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1996 JBF Goldberg - The Structure-Performance Relationship For European Banking

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Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

The structure-performance relationship for

European banking
Lawrence G. Goldberg a,., Anoop Rai b
a Department of Finance, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124-6552, USA
b Department of Banking and Finance, 024 Weller Hall, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
11550-1090, USA

Received 15 July 1993; accepted 15 May 1995


The relationship between market structure and performance has been studied extensively
for American banking. In contrast, little work has been done to investigate this relationship
for European banking. Two explanations of a positive correlation between profitability and
concentration have been advanced, the traditional structure-performance hypothesis (SCP)
and the efficient-structure hypothesis. Previous empirical tests of the alternative hypotheses
have yielded mixed results but the tests were not robust because they did not incorporate
measures of efficiency directly in the model. This study applies a stochastic cost frontier as
proposed by Aigner et al. (1977) to derive measures of X-inefficiency and scale-ineffi-
ciency, under the assumption that the errors are distributed half-normal. We incorporate
these measures of inefficiencies directly into the tests as proposed by Berger and Hannan
(1993). We do not find a positive and significant relationship between concentration and
profitability for a sample of banks across 11 European countries over a four year period,
1988-91. However, we do find evidence to support one of the two versions of the
efficient-structure hypothesis for banks located in countries with low concentration of
banks. Since little support is found for either of the SCP hypotheses, a simple policy of
strict limitations on cross-border acquisitions and growth is not warranted.

JEL classification: G21

Keywords: Structure-performance hypothesis; Efficient-structure hypothesis; European banking; Con-

centration; Profitability

" Corresponding author. Tel.: 305-284-4362, fax: 305-284-4800.

0378-4266/96/$15.00 © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0 3 7 8 - 4 2 6 6 ( 9 5 ) 0 0 0 2 1 - 6
746 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai /Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

1. Introduction

The structure-performance relationship has been extensively examined for

American banking but research has only just begun to investigate this relationship
for European banks. The positive relationship which is frequently found between
market concentration and profitability for American banks has been interpreted in
different ways. One interpretation, the structure-conduct-performance (SCP)
hypothesis, asserts that banks are able to extract monopolistic rents in concentrated
markets by their ability to offer lower deposit rates and charge higher loan rates.
This hypothesis is derived from the model of oligopolistic behavior of firms which
implies that collusive arrangements are less costly to maintain in concentrated
markets (Stigler, 1964). Empirically, the SCP relationship is usually tested by
examining the relationship between profitability and market concentration with a
positive relationship indicating non-competitive behavior in concentrated markets.
A second interpretation, the efficient-structure (EFS) hypothesis, states that
efficient firms increase in size and market share because of their ability to generate
higher profits, which usually leads to higher market concentration. Thus, the
positive relationship between profits and concentration is explained by lower costs
achieved through either superior management or production processes. To distin-
guish between the two hypotheses, past researchers have included market share as
an independent variable, with a positive coefficient usually supporting the effi-
cient-structure hypothesis (Smirlock, 1985). However, this conclusion depends on
whether market share can be considered as a proxy for efficiency of larger firms
rather than as a measure of market power (Shepherd, 1986).
An obvious solution to this problem is to include a measure of efficiency
directly into the model. Berger (1995) and Berger and Hannan (1993) formulated
such a model by including two measures of efficiency, X-efficiency and scale-ef-
ficiency, to test the structure-performance relationship. An advantage of this
model is that by testing the relationship between performance and efficiency
directly, the relationship between performance and concentration has a clear-cut
This paper uses the test developed in Berger and Hannan (1993) to examine the
relationship between concentration and performance for European banks. The
issue is specially important today because the Second Banking Directive now
allows banks chartered in one country to open branches in other EC countries.
Although there is general agreement that the recent liberalization will result in
cross-border mergers and alliances, especially between large banks such as in the
Dresdner-BNP alliance, it is still unclear whether the banking industry in Europe
will eventually be dominated by a few supra-national banks. The nature of the
structure-performance relationship must be uncovered in order for the EC and
European governments to determine whether to strengthen or weaken existing
antitrust laws. If the SCP hypothesis is supported for European banking, then
regulators may have to be more cautious in approving cross-border mergers,
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 747

especially among the larger banks. On the other hand, if the alternative EFS is
supported, no application of antitrust measures is required.
The next section surveys the previous attempts to test the structure-perfor-
mance relationship in banking, including the limited research on European banks.
The Berger and Hannan (1993) model, which incorporates efficiency directly in
the tests, is discussed in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the data and defines the
explanatory variables, including the efficiency variables. Unlike Berger and Han-
nan (1993), who use deviations from the average residual over a time horizon to
estimate measures of efficiency, this paper first estimates deviations from a
stochastic cost frontier, as developed by Aigner et al. (1977), which assumes the
errors are distributed half-normal. The error terms are then used to obtain
measures of X-inefficiency for each bank, using the method proposed by Jondrow
et al. (1982). The stochastic cost frontier is also used to obtain measures of
scale-inefficiency. Section 5 presents the results of the tests using the derived
inefficiency variables. Section 6 summarizes and presents the implications of the
results for European banking in its new regulatory environment.

2. Previous literature

The bulk of the studies examining bank performance and market concentration
have been on U.S. banking markets. In contrast to the national markets used in
industrial studies, banking markets that are examined for U.S. studies are generally
local markets which service individuals and small businesses. The banking studies
have not found a positive relationship between concentration and profitability as
consistently as has been found in the inter-industry studies. Although Rhoades
(1982) concluded that most of the previous studies found a positive relationship,
Gilbert (1984), in a survey article, finds only 27 of 56 studies to have produced the
expected relationship. Osborne and Wendel (1982) also conclude that problems
with past studies are so great that there is insufficient evidence of a positive
The main problem has been the interpretation of the positive relationship
between profitability and concentration (when it can be found), and whether it
supports the SCP or EFS hypothesis. Several methods have been proposed to
resolve this issue. For example, Smirlock (1985) models bank profitability as a
function of market share, concentration, and an interaction term between market
share and concentration (as well as several control variables). He finds that market
share is positively related to profitability while there is no relationship between
concentration and profitability, and concludes that this provides evidence in favor
of the efficient-structure hypothesis. As mentioned earlier, Shepherd (1986) ques-
tions this conclusion because it assumes that market share is a proxy for efficiency
of larger finns rather than a measure of market power. 1
Berger and Hannan (1989) try to provide a cleaner test by using price data
748 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai /Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

rather than profit data as the dependent variable. Since the SCP hypothesis implies
that consumers will be treated less favorably in more concentrated markets, they
examine whether retail deposit rates are negatively related to market concentration.
They find evidence to support the traditional SCP hypothesis. Even though they
question the appropriateness of including market share in their model because of
its endogeneity, market share does have a positive coefficient when included in the
model. The authors say that this result may be due to firms providing different
levels of quality of service or to offering higher deposit rates, allowing banks to
increase their market share. However, the coefficient of concentration still remains
Jackson (1992) questions whether these results validate the traditional hypothe-
sis by dividing the sample into three ranges of concentration. He finds that the sign
and significance of the coefficient of concentration differ by sub-sample, suggest-
ing a non-linear relationship between concentration and price. Only for the lowest
concentration sub-sample does he find the negative relationship between deposit
rates and profitability needed to validate the traditional hypothesis. He asserts that
these results support the efficient-structure hypothesis by arguing that levels of
concentration signal an optimal structure. Jackson's (1992) results also contradict
an earlier study by McCall and Peterson (1980) who find the relationship holds in
high concentration rather than in low concentration markets. Berger and Hannan
(1992) in a reply find that some of Jackson's results are not robust, but they do
agree that the relationship varies for different concentration levels and for different
time periods. Consequently, our study of European banks examines the time
period 1988-91, and splits the banks into two sub-samples, high concentration and
low concentration.
Studies using international databases are limited with the majority supporting
the SCP hypothesis. Ruthenberg (1994), using survey data from 1984-88, finds
concentration increases profitability, especially if barriers to entry are high.
Molyneux and Teppet (1993) examined the SCP hypothesis for 5 EFFA countries
(Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria and Switzerland) and find support for the SCP
hypothesis. Molyneux (1993) also finds similar results for banks located in
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK and Turkey. Lloyd-Williams et al. (1994) also find
support for the SCP hypothesis for Spanish banks for the period 1986-88. Except
for Vander Vennet (1993), none of the above papers incorporates efficiency
measures directly in the model. Vander Vennet's (1993) results indicate that in
some European countries, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, collusion appears
to be predominant.
This paper incorporates two measures of efficiency into the model, X-inef-
ficiency and scale-inefficiency. But unlike Berger and Hannan (1993) who use
deviations from the average cost frontier to represent measures of inefficiency, this

J See Smirlocket al. (1986) for a conflictingview on this issue.

L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 749

paper estimates X-inefficiency using a stochastic cost frontier under the assump-
tion that the error terms are distributed half-normal. As will be explained later, in
empirical testing it is more convenient to substitute estimates of inefficiency as
opposed to estimates of efficiency. Similarly, scale-inefficiency is also derived
from the parameters of the estimated stochastic cost function. An advantage of this
method is that X-inefficiency is strictly defined as the systematic deviation away
from an efficient cost frontier which is not fixed but varies for each bank.

3. The Berger and Hannan (1993) model

Berger and Hannan (1993) develop a series of tests to incorporate efficiency

directly into the model to resolve the conflict between SCP and EFS hypotheses. 2
Four testable hypotheses are specified (instead of the usual two), SCP, RMP, ESX
and ESS. The traditional SCP hypothesis remains unchanged, i.e. higher profits are
the result of anti-competitive price settings in concentrated markets. A related
hypothesis is the relative market power hypothesis (RMP) which states that firms
with large market shares are able to exercise market power to earn higher profits.
The difference between SCP and RMP is that the latter need not occur in
concentrated markets.
The remaining two hypotheses relate to the efficient-structure hypothesis which
posits that the larger market share is the result of efficient operations of the firms.
Efficiency, however, is broken into two components. Under the X-efficiency
hypothesis (ESX), the firms with superior management or production processes
operate at lower costs and subsequently reap higher profits. The resulting higher
market shares may also lead to higher market concentration. The scale-efficiency
hypothesis (ESS) states that firms have similar production and management
technology but operate at different levels of economies of scale. Firms operating at
optimal economies of scale will have the lowest costs and the resulting higher
profits will lead to higher market concentrations. Both versions of the efficient-
structure hypothesis provide an alternative explanation for the positive relationship
between profit and market structure.
To determine which of the four hypotheses is valid, the following reduced form
equation is tested: 3

P, = f ( X-EFFi,S-EFFi, C O N C m , M S i , Zi) + e i (1)

where Pi is a measure of performance such as return on equity, return on assets or

2 Their model is a revised version of the model developed by Berger (1995).

3 The readers are referred to Berger and Hannan (1993) and Berger (1995) for a complete
description of the derivation of the models.
750 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

net interest margin of bank i, 4 X_EFFI is a measure of X-efficiency, reflecting the

ability of banks to produce a given bundle of output at minimum cost through
superior management or technology, S-EFFi is a measure of scale-efficiency,
reflecting the ability of banks to produce at optimal output levels (economies of
scale), given similar production and management technology, CONC m is a
measure of concentration in market m, MS i is market share of bank i in market
m , Z i is a set of control variables for each bank i, and e, is an error variable for
each bank i.
Under the efficient-structure hypothesis, causation is expected to run from
efficiency to profits and prices and then to market structure. Hence, the expected
signs of the coefficients in the estimation of Eq. (1) are as follows: X-EFFi > 0,
S-EFFi > 0, CONC = 0 and MS = 0. More efficient finns will have higher profits
and the signs of the coefficients of X-EFF i and S-EFFi should be positive. If net
interest margin is used as the measure of performance, the signs of the efficiency
measures should be negative because more efficient banks should be able to offer
more attractive loan and deposit rates to customers. In spite of the competitive
interest margins, banks will still generate larger profits than those that are
operating inefficiently. Although efficiency leads to higher market shares and
market concentration, the zero coefficients indicate that market structure has no
direct effect on prices and profits. By using a model which incorporates efficiency
directly, we assume the following: prices are set competitively and efficiency is a
function of strictly lower costs and banks operating at efficient scale levels; and
market structure variables CONC and MS have no relationship with profits
c o n d i t i o n a l on efficiency (Berger and Hannan, 1993).
A necessary condition for the efficient-structure hypothesis to hold is that
efficiency affects market structure. The following two equations are also tested to
ensure that the necessary conditions hold: s
MS i = f ( X - E F F i, S-EFF,, Z i ) + e i, (2)
CONC m = f ( X - E F F i , S-EFFi, Z i ) + e i. (3)
The unconditional relationship between market structure and efficiency will
establish that efficient firms will gain market shares and will also be responsible
for higher market concentration. Thus, the coefficients of X-EFFi and S-EFFi
should be positive in Eqs. (2) and (3). In essence, the efficient-structure hypothesis

4 Berger (1995) and Berger and Hannah (1993) also used individual price data to supplement their
results which we omit because, as will be explained later, we use net interest margin as a proxy for the
ability of banks to affect prices.
5 Berger and Halman (1993) specify the second equation as CONC m = f(EFF-Xi,EFF-Si, Zi, el) ,
with the error term multiplicative rather than additive. This is because if the Herfindahl Index is used as
a measure of concentration, then CONC,n will be the sum of squared MSi, over all i in m. We ignore
this specification because in the empirical testing, the results using CR3 and HERF are similar, making
the specification of the error term irrelevant.
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 751

is strictly valid if it can be established that more efficient firms are profitable [Eq.
(1)] and more efficient firms will have larger market shares [Eqs. (2) and (3)].
On the other hand, if either of the market power hypotheses holds true, i.e. SCP
or RMP, then the expected signs of the coefficients for Eq. (1) are: CONC > 0 or
MS > 0. The CONC variable has a positive coefficient if the SCP holds and MS is
positive if the RMP hypothesis holds. Thus, the difference between the SCP and
RMP is that in the case of the latter, anti-competitive advantages due to size can
exist even in markets that are not concentrated.
Additional relationships are tested to support the market power hypothesis:
X-EFFi = f ( C O N C m, MS/, Zi) -Jr ei, (4)
S-EFFi = f ( C O N C m , MS/, Zi) + e i. (5)
Berger and Hannan (1993) refer to these conditions as testing Hicks (1935) 'quiet
life' hypothesis. This hypothesis predicts a reverse causation, that is, as firms
enjoy greater market power and concentration, inefficiency follows not because of
non-competitive pricing but more so because of a relaxed environment that
produces no incentives to minimize costs. An example would be in small
concentrated rural markets where price competition still exists because of spatial
competition but where cost efficiency is unimportant.
This paper applies the above methodology to test the structure-performance
paradigm for European banks over a four-year period. It differs from the Berger
and Hannan (1993) methodology in that it uses different measures of X-efficien-
cies and scale-efficiencies. The efficiency measures in this paper are derived from
a stochastic cost frontier as developed by Aigner et al. (1977), which assumes that
the error terms are distributed half-normal. This is the first paper to test the
structure-performance paradigm using such efficiency measures for European
banks. The results will be compared to the conclusions reached by other re-
searchers such as Molyneux (1993), Molyneux and Teppet (1993) and Vander
Vennet (1993).

4. Data and variables

The dearth of SCP studies for European banking may partially be explained by
the non-availability of data for most of the countries. This trend has changed with
the advent of several new international databases. This study uses Compustat's
Global Vantage database, which contains data for the largest banks in Europe.
Differences in accounting practices and flexibility in reporting makes comparison
a difficult task but Global Vantage has managed to standardize most of the
relevant data.
The paper only examines the large banks in each country. Since the European
banking industry is dominated by large banks with branching networks spread
752 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai /Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

across the country, it is unlikely that individual branches have the ability to
significantly affect any prices, either loan or deposit rates. Within a country, it is
more likely for the corporate headquarters to determine the pricing and cost
strategies for the whole country, which are heavily influenced by the bank's ability
to borrow long- and short-term funds in the wholesale market. Thus, we rule out
using data of individual bank branches or very small banks. Secondly, since the
regulatory authorities are concerned with the effects of market concentration on
consumer welfare, mergers between the large banks are of primary concern to
them. With the EC having substantial power to make policies to curtail cross-coun-
try merger activities, evidence supporting the SCP will buttress antitrust sentiment
against acquisitions by large banks.
A brief description of the variables are given below while a more complete
description is provided in Appendix A. Appendix B provides a list of the names of
banks included in the 1990 data. The sample of banks differs slightly for the other

4.1. Measures of performance

Four measures of performance are used: ROA = Net Income/Total Assets,

ROE -- Net Income/Stockholder's Equity, NIM = Net Interest Margin/Total
Assets, and NIR = (1 + ROA)/(1 + NIM). ROA and ROE have been used in
most structure-performance studies but this paper also includes NIM as a proxy
for the pricing ability of banks. Berger and Hannan (1989) have argued that if the
SCP hypothesis reflects anti-competitive pricing, then banks will be able to charge
lower deposit rates a n d / o r charge higher loan rates. However, examining either
deposit rates or loan rates separately may not present the full picture because
banks could operate competitively with one rate and behave non-competitively
with the other. Thus, net interest margin captures the pricing ability of banks for
both services, deposits and loans. If banks are able to price their products
anti-competitively, then net interest margin will be higher because it indicates an
ability to charge lower deposit rates and higher loan rates. Note that we do not
have access to rate information by bank. Thus, NIM provides a measure of their
pricing ability while ROA and ROE include the ability to generate fees through
other services. NIR is a measure of non-interest returns.

4.2. Measures of concentration

Two popular measures of concentration, the three-bank concentration ratio,

CR3, and the Herfindahl Index (HERF), are also employed in this paper. CR3 is
defined as the ratio of the total deposits of the three largest banks to the total
deposits of all the banks in a given country. Similarly, HERF is defined as the sum
of squared market shares of deposits of all the banks in each country. In analyzing
market structure we consider each country to be a market as in Molyneux (1993).
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 753

Table 1
Measures of market concentration of commercial and savings banks for 11 European countries
Commercial banks only Commercial + savings banks
Country N CR3 HERF Rank N CR3 HERF Rank
UK 68 0.60 0.15 1 135 0.50 0.12 1
Germany 121 0.31 0.06 2 214 0.26 0.04 2
Fr~mce 119 0.51 0.12 1a 151 0.49 0.11 2
Swiss 118 0.63 0.14 1 170 0.57 0.12 1
Belgium 35 0.71 0.22 l 42 0.57 0.13 I
Finland 7 0.91 0.29 1 7 0.91 0.29 1
Austria 39 0.49 0.11 2 50 0.41 0.08 2
Italy 41 0.33 0.07 2 58 0.28 0.06 2
Sweden 5 0.70 0.23 1 5 0.70 0.23 1
Denmark 26 0.85 0.30 1 31 0.72 0.2 l 1
Spain 59 0.45 0.09 2 125 0.27 0.04 2

CR3 = three-bank concentration ratio. HERF = Herfindahl Index, defined as the sum of the squares of
market shares of total deposits. 'Commercial banks only' includes foreign commercial banks. Year =
1990 (estimates for 1988, 1989 and 1991 are qualitatively similar to 1990). Source: Sheshunoff's
Information Service.
Cutoff for rankings: countries with CR3 of 0.50 and HERF of 0.12 were classified as having high
concentration of banks, else as having a low concentration.
a France has a ranking of 1 if only commercial banks are examined and a ranking of 2 if all savings
banks are included. Tests were conducted using France with both rankings and the results are
qualitatively similar.

Since banks branch throughout each country unlike in the United States and since
entry has until recently been restricted by national borders, a national market is
appropriate. Moreover, it is not possible to obtain market shares by local market
for European countries.
Since our database consists of only the largest banks in each country, the
estimation of CR3 and HERF is not possible using the Global Vantage data.
Consequently, customized data were purchased from Sheshunoff's Investment
Services which provided deposit data for all banks, including non-commercial and
foreign banks, for each country. Table 1 provides the estimates of the three-bank
concentration ratio (CR3) and the Herfindahl index (HERF) for each of the
countries in 1990. Columns 3 and 4 provide the estimates of CR3 and HERF using
only commercial banks while columns 7 and 8 provide the estimates for commer-
cial and savings banks. As Table 1 shows, some countries have a significant
number of savings banks. For example, in the case of Germany, there were data
available for 214 commercial plus savings banks of which only 121 were
classified as commercial banks (the latter includes foreign commercial banks). 6

6 Sheshunoff's Investment Services did not include any data on non-commercial banks for two
countries, Finland and Sweden.
754 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

However, and this will be elaborated upon next, the ranking of banks into high and
low concentrated countries (columns 5 and 9) is mostly unaffected by whether or
not savings banks are included. Consequently, subsequent analyses were per-
formed using concentration ratios based only on commercial banks.
The estimates of CR3 range from 31% to 91% when only commercial banks are
examined and range from 26% to 91% when savings banks are included in the
sample. The comparable numbers for HERF are between 0.06 to 0.30 for
commercial banks and 0.04 to 0.29 when savings banks are included. The ratios
were similar for the other three years. In order to distinguish between countries
with high and low concentrations of banks, a cutoff of 0.50 for CR3 and 0.12 for
HERF was used to rank banks. Thus, banks in countries with CR3 of 0.50 and
above or with HERF of 0.12 or above were ranked as high concentration
countries. The only border-line case is France which would be classified as a high
concentration market if the sample included only commercial banks and low
concentration market if all savings banks are included. In the results presented in
the following tables, we count UK, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland, Sweden and
Denmark as having high concentration of banks and the rest as having low
concentration. The same analysis using France as a high concentration country did
not affect the results significantly. Since the empirical results are similar employ-
ing either HERF or CR3, we only report results using HERF.

4.3. Measures of efficiency

4.3.1. X-efficiency
X-efficiency provides a measure of how effectively banks are using their inputs
to produce a given level of output. Since efficient cost frontiers can vary for banks
in different countries, it is necessary to specify a stochastic cost function. This
paper uses the stochastic cost frontier proposed by Aigner et al. (1977) to
investigate cost efficiencies. This method has been used by Mester (1993) and
Cebenoyan et al. (1993) for the savings and loan industry in the U.S. The basic
model assumes that total cost deviates from the efficient cost frontier by a random
noise, vi, and an inefficiency component, u i. Thus, the efficient cost frontier is
defined as:
lntc = f ( Yi, Pi) + si
where ei = ui + vi and Yi is the output i of each bank, Pi is the cost or price of
input i, vi is statistical noise distributed normal (0,o-2), and u~ is one-sided
inefficiency measure, distributed half-normally. Here u~ represents the individual
firm's deviations from the efficient cost frontier and serves as a proxy for both
technical and allocative efficiency. The log-likelihood function is given by:
N 2 1 N N r[EiA~I
in L = _2 In --'n"_ N In o - - 20"2i=1]~ ltJJ
E"z + iE In ~O --o. (6)
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 755

where N is number of firms and qt is the standard normal cumulative distribution

function. Jondrow et al. (1982) show that the ratio of variability, o., can be used to
measure a firm's mean inefficiency by:

E(uitE)= ~ ~b(EiA/o.) + (7)

where o. 2 = [o.2 + o.v2], A = o.,/o.v, and 4'(') is the standard normal density
function. Inefficiency measures are derived for each of the four years for each
In order to estimate the frontier, it is necessary to specify a cost function. This
paper uses a standard translog cost function because of its flexibility in allowing
the estimation of scale efficiencies. This paper uses two outputs, loans as the
primary output (y~) and all other earning assets as the secondary output (Y2), and
three inputs with prices defined as the price of labor (p~), capital (P2) and
borrowed funds (p3).
2 3 2 2
lntc = n 0 + Y'~ai In(Yi) + ]~_,¢ijIn(pj) + 1 / 2 ~ Y'~ c~ik ln(Yi) ln(y~)
i=1 j=l i=lk=l
3 3 2 3
+ 1/2Y'. ~ / 3 j h ln(pj) ln(ph) + Y'~ ]~_,6ijln(Yi) ln(pj) +e (8)
j=lh= 1 i~lj=l

where tc is total operating and interest costs, y~ is total loans, Y2 is all other
earning assets, pt is the price of labor, defined as staff expenses divided by the
number of employees, P2 is the price of fixed capital, defined as capital and
occupancy expenses divided by fixed assets, and P3 is the price of borrowed
funds, defined as total interest expenses divided by interest bearing liabilities.
Unlike in the estimation of traditional cost functions, the share equations are
not included when estimating stochastic cost functions. 7 In addition, the linear
homogeneity conditions are imposed by normalizing total costs (TC), price of
labor (p~) and price of capital (p2) by the price of deposits (p3) (see Cebenoyan
et al. (1993) for details). The usual symmetry restrictions are imposed, i.e.
O~ik= Olki and [~jh = [~hj" Maximum likelihood estimation techniques are used to
estimate the coefficients.
The empirical tests substitute inefficiency variables (X-INEFF) for efficiency
variables (X-EFF), defined in Eq. (1). The estimate of X-INEFF, derived from the
stochastic cost frontier, represents an inefficiency measure for each bank. Conse-
quently, the coefficient of X-INEFF in the regression of the efficient-structure
hypothesis will have the opposite sign as X-EFF specified in Eqs. (1), (2) and (3).
Therefore, the predicted sign of the coefficient of X-INEFF is negative when

7 See B a u e r (1990) for a discussion of the p r o b l e m s in relating the inefficient cost measure with the
share equations.
756 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai /Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

either ROE or ROA is the dependent variable, i.e. the lower the inefficiency, the
larger the profits. When NIM is the dependent variable, the relationship is
positive, i.e. the greater the inefficiency the larger the net interest margin.

4.3.2. Scale efficiency

Scale efficiency indicates whether banks with similar production and manage-
ment technology are operating at optimal economies of scale. Economy of scale is
given by:
2 /~(ln tc)
SCALE = Y'. 6Yi

ai + Y'~ aik In y~ + Y'~ ~ij In pj . (9)

~-i=1 k=l jffil

SCALE measures are estimated for each bank at its respective output levels, yj
and Y2- If SCALE < I then banks are operating below optimal scale levels and
have the ability to lower costs by increasing output further, while if SCALE > 1
then banks are required to downsize in order to achieve optimal input combina-
tions. Since SCALE > 1 and < 1 both imply inefficiencies, a measure of ineffi-
ciency, S-INEFF, is used in the actual regressions, i.e. 8
S - I N E F F = 1 - SCALE if S C A L E < 1.
As in the case of X-INEFF, the sign of the coefficient will be opposite to that
predicted in Eq. (1). For example, the predicted relationship between profitability
and S-INEFF is negative, i.e. the further a bank is from efficient scale, the lower
the profitability. When NIM is the dependent variable, the relationship is positive,
i.e. the larger the S-INEFF, the larger the net interest margin.

4.4. Control variables

The four control variables in Z i used in this study were selected from those
used in previous studies and are detailed in Appendix A. PCI or per capita income
of a country affects numerous factors related to the supply and demand for loans
and deposits. In this paper it is hypothesized that the coefficient will be negative
because countries with higher PCI are assumed to have a banking system that

8 Berger and Hannan(1989), for example, used the two measures separately, S-EFF e if SCALE < 1
and S-EFF d if SCALE > 1. However, this paper assumes that as banks deviate from efficient scale, the
impact of inefficiency is similar, i.e. banks profitability increases monotonically whether they are
downsizing or increasing in size towards the optimal scale.
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 757

operates in a mature environment resulting in more competitive interest and profit

margins (NIM, ROA and ROE). The WAGE coefficient, defined as total wages
and salaries divided by the number of employees, is expected to be negative under
the efficient-structure hypothesis because efficient banks are expected to operate at
lower costs. The same argument can also be applied if the market power
hypothesis holds, because banks may be able to behave monopsonistically in
concentrated markets.
The size variable, LTA or the log of total assets, controls for cost differences
related to bank size and for the greater ability of larger banks to diversify. 9 The
first factor would lead to positive coefficients for NIM, ROA and ROE if there are
significant economies of scale and the second to negative coefficients if increased
diversification leads to lower risk and thus lower required returns. The risk
measure, RISK or the total liability to total asset ratio, L A / T A , indicates the level
of capital in the bank and can be either negative or positive. This is because higher
RISK ratios indicate less capital and greater leverage which could result in
increased borrowing costs, leading to lower interest margins (NIM) and profits. At
the same time, higher leverage indicates aggressive asset/liability management
which leads to higher interest margins (NIM) and profits.
A number of papers have also used public ownership as an additional control
variable with the expected sign of the coefficient negative, to indicate that
government controlled banks are run less efficiently and consequently are less
profitable. However, the results in other studies using this variable have been
inconclusive. For example, Molyneux (1993) finds the coefficient of public
ownership to be insignificant while Molyneux and Thornton (1992) find a positive
relationship and Short (1979) and Bourke (1989) find a negative relationship. As a
result, and because it is difficult to trace ownership unambiguously, ~0 we avoid
using a dummy variable for government ownership as in Molyneux and Teppet
(1993) and Vander Vennet (1993).
Data are pooled for all four years and dummy variables are employed for 1989,
1990, and 1991. Table 2 provides summary data for many of the variables used in
the analysis for the year 1990. tj Total assets (column 3) and total deposits
(column 4) refer to the totals of the banks used in the study. Total country deposits
(column 5) refers to the total deposits of the banking industry in the country, as
provided by Sheshunoff's Information services. The number of banks used to
arrive at this total is given in parentheses in column 5. The HERF and CR3

9 The log of assets is used instead of assets in order to reduce the scale effect.
~o See Vander Vennet (1993), p. 11.
~ It should be noted that a number of banks had to be dropped from the original sample because of
the specific data required to estimate the efficiency measures. For example, Deutsche Bank did not
provide the labor costs for the estimation of the translog function. Similarly, banks in the Netherlands
do not report interest expense separately as is required for the translog, but rather only report net
interest margin.

Table 2
Summary statistics of data for 1990
Country N Total Total deposit Total country X-INEFF Mean Per LA/TA Mean wage .~
assets ($ MIL) deposits S-INEFF net capita ($)
($ MIL} (N) marg. income
($ lOO0)
United Kingdom 8 972932.7 791 845.0 855849.1 (68) 0.076 0.264 0.023 16248 0.949 33707 :~
Germany 7 647934.3 361 707.6 1210035 (121) 0.039 0.275 0.017 22632 0.963 56563 ~.
France 6 765388.5 514 180.2 1 164741 (119) 0.068 0.367 0.032 19535 0.952 62501 "~
Switz. 12 542735.8 392 149.2 457 177.3 (118) 0.081 0.230 0.014 34472 0.925 69925
Sweden 4 160579.0 111 470.2 122336.1 (5) 0.082 0.243 0.022 23987 0.982 61 599
Denmark 4 148202.9 107 861.8 (53052.4) a 60681.5(26) 0.0360.237 0.026 23364 0.946 43305
Belgium 1 73 144.9 54477.1 (32598.6) a 150505.2 (35) 0.033 0.222 0.015 19083 0.973 59210
Finland 5 124833.8 68905.5 (28901.4) a 37301.3 (7) 0.048 0.221 0.019 23757 0.941 48835
Austria 5 91 375.0 68660.1 154664.3 (39) 0.058 0.187 0.020 19060 0.948 49352 ~
Italy 15 454876.3 343931.1 (190243.6) a 731 262.1 (41) 0.082 0.335 0.030 17500 .940 73632
Spain 12 330 784. I 268 307.9 (185 783.1) a 275 698.0 (59) 0.038 0.267 0.048 I 1 861 .939 46 246 ~"~

MIL = millions. 'Total assets' and 'Total deposits' refer to the total of only the subset of banks used in the regression analysis. 'Total country deposits' refers
to the total deposits of all commercial banks in a country as reported by Sheshunoff's Information Services Inc. N = number of banks used in estimating total
deposits of banks (and for estimating three-bank concentration ratio (CR3) and Herfindahl Index (HERF) in Table 1). X-INEFF and S-INEFF refer to ,~
X-inefficiency and scale-inefficiency, respectively. Mean net marg. = average net interest margin defined as net interest income over total assets, as reported
by the banks, of all the banks in a country. Mean L A / T A = average total liabilities over total assets of banks in the country. Mean wage = average total
wages and salaries divided by total employees, as reported by the banks. I
Sources: Compustat's Global Vantage, Sheshunoff's Information Service Inc. and International Financial Statistics. All data converted to U.S. dollars using
year-end rates reported in the Wall Street Journal.
a The data for 'Total country deposits' does not include inter-bank deposits.
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 759

measures for each country were estimated using this larger set of banks provided
by Sheshunoff's Information Services. For three of the countries, Denmark,
Belgium and Finland, total deposits of the banks used in the study (column 4)
exceed the total banking deposits of the country (column 5). This is because
Sheshunoff's database does not include inter-bank deposits in their total deposits.
To provide meaningful comparisons, the total deposits without inter-bank deposits
are listed in parentheses in colunm 4 for all 5 of the countries for which these data
were available. ~2
Column 6 provides the average measures of X-inefficiency and scale-inef-
ficiency of banks within each country. Banks in Germany, Denmark, Belgium and
Spain are operating with the smallest deviation from the efficient cost frontier
(X-efficient), while banks in Italy and France are operating the furthest from the
optimal scale (scale-inefficient). Mean net interest margins in column 7 show that
the average spread is high in Spain and France while it is very competitive in
Germany, Switzerland and Belgium.

5. Empirical results

The empirical analysis focuses on the estimates of Eqs. (1)-(5). Table 3

presents the results of estimating reduced form Eq. (1) using ROE, ROA and NIM
as the dependent variables. Table 4 presents the results of estimating Eqs. (2) and
(3) while Table 5 presents the results of estimating Eqs. (4) and (5). Table 6
provides estimates of Eq. (1) for an additional dependent variable, NIR. Since
there is very little difference between the ROE and ROA results, we only report
the former. The overall results are not unambiguous, similar to many of the
previous studies. If only Eq. (1) is used as is approximately done in the other
:studies, the results appear to be sensitive to the choice of the dependent variable.
When ROE is the dependent variable, the results provide support for the RMP
hypothesis. When NIM is the dependent variable, the results are more supportive
of the ESX version of the efficient-structure hypothesis. However, when the
additional conditions are tested, i.e. Eqs. (2)-(5), the results support the ESX
hypothesis for only one group of banks, those located in the LC countries. The
concentration measures, HERF and CR3, were not statistically significant in the
expected direction in any of the equations. Details of the tests are presented below.
Columns 2 - 4 and 5 - 7 of Table 3 report the results of ROE and NIM as the
dependent variables, respectively. When ALL banks are considered, columns 2
and 5, there is evidence supporting the RMP hypothesis. Both columns show ROE

~2 It should be noted that column 5 is used strictly to calculate concentration ratios and market
shares. Sheshunoffs database, although not complete, provides a much larger set of banks, which is
important for the measurementof HERF,
Table 3

Regression results of return on equity (ROE) and net interest margin (NIM) on the Herfindahl index (HERF), market share (MS), X-inefficiency (X-INEFF)
scale-inefficiency (S-INEFF) and other control variables

Dep var = ROE Dep var = NIM

N 303 133 170 303 133 170
INT 0.623 (3.10) a 0.237 (0.49) 0.493 (2.06) a 0.249 (10.1) a 0.082 (2.43) a 0.182 (4.28) a
HERF - 0 . 1 1 8 ( - 1.54) - 0 . 4 2 4 ( - 2-80) a - 0 . 2 3 0 ( - 1.08) - 0 . 0 1 6 ( - 1.69) - 0 . 0 1 1 ( - 1.04) 0.028 (0.73)
MS 0"187 (3"19) a 0"288 (3"18) a - 0 " 2 2 0 ( - 2"1 I) a 0.018 (2.58) a 0.008(1.19) - 0.037 ( - 2.02) a e,
X-INEFF 0.007 (0.15) 0.004 (0.03) - 0.013 ( - 0.33) 0.033 (5.73) a 0.024 (2.67) a 0.033 (4.48) a
S-INEFF - 0 . 0 1 6 ( - 0.93) - 0.195 ( - 0.93) 0.079 (0.58) 0.011 (0.80) 0.004 (0.28) 0.084 (3.48) a
WAGE -0.000006(-0.02) 0.0002(0.30) -0.0004(-1.03) - 0.0002 ( - 4.07) a _ 0.0003 ( _ 4.24) a _0.0003(_3.71) a
LTA - 0.005 ( - 0.96) - 0.022 ( - 1.98) a 0.02 (3.87) a - 0.002 ( - 4.03) a 0.0006 ( - 0.80) 0.0009 (0.95)
RISK - 0 . 4 1 6 ( - 1.96) a 0.382(0.94) - 0 " 5 5 8 ( - 2"24) a -0'171 (-6.59) a -0.036(-1.21) -0.141 (-3.17) a
PCI -0'003(-3-09) a -0.003(-1.00) -0.011 (-7.32) a _0.001 ( _ 10.9) a _0.0004(_2.06) a _ 0.002 ( _ 8.55) a
YR89 -0.011 (-0.97) -0.041 (-2.15) a 0.00007 (0.007) -0.003 (-2.04) a -0.003 (-2.20) a -0.004(- 1.95) a
YR90 - 0.011 ( - 0.92) - 0.046 ( - 2.04) a 0.028 (2.49) a 0.005 (3.34) a 0.003 (1.75) b 0.007 (3.34) a
YR91 - 0.006 ( - 0.52) - 0.032 ( - 1.39) 0.033 (2.70) a 0.004 (2.70) a 0.003 ( 1.73) b 0.007 (3.42) a
R2 0.08 0.104 0.346 0.58 0.52 0.64
F 3.48 a 2.39 a 9.14 a 39.1 a 14.0 a 27.8 a

ALL = all banks in the sample; HC = banks located in countries with high market concentration (Rank 1 in Table 1); LC = banks located in low market
concentrations (Rank 2 in Table I). INT = intercept, MS = market share, X-INEFF = X-inefficiency, S-INEFF = scale-inefficiency, W A G E = average
wages and salary, LTA = natural log of total assets, RISK = total liabilities over total assets, PCI = per capita income, YR89, YR90 and YR91 = dummies
for 1989, 1990 and 1991 with 1988 serving as the base year. Dep var = dependent variable. Source: Compustat's Global Vantage and International Financial
Statistics. f
a, b Significant at the 5% and 10% levels, respectively.
Table 4
Regression results o f market share (MS) and market concentration ( H E R F ) on X-inefficiency (X-INEFF), scale-inefficiency ( S - I N E F F ) and other control
Dep var = MS Dep vat = HERF

N 303 133 170 303 133 170

INT - 0 . 9 5 4 ( - 4.16) a -2.71 (-5.85) a - 0 . 7 3 7 ( - 4.0) a -0.194(-I.07) -0.129(-0.47) 0.140(1.56) .~.
X-INEFF - 0 . 0 6 2 ( - 1.14) -0.118 (-0.83) - 0 . 0 6 9 ( - 2.16) a 0.111 (2.57) a - 0.073 ( - 0 . 8 5 ) 0 . 0 4 6 (2.92) a
S-INEFF -0.083 (-0.63) - 0 . 3 0 7 ( - 1.51) 0.355 (3.28) a -0.294(-2.81) a -0.835 (-6.85) a 0.014(0.27)
WAGE - 0 . 0 0 0 9 ( - 2.34) a 0.0002 (2.31 ) a - 0.0008 ( - 2.59) a - 0.003 ( - 9.83) a 0 . 0 0 0 6 (0.98) - 0 . 0 0 0 7 ( - 4.83) a ~
LTA 0 . 0 3 6 (8.67) a 0 . 0 5 6 (7.45) a 0 . 0 3 6 (11.65) a - 0 . 0 1 7 ( - 5.07) a - 0 . 0 3 4 ( - 7.67) a - 0.0005 ( - 0.32) '~
RISK 0.475 (1.94) b 1.95 (4.58) a 0 . 3 2 7 (1.60) 0 . 6 8 0 ( - 3.51) a 1.12 (4.40) a 0 . 0 2 0 (0.20)
PCI 0 . 0 0 3 (2.77) a - 0.0007 ( - 0.24) - 0.005 ( - 4.27) a 0.007 (9.67) a - 0.005 ( - 2.90) a - 0 . 0 0 2 ( - 3.42) a ~.
YR89 -0.003 (-0.20) -0.002 (-0.09) -0.008 (-0.92) -0.005 (-0.48) 0 . 0 0 2 (0.13) -0.010 (-2.18) a
YR90 -0.006(-0.45) -0.017(-0.65) 0.008(0.83) -0.012(-1.11) 0 . 0 2 2 (1.43) -0.004(-0.78)
YR91 -0.001(-0.09) -0.023(-0.87) 0.013(I.27) -0.0004(-0.04) 0.015(0.94) 0.0004(0.08) ~"
R2 0.37 0.50 0.58 0.35 0.47 0.29
F 20.9 a 15.4 ~ 27.3 a 18.7 a 13.9 a 8.75 a

A L L = all banks in the sample; HC = b a n k s located in countries with high market concentration ( R a n k l in Table 1); L C = b a n k s located in low m a r k e t
concentrations ( R a n k 2 in Table 1). INT = intercept, W A G E = average w a g e s and salary, L T A = natural log o f total assets, R I S K = total liabilities o v e r
total assets, PCI = per capita income, YR89, Y R 9 0 and YR91 = d u m m i e s for 1989, 1990 a n d 1991 with 1988 serving as the base year. Years = 1 9 8 8 - 9 1 . ~
Source: C o m p u s t a t ' s Global Vantage and International Financial Statistics.
~,b Significant at the 5 % and 10% levels, respectively.

Table 5
Regression results o f X-inefficiency (X-INEFF) and scale-inefficiency (S-INEFF) on m a r k e t share (MS), m a r k e t c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( H E R F ) a n d other control
Dep var = X - I N E F F Dep var = S - I N E F F


N 303 133 170 303 133 170 :~

INT - 0.059 ( - 0.25) 0.691 (2.18) a 0.631 (3.37) a 0.57 (5.86) a - 0 . 8 4 8 ( - 2.17) a 0 . 8 8 7 (7.49) a "x.
HERF 0.323 (3.65) a 0.0008 (0.009) - 0.383 ( - 6.96) a - 0.103 ( - 2.80) a 1.57 (4.00) a - 0 . 0 9 0 ( - 0.76)
MS - 0.206 ( - 2.89) a - 0.041 ( - 0.64) 0.075 (1.96) a 0.026 (0.88) - 0.628 ( - 3.33) a 0 . 0 8 4 (3.22) a
WAGE 0,004 (8.04) a 0 . 0 0 4 (6.53) a 0 . 0 0 0 0 2 (0.05) - 0 . 0 0 0 2 ( - 1.06) 0 . 0 0 4 (6.01) a 0 . 0 0 0 6 (2.90) a
LTA 0.021 (4.14) a 0 . 0 0 4 (0.54) -0.031 (-8.13) a - 0 . 0 1 8 ( - 8.77) a 0 . 0 2 9 (3.51) a -0.020 (-7.83) a ,9~
RISK -0.158 (-0.61) - 0 . 5 4 1 ( - 1.85) b 0.081 (0.47) - - 0 . 2 1 3 ( - - 1.97) a 0 . 4 0 2 (0.89) --0.606 (--4.42) a
PCI -0.007(-6.95) a - 0.010 ( - 6 . 7 3 ) a -0.002(-2.66) a 0.001 (2.58) a - 0 . 0 0 8 ( - 2.84) a 0.003(-3,87) a
YR89 0.015 (1.09) 0 . 0 1 4 (1.01) 0 . 0 0 2 (0.18) - 0 . 0 0 0 8 ( - 0.14) 0.023 (1.09) 0.003 (0.45)
YR90 0.045 (3.20) a 0.068 (4.56) a 0 . 0 1 8 (1.99) a 0 . 0 0 0 0 3 (0.005) 0 . 0 4 2 (1.99) a - 0 . 0 1 0 ( - 1.59)
YR91 0 . 0 3 9 (2.65) a 0.085 (5.63) a 0 . 0 0 9 (1.05) - 0.001 ( - 0.18) 0 . 0 1 7 (0.72) - 0.015 ( - 2.18) a ~"
R2 0.26 0.44 0.48 0.37 0.25 0.53
F 12.7 a 12.6 a 14.6 a 20.7 a 7.27 a 22.4 a

A L L = all banks in the sample; H C = banks located in countries with high market concentration ( R a n k 1 in Table l); L C = b a n k s located in low m a r k e t '~
concentrations ( R a n k 2 in Table 1). INT = intercept, H E R F = Herfindahl index, MS = market share, W A G E = a v e r a g e w a g e s a n d salary, L T A = natural
log of total assets, R I S K = total liabilities over total assets, PCI = per capita income, YR89, Y R 9 0 and YR91 = d u m m i e s for 1989, 1990 a n d 1991 with
1988 serving as the base year. Y e a r s 1 9 8 8 - 9 1 . Source: C o m p u s t a t ' s Global V a n t a g e a n d International Financial Statistics.
a,b Significant at the 5% and 10% levels, respectively.
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 763

Table 6
Regression results of non-interest margin (NIR), defmed as (1 + R O A ) / ( I + NIM) on the Herfindahl
index (HERF), market share (MS), X-inefficiency (X-INEFF), scale-inefficiency (S-INEFF) and other
control variables
Dep var = NIR
N 303 133 170
INT 0.879 (41.8) 1.005 (29.6) a 0.944 (27.1) a
HERF 0.007 (0.96) 0.006 ( - 0.56) - 0 . 0 5 9 ( - 1.89) b
IrIS - 0.012 ( - 1.91) b 0.0001 (0.02) 0.028 (1.87) b
X-INEFF - 0.029 ( - 5.89) a - 0.021 ( - 2.31) a - 0.028 ( - 4.63) a
S-INEFF - 0.017 ( - 1.42) - 0.009 ( - 0.56) - 0.081 ( - 4.13) a
WAGE 0.0002 (4.04) a 0.0003 (4.26) a 0.0002 (3.32) a
LTA 0.002 (3.79) a - 0.0001 ( - 0.13) - 0.0003 ( - 0.36)
RISK 0.056 (2.52) a - 0.031 ( - 1.04) 0.019 (0.53)
PCI 0.001 (10.6) a 0.0002 (1.30) 0.002 (7.38) a
YR89 0.002 (1.77) a 0.0009 (0.68) 0.003 (2.06) a

YR90 - 0.005 ( - 3.97) a - 0.005 ( - 3.24) a - 0.005 ( - 2.82) a

YR91 - 0.004 ( - 3.15) ~ - 0.005 ( - 2.88) a -- 0.005 ( - 2.82) a
R ~- 0.55 0.53 0.58
F 33.8 a 14.7 ~ 22.0 a

ALL = all banks in the sample; HC = banks located in countries with high market concentration
(Rank 1 in Table 1); LC = banks located in low market concentrations (Rank 2 in Table 1).
INT = intercept, MS = market share, X-INEFF = X-inefficiency, S-INEFF = scale-inefficiency,
WAGE = average wages and salary, LTA = natural log of total assets, RISK = total liabilities over
total assets, PCI = per capita income, YR89, YR90 and YR91 = dummies for 1989, 1990 and 1991
with 1988 serving as the base year. Dep var = dependent variable. Source: Compustat's Global
Vantage and International Financial Statistics.
~l,b Significant at the 5% and 10% levels, respectively.

and NIM are negatively a n d i n s i g n i f i c a n t l y r e l a t e d to H E R F but both are posi-

t i v e l y r e l a t e d to m a r k e t s h a r e , M S , a n d s t a t i s t i c a l l y s i g n i f i c a n t . B o t h t h e X - I N E F F
a n d S - I N E F F v a r i a b l e s a r e i n s i g n i f i c a n t in t h e R O E e q u a t i o n , w h i c h i n d i c a t e s t h a t
n e i t h e r X - i n e f f i c i e n c y n o r s c a l e - i n e f f i c i e n c y p l a y s a r o l e i n e x p l a i n i n g c h a n g e s in
profitability. In the case of NIM, the variable X-INEFF is p o s i t i v e , i n d i c a t i n g t h a t
more inefficient banks had higher net interest margins (or conversely, more
efficient banks operated with low interest margins), supporting the ESX version of
the efficient-structure hypothesis.
Although the conclusions are similar, the signs of the coefficients are not
similar when the data are partitioned between banks located in h i g h and low
concentration countries, HC and LC, respectively (columns 3, 4, 6, a n d 7). A s
suggested by Jackson (1992), this may indicate non-linearity in t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p
between performance and concentration. In the ROE equation for banks in H C
countries, the HERF c o e f f i c i e n t is n e g a t i v e a n d t h e M S c o e f f i c i e n t p o s i t i v e a n d
both are statistically significant, supporting the RMP hypothesis. In the case of
764 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai /Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

banks located in LC countries, the HERF coefficient is insignificant and the MS

coefficient is negative and significant. However, since the X-INEFF and S-INEFF
coefficients are both insignificant, the efficient-structure hypothesis cannot be
supported for the LC banks. When the sample is subdivided into HC and LC
countries with NIM as the dependent variable, the market structure variables are
statistically insignificant except for the LC banks where the MS coefficient is
negative and significant. In addition, both inefficiency measures are positive for
banks in LC countries, while only X-INEFF is positive and significant for HC
banks. These results strongly support the ESX version of the efficient-structure
hypothesis for HC banks and the ESX and ESS versions for the LC banks.
Methodologically, if there are significant relationships between the market
structure and efficiency variables, then Eq. (1) may be subject to multicollinearity
problems. As a test of robustness, we test Eq. (1) in two components in order to
remove the effects of multicollinearity.:

Pi = f(X-EFFi, S-EFFi , Zi) + ei, (la)

Pi =f(CONC,,,, MS i , Zi) + e i. (lb)

The results of Eqs. (la) and (lb) are not qualitatively different from those of Eq.
(1) (results not shown). Two of the coefficients changed in statistical significance.
First, the HERF coefficient is positive and significant at the 10% level, for the LC
banks with NIM as the dependent variable (t = 1.80 instead of 0.73). Second, the
MS coefficient with NIM as the dependent variable for ALL banks is no longer
statistically significant (t = 1.61 instead of 2.58).
The coefficients of the control variables are also mixed, with the results
depending on whether ROE or NIM is used. When ROE is the dependent variable,
WAGE rates are insignificant for all three groups. They are negatively correlated
for all three groups when NIM is the dependent variable, consistent with the SCP
and EFS hypotheses. The coefficients are negative for the size factor (LTA, or the
natural log of total assets) for ALL banks, but statistically significant only when
NIM is the dependent variable. When the sample is partitioned, the coefficient is
negative for the HC banks (diversification effect) and positive for the LC banks
(scale effect) when ROE is the dependent variable. Since the coefficients are
sensitive to the dependent variable, the results cannot be generalized with confi-
The RISK coefficient is also negative and significant for ALL banks as well as
for banks located in LC countries. This would indicate that higher leverage in
banks is associated with higher borrowing costs and not with the alternative
prediction of aggressive asset-liability management. Similarly, the coefficient is
negative for per capita income, PCI, for all groups (except for HC banks when
ROE is the dependent variable). These results support the maturity hypothesis, i.e.
banks in countries with higher PCI are likely to have more competitive environ-
ments which generate lower interest and profit margins.
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 765

The dummy variables show that ROE and NIM have changed significantly over
the years, although not in the same direction. NIM declined in 1989 relative to
1988 (YR89) for all three group of banks while ROE declined only for HC banks.
Thereafter, NIM increased over the next two years for all three group of banks but
ROE only increased for LC banks in 1990 and 1991, relative to 1988. Regressions
were run separately for each year to check for yearly differences, but the results do
not change significantly.
Thus, so far the results indicate that when ROE is the dependent variable, there
is some support for the RMP hypothesis for ALL and HC banks. When NIM is the
dependent variable, there is support for both the RMP and ESX hypotheses for
ALL banks, strong support for the ESX hypothesis for HC banks, and strong
support of ESX and ESS hypotheses for LC banks. In order to establish the results
more firmly, the additional conditions specified in Eqs. (2)-(5) are examined next.
Table 4 shows the results for Eqs. (2) and (3), which set the necessary
conditions for the efficient-structure hypothesis. Estimates of market share (MS)
and market concentration (HERF) are regressed against X-INEFF and S-INEFF
and other control variables. Under the efficient-structure hypotheses, it is neces-
sary that the relationship be negative between inefficiency and concentration or
market share. For ALL banks, X-INEFF and S-INEFF are insignificant when MS
is the dependent variable, which does not support the earlier result of the ESX
version found for ALL banks. Partitioning the sample yields one negative and
statistically significant coefficient in the MS equation for X-INEFF and one
positive relationship for S-INEFF, both for the LC banks. This adds support to the
ESX result found for the LC group in Table 3 but not for the ESS result, since the
S-INEFF coefficient is positive. When HERF is the dependent variable, the
coefficient of X-INEFF is positive for ALL and LC and the coefficient of
S-INEFF is negative for ALL and HC. These mixed results do not add anything
conclusive to our analysis. Note that there is no multicollinearity problems because
the correlation between X-INEFF and S-INEFF is approximately - 0 . 0 2 . None of
the control variables contribute any more to the results. The dummies for the years
YR89, YR90 and YR91 are all insignificant except for 1989 for the LC countries
!in the HERF equation, indicating that the market shares and concentrations have
not significantly changed over the years.
Table 5 reports the results for Eqs. (4) and (5) which test Hicks 'quiet life'
hypothesis. Dependent variables X-INEFF and S-INEFF are regressed against MS,
HERF and the control variables. The signs of MS and HERF should be positive if
the RMP conclusions are to be supported, indicating that larger market shares or
concentrations should result in greater X- and scale inefficiencies. The results do
not generally support the RMP hypothesis because the coefficients are not
consistently positive. Importantly, relating to the results of Table 3, the MS
coefficient is negative and significant for ALL banks (t = - 2 . 8 9 ) and insignifi-
cant for the HC banks (t = - 0 . 6 4 ) in the X-inefficiency equation. This is in spite
of an increase in the level of inefficiencies in 1990 and 1991, as shown by the
766 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai /Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

significant dummy coefficients YR90 and YR91 for the X-INEFF equation (except
for LC banks in 1991). These results indicate that banks are operating further from
the efficient cost frontiers relative to 1988. The coefficients for HERF are not
consistent, but this is not particularly important since we did not find any evidence
of the traditional SCP hypothesis in Table 3,
To clarify the previous results an additional test is performed. Eq. (1) is
re-estimated with NIR = (1 + ROA)/(1 + NIM) as dependent variable. 13 This
isolates the efficiency effect on ROA through non-interest factors such as better
management, high productivity, and better use of technology and capital. The
results are reported in Table 6 and as expected reveal less ambiguous efficiency
effects than before. The coefficient of X-INEFF is negative and statistically
significant for ALL, HC, and LC. The coefficient of S-INEFF is negative for each
category and is statistically significant for low concentration countries. These
results are consistent with the NIM results and indicate that ROA results, once
adjusted, are consistent. The only coefficient of the structure variables that is
significant in the expected direction is the positive coefficient of MS in the LC
equation. This formulation provides more evidence in favor of the EFS hypothesis
than the SCP hypothesis.
Thus, when all the results are integrated, they only provide conclusive support
for the ESX version of the efficient-structure hypothesis for banks located in low
concentration countries. For the rest of the banks, there is some evidence for the
EFS hypothesis. If only Eq. (1) is used (as done in other studies), the results
support the RMP hypothesis which is consistent with the results of Molyneux
(1993), Vander Vennet (1993) and others. However, the use of the additional tests
as specified by Berger and Hannah (1993) invalidates some of the results of Eq.
In addition, three other results are observed for this group of European banks:
a) concentration plays a less significant role as opposed to market share in
explaining profitability;b) the resultsappear to be very sensitiveto the measure of
performance used; and c) performances of banks vary with respect to X-efficiency
and scale-efficiency.The correlation between the two efficiency measures is
-0.02, suggesting some banks are X-inefficient and others arc scale-inefficient,
but not necessarilyboth.

6. Summary and conclusion

This paper tests the structure-performance hypotheses for the largest banks
located in 11 European countries. Unlike conventional tests, the Berger and

13 We thank an anonymousrefereefor suggesting this line of inquiry.

L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 767

Hannan (1993) model is used which incorporates two estimates of inefficiency,

X-inefficiency and scale-inefficiency, directly into the test. In addition, four
hypotheses are specified, two related to the market power paradigm (SCP and
RMP) and two to the efficient-structure paradigm (ESX and ESS). Using data
from Compustat's Global Vantage, a total of 303 observations across 11 European
countries were usable covering the period 1988-91.
The sample was also divided between banks located in countries having a high
and low concentration, and the results conformed with Jackson's (1992) contention
that performance and concentration may be related in a non-linear fashion. In
addition, the paper uses a stochastic cost frontier, as proposed by Aigner et al.
(1977), to derive X-inefficiency and scale-inefficiency estimates under the assump-
tion that the error terms are half-normal. An advantage of using this method is that
it allows us to derive inefficiency estimates for each bank using its own operating
costs and without assuming that the efficient cost frontier is common to all banks.
As has been the case for most of the recent structure-performance papers, the
results are not very robust, and are sensitive to the measure of performance used.
This study only supports the ESX version of the efficient-structure hypothesis for
the banks located in low concentration countries. When only Eq. (1) is used, as
done in other studies, there is support for the RMP hypothesis for ALL banks and
those located in high concentration countries. However, Hannan and Berger's
(1993) method requires that additional tests be performed in order to validate the
results. The results of the additional tests do not support the RMP results found for
ALL and HC banks. The concentration coefficients, CR3 and HERF, also play a
very small role in explaining performance. Thus, we conclude that there is
evidence to support the ESX hypothesis for banks located in low concentration
countries. For the rest of the banks none of the four hypotheses can be confidently
The results are in contrast to studies that have examined the structure-perfor-
mance relationship for European banking. Both Molyneux and Teppet (1993) and
Molyneux (1993) find evidence of anti-competitive behavior, although they do not
include efficiency in their tests. Vander Vennet (1993) uses estimates of efficiency
and economies of scale in his test, but his results support the SCP hypothesis in
contrast to ours. This may be due to the different methods of estimating inefficien-
cies employed in the two papers.
This evidence has implications for the regulatory treatment of banks in the new
European environment. The relationship between concentration levels and net
interest margins appears to be non-linear. A simple policy of strict limitations on
cross-border acquisitions and growth which might increase concentration is not
warranted. Further work might justify limitations on acquisitions in certain circum-
stances. It also does not appear that the larger institutions are more efficient.
Therefore, the growth in multinational large banks in Europe may not necessarily
lead to more efficient operation. Additional evidence is needed in order for us to
have more confidence in these conclusions.
768 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai /Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771


We would like to thank Allen Berger for his helpful comments.

Appendix A. Detailed description of the variables

Source: Compustat's Global Vantage unless otherwise indicated.

ROA = net income/total assets.
Net income is defined as total revenue less all expenses, includ-
ing allocations to untaxed reserves, income taxes and minority
interest but before provision for dividends and any extraordinary
ROE = net income/stockholders equity (book value).
Stockholder's equity, as reported by the banks, include common
and ordinary shares, retained earnings, paid-in capital, preferred
stock, participation rights certificates such as Germany's
GenuBscheine (dividend rights certificates) and Namengewinn-
scheine (registered profit sharing certificates), equity reserves
and cumulative translation adjustment less treasury stock.
NIM -- net interest margin/total assets.
Net interest margin is defined as total interest and dividends
received from earning assets less total interest paid on deposits
and debt. Dividend income refers to those earned on investment
securities held but excluding any permanent investments. Inter-
est expense includes those incurred for both short and long term
Total Loans: total loans is defined as all loans, claims and advances made to
commercial, consumer and government borrowers including
leases and mortgages, less reserves for credit losses and un-
earned income.
Total Deposits: total deposits is defined as total demand, time and savings
deposits held on account for individuals, partnerships, corpora-
tions as well as short-term demand and long-term time deposits
with other banks.
WAGE = total wages and salaries/number of employees.
Total wages and salaries includes incentive compensation, pen-
sion costs, profit sharing and benefit plans. Number of employ-
ees include part-time employees but excludes consultants and
contract workers.
LA/TA = total liabilities/total assets.
Total liabilities is defined as the sum of total deposits (including
inter-bank deposits) and short-term (including repurchase agree-
L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai /Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771 769

ments and commercial paper) and long-term liabilities (includ-

ing convertible bonds and long-term lease obligations).
PCI = per capita income.
Per capita income is defined as national income divided by
population. Data was obtained from the International Financial
Statistics and the U.S. Department of State.
MS= market share,
MS is defined as the ratio of individual bank's total deposits to
the total deposits of all banks in a given country.
HERF = Herfindahl index.
Is the sum of squares of market shares of total deposits of banks
in a given country. Customized data were obtained from
Sheshunoff's Information Services.
CR3 = three-bank concentration ratio.
CR3 is defined as the ratio of the deposits of the three largest
banks divided by total deposits in a given country. Source is
Sheshunoff's Information Services.

Appendix B. List of banks in sample: year = 1990

Austria Finland
Bank f'tir Tirol und Vorarlberg Affarsbkn Unitas
Bank ftir OberSsterreich Alandsbanken AB
Bk fiir Kb,rnten & Steier Kansallis-Osake-Pankki
Creditanstalt Bankver Okobank
Z-L'Anderbank Bank Aus Skopbank

Switzerland France
Baer Holding LTD Banque Nat de Paris
Banq Cant Vaudoise Cetelem
Banque Paribas Suisse SA Comp Finance de Paribas
Bsi Banca Della Svizzera Compagnie Bancaire SA
Cs Holdings Comptoir des Entrepreneurs
Gotthard Bank Societ6 G6n~rale
Gzb Genossenschaftl
Leu Holdings AG United Kingdom
Neue Aargauer Bank Abbey National Plc
Schweiz Bankverein Bank of Scotland
Schweizerische Bankges Barclays Pic/England
Schweizerische Volksbank Lloyds Bank PIc
Midland Bank Group
770 L.G. Goldberg, A. Rai / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 745-771

Germany Natl Westminster Bank

Bayerische Hypotheken Royal Bank of Scotland
Bayerische Vereinsbank TSB Group Plc
BHF Bank
Commerzbank Italy
Deutsche Industriebank Banca Agricola Milanese
Dresdner Bank AG Banca Commer Italiana
Vereins- und Westbank AG Banca Fideuram
Banca Mercantile Italiana
Denmark Banca Populare di Milano
Den Danske Bank Banca Populare di Novara
Jyske Bank Banca Toscana
Sparekassen Bikuben Banco Ambrosiano Veneto
Unidanmark Banco di Chiavari
Banco di Napoli
Spain Banco di Roma
Banco Atlantico Banco Lariano
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Credito Italiano SPA
Banco Central Hispano Credito Varesino
Banco de Andalucia Interbanca SPA
Banco de Santander
Banco Esp de Credito Sweden
Banco Exterior de Espana Sa Gotagruppen
Banco Hispano American JP Bank
Banco Pastor Nordbanken
Banco Popular Espanol Svenska Handelsbanken
Banco Zaragozano
Bankinter Belgium
Banque Brux Lambert

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