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Waterborne PSA For Clear Filmic Labes and Graphics

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Applications I Labelling and Packaging

Waterborne Pressure
Sensitive Adhesives for Clear
Filmic Labels and Graphics
The label and packaging industry is constantly looking for innovative ways to improve the look
of a label and/or packaging. With ever stricter environmental standards and regulations, as well as
consumers’ increasing awareness of sustainability and environmental responsibility, the search for
green and environmentally friendly products is becoming a key task for the label and packaging

Olga Bernatova

The history of adhesives goes back a printed with different technologies are quirements and customers’ expectation
long way. About 200,000 years ago, stone available in the market and are no long- regarding the application performance
tools were bound to wooden handles er just a piece of parchment paper carry- and usage. Some of the key parameters
with natural materials such as tar from ing product information, but are also part to focus on throughout the research are
birch bark /1, 2/. Pressure-sensitive ad- of the aesthetic elements of a packaging. listed below.
hesives (PSAs), however, were only dis- The label and packaging industry is con- ● Well balanced adhesion – cohesion pa-

covered and used by the surgeon Hor- stantly searching for innovative ways to rameters
ace Day in 1845 /3/. He made the first improve the look of a label and/or pack- – adhesion to variety of substrates in-
crude surgical adhesive tape and used it aging, “no-label” look being one of the cluding LSE
in his practice. new trends. – high initial tack
While the history of label was dated from Meanwhile, with the ever stricter envi- – optimized cohesion level in respect
17th century, the first label was simply a ronmental standards and regulations, as to application usage and recycling
hand-written parchment attached to a well as the increasing awareness of sus- ● Water-resistance

wine bottle with string. Label with adhe- tainability and environmental responsibil- – non-whitening
sives became common in the 18th century ity from consumers, the search for green – adhesion retention after heat / hu-
and was mainly used in the wine and food and eco-friendly products becomes one midity exposure
trading industries. Natural materials such of the key tasks for the label and packag- ● Clarity and UV stability

as starch, natural rubber, casein etc. were ing industries. As the packaging industry – non-yellowing
mainly used as adhesives for paper labels (mainly plastic materials) contributes sig- – “no-label” look
on packaging boxes, bottles and cans. The nificantly on high percentage of the world ● Durability

printing and labeling industry developed non-recyclable waste, trends are to move – temperature stable constructions
significantly in the 19th century, expand- from traditional technologies to green- – chemical resistance
ing its usage into postal service and phar- er solutions, such as biodegradable sub- – tear resistance
maceutical. stances, sustainable/bio-based resources, – strength – sufficient bonding
Beginning of 20th century, PSAs became re-useable/recycling products, waterborne ● Optimized rheology for wide range of

commonly used as adhesives for produc- borne/low VOC materials and durable fin- coating processes
tion of self-sticky labels. Such materials ish goods. ● Consistent label converting (cutting,

perform well on different kind of sub- Synthomer therefore invested its re- slitting, etc.)
strates (glass, paper, wood, metal and search and development resources into ● Good printability

later on also on plastics). Today the var- waterborne PSA technologies to devel- ● Recyclability – “wash off”

ious labels based on various substrates op products which fulfill regulation re- performance.

24 adhesion 4 I 18
© Synthomer

Figure 1 > Water whitening of standard

polymer film after 1 hour, 3 hours and
0 hr 1 hr 3 hrs 24 hrs 24 hours water immersion

Monomer selection is key to ing functional groups are polymerized, ily washed off in slightly alkaline caustic
adhesion-cohesion balance the cohesion is even higher. Polymers soda solution (1.5 – 2 %) at temperatures
with such a balance of adhesion and co- between 65 – 80 °C.
The key to formulate a good adhesive is hesion can be peeled off from various sub-
to understand application needs and trans- strates without leaving the residue. Such Surfactants – the double-edged
late them to polymer design. A typical wa- polymers are used for formulation of re- sword in polymerization
terborne polymer for PSA application is movable labels or adhesives for graphics
polymerized with several acrylic mono- application where certain level of plasti- Surfactants or stabilizing colloids are one
mers, resulting in a polymer glass transi- cizer resistance is needed. Further mod- of the key ingredients in waterborne po-
tion temperature in the range -60 to -30 °C. ification of molecular weight make poly- lymerization. They are is usually organ-
Usually soft monomers are used togeth- mer again softer. This high adhesion/high ic compounds containing a hydrophilic
er with hard monomers or branching and cohesion products are suitable for perma- head and hydrophobic tail, allowing it to
cross-linking co-monomers, to achieve the nent label formulations. lower the surface tension of 2 immisci-
desired adhesion-cohesion strength of the To ensure good adhesion to variety of sub- ble components and make them mixable.
polymer. Table 1 shows the influence of strates, specialty monomers with certain At the beginning of waterborne polymer-
soft and hard monomers and modifiers functionality are used in small amount in ization, the surfactant is used to form mi-
to adhesion-cohesion performance. Poly- polymerization. These specialty mono- celle which allows polymerization to take
mer A prepared mainly – based on soft mers ensure very good anchorage to ma- place. It also stabilizes the polymer parti-
monomers like butyl-acrylate or 2-ethyl- jority of plastic substrates that are coat- cle in the final dispersion form, and con-
hexyl acrylate – is easy to peel off. Low ed. They remain intact during usage and tribute to several polymer properties in-
adhesion couples with very low cohesive when expose to common aging condition cluding particle size and wetting. The hy-
strength. Such a polymer usually leaves such as high temperature, humidity or di- drophilic head of the surfactant is howev-
adhesive residue on substrate. The incor- rect contact with water. However in appli- er the main reason a polymer dispersion
poration of harder co-monomers (Polymer cation where recycling is part of the prod- is sensitive to water, causing a clear pol-
B) enhance significantly the cohesion of uct cycle, particularly for the bottle label- ymer film turns white when in contact
such a polymer. If monomers with x-link- ling industry, the adhesives should be eas- with water for a certain period of time

Polymer A Polymer B Polymer C

Soft / hard monomers ratio [%] 95 / 5 82 / 18 82 / 18
Mw modifier no no yes
Tack @ 20 gsm [N] 4 6 20
Adhesion @ 20 gsm [N/25 mm] 7 8 28
Cohesion @ 20 gsm [min.] 1 > 200 > 200

Table 1 > Adhesion-cohesion performance of polymers with different monomer compositions

© Synthomer

Applications I Labelling and Packaging

Figure 2 > Water whitening of polymer

with traditional surfactant, blend of
traditional/co-polymerizable surfactant and
© Synthomer

Traditional surfactant Traditional surfactant Co-polymerizable co-polymerizable surfactant after 24 hours

+ Co-polymerizable surfactant water immersion

aqueous latex closest particle packing

© Synthomer

film formation Figure 3 > Film formation mechanism

polymer film deformed particles of polymer

(Figure 1). This is especially severe when with a co-polymerizable surfactant. Aging performance of adhesives
free surfactants migrate to the surface of Other factors influencing the water-sen- is crucial for high performance
the polymer film. sitivity are besides polymer composition, PSA label
One of the possible approaches to over- the use of specialty monomers and sur-
come the water whitening issue, is to factants also the film consistency, the While the resistance to white tarnishing is
minimize the migration of surfactant to film formation (Figure 3) and of course an important property with regard to the
the polymer surface by using a co-po- the particle size distribution. During aesthetic impression, it is the functional-
lymerizable surfactant. Such surfactant product development it was confirmed ity of labels such as the maintenance of
is grafted onto the polymer backbone, that particle size and particle size dis- adhesive strength after exposure to wa-
hence restricting the surfactant from mi- tribution have a significant influence on ter and heat that distinguishes a high-per-
grating to the surface of the film but does film formation. formance adhesive label. Filmic labels are
not alter the overall monomers compo- Uniform particles usually give very con- very often used for labelling of beverages,
sition and therefore maintaining the ad- sistent film without micro-pores, which detergents, food which are stored at dif-
hesion-cohesion performance of the pol- minimizes water penetration through the ferent temperatures for extensive period
ymer. Figure 2 shows the water whiten- film. Polymer dispersion with unimod- of time. Furthermore these filmic labels
ing resistance of polymer produced from al particle size distribution was found are usually exposed to humidity or water.
a conventional surfactant, a co-polymer- to give better water whitening resistance In this study the adhesive strength of 3 of
izable surfactant and a mix of both. The (Figure 4), plus a more well-balanced ad- new developed Synthomer products and 2
results show that the water whitening hesion performance, compared to bimod- market standards were tested after 1 and 3
resistance can be significantly improved al polymer system. days water immersion. Plextol (sample 1)

26 adhesion 4 I 18
is the standard acrylic system with opti-
mized monomer composition. Samples 2
and 3 contain the co-polymerizable sur-
factant. As expected, both sample 2 and
3 shows outstanding peel adhesion reten-
tion after water immersion compared to
sample 1 and the two market benchmarks
(Figure 5).
For use as a label adhesive for recycling
bottles, a further modification of the pol-
ymer with a special x-linker that improves
wet adhesion is necessary. This modifica-
tion results in very good anchorage and
cohesive strength and ensures that the
adhesive can be removed from glass or
plastic bottles without leaving residues.
This simplifies the recycling process and
reduces energy consumption, making the
process more economical.
Due to the increasing demand for more
sustainable and environmentally friend-
ly products, the need for waterborne PSAs
to replace conventional solvent borne ad-
hesives will certainly increase in the fu-
ture. Synthomer is continuously investing
in product development to meet future leg-
islation and customer needs. //
© Synthomer

Figure 4 > Water whitening of polymer film with bi-modal (left) and unimodal (right) particle References
size distribution after 24 hours water immersion / 1 /Mazza, P., Martini, F., Sala, B., Magi, M., Co-
lombini, M., Giachi, G., Landucci, F., Lemorini, C.,
Modugno, F., Ribechini, E.: A new Palaeolithic
discovery: tar-hafted stone tools in a European
RETENTION OF PEEL 180° ADHESION Mid-Pleistocene bone-bearing bed. Journal of
30 Archaeological Science 33 (2006) [9] 1310
/ 2 /Kozowyk, P.R.B., Soressi, M., Pomstra, D.,
Langejans, G.H.J.: Experimental methods for
25 the Palaeolithic dry distillation of birch bark:
implications for the origin and development of
Neandertal adhesive technology. Scientific Re-
20 ports 7 (2017) [1]
/ 3 /Merrily A. Smith, Norvell M.M. Jones, Su-
san L. Page, Marian Peck Dirda in: Journal of the
American Institute for Conservation 23 (1984)
[2] 101-113

The Author
Competitive Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Competitive
© Synthomer

Olga Bernatova
material A material B
Ultimate Peel 180° Adhesion 1 day water immersion 3 days water immersion is working as a technical service manager with
Figure 5 > Retention of peel adhesion after Synthomer Germany.
1 day and 3 days water immersion


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