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2007 MS Guevara - Explanatory Factors of Market Power in The Banking System

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The Manchester School Vol 75 No.

3 June 2007
1463–6786 275–296



Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Economicas (Ivie)
Universitat de València i Ivie

The aim of the study is to analyse the explanatory factors of market

power in the banking system. Using as laboratory the Spanish banking
system in the period 1986–2002, results show an increase of market power
from the mid-1990s. Of the set of variables that the model posits as
explaining market power, those with the greatest explanatory power are
size, efficiency and specialization; concentration is not significant. This
last result shows the limitations of the approaches, studies and decision-
making rules of economic policy that uses market concentration as a
proxy for the degree of competition.

1 Introduction
In recent years, European banks have suffered an alteration of the competi-
tive conditions of their markets as a consequence of various factors. The
process of deregulation has created a scenario of greater competition follow-
ing the implementation of measures such as the abolition of compulsory
investment coefficients, the liberalization of interest rates, freedom of es-
tablishment etc. Furthermore, the increasing level of integration of the
European financial markets has also increased the intensity of competition
following the adoption of various measures (most recently, the Financial
Services Action Plan of the European Commission) aimed at eliminating the
barriers or obstacles (legal, fiscal, institutional etc.) that protect national
markets from outside competition.
The events described above have coexisted with a process of consolida-
tion of national markets as a consequence of a wave of mergers and acqui-
sitions, which have increased the degree of concentration of the European
banking markets. Although cross-border mergers and acquisitions can help
to increase the degree of integration and competition of financial markets,
the evidence shows a clear predominance of domestic mergers (with the
* Manuscript received 30.9.05; final version received 10.10.06.

The authors gratefully acknowledge two anonymous referees for their helpful comments.
Joaquín Maudos acknowledges the financial support of the Ministerio de Ciencia y
Tecnología-FEDER (projects SEJ2004-00110 and SEJ2005-02776). Juan Fernández de
Guevara acknowledges the financial support of the Banco Herrero Foundation.
© 2007 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and The University of Manchester
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK, and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

276 The Manchester School

consequent increase in the concentration of national markets), the relative

importance of cross-border mergers being very low (see European Central
Bank, 2000a).
The increased concentration of banking markets has given rise to
various studies showing the need for evidence in respect of the analysis of
competition among banks in this context of greater concentration. For this
purpose the studies published use several indicators of competition that can
be classified in two major categories: those that fall within the so-called
‘new empirical industrial organization’ models (instruments derived from
Monti–Klein-type banking competition models such as the estimation of
Lerner indexes (Prescott and McCall, 1975; Maudos and Fernández de
Guevara, 2004, 2007; Fernández de Guevara et al., 2005; Carbó et al.,
2006a), the estimation of the mark-up test of Bresnahan (Shaffer, 1989,
1993; Shaffer and Disalvo, 1994; Neven and Röller, 1999) or the Panzar
and Rosse test (Nathan and Neave, 1989; Molyneux et al., 1994; De Bandt
and Davis, 2000; Bikker and Haaf, 2002)) and the structural indicators of
competition (the use of concentration indexes or the estimation of equa-
tions located in the structure–conduct–performance versus efficient struc-
ture hypothesis (Berger, 1995)).
In the case of the European banking system, several recent studies
analyse the competition in banking markets. De Bandt and Davis (2000) and
Bikker and Haaf (2002) analyse competition by applying the Panzar and
Rosse test (1987). Specifically, Bikker and Haaf (2002) analyse competition in
a sample of 23 countries (European and non-European) showing evidence in
favour of the existence of monopolistic competition, although the results
depend on the geographical scope of the markets (local, national, interna-
tional). This same study shows the existence of a negative relationship
between the degree of concentration (measured on a national scale) and the
level of competition. In this same line of analysis, the results of the studies by
De Bandt and Davis (2000) do not permit us to reject a situation of monopo-
listic competition in the principal banking sectors of Europe (Germany,
France and Italy), the evidence even being favourable to a situation of
monopoly for banks that operate in small markets.
Through the estimation of bank margins, Corvosier and Gropp (2002)
analyse the explanatory factors of the margins of the European banking
system in the period 1993–99. Their results show that the increase in con-
centration of the loans and short-term deposits markets has permitted an
increase in margins, while the evidence is just the opposite in the time
deposit markets. Taking as their starting point the model used by these
same authors, Fernández de Guevara et al. (2005) estimate Lerner indexes
for the five most important banking sectors of the European Union
(Germany, France, Italy, the UK and Spain) during the period 1993–99.
The results show that, in spite of the liberalizing measures implemented, no
reduction in the market power of the banks is observed. In this same line,
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Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power 277

Maudos and Fernández de Guevara (2007) show that the reduction of

margins in the European banking system is compatible with a decrease in
the intensity of competition.
The survey carried out, though it shows the existence of numerous
studies that analyse competition in banking markets, also reveals the scarcity
of studies that analyse the explanatory factors of market power. This ques-
tion is especially relevant, as knowing only the degree of competition in a
market is, from the point of view of the regulator, of limited utility. Only
when the sources of this market power have been identified will it be possible
to carry out the reforms necessary to achieve a reduction of the social in-
efficiency associated with the existence of market power.
The evidence available in relation to the effect of the concentration of
banking markets on competition is based in most cases on studies in which
the concentration is proxied at national level, implicitly assuming that it is the
national market that is relevant for analysing competition. However,
although this assumption may be valid for large banks, it is clearly not
acceptable for small- or medium-sized banks with presence in local markets.
The Spanish banking system during the period 1986–2002 is a good
laboratory to analyse the determinants of market power for two reasons.
First, in anticipation of the expanded competition following Spain’s entry
into the European Union in 1986, restrictions on bank interest rates and
geographical controls on branching were removed. Thus, Spanish banks saw
their market open to competition and to the rivalry of both domestic and
foreign firms. But, on the other hand, one of the firms’ responses to this new
scenario was to initiate processes of mergers and acquisitions, hence increas-
ing the concentration of the Spanish banking sector. Consequently it is of
greater interest to evaluate the market power of the Spanish banking sector
and the factors that drive it. Second, by analysing the Spanish case, we can
better proxy the local nature of banking markets. In fact, in the specific case
of the Spanish banking sector, only a very small group of big banks have a
presence throughout the country, so for all the other banks the relevant
market is of a regional dimension. Here, we improve these papers by means
of measuring market structure at lower than national level, for the 52 prov-
inces in which Spain is divided. For this reason, unlike Fernández de Guevara
et al. (2005), this study starts by considering that the relevant market for the
analysis of competition is subnational, using regional indicators of variables
such as concentration, market share, size and growth of markets etc. on the
basis of the information available on the regional distribution of the branch
office network.
In this context, the aim of the study is to analyse the explanatory factors
of the market power of the banks in Spain, using a broad panel of commercial
and savings banks covering the period 1986–2002 and taking as reference the
extension to the model of Corvosier and Gropp (2002) made in Fernández de
Guevara et al. (2005). Although previous studies have also focused on the
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278 The Manchester School

analysis of the measurement of competition, in the Spanish banking sector,

none of them has analysed the explanatory factors of market power.
The study starts by estimating Lerner indexes of market power and
then, in a second stage, analyses its determining factors. The results show
that although there was a reduction in market power from the mid-1980s to
the mid-1990s, from then onwards market power increased until in 2002 it
was at a higher level than in 1986. With respect to the variables explaining
the differences in market power among banks, the results show the impor-
tance of specialization and efficiency in explaining the differences in market
power among banks. Thus, banks that are most specialized in retail
banking activity and which reach the highest levels of efficiency are those
with higher margins. On the other hand, market concentration does not
turn out to be significant in the explanation of the differences in market
power, showing the inappropriateness of using concentration as an indica-
tor of competition as is done in some studies and even in some countries
when making decisions regarding acceptance or rejection of a bank merger
by the public authorities.
After this introduction, the study is structured as follows. Section 2
presents both the reference model used in the analysis of the Lerner index and
its determinants, and describes the empirical approach. Section 3 analyses the
evolution of market power in the Spanish banking system from 1986 to 2002
and presents the results of the analysis of the explanatory factors of market
power. Finally, Section 4 concludes.

2 Market Power and Its Explanatory Factors

The reference model used in the analysis of the market power of banking
firms and its determining factors is that of Corvosier and Gropp (2002),
together with the extensions to the said model by Fernández de Guevara et al.
(2005). The initial assumption is that the bank enjoys market power in setting
the interest rates (r) on loans (L), but is price taker in the deposits market (D).
The model takes into account the existence of product differentiation by
assuming that each bank offers only one type of loan, k, which is unique but
differentiated from that of its N - 1 competitors, and whose demand function
is as follows:
L0 b N rB
Lk = − ∑
N N − 1 j ≠k
( rk − rj ) − L

where b is the elasticity in loan demand k relative to the differential of interest

rates from its competitors (rj), and B is the total demand elasticity for loans
with respect to the average interest rate rL.
As Fernández de Guevara et al. (2005) demonstrate, the first-order con-
dition of the maximization problem yields the following expression:
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Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power 279

rD ∂C L0 rk B
rk (1 − β k ) − − k −
1 − α ∂ Lk 1
= (1 − β k ) N N (2)
rk rk b + B N2

where bk represents the default probability of loans of bank k, ∂Ck/∂Lk is the

marginal cost, rD represents the deposit rate, a is the coefficient of required
reserves and ek is the elasticity of the demand for the loans of bank k.
The left-hand side of expression (2) shows the quotient between the price
(net of the costs of risk)–marginal cost margin relative to price, being there-
fore the expression of the Lerner index of market power. The right-hand side
contains the determinants of market power, which are default risk (bk), the
average size of the bank (L0/N), the number of firms (N), the elasticity of
demand for loans of type k relative to the interest rate differential from its
competitors (b), the elasticity of the total demand for loans relative to the
average interest rate (B) and the level of interest rates (rk).
Regarding the empirical approach, as described in Maudos and Pérez
(2003), the estimation of the Lerner index of market power for banks presents
some problems, some of them derived from the available statistical informa-
tion. Specifically, the estimation of the Lerner index through the left-hand
side of expression (2) requires information at firm level on the interest rates
on bank loans and on three types of costs: the cost of risk, the cost of the
funds captured and the marginal operating costs.
The balance sheet and profit and loss account supplied by the Spanish
banking associations, though offering disaggregated information on loans,
do not offer separate information on the financial income associated only
with loans, so it is not possible to estimate the average price or interest
rate for loans of individual banks. Moreover, the theoretical model presented
above only considers the process of intermediation between deposits and
loans, not considering the growing importance of other activities that gener-
ate income other than interest (see European Central Bank, 2000b).1
As in other studies (Berg and Kim, 1994; Angelini and Cetorelli, 2003;
Carbó et al., 2003a; Maudos and Pérez, 2003; Maudos and Fernández de
Guevara, 2007; among others; Carbó et al. 2006a, 2006b), the above limita-
tions oblige us to consider a broader indicator of banking activity than the
mere granting of loans, total assets often being used as proxy of banking
output. The starting assumption is that the flow of goods and services pro-
duced by the banks is proportional to total assets, generating both financial
and non-financial revenues.2 With this approximation it is possible to con-

For the Spanish banking sector, the ratio non-interest income/total income has increased from
4.94 per cent in 1986 to 12.11 per cent in 2002.
As Angelini and Cetorelli (2003) affirm, ‘the choice is valid under the assumption that the stock
of total assets is a good proxy for heterogeneous flow of services supplied by banks’.
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280 The Manchester School

struct an average price or interest rate of banking production as a quotient

between total revenues and total assets.
The empirical approach to the cost of risk also presents problems (for a
more detailed exposition see Fernández de Guevara et al. (2005)). In addition
to the lack of information in the yearbooks on variables that could proxy the
parameter b (as the ratio non-performing loans/total loans), the allocation in
time of risk is also problematical given that the cost of risk usually materi-
alizes some time after the investment is made. In view of these problems, the
effect of credit risk on the estimation of the Lerner index is not taken into
account initially, though it will be taken into account as an explanatory
variable of market power using the ratio loan loss provisions/loans as proxy
variable for the risk of insolvency.
Regarding the estimation of other costs, although the model used, that
of Corvosier and Gropp (2002), considers that the rate of interest on deposits
is given (so the marginal financial cost is constant), in practice it is possible to
relax this assumption by estimating total marginal costs on the basis of a
costs function where the variable to be explained includes both financial and
operating costs.
With the limitations described above, the empirical expression of the
Lerner index is
( p − MC ) p (3)
where p is the average price or income of a bank (proxied as the quotient
between total revenues and total assets) and MC is the total marginal cost
calculated from the estimation of a translogarithmic costs function, where the
total costs depend on the prices of three inputs (labour, physical capital and
deposits), on the bank’s volume of production (total assets) and on technical
change (proxied by a trend). Specifically, the costs function estimated is as
ln TCi = α 0 + α1 ln TA i + α 2 ( ln TA i ) + ∑ β j ln wji

2 j =1

1 3 3 1 3
+ ∑∑
2 j =1 k =1
β jk ln w ji ln wki + ∑ γ j ln TAi ln wji + μ1Trend
2 j =1
+ μ2 Trend 2 + μ3 Trend ln TA i + ∑ λ j Trend ln wji + ln ui (4)
2 j =1

where TCi is the bank’s total costs including financial and operating costs. As
mentioned before, total assets (TAi) are used as a proxy variable for banking
output. The input prices (w) are defined as follows: price of labour
(w1) = personnel costs/number of employees; price of capital (w2) = operating
costs (except personnel costs)/fixed assets; price of deposits (w3) is financial
costs/deposits. In the estimation of the costs function, fixed effects are intro-
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Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power 281

duced to capture the effect of possible unobserved variables specific to each

bank. Symmetry and linear homogeneity in input price restrictions are
Marginal costs are calculated from equation (4) as follows:
TC ⎛ 1 3 ⎞
MCi = ⎜ α1 + α 2 ln TA i + ∑ γ j ln wji + μ3 Trend⎟ (5)
TA ⎝ 2 j =1 ⎠

In the case of the determinants of market power that appear on the

right-hand side of expression (2), the empirical approximation is as follows.
(a) Concentration is used as proxy for the number of competitors. Specifi-
cally, as in other studies (Maudos, 2001; Carbó et al., 2003a, 2003b;
among others), we consider that the relevant market for evaluating
competition is the regional one (more particularly, the province), given
that, in fact, many savings and commercial banks are firms with regional
implantation in one or a few provinces. Since the only information
available for each firm at provincial level is the distribution of its branch
office network, we use this variable as proxy for banking output for the
purposes of calculating the concentration of each province and the
market shares of each bank. Specifically, the concentration of
the market in which each bank operates was calculated as a weighted
average of the indexes of concentration of the markets in which it has
implantation, using as weightings the percentage distribution of its
branch network by provinces. The indicator of concentration used is the
Herfindahl–Hirschman index (HHI).
(b) The average size of the bank is proxied by the logarithm of total assets.
The variable is used as explanatory of market power for two reasons: (i)
in case there are advantages in average costs associated with the possible
existence of economies of scale, and (ii) to test whether size, per se,
confers market power. To allow for a possible nonlinear relation
between size and market power, we also introduce the square of the
(c) With country-level data, Corvosier and Gropp (2002) and Fernández
de Guevara et al. (2005) use the banking assets/GDP and market
capitalization/GDP ratios as proxy variables for the elasticity of
demand to measure the extent to which the financial system is bank
versus market based. However, with data referring to regional markets,
there is no information available to capture the importance of direct
financing through the markets. For this reason, we use the loans/GDP
ratio as a proxy variable for elasticity of total demand. Taking into
account that the demand elasticity for banking products will be greater
when other non-banking sources of finance are more important, a
hypothesis to be tested is that the higher the loans/GDP ratio, the
greater the degree of dependence on banking finance, and the higher the
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market power will be.3 For each bank, the value of the variable is
constructed as a weighted average of the loans/GDP ratio of the prov-
inces where the bank has branches, using as weights the relative impor-
tance of each province in terms of branches.
(d) Given the fact that the coefficient of bank reserves (a) has not been
taken into account in the estimation of the Lerner index, it is explicitly
included as a determinant. It is proxied through the ratio of cash and
deposits in central banks/total deposits. As the theoretical model shows
(expression (2)), a negative sign is to be expected for this variable, as the
higher the proportion of liquid reserves (with an implicit opportunity
cost as they are remunerated at an interest below the market rate), the
lower the margin obtained.
(e) Default risk (bk) is proxied using the ratio loan loss provisions/loans as
an ex post indicator of the cost of risk.4 As suggested by the theoretical
model used, a negative sign for this variable is to be expected, given that
a higher default risk implies a lower relative margin.
Although it does not appear explicitly in the theoretical model
(expression (2)) as determinants of the Lerner index, other papers show
the importance of introducing additional explanatory variables of
market power.
(f) The evidence shows the importance for market power of specialization
in a particular type of banking activity (Fernández de Guevara et al.,
2007). The literature on integration of the financial markets shows a
lower degree of integration and competition in retail banking markets
than in wholesale markets, as a consequence, in addition to the charac-
teristics of the products themselves, of the greater importance of the
barriers or obstacles which protect markets from outside competition
(see, among others, Cabral et al., 2002; European Commission, 2002a,
2002b; Hartmann et al., 2003; Fernández de Guevara et al., 2007). For
this reason, the importance of specialization in retail products is proxied
through the income structure. Specifically, the proxy variable used is the
ratio non-interest income/total income. It is to be expected that the
lower retail activity, and thus greater relative importance of non-interest
income, will be accompanied by a lower market power.
(g) Corvosier and Gropp (2002) and Fernández de Guevara et al. (2005)
introduce the efficiency of banking firms as an explanatory variable of
market power, using the cost/income ratio. It was introduced to con-

For the European banking sectors, Corvosier and Gropp’s (2002) results show that the larger
the total assets of the banking system relative to GDP, the higher banks’ margins would be
expected to be.
A better measurement to proxy the default risk is non-performing loans/total loans ratio.
Unfortunately, this information is not available at individual bank level in the statistical
yearbooks of the AEB (Asociacion Española de Banca) and the CECA (Confederacion
Española de Cajas de Ahorros).
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Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power 283

tribute evidence so as to be able to discriminate between the traditional

structure–conduct–performance paradigm and the efficient structure
hypothesis. In the first case, it is to be expected that concentration will
affect market power positively and significantly, whereas under the
efficient structure hypothesis it is supposed that the most efficient banks
are those that gain market share (so they act in more concentrated
markets) and are more profitable. Therefore, it is efficiency and not
concentration that determines higher banking margins. Following
Berger (1995), the way to test these hypotheses is by introducing con-
centration, efficiency and market share as explanatory variables of the
relative margin.
In our case, in order to overcome the limitations presented by the
use of accounting indicators such as the cost/income ratio as indicator of
efficiency, we will use frontier indicators of efficiency, under the stochas-
tic frontier approach (see a description of this approach in Carbó et al.
(2002)). This approach modifies the standard costs function by assuming
that inefficiency forms part of the error term. It also posits that the
compound error term includes the effect of variables not under the
control of the firm. Since inefficiency can only increase costs above
the frontier, it is necessary to specify asymmetric distributions for the
inefficiency term. Individual inefficiency estimates can be calculated by
using the distribution of the inefficiency term conditional on the estimate
of the composite error term. As is common practice, it is assumed that
inefficiency is drawn from a half-normal distribution. Instead of using
the cost function model based on total assets (equation (4)), we specify
a cost function with three outputs with the aim of considering the
multi-product characteristic of the banking activity. This specification
yields a more accurate measure of X-efficiency.5 Specifically, a transloga-
rithmic costs function is estimated, in which total costs depend on the
prices of inputs (labour, physical capital and deposits), on a vector of
banking output (earning assets, deposits and other operating income6)
and on technical change. The costs function is estimated using the pool
of data on savings banks and commercial banks, so that we have indi-
vidual estimations of efficiency for each bank and year.
(h) As remarked above, market share is introduced as well as efficiency, to
test the efficient structure hypothesis or alternatively the collusion

As mentioned above, the lack of disaggregated information on interest rates obliges us to
estimate the Lerner index for the whole banking activity using total assets as a proxy
variable. Consequently, we must estimate the marginal cost of the total assets based on a
costs function with only one output. However, the estimation of X-efficiency based on a
cost function model with a vector of banking outputs is more accurate.
Following the studies by Berger and DeYoung (1997), DeYoung and Hasan (1998), Rogers
(1998), among others, ‘other operating income’ is introduced as a proxy variable for
off-balance sheet activities which have grown in importance in recent years.
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hypothesis. The market share is calculated for the branches at province

level. For each bank each province is weighted according to its impor-
tance in the branch office network.
(i) Considering that the Spanish banking sector includes some banks that
compete at a national level, whereas others compete at a regional or
provincial level, it is important to control for the reference market in
each bank’s area of competition (regional versus national). For this
reason, we introduce into the estimation the number of provinces in
which each bank competes (proxied by the number of provinces where
the bank has branches).
(j) Finally, as a control variable, we introduce into the estimation the
possible influence of the economic cycle, proxied by the growth of the
local credit market where the firm operates. At bank level, the variable
is constructed taking into account the provincial distribution of credit
granted by all banks operating in the province, published by the Bank of
Spain in its Statistical Bulletin, weighting each province according to the
provincial distribution of the branch office network of the bank being

3 Market Power in Spanish Banking: Data and Results

The sample is formed by practically all the banks and savings banks operat-
ing in Spain during the period 1986–2002. From the total of entities existing
in each year, we eliminated those for which any of the variables needed for the
estimation of the Lerner index and its determinants was not available, as well
as some observations that we can describe as outliers from a statistical point
of view.7 With these criteria, the sample finally used consists of a total of 2406
The statistical sources used were the balance sheets and profit and loss
accounts of the commercial banks and savings banks published by the AEB
and the CECA, respectively. To calculate the indexes of concentration and
market shares we used, as mentioned above, the provincial distribution of the
bank branch network, information also supplied by the AEB and the CECA.
In the case of the provincial distribution of credits, the information is sup-
plied by the Bank of Spain in its Statistical Bulletin. Finally, the information
on GDP and the population of each province comes from the National
Statistical Institute (INE).
On the basis of the estimation of expression (3), Table 1 shows the
evolution of the output price, the marginal cost and the Lerner index of the
Spanish banking sector.8 The average price of the banking output decreased
Specifically, we have eliminated those observations whose input prices (needed to estimate the
cost function) are outside the interval of 12.5 the standard deviation.
The mean values were calculated by weighting the individual bank and savings bank values
according to their assets; they are therefore weighted means.
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© 2007 The Authors
Table 1
Output Price, Marginal Cost and Lerner Index

Price (P) Marginal cost (MC) Lerner index = (P - MC)/P

Standard 25th 75th Standard 25th 75th Standard 25th 75th
Mean deviation percentile percentile Mean deviation percentile percentile Mean deviation percentile percentile
1986 0.107 0.009 0.102 0.112 0.085 0.011 0.077 0.091 0.200 0.083 0.165 0.253
1987 0.108 0.010 0.101 0.115 0.084 0.011 0.077 0.086 0.218 0.070 0.184 0.267
1988 0.105 0.009 0.100 0.112 0.079 0.010 0.072 0.083 0.252 0.074 0.206 0.295
1989 0.110 0.011 0.101 0.120 0.086 0.012 0.079 0.090 0.223 0.070 0.200 0.259
1990 0.120 0.014 0.109 0.128 0.095 0.013 0.088 0.101 0.203 0.069 0.174 0.250
1991 0.121 0.011 0.115 0.124 0.096 0.012 0.089 0.098 0.209 0.070 0.162 0.258
1992 0.114 0.012 0.108 0.117 0.093 0.011 0.087 0.099 0.185 0.049 0.167 0.213
1993 0.113 0.013 0.104 0.118 0.090 0.013 0.081 0.095 0.206 0.055 0.190 0.235
Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power

1994 0.091 0.012 0.084 0.096 0.076 0.011 0.069 0.082 0.169 0.078 0.146 0.217
1995 0.093 0.013 0.089 0.099 0.077 0.011 0.070 0.082 0.174 0.072 0.134 0.211
1996 0.090 0.008 0.086 0.093 0.074 0.008 0.069 0.076 0.181 0.079 0.119 0.228
1997 0.074 0.009 0.069 0.079 0.060 0.006 0.055 0.064 0.186 0.085 0.128 0.228
1998 0.066 0.006 0.064 0.069 0.053 0.006 0.049 0.056 0.209 0.078 0.175 0.258
1999 0.055 0.006 0.051 0.057 0.043 0.006 0.038 0.048 0.228 0.083 0.173 0.287

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2000 0.060 0.007 0.056 0.062 0.046 0.006 0.043 0.049 0.225 0.070 0.187 0.242
2001 0.061 0.008 0.057 0.063 0.047 0.007 0.042 0.048 0.236 0.081 0.204 0.272
2002 0.054 0.006 0.051 0.057 0.040 0.005 0.039 0.042 0.249 0.087 0.209 0.313
Source: AEB, CECA and own elaboration.
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from 10.7 per cent in 1986 to 5.4 per cent in 2002 as a consequence of the
reduction of the money market rate. In parallel, marginal costs also decreased
from 8.5 per cent in 1986 to 4 per cent in 2002 as a consequence of the
reduction of both financial and operating costs. As a result of the joint
evolution of prices and marginal costs, the value of the Lerner index rose
from 0.20 in 1986 to 0.25 in 2002, market power having increased by 25 per
cent in the period considered.
The evolution of the Lerner index (see Fig. 1) shows three differentiated
subperiods: a brief subperiod of growth until 1988, a fall until 1994, and a
practically continuous increase to 2002, reaching in this last year the highest
value of the Lerner index in the period analysed. For the periods common to
those analysed in other studies, this pattern of behaviour is similar, with
growth of market power. Thus, Maudos and Pérez (2003) analyse the degree
of competition in the Spanish banking system from 1992 to 2001 by the
estimation of Lerner indexes and the Panzar and Rosse test. The results do
not permit the rejection of the hypothesis of monopolistic competition,
showing an increase in market power since 1996. Likewise, Carbó et al.
(2003a) also obtained evidence in favour of the existence of monopolistic
competition in the period 1986–99, as well as an increase in market power
since 1996.
The distinction between savings banks and commercial banks (Fig. 1)
shows that the value of the Lerner index of the savings banks is higher than








































Saving banks Commercial banks Banks and saving banks

Fig. 1 Market Power in the Spanish Banking Sector. Lerner Index

Source: AEB, CECA and own elaboration.
Note: The Lerner index is defined as the disparity between price and marginal cost expressed
as a percentage of price. Prices are calculated by estimating the average price of bank
production (proxied by total assets) as a quotient between total income and total assets.
Marginal cost is estimated on the basis of a translog cost function.
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Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power 287

































Saving banks Banks Banks and saving banks

Fig. 2 Market Concentration. Herfindahl–Hirschman Index

Source: AEB, CECA and own elaboration.

that of the commercial banks practically throughout the period analysed, a

gap opening up in the early 1990s that would later narrow as a consequence
of the savings banks’ loss of market power in the late 1990s. In the year 2002
this trend was even reversed, the savings banks presenting lower market
power than the commercial banks.
One of the variables most frequently used by the public authorities to
evaluate the competitive conditions of markets is market concentration.
Thus, for example, in the USA, the Justice Department, the Federal Reserve
and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation are concerned to prevent
practices that abuse market power, authorizing or refusing a merger proposal
on the grounds of its impact on the concentration of the market. Specifically,
according to the screening guidelines, if the post-merger market HHI is lower
than 1800 points, and the increase in the index from the pre-merger situation
is less than 200 points, the merger is presumed to have no anticompetitive
effects and therefore is approved by the regulators. Thus, if the merger does
not violate the 1800/200 rule, the application is approved without further
investigation (see Cetorelli, 1999).
In the specific case of the Spanish banking system, Fig. 2 shows the
evolution of the HHI, calculated as a weighted average of the concentrations
attributed to each bank, using as weights the relative size of each bank in
terms of number of branches.9 For the total of the sample, the HHI increased
The HHI formula is HHI = Σ in=1MSi2, where MSi is the market share (expressed as percentage) of
bank i and n is the number of banks in the market. By construction the HHI has an upper
value of 10,000 in the case of a monopolistic firm with 100 per cent of the market share, and
tends to zero in the case of a large number of firms with very small market shares.
© 2007 The Authors
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288 The Manchester School

from a value of 1124 in 1986 to 1353 in 2002, representing an increase in

market concentration of 20 per cent, mainly as a consequence of the reduc-
tion of the number of firms and of the mergers and acquisitions that had
taken place (according to data of the Bank of Spain, the number of banks and
savings banks fell from 217 in 1986 to 190 in 2002). By subperiods, concen-
tration increased until 1992 (possibly as a consequence of the mergers occur-
ring particularly among savings banks motivated in part by the liberalization
of the opening of branches in this sector in 198910), decreased to 1998, and
increased sharply thereafter (as a consequence of the mergers of the big
banks, BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) and BSCH (Banco de
Santander Central Hispano), and of the growth of the branch networks of the
big savings banks). If we use the reference thresholds applied in the USA, the
Spanish banking market is not excessively concentrated, given that the value
of the HHI is well below the threshold of 1800 points. Anyway, recent studies
have also shown the inadequacy of using market concentration as an indica-
tor of competition (Berger et al., 2004; Claessens and Laeven, 2004; Maudos
and Fernández de Guevara, 2004; Fernández de Guevara et al., 2005; Carbó
et al., 2006a, 2006b).
The separate information for savings banks and commercial banks
shows that the former operate in more concentrated markets, so the ques-
tion arises as to whether this circumstance is behind the explanation
of their greater market power seen before. Comparison of the evolution of
the Lerner index and concentration also poses the question of whether the
increase in concentration can explain the observed increase in market
Before responding to the above questions on the basis of the estimation
of equation (2), Table 2 gives the descriptive statistics of the variables used
(both those explaining market power and those necessary for estimating the
costs function). In addition to the behaviour of the Lerner index and of
concentration (mentioned above), note the increase of the importance of
bank financing (proxied by the loans/GDP ratio). In the case of efficiency, it
presents stable behaviour in the period analysed, with an average value of 93
per cent. Finally, the behaviour of the growth of the credit market and loan
loss provisions/loans ratio is much more volatile as a consequence of the
influence of the economic cycle.
Table 3 shows the results of the estimation of equation (2) using
the explanatory variables11 specified in Section 2. For this purpose, given the
availability of a panel of data, we introduced individual effects into the

A more detailed analysis of mergers and acquisitions in the Spanish banking system is found in
Carbó and Humphrey (2004).
In the estimation we introduced a dummy for the institutional group (distinction between
commercial bank and savings bank), which did not turn out to be significant, so finally it
was omitted.
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Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power 289

Table 2
Variable Definitions and Sample Means

1986 1990 1995 2000 2002

Output price (total 10.69 11.97 9.31 5.96 5.38
revenue/total assets) (%)
Marginal cost (%) 8.53 9.51 7.60 4.58 4.01
Lerner index (%) 20.25 20.56 18.08 22.90 25.27
Input prices
• Deposits = financial 7.28 8.80 6.73 3.03 2.74
costs/deposits (%)
• Labour = personnel 5.67 6.31 7.04 6.79 6.80
costs/number of
employees (million
Spanish pesetas per
• Physical capital = 53.25 88.06 78.21 92.08 106.61
operating cost except
personnel costs/fixed
assets (%)
Outputs (million Spanish pesetas)
• Earning assets 303,671 416,649 624,787 1,140,070 1,239,050
• Deposits 313,049 395,712 624,914 1,158,089 1,243,209
• Non-interest income 1,909 2,728 3,716 9,037 9,405
Herfindahl–Hirschman 1,124 1,185 1,150 1,337 1,353
Size: total assets (million 361,655 467,762 689,070 1,341,506 1,443,923
Spanish pesetas)
Cash/deposits (%) 13.42 3.78 1.99 2.31 2.18
Non-interest income/total 4.94 4.87 5.79 11.30 12.11
income (%)
Growth of credit market 4.76 5.41 1.75 13.66 7.68
Loans/GDP (%) 48.19 57.04 61.77 82.70 91.41
Loan loss provisions/loans 1.16 0.75 0.82 0.36 0.53
Cost efficiency (minimum 92.28 92.65 93.68 93.11 93.02
cost/current cost) (%)
Number of provinces a 9.25 9.36 11.69 14.03 14.30
bank competes
Number of firms 169 180 143 106 100
Source: AEB, CECA, Bank of Spain, INE and own elaboration.

estimation with the aim of capturing the influence of other possible variables
characteristic of each bank, and temporal effects.12
Column (1) of Table 3 offers the results of the estimation of equation (2).
It shows that market concentration, proxied by the HHI, is not shown to be
relevant in the explanation of the differences in market power, this result
As the Hausman test allows the null hypothesis of absence of correlation between individual
effects and the explanatory variables to be rejected in all cases, we use the within-group
estimator (fixed-effects model).
© 2007 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and The University of Manchester 2007

Table 3
Determinants of the Market Power. 1986–2002 (Dependent Variable: Lerner Index)

© 2007 The Authors

(1) (2) (3)
Coefficient t statistic Coefficient t statistic Coefficient t statistic
Market concentration (HHI) -0.191 -0.48
log (total assets) -0.142 -3.94 -0.106 -3.39 -0.089 -2.54
log (total assets)2 0.006 3.66 0.004 2.99 0.003 2.30
Loans/GDP -0.042 -1.53
Provisions/loans -0.121 -0.97
Cash/deposits -0.006 -2.66 -0.004 -2.15 -0.009 -4.14
Non-interest income/total income -0.215 -3.93 -0.225 -4.11 -0.209 -3.49
Cost efficiency 1.675 14.30 1.714 14.75 2.234 6.94
Market share -0.656 -1.13
Number of provinces -0.001 -1.53
Growth loans market 0.065 0.18
Number of observations 2359 2359 2085
Adjusted R2 0.68 0.68 0.69
Economic significance of the market power determinants
Total assets -2.98 -2.29 -1.92

Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and The University of Manchester 2007
Non-interest income/total income -0.07 -0.08 -0.07
Cash/deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cost efficiency 7.34 7.51 9.78
Source: AEB, CECA, Bank of Spain, INE and own elaboration.
Note: The data in the lower part of the table indicate the percentage variation of the Lerner index in response to a 1 per cent increase in its determinants, evaluated at average
sample values. All estimations include fixed effects (Hausman test does not reject this specification). In column (3) cost efficiency is instrumented with its lagged value.
The Manchester School
Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power 291

being in consonance with the evidence offered in Fernández de Guevara et al.

(2005) for the European banking system.13
The results show that bank size is a variable with a negative and signifi-
cant effect on market power. However, the relation between market power
and size is nonlinear. Thus, there exists a point beyond which an increase in
size increases market power. The small- and large-sized banks therefore enjoy
greater market power than the medium-sized banks. Small banks probably
enjoy greater market power because of their presence in local markets where
their extensive branch network acts as an entry barrier. Larger banks may
exploit market power because of their dominant position in the market.
In the case of the variable that proxies elasticity of demand (loans/GDP),
no statistically significant results are obtained. The results also show that the
banks more specialized in the traditional task of banking intermediation
(lower value of the ratio of non-interest income/total income) enjoy the
greatest market power.
Regarding the coefficient of liquid reserves, results confirm the expected
sign in that the banks that maintain higher liquidity will work with lower
margins. Likewise, the results confirm the expected negative effect of default
risk (proxied by the ratio loan loss provisions/loans), though the parameter
estimated is not statistically significant.
The effect of X-efficiency deserves special mention for the significance of
the parameter estimated. The results show that the more efficient banks attain
higher values of the Lerner index of market power. What this result indicates
is that the banks with better management of their inputs can benefit from
their greater efficiency and use it as a barrier to entry, enabling them to enjoy
greater market power.14 Using efficiency as a barrier to entry to possible
competitors may have been a strategy of the Spanish banks in view of the
intense process of liberalization and opening up to outside competition
undergone by the sector, especially during the 1990s.15
Market share presents a negative sign, though not significant. Therefore,
given that efficiency presents a positive and significant sign, the efficient
structure hypothesis cannot be rejected to the detriment of the collusion
hypothesis. In consequence, the firms that best manage their productive

As some studies have shown the existence of a nonlinear relationship between concentration
and market power (e.g. Jackson, 1997), we have checked the results introducing addition-
ally the square of the HHI. However, its effect is not statistically significant.
It can be argued that more efficient firms enjoy greater market power because of lower marginal
costs. But if the market were perfectly competitive, gains in efficiency would translate into
lower prices as the equality between marginal costs and prices must hold. The question we
posit is that if more efficient banks do not lower prices to match their marginal cost it is
because of market power.
DeYoung and Hasan (1998), using as reference the USA, show that newly created banks
rapidly improve their efficiency, though on average they take nine years to reach the levels
of the established banks, as a consequence, among other things, of excess capacity. In
consequence, the greater efficiency of the established banks may act as a barrier to entry
into the sector.
© 2007 The Authors
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292 The Manchester School

resources to reach higher production levels achieve both greater market

shares and higher levels of profitability. Finally, we should mention that the
growth of the market is not significant.
The evidence obtained in relation to concentration and efficiency is in
line with the results of other studies (Maudos, 1998, 2001; Carbó et al.,
2003a) in that the traditional structure–conduct–performance hypothesis is
rejected for the Spanish banking system, the evidence being favourable, on
the other hand, to the efficient structure hypothesis.
Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that the absence of significance of
concentration in the explanation of differences in market power among
Spanish banks highlights the lack of solid theoretical foundations for the
well-known structure–conduct–performance paradigm, which is tested using
market concentration as proxy of market power. The reason is that, accord-
ing to this paradigm, the structure of the market affects firms’ conduct
(making it easier to adopt collusive agreements), which determines their
results. Under this hypothesis, greater concentration allows greater market
power to be enjoyed, permitting firms to set prices above marginal cost and
thus achieve extraordinary profits. Consequently, concentration is used as a
proxy of market power, an inadequate approach in the light of the results
obtained in this study.16
From these derives an important implication for economic policy. The
fact that concentration lacks significance in the explanation of differences in
market power shows the inadequacy of using it as proxy for the intensity of
competition, as is done in some countries to approve or reject a bank merger
The lower part of Table 3 shows the economic significance of the market
power determinants measured by the implicit elasticities evaluated at sample
means for those variables that are significant in column (1). More specifically,
the table captures the effect on the Lerner index of a 1 per cent increase in its
explanatory variables. With these results, the evolution of the Lerner index
responds more to variations in cost efficiency and size than to income struc-
ture and the coefficient of liquid reserves. In the particular case of cost
efficiency, a 1 per cent increase would enable the Lerner index to increase by
7 per cent.
Finally, we now turn to present some robustness tests in order to analyse
the sensitivity of the results. Specifically, two robustness tests are imple-
mented: (i) we analyse if the results change when the non-significant variables
are dropped; and (ii) as marginal costs used to calculate the Lerner index are
estimated from a costs function, and X-efficiency is also estimated from
a frontier costs function, it can be argued that the positive effect of cost

This result is in line with other studies: Berger et al. (2004), Claessens and Laeven (2004, 2005),
Fernández de Guevara et al. (2005) and Carbó et al. (2006a, 2006b).
© 2007 The Authors
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Explanatory Factors of Bank Market Power 293

efficiency on market power could be picking up the connection between the

two variables, raising an issue of endogeneity bias.
In the first case, column (2) shows that the results remain the same when
the non-significant variables are dropped. In the second case, in order to deal
with the issue of endogeneity bias, equation (3) was re-estimated using the
instrumental variables estimator. More precisely, X-efficiency was instru-
mented using its lagged value. As shown in column (3), results are robust (the
effect of cost efficiency is positive and statistically significant).17

4 Conclusions
The European banking sectors have in recent years undergone very substan-
tial changes as a result of the process of deregulation of the finance industry,
the creation of economic and monetary union, the development of informa-
tion technology and telecommunications etc. Alongside this, the European
banking industry has experienced a process of consolidation following the
wave of mergers and acquisitions leading to a reduction in the number of
competitors and an increase in market concentration.
Although the different deregulatory measures put in place create a
climate of greater competition among financial intermediaries, the increase in
concentration poses the question of the net effect of these two forces on the
degree of competition, and therefore on social welfare.
On the basis of a theoretical model of banking competition, and using as
laboratory the Spanish banking system in the period 1986–2002 (where
market concentration has increased as a result of mergers and acquisitions
and market structure variables can be proxied at regional level), the study
analyses the explanatory variables of market power through the construction
of Lerner indexes of market power.
The results show that the market power of the Spanish banking system
decreased considerably until the mid-1990s, though there has been a stage of
steady growth since then, confirming the evidence found by other studies.
Also, the data show that the savings banks enjoy greater market power than
the commercial banks.
The analysis of the explanatory factors of market power shows the
importance of specialization and of efficiency for explaining the differences in
market power among banks. Thus, the banks that specialize to a greater
extent in retail banking (with a lower proportion of non-interest income in
their total income) and that achieve greater efficiency achieve higher relative
margins, their greater efficiency acting as a barrier to entry.
The connection between MC (estimated from a total costs function) and X-efficiency is weaker
if the frontier costs function excludes interest expenses from the dependent variable and the
price of deposits from the input price vector, i.e. if we estimate operating cost X-efficiency.
For this reason, we analysed the sensitivity of the results using X-operating efficiency as an
explanatory variable of the Lerner index. Results (not shown) are robust.
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294 The Manchester School

On the other hand, market concentration (approximated at regional

level) is not significant in the explanation of differences in market power. This
result allows us to conclude that (i) the studies and approaches that use
concentration variables to proxy the degree of competition or market power
lack foundation, and (ii) economic policy decisions to accept or refuse a bank
merger process based on its effects on market concentration are without solid
foundation. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that these implications
derive from data on the Spanish banking sector, and it is therefore necessary
to obtain additional evidence referring to other countries.

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