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24 Aminvestment Group Berhad - Annual Report 2006: Teng Chean Choy

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AIGB AR06-1c_060706.

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24 AmInvestment Group Berhad • Annual Report 2006

The AmInvestment
Group consistently
ranks amongst the
top investment
banks when it
comes to receiving
industry awards
and recognitions,
Teng Chean Choy
securing its position Director, Group Treasury
as the country’s
consultant of choice
to Malaysia’s
John Tan Giap How
Managing Director
Our dedication, AmSecurities Sdn Bhd

commitment and
focused efforts have
been instrumental
to our successes in
the investment
banking business.

Cheah Tek Kuang

Datin Maznah Mahbob Non-Independent &
Chief Executive Officer Non-Executive Director
Funds Management Division AmInvestment Group
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AmInvestment Group Berhad • Annual Report 2006 25

Strategic Business
Te a m s & C o r e
Kok Tuck Cheong
Managing Director
AmMerchant Bank Berhad

The AmInvestment Group has taken a

proactive stance to understand the diverse
market needs for more specialised
investment banking products through the
development of complex and customised
financial solutions.

Investment Banking is a core area of focus for the

AmInvestment Group. Having established our position as
a market leader through innovation, experience and
expertise, the Group continues to dominate in almost all
aspects of investment banking.

In the area of loan syndication and project finance,

AmInvestment Group has tapped into opportunities arising
from changing borrowing trends. The Group has the
distinction of having successfully raised funds by relying
on its strong client relationships and expertise developed
in specific industries.

The resources and experience of the Corporate Finance

and Advisory as well as the Debt Capital Markets teams
are indispensable to clients seeking the most innovative
and effective methods of raising capital funds and project

Equity and Treasury Derivatives develop and structure

customised and value-added solutions by engaging in
arbitrage, hedging and principal trading for the Group’s
clients, whilst our broking services allow our clients to
trade equities listed on Bursa Malaysia. The Funds
Management team enables our clients to invest their funds
Pushpa Rajadurai
across multi-asset and currency classes, and to optimise
Executive Director
AmMerchant Bank Berhad their returns. Regional markets facilities are offered
through the Group’s Labuan branch and encompasses the
whole spectrum of investment banking services offered in
response to the high demand for US Dollar capital raising
capabilities spurred by globalisation.
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26 AmInvestment Group Berhad • Annual Report 2006

John Tan Giap How

Teng Chean Choy Managing Director Anuar bin Omar
Director, Group Treasury AmSecurities Sdn Bhd Director, Corporate Finance

Treasury Broking Corporate Finance

The Treasury Division manages Broking services are provided Corporate Finance undertakes the
overall funding, liquidity, interest rate through AmSecurities Sdn Bhd to origination, structuring, execution and
and foreign exchange risk of the individual, corporate and quasi- provide advisory services for
Group’s balance sheets. government entities for trading of corporations. Services include:
listed securities on Bursa Malaysia. • Takeovers, Mergers and
The division executes proprietary trading Acquisitions;
and market-making in the secondary • Corporate and Debt Restructuring;
market for debt instruments, derivative
• Pre-listing consultancy and Initial
products and over-the-counter products
Public Offerings;
such as interest rate and cross-currency
swaps as well as forward rate • Project Advisory;
agreements. The division is also actively • Deal Structure and Valuation;
involved in the sales and distribution of • Capital raising of Islamic and Non-
instruments to end-investors. Islamic Equity products; and
• Primary and secondary placements
which include arrangements for

Gan Kim Khoon Mohd Effendi bin Abdullah

Wong Kum Cheong Executive Director, Director, Islamic Markets &
Director, Equity Derivatives AmResearch Sdn Bhd Public Sector

Equity Derivatives Research Islamic Capital Markets

Equity Derivatives develops and Research on the economy, industrial Islamic Capital Markets offers services
structures customised and value- sectors and listed companies is in the structuring of financial products
added financial solutions by published by AmResearch Sdn Bhd to in accordance with Syariah principles
engaging in arbitrage, hedging and empower the Group’s investors with targeted at both local and international
principal trading for clients. economic and market knowledge clients. It functions as a parallel market
It also trades in exchange- when making investment decisions. to the conventional capital market and
traded derivatives, over-the-counter complements the overall Islamic
derivatives, as well as the underlying banking system.
cash market.
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AmInvestment Group Berhad • Annual Report 2006 27

Stephanie Gan Eng Hooi

Director, Investment Banking

Wan Marina Tunku

Mohd Jamil
Seohan Soo Director, Investment
Director, Debt Capital Markets Banking

Debt Capital Markets Investment Banking

Debt Capital Markets is responsible The Investment Banking Unit provides tailor-made solutions for each individual
for all fixed income capital raising client’s financial needs and works closely with clients in identifying and
activities undertaken by its clients in originating structures that best fit the clients’ business needs.
the Malaysian and overseas fixed
income markets. The range of Directors - Investment Banking (L–R):
Saifuddin bin Abu Bakar
services include: Chan Wan Seong
• Conventional and Islamic debt Steven Perng Chong Hann
capital market products from
Associate Director:
conventional financing to liability Mahani Ibrahim
management advice;
• Structured finance (including
asset-backed securities, structured
debt issues, project funding and
tax-embedded financial
structures); and
Paul Ong Whee Sen
• Hedging and derivatives advice.
Chief Executive Officer
AmInternational (L) Ltd

Regional Markets
Regional banking activities are
undertaken through the Labuan
branch of AmMerchant Bank and
AmMerchant Bank’s wholly-
owned subsidiary, AmInternational
(L) Ltd. The products and services
offered are primarily denominated
in US Dollars and based on either
Islamic or conventional banking.

The range of banking services

include provision of loans,
Datin Maznah Mahbob
Chief Executive Officer Tai Terk Lin
corporate finance and advisory
Funds Management Division Director, Private Banking services relating to the Labuan
International Financial Exchange,
and treasury services including
deposit takings, structured
Funds Management Private Banking treasury products and fixed
The Funds Management Division, The Private Banking Division provides income securities lending.
comprising AmInvestment Services private wealth management services to
Berhad and AmInvestment affluent clients, individuals or family The Group also has presence in
Management Sdn Bhd, provides groups and companies. Indonesia under PT AmCapital
investment management, unit trust Indonesia, with Mr Mustofa, as
management and customised President Director. PT AmCapital
Services and products include financial Indonesia is engaged in the
investment solutions for both retail planning advice, tailored financial principal activities of stockbroking,
and institutional clients. services, and a range of equity, debt and underwriting and investment
hybrid products. management.
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28 AmInvestment Group Berhad • Annual Report 2006

Group Corporate Support

The AmInvestment Group’s strategic initiatives are implemented with the support
of teams with specialised skills that enable the execution of transactions, manage
risk, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements as well as continue to
develop and enhance our human capital, IT systems and brand.

Fauziah Yacob Ravindra Kumar Thambimuthu Alice Dora Boucher

Director, Group Company Secretary Director,
Group Human Resources and Legal Adviser Credit Risk Management

Arunasalam Muthusamy Ponnampalam Tan Keat Lin Murugiah M N Singham

Director, S Seenivasagam Director, Director,
Finance Director, Group Risk Management Group Compliance
Credit Administration

Charles Tan Keng Lock Amarjeet Kaur Syed Anuar bin Syed Ali
Chief Information Officer, Director, Director,
Group Information Services Group Corporate Services Group Public Affairs

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