are performed.
A n operational symbol could be used to represent the mathematical
operation, and these operational symbols could be interconnected into
an operational diagram. The analysis of this operational diagram would
provide an alternative means for determining transfer functions of net
works. The signal-flow graph is just such an operational diagram.
Most methods of analysis discussed in preceding chapters apply to
linear networks in general, whether passive or active, reciprocal or non
reciprocal. No special attention was directed at active, nonreciprocal
networks. Signal-flow graph analysis is particularly appropriate for such
networks. Furthermore, for active nonreciprocal networks, a number of

Sec. 9.1]



topics, such as feedback and stability, become quite important. This

chapter will be concerned with the ideas of signal-flow graphs, feedback,
and stability.



Each element, or interconnected group of elements in a network,

operates on an excitation signal in some way to produce a response. The
element or system of elements can be considered to be an operator. The



Fig. 1.


Operational symbols.

process can be represented as in Fig. 1a. The excitation and response

signals are each represented by a node between which lies a block labeled
"operator." The arrows leading to and from the block indicate a "signal
The special case of an inductor is shown in Fig. 1b and c. In the first of
these the signals are in the time domain. The second figure, which gives
the signals in the transform domain, shows that the variable taken as
excitation, or as response, is arbitrary, in the initially relaxed case. This
flexibility is not universal, however, since it is not available for controlled
sources. Henceforth we shall deal with Laplace transforms, and so all
operators will be functions of s.
The operational symbol in Fig. 1 is quite simple, but it can be simplified
even further. There is really no need for the rectangle; it can be replaced
by a line segment and the operator can be shown alongside the line. Only
one arrow will then be necessary to show the signal flow. This is illustrated
in Fig. 2a for the symbol of Fig. 1c. Dimensionally, the operator may be
one of the number of things: impedance, admittance, current gain, etc.
the word " t r a n s m i t t a n c e " is used to stand for the function by which the
excitation is to be multiplied in order to give the response. The trans
mittance in Fig. 2a is 1/Ls.

Fig. 2.

Branch of diagram.



[Ch. 9

There are two types of relationships among variables in a network or

system. In one of these relationships one variable is expressed in terms of
another one by means of an operator. The second type of relationship
expresses an equilibrium; Kirchhoff's laws are of this nature. In all such
equilibrium relationships, one variable can be expressed as a linear
combination of a number of other variables. Thus the expression

can be drawn as an operational diagram by representing each variable by

a node and directing a branch from all other nodes to the one correspond
ing to V , with appropriate transmittances. This is illustrated in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Diagram of equation.

Given a network, then, an operational diagram can be drawn by expres

sing the equations that describe the network performance in operational
form. Before formalizing this process, some simple illustrations will be
given. Consider the series-parallel connection of two two-ports shown in
Fig. 4. A complete description of the terminal behavior can be given in

Fig. 4.

Simple feedback network.

Sec. 9.1]



terms of the g-parameters if we know the g-parameters of the individual

two-ports. However, we may not be interested in such a complete
description; we may want to know only the ratio of the output to input
voltage transforms, assuming we know the corresponding ratios for the
individual two-ports. The appropriate functions are defined in the dia
gram. We assume that there is no " l o a d i n g " of one two-port on another
when the series-parallel connection is made; that is, we assume that the
port relationships of each two-port remain the same after they are inter
The equations describing this network can be written as follows:


The first and last equations can be represented by the operational branches
shown in Fig. 5a. The second equation expresses an equilibrium of voltages


Fig. 5.



Development of operational diagram of example.

and can be represented by the branches in Fig. 5b. All three of these can
now be combined to give the final result shown in Fig. 5c. This operational
diagram represents the network in Fig. 4 to the same extent that the
equations (1) do.
As a second example, consider the network in Fig. 6. The total output
resistance is R . The following equations can be written:




Fig. 6.

[Ch. 9

Feedback amplifier.

An operational diagram can now be drawn for each equation, as shown

successively in Fig. la to d. When these are all superimposed the final
result is shown in Fig. 7e.
B y comparing the operational diagram with the original amplifier




Fig. 7.

Operational diagram of amplifier.

Sec. 9.1]



diagram, it is clear that the two bear no structural resemblance to each

other. The operational diagram shows the manner in which parts of the
network operate on signals within the network to yield other signals.
However, for passive components, which signal is excitation and which
one response is not uniquely fixed. This means that the operational
diagram will take on a different structure depending on the manner in
which the equations are written.
Suppose, for example, that the first three equations in (2) are rearranged
as follows

The resulting operational diagram will take the form shown in Fig. 8,

Fig. 8.

Alternate operational diagram of amplifier.

as you should verify. A comparison with the previous diagram shows the
two to be quite different. This example illustrates the interesting fact that
there is not a unique operational diagram representing a given network.
The preceding discussion has skirted a number of fundamental ques
tions. Drawing an operational diagram for a network requires, first, the
writing of equations describing the behavior of the network. This poses
the questions of what variables to select for describing the network
performance, how many of them are required, and how many equations are
required. For a systematic development, such questions must be answered.
The answers will be postponed, however, for a later section, in order to
turn to a more detailed discussion of operational diagrams.




[Ch. 9


Look back at the operational diagram in Fig. 8 to observe its abstract

features. It consists of a number of branches joined together at nodes. It
is therefore a topological graph. The branches are directed, or oriented, and
carry weights, or are weighted.
These observations will be made the basis of a definition. We shall
define a signal-flow graph as a representation of a system of equations by
a weighted, directed graph. It is clear, then, that a signal-flow graph is
related to a network only through the network equations. It is the equa
tions that are represented by the graph. To emphasize the fact that signalflow-graph analysis is general and not limited only to electric networks, a
general notation will be used.
Consider a set of linear algebraic equations of the form
In typical applications the entries of Y are transforms of excitations and
entries of X are transforms of response functions. This is the standard
form for writing a set of linear equations, but it is not an appropriate form
for drawing a signal-flow graph. A look back at the preceding examples
shows that the desired form has each variable expressed explicitly in
terms of other variables. This can be achieved by adding vector X to
both sides in (3) and rearranging terms to get
In many applications there is a single driving function. This function
may, of course, appear in more than one of the scalar equations in (4).
If a single driving function, y , is assumed, then Y can be written as

where K is a column vector. With this expression (4) can be rewritten as

If there are additional driving functions, the scalar y will become the
vector Y and K will have several columns instead of only one.
If X is a vector of order n, then the coefficient matrix on the right side
of (6) is of order (n, n + 1). For future convenience, let us augment this

Sec. 9.2]



matrix, b y adding a row of zeros, so as to create a square matrix and define

a matrix C as
This matrix can be associated with a directed, weighted graph as follows.
For each column of C a node is labeled with the symbol for the associated
variable. For each nonzero entry c of matrix C a directed branch is drawn
from node j to node i and labeled with the value of c as its weight. This
weight is called the transmittance of the branch. If c = 0, there will be
no branch from node j to node i. The resulting directed, weighted graph
is the signal-flow graph of the set of equations (6). Matrix C is called the
connection matrix of the graph.
As an illustration, consider the following set of equations:





The resulting connection matrix is



[Ch. 9

The signal-flow graph of this set of equations will have four nodes,
labeled y , x , x , and x . These are first placed in a convenient arrange
ment, as in Fig. 9a. The branches are then inserted in accordance with the
connection matrix. Thus in the third row (corresponding to x , since the
first row containing zeros was added to create the square matrix C) and
in the fourth column (corresponding to x ) there is a nonzero entry of
value 1. Hence there will be a branch from x to x with a weight of 1.
All other branches are similarly inserted; the final result is shown in
Fig. 9b.


Fig. 9.

Setting up signal-flow graph.


From a consideration of the previous examples and from additional

illustrations, a number of properties of signal-flow graphs can be observed.
Observe the node labeled y in Fig. 9. There are two branches leaving this
node but none entering it. The signal y is thus not caused b y other signals,
it is a source. A node at which only outgoing branches are incident is
called a source node. Similarly, a node at which only incoming branches are
incident is called a sink node. None of the nodes in Fig. 9 satisfies this
condition. However, a sink node can always be trivially introduced in a
signal-flow graph. In Fig. 9, for example, an added equation x = x will
add a new node x with a branch having unity transmittance entering it
from the old node x . Any node but a source node can, therefore, be con
sidered a sink node.
Another observation from Fig. 9 is that there are sequences of branches
that can be traced from a node back to itself. Such a sequence is called a
feedback loop, and each branch in a feedback loop is a feedback branch.
Thus one can leave node x along branch 3 to x ; then from x to x


Sec. 9.2]


along branch 1 ; then from x back to x\ along the outgoing branch 2.

There is, however, no feedback loop with the opposite orientation starting
at x . One can go from x to x and then to x but cannot return to x
since the orientation of branch 3 is wrong for this. Some feedback loops
consist of a single branch, such as the one having unity transmittance at
node x . Such a loop is called a self-loop. Any node that lies on a feedback
loop is called a feedback node. In Fig. 9 all nodes but y are feedback
Not all branches of a graph are in feedback loops. Any branch that is not
a feedback branch is called a cascade branch. In Fig. 9b the two branches
leaving node y are cascade branches. All other branches in that graph
are feedback branches.
Those nodes that are neither source nor sink nodes will have both
incoming and outgoing branches incident on t h e m . The variable corre
sponding to the node plays two roles: it is the signal caused b y all incoming
branches and also the signal which is carried by all outgoing branches.
These two roles can be separated by splitting the node. As an illustration,
consider the graph in Fig. 10a. Node x has both incoming and outgoing



Fig. 10.

Splitting node xi.

branches. In Fig. 10b node x has been split into two nodes, labeled x and
x' . One of these is a source, from which all outgoing branches leave, the
other is a sink to which all incoming branches come. Splitting a node
clearly interrupts all feedback loops that pass through that node. B y
splitting a sufficient number of nodes all feedback loops of a graph can be
interrupted. The index of a signal-flow graph is the smallest number of
nodes that must be split to interrupt all feedback loops in the graph.
In the original graph of Fig. 10a there are three feedback loops; in the
modified graph, after node x is split, there are no feedback loops. Hence
the index of the graph of Fig. 10a is one. A set of nodes, equal in number to
the index of a graph, that must be split in order to interrupt all feedback
loops is called a set of essential nodes. In Fig. 10 this set (only one node in



[Ch. 9

this case) is unique: only x is an essential node. In other cases there may
be more than one set of essential nodes.



The fact that a particular node in a signal-flow graph is a source node is

a result of the manner in which the equations represented by the graph are
written. B y rearranging the equations, what was a source node may become
a nonsource node and what was a nonsource node may become a source
node. Specifically, consider an equation for x which is then rearranged to
give x explicitly as follows:

The graph corresponding to the original is shown in Fig. 1 1 a . Similarly,

the graph corresponding to the modified equation is shown in Fig. 11b.

Fig. 11.

Inverting a branch: (a) original; (b) inverted.

Focus attention on the original branch with transmittance a from x to x .

In the modified graph the direction has been reversed and the trans
mittance has been inverted. At the same time observe what has happened
to the other branches. The branch originally incoming to x from x
has been redirected to x , and its transmittance has been divided b y the
negative of the transmittance of the branch that was inverted. The same
thing has happed to the branch originally incoming to x from x . From
the equation it is clear that any other branch incoming to x would have
undergone the same change.
The result of this process is called inverting a branch. The inversion of
a branch can be carried out for any branch that leaves a source node with

Sec. 9.2]



the result that the node is converted to a sink node. The same process can
be carried out for a path consisting of any number of branches from a
source node to another node. The inversion is carried out one branch at a
time starting at a source node. This is illustrated in Fig. 12. (The graph





Fig. 12. Inverting a path: (a) original; (6) after inversion of branch a; (c) after inversion
of branch b (d) final.

is the same as that in Fig. 7 with general symbols for the transmittances.)
It is desired to invert the path from V to I. Branch a is inverted first,
leading to Fig. 12b. N o w node Va is a source node; so branch b can be
inverted, leading to Fig. 12c. Similarly, branches c and e can be inverted,
in order. The final graph with the inverted path is shown in Fig. 12d.
Note that the original graph in Fig. 1 2 a has three feedback loops and is
of index 1; that is, one node (V ) must be split before all loops are in
terrupted. However, the graph with the path inverted is a cascade graph,
having no feedback loops. This is inherently a simpler graph.
Besides inverting an open path, it is also possible to invert a loop. In
this case, the process is started by splitting a node on the loop, thus creating
a source and a sink node. The open path between these two is then in
verted, following which the split node is recombined. Details will be left
for you to work out.


A signal-flow graph is a representation of a set of equations. Just as

the set of equations can be solved for any of the variables in terms of the
excitations, the graph can also be "solved." One method of solving the



[Ch. 9

equations is by a process of successive elimination of variables. The

analogous procedure for the graph is to successively eliminate the nodes
of the graph until only source nodes and sink nodes remain. This process
will now be discussed.
Consider the signal flow graph in Fig. 10a and suppose that node x
is to be eliminated. The proper relationships among the remaining vari
ables will be maintained if branches are added to the graph between pairs
of nodes. The transmittances of these branches must be such as to main
tain the path transmittances of the original graph from one of the nodes
of the pair to the other one, through the node to be eliminated. To illus
trate, in the original graph of Fig. 10, which is reproduced in Fig. 13a,



Fig. 13.

Elimination of node x3.

there is a path from y to x through x , with a path transmittance gd.

In the reduced graph in which node x is eliminated there must be added
a branch from y to x with a transmittance gd. In Fig. 13b node x , as
well as all incoming and outgoing branches incident at x have been re
moved, leaving transmittances that go directly from one node to another
without passing through the intermediate node x . Figure 13c shows the
same nodes with branches that must be added to account for the trans
mittances between them for paths that originally went through node x .
Finally, the reduced graph shown in Fig. 13d combines the last two parts.
This graph is said to be equivalent to the original graph since the signals
at any node are the same as the signals at the corresponding nodes in the
original graph. (You should verify this.) Note that the node removed in
this illustration did not have a self-loop. Clearly, the same process cannot
be used if a self-loop is present.

Sec. 9.2]



What was illustrated by means of an example will now be discussed in

more general terms. Consider the equations defining a signal-flow graph
that are the scalar components of (6). Let x be a node without a selfloop. The nth node is chosen, rather than an arbitrary node, strictly for
convenience. Removing node x from the graph is equivalent to eliminat
ing variable x from the equations. The equation for x is

To eliminate x this expression is substituted into all other equations;
then (8) is disregarded; for instance, if the original equation for x is

the modified equation, after substituting (8) for x ,



To interpret this expression in terms of the graph, observe that c

is the transmittance from the source node y to the node x through the
intermediate node x . In the first term on the right this transmittance is
added to the direct transmittance c from y to x . Similarly, c c is
the transmittance from node x to node x through node x . The equation
shows that this term is added to the direct transmittance from x to x .
If every transmittance is modified in this way, x can be eliminated from
the graph, and transmittances between all other nodes will remain
N o w consider the case when there is a self-loop at node x , which means
that c
0. In this ease the equation for x is






The last term can be transposed to the left side and the result solved
for x .





This is the equation for a node without a self-loop. In terms of the graph
the equation shows that if the transmittance of each incoming branch to
x is divided by 1 c , the self-loop can be eliminated. Following this,
node x can be eliminated as before.
Division b y 1 c is possible only if c
1. We are clearly in trouble
of C = 1. A glance back at Fig. 9 shows that there is in that graph a
self-loop with a transmittance of 1. Nevertheless, the set of equations
represented by that graph are linearly independent and so can be solved.
In such cases, it is always possible to rearrange the equations in such a
way that a unity entry on the main diagonal of the connection matrix
can be avoided. Thus an unavoidable such entry can occur only if the
equations are not independentin which case we should not expect a
solution anyway.
The preceding operations can also be interpreted in terms of the con
nection matrix. This matrix has the following form, assuming node x
has no self-loop.






The partition indicates that the last row and column are to be eliminated.
Note that c = 0 since x has no self-loop.
N o w consider the typical equation (10) of the set, after the modification
introduced by eliminating node x . The corresponding connection matrix
will have the form


Sec. 9.2]



where the external row and column have been added for comparison with
the preceding equations.
Now observe the manner in which the modified connection matrix is
obtained from the original one in (13). An entry in the last column of C,
say c , is multiplied by each entry in the last row. These products are
then added to the corresponding entry in the connection matrix. Thus
c multiplied by c is added to c , which is in the (2, 4) position of the
connection matrix. (Note that subscripts of rows and columns start
from zero.) This is repeated for each entry in the last column. This
process of successive reduction of a connection matrix is called the
node-pulling algorithm.
If node x has a self-loop, the entry c in the connection matrix is not
zero. The process of dividing all incoming transmittances to node x in the
graph by 1 c corresponds to dividing all entries of the last row in the
connection matrix b y 1 c
and then replacing the diagonal entry by
zero. The node-pulling algorithm can then be applied.
B y repeated applications of these operations, a signal-flow graph can be
reduced so that only source and sink nodes remain. If there is only one
source and one sink node, the graph reduces to a single branch from the
source to the sink. The transmittance of this branch is called the graph
As an illustration of the process, consider the set of equations







The system can be modified as in (6) to get


The corresponding signal-flow graph is shown in Fig. 14.

Suppose that a solution for x is desired. Then we go through the follow
ing operations, starting with the connection matrix derived from (15).


[Ch. 9


The corresponding reductions of the flow graph are illustrated in Fig. 15,
the corresponding steps being labeled with the same letter.

Fig. 14.

Signal-flow graph of example.

1. Remove self-loop at x by dividing all incoming transmittances by

(1 c ) = 1 2 = 1. The resulting connection matrix is


2. Remove node x by using the node-pulling algorithm. The resulting

connection matrix is

Notice that in the process a self-loop is created at x with a transmittance

equal to 3 and notice how the other transmittances are altered.

Sec. 9.2]







Fig. 15.

Reduction of signal-flow graph.

3. Remove self-loop at x
1 3 = 2 . Then

b y dividing incoming transmittances b y

4. Remove node x to obtain


5. Remove self-loop at x by dividing incoming transmittances by

1 5/2= 3/2.The connection matrix at this step is



[Ch. 9

Thus we find that x = y0. It is clear that the solution can be obtained by
working on the matrix only, or the flow graph only.
The process of path inversion can also be useful in the reduction of a
signal-flow graph to determine the graph gain. This is illustrated in the
graph shown in Fig. 16a. If the path from y to x is inverted, the result



Fig. 16.

Inversion and reduction of a graph.

is as shown in Fig. 16b. The graph can now he rapidly reduced. First,
branches 1/a and 1/b are in cascade. The combination is in parallel with
branch c/a. Finally, the combination of these three is in cascade with
branch 1/d. The reduced graph is shown in Fig. 16c. The graph gain of the
original graph is thus found to be



The graph-reduction process described above proceeds by the elimina

tion of one node at a time; however, this is not an absolute requirement.
Several nodes can be eliminated simultaneously. The only requirement is
that branches be included between pairs of nodes in the reduced graph to
account for all the path transmittances between the same pairs of nodes
in the original graph.
Thus an alternative viewpoint is to focus on the nodes that are retained
in the reduced graph, as opposed to those which are eliminated. A partic
ularly useful reduced graph is obtained by retaining only a set of essential
nodes, together with source and sink nodes; such a graph is called an
essential graph. No matter what structure the original graph may have,
the essential graph for a given index will have a fixed structure. Thus for
index 2 and a single source node, an essential diagram will have the struc
ture shown in Fig. 17. There will be, in the general case, transmittances
from the source node to each of the essential nodes, and from each of the

Sec. 9.2]




Fig. 17.

Essential graph of index 2.

essential nodes to all other essential nodes. There will also be self-loops at
each essential node. It is only necessary to determine what the values of
the transmittances will be. In specific cases, of course, one or more of the
branches in the essential graph might be missing.
To illustrate, consider the graph of Fig. 20 in the next subsection. This is
of index 2, although it has six feedback loops; V and I constitute a set
of essential nodes. In Fig. 17, then, the two essential nodes will be V
and I , and the source node will be V . It remains to compute the trans
mittances; for example, in the original graph there are three paths from
V to I , with the following path transmittances: G , Y R G ,
and Y Z G = G . Hence in the essential graph the branch from Vi
to I will have a transmittance C (1 Y R ) . The remaining
transmittances are evaluated similarly, with the final result shown in
Fig. 18.

Fig. 18.

Essential graph of example.


Although simple and straightforward, the graph-reduction process that

has been described is somewhat tedious. It would be valuable to have a
single formula for the graph gain that could be written directly from the



[Ch. 9

graph without any further manipulations. Such a formula has, in fact,

been established.* The derivation of the formula does not require advanced
concepts or mathematics, but it is quite long. We shall, therefore, state
the result here but omit the proof.
Consider a signal-flow graph with a single source node and a single sink
node. Let G be the graph gain and let C be the path transmittance of the
kth direct path (without loops) from source to sink. In the graph some of
the feedback loops may have nodes or branches in common with other
loops, and some may not. We say a set of loops is nontouching if there is
neither a node nor a branch in common between any two loops of the set.
The graph gain is given by the following expression:



where the graph determinant is given by

in which

is the loop gain (the product of all branch transmittances around

a loop) of the j t h feedback loop;
Pj2 is the product of loop gains of the j t h pair of nontouching loops;
is the product of loop gains of the j t h triplet of nontouching
loops; etc.

j 3

The second subscript in P refers to the number of loops in the nontouch

ing set. The determinant is the graph determinant of the subgraph
which does not touch the kth direct path from source to sink.
Let us now illustrate the use of this expression. As a first illustration,
consider the original signal-flow graph of Fig. 12. A sink node can be
trivially created by adding a new node labeled I, with a unity transmit
tance branch from the old node I. There are three loops in this graph with
loop gains bcd, gce, and ef. Since they all have at least one node in common,
they are all touching. Hence
j i

* S. J. Mason, "Feedback TheoryFurther Properties of Signal-Flow Graphs,"

Proc. IRE, Vol. 44, July 1956, pp. 920-926.

Sec. 9.2]



There is only one direct path from V\ to I, and the path gain (or trans
mittance) is G = abce. All three loops touch this path; hence = l .
The graph gain therefore equals

Now consider the inverted graph in Fig. 12d. This is a strictly cascade
graph, without feedback loops. Hence = 1, and all ' s = 1. The graph
gain from I to V is therefore simply the sum of direct path transmittances.
There are a total of four paths from I to V . Hence

This agrees with the preceding value of graph gain.

As a second illustration, let us take the signal-flow graph in Fig. 20 in
the next subsection. Let V4 be the desired response. The graph has a
total of six loops. Of these there are two pairs of loops that are nontouch
ing; namely, loop V I V with loop V I V and with loop V I
There are no triplets of nontouching loops. The following calculations can
now be made:


Loop gains





[Ch. 9

Notice that in the computation of the term G R from P cancelled

with a similar term from P . This is an illustration of the fact that the
gain formula is not a minimum-effort formula, as are the topological
formulas in Chapter 3.
N e x t we determine the numerator of the graph gain. The following
calculations are self-explanatory:


j 2

Direct paths

Path gains Gk


Again we find a cancellation taking place. Finally, the graph gain is

It is observed that the formula for determining the graph gain is quite
simple to apply. A source of error is the possible overlooking of one or more
feedback loops and one or more direct paths from input to output. A
systematic search procedure, however, should eliminate this possible
source of error.
The graph gain expression in (16) is a network function expressing the
ratio of a response transform to an excitation transform. Clearly, the same
network function should be obtained whether it is calculated with the use
of a signal-flow graph or from a solution of the network equations expressed
in the form of AX = Y, as in (3). However, in the latter case the net
work function will be obtained in terms of det A. Thus the graph deter
minant must be the same as det A.

Sec. 9.2]





In the preceding discussion it has been assumed that a set of linear

equations is given in the standard form of (3). The more usual problem
is that a network is presented for analysis, with the ultimate goal of
finding an expression for a network function. Given the network, it is
desired to draw the signal-flow graph directly, merely by inspection of the
network diagram. An alternative would be to write down the connection
matrix directly.
In either case, the first order of business is to choose a set of variables.
Different choices of the variables will lead to different flow graphs re
presenting the same network. The choice of variables is guided by many
considerations, but in any case must include the independent source
variables and the response variables. No matter what variables and equa
tions relating them are chosen, two things must be ensured.
1. The system of equations obtained must be an adequate description
of the network;
2. The equations obtained must be linearly independent.
Some choices of the variables and equations will not be very useful if we
are to make full use of the signal-flow graph technique; for example, we
might simply choose loop currents or node voltages as variables and re
present the loop or node equations as a signal-flow graph. This procedure is
certainly valid and needs no comment.
A more useful approach is to choose a mixed set of variables, as in
Section 2.7. Tree branch voltages and link currents are known to be
topologically independent. Hence twig voltages and link currents are
selected as variables. There is one slight difference here from the discussion
in Chapter 2. There independent sources were not counted as separate
branches but were always taken together with their accompanying
branches. As we did in Chapter 4, however, we shall now count such
sources as separate branches. Independent voltage sources must then be
made twigs; and independent current sources, links.
B y Kirchhoff's laws and appropriate partitioning, the following
equations result:

where the subscript a stands for "all." The links will include all indepen
dent current sources, and the twigs will include all independent voltage



[Ch. 9

sources. Let us partition the current and voltage vectors to put the sources
in evidence. When Q and B are conformally partitioned, the above
expressions become



In these expressions I represents the currents of voltage sources (which

are twigs) and V represents the voltages of current sources (which are
There remain the voltage-current relationships. Since link currents and
twig voltages are to be the variables in the signal-flow graph, the V-I
relationships should express I and V explicitly in terms of V and I .
This means the following hybrid form:
t g

l g

Note that voltages and currents pertaining to independent sources are
not included in these equations.
The first row of (19) and of (20) are now inserted into (21) to yield
These equations are in the form of (4), from which a signal-flow graph can
be drawn.
The variables for which equations are written are the currents of all
links except independent current sources, and the voltages of all twigs
except independent voltage sources. Note that these variables do not
depend on the currents in voltage sources ( I ) and voltages across current
sources ( V ) . However, it may be that these latter variables are response
variables for which solutions are required. In the signal flow graph each
such variable will constitute a sink node; the corresponding equations,
are the second rows of (19) and (20), which are repeated here.



Sec. 9.2]



From (22) and (23) a signal-flow graph can be drawn. We are sure that
the equations constitute an independent set and therefore a solution can
be obtained. We also know that the equations constitute an adequate set
since any other variable can be determined once these variables are known.
However, if we were really required first to write the Q and B matrices;
then to partition them; then to write the V-I relationships and determine
all the matrices in (21); and then finally to set up (22) and (23), the value
of using a signal-flow graph would be obscured. The preceding develop
ment, in fact, constitutes an "existence proof." For a given network
we would not go through the same steps in drawing the signal-flow graph
as are needed to establish the existence. A much simpler process would be
used, illustrated by the examples to follow.
One further point must be clarified. When discussing the mixed-variable
equations in Section 2.7, the V-I relationship used was the inverse of that
given in (21), as shown in (110) in Chapter 2. For that choice the selection
of the branches of a controlled source as twig or link was given in Table 2.
With the present V-I relations these selections must be reversed. Thus,
for example, the controlled branch of a controlled current source must
now be a link, and the controlled branch of a controlled voltage source a

Example 1.
Consider the network in Fig. 19a. There are two controlled sources.
The graph of the network is shown in Fig. 19b, with the tree in heavy lines.



Fig. 19.


Equations for the link currents and twig voltages must now be written.
The current of any link which is not a controlled source can be expressed
in terms of its own voltage which, in turn, can be written in terms of



[Ch. 9

twig voltages. Thus for links 2 and 3 the equations are

The only other link is a controlled current source, I = I . The term I

is the current in twig 1 and can be expressed simply in terms of its own
voltage. Thus

As for the voltage of any twig branch that is not a controlled source, it
can be expressed in terms of its own current, which, in turn, can be
expressed in terms of link currents. Thus for twigs 1 and 4 the equations

For twig 6, which is a controlled source, the equation is

The signal-flow graph can now be drawn and is shown in Fig. 20. It has a

Fig. 20.

Signal-flow graph of example.

large number (six) of feedback loops but its index is only 2, since opening
nodes V and I will interrupt all loops. The graph-reduction procedure
can now be used to solve for any of the variables.
If it is desired to find the input impedance of the network from the
terminals of the independent voltage source, it will be necessary to solve

Sec. 9.2]



for the current in the voltage source. This variable does not now appear
in the graph, but a sink node for I can be easily added since I = I
I I . The graph gain relating I to V is the negative of the input

Example 2 .
As a second example, consider the network in Fig. 2 1 . For the link


Fig. 21.

Network example.

currents the equations are

Similarly, the equations for the twig voltages are

The resulting signal-flow graph is shown in Fig. 2 2 . This is a simpler

graph than that of the previous example. There are three feedback loops,
all of which would be interrupted if node I were split. Hence the index



Fig. 22.


[Ch. 9

Signal-flow graph of example.


An intuitive meaning for the concept of feedback in physical processes

has existed for a long time, but it was only in the 1930's that Bode gave
the concept a more accurate and mathematical significance. In a qualita
tive way, we say that a network is a feedback network if some variable,
either an output variable or an internal one, is used as the input to some
part of the network in such a way that it is able to affect its own value.
It is said, again qualitatively, that the output, or part of it, is fed back to
the input.
As an illustration, look back at the amplifier diagram in Fig. 6. Here
part of the input voltage V to the dashed box is a function of the output
voltage V . Thus whatever the output voltage becomes is influenced by
its own value. This feedback effect has a great influence on the behavior
of a network. We shall now discuss the concept of feedback in a quantit
ative way.



Consider first the signal-flow graph shown in Fig. 23a. Focus attention
on the branch with a transmittance k. This quantity is assumed to be a
specific parameter in a network, such as the or of a controlled source.*
This assumption implies that the signal-flow graph of a network can be
drawn in such a way that the desired parameter appears by itself in only
* The assumption that k is a specific network parameter is not essential to the defini
tion of return ratio. However, the assumption is made in order to provide a simple
relationship between return ratio and sensitivity of the gain to variation of a network
parameter, to be defined later.

Sec. 9.3]





Fig. 23.

Determining the return ratio.

one branch transmittance. It is always possible to modify network equa

tions in such a way (by introducing auxiliary variables or by suitable
linear combinations) that this result can be achieved, except in those
cases when the same parameter appears twice in the network diagram
itself. This is the case, for example, with the turns ratio of a transformer
and with the gyration ratio of a gyrator.
We now insert an auxiliary node x in the branch k with a unity trans
mittance from x to x , as in Fig. 23b. This simply introduces an auxil
iary equation x = x without modifying the remaining equations. The
n e x t step is to split the new node, as shown in Fig. 23c, thus creating a
source node and a sink node. At the same time, all other source nodes in
the graph are removed. (This amounts to shorting independent voltage
sources and opening independent current sources in the network.) A
measure of the feedback with reference to parameter k is obtained by
determining the signal returned to the sink half of the split node per
unit of signal sent out from the source half. We define the return ratio
of k, T , to be the ratio of x to x when a node x is inserted into branch
k and then split, as described. In Fig. 23, the return ratio of k is found to be
T = kb. (The reason for the negative sign in the definition is to conform
with standard usage in feedback control theory.)
Another measure of the feedback is obtained by taking the difference
between the signal sent from the source half of the split node and the
signal received at the sink half, per unit signal sent. This quantity is
called the return difference and is labeled F . The two measures of feed
back are related by




[Ch. 9

Let us illustrate the calculation of the return ratio and return difference
for a more substantial graph. Look back at the signal-flow graph in Fig. 7
representing the amplifier in Fig. 6. Let the transconductance g be the
parameter of interest. This parameter appears only once in the graph, but
it is not alone. The graph can be modified as shown in Fig. 24a to put it in


Fig. 24.

Calculation of return difference.

the desired form. N e x t the source node V is removed, an auxiliary node is

introduced in branch g and then split. The result is shown in Fig. 24b.
The negative graph gain from x to x' is the return ratio. This is found
from the gain formula in (16) to be

The return difference is now found from (24) to be


An interesting observation can be made by calculating the graph deter

minant of the original graph in Fig. 24a. Thus


B y comparing with the previous expression for F , we see that the numer
ator of F and the numerator of are the same. This result is not
accidental, but quite general, as we shall now discuss.
Consider the diagram in Fig. 25, which shows a portion of a signalflow graph containing the branch k between nodes x and x . A node has
been inserted and then split. Before the operation is performed, the equag

Sec. 9.3]


Fig. 25.


Formula for the return difference.

tions for the entire graph are as given previously in (6) and repeated here
for convenience.
For node x the equation is

where it is assumed that the parameter k does not appear in any of the
other a coefficients and that there is no other direct path between x
and x .
Now suppose that the equation for x and for all the other nodes is
rewritten in the form

Equation 28 for x


The coefficient matrix of the set of equation is A. To find an expression

for the determinant of A, suppose it is expanded along the bth row and
then all terms except the one containing k are collected. The sum of these
terms will simply he the value of det A when k = 0. Let this be designated
. Then

where a is a cofactor of A.
N o w we turn to a determination
remove all source nodes. This means
(29). Then the insertion and splitting
25. This introduces a new source node

of the return difference. We first

equating to zero the right side of
of the node is performed as in Fig.
x , which enters into the equation



[Ch. 9

of node x only. This amounts to adding kx to the right side of (29) in the
bth row. Furthermore, as Fig. 25 shows, the term kx that appeared in
the equation for x no longer appears. Hence kx is removed from the bth
row on the left side of (29). All feedback loops in the original graph except
the ones containing branch k are included in the modified graph. Hence the
graph determinant is obtained from the old graph determinant simply
by setting k = 0. But this was called above. Hence the graph gain of
the new graph, which is just the negative return ratio, is given by


The return difference can now be formed as follows:

or, by using (31),


This is a highly significant result. A measure of feedback with reference

to a specific parameter k is obtained b y taking the ratio of the graph
determinant with the parameter in place to its value when the parameter
is set equal to zero.
You should demonstrate the validity of this expression for the graph of
Fig. 24, for which the return difference was already found in (25), by using
the expression for the graph determinant given in (26).

Generally speaking, each parameter in a network has an influence on the

response. As that parameter is changed (due to aging, temperature
changes, replacement, etc.), the response will change. It is of interest to
know b y what fraction the response will change when a given parameter
changes by a certain fraction. This information is given by what is called
the sensitivity. We define the sensitivity of a quantity, say the graph gain
G, to a parameter k by

Sec. 9.4]



In this definition the changes are considered to be differentially small.

It is possible to relate the sensitivity to the return difference. Suppose
that the parameter k is in a branch lying in a direct path between source
and sink. Hence the graph gain in (16) can be written as follows:


where R is the remainder of the numerator after the term containing k is

removed. B y direct evaluation, by using the definition in (34), and by using
(33) for the return difference (and after some manipulation), the following
relationship is obtained:


where G = R / is the graph gain when k is set equal to zero; that is,
this is the graph gain due to " l e a k a g e " paths not traversing branch k.
In the event that there are no leakage paths, meaning that all direct
paths from source to sink pass through branch k, the sensitivity becomes
simply the reciprocal of the return difference. This is the case, for example,
in the signal-flow graph of Fig. 24. Hence in this example the sensitivity
of the gain to the transconductance g is the reciprocal of the return
difference already determined in (25).



In the preceding sections we have discussed a method of analysis that

constitutes an alternative approach to the determination of network
functions and thus network responses to specified excitations. The signalflow graph approach can be used for passive, reciprocal networks as well
as active, nonreciprocal networks. It is of greatest value for the latter
type network, however.
A very important concern in the study of active networks is whether the
response remains bounded or increases indefinitely following an excitation.
This concern is absent in lossy, passive networks since the poles of network
functions for such networks necessarily lie in the left half-plane. In this
section we shall investigate this concern. We shall deal with signals in
both the time and the frequency domain and we shall assume that all



[Ch. 9

networks are initially relaxed. Only single-input, single-output networks

will be considered. This is not restrictive, since multi-input, multi-output
networks can be handled by the principle of superposition.
Let w(t) denote the network response corresponding to an excitation
e(t). We shall say the network is stable if, given a constant 0 E < ,
there exists another constant 0 W < such that |w(t)| W whenever
|e(t)| E for 0 t < . In less precise terms, we designate a network
as stable if to every bounded excitation there corresponds a bounded response.
To distinguish this from other definitions to be introduced later, we refer
to this as bounded-input bounded output (BIBO) stability.
To find functional criteria for a network to be BIBO stable, the response
w(t) must be expressed in terms of the excitation e(t). Start with the con
volution integral
where h(t) is the impulse response. Then the following can be shown:

I . A network is BIBO stable if and only if


That is to say, if the impulse response is absolutely integrable, then the

response to any bounded excitation will remain bounded. For the if
portion of the proof, start by taking the absolute value of both sides of
(37). After applying the usual inequalities, the result becomes

If |e()| is replaced by its upper bound F, this inequality can only be

strengthened. Thus

The right side follows from the change of variable (t T ) - > T . N O W , if the
upper limit is increased to infinity, the integral will not be reduced; so
the inequality will be further strengthened. Hence

Sec. 9.4]



Because of the condition of the theorem given in (38), W < and |w(t)| is
bounded for 0 t < .
For the only if portion of the proof, we start with this observation. If

then, given any 0 H < , there exists a 0 t' < such that


This portion of the proof will be by contradiction; that is, we shall assume
(38) to be invalid and show, given 0 E < and any 0 W < , that
there exists a 0 t' < such that |w(t')| > W for some |e(t)| E. Now,
choose an excitation

where sgn[x] is simply the sign of its argument. Thus e(t) is a function that
alternates between +E and E as the sign of h(t' t) changes. With this
excitation, the convolution integral in (37) yields

The final result is a consequence of the fact that x sgn x = |x|. Now let
H = W/F in (40) and insert the result into the last equation. It follows
that w(t') > W and, hence, |w(t')| > W. This completes the proof.
This theorem specifies a condition for B I B O stability in the time
domain. When H(s) = {h(t)} is a proper rational fraction, it is possible
to give an equivalent frequency domain condition. Thus
2. If H(s) is a proper rational fraction in s, then the network will
be BIBO stable, which means that




[Ch. 9

if and only if all the poles of H(s) have negative real part.
The proof of the if statement is initiated with the partial-fraction

where s is a pole of H(s) of multiplicity v . The inverse transform of this

expression yields

from which we easily obtain



- s i t

| =

the expression yields


If all the poles of H(s) have negative real part, that is, if Re s > 0 for
i = 1, 2, ..., l, then each of the terms t e
is integrable from 0
to . A finite linear combination of integrable terms, as in (42), is also
integrable. Hence (41) is satisfied.
To prove the only if statement we turn to the Laplace-transform
integral for H(s); that is,

j - 1

- ( R e

When the usual inequalities are used, this yields

For Re s 0,


s t

1; hence

s i ) t

Sec. 9.4]



Thus, if (41) is valid, then |II(s)| is bounded for all s such that Re s 0.
This means that H(s) can have no poles with non-negative real part, and
the proof is complete.
If a proper rational fraction


is given, and it is desired to know if this is the transform of the impulse

response of a BIBO-stable network, it will be necessary to locate the zeros
of D(s) and to see if they have negative real part. Fortunately, to settle
the question of stability, it is not essential to know exactly where the poles
of the function are, but only that they lie in the left half-plane. We shall
now turn our attention to criteria that provide just such an indication
without factoring D(s).



If the poles of H(s) are all to lie in the left half-plane, the polynomial
D(s) must be strictly Hurwitz, as defined in Section 6.2. It was observed
there that a necessary condition for a polynomial to be strictly Hurwitz
is that all the coefficients must be present and must have the same sign.
This is a useful bit of knowledge in that it provides a basis for easily
eliminating polynomials that cannot possibly be strictly Hurwitz.
However, we still need a basisa sufficiency conditionfor selecting a
strictly Hurwitz polynomial from amongst the remaining candidate
polynomials. The next theorem, which will present necessary and sufficient
conditions for a polynomial to be strictly Hurwitz, is an extension of
Theorem 16 in Chapter 7 on Hurwitz polynomials.
Suppose D(s) is a polynomial of degree n. For convenience, and certainly
without loss of generality, assume that the leading coefficient is positive.
N o w let (s) and (s) be polynomials derived by taking alternate terms
from D(s), starting with a s
and a s ,
respectively. Thus





[Ch. 9

N e x t form the ratio (s)/(s) and express it as a continued fraction as



The desired relationship is the following:*

3. The polynomial

D(s) is strictly Hurwitz if and only if i > 0

Note that all the numbers must be positive; none can be zero, down to
the nth one. If all after the kth one are zero, this is an indication that
an even polynomial is a factor of both (s) and (s), and thus of D(s).
This even polynomial can have pairs of j-axis zeros or quadruplets of
complex zeros, two of which are in the right half-plane. In either case D(s)
cannot be strictly Hurwitz.



The Routh criterion is ideally suited to determining the stability of a

network when each of the coefficients of D(s) is known numerically. If one
or more of the coefficients depend on one or more unspecified parameters,
the Routh criterion becomes difficult to work with. An alternative to the
Routh criterion would be useful in this case.
Let denote the determinant formed from the coefficients of D(s) as
follows: The first row contains a\ in column 1, a in column 2, and so on
until the ai+
are exhausted. The remaining columns, up to a total of n,
are filled with zeros. The second row contains a in column 1, a in column 2,
and so on until the a are used up. The remaining columns are filled with
zeros. The second pair of rows each begins with one zero, after which the
first pair of rows is repeated until a total of n columns are filled. The third
pair of rows each begins with two zeros, after which the first pair of rows
is repeated until a total of n columns are filled. This process is continued
until an array of n rows and n columns has been constructed. The array



* A particularly lucid proof is given in R. J. Schwarz and B. Friedland,

Systems, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965.


Sec. 9.4]



illustrated below will always have a in the lower right-hand corner, in

the (n, n) position, and 0 in all the other rows of the last column. (Why?)


denote the determinant derived from by deleting the last
row and column of . Continuing in this way, let
denote the deter
minant obtained by deleting the last row and column of
. B y this
procedure we construct a total of n determinants , known as the
Hurwitz determinants, which are the basis for the next theorem.
n - 1

n k

n k + 1

4. The polynomial

D(s) is strictly Hurwitz if and only if i > 0

This theorem, known as the Hurwitz criterion, is reasonably easy to apply

to polynomials in which the coefficients are functions of some set of


In the application of the Hurwitz criterion, there is clearly the need

to evaluate a large number of determinants. Any help in reducing the
number of determinants to be evaluated would be greatly appreciated.
This is accomplished by the next theorem, known as the LinardChipart criterion:
5 . The polynomial D(s) is strictly Hurwitz
elements are positive in one of the following:*


, a
, ...
, ...
a ,
, ...
a ., a ,
n - 2

n - 4


n - 4


n - 3




if and only if all

, ...
, ...
, ...
, ...

n 2

n 3

n 2

n 3

n 4

n 5

n 4

n 5

* A proof of this theorem and the preceding theorem may be found in F. R. Gantmacher,
The Theory of Matrices, Vol. 2, Chelsea Publishing Co., New York, 1959.



[Ch. 9

Observe that only every other Hurwitz determinant need be evaluated by

this criterion. Since the effort needed to evaluate a determinant increases
with the size of the determinant, it is to advantage to select either con
dition (2) of (4) of the theorem since neither includes , the largest
Hurwitz determinant.
We will now illustrate the Linard-Chip art criterion. Consider

and the problem of determining those values of a and k for which D(s) is
strictly Hurwitz. We shall approach this task by using condition 2 of
the Linard-Chip art criterion. Note immediately that

The desired Hurwitz determinants are now constructed and evaluated;



If conditions 2 of the theorem are to be satisfied, then from (48) and (49)
we get the following two inequality relations in a and k:

The curves ak = 0 and 360 + 54k k 36ak = 0 are boundaries of the

open regions in which (50a) and (50b), respectively, are satisfied. The region
in which (50a) is valid is shown in Fig. 26a; similarly, (50b) is valid in the
region shown in Fig. 26b. Both relations in (50) are valid simultaneously
in the intersection of these regions, shown in Fig. 26c. Thus, for example,
if k = 30 is chosen, then a can be no greater than 1.

Sec. 9.5]





Fig. 26.




The Routh and Linard-Chipart criteria are relatively simple criteria.

However, in order to use them, we require that the denominator D(s) of
the impulse-response transform H(s) be known as a function of s. This is
not always available. It would be useful to have another method for
stability testing that would use experimental data or only approximate
plots of the magnitude and angle of H(j). Such a technique is the Nyquist
criterion, which we shall discuss now.
The objective is to determine whether or not H(s) has poles in the
left half-plane only. The Nyquist criterion uses the principle of the argu
ment from complex-variable theory to decide this issue. We shall focus



[Ch. 9

on determining the number of poles of H(s) outside the left half-plane;

therefore, we choose a contour that encloses the right half-plane and
contains the imaginary axis. The oriented contour, known as the Nyquist
contour, is illustrated in Fig. 27.

Fig. 27.

Nyquist contour.

For the validity of the principle of the argument, H(s) can have no
zeros or poles on the contour. Therefore we first assume that H(s) has no
zeros or poles on the imaginary axis. Similarly, since we wish to let R go
to infinity, we must make the additional assumption that H(s) is regular
and nonzero at infinity. We shall return to this assumption later and show
that the assumption relative to the zeros can be relaxed.
Let us consider the mapping of the contour by the function H; that is,
the locus of the point H(s) as s traverses the contour of Fig. 27. This may
be a curve such as the one shown in Fig. 28a. Since H is a network func
tion, it is real on the real axis, and so the map is symmetric with respect
to the real axis. Let N and N be the number of zeros and number of
poles of H(s), respectively, that lie inside the oriented Nyquist contour C.
N o w the argument principle states that

that is, the change in the argument of H(s) as s traverses the contour C,
which is oriented in the negative direction, is 2 times the number of poles,
minus the number of zeros of H(s) within C (taking into account the multi
plicity of each).
Let US see what the nature of the locus of H(s) must be if this change
of angle is to be nonzero. It is quite evident that the locus must go around
the origin in the H-plane if there is to be any change in the argument. This
is the case in Fig. 28b. But in Fig. 28a, there is no change in the argument
as we traverse the locus once. In other words, the locus must enclose the

Sec. 9.5]



Fig. 28.

origin in


Map of the contour of Fig. 27.

the H-plane if there is a net change in the angle of II(s) over the
contour C. Clearly, if the origin is enclosed by the locus, it is
an integral number of times. Let N
denote the number of
encirclements of the origin by the locus. Then

Substituting this expression into (51) yields
Thus, if the II(s) locus does not enclose the origin, we can conclude
that H(s) has as many poles as zeros in the right half-plane. But we really
want to know whether it has any poles in the right half-plane. Therefore
for this test to be useful we must know, by some other means, how many
zeros H(s) has in the right half-plane; for example, that H(s) has no zeros
in the right half-plane, which means II(s) is a minimum-phase function.
This is by no means an easy task. However, there is no need to abandon
the procedure because difficulty is encountered. What we can do is to
find another function involving D(s), the denominator polynomial of
H(s), and some other factor, this other factor being such that its zero
locations are known.
We shall suppose that a flow-graph representation of the network has
been reduced to an equivalent graph of the form depicted in Fig. 29.
Then by the graph-gain formula in (16), it follows that the transfer
function associated with this flow graph is



Fig. 29.

[Ch. 9

Signal-flow graph of feedback network.

It must now be established where the poles of H(s) come from. Observe
first that the return ratio T of parameter k, and the return difference F,
are given by
Both of these functions have the same poles. Now the poles of the transfer
function H(s) are either (1) zeros of the return difference F(s) that are not
common with zeros of A(s) or (2) poles of A(s) that are common with zeros
of R(s). In the latter case T(s) and F(s) will not have a pole at such a pole
of A(s). Hence H(s) = kA(s)/F(s) will have this pole.
Suppose that, even though R(s) may have zeros in common with poles of
A(s), none of these lie in the right half-plane or j-axis. Hence any right
half-plane or j-axis poles of the transfer function H(s) must be zeros of
the return difference F(s). Stated differently: If all the zeros of F(s) = 1
+ k A ( s ) B ( s ) are in the left half-plane, then all the poles of the transfer
function H(s) are in the left half-plane, provided that B(s) has no right
half-plane and j-axis zeros in common with poles of A(s). (In this state
ment we cannot say "If and only if all the zeros of F(s) = 1 + kA(s)R(s)
are in the left half-plane . . . " Why?)
Under the stated condition, investigating the location of the poles of
the transfer function H(s) can be changed to investigating the location of
the zeros of the return difference F(s) = 1 +
In order to apply the argument principle to F(s), we must assume that
F(s) has no poles or zeros on the imaginary axis and is regular and non
zero at infinity. Now consider the locus of points F(s) on the Nyquist
contour C; a typical plot is shown in Fig. 30a, where the dashed curve
corresponds to < 0. Let N
denote the number of clockwise encircle
ments of the origin by the locus F(s). Then, as before,

where No and N are the numbers of zeros and poles, respectively, of
F(s) in the right half-plane.

Sec. 9.5]




Fig. 30.

Nyquist plots.

Observe that the origin in the F-plane corresponds to the point

( 1,0) in the T-plane; that is, F(s) = 0 implies T(s) = 1. Thus the
number of encirclements of the origin by the locus F(s) is equal to the
number of encirclements of the point (1, 0) by the locus T(s). This is
illustrated in Fig. 30b. But, as observed in (54), the return difference and
return ratio have the same poles. Hence a new interpretation can be given
to (56); namely, N
is the number of clockwise encirclements of the
point (1, 0) by the locus T(s), and N is the number of poles of T(s) in
the right half-plane.


Now we return to some of the assumptions made earlier about F(s).

One of these was that F(s) has no zeros on the imaginary axis and at
infinity. This is not a serious restriction, since we can tell from the
behavior of the locus whether or not the assumption holds in a given case.
If the locus F(s) intersects the origin, or, equivalently, if the locus T(s)
intersects the point ( 1, 0), then it will be known that F(s) has a zero
somewhere on the Nyquist locus, either on the j-axis or at infinity,
depending on the value of s at the intersection point.
Specifically, if the intersection occurs for s infinite, F(s) will have a zero
at infinity. But this is of no interest, since only finite zeros influence
stability. Nevertheless, there will be a problem in such a case in counting
the number of encirclements of the point (1, 0). We shall shortly discuss
a slight modification of the locus that settles this question.
As for the second possibility, namely, that the locus T(s) intersects the
(1, 0) point at a finite value of s = j , then F(s) will have a zero on the



[Ch. 9

j-axis. But this fact gives the information we were seeking; it tells us that
not all the zeros of F(s) are in the left half-plane, at least one being on
the j-axis.
Another earlier assumption on F(s) was that F(s) has no poles on the
imaginary axis or at infinity. This same assumption applies to T(s),
since T(s) and F(s) have the same poles. Again the validity of the assump
tion is easily observed from the behavior of the locus. Thus if the locus
T(s) becomes unbounded, then F(s) must have a pole at the corresponding
value of s.
The locations of such poles are, therefore, known. (Would this be true
if T(j) were known from experimental data?) We shall further assume
that the multiplicity of such poles is known. The principle of the argument
requires the function to which it is applied to have no poles or zeros on
the contour. But what should be done if it is discovered that F(s) has
such poles or zeros? For finite j-axis zeros, the question has been answered.
Let us turn to the case of finite j-axis poles. If the Nyquist contour is to
avoid such poles, the contour can be modified by indentations into the
right half-plane with vanishingly small semicircular arcs centered at the
pole, as shown in Fig. 31a. The corresponding change in the locus of
T(s) is shown in Fig. 31b. The solid lines show the locus for values of
s = j , with less than and greater than , where s = j is the location
of the pole. As approaches from below, the locus moves out to infin
ity at some angle. In Fig. 31b, infinity is approached in the third quadrant.
As s takes on values along the vanishingly small semicircular arc, the
locus T(s) approaches an infinite-radius circular arc of m radians, where
m is the multiplicity of the pole. The orientation on this circular part of the
locus is clockwise, as shown by the dashed curve in Fig. 31b. (You should
approximate T(s) in the vicinity of the pole by the dominant term in its


Fig. 31.


Modification of Nyquist contour and Nyquist diagram.

Sec. 9.5]



Laurent series and verify the above statements.) The "infinite-radius"

circular arc in the T-plane joins the ends of the segments of the locus
T(s) that result as s approaches or leaves the vicinity of a pole on the
imaginary axis. Now it is possible to count the encirclements of the
point (1, 0) even when T(s) has imaginary-axis poles. Note that these
vanishingly small indentations into the right half-plane do not affect the
number of zeros of F(s) computed by (56) to be in the left half-plane.
Finally, consider the case where F(s) has a pole or zero at infinity.
In the case of a pole, T(s) also has that pole. In this case we must examine
T(s) on the arbitrarily large semicircular arc in Fig. 27 used to close the
Nyquist contour in the right half-plane. Just as in the case of finite poles,
the locus T(s) will go to infinity as s approaches infinity along the imagin
ary axis. Again, corresponding to the circular arc on the Nyquist locus
(this time the infinite arc); the locus T(s) will be an infinite clockwiseoriented circular arc of n-radians, where n is the multiplicity of the pole
at infinity. This is depicted in Fig. 32a.

Fig. 32.

Loci corresponding to a pole or zero of F(s) at infinity.

In the case of a zero of F(s) at infinity, T(s) equals 1 there, so that the
locus T(s) intersects the ( 1, 0) point. In this case consider the limit of the
large circular arc of the Nyquist contour as the radius approaches
infinity. The locus T(s) will approach a vanishingly small counter
clockwise oriented arc of n radians centered at the point (1, 0), where
n is the multiplicity of the zero at infinity. This is illustrated in Fig. 32b.


The overall locus T(s) in the general case will be a combination of

Figs. 30b, 31b, and 32. This modified locus, which accounts for poles of



[Ch. 9

T(s), or F(s), on the finite j-axis and poles or zeros of F(s) = 1 + T(s)
at infinity, is called a Nyquist diagram. In (56) the number of clockwise
encirclements of the point ( 1, 0) refers to the number of encirclements by
the Nyquist diagram.
The preceding discussion will now be summarized in the form of a
theorem, called the Nyquist


A network,


as its transfer function, is BIBO stable (a) if no right half-plane or imagin

ary-axis pole of A(s) is also a zero of B(s) and (b) if the Nyquist
of T(s) = kA(s)B(s) does not intersect the point (1,0) and encircles it
N times in the clockwise direction,* where N is the number of poles of
T(s) in the right half-plane.

Note that this is a sufficiency theorem only. It is not necessary because

right half-plane or imaginary-axis zeros of A(s) might cancel all right halfplane or imaginary-axis zeros of 1 + T(s), if the latter had any. Of course,
if A(s) is known to have left-half-plane zeros only, this cannot happen,
and the conditions of the theorem become necessary as well as sufficient.
In any case, from a practical point of view, we would view a network as
unstablenot just possibly unstableif the conditions of the theorem
were not satisfied. Why?
If this approach is to tell us anything about the zeros of F(s) through
(56), then we must know that T(s) has no poles in the right half-plane;
or, if it has any there, we must know how many. There is one case in which
we can definitely say that T(s) has no right-half-plane poles; that is, when
A(s)B(s) may be written as a product of passive network functions.
Lastly, if the Nyquist diagram of T(s) is to be the key to predicting the
stability of the network, then we must be certain that no right half-plane
or imaginary-axis pole of A(s) is also a zero of R(s). In one case we can
say with absolute certainty that this cannot occur; that is, when the
numerator of B(s) is a constant.
The preceding discussion of stability was based on the single-loop
feedback representation of Fig. 29. Nyquist's criterion can also be extend
ed to multiple-loop flow-graph representations. This involves plotting
several Nyquist diagrams. We shall not discuss this extension here.
* By (56), the number of zeros, N , of 1 + T(s) in the right half-plane is N + N .
The condition of the theorem corresponds to N = 0, or N w = N . An equivalent
condition would be: "...encircles it N times in the counter-clockwise direction."


Sec. 9.5]



Let us now illustrate the Nyquist stability criterion b y means of an
example. We shall go through this example in some detail and show how
approximations can be incorporated in the procedure.
Consider the three-stage RC-coupled amplifier with frequency-sensitive
feedback shown in Fig. 33. In this example we shall try to show the ad-

Fig. 33

Example for Nyquist locus.

vantage of the Nyquist criterion by not computing the return ratio T(s).
Instead we shall estimate T(s) by making use of a number of approxi
mations. This network is a simplified model of a vacuum-tube network
in which many of the interelectrode capacitances have been neglected to
simplify the example.
This network can easily be modeled by a single loop flow graph of the
type we considered. The value of k will be and A(s)R(s) can be
written as a product of passive network functions, though we shall not do
so here. Thus we may properly set N = 0 and proceed in the knowledge
that No = N .
Furthermore, B(s) = 1 ; hence poles of A(s) cannot be
common to zeros of B(s). You should convince yourself of these facts.
Interest lies entirely on the j-axis; hence we shall deal mostly with
steady-state phasors instead of Laplace transforms. Remembering the
flow-graph definition of the return ratio, we must open the loop and apply
a unit signal at the right-hand node of the pair of nodes thus formed. The
signal returned to the left-hand node of that pair of nodes will be
We shall now interpret this step in terms of the actual network rather than
the signal-flow graph. Imagine that the loop is opened at the input to the
first amplifier stage, and the voltage V is set equal to unity. Observe that
this is equivalent to replacing the first controlled voltage source by an
independent voltage source of value . Thus the condition shown in Fig.
34 is the appropriate one for computing the return ratio. Here the external
source is removed and the first controlled source is assumed to be an
independent source having a phasor voltage .





Fig. 34.

[Ch. 9

Return ratio computation.

Notice that the reference for T is chosen to conform with the definition
that it is the negative of the returned signal to the back half of the split
node. It is easy to see how this interpretation can be used for experi
mental measurement of T(j) on the network of which this example is a
In order to construct the Nyquist diagram, let us split the frequency
range 0 < into a number of bands and use suitable approximations
in each band. At very low frequencies the returned signal will be very
small due to the coupling capacitances C , C , and C . The influence of
C can be neglected in this range. There are three RC coupling networks
in the loop. Let us use the notation


with suitable subscripts for each of the coupling networks. Then the
voltage ratio of each stage will be
with appropriate subscripts. Hence in this range the return ratio will be
given by


Sec. 9.5]



(The negative signs disappear because of the reference for T.) The
asymptotic phase of each of the factors in (59) as -> 0 will be /2 radians.
Thus the total asymptotic phase of T(j) will be 3/2 radians, the magni
tude approaching zero. Hence the low-frequency portion of the locus of
T(j) looks like the curve in Fig. 35.

Fig. 35.

Low frequency behavior of T(j).

Let us assume that the upper half-power frequency l / R C

is con
siderably higher than the half-power frequencies of the three RC coupling
networks. Thus there will be a midband frequency range in which the
behavior of the network in Fig. 34 can be approximated by that shown in
Fig. 36.

Fig. 36.

g k

Midband approximation.

For this network T is computed quite easily. Alternatively, the desired

expression can be obtained from (59) by neglecting the constant terms in
the denominators compared with the frequency-dependent terms. In
either case the result will be
This is obviously a real positive number. Thus the midband T-locus is on
the positive real axis. The point T is marked on Fig. 37.



[Ch. 9

At high frequencies Fig. 36 can still be used, except that the effect of
C must now be included. Since C is in parallel with R s, the third factor
in (60) should be modified and replaced by the following:



Hence the angle of T will asymptotically approach /2. The high end
of the T(j) locus therefore takes the form shown in Fig. 37.

Fig. 37.

High-frequency behavior of T(j).

We can now estimate the T(j) locus for 0 < to have roughly
the shape shown in Fig. 38. To improve the approximation, we should

Fig. 38.

Approximate T-locus for example.

estimate a few points on the curve. Suppose, for simplicity, that the three
significant half-power frequencies of the interstage circuits are either
identical or widely separated. In the first case we know that at the common
half-power frequency each circuit contributes an angle of 45 and a 3-dB
attenuation. This point, marked in Fig. 38, must be 9 dB less than 20

Sec. 9.5]



log T . Similarly, we can find the frequency at which each circuit contri
butes a 60 angle. This is the frequency at which each of the denominator
factors in (59) contributes 30, which is easily found to be approximately
= 0 . 5 8 . At this frequency each factor will be down about 4 dB.
Therefore T(j ) will be down 12 dB from 20 log T . The frequency ,
marked in Fig. 38, is the point where the locus crosses the negative real
axis. The other points , , , are similarly computed. The widely
separated case is left as a problem. (See Problem 25.)
Once the locus for the positive range of is known, the diagram can
be completed by symmetry about the real axis. The complete locus for the
example is shown in Fig. 39.

Fig. 39.

Complete T-locus.

It is evident that the stability of the system is determined by the value

of | T(j )|. If this magnitude is greater than or equal to 1, the system is
unstable. In such a case the system can be made stable by modifying some
of the element values. Even if the point (1, 0) is not enclosed or inter
sected by the T-locus, the proximity of the curve to this point gives a
measure of the "relative stability"; that is, it gives an indication of the
closeness of a pole to the j-axis.
This idea can be expressed in a somewhat more quantitative way b y
defining stability margins, the gain margin, and the phase margin. As a
matter of fact, consideration of the Nyquist locus leads to many other
concepts that are useful in system design, such as conditional
However, we shall arbitrarily terminate the discussion at this point,
leaving such extensions to books on control theory, which treat feedback
systems in considerable detail.




1. Determine the index of each of the signal-flow graphs in Fig. PI. The
numbers on the branches are numerical values of branch transmittances.
2. By reducing each of the signal-flow graphs of Fig. PI, determine the
graph gain.
3. Determine the graph gain of each of the signal-flow graphs of Fig. PI
by applying the graph gain formula.











Fig. P I

4. Each of the signal-flow graphs in Fig. PI has one source node and one
sink node, (a) Invert the path from source to sink in each graph.
(b) Determine the graph gain of the inverted graph and from this, that of
the original graph.
5. Reduce each of the signal-flow graphs in Fig. PI to an essential signalflow graph. Then evaluate the gain using the graph gain formula.
Compare with the values from Problem 2 or 3.
6. In the graph of Fig. 12a, invert the loop V V V V .
Find the graph
gain I/V and verify that it is the same as found in the text.

7. Draw a signal-flow graph for the networks of Fig. P7. Reduce the
signal-flow graph to find the transfer function V /V .

8. Solve the following systems of equations for x\ using signal-flow graphs.

Also find x by Cramer's rule (both as a check and to illustrate the
amount of work involved).




[Ch. 9






Fig. P7

9. Find the transfer function V / V for the network of Fig. 19 whose

signal-flow graph is given in Fig. 20 by (a) reducing the signal-flow graph
alone, (b) operating on the connection matrix alone, (c) applying the
graph gain formula alone, and (d) using mixed-variable equations.

10. Find the transfer impedance V /I for the network of Fig. 21 with
signal-flow graph in Fig. 22 by (a) reducing the signal-flow graph alone,






Fig. P11



[Ch. 9

(b) operating on the connection matrix alone, (c) applying the graph
gain formula alone, and (d) using node equations.
11. Determine a signal-flow graph for each of the networks of Fig. P 1 1 a to
d. Use the triode model shown in Fig. P11e. Then evaluate the graph
12. Set up a signal-flow graph for the network of Fig. P12 to find the
transfer function Y (s) = I /V .
Find this function by reducing the
signal-flow graph. Also, apply the graph gain formula to the original
graph, and compare the answers obtained.

Fig. P12

13. Find the voltage ratio V2/V1 for the general ladder network of Fig. P13
by first setting up the signal-flow graph. From the signal-flow graph
show that the transmission zeros occur at series impedance poles or shunt
impedance zeros.

Fig. P13

14. Determine a signal-flow graph for each of the networks of Fig. P14a to c.
Use the transistor model shown in Fig. P14d. Then evaluate the
graph gain.
15. Find the gain V / V\ for the "pseudo-tuned" amplifier of Fig. P15
using signal-flow graphs.






Fig. P14




[Ch. 9

Fig. P15

16. For each of the networks of Fig. P16a to d, use (40) to determine the
sensitivity of the transfer function V /V to (a) c, (b) r, and (c) g.
Use the transistor model of Fig. P16. The nominal values are c =
100 F , r = 103, and g = 0.5.

17. The return ratio and return difference of a branch are defined in the
text. The same quantities can be defined for a node. The return ratio
of node j , represented by T , is the negative graph gain of the graph
obtained by splitting the node and removing all other source and sink
nodes. The return difference of node j is defined as F = 1 + T . The
partial return ratio of node j , Tj, is defined as the return ratio of node j
when all higher numbered nodes are removed from the graph. This is
obviously dependent on the ordering of the nodes. The partial return
difference of node j is also defined; it is Fj = 1 + Tj.
(a) Suppose the nodes of a graph are numbered in a particular order.
Now remove all nodes above the one numbered k. Next, draw a reduced
graph in general form, retaining only nodes k and k 1. Determine
the partial return differences and find the product F' Fjk_ . Finally,
interchange the numbers of nodes k and k 1 and again find the product
F F _ 1 . Show that this product is independent of the node
(b) Show that the product of the partial return differences of all nodes
of a graph is a unique property of the graph, independent of the node

18. Which of the following impulse response functions are associated with
BIBO stable networks:













Fig. P16
19. Use (i) the Routh criterion and (ii) the Linard-Chipart criterion to deter
mine which of the following polynomials in s have zeros only in the
left half-plane:













[Ch. 9


20. Suppose H(s) is a rational fraction and is regular at infinity; thus, H(s)
equals a constant (which may be zero) plus a proper rational fraction.
Then prove that a network having H(s) as its transfer function is BIBO
stable if and only if all the poles of H(s) have negative real part.
21. Use the Linard-Chipart criterion to determine the value of for
which the networks in Fig. P21 are BIBO stable.


Fig. P21

22. Use the Linard-Chipart criterion to determine the values of p and for
which the networks in Fig. P22 are BIBO stable. In the py parameter
plane, shade the stability regions.
23. Use the Linard-Chipart criterion to determine the values of r and g
for which the oscillator networks shown in Fig. P23 to c are not BIBO
stable. Assume a ficticious voltage source input to be in series with the
transistor base lead. Use the transistor model shown in Fig. P23d. In
the r-g parameter plane, shade the instability regions.
24. Draw the Nyquist diagram for each of the following return ratio










Fig. P22


Fig. P23












[Ch. 9

For what values of k is the associated feedback network known to be

stable by the Nyquist criterion? Assume A(s) has only left half-plane
25. In the network of Fig. 33 in the text, let the values of the components
be such that the break-frequencies of the three interstage networks are:
= 100,

= 1000,

= 100,000

Sketch the Nyquist diagram carefully for this case. Find the maximum
value that T can be, if the network is to be stable.

26. Sketch the Nyquist diagram for the network of Fig. P26. Find values
of RfLf for which the network is stable. What is the maximum value
of under this condition, if the network is to remain stable for small
variations of parameter values (R , G , R , L in particular) from the
design value?

Fig. P26


27. Sketch the Nyquist diagram for the network of Fig. P27 and give the
condition for stability.

Fig. P27

28. Draw a signal-flow graph for the network given in Fig. P28. By
reducing the graph, calculate the transfer voltage ratio.

Fig. P28

29. Prove the following theorem, known as the inverse Nyquist

A network, having


as its transfer function, is BIBO stable, (a) if no RHP or imaginary

axis pole of A(s) is also a zero of B(s) and (b) if the Nyquist diagram of




[Ch. 9

1/T(s) = 1/kA(s)B(s) does not intersect the point ( 1, 0) and encircles it

Np times in the clockwise direction, where N is the number of poles
of 1/T(s) in the RHP. Note: The Nyquist diagram of 1/T(s) is known
as the inverse Nyquist diagram of T(s).

30. With reference to Problem 29, draw the inverse Nyquist diagram for
each of the return ratio functions listed in Problem 24. Then, indicate
the values of k for which the associated feedback network is known to
be stable by the inverse Nyquist criterion. Assume A(s) has only left
half-plane zeros.
31. Consider all possible combinations of A(s) and B(s) derivable from the
following list. Apply (i) the Nyquist criterion and (ii) the inverse
Nyquist criterion (of Problem 29) to determine the values of k for which
each network is known to be stable.

32. Consider an active network that can be excited either by a voltage

source or a current source, as illustrated in Fig. P32a and b. The
respective transfer functions will be



In the first case the determinant is that of the loop impedance matrix
and is formed by short-circuiting the input terminals. In the second
case the determinant is that of the node admittance matrix and is
formed with the input terminals open-circuited. The zeros of these
determinantswhich are, the poles of the respective transfer functions
will be different. Hence, the stability properties under the two kinds
of excitation need not be the same.
If a network is stable when its terminals are short-circuited, it is
said to be short-circuit stable. Similarly, if a network is stable when its
terminals are open-circuited, it is said to be open-circuit stable. It is
possible for a network to be both open-circuit and short-circuit stable.



It is also possible for it to be stable under one of the terminal conditions

but not the other.
(a) The network of Fig. P32c includes two transistors, represented by
linear models, and a passive, reciprocal two-port. By examining the
poles of the input impedance, show that this network is open-circuit
(b) A second network is shown in Fig. P32d. Show that it is shortcircuit stable.
Now consider a two-port with terminations on both ends, as shown
in Fig. P32e. Either port can be short-circuited or open-circuited by
giving appropriate values to R and R . The overall network may be
short-circuit stable and/or open-circuit stable at either end.
(c) As a specific example take the network shown in Fig. P32f. This is









Fig. P32



[Ch. 9

a negative converter with a capacitor representing inevitable capacitances

in the active devices. Determine whether this is short-circuit stable
and/or open-circuit stable at each end.
33. In the example of Fig. 21, it is desired to find the input impedance.
Place a node (and appropriate branches) in Fig. 22 representing the
voltage across the independent current source. Find the input impedance
by reducing the graph. Also find the transfer impedance V /I .

34. In Fig. 20, nodes V\ and V constitute a set of essential nodes. Reduce
this graph to an essential graph with V\ and V as essential nodes and
compare with Fig. 18.

35. Signal-flow graphs for two feedback amplifiers are shown in Fig. P35;



Fig. P35
is to be adjusted so as to make the graph gains of the two graphs
equal. Determine the sensitivity S of the gain of each of the two graphs
to the transmittance . Compare and determine which type of amplifier
is less sensitive to changes in .


In the preceding parts of this book, consideration has been limited to

linear, time-invariant networks. However, actual networks display
characteristics that cannot be completely and adequately described b y a
linear, time-invariant model. A simple device such as a resistor, for example,
will have a time-varying resistance induced by changes in the tempera
ture of its environment; this effect might not be negligible in all cases.
Similarly, magnetic-field saturation in the ferromagnetic core of an
inductor, large-signal operation of an active device such as a transistor,
excessive energy dissipation in a resistor, etc., lead to nonlinearity.
Actual networks, then, under many conditions of operation, will be non
Quite aside from undesired departures from time-in variance and/or
linearity, which we seek to minimize, there are other situations in which
such departures are introduced by design in the quest for networks that
perform in some prescribed manner; for example, the parametric amplifier
is designed as a time-varying, linear network. Oscillators, modulators,
and demodulators are only a few of the many networks designed with
nonlinear elements.
This chapter will be concerned with the formulation and analytic
solution of (1) linear, time-varying networks and (2) nonlinear networks.
Since the analytic solution of a nonlinear network cannot, in general, be



[Ch. 10

determined, there is included a section on numerical solution techniques.

Finally, there is a section on Liapunov stability theory, which is one of
the basic tools available to the analyst studying nonlinear networks.
Even though we can present only limited coverage of each of these
topicsthe existing knowledge is extensive enough to require books
devoted to eachthe treatment will be careful and not shallow. Refer
ences for further study will be provided.


In Section 4.5 we presented a method for formulating the state equa
tions of a time-invariant network. B y reference to that treatment, you
m a y verify that the notion of time dependence or independence was not
introduced until after equations 129. Therefore, we shall begin our con
sideration of time-varying networks with these equations, which for
convenience are repeated here:



or, after consolidation into a single equation,



This equation can be reduced to the normal form


Sec. 10.1]



provided the matrix


is bounded and nonsingular. Since we are interested in a solution for all

t t0, we shall assume that (4) is bounded and nonsingular for t t0;
that is, that each of the elements of (4) is bounded and

for t t0.
N o w we can proceed in two ways to put (2) into normal form. For the
first way, set



Upon substituting this expression into (2) and rearranging terms, the
desired form in (3) is obtained with



For the second way, set




[Ch. 10

In this case

After this expression is substituted into (2) and the terms in the resulting
equation are regrouped, we obtain the normal-form equation (3), with


The vector e is again given b y (9).
The second way of choosing the state vector leads to an A matrix, set
forth in (12), which requires the derivative of the parameter matrix of
(4). Since our interest is in a solution of the state equation for
we must assume that this parameter matrix is differentiable for t t .
This is an assumption that does not have to be made when the state vector
is chosen by the first method.
In addition, the second way of choosing the state vector yields A and
B matrices that, in general, are functionally more complicated than those
obtained when the state vector is chosen by the first method. This is most
evident when

In this instance the first method yields matrices

which, clearly, are functionally simpler than the matrices

Sec. 10.1]




that are established by the second method. From these observations we

conclude that the first way of selecting x is more desirable.

Let us therefore turn our attention to characterizing the elements of x,

as given by (5). We have, after performing the multiplications indicated
in (5),


B y reference to (117) and (118) in Chapter 4, observe that

As a consequence, we find that

The last step follows from (113e) in Chapter 4, which is repeated here:

But the elements of C v and C v are simply charges on the capacitors

in the network. Thus the elements of x established by Cv Cv
seen by (15) to be linear combinations of the capacitor charges.
N e x t we turn to the second row on the right side of (14). B y reference
to (122) and (123) of Chapter 4, we determine that

C t

C l




[Ch. 10



The last step follows from (113d), in Chapter 4, which is repeated here:

But the elements of L i , L i , L i , and L i are flux linkages of

the inductors. In particular, the elements of L i and L i are mutual
flux linkages. Hence the elements of x established b y Li
linear combinations of the inductor flux linkages.
l l

L l

t l

L t

l t

L t

t t

t l

L t

L l

l t

L t


A word is also in order on the network output equation. As in Chapter 4,

it m a y be shown that any of the network voltage and current variables
may be specified in terms of v , i , v , i , dv /dt, and di /dt. If w denotes
the output vectorthe elements of w are the voltage and/or current
variables that are the desired network outputsthen it can be shown
that, for either way of defining the state vector x given previously,
w is conveniently expressed as
C t

L l


Y o u should verify this statement.

Let us illustrate the reduction of network equations from the form of
(2) to the standard form of (3) by using the network shown in Fig. 1,

Fig. 1.

Periodically time-varying network.

Sec. 10.1]



which contains a periodically varying capacitance. Let v denote the voltage

across the capacitor and i the current through the inductor. It is easy
to verify that the vector [v i ]' satisfies the differential equation

(You should do this.) This is, of course, the result that would be obtained
by using the methods of Section 4.5 through (129a) and (129b).
As indicated in Fig. 1, || is less than 1. Therefore

is bounded for all t and has an inverse, which is

In accordance with (5), the state vector is taken as

Observe that the elements of x are the capacitor charge and inductor
flux linkage. Now, b y (7) and (8), we find



[Ch. 10

The alternative choice of the network state vector, indicated in (10), is

Associated with this state vector, we have, by (12) and (13),

Observe that the A and B matrices in this case are functionally more
complicated than before. Thus by example, as well as b y the previous
general discussion, we see that the better choice of x is as given in (5)
linear combinations of charges and flux linkages as elements of the state
vector. This will again be found to be true when we turn our attention to
nonlinear networks.


As indicated in the last section, the input and output variables of a
time-varying network are related by the state equations



Sec. 10.2]



As we seek to solve these equations, we must anticipate that any or all

of the matrices A , B, C, D, and D may be functions of time.
We shall solve the state equation 18a for the state vector x b y using the
variation-of-parameter method. You should compare the result at each
step with the result at the corresponding step for the time-invariant case
in Chapter 4. It is assumed that x is an n-vector and, consequently, that
A is a square matrix of order n. N o w let
where Y(t) is a square matrix of order n. Upon substituting this trans
formation in (18a) and rearranging terms, we get
It is evident that, if the expression in parentheses is zero, the solution will
be simplified. We shall suppose that this is true. To be more precise, we
shall suppose that the homogeneous differential equation
with Y(t) equal to Y(t ) at time t , possesses a nonsingular solution for
all finite tt . B y combining (20) and (21), we find that

Then, since we have assumed that Y is nonsingular for t t0, Y



A solution for x is obtained by integrating. The result is
B y (19) and the assumption that Y(t ) is nonsingular, the initial vector
x(to) is given by the equation




[Ch. 10

To obtain x(t) we now premultiply (23) by Y(t). If, at the same time, we
introduce x(t ) as given by (24), we get


It is permissible to take Y(t) inside the integral, as the integration variable

is T, not t.
When the network is not subject to external excitatione(t) = 0 for
t t it is evident from (25) that the matrix Y(t) Y ( t ) characterizes
the transition of the state from x(t ) at time to to x(t) at time t. Thus the
matrix Y(t) Y ( ) is known as the state-transition matrix and is denoted
by (t, T); that is,
- 1

In Chapter 4 it was seen that the state-transition matrix is a function of
t T for time-invariant networks; this is not true in the more general case
of time-varying networks. The solution for x can be expressed in terms of the
state-transition matrix by inserting (26) into (25) to get




Before the state vector x(t) can be determined from (27), it is necessary
to find the state-transition matrix (t, T), or, equivalently, Y(t). This is the
task to which we now turn our attention. We shall consider the solution
of the homogeneous matrix equation 21 when, in particular, we set
Y(t ) = U. This is no real restriction since (24) requires only that Y(to)
have an inverse.
First, consider the corresponding scalar equation

with y(to) = 1. The solution of this equation is

Sec. 10.2]



It is tempting, therefore, to suppose that the solution to the homogeneous

matrix equation 21 will be of the form
We shall now show that this is the solution only for the very special case
when the product of A(t) with A()

d is commutative.


We know from the definition of a matrix exponential that

B y differentiating both sides, we get
We are tacitly assuming that each of the indicated infinite series converges.
N o w let us examine a typical term from the right-hand side of this last
equation. It can be shown that

This follows as a generalization of

where A is any differentiable matrix.

In general, A(t)

does not commute with j A ( )

strate this to yourself with the simple matrix

Hence it is only when

d; you may demon



[Ch. 10

that we get

The last step follows from the fact that the summands do not depend on
the summation index i. B y combining this result with (30), we find, in
this special case, that

Hence (28) is the solution of the homogeneous equation.
When the solution of the homogeneous equation is given b y (28), we
find that the state-transition matrix (t, T) has a particularly simple form.
We know that (t, T) = ( t , t )|
and that (t, t ) = Y(t) Y(to)~ =
Y(t), since Y(to) = U. Thus, by replacing t with in the integral
appearing in (28), the relation for (t, t ) = Y(t), we get


Before turning our attention to the solution of (21) under less restric
tive conditions, let us consider as an example a network for which the
preceding commutativity condition is satisfied. The network illustrated
in Fig. 2 with two time-varying resistors is easily shown to satisfy the
following differential equation for the state vector [q

You will find it easy to verify that the product of


Sec. 10.2]


Fig. 2.


Time-varying network.


is commutative. Therefore, from (28),

and, from (34), the state-transition matrix is

B y the theory of functions of a matrix that was established in Chapter 4,

the matrix exponential for (t, ) can be replaced b y a closed-form
equivalent. The appropriate function of s is f(s) = e ~ . B y the proce
dures in Chapter 4, the equivalent form for (t, ) is found to be

You should verify this expression.

Finally, upon substituting this relation for (t, ) into (27), we find for
the state vector

This completes the example.



[Ch. 10



We have now discussed the solution of the homogeneous equation 2 1

for the special case when the product of A(t) with A() d is commutative. We now remove this restriction. In this case no general method of
solution is available. In fact, we must usually be satisfied not with a solu
tion but with a knowledge that one or more solutions exist, that there is a
unique solution, and/or that the solution has certain definable properties,
such as periodicity. The solution itself is often approximated by truncat
ing a perturbation series or an iteration, or by numerical integration. The
former is outside the scope of this text.* Numerical integration will be
taken up in Section 1 0 . 5 , where numerical methods applicable to nonlinear,
time-varying networks will be treated.
Our objective now is to establish conditions under which ( 2 1 ) possesses
a unique solution. So that there shall be no abiguity, we state that Y
is a solution in the ordinary sense, if it satisfies the homogeneous equation
( 2 1 ) for all finite t t0, with dY/dt at t = to being interpreted as a derivative
from the right. The following well-established theorem provides us with
a sufficient condition :
I . Given any Y(to), the homogeneous differential equation 2 1 has
a unique solution in the ordinary sense, equal to Y(to) at time t o , if A is a
continuous function of t for t0 t < .
It is quite possible for A not to be continuous.
possible to find a Y that satisfies the differential
values of t t0. To take care of this situation,
( 2 1 ) from to to t to obtain the associated integral

Furthermore, it may be
equation for almost all
integrate both sides of

* For a further discussion of this topic see Nicholas Minorsky, Nonlinear

D. Van Nostrand Co., Princeton, N.J., 1962.
If the limit exists, then


is the derivative of Y from the right at t = t .

For further discussion on the topic of existence and uniqueness of solutions to
ordinary differential equations, see Earl A. Coddington and Norman Levinson, Theory
of Ordinary Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955.

Sec. 10.2]



We now introduce a new notion; we say that Y is a solution of the differ

ential equation 21 in the extended sense, if it satisfies the integral equation
35 for all finite t t . The following theorem provides us with a satis
factory sufficient condition:*

2. Given any Y ( t ) , the homogeneous differential equation 21
has a unique continuous solution, in the extended sense, equal to Y(t ) at
time t , if A is a locally integrable function for t t .

The sufficiency condition of this second theorem is considerably weaker

than that of the first theorem; the price paid is that the solution may
not satisfy (21) in the ordinary sense.
As an illustration of these notions, consider the network with a dis
continuous time-varying conductance that is shown in Fig. 3. The state

Fig. 3.

Time-varying network with a discontinuous time-varying conductance.

equation for this network is

The homogeneous differential equation corresponding to (21) is

and with t = 0 the integral equation corresponding to (35) is


* See the footnote * on page 718.

A vector- or matrix-valued function is said to be locally integrable if each of its
elements (a) is a continuous function except at a finite number of points on any finite
interval and (b) possesses a proper or absolutely convergent improper Riemann integral
on every finite interval over the interior of which the function is continuous.



[Ch. 10

N o w you may easily verify that

is a solution of the integral equation and hence of the homogeneous

differential equation in the extended sense. Observe that it is not a solution
of the homogeneous differential equation in the ordinary sense at t = 1.
We anticipated that a solution in the ordinary sense might not exist,
since 2u(t) u(t1) is not continuous; furthermore, we knew that a
solution in the extended sense did exist, since



exists for all finite t. In addition, the theorem tells us the solution we have
found is the unique continuous solutionwe need search for no other.
We must still consider one assumption relative to the solution of the
homogeneous state equation. This is the assumption that Y ( t ) exists
for all finite t t . B y reference to Chapter 1, you may verify that

where y
denotes the (l, k)th element of Y and
cofactor of Y. From (21) we know that

l k

denotes the (l, k)th

where a


is the (l, m)th element of A; therefore





= | Y | , we get


Recalling the definition of the trace of a matrix, we see that


tr A. Thus

Sec. 10.2]



This is a first-order scalar differential equation for the determinant of Y.

The solution is, of course,

But since Y(t ) = U implies |Y(t0)| = 1, then



It is now evident that Y ( t )


is finite for all finite t t .


are satisfied,

exists|Y(t) | 0provided j * [tr A()]

If either of the two preceding theorems

A() dT is finite for t to;


[tr A()]

d =

tr A(T) dT is finite for t to, The conclusion is that Y(t) is nonsingular


under the conditions of either Theorem 1 or Theorem 2.




We turn our attention again to the state equation (nonhomogeneous)

itself. What is initially needed is a precise statement of what constitutes
a solution. We say that x is a solution in the ordinary sense when the state
equation 18a is satisfied for all finite t t with dx/dt at t = t being inter
preted as a derivative from the right. The following theorem* concerns
the existence of a solution in the ordinary sense.

3. Given any x ( t ) , the state equation 18a has a unique solution,
in the ordinary sense, equal to x(t ) at time t , if A and Be are continuous
functions of t for t t < .

When the above sufficiency condition is violated because A and/or Be

are not continuous, it may still be possible to find an x that satisfies
the state equation for almost all values of t t . To accommodate this
possibility we must introduce the associated integral equation, as we did
in the case of the homogeneous equation. Upon integrating both sides of
(18a) from t to t, we get

* See the footnote on page 718.



[Ch. 10

We say x is a solution of the state equation 18a in the extended sense, if it

satisfies the integral equation 42 for all finite t t . It turns out that x
will satisfy the integral equation if A and Be are locally integrable
functions. Thus we can state the following theorem:*

4. Given any x ( t ) , the state equation 18a has a unique continuous
solution, in the extended sense, equal to x(t ) at time t , if A and Be are
locally integrable functions for t t .

Observe that the sufficiency conditions of these two theorems incor

porate those of the corresponding existence theorems for the homogene
ous equation. This is comforting to know. It tells us that if the state
equation has a unique solution the homogeneous equation also possesses
a unique solution. In other words, the variation-of-parameter method is a
valid method by which to obtain the solution whenever the state equation
has a solution.
You must bear in mind that the conditions of the theorems are merely
sufficient conditions, not necessary and sufficient conditions. Thus, even
though the conditions of the theorem are not satisfied, a solution may
exist, and, in fact, a unique solution may exist.
It may appear that the preceding discussion is overly concerned with
matters that are self-evident or trivial. After all, does not a network
always have a solution?
To illustrate that it is not wise blindly to assume the existence of a
unique state response, consider the network illustrated in Fig. 4. The



Fig. 4.

Time-varying network that does not have a unique solution.

state equation for this network is easily found to be

* See the footnote on page 718.

Here, and throughout the chapter, if the right hand side of an indicated state equa
tion is not defined at a distinct set of points in t for fixed x, you should make the conveni
ent assumption that the right-hand side of the state equation is zero at these points. In
this case, a solution only in the extended sense is being sought, hence the above action
will not effect the result.

Sec. 10.2]



Suppose q (0) = 0. Then you may verify that


is a solution for every finite value of . Several different solutions are
shown in Fig. 5. The primary observation to be made is that there is no
unique solution.

Fig. 5.

Several solutions with the same initial value.

Of course, we had no basis for anticipating a unique solution. The

sufficiency conditions of our second theorem are not satisfied; that is,

j A()

dT =j'

[4/ ] d does not exist for any t > 0. Furthermore, we had

no basis for anticipating the existence of even any solution. In fact, no

solution exists if the initial condition q (0) is other than zero.


The class of time-varying networks is very broad, since no stipulation

is made as to the manner of time variation. It should be expected that, for
certain special kinds of time variation, additional results can be obtained
about the solution that are valid for that class but not for others. A partic
ularly important class of time functions is the class of periodic functions.
We shall now consider the special case in which the A-matrix of a timevarying network is periodic. In this case it is possible to establish some
additional properties of the solution Y of the homogeneous equation 21.



[Ch. 10

Assume that A is periodic with period T; that is, A(t + T) = A(t) for all t.
First of all, we find that, if Y(t) is a solution of (21), then so is Y(t + T);
that is, if there is a shift of the time variable by an amount equal to the
period of A, a solution of (21) will remain a solution. To see this, note that
Y() satisfies

Set r = t + T and observe that

Therefore (44) becomes,


because A is periodic, and so A(t + T) = A(t). Comparison of this

equation with (21) verifies that Y(t + T) is a solution of the homogeneous
We shall now seek to establish some properties of the solution of (21)
when A(t) is periodic. In particular, we shall be concerned with the stab
ility of the solution. In what follows we shall assume that conditions
sufficient to guarantee a unique solution of (21) are satisfied. Then
Y(t + T) is the unique solution with the value Y(t + T) at time t , and
Y(t) is the unique solution with the value Y(to) at time t0. Since Y(t) is
nonsingular for t t0, Y ( t 0 ) exists. Thus we can define a constant matrix
M as



and know that M exists. It is easy to verify that Y(t)M is a solution of

(21) and hence the unique solution having the value Y(t )M at time t0.
Now, after premultiplying (46) b y Y(t ), we see that Y(t + T) = Y(t0)M.
Therefore, since the solution of (21) with the initial value Y(t + T) =
Y(to)M is unique, the solutions Y(t) and Y(t + T) are linearly related as


This is an important result, and we shall return to it shortly. But we

shall first show that the matrix M can itself be expressed as a matrix
exponential in the form

Sec. 10.2]



It is only necessary to show that ln M exists and hence


exists. Observe that M is nonsingular, since both Y ( t o ) - and Y(t + T) in

(46) are nonsingular. From d(s) = det (sU M) we see by setting s = 0
that the determinant of a matrix is equal in magnitude to the constant
term in the characteristic equation of the matrix. Then, since the constant
term is equal in magnitude to the product of the eigenvalues of the matrix,
we can infer that none of the eigenvalues of the nonsingular matrix M,
denoted by s , is zero. Let k denote the number of distinct eigenvalues
of M and let r denote their multiplicities. Denote the constituent matrices
of M by K , i = 1, ..., k and j = 1, ..., r . Using the constituent matrix
expansion of Section 4.4,

i j




j - 2

where, for j > 1, d

ln s/ds
is equal, of course, to ( l ) ( j 2 ) ! /
s . Since none of the eigenvalues is zero, these quantities as well as
ln s are finite. Thus P exists.
Observe that the matrix P is not uniquely defined. This is a consequence
of the multiple-valued nature of ln s . The various values of ln s differ
by an additive factor of j 2 n . In defining P any one of the values of ln s
is satisfactory.
In order to obtain some additional information about the solution,
let us assume that Y(t) can be written as the product of two functions.
In particular, let

where P is given by (49) and Q(t) is a matrix to be determined. In fact,
this expression can be inverted to solve for Q(t). Thus we have
Now we can use the relationship in (47) to find out something about
Q(t). Substitution of (51) into (47) yields



[Ch. 10

The last step follows from (48). Hence

that is, Q(t) is periodic with the same period T as A.
It is now an established fact that Y(t) may be expressed as the product
of a periodic matrix Q(t) and a matrix exponential
. Since Y(t) is
known to be continuous, Q(t) is continuous and hence bounded* on the
closed interval t to t + T. Then, because Q(t) is also periodic, it is
uniformly bounded for all t t0. Consequently the behavior of Y(t) as
t tends to infinity is governed by the behavior of the exponential e
After making note of the fact that the eigenvalues of P are known as the
characteristic exponents of A, we may make the following observations:
P ( t - t 0 )

P ( t _ t 0 )

1. If all of the characteristic exponents have negative real part, then

and hence Y(t) tend to zero as t tends to infinity.
2. If all the characteristic exponents have nonpositive real part, then
P ( t - t ) and hence Y(t) are bounded as t tends to infinity.
3. If one or more of the characteristic exponents have positive real
part, then e
and hence Y(t) are unbounded as t tends to infinity.

P ( t - t 0 )

Y o u should seek to verify these statements.

Thus the stability of the solution is tied up with the matrix P. This, in
turn, is related to M by (48) or (49), and M is related to the solution Y by
(46). However, this sequence of relationships is not helpful. We want to
know P in order to say something about the behavior of the solution,
without actually finding Y(t). Unfortunately, there is no general procedure
b y which P m a y be determined without knowing Y. The value of the theory
of solutions for periodic A is therefore not as a computational tool but
as a means of reaching other, more useful, theoretical results. We shall see
this more clearly shortly.
To conclude, it should be observed that both e
. and Q satisfy
certain differential equations. Thus the exponential e
P ( t - t 0 )

P ( t - t 0 )

with X(t ) = U. As for Q, substituting for Y(t) from (51) into (21) leads to

with Q(t ) = Y(t0).

* A vector or matrix is said to be bounded if each of its elements is bounded. A vector

or matrix is unbounded if one or more of its elements are unbounded.

Sec. 10.3]





We are now ready for a study of the properties of the solution of the
state equation for a time-varying network. This will be done by compari
son with some "reference" network about whose solution we have some


In this study we shall make strong use of the following result from
mathematical analysis and will therefore discuss it first:


where , , and are non-negative continuous functions

where Y is a positive constant, then

of t for t t


This result is called Gronwall's Lemma; its proof follows. From (58) we see

After multiplying both sides by the non-negative function (t) and adding
(t)/{y +

[() () + ()]d} to both sides, it is seen that


Note that
0. Thus

() () + () 0
(t)/{ +jf

and, therefore, that

[() (r) + ()]d

[() () + ()]d} (t)/.

Using this inequality

* This lemma is also known as the Gronwall-Bellman lemma in the literature on

mathematical analysis.



[Ch. 10

in (61), we get

Integration of both sides from t to t yields


which is equivalent to


B y combining (58) and (62), we get the indicated inequality (59). This
completes the proof.
N o w we turn to a consideration of the state equation, which is repeated

Suppose that the right-hand side is close, in some sense not yet defined,
t o the right-hand side of the homogeneous



Suppose also that all solutions of the reference equation either approach
zero as t tends to infinity or are bounded. It would be useful to be able to
infer as a consequence that all solutions of the original state equation
either approach zero or are bounded. The next several theorems state precise
conditions under which such inferences are valid. The conditions imposed
b y the theorems on the difference between A(t) and A(t) and on B(t) e(t)
establish the sense in which we view the state equation as being close to
the reference homogeneous equation.

Sec. 10.3]





For networks that are close to being described by a time-invariant

homogeneous equation, we have the following theorem:


If all solutions of

where A is a constant matrix, are bounded as t - > , then all solutions of


are bounded as t - > , provided


The double bars denote the norm of the matrix or vector enclosed. Refer
to Chapter 1 to refresh your memory on the properties of norms, since
they will be used extensively in the rest of the chapter.
This theorem is quite valuable because it is fairly easy to establish
whether or not all solutions of the reference equation 63 are bounded.
Recall that e
) y ( t ) for any y(t ) is a solution of (63). It is then an
immediate consequence of the constituent-matrix expansion of e
that all solutions will be bounded if none of the eigenvalues of A has
positive real part.
The proof of Theorem 5 is as follows. Rewrite the state equation as

A ( t - t 0

N o w you may easily show that an equivalent integral equation is



[Ch. 10

where y(t) is the solution of the reference equation 63 with y ( t ) = x(to),

and e
) is the transition matrix associated with (63). Taking the norm
on both sides of the integral equation, applying the triangle inequality,*
and using the inequality for a matrix product brings us to the relation

A ( t -

A ( t -

Since all solutions of (63) are bounded, ||y(t)|| and | | e

) | | , with to T t,
must be bounded for t t . Let y > 0 and > 0, respectively, be the
corresponding bounds. Then

This expression is in the form of (58), and so Gronwall's lemma can be

applied. Associate ||x(t)|| with (t), ||A(t) A|| with (t), and ||B(t) e(t)||
with (t). Then, b y the lemma,

The second inequality is obtained b y letting t tend to infinity. The righthand side of this relation is finite because of the conditions (65) of the
theorem. Thus ||x(t)|| is bounded, and, by implication, x(t) is bounded as
t->. The theorem is thus proved.
Observe that this theorem, like the others to follow, does not provide
a constructive method b y which the stability properties of the solution
can be discovered. Instead, given a time-varying state equation as in (64),
the theorem tells us that we must first verify that the norm of Be is
integrable over infinite time. Then we must look for a constant matrix A
* The term "triangle inequality," heretofore applied to the relation

llx + x || I|x |I + ||x II.


will now also be applied to the integral relation ||

x() d|| ||x()|| d. We have not

shown this to be a valid inequality; you should do so. It is a natural extension of the
first inequality, if you think of the integral in terms of its defining sum under a limiting

Sec. 10.3]



with no eigenvalues in the right half-plane, and finally we must verify

that the norm of A(t) A is integrable. Then we can conclude that the
solution of the original equation will remain bounded as t >.
The absence of eigenvalues of A in the right half-plane still permits one
or more on the j-axis. However, if all eigenvalues of A are in the open
left half-plane, they will have negative real part. Then all of the solutions
of the reference homogeneous equation 63 will approach zero. Since
this is a more restrictive property than boundedness, it might possibly
serve to relax the conditions (65). The next theorem shows how this is


If all solutions of


where A is a constant matrix, approach zero as t - > , then all solutions of


are bounded as t - > ,



and B(t) e(t) is bounded for t t .


That is, if A has no eigenvalues in the right-hand plane and on the j-axis;
then the norm of Be need not be integrable over infinite time. It is only
necessary for Be to be bounded.
The proof is as follows. We start with the equation

The solution of this equation when z(t ) = 0 is




[Ch. 10

Taking the norm of both sides of this equation and using the usual norm
inequalities, we obtain

B y hypothesis, all solutions of (63) approach zero at t-> ; therefore all

of the eigenvalues of A have negative real part. Thus positive constants
and exist such that | | e
|| e ~
. You should verify this
statement and indicate how an and may be selected. Furthermore,
B(t) e(t) is bounded for t to ; therefore its norm is bounded. Let be a
bound for ||B(t) e(t)||. Substituting these bounds in the above inequality
leads to
A ( t _ )

( t _ )

This inequality shows that ||z(t)|| and hence z(t) are bounded for
tt .
N o w set w = x z. Differentiation yields dw/dt = dx/dt dz/dt. Since
the differential equations for x and z determine dx/dt and dz/dt, we easily
establish that w satisfies the differential equation

This equation is similar to the state equation treated in the previous

theorem (Theorem 5), with [A(t) A]z(t)

replacing B(t) e(t). Thus if

the conclusion of the previous theorem applies, and w(t) is bounded as

The inequality is obviously true by (1) condition (66), (2) the
boundedness of ||z(t) || for t to, and (3) the inequality

We have now established that z(t) and w(t) are bounded as

Thus x(t) = w(t) + z ( t ) is bounded as t-> , and the theorem is proved.

Sec. 10.3]



Things improve even more if there is no external excitation; that is,

if B(t) e(t) = 0, then the conclusion of the last theorem can be strengthened.

7 . If all solutions of

where A is a constant matrix, approach zero as t> , then all solutions of

approach zero as t - > , provided

||A(t) A|| < / for t t .


The constants and have the same meanings as those given to them in
the proof of the last theorem. The proof of this theorem is left to you.
As an illustration of the second of the previous three theorems, consider
the filter network shown in Fig. 6. The state equation is easily shown to be

Fig. 6.

Time-varying network.

If ||A(t) A || is to be integrable from t to , then we must pick A such

that lim (A(t) A) = 0 as t -> . As a consequence, an examination of
A(t) reveals that



[Ch. 10

N e x t the characteristic polynomial of A is determined. The resolvent

matrix algorithm of Chapter 4 may be used to do this by strictly numerical
methods. The characteristic polynomial is thus found to be

Using the Routh criterion discussed in Chapter 9, we find, b y strictly

numerical methods, that all of the zeros of d(s) have negative real part.
Therefore all solutions of (63) approach zero as t-> .
N o w form A(t) A:


We have arbitrarily chosen to use the sum-magnitude vector norm and

the associated matrix norm in this example. Now, since

condition (66) of Theorem 6 is satisfied. Finally,

is bounded.
Thus all of the conditions of Theorem 6 are satisfied. Hence, by the
theorem, x(t) = [q (t) q (t) q4(t)]' is bounded as t -> . Observe that we have
established this fact without explicitly computing the solution to the
state equation or (63).


We now turn our attention to networks that are close to being described
by a homogeneous equation with periodic coefficients. We shall call this

Sec. 10.3]


a periodic homogeneous reference equation.

boundedness of the state vector.



The next theorem is on the

If all solutions of


where A(t)

is periodic,

are bounded as t -> ,

are bounded as t -> , then all solutions of


The proof of this theorem rests on the fact that any solution of (67)
may be expressed as Q ( t ) e
y ( t ) for some y(to), where Q(t) is non
singular and periodic, and P is a constant matrix. To start, the state
equation is first rewritten as

Let y(t) denote the solution of the reference equation 67, with y(t ) =
x(to); then, using the transition matrix Q ( t ) e
Q ( ) - associated with
(67), the state equation may be put in the equivalent integral equation



Taking the norm of both sides of this equation and applying the usual
inequalities associated with norms, we get




[Ch. 10

Since all solutions of the reference equation 67 are bounded, ||y(t)|| is

bounded for t to, and none of the characteristic exponents associated
with (67) have positive real part. Thus | | e
| | , with toTt,
bounded for t t . Since Q(t) is nonsingular and periodic, ||Q(t)|| and
||Q() ||, with to T t, are bounded for t to. Let y and denote bounds
on ||y(t)|| and ||Q(t)|| | | e
| | ||Q() ||, respectively. Using these bounds
in (69), it is found that
P ( t - )


P ( t - )

This is a form on which Gronwall's lemma can be applied. If we also let

t tend to infinity, the result becomes

Then, b y the conditions (68) of the theorem, ||x(t)|| is bounded and hence
x(t) is bounded as t-> . Thus the theorem is proved.
Again, the conditions of the theorem can be relaxed if A(t) is further
restricted. Instead of asking only that the solutions of the periodic
homogeneous reference equation 67 be asymptotically bounded, we ask
that they approach zero as t-> . Then conditions (68) can be relaxed.
This is stated more precisely in the next theorem.

where A(t)


If all solutions of

is periodic,

are bounded as t - > ,

approach zero as t - > , th.en all solutions of


and B(t) e(t) is bounded for t t .


A S a key item, the proof, the details of which are left for you, requires
that all of the characteristic exponents have negative real part. This

Sec. 10.3]



is implied by the assumption that all solutions of (67) approach zero as

t -> . Thus positive constants and exist such that | | e
|| e
Finally, as in the previous sequence of theorems, when there is no
excitationB(t) e(t) = 0the conclusion can be greatly strengthened.
P ( t )



where A(t)

is periodic,

If all solutions of

approach zero as t-> , then all solutions of

approach zero as t - > , provided


( t T )

||A(t) A(t)||

constant that depends on A(t)

< for t t , where is


and is established during the proof.

The proof, which is similar to that for Theorem 7, is left for you.
To illustrate the first of the last sequence of theorems, consider the
network in Fig. 7. The state equation is

Fig. 7.

Time-varying network with periodic homogeneous reference equation.

The norm of ||A(t) A(t)|| will be integrable from t to infinity only if


lim[A(t) A(t)] = 0. Thus an examination of A(t)


reveals that



[Ch. 10

You may verify that the solution of the reference equation 67 is

It is seen that for all y(t ) the solution is bounded as t> .

Next, examine


For the norm of these expressions we obtain


Note that the max-magnitude vector norm is a more convenient norm for
this problem than the sum-magnitude norm, since the sum-magnitude
norm of B(t) e(t) is a more cumbersome expression. In particular,

It is clear that conditions (68) are satisfied, since


Sec. 10.3]



Thus the conditions of Theorem 8 are satisfied and the state vector
x = [q
] ' is bounded as t->.
Unlike in the previous example,
it was necessary to solve the homogeneous equation dy/dt = A(t)y. Thus
the fact that A(t) is not constant requires more work in the application of
the theorem than the corresponding case when A(t) is constant.


We have now discussed a number of theorems that lay out conditions

for the solution of a general state equation, (64), to possess asymptotic
boundedness properties. This has been done with reference to the solution
of a homogeneous reference equation of the form


Two cases have been considered: (1) A(t), a constant matrix and (2)
A(t), a periodic matrix. When A(t) is not limited to these cases, but
assuming a solution of (71) to have the appropriate asymptotic property,
it may be tempting to suppose that the general solution of the state
equation will have similar properties if similar conditions are satisfied
b y A(t) and B(t) e(t). Such a supposition would be incorrect. Counter
examples can be found to demonstrate this; one such counter example


Then set



[Ch. 10

It is easily verified that the solution of the reference homogeneous

equation 71 is

It is clear that y =


y ]' is bounded for 2v 1 and, in fact, approaches

zero for 2v > 1. Observe that

||A(t) A(t)||


dt =j\e

dt = 1/v <

||B(t) e(t)|| dt = 0 < . We arbitrarily chose to use the maxmagnitude vector norm and the associated matrix norm in this example.
The solution of the state equation is

You should verify this statement. Let us turn our attention to the inte
gral in this last expression. Set t = 2n + / 2 ; then, since e
positive for 0 t .

s i n

The least value of the integrand in the interval 2n 3/4 to 2n /4

occurs at = 2 n 3 / 4 and is ( 2 m r - 3 i r / 4 ) / 2 . Therefore

Since 2n 3/4 = t 5/4,


We now know that at t =

Sec. 10.3]



Since sin t = sin(2n + /2) = 1, this inequality may be written as


Obviously, as t tends to infinity, x (t )

becomes unbounded when
2v < 1 + 1/2 and xi(0) 0. This implies that x = [x x ]' becomes
unbounded as t-> . Thus, for 1 2 v < 1 + 1 / 2 , all solutions of the
reference equation 71 are bounded, and some solutions of the state equa
tion are unbounded.
This example makes it clear that the simple modification we contem
plated making in our previous theorems will not work. It will be of value,
nevertheless, to determine what additional restrictions are needed to
still achieve the desired result. The state equation can be rewritten as


Let y(t) denote the solution of (71), with y(t ) = x(t ), and let Y(t)Y()
be the transition matrix associated with (71). Then the state equation has
the equivalent integral equation form

Taking the norm of both sides and applying the norm inequalities as
previously, we get

To apply Gronwall's lemma it is imperative that |ly(t)||, ||Y(t)||, and

||Y() ||, with t0Tt,
be bounded for t t . If all solutions of (71)
are bounded, ||y(t)|| and ||Y(t)|| are bounded; however, it cannot be inferred
that ||Y() || is bounded.
Thus we need a condition that insures the boundedness of ||Y() ||.
To this end, note that Y ( t ) = adj [Y(t)]/det [Y(t)] exists for all finite
t t0 provided det [Y(t)] 0 and is bounded if det [Y(t)] is bounded away
from zero. Now, recall from (41) that






[Ch. 10

Therefore if we add the condition


then det[Y(t)] is bounded away from zero, and ||Y(t) || is bounded for
t t0. Equivalently, ||Y() || with to t is bounded for t t0.
With this added condition, the proof proceeds as with previous proofs,
making use of Gronwall's lemma at the end. Having sketched the proof
the details are for you to fill inwe state the last theorem in this section.


11. If all solutions of

are bounded as t -> , then all solutions of

are bounded as t -> ,




The last two conditions are the same as before. The modification lies
in condition (72a). This is the price we pay for not limiting A(t) to a
constant or periodic matrix. Condition (72a) is quite severe; so much so,
in fact, that a network which is known to have an asymptotically bounded
state vector by one of the previous theorems may fail to satisfy (72a).
For example, suppose A(t) is a constant matrix and the conditions of
Theorem 5 are satisfied. Then, in addition, suppose all solutions of the
reference homogeneous equation 63 approach zero as t -> certainly a
more demanding condition than that of boundedness required b y Theorem

Sec. 10.3]



5 and the above theorem. In this case condition (72a) cannot be fulfilled.
You should verify this.
Now let us apply this theorem to an example. Consider the network
in Fig. 8. All elements are time-varying. The state equation is found to

Fig. 8.

Time-varying network.

If condition (72b) is to be satisfied, then A(t)

must be selected such that

lim [A(t) A(t)] = 0; one possible choice is

t ->

Then the reference equation 71 has the solution

as you may verify. Note that the solution, for all y(t0), is bounded as
t -> . Since tr A(t) = 2 e


, we find tr A(t)

dt = | ( e

3 t


) and

hence condition (72a) is satisfied.

Now examine the other conditions of (72). For A(t) A(t)

we find



[Ch. 10

and as a consequence

Thus condition (72b) is satisfied, since

B y this theorem, we may now make the following statement: For all
excitation voltages e(t) for which condition (72c) is satisfied, the state
[q (t) (t)]' of the network of Fig. 8 is bounded as t-> .




Although solving linear, time-varying equations is more difficult than

solving linear, time-invariant ones, nevertheless the basic condition of
linearity permits the application to time-varying networks of many
procedures that were originally developed for the time-invariant case.
This is no longer true for nonlinear networks, to which we now turn our
attention. We assume at the very outset that the networks may be
time-varying, as well as nonlinear. For such networks, in fact, it is neces
sary to return to the fundamental laws in order to formulate the appro
priate equations.

The formulation of the state equations must combine the topological

relationships expressed by Kirchhoff's equations for a normal tree (or
forest)which are valid independent of the state of linearity or timevariationwith the nonlinear and time-varying expressions that relate
the variables describing the branch relationships. The steps will parallel
those in Chapter 4 that were used in the derivation of the state equations
for linear, time-invariant networks. The topological equations given in
(113) of Chapter 4 are repeated here for convenience. You should look
back there for a review of the notation.

Sec. 10.4]



The details of the formulation will be different depending on the specific
variables which are selected as components of the state vector. It is possible
for these to be voltage and current, or charge and flux linkage. We shall
formulate the branch relationships so as to make linear combinations of
capacitor charges and linear combinations of inductor flux linkages the
elements of the state vector. We know that



where the elements of qct and qcl are the charges on the twig capacitors
and link capacitors, respectively. We shall suppose that the charges are
nonlinear functions of the capacitor voltages. Thus
where f and f are vector-valued functions of v and v . In addition,
they may be functions of time. After substituting (74a) and (74b) in (73b)
and rearranging terms, we obtain


C t

C l




Next, let us express the linear combination of charges q

terms of the relations in (75). Thus

C t

[Ch. 10

+ Q


C l


Substituting v

C l

from the Kirchhoff equation 73e leads to


We assume that this equation possesses a unique solution for v

we write as

C t

, which

where g
is a vector-valued function of its arguments q + Q q
and v .
Before considering (76) and (79) further, we turn our attention to the
branch relationships for the inductors. We know that
C t

C t


C l


where the elements of and are the flux linkages through the twig
inductors and link inductors, respectively. We shall suppose that the
flux linkages are nonlinear functions of the inductor currents. Thus
L t

L l

where f and f are vector valued functions of i and i . Also they may
be functions of time. N e x t we substitute (80a) and (80b) into the topolog
ical expression (73g) and rearrange terms to establish the following:


L t

L l

The linear combination of flux linkages
terms of the relations in (81) as follows

L l


L t

may be expressed in


Sec. 10.4]


Substituting i

L t


from the Kirchhoff equation 73d establishes


We shall assume this equation possesses a unique solution for i

of Q
and i , which we may express as
L l


L t

L l

in terms


where g is a vector-valued function of its arguments.

Let us now substitute (85) into (76) and (79) into (82). Thus
L l



Were it not for the presence of the resistor branch variables i and v ,
we would have the desired pair of first-order vector differential equations
for q + Q q and \ Q _ Lt. Therefore we turn our attention next
to the branch relations for the resistors.
Suppose the relationship between the resistor voltages and resistor
currents may be expressed by the implicit vector equation
R l



C l

L l

R t


This is the counterpart of (125) in Chapter 4. Substituting the Kirchhoff

equations 73c and 73f into this implicit equation leads to


N e x t , substituting (79) and (85) into this expression, we obtain




[Ch. 10

This is the counterpart of (126) in Chapter 4. Recall that there we simply

assumed that certain matrices were nonsingular so that those equations
could be inverted. Similarly, we assume that (89) may be solved for
and i
in terms of q + Q q , Q , v - , and iJ. The
solution will be expressed as
R t



C c

C l

x l


L t

Substitution of these two expressions for v
desired differential equations

R t

and i

R l

into (86) gives the


We take the elements of the state vector to be linear combinations of
capacitor charges and inductor flux linkages. Thus,


The excitation vector is defined as


as before. Then the two differential equations in (91) m a y be combined

and expressed as the one vector differential equation

where h is a vector-valued function of x and e, which is determined by
the right-hand sides of the differential equations (91) and by the defining

Sec. 10.4]



relations (92) and (93) for x and e. You should determine the actual
expression for h. Furthermore, h may also be an explicit function of time;
when it is necessary to make this fact evident, we shall write (94) as


Since x is a state vector for the network, either of these last two differential
equations for x will be called the state equation.
We have shown a method for developing the state equation for a non
linear network in which the branch-variable relationships can be expressed
in the form specified in (74), (80), and (87) and for which the algebraic
equations (78), (84), and (89) have solutions as assumed. For any specific
problem, you should not take the final expression and substitute the
appropriate numerical values. Rather you should repeat the steps in the
procedure for the particular problem at hand. The results given are
general; in a specific case linearity of some components may permit
simplifications that come to light only when the detailed steps of the
formulation procedure are followed.
Let us now apply this formulation procedure to the network shown in
Fig. 9a. With the usual low-frequency model for the triode, the network
may be redrawn as in Fig 9b. There is a nonlinear inductor and a non
linear controlled source. A network graph and normal tree are shown in
Fig. 9c. There are no degeneracies, so the fundamental cut-set matrix is
easily determined and used to express the Kirchhoff equations as in (73).



[Ch. 10

For the branch relations we have, corresponding to ( 7 5 ) ,

In this case the functional relation is linear. Of course, this is easy to

solve for [v
v ]' in terms of [q
q ]'; we get

as the particular case of ( 7 9 ) . Similarly, corresponding to (81), we have

from which

Sec. 10.4]






Fig. 9.

Nonlinear, time-varying amplifier circuit.

which is the particular case of (85).

Corresponding to (87) for the resistive branches, we have




The Kirchhoff equation that gives [v

tree branch voltages is substituted; the result is

Upon substituting the previous expression for [v


The solution for [v ] and [i



v ]'

i ]'

These equations are the particular cases of (90).

in terms of the


[Ch. 10

v ]', the equation


is obviously

Sec. 10.4]



The dynamical relation associated with the capacitors and correspond

ing to (74) is

The second equality results from using the Kirchhoff equation giving
i3 I4] in terms of the link currents. Next, we substitute the previ
ously established expressions for [i
i9 i ]' and [i ] to obtain



which is the counterpart of (91a) in this example.

N o w turn to the inductor. The particular case of the dynamical inductor
relation (80) is

The second equality reflects the Kirchhoff equation for [v ]. Substitution

of the previously derived expression for [v
v ]' yields

which is the particular case of (91b).



[Ch. 10

After combining these two first-order differential equations, we obtain

the state equation

With x = [q
] ' and e = [v ], the right-hand side is the vectorvalued function h(x, e, t) of the state equation 95. It may not be evident
that this right-hand side is indeed a function of x and e, since only
dependence on the elements of x and e is evident. Therefore we shall show
that the second row on the right-hand side, as a typical row, is a function
of x and e. It is obvious that

1 1

Thus the second row is a function of x and e; equivalently, we have found

h (x, e, t), the second element of h(x, e, t).



We turn now to the problem of specifying the output variables in terms

of the state variables, the excitation, and the derivative of the excitation.
Let us start with the inductors. The branch variables of primary interest
are the branch fluxes, elements of
and ; and the branch currents,
L l

L t

Sec. 10.4]


elements of i
and i . B y (85), i
(part of x) and ij (part of e). Thus


The Kirchhoff equation 73d, combined with this expression for


i ,


L t

is given in terms of




Substitution of these two expressions for i



x l


as functions of


z z

L l



and i




L l

into the branch

L t

and iJ.

The branch variables of secondary interest are the branch voltages,

elements of v
and v . It is left to you as an exercise to show that
f ( i , i ) must be identically zerono inductive twigsor that
f ( i , i ) and g ( Q , i ) must be differentiable functions in
order to establish v and v as functions of x, e, and de/dt.
N e x t , consider the capacitors, The variables of primary interest are
the branch charges, elements of q and q ; and voltages, elements of
v and V . Equation 79 gives v as
L l

L t

L t

L t

L t

L t

L l

L l

L l

L l

L l


L t

L t

C t

C t

C l

C l

C t

Combined with the Kirchhoff equation 73e we find

Substitution of the above two relations in the branch equations

yields q and q as functions of q + Q q

and v .
The branch variables of secondary interest are the currents, elements
of i and i . Y o u may show that i and i
are functions of x, e, and
C t

C t

C l

C l

C t


C t

C l

C l



[Ch. 10

de/dt if f ( v ) is identically zerono capacitive linksor if f ( v )

and g ( q + Q q , v ) are differentiable functions.
Last, consider the resistive components. The elements of v , v , i ,
and i
are of interest. Equation 90 gives v and i
C l

C t

C t

C l

C l


C l

C l

R t

R l

R t

R l

R t

R l

The other resistive variables are obtained b y substituting these relations

along with the expressions for i and v in the Kirchhoff equations 73c
and 73f:
L l

C t

We have shown the w a y in which the various network variables m a y be

expressed in terms of x, e, and de/dt. Therefore, if w is a vector whose
elements are a set of response variables for the network, then w may be
expressed as

where, in the latter case, the output is explicitly dependent on time.




Once a state equation has been written for a nonlinear network, the
next task is to solve this equation. For convenience, in the equation
dx/dt = h(x, e, t), we shall set h(x, e, t) = f ( x , t). This is proper, since,
when e(t) is given, h[x, e(t), t] is an explicit function of x and t only. Thus
the vector differential equation that will be the center of attention in this
section is

Sec. 10.5]



There is no known way by which the solution of an arbitrary nonlinear

differential equation can be obtained. In fact, closed-form analytic
solutions are known for only a few, restricted classes of such equations.
Therefore the effort devoted to the study of such equations is concentrated
on the conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution, properties
of a solution, and approximation of a solution. We shall give some con
sideration to the first two; the third is outside the scope of this text.*


The search for conditions under which (98) is known to have a solution,
possibly a unique solution, is a very important task; because, amongst
other reasons, only if a solution, usually a unique solution, is known to
exist does it become meaningful to seek an approximate solution. Further
more, the existence or uniqueness, if one exists, is b y no means certain.
We discovered this for time-varying networks through an example in
Section 10.3.
As an additional example, in this case only of nonuniqueness, consider
the network in Fig. 10. You should find it easy to verify that the state
equation is

Fig. 10.

Nonlinear network with nonunique response.

Suppose q (to) = 0. Then it is a simple matter to show that


is a solution for all t0. Therefore this network does not have a unique
solution when q (to) = 0.

* Almost any text on nonlinear analysis will provide considerable information on this
subject; for example, Nicholas Minorsky, Nonlinear Oscillations, D. Van Nostrand Co.,
Princeton, N.J., 1962.



[Ch. 10

The conditions for a solution to exist for all t t0, the time interval of
interest to us, are usually established in two parts. First, given t t0,
conditions are established whereby a solution exists in an interval
t t t , where t is determined by properties of the function f(x, t) in
the interval t t t . Then conditions are established by which a
solution can be extended from one interval of time to the next until the
solution for all t to is insured.
A solution of (98) in the ordinary sense requires that x satisfy the differ
ential equation for all finite t t0. It is often possible to find a function
that satisfies (98) for almost all t, although dx/dt fails to exist for some
discrete values of t. To admit this type of function as a solution, we con
sider the integral equation

associated with (98). We shall call any solution of (99) a solution of (98)
in the extended sense. You should convince yourself that (99) can possess
a solution for t t and yet (98) will not have a solution in the ordinary
sense for t t .
Apropos of existence, we state the following theorem without proof:*

12. Given any t t and x(ti), the differential equation 98
possesses at least one continuous solution in the extended sense for t > t t ,
equal to x(ti) at time t , if f(x, t) is continuous in x for fixed t t and
locally integrable in t for t t and fixed x, and if ||f(x, t) || is bounded in
any bounded neighborhood of the origin 0 by a locally integrable function of
t for t t .

The conditions of this theorem are more extensive than needed to estab
lish existence of a solution for t > t t ; however, they are appro
priate to the statement of the next theorem on the extension of the solution
to the entire half-line t t .

13. Suppose the conditions of Theorem 12 on existence apply,
then any solution of (98) in the extended sense, equal to x(t ) at time t ,
may be extended to yield a defined solution for all t t , if ||f(x, t)||i
(t)(||x|| ), for t t , where (t) is non-negative and locally integrable
and where (v) is positive and continuous for v > 0 and satisfies

for some u > 0.

* See the footnote on page 757.

Sec. 10.5]



Other extension theorems exist* and may be more useful in a given situa
tion. One of these other theorems, because it is extremely simple, is given
in the problem set as a theorem to be proved.
Before continuing, let us indicate under what additional restrictions
the solution in the extended sense is also a solution in the ordinary sense.
Applying the definition of a derivative to the integral equation (99)

The solution in the extended sense is continuous. Therefore, if f(x, t) is

continuous in t, as well as being continuous in x, then f[x(), T] will be a
continuous function of r. Then the first mean-value theorem of integral
calculus may be used and, as a consequence, the above relation yields

for t t + t, if t > 0, or t + t t, if t < 0. Because f [x(), ]

is a continuous function of , the limit, on the right-hand side of the equa
tion, as t tends to zero exists and equals f[x(t), t]. Thus

since lim [x(t + t) x(t)]/t = dx/dt. Hence when f(x, t) is continuous


in t, as well as x, the solution of the integral equation is differentiable and

also satisfies the differential equation.
N o w that we know under what conditions a continuous solution exists
on the half-line t t0, it is significant to inquire as to what additional
restrictions are needed to guarantee a unique solution. This brings us to
the next theorem.
14. Suppose the conditions of Theorems 12 and 13 on existence
apply, then (98) possesses a continuous solution in the extended sense for
t t0 which is unique, if ||f(x1, t) f ( x , t)|| (t) ||x1 x || for t t
and for all xi and x in some neighborhood of every point, where (t) is a
non-negative, locally integrable function.

The added condition, ||f(x1, t) f ( x , t)|| (t)||x1 x || for t to and


* As an initial reference, see G. Sansone and R. Conte, Non-Linear

Equations, The Macmillan Co., New York, 1964.
See the footnote on page 757.




[Ch. 10

all x and x , that is needed to insure uniqueness is known as a Lipschitz

Let us pause for a moment and reexamine the example shown in Fig.
10 in the light of these theorems and side comments. The scalar q
establishes the state of the network. For compatibility of notation with
the theorems, we shall replace q by x. Then f(x, t) is the scalar function
3x . B y the existence theorem, a solution x(t) starting from x = 0 at
t = 0 exists for t in some positive time interval since 3x is continuous in
x and bounded in any bounded neighborhood of the origin; for example,
if for all x in some neighborhood of the origin | x| , then |3x 3
< .
B y the extension theorem, a solution can be extended to the entire
half-line t t if |3x | (|x|) for some continuous (v) with the property
(100). The condition is satisfied by taking (v) = 3v . B y the uniqueness
theorem, the solution will be unique if 3x satisfies a Lipschitz condition;
that is, if | 3 x 3x | | x x | for all x and x in some neighborhood
of every point, and for some finite . This condition is not satisfied. Take
x = 0; then for any finite the inequality is violated by taking |x1|
sufficiently small. The application of these theorems gives results that
conform with our prior knowledge of the solution as given in the example.



2 / 3






It is not necessarily an easy task to verify that the vector function

f(x, t) satisfies a Lipschitz condition. Therefore it is of value to realize
that if the partial derivatives df (x, t)/dx exist and are continuous in x
for almost all t t0, and are bounded in magnitude in some neighborhood
of every point by non-negative locally integrable functions of t t , then
the Lipschitz condition is satisfied. The proof of this fact will not be
given, but is suggested to you as a problem.
As an illustration of this means of showing that the Lipschitz condition is
satisfied, consider the network in Fig. 11 for t 1 . The state equation is

Fig. 11.

Nonlinear time-varying network.

Sec. 10.5]



Y o u should show that the conditions of the existence and extension

theorems are satisfied. Let us then turn our attention to the Lipschitz
condition. We shall set q = x and = x ; then

The partial derivatives of f (x,


t) with respect to x are


Obviously, the derivatives exist and are continuous in x \ and x for almost
all t; d f / d x
does not exist for t = 0. Further, | d f / d x \ 3|t|
\df /dx2\
1, |df /dx | 1, and |df /dx | 5; therefore, for all x and hence
in some neighborhood of every x, the derivatives are bounded by nonnegative locally integrable functions of t for t 1 . Thus the Lipschitz
condition is satisfied, and, by the uniqueness theorem, the solution will be
It can in fact be shown, as you should verify, that, when the summagnitude vector norm is used;


The same result would be obtained if the max-magnitude vector norm

were used.

In the case of time-varying networks we discovered various properties

of the solution by relating the state equation to a reference homogeneous
equation. A similar approach provides answers in the nonlinear case also.
Suppose the right-hand side of the nonlinear equation



[Ch. 10

is close, in a sense we shall define in subsequent theorems, to the righthand side of

Then we might anticipate that, if all solutions of the latter equation are
bounded or approach zero as t-> , the solutions of the former equation
will do likewise. It turns out that this inference is true if A(t) is a constant,
or periodic, matrix. It will be left as a task for you to show that a theorem
similar to those to be given does not exist when A(t) is an arbitrary timevarying matrix.
For networks that are close to being described by a time-invariant,
homogeneous differential equation (namely, A(t) = A) we shall present a
sequence of useful theorems. The first theorem describes conditions for a
bounded response.

15. Suppose all solutions of the reference


where A is a constant matrix, are bounded as t tends to infinity.

suppose f(x, t) = Ax + f(x, t) + g(t). Then all solutions of


with an initial vector x(t ) such that ||x(t )|| , where is a constant
depends on f(x, t), are bounded as t tends to infinity if



where is a suitably

chosen positive


The proof makes use of Gronwall's lemma. The state equation

Sec. 10.5]



is equivalent to the integral equation

A ( t - )

where e
is the transition matrix associated with (101). Upon taking
the norm of both sides of this equation and applying the usual norm
inequalities, it is found that

Since all solutions of (101) are bounded, a positive constant exists such
that | | e
| | for to T t and for all t t . Using this bound, that
of (102a), and ||x(t )|| , we get

provided ||x()|| for t t. Gronwall's lemma may be applied to

this relation by setting (t) = ||x(t)||, (t) = (t), and (t) = ||g(t)||. The
resulting inequality is

The second inequality, obtained by first letting t approach infinity and

then invoking (102c), shows that ||x(t)|| is bounded as t tends to infinity,
because ()d is bounded by virtue of (102b). It further shows that
||x(t)|| is uniformly bounded for all t. Hence ||x(t)|| for
and all t t0, as required to satisfy a preceding condition if

t t

Thus, unlike the case of the time-varying linear networks considered

previously, the boundedness depends on the initial state; that is, ||x(t )||
must be sufficiently small. Furthermore, the function g(t) is restricted as



[Ch. 10

indicated in (102c). (Note: the conclusion of the theorem becomes valid for
all initial states only if =
As the next theorem shows, the conclusions of the previous theorem can
be strengthened, if all solutions of (101) approach zero as t tends to infinity.
16. Suppose all solutions of the reference equation 101 in which A
is a constant matrix, approach zero as t tends to infinity.
suppose f(x, t) = Ax + B (t)x + f(x, t) + g(t). Then all solutions of the
nonlinear equation 98 with initial vector x(t ) such that ||x(t )|| , where
is a constant that depends on f(x, t), approach zero as t tends to infinity if


where and are suitably chosen positive


The proof of this theorem is somewhat different from previous proofs.

The integral equation equivalent to (98) is

Taking the norm of both sides and applying the usual norm inequalities

Since all solutions of (101) approach zero as t tends to infinity, positive

constants and v exist such that

Further, by (103c) there exists a positive constant such that

Sec. 10.5]



Using these bounds and ||x(to)|| , we find

or, equivalently,



Gronwall's lemma is applicable, with (t) = ||x(t)||e , (t) = ||B(t)|| +



(t) = e ||g()||. The result obtained is

The second inequality follows from the first upon letting t approach
infinity in the first integral and using (103b) with = v in the second
integral. Multiplication by e~ yields

Now set Y < v/2; then ||x(t) || is uniformly bounded, by virtue of (103a), and
less than

for all t t0. Hence, to satisfy the condition that ||x()|| < for t0 T t
and all t t , it is merely necessary to select such that



[Ch. 10

Further, with reference to the bound on ||x(t)||, we see that x(t) must
approach zero as t tends to infinity since ||x(t)|| is bounded by a decaying
Other theorems are possible. The two we have given establish the type
of conditions that are usually needed to get a proof. You will find it to be
a relatively easy task to vary these conditions and still get a valid proof.
For example, in the last theorem, condition (103c) can be replaced by
||f(x, t)|| ||x|| for ||x|| and sufficiently small. This variation is
significant because it permits a small linear term to be part of f(x, t).
In the two theorems given, if we replaced A by A(t), where A(t) is
periodic, we would still have true theorems. The proofs vary only slightly
from those given. You should determine what changes are needed.
As an illustration of the second theorem, consider the network in
Fig. 12 for t 0. With q = x1 and = x , the state equation is

Fig. 12.

Nonlinear time-varying network with no excitation.

First of all, we shall express this equation in the form to which the theorem
applies. Thus

The characteristic polynomial of A is d(s) = s + 5s + 1. The eigenvalues

are clearly negative real. (If the characteristic equation had been of

Sec. 10.5]



higher degree, then the Routh criterion or one of the other similar criteria
could have been used to show whether or not all the roots had negative
real part.) Thus all the solutions of (101) approach zero as t>. B y
using the sum-magnitude vector norm, we get


Thus condition (103a) is satisfied. Condition (103b) is met since g(t) = 0.

Now let us consider


The inequality follows from the fact that |x | |x | + |x |. Now, as

||x|| and hence |x | approach zero, 4 | x t a n h x | / | x | and hence
||f(x, t)|| /||x|| approach zero. This follows from the fact that

Thus condition (103c) is satisfied.

All the conditions of the theorem are satisfied; therefore, by Theorem
16, all solutions approach zero as t-> for ||x(0)|| . The value of
is not known, but we know that it does exist. You should take it upon
yourself to find a value of .



[Ch. 10

The assignment of the terms of f(x, t) to Ax and to f(x, t) is not unique.

In fact, any linear term can be assigned to Ax if its negative is assigned
to f. This flexibility can be utilized to help satisfy the condition (103c).
This is indeed the reason for expressing the term x in the example as
5x + 4x .



The several situations in which numerical solution of the state equation

is called for are (1) when the exact analytic solution cannot be determined,
(2) when an approximate analytic solution of sufficient accuracy can be
determined only by an inordinate amount of work, and (3) when a family
of solutions for only a limited number of parameter value variations
is sought. In this section we shall turn our attention to the numerical
solution of the state equation as expressed in the form


We shall develop some of the elementary methods of numerical solution of

(104) and state without proof one sophisticated method.


Several methods of numerical

easy to establish if one starts from
at some point in time in terms of
therefore treat this subject first.
To provide a basis in familiar
consider the vector function y(t)
with a remainder; that is



solution of the state equation become

an expression for the value of a function
its values at previous points. We shall
terms for the formula to be discussed,
expressed as a truncated power series

where y (t ) = d y(t)/dtk| .
Often y(t) can be approximated by the
polynomial obtained when r(t) is neglected. Of course, if y(t) is a polyi


Sec. 10.6]



nomial of degree no greater than j , then there is no error in such an approx

imation. The major fault with using (105) is that it requires knowledge
of the derivatives of y(t), and such knowledge may not be available.
To avoid the problem of evaluating derivatives of y(t), we shall search
for an alternative, but equivalent, representation of y(t). Let t ,
t ,
..., ti-j be a set of j distinct values of time. If we substitute each of
these values into (105), we obtain j equations with the derivatives as
unknowns. These m a y be solved for y ( t ) in terms of y(t ), y ( t ) , and
the remainder r ( t ) , where k = 1, ..., j . If these solutions for the y ( t )
are substituted into (105), the resulting expression for y(t) may be put
into the following form:






where r(t) is a remainder that is, of course, different from r(t); the a (t)
are polynomials in t of degree no greater than j . B y neglecting r(t), a
polynomial that approximates y(t) is obtained.
The coefficients a (t) are not as easy to evaluate as might be desired.
However, if the terms in (106) are rearranged to express y(t) in terms of
sums of and differences between, the various y ( t ) , the new coefficients are
easy to evaluate. This will become evident as the representation evolves.
Let us first define a set of functions, which are sums and differences of
the values of y(t) at different points in time, as follows:





Each function, after the first one, is the difference between the preceding
function at two successive instants in time, divided b y a time difference.
Thus these functions are known as divided differences. You should note
that, since the first divided difference is just y(t ) b y definition, all succes
sive divided differences are sums and differences of y(t) at various points
in time, divided b y time intervals.
Our next task is to express y(t) in terms of sums and differences of its
values at t , t , ...; that is, in terms of the divided differences. We shall




[Ch. 10

first express y(t) in terms of [t , t]. Then, b y expressing [t , t] in terms

of [ t i , t ] and [ t , t , t], we shall establish y(t) in terms of [ t i , t ]
and [ t i , t , t]. This substitution process will be continued to get y(t)
in terms of the divided differences of all orders.
Let us start with the divided differences [t , t]. B y (107b) we know that


B y substituting (107a), we get

N e x t , consider the divided difference [ t , t , t]. B y (107c) we obtain
an expression for [ t , t , t] which, when terms are rearranged, m a y be
written as


B y substituting in (108a), we obtain

From (107c) we know that

B y repeated use of this relation, (108b) becomes


is viewed as the error in approximating y(t) b y the polynomial

Sec. 10.6]



Based on previous comments relevant to (106), we know that e(t) = 0 if

y(t) is a polynomial of degree no greater than j . B y examining (109) you
will also observe that e(t) = 0 for t = t , t , ..., t
whether or not y(t)
is a polynomial.
Since divided differences are not as easy to calculate as simple differ
ences, we shall now reformulate (110) in terms of the simple differences
taken backwards, as follows.



These are defined as the backward differences. Let us assume in all that
follows that differences between adjacent values of time are equal; that is,
t t = h for k = i j + 1, ..., i. Then, starting with (111a), we obtain


Similarly, starting with (111b), we get

The second line follows from the first by using the previously derived
expression for Vy(t ), and the third line follows from the second by using
(107c). Continuing in this manner, it is found that




[Ch. 10

or, equivalently,


If this relationship between the divided differences and backward

differences is now inserted into (108c), we get


Similarly, the approximating polynomial of (110), obtained by neglecting

e(t), is


Equation 114 is Newton's backward-difference formula; (115) is that formula

truncated after j + 1 terms.


Using Newton's backward difference formula, we shall construct some

quite general formulas for the solution of the state equation at time t
in terms of the backward differences of its derivatives at preceding points
in time. These formulas, known as open formulas, are the basis for many
of the specific numerical methods to be presented subsequently.
Denoting d/dt by a dot and setting y(t) = x(t), we get from Newton's
backward-difference formula (115), truncated after j + 1 terms,

i + 1


If x(t) is integrated from t to t


i + 1

= t + h, the result is x ( t ) x(t );




Sec. 10,6]



B y substituting (116) into (117), we get

where b = 1, and, for k > 0,


The second integral in (119) is obtained from the first b y the change of
variable T = (t t )/h and the fact that t
= t lh. Upon evaluating this
integral for several values of k and substituting the result into (118),
we find that


We have, in a sense, achieved the goal. If we know x(t ), x(t1), ...,
and x(tj), then we can use the state equation t o determine x(to), x(ti),
..., and x(tj). The backward differences V x(tj), V x(tj), ..., and V x(t ) are
computed next, and (118) is used t o evaluate x ( t ) . The steps are then
repeated t o evaluate x(t + ) starting with x(t ), x(t ), ..., and x(tj+i).
Continuing in this way, the value of x(t) at t = t , t , ... is established.
We shall give this subject greater attention later.
Equation 118 states the dependency of ( t + ) on the immediately
preceding value of x (namely, x(t )) and on x(t ), Vx(t ), ..., and V x(t ). We
can just as easily establish the dependency of x ( t + ) on x(t ) for l O
and on x(t ), Vx(t ), ..., and V x(t ). This is accomplished b y integrating
x(t) from t
= t lh to t
= t + h. The integral relation obtained
thereby is


j + 1

j + 2

i l

i - l

i + 1

Upon substituting (116), we obtain



[Ch. 10

where b (l) = l + 1 and, for k > 0,



For subsequent use, values of the coefficients b (l) that appear in the very
general relation (122), are given in Table 1.

Table 1.

Values of b ()

Nothing has been said about the error arising from using the truncated
version of Newton's backward-difference formula. A good treatment of
truncation errors is to be found in most texts on numerical analysis.*
However, it should be noted that the error in (122) is proportional to
h . Thus, in an intuitive sense, if h is sufficiently small and j is sufficiently
large, the error should be quite small.



The relations obtained from (122) for the various values of l are known
as open formulas because x(t + ) depends not on x at t
but only on x at
previous points in time. On the other hand, the closed formulas to be
derived next exhibit a dependency relationship between x(t + ) and x at
as well as preceding points in time.
Set y(t) = x(t) and then replace t by t
in Newton's backwardi


i + 1

i + 1

* See, for example, R. W. Hamming, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers,
McGraw-HiU Book Co., New York, 1962.

Sec. 10.6]



difference formula, truncated after j + 1 terms. The resulting equation is


The integration of x(t) between t _ = t lh and t

the relation

i + 1

= t + h leads to


Upon substituting (124), it is found that


where c (l) = l + 1 and, for k > 0,



Values of c (l), for the completely general closed formula (126), have been
computed and are given in Table 2.

Table 2.

Values of c (l)



[Ch. 10

As in the case of the open formulas, the error in (126) due to truncating
Newton's backward difference formula for x(t) is proportional to h .
At first glance it might appear as though closed formulas are of little
value, since the state equation cannot be used to compute x(t + ) until
-(ti+ ) is known, and (126) cannot be used to determine x(t + ) until
(ti+ ) is known. However, the closed formulas are useful in numerical
solution of the state equation by what are known as predictor-corrector
methods, which we shall examine shortly.



Consider, simultaneously, the open formula (118) with j = 0 and the

state equation evaluated at t . Thus

The value of x at t = t inserted into the right-hand side of the second
equation gives the value of the derivative x(t ). When this is inserted into
the right-hand side of the first equation, the result is the value of x at
t . Alternate use of these two expressions leads to the values of x at
t + kh for all values of k. This numerical procedure is called Fuler's
We shall not devote much more attention to this elementary method
because the error is significantly larger than that associated with other
methods. There is the further undesirable feature that the error may grow
significantly as time progresses. This is best illustrated by example.
Consider the scalar equation

i + 1

with x(0) = 1. The exact solution e is concave upwards, as shown in Fig.

13. In Euler's method the value of x(h) is computed by using x(0) and the
slope of the solution passing through the point [x(0), 0]. As illustrated in
Fig. 13. x(h) is less than the exact solution value. You will find it easy to
convince yourself that the numerical solution, as it is computed for sub
sequent points in time, will depart by ever increasing amounts from the
exact solutiona most undesirable situation. This is illustrated in Fig. 13,
with h = 0.5, which is an unusually large value, so as to make this phe
nomenon more clearly evident.

Sec. 10.6]



Exact solution

Numerical solution

Fig. 13.

Numerical solution of dx/dt = x by the Euler method, with h = 0.5.




A modification of Euler's method is designed to overcome one of its

shortcomings by making x(t + ) dependent on x at both t and t
than at t alone.
We start with the closed formula (126), with j = 1 and 1=1; this gives

i + 1

which, if V x(t +i) = x(t + ) x(t ) is substituted, becomes


Thus, if (129) is used, x(t + ) is determined by x(t ) and the average of x

at t and t . At first glance it might appear that this relation is useless,
since x ( t ) can be determined from the state equation only when x ( t ) ,
which is the quantity being evaluated, is known. This difficulty is over
come in the following manner: Starting with x(t ), Euler's method is used
to predict the value of x ( t ) . With this predicted value of x ( t ) , equation
129, together with the state equation, is used to compute a corrected
value of x ( t ) . This last step is then repeated until successive corrected
values of x ( t ) are equivalent, to the desired numerical accuracy; for
example, equivalent to four significant decimal digits.

i + 1









[Ch. 10

This is the modified Euler method; as the words used were meant to
imply, it is a predictor-corrector method. It is just one method, perhaps the
most elementary one, from a large class of such predictor-corrector
methods, some others of which will be considered.
To illustrate the calculations required in the modified Euler method,
suppose that

is the state equation and x(0) = [1.000 2.000]'. We shall arbitrarily

set h = 0.1. Now, x(0) and the state equation together yield x(0) =
[1 3]'. Equation 128a in the Euler method gives

as the predicted value of x(h). The state equation then gives the corres
ponding value of x(h) as x(h) = [0.729 2.600]'. When (130) of the modi
fied Euler method is used, the first corrected value of x(h) becomes
[0.914 1.740]'. The state equation now gives a new value of x(h),
and (130) yields the second corrected value of x(h). These are

Repetition of this step yields a new x(h) and a third corrected value of
x(h); they are

Assuming that three-digit accuracy is adequate, the calculation of x(h) is

terminated, since the last two calculated values of x(h) are equivalent to
that accuracy. The evaluation of x(2h), x(3h), ... is carried out in the same
manner, with the next calculations beginning from the value of x(h) just


The open formula (118) for some j , such as the particular case of
j = 3 given here,

Sec. 10.6]



forms the basis for the Adams method. The state equation is used, of course,
to evaluate x(t ) from x(t ).
Like other methods that use the open and closed formulas with j > 1,
the Adam's method is not self-starting; that is, it is not sufficient to know
just the state equation and x(t ); the values of x ( t ) , ..., and x(t ) must also
be known, Only with this added information can the first complete set of
backward differences be calculated, at time t , and (118) used to evaluate

x(t + ).

The additional values of x needed to start the Adams method can be

generated by some other method. Alternatively, a truncated Taylor
series expansion at t for x(t) may be used to evaluate x ( t ) , ..., and x(t ).
To keep the errors in the Adams method and the series evaluation of the
starting values equivalent, the Taylor series should be truncated after
j + 2 terms; that is, the following truncated series should be used:

This series method clearly requires that f ( x , t) be sufficiently differentiable
( j times in x and t) at t ; only then can x ( t o ) be evaluated; for example,

x(t0) = f [(t0), to](t0) + f [ x ( t 0 ) , t0] = f [x(t0), t0]f[ (t0),


t0] + f [ x ( t 0 ) , t0].

To illustrate the Adams method, let us consider the very simple state

with x(0) = 0. Set h = 0.1 and take j = 3. Thus (131) will be the particular
case of (118) used here.
The starting values will be obtained using a truncated Taylor series.

Hence, the truncated series (132) is, in this case,



[Ch. 10

B y using this series, x(h), x(2h), and x(3h) are evaluated; thus x(h) = 0.0905,
x(2h) = 0.1637, x(3h) = 0.2222. With these values (131) can be used to
compute subsequent values of x(ih). These values along with those of the
several backward differences are shown in Table 3 for values of i up to 10.
For comparison, the exact values, (ih)e ,
of x at t = ih are also tabulated.

Table 3






























































V x(ih)

V x(ih)



A modification of the Adams method can be made, similar to the modifi

cation of the Euler method. The Adams method is used to predict a value
for x ( t ) . The closed formula (126) for some j and l = 0 is used repetitively
until, to the desired numerical accuracy, successive corrected values of
x ( t ) are equivalent. As a typical case, (131) [i.e., (118) with j = 3] is
used to predict the value of x ( t ) ; then



which is (126) with j = 3 and I = 0, is used to compute corrected values of
x ( t ) . This method is called the modified Adams method; like the modified
Euler method, it is a predictor-corrector method.

Sec. 1 0 . 6 ]




The Milne method is another predictor-corrector method; in particular

it is a method that makes good use of zeros that appear in Tables 1 and 2.
Equation 122 with j = 3 and l = 3 is used to predict the value of x ( t ) .
Because b (3) = 0, the term V x(t ) need never be included in the equation.

Note that only two backward differences are computed, as when truncat
ing the open formula (122) at j = 2. However, the accuracy is the same as
that achieved when truncating the open formula at j = 3 . The closed
formula (126) with j = 3 and l = 1 is used to compute the corrected values
of x ( t ) . Since c (l) = 0, only two, rather than three, backward differen
ces must be computed. Thus the equation may be written without the
V x(t + ) term as

A second Milne method uses the open formula (122) with j = 5 and
l = 5 to predict x ( t ) , and the closed formula (126) with j = 5 and l = 3
to correct x ( t ) . The fact that b (5) and c (3) are zero reduces the comput
ing effort to that expended when (122) and (126) are truncated at j = 4.




Several of the methods we have examined are predictor-corrector

methods. They belong to a large class of such methods that use the open
formula (122), for some j and l, to predict x(t + ); and the closed formula
(126), for some j and l, to correct x ( t ) . The indices j and l may be differ
ent in the two equations. As a matter of convention, (122) is called a
predictor and (126) is called a corrector.
To illustrate how these equations provide a particular method, let us
see how the modified Euler method can be improved without adding to
the amount of computing involved. The corrector


is (126) with j = 1 and l = 0. The predictor



[Ch. 10

is (122) with j = 0 and l = 0. Thus the predictor is not as accurate as the

corrector. This means that the corrector, most likely, will have to be used
more times to arrive at successive values of x(t + ) that are equivalent,
than would be necessary if the predictor and corrector had the same
accuracy. If you examine Table 1, you will find that bi(l) = 0. Thus (122)
with j = 1 and l=1 yields a predictor

with the same accuracy as the corrector; and the amount of computing
needed to predict x(t + ) is the same as with the original predictor.
You should make particular note of the fact that most of the predictorcorrector methods based on (122) and (126) are not self-starting. The
exceptions are (122) with j = 0 and l=0 and (126) with j = 0 or 1 and



The fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is widely known and used for

obtaining a numerical solution of the state equation. It is self-starting
a distinct advantageand quite accurate.
The fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is expressed by the equation

The validation of this equation will not be attempted, as it is quite long

and provides no useful information for development of other methods. It
is known that the error term is proportional to h . Thus, if h is sufficiently
small, we may well expect the error to be negligible.

Sec. 10.7]



Observe that no corrector is employed in the method. Compared with

other methods that have similar accuracy and no corrector, more comput
ational effort is required. For each time increment x must be evaluated
four times compared with only one evaluation in the other methods.
Furthermore, in a predictor-corrector method employing a sufficiently
small step size h, x will seldom be evaluated more than twice. Thus, the
Runge-Kutta method also compares poorly with a predictor-corrector
Let us observe, however, that the advantages and disadvantages of the
Runge-Kutta method and the predictor-corrector methods complement
each other. The Runge-Kutta method is self-starting and the predictorcorrector methods require less computation. Thus the Runge-Kutta
method is best used to start one of the predictor-corrector methods.

We have said very little about errors in the numerical solution of the
state equation except to point out the dependence on h of the error due to
truncation of Newton's backward-difference formula. There are other
errors, and you should be aware of how they occur.
There are errors that occur because arithmetic is done with numbers
having a limited number of significant digits. This type of error is known
as roundoff error, since the word "roundoff" denotes eliminating insigni
ficant digits and retaining significant digits.
The truncation and roundoff errors occurring at each step in the calcula
tion affect not only the error of the numerical solution at that step but also
the error at subsequent steps; that is, the error propagates.
Another source of error is properly viewed as a dynamic error and occurs
in the following manner. The equations used to obtain a numerical
solution of the state equation may exhibit more dynamically independent
modes than the state equation. If any of the additional modes are unstable
then the numerical solution may depart radically from the actual solution.
We shall not consider errors any further but refer you to books on
numerical analysis. (See Bibliography.)



In the case of linear networks, for which general analytic solutions of the
state equation exist and can be determined, it is possible to examine the
solution and study its properties. In particular, it is possible to make



[Ch. 10

observations about the stability properties of the solutionwhether it

remains bounded or even approaches zero as t -> . For nonlinear net
works general analytic solutions do not exist, and so quantitative obser
vations cannot be made about the solution. It is important therefore to
have some idea of the qualitative behavior of a solution of the state
equation, in particular its behavior as t -> , which describes the degree
of stability or instability of the solution.


The nonlinear state equation is repeated here:


It is observed that at those points at which f(x, t) = 0 for all t t0, the
time rate of change of x is identically zero. This implies of course that if
the state starts at or reaches one of these points, it will remain there.
Clearly these points are distinctive; they are therefore, given the special
name of singular
The subject of stability is concerned with the behavior of the state
equation solution relative to a singular point. It is a matter of convenience
in definitions and theorems to make the singular point in question the
origin. To see that this is always possible, let x be a singular point. Next,
set y(t) = x(t) x . Then x(t) = x corresponds to y(t) = 0. The equivalent
identification x(t) = y(t) + x substituted in the state equation 137 gives


Since y and x differ only by the constant vector x , either determines the
state of the network. If we view y as the state vector, then (138) is the
state equation and the origin is a singular point. Thus, without loss of
generality, we shall assume that (137) establishes the origin as a singular
In what follows we shall be using norms without reference to a particu
lar norm; however, the illustrations will pertain to the Euclidean norm.
We shall let Sp denote the spherical region ||x|| < in vector space and
B denote the boundary of the spherical region S . Thus B is the sphere

It is assumed that a unique, continuous solution of the state equation

exists in the spherical region S . The locus of points x(t) in vector space

Sec. 10.7]



for t t is called a positive half-trajectory or, for brevity, trajectory and

is denoted by x+.
Each of the following three definitions is illustrated in Fig. 14 to give a
visual as well as a verbal interpretation of stability.



Fig. 14. Illustrations of stability definitions: (a) Stable origin: (6) asymptotically
stable origin; (c) unstable origin.

The origin is stable, if for each R < E there is an R such
that any trajectory x originating in S remains in S R . [The point at which
the trajectory originates is x(t ).]

The asymptotic behavior of the solution as t -> is determined b y the

set of points that the trajectory approaches at t -> . If the trajectory
tends to the origin, the particular type of stability is given a name.



[Ch. 10

More precisely,
The origin is asymptotically stable if it is stable and if for any
e > 0 there exists a t such that the trajectory remains in S for t > t .

This definition states in a precise way that x(t) approaches zero as t tends
to infinity, by requiring the existence of a value of time after which the
norm of the solution remains less than any abritrarily small number.
Observe that both stability and asymptotic stability are local, or in-thesmall, properties, in that their definitions permit r > 0 to be as small as
necessary to satisfy the defintion. On the other hand, if, when R =
the origin is asymptotically stable for r = + , then the origin is said to
be asymptotically
stable in-the-large, or globally asymptotically
stable. In
other words, x(t) approaches zero as t tends to infinity for all x(t ).
Since not all networks are stable, the concept of instability must be
made precise; this is done by the next definition.

The origin is unstable, if for some R < E and any r R there
exists at least one trajectory originating in S that crosses B R .

The conditions under which the origin is stable or asymptotically

stable are stated in terms of the existence of certain classes of functions.
We shall now define these functions.
The scalar function V(x) is said to be positive definite, if
(1) V(x) and its first partial derivatives are continuous in an open region*
D containing the origin, (2) V(0) = 0, and (3) V(x) > 0 for x 0 in D .
Because the scalar function V may sometimes be an explicit function of t
as well as of x, the notion of positive definiteness must be extended to
such cases.
The scalar function V(x, t) is said to be positive definite, if
(1) V(x, t) and its first partial derivatives are continuous for t t0 and in an
open region D containing the origin, (2) V(0, t) = 0 for t t 0 , and (3)
V(x, t) W(x) for t t 0 , where W(x) is a positive definite function of x
The continuity of the first partial derivatives guarantees the existence
of VV(x, t), the gradient of V(x, t). Therefore we may write

* A region is said to be open if it contains none of its boundary points.

Sec. 10.7]



The last form follows since dx/dt = f(x, t) along a trajectory of the network.
Thus it is meaningful to talk about the time rate of change of V along a
trajectory of the network. A very important class of functions is defined
on the basis of the sign of this rate of change.
A positive definite function V(x, t) is called a Liapunov
function ifdV/dt 0 along trajectories in D,
On the basis of these definitions we can now discuss the question of
stability and the conditions under which a singular point is stable.


In order to make the theorems relating to stability more meaningful

we shall observe the behavior of a particularly simple Liapunov function
V(x), which is time invariant and involves a state vector with only two
elements, x and x .
Since V() > 0 for x 0 and V(x) = 0 for x = 0, v= V(x) may be
depicted as a bowl-shaped surface tangent to the x x plane at the
origin, as shown in Fig. 15. The intersection of this surface with the hori
zontal planes v = C , where C < C < ..., will be closed curves. If these

Fig. 15.

Liapunov function.

curves are projected vertically into the x x plane, they will form a set of
concentric constant-V contours with the value of V decreasing toward
zero as the contours are crossed in approaching the origin. This is illustra
ted in Fig. 15. Since V is a Liapunov function, V must be nonincreasing
along a trajectory. Hence a trajectory originating inside the contour
V(x) = C can never cross that contour. The trajectory is thus constrained
to a neighborhood of the origin. This is very nearly the condition laid



[Ch. 10

down for stability. Therefore, we may properly anticipate that stability

follows from the existence of a time-invariant Liapunov function.
Although this illustration used a two-element state vector, it is not difficult
to imagine the generalization to a state vector with n elements.
The theorems to be given next will make these notions more precise
and will permit the Liapunov function to vary with time.
17. The origin is stable if in an open region D containing the origin
there exists a Liapunov function such that V(x, t) U(x) for all t t
where U(x) is a positive definite function.

This theorem is proved as follows. Given a number R, let C be the mini

m u m value* of W(x) for all x such that ||x|| = R. Let x be a vector x
having the least norm for which U(x) = C. This vector exists and is not the
zero vector, since U(x) = 0 if and only if x = 0. Further, because I7(x)
W(x) for all t t , ||x || R. Let r = ||x ||. Then any trajectory origin
ating in S does not leave S . This is verified as follows: B y continuity,
if x(to) is contained in S , then x(t) must be contained in S for small
values of tt . Suppose, at t , that ||x(t )|| = R. Then

Because x was a vector x of least norm for which U(x) = C and because
V(x, t) U(x) for all t t0, V(x, t ) < C for all x such that ||x|| < ||x || = r.
Thus for all x(t ) in S ,

Next, because dV/dt 0,
Clearly, (140) is in contradiction with (141) and (142). Thus t does not
exist and x is contained in S .
This proof can be given the following geometrical interpretation when
x is a 2-vector, as illustrated in Fig. 16. The relation W(x) = C defines a
closed contour K contained in S plus its boundary B . The relation
U(x) = C defines a closed contour K contained in the closed region

* Recall from the definition for a time-varying positive definite function V(x, t)
that W(x) is a time-invariant positive definite function such that V(x, t) > W(x) for all

A region is said to be closed if it includes all the points of its boundary.

Sec. 10.7]


Fig. 16.


Liapunov-function contour Ks(t) for stable origin.

bounded by K . The spherical region S is the largest in the open region

bounded by K . Since W(x) V(x, t) U(x) for all t t , V(x, t) = C
defines a closed contour K (t) contained in the annular region bounded
between K and K , Now, since V[x(t ), t ] <C for all x(t ) in S and
dV/dt 0, a trajectory originating in S cannot cross K (t) for t t .
This means that x cannot cross K either and must remain in S .
N o w let us turn to asymptotic stability. To establish asymptotic
stability, an additional hypothesis must be introduced.

18. The origin is asymptotically stable if in an open region D
containing the origin there exists a Liapunov function such that V(x, t) U(x)
for all t t , where U(x) is a positive definite function, and such that
dV/dt is positive definite.

The additional requirement for asymptotic stability is that dV/dt be

positive definite. The proof of this theorem begins where the proof of the
previous theorem stopped. Select any e that satisfies 0 < e r. We must
show that there exists a t such that x is contained in S for all t > t .
In the proof of the previous theorem, the value of r depended only on R
and not on t . Therefore we may infer the existence of a dependent
only on e such that a trajectory, passing through a point of S at time t ,
remains in S for t > t . To complete the proof, we must show that x
originating in S at time t0, passes through a point of S . Let w be the
least value of W(x) for x such that ||x|| R. Then, since V(x, t)
W(x) for t to, V[x(t), t] <w only if x(t), which remains in S for all
t t0, is also in S . We shall use this fact to show by contradiction that
x(t) is contained in S for some t t0. Because dV/dt is positive definite,
a positive definite function W(x) exists such that dV/dt W for all



[Ch. 10

t t0. Let w be the least value of W(x) for x such that /2 ||x||
Then, under the restriction /2 ||x|| R,


Since dV/dt w this relation yields the inequality

valid for /2 ||x|| R. Now suppose x(t) is not in S for any t to ; that
is ||x(t)|| R for all t t . Then, by (143),

This is a contradiction, since V[x(t), t] < w only if x(t) is in S. The proof

is now complete.
There remains the question of asymptotic stability in-the-large, which
we shall address by means of a theorem. The additional condition in this
theorem requires the use of a particular type of positive definite function,
which we shall now define. Loosely speaking, a function is radially
unbounded if V(x, t) grows without bound, independent of the value of
t t0, as x moves away from the origin or, alternatively, as ||x|| increases.
In more precise terms, V(x, t) is said to be radially unbounded if, given
any M > 0, there exists an m such that V(x, t) > M for all t t whenever
||x|| > m. With this background, we may state the theorem.

19. The origin is asymptotically stable in-the-large if there exists
a Liapunov function defined everywhere (the state equation has a solution)
such that V(, t) U(x) for all t t , where U(x) is a positive definite
function, such that W(x) is radially unbounded* and such that dV/dt is
positive definite.

The proof does not depart very much from those given for the previous
two theorems. Therefore it is left for you as an exercise.
Let us now illustrate some of the preceding theory with examples.
Consider the network shown in Fig. 17. It is described by the state

* See the footnote on page 757.

Sec. 10.7]


Fig. 17.


Nonlinear network.

Though we shall not do so, it can be shown that the solution of this
state equation exists and is unique for all initial-state vectors x(t );
that is, the positive scalar E that appears in the stability definitions
is infinite.
A decision as to stability requires the discovery of a Liapunov function.
There is no algorithm that can be followed to arrive at one. Experience is
a guide; so, to gain some experience, let us see if the positive-definite

is a Liapunov function. To make this determination we must examine

dV/dt; the result is

The second line is obtained by substituting dxi/dt and dx /dt from the
state equation. Clearly dV/dt is positive definite. Thus V is a Liapunov
function that, furthermore, satisfies the additional restrictions of the
theorem on asymptotic stability in-the-large. You may feel we forgot to
consider the problem of selecting U(x); however, a moment's reflection
will convince you that, when V is time invariant, the supplemental
condition calling for the existence of a U(x) with the properties indicated
is trivially satisfied by setting U(x) = V(x). We now know that the origin
is asymptotically stable in-the-large.
It is not always possible to establish asymptotic stability in-the-large.
Often only local stability properties can be certified. As an example,



Fig. 18.

[Ch. 10

Nonlinear time-varying network.

consider the network illustrated in Fig. 18. It has the state equation

for which a unique solution may be shown to exist for all initial-state
vectors. We shall use the same positive-definite function as before to be a
trial Liapunov function; that is,

To verify that this function is a Liapunov function, we must evaluate

dV/dt; the result is

The second line follows by substitution of dx /dt and dx /dt from the
state equation. Observe that dV/dt is positive definite if 6x tanh x
is positive for x 0. This is approximately equivalent to |x |
< 5.99999. Now, in the open region |x | < 5.99999 (all values of x are
allowed) dV/dt is bounded from below by the positive-definite function

which we may take to be W(x). This is just one W(x) function; other
positive-definite functions m a y also be found and used for W(x).
All the conditions of the theorem on asymptotic stability have been
satisfied; therefore the origin is locally asymptotically stable. In fact, it
may be shown, though we shall not do so, that all trajectories originating
inside the disk of radius 5.99999 in the x x plane approach the origin

Sec. 10.7]





The stability theorems only specify sufficient conditions for stability,

not necessary conditions. Therefore, if the conditions of the theorem are not
satisfied, it is still possible for the origin, or other singular point being
investigated, to be stable in one of the three senses considered. Another
way in which the question of stability can be answered with certainty is
to find sufficient conditions for instability. Thus, if it can be shown that
the sufficiency conditions of some instability theorem are satisfied, then
the origin cannot be stable. The following instability theorem, due to
Chetaev, embraces two instability theorems originally formulated b y
20. Let D be an open region containing the origin and let D be an
open region in D such that (1) the origin is a boundary point of D ; (2) for
all t t the function V(x, t) is positive and, along with its first partial
derivatives, is continuous in D ; (3) dV(x, t)/dt W(x) for t t , where
W(x) is positive and continuous in D ; (4) V(x, t) U(x) for t t , where
U(x) is continuous in D ; and (5) U(x) = 0 at the boundary points ofD in D .
Then the origin is unstable.

The proof is quite short. The illustrations in Fig. 19 are

proof. Pick R such that D does not lie entirely within S .
trarily small, positive r R, it is possible to find a point
D . Let x(t ) be such a point. B y conditions 4 and 5 there



Points common
to Dr and SR

Fig. 19.

helpful in the
For any arbi
in both S and
exists a region

Unstable origin.



[Dh. 10

contained entirely within D such that U(x) is greater than V[x(t ), t ] > 0;
denote it by D . Let w > 0 denote the greatest lower bound assumed by
W(x) at the points common to both D and S . Now

yields the inequality

since V(x, t) V[x(t ), t ] and dV/dt w at the same points. B y condition

4 , V(x, t) is bounded from above at those points that are common to both
D and S . Therefore the above inequality indicates that the trajectory
originating at x(t ) must reach the boundary of those points in both D
and S . B y the way we constructed D , the trajectory must, in fact,
reach a point of R , the boundary of S .


Fig. 20.

Unstable nonlinear network.

To illustrate this instability theorem, consider the network shown in

Fig. 20. It possesses the state equation

It is possible to show, though we shall not do so, that a unique solution

exists for all x(to). The function

is positive for |x | < |x |. If the conditions of the instability theorem are to

be satisfied, then we must show that dV/dt > 0 for |x | < |x | in some
neighborhood of the origin. To start with,

Sec. 10.7]


Upon substituting dx \dt


and dx /dt,


we get

The second line was obtained from the first b y adding and subtracting
x . Clearly,

The latter expression is clearly positive for |x | < |x | in every neighbor

hood of the origin. Thus the origin must be unstable.



Observe the nature of the stability theorems. We are not given a definite
prescription to follow; that is, there is no defined set of steps at the end of
which we can reach an unambiguous conclusion as to whether or not the
network is stable. Rather, the theorems provide a "hunting license."
They ask that we seek a Liapunov function whose value remains bounded
by a time-invariant positive-definite function. Finding an appropriate
Liapunov function is a creative, inductive act, not a deductive one.
The functional form of a Liapunov function is not rigidly fixed. On the
one hand, this is an advantage, because it affords a greater opportunity to
establish stability by trying numerous potential Liapunov functions. On
the other hand, it is a disadvantage, because there are no guidelines in
picking a potential Liapunov function from the countless positive-definite
functions one can think of. We shall now discuss a particular Liapunov
function for time-invariant networks and establish, as a consequence, an
alternative set of conditions for stability. Following this, we shall discuss
a method of generating Liapunov functions.
Suppose that the network under consideration is described by the timeinvariant state equation
Let us make explicit note of the fact that f(x) is a real-valued vector
function of x. In searching for a possible Liapunov function, consider



[Ch. 10

This is first of all a positive-definite function. We must therefore examine

dV/dt. The time derivative of f(x) is


where F(x) is the Jacobian matrix of f(x); that is,


Now, differentiation of (145) and subsequent substitution of (146) leads



The matrix [F'(x) + F(x)] is symmetric and real; if it is also positive

semidefinite in some neighborhood of the origin, then dV/dt 0 and the
theorem on stability is verified. Other fairly obvious conditions give either
local or global asymptotic stability. These results, due to Krasovskii,
are stated precisely in the following theorem:
21. Let f(x) be differentiable with respect to x and let f(0) = 0;
then the origin is (1) stable if [F'(x) + F ( x ) ] is positive semidefinite in
some neighborhood of the origin, (2) asymptotically stable if [F'(x) + F(x)]
is positive definite in some neighborhood of the origin, or (3) asymptotically
stable in-the-large if [F'(x) + F(x)] is positive definite for allx and f'(x) f(x)
is radially unbounded.
To illustrate this theorem, consider the network in Fig. 21. The state

Sec. 10.7]



equation for this network

has a unique solution for all x(t ). The Jacobian matrix is



Fig. 21.

Asymptotically stable nonlinear network.

Upon adding F'(x) to F(x) and taking the negative of the resulting matrix,
we find

The ascending principal cofactors are

Clearly, each of these cofactors is positive and, hence, [F'(x) + F(x)]

is positive definite for all x , x <2/3, and all x .* Thus the origin is

* See Section 7.2 for a discussion of the conditions for positive definiteness of a matrix.
Then see Problem 18 in Chapter 7 for the particular criterion for positive definiteness
used here.



[Ch. 10

asymptotically stable. The asymptotic stability is not global because the

x2 needed to make [F'(x) + F(x)] positive definite is bounded from above
and below.
This last theorem, though useful, is restrictive in that the Liapunov
function is completely specified once the state equation is given. To make
full use of the stability theorems, one must have some freedom to try
different potential Liapunov functions. Obviously, however, something
more than trial and error would be valuable. What is needed is some
guideline for generating a Liapunov function. We shall now discuss such
a procedure.
In what follows, the state equation is permitted to be time-varying;
however, the Liapunov function is required to be time-invariant. The time
derivative of V along a trajectory of the state equation is



is the gradient of V. From (149) it is clear that the sign of dV/dt is deter
mined by the sign of the gradient of V, since f(x, t) is known. Hence,
instead of looking for a Liapunov function V the sign of whose derivative
will be suitable, we can look for a gradient function V V that, in (149),
makes dV/dt have the appropriate sign. Then the Liapunov function V
itself can be determined by the line integral of the gradient from 0 to x:


If the scalar function V is to be uniquely determined by this line integral

Sec. 10.7]



of its gradient, then the Jacobian matrix of V V with respect to x


must be s y m m e t r i c * Assume D(x) is symmetric and hence V(x) is unique.

This implies the integral is independent of the path of integration. Thus
we m a y use the most convenient path. Such a path would lie along coor
dinate axes or parallel to coordinate axes, as in the following expanded
form of (150):

As you see, the problem of finding a Liapunov function b y picking an
arbitrary positive-definite function V(x), and then ascertaining whether or
not dV/dt is non-negative or positive definite, has been replaced b y pick
ing a function V V(x) such that dV/dt is non-negative or positive definite,
as determined from (149), and D(x) is symmetric, and then ascertaining
whether or not V(x) is positive definite. Usually there is less guesswork
involved in using this latter method, which is known as the variablegradient method. However, this method of finding a Liapunov function is
not really decisive; if the V(x) found from the selected gradient function
does not turn out to be positive definite, it cannot be concluded that the
* The requirement that D(x) be symmetric is equivalent to requiring that the curl
of VF(x) be zero. It is a known theorem of vector analysis that, when the curl of a vector
is zero, the vector is the gradient of a scalar function. For further discussion see H. Lass,
Vector and Tensor Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1950, p. 297.



[Ch. 10

origin is not stable in some sense. It only means that a suitable Liapunov
function has not yet been found.
It is usual practice to start by selecting the gradient of V to be of the


The scalars may be functions of x, though for subsequent ease in

evaluating the line integral (152), it is desirable for them to be constant.
The variable-gradient method may be summarized by a simple set of
rules: (1) determine dV/dt as specified in (149) by using VV(x) of (153);
(2) select the coefficients such that dV/dt is non-negative or positive
definite and D(x) is symmetric; (3) evaluate V(x) by using the line integral
of (152); and (4) determine whether or not V(x) is positive definite.
To illustrate the variable-gradient method, consider the network
illustrated in Fig. 22. The state equation is



k= 1

Fig. 22.

Nonlinear network.

We first compute dV/dt from (149) as follows:

Sec. 10.7]

Let us pick

1 1

such that the coefficient of x x



is zero; that is,

Then, if dV/dt is to be positive definite, we must have


2 1

= b and

2 2

= a, where a and b are positive constants. Then


If D(x) is to be symmetric, then


1 2

must satisfy the partial differential

As you may easily verify, the solution of this equation is

Hence substituting this expression for


1 2

into the relation for VV(x)



[Ch. 10

Before taking the line integral of VV(x), we must verify that dV/dt is
positive definite for the chosen and , and the resultant derived
by the symmetry condition of D(x). To verify that dV/dt is positive
definite, we must show that the two previously stated inequalities hold.
First = b, so is positive. Second,
2 1

2 1

2 2

1 2

2 1

so, for a > 2b and x\ and x sufficiently small, 2 + ( l x )

positive. The line integral of VV() according to (152) is

1 2

2 2


This function may be expressed as the quadratic form

which you may easily verify is positive definite provided a > 0, a condi
tion already imposed, and a + ab > 2 b . This latter inequality is satisfied
when the previous requirement a > 2b is satisfied. Thus, for a > 2b, a
Liapunov function has been constructed such that dV/dt is positive
definite in a suitably small neighborhood of the origin. This implies that
the origin is asymptotically stable.
In this section we have introduced the basic concepts of Liapunov
stability relative to a singular point, have proven some basic theorems on
stability, and have given two methods by which to guide a search for a
Liapunov function. Much more is known. The concept of stability can be
extended in a useful way to stability relative to a set of points. More
sophisticated theorems on stability and instability exist. Also, other
guidelines for selecting a Liapunov function for specific classes of problems
are known. These advanced topics are treated in the books on stability
listed in the bibliography.



1. Derive the state equations for the time-varying networks shown in Fig.
P1 by using the state vector of (5). Repeat with the state vector of (10)
Assume the element parameters are in Farads, Ohms, or Henrys.




Fig. P1
2 . Suppose



[Ch. 10

for all t, t t . Prove that


for all t t0.

3. Use the condition in Problem 2 to determine which of the following

matrices A(t) commutes with its integral A() d for all t t0:
J to





4. For those matrices A(t) of Problem 3 that commute with their integral


dr for all tt0,

express e x p [ A ( ) d], the solution of (21),

as a matrix.
5. Which of the following state equations, with t0 = 0, have a solution
in the extended sense? Of those that do, which have a solution in the
ordinary sense? Of those that have a solution only in the extended sense,
indicate whether or not the associated homogeneous equation has a
solution in the ordinary sense.








Determine Y(t) and then Q(t) and P in Y(t) =


p t





(Hint: In each case A(t) commutes with *A() d; therefore (28)

is valid.)

J ^0




[Ch. 10

7. By Theorem 5, with t = 0, for which of the following state equations

are all solutions bounded as t -> ?





8 . If all eigenvalues of A have negative real part, select an and such


A t

(Hint: Start with e expressed in terms of the constituent matrices

and eigenvalues of A.)
9. By Theorem 6, with t = 0, for which of the following state equations
are all solutions bounded as t-> ?







10. Prove Theorem 7.

11. Prove Theorem 9.
12. Prove Theorem 10.
13. Consider the following state equations:




Take t = 0. By Theorem 7, for which of these state equations do all

solutions approach zero as t -> , if is sufficiently small? In those
cases to which Theorem 7 applies, determine an upper bound on .
14. For each of the following state equations, indicate which of Theorems
8, 9, and 10 have their conditions satisfied. If the state equation involves
a parameter , indicate permissible values that may assume. Take
t = 1.




[Ch. 10






15. Verify that the network illustrated in Fig. 8 has the state equation
given on p. 743.
16. Consider the following state equations:



Take t0 = 0. By Theorem 11, for which of these state equations do all

solutions approach zero at t> ?



17. Let Y(t) Y() be the state-transition matrix associated with (71).
Prove the theorem obtained after replacing condition (72a) in Theorem
11 by

Does this new theorem apply to the example following Theorem 11?
If so, find a value for . This new theorem is less restrictive than
Theorem 11, but it may be more difficult to apply. Explain why.
18. Show that the state equations in the examples of Section 10.7 are those
for the networks illustrated in Figs. 17, 18, 20, 21, and 22.
19. Derive the state equations for each of the networks in Fig. P19.




Fig. P19



[Ch. 10

2 0 . Derive the state equations for the amplifier depicted in Fig. P20a. Use
the transistor model shown in Fig. P20b.


Fig. P20
21. Derive the state equations for the amplifier depicted in Fig. P21. Use
the transistor model shown in Fig. P20b.
22. Derive the state equations for the amplifier shown in Fig. P22. Use
the transistor model depicted in Fig. P20b.
23. Derive the state equations for the amplifier depicted in Fig. P23. Use
the transistor model shown in Fig. P20b.
24. (a) Show that f in (81a) must be identically zero or that f and g
in (85) must be differentiable functions in order to express v and
v as functions of x, e, and de/dt.
(b) Show that f , in (75b), must be identically zero or that f and
g in (79) must be differentiable functions in order to express i and
i as functions of x, e, and de/dt.


L l

L l

L t


C t

C l


C t



Fig. P21

Fig. P22

Fig. P23
25. Consider the networks that can be represented as the interconnection
of a capacitor subnetwork, an inductor subnetwork, and a resistor and
independent source subnetwork as shown in Fig. P25a. Formulate the
state equation in terms of the port parameters of each subnetwork



[Ch. 10

when the state vector is the concatenation of a set of linearly inde

pendent port charge variables, q , for the capacitor subnetwork and a
set of linearly independent port flux variables, , for the inductor
subnetwork. Apply the result to establish a state equation for the
network in Fig. P25b.


Resistor and



Resistor and



Fig. P25
26. Using Theorem 13, determine which of the following state equations
has a solution for all t 2.








27. Prove the following theorem: Suppose the conditions of Theorem 12 on

existence apply, then any solution of (98) in the extended sense, equal to
x(t ) at time t0, may be extended to yield a defined solution for all t t0,
if x'f (x, t) < 0 for t t0. (Hint: Start by writing the differential equation
that is satisfied by the scalar x'x.)

28. Using the theorem proved in Problem 27, determine which of the follow
ing state equations has a solution defined for all t 1:






[Ch. 10



Would Theorem 13 also have established the existence of those

29. (a) Prove that the theorem stated in Problem 27 remains valid if the
condition x' f (x, t) < 0 is replaced by x'P f (x, t) < 0, where P is a
symmetric positive-definite matrix.
(b) If possible, apply the result of (a) to the following state equations:

30. Prove that f (x, t) satisfies a Lipschitz condition if the partial derivatives
dfi (x, t)/dxj exist, are continuous in x for almost all t t0, and are
bounded in magnitude in some neighborhood of every point by nonnegative locally integrable functions of t t . Show by counterexample
that these conditions are not necessary and therefore are only sufficient.

31. Verify that each of the functions f (x, t) in Problems 28 and 29 satisfies
a Lipschitz condition in the neighborhood ||x x|| < 1 of the arbitrary
point x by finding a (t) that satisfies the conditions set forth in
Theorem 14.
32. For each of the following state equations, verify whether the conditions
of Theorems 15 and/or 16 are satisfied. Set t = 1.








In each case, specify an upper bound on ||x(to)||.

33. Prove Theorems 15 and 16 after replacing A by A(t), where A(t) is a
periodic matrix.
34. Prove Theorem 16 after replacing (103c) by the condition ||f(x, t)|| < | | x | |
for ||x|| < and sufficiently small.
35. Prove the following theorem: Suppose all solutions of the reference

are bounded as t tends to infinity. Further, suppose f (x, t) =

A(t) + f (x, t) + g(t). Then all solutions of

with an initial vector x(t ) such that ||x(t )|| < , which is a constant
depending on f (x, t), are bounded as t tends to infinity, if



[Ch. 10


where Y(t) Y ( ) is the state-transition matrix associated with the reference

equation, and if

where is a suitably chosen positive constant.

36. Consider the second-order system

Let x be a singular point. Suppose f (x ) = A 0. If the eigenvalues

of A are not imaginary, it is known* that the behavior of the solution
in the neighborhood of x is the same as that of y + x , where y
satisfies the equation of first approximation at x ; that is,

Let y = Pz, where P is a nonsingular 2 2 matrix. Then z is the solution

of the equation

(a) When A has distinct real eigenvalues and, in some cases, equal real
eigenvalues, there exists a P such that

Solve for the elements of P in terms of the elements of A and the

eigenvalues and .

* Solomon Lefschetz, Differential Equations: Geometric Theory, 2nd ed., Interscience,

New York, pp. 188-195.



(b) Solve for z and sketch a typical set of trajectories in the z z

plane, when (i) both eigenvalues are positive, (ii) both eigenvalues
are negative, and (iii) the eigenvalues have opposite sign.
(c) In case (iii) above, the trajectories corresponding to z (to) = 0 or
z (t ) = 0 terminate at the origin and are known as separatrices. Since
the word separatrix means something that separates, why do you think
the word is applied to each of these particular trajectories ?

3 7 . With reference to Problem 36 and for each of the following A matrices,

(i) determine the eigenvalues and , (ii) determine the trans
formation P, (iii) sketch a typical set of trajectories in the z z plane,
and (iv), using the results from (iii) and the transformation y = Pz,
sketch a typical set of trajectories in the y y plane.





3 8 . With reference to Problem 36:

(a) When A has equal real eigenvalues ( = = ) and is not diagonal,
there exists a P such that

Solve for the elements of P in terms of the elements of A and the

eigenvalue .
(b) Solve for z and sketch a typical set of trajectories in the z . z
plane, when (i) is positive and (ii) is negative.
(c) For

(i) determine , (ii) determine P, (iii) sketch a typical set of trajectories

in the z z plane, and (iv), using the result from (iii) and the trans
formation y = Pz, sketch a typical set of trajectories in the y y



[Ch. 10

3 9 . With reference to Problem 36:

(a) When A has conjugate complex eigenvalues ( = = + j),
there exists a P such that

Solve for the elements of P in terms of the elements of A and the real
and imaginary parts, and , of the eigenvalues,
(b) Polar coordinates in the z z plane are r and , where r = z
+ z and tan = z /z . Verify that

(c) Solve for r and and sketch a typical set of trajectories in the
z z plane, when (i) is positive and (ii) is negative.
(d) For

(i) determine and , (ii) determine P , (iii) sketch a typical set of

trajectories in the z z plane, and (iv), using the result from (iii) and
the transformation y = Pz, sketch a typical set of trajectories in the
y y plane.

40. With reference to Problem 36: The singular point x is called (i) a node
if A has distinct, real eigenvalues of the same sign, (ii) a log-node if
A has equal, real eigenvalues, (iii) a saddle if A has real eigenvalues of
opposite sign, and (iv) a focus if A has conjugate complex eigenvalues
with nonzero real part. The singular point is said to be stable, if both
eigenvalues are negative real or have negative real part; otherwise, the
singular point is said to be unstable. Let = det A and = tr A.
Divide the plane into regions corresponding to the different
classifications for a singular point such as stable node.

41. With reference to Problem 36: The x x plane is known as the phase
plane, and a typical set of trajectories in the phase plane is called a
phase portrait. For each of the following state equations find the singular
points and, using the results of Problems 36 through 40, sketch a phase



portrait in the neighborhood of each singular point and classify the

singular point:





Sketch a phase portrait valid throughout the phase plane using the
local phase portraits just completed. You will find it useful to keep in
mind that x , for i = 1 and 2, is increasing along a trajectory in that
region of the phase plane where f (x) > 0 and decreasing along a tra
jectory in that region of the phase plane where f (x) < 0. Furthermore,
the trajectory is vertical [horizontal] where it crosses the curve
f (x) = 0[f (x) = 0].

42. Obtain a numerical solution of each of the following state equations by

using Euler's method. Set h = 0.1 and compute x(ih) for i = 1, 2, ..., 10.








[Ch. 10

Next, obtain the solutions by using the modified Euler method. Assume
three-digit accuracy is adequate. For the state equations in (c) and (d)
compare the two numerical solutions and the exact solutions
evaluated at ih.
43. Repeat Problem 42 by using the Adams method with j = 3 and the
modified Adams method with j = 3 in place of Euler's method and the
modified Euler method, respectively. Obtain starting values by using
a truncated Taylor series.
44. Obtain a numerical solution of the following state equation by using
the Adams method with j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Set h = 0.1 and compute
x(ih) for i = 1, 2, ..., 15. Obtain the starting values by using a truncated
Taylor series. Compare the numerical solutions and the exact solution
evaluated at ih.

45. Obtain a numerical solution of each of the state equations in Problem

42 by using the Milne method. Set h = 0.1 and compute x(ih) for i =
1, 2, ..., 10. Assume three-digit accuracy is adequate. Obtain the starting
values by using the Runge-Kutta method.
46. Obtain a numerical solution of the following state equation by using
the modified Euler method. Set h = 0.1 and compute x(ih) for i = 1,
2, ..., 10. Assume three-digit accuracy is adequate.

Next, obtain the solution by using the corrector in the modified Euler
method and (122), with j = 1 and l = 1 as the predictor. Obtain the
starting values by using the preceding numerical solution. Compare the
number of times the corrector had to be applied at each time step in
each of the two methods.
47. Create three predictor-corrector pairs from (122) and (126) and use them
to obtain a numerical solution of the following state equations. Set h = 0.1
and compute x(ih) for i = 1, 2, ..., 10. Assume three-digit accuracy is
adequate. Obtain starting values by using a truncated Taylor series.




4 8 . Let M be a set of m non-negative integers and N be a set of n non-negative

integers. Let


The C may be solved for in terms of x(t ) for each j in M, and

for each k in N. When the results are substituted in the
expression for x(t) and t is set equal to t , a predictor of the following
general form is obtained:




Let t + = t + h for each value of i. Then determine the a and b when:


4 9 . By using each of the predictors in Problem 48, obtain a numerical solution
of the following state equations. Set h = 0.2 and compute x(ih) for
i = 1, 2, ..., 10. Assume three-digit accuracy is adequate. Obtain
starting values using a truncated Taylor series.


50. Let M be a set of m non-negative integers and N be a set of integers,

one of which equals 1 and the rest are non-negative. Let




[Ch. 10

The C may be solved in terms of x(t ) for each j in M, and b(t )

for each k in N. When the results are substituted in the expression for
x(t) and t is set equal to t , a corrector of the following general form is




Let t

= t + h for each value of i. Then determine the a and b when




51. Create three predictor-corrector pairs from the results of Problems 48

and 50. In each case select m + n = m + n so that the predictor and
corrector have the same accuracy. By using each of these predictor
corrector pairs, obtain the numerical solutions called for in Problem 49.
52. The correctors derived from (126) for specific j and l when combined with
the state equation (104) yield implicit equations of the form

It was proposed in Section 10.6 that solution of a corrector should be

accomplished by the iteration



where x ( t )
denotes the nth iterate; the zero-th iterate x ( t )
the solution of a predictor. An alternate method for solving the corrector
uses the well known Newton-Raphson iteration; in this case the
iterates are given by



where g ( x ( t )
) is the Jacobian matrix of g(x) evaluated at the
(n l)-st iterate for x(t ).* This latter method for solving the



* This approach to numerical solution of a differential equation was proposed in

I. W. Sandberg, "Numerical Integration of Systems of Stiff Nonlinear Differential
Equations," Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 47, No. 4, April 1968, pp. 511-528.



corrector usually requires fewer iterations to achieve a specified level of

accuracy; however, it does require evaluation of the Jacobian derivative

(a) Consider the correctors derived from (126) with:









Let x ( t + ) = x(t ) and determine x(t + .) in terms of x(t ) using

the Newton-Raphson iteration. If the Newton-Raphson iteration is
terminated at this point and x ( t + ) is viewed as the (approximate)
solution of the corrector, then the resulting equations are explicit
expressions for x ( t ) in terms of x(t ) ; they are predictors derived
by truncating iterations used in solving correctors.
(b) Repeat (a) using a linear projection from the two preceding solution
points to get x ( t + ) ; that is






[Note: Higher order polynomial fitting of preceding solution points

could be employed to give a more refined projection used to determine
x(t l)
t +

( 0 )


(c) Repeat (a) using the solution of the Euler predictor for x ( t ) ;
that is


[Note: Other predictors could be used to determine x ( t + i ) . ]

(d) Obtain a numerical solution of each of the following state equations
using the predictors created in (a) through (c). Set h = 0.2 and compute
x(ih) for i = 1, 2, ... , 10.







[Ch. 10

Obtain starting values by using a truncated Taylor series. For (i)

through (iii) compare the three different predictors by considering the
accuracy of the numerical solutions relative to the exact solutions.
53. For many networks the state vector varies rapidly in some intervals of
time and slowly in others. In the former the time interval between
solution points must be smaller than that permitted in the latter if the
accuracy is to be comparable in both instances. Therefore, in the interest
of computational efficiency it is desirable to have a criterion by which to
adjust the integration interval size as the numerical evaluation of the
solution progresses. An integration formula used in conjunction with such
a criterion should possess the property that for infinite precision arithmetic
the difference between the numerical solution and the actual solution
(at the points in time when the numerical solution is evaluated) vanishes
with increasing time for all possible values of the integration interval. A
study of integration formulas relative to such a property is beyond the
scope of this text. Therefore, we will consider the particular integration
formula established in Part (a) (i) of Problem 52, which possesses this
property for stable, time-invariant, linear state equations and all values of
the integration interval. The corrector error is 1/2h x() for some such
that t < < t + = t + hi+ . Now, if the error is too large, h
should be
made smaller and the calculation of x(t +i) should be repeated; if the error
is sufficiently small, the value of the integration interval at the next step,
h + , should be made larger than h . This serves as justification for the
following criterion:




Set h + = 2h + if

Set h + = h + if

Repeat calculation of x(t + ) with

half as large if


Apply the integration formula indicated and this criterion for

determining h to obtain the numerical solution of

at twenty-five points in time. Take1/2 1 0

as the initial value for h + .



Indicate the range of values h

find the following fact useful:



takes on. To determine x(t + ) you will


54. Which of the following scalar functions are positive definite for all x?
Let t = 1.

55. Consider a linear, time-varying RLC network with no external excitation.
The state equation (not in normal form) is

and the stored energy is

Under what condition will V be a Liapunov function?

56. Determine an open region D, containing the origin, within which the
following scalar functions are positive definite. Let t = 0.





[Ch. 10

57. Prove Theorem 19.

58. Each of the following state equations is paired with a positive-definite
function. Determine whether the positive-definite function is a Liapunov
function for the state equation and, if so, which of the Theorems 17, 18,
and/or 19 is satisfied. Set t = 1.





59. Describe how the stability theorems 17, 18, and 19 establish that a
solution of the state equation 98, equal to x(t ) at time t , may be
extended to yield a defined solution for all t t . Indicate any
restrictions on x(t ). Find a state equation, of order greater than 1, to
which these results apply and to which Theorem 13 does not apply.

6 0 . Each of the following state equations is paired with a scalar function of

the state vector. Let the scalar function be V(x, t) in Theorem 20; then,



by this theorem, determine whether the origin is unstable. Set t = 1.





61. Apply Theorem 21 to each of the state equations in Problem 58. How
do the results, here obtained with Theorem 21, compare with those
obtained in Problem 58?
62. Use Theorem 21 to show that the origin is asymptotically stable in-thelarge when

where A is a constant n n matrix with negative eigenvalues.

63. By using the variable-gradient method, seek a Liapunov function for each
of the following state equations:





[Ch. 10


64.* Prepare a program flow chart and a set of program instructions, in some
user language such as FORTRAN IV, for a digital computer to obtain a
numerical solution of the state equation 104 by the

Euler method
Modified Euler method
Adams method (j = 4)
Modified Adams method (j = 4)
Milne method
Predictor-corrector pairs of Problem 47
Predictors of Problem 48
Predictor-corrector pairs of Problem 50

The Runge-Kutta method should be used to generate starting values.

Assume that x(t ), f (x, t), h, and the total number of time steps will be
specified by the user of the program. Include a set of user instructions
for each program.



Analysis of physical systems is often facilitated b y employing the

impulse function and/or its derivatives. Now, the impulse function is not
a function in the usual sense; therefore we are, strictly speaking, in viola
tion of rigorous mathematics in applying theorems developed for ordinary
point functions to relations involving the impulse function. Thus, from
1927, when Dirac popularized the impulse function as a tool of mathe
matical physics,* till 1950, when Schwartz published a complete and
rigorous basis for it, the impulse function stood in mathematical disrepute
but was nevertheless used b y physicists and engineers.
The theory of distributions developed by Schwartz provides the basis
for using the impulse function in mathematical analysis, the impulse
function being a distribution within this theory. In addition to refinements
to and to more lucid presentations of distribution theory published since
1950, work has progressed along other lines, as well. A particularly
* P. A. M. Dirac, "The Physical Interpretation of the Quantum Mechanics," Proc.
Roy. Soc, Ser. A., Vol. 113, 1926-1927, pp. 621-641.
P. A. M. Dirac, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press,
London, 1930.
L. Schwartz, Thorie des distributions, Vols. I and II, Herman, Paris, 1950 and 1951.
I. M. Gefand and G. E. Shilov, Generalized Functions, Vol. 1, "Properties and
Operations," Academic Press, New York, 1964.
V. Dolezal, Dynamics of Linear Systems, Publishing House of the Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1964.
A. H. Zemanian, Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis, McGraw-Hili, New
York, 1965.
J. Mikusiski, Operational Calculus, 5th ed. (in English) Macmillan, New York, 1959.
The first edition (in Polish) was published in 1953.
G. Temple, "Theories and Applications of Generalized Functions," J. London Math.
Soc, Vol. 28, 1953, pp. 134-148.
M. J. Lighthill, Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Generalized Functions, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1958.



[App. 1

understandable alternative to distribution theory was introduced b y

Mikusinski in this period.
Convolution in the set of continuous functions is similar to multiplica
tion in the set of integers. When divisioninverse operation to multi
plicationof two integers is defined, the resulting set of rational numbers
contains the integers as a proper subset. Perhaps a suitably defined
convolution divisioninverse operation to convolutionof two continu
ous functions will establish, similarly, a set of convolution quotients or
generalized functions, containing the continuous functions as a proper
subset. As Mikusinski discovered, this does happen. In particular, the
impulse function and all its derivatives are included in this set of general
ized functions.
In this appendix we shall give a brief description of the theory of
generalized functions based on convolution division. For simplicity, we
shall treat only scalar-valued, and not vector-valued, functions. The
extension of these concepts to vector-valued functions will be left to you.
The discussion here is not complete, but it is adequate for putting the use
of impulse functions in Chapter 5 on a firm basis.
To preclude notational confusiona possibility when new concepts are
presentedwe shall adhere rather rigidly to the following conventions.
A lower case Greek letter, with the exception of , will denote a scalar.
A function of time, in its entirety for non-negative time, will be denoted by
a lower case italic letter, with the exception of s and t. If f is an arbitrary
function of time, f(t) will denote the value of f at time t. Note that f(t)
is a scalar. There are situations in which a function will be given explicitly;
for example, te . To denote this function in its entirety, we shall use the
notation {te }. Observe that {} is not a scalar but the function that as
sumes the constant value for t 0. The product of two scalars, of a sclalar
and a function, and of two functions will be denoted in the usual manner;
for example, , f or {f(t)}, and fg or {f(t)g(t)}. The usual exponent
convention for a repeated product will apply; for example, = and
fff=f .
As in the main body of the text, convolution will be denoted by

J. D. Weston, "Operational Calculus and Generalized Functions," Proc. Roy. Soc,

Ser. A, Vol. 250, 1959, pp. 460-471.
J. D. Weston, "Characterization of Laplace Transforms and Perfect Operators,"
Arch. Rat. Mech. and Anal, Vol. 3, 1959, pp. 348-354.
A. Erdlyi, Operational Calculus and Generalized Functions, Holt, Rinehart & Winston,
New York, 1962. This is a lucid and succinct description of Mikusiski's convolution
quotients as the basis for a theory of generalized functions.

Sec. A.1.1]



To denote repeated convolution we shall use a positive, boldface exponent;

for example, f *f
*f=f .



In solving a scalar equation, such as

where 0 and are known scalars, we express the solution as = /;
that is, the quotient of by . This is possible because scalar multiplica
tion has a uniquely defined inversescalar division.
Let us now consider the convolution equation

where a {0} and b are known functions. Since the convolution of functions
has the same algebraic properties as scalar multiplicationassociativity,
commutativity, and so onit is tempting to suppose that there exists a
uniquely defined inverse operation to convolution, which permits us to
express the solution as z = b//a; that is, the convolution quotient of b by a.
(Observe the double slant line used as the symbol.) We shall show that the
notion of a convolution quotient is meaningful.
To set the background for defining convolution quotients, let us turn
again to the algebraic equation (1), when and are known integers, and
consider its solution. It is the uniqueness of that solution that gives
meaning to the quotient, /, by which the solution is expressed. Suppose
(1) has more than one solution; then let i and denote two distinct
solutions. Since oci and both equal , then a( ) = 0. But is
assumed to be a nonzero integer; hence i = 0 and, b y contradiction,
the solution of (1) must be unique. If the solution is an integer, then that
is the value assigned to /. Of course, (1) may not have an integer solu
tion. However, because the solution is unique, we could say that / is
the quantity, called a quotient, that denotes the unique solution; in this
way / is made meaningful. In fact, history has given the name rational
number to the quotient of two integers. Now, / is a rational-number
solution of = that is unique to within the equivalence / = /,
where is any nonzero integer.

N o w let us give similar consideration to the convolution equation (2),

a * z = b, when a and b are known continuous functions and a {0}.



[App. 1

If we can show that it has a unique solution, then that solution ascribes
meaning to the convolution quotient, 6 / , that expresses the solution.
Suppose (2) has more than one solution; then let z and z be two distinct
solutions. Since a * z and a * z both equal b, then a * (z z ) = {0}.
There is a theorem due to Titchmarsh* that states the following:

I . If f and g are continuous and f * g = {0}, then either f = {0}
or g = {0} or both.
Since the function a {0} in the previous result a * (z z ) = {0}, then
z z must be the zero function {0}. But this is a contradiction of the
assumption that z and z are distinct. Hence the solution of (2) must be
If the solution of (2) is a continuous function, then b//a is identified
with that function. Of course, there may be no continuous function that
solves (2), just as = may not have an integer solution; for example,
if b(0) 0, then the solution cannot be a continuous function. (Why?)
However, because the solution is unique, we could extend the meaning of
the term " f u n c t i o n " by saying b//a is the quantity, called a convolution
quotient, that denotes the unique solution. In this way b//a becomes
N o w suppose the function c {0} and consider the convolution equation

or, equivalently,

B y Theorem 1, a * z b = {0}. Thus (3) has a solution if and only if (2)

has a solution; furthermore, a solution of (2) must also be a solution of (3).
Since each has a unique solution and since b//a denotes the solution of (2)
and c * b//c * a denotes the solution of (3), we must have 6 / = c * b//c * a.
Hence b//a is the unique solution of (2) to within the equivalence
c * b//c * a, where c {0}.
We shall say that two convolution quotients b//a and d//c are equivalent
that is, b//a = dffcif b * c = a * d. The set of all convolution quotients
that are equivalent to any one convolution quotient is called an equivalence
class. Obviously, any one convolution quotient is in one and only one
equivalence class; that is, the convolution quotients are sorted into equiv
alence classes in a unique manner. Thus each equivalence class is identi* This theorem is a special case of Theorem 152 in E. C. Titchmarsh, Introduction to
the Theory of Fourier Integrals, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, London, 1948.

Sec. A1.2]



fied by any one of its convolution quotients. Therefore it is the equivalence

class containing b//a that should be viewed as the unique solution of
a * z = b and referred to as a generalized



Let us temporarily denote a generalized function by brackets around

any convolution quotient in its equivalence class; for example, [b//a].
The first relation we must establish is that of equality. This we do by
noting that
This is an immediate consequence of the following: ( l ) I f b * c =
then b//a and d//c are equivalent and, hence, determine the same equiva
lence class. (2) If [b//a] [d//c], then b//a and d//c are in the same equiva
lence class and, hence, b * c = a * d.
We now define addition of two generalized functions, convolution of two
generalized functions, and the product of a scalar and a generalized
function as follows:


(5 c)
You should verify that the generalized functions on the right are indepen
dent of the specific convolution quotients that characterize each of the
generalized functions on the left; for example, suppose b//a = b''//a' and
d/c =




[App. 1

will be equal if b * d * a' * c' = a * c * b' * d'. This equality is an obvious

consequence of b * a' = a * b', d * c' = c * d', and the commutative prop
erty of convolution. Because the algebraic operations defined in (5) are
independent of the specific convolution quotient that characterizes the
corresponding generalized function, the brackets need not be used in
denoting a generalized function. We shall therefore dispense with the
brackets and refer to b//a as a generalized function. This should cause
no confusion.
With the equality relation established in (4) and the basic operations
defined in (5), it is easily shown that the usual laws of algebra given in
(6) below are valid. The verification is left to you.










Sec. A1.2]



The cancellation law is also valid; that is, if e {0} and f {0}, then


Theorem 1 is required in the proof of the cancellation law.

Next, we note that if a {0}, then {0}//a is the " z e r o " generalized
function and that a//a is the " u n i t " generalized function. This follows by
showing that both are unique and verifying that




This task is left to you.


The convolution division of two ordinary functions was defined as the

inverse operation of convolution. It is only natural to inquire whether such
an inverse operation, convolution division, can be defined for generalized
functions. The answer is given by proceeding in the same manner as we
did in introducing the convolution quotient of ordinary functions. This
was done by showing that the convolution equation (2) has a unique
solution. Similarly, we must show that the following convolution equation
of generalized functions,


where b//a {0}//a, has a unique, generalized function solution. Clearly,

b y substitution in (9) and application of (8c), x//y = a*d//b*c
is a solu
tion of (9); hence we need to show only that it is the unique solution.
Suppose x'//y' is another solution. Then (b//a) * {x //y') = d//c combined



[App. 1

with (9) yields (b//a) * (x//y x'//y') = {0}/a or x//y = x'//y', since b//a
{0}//a. Thus a * d//b * c is the unique, generalized-function solution of (9).
The solution of (9) indicates that the convolution quotient of the general
ized function d//c by the generalized function b//a, that is, (d//c)//(b//a),
has the following meaning:


Recall that repeated convolution is denoted by a positive, boldface

exponent. Let us arbitrarily set (b/a) = a/a, the unit generalized func
tion. Next, let us denote the convolution quotient of a//a b y (b//a) as


B y using (10) it is easily shown that (b//a)~ = (a//b) .

With this background you should have no difficulty verifying the usual
operations with exponents; that is,




where m and n are integers: positive, zero, or negative.



Equations for most dynamic systems are formulated in terms of scalars;

in terms of ordinary point functionsusually continuous, piecewise
continuous, and locally integrable; and in terms of operatorsusually
differential, integral, and delay. In this and the next section we shall show
that all of these scalars, functions, and operators may be identified as

Sec. A1.3]



generalized functions. In this way the equation for a dynamic system

will be meaningful as an equation on the set of generalized functions.
Let us begin with the set of scalars. This set can be embedded in the set
of generalized functions if the following two conditions are satisfied:
1. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of scalars and
a subset of the set of generalized functions.
2. Every algebraic operation that is defined on the set of scalars has
a counterpart that is defined on the set of generalized functions.
If a is any continuous function other than {0}, then the generalized
function a//a stands in a one-to-one relation with the scalar ; thus
condition 1 is satisfied. This relation is symbolically denoted as

The verification of condition 2 is left to you; however, to illustrate how this
is done, we shall verify that addition of scalars has its counterpart. If
<-> a//a and <-> a / a , then

The several steps make use of (5c) and (8d).

Let us next consider the set of continuous functions. This set can also
be embedded in the set of generalized functions if the same two conditions
as for scalars are satisfied, with the words " continuous function " replac
ing the word "scalar." To establish condition 1, let a be any continuous
function other than {0}; then the continuous function c stands in a one-toone relation with the generalized function c * a//a; this relation is symbol
ically denoted by

We leave the task of verifying condition 2 to you; however, we shall
illustrate how this is done. If b<->b * a//a and c<->c * a/a, then

The several steps make use of (5b) and (8c).



[App. 1

These embeddings give justification to viewing and a/a as being

interchangeable and c and c * // as being interchangeable. In addition,
the identification of c with c * a//a permits us to assign a value to c * a//a
at time t. In general, this is not possible; a generalized function is an entity
for which the value at time t may have no meaning. We shall later show
that some generalized functions other than those identified with continu
ous functions may be assigned a value at time t.



A function that will appear often is the constant function {1}, which we
shall denote henceforth by u; that is,

This is the well-known unit step function with its value specified as 1 at
t = 0 as well as at t > 0.
Repeated convolution of u with itself yields an often-encountered set of
functions. Thus


as you should verify b y carrying out the indicated convolutions. The

generalized function that is identified with the continuous function u
m a y be expressed as u * a//a, where a {0}. Setting a = u, we get the
interesting result


Many other continuous functions that are commonly encountered in

Sec. A1.3]



analysis can be identified with generalized functions, each expressed as a

convolution quotient of polynomials in u; for example,




Each of these equalities can be checked according to the general equality

relation (4). As an illustration, consider (18b). The two expressions are
equal if and only if

B y Theorem 1, u may be " c a n c e l l e d " on both sides. Thus we only need to


or, equivalently,
Y o u should verify this integral relation, thus verifying (18b).
The one-to-one relationships between continuous functions and general
ized functions, such as given in (18), are useful in solving some convolution
equations. As an example, consider

The generalized-function solution is

Now, by (18c) we know that this is the same as the continuous function
{cos t}.




[App. 1


A class of functions that is somewhat less "well b e h a v e d " than continu

ous functions is the class of locally integrable functions. B y a locally
integrable function we mean a function (1) that is continuous except at a
finite number of points in any finite interval and (2) that possesses a
proper or absolutely convergent improper Riemann integral on every
finite interval over the interior of which the function is continuous.
Under these conditions the integral on the interval 0 t t for each
t > 0 is defined as the sum of the Riemann integrals over the continu
ous subintervals, over the interior of which the function is continuous.
It is of interest to note that the convolution of two locally integrable
functions is a locally integrable function and that the convolution of a
locally integrable function with a continuous function is a continuous
It is clear from the definition of a locally integrable function that two
such functions will have the same integral on the interval 0 t t for
all t > 0 if they differ in value only at a finite number of points in any
finite interval or, equivalently, if they have the same value at points
where both are continuous. We shall follow the usual practice of regarding
two such functions as being equivalent.
Let us see if locally integrable functions can be identified with some
generalized functions. This set can be embedded in the set of generalized
functions if the same two conditions as before are satisfied; the word
" s c a l a r " must, of course, be replaced by the words "locally integrable."
To see whether they are satisfied, note that, if a is any continuous function
other than {0} and b is a locally integrable function, then the generalized
function b * a//a stands in a one-to-one relation with b; thus condition 1 is
satisfied. This relation is symbolically expressed as
which is the same type of relationship as given in (14) for continuous
functions. We leave the verification of condition 2 to you.
The set of locally integrable functions obviously contains the set of
continuous functions. More significantly, however, it also contains the
set of piecewise continuous functions. Note that any piecewise continuous
function can be expressed as the sum of a continuous function and of a
weighted sum of displaced step functions.* The displaced step function, to
* This statement is easy to prove provided the equivalence among thel o c a l l yintegra
ble functions is kept in mind.

Sec. A1.3]



be denoted b y u , is defined as


The generalized function identified with u is, of course u * a//a. We

shall consider this generalized function again, in the next section.
Up to this point a lower case italic letter has designated a function
in general, a locally integrable function. Now there is a one-to-one corre
spondence between such functions and a subset of generalized functions.
Hence it is possible to let the italic letter itself stand for the generalized
function. Thus if b is a locally integrable function, the corresponding
generalized function has heretofore been expressed as b * a//a. For conveni
ence, we shall henceforth express this generalized function simply as b.
This will cause no notational difficulties, because each operation on ordi
nary functions, including convolution division, has its counterpart on
generalized functions.
Besides being a notational simplification, the preceding plan may lead
to more meaningful things. Thus the u on the left side in (17) was an
ordinary function. With the new notation it can be regarded as a general
ized function, and (17) becomes

Although when first introduced in (17), n was a positive integer, we can
now set n = 0 and find


The significance of this quantity will be discussed in the next section.

In view of the above comments the relations in (18) may now be replaced




[App. 1

We shall discuss one of these and leave to you the examination of the
others. Focus attention on the right side of (24c). It is the generalizedfunction solution of the convolution equation
There is a term in this equation unlike any we have previously encoun
tered, u * z. From (23) we see that u * z, in more precise terms, is u * z//u.
Now, if z is a continuous or locally integrable function, u * z//u is, by (14)
or (20), just z.* With this in mind, the convolution equation, defined on
the set of continuous or locally integrable functions, corresponding to
(25) is

B y (24c) we know z(t) = cos t is the solution of (26). The other relations
in (24) may be examined in a similar manner.



Up to this point we have discussed the relationship of functions to

generalized functions. We shall now look at integral and differential
operators and discuss their relationship to generalized functions.
Consider again the function u. The convolution of u with the function
a is
Thus, in addition to being regarded as the continuous function {1}, u may
be viewed as an integral operator. Similarly, u
for n positive, which was

* Note that this is the same result as that obtained by convolving an impulse function
with z. We shall discuss this identification of u with the impulse function in the next

Sec. A1.4]



seen earlier to be the function {t /n!}, may be thought of as an (n + 1)

fold integral operator. As an illustration of this operator interpretation of
u , observe that the operator view indicates that the integral equation
corresponding to (25), on the space of continuous or locally integrable
functions, is

Note that (28) has the same solution, z(t) = cos t, as the convolution
equation (26) that corresponds to (25).
Before going on, let us use this idea of u being an n-fold integration
to help assign a value to a generalized function at time t. Let a denote an
arbitrary generalized function. Suppose u * a stands in a one-to-one
relation with the ordinary function b, which possesses an nth derivative
for <t < . Then, for <t < , we shall assign the value b (t) to
a at time t. The value assigned to a in this manner is unique.*
As an example, take a = u and determine a value to be assigned to it.
Now u * u =u //u
is by (14) the same as the continuous function u,
which is differentiable for 0 <t. Since du(t)/dt = 0 for t > 0, we assign
the value zero to u for t > 0.
N o w we turn to an interpretation of u for negative n. Alternatively,
we shall examine u- for positive n. For convenience, let p = u- . N e x t
suppose that a is a function that is n 1 times continuously differentiable
and that possesses a locally integrable nth derivative. Then



where a
denotes the kth derivative of a with respect to t. This relation
is easily established by induction. We shall start the proof and leave its
completion to you. Let n = 1; then (29) becomes

which in more precise notation is

* The uniqueness is established by Theorem 6 in Arthur Erdlyi, Operational Calculus

and Generalized Functions, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1962.



[App. 1

B y the relations in (5), (6), and (8), this equation becomes

If this is a valid relation, then, by (4),

or, equivalently,

B y Theorem 1, this becomes



which is true if a
is locally integrable. Thus (29) is valid for n = 1;
the proof is completed by induction.
If a is sufficiently differentiable and (0) = a (0) = ... = a (0)
= 0,
(29) shows that the generalized function p * a stands in a one-to-one
relation with the function a . Hence the generalized function p should
be viewed as a differential operator. If a is not sufficiently differentiable
or if one or more of the a (0), k = 1, ..., n1, are not zero, then
p * a does not stand in a one-to-one relation with an ordinary function.
In this case p * a exists only as a generalized function; we shall refer to
p * a as the generalized nth derivative of a.
Let us now apply some of these results to an example. The ordinary
differential equation





has the generalized-function counterpart

Sec. A1.4]



For z(0) = 2, the generalized-function solution is

Recalling that p = u

and that p = u , we get

which, by (24a) is the same as 2 { e ) . This agrees with our knowledge that
the solution of the differential equation (30) is 2 { e } for z(0) = 2.
In finding the ordinary function standing in a one-to-one relation with
the generalized function in (31), it was useful to have had the relation
in (24a). In the solution of other differential equations, which will be
considered in the next section, it would be helpful to have relationships
between generalized functions expressed in terms of p and the corre
sponding ordinary functions. Such relationships are shown in Table 1.
- t

Table 1.

Ordinary FunctionGeneralized Function Pairs








[App. 1


Most of the preceding effort has been devoted to considering the general
ized functions that have a one-to-one relationship with ordinary functions
or the properties of operators on ordinary functions. We shall now turn to
a consideration of the relationship of generalized functions to the impulse
function and its derivatives. We shall find that p = u is properly inter
preted as the impulse function. To verify this, let a be a continuous func
tion; then


If, following custom, we let be a symbolic function corresponding to p ,

then (32) is equivalent, in a formal sense, to the following:

This is what is called the sifting property associated with the impulse
function .
The generalized function p is properly interpreted as the first derivative
of the impulse function. To show this, let the function a possess a continu
ous first derivative. Then by using (29) we have
If u(0) 0, p * a is a generalized function that does not stand in a one-toone relation with an ordinary function. However, as previously shown,
p can be assigned the value 0 for all t > 0. This is a useful fact. Since p is
the generalized first derivative of p , which is interpreted as the impulse
function, let denote a symbolic function corresponding to p; then for
t > 0 (34) is equivalent in a formal sense to

( 1 )


We can continue in this manner to interpret p as the nth derivative of

the impulse function. The detailed justification of this statement is left
to you.
Consider now the generalized function p * u as an operator, where u

Sec. A1.5]



is the displaced step given in (21). Suppose the generalized function a is

also a continuous function; then

B y applying (34), we obtain from this relation


Thus the generalized function p * u has the property of a delay, or

shift, operator. This property makes p * u useful in the solution of differ
ence equations. Since difference equations are not encountered in this
book, we shall not give further consideration to p * u .



In the study of linear, time-invariant, lumped-parameter networks, the

subject of the major portion of this book, the dynamical equations en
countered are integrodifferential equations. (In the state formulation they
are purely differential equations.) These equations, considered as equations
on the set of generalized functions, have generalized-function solutions.
It would be desirable, if possible, to identify these generalized functions
with ordinary functions. We shall show how to accomplish this by extend
ing the concept of partial-fraction expansion to generalized functions.
The generalized-function solution of a linear integrodifferential equation
can be expressed as the sum of (1) a convolution quotient of polynomials
in p and (2) a convolution quotient of polynomials in p convolved with
another generalized function. As an example, consider the equation
with z(0) = 1 . The corresponding equation on the set of generalized
functions is



[App. 1

The generalized-function solution for z is

or, equivalently,


Clearly, if we can identify p//(p

+ 3p + 2p ) with an ordinary function,
then z will also be identifiable as an ordinary function.
In the general case, which we leave to you to verify, we have the solu
tion of a linear integrodifferential equation expressed as follows:


If each of these convolution quotients can be identified with ordinary

functions and if the generalized function f is also an ordinary function,
then the generalized function z that constitutes the solution will be an
ordinary function.
Since both convolution quotients in (39) are of the same form, we shall
examine only the second:

In the event that l n, it is easy to verify that scalars 0, ..., l-n and
v , ..., v
exist such that

n 1


The denominator p + ... + p


is factorable as

Sec. A1.5]


where the 1 are the zeros of +

verified by (4), after setting p = u//u

n - 1

+ ... + . This may be

and p = u//u. Thus

n 1


Assume that the 1 are distinct; the right side may then be expressed as a
sum of convolution quotients. Thus


The right side of (43) is the partial-fraction expansion of the left side,
when the are distinct. You should verify (44). If the are not distinct,
the partial-fraction expansion is more complicated and cumbersome in
notation. However it is quite similar to the ordinary variable case. We
shall not consider this case in detail. To complete the case of distinct ,
substitution of (43) into (42) and of that result into (40) establishes the


We shall call the convolution quotient on the left a rational convolution

quotient in p and say that it is proper, if I < n or, equivalently, if =
... =
= 0.
Each of the terms p //(p + p ) in (45) stands in a one-to-one relation
with a continuous function, as seen from Table 1: p //(p + p )<->
{ e } and each of the terms p can be assigned the value zero for
t > 0. Thus we can make the following statements about the generalized
function z in (39):

1 - n

_ i t

1. If m <n, I <n, and f is a locally integrable function, then z is a

continuous function.



[App. 1

2. If m > n, l < n, and f is a locally integrable function, then z can be

assigned a value for t > 0.
3. If m <n, l n, and f has a continuous (l n)th derivative, then z
can be assigned a value for t > 0.
4. If m n, I n, and f has a continuous (l n)th derivative, then z
can be assigned a value for t > 0.
To illustrate (45), consider the particular z given in (38). N o w

The last line is obtained from Table 1. B y substituting this result in (38),
we get

as the solution of (38).



In the analysis of linear, time-invariant networks, it is common practice

to use Laplace-transform techniques and, in doing so, to introduce the
transform of the impulse function and its derivatives. To justify this latter
act, we must extend the definition of the Laplace transform to include the
generalized functions, or, at the very least, the specific generalized func
tions p , n > 0, which are associated with the impulse function and its
The Laplace transform of a large subset of generalized functions can be
defined b y a theorem due to Krabbe.* Before stating this very useful
theorem we must define several sets of functions. Let M denote the set of
all functions of the complex variable s that are regular, except at a finite
number of poles, in some right half-plane [Re (s) > Re (s) for some s].
Let M denote the subset of functions in M, each of which is equal in

* G. Krabbe, "Ratios of Laplace Transforms, Mikusinski Operational Calculus,"

Math. Annalen, Vol. 162, 1966, pp. 237-245. This paper is reprinted in Contributions to
Functional Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1966.

Sec. A1.6]



some right half-plane to the ratio of two functions that are bounded and
regular in that right half-plane; for example, l/(s + 2) and (s + l)/(s + 3)
are bounded, regular functions of s for Re (s) > 2 ; their ratio [l/(s + 2)]/
[(s + l)/(s + 3)] = (s + 3)/(s + l)(s + 2) is regular, except at the pole
s = 1, for Re (s) > 2 . Thus (s + 3)/(s + l)(s + 2) is a function in M.
Next, let C denote the set of all continuous functions c such that


exists for some s = s. Then {c} is regular in the right half-plane

Re (s) > Re (s). Finally, let G be the subset of generalized functions b//a
such that a and b are functions in C and {b}/{a} is a function in M.
With these definitions, Krabbe's theorem can be stated as follows:

- 1


There exists a one-to-one relation, denoted , from the set of

M onto the set of generalized



The relation


possesses an inverse that is linear and satisfies


where g1 and g are two generalized functions


generalized function

in G. Furthermore if a//b is a

in G, then

NOW let I denote the set of all locally integrable functions b such that

exists for some s = s. Next, consider the generalized function u * b//u

identified with b. The function

is continuous, and its Laplace transform exists for s = s, since b is in I.

Hence u * b is in C. Furthermore, {u * b} = {b}/s is bounded and
regular in some right half-plane, and {u} = 1/s is bounded and regular in



[App. 1

the right half-plane Re (s) > e for any > 0. Thus u * b//u is in G. There


This shows US that the transformation , of a generalized function into a

function of the complex variable s, coincides with the Laplace transfor
mation, if that generalized function is also a Laplace transformable,
locally integrable function. Thus the transformation is an extension of
the Laplace transformation . This being the case, no confusion will arise
if we henceforth drop the circumflex from .


Let us now turn our attention to the generalized functions p =


Since u and u


are both in C and since {u} = 1/s and {u }

u//u .


n + 1

are both in M, {p } exists. B y (48),


( n )

Recall that p is the generalized function associated with , the nth

derivative of the impulse function. The Laplace transform of , in
books on applications of Laplace-transform theory, is given as s ; (50)
is in agreement with the notion that { } = s .
We shall not give further consideration to the Laplace transform of a
generalized function. It is sufficient that it is an extension of the usual
Laplace transform and preserves the heuristic Laplace transform of the
impulse function and its derivatives.
( n )




The purpose of this appendix on functions of a complex variable is

twofold. First, it will serve as a reference for those who are familiar with
the subject through an earlier encounter but would like to refresh their
memories on specific points. Secondly, it will provide a skeleton that an
instructor can augment by supplying proofs, examples, etc. The material
is almost entirely in summary form. There is no attempt to provide
motivation, and few proofs are given. Nevertheless, results are stated



We assume familiarity with the algebra of complex numbers (addition,

subtraction, multiplication, and division) and the representation of
complex numbers as points on a plane. W e also assume familiarity with
the elements of the theory of functions of a real variable.
Let s = + j denote a complex variable. We say that another com
plex variable F= U + j X is a function of the complex variable s, if to
each value of s (in some set), there corresponds a value of F or a set of
values of F. We write F = F(s), where F() is the rule that associates the
values of F with values of s. If to each value of s (in the set) there is only
one value of F, we say that F is a single-valued function of s; otherwise
it is multivalued.
Continuity for a function of a complex variable is formally defined in
the same way as for functions of a real variable; namely, F(s) is continuous



[App. 2

at s if it is defined in a neighborhood of s and if


We may interpret this statement in the complex plane as follows. Let
> 0 be a given number. We consider a circular neighborhood of F(s )
as in Fig. 1, where all the points within the circle of radius around

Fig. 1.

Neighborhoods in the s-plane and F-plane.

F(s ) belong to this neighborhood. N o w (1) is equivalent to the following

claim. We can find a small enough neighborhood of s , of radius > 0,
such that the values of F(s) at all points in this neighborhood fall within
the circle of radius about F(s ).
Differentiability in the complex plane is also defined b y the same
formal relation as on the real line, but is conceptually of much greater
F(s) is differentiable at s , with the derivative F'(s ), provided

exists and is finite.
Implicit in this definition is the assumption that s may approach so in
any direction, or may spiral into it, or follow any other path. The limit
in (2) must exist (and be unique) independently of how s approaches s .
It is this fact that makes differentiability in the complex plane a very
strong requirement. In consequence, differentiable functions of a complex
variable are extremely "well-behaved," as contrasted with real functions,
which can be "pathological."
It can be shown (this is only one of many " i t can be s h o w n ' s " that we
shall meet in this appendix) that the usual rules for derivatives of sums,
products, quotients, etc., carry over from the real case, with no changes.

Sec. A2.1]



So does the chain rule for the function of a function; and all the familiar
functions have the same derivatives as on the real line, except that the
variable is now complex. We summarize these results below.
Let F1(s) and F (s) be two differentiable functions. Then





If a function F of a complex variable is differentiable at the point s
and at all points in a neighborhood of s , we say that F(s) is regular at s .
Notice that the statement "F(s) is regular at s " is a very much
stronger statement than "F(s) is differentiable at s ." A function F(s)
that has at least one regular point (i.e., a point at which the function is
regular) in the complex plane is called an analytic function. A point s
at which the analytic function F(s) is not regular is a singular point of the
function. F(s) is said to have a singularity at s . In particular, a point
at which the derivative does not exist is a singular point.
Although the requirement of regularity is a very strong condition and
therefore the class of analytic functions is a " v e r y s m a l l " subset of the
set of all functions, almost all functions that we meet in physical applica
tions are analytic functions. An example of a nonanalytic function is
|s| . This function has a derivative at s = 0 and nowhere else. Hence it has
no regular points. The function s(= j) is another simple example of
a nonanalytic function. The function F(s) = l/(s 1) is a simple example
of an analytic function. Its region of regularity consists of the whole plane
exclusive of the point s = 1. The point s = 1 is a singular point of this
The singularities of an analytic function are extremely important, as
we shall see. For the present we can only distinguish between two kinds
of singularities. The point so is an isolated singularity of F(s), if so is a



[App. 2

singular point, but there is a neighborhood of s in which all other points

(except so) are regular points. If no such neighborhood exists, s is a
nonisolated essential singularity. Thus in every neighborhood of a nonisolated singularity there is at least one other singular point of the
function. Hence a nonisolated singularity is a limit point (or point of
accumulation) of singularities and conversely.
Rational functions (quotients of polynomials) are examples of functions
that have only isolated singularities. To give an example of a function
that has nonisolated singularities, we have to use trigonometric functions
that we have not defined yet. Nevertheless, an example of a nonisolated
singularity is the point s = 0 for the function

The denominator becomes zero whenever

and so these points are singular points of F(s). The origin is a limit point of
these singularities.
The famous French mathematician Augustin Cauchy (who originated
about half of complex function theory) gave the following necessary and
sufficient condition for the differentiability of a function of a complex
variable: The function

is differentiable at s if and only if the partial derivatives dU/d, dU/d,

dX/d, and dX/d exist and are continuous at ( , ) and satisfy the

at this point.
The necessity is proved by letting s approach s in (2) by first letting
approach and then letting approach for one computation, and
reversing the order for another computation. Equating the two derivatives

Sec. A2.2]



so obtained leads to (10). The sufficiency is proved by using the concept

of the total differential of a function of two variables and the definition of
the derivative.
The equations in (10) are known as the CauchyReimann equations in
honor of the German mathematician Bernhard Reimann (who made these
equations fundamental to the theory of analytic functions) in addition to
Cauchy. We can use the Cauchy-Riemann equations as a test for the
regularity of a function as follows.
If the four partial derivatives are continuous in a region of the complex
plane and if they satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations at every point
of this region, then F(s) is regular in the region.
Notice that this condition involves the neighborhood about s just as
the definition of the regularity of a function does. The proof of the result
again depends on the concept of a total differential for a function of two
B y differentiating one of the two equations in (10) with respect to
and the other with respect to , and combining, we may observe the
important fact that the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function
satisfy Laplace's equation in two dimensions, within the region of regu
larity; that is,

Thus the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function are harmonic
functions. The converse of this statement is also true. Every harmonic
function (in two dimensions) is the real part of an analytic function, and
the imaginary part of another analytic function. This fact makes analytic
functions of considerable interest in two-dimensional potential theory.



A function of a real variable can be represented geometrically as a graph.

However, for a function of a complex variable, a " g r a p h " would require
four dimensions, two for the variable and two for the function. Hence it is
impossible to draw a graph for an analytic function. Nevertheless, the
concept of a geometrical representation can still be used for analytic
functions to provide a better understanding of these functions. We use
two planes, an s-plane for the variable and a F-plane for the function,
as in Fig. 1, and thus get four coordinate axes.



[App. 2

To draw a complete picture, showing what the value of the function is

at each point in the s-plane, is futile, since this merely results in a smear.
Therefore we choose certain representative lines in the s-plane and show
in the F-plane the functional values of F(s) at points on these lines.
Single-valued functions F(s) will give us smooth lines in the F-plane, as
a result. As an example, we have a representative sketch of the function
F(s) = s in Fig. 2. Here we have taken some lines along which either


s -plane
Fig. 2.

Representation of the mapping F(s) = s .

or is constant as representative lines. The corresponding lines in the

s -plane are all parabolas. The two sets of parabolas, corresponding to
- = const, and = const., are orthogonal families. If we had chosen other
representative lines in the s-plane, we would have obtained other types
of curves in the s -plane.
We refer to this graphical concept as a mapping. The s-plane is said to
be mapped into the F-plane; the F-plane is a map of the s-plane. The
lines in the F-plane are images of the lines in the s-plane, under the
function F(s). We also refer to F(s) as a transformation. The function F(s)
transforms points in the s-plane into points in the F-plane. The concept
of a mapping by an analytic function is a very useful one.
The fact that the parabolas of Fig. 2 constitute an orthogonal family is no
accident. The reason is that the original lines in the s-plane intersect at
right angles, and an analytic function preserves angles, except when the
derivative does not exist or is zero. Let us make a definition before estab
lishing this fact. A conformal transformation F is one in which the angle
of intersection of two image curves in the F-plane is the same in (both


Sec. A2.2]


magnitude and in sense) as the angle of intersection of the two correspond

ing curves in the s-plane.
The mapping by an analytic function is conformal at all points at which
the function is regular and the derivative is nonzero.
To prove this result we take two smooth curves C1 and C in the
s-plane that intersect at s . Let s be an arbitrary point on C1. Let us
introduce polar coordinates about s , by defining


Then as s approaches s , the angle \ approaches the angle i , which is

the angle of the tangent to C1 at s0. B y the definition of the derivative,


Since this derivative exists, we may take the limit along C1, and since the
derivative is nonzero, we may write
Then from (13),



Equation 15b can be rewritten


The point F(s) is on the curve C'1, which is the image of C\ under the
mapping F(s). Thus the left side of (16) is the angle of the tangent to
C'1 at F(so). Thus from (16), the curve C'1 has a definite tangent at F(so),
making an angle + 1 with the positive real axis. An identical argument
gives the angle of the tangent to C at F(so) to be + . Thus the angle
between the two tangents, taken from C[ to C , is ( 1), which is the



[App. 2

same (in magnitude and sign) as the angle between the curves C1 and C
at so measured from C1 to C .
Incidentally, we see from (15a) that the local magnification (i.e., the
increase in linear distance near s ) is independent of direction and is given
b y the magnitude of the derivative. Thus, locally, the mapping by an
analytic function [when F'(s )0]
produces a linear magnification
|F'(s )| and a rotation arg F'(s ), thus preserving shapes of small figures.
An auxiliary consequence is that the images of smooth curves are also
smooth curves; that is, they cannot have "corners."
We have not yet defined some point-set-topological concepts about
regions and curves that are really needed to clarify the earlier discussions.
Let us proceed to rectify this omission, although we cannot be completely
precise without introducing very complex ideas, which we do not propose
to do. Therefore we shall take a few concepts such as path, continuous
curve, etc., to be intuitively obvious.
A simple arc is a continuous path in the complex plane that has no
crossover or multiple points. A simple closed curve is a path in the complex
plane that, if cut at any one point, becomes a simple arc. If the end points
of a simple arc are joined, we form a simple closed curve.
An open region is a set of points in the complex plane each of which
has a neighborhood all of whose points belong to the set. The region
" i n s i d e " a simple closed curve, not counting the curve itself, is an
example. If we add the points on the boundary of an open set to the open
set itself, the combined region is called a closed region. An open or closed
region is said to be connected if any two points in the region can be con
nected by a line all points on which are in the region.
In the preceding paragraph the word " i n s i d e " was put in quotation
marks. Although we have a strong intuitive feeling that the inside of a
closed curve is well defined, nevertheless this requires a proof. The
Jordan curve theorem gives the desired result. It states that every simple
closed curve divides the complex plane into two regions, an "inside" and an
"outside" the curve itself being the boundary of these two regions. If we start
at some point on the curve and traverse it in a counterclockwise sense,
the region to the left of the curve will be called the inside; that to the right,
the outside.
If we do not permit a closed curve to pass through infinity, then the
" i n s i d e " region, as just defined, will be bounded; that is, all points in the
region will satisfy the condition |s| M, where M is a fixed positive
number. On the other hand, if the closed curve goes through infinity,
then neither the inside nor the outside is bounded.
The question arises as to what is meant by a closed curve passing
through infinity. The path consisting of the imaginary axis, for example,

Sec. A2.2]



is such a curve. But this may appear to be a simple arc rather than a
closed curve. The Reimann sphere will serve to clarify this point.
Consider a sphere placed on the complex plane with its " s o u t h p o l e " at
the origin, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Now consider joining by a straight line
North pole

South pole

Fig. 3.

The Riemann sphere.

each point in the plane to the "north p o l e " of the sphere. These lines will
all intersect the sphere, thus setting up a one-to-one correspondence
between the points in the plane and those on the sphere. Each point in the
finite plane will have its counterpart on the sphere. As we go further and
further away from the origin of the plane in any direction, the point of
intersection of the lines with the sphere will approach closer and closer to
the north pole. Thus the north pole corresponds to infinity. On the sphere
infinity appears to be a unique point. Both the real and the imaginary
axes become great circles on the sphere, and a great circle appears like a
simple closed curve.
The concept of the Reimann sphere serves another purpose; it permits
us to look upon "infinity" as a single point, whenever this is convenient.
We refer to infinity as the point at infinity.
Very often we wish to talk about the behavior of a function at the point
infinity. A convention in mathematics is that no statement containing the
word " i n f i n i t y " is to be considered meaningful unless the whole statement
can be defined without using this word. This convention is introduced
to avoid many inconsistencies that would otherwise arise. The behavior of
a function at the point infinity is defined as follows.
That behavior is assigned to the function F(s) at s = , as is exhibited
by the function



[App. 2

at s = 0; for example, the function F(s) = 1/s is regular at s = since

G(s) = F(l/s) = s is regular at s = 0. Similarly, the function F(s) = as + bs
is not regular at infinity since G(s) = a/s + b/s has a singularity at s = 0.
B y a similar artifice we can also talk about the value of a function at a
point in the complex plane being , if we are careful. B y this statement
we mean that the reciprocal of the function is zero at this point.



The definite integral of a function of a complex variable is defined in a

manner similar to the definition of real integration. In the case of real
variables the definite integral can be interpreted as an area. For complex
variables such a geometrical interpretation is not possible. In Fig. 4

Fig. 4.

The definite integral.

two points P1 and P are connected by a simple arc C. The path is divided
into intervals by the points s ; the chords* joining these points are labeled
s . Suppose we multiply each of the chords by the value of a function
F(s) evaluated at some point s * of the interval and then add all these
products. Now we let the number of intervals increase with a simultaneous
decrease in the lengths of the chords. We define the definite integral of F(s)
as the limit of this sum as the number of intervals goes to infinity while
the length of each chord goes to zero. More precisely,

provided the limit on the right exists.
* Here the chords are taken to be expressed as complex numbers. Thus ks =


Sec. A2.3]



Note that in addition to the lower and upper limits P1 and P , we have
indicated that in going from P1 to P we shall follow the path C. It is
conceivable that a different answer will be obtained if a different path is
followed. It would not be necessary to write the limits on the integration
symbol if we were to always show the path of integration on a suitable
diagram together with the direction along the path. Because the path, or
contour, is inseparable from the definition of an integral, we refer to it as a
contour integral.
To determine the conditions under which the definite integral in (17)
exists, we must first express this integral as a combination of real
integrals. With F(s) = U +jX, and after some manipulation, (17) becomes

Each of the integrals on the right is a real line integral; if these integrals
exist, then the contour integral will exist. From our knoweldge of real
integrals we know that continuity of the integrand is a sufficient condition
for the existence of a real line integral. It follows that the contour integral
of a function F(s) along a curve C exists if F(s) is continuous on the curve.

The question still remains as to the conditions under which the integral
between two points is independent of the path joining those points.
Consider Fig. 5, which shows two points P1 and P joined by two simple

Fig. 5. Conditions for the value of an integral to be independent of the path of


paths C1 and C . Note that the directions of these paths are both from
P1 to P . The combined path formed by C1 and the negative of C



[App. 2

forms a simple closed curve, which we shall label C = C1 C . If the

integral of a function F(s) along path C1 is to equal the integral along
path C , then the integral along the combined path C must be equal to
zero, and conversely. The inquiry into conditions under which an integral
is independent of path is now reduced to an inquiry into conditions under
which a contour integral along a simple closed curve is equal to zero.
The question is answered by the following theorem, which is known as
Cauchy's integral theorem.
Let F(s) be a function that is regular everywhere on a simple closed curve C
and inside the curve. Then


This is a very powerful and important theorem, but we shall omit its
A word is in order about the connectivity of a region in the complex
plane. Suppose we connect any two arbitrary points P1 and P that lie
in a region b y two arbitrary simple arcs C1 and C also lying in the region.
The region is said to be simply connected if it is possible to slide one of
these arcs along (distortion of the arc is permitted in this process) until
it coincides with the other, without ever passing out of the region.
Cauchy's theorem is proved ab initio for just such a region. The hatched
region between the two closed curves in Fig. 6 is called doubly connected.


Fig. 6.


A doubly-connected region.

Such a region can be reduced to a simply connected region by the artifice

of "digging a canal" between the two closed curves. The region now is
bounded by the composite curve whose outline is shown by the arrows in
Fig. 6b.
Suppose that a function F(s) is regular in the hatched region shown in
Fig. 6a including the boundaries. Cauchy's theorem can be applied here

Sec. A2.3]



to the composite curve consisting of the inner and outer curves and the
"canal." The canal is traversed twice, but in opposite directions, so that
its contribution to the complete contour integral is zero. If we denote the
outside and inside curves by C1 and C , respectively, both in the counter
clockwise direction, then Cauchy's theorem will lead to the result that

As a matter of fact, if we choose any other closed path between the inner
and outer ones in Fig. 6, the same reasoning will tell us that the integral
around this path in the counterclockwise direction will be equal to each
of the integrals in (20).
This reasoning leads us to conclude that the value of a contour integral
around a simple closed curve will not change if the contour is distorted,
so long as it always stays inside a region of regularity.
Turn again to Fig. 5. The points P1 and P are in a simply connected
region R throughout which a function F(s) is single valued and regular.
Let P1 be a fixed point that we shall label s0, and P a variable point
that we shall label s. We have stated that the integral from s to s is
independent of the path of integration so long as the paths remain in the
region of regularity. Hence we can define the function G(s) as

where z is a dummy variable of integration. This function is a singlevalued function of the upper limit s for all paths in the region of regularity.
It is easy to show that G(s) is regular in R and that its derivative is F(s).
We call it the antiderivative of F(s). (For each s we get a different antiderivative.)
Actually it is not necessary to assume that F(s) is regular in the region.
Instead it is sufficient to assume that F(s) is continuous in R and that its
closed-contour integral for all possible simple closed curves in R is zero.
However, Morera's theorem, which we shall discuss later, states that a
function satisfying these conditions is regular.
In evaluating a definite integral in real variables we often look for an
antiderivative of the integrand. The same procedure is valid for complex
variables; that is, if an antiderivative of F(s) is C(s), then




[App. 2


Let us now consider a simple closed curve C within and on the boundary
of which a single-valued function F(s) is regular. It is possible to express
the value of the function at any point so inside the curve in terms of its
values along the contour C. This expression is


It is referred to as Cauchy's integral formula (as distinct from Cauchy's

theorem). This result can be proved by noting that in the integral involved,
the contour C can be replaced by a circular contour C' around the point
so without changing its value, according to the discussion centering
around (20). The purely algebraic step of adding and subtracting F(s )
in the integrand then permits us to write


The last integral on the right can be shown to be zero. It remains to

evaluate the first integral on the right.
Let us write s s = re ; then ds = j r e d , since the contour C'
is a circular one and only varies. Then


The desired expression now follows immediately upon substituting this

result into (24).
Cauchy's integral formula sheds much light on the properties of analytic
functions. We see that the value of an analytic function that is regular in
a region is determined at any point in the region by its values on the
boundary. Note that the point so is any point whatsoever inside the region
of regularity. We should really label it with the general variable s, which
would then require that in (23) we relabel the variable s (which merely
represents points on the boundary and is thus a dummy variable) with
some other symbol. For clarity, we shall rewrite (23) as


Sec. A2.3]



Here s represents any point inside a contour C in which F(s) is regular,

and z refers t o points on the contour.
Another very important fact about analytic functions can be deter
mined from Cauchy's integral formula. Let us try to find the nth order
derivative of an analytic function F(s). For the first and second derivatives
we can use the definition of a derivative directly on (26), without getting
bogged down in a great mass of algebra. The result will be



The form of these expressions, which seems to indicate that we simply

differentiate with respect to s under the integral sign, suggests the follow
ing expression for the nth derivative.


This result can be corroborated by the use of mathematical induction.

An extremely important implication of the points we have just been
discussing is the following. If a single-valued function F(s) is regular at a
point, it follows that the function will have derivatives of all orders at that
point. This same statement cannot be made for a function of a real
Having seen that the derivative of an analytic function is itself
analytic and has the same region of regularity, we can now make a state
ment that appears to be the converse of Cauchy's theorem Let F(s) be
a function that is continuous in a region R and whose closed contour integral
around all possible paths in the region is zero. These conditions ensure that
F(s) has an antiderivative G(s) that is regular in the region R. But the
derivative of G(s) is F(s); consequently F(s) is also regular in R. This
result is known as Morera's theorem.


Cauchy's formula leads to some other very interesting results. However,

we shall demonstrate these same results from the viewpoint of mapping.
Let F = F(s) be an analytic function that is regular within and on a curve



[App. 2

C in the s-plane; let this region, including the curve C, be R. The map of the
the curve C may take one of the forms shown in Fig. 7. Note that the maps


Fig. 7.



Demonstration of the principles of maximum and minimum.

of the region R cannot extend to infinity, since infinity in the F-plane

corresponds to a singular point in the s-plane, and there are no singular
points in R. Both maps of the curve C have been shown as simple closed
curves for simplicity; they need not, and usually will not, be. In the map
shown in part (b) the origin of the F-plane is inside the region. This corres
ponds to the possibility that F(s) has a zero in the region R. The origin is
not included inside the map of region R shown in part (c).
In either of these eases it is clear from the figures that the point in R1
or R that lies farthest from the origin of the F-plane lies on the boundary
of the region, which is the map of curve C. Similarly, if F(s) does not have
a zero in region R, then the point in R which lies closest to the origin of
the F-plane lies on the boundary, as illustrated in part (c) of the figure.
It is also clear from the figure that the minimum values in region R of
the real part of F, and the imaginary part, lie on the boundary. The last
statement is also true when F(s) has a zero in the region, as part (b) of the
figure illustrates. But in this case the smallest value of the magnitude,
which is zero, lies inside the region and not on the boundary. We shall
summarize these results as follows.
Let a closed curve C and its interior constitute a region R in the s-plane
and let F= F(s) = U + j X be regular in R. The largest value reached b y
the magnitude | F(s)|, the real part U and the imaginary part X in region
R occurs for some point or points on the boundary. Likewise, the minimum
values reached by the real part and the imaginary part in R occur on
the boundary. The last is also true for the magnitude if F(s) has no zero in
region R. The statements concerning the magnitude are referred to as the
maximum modulus theorem and the minimum modulus theorem. Similar

Sec. A2.4]



designations can be applied to the other cases b y replacing " m o d u l u s "

by "real p a r t " and "imaginary part."
A somewhat stronger statement than the maximum modulus theorem
can be made if, F(s) satisfies the additional condition that F(0) = 0, and
if the region R is a circle. More specifically, suppose F(s) is regular within
a circular region of radius r and has a zero at s = 0. Let its maximum
magnitude on the circle be M. Then F(s)/s is also regular within the circle
and satisfies the conditions of the maximum modulus theorem. Hence,
|F(s)/s| M/r. That is, for all points within the circle,


The equality holds only at s = 0 or if F(s) = Ms jr. This result is called

Schwartz's lemma.



Let f2(s),f (s), ... be an infinite sequence of functions and consider the
sum of the first n of these:


This is called a partial sum of the corresponding infinite series. Now

consider the sequence of partial sums, S1, S , ..., S . We say that this
sequence converges in a region of the complex plane if there is a function
F(s) from whose value at a given point the value of the partial sum S
differs as little as we please, provided that we take n large enough. The
function F(s) is called the limit function of the sequence. More precisely,
we say that the sequence converges in a region R if, given any positive
number , there exists an integer N and a function F(s) such that at any
point s in the region

for all values of n greater than N . The value of the integer N will depend
on the number and on the point s .
We say that the sequence is uniformly convergent in a closed region
if the same integer N can be used in the role of N for all points in the



[App. 2

region instead of having this integer depend on the point in question.

(N still depends on .)
The infinite series is said to converge (or converge uniformly) to the
function F(s) if the sequence of partial sums converges (or converges
uniformly). An infinite series is said to converge absolutely if the series
formed by taking the absolute value of each term itself converges.
Absolute convergence is a stronger kind of convergence. It can be shown
that if a series converges absolutely in a region R it also converges in the
We shall now state a number of theorems about sequences of functions
without giving proofs.*
1 . If a sequence of continuous functions S (s) is uniformly
convergent in a region R, then the limit function of the sequence is continuous
in the same region R.

2 . If a sequence of continuous functions S (s) converges uni
formly to a limit function F(s) in a region R, then the integral of F(s) along
any simple arc C in the region R can be obtained by first finding the integral
along C of a member S (s) of the sequence and then taking the limit as
n -> ; that is,


Theorem 3. If a sequence of analytic functions S (s) is regular in a region

R and if they converge uniformly in R to a limit function F(s), then F(s) is
regular in the region R.

Theorem 4. If the members of a sequence of analytic functions S (s) are

regular in a region R and if the sequence converges uniformly in R to a
limit function F(s), then the sequence of derivatives S' (s) converges uniformly
to the derivative of F(s) for all interior points in R.

Repeated applications of the theorem shows that the sequence of kth

order derivatives S (s)
converges uniformly to
F (s).


* All of these theorems have to do with conditions under which two limit operations
can be interchanged. They are of the general character

This interchange is permissible if both limits (separately) exist and one of them (say
x -> a) exists uniformly with respect to the other variable.

Sec. A2.4]




These theorems can be used to establish many important properties of

infinite series by letting the sequence of functions S (s) represent the
partial sums of a series. Let us consider an important special case of
infinite series.
We shall define a power series as follows:

The partial sums of a power series are polynomials in (s s ); hence
they are regular in the entire finite complex plane (this implies that they
are continuous as well). If we can now determine the region of uniform
convergence, we can use Theorems 1 through 4 to deduce properties of
the limit function.
Suppose that a power series converges for some point s = s1. It is easy
to show that the series will converge absolutely (and hence it will also
converge) at any point inside the circle with center at s and radius
|s1 s0|- The largest circle with center at s within which the series con
verges is called the circle of convergence, the radius of the circle being the
radius of convergence. It follows that a power series diverges (does not
converge) at any point outside its circle of convergence, because if it
does converge at such a point s , it must converge everywhere inside the
circle of radius |s s |, which means, that the original circle was not
its circle of convergence.
Let R be the radius of convergence of a power series and suppose that
R1 is strictly less than R . Then it can be shown that the given series is
uniformly convergent in the closed region bounded b y the circle of radius
R1< Ro with center at s .
Suppose now that a power series converges to a function F(s) in a
circle of radius R . This means that the sequence of partial sums S (s)
will have F(s) as a limit function. Since S (s) is a continuous function,
it follows from Theorem 1 that F(s) is also continuous everywhere inside
the circle. Furthermore, since the partial sums are regular in the region
of uniform convergence, it follows from Theorem 3 that F(s) is regular
in the region. Thus a power series represents an analytic function that is
regular inside its circle of convergence.
Two other important conclusions about power series follow from
Theorems 2 and 4. According to Theorem 2, since the partial sums of a
power series satisfy the conditions of the theorem, a power series that
converges to F(s) can be integrated term by term and the resulting series will



[App. 2

converge to the integral of F(s) for every path inside the circle of convergence.
Similarly, according to Theorem 4, a power series may be differentiated
term by term, and the resulting series will converge to the derivative of F(s)
everywhere inside the circle of convergence. The circles of convergence of
both the integrated series and the differentiated series are the same as that
of the original series.
We saw that a power series converges to an analytic function that is
regular within the circle of convergence. The converse of this statement,
which is more interesting, is also true. Every analytic function can be
represented as a power series about any regular point s0. The desired
result is Taylor's theorem, which states: Let F(s) be regular everywhere in a
circle of radius R about a regular point s . Then F(s) can be represented as


where the coefficients are given by


The circle of convergence of the power series is the largest circle about s
in which F(s) is defined or is definable as a regular function.
This series is referred to as a Taylor series. The theorem is proved b y
starting with Cauchy's integral formula given in (23) and expanding
(z s)
as a finite number of terms in inverse powers of (z s0) (after
adding and subtracting s to the denominator of the integrand), together
with a remainder term. Use of the integral formulas for the derivatives
of an analytic function given in (28) leads to a polynomial in (s s )
plus a remainder term. The proof is completed by noting that the remaind
er term vanishes as the order of the polynomial in (s s ) approaches
An important consequence of Taylor's theorem is that the circle of
convergence of any power series passes through a singular point of the
analytic function represented by it, because by Taylor's theorem, the
radius of convergence is the distance from the point so to the nearest
singular point.
To find the power-series representation of a function, it is not necessary
to use the formulas given in Taylor's theorem. But independent of the
method used to find the power series representation, we shall end up with
Taylor's series, with the coefficients satisfying Taylor's formula. This fact

Sec. A2.4]


is established through the following identity

the two power series


theorem for power series.


have positive radii of convergence and if their sums coincide for an infinite
number of distinct points having the limit point s , then a = b for all n;
that is, they are identical.
In particular, the conditions of the theorem are satisfied if the two
series agree in a neighborhood of so or along a line segment (no matter how
small) that contains s . This result is proved by induction on n. Thus
the representation of an analytic function by a power series about a given
regular point s is unique.


We have seen that a power-series representation can be found for an

analytic function in the neighborhood of a regular point with a region of
convergence which extends to the nearest singular point of the function.
The question arises whether it is possible to find other infinite-series
representations for an analytic function that converge in other regions.
Consider the annular region between the two concentric circles C\ and C
with center at so shown in Fig. 8. A function F(s) is regular on C\, C , and

Fig. 8.

Region of convergence of a Laurent series.

the region between them. The point so may be a regular point or a singular
point of F(s). Also there may be other singular points of F(s) inside the
inner circle. The annular region can be made simply connected b y the
device of "digging a canal" discussed in a preceding section. If we now
apply Cauchy's integral formula, we get



[App. 2

where s is a point in the interior of the annular region and z represents

points on the contours of the two circles. For the quantity (z s) we can


These can be checked by noting that the expression
is an identity for all values of w except w = 1. Equation 36 is obtained by
adding and subtracting s in the denominator on the left and then writing
it in the form of (38) with

A similar case obtains for (37), except that w is now
Now let us use (36) in the first integral in (35) and (37) in the second
integral. Each integral will give a finite number of terms plus a remainder
term. It can be shown, as in the proof of Taylor's theorem, that the
remainder terms vanish as n-> . The final result is
where a in the last expression is given by



Sec. A2.4]


The contour C is any closed contour in the annular region between C1

and C .
The series just obtained is called a Laurent series. It is characterized b y
having negative as well as positive powers. Its region of convergence is an
annular region, as contrasted with the region of convergence of a Taylor
series, which is a circle.* For a given function F(s) and a point of expan
sion so there can be more than one Laurent series with different regions of
convergence. The point of expansion can be a regular point or a singular
point. As in the case of a Taylor series, it is not necessary to use the formula
in order to determine the coefficients in any particular case. But the
identity theorem for Laurent series, which follows the statement of the
residue theorem in the next section, tells us that no matter how the
Laurent series of a function may be obtained, it must be unique, for a
given region of convergence.
Let us now consider the particular case of a Laurent expansion of a
function F(s) about a point s , which is a singular point. The inner circle
in Fig. 8 is to enclose no other singularities (this implies that the singul
arity is isolated). Hence we should expect the Laurent series to tell us
something about the nature of the singularity at s0. Remember that the
Laurent series consists of two parts, the positive powers and the negative
powers. Let us define the regular part F (s) of the Laurent expansion as
the series of positive powers and the constant, and the principal
F (s) as the series of negative powers. If there were no principal part, the
Laurent series would reduce to a Taylor series and s0 would be a regular
point. Thus the principal part of the Laurent series contains the clue
regarding the nature of the singularity at so.
To describe the singularity at so we make the following definitions.
We say F(s) has a pole of order n at s0 if the highest negative power in the
principal part is n. (A pole of order 1 is also called a simple pole.) On the
other hand, if the principal part has an infinite number of terms, the
singularity at so is called an isolated essential singularity.
(The word
" i s o l a t e d " is often omitted.)


One of the results that we noted previously is that a power series defines
an analytic function that is regular inside its circle of convergence.
We shall now use this fact to define some specific functions. Up until now
* This property of Laurent series can be interpreted as saying that the series of posit
ive powers in (s s0) converges everywhere inside C of Fig. 8 and the series of negative
powers converges everywhere outside of C1, the two converging simultaneously in the
annular region between C1 and C .



[App. 2

we have explicitly mentioned rational functions. In the case of real vari

ables we know the importance of such functions as exponentials, trigono
metric and hyperbolic functions, and others. However, we have no basis
for taking over the definitions of such functions from real variables. The
tangent of a complex variable, for instance, cannot be defined as the ratio
of two sides of a triangle.
We use the above-quoted property of power series to define an exponen
tial function as follows:

The last form is obtained b y inserting s = + j in the series; expanding
the powers of s; collecting terms; and finally identifying the real power
series representing e , cos , and sin . We are not completely free in
choosing a defining series for e , because it must reduce to the correct
series when s is real.
To determine the radius of convergence of the defining series we can
resort to various tests for the convergence of series (which we have not
discussed). Alternatively, since the series represents an analytic function,
we can use the Cauchy-Riemann equations. In the latter case we find that
there are no singular points in the entire finite plane, since the CauchyRiemann equations are satisfied everywhere. Hence the series converges
everywhere. (The same result is, of course, obtained by testing the series
for convergence.)
We can now follow the same procedure and define other transcendental
functions in terms of series. However, it is simpler to define the trigono
metric and hyperbolic functions in terms of the exponential. B y definition,



From the behavior of the exponential we see that the sines and cosines,
both trigonometric and hyperbolic, are regular for all finite values of s.
The singular points of tan s occur when cos s = 0; namely, for an infinite

Sec. A2.5]



number of real values of s at the points s = (2k l)/2 for all integral
values of k. Similarly, the singular points of tanh s occur when cosh s = 0;
namely, at an infinite number of imaginary values of s at the points
s = j(2k l)/2 for all integral values of k.
The trigonometric and hyperbolic functions of a complex variable
satisfy practically all of the identities satisfied by the corresponding real



In real function theory we define a number of "inverse" functions.

These functions can be extended into the complex plane as analytic
functions. As we know, most of these functions (the nth root, inverse
sine, etc.) are multivalued on the real line. We may therefore expect
similar behavior in the complex plane,

Let us begin by extending the concept of the logarithm. We define

if and only if
(In this appendix we shall conform to the mathematical convention of
writing log for the logarithm to the base e.) Since we know the meaning
of (47b), we also know the meaning of (47a). Let us first observe that if
G(s) satisfies (47b), so does G(s) + j2k, since
(We are using several results for the exponential function which we have
not established in the complex plane, but which can be proved very
easily.) Thus (47a) does not define a unique functional value for G(s).
However, we can show that any two values satisfying (47b) can differ b y
at most j 2 k . (Do this.) Thus, although the function log F(s) is multi
valued, its values are related by the simple additive constants j 2 k .
We shall find a formula for one of these multiple values by writing



[App. 2

where arg F(s) is the principal value of the argument defined by

Expressing |F(s)|

as exp[log| F(s) |], (49) becomes


Therefore from the definition of the logarithm one of the values of this
function is
This particular value, which is unique by virtue of (50) is known as the
principal value of the logarithm function. We signify this conventionally
b y writing a capital " L " in log F(s); similarly, arg F(s) always means the
principal value given in (50). Thus we can write, for ail values of the
log function,

where k is an integerpositive, negative, or zero.
Thus there are an infinite number of values for the logarithm function,
one for each value of k. Because of this difficulty, we might try to simplify
by using only the principal value, Log F(s). Before considering Log F(s),
let US first consider the behavior of the function Log s in the complex plane.
Log s is given b y
We notice that the angle is undefined at s = 0. Therefore this equation
does not define Log s at s = 0. But no matter how we define Log 0, Log s
will not be continuous at s = 0, since the imaginary part of Log s takes
on all values from to in any neighborhood of s = 0. Therefore s = 0
is a singular point of Log s. Even though we restrict ourselves to the

Sec. A2.5]



principal value, Log s is discontinuous at any point on the negative real axis;
for, the imaginary part of Log s here is , but there are points arbitrarily
close to it at which the imaginary part is very nearly . Thus Log s is
not regular at any point on the negative real axis, including s = 0, .
(The behavior at is identical to the behavior at 0, since Log 1/s =
Log s, as you can verify.)

However, if we consider the complex plane to be " c u t " along the

negative real axis, as illustrated in Fig. 9, preventing us from going from

Fig. 9.

The cut s-plane.

one side of it to the other, Log s is regular in the rest of the complex plane.
In fact, we have
at all other points of this " c u t " plane. Thus Log s is an antiderivative
of 1/s. We can show that



[App. 2

provided the path of integration does not go through the " c u t " negative
real axis.
Similar remarks apply to the other values of the logarithm function.
The restriction to principal values is unnecessary. The only thing we
need to do is to restrict the imaginary part of log s to some 2 range.
For (57) to apply, we have to add a suitable multiple of j 2 to the right
side. It is not even necessary that the cut be along the negative real axis.
We may cut the plane along any radius vector by defining
E v e n this is unnecessary. Any simple path from s = 0 to s = will do.
Thus b y suitable restrictions we can make the function log s singlevalued and regular in any neighborhood. The only exceptional points
are s = 0, . No matter what artifice we employ, we cannot make log s
regular and single valued in a deleted neighborhood of s = 0, . (Since
these points are singular points, we have to delete them from the neighbor
hood if we hope to make the function regular.) Thus these two singular
points are different in character from the ones we have met so far.
Therefore we give them a different name. They are called branch points.
Precisely, a branch point is defined as follows.
The point s is a branch point of the function F(s) if s is an isolated
singular point and there is no deleted neighborhood of s in which F(s)
is defined or is definable as a single-valued regular function.
We now see that the plane has to be cut along a simple path from one
branch point of log s to the other branch point. Each value of log s so
obtained is called a branch of the function. Thus Log s is a branch of log s.
Riemann introduced an artifice that allows us to consider the complete
log function and treat it as a single-valued function. This important
concept is known as the Riemann surface. It is quite difficult to define
this term precisely, and we shall not attempt it. Instead let us describe
a few Riemann surfaces. For the function log s the Riemann surface has
the following structure. We consider the s-plane to consist of an infinite
number of identical planes. One of these is the plane in which arg s is
restricted to its principal value. There are an infinite number of sheets
above this and another infinity below. All of these planes are cut along the
negative real axis. All of these have the same origin and , so that the
sheets are all joined together at these points. Each sheet is also joined to
the ones immediately above and below, along the negative real axis. The
upper edge of the negative real axis of each sheet is joined to the lower
edge of the negative real axis of the sheet immediately above it. The whole
Riemann surface looks somewhat like an endless spiral ramp.

Sec. A2.5]



Let us consider log s on such a surface. On each sheet.

where k is a fixed integer. The integer k increases by 1 as we go to the
sheet immediately above and decreases by 1 as we go to the sheet immed
iately below. On this Riemann surface, therefore, log s is a single-valued
regular function with two singular points, s = 0, .
We can now return to the function log F(s). We are considering log F(s)
as a function of s. In the F-plane the branch cut goes from F(s) = 0 to
F(s) = . Let US consider only the simplest case where F(s) is rational.
The other cases are somewhat more complicated. The branch points in the
s-plane are the zeros and poles of F(s). Each branch cut goes from a zero
to a pole. The number of branch cuts at a zero or a pole is equal to the
multiplicity. The branch cuts are chosen so as not to intersect except at
branch points.
As another example of the concept of the Riemann surface, let us
consider the inverse of the function
The inverse of this function is called the square root, written
(Formally we define powers of s other than integral powers as
where may be any complex number.) As in the real case, the square root
is a double-valued function. The two values G1 and G are related b y

We may make this function single-valued by restricting the angle of s as
before; that is,
and defining the "positive square r o o t " as
where |s| is a real positive number.



[App. 2

Again we find that G1(s) is not continuous on the negative real axis,
including s = 0, . The points s = 0, are seen to be branch points of
this function G(s). The Riemann-surface concept may be introduced as
follows. We need two sheets of the Riemann surface, both cut along the
negative real axis. To make G(s) continuous and regular on this surface,
we "cross-connect" the two sheets along the negative real axis. The
upper edge of the negative real axis of each sheet is connected to the lower
edge of the negative real axis of the other sheet. (Obviously, it is useless
to attempt to draw a picture of this in three dimensions.) On this Riemann
surface, G(s) is regular and single valued except at s = 0, .
We see that the branch points of the function log s are somewhat
different from the branch points of s . In one case we have an infinite
number of branches, and in the other case we have only a finite number.
Therefore we sometimes distinguish between these by calling the former
a logarithmic singularity (or a logarithmic branch point) and the other an
algebraic singularity (or an algebraic branch point).
For example, we can extend this discussion to other algebraic irrational


in an obvious way.

We have seen that the singularities of an analytic function are extremely

important. In fact, we can classify analytic functions according to the type
and locations of its singular points. This we shall do in the following
brief discussion.
The simplest case is that of an analytic function that possesses no
singularities at all, either in the finite plane or at . In this case a theorem
known as Liouville's theorem tells us that the function is simply a constant.
The next case we might consider is that of a function that has no finite
singularities, that is, the only possible singularity is at s = . The ex
ponential function is an example of this class. A function that has no
singularities in the finite s-plane is known as an entire (or integral) function.
If the singularity at is a pole, we see from the Laurent expansion
about that this function is a polynomial (also called entire rational or
integral rational). If the singularity at is an essential singularity the
function is an entire transcendental function. The functions e , sin s,
COS s, etc., belong to this category.

Sec. A2.6]



The quotient of two entire functions is a meromorphic function. The

only singularities of a meromorphic function in the finite plane are the
points at which the entire function in the denominator goes to zero. Thus
a meromorphic function can have only poles in the finite part of the
s-plane. Again the behavior at infinity divides this class into two sub
classes. If the point is either a regular point or a pole, then it can be
shown that the function has only a finite number of poles (by using the
theorem known as the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem). Then by using the
partial-fraction expansion, to be given in Section A2.7, we can show that
this function is a rational functionthat is, a quotient of two polynomials.
Conversely, every rational function is a meromorphic function with at
most a pole at s = . An example of a nonrational meromorphic function
is tan s or cosec s.
All of these functions are single-valued functions. The multivalued
functions can be classified according to the number of branch points and
the number of branches at each branch point. A function with a finite
number of branch points and a finite number of branches is an algebraic
irrational function. We saw examples of these. The logarithm function can
be used to construct examples for infinite number of branches. The
function log s has a finite number of branch points but an infinite number
of branches. The function log sin s has an infinite number of branch
points and an infinite number of branches, whereas the function s i n s
has an infinite number of branch points with a finite number of branches
at each branch point. These three classes have no special names associated
with them.



Cauchy's theorem tells us about the value of a closed-contour integral

of a function when the function is regular inside the contour. We now
have the information required to determine the value of a closed-contourintegral when the contour includes one or more singular points of the
function. For this purpose turn to the formula for the coefficients of a
Laurent series given in (43) and consider the coefficient of the first inverse
power term, k = 1 . This is

This is an extremely important result. It states that if a function is



[App. 2

integrated around a closed contour inside which the function has one
singular point, the value of the integral will be 2j times the coefficient
of the first negative power term in the Laurent series. None of the other
terms in the series contributes anything; they all " w a s h out." We call
this coefficient the residue. Note that the function is regular on the
If the contour in question encloses more than one singular point (but a
finite number), we can enclose each singular point in a smaller contour
of its own within the boundaries of the main contour. B y "digging canals"
in the usual way, we find the value of the integral around the original
contour to be equal to the sum of the integrals around the smaller con
tours, all taken counterclockwise. Now we consider a Laurent series
about each of the singular points such that no other singular points are
enclosed. According to the preceding paragraph, the value of the integral
about each small contour is equal to 2j times the corresponding residue.
Hence the integral around the original contour is equal to 2j times the
sum of the residues at all of the singular points inside the contour ; that is,


This statement is referred to as the residue theorem. To find the value of a

closed-contour integral, then, all we need to do is to calculate the residues
at all of the singular points in a manner independent of the formula for the
coefficients of the Laurent series.
Consider a function F(s) that has a pole of order n at s . If the Laurent
series about s is multiplied by (s s0) , the result will be

The function on the left is regular at s , and the series on the right is the
Taylor series representing it in the neighborhood of s . Hence, b y using
the formula for the Taylor coefficients, we get


For a simple pole this reduces to the following simple form:


Sec. A2.6]



In the case of poles, at least, we now have an independent way of finding

There are alternative ways of expressing the residue at a simple pole,
which are useful in computations. If the given function is expressed as

where so is a simple pole of F(s), in the nontrivial case H(s) has a simple
zero at so and G(s) is regular and nonzero at s0. In this case we may write


since G(s) is regular at a . Thus the limit in the numerator is simply

G(s ). For the limit in the denominator we subtract H(s ) from H(s),
which is permissible since H(so) = 0, getting


since the limit of the difference quotient is b y definition the derivative.

If, on the other hand, we write

and follow through the same argument, we conclude that


Thus the residue at a simple pole is the reciprocal of the derivative of the
reciprocal function.
One of the important applications of the residue theorem is the following
identity theorem for Laurent series:
If the two Laurent




have a common region of convergence R1 < |s s | < R

same function in this region, then

[App. 2

and represent the

Since the two series represent the same function,

Since the positive and negative series are power series, they converge
uniformly for |s s | R , ( > 0) and |s s | R1 + , respectively.
Therefore in the annular region R1 + | s s | R the Laurent
series are uniformly convergent. We now multiply both sides of (77) b y
(s s0)* , where k is an integerpositive, negative, or zeroand inte
grate along a circular path C lying in the region of uniform convergence
and enclosing s0. B y the residue theorem we get


which proves the result.


The residue theorem (which, incidentally, includes Cauchy's theorem)

provides a means for evaluating many real definite integrals that cannot
be evaluated by other means. We choose a function of s that reduces to
the given real integrand when s is real, and we choose a closed contour
that includes as part of it the desired interval in the definite integral.
N o w if we can find the residues at the singularities of the integrand that
might lie inside the chosen contour, and if we can independently calculate
the contribution to the closed-contour integral of the parts of the path
other than the desired interval, the value of the desired integral can be
In evaluating such integrals two circumstances often arise. In the first
place it may happen that the integrand has a simple pole on the path of
integration. In order to apply the residue theorem the function must be
regular on the closed contour. This situation is remedied b y distorting, or
indenting, the contour by a small semicircular arc, as shown in Fig. 10.
The new contour is, of course, different from the old one. However, we
eventually let the radius of the semicircle approach zero. It remains to
calculate the contribution of the semicircle to the closed-contour integral.

Sec. A2.6]



Path of




Fig. 10. Distortion of contour of integration around pole.

Consider the semicircular path shown in Fig. 10b around a simple pole
at s0. The Laurent expansion of F(s) about s has the form


Note that the direction of the path is counterclockwise around the pole
when we are to indent the contour in such a way that the pole is inside.
We can also indent the contour to exclude the pole. Then the value
obtained will be the negative of that obtained here. The series in this
equation can be integrated term b y term; let (s s ) = re and let C
represent the semicircle. On the semicircle varies from 0 to . The integral
of F(s) on the semicircle becomes


The first term is seen to be independent of the radius r of the semicircle.

As we let r approach zero, each term in the summation will vanish. Hence


that is, the integral around half a circle about a simple pole will have one
half the value of an integral around a complete circle. In fact, b y the same
reasoning, if the contour is a fraction k of a circular arc, the contribution
will be k(2ja ).



[App. 2


The second circumstance that often arises in definite integrals is the

need to evaluate an integral with infinite limits, such as

Such an integral is called an improper

integral. The notation means


The value obtained by going to negative and positive infinity in a sym

metrical fashion is called the principal value of the integral.
This type of integral can be evaluated by choosing a contour consisting
of the imaginary axis from R to R and a large semicircle in the right
or left half-plane, such as the one shown in Fig. 11. The integrand must

Fig. 11.

Contour for evaluating infinite integrals.

be a function F(s) that reduces to the given integrand on the imaginary

axis. Use of the residue theorem will now permit the evaluation of the
desired integral, provided that the integral along the semicircular arc
tends to a limit as R -> and that this limit can be found. It would be
best if there were no contribution from this arc. Let F(s) be the integrand
of the contour integral. It can be shown that if sF(s) on the arc approaches
zero uniformly* as the radius of the circle approaches infinity, then there

* That is, the limit is approached at the same rate for all angles of s within this range.
The range is |arg s\ < / 2 for a semicircle in the right half-plane and |arg s\ > /2 for a
semicircle in the left half-plane. In the e- language, the magnitude of the difference
between sF(s) and the limit (in this case 0), can be made less than e, so long as |s| > N(e),
where N(e) is independent of arg s in the appropriate range.

Sec. A2.6]



will be no contribution from the infinite arc; for example, if F(s) is a ratio
of two polynomials, the degree of the denominator must exceed that of the
numerator b y 2 or more.
Let t be a real variable and suppose the integrand has the form

Then it can be shown that for t > 0 the infinite arc in the left half-plane
will not contribute to the integral, nor will the arc to the right for t < 0,
provided that G(s) vanishes uniformly as the radius of the semicircle
approaches infinity. This result is called Jordan's lemma. The presence of
the exponential loosens the restriction on the remaining part of the
integrand. Thus, if G(s) is a ratio of two polynomials, it is enough that the
degree of the denominator exceed that of the numerator b y 1 (or more).
As an example of the evaluation of integrals consider


B y substituting the definition of a sine function in terms of exponentials,

we get,


In the second integral, if we replace by , the integrand will become

identical with that of the first integral, whereas the limits will become
to zero. The two integrals can then be combined to yield,


N o w consider the integral


where the contour C is the closed contour shown in Fig. 12. The inte
grand has a simple pole on the original contour so that we indent the
contour around the pole as shown. The complete contour consists of two
portions of the j-axis and two semicircles, the radius of one of which will



Fig. 12.

[App. 2

Path of integration for the evaluation of an integral.

approach zero while the other will approach infinity. Since the integrand
is regular everywhere inside the contour, the closed-contour integral will
vanish. We can write

The integrand satisfies Jordan's lemma, so that the last integral in this
equation will vanish. The value of the integral on C is j times the
residue of the integrand at s = 0 , according to (80). To calculate the residue
we use (71) and find it to be unity. Hence


We can now write (88) as


But by the improper integral in (86) we mean precisely the left side of the
last equation. Hence, finally,


Sec. A2.6]




As another application of the residue theorem we shall now prove a

very useful theorem called the "argument principle." Let F(s) be an
analytic function that is regular in a region R except possibly for poles.
We would like to evaluate the integral.


around a closed contour C in region R in the counterclockwise direction,

where the prime denotes differentiation. There should be no poles or zeros
of F(s) on the contour C.
Suppose F(s) has a zero of order n at a point s1 in R, Then we can


We see that this function has a simple pole at the zero of F(s) with a
residue n. The function Fi(s) can now be treated in the same way and
the process repeated until all the zeros of the original function F(s) have
been put into evidence. Each zero will lead to a term like the first one on
the right side of (93).
Now suppose that F(s) has a pole of order m at a point s in R. Then
we can write


The desired function is seen to have a simple pole at the pole of F(s),



[App. 2

with a residue that is the negative of its order. Again the same process
can be repeated and each pole of F(s) will lead to a term like the first one
on the right side of the last equation. The only singularities of F'(s)/F(s)
in the region R will lie at the zeros and the poles of F(s). Hence, by the
residue theorem, the value of the desired contour integral will be


where the n are the orders of the zeros of F(s) in R and the m are the
orders of the poles.
Note, however, that


Hence we can evaluate the contour integral by means of the antiderivative

of F'(s)/F(s), which is log F(s). In going around the contour C we mean
to start at a point and return to the same point. Note that the multi
valued function log F(s) will have the same real part after returning to the
starting point. Hence the value of the integral will be j times the increase
in angle of F(s) as s traverses the contour C in the counterclockwise
direction. This should equal the right side of (95). If we now divide by 2,
the result should be the number of times the locus of the contour C in the
F-plane goes around its origin counterclockwise (increase in angle divided
by 2 is the number of counterclockwise encirclements of the origin).
Let us now state the principle of the argument. If a function F(s) has
no singular points within a contour C except for poles, and it has neither
zeros nor poles on C, then the number of times the locus of the curve C in the
F-plane encircles its origin in the counterclockwise direction is equal to the
number of zeros minus the number of poles of F(s) inside C. Each zero and
pole is to be counted according to its
Before concluding this section, let us consider another contour integra
tion problem. This is the problem of integrating a function partway
around a logarithmic singularity.
Let us therefore consider the integral

where the path P is an arc of a circle around a zero or a pole of F(s), as

Sec. A2.7]



shown in Fig. 10b. Let F(s) have a zero (or a pole) of order k at s .
we may write


If so is a pole, we let k be a negative integer in these expressions, thus
including a zero of order k and a pole of order k simultaneously in the
discussion. As we let the radius of the circle approach zero, log Fi(s) will
not contribute anything to the integral, since it is regular at s . Thus it
is sufficient to consider

if we wish to take the limit, as we do.

On the arc of radius r, we may estimate
where is the angle subtended by the arc at the center. Now it is a wellknown result that
which is the result we wish to establish. We have shown that a logarithmic
singularity lying on a path of integration does not contribute anything
to the integral.



The Laurent expansion of a function about a singular point describes

a function in an annular region about that singular point. The fact that
the function may have other singular points is completely submerged and



[App. 2

there is no evidence as to any other singular points. It would be useful

to have a representation of the function that would put into evidence all
of its singular points.
Suppose a function F(s) has isolated singularities at a finite number n of
points in the finite plane. It may also have a singularity at infinity. Let us
consider expanding F(s) in a Laurent expansion about one of the singular
points say s1. The result will be
where the subscripts refer to the principal part and the regular part.
Now consider F (s), which is simply the original function F(s) from
which has been subtracted the principal part of the Laurent series about
one of its singularities. This function is regular at s1 but has all the other
singularities of F(s). Let us expand it in a Laurent series about one of the
other singularities, s :

The function F (s) is regular at the singularity s ; hence it will not
contribute anything to the principal part F (s).
This means that the
principal part F (s) will be the same whether we expand F (s) or the
original function F(s).
We now repeat this process with F (s) and keep repeating with each
singularity. At each step we subtract the principal part of the Laurent
expansion until ail the singular points are exhausted. The regular part of
the last Laurent expansion will have no other singularities in the finite
plane. Hence it must be an entire function. In this fashion we have
succeeded in obtaining a representation of F(s) that has the form





Each of the terms in the summation is the principal part of the Laurent
series of F(s) expanded about one of its singularities. The last term is an
entire function. If F(s) is regular at infinity, this term will be a constant.
If F(s) has a pole of order n at infinity, this term will be a polynomial of
degree n. Finally, if F(s) has an essential singularity at infinity, this term
will be an infinite power series. The representation of an analytic function
given in (103) is called a partial-fraction
Suppose a function has an infinite number of poles and no essential
singularities in the finite plane (this makes it a meromorphic function).


Sec. A2.8]


In such cases also a partial-fraction expansion can be found. However,

the summation of principal parts in (104) will be an infinite series and m a y
not converge in general. Nevertheless, it is always possible to so modify
the terms that the series converges. But now the form of the expansion is
changed. Of course, in some cases such a modification is not necessary,
but the statement of the conditions when this is true is not a simple one,
and we will not pursue the subject any further. (This expansion is known
as the Mittag-Leffler



Near the beginning of this appendix we defined an analytic function as

one that is differentiable everywhere in a neighborhood, however small, of
a point. Later, from the Taylor expansion of an analytic function about
a point so at which the function is regular, we saw that knowledge of all
the derivatives of an analytic function at a point permits us to represent
the function everywhere in a circle about the point, a circle that extends
up to the closest singularity of the function. We stated that once a powerseries representation of a function about a point is obtained, no matter by
what procedure, this series is unique. We can state this result in a different
way as follows. If two functions are regular in a region R and if they coincide
in some neighborhood, no matter how small, of a point s in R, then the two
functions are equal everywhere in R. This theorem is called the identity
theorem for analytic functions. (In fact, the two functions need coincide
only on a segment of path no matter how small; or even only on an infinite
number of distinct points with a limit point at s .)

N o w let US consider two functions F1(s) and F (s), which are respec
tively regular in overlapping regions R1 and R , the common region being
R0, as shown in Fig. 13. (The regions need not be circular as shown here.)
The two functions Fi(s) and F (s) determine each other uniquely. This
follows from the identity theorem since only one function can be regular
in R1 (or R ) and have the same values in R .
Suppose we were starting with the function Fi(s) in R1 and could find
a function F (s) in R with the property just described. We would say
that Fi(s) has been analytically coninued beyond its original region into
region R . But we might just as well consider F (s) to be the original one
and Fi(s) its analytic continuation into region R1. For this reason we say
that each of them is but a partial representation, or an element, of a single
function F(s) that is regular in both R1 and R .
Consider now the problem of starting with one element Fi(s) of a



Fig. 13.

[App. 2

Common region of definition of two functions.

function, which is in the form of a power series, and determining its

analytic continuation outside its original circle of convergence. Figure 13
can again be used. Suppose we choose a point s in region R1. From the
given element Fi(s) we can evaluate all the derivatives at so and form a
new power series about s . This series will certainly converge in Ri, the
original region of convergence of F1(s), and may also converge in a circle
that extends beyond the original circle, as the illustration in Fig. 13
shows. The series then defines another element F (s) of the function of
which F1(s) is also an element. We can now choose another point within
the new region R , but not common with Ri, and again calculate a new
series that m a y converge in a circle extending beyond the boundaries
of R .
This procedure can now be repeated. The only circumstance that will
prevent any one circle from extending beyond the preceding one is the
existence of a singular point on the circumference of the first circle that
lies on the radius of the first circle drawn through the center chosen for
the second one. But this can be rectified b y choosing a different point for
the center of the second circle, unless every point on the first circle happens
to be a singular point. This is a possible occurrence, but it is not common.
If such is the case, the original function is said to have a natural boundary
beyond which it cannot be analytically continued.
Barring a natural boundary, then, an element can be analytically
continued into the whole plane b y this process of overlapping circles.
The only points that will be excluded from the interiors of any of the circles
will be the singular points. The sequence of functions defined in the circles
will all be elements of a single function. It is now clear w h y an analytic
function was defined as it was.
The process we have described has very little practical value, since we
would not ever contemplate the actual construction of all the elements

Sec. A2.8]



of a function in this manner. However, it has very great significance in

providing insight into the fundamental behavior of functions.
In the process of constructing (in imagination, at least) the overlapping
circles, suppose one of them overlaps one of the earlier ones (thus forming
a closed chain). The question will arise whether the functional values given
b y the latest function will be the same as those given by the previous
one in the common region of the two circles. If these values are not the
same, then the function defined by this set of elements will be multi
Let us now consider another aspect of analytic continuation. Suppose
a function is defined along a simple arc which lies in a region R. It may
be possible to find a function that is regular in R and coincides with this
one on the simple arc. This function is also called the analytic continua
tion of the original one. The simple arc may be, for example, part or all
of the j-axis. If we define, as an example, a function to have the value
1 + j for the interval 1 2 , its analytic continuation is 1 + s.
There is no other function that is regular in the region containing the
given interval on the j-axis and that coincides with the given function
in that interval.



As for the appendix on functions of a complex variable, this appendix

on Laplace transforms will serve as a reference for those already familiar
with the subject. It will also provide an instructor with an outline that
he can augment b y filling in discussions, illustrations, etc.
The concept of transforming a function can be approached from the
idea of making a change of variable in order to simplify the solution of a
problem. Thus if we have a problem involving the variable x, we substitute
some other expression for x in terms of a new variable (e.g., x = sin ),
with the anticipation that the problem has a simpler formulation and
solution in terms of the new variable . After obtaining the solution in
terms of the new variable, we use the opposite of the previous change
and thus have the solution of the original problem.
A more complicated "change of variable," or transformation, is often
necessary. If we have a function f(t) of the variable t, we define an integral
transform of f(t) as
integral transform of f(t)


The function K(t, s), which is a function of two variables, is called the
kernal of the transformation. Note that the integral transform no longer
depends on t; it is a function of the variable s on which the kernel depends.


The type of transform that is obtained and the types of problem in
which it is useful depend on two things: the kernel and the limits of
integration. For the particular choice of the kernel K(s, t) = e
and the
- s t


Sec. A3.1]


limits 0 and infinity, the transform is called a Laplace transform

denoted b y {f(t)}. Thus


and is


The Laplace transform of f(t) is thus a function of the complex variable s.

We denote the Laplace transform of f(t) by F(s).
Because it is defined as an integral, the Laplace transform is a linear
functional; that is, if f1(t) and f (t) have Laplace transforms Fi(s) and
F (s), and k1, k are constants,

Since the defining equation contains an integral with infinite limits,
one of the first questions to be answered concerns the existence of Laplace
transforms. A simple example of a function that does not have a Laplace
transform is e . Let us therefore state a few theorems (a few of which we
shall also prove) concerning the convergence of the Laplace integral.
Since s appears as a significant parameter in (2) we may expect the con
vergence to depend on the particular value of s. In general, the integral
converges for some values of s and diverges for others.
In all of the theorems to follow we shall consider only integrable
functions f(t) without specifically saying so each time. As a first theorem,
consider the following:
If the function f(t) is bounded for all t 0, then the Laplace integral
converges absolutely for Re(s) > 0.
To prove the theorem, note that the condition on f(t) means |f(t)| < M
for all t 0, where M is a positive number. Then for > 0 we shall get

In the limit, as T approaches infinity, the right-hand side approaches
M/. Hence
The familiar sine and cosine functions, and other periodic functions
such as the square wave, satisfy the conditions of the theorem. Before
commenting on this theorem, let us consider one more theorem.



[App. 3

If the Laplace integral converges for some s = + j , then it converges

for all s with > .


where k is a constant, since s is a fixed complex number. Let us define

the auxiliary function


Then g() has a limit as goes to ; namely, k . Hence g() is bounded

for all T. Next, we shall write the Laplace integral as below and integrate
by parts to get



- ( s - s 0 ) T

Now g(0) = 0, g() = k , and if > , e

g ( T ) approaches 0 as T
approaches . Also, by the preceding theroem, the last integral in (9)
converges absolutely for > as T approaches . Thus the result is
proved. In fact


This result can be strengthened to show that the Laplace integral

converges absolutely for > if it converges for . However, we shall
not need this result in the general case. For functions of exponential
order (to be defined shortly) we can prove this result with greater ease.
Thus the region of convergence of the Laplace integral is a half-plane,

Sec. A3.1]



since b y this theorem, whenever the integral converges for some point in
the s-plane, it converges at all points to the right. Thus we can define
an abscissa of convergence such that the Laplace integral converges for
all s with > and diverges for all s with < . The stronger result,
which we have not proved, is that the region of convergence is also the
region of absolute convergence. The behavior of the Laplace integral is thus
somewhat analogous to the behavior of power series. The function f(t)
plays the role of the coefficients of the power series, and the function e
plays the part of (s s0) . Just as a power series may have any behavior
on the circle of convergence, the Laplace integral may also have any
behavior on the abscissa of convergence. The only difference concerns the
existence of a singular point on the circle of convergence, which we shall
examine a little later.
With infinite series, we have many tests for convergence. All of these
have analogues in Laplace transforms. We shall be content to state just
two of these. The analogue of the ratio test is the following:
If |f(t)| M e for some constant M and some number c, for all t (or
only for t greater than some T ) , then the Laplace integral converges absolutely
for > c.
We see this result immediately since

- s t

c t


We thus have a sufficient criterion for the existence of the Laplace

integral. Functions satisfying the inequality
are called functions of exponential order. The order of the function is the
smallest number such that the inequality (12) is satisfied b y any

and b y no c = . In this case we have established that the Laplace
integral converges absolutely for > and diverges for < .
Many functions that are not of exponential order have Laplace trans
forms. However, we can state the following necessary and sufficient
condition, which shows that the integral of a transformable function is of
exponential order.



The function f (t) is transformable,

0 > 0 if and only if the function.

[App. 3

with the abscissa



for any c = + .
The proof of this result depends on the Stieltjes integral, and so we
cannot give it here. We can use this theorem to get an analogue for the
Cauchy root test for power series.
Let g(t) be the function defined in (14). If


then the abscissa of convergence of the Laplace integral of f(t) is c. The

integral converges for > c and diverges for < c. If c = 0, the test is
In the case of power series the regions of convergence, absolute con
vergence, and uniform convergence coincide. We have stated that in the
case of the Laplace integral the regions of convergence and absolute
convergence coincide, both of them being half-planes. Therefore we may
ask whether the region of uniform convergence also coincides with the
region of convergence. The answer to this question is in the negative in
the general case. The region of uniform convergence is described in the
following theorem, which we shall not prove:
If the Laplace integral converges for s = , then it converges uniformly
in the sector.

for every > 0.
This region is shown in Fig. 1. We may take to be the abscissa of
convergence if the integral converges at this point. Otherwise, is a
point arbitrarily close to and to the right.
In the case of functions of exponential order, however, the region of
uniform convergence coincides with the region of convergence; that is,
we may take = 0 in the theorem above.



Axis of

Fig. 1.

Regions of convergence and uniform convergence of Laplace integral.

For functions
the half-plane

of exponential

order the region of uniform convergence is

where is the abscissa of convergence.

The proof of this result is quite similar to the proof given earlier for
absolute convergence and so is omitted.
Thus the convergence behavior of the Laplace integral for functions of
exponential order is identical with the behavior of power series.



Using the power-series analogy again, a power series defines an analytic

function within the circle of convergence. We may therefore wonder
whether the analogy extends this far. The answer to this question is in the
affirmative, as stated by the following theorem:
If the integral

converges for > , then the function F(s) defined by the integral is regular
in the half-plane > . In fact, the derivative of F(s) is given by




[App. 3

and in general
Given any point s with > , we can surround this point with a circle
that is entirely within the region of uniform convergence, since in (17)
is arbitrary. Now, because of the uniform convergence, the limit operations
of integration and differentiation can be interchanged. Hence

This leads to (19a). The convergence of (19a) is easily established for
functions of exponential order. For the general case we integrate by parts.
Thus the Laplace integral defines a regular function within the halfplane of convergence. However, although the function F(s) is defined
b y the integral only in the half-plane of convergence, we can use the
technique of analytic continuation to extend the function across the
abscissa of convergence whenever it may be continuable. [In practice this
is merely a formality, the "analytic continuation" being merely an
extension of the formula for F(s).] It is this more general analytic function
that is referred to as the Laplace transform. If F(s) is the Laplace trans
form of f(t), we refer to f(t) as the determining function and F(s) as the
In this more general concept of a Laplace transform the generating
funtion will, in general, have singularities. They will have to lie in the
half-plane or at . Here we may revert to the power-series
analogy again. The function defined by a power series always has a
singular point on the circle of convergence. We may ask whether F(s)
has a finite singular point on the abscissa of convergence . Here the
analogy breaks down. In general, there may be no singular point on
= . The following example has been given by Doetsch:

For this function the abscissa of convergence is zero. However, its trans
form satisfies the difference equation
so that F(s) is an entire function.



However, in certain special cases, the transform has a singular point on

s = - + j . For instance, if f(t) is ultimately non-negative, then it can
be shown that the real point on the abscissa of convergence is a singular
point. This result is too specialized to be of interest to us and so we omit
its proof. The important result as far as we are concerned is that the
Laplace transform is an analytic function that is regular in the half-plane
of convergence of the defining integral. The general Laplace transform
is the function obtained by analytically continuing the original function.
One of the important analytic properties of the Laplace transform is
its behavior at . Concerning this we have the following theorem:
If the determining function f (t) is a real or complex valued function of t
and the Laplace integral converges at s , then as s approaches from within
the sector

the generating function F(s) approaches 0.

The proof of this result proceeds as follows. We begin with a given
> 0. Since f(t) is an integrable function and therefore bounded for all t,
we can find a Ti so small that for > 0


Since the Laplace integral is uniformly convergent in this sector, we can

find T so large that T > T and


for all s in this sector. These two conditions fix T1 and T and therefore
the value of the integral


Finally, we find 1 so large that



[App. 3

so that
Since s approaches in the sector |arg(s s )| / 2 , its real part
has to exceed 1 eventually. If we put together the three conditions
(23), (24), and (26) and restrict s by

we get
so that

Thus the behavior at is quite restricted; for example, the point

s = cannot be a pole. If F(s) is regular at , then it must have a zero
there; F() cannot be a nonzero constant. Thus, for example, if F(s) is a
rational function, the degree of the denominator polynomial must be strictly
greater than the degree of the numerator polynomial. However, F(s) may
have an essential singularity or a branch point at . (These conditions
apply only to real or complex-valued determining functions, and not to
generalized functions such as the impulses of various orders. The Laplace
transform of a generalized function is treated in Appendix 1.)
While we are talking about the general behavior we may ask one more
general question about the Laplace transform namely; its uniqueness.
This question is of particular importance as we would like, eventually,
to find the determining function from its Laplace transform. In order to
state the answer to this question without getting involved in concepts of
null functions, "zero measure" and "almost everywhere," we shall agree
to normalize the function f (t) by defining

Sec. A3.3]



where the + and indicate, as usual, the right- and left-hand limits.
Implicit here is the assumption that these limits exist, which we shall
There cannot exist two different normalized determining functions
and f (t) with the same Laplace transform F(s).
The proof of this result is too complicated to be given here. If we do not
normalize the functions, we can only conclude that the two functions
f1(t) and f (t) differ at most b y a null function.


In the application to network theory we are interested in the results of
performing various algebraic and analytic operations in both the t- and sdomains. In this section we shall summarize these results.
The simplest of these operations is the algebraic operation of linear
combination, which we have dealt with already. The generating function
corresponding to a linear combination of determining functions is the same
linear combination of the corrresponding generating functions; that is,


This linearity is quite useful in both direct and inverse Laplace trans


The other algebraic operation, multiplication in either domain, leads

to quite complicated results. The results obtained are quite similar to
those in infinite series; for example, if we have two power series with a
common region of convergence,





[App. 3

and then the product of the two is again a power series:



The product series converges in the common region of convergence of the

two individual series. The sums in (32b) are known as convolution sums.
We get a similar result in Laplace transforms.




have finite abscissae of convergence 1 and , then the product F1(s) F (s)
is also a Laplace transform



with an abscissa of convergence equal to the larger of 1 , .

If F1(s) and F (s) are Laplace transforms of f1(t) and f (t), with abscissae
of convergence 1 and , the Laplace transform of the product f1(t)f (t)
is given by


Sec. A3.3]



where 1 < c < and = Re (s) is greater than the abscissa of

convergence 1 + .
The first of these two results is of considerable interest in network
theory and is proved in Chapter 5. The second result is not of particular
interest to us; we shall omit its proof. The integrals in (34b) and (35) are
known as convolution integrals, the first being a real convolution and the
second a complex convolution.


N e x t we shall consider the analytic operations of differentiation and

integration in both domains. These correspond, as we shall see, to multi
plication or division by s or t. Differentiation in the s-domain has already
been considered; let us repeat the result here.
the abscissae of convergence being the same.
As might be expected, the inverse operations, division by t and integra
tion in s, correspond. The negative sign is missing, however.




where the abscissae of convergence are the same and the path of integration is
restricted to the sector of uniform convergence.
This result is proved by integrating by parts in the s-domain, noting
that F(s) approaches 0 as s approaches . More important operations
than the proceding ones, as far as the application to network theory is
concerned, are differentiation and integration in the t-domain. These
operations are found to resemble duals of the ones above.
Let f (t) be differentiable (and therefore continuous) for t > 0, and let the



[App. 3

derivative f'(t) be transformable. Then f (t) is also transformable and with the
same abscissa of convergence. Further

Since f'(t) is transformable, it follows that f(t) is of exponential order

and therefore transformable. The rest follows on integrating

by parts and taking the limit as T goes to .

Let f (t) be an integrable and transformable function.


Then g(t) is also transformable


and with the same abscissa of convergence.

where G(s) and F(s) are Laplace transforms of g(t) and f (t) respectively.
The first part follows as before. Equation 40 follows from (38b) on
observing that g(0+) = 0 b y (39).
These results can easily be extended to higher order derivatives and
integrals of f(t) b y repeated applications of these theorems.

Two other limit operations are of considerable interest in estimating

the behavior of the transient response of linear systems. In the first one
we seek to relate the value of f(t) at t = 0 to a specific value of F(s).
The definition of the Laplace transform gives us only a relationship
between the values of f (t) on the whole of the real positive t-axis and the
behavior of F(s) in a complex half-plane. The desired relationship is the

Sec. A3.3]


If {f (t)} = F(s) with a finite abscissa

f'(t) is transformable, then


of convergence < , and



where the limit on the right is to be taken in the sector

This is called the initial-value

To prove this result we start with the derivative formula
and take the limit as s goes to in the sector specified. Since {f'(t)}
is a Laplace transform, it goes to zero as s goes to in this sector. The
result is (41).
We might analogously expect to get the final value f() b y taking
the limit of (42) as s approaches 0. We run into difficulties here, since

where the limits are to be taken with |arg s| (-/2) .
It is first of all not clear that the last limit exists. If it does, we do not
see what it might be. If we can interchange the limit and the integral,
however, we shall get

If we assume uniform convergence of the Laplace integral for f'(t) in
a region including s = 0, then this interchange can be made. In such a
case, however, the abscissae of convergence of both f'(t) and f(t) must be
negative. This is possible only if f(t) approaches 0 as t approaches ;
that is,
But in this instance the whole theorem will be devoid of content. Hence,
in order to establish the theorem, the interchange of the limit and the



[App. 3

integral must be justified b y finer criteria than uniform convergence.

This need takes the proof of the theorem outside the scope of this text.
The desired theorem can be stated as follows:
If f(t) and f'(t) are Laplace transformable, and if sF(s) is regular on the
j-axis and in the right half-plane, then
where the limit on the right is to be taken along the positive
result is known as the final-value theorem.

real axis. This


The last two operations that we shall consider are multiplication of

f(t) or F(s) b y an exponential function. Let us first consider multiplication
of F(s) b y e , where a is a real number. We have
- a s

If we make the substitution x = t + a, and then change the dummy
variable of integration back to t, we shall get
If we assume that f (t) vanishes for t < 0, then f(t a) will vanish for
t < a and the lower limit of the integral can be replaced b y zero. To
indicate that f(t a) is zero for t < a we can write it in the form
The function u(x) is the unit step, defined as zero for
negative x and unity for positive x. This leads to the following result:
If [f (t)] = F(s) and a is nonnegative real, then
with the same abscissa of convergence.
This result is called the real shifting or translation theorem, since f(t a)
is obtained b y shifting f(t) to the right b y a units.
The operation of multiplying f(t) b y e leads to a similar result. This
is called the complex shifting theorem.

Sec. A3.4]



If [f(t)] = F(s) with abscissa of convergence ; then


with the abscissa of convergence + Re(a).
This theorem follows directly from the definition of the Laplace trans



We now consider the problem of finding the determining function f (t)

from a knowledge of the generating function F(s). Since the uniqueness
theorem tells us that two essentially different functions f (t) cannot lead
to the same function F(s), we can expect to find an inverse transformation
that will give us f(t). We might intuitively expect that the inverse
transformation would also be an integral, this time a complex integral in
the s-domain. It must involve some kernel function of s and t, since we
must end up with a function of t. Such is indeed the case, as stated by the
following theorem:
Let {f(t)} = F(s), with an abscissa of convergence . Then


where c 0, c > . This is known as the inversion integral.

The proof of this important theorem involves a knowledge of the
Fourier integral theorem and several results from the theory of Lebesgue
integration. Usually we understand the normalization implied and write

or simply

the assumption f(t) = 0 for t < 0 being understood.

When the function F(s) alone is given we do not generally know




[App. 3

However we do know that F(s) is regular for > . Hence, in such a case,
we take the path of integration to be a vertical line to the right of all the
singular points of F(s). Such a path is known as a Bromwich path after the
famous mathematician T. J. I'A. Bromwich, who made many significant
contributions to the theory of Laplace transformation. The abbreviation
" B r " is sometimes used on the integral sign, instead of the limits, to
signify this contour.
We saw in Section 6 of Appendix 2 that the residue theorem can often be
used to evaluate integrals of this type. In order to use the residue theorem
we have to close the contour. Let us consider the two closed paths shown
in Fig. 2. If the integrand F(s)e satisfies Jordan's Lemma on either of
the semicircular arcs, we can evaluate the integral by the residue theorem.
If Jordan's lemma is satisfied on the arc to the right; that is, if

(which will be true, for instance, if t < 0), the integral on C1 of Fig. 2 is

Fig. 2.

Evaluation of inversion integral.

zero. Since, in addition, the closed-contour integral is zero because no

singularities are enclosed, the inversion integral yields zero.
If Jordan's lemma is satisfied on the semicircular arc to the left, which
is much more often the case, the integral on the closed contour C is 2j
times the sum of the residues of F(s)e at the enclosed singular points.
Including also the l / 2 j in (52), we get the following result:
If F(s) -> 0 as s -> , uniformly in the sector \arg (s )| /2 ,


= residues




at finite singularities of F(s).

Sec. A3.4]



This is an extremely useful result. For simple functions, for example,

rational functions, we can evaluate f (t) very easily b y this theorem. For a
rational function to be a Laplace transform, the degree of the denominator
polynomial must exceed the degree of the numerator polynomial by the
condition of (28). Thus this inversion b y residues is always applicable to
rational functions.
In our brief discussion of the Laplace transform we have had to omit
many of the proofs and several results that are of considerable importance.
However, we have at least stated all the results that have been used in the
main text. Those who would like a more thorough treatment are referred
to the standard texts listed in the bibliography. We shall conclude our
discussion with a very short table of transform pairs, which will be ade
quate for the present application.
Table of Transform Pairs

F(s) =




Table of Transform PairsContinued


F(s) =


[App. 3


This bibliography is not intended to be exhaustive; the entries listed consti

tute some major and alternate references for the subjects treated in this text

Complex Variable Theory
Churchill, R. V., Introduction to Complex Variables and Applications, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 1948.
Hille, E., Analytic Function Theory, Guin and Co., New York, vol. I, 1959.
Knopp, K., Theory of Functions, Dover Publications, New York, vol. I, 1945, vol. II, 1947.
LePage, W. R., Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers, McGraw-Hl Book
Co., New York, 1961.
Spiegel, M. R., Theory and Problems of Complex Variables, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
Computer Programming
Healy, J. J., and Debruzzi, D. J., Basic FORTRAN IV Programming, Addison-Wesley Publish
ing Co., Reading, Mass., 1968.
McCalla, T. R., Introduction to Numerical Methods and FORTRAN Programming, John Wiley
& Sons, New York, 1967.
McCracken, D. D., A Guide to ALGOL Programming, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962.
McCracken, D. D., A Guide to FORTRAN IV Programming, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
McCracken, D. D., FORTRAN with Engineering Applications, John Wiley & Sons, New York,



McCracken, D. D., and Dom, W. S., Numerical Methods and FORTRAN Programming, John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1964.
Organick, E. I., A FORTRAN IV Primer, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.,

Differential Equations
Ayres, F., Jr., Theory and Problems of Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
Bellman, R., Stability Theory of Differential Equations. McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York,
Coddington, E. A., and Levinson, N., Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, McGraw-Hl
Book Co., New York, 1955.
Coppel, W. A., Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Differential Equations, D. C. Heath and Co.,
Boston, 1965.
Hartman, P., Ordinary Differential Equations, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1964.
Lefschetz, S., Differential Equations: Geometrical Theory, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
Sansone, G., and Conti, R., Nonlinear Differential Equations, revised edition, The Mac_1lan Co.,
New York, 1964.
Stmble, R. A., Nonlinear Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1962.

Laplace Transform Theory

Churchl, R. V., Operational Mathematics, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1958.
Doetsch, G, Handbuch der Laplace Transformation, Birkhauser, Basel, vol. 1, 1950.
LePage, W. R., Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers, McGraw-Hl Book
Co., New York, 1961.
Spiegel, M. R., Theory and Problems of Laplace Transforms, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York,

Matrix Algebra
Ayres, R., Jr., Theory and Problems of Matrices, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1962.
Bellman, R., Introduction to Matrix Analysis, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1960.
Gantmacher, F. R., The Theory of Matrices, Chelsea Publishing Co., New York, vol. I, 1959, vol.
II, 1959.
Hohn, F. E., Elementary Matrix Algebra, The Macmlan Co., New York, 1958.
Pease, M. C, III, Methods of Matrix Algebra, Academic Press, New York, 1965.
Perlis, S., Theory of Matrices, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Cambridge, Mass., 1952.

Numerical Analysis
Beckett, R., and Hurt, J., Numerical Calculations and Algorithms, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New
York, 1967.
Hanmiing, R. W., Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New
York, 1962.
Henrici, P., Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations, John Wey & Sons,
New York, 1962
Henrici, P., Elements of Numerical Analysis, John Wey & Sons, New York, 1.964.



Householder, A. S., Principles of Numerical Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1953.
Kelly, L. G., Handbook of Numerical Methods and Applications, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,
Reading, Mass., 1967.
Macon, N., Numerical Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963.
Scheid, F., Theory and Problems of Numerical Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1968.
Wilkinson, J. H., Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,


Kim, W. H., and Chien, R. T-W., Topological Analysis and Synthesis of Communication Networks,
Columbia University Press, New York, 1962.
Seshu, S. and Balabanian, N., Linear Network Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959.
Seshu, S., and Reed, M. B., Linear Graphs amd Electrical Networks, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Co., Reading, Mass., 1961.



Desoer, C. A., and Kuh, E. S., Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1966.
Guillemin, E. A., Theory of Linear Physical Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963.
Seshu, S., and Balabanian, N., Linear Network Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959.


Balabanian, N., Network Synthesis, Prentice-HaU, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1958.

Bode, H. W., Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design, D. Van Nostrand Co., New York,
Cauer, W., Synthesis of Communications Networks, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, translation
second German edition, 1958.
Guillemin, E. A., Synthesis of Passive Networks, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1957.
Kuh, E. S. and Rohrer, R. A., Theory of Linear Active Networks, Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1967.
Newcomb, R. W., Linear Multiport Synthesis, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1966.
Seshu, S., and Balabanian, N., Linear Network Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959.
Van Valkenburg, M. E., Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, John Wiley& Sons, New York,


Calahan, D. A., Computer-Aided Network Design, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1968.
DeRusso, P. M., Roy, R. J., and Close, C. M., State Variables for Engineers, John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1965.
Desoer, C. A., and Kuh, E. E., Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1966.
Gupta, S. C, Transform and State Variable Methods in Linear Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1966.
Koenig, H. E., Tokad, Y., and Kesavan, H. K., Analysis of Discrete Physical Systems, McGrawHill Book Co., New York, 1967.



Roe, P. H. O'N., Networks and Systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass., 1966.
Zadeh, L. A. and Desoer, C. A., Linear System Theory, McGraw-Hill Hill Book Co., New York,



Cheng, D. K., Analysis of Linear Systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass., 1959.
Guillemin, E. A., The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1949.
Kuo, F. F., Network Analysis and Synthesis, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1966.



Balabanian, N., Network Synthesis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1958.

Chirlian, P. M., Integrated and Active Network Analysis and Synthesis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J., 1967
Ghausi, M. S., and Kelly, J. J., Introduction to Distributed-Parameter Networks, Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, New York, 1968.
Guillemin, E. A., Synthesis of Passive Networks, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1957.
Kami, S., Network Theory: Analysis and Synthesis, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1966.
Newcomb, Robert W., Active Integrated Circuit Synthesis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,
Su, K. L., Active Network Synthesis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1965.
Van Valkenburg, M. E., Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
Wemberg, L., Network Analysis and Synthesis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1962.



Carlin, H. J., and Giordano, A. B., Network Theory, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1964.
Kuh, E. S. and Rohrer, R. A., Theory of Linear Active Networks, Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1967.



Horowitz, I. M., Synthesis of Feedback Systems, Academic Press, New York, 1963.
Huggins, W. H., and Entwisle, D. R., Introductory Systems and Design, Blaisdell Publishing Co.,
Waltham, Mass., 1968.
Lorens, C. S., Flowgraphs for the Modeling and Analysis of Linear Systems, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., New York, 1964.
Mason, S. J., and Zimmerman, H. J., Electronic Circuits, Signals, and Systems, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1960.
Robichaud, L. P. A., Boisvert, M., and Robert, J., Signal Flow Graphs and Applications,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962.
Truxal, J. G., Control System Synthesis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1955.
Ward, J. R. and Strum, R. D., The Signal Flow Graph in Linear Systems Analysis, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1968.





Bode, H. W., Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design, D. Van Nostrand Co., New York,
Horowitz, I. M.,Synthesis of Feedback Systems, Academic Press, New York, 1963.
Kuh, E. S., and Rohrer, R. A., Theory of Linear Active Networks, Holden-Day, San Francisco,
Truxal, J. G., Automatic Feedback Control System Synthesis, McGraw-Hl Book, Co., New York,


Routh, Hurwitz, Lienard-Chipart, and Nyquist Criteria

Ogata, K., State Space Analysis of Control Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1967.
Schwarz, R. J., and Friedland, B., Linear Systems, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1965.
Zadeh, L. A., and Desoer, C. A., Linear System Theory, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1963.

Liapunov's Method
Hahn, W., Theory and Application of Liapunov's Direct Method, Prentice-Hali, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J., 1963.
LaSalle, J., and Lefschetz, S., Stability by Liapunov's Direct Method, Academic Press, New York,
Liapunov, A. M., Stability of Motion, Academic Press, New York, 1966.
Ogata, K., State Space Analysis of Control Systems, Prentice-Hali, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1967.
Zubov, V. I., Methods of A. M. Liapunov and Their Application, P. Noordhoff, Groningen, The
Netherlands, 1964.

T I M E -V A R Y I N G A N D




Blaquiere, A., Nonlinear System Analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1966.
Butenin, N. V., Elements of the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations, Blaisdeli Publishing Co., New
York, 1965.
Cunningham, W. J., Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1958.
d'Angelo, H., Time-varying Networks, Aliyn and Bacon, Boston, 1969.
Desoer, C. A. and Kuh, E. S., Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw-Hl Book Co., New York, 1966.
Minorsky, N., Nonlinear Oscillations, D. Van Nostrand Co., Princeton, N.J., 1962.
Stern, T. E., Theory of Nonlinear Networks and Systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading,
Mass., 1965.


ABCD parameters, 165

Active RC synthesis, 543
with amplifiers, 549
with negative converter, in cascade con
nection, 543, 568
in parallel connection, 546
Adams method, 779
Algebraic singularity, 882
All-capacitor loop, 231
All-inductor cut-set, 231
All-pass function, 402
Analytic continuation, 895
Analytic function, 855
Angle function, 399, 459
Antiderivative, 865
Antimetric two-port, 586, 624
Argument principle, 891
Asymptotic properties, of time-varying state
equation, solution, 729
Attenuation-integral theorem, 441
Auxiliary polynomial, 542
Backward differences, 771
Bartlett's bisection theorem, 227
Binet-Cauchy theorem, 14, 192
Bode formulas, 434
Bode method, 428
Bounded real function, 501, 579
bilinear transformation of, 502
Branch, general, 100
Branch-admittance matrix, 103
Branch cut, 879
Branch-impedance matrix, 103
Branch-parameter matrices, 103
Branch point, 880
Branch relations, 99, 122, 123
Bridged-tee, 408, 410
Bromwich path, 914
Butterworth polynomial, 418

Butterworth response, 415

Canonical matrix, 473
Capacitor, 39
Carson integrals, 355
Cascade connected two-ports, 169
Cauchy-Riemann equations, 857
Cauchy's integral formula, 866
Cauchy's integral theorem, 863
Cauer ladder synthesis, of RC networks, 517,
Cayley-Hamilton theorem, 260
Chain parameters, 165
Characteristic exponents, 726
Chebyshev filter, 415, 422
Chebyshev polynomials, 422
Circulator, 593
in negative resistance amplifier, 620, 628
Coforest, 72
Common-terminal multiport network, 159
Compact pole, 530
Complementary networks, 570
Conformal transformation, 85 8
Congruent transformation, 472
Conservation of charge, principle of, 233
Conservation of flux linkages, principle of,
Constant-resistance networks, 407
Constituent matrices, 268
evaluation of, 270, 277
Controlled response, 348
numerical evaluation of, 367
Contour integral, 863
Converter, general, 214
negative, see Negative converter
Convolution, 337
Convolution quotient, of continuous func
tions, 831
of generalized function, 835



Corrector, 781
Cotree, 71
impedance products, 200
Current, basis set, 92
gain, 157
link, 91
loop, 93
mesh, 95
reference, 35
shift, 100
standard reference, 36
twig, 91
Cut-set, 83
fundamental, 86
orthogonality relations, 87
rank, 87
relation to incidence matrix, 87, 88
relation to loop matrix, 87, 88
Darlington theorem, 538, 599
Datum node, 63
Definite integral evaluation, 886
Delay function, 399, 459
Determinant, 11
Binet-Cauchy theorem, 14, 192
cofactor expansion, 12
derivative of, 14
major, 14, 191
of matrix product, 14
pivotal condensation, 17
principal cofactor, 13
ascending, 566
principal minor, 13
of signal flow graph, 656
Determining function, 904
Differential equations, solution by varia
tion of parameter, 246
Divided differences, 769
Driving-point admittance, 154, 162
Driving-point functions, topological formu
las, 196, 202
Driving-point impedance, 154, 162
angle condition, 490
properties, 489
Dual networks, 119
Duhamel integrals, 355
Dynamicaliy independent variables, 230
Dynamic equations, 230
Eigenvalue, distinct, 262

of a matrix, 26
multiple, 265
Eigenvector, 26
Electric network, 58, 90
topology of, 69
Elementary transformations, 468, 553
Ell networks, constant-resistance, 410
Embedding, 837
Energy functions, 485, 487
Equal ripple approximation, 415, 422
Equicofactor matrix, 184
Equivalent matrices, 470
Essential graph, 654
Essential node, 645
Euler's method, 776
Even part, of rational function, 396
Exponential order, 901
Feedback, 664
Fialkow condition, 225
Filter, Butterworth, 415
Final-value theorem, 910
Focus, singular point, 818
Forest, 72
Foster forms, 510, 522
Foster reactance theorem, 509
Free response, 348
numerical evaluation of, 367
Frequency response, 398
Function, algebraic irrational, 883
analytic, 855
branch of, 880
complex valued, 853
continuous, 853
defined by a series, 875
exponential, 876
hyperbolic, 876
trigonometric, 876
differentiable, 854
entire, 882
of exponential order, 901
generalized, see Generalized functions
integral, 882
logarithm, 877
principal value of, 878
of a matrix, 258
meromorphic, 883
multivalued, 853, 877
polynomial, 882
rational, 392, 883

regular at a point, 855
single-valued, 853
singular point of, 855
Fundamental cut-set, 85
loop, 79
Gain-bandwidth product, 444
Generalized functions, 833
algebra of, 833
Laplace transform of, 850
as operators, 842
table of, 845
Generating function, 904
Gewertz method, 429
Graph, see Linear graph
Gronwall lemma, 727
Grounded multiport network, 159
Gyrator, 45, 211
scattering parameters of, 588, 632


Indefinite impedance matrix, 187

equicofactor property, 189
relation to Z , 190
Index, of a matrix, 474
Inductor, 39
Infinity, point at, 861
Initial-value theorem, 910
Input vector, 240
Integral relations (between real and imaginary
parts), 433
attenuation-integral theorem, 441
phase-area theorem, 440
reactance-integral theorem, 439
resistance integral theorem, 439
Inverse Nyquist criterion, 701
Inversion integral, 913
Isolated singularity, of analytic function, 855,

Jordan's lemma, 888

Half-trajectory, 785
Harmonic functions, 857
Hermitian form, 474, 481
Hilbert transform, 434
Hinged graph, 85
Hinged node, 85
Homogeneous reference equation, 728
Horowitz decomposition, 565
Hurwitz criterion, 674
Hurwitz polynomial, 404, 499, 515
Hybrid, co, 625, 627
Hybrid parameters, 163
Imaginary part, of frequency response, 398
Impulse function, as generalized function,
properties of, 342
Impulse response, 341, 455
Incidence matrix, 73
complete, 73
orthogonality relations, 80
rank, 74
reduced, 73
relation to cut-set matrix, 87, 88
relation to loop matrix, 81
relation to path matrix, 142
Incident variables, 572
Indefinite admittance matrix, 178
equicofactor property, 184
suppressing terminals, 183

Kirchhoffs laws, 58
current, 58, 90
voltage, 59, 95
Kronecker delta, 13
Ladder network, 406
Lagrange interpolation formula, 264
Lagrange reduction, 477
Laplace transform, 898
abscissa of convergence, 901
analytic properties of, 903
convergence properties, 899
determining function, 904
of generalized function, 850
generating function, 904
inversion integral, 913
region of convergence, 900
table of transform pairs, 915
uniqueness of determining function, 906
Lattice, 408
constant resistance, 410
Laurent series, 873
principal part of, 875
regular part of, 875
Liapunov function, 787
Liapunov stability, 783
Linard-Chipart criterion, 675
Linear equations, 20
consistency, 20, 22



Linear graph, 70
branch, 70
closed path, 71
coforest, 72
connected, 71
cotree, 71
co-two-tree, 202
cut-set, 83
dual graphs, 119
forest, 72
fundamental cut-set, 85
fundamental loops, 79
hinged, 84
hinged node, 85
internal nodes, 71
isomorphic, 77
link, 71
loop, 71
mesh, 88
node, 70
oriented, 70
path, 71
planar, 88
three-tree, 205
tree, 71
twig, 71
two-tree, 194
Link, 71
Lipschitz condition, 750
Local integrability, 719
Locally integrable function, 840
Log-node, singular point, 818
Loop equations, 61, 105
Loop-impedance matrix, 105
cofactors, 20, 202
determinant, 200
Loop matrix, complete, 77
fundamental, 79
orthogonality relations, 80, 87
rank of, 81
relation to cut-set matrix, 87, 88
relation to incidence matrix, 81
Loop parameter matrices, 106
of passive, reciprocal network, 486
Loop transformation, 92
Lossless network, 504
in pr function synthesis, 531
transmission zeros, 537
two-port cascade structure, 537
Magnitude function, 398

Mapping, 858
Mason's formula, 655
Matrix, adjoint, 16
ascending principal cofactors, 556
bounded, 32, 726
canonical, 473
characteristic equation, 27
characteristic polynomial, 27
characteristic value, 26
characteristic vector, 26
congruent, 472
conjugate of, 9
conjugate transpose of, 9
constituent matrices of, 268
definite, 478, 557
derivative of, 8
differential equation, 247
eigenvalue of, 26
eigenvector of, 26
elementary, 553
equivalent, 470
index of, 474
integral of, 8
inverse, 15
nonsingular, 16
norm of, 32
nullity of, 24
order of, 3
partitioning, 6
semidefinite, 278
similar, 28
singular, 16
trace of, 9
transformation of, 468
transpose of, 9
types of, column, 4
diagonal, 10
Hermitian, 11
identity, 10
nuli, 9
orthogonal, 472
row, 4
skew symmetric, 11
symmetric, 11
Matrix exponential, 248
inverse of, 249
Laplace transform evaluation of, 258
numerical evaluation of, 373
Maximally flat approximation, 415
Maximum modulus theorem, 867
Mesh transformation, 95

Milne method, 781
Minimal polynomial, 262
Minimum modulus theorem, 868
Minimum-phase functions, 399
Minimum-phase networks, 406
Minimum-reactance function, 428
Minimum-susceptance function, 428
Mittag-Leffler expansion, 895
Mixed-variable equations, 131
Miyata method, 431
Modified Adams method, 780
Modified Euler method, 777
Morera's theorem, 867
Multiport networks, 159, 176
Multiport parameters, positive real property,
Multiterminal networks, 158
Natural frequencies, 68, 394
number of, 231
number of nonzero, 233
Negative converter, 50, 216
active RC synthesis with, 543, 568
compensating a, 228
Negative-resistance amplifier, 617
Network classification, 36
active, 38, 122
linear, 36
nonreciprocal, 39, 122
passive, 37, 484
reciprocal, 38, 484
time invariant, 37
Network components, 39
Network function, 153, 392
topological formulas for, 191
Network response, complementary func
tion, 68
complete, 69
forced, 68
free, 68
natural, 68
particular integral, 68
steady state, 68
transient, 68
Newton's backward difference formula, 768
Node, singular point, 818
Node-admittance matrix, 111
cofactors of, 192, 197
determinant of, 192
Node equations, 62, 110


Node-pair admittance matrix, 115

Node-pair equations, 115
Node-pair parameter matrices, 116
Node-parameter matrices, 111
of passive, reciprocal network, 487
Nonlinear networks, 705
solution, 756
state equation, interconnected multiport
formulation, 811
state vector, components, 748
topological formulation of, 744
Nonlinear state equation, extended sense
solution, 758
numerical solution, 768
ordinary sense solution, 758
properties (asymptotic) of solution, 761,
solution, existence, 757
uniqueness, 757
Nonminimum-phase function, 400
Nonminimum-phase networks, 406
Norator, 624
Norm, of a matrix, 32
of a vector, 31
Normal forest, 236
branch categories, 282
Normal form, of a matrix, 471
of state equations, 241
Normalization of scattering parameters, com
plex, 605, 609
real, 587
Normalizing number, 576
Normal tree, 235
branch categories, 282
Nuliator, 624
Numerical integration, errors, 370
of superposition integrals, 362
Numerical integration formulas, Adams
method, 779
closed, 774, 821
correctors solved directly, 822
errors, 783
Euler's method, 776
Milne method, 781
modified Adams method, 780
modified Euler method, 777
open, 772, 821
predictor-corrector methods, 781
Runge-Kutta method, 782
variable step size criterion, 824



Nyquist criterion, 677

Nyquist diagram, 678, 681

Principle of the argument, 891

Propagating errors, 370

Odd part, of rational function, 415

Open-circuit impedance matrix, 162
topological formulas for, 206
Open-circuit impedance parameters, 162
Fialkow condition, 225
Open-circuit stable, 702
Open-circuit voltage gain, 164
Order of complexity, 230, 232
Orthogonal matrix, 472
Output equation, 245, 281
Output vector, 241

Quadrantal symmetry, 398

Quadratic form, 474
definite, 478
Lagrange reduction, 477
semidefinite, 478
transformation of, 476

Parameter matrices, 103

in state equations for RLC networks, 294
Partial-fraction expansions, 893
Partial return difference of a node, 696
Partial return ratio of a node, 696
Path matrix, 141
relation to incidence matrix, 142
Periodic networks, 723
Phase-area theorem, 440
Phase plane, 816, 818
Phase portrait, 818
Piecewise continuous function, 840
Pivotal condensation, 17
Pole, 395, 875
Pole-zero configuration, 395
Polynomial, decomposition, 565
Hurwitz, 499, 515
test for, 514
Port, 159
Positive definite function, 786
Positive half-trajectory, 785
Positive real function, 492
angle property, 500
bilinear transformation of, 502
complementary, 570
Darlington realization, 531
necessary and sufficient conditions, 497
necessary conditions, 493, 499
realization, 531
real part of, 503
Power series, 871
circle of convergence, 871
Predictor, 781
Predictor-corrector methods, 781
Principal value of integral, 437

Radiay unbounded function, 790

Rational convolution quotient, 849
Rational function, determined from real
part, Bode method, 428
Gewertz method, 429
Miyata method, 431
even part, 396
odd part, 396
RC networks, with active components, 543
cascaded two-ports, 541
Cauer form realization, 523
Foster form realization, 522
ladder form realizations, 523
necessary and sufficient conditions, 520
relation to reactance function, 517
Reactance function, 505
continued-fraction expansion of, 513
Foster form realization, 510
ladder form realization, 512
necessary and sufficient conditions, 508
partial-fraction expansion of, 509
properties of, 505
test for Hurwitz polynomial, 514
Reactance-integral theorem, 439
Reactance network, 504
Real part, of frequency response, 398
Real part function, necessary and sufficient
conditions, 504
necessary conditions, 503
Reference resistance, 576
Reflected variables, 572
Reflection coefficient, 591
current, 573
of terminated two-port, 599
voltage, 573
Region, closed, 860
connected, 860
open, 860
Region of regularity, 855
Residue, 884

Residue condition, 528
Residue theorem, 883
Resistance-integral theorem, 439
Resistor, 39
Resolvent matrix, 269
algorithm, 271
Resolving equation, 277
Resolving polynomials, 276
Return difference, 665
of a node, 696
Return loss, 602
Return ratio, 665
of a node, 696
Riemann sphere, 861
Riemann surface, 880
RL network function, 525
Routh criterion, 673
Runge-Kutta method, 782
Scattering matrix, 585, 608, 613
bound on elements, 595
Hermitian, 595
positive semidefinite, 595
properties, 594
unitary, 596
Scattering parameters, 571, 585
interpretation, 589
match-terminated, 589
reflection coefficients, 591
transducer power gain, 590
transducer voltage ratio, 590
transmission coefficients, 591
Scattering relations, of augmented multi
port, 583, 586
of augmented one-port, 576
for equalizing network, 598
incident variables, 572
of matched terminated one-port, 574
for matching network, 598, 600
of multiport, 580
of one-port, 572
reflected variables, 572
of symmetric two-port, 586, 624
Schwartz's lemma, 869
Sensitivity, 668
Separatrices, 817
Sequence, 869
Series, infinite, absolute convergence of,
convergence of, 870


Laurent, 873
partial sum of, 869
power, 871
Taylor, 871
uniform convergence of, 870
Short-circuit admittance parameters, 162
Fialkow condition, 225
topological formula for, 206
Short-circuit current gain, 164
Short-circuit stable, 702
Sifting property, of impulse function, 846
Signal-flow graph, 636, 642
branch transmittance, 643
cascade branch, 645
determinant, 656
equivalent graphs, 648
essential graph, 654
essential nodes, 645
feedback branch, 644
feedback loop, 644
feedback node, 645
gain, 651
gain formula, 655
index of, 645
inversion, of a branch, 646
of a loop, 647
of a path, 646
Mason's formula, 655
node-pulling algorithm, 651
node splitting, 645
nontouching loops, 565
reduction, 647
to essential graph, 654
self-loop, 645
sink node, 644
source node, 644
Similarity transformation, 28, 472
Similar matrices, 472
Simple closed curve, 860
Singular point (of analytic function), 855
algebraic, 882
essential (nonisolated), 856
compact, 530
isolated, 855, 875
logorithmic, 882
pole, 875
saddle point, 818
Singular point (of state equation), 784
Source, controed, 49
dependent, 49



independent, 47
accompanied, 99
Stability, 668
asymptotic, 786
BIBO, 670
bounded-input, bounded-output, 670
Hurwitz criterion, 674
in-the-large, 790
inverse Nyquist criterion, 701
Krasovsk's theorem, 796
Liapunov theory, 783
Linard-Chipart criterion, 675
Nyquist criterion, 677
open-circuit, 702
Routh criterion, 673
short-circuit, 702
variable-gradient method, 799
State equations, 63, 229, 240, 245, 281
of linear, time-invariant networks, 291
with controlied sources, 302
multiport formulation, 306
normal form, 241
output equation, 245, 281, 314
of RLC networks, 292
topological formulation, linear networks,
State-transition matrix, 247, 249
of time-varying network, 714
State variables, 240
Step response, 351, 451
Stop band, 415
Superposition integrals, 355
numerical evaluation of, 362
Superposition principle, 341, 353, 357, 360
Surplus factor, 412
Sylvester's inequality (law of nullity), 30,
Synthesis, active RC structures, 543
cascaded RC two-ports, 541
Cauer forms, 523
Darlington form, 531, 538
Foster forms, 510, 522
ladder forms, 512, 523
lossless three-port, 563
lossless two-port, 538
reactance function, 509
Tangent function, 424
Taylor series, 871
Taylor's theorem, 872

Tellegen's theorem, 144

Time sequence, 364
series, 364
Time-varying (linear) networks, 705
output equation, 710
state equation, formulation, 706
solution, 712
state-transition matrix, 714
state vector, components of, 709
Time-varying state equation, asymptotic
properties of solution, 729
existence and uniqueness of solution, 718,
extended sense solution, 719, 722
homogeneous equation solution, 715
ordinary sense solution, 718, 721
periodic networks, 723
solution of, 712
state-transition matrix, 714
Titchmarsh's theorem, 832
Topological formulas, 191
for driving-point functions, 196
for loop impedance matrix cofactors, 201,
for loop impedance matrix determinant, 200
for node admittance matrix cofactors, 193,
for node admittance matrix determinant, 192
for transfer functions, 198
for two-port parameters, 203
Topology of network, 69
Trajectory, 785
Transducer power gain, 590
Transfer current ratio, 157
Transfer function, 150
determined from angle, 423
determined from magnitude, 414
topological formulas for, 198, 203
Transfer impedance, 157, 162
Transfer matrix, 337
Transfer voltage ratio, 157
Transformer, 43
ideal, 42
perfect, 44
Transmission zeros, 165
of lossless networks, 537
Transmittance, branch, of signal flow graph,
Tree, 71
admittance products, 192

linear, 72
normal, 235
star, 72
two-, 194
three-, 205
Twig, 71
Twin-tee, 408
Two-port networks, 160
compact pole, 530
parallel-connected, 171
parallel-series connected, 219
series-connected, 171
series-parallel connected, 218
Two-port parameters, 525
positive real property, 526
real-part condition, 529
residue condition, 528
Uniform convergence, 869, 870
Variable-gradient method, 799

Variation of parameter method, 246

Vector, 21
bounded, 726
column, 21
linear dependence of, 21
norm of, 31
row, 21
Voltage gain, 157
Voltage shift, 100
Voltages, link, 96
node, 97
node-pair, 95
twig, 96
Weighting function, 344, 447
Weighting matrix, 344
Zeros, 395
of ladder network, 407
of minimum-phase function, 400
of nonminimum-phase function, 400






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