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A Guide to Elastomer Technology in Mechanical Seals

Evaluate properties of rubber during installation & seal life.

By Ryan Neris
FSA Member, Ergoseal, Inc

lastomers (or rubbers) are a faces, one stationary in the housing and to prevent abrasive dust or debris from
ubiquitous family of materials one rotating with the shaft. In many compromising the primary sealing
whose use stretches across nearly designs, rubber provides the secondary surface. For improving service life and
the entire range of mechanical seal seal between each seal face and adjacent performance in rotary applications,
designs. From plant-sourced natural surface. One seal face is fixed and sealed unidirectional or bidirectional
rubber, so named by John Priestly in statically using an O-ring or cup gasket. hydrodynamic pumping aids can be
1770 for its utility in rubbing away pencil The other is spring-loaded and requires added in the form of custom-shaped
graphite, to petroleum-sourced synthetic a semi-dynamic seal to accommodate extrusions on the backside of the sealing
rubber first developed around the turn some axial play, such as a dynamic lip to return leaked fluid to the sealing
of the 20th century, elastomers and their O-ring in pusher-type mechanical interface, increase lip lubrication and
properties are familiar but should not face seals or elastomeric bellows in lower operating temperatures.
be overlooked—especially when dealing nonpusher ones. These semi-dynamic
with mechanical seals. applications (involving flexing and
sliding of the elastomer) can be critical
How Elastomers Work in for maintaining proper contact between Dynamic o-ring Elastomeric Bellow

Mechanical Seals the faces through face wear, shaft

Rubber seals come in a variety of movement, etc.
profiles—O-rings, cup gaskets, bellows Although the seal face pair tends Image 1. Secondary, dynamic elastomeric seals in
diaphragms, sealing/wiper lips and many to be the most critical design feature, mechanical face seals. (Image courtesy of FSA)
others. They are classified as either static mechanical face seals are often used in
or dynamic and create positive pressure the most demanding applications.
against surfaces to eliminate or control Rubber technology features Benefits of Rubber
the leakage of liquids and/or gases while prominently in radial lip seals, where The definition of an elastomer provides
preventing the entrance of external typical applications have lower pressure- initial insight into where rubber
contaminants such as dust and dirt.1 velocity (PV) values relative to those gets its resilient sealing quality: “a
Static sealing occurs between adjacent involving mechanical face seals. Still, macromolecular material which, in
surfaces with no relative motion, such as the flexible elastomer lip must handle the vulcanized state and at room
between the pump casing and cover. Due considerable relative motion in the form temperature, can be stretched repeatedly
to frictional wear and heat generation, of shaft/bore rotation, reciprocation or to at least twice its original length and
dynamic sealing is less straightforward, a combination of both. In addition to which, upon release of the stress, will
occurring between adjacent surfaces standard designs and sizes, numerous immediately return to approximately its
that are continuously or intermittently customizations and proprietary original length.”2
moving relative to another, such as approaches exist. The simplest When the rubber is squeezed by the
between the pump casing and shaft. designs rely on a single rubber lip’s adjacent surfaces of the clearance gap
In mechanical face seals, elastomers inherent resiliency, although common to be sealed, it has the characteristic
tend to take second chair because the enhancements include multiple sealing properties of malleably deforming and
primary seal—the dynamic seal between lips, a circumferential garter spring taking the shape of each surface in
the housing and rotating shaft—is installed in a groove over the sealing response to the stress and applying
achieved by sliding contact between lip to maintain contact with the shaft, a force back against the surfaces in
the pair of stiffer, lapped-flat sealing and an auxiliary wiper lip or “excluder” its attempt to return to its original

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dimensions. Elastomers consist of Antidegradants protect the rubber Your Best Value
in Progressive
large molecules called polymers (from from environmental attack. Finally,
the Greek “poly” meaning “many” and various miscellaneous ingredients may
“meros” meaning “parts”), which are long
chains of the same or different repeating
be added for special purposes, including
foaming agents, dyes, fungicides, flame Cavity Pumps
units, called monomers, usually linked retardants, abrasives, lubricants and
together by carbon-carbon bonds (the electrically conductive particles. A
most notable exception being silicone simplified description of processing
elastomers, which are linked by silicon- these ingredients includes mixing via
oxygen bonds). Soft and hard plastics are tangential or intermeshing mixers,
also composed of polymers. However, forming into desired shapes and
the regularity of the monomers in their vulcanizing into the final product.
polymer chains allows neighboring
segments to align and form crystals,
making the macromolecular plastic
material rigid and inelastic.
One can prevent this crystallization
by breaking up the regularity of the
polymer chain, resulting usually in a
viscous “gum” that is readily shaped
into molds. At the molecular level, the
polymer chains are similar to spaghetti-
like strands flowing past each other.
During the process of vulcanization,
or curing, the viscous liquid is heated Image 2. Representation of three
with sulfur or peroxides and other polymer chains after formation of
vulcanizing agents, and crosslinks crosslinking via vulcanization1 (Image
courtesy of Fundamentals of Rubber
form between polymer chains, tying Technology)
them together with chemical bonds,
converting the gum into an elastic,
thermoset solid rubber that retains its
shape after moderate deformation. Selecting the Right Rubber
In addition to the selection and Selection among the more than 20
preparation of base polymer(s) and families of elastomeric polymers
cure system ingredients, formulating and their contrasting properties and
the final rubber product, also known as costs is facilitated by consulting a Celebrating over 33 years
compounding, involves five other broad seal manufacturer. The process begins Call or Email:
categories of ingredients, which have with an inventory of performance
percentage compositions expressed in requirements and environmental
parts per hundred rubber (phr). Fillers conditions to which the rubber will be
include various powders that thicken exposed. The sealed fluid chemistry,
the polymer mixture, improve strength temperature range, pressure range,
and resistance to abrasives, and reduce frequency and speed of relative
final cost. Plasticizers are oils and other motion, degree of lubrication and
Circle 163 on card.

liquid hydrocarbons that lower viscosity abrasives present, and several other
to ease processing, soften the final interdependent design variables must
compound and in some cases improve be considered. Typical elastomer
low temperature performance. Process performance descriptors include PUMP, Inc
aids are specialized chemicals added in resistance to chemical attack, such as by
low concentrations to improve mixing, oil, polar solvents, acid, alkali, flame and
flow properties and final appearance. oxygen/ozone; temperature rating (both BASED IN GREEN BAY, WI

p u m p s a n d s y s t e m s . c o m | O cto ber 2018


Polyethylene (PE, a plastic) Polychloroprene rubber (CR, neoprene)

Natural rubber/polyisoprene (NR/IR) Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR, nitrile)

Image 4. Regular, repeating polymer chain of polyethylene plastic

versus elasticity-imparting side goups –Cl, –CH3, and –CN– of
neoprene, polyisoprene and nitrile rubber, respectively. The
bracketed monomer units repeat a number of, or n, times.(Image
courtesy of the author)

Image 3. Rubber classification by heat resistance vs. oil-swell resistance

according to ASTM D2000 (Image courtesy of the author)
Ethylene-propylene diene monomer rubber (EPDM) Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM)

Image 5. Lack of unsaturation (i.e., no carbon double bonds) affords

high and low); and resistance to high EPDM and FKM with better heat resistance. Hydrogen substitution
temperature versus resistance to swelling with fluorine increases FKM’s stability in harsh operating conditions
further still. (Image courtesy of the author)
in oil (per the ASTM D2000 rating/
nomenclature system). Challenging
design constraints more specific to an
application may not be insurmountable. neoprene) is somewhat polar, affording it resistance than most general-purpose
For example, if an unavoidable lack a degree of resistance to petroleum fluids, elastomers. This removal of unsaturation
of lubrication for a lip seal results in while acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber as well as addition of polarity from
premature failure due to frictional (NBR, nitrile rubber) is relatively high in substitution of hydrogen with fluorine
heat buildup, lubricity can be added to polarity and has been used extensively has created fluorocarbon elastomers,
the rubber compounding via graphite, for its oil resistance. (FKM), with their extreme high
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or other Variations of NBR include temperature resistance and excellent oil
dry lubricants. hydrogenated nitrile rubber (HNBR), and fuel resistance. Other fluorocarbon
Further description of polymer which features improved heat variants include tetrafluoroethylene
structures informs rubber selection. One resistance and dynamic properties, and co-propylene (FEPM), with significantly
method for breaking up the regularity carboxylated nitrile rubber (XNBR), improved resistance to high pressure
of polymer chains and hindering which is tougher than NBR but is more steam, amines and sour crude and
crystallization into rigid plastics is susceptible to compression set. perfluoroelastomers (FFKM), which has a
adding molecular branching segments or Another method for preventing structure that lacks any hydrogen atoms
side groups to the main chain. crystal formation helps to differentiate at all and offers even greater heat and
When particular side groups induce elastomers. Addition of double bonds, or chemical resistance at correspondingly
partial electrostatic charges, or polarity, unsaturation, to the polymer chain can higher cost.
to the typical nonpolar hydrocarbon similarly promote elasticity, which in this
backbone, the elastomer becomes a case also aids vulcanization by providing Installation & Design Variables
more polar substance. Like dissolves reactive sites for crosslinking to occur. Many elastomeric sealing devices are
like. Therefore, when a nonpolar However, unsaturation remaining after highly engineered, precision-molded
elastomer like natural rubber (NR) or vulcanization often lowers resistance products that have a service life that
its synthetic version polyisoprene (IR) to heat and provides reactive sites for is dependent on proper equipment
is immersed in nonpolar petroleum oils, attack by oxygen, ozone and radiation. checks, handling, installation, startup
they solubilize each other, resulting in Ethylene-propylene diene monomer and environmental controls. Depending
swelling, softening and weakening of the rubber (EPDM) lacks these double on the seal type used, dimensional
elastomer. Polychloroprene rubber (CR, bonds, imparting better heat and ozone checks of groove dimensions, axial

Oc t ober 2 0 1 8 | Pumps & S y stem s


Ruptured elastomers are typically due

to explosive decompression, where rapid
pressure reduction violently expands gas
that has permeated the rubber. Reduced
grease vacuum performance due to less violent
outgassing of oil and other ingredients
can hopefully be avoided by selecting
modern fluorocarbon or perfluorocarbon
grades. Potential failure modes also
include damage to surrounding
components by the elastomer itself,
Image 6. O-ring installed in groove, Image 7. Prelubricated lip seal such as fretting, fracture due to groove
with backup ring for increased properly bottomed out in bore overfill, etc., which is symptomatic of
pressure capability (Image courtesy shoulder (shaft is out of scale) (Image
courtesy of the author)
improper materials and/or dimensioning.
of FSA)

Acknowledgements: The Chicago Rubber

shaft movement, shaft deflection, shaft any stretching is uniform and less than Group, Inc., a subdivision of the Rubber
run-out, seal chamber face run-out, seal 50 percent of free diameter and avoid Division, American Chemical Society, which
chamber bore concentricity, and other any twisting. When installing a lip seal, served as a reference for content.
equipment features may apply. prelubricate the seal lip, use the proper
To avoid extruding rubber in high installation tool in a controlled manner,
1. Ohm, R. F. (Ed.). (1990). The Vanderbuilt Rubber
pressure applications, clearances between bottom out the tool or seal to avoid Handbook (13th ed.). Norwalk, CT: R.T. Vander-
surfaces sealed should be minimized and/ cocking and check for parts interference. built Company.
or a more rigid support member, such as 2. Del Vecchio, R. (Ed.). (2003). Fundamentals
a backup ring, can be installed on the low Troubleshooting Seal Failure of Rubber Technology. Akron, OH: Technical
Consulting Services, in association with, and
pressure side. When analyzing failed elastomeric seals,
published on behalf of, the Rubber Division,
Bore edge leads, shaft ends, splines chemical incompatibility and exposure America Chemical Society.
and keyways should be checked. Rubber to excessively high temperatures are
sealing elements should be protected associated with several similar symptoms, Next Month: Using IoT to Improve
from all sharp edges and tools. Especially including hardness, cracking, extrusion Mechanical Seal Reliability
for dynamic applications, surface finish and compression set.
of the appropriately corrosive-resistant Swelling is more associated with We invite your
shaft alloy, coating or sleeve material in chemical incompatibility, and extrusion suggestions for article
the seal contact area should be free of may also occur due to exposure topics as well as questions
on sealing issues so we
machining imperfections and between 10 to excessive pressures. Extrusion,
can better respond to the
and 20 microinches (μin). Ra—rougher compression set, cuts or abrasions and needs of the industry. Please direct your suggestions and
finishes accelerate wear and smoother mechanical damage or wear may also questions to
finishes prevent development of a be signs of equipment issues, including
lubricating fluid film at the seal interface. excessively large extrusion gaps, excessive
When installing O-rings, lightly coat compression, sharp edges and improper Ryan Neris is vice president, sales at
them with compatible lubricant, ensure surface finishes. Ergoseal, Inc., a proud member of the
Fluid Sealing Association. Neris joined
Ergoseal in 2011 as an applications
engineer after teaching high school
chemistry. He holds Bachelor of
Science degrees in
chemistry and chemical
engineering and a Master
Image 8. From left to right, failure modes of swelling, extrusion, cracking and compression
set (Images courtesy of FSA) of Education degree.

p u m p s a n d s y s t e m s . c o m | O cto ber 2018

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