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What Follows are the descriptions of each of the skills listed in the skill
chart. You will notice that there are some pretty useless if not silly skills
included. We included them for two reasons. First, it emphasizes the wide
range of skills that can be taken. Second, they sometimes provide an insight
into how a skill percentage or skill roll difference can be translated into an
actual physical result.
In choosing skills to include in the game, we purposely avoided "player
skills". These are skills that should be a function of the player rather than
the character. "Combat tactics" would be one of these. It is up to the
player to devise plans and tactics. It's not something that should be rolled.

If you decide to make up some of your own skills, use these as a guideline.
Take care not to make them too powerful.
Where Tech levels are given in the skill description, this gives the tech
level at which the skill appears.

If you are reading these rules for the first time we suggest that you read a
few of the skill descriptions and then read the rest of the rules, coming back
to the rest of the skills when you have time to browse.

And so, without further ado...

Accountant: The character's chance of "balancing the books". It is also

common to use this skill to hide certain imbalances in the books. When
attempting to locate intentionally hidden dishonesties in the ledgers, compare
the skill roll difference of the accountant who did the hiding to the skill
roll difference of the accountant who's looking. Only one chance is allowed.
A failure would indicate that the character either sees no error or sees no
way to interject an "error".

Acrobat: This represents the character's chance of performing acrobatic feats

(backflips, cartwheels, etc.). It is also the character's chance of
performing exceptional feats of physical prowess, such as swinging from one
vine to another.

Some modifiers are...

Action Modifier Speed Class

Somersault +70% IV
Cartwheel +30% IV
Flip +0% V
Tightrope Walking -10% N/A
Handsprings -20% V
Backward Handsprings -40% V
Perhaps a more practical use of acrobatics however, is using it to speed up
actions in combat. When performing any of the actions listed below (or any
other action which the GM deems acrobatic), the time taken to perform that
action is reduced one segment for every 10% of the skill roll difference. The
resultant time can never be less than one segment. A failure indicates that
the normal time must be spent performing the action and a fumble generally
implies a fall.
Acrobatic maneuvers include (see the initiative section for the normal speed
classes) --
Getting into a tree.
Getting down from a tree.
Getting up from the ground.
Jumping onto a table.
Jumping over a barrier.
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Picking up a weapon from the ground.

Feel free to describe the maneuver in any reasonable way you wish. The above
actions are accomplished faster not because the character is faster but rather
because the character is doing something unusual in order to accomplish the
action. For instance, picking up a weapon from the ground becomes diving to
the ground and coming up with the weapon hefted. Acrobatics is meant to be a
flashy skill.

Actor: This skill, aside from its use on the stage and screen, is the
character's ability to deceive another concerning his or her intentions. The
skill roll difference generally represents a percentage increase of the chance
of the character being believed.
Animal Trainer: This is the skill of training an untrained animal. The
character may train one word commands to animals. For each word the command
is over one word the trainer suffers 20% penalty from his or her chance. The
trainer may train one command to the animal for every 10% the trainer has in
his or her skill percentage. This is also the trainer's chance of taming a
wild animal. Note that this skill applies to normally trainable animals.
Assign penalties to the training of dumb or ferocious animals. Since the
trainer must be in the same room/cage as the animal, training man eating
tigers could get ugly. It should take about one month to train an animal.

Architect: This is the character's skill at designing large structures. Use

the success chart to determine the quality of the design. Fumbles indicate a
design that is flawed in some fatal way (the designer forgot to place the
toilets, the building may fall down, etc.). Note that the architects skill
will operate on the level of the time period of his training and assumes that
design tools that he is familiar with are at his disposal. Tech level 1.
Armorer: This is the skill of making armor (imagine that). The quality, of
course, is based on the skill roll difference. For every 50% that the skill
roll is beaten by, the character may choose to make the armor take one more
point of damage or, for every 100%, have an agility minus one less than the
norm for that type of armor. This skill applies to medieval armor. Present
day or future armor would entail a skill similar to weapon's technician. Tech
level 1.

Awareness: This is the character's chance of NOT being surprised by an

opponent, becoming aware of an important detail that might have been
overlooked, etc. Awareness is what allows Humphrey Bogart to glance in the
rear window on a crowded street, and know he's being followed. The skill also
applies to a wide variety of situations such as noticing a suspicious crack in
the floor.

Bard: The character is a teller of stories, reciter of epic poems, etc. Use
success chart to determine quality of performance.
Bionics: The character is skilled at making artificial replicas of organic
organs or limbs. The replica is able to operate off the mental impulses
of the user. The skill percentage is the chance of the replica operating
properly when attached. The basic capabilities of the bionic device should be
dependent on the current state of the art with exceptional skill roll
differences indicating certain improvements. Tech level 10.
Bowyer: The character's chance of producing a usable bow or crossbow, Skill
roll differences of greater than 100% indicate a bow with a weapon
accuracy that is increased by 5%. Each additional 20% beyond 100% in the
skill roll difference increases the accuracy by 5%. For each percent the
skill roll is missed by, reduce the bows accuracy by 1%. Fumbles indicate a
bow that is useless. It takes 4 days to produce a bow. Tech level 1.
Baker: The character's skill as a maker of baked goods. Use the success
chart to determine the quality of an item. Tech level 1.
Brewer: This is the character's skill as a maker of beers and ales. Use
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the success chart to determine the quality of the batch. Optionally, this
skill also increases the character's charisma in the eyes of others. Tech
level 0.
Camouflage: The character subtracts his skill percentage from the chance of
an item being spotted. The character may only subtract his full percentage
when time is given to do the job. In hurried jobs (less than an hour), the
character must roll, and if the roll is made the skill roll difference is
subtracted from the item's chance of being spotted. When determining the
objects original chance of being spotted the referee should take into
consideration such things as the objects size, distance, surroundings, whether
or not the object is moving, and the light.
Card Cheat: This is the character's chance of dealing himself or another
player a desired hand. Critical means the character is also aware of what the
contents of all the other players hands are. Lack of success means the
character did not get the hand, and fumbles indicate the character was caught
in the attempt. This skill also gives the character a chance to recognize
another character's actions as cheating. Other skills could include cheating
with dice, roulette wheels etc.
Cartographer: This is the character's chance of making an accurate map of an
area without the benefit of an original to copy. For each section mapped the
character should roll his percentage, the result indicating the completeness
of that section and hence, its worth. This skill could be combined with
artistry and/or calligraphy to enhance the value of the final product. Note
that the improved surveying methods and tools of higher tech levels will
increase the accuracy of the map though the value of the map will be based on
the average accuracy of the period. Tech level 1.

Climbing Walls: The character's chance of climbing a wall without rope or

grapple. A rough stone wall is considered the base. Minuses may be applied
for smoother walls, or wet walls. Some kind of crack or projection is
necessary, however small. No one can climb polished marble. Check every ten
feet. A miss means the character cannot continue to climb. A fumble implies
a fall.
Climbing Mountains: This is a chance of successfully scaling a mountain.
Check every fifty yards. This assumes that the part of the mountain being
checked for is exceptionally difficult, a section that an inexperienced person
would have no chance of scaling. Failure indicates an inability to continue,
and a fumble indicates a fall. Different sections of the same mountain could
have different modifiers.

Cobbler: The character's skill as a maker of shoes. Use the success chart to
determine the quality of the product. Tech level 1.

Communications: The character's chance to locate a previously unknown and

faint broadcast, as well as the character's ability to perform simple repairs
and maintenance on a communications device. The character must choose which
type of communications equipment he will specialize in. (Radio, television,
sub-space globnootza carriers , etc.) Tech level 7.
Computer Science: This is a character's chance of successfully gleaning
wanted information from a given unfamiliar computer system. A critical
success is required to circumvent any security measures that may be
implemented. Tech level 8.
Counterfeiting: This is the skill of producing false currency. Depending on
the technological level a wide variety of equipment may be neccessary. The
skill roll difference indicates the chance that the currency will not be
noticed as false. Tech level 1.
Dancer: A character's skill as a dancer. Use success chart to determine the
quality of the performance.
Demolitions: The character's percent chance to rig a triggering device
properly. Common methods at the character's disposal give the character
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bonuses to his or her percentage, such as manufactured trigger and timing
devices. Missing the percentage indicates that the bomb will not go off when
placed, and a fumble indicates, well, let's just say there aren't many old men
in the demolitions business. Increase the amount of damage a bomb does to a
structure by the percentage of the expert if the placement was chosen by him
or her. Tech level 3.
Disguise: This is the character's percent chance of disguising his or her
appearance beyond recognition. A disguise kit of some sort is necessary.
subtract 50% from the character's disguise chance if the attempt is being made
without any sort of kit. Subtract 100% from the character's skill if the
character is attempting to look like someone well known to the viewer. note
also that looking like a particular person does not mean that the character
sounds or acts like that person.
Driver: This is the character's skill behind the wheel of an automobile (or
another, specified, type of ground vehicle). The percentage represents the
character's chance to perform exceptional feats or control the car in extreme
circumstance or unusually high speeds. This skill can also be specified as
applying to other land vehicles (tank driver, etc.) In modern times the base
for this skill would be 4.
Endurance: This skill represents training to endure long periods of physical
exertion (marathon running and swimming). If the character is able to make
his skill roll he uses one less fatigue point for that 50 segment period (see
Constitution -- fatigue). A critical means he uses 2 less than normal. The
roll is made just before the fatigue points are subtracted.

Engineer: The characters chance to design items within a certain field, i.e.
aeronautical engineer, electronics engineer, etc. The character must specify
the field of engineering he or she is taking. This is also the character's
chance to diagnose and repair items within his or her field of endeavor. Tech
level depends upon the particular field of engineering being used.

Etiquette: This is the character's understanding of social interaction and

rules. The character's etiquette is the character's chance of "smoothing
ruffled feathers" in delicate situations, and avoiding unintentional insult.
It also applies to the chance of a character being aware of the identity of
some notable person in the society and, if possible, the chance that the
character has actually met this person.

The sophisticated sound of the name of this skill brings to mind visions of
royal courts or the jet set. This is not necessarily the case. A character
may choose to apply this skill (instead) to the knowledge of the underworld or
simply "the streets".
Extra Language: This is the percent of the language known by the character;
ergo the character's percent chance of getting the point of a sentence or
paragraph. This includes written forms and spoken forms of the same language.
The percent above 100% is the chance of the character speaking the language
without a detectable accent. The character must designate a particular
language. If there is a reason to get very detailed about what exactly what
words the character understands in a sentance then roll for each word.
Farmer: The character's skill as a farmer determines the amount of the
original planting that will be brought in at harvest time. Tech level 0.
Fletcher: The character's chance of producing arrows. For every percent the
skill roll is missed by reduce the accuracy of the arrows by 1%. For every
20% of the skill roll difference beyond 100% increase the accuracy of the
arrows by 5%. It takes about three hours to make an arrow. Tech level 1.
Forgery: The making of false documents. The character must have an original
to work from. The skill roll difference indicates the chance that the
document will appear valid to any observer. Tech level 1.
Game Designer: This is the character's percent chance of getting thrown
out of a bar.
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Gold/Silversmith: The character's skill as a worker of soft and precious
metals thus increasing their usefulness or value. Use the success chart to
determine the quality of the item. Tech level 1.
Hanggliding: This is the character's skill at operating a hangglider. Refers
to the character's chance to find updrafts. Every ten minutes roll against
character's skill. A successful roll indicates that the character may
maintain the same altitude. No success means 100 feet of altitude lost.
Criticals allow 100 foot gain. Fumbles indicate a stall and 200 foot altitude
loss. Modfiers apply to the character's chance of controlling the hangglider
in difficult circumstances i.e., difficult weather (-5% - -50%), while firing
a weapon (-20), etc.
Hiding: The character's chance of concealing him- or herself in some form of
cover. The character may remain concealed in shadows, bushes, etc. Subtract
the awareness of the searcher from the chance of success and, as always, apply
appropriate modifiers for the situation.
High Jumping: This skill represents effort spent maximizing ones ability to
jump high. For every 5% of the skill roll difference the character may clear
an additional inch.

Horsemanship: The character's chance of controlling a horse at top speed, of

performing unusual feats on the horse, fighting from it, etc. If the
character is hit while on the horse, a skill roll must be made. If it is
blown the character will fall off the horse. The skill percentage also
indicates the percentage of the horse's speed at which the character may move
and still prepare to attack.

Hypnosis: This is the character's chance of hypnotizing a willing subject. If

the skill roll is made the subject being hypnotized must roll a D20. To this
is added 1 for every 10% of the skill roll difference. If the result is less
than or equal to the will of the subject the hypnosis attempt was
unsuccessful. Requests that go against the nature of the person will not be
followed, and the subject gets another roll against his or her will to see if
the hypnosis was canceled by the request. Unwilling subjects may be
hypnotized at -100%. Hypnosis will take about 5 minutes.

Jester: The character's chance of staging a successful performance under

normal circumstances. Use the success chart to determine the quality of the
performance. In modern times this would be known as a stand-up comedian.
Jet Pack: The character's ability to fly using a jet pack. Every ten minutes
roll against character's skill. A successful roll indicates that the
character is maintaining control. No success means 100 feet of altitude lost.
Fumbles indicate a complete loss of control and a 20 foot/segment altitude
loss until the the character rolls a critical to regain control. Minus's apply
to controlling the jet pack in difficult circumstances i.e., difficult
weather (-5 to -70%), while firing a weapon(-40%), etc. This skill assumes
Jet Pack technology slightly better than we have today. It's possible that
better (more technologically advanced) Jet Packs may provide bonus's.
Jeweler: The character is a maker of fine jewelry. Use the success chart to
determine the quality of the product. Tech level 1.
Lawyer: This skill represents both the knowledge of local laws and the
character's ability to argue a case convincingly. When deciding the outcome
of a case, the lawyers on both sides should make skill rolls. The lawyer with
the larger skill roll difference will win the case. The difference between
the skill roll differences should represent the court's attitude towards the
defendant. A small difference (a close case) may evoke sympathy from the
court. Apply modifiers for overwhelming evidence (or lack thereof),
particularly henious crimes or local prejudices.
Literacy: This is the degree to which the character can understand the
printed word. The percent is the character's percent chance to understand a
given sentence. In modern times the base for this skill would be about 15
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Long Jump: The art of running long jumps. For every 10% of the skill roll
difference the length of the jump is increased 1 foot.
Mason: The character's skill as a builder in stone and brick. Use success
chart to determine quality. Tech level 1.
Mechanic: This is the character's chance to diagnose and repair a particular
type of mechanical device. He should have the proper equipment and parts the
perform the repair. Parts and tools may be improvised with minus's to his
chance of success. The base percent assumes that the engine is not actually
broken, it just needs to be adjusted or patched in some way. Otherwise, the
appropriate replacement parts must be available. If they are not, then
minus's will apply based on the importance of the broken part. The mechanic
must specialize in a particular sort of mechanical device. Tech level 4.

Medic: The character's chance to tend wounds. This is the character's chance
to bind wounds, stop bleeding, and increase healing. Double the healing rate
for every 20% of the skill roll difference. (See Damage--Healing). The
percentage also indicates the ability of the medic to diagnose diseases and
prescribe the proper drug. A critical means the medic has healed an 1 D6
points immediately. A miss indicates lack of success, and a fumble causes the
medic to do an additional 1 D6 to the patient (Oops). Only one medic may work
on a wound. Square the number of hit points taken by the patient to find the
time (in minutes) that proper medical attention will take.
This description applies to 20th century medics. There was a lot of fumbling
going on in the 12th century ("Put manure on his wounds. It'll keep the evil
spirits out.").
Merchant: This skill represents time spent studying the market values of
various products sold in different areas. By successfully rolling his skill
percentage, the character will be able to ascertain the fair market price of
an item either at his present location,or at whatever location he chooses (that
he has knowledge of). Roll for each location.
Mimicry: The character's skill at disguising his or her own voice and
gestures. Includes physical and vocal mimicry. Note that this is not the same
as disguise skill. This skill enables the character to act and sound like
another. Subtract 50% if the character is attempting to sound or act like
someone close to the listener.

Miner: The chance of the character to extract minerals from the Earth, or any
other planet (assuming they exist). Note that technological tools can increase
the efficiency of the mining operation. In this case mining also applies to
knowledge of those tools. Tech level 1.
Misdirection: This skill is the character's chance of distracting attention
from something he or she does not want a viewer to see. If used in
combination with pickpocketing or sleight of hand add the skill roll
difference to the character's skill percentage in these other skills.
Misdirection conceals an unobtrusive action (i.e. drawing a dagger). More
flagrant actions may be attempted with appropriate minus's.
Musician: The character's skill with a particular instrument (character's
choice). Use the success chart to determine the quality of the performance.
Navigator: The Character's chance of making his way to a destination in a
reasonable amount of time . Critical indicates that the navigator has managed
to get to the target place in 10% less than the expected time. If the
percentage is missed, the length of time spent traveling is increased by 1%
for each number the roll is greater than the percent. A fumble indicates that
the navigator is hopelessly lost.
Optionally, where it may be important to know where the characters are at any
given time, the following system may be used.

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For every 100 units traveled, the GM should make a skill roll for the
character. This will determine the error in the heading of the character.
SRD Units Astray
-100 - 30
-50 to -99 20
-25 to -49 10
-1 to -24 5
0 to 25 3
26 to 50 2
51 to 75 1
76 to 100 0.5
101 to 125 0.25
126 to 150 0.1
150 to 200 0.05
200+ 0.01
The character will go astray the indicated number of units in a random
Bonus's should be given for familiar terrain.
The character should not be told the results of the roll. A critical
indicates that the character has recognized some landmark and can figure out
exactly where he is.

Note that when using astronomical units you get astronomical errors. But then
thats what navigational computers are for. Add bonus's according to the
quality of the computer. Tech level 1.

Orator: Character's skill at swaying audiences with words. Successful roll

means the audience regards the point the character is expressing favorably.
Criticals indicate that the audience is fervently behind the speaker.
Lack of success indicates that the audience is stonily unmoved, and fumbles
indicate that the audience has been angered. The referee may apply modifiers
for particularly poor settings, such as preaching Communism to the American
Legion. The Referee should remember to apply bonuses where the audience is
already favorable to the speaker's ideas.
Picking Locks: The character's chance to open a lock without the key or
combination. This applies to mechanical locks only. Apply modifiers for
unusually difficult locks. Safe cracking is a similar though separate skill.
Picking a lock takes 50 segments minus 1 segment for every two points of the
skill roll difference. Tech level 2.

Pickpocket: The character's chance to successfully remove an item from

another person's pocket (or somewhere else on his person). Reduce the chance
for stealing items either unusually large or unusually small. A wallet is
just about optimum size. Pickpocketing assumes that the character can touch
his mark without attracting undo attention. The mark will get an awareness
roll to notice that his pocket is being picked. Subtract the skill roll
difference of pickpocket from this chance. A fumble is always noticed and a
critical never is.
Pilot: The Character's skill with aircraft. The player should determine
whether the skill refers to jet aircraft, propeller driven aircraft, or
helicopters. In science fiction scenarios this skill may also apply to space
craft. This also forms the character's chance to hit a target with weapons
that are fix-mounted on the aircraft.
Pharmacologist: The character's skill at making and administering drugs.
Success indicates the drug is as effective as it should be. The types of
drugs that may be manufactured are dependent upon the tech level in which the
pharmacologist was trained. Fumbles--see Poison. Tech level 3.
Poet: This is a character's chance of producing a moving poem. Use the
success chart for the quality of the poem.
Powered Armor: The character's ability to control tech-level 14 powered
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armor. For each 10% of skill percentage the character may subtract one from
the agility minus of the armor. Any agility rolls (for slipping or something)
required while wearing powered armor should also require a roll for this
Priest: This skill represents knowledge in a particular religion and the
ability to deliver a inspirational sermon or soothing words. Use the
performance section of the success chart to determine the quality. Add
bonus's if the audience is devoutly religious or penalties to those who are
not religious or are of another religion. The adjusted skill roll difference
may also be used to determine the percentage of people impressed by the
sermon. If the skill roll difference is negative then use it as the
percentage of observers angered.
Psychonics: An example of a ultra-high tech skill. Psychonics allows a
character to predict the actions of a person in a given situation. This is
accomplished by analyzing the person's personality either through a
standardized test or by in depth research into the character's past behavior.
The skill roll difference will indicate the probability that the prediction
will come true. Tech level 12.
Quick Draw: This skill reduces the amount of time spent drawing an item. To
find how much time is spent drawing the item, reduce the normal draw time by 1
for every 20% the quick-draw percentage is beaten by. This skill is only
useful if the character carries the item in a spot where he or she is familiar
with. You can't quick-draw an item if you have to look for it. If the result
is a draw-time of 0 or less then it has effectively taken 0 segments to draw
the item, and the character may immediately determine initiative for his or
her next action. A fumble indicates that the item was dropped. (see
Robotics: This represents the character's knowledge of controlling and
maintaining robots of his day. This includes knowledge of the various
abilities and quirks of the various models. In some cases it may also
represent the chance of the character to make a robot do something it wasn't
designed for or otherwise wouldn't normally do. Tech level 9.
Sailing: The character's degree of skill with wind-driven boats and ships.
The character's percent chance of controlling the craft in dangerous
conditions is represented. Lack of success indicates that the craft has gone
much off course. Fumbles indicate that the craft has taken severe damage or
capsized. Tech level 1.
Scientist: This is the character's mastery of a particular scientific skill,
such as chemistry, physics, geology, etc. The character must decide what area
of science he or she specializes in, and the percentage is his or her chance
to successfully use that science to achieve results or conclusions in whatever
area it deals in. See the success chart. Tech level depends upon the
particular field of science being used.
Scuba Diving: The character's knowledge of scuba diving equipment and
practices. Also his ability to deal with difficult circumstances while scuba
diving. Tech level 6.
Security Systems: This skill represents the character's knowledge of
electronic security systems. The percentage represents his chance to be
familiar enough with a given device to be able to disable it (assuming
he can get to it.). Tech level 8.
Sex Appeal: The character's chance of swaying the opposite sex with looks and
charm. Critical indicates that the target has fallen in love with the
character. Failure indicates "the cold shoulder", and fumbles indicate that
the target regards the character as slime.
Singer: The character's chance of pleasing an audience with a rendition of a
tune. Use the success chart to measure results.
Skydiving : This skill represents the character's chance of landing where he
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wants to after jumping out of an airplane. The lower the skill roll
difference the closer the character is. A skill roll difference of zero would
indicate that the character lands about 50 ft. from where he wanted to.
Adjust this by one foot for every skill roll difference point. The unusually
sadistic GM could roll a skill roll for the character every time he packs a
parachute, a fumble indicating that the 'chute will not open.
Sleight-of-hand: The character's chance to slip something out of his or her
own sleeve, drop something without being noticed, etc. Failure indicates that
the character is aware that he or she cannot perform the action without being
seen, and fumble means the character was caught in the middle of the attempt.
Socioprediction: A high tech skill similar to Psychonics except that this
skill predicts the actions of a culture rather than an individual. Here also,
the skill roll difference indicates the probablity of a prediction coming
true. A prediction may be as far into the future as possible but there is a
chance that with time, the parameters of the original equations may change
requiring a recalculation. Note that this skill does not make predictions
come true (you can't, as a player predict that your character will be voted
emperor of the universe and, having made your skill roll, sit around and wait
for it to happen). Tech level 12.
Stealth: The ability to move very quietly. Compare the skill roll
difference to the awareness skill roll difference of the skeak-ee.
The speed at which the character is moving will subtract from his stealth
percentage as follows. . .
% of Max. Modifier

26% -10%
50% -20%
75% -30%
100% -40%

This skill may also be used perform other actions (such as picking locks or
getting into a tree) very quietly.
Swimming: The ability of a character to swim and a measure of the relative
speed at which he does so. Normal swimming speed is one-tenth of a
character's agility per segment. This speed is increased a percentage equal
to the character's skill percentage. This skill is neccessary in order to
swim at all although one skill point is usually sufficient to allow the
character to do so. Also, swimming is pretty tiring. For fatigue purposes
just staying afloat uses 2 fatigue points every 50 segments.

Tailor: Character's skill is a manufacturer of cloth items. Use success

chart to determine quality of item. Tech level 0.
Tanner: Character's skill as a manufacturer of leather. Use success chart to
determine quality of item. Tech level 1.
Tracker: Character's chance of tracking a creature. Subtract 5% for every 12
hours since creature's passing, 10% for every hour of precipitation. Non-
success means the trail was lost. Of course, it doesn't take a tracker to
follow an elephant in fresh snow. As always apply appropriate modifiers.
Weapon Maker: The character's skill as manufacturer of swords, clubs, axes,
lances, etc. Skill roll difference of 100% means the item has +5% to
attacker's attack percentage when used. Each 20% beyond this in the skill
roll difference means the weapon has an additional +5%. Fumbles indicate a
totally worthless product, and lack of success means the weapon has -1% for
every point the percentage was missed by. Optionally the character could
choose to increase/decrease the speed or damage of a weapon rather than
increasing it's accuracy. Tech level 1.
Weapon Technician: This is the character's chance of making or repairing
mechanical weapons, This includes, depending on time period, catapults,
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cannon, guns, artillery weapons, and all beam weapons etc., in science fiction
scenarios. The character should choose what type of weapon he or she wishes
to specialize in.
Weightlifting: This represents training in lifting extremely heavy weights.
It is not an increase in strength so much as as focusing of it for one
particular purpose. The character can lift one additional pound over his head
for each point of his skill roll difference. Triple the additional weight for
a dead lift.


Hand-to-hand: The character's amount of skill in general unarmed combat, i.e.

One-handed Weapon: The degree of skill the character has with melee weapons
held in one hand.
Two-handed Weapon: The degree of skill the character has with melee weapons
held in two hands.

Pole-arms: The character's skill with pole-arm weapons.

Wrestling: Unarmed combat involving grappling.
Judo: Like wrestling. But the Judo user has the option of throwing his

Karate: Oriental unarmed hand-to-hand. The karate user may also kick. The
differences between a normal punch, a karate punch, and a karate kick can all
be found on the weapons chart.

Fencing: Skill for use with light swords.

Thrown Weapons: Character's skill at throwing accurately

Archery: Skill with use of bow weapons.

Crossbowmanship: Skill with use of crossbows

One-handed Guns: Skill with use of one-handed projectile and beam weapons.
Two-handed Guns: Skill with use of two-handed projectile and beam weapons.
Heavy Guns: Skill with use of heavy tripod or turret mounted direct-fire guns
and beam weapons
Rocketer: Skill with use of rocket launcher weapons.
Artillerist: Skill with use of large indirect fire weapons.
Gunner: The character's skill with large mechanically handled guns (tank
guns, anti-aircraft guns, etc.)
Bolo: South American thrown weapon. Critical indicates opponent is
Boomerang: Australian Aborigine thrown weapon. If it misses it returns to
the thrower, who must make another roll against his or her skill to catch it.
Chakram: Weirdo Arabian throwing weapon. Shaped like a sharp edged donut.
Spin it around your finger and throw it. (Somebody thought it was a good
Lasso: Rope with a loop in it. Cowboys and all. You've seen them.
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Successfull roll means the target is looped. Roll a D6 for where. 1=neck, 2-
3=abdomen, 4-5 = Legs 6= Arms & Abdomen. Critical means the thrower can choose
what part of the target is looped. No Damage.
Mancatcher: Large two-pronged pole-arm. Critical indicates opponent has been
caught between prongs on barbs. Additional 1 D4 damage. To escape, opponent
must make agility roll. Whether roll is successful or not, another 1 D4 is

Mounted Lance: The well known lance of the knights of old. It's not easy to
use, but does deadly damage if the user can handle it.
Nunchaku: Use of oriental weapon nunchuks. Critical indicates opponent
has been caught around a leg, an arm, or the neck with nunchuks.

Sai: Oriental dagger-like weapon. If a parry is successful, the user may

attempt to hold his opponent's weapon with the sai by rolling a skill roll.
If it is successful the character must roll again every segment to maintain
the hold on his opponent's weapon. (Similar to the european "Sword Breaker")
Shuriken: Use of small oriental throwing stars.

Sling: Simple sling. Spin it around and throw the rock. With a bit of
divine intervention, it can kill a giant.

Whip: Long weapon normally used to beat horses. Critical indicates opponent
has been entangled. Handle in the same way as nunchuks.

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