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BSC Sem 1 and 2

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Gujarat University


B. Sc. Semester - I

Electronics : ELE - 101

Unit - I: Components and Instrumentation:

Passive Circuit devices: Resistors, nonlinear resistors, inductors, types of inductors, capacitors,
classification of capacitors, different type of capacitors. Switch, types of switches, fuses, circuit
breaker, relay, PCB.

Text Book:1. A text book of electronic circuits R. S. Sedha, S. Chand

Chapter No: 13 (13.1 to 13.48) chapter No: 14 (14.1 to 14.14)

Measuring instruments: DC ammeters, DC voltmeters, Voltmeter sensitivity,series type ohmmeter,

shunt type ohmmeter, multimeter, Rectifier type instruments( AC voltmeter) Typical multimeter circuit.

Text Book: Modern Electronics instrumentation and measurement techniques, Helfric and Cooper, PHI
11th Reprint (Art. 4.4 to 4.9, 4.11.2, 4.11.3)

Ref Books: 1. A monograph on Electronics design principle Goyal and Khetan Khanna Publisher
2. Electronics (Solid State) by B. L. Theraja S. Chand & Co.
3. Basic Electronics by Grob
4. Electronic Instrumentation by H. S. Kalsi TMH India

Unit - II: Diodes and their Applications:

Diode Application: Load line analysis of a diode circuit, clipping circuit, positive and negative clipper,
biased clipper clipper, some other biased clipper, combination clipper, two level slicer, clamping
circuit, biased clampers, practical clamper circuits, application of clamping circuits, voltage multiplier,
voltage doublers, voltage trippler and quadrupler.

Special purpose diodes: varactor diode, varactor diode specifications and applications, LED, LED
voltage drop and current, LED applications, multicolour LEDs, LCDs, photodiodes, photoconductive
cells, photo voltaic cells, LASER diodes and applications.

Text Books: Electronic Devices and Circuits by Allen Mottershead (2.1)

A text book of electronic circuits R. S. Sedha, S. Chand
6.1 to 6.14.,7.12 to 7.14, 7.21 to 7.24, 7.27 to 7.31, 7.33 to 7.35.-7.25
Reference Book: Electronic Devices and Circuit Boylestead and Namensky
Electronic Principles by Malvino and Bates

Unit-III: General amplifier characteristics:

Concept of amplification, amplifier notation, current, voltage and power gain, amplifier input resistance
and output resistance, maximum power transfer, conversion efficiency, classes of amplifier, harmonic
distortion , three point method of calculating distortion, Measurement of harmonic distortion, other type
of amplifier distortion
Decibels, other equation for decibel computation, zero decibel reference level, use of a voltmeter as a
decibel indicator, voltmeter range correction factor, frequency response, amplifier band width, phase
relationship in amplifier, square wave testing

Text Book: Electronics devices and circuit – Allen Mottershead, PHI

Article Nos:7.1 to 7.12, 7.15, 7.16. 8.1 to 8.8 and 8.11

Unit-IV: Digital Electronics:

Binary number system, binary to decimal conversion, decimal to binary conversion, octal numbers,
hexadecimal numbers, the ASCII codes, the excess-3 codes, the gray code, binary addition, binary
subtraction, unsigned binary numbers, sign magnitude numbers, 2’s complement representation, 2’s
complement arithmetic. Boolean laws and theorems.

Text Book: Digital Principles and applications 6th Edition Malvino Leach and Saha
Article Nos: 5.1 to 5.8., 6.1 to 6.6., 3.1
Reference Books: Digital Fundamentals by Floyd , Pearson
Digital Design Morris and Mano, PHI
Gujarat University

B. Sc. Semester - II

Electronics : ELE - 103

Unit-I: Transistors:

Bipolar Junction transistor, operation of PNP and NPN transistor, current components in transistor,
transistor as an amplifier, transistor circuit configuration, CB, CE, and CC configuration, characteristic
of common base and common emitter circuit, DC load line.
Transistor Biasing: Stabilization, stability factor, different method for transistor biasing, base resistor
method, collector to base bias, base bias with collector emitter feedback, voltage divider bias, bias

Text Book: Electronic Devices and Circuits by Sanjeev Gupta (6.1 to 6.12, 10.1 to 10.9)
Reference Book: Electronic Devices and Circuits by Allen Mottershead
Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits by Bhargav, kulshrestha and Gupta, TMH
Millman’s Integrated Electronics Millman Halkias and Parikh

Unit-II: Four Terminal Active Network:

Transistor as a four pole, Impedance parameters or Z- parameters, Admittance parameters or Y-

parameters, Hybrid parameters or h-parameters, Performance of a linear circuit in h-parameters, Voltage
gain current gain and output impedance taking into account the source resistance (Rs).
Small signal amplifiers: practical circuit of transistor amplifier, load line analysis, calculation of gain,
phase reversal, Simplified CE hybrid model, generalized approximate model, classification of
amplifiers, common emitter CE amplifier, Analysis of transistor amplifier using h-parameters, (common
base CB amplifier and common collector CC amplifier without h-parameter analysis), comparison of
CE, CB, and CC amplifiers.

Text Book:Electronic Devices and Circuits by Sanjeev Gupta (9.1 to 9.6., 11.1 to 11.4., 11.6 to 11.13)
Reference Books: Electronic Devices and Circuits by Allen Mottershead
Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits by Bhargav, kulshrestha and Gupta, TMH
Millman’s Integrated Electronics Millman Halkias and Parikh

Unit-III: Network transformations:

Reduction of complicated network, conversion between T and π sections, bridge T network, the lattice
network, superposition theorem, the reciprocity theorem, thevenin’s theorem, Norton theorem,
maximum power transfer theorem, compensation theorem.
Resonance : Definition of Q, the figure of merit, series resonance, Bandwidth of the series resonant
circuit, parallel resonance or antirsonance, current in antiresonant circuits, Bandwidth of antiresonant
Text Book: Network Lines and Field by J D Ryder. (1.4 to 1.13, 2.1 to2.4, 2.6, 2.8 )
Reference Books: Network Analysis by M. S. Van Valkenburg
Network Analysis by G K Mithal
Unit-IV: Digital Electronics:

Combinational logic Circuits: sum of products method, truth table of karnough map, pairs, quads and
octets, karnaugh simplifications, Don’t care conditions, product of sums method, product of sums
simplification, Simplification by quine-McClusky method.
Data processing circuits: Multiplexers, demultiplexers, 1-of-16 decoder, BCD-to-decimal decoders,
seven segment decoders, encoders, exclusive-or GATES, parity generators and checkers, read only

Text Book: Digital Principles and applications 6th Edition Malvino Leach and Saha
(3.2 to 3.9, 4.1 to 4.8, 4.10)
Reference Books: Digital Fundamentals by Floyd , Pearson
Digital Design Morrisand Mano PHI
Gujarat University

B. Sc. Semester - II

Electronics Practicals : ELE – 104


The practical of common base characteristics is to be replaced by Study of maximum power transfer


The practical BCD to binary and binary to BCD code conversion is to be replaced by Study of truth
tables of 2,3 and 4 input Ex-OR gate and its uses as parity checker and controlled inverter.

All other experiments remain as it is.

In each group there are seven experiments.

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