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Int. J. Production Economics: Hector Flores, J. Rene Villalobos

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Int. J.

Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997

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Using market intelligence for the opportunistic shipping of fresh produce

Hector Flores, J. Rene Villalobos n
International Logistics and Productivity Improvement Laboratory, Arizona State University, 900 S McAllister Av, Tempe, AZ, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: The main goal of this paper is to develop an opportunistic shipment policy that increases a farmers
Received 10 March 2012 commercialization reach within a secondary market with minimal or no capital investment, once a base
Accepted 18 October 2012 market has been established. Basically, the operation would consist of sending fresh produce items into
Available online 10 November 2012
a secondary market (from the base) whenever momentary price differentials allows two-market
Keywords: transactions with a high probability of prot. A theoretical model is developed that maximizes
Opportunistic shipments potential operational revenues based on arbitrage opportunities existent within two-market structures.
Fresh produce Ultimately, the validity and applicability of this model is demonstrated through the application of a
Market integration case-study. The results of the case-study show that using the decision-making strategy dened by the
Perishable commodities
proposed theoretical model cannot only increase the long-term prots of two-market operations but
Agricultural marketing
can also lower the prot variability, in comparison to only commercializing in a single base market.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction that maximizes potential operational revenues based on arbitrage

opportunities existent within two-market structures. The metho-
One of the primary issues facing agricultural producers in todays dology developed in this paper extends previous studies aimed at
market environment is the risk associated with revenues from their increasing the commercialization reach of Mexican fresh produce
crop sales. This is particularly true for fresh produce farmers whose farmers in the US. For instance, Sanchez (2007) analyzes the
revenues are dependent on a variety of external factors that are implementation of logistic platforms that allow efcient distribu-
often outside of the farmers immediate control such as the tion operations of fresh produce in an established US market
combination of market prices and weather variability. Furthermore, directly from Mexican farms.
due to the perishable characteristics of fresh produce and its The structure of the rest of this paper is divided into four parts.
commodity-like nature, once the produce is sent to a particular First, a review of current literature details the current status of the
terminal market a buyer can wait and/or selectively choose among fresh produce industry, including the dynamics, characteristics and
the potential vendors offering the lowest price. Thus, perishability trends within European and North American markets. The second
results in a loss of leverage when it comes to negotiating prices for half of the review consists of literature related to price integration
the farmer or shipper that prepositions his/her product. Conse- of two-market structures and the arbitrage opportunities created
quently, the underlying situation is one in which the farmers by inefcient price transmissions. Thirdly, a theoretical model
assume most of the risk associated with production variability and is derived from a proposed operational structure based on the
in turn receive reduced margins over the nal revenues, estimated characteristics of two US fresh produce markets, specically
at a 20% of the nal market price (Cook, 2010). perishables market prices. Finally, the proposed theoretical model
In the present paper, the main purpose is to develop an is assessed through the application of a real-world case-study.
opportunistic, shipment policy that increases a farmers commer-
cialization reach with minimal or no capital investment within
secondary markets once a primary or base market has been
captured. In this case, the basic operation consists of delivering 2. Related works and current state of industry
fresh produce items into a secondary market (from the base)
whenever momentary price differentials allows two-market Based on our literature review, little to no research has been
transactions with a high probability of a prot once the transaction dedicated to the development of operational shipment strategies
costs are subtracted. Ultimately, a theoretical model is developed based on the arbitrage conditions of two spatially separated
markets. Most of the literature pertaining to commercialization
strategies within the fresh produce industry has been focused on
Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 480 727 6098.
current and future developments within European and North
E-mail addresses: (H. Flores), American markets. Most of these developments have been a (J.R. Villalobos). direct result of food retailing expansions, either as a deliberate

0925-5273/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
90 H. Flores, J.R. Villalobos / Int. J. Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997

and rational process, or as an emergent and non-intentional one topic which has received some attention in published literature.
(Borklakis and Bourlakis, 2001). It is assumed by spatial market integration research that two
No other fresh produce industry is as advanced as European. regions are in the same economic market for a homogenous good
Over the past few decades, the complexity and competitiveness of if their price differential is equal to the transaction cost related to
its food market industry has slowly consolidated the value chain trade (Sexton et al., 1991). On the other hand, for markets farther
of the products at both the producer and the retail side. For away from their production source, there is a lower incidence of
example, up until the early 1970s, multiple food retailers in market equilibrium and increasingly inefcient price transmis-
Britain each had combined market share of 20%, trailing both sion across regions (Padilla-Bernal et al., 2003). In general, less
the co-operative and independent sectors (Morelli, 1999). How- perfect competitive behavior in these markets suggest higher
ever, by 1971, the multiple sectors had overtaken the co- levels of risk and uncertainty, which may also be evidence of
operative and independent sectors with 44% of the food market strategic market shipments and price discrimination (Padilla-
(Morelli, 1999). As of 2009, the four largest food retailers in Bernal et al., 2003).
Britain accounted for 75.6% of total grocery sales (Garner, 2009). Econometric modeling is an alternative approach to analyze
At this stage in Europes food retail industry, increased price relationships of commodity products within two-market
marginal market share can only be created through erce com- systems. Several papers use co-integration testing as a way to
petition for small gains now held by small, independent retailers. analyze these price relationships and assess the level of integra-
As a result, food retail strategy has transformed from the initial tion of two markets for a particular product. Co-integration is a
growth strategies of the 1980s to strategies based on differentia- statistical framework to test for short-run and long-run or steady-
tion with own label, in which fresh produce (and meat) plays a state equilibrium relationships among several non-stationary
key role (Fearne and Hughes, 1999). This erce competition at the series (Liang et al., 1997). Granger (1969) introduced the inves-
retail level for higher product differentiation has transferred over tigation of Granger Causality to investigate the effectiveness of
to the source of fresh produce. Producers are facing serious one-time series to forecast another. However, Grangers causality
pressure from retailers, government, and consumers to not only test does not measure the relative strength of the relationships;
adhere to product standards but also to improve their manage- neither can it distinguish between relationships that are real and
ment practices to conform to evolving process standards (Palma those that are spurious (Ziemer and Collin, 1984). Blank and
et al., 2010). This has also created a consolidation process at the Schimiesing (1988) apply causality and path analysis to test for
producer level towards greater control of the value chain struc- spatial relationships between two markets.
ture in order to provide better goods. New empirical approaches have considered the important role
In the Dutch fresh produce industry, this consolidation has that transaction costs have on spatial market integration. Liang
taken place in the form of farmer co-operatives that have slowly et al. (1997) and Goodwin and Piggot (2001) use established
evolved from small farming communities to important, interna- methods to analyze the level of integration between two markets.
tional organizations. For example, in 1970, the number of growers Baulch (1997) uses the parity bounds model mentioned above as
and co-operative auctions in the Dutch fruit and vegetable a way to test for the integration of food markets. The author
industry was approximately 57,284 and 88, respectively; by the argues that conventional methods for analyzing co-movement of
year 2000, those same numbers shrunk to 14,197 and 6, respec- food prices rely solely on price data and fail to capture the true
tively (Bijman and Hendrikse, 2003). In this transition, smaller transfer costs of the products.
farmers without the capacity to innovate or offer branded One should note that this paper does not seek to estimate the
quality products cannot compete with the larger farmer organiza- level of integration between two markets but rather to simply use
tions; thus, these small farmers have little connection to the nal the inefcient temporary price transmissions to develop prot-
client and are often bought or put out of business. able, commercialization strategies.
For the US farmer, the playing eld within the industry is still
in a maturation stage but it is progressively growing more
complex. This is due to the increased number of players within 2.2. Objectives of the study
the value chain which has increased the distance between the
farmer and the nal client. In part, this has made it difcult for As described earlier, the growing complexity of the fresh
single entities to control operations within the supply chain and produce industry can reduce the visibility of the farmer in relation
provide unchanged quality and volume of perishable items over to the nal consumer. As a result, the growing complexity of the
time, thus limiting the ability for differentiation and product industry pressures the farmer to seek additional marketing
branding of any one entity (Cook, 2001). As a result, the dynamics strategies that can help maintain his/her competitive position.
of the fresh produce markets has remained largely commodity- In this case, farmers may want to seek new commercialization
like, with most rms acting as price-takers (Cook, 2001). strategies within markets that have relatively low economies of
With regards to the operations, the common growershipper scale and ease of entrance. In the US, wholesale markets can
often sells below total costs given the risk associated with provide such an opportunity, since for the most part, the produce
weather and product perishability. In this case, planting tends industry has remained largely commodity-like and competition is
to err on the side of excess planting, which creates a tendency for based mostly on pricing. Additionally, the volatility of wholesale
excess supply (Cook, 2001). Additionally, the price volatility market prices can allow farmers to design strategies that can
common to fresh produce markets has contributed to a heavy diversify their operations in an opportunistic manner.
reliance on daily spot market sales, as opposed to forward The objective of the study reported in this paper is to develop
contracting between shippers and buyers (Cook, 2001). These a strategy from which a farmer with limited operations may
characteristics of the fresh produce industry are the basis for increase the commercialization reach of his/her perishable
developing the proposed operational structure in this paper. products within wholesale markets. The basic strategy is to
continuously monitor two-market price differentials of fresh
2.1. Arbitrage within spatially integrated markets produce items with the purpose of uncovering potential arbitrage
opportunities. This arbitrage opportunity will be in the form of
The topic of this paper indirectly relates to arbitrage and its time-lagged price-differentials large enough to allow protable
existence within two spatially separated fresh produce markets; two-market transactions.
H. Flores, J.R. Villalobos / Int. J. Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997 91

Fig. 1. Proposed operational structure.

The main assumption of this operational structure is that the differential at a point of time that would maximize the revenue
base (primary) market has continuous and established operations, of a shipment at the time of its arrival at the secondary market.
while those in the secondary market are intermittent (Fig. 1). In The positive or negative outcome of that shipment decision will
this case, one assumes that the production dedicated to the be based on the lagged price differential when the product is sold
continuous operations at the established market will be large at the secondary market. Thus, the shipment decision will be
enough to fulll sudden opportunistic surges in demand within based on the future expectation of prot based on present two-
the secondary market. As a result, it is assumed that that farmer market conditions.
will always have enough inventory at the primary market to The basic approach is to determine the specic two-market
take advantage of favorable price differentials as determined by conditions that maximize the long-run expected prots of one-
the model. Therefore, for all practical purposes, the inventory at time shipment decisions. To do this, an expected prot model is
the established market used to supply the secondary market is developed that consists of four main components: lagged and
assumed innite. non-lagged price differentials, transaction costs, and a threshold
Additional assumptions for the operational structure include: level to trigger a shipment from the base to the secondary market.
(1) availability of daily wholesale price information at markets The decision to send a shipment is based on the non-lagged price
(currently reported daily by the US Department of Agriculture), differential, and the actual prot is the lagged differential. The lag
which will be used to calculate the threshold level of the is the transaction time of moving the product from the primary to
shipment strategy, (2) an accessible secondary market due to the secondary market. The transaction costs, assumed to be
the relative ease through which a farmer can access wholesale constant, include transportation and all other costs associated
markets, and (3) a third-party transportation system for which a with selling the product in the secondary market.
per item transportation cost is incurred to move the products. For simplication purposes, the model considers a set transac-
The motivation for this research comes from the current market- tion cost between markets, as well as an acquisition cost of the
ing practices for fresh produce observed along the USMexico product at the base market.
border, in which Mexican farmers sell their product FOB at the The following parameters form part of the model:
installation of brokers and shippers on the US side of the border.
These brokers and shippers send the product to the markets in the Pi,t Product Price per pound at market i at time t
interior of the US. In this case, the underlying question is if the Cij Transaction cost between market i to market j
farmers can increase their current prots by engaging in opportu- STime lag for performing the transaction between market I
nistic marketing of their products as a complement to their current and j
We believe that there is an opportunity to take advantage of
The lagged and non-lagged price differentials of the two-
the characteristics of fresh produce markets through commercia-
market structure are dened as random variables, as shown by
lization strategies that can improve the revenues and reduce the
the following:
risk exposure of a particular farmer. As previously mentioned,
little to no research exists that attempts to develop commercia- x Pi,t P j,t 1
lization strategies based on the inefciencies of price transmis-
sion between markets. This paper looks to ll this gap. y P i,t s Pj,t 2

variable x depicts the price differential between markets i and j at

3. Theory present time; that is, the differential with no lag in time. On the
other hand, the y variable depicts the lagged price differential,
The operational study developed by this study depends on an which includes transaction time. The combination of these two
arbitrage identication system whose primary goal is to max- variables forms a two-variable density function f(x,y). We note
imize a farmers operational prots in a secondary market. The that x and y are correlated, since the actual prots captured
key is to determine the optimal existing two-market price (lagged price differential) depend on the non-lagged differential.
92 H. Flores, J.R. Villalobos / Int. J. Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997

The decision component in the model is the non-lagged price Table 1

differential that triggers the shipment to the secondary market. Two-market structure characteristics.
This decision variable, which dictates the expected prot model,
Structure (transportation costlag time) Products
is dened as follows:
K non-lagged price differential. Thus, the expected prot Dallas, TXAtlanta, GA ($0.01248/lb2 days) Tomato
model is represented as: Dallas, TXChicago, IL ($0.01845/lb2 days) Cucumber
Maximize: Dallas, TXBoston, MA ($0.05516/lb3 days) Eggplant
ZZ 11 Dallas, TXWashington D.C. ($0.02983/lb3 days) Squash
  Dallas, TXNew York, NY ($0.05589/lb3 days) Bell pepper
EPk P j,t s P i,t C ij nf x,ydydx 3
ZZ 11
yC ij nf x,ydydx 4
K1 Table 2
Long-term average prices over 10-year period.
Thus, the objective is to nd the value of K that maximizes
the expected prot of a shipment based on present time condi- Dallas ($) Boston ($) Atlanta ($) Chicago ($) DC ($) NYC ($)
tions. From this model, one can observe that the nal prot of the
shipments is the price differential between the secondary market, Tomato 0.70 0.76 0.70 0.71 0.72 0.66
Squash 0.58 0.46 0.49 0.50 0.53 0.46
j, at time t s and the price at the base market, i, at time t, minus
Eggplant 0.94 0.86 0.57 0.83 0.55 0.77
the transaction cost, Cij. This value is then multiplied by the Cucumber 0.39 0.37 0.33 0.39 0.31 0.36
corresponding value of the joint probability density function (pdf) Bell pepper 1.07 0.67 0.99 0.97 1.01 0.84
of x and Y. In the previous model, a shipment is triggered based
on a preexisting price differential between the two markets, but
trade. For this, one needs to inspect a bit deeper into the market
once the shipment is triggered it cannot be recalled and the actual
price differentials, in order to identify the specic opportunity
realization of the prot is determined by the conditions of
windows that indicate potential arbitrage in a two-market trans-
the secondary market when the shipment arrives, and that prot
action. One should note that ample daily market price informa-
can be positive or negative (we assume  N-N over the y
tion exists from the USDA Market News Report for each market
variable). In this case, the farmer cannot lose more than the value
and that the application of the methodology described by this
of the shipment at the base market.
study is applicable to any two-market structure. For purposes
In order to nd the price differential that maximizes the
of presenting a case-study for the methodology, an arbitrary two-
expected prot, the model is differentiated with respect to
market structure was selected. In this case, the DallasBoston
the decision factor K. The resulting equation is then set to zero.
two-market structure was arbitrarily selected.
With some model manipulation, the nal optimal decision is
Fig. 2 presents an in-depth glimpse of the tomato market price
depicted in terms of the expected value of the y variable, or
differentials for an arbitrary selected year in the DallasBoston
the lagged differential, conditioned on the value of x, in this case,
two-market structure. The values observed in this gure account
the desired threshold level, K.
Z 1 Z 1 for the non-lagged differentials between these markets during
@ EPK f K,y f XY nK,y 2005. In this gure, each point above the zero marker represents a
 yn XY dy C ij dy 0 5
@K 1 f X K 1 f X K potential arbitrage opportunity for the decision maker. The
encircled points at the left side of the gure represent opportu-
Ey 9 x K C ij 0 6 nities that may be a bit riskier given the high variability in
Based on the structure of Eqs. (5) and (6), the expected prot the differentials. On the other hand, those points encircled on
of a shipment is maximized whenever the conditional expected the right would mean more stable prot opportunities. The lagged
value of the lagged differential is set to equal the transaction cost. price differentials would represent the potential earnings
One should note that the conditional expectation on the non- of shipments sent from the base to the secondary market condi-
lagged differential in reality would be represented by the inequal- tioned on positive non-lagged differentials.
ity x 4K. For simplication purposes, and without loss of general- One can gain additional information regarding the behavior
ity, we use the condition xK for the computation of the integral. of these differentials over the 10-year period by summarizing
their statistical characteristics through a tted theoretical dis-
tribution. If one considers a stricter shipment condition (or
4. Results threshold level) on the non-lagged differentials for the Dallas
Boston structure, the observed mean and variance of the lagged
To test the methodology, six important US consumer markets differentials become increasingly positive, as shown from
were selected based widely on their geographical location the histogram distribution in Fig. 3. In the right hand side of this
(Table 1). In order to fully capture the long-term behavior gure summarizes a tted logistic distribution (based on a
of the two-market structure, a 10-year period of information Pearsons Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test) for each observation
was used, which included daily terminal wholesale market prices histogram on the left, under various threshold levels.
from January 2000 to December 2009 for different terminal As demonstrated, the mean prot of a single, one-time ship-
markets (USDA, 2012). These values were corrected for ination ment is increased as the threshold condition for the non-lagged
by the Consumer Price Index; a time-dependent index that differential becomes stricter. However, as the threshold becomes
measures the changes in the price level of consumer goods stricter, the number of opportunities also decline greatly. There-
(Department of Labor, Consumer Price Index, 2010). fore, a strategic tradeoff between the number of opportunities
The long-run average prices for those markets considered and the expected prots has to be determined in order
suggest that continuous shipment operations in these structures to maximize revenues. The model in this study indirectly solves
are not protable (Table 2). In order to capture the opportunities this problem. In this case, the DallasBoston market structure
that are present within the market price differentials, one has is chosen arbitrarily to explain the applicability of the model.
to search for specic opportunity windows in which one might For simplication purposes, a bivariate normal distribution
be able to observe from gains from engaging in a two-market is assumed to represent the general behavior of the lagged and
H. Flores, J.R. Villalobos / Int. J. Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997 93

Fig. 2. Lagged price differentials: DallasBoston.

Fig. 3. Histogram distribution under various thresholds.

non-lagged differentials of the DallasBoston market structure. prot model. Eq. (7) presents the conditional expectation of
This assumed distribution represents the joint probabilty function a bivariate normal distribution plus the transaction cost. This
that is used to evaluate the differentiated expected prot model expression represents the simplied version of the optimized
Eq. (6). Fig. 4 presents the visual representation of the adjusted expected prot model in Eq. (6).
bivariate normal distribution for the x and y values. As one can  
observe, this bivariate function follows the general behavior E y9x K C ij my rsy C ij 0 7
of the lagged vs. non-lagged differentials scatter plot on the left
part of the gure. Conditioning x on the value of K, one can evaluate the model
Assuming a normal joint probabilty function of the x and y, one and approximate the optimal threshold. As it was explained
can solve for the threshold value that optimizes the expected earlier, this solution is an approximation to optimality, since x
94 H. Flores, J.R. Villalobos / Int. J. Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997

Fig. 4. Assumed bivariate distribution for x and y.

is assumed equal to K, instead of the inequality (x 4K). The

additional parameters of the expected prot model are estimated
based on a normal distribution of emprircal data on x and y
(sx $0.1227/lb, sy $0.1301/lb, mx $0.0521/lb, my $0.0518/lb,
Cij $0.0552/lb, and r 0.8576).
E y9x K C ij my rsy C ij 0 8
C ij my sx
K mx 9
r sy
0:05520:0518 0:1277
K 0:1227 10
0:8576 0:1301

K 0:05605
After substituting the indvidual values for each component,
one arrives at the solution K $0.05605/lb. Again, one must note
that in the decision process one would use the inequality K 4$ Fig. 5. Total and avg. prots per shipment vs. threshold value.
0.05605 as the optimal shipment criteria.

5. Validation and case study Table 3

Total and avg. prot per threshold value.
5.1. Validation
Threshold Cij Total Prot (in $1000s) Avg. Prot ($/lb)

The results of the model are assessed by a pragmatic applica- 0.0452 5395.584 0.0784
tion methodology. Under this approach, the long-run prots of 0.0502 5438.908 0.0836
one-time shipments are summed for different threshold condi- 0.0552 5502.928 0.0880
tions based on empirical market price data. The ultimate goal is to 0.0602 5522.660 0.0921
0.0652 5512.480 0.0972
identify the threshold that maximizes the sum of the shipment
0.0702 5487.104 0.1008
prots. In Fig. 5, the total historical prots are presented as a 0.0752 5490.544 0.1055
function of of the threshold (presented in the x-axis). The total 0.0802 5448.264 0.1113
historical prots are shown on the primary vertical y-axis, while
the average prots per shipment are shown on the secondary. The
total prots shown is in thousands of dollars assuming that a full
container (40,000 lbs of product) is sent whenever an opportunity
is presented. On the other hand, the average prots are presented Overall, one can conclude that the empirical results of this
in dollars per pound in a shipment. simple example tests the validity of the theoretical prot model.
As one can observe, the sum of the prots increase as the value Based on the results of this example, a farmer could potentially
of the threshold, K, is increased. The prots hit a maximum value expand his/her tomato operations into Boston by sending ship-
for some value of K and then start to decrease for higher threshold ments whenever the price differential with Dallas is above $0.065
values. Table 3 presents the actual values that are represented by per pound. Nonetheless, one also has to verify the applicability of
Fig. 5. In this table, one can see more clearly that the local maxima this model to an actual real-world situation. To do this, an
observed actually falls within the interval $0.0502/lboK o operational framework is developed based on more realistic
$0.0602/lb, which matches the results obtained from the theoretic market conditions. In this case, one would need to consider an
value. This means that the optimal price differential (without operational framework similar to that of Fig. 1, in which a farmer
considering transaction cost) that maximizes the long-term prot has base operations at a primary market but also aims to extend
models is above approximately K 4$0.06505/lb. the commercialization reach within a secondary market.
H. Flores, J.R. Villalobos / Int. J. Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997 95

Fig. 6. Case-study of proposed operational framework.

5.2. Case-study Table 4

Assumed transaction and perishable costs.

A potential representation to the framework developed in this Perishability costs 3% loss per day in transit
paper is the current situation of farmers from the northern In transit inventory cost 10%ndays in transit/196nvalue
Mexican state of Sinaloa, who supply approximately 30% of the Final margin captured 90% of Lagged Differential
fresh tomatoes consumed in the US during their winter harvest-
ing season (USDA Economic Research Service, 2010). And while
the vast majority of their commercialization operations are based
from the border town of Nogales, AZ, (mainly through brokers and Since the case-study considers the situation of a small farmer, one
shippers) previous studies have shown a potential commerciali- assumes that the farmer can only capture 15% of this daily tomato
zation opportunity for a direct continuous operation in more supply. This means that the farmer will only send 10 container
distant markets such as Dallas, TX, and Boston, MA, due to their shipments each with a capacity of 40,000 lbs of tomato, whenever
large average price differential (Fig. 6) (Villalobos et al., 2010). there is an opportunity in the base market. Once the shipment
These studies have also demonstrated the possibility of using arrives, the decision maker will decide whether to send one
Dallas as a platform to reach secondary markets, such as Boston. container from the initial shipment to the secondary market or
The real-world application of this paper uses Dallas as the base to sell the full shipment at the base market. When a one container
market (continuous operation), while Boston is assumed to be the shipment is sent to the secondary market, the rest of the contain-
secondary market. Also, the main product considered for com- ers will remain in Dallas and sold at its market price.
mercialization is tomato from the Mexican farmers in the state of For purposes of the case-study, additional transaction and
Sinaloa. In this case, Nogales, AZ, is considered the source of the perishable costs are considered in order to better represent the
product, since it is currently the main entry point for Sinaloan real-world situation (Table 4). The cost associated to the products
products into the US. The analysis of the case-study compares the loss in value due to its perishable characteristics is assumed to be
protability of operating under the two-market structure against 3% loss per additional day in transit. In other words, the tomato
the estimated prots obtained from only commercializing in shipment is assumed to lose 3% of its original value (price at its
Dallas. The analysis also compares the estimated prot variability source in Nogales, AZ) each additional day in transit. Added to this
of both strategies. cost will be the in transit inventory cost of the product (In transit
inventory cost Value at source  10%  (days in transit/days in
season)). Additionally, one assumes that the farmer will only
5.2.1. Case-study assumptions receive 90% of the nal lagged price differential, since there may
Before demonstrating the applicability of the methodology, it be hidden miscellaneous transaction costs between the source,
is important to dene the assumptions and parameters used for base and secondary markets. Finally, the transportation cost and
the model. As mentioned earlier, the level of commercialization transportation lag are assumed to remain the same as those
for the farmer is limited by the tomato harvesting season in the reported in Table 1.
Mexican state of Sinaloa, which ranges from November to May.
Thus, the data set used to develop the shipment policy is con-
strained to two full harvesting seasons (November 2007May 2008 5.2.2. Model results
and November 2008May 2009). The data consists of daily price Empirical price data of Nogales, Dallas, and Boston, and their
information at the shipping point of Nogales and the terminal respective differentials, are used to dene the parameters of the
markets of Dallas and Boston. The price information is collected model. Based on these parameters, the optimal threshold values
from databases reported by the USDA market news report for NogalesDallas and DallasBoston are calculated using the
(USDA Economic Research Service, 2010). proposed theoretical model (Table 5). For the NogalesDallas
The estimated number of daily tomato containers crossing the structure, the calculated threshold level for the shipment policy
Nogales international border during the harvesting period is 68. is $0.006/lb. This relaxed shipment policy is to be expected given
96 H. Flores, J.R. Villalobos / Int. J. Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997

Table 5 Table 7
Model Parameters/Output. Protability summary with two container shipments.

Model components Nog to Dal Dal to Bos Two-market Only Dallas Difference
structure (7 )
Observed non-lagged diff (mx) $0.402/lb $0.141/lb
Observed lagged diff (my) $0.401/lb $0.124/lb Number of containers 776 776 0
Assumed transaction cost (Cij) $0.061/lb $0.126/lb To Dallas 623 776  153
Standard deviation (sy) 0.166 0.159 To Boston 153 0 153
Standard deviation (sx) 0.153 0.161 Avg. prot per container $14,247 $13,191 $1056
Correlation (r) 0.933 0.790 Avg. cost per container $22,046 $20,835 $1211
Standard deviation 10,532 11,328
Theoretical K (model) $0.006/lb $0.143/lb Coefcient of variation 0.371 0.429  0.058
Actual K (data-based) $0.006/lb $0.150/lb (s/m)
Error (%) 4.54% Total prots $11,055,839 $10,236,154 $819,685

shipment size. Thus, one assumes that only two containers are
Table 6 shipped from the source in Nogales. When the shipment reaches
Protability summary with 10 container shipments. Dallas and an opportunity is observed in the secondary market, a
single container is sent to Boston and the other is kept at the base
Two-market Only Dallas Difference(7 )
market. For both instances, the shipment threshold calculated
earlier remains unchanged, since it is independent of shipment
Number of containers 3880 3880 0 size.
To Dallas 3727 3880  153 To calculate the prot variability, one has to consider the
To Boston 153 0 153 percentage of the time that an opportunity is identied at the
Avg. prot per $13,402 $13,191 $211
secondary market. As mentioned earlier, an opportunity was
Avg. cost per container $21,077 $20,835 $242 observed in Boston 153 times out of the total 388 shipments
Total prots $52,000,456 $51,180,771 $819,685 made to Dallas, which is approximately 39.43% of the time.
Furthermore, the variability of the structure should also include
the variance at both markets during times of opportunity, as well
as when there is no opportunity.
the large average price differential between the two markets. In The following details the variables used for calculating this
this case, the theoretical value of the optimal threshold matches variability:
the actual differential that maximizes long-term prots on the
shipments. p Percentage of time there is an opportunity in
On the other hand, the calculated theoretical value for the Dallas secondary market
Boston structure is much higher at $0.143/lb, due to the smaller price X1 Prot in base market only (without considering
differential between markets and the higher transaction cost. This opportunity)
means that commercialization in this market is intermittent and X2 Prot in base market (including opportunity)
depends on the availability of arbitrage opportunities. For this Y Prot in secondary market (including opportunity)
market structure, the actual threshold that maximizes long-run
prots based on a pragmatic approach is $0.150/lb, which is X1 is the prot data set observed only at the base market, if no
obtained by manually varying the shipment threshold until the shipment is sent to the secondary market. On the other hand, X2 is
long-term prot is maximized. This means there is a 4.54% the prot data set observed at the base market including the
difference (or error) between the theoretical and actual value, times when there is an opportunity in the secondary market. Also,
further conrming the validity of the proposed model. Y is the prot strictly from selling at the secondary market. Lastly,
If one follows this shipment policy, 388 shipments (3880 both X2 and Y occur p % of the time, while X1 occurs (1 p)% of
containers) are sent to the base market out of the 392 available the time.
times during the two harvesting seasons. Out of the 388 ship- Using this terminology, then one is able to describe the steps
ments, 153 one container shipments are sent to the secondary taken to estimate the variance of the two-market structure:
market when there is an opportunity. The rest of the containers
Var1pX 1 pX 2 Y  11
are sold in Dallas (approximately 3727 containers). A summary of
these results are presented in Table 6, including the average prot Var1pX 1 pX 2 pX 3  12
and cost per container. Also, in this table is a comparison between
the protability of entering Boston, as opposed to only commer- 1p2 Var X 1 p2 Var X 2 p2 VarY
cializing in Dallas.
21ppCovX 1 ,X 2 21ppCovX 1 ,Y 2p2 CovX 2 ,Y 13
As one can observe, the total prots are much higher for
operating under the two-market structure. The difference in Based on the calculation of variance, the estimated standard
prots over the two harvesting season is estimated to be approxi- deviation of the prots under the two-market structures is
mately $819,685. Also, the average prot per container is approxi- approximately 10,532. On the other hand, the standard deviation
mately $211 more under the two-market structure, while the of only commercializing in Dallas is estimated to be 11,328.
costs per container are $242 higher. Nonetheless, it is also Table 7 presents a summary of the prots under this scenario.
important to compare the prot variability of diversifying the This table also includes the Coefcient of Variation (std. deviation/
farmers operations within two markets, as opposed to only using mean prot per shipment) for each strategy, in order to compare
Dallas. their variability.
Since we are interested in comparing the variability under As one can observe, the Coefcient of Variation of the two-
both strategies, one would like to remove any dependence on the market structure is approximately 0.371 which is slightly lower
H. Flores, J.R. Villalobos / Int. J. Production Economics 142 (2013) 8997 97

compared to the 0.429 of only commercializing in Dallas. This loss due to wrongly identifying an opportunity. Also, one can
occurs due to the diversication of the operations and the less risk consider a higher resolution on the transaction costs, which for
observed in two markets, as opposed to only using Dallas. This purposes of this model was kept constant. Finally, one could
also serves as further encouragement for a farmer with limited develop short-term strategies similar to binomial lattices, in
resources to participate in the secondary market, in addition to which one can estimate short-term probabilities of prots and
the extra $819,685 in estimated prots. losses per individual shipments.

5.3. Discussion
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