Tool Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies
Sample DCs. A table at the end of each section lists
activities that a tool can be used to perform , and sug-
gested DCs for the necessary ability checks.
Alchemist’s supplies enable a character to produce use-
ful concoctions, such as acid or alchemist’s fire.
Components. Alchemist’s supplies include two glass
beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over
an open flame , a glass stirring rod , a small mortar and
pestle, and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients,
including salt , powdered iron , and purified water.
Arcana . Proficiency with alchemist ’s supplies allows
you to unlock more information on Arcana checks in -
volving potions and similar materials.
Investigation. When you inspect an area for clues,
proficiency with alchemist ’s supplies grants additional
insight into any chemicals or other substances that
might have been used in the area.
Alchemical Crafting . You can use this tool proficiency
to create alchemical items. A character can spend
money to collect raw materials, which weigh 1 pound
for every 50 gp spent. The DM can allow a character to
make a check using the indicated skill with advantage .
As part of a long rest , you can use alchemist ’s supplies
to make one dose of acid , alchemist’s fire, antitoxin ,
oil , perfume, or soap. Subtract half the value of the cre-
ated item from the total gp worth of raw materials you
are carrying.
and 30 minutes for one that requires more exten - cheating at a game, as it allows you to swap pieces,
sive changes. palm cards, or alter a die roll . Alternatively, engrossing
a target in a game by manipulating the components with
DISGUISE KIT dexterous movements is a great distraction for a pick-
DC pocketing attempt.
Cover injuries or distinguishing marks 10
Spot a disguise being used by someone else 15
Activity DC
Copy a humanoid ’s appearance 20
Catch a player cheating 15
Gain insight into an opponent ’s personality 15 I A
Perhaps the most common tools used by adventurers,
thieves’ tools are designed for picking locks and foiling
traps. Proficiency with the tools also grants you a gen-
eral knowledge of traps and locks.
Components . Thieves’ tools include a small file, a set
of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle,
a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers.
History. Your knowledge of traps grants you insight
when answering questions about locations that are re-
nowned for their traps.
Investigation and Perception. You gain additional in -
sight when looking for traps, because you have learned
a variety of common signs that betray their presence.
Seta Trap. Just as you can disable traps, you can also
POTTER S TOOLS set them. As part of a short rest , you can create a trap
Potter’s tools are used to create a variety of ceramic ob- using items you have on hand. The total of your check
jects, most typically pots and similar vessels. becomes the DC for someone else’s attempt to discover
Components . Potter ’s tools include potter’s needles, or disable the trap. The trap deals damage appropriate
ribs, scrapers, a knife, and calipers. to the materials used in crafting it (such as poison or a
History. Your expertise aids you in identifying ce- weapon) or damage equal to half the total of your check ,
ramic objects, including when they were created and whichever the DM deems appropriate.
their likely place or culture of origin .
Investigation, Perception. You gain additional insight THIEVES ' TOOLS
when inspecting ceramics, uncovering clues others Activity DC
would overlook by spotting minor irregularities. Pick a lock Varies
Reconstruction. By examining pottery shards, you
Disable a trap Varies
can determine an object ’s original , intact form and its
likely purpose.
POTTER ' S TOOLS A set of tinker’s tools is designed to enable you to repair
many mundane objects. Though you can ’ t manufacture
Activity DC much with tinker’s tools, you can mend torn clothes,
Determine what a vessel once held 10 sharpen a worn sword , and patch a tattered suit of
Create a serviceable pot 15 chain mail.
Find a weak point in a ceramic object 20 Components . Tinker’s tools include a variety of hand
tools, thread , needles, a whetstone, scraps of cloth and
SMITH S TOOLS leather, and a small pot of glue.
Smith’s tools allow you to work metal , heating it to History. You can determine the age and origin of ob-
alter its shape, repair damage, or work raw ingots into jects, even if you have only a few pieces remaining from
useful items. the original.
Components. Smith’s tools include hammers, tongs, Investigation. When you inspect a damaged ob -
charcoal , rags, and a whetstone. ject , you gain knowledge of how it was damaged and
how long ago.
Repair You can restore 10 hit points to a damaged ob -
ject for each hour of work. For any object , you need ac-
cess to the raw materials required to repair it . For metal This section expands on the spellcasting rules pre-
objects, you need access to an open flame hot enough to sented in the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Mas-
make the metal pliable. ter's Guide, providing clarifications and new options.