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Module 5 English 14

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

LSPU Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM)

Course English 14 - Survey of Philippine Literature in English
Sem/AY First Semester/2022-23
Module No. 5
Lesson Title Literature Differs in Terms of Type, Theme, and Nature
Literature of the Regions and 21st Century Philippine Literature

Date November 27 – December _
The lesson recaps the Philippine literature that withstood time and periods and its
Description evolution through generations. The core of the discussion is on every period that
of the passed, different genres appeared, and these litewere rary works rooted from all
Lesson regions reflecting their culture, society, until the rise of the 21st century.

Learning Outcomes

Intended Students should be able to meet the following intended learning outcomes:
Learning • Determine the different literary pieces in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and
Outcomes delineate nature of 21st century Philippine literature;
Targets/ At the end of this learning module, students are expected to:
Objectives • Describe how are these kinds of literature differ in terms of type and theme;
• Prepare an annotated reading list of the selected literary pieces
• and present samples of 21st century Philippine literature.

Student Learning Strategies

Online A. Online Discussion via Google Meet

Activities The Synchronous session will last for 1 hour and 2 hours will be allotted for
(Synchronous/ asynchronous, going over the lecture, answering activities, and reading
additional hand-outs/ supplementary materials
(For further instructions, refer to your Google Classroom and see the schedule
of activities for this module)

B. Learning Guide:
1. Listen and participate in a virtual discussion
2. Be guided with the given instruction on the readings and answering of the
given tasks in the classwork and give comments or feedback in the stream
for some clarification and inquiries.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

I. Introduction
Online Asynchronous
Activities Students do an independent close reading of the assigned literature in a particular

II. Lesson Development

Literature from different Regions
This will presented in the class via Virtual Tour Guiding

REGION 1: Ilocos Regio

Ilocanos are descendants of Austronesian-speaking people from Taiwan. Families
and clans arrived by viray or bilog, meaning "boat". The term Ilokano originates from
i-, "from", and looc, "cove or bay", thus "people of the bay." Ilokanos also refer to
themselves as Samtoy, a contraction from the Ilokano phrase sao mi ditoy, "our
language here". Ilocanos are descendants of Austronesian-speaking people from
southern China via Taiwan.
- one of the most active tributaries to the general Philippine literature
➢Earliest known written Iloko poems:
- Romances translated from Spanish by Francisco Lopez, who published his own
Iloko translation of the
- Doctrina Cristiana by Cardinal Bellarmine, the first book to be printed in Iloko.
➢ Study of Iloko poetry:
- Gramatica Ilokana, published in 1895, based on Lopez's Arte de la Lengua Iloca,
earlier published in 1627, but was probably written before 1606.
➢ Pedro Bucaneg
- collaborated with Lopez in the translation of the Doctrina into Iloko
- the first known Ilokano poet
- the "Father of Ilokano Poetry and Literature."
- blind since childhood
- authored the popular epic known as Biag ni Lam-ang, who published it in El
Ilocano from December 1889 to February 1890, with Spanish translation in
prose, and also reprinted it in his El Folklore Filipino, under the title Vida de
➢ Leona Florentino
- considered by some as the "National Poetess of the Philippine
- her poems however, appear to the modern reader as being too syrupy for
comfort, too sentimental to the point of mawkishness, and utterly devoid of
➢ Fr. Justo Claudio Fojas
- Ilokano secular priest who wrote
- Leona Florentino's contemporary.
- novenas, prayerbooks, catechism, metrical romances, dramas, biographies, a
Spanish grammar and an Iloko-Spanish dictionary.
➢ Comedia (moro-moro)
- a highly picturesque presentation of the wars between Christians and Muslims

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

➢ Zarzuela
- an equally picturesque depiction of what is at once melodrama, comic-opera, and
the skit interminably preoccupied with the eternal theme of boy-meets- girl-
- presented for the first time in the Ilocos in the 19th century.
➢ Comedia – scripted from corridos
- Prince Don Juan
- Ari Esteban ken Reyna Hipolita
- Doce Paris
- Bernardo Carpio
- Jaime Del Prado
➢ Marcelino Mena Crisologo - helped popularize Zarzuela based on culture &
traditions of the Iocos Norte
➢ “Matilde de Sinapangan”- first Iloko novel printed on 1892 and written by
Rufino Redondo
➢ more intense in literary activity
- Biag ti Maysa a Lakay, Wenno Nakaam-ames a Bales” (“Life of an old Man, or a
Dreadful Revenge”)– Mariano Gaerlan (1909)
“Uray Narigat no Paguimbagan” (“Impovement Despite Obstacles”) – Facundo
Madriaga (1911)
- “Apay a Pinatayda ni Naw Simon?” (“Why did they Kill Don Simon?”) - Leon C.
Pichay (1935) – first known detective novel in Iloko
➢ Iloko literature reached headland
➢ Many Ilokanos started to write Literary pieces
➢ Early Bannawag short stories in 1920’s – poor imitations of equally poor
American fiction
➢ Bannawag resumed publication in 1947
- War
- Guerilla activities
- Japanese Artrocities
- Murder
- Pillage
- Death
➢ Leopoldo Y. Yabes (UP) – made a brief survey of Iloko Literature (1934)
Findings: Iloko Literature began with Pedro Bukaneg
➢ Thomas B. Alcid (UST) – made a study on Iloko prose fiction and discussed
the Iloko short story and the Iloko nevel and their possibilities in Philippine
Literature (1940)
Findings: Short stories and novels were still young and needed more improvement
➢ Mercedes F. Guerrero (MLQEI) - made a master thesis titled “Critical Analysis
of the Outstanding Iloko Short Stories Published in the Bannawag from 1948 to
Findings: Iloko Stories offer a mine of information about the ideals and customs of
the Filipino people

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

➢ “Dalang: An Introduction to Philippine Literature in Iloko” – Dr. Marcelino A.

Foronda, Jr. (1967)
➢ traits and characteristics of the Ilokanos
REGION 2: Cagayan Valley

The most important event in the history of Cagayan Valley took place in 1572 when
Spanish Conquistador Don Juan de Salcedo traced the northern coast and landed at
the mouth of the Pamplona River. Before his visit, early Cagayanos reveled in a
civilization of their own.
The Spanish occupation in Cagayan was recorded to have started in 1581 when
Gobernador Gonzalo Ronquillo de Penaloza sent Juan Pablo Carreon to the

north to drive away a Japanese fleet under the command of Taifusa. Carreon
succeeded in his mission and proceeded upriver to look for future pueblo sites and
thus making a name for himself in the process.
Cagayan Valley abounds with natural resources and exudes with development
potentials that consist of rich agricultural areas, forestland and grasslands, inland
and marine resources.
The Ybanags, Itawits and Malawegs are mainly lowland farmers whose agricultural
practices are similar to those of the Ilokanos. The Ybanags used to inhabit the area
along the Cagayan coast but migrated further inland. They conducted trade with
neighboring areas using distinctive seacrafts, and their commercial interests made
their language the medium of commerce throughout the region before the influx of
Ilokano migrants. They are also excellent blacksmiths and continue to make good
bolos. The Ybanags are reputed to be the tallest of all the ethno-linguistic groups in
the Philippines.
The Itawits are almost indistinguishable from the Ybanags. They build their houses
with separate kitchens, connected by a narrow walkway that is used as washing area
for hands and feet. The Itawits are noted for their pottery and basket- weaving
The culture of Cagayan is showcased in museums, historical buildings and
archeological sites spread across the province. In Solana, the Neolithic archeological
sites in Lanna have yielded stone tools used as early as 20,000 years back. The
Cabarruan jar burial site, also in the town, features ancient Filipino traditions of
taking care of their dead. The Cagayan Museum is a repository of the province´s
cultural heritage. Iron Age pottery, Chinese Ming and Sung dynasty porcelain pieces
as well as Church paraphernalia are on display together with Paleolithic fossils. The
oldest bell in the country, cast in 1592, still peals from the tower of the church in
Camalaniugan. The old brick works in Tuguegarao lie inside the city and speak of a
time when bricks were extensively used to build the beautiful churches of the

Ybanag Dialect: Potent Factor in Cagayan's Evangelization

The Ybanag dialect was a very potent factor in the difficult and hazardous
evangelization of the pagan and hostile inhabitants of the Cagayan Valley.
The evangelization and pacification of the valley were difficult because the
communities found by the colonizers were far apart, separated by primeval spans of

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
wild forests with crocodile-infested rivers to cross or along which the missionaries
and soldiers had to travel. There were also the great calamities--epidemic, locust
infestations, floods and earthquakes--which caused great difficulties and sufferings
to the people, and though to us today the calamities were natural phenomena, the
pagan natives blamed their occurences on the coming of the white people.
The early chronicles of Cagayan Valley , the natives, especially the Irrayas and
Gaddangs, were fierce and warlike. This was so, apparently because living in
separate communities, independent of each other, they cultivated fierce love for
freedom. Thus, they resisted the abuses committed by the officials and their
encomienderos, to the extent of rising a revolt--the history of the province tells of
numerous and frequent insurrections in some of which the native rebels killed all
the Spanish officials.
It was always the missionaries who consoled the natives in time of the calamities and
who pacified them when they revolted, for the guns of the Spanish soldiers were

futile against the fury which the natives displayed in defense of their rights and sense
of freedom.


➢ Fernando Maramag
➢ Edith L. Tiempo
➢ Florentino Hornedo
• Born on October 16, 1938 in Batanes.
• He was born to Leon Hornedo and Bienvenida Hontomin.
• Hailing from Savidug, Sabtang, Batanes, Hornedo obtained his BSE from the
University of Santo Tomas in 1961. He received his Master’s in English and
Philosophy from St. Louis University in 1966 and 1972 respectively and his Ph.D. in
Literature from UST in 1977.



Nu Nunuk Du Tukun, minuhung as kadisi na;

Ichapungpung diya am yaken u nilangan na.
Kapatalamaran ava su avang di idaud
Ta miyan du inayebngan na, ta miyan du inayebngan na.

Nu itanis ko an nu an didien ko;

Ta nu taw aya u suminbang diyaken;
Na maliliyak a pahung as maheheyet a riyes.
U minahey niya diyaken.


(Y Paggafuanan na Lunig)

English Translation

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

The Nunuk on the hill short forth the leaves and twigs;
Then suddenly all its branches fell and I under it.
On what is left I cannot watch the boats on the sea
For I stand on the side from the sea.

I weep in my grief?
It was the sea that made me an orphan; The sad news came to me in the roar of the
From the voice of the mightysea currents.

Once upon a time, there was a very poor couple who had only one son. His name was
Bernard Carpio. Since this family led only a hand to mouth existence, both husband
and wife had to work for living. Whenever the mother went out to work, she would
lock up the baby in the house. She would just give him something to play with. Upon
coming home, she would find all the toys of the baby broken into small pieces. This
happened everyday until the mother could no longer give the baby anything to play
with. So the baby was lest in the house without any toy, when she came home to feed
him, the mother was surprised that the walls and studs of their house were either
destroy or broken. She remains silent but observant. As soon as these parts of the
house had been repaired, she again left Bernardo Carpio alone. When she came
home, she found the same in shambles. Next time, the mother deliberately gave her
son an iron rod to play with. Again he broke rod into pieces. Now the parents were
growing alarmed over the extraordinary strength of Bernardo. News of it also spread
in the neighborhood.
As a child grew up, he was recognized as the strongest boy in the village. He
challenged to fight those who dared him and defeated them all. As man, hid prowess
was also acclaimed in the whole country. This popularity made him very

proud. He was so proud that even he dared challenged God. At first, God gave him
the upper hand. But on the third trial, when God asked him to stop the quarrel
between the two big mountains, Bernardo failed. In a conceited gesture, he
impulsively went between the warring mountains. He extended his arms to stop
them but instead, he got between the two mountains and was buried alive with his
head out.
Today, it was believed that whenever Bernardo Carpio struggles to free himself from
the grip of the mountains, the earth quakes. The old folks also say that when he
finally frees himself, that will be the end of the world.

REGION 3: Central Luzon

In 1571, when the Spanish took hold of Central Luzon, they renamed the area to La
Pampanga. Central Luzon is mostly composed of 'Tagalog' speaking natives. During
this period of time, many different literary works arose.

Pampanga Literature

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

➢ A showcase of unique and diverse words of art shaped by rich and colorful
➢ Highlights of the local traditions
- Giant Lantern Festival – San Fernando Pampanga
- Lubenas Angeles City
- Lenten Ritual
- Self flagellation
- Putting up puni
- Singing of pasyon

➢ Tumaila (Pampango Lullabies)

- Familiar to all Grandmothers in Pampanga
- Atin Cu Pung Singsing

➢ Basulto
- march (flute and drums)

➢ Courage, sense of pride, and the moral values of the people of Pampanga are
seen in the often categorized as seditious plays of Aurelio Tolentino.

Aurelio Tolentino Plays in Pampango are:

- Sinukuan
- Aslag Tala
- Ing Sundang ning Mengubie
- Bayung CrisFilipinas at Espaňa
- Lua ning Balen

➢ Holy Angel University - center of Kapampangan studies and with the direction
of Mr. Robby Tantingco an “Outstanding Kapampangan” awardee

➢ Riddles
- aeta riddles
- Kapampangan riddles
Are you that someone who will love me so deep,
Are you that someone
who won't make me weep......
Are you that someone who will hold my hand, Are you that someone who would be
my man......
Are you that someone

Are you that Someone

by: Lori Ungacta

Are you that someone who will grow old with me,

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Are you that someone
who sees my true beauty......
Are you that someone
who will make my life complete,
Are you that someone
who no other can compete......
Are you that someone

who would hold me in your arms,

Are you that someone
who would protect me from harm.....
Are you that someone who will make me smile,
Are you that someone
who would go the extra mile......

who will share good times and bad,

Are you that someone
who with me is always glad......
Are you that someone who I will love for life,
Are you that someone
willing to have me as your wife.....


- Tomas Pinpin - he first Filipino printer and is sometimes referred as the "Prince
of the Filipino Printers." Pinpin is remembered for being the first native Filipino
to publish and print a book, "Librong Pagaaralan nang mga Tagalog nang Uicang
Castilla" in 1610, entirely written by himself in the old Tagalog orthography.
- Francisco Balagtas - a prominent Filipino poet, and is widely considered one of
the greatest Filipino literary laureates for his impact on Filipino literature. The
famous epic, Florante at Laura, is regarded as his defining work.
- Nicanor Abelardo - a Filipino composer known for his Kundiman songs,
especially before the Second World War.
- Damiana L. Eugenio - a Filipino female author and professor who was known as
the Mother of Philippine Folklore, a title she received in 1986. Apart from
teaching at the University of the Philippines, she has several publications in the
field of Philippine folklore, among them a series of seven books which she
compiled and edited.
- Rogelio R. SIkat - a prolific Filipino novelist, playwright and short story writer.
Sikat is best known for his classic masterpieces particularly Impeng Negro, a
short story based on a half-black, half-Filipino boy and Moses, Moses, a play in
one act that depicts the social injustices and the abuse of the country’s
oppressive politicians. Apart from being one of the Philippines’ finest modern
literary figures, Sikat was also a distinguished educator. He was a former
university professor and former college dean of the University of the Philippines’
College of Arts and Letters.-
- Gregorio C. Brillantes - a Palanca Award Hall of Famer and a multi-awarded
fiction writer,is one of the Philippines' most popular writers in English. Known
for his sophisticated and elegant style, he has been compared to James Joyce.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
[citation needed] He often writes about individuals under thirty, adolescent or
post adolescent ones who struggle with alienation from family, society and from
themselves. His earlier collection of short stories earned him the title of the
"Catholic Writer".
REGION 4-A: CALABARZON (Southern Tagalog Mainland)

CALABARZON is one of the regions of the Philippines. It is also designated as Region

IV-A and its regional capital is Calamba City in Laguna. The region is composed of
five provinces, namely: Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon. The region's
name is an acronym of the names of these provinces.
Because of its proximity to the national capital, CALABARZON has seen steady
industrial growth and urbanization in recent years. But the local culture is still very
much alive. Historical landmarks, monuments, old churches, and shrines dot the
region’s landscape.
The area is rich in history. It’s where the Philippines’ independence from Spain was
first declared in 1898. It’s the birthplace of national heroes such as Jose Rizal (from
Calamba, Laguna), Emilio Aguinaldo (from Kawit, Cavite), Apolinario Mabini (from
Tanauan, Batangas) and Miguel Malvar (from Sto. Tomas, Batangas).
CALABARZON is also rich in cultural traditions. Laguna is known for embroidery,
wood carving, and papier-mâché (locally known as taka). Quezon has harvest
festivals and flamboyantly decorated houses. Rizal has artisan villages and art
galleries. It’s a colorful region.


Dr. Jose P. Rizal


➢ Rizal was a prolific writer and was anti-violence. He rather fight using his pen
than his might.
➢ Rizal's two books "Noli Me Tangere" (Touch Me Not) which he wrote while
he was in Berlin, Germany in 1887 and "El Filibusterismo" (The Rebel) in Ghent,
Belgiun in 1891 exposed the cruelties of the Spanish friars in the Philippines, the
defects of the Spanish administration and the vices of the clergy, these books told
about the oppression of the Spanish colonial rule. These two books made Rizal as a
marked man to the Spanish friars.


- Sa aking mga kababata
- Noli Me Tangere ( Huwag mo akong salingin)
- El Filibusterismo -1891
- Huling Paalam -1896
- Sobre la indolencia de los filipinos ( Hinggil sa katamanran ng mga Flipino.)
- Ala Juventud Filipina ( Sa kabataan Pilipino)
- Filipinas Dendro de cien anos ( Ang Pilipinas sa loob ng Isangdaang taon).
Teo S. Baylen
- Tinig ng Teenager
- Takipsilim at lumang lambat

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Rev. Fr. Arnel S. Vitor
- Ang tutong
Buenaventura S. Medina Jr.
- kapangyarihan at punong-kahoy
Alejandro S. Abadilla
- Ako ang daigdig at sanaysay sa Tula
Claro M. Recto
- Noong bata pa ako
Ligaya Tiamson Rubin
- Taga- Angono , Rizal
- Kasalukuyang nagtuturo sa U.P
- Tagapangulo ng Departamento ng Filipino at Literature

Our Mother Tongue (Jose P. Rizal)

IF truly a people dearly love

The tongue to them by Heaven sent, They’ll surely yearn for liberty

Like a bird above in the firmament.

BECAUSE by its language one can judge A town, a barrio, and kingdom;
And like any other created thing

Every human being loves his freedom. ONE who doesn’t love his mother tongue; Is
worse than putrid fish and a beast; And like a truly precious thing
It therefore deserves to be cherished. THE Tagalog language akin to Latin, To English,
Spanish, angelical tongue;
For God who knows how to look after us This language He bestowed us upon. AS
others, our language is the same With alphabet and letters of its own,
It was lost because a storm did destroy On the lake the bangka in years bygone

REGION 4-B: MIMAROPA (Southern Tagalog Islands)

The name of this region is an acronym that combines the names of its provinces:
Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan.

With its National Parks, World Heritage Sites, protected marine areas and even wild
safari parks, the MIMAROPA region is definitely something different. You won’t find
big cities, bustling highways, or traffic jams here. You will find rugged roads, palm-
fringed beaches, and peace and serenity.

There’s an enchantment to this region, especially underwater. Above land you’ll find
simple towns, delicious seafood, and the quiet, laid-back island life that the people of
MIMAROPA have had for centuries.


LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Suan, The Good Guesser

There was once an old woman who had an only son named Suan. Suan was a clever,
sharp-witted boy. His mother sent him to school. Instead of going to school, however,
Suan climbed up the tree that stood by the roadside. As soon as his mother had
passed by from the market, Suan hurried home ahead of her. When she reached
home, he cried, “Mother, I know what you bought in the market to-day.” He then told
her, article by article. This same thing happened so repeatedly, that his mother began
to believe in his skill as a diviner.
One day the ring of the datu’s daughter disappeared. All the people in the locality
searched for it, but in vain. The datu called for volunteers to find the lost ring, and he
offered his daughter’s hand as a prize to the one who should succeed. Suan’s mother
heard of the proclamation. So she went to the palace and presented Suan to the datu.
“Well, Suan, tomorrow tell me where the ring is,” said the datu. “Yes, my lord, I will
tell you, if you will give your soldiers over to me for tonight,” Suan replied. “You shall
have everything you need,” said the datu.

That evening Suan ordered the soldiers to stand around him in a semicircle. When
all were ready, Suan pointed at each one of them, and said, “The ring is here, and
nowhere else.” It so happened that Suan fixed his eyes on the guilty soldier, who
trembled and became pale. “I know who has it,” said Suan. Then he ordered them to
retire. Late in the night this soldier came to Suan, and said, “I will get the ring you are
in search of, and will give it to you if you will promise me my safety.” “Give it to me,
and you shall be safe,” said Suan.
Very early the next morning Suan came to the palace with a turkey in his arms.
“Where is the ring?” the datu demanded. “Why, sir, it is in this turkey’s intestines,”
Suan replied. The turkey was then killed, and the ring was found inside it. “You have
done very well, Suan. Now you shall have my daughter’s hand,” said the datu. So Suan
became the princess’s husband.
One day the datu proposed a bet with anyone who wished to prove Suan’s skill.
Accordingly another datu came. He offered to bet seven cascos of treasure that Suan
could not tell the number of seeds that were in his orange. Suan did not know what
to do. At midnight he went secretly to the cascos. Here he heard their conversation,
and from it he learned the number of seeds in the orange. In the morning Suan said
boastfully, “I tell you, your orange has nine seeds.” Thus Suan won the whole
treasure. Hoping to recover his loss, the datu came again. This time he had with him
fourteen cascos full of gold. He asked Suan to tell him what was inside his golden ball.
Suan did not know what to say. So in the dead of night he went out to the cascos, but
he could learn nothing there. The next morning Suan was summoned into the
presence of the two datus. He had no idea whatever as to what was in the ball; so he
said scornfully, “Nonsense!” “That is right, that is right!” shouted a man. “The ball
contains nine cents.” Consequently Suan won the fourteen cascos full of gold. From
now on, nobody doubted Suan’s merit.


LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

21st century literature per se, is

anything that was written and
published in the year 2000s. It is a
bit too early to give a definite and
elaborate description of the 21st
century literature in the
Philippines and the world. It is
possible, however, to approach
contemporary literature as a
reaction to and dialogue with
existing forms of expressive culture. As we engage in technology more and more, we
create and discover more existing forms of expressive culture as well. We have a
wide range of resources through the internet and this gave opportunities to people,
especially the youth, to begin writing and expressing their thoughts, ideas, and
feelings. A perfect example would be WattPad. It became popular to the Filipino
youth in 2006.
The idea is to create an e-book reading application, as e-books are becoming in
demand during that time, however, the founders thought that it would be time
consuming to maintain their own catalog, so they decided to let the community
decide what they want to read, and they can also upload their works and content into
the application. This had made it possible for the youth to read more and to start
creating their own compositions.
It has become a network.
Literary genres in the 21st-century Philippine literature:
Creative nonfiction
It’s a rich mix of flavors, ideas, and techniques, some of which are newly invented
and others as old as writing itself. Creative nonfiction can be an essay, a journal
article, a research paper, a memoir, or a poem; it can be personal or not, or it can be
all of these.
Some of the creative nonfiction in the Philippines are:
1.The Cardinal’s Sins, the General’s Cross, the Martyr’s Testimony, and Other
Affirmations” by Gregorio C. Brillantes
2.“Manananggal Terrorizes Manila and Other Stories” by Jessica Zafra
3.“Sapay Koma” by Jhoanna Lynn Cruz
Hyper poetry
Hypertext poetry and hypertext fiction are new genres of literature that use the
computer screen as medium, rather than the printed page. The literary works rely
on the qualities unique to a digital environment, such as linked World Wide Web
pages or effects such as sound and movement. Hypertext “poetry” can consist of
words, although not necessarily organized into lines and stanzas, as well as, sounds,
visual images, movement or other special effects. Although the poem may be dazzling
with sounds, perhaps of a lawnmower, while the words “mowing,” “stop,” “Sunday,”
and “morning” float across your computer screen in pseudo-three-dimensional
letters, one will have been hard pressed to identify the use of any formal poetics.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Mobile phone text tula
A cell phone novel, or mobile phone novel is a literary work originally written on a
cellular phone via text messaging. This type of literature originated in Japan, where
it has become a popular literary genre. However, its popularity has also spread to
other countries internationally, especially to China, United States, Germany, and
South Africa. Chapters usually consist of about 70-100 words each due to character
limitations on cell phones.
Chick lit
This is genre fiction, which “consists of heroin-centered narratives that focus on the
trials and tribulations of their individual protagonists”. The genre often addresses
issues of modern womanhood – from romantic relationships to female friendships
to matters in the workplace – in humorous and lighthearted ways.
Some of the chick lit in the Philippines are:
1.Spotlight New Adult by Mina V. Esguerra
2.Tall Story by Candy Gourlay
3.All’s Fair in Blog and War by Chrissie Peria
Speculative fiction
It covers all stories from fantasy to science fiction to slipstream to magic realism to
urban fantasy — so on and so forth. In other words (or in other worlds), it
encompasses all the stories that are removed from the reality that we are currently
living in. As the introduction states, “speculative fiction is a type of story that deals
with observations of the human condition but offers the experience through a
different lens…and challenges us to see what tomorrow could be like or what the
mythic past of our imagination actually is.”
Some of the speculative fiction in the Philippines are:
1.Smaller and Smaller Circles by FH Batacan
2.Sink by Isabel Yap
3.The Secret Origin of Spin-Man by Andrew Drilon
Flash fiction
Flash fiction goes by many names, including microfiction, microstories, short-shorts,
short short stories, very short stories, sudden fiction, postcard fiction and
nanofiction. While it can be difficult to pinpoint an exact definition of flash fiction
based on word count, consideration of several of its features can help provide clarity,
like its brevity, length, background and purpose.
Some of the flash fiction in the Philippines are:
1.100 Kislap, by Abdon M. Balde Jr.
2.Karapote: Antolohia Dagiti 13 a Nasuerte A Sarita, by Ariel S. Tabag
A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website
displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with latest posts
appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their
views on an individual subject.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Graphic novels
The ‘graphic novel’ has existed as an art form arguably from the time our species
learned how to paint. However, the term has only been in use since the 1960’s, and
though it’s often a hotly debated issue, it’s generally accepted that a graphic novel is
a longer work or collection of works presented in ‘comics’ style.
Some of the graphic novels in the Philippines are:
1.The Mythology Class (Nautilus comics) by Arnold Arre
2.Light (Anino comics) by Rob Cham
3.Sixty Six (Anino comics) by Russell Molina
4.Maktan 1521 by Tepai Pascual
Contemporary writers often consciously draw inspiration and ideas from the writers
who have come before them. As an outcome, many works of 21st literature deal with
the events, movements and literature of the past in order to make sense of the
current times. In addition, the technological developments of the 21st century have
directed other writers to theoretically write about the future, usually to comment on
the present and suggest introspection.
There are various themes and topics that the contemporary literature addresses.
One of which is Identity. With increasing globalization, intersections of cultures and
more vocal discussions of women’s rights and LGBT rights, identity has become a
common theme in 21st century literature. In a world that is now able to exchange
ideas more quickly than ever before via the Internet and other technological
advancements, people have relatively more freedom to draw from multiple cultures
and philosophies and question the concept of the self and its relation to the body,
brain and “soul.” Another theme is history and memory. Often contemporary
literature explores the notion of multiplicities of truth and acknowledges that history
is filtered through human perspective and experience. Another main theme is
technology. Today, technology is more integrated into people’s lives than ever
before. Dreams of what technology could potentially help people become and
anxieties regarding the demise of humanity because of technology can be seen in
21st century literature. Additionally, many 21st century works of literature explore
what it means when all of humanity’s experiences are filtered through technology.
These are just among many themes that 21st century literature covers. Among these
are of course, love, sex, family, religion, but approached in a different way. They are
more liberal and unfiltered in a sense, just like the world we live in. For this reason,
the language and tone that are commonly used doesn’t really follow a rule just like
the traditional and classical works, as long as it is able to express and convey the
authenticity and the essence of the meaning of the work and the identity of the
characters. Examples of this would be the works of Bob Ong, Ricky Lee, and Bebang
Siy. The poems of Maria Cecilia dela Rosa are perfect examples of 21st century
literature as she conveys a different flavor and turn to her works.
The previous periods had already established canon writers and their works which,
until now, are being studied in schools and universities. As times change, people
need to innovate and become more aware of the present time and condition, as well
as the events that recently directed us to be at the current circumstances that we
stand. Modernization, invention, expression and a wider point of view are results of

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
the arising awareness people have. Modern day Filipinos, as well as the youth of
today become more conscious of what’s happening, primarily because of easier
access to education and technology. Print, we might say, is gradually dying but our
appetite for information continues to grow and of course literature, along with
technology still thrives. All of this paved the way to the 21st century Literature, with
various genres, themes and voices. The Philippines continues to develop in many
aspects and as a liberal and democratic country, we are part of the worldwide
innovation of ways on how to exchange and share ideas about the present events
which have much similarities in each country.
Since we are in the age of technology, we use them to impart and experience
literature to make it more interesting especially to the young ones. They grew up
using technology as a primary learning tool and for them to be more engaged in
literature, technology such as the internet and gadgets play a huge role for them in
acquiring knowledge and information.
Literature continues to change with society and although we are in the 21st century
and are binded with technology, authors are still trying to address absolute human
questions in new ways and therefore, reconcile them with the ever-changing
technology that surrounds us; hence, the birth of the different 21st century literary

III. Learning Outputs

1. Simulation - A tour guide is with a group of students who are on their

educational tour. As they move about in the room (of which
sections are labeled with the different regions), a discussant presents the
summary of the outstanding/popular literature in that region. Questions
will be entertained during this simulation
2. Interactive Discussions and Presentation of Samples on: - Philippine Flash
Fiction m/tag/philippine-flash-fiction-
Offline anthology/ - Speculative Fiction - Graphic Novels- to include fiction and
Activities non-fiction and anthologized work
(e- 3. Group Sharing and Critiquing
Learning/Self- 4. The students will come up with a collection of outstanding 21st century
Paced) Philippine literature.
5. The students will come up with a collection of outstanding 21st century
Philippine literature.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Learning Resources


Prepared By:


Instructor I

Evaluated by:


Subject Expert

Noted by :


Undergraduate Coordinator

Approved by :


Associate Dean, CTE

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Survey of Philippine Literature in English

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