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The Report September 2020

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Issue 93
The Magazine of the International Institute of Marine Surveying

Cyber Security & Ships

What surveyors ought to know
about fastenings - Part II
Who is liable for containership
stack collapses?
The making of research
vessel RV Kronprinz Haakon

What do remote surveys

mean for the surveying profession?
The Magazine of the International Institute of Marine Surveying September 2020 • Issue 93

Contents 24 34
04 • Editor’s Letter
05 • The President’s
Column 73 • Why do containership
07 • IIMS Organisation stacks collapse and
AND Structure who is liable?
08 • Marine News 78 • SEAWORK aSIA 2020
16 • Safety Briefings 80 • Better oil detection 42
23 • Member News sensors reduce cost
of oily bilge water
34 • The elephant in the
room: What do remote
surveys mean for
82 • Making ship systems
smarter with simulation 50
the marine surveying 86 • Wakashio Grounding
profession? and Oil Spill: Was the
42 • Fastenings: Mauritian Government
what a surveyor Unprepared?
ought to know Part iI 90 • Shipbuilding in dire
50 • Cyber Security & Ships straits: global
ordering hit hard in
60 • Decarbonizing shipping:
the role of internal
the first half of 2020 66
combustion engines 92 • Sacrificial anodes...
...a waste of money?
63 • Search and Rescue
Algorithm identifies 96 • New Products
hidden “traps” in 100 • PUT EVERYTHING
ocean waters IN WRITING!
66 • The Making of the new INSTRUCTION, CLIENTS &
Norwegian ice-breaking TERMS AND CONDITIONS
research vessel RV 102 • The root of most
Kronprins Haakon problems with contracts
70 • Report outlines huge
potential for offshore
is causedby common
formation problems. 73
wind and those involved 104 • A day in the life of...
with the sector Jeffrey Casciani-Wood

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 3

Editor’s Letter
Welcome to another big edition We have welcomed in new President, the second part of Jeffrey’s excellent and
of the Report Magazine. Geoff Waddington, since the last informative feature about fastenings
Report Magazine and said goodbye concludes (see page 42).
I wanted to lead with the most to Capt Zarir Irani, now Past President.
significant news affecting My thanks to Zarir for his considerable Deputy Vice President, Capt Ruchin
IIMS. We have completed the efforts and good luck to Geoff who is Dayal, has authored an insightful article
purchase of Murrills House as the already making his mark. entitled Cyber Security & Ships. The title is
Institute’s permanent new flagship specific, and no further clues are required
headquarters. This provides a valuable As our world continues in an for cyber safety is becoming one of the
new asset for members and underpins unpredictable topsy turvy fashion and most important aspects and scourge for
the future of the organisation. It is, the COVID-19 pandemic shows little modern day shipping (page 50).
I feel, a significant moment in our sign of disappearing anytime soon, we
history as we approach our 30th are all learning to live and work with I am grateful to David Pestridge for
birthday in 2021. You can read more it in our midst. There can be no doubt writing about sacrificial anodes and
about this project and the work we that alternative ways of working, using questioning their value, an article that all
plan to undertake in Member News. enhanced digital solutions, will be yacht and small craft surveyors should
And if you want to know more about expedited as a result. With this in mind, I read on page 92.
the 500 year history of Murrills House, have become increasingly fascinated by
I would refer you back to the June remote surveys, their integrity and what Although not directly related to surveying,
2019 edition of the Report Magazine. this means for the marine surveying I have chosen to publish the story entitled
Due to renewed interest and enquiries profession. Is it the next logical step for Search and Rescue Algorithm identifies
from members, I have reopened the a surveyor or the end of the profession hidden “traps” in ocean waters (page 63)
Just Giving page for those who wish as we know it? Consequently, I have because it is of interest generally, but
to give a ‘Buy a Brick’ donation to the authored a lengthy article on this topic importantly because it demonstrates how
renovation fund in exchange for and am keen to stimulate a debate on technologies are being increasingly used
a name plaque in the boardroom. the subject (page 34). Let me have your to push boundaries and, ultimately, this
For more details go to thoughts on this disruptive change. can only be a good thing, although not all might agree!
This issue has quite a lot of Past
The other item of significance I would President, Jeffrey Casciani-Wood in it. Enjoy.
draw members’ attention to is the Fittingly, as he approaches his 90th Stay safe and survey well.
long overdue review of surveyor birthday next month, I decided to
specialisations. As a consequence, make him the subject of A Day in the
we have published two new lists of Life of (page 104) and went in search
specialisations and I urge you to study of information armed with a series of
them carefully. See page 26. questions. It is a moving article. And Mike Schwarz, Chief Executive Officer

President: Mr Geoff Waddington (FIIMS) Chief Executive Officer: Mr Mike Schwarz Vice President: Mr Peter Broad (FIIMS)
Immediate Past President: Capt Zarir Irani (FIIMS) Deputy Vice President: Capt Ruchin Dayal (FIIMS)
Head Office Team
Mrs Camella Robertson.....Membership Secretary & Office Manager Miss Jen Argent.................Management Accountant
Mr David Parsons..............Certifying Authority Administrator Miss Elly Bryant.................Accounts Support Administrator
Miss Holly Trinder..............Office Administrator Mrs Hilary Excell................Marine Surveying Academy Business Manager
Miss Lorna Robinson.........Education, Training & Events Co-ordinator Mrs Pui Si Chung...............MSA Accreditation Scheme Administrator
Mr Craig Williams.............Graphic Designer Mrs Sharon Holland..........MSA Events & Course Co-ordinator

Tel: +44 (0) 23 9238 5223 | Email: | IIMS, Murrills House, 48 East Street, Portchester, Hampshire, PO16 9XS, UK |
© The International Institute of Marine Surveying 2020 - The Institute and authors accept no responsibility for any opinions, statements or errors made in any article, feature or letter published in this Magazine.

4 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

The President’s Column
Dear IIMS Member is sure to keep steering us in the policy changes due to the global
right direction. COVID 19 pandemic, it would be
On June 16th this year, I had the remiss of me not to mention how
privilege of being handed the In June this year, the IIMS became it has affected areas of the IIMS
baton of presidency from my a leading force in helping to bring and the activities of surveyors
friend and fellow board member about change to the Australia around the world. The effects
Captain Zarir Irani, who had been Maritime Safety Authority’s (AMSA) are far reaching and may also
a very active President during attitude to Commercial Craft be long lasting. Yesterday I flew
his two years. He has also been Regulations. The issues raised back to the UK and looked down
a leading light for Regional by our CEO, Mike Schwarz, in a on seven empty cruise ships at
Directors, not least in his own formal submission to the hearing, anchor in Weymouth Bay and
successful Middle East region and helped hugely with significant three more in Bournemouth Bay.
his involvement with the UAE contributions from Past President, Following an on line meeting at
branch. For this and his other hard Adam Brancher, was instrumental the beginning of the week, our
work on behalf of the Institute, I in bringing a system bogged down Vice President Peter Broad spoke
would like to offer my own thanks by bureaucracy to the attention of fifteen vehicle carriers at anchor
and I am sure the thanks of the of an Australian Senate Enquiry. off Busan in South Korea. Peter
entire membership too. Pleasing to see that our Institute is also spoke of the problems moving
able to effect changes in the global ships’ crews around the world. As
This leaves me and the surveying community. surveyors we are of course exempt
management board the from the quarantine regulations
unenviable task of keeping the Although we are all getting a under section 256 of the Merchant
momentum going; fortunately little weary of the constant media Shipping Act 1995, which has
we have Mike at the helm and he coverage and regular government enabled those who were confident

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 5

to travel and continue working structure of grand design in what skills and knowledge to conduct a
to do so, although not immune is without doubt a perfect location satisfactory survey and produce a
of course. Between March and for a marine business. The work suitably detailed technical report of
June the lock down effectively now starts in restoring this Grade survey on completion. Unless the
brought a halt to many surveying II listed historic building back to its IIMS can achieve a recognised and
activities leaving surveyors such former glory. consistent standard for surveyors
as myself with no income and no the industry will continue to be
government assistance. Our head Currently, the IIMS is the only plagued by unqualified, often retired
office had to close, but fortunately UK organisation permitted by people conducting surveys to boost
our office team continued to contract by the Maritime & their pension. In some instances I
work from home, returning when Coastguard Agency (MCA) to train have heard treating a small craft
the restrictions were eased. The Tonnage Surveyors. The Institute survey as a family outing.
result of their efforts was that has approached the MCA with a
the IIMS continued to perform proposal to produce an on-line and As I have mentioned in my opening
its many functions effectively. remote training programme for paragraph I have inherited my
Membership and Professional tonnage surveyors, which would predecessor’s initiatives for greater
Qualifications applications actually be an extension to our current effort in Internationalizing the IIMS
increased noticeably during contract agreement. The MCA has with twice yearly on line meetings
this period and surveyors, both responded favourably and Mike is with Regional Directors. To this
members maintaining their CPD preparing a detailed proposal to end myself and the Vice President,
and non-members, improving roll out an on-line tonnage training Peter Broad, and Deputy Vice
their knowledge. Many took the and assessment for acceptance by President, Capt Ruchin Dayal, have
opportunity to log into the IIMS the MCA, prior to implementation. agreed meetings every quarter in
on-line training seminar program This is in addition to our present an effort to discuss the various and
arranged by Camella Robertson, involvement, chairing the potentially diverse issues in our
the IIMS office manager, all of professional standards committee industry from around the world.
which has brought in valuable which will eventually implement
income to help keep the Institute and set the standards for MCA Given that you will be reading this in
afloat and ahead of budget. coding examiners. the September issue of the Report
Magazine, I am hopeful there may be
The continued success of the This leads me on to the subject of a glimmer of light at the end on the
Institute’s financial status and the Marine Surveyor Accreditation tunnel with regards to the current
the generosity of those who have scheme, which we are developing pandemic and that it’s not just an
donated funds has allowed us under the branding of the oncoming, never-ending train.
to also progress with the most Accredited Marine Surveying
exciting development of this year, Practitioner. We are taking our My very best wishes to you all.
which is, of course, the purchase time to get the scheme right
of Murrills House. As I write this before launch. This is something
column we are poised to complete which is very close to my heart,
and by the time that this is especially when I become involved
published we will be the proud in insurance claims and litigation Geoff Waddington
owners of our own office building. involving small craft surveyors. It is I.Eng; IMarEng.M.I.Mar.EST; F.I.I.M.S.
Murrills House is a quite imposing clear many simply do not have the (President IIMS)

6 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

IIMS Organisation & Structure
Directors of IIMS and Management Board Members
Capt Allen Brink HonFIIMS Other Management Board Members
Capt Chris Kelly FIIMS, Chairman Professional Assessment Committee Mr Paul Homer HonFIIMS, Chairman Standards
Mr Fraser Noble FIIMS, Chairman Certifying Authority & Finance Mr John Excell HonFIIMS, Chairman of Yacht & Small Craft Surveying
Mr John Heath HonFIIMS, Technical Director Capt Sanjay Bhasin MIIMS
Mr Geoff Waddington FIIMS, President & Chairman Administration Mr David Pestridge MIIMS
Mr James Renn FIIMS, USA In-Country Representative
Capt Zarir Irani FIIMS, Immediate Past President, Regional Director
Mr Peter Broad FIIMS, Vice President, South Korea In-Country Representative
Capt Ruchin Dayal FIIMS, Deputy Vice President

Regional Directors
Mr Edward OConnor, Canada
Mr Monday Ogadina, West Africa
Eng. Dimitris Spanos, Eastern Mediterranean
Capt K U R Khan, Pakistan Mr R Rozar, Reunion & Mauritius
Mr Pervez Kaikobad, India Mr Luc Verley, Singapore
Capt Zillur Bhuiyan FIIMS, Bangladesh Dr S Favro, Croatia
Mr Zennon Cheng, China Capt R Lanfranco, Malta
Mr A Gnecco, Italy
Other Honorary Fellows Mr Tony Fernandez Mr J Rowles, Turkey
(HonFIIMS) Mr Milind Tambe Capt F Habibi, Morocco
Mr Peter Morgan Mr Parimal Bhattacharyya Mr P Taylor, Trinidad
Capt Barry Thompson Capt Nick Sloane Mr J Bru, Panama
Capt Christopher Spencer Capt John Noble Mr G Jugo, Venezuela
Capt Peter Lambert Capt Eugene Curry
Capt Satish Anand Mr Uday Moorthi
Eur Ing Jeffrey Casciani-Wood
Capt Bertrand Apperry Honorary Members (HonMIIMS) Capt Jean Paul Le Coz Past Presidents
Capt Syed Khalid Humail Capt Matthew Greenen 1991 - 1993 Capt William MacDonald
Other Fellows (FIIMS) Mr Jorge Sanidos Capt Gopalkrishna Khanna 1991 - 1995 Capt David Linacre
Mr Derek Levy Dr David Lawrence Mr Ian Nicolson 1995 - 1996 Capt David Linacre/Capt Andrew Cross
Mr Martin Pittilo Dr Satish Agnihotri Capt Rodger MacDonald 1996 - 1997 Capt David Linacre
Mr Anthony Protopapadakis Mr Hans van Bodegraven Capt William MacDonald 1997 - 2000 Eur Ing Jeffrey Casciani-Wood
Capt Muhammad Alam Dr Paula Giliker Ms Evie Kinane 2000 - 2003 Eur Ing Ian Biles
Capt Reuben Lanfranco Capt Ian Wilkins Ms Dee Davison 2003 - 2005 Capt Christopher Spencer
Mr Gerry Grecoussis Capt J.C. Anand Cdr Terry Lilley 2005 - 2007 Capt Ian Wilkins
Mr Kay Wrede Mr Anthony Beck Capt M P Karanjia 2007 - 2010 Capt Allen Brink
Mr Peter Valles Capt Andrew Cross Mr Ian Biles 2010 - 2012 Mr Peter Morgan
Mr John Walker Mr Parthasarathy Sridharan Mr Carey Golesworthy 2012 - 2014 Capt Satish Anand
Capt Ian Coates Mr Brian Williamson Mr Peter Harris 2014 - 2016 Capt Bertrand Apperry
Mr Elliott Berry Capt Jens Andersen Mr Stan Bowles 2016 - 2018 Mr Adam Brancher
Mr John Guy Mr Omprakash Marayil 2018 - 2020 Capt Zarir Irani
Capt David Linacre Mrs Karen Brain

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 7

Marine News IIMS advocacy acknowledged by Australian
Senate as Performance of the Australian
Maritime Safety Authority report is published

The International Institute of Marine Surveying’s (IIMS)

submission to the Australian Senate, raising members
concerns as to the direction and delivery of AMSA’s services
for domestic commercial vessels, has been widely agreed
with and extensively quoted in the Rural and Regional
Affairs committee’s recently published report entitled
Performance of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

IIMS expressed concerns over the new system’s excessive

red tape, inappropriate and unsafe survey standards being Singapore remains the world’s most
applied and a lack of government concentration on safety important shipping hub
management system development and implementation.
These and other matters were highlighted by the IIMS and Singapore has maintained its position as
other submissions to the Senate Committee. the most important shipping hub in the
Asia-Pacific region, ranking first for seven
The committee made four recommendations with the consecutive years, a new index shows. The
first three relating to legislative changes to better allow 2020 Xinhua-Baltic International Shipping
authorities to prosecute breaches of the law. Centre Development (ISCD) Index has
been published by the Baltic Exchange, in
The fourth recommendation sets out for the Australian collaboration with Xinhua, the Chinese state
Government to commission an independent review of the news agency.
National Law and associated instruments to consider if
it remains fit for purpose and if the instruments improve Based on objective factors including port
marine safety without being overly burdensome or complex. throughput and infrastructure; depth and
Based on multiple responses to our member questionnaire breadth of professional maritime support
on the subject before the hearing, IIMS members certainly services; as well as the general business
view this to be the situation with the current system. environment, the latest report shows that
the top five international shipping centres
IIMS welcomes the committee’s recommendations and remain the same as in 2019, although with
findings. As the region and world’s premier professional some movement. Singapore tops the list for
body for marine surveying, (and the only surveyor’s the seventh consecutive year followed by
association to make a submission to the committee), IIMS London, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Dubai.
calls on the Australian Government to act on the report.
London, with advantages accruing from
IIMS will continue to remain closely engaged with the providing high-end shipping finance,
process and will consult with local members and input insurance, and legal services, has climbed
into future consultation to better improve this important back to the second place after dropping
regulatory reform. to third place in 2018 and 2019. London
and Dubai are the only top 5 international
Read how ABC News broke the story about IIMS’ submission shipping centres outside Asia.
In addition, the index showed a continued
Read the report in full at rise in Middle East and Mediterranean
locations with Dubai, as the pre-eminent
shipping hub in the Middle East, retaining
The Senate fifth place while Athens rose to eighth place.

“Whilst this report reflects a pre-COVID

19 world, those locations which continue
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport to build on their strengths, are able to
Legislation Committee communicate a clear vision for the future
and diversify beyond the physical port hub
will be the ones who are able to succeed in
the future,” Mark Jackson, Baltic Exchange
Performance of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority Chief Executive, said.

8 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Marine News
North Sails launches 3Di
OCEAN 3703D moulded sails
dedicated to cruising

North Sails’ new product,

moulded sails, is built on the
success of the company’s 3Di
NORDAC polyester for smaller
boats and its OCEAN 700
superyacht cruising sail. 3Di
OCEAN 370 sits between those
MAIB publishes its 2019 Annual Report
two products to meet the needs
of cruising boats in the 35-60ft
The MAIB has published its Annual Report for last year with details about
range for both monohulls and
its activities and safety investigation work undertaken. In an extract
multihulls. The moulded sails use
from his Foreword, Capt Andrew Moll, Chief Inspector of Accidents at
patented sail technology shaped
MAIB, said, “I am pleased to introduce MAIB’s annual report 2019. It
on three-dimensional moulds
was a busy and successful year for the Branch improving safety at sea
that were originally developed
by our sustained output of safety investigation reports, safety digests,
for racing.
safety bulletins, and wider industry engagement. The Branch raised
1222 reports of marine accidents and incidents and commenced 22
“Our company culture is driven
investigations in 2019, compared with 1227 reports and 23 investigations
by an innate desire to continually
started in 2018. Tragically, 13 investigations involved loss of life.
develop sail technologies that
allow sailors to have a more
enjoyable experience,” said
In 2019 the Branch made 24 recommendations, of which 20 were
North Sails president Ken Read.
promptly and fully accepted, indicating that the Branch continues
“Cruising offers an outlet to
to make targeted, proportionate recommendations. The MCA has
escape life on land and the North
continued its efforts to complete the actions required to enable
Sails commitment to the cruising
recommendations to be closed. Many longstanding recommendations
community is stronger than ever.
made to the Agency have finally been actioned, including a number
aimed at reducing the fatality rate in the fishing industry.
The 3Di concept was taken into
the superyacht arena in 2018
Change and consolidation
with 3Di OCEAN 700 for larger
While the UK will continue to report marine casualties to the European
yachts whose owners were
Union (EU) until the end of the transition period, preparations have
looking for improved handling
been underway to operate independently of EMSA. This has involved
and long-lasting sails. The
repatriating the UK’s historical accident data, some 42,000 cases, into a
3Di moulded sails technology
new database, which has been more time consuming and complicated
produces sails reduce heel in a
than anticipated. During this transition, the Branch has had a limited ability
breeze and add power in light air
to support external requests for data, and the decision has been taken to
and the sails are seamless.
delay publication of the 2019 accident data until early in the autumn.

In order to assure that safety investigations are independent of marine

regulation, agreement has been reached that the MAIB will carry out
investigations into Very Serious Marine Casualties for the Red Ensign
Group (REG) Category 1 registers of Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar
and the Isle of Man. This is an exciting development that will benefit the
wider REG family, and the Branch has taken on two additional inspectors
to undertake this important work.

A number of retirements and departures have occurred over the

year that, alongside the uplift for REG investigations, have created
opportunities for internal promotion and recruitment. In total, six new
inspectors have joined the Branch since September. These include two
nautical inspectors, two engineer inspectors (all experienced mariners), a
naval architect inspector and a human factors inspector.

Read the report in full at

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 9

Marine News Over 100 Flag State detentions according to the
USCG 2019 Annual Report

The USCG has published its 2019 Flag State Control

Domestic Annual Report, summarizing statistics regarding
inspections and enforcement of regulations on US-flagged
vessels. In comparison to 2018, the number of vessel
inspections increased by 1,423 and the average number of
deficiencies identified per inspection has increased from
1.26 to 1.48. The report also found that there were over 100 The world’s largest aluminium
Flag State detentions. sailing yacht SEA EAGLE II
handed to owners
As a result, the overall US Flag fleet inspection total
increased in 2019 by 7%. Additionally, the number of The truly breathtaking three-masted Royal
deficiencies issued increased by 25% from the 2018 calendar Huisman schooner SEA EAGLE II is the
year report. largest superyacht to emerge from the
company’s facility in Vollenhove.
Key findings 2019
– USCG Marine Inspectors conducted 21,471 inspections in Earlier this year, SEA EAGLE II, designed
total. by Dykstra Naval Architects and Mark
– The Coast Guard’s fleet of responsibility contained 20,064 Whiteley, was transferred from the shipyard’s
vessels subject to inspection. headquarters in Vollenhove and launched in
– There were 2,095 reportable marine casualty Amsterdam. Her three carbon Rondal masts
investigations in 2019 involving 2,561 inspected vessels. and booms were installed and tuned at Royal
– In 2019 there were 111 Flag State detentions, an increase Huisman’s Amsterdam facility. The 81m or
of 64% from 2018. 266ft contemporary schooner was perfectly
on schedule for her delivery date, but Covid-19
This can be attributed in part to the new towing vessel restrictions in the Netherlands prevented the
fleet, increased oversight inspections and post casualty finishing touch from being completed.
inspection campaign conducted on small passenger vessels.
The compliance date for implementation of towing vessels, Nearly all board systems, such as gensets,
the newest members of the US Flag fleet, was July 20, 2018. air conditioning, waste water treatment and
electronics, were thoroughly tested in the
Marine casualties year prior to launch to avoid any surprises
There were 2,095 reportable marine casualties reported in during the commissioning stage. Strict
2019 involving 2,561 inspected vessels. Covid-19 regulations and detailed protocols
introduced in Spring eventually allowed the
Flag state detentions team to safely “pick up where they left off”
In 2019, there were 111 Flag State Detentions. Action code “30 in these extraordinary times.
– Ship Detained” is a control action that may be imposed on
any inspected vessel type, including Small Passenger Vessels Spectacular speeds over 21 knots can be
and Barges, and is selected when technical or operational- achieved by the world’s largest aluminium
related deficiencies exist that individually or collectively sailing yacht by powering up SEA EAGLE
indicate a serious failure, or lack of effectiveness, of the II’s Rondal rig, which can carry over 3500
implementation of the Safety Management System (SMS). square meters of sail area evenly distributed
over her carbon Panamax masts. The full
Read the report in full at sail area is controlled by 34 winches from
sailing system integrator Rondal. The largest
winches for the world’s largest aluminium
sailing yacht – for the yankee, staysail sheets
and mizzen sheet runners – are capable of a
tremendous 18 tons (18000 kg) pulling load.

“It may look like a contemporary modern

sailing yacht now but in 50 years’ time it will
be a classic,” said Dykstra Naval Architects,
which was responsible for the naval
architecture, as well as working with Mark
Whiteley Design on the exterior styling.

10 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Marine News
Biofouling industry partnership
launched by IMO

The UN-led GloFouling partnership has launched a new

alliance with a group of fouling control companies to
accelerate the development of hull fouling solutions. Four
companies have become the founding members of the
new biofouling initiative: hull cleaning service providers
CleanSubSea, ECOsubsea and HullWiper and sonic
antifouling system manufacturer Sonihull. IMO expects
that more companies will join the program.
Marshall Islands Yacht Code set for
The four firms in the new Global Industry Alliance for revision in 2021
Marine Biosafety (GIA) will work with the GloFouling
Partnerships Project – a joint initiative between the An initiative to update and amend the
Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Republic of the Marshall Islands Yacht Code
Development Programme (UNDP) and IMO – in order to is currently in progress with the launch of
promote biofouling control solutions. the new revised edition anticipated for the
second half of 2021. The revision work is
“This alliance is about the collective pioneering efforts by taking input from across the Registry’s global
all maritime industries in undertaking the fight against specialist teams, as well as external experts.
invasive species and all the creativity and innovations that
are being brought to the table to develop technological “We hope that these amendments to the
solutions. Forging such an alliance among the current four Code will make it more practical than ever
founding partners lays the foundations of a potentially before for owners and yards to choose the
very large global partnership among maritime industry Marshall Islands as a building standard,” says
players,” said Jose Matheickal, head of IMO’s Department Marc Verburg, fleet operations manager
for Partnerships and Projects. yachts for International Registries Inc (IRI) and
its affiliates, who is leading the Code revision.
“Under this new initiative, these industry champions, from
different sectors, are coming together to address common The newly formed Yacht Technical
challenges and move towards a more sustainable use of Working Group (YTWG), which includes
ocean resources,” said IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim. representatives from classification societies,
yacht managers, naval architects, surveyors,
The cause is important: biofouling can lead to the maritime safety consultants, and aviation
introduction of potentially invasive species to new experts from around the world, is focused on
environments, where they may threaten native species. updating the Marshall Islands Yacht Code to
Once established in a new ecosystem, invasive species are reflect changes in today’s yacht market, such
extremely difficult – if not impossible – to eradicate, and as helicopter landing areas, structural fire
they often result in significant economic harm to fisheries protection measures for yachts under 500 GT,
and shoreside industries. and lifesaving appliances.

Biofouling also increases slip, forcing ships to burn more The growing trend for helidecks on
fuel to maintain speed. The new global alliance will larger yachts means that the approach to
promote solutions that would contribute to a significant firefighting systems needs to be reviewed.
reduction in the carbon footprint of the shipping industry. Currently, the rules are based on the UK Civil
Aviation Authority’s CAP 437 guidance, which
is aimed at offshore platforms. This is not
always a practical solution for yachts, and so a
goal-based standard is being reviewed.

The Marshall Islands Yacht Code has long

been designed to address the practical issues
faced by builders, managers, and owners
alike; it last had a major update in 2015. For
many builders of large yachts, the appeal
of the RMI lies in the differentiation in the
standards for yachts capable of carrying more
than 12 guests.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 11

Marine News Unacceptable levels of barnacle fouling
found in over 40% of ships reveals I-Tech

More than 40% of vessels were suffering from over

10% hard fouling coverage on the hull even before
the idling of fleets caused by COVID-19. This is one
of the key findings of hull fouling collection data in a
study commissioned by I-Tech AB, the results of which Scrubber coatings as important
are set out in a white paper entitled ‘Quantifying the as quality material of scrubber
scale of the barnacle fouling problem on the global components to prevent corrosion
shipping fleet’.
Corrosion has emerged as the arch-enemy of
I-Tech contracted independent marine coating the exhaust gas cleaning systems as the uptake
consultants, Safinah Group, to analyse underwater of the technology rose with the entrance into
hull barnacle fouling conditions on a sample of force of the IMO 2020 sulphur cap. Like with any
249 ships which drydocked over a four-year period new technology, scrubber maintenance and
between 2015-2019. The sample included all major operation has been a learning curve for ship
ship types covering a range of trading activity and it owners and operators, especially in the context
transpired that nearly every vessel surveyed had some of preventing failures of the technology and
degree of underwater hull hard barnacle fouling. reducing downtime.

On 44% of vessels surveyed, over 10% of the “Corrosion mainly happens on the overboard
underwater hull surface was covered with hard pipes, the last piece from GRE piping and
fouling. According to experts, anything more than connection to shell plating of the hull, especially
10% coverage is deemed to cause an ‘unacceptable’ near the connections and welding seams, and the
impact on vessel performance. On many of the area on the external hull around the overboard
vessels surveyed, fouling levels were even worse; pipe outlet,” said Manuel Hof, Sales & Production
approximately 15% of vessels had between 10- Executive, NACE Coating Inspector Level 2 at
20% of hard fouling coverage on the hull, 10% of Subsea Industries.
vessels had 20-30% of hard fouling coverage and the
remaining 10% of vessels had between 40-80% of “These areas will need to be protected against
hard fouling coverage. acid-containing water (highly corrosive sulphuric
acid) coming from the exhaust gas cleaning
Barnacle fouling can only occur when a vessel is system. Traditional coatings applied inside the
static for a few weeks in coastal waters. Since this overboard pipes and on scrubber outlet areas
data analysis was carried out before the COVID-19 are in most cases not chemically resistant. In that
pandemic, I-Tech believes it is inevitable that in recent case, the coating will degrade, the steel will be
months, the extent of barnacle fouling coverage affected and corrode. This can result in water
across the global fleet will have increased significantly. ingress in the engine room, ballast tanks and
cargo holds.”
“With up to 5% of underwater hull fouling coverage
being seen as good and up to 10% being considered “Scrubbers that are scheduled to be installed will
acceptable, the findings that 44% of vessels having still need to be completed. Now we see quite a
more than 10% hull fouling is troubling, even more lot of issues from scrubbers installed last year
so when we consider the impact of long idle periods,” with corrosion and leakage problems. Protection
Markus Hoffmann, Technical Director of I-Tech AB said. systems are failing after a few months in service.
We have been involved in repairs where it was
Read the whitepaper at required to replace overboard pipes of the vessel
while still in the water,” he added.

“Material selection is also important. That is

why scrubbers are made of special materials
and most of the piping made of GRE/GRP. The
last part of the overboard pipe and area of the
hull will be in steel. Protection on those areas is
very important, if not vital. To apply the correct
coating system is essential and should not be
tampered with,” he added.

12 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Marine News
Declining trend in the
number of containers
lost at sea reveals World
Shipping Council survey

The global container shipping

industry continues to see a
declining trend in the number Underwater examination and survey key requirements
of containers lost at sea each outlined by RMI Ship Registry
year. The World Shipping
Council has published its latest The Marshall Islands Ship Registry has issued a revised marine notice
survey giving its best estimate to outline the procedures and circumstances by which the underwater
on the number of actual examination/survey of a passenger ship’s hull by divers in lieu of
containers lost at sea. drydocking may be permitted.

World Shipping Council Underwater Examination (UWE) is the inspection of the outside of the
undertook the first survey ship’s bottom while afloat as part of the Passenger Ship Safety Renewal
of its member companies in survey while Underwater Survey (UWS) is the inspection of the outside
2011 with subsequent updates of the ship’s bottom while afloat in lieu of a dry-docking, including
published in 2014 and 2017. measurements of shaft and rudder bearing clearances, as applicable.
Having reviewed the evidence
over the twelve-year period The Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) Guidelines
surveyed, the survey shows Resolution A.1140(31) specifies that a passenger ship’s bottom inspection
an estimate that there were as required by SOLAS regulation I/7 should be carried out annually,
on average a total of 1,382 with two inspections in dry-dock in any five-year period. However, this
containers lost each year. minimum number of inspections in dry-dock on the outside of the
bottom of a passenger ship may be reduced from two to one by allowing
The conclusion after twelve an in-water survey in lieu of bottom inspection in dry-dock. International
years is that more than half Maritime Organization (IMO) Circular MSC.1/Circ.1348 has guidelines for
of all containers lost can be performing an in-water survey in lieu of a dry-dock examination.
attributed to the limited
number of high profile General Procedures
disasters, including MOL The operator of the ship must make the request to perform an
Comfort (4,293 lost), SS El Faro underwater examination in lieu of drydocking directly to the Recognized
(517 containers lost) and MV Organization (RO) issuing the Passenger Ship Safety certificate on behalf
Rena (900 lost). For the three of the Administrator.
year period ending in 2019, the
average number of containers The request must contain, as a minimum:
lost annually fell to 779. – the proposed schedule and location when the ship will be available
for inspection;
“The industry is encouraged – a statement in writing from the Master confirming that the ship has
by the declining trend line not sustained any grounding or contact damage since the previous
indicated in the latest report bottom inspection; and
and continues to work on – proof of implementation of a comprehensive maintenance regime
solutions that will bring the based upon a five year cycle in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1348,
number of containers lost Guidelines for the Assessment of Technical Provisions for the
each year to as close to zero Performance of an In-Water Survey in Lieu of Bottom Inspection in
as possible,” said John Butler, Dry Dock.
World Shipping Council
President and CEO. What applies to all passenger ships
The Administrator recognizes the examination of passenger ships in dry-
dock at least twice during any five (5) year period, to coincide with the
survey guidelines provided in IMO Resolution A.1140(31). Underwater
examinations are to be requested for the three remaining passenger ship
safety renewal surveys in accordance with the procedures outlined above.

The interval between the dry-dock surveys must not exceed three years.
Therefore, the first bottom survey in dry-dock during any five year period
must be scheduled during the second or third year of the five year cycle.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 13

Marine News White paper by National Cargo Bureau
calls for a new approach to address
container fires

A white paper published by the National Cargo

Bureau calls for urgent reform to stem the increasing
number of container related incidents caused by
poorly stowed, undeclared or misdeclared dangerous
cargoes. This follows a recent inspection initiative
that revealed an alarming number of containers with
misdeclared dangerous cargoes that represent a
serious safety risk.

Consequently, the National Cargo Bureau,

the US inspection body for Dangerous Goods
regulations, is calling for industry to adopt a
comprehensive, holistic and coordinated approach
to address this worrying trend. The inspection
initiative also showed that 55% of containers
were non-compliant with 43% failing to secure
Geo Therm Ltd picks up LR
dangerous goods correctly within the container
and ABS accreditation
itself. Approximately 6.5% of containers carrying
dangerous cargoes had been misdeclared.
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown the
team behind Geo Therm Ltd has actively sought to
It has been reported that, on average, a
gain the coveted Lloyds Register (LR) and American
containership suffers a major fire every 60
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) approved service supplier
days. However, in 2019, there were nine
status, bolstering its existing ISO 9001:2015, FPAL and
major containership fires, suggesting that the
Safe Contractor accreditations.
frequency of incidents is increasing. With more
containers being carried and containerships
With the team was in lockdown, audit allocation
getting bigger, risks are increasing in number,
and rechecking was undertaken online, ensuring all
value and concentration.
systems documents were current, fit for purpose and
error free, while the actual LR and ABS audits being
Reasons may include:
undertaken at Geo Therm Ltd’s premises in Reydon,
– the difficulty of supply chain stakeholders
Suffolk and the external auditors assessing equipment,
complying with a myriad of regulations;
certification, ISO quality document, procedures,
– a poor understanding of what constitutes
training documentation, including equipment
a dangerous cargo and what is required
demonstrations much to the delight of their host
to transport it;
company MD Tony Dale, (an IIMS Full member),
– the increasing complexity of multi-modal
extolling the virtues of each system albeit at a two
supply chains; carriers and ports restricting
metre distance.
or refusing to move or receive certain
dangerous cargoes;
With the successful LR service approval occurring
– varied internal company challenges; and
in late February and the ABS recognised specialist
– the continuing threat of bad actors.
accreditation occurring in late June, Geo Therm Ltd
is now able to employ its latest raft of non-invasive
Hence, the National Cargo Bureau white paper
inspection technologies to identify vessel deficiencies
specifically details 12 recommendations to ensure
that, if left unchecked, can lead to electrical
a safety culture for dangerous goods. These can be
breakdowns, engine room fires and watertight
read in full in the white paper pdf at
integrity loss at hatch and door enclosures.
With LR and ABS approval, Geo Therm Ltd
management confirms its continual professional
service commitment in supporting its clients offshore
drilling rigs, service operation vessels (SOV) and wind
turbine jack-up barges, whenever and wherever
commissioning, warranty or preventative maintenance
needs are required, including Class approval.

14 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Marine News
Allianz Safety and Shipping Review 2020 published

The 2020 Allianz Safety and Shipping Review has been published and
reveals an improving picture. Given the global shipping industry is
responsible for transporting as much as 90% of world trade, the safety of
its vessels is critical. The sector saw the number of reported total shipping
losses of over 100GT decline again during 2019 to 41 – the lowest total this
century and a close to 70% fall over 10 years. Improved ship design and
technology, stepped-up regulation and risk management advances such
as more robust safety management systems and procedures on vessels are
some of the factors behind the long-term improvement in losses.

The Review reveals losses declined by almost a quarter year-on-year from

53 in 2018, although late reported losses may increase the 2019 total
further in future. Bad weather was reported as a factor in one in five losses.
The 2019 loss year represents a significant improvement on the rolling 10-
year average of 95 – down by over 50%.
MAIB to carry out
The South China, Indochina, Indonesia and Philippines maritime region
investigations for
remains the main loss hotspot, accounting for almost 30% of losses over
Very Serious Marine
the past year with 12 vessels. These waters are also the major loss location
Casualties for ships
of the past 10 years, driven by factors including high levels of local and
registered with the Reg
international trade, congested ports and busy shipping lanes, older fleets,
Category 1 registries
exposure to typhoons and ongoing safety problems on some domestic
ferry routes. However, the number of losses in this region has declined for
The Memorandum of
the second successive year. The Gulf of Mexico (4) and the West African
Understanding (MOU) is
Coast (3) – neither of which featured in the top 10 loss regions last year –
established between the
rank as the second and third most frequent loss locations.
MAIB and, collectively, the
Category 1 REG Marine
Cargo vessels (15) accounted for more than a third of all total losses during
Administrations of Bermuda,
2019 with the majority occurring in South East Asian waters. The number
the Cayman Islands, the Isle
of losses involving ro-ro vessels (3) increased year-on-year. Foundering
of Man and Gibraltar.
is the most frequent cause of loss of all vessels, accounting for three in
four during 2019. Contributing factors included bad weather, flooding
In order to discharge
and water ingress, engine trouble and vessels capsizing. Fire/explosion
obligations under the
continues to be a significant problem on board vessels, resulting in five
Casualty Investigation Code
total losses during 2019.
(set out by the International
Maritime Organization,
While total losses declined significantly over the past year, the number
adopted under resolution
of reported shipping casualties or incidents actually increased by 5% to
MSC.255(84)), MAIB has
2,815. There were over 1,000 cases of machinery damage/failure (1,044)
agreed that it will carry
– already the top cause of shipping incidents over the past decade –
out investigations for Very
accounting for more than one third of all incidents reported in 2019.
Serious Marine Casualties
Incidents on passenger vessels and ro-ros increased. The British Isles, North
involving ships registered
Sea, English Channel and Bay of Biscay maritime region replaced the East
with the Category 1 REG
Mediterranean to become the main incident hotspot for the first time since
Marine Administrations.
2011, accounting for one in five incidents (605).
These investigations will
be carried out on behalf of
Read the Reviews at
the Category 1 REG Marine
Administration, and so the
procedure for investigations
set out in the legislation
in force in the REG Marine
Administration’s territory will
apply. This MOU assumes that
all parties’ operations will
be co-operative and in full
compliance with the Code.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 15


Safety Briefings
b i t e s
Dutch Safety Board report: Lessons learned after
te and amend the
An initiative to upda Code loss of containers from MSC Zoe
rs hall Islands Yacht
Republic of the Ma re ss wi th the
y in prog
(RMIYC) is currentl ipated The Dutch Safety Board has published an investigation report
of the ne w re vised edition antic
launch into the loss of containers from the MSC Zoe in 2019, sharing
of 2021.
for the second half valuable lessons learned on the shipping routes that pass the
Wadden Islands to the north of the Netherlands. The report
The Ports, Customs and Free Zone stressed that minimizing the risks of container loss in the area
Corporation in cooperation with Dub requires an integrated approach by the container shipping
Maritime City Authority have laun sector, the IMO and the Dutch government.
the Marine Agency to oversee woo
dhow ships and regulate all their Probable causes
activities while they are in Dubai wate The extreme forces acting on the ship, the containers and the
lashing systems as a result of specific conditions on this shipping route
were the primary cause of the loss of containers.
Cockwells Modern &
s re st ored a
Boatbuilding ha Findings on shipping routes
ve ss el which helped
historic WWII Above the Wadden Islands there are two internationally designated
6,000 allied
rescue more than 33 shipping routes, a northern and a southern route. The investigation by
soldiers trapped in the Dutch Safety Board has revealed that a combination of a number of
phenomena means that on both the southern and northern shipping
routes, there is a risk of loss of containers.
A Belfast consortium
led by Artemis
Technologies, a spin-o
ff from In storm-force northwesterly wind, vessels are confronted with high
the America’s Cup sai
ling team,
Artemis Racing, has athwartships waves. As a consequence, large, wide container ships
won a £33m UK
government grant to make extreme rolling movements. On the relatively shallow southern
develop zero
emissions ferries.
shipping route, there is also a risk of seabed contact (grounding) due to
the combination of vertical and horizontal ship movements. Waves can
as the arch- slam against the ship, and seawater travelling at high speed along the
Corrosion has emerged side of the ship can be forced upwards against the containers. These
aus t gas cleaning
enemy of the exh
as the up take of the phenomena, individually and in combination, cause extreme forces to
entrance into act on the ship, the containers and the lashing systems used to retain
technology rose with the
20 20 sul phur cap. the containers. As a consequence, containers can break free and be
force of the IMO
washed overboard.
Maritime tech
nology startu Conclusions
set to benefit ps are
from a SGD50m – For container ships, no specific guidelines or requirements are imposed on the choice of
via SEEDS Capi fund
tal, the inve
arm of Enterp stment northern or southern shipping route above the Wadden Islands. Managing the risks of loss
rise Singapor
six co-investm e, and of containers on the shipping routes above the Wadden Islands currently depends on the
ent partners.
latest initia This
tive by SEEDS
situational decision-making on the ship if risks actually arise. This is a vulnerable situation,
aims to drive
the growth of given that the crew has no insight in the forces and accelerations acting on containers. Also
maritime sect the
or through te information on wave periods and wave direction is lacking in NAVTEX-messages, which is
and innovation chnology
essential information for the purpose of assessing risks as a result of roll motion.
– In managing the risks on the shipping routes above the Wadden Islands, the shipping sector
te Control
The 2019 USCG Flag Sta has not yet established any link between the undesirability of damage to nature values (in
t shows that
Domestic Annual Repor particular the Wadden area) and the polluting consequences of the loss of containers.
nu mber of vessel
compared to 2018 the – The development of ever larger container ships is leading to a greater risk of loss of containers
rea sed by 1,423 and the
inspections inc
ciencies identified both in terms of probability and scale of the effects of such an incident. The economies of scale
average number of defi
sed from 1.26 to 1.48. towards ever larger container ships have not resulted in a revised inventory or evaluation of
per inspection increa
the risks of loss of containers from these ships.
The COVID-19 crisis has painfully
demonstrated the heterogeneous Read the full report at
landscape that currently exists
across ports worldwide.

16 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Safety Briefings
SMS not adhered to –
investigation of capsized tug finds

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada has published

an investigation report into the capsizing of a tug, revealing
that the vessel did not operate under a Safety Management
System (SMS), and the crew did not have procedures for
identifying or mitigating hazards.

On October 1, 2019, Seaspan ULC deployed the tug Sheena M

to tow the loaded wood-chip barge Seaspan 566 from Terminal
Forest Products’ facility in Langdale, BC, to Howe Sound Pulp
and Paper Mills in Port Mellon, BC. At approximately 1237,
nventory of Hazardous Materials the tug along with the barge departed the Terminal Forest
compliance - new guide published Products facility at a speed of approximately 2 knots and
by UK P&I Club proceeded about 180 m into the channel. Soon after exiting
through the terminal’s safety gate, which consisted of 2 can
The UK P&I Club has published a guide buoys, the master made a port turn to head north towards
for ship-owners to ensure compliance Port Mellon. However, the barge did not respond to the course
with the Inventory of Hazardous Materials alteration and the tug began to be girded by the barge and
legislation. The guide addresses the heeled to starboard. The master slowed the speed of the tug,
technical aspects, important concepts, and the tug righted itself.
processes and requirements of the
Inventory of Hazardous Materials, aiming Some moments later, the tug heeled to starboard again,
to assist Members in ensuring compliance further this time, and water was observed on the starboard
with the existing regulations and reduce aft deck. The deckhand, who was wearing a personal
the likelihood of reputational risks. flotation device, was with the master in the wheelhouse.
The tug continued heeling to starboard, and water began
Over the last decade international and entering the wheelhouse rapidly through the starboard-side
regional ship recycling legislation has been door, which was secured open with a hook.
adopted, some of which is already in force.
The IMO Hong Kong Convention and the The Safety Board highlights that:
European Union Ship Recycling Regulation The principal objective of an SMS on board a vessel is to
are two key pieces of such legislation. ensure safety at sea, prevent human injury or loss of life, and
A cornerstone in both the Hong Kong avoid damage to property and the environment.
Convention and the EU Ship Recycling
Regulation is the Inventory of Hazardous It is stated that the Sheena M did not operate under an SMS,
Materials. The code is an important tool nor was it required to by regulation. However, procedures
when the vessel has reached the end of for the safe operation of the vessel and for dealing with
its useful life and the recycling operation emergencies (such as girding) were still required by the Canada
is being planned. It is used when a ship Shipping Act, 2001Footnote5 and relevant regulations and
recycling plan is compiled, to ensure guidelines were applicable to the Sheena M as well.
minimal environmental impact and safe
working conditions in the recycling or In addition, the crew of the Sheena M did not have
scrapping yard. procedures for identifying or mitigating hazards such as
girding. An SMS would assist owners and masters involved
Stuart Edmonston, Loss Prevention in towing operations to identify and manage risks such as
Director at UK P&I Club, says: “This guide girding through education, training, and the implementation
is a valuable asset for ship-owners and is of procedures.
designed to inform and raise awareness
of the critical issues around the current Read the report in full at
ship recycling legislation. It’s vital to
comply with the Inventory of Hazardous
Materials, and failure to do so can lead to
costly litigation, both from a financial and
reputational perspective for all involved.”

Read the guide in full at

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 17


Safety Briefings
NTSB investigation identifies lack of a towing
safety management system

b i t e s The National Transportation Safety Board has published an

investigation report into an incident when a crane barge
U1510, pushed by the towing vessel Goose Creek, made
pany, Voltaire contact with overhead powerlines on the Elizabeth River
A new German-US com in June 2019. The report has highlighted poor company
ounced its
Electric Yachts, has ann oversight and the lack of a towing safety management system.
ns with the
official start of operatio
ver mo del, a 9.9m
launch of its first-e
po we r cat am ara n. Probable cause
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that
The world’s bi the probable cause of the contact of the towing vessel Goose
ggest containe
HMM Algeciras, r ship, Creek’s tow, crane barge U1510, with the overhead powerlines
which is arou
same size as nd the was the tow’s captain not identifying the risk of raising the
four football
arrived in th pitches,
e UK in June boom as the tow approached the powerlines due to the lack
Germany and th via
first time. Th
e Netherlands
for the of company oversight, demonstrated by the company not
e vessel is so implementing a towing safety management system or hiring a
that its arri large
val had to be
on a simulato modelled properly qualified mariner to operate the vessel.
r to ensure it
be carried ou could
t safely.
The company did not have any written procedures or policies regarding
voyage planning or the consideration of the tow’s maximum air draft in
ntainership HMM conjunction with the vertical clearance of overhead obstacles. Planning
The 23,964 TEU co ntly
gest ever built, rece and preparation before a tow commences is critically important,
Algeciras is the lar co mpany
Korean shipping including the identification of charted vertical clearance along the route
launched for South g an d Ma rine
oo Shipbuildin and adherence to operational limits.
HMM at the Daew oje , Ko re a.
ard in Ge
Engineering shipy
In addition, although the company did not have voyage planning
procedures or policies, the captain stated that he held a pre-transit
Trinidad &Tobago (TT
) is preparing discussion. However, this discussion proved to be ineffective, since
for a “surge” of superyach
ts, causing its the captain, superintendent, and crane operator were aware of the
Attorney General (AG)
to amend local powerlines but did not take appropriate steps to prevent encroachment,
legislation aimed at eas
ing entry while including setting a maximum vertical height for the crane when passing
protecting the island nat
ion. under the powerlines prior to the voyage with all involved personnel.

e & Composites Had the company established a towing safety management system that
The New Zealand Marin
ng Org ani sation has included voyage planning with requirements for calculating a tow’s air
Industry Traini
ced the est abl ish me nt of a new draft and identifying all operational restrictions along the route, the
ure that the NZ crew would have been less likely to raise the boom while transiting.
training academy to ens
par ed for an expected surge Under 46 CFR Subchapter M, the movement of a towing vessel and its
workforce is pre
ntry’s boatbuilders.
in demand from the cou tow must be under the direction and control of a properly qualified
captain, mate, or pilot at all times.

International no Read the full report at

organisation, IM
RF has recently
launched a forum
to gather
information on po
st traumatic stre
disorder (P TSD) ss
which it believes
is too often unre
cognised among
maritime SAR pr

ime policy
European Union marit
me triades,
expert Vassilios De
’ ne w cabinet
has become Cyprus
of sh ipping,
member in charge
nt re sh uffle.
after a governme

The UK’s Fairline Yachts has ann

that the RiverRock European
Opportunities Fund II has acq
uired a
majority stake in the business

18 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Safety Briefings
USCG safety alert to address electrical
installations knowledge gap issued

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has issued

a Safety Alert to emphasize the importance of
properly installed and maintained listed or certified
safe electrical equipment in hazardous areas
in order to reduce the risk of fire or explosion
onboard vessels. Publication follows an increasing
number of instances by the Coast Guard where
there was a lack of knowledge regarding the
installation, training, maintenance and inspection
of these certified systems.
Loss of cargo containers overboard from
PSC Officers (PSCOs) have found certified safe
container ship Ever Smart report published
equipment improperly installed or identified
missing components, which compromises the
certification of the system and nullifies this critical
On 30 October 2017, the UK registered container ship
protection in a flammable environment. In other
Ever Smart suffered a container stow collapse while
cases, PSCOs found degraded components and
on passage between Taipei, Taiwan and Los Angeles,
evidence of equipment not being maintained or
USA. The master had changed the ship’s passage
inspected. Additionally, USCG personnel nationwide
plan to avoid severe weather caused by a developing
have discovered instances where individuals
depression east of Japan. The ship continued in heavy
responsible for the installation, maintenance,
seas; rolling and pitching heavily with frequent bow
and oversight of this equipment onboard foreign
flare slamming. Once the weather had abated, the
and domestic vessels were unfamiliar with the
crew discovered that the container stacks on the aft
appropriate standards to follow.
most bay had collapsed and toppled to port. Of the
151 containers in the stow, 42 were lost overboard
While hazardous area design standards are
and 34 were damaged. Superficial damage was
included in 46 CFR Subchapter J, the requirements
caused to the ship.
for proper training, inspection and maintenance
are not explicitly provided. Furthermore,
Safety issues
requirements for these operational aspects of
- the loss of the containers most likely occurred during a period of
ensuring hazardous area electrical safety and
heavy pitching and hull vibration in the early morning of 30 October;
system integrity are more robustly covered in
- combination of factors resulted in a loss of integrity for the whole
the IEC standards than they are in some of the
deck cargo bay; in particular, the containers were not stowed or
corresponding national standards.
secured in accordance with the cargo securing manual;
- the container lashings might not have been secured correctly
USCG strongly recommends that owners,
operators, shipboard personnel, marine surveyors
Safety recommendations
and service providers:
Recommendations (2020/125, 2020/126 and 2020/127)
– Familiarize themselves with additional IEC standards that are
have been made to Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan)
called out by IEC 60092- 502:1999 and in particular IEC 60079-14,
Ltd to improve standards of stowage plans produced
60079-17, and IEC 60079-19 as it relates to the proper training,
ashore, knowledge of the dangers of bow flare
inspection, maintenance, and documentation of electrical
slamming and lashing gear maintenance management.
equipment installed in hazardous areas to ensure that no potential
ignition source is present in hazardous areas aboard tank vessels, gas
Read the report and annexes in full at
carriers and vessels using gases or other low flashpoint fuels.
– Ensure proper training for operators and persons with executive
functions conducted to a standard not inferior to the IEC at all
appropriate levels.
– Implement an appropriate periodic inspection and maintenance
program by competent personnel.
– Ensure that any repairs should be made by a competent
technician or repair facility. When in doubt, a representative of the
equipment manufacturer should be consulted. Any modifications
to existing systems must be discussed with and approved by the
appropriate regulatory authority (i.e., USCG, flag administration,
or vessel classification society).

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 19


Safety Briefings
b i t e s
was able
The port of Rotterdam
e a firs t rec en tly: the
to celebrat Seed cake carriage in containers – updated
de live ry by dro ne of a parts
aerial guidelines published
sea s’ ‘Pio neering
consignment to All
ges t ves sel in the world.
Spirit’, the big The International Group of P&I Clubs and CINS, the Cargo
It has been re
Incident Notification System, has jointly published guidelines
ported that, on for the carriage of seed cake in containers.
a containershi average,
p suffers a m
every 60 days ajor fire
. However, in The carriage of these cargoes continues to cause confusion
there were ni 2019,
ne major cont and the potential for mis-declaration remains high with the
fires, sugges ainership
ting that the
of incidents is frequency consequent risk of fire on board container ships. Seed cake is
the term used for pulp, cake, pellets, expellers or other cargo
where oil has been removed from oil-bearing seeds, cereals
national liner
In 2019, the inter or commodities with similar properties, including all such types of seed
shipping industry tr meal. It is principally used as an ingredient in animal feeds.
approximately 226
rg o transported The guidelines provide advice about container selection, packing and
containers, with ca
$4 trillion. stowage on board ship.
valued at more than

The pace of uptake for For seed cake carried in packaged form, the packaging of cargo within
remote maritime the container should be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter
sur veys may be challen
ged by a lack of 4.1 of the IMDG Code.
industry standardisation
and awareness,
and Singapore is lookin
g to address this
challenge by launching It should be noted that there is some confusion between ‘bulk
an open call for a
Joint Industry Project. shipments’ and shipments that use ‘bulk containers’. In case of shipment
of seed cake carried in bulk in closed bulk containers, the IMDG Code
applies on the basis that such are packaged goods, BK2, under Chapter
“Our outboard engines business has 4.3. The IMSBC Code is not applicable to such shipments.
tly impa cted by COV ID-1 9, oblig ing us to
discontinue production of Evinrude outb Under Special Packing Provision PP20, any sift-proof, tear-proof
tely, ” said José Bois joli,
motors immedia receptacle may be used for seed cake UN 1386 and UN 2217. For seed
President and CEO of BRP. cake UN 1386 or UN 2217 carried in bulk in closed bulk containers, the
containers should be suitably lined to prevent spillage.
Two of the world’s
largest cruise
operators insist the
no more vulnerable
ir ships are Inspection of containers prior to carriage
to the spread It is recommended that, prior to carriage, carriers satisfy themselves by
of COVID-19 than oth
er public
places. No, I don’t means of a photo story or container inspection, for example, that the
believe” that,
said Frank Del Rio
, the CEO of cargo has been packed and secured with a method that allows proper
Norwegian. Richard ventilation and safe transportation.
Fain, head of
Royal Caribbean sai
d, “I think
done correctly a cru
ise ship can be Ship loading
among the safest pla
ces on Earth.” It shall be transported in compliance with the stowage and segregation
requirements set out in the IMDG Code. These requirements vary in
thern Spars has detail for seed cake presented for shipment under UN 1386(a), UN
New Zealand based Sou
h Ma gm a Str uctures in 1386(b) or UN 2217. In all cases containers of such cargo should be
joined forces wit
generation of protected from sources of heat and kept dry.
the UK to deliver a new
chapter for the
DynaRigs. This is a new
uti on and aims at making These guidelines recommend to stow containers of seed cake on deck
innovative rig sol
h-performance rig
the efficient, safe, and hig only where they are accessible to allow fire fighting procedures to be
more accessible. carried out.

At its 2020 Annual Meeting, the Nautical Read the guidelines in full at
Institute elected Jillian Carson-Jackson
as its new President, succeeding Capt.
Nick Nash.

20 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Safety Briefings
APL England lost 40 containers
in rough seas – initial inspection
reveals serious defects

A preliminary inspection of cargo ship

APL England, which lost 40 containers in
rough seas, has discovered a major defect
and serious concerns with how the load
was secured. Australia Maritime Safety
Report issued by MAIB into the fatal capsize of
Authority (AMSA) inspectors found lashing
fishing vessel Anna-Marie II
arrangements were inadequate and
securing points on the deck of the ship were
At about 1550 on 23 September 2019, the 6.2m fishing
heavily corroded.
vessel, Anna-Marie II, capsized as it entered the mouth of
the Brora river while returning from its fishing grounds. The
ASMA general manager of operations, Allan
vessel broached and was capsized in unusually high waves,
Schwartz, says the inspection is continuing
resulting in both its skipper and crewman entering the
but the findings so far are in breach of
water. Neither was wearing a personal flotation device; the
maritime safety regulations. He says the ship
crewman managed to swim ashore but unfortunately the
has been detained at the Port of Brisbane.
skipper drowned.
“The detention will not be lifted until these
Our investigation determined that the skipper struck his
serious deficiencies are rectified. That is
head during the capsize, which may have affected his ability
now a matter for the ship’s owner, American
to swim. Had the skipper been wearing a lifejacket it would
President Lines (APL), and operator to rectify,”
have helped keep his head out of the water and might have
he says. “These findings will form part of
increased his likelihood of survival.
AMSA’s ongoing investigation and, while we
do not want to pre-empt the outcomes of
Read the report in full at
that investigation, it is already clear that the
risk of this container loss occurring could
have been reduced.”

Schwartz said the ship’s owner and its Swedish Club reports
insurer, Steamship Mutual, should take a rescue boat drill
responsibility for remediating any impacts ending with injuries due
of this incident. to a lack of SMS manual

Some 40 containers went overboard when The Swedish Club has

the ship struck rough seas, while about 70 highlighted an incident in
other containers were displaced, forcing the its safety bulletin about the
vessel, which was en route from China to bizarre case of a vessel that
Melbourne, to dock in Brisbane. conducted a rescue boat drill resulting in an incident as the
company had no specific instructions in the training manual,
ANL, the operator of APL England, says it is SMS, PMS as to how the rescue boat should be launched.
cooperating with all investigators while a
clean-up operation is underway and none The vessel concerned was in port and the Master wanted
of the containers that fell into the ocean to conduct a rescue boat drill as none had been completed
contained dangerous cargo. since the vessel was delivered a month earlier. According
to the report, the weather was favourable and the harbour
authority had given the vessel clearance to launch and
maneuver the rescue boat in the harbour.

Those involved in conducting the drill were the chief officer,

bosun, oiler and third engineer. The chief officer was in charge
of organising the drill. He had joined the vessel in the shipyard
about two months before delivery. During that time he had
watched the shipyard complete a rescue boat drill but had not
been involved himself.

Read the article in full at

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 21


Safety Briefings
TAIC investigation report released into crew
fatally struck while securing logs

b i t e s New Zealand’s Transport Accident Investigation Committee

(TAIC) has published an investigation report on the crew
fatality during cargo-securing operations onboard the bulk
log carrier Coresky OL, while at Eastland Port, Gisborne, in
of all bills of
The target of 50% April 2019.
nic within the next
lading to be electro
by the Digital
decade has been set The chief officer was operating a crane, which was being used
Container Shipping to tension the wiggle wire. Both able-bodied seamen were
standing close to the wire to monitor its tension, when the
Yanmar Holdings an boatswain signalled to the chief officer to stop heaving on
d its subsidiary
Yanmar Power Techn the crane’s lifting wire.
ology are to
develop a hydrogen
fuel cell system for
marine applications
based on vehicle As the heaving stopped, a wire parted and caused the
fuel cell technology
securing equipment to recoil towards the able-bodied
seamen. One of the able-bodied seamen was struck by part
nal & River of the securing equipment and later died.
UK waterways charity Ca
on pe op le across England
Trust is calling Probable causes
f a million
& Wales to help stop hal
ng the ocean by – The crew did not identify the hazards associated with wires under tension and had not
pieces of plastic reachi
s Ch alle ng e. implemented mitigation measures prior to undertaking the operation.
taking its Plastic
– Additionally, the load being applied by the crane, combined with the configuration of the
“Autonomous blocks used to tension the securing wires, was sufficient to part the foot wire.
ships combine – Turnbuckles were not rigged between the wiggle wire and foot wires, which meant that the
port automat d with
ion is the one crane was used to tension the wiggle wire. This required both able-bodied seamen, whose
keys to our fu of the
ture waterbo role it was to monitor the tension being applied, to be in a hazardous area close to a wire
transport syst rne
ems”, said Ørn
Rødseth, Secr ulf Jan under tension.
etary, Internat
Network for ional
Ships. Meanwhile, the operator’s safety management system did not include a
safety assessment of cargo-securing operations. As a result, no information
inspected a 19.4 on the hazards associated with wires under tension was available to the
A drone has successfully crew, and the cargo securing manual did not provide guidance on a safe
k on boa rd a Floating
meter high oil tan system of work for cargo-securing operations on the vessel.
Sto rag e and Offl oading vessel.
ne s interpreted
The video shot by the dro Recommendations
ori thm to detect
in real-time by an alg
uct ure . As a result of the investigation, TAIC recommended that Shih Wei
cracks in the str
Navigation Company Limited (Taiwan) carry out a comprehensive safety
USCG has issued a Safety Aler assessment of vessels engaged in carrying and securing deck log cargo.
to emphasize the importance The assessment should result in appropriate procedures and guidance
properly installed and main being contained in the safety management system and ensure that a
certified safe electrical equi safe system of work is established.
in hazardous areas due to
emerging of a lack of know
ledge Read the report in full at
regarding the installation
training, maintenance and
inspection of such systems.

r in
be the world leade
“Our mission is to pr od uc ts that
e sensor
innovative maritim cu rit y of sh ipping
y an d se
enhance the safet ,” sa ys
offshore activity
and all manner of er re Do kk en .
incipal Sv
Ladar Ltd (LDR) pr

Researchers have
purified salt water
drinkable water us into
ing a combination
of metal compound
s and sunlight, a
breakthrough that
could hold signific
implications for th ant
e provision of safe
water for millions
of people.

22 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Member News
Recent new IIMS members Are you interested in representing
IIMS on the BSI committee?
Full members
Shirodkar Shankar MIIMS India For many years, IIMS was represented on the SME/32 ‘Ships
Lorenzo Timpanaro MIIMS Italy and Marine Technology’ BSI (British Standards Institute)
Ian Weaver MIIMS Australia committee by Peter Morgan, who has now retired. Are you
Davide Lucignano MIIMS Italy interested in taking up this unpaid role, representing IIMS
Kumar Paritosh MIIMS India and getting involved in the vitally important work? It is
Nicolas Goh Shang Lian MIIMS Singapore described as ‘heavy committee’ work, so if this is not your
Elbert Francke MIIMS Netherlands skill set, move on.
Atul Mathur MIIMS USA
Sajith Marakkar MIIMS UAE About BSI
‘Our purpose is to inspire trust for a more resilient world. Our
Technician members solutions and services improve performance and support the
Darin Kennedy TechIIMS Canada United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. At BSI, our
Bruce Bambrick TechIIMS Singapore mission is to share knowledge, innovation and best practice to
help people and organizations make excellence a habit. This is
Corporate Supporting members underpinned by our role as the national standards body and
RDS Distributors CorpSuppIIMS through our prestigious Royal Charter’.
Associate members What are standards?
Neil Batcheler AssocIIMS Grenada Standards define best practice in many different areas. They are put together
Chris Sutton AssocIIMS South Africa by groups of experts and come in a number of different kinds, from a set of
Don Marshall AssocIIMS Croatia definitions to a series of strict rules.
Scott Armstrong AssocIIMS USA
Valeria Ribaldi AssocIIMS Italy Standards are agreed ways of doing something, written down as a set of
precise criteria so they can be used as rules, guidelines or definitions.
Affiliate members
Vadimo Jurcuks AffilIIMS UK This is the situation the BSI committee wants to avoid:
Mitesh Gulati AffilIIMS India ‘What bloody idiot wrote that? There is no way I can survey that as intended’.
Andrea Pawlotzki AffilIIMS France
Hakim Rchaibi AffilIIMS Morocco And this is the desired outcome:
Adrian Priestman AffilIIMS UK ‘This is a meaningful standard that helps manufacturers meet the regulations
Fergus O’Kelly AffilIIMS Ireland and is easy to survey and certificate during build and operation so that the
Om Prakash AffilIIMS Kuwait owner can be confident in its performance’.
Alain Gilbert AffilIIMS Canada
Martin Willis AffilIIMS UK Members of the BSI committee attend and mirror regulatory developments
Matthew Green AffilIIMS UK at IMO in real time and horizon scanning. As new regulations develop the
Clifford Blaylock AffilIIMS UK committee assists ISO in developing the implementation tools that provide
Philippe Grelon AffilIIMS Hong Kong the link between the regulation and the operation. The BSI committee does
most of the items that Class Societies do not do and, ultimately this can
Supporting members assist with keeping IIMS members up to date and understanding how new
Dennis Burgess SuppIIMS Canada developments may influence them in the future.
Sam Cottrell SuppIIMS UK
ISO mainly develops manufacturing standards, but also systems and
Graduate members inspection standards. The ability to understand how a product can be
Tony Tufft GradIIMS UK built to be surveyed, from a life raft to a yacht to an oil tanker, is a very
Roman Tkachenko GradIIMS Ukraine important perspective during the development of standards. And of
Rutger Hofma GradIIMS Spain course, if that element is not represented during standards development,
the end result is an item that cannot effectively be surveyed during
IIMS congratulates the students who have completed manufacture and operation.
their studies:
The BSI Committee aims to meet two or three times a year and alternates
IIMS Professional Qualification in between London and Southampton to facilitate MCA attendance. One
Commercial Ship Marine Surveying presumes this is all online currently.
Tony Tufft
Roman Tkachenko This is not a paid role, but IIMS understands any out of pocket expenses
incurred in performing the role will be met.
IIMS Professional Qualification in
Yacht and Small Craft Marine Surveying To express your interest in representing IIMS on the BSI committee, please
Rutger Hofma email IIMS CEO, Mike Schwarz, at

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 23

Member News

which are rotten, we need to apply for planning

permission from the local borough council.
Currently IIMS is in discussion with the conservation
planning officer at Fareham Council to seek the
necessary permissions.

The scope of proposed renovation works and

repairs to be undertaken at Murrills House is, in
brief, as follows:

- Re-bed all hips and ridges on the east sides slated

roof and inspect all valleys for damage.
- Any slipped and broken slates will be made good,
replace all cracked and slipped clay tiles on the rear
There’s plenty of building work to do at extension and repoint the ridge.
Murrills House now the Institute owns
- Re connect the rear down pipe to run down the roof
the property
and into the guttering.
As the Institute has finally taken ownership in - Repair the cracks in the render on the front rounded
recent weeks of Murrills House as its new flagship elevation of the property.
headquarters, the work to restore this magnificent
- Supply and fit an ACCO drainage system to the east
Grade II listed, 500-year-old building to its former
elevation along the tarmac footpath to take any
glory will begin shortly. Completion on the deal took
surface water away from the building.
far longer than was anticipated, but the outcome
marks something of a triumph for the Institute. IIMS - Repair cracked soffit where soffit brackets are fixed,
is soon to make a significant financial investment in supply and fit 3 new vents to the extension soffits.
essential maintenance and repair work which will
- Supply and fit a 200mm layer of quilted loft
only add to the value of this new asset.
insulation to the 100mm of existing insulation.
Spray all timbers in the loft with a wood boring
Discussions have taken place with a local
insect treatment and rot treatment, supply and fit
construction firm and the scope of work has been
4x vented roof tiles.
drawn up and agreed. The building survey threw up
some key maintenance work that needs to be done - Box Sash windows to be manufactured in joinery
with a degree of urgency, but nothing that was a grade softwood timber with Sapele hardwood
major surprise to the team. Because the property is sill sections. All windows to match identical
a Grade II listed building, it means for some items, appearance and design as originals 4mm clear
such as replacement of the old wooden windows toughened glass face puttied into frames.

24 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Member News
West side elevation
To supply and fit 7 no. box sash windows: 1600h
x 1000w
South entrance elevation
To supply and fit 2 box sash windows to the first
floor: 1600h x 1200w
To supply and fit 2 box sash windows to the
ground floor: 2100h x 2100w
East side elevation
To supply and fit 1box sash window to the
ground floor: 1400h x 900w
To supply and fit 1 bay window to the ground
floor bay window: 2400h x 2400w x 600d
A potted history and guide to Murrills House
- Main entrance doors. Reuse original existing
doors, but supply and fit new frame and make What we do know is that Murrills House started life
good internal damage around door. as a tenant farm, part of a much larger estate in the
area. Its origins can be traced back centuries and the
Over the last year, as part of the Institute’s ‘Buy oldest part (beneath the current Accounts Office),
a Brick’ campaign to raise funds, a number of is believed to date from the 1500s when cattle
members have made donations towards the routinely lived in the house. Once it was purchased
cost of the Murrills House renovations. A small from the Southwick estate, Murrills House owned
plaque of recognition for each of those members in the region of 200 acres with land running down
will be placed on the Board Room wall and work to the water and a large working pig farm. Looking
is underway with that project. The Institute around at the urban sprawl today, that seems almost
is incredibly grateful to those who have been impossible to imagine. Censuses have been viewed
generous. Since that campaign ended, a number going back to the early 1800s, not long after the
of members have asked if they can still donate. census first began in the UK in 1801. Various families
So, IIMS has reopened a JustGiving page at are named as having lived at Murrills House, many of which will remain open them large in number due to the size of the original
until the end of December 2020. IIMS is most property which boasted seven bedrooms.
grateful for any additional donations, no matter
how small or large. The Curtis family were prominent owners of the
building from the late 1800s until just after the
As part of the deal to acquire Murrills House, in a second world war. At that time Murrills was clearly
role reversal, our ex landlord, Casson Beckmann, well known as the local manor house of the area.
has become our new tenant. So IIMS is adjusting The Curtis family, it seemed, enjoyed an enviable
to life as not only a property owner, but also and halcyon lifestyle – the house was often thrown
a responsible landlord. This brings additional open and tennis was a much enjoyed sport on the
responsibilities in several areas, for example fire grass court set within the gardens (sadly a car park
marshalling responsibility for the building and all now) in what must have been splendidly manicured
its staff, health and safety for the site and keeping gardens too.
the extensive grounds manicured and tidy!
Interestingly, Murrills House has a fascinating
Commenting on the completion of the purchase, connection with the maritime world. In 1952,
Mike Schwarz said, “To secure Murrills House Associated British Combustion Ltd acquired the
as the long-term head office for the Institute property as their head office and built a factory
feels like a dream come true and is one of my unit in what was the back garden. Their two most
proudest achievements. It underpins the future prestigious contracts, both with a Royal connection,
of the organisation and provides a valuable asset were to provide and install the oil-fired heating
for its members. Knowing that we are the next system at Windsor Castle and to provide the boilers
guardians of a building with a history going on board the iconic H.M Royal Yacht “Britannia”. How
back 500 years is a great responsibility, but one ironic that more than half a century on, IIMS should
that my colleagues and I will rise to as we look be set to pick up and continue that nautical mantle
to return this well-known local landmark to its once more.
former glory.”

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 25

Member News IIMS announces the results of a review
and major overhaul of surveyor
specialisations Categories Sub Categories
Additional Surveying Services Compass Adjusting
The Institute’s Professional Assessment
Additional Surveying Services Heritage or Pre 1940’s Vessels
Committee (PAC) is made up of a group of the
Additional Surveying Services Salvage
most senior and experienced surveyors from all
Additional Surveying Services Towage
walks of the profession and is drawn from the
IIMS membership worldwide. It is the role of the Casualty Investigation
PAC to maintain standards of membership at the IIMS Certifying Authority MCA Coding Examiner
highest possible level and to ensure that IIMS IIMS Certifying Authority MLC 2006 Inspections
applicants are granted levels of membership IIMS Certifying Authority Tonnage Measurement Surveys
and website listings that reflect their actual IIMS Certifying Authority Workboats < 24m <500GT
marine surveying experience.
Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Aluminium
However, IIMS has a legacy issue that it Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Coatings Inspections
needs to face up to. Some members have Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Electronic Engineering
had the same specialisations attached to Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Electrical
their profile for many years, in several cases Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Flag State Inspections
for nearly 30 years. To say an individual’s Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs FRP & GRP
specialisations are long overdue for a review Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs ISM Audit
would be something of an understatement, Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Marine Warranty Surveys
which could also be said for the list of Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Non-destructive testing:
specialisations themselves too! Infrared Thermology
Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Non-destructive testing: Osmosis
The PAC met recently to review the existing Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Non-destructive testing: Ultrasonic
lists of surveyor specialisations with a view to Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Steel & Alloy
expanding the list to reflect the actual types Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Superintendency
of surveys carried out by marine surveyors. Large Yachts & Superyacht Surveys > 24 mtrs Wood
An example of the changes made is that the Machinery Surveys Condition & Damage
original three basic areas of cargo surveying Marine Insurance & Finance Condition Surveys
- Breakbulk, Dry Bulk and Bulk Oil/Chemicals Marine Insurance & Finance Hull Surveys
- have now been expanded to cover eleven Marine Insurance & Finance Machinery Surveys
specialisations that will give a more accurate Marine Insurance & Finance Valuation Surveys
description of a surveyor’s experience. Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Pre-purchase Surveys GRP/FRP
Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Pre-purchase Surveys Steel
Standards for entry are more precise now Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Pre-purchase Surveys Aluminium
than they were many years ago and this Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Pre-purchase Surveys Wood
has brought into question some of the Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Pre-purchase Surveys Alloy
current IIMS website listings held by existing Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Insurance & Finance
members. This process of review can only Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Valuation Surveys
be a good thing and adds further credibility Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Damage Surveys GRP/FRP
to IIMS as an international organisation. Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Damage Surveys Steel
New membership applicants need to show Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Damage Surveys Aluminium
objective evidence and details of experience Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Damage Surveys Wood
relevant to their specialisation if they are to Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Damage Surveys Alloy
satisfy the PAC these days. Of course, new Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Inland Waterway Surveys GRP/FRP
specialisations have emerged over recent Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Inland Waterway Surveys Steel
times and IIMS is keen to reflect this with an Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Inland Waterway Surveys Aluminium
expanded list. Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Inland Waterway Surveys Wood
Small Craft Surveys < 24 mtrs: Inland Waterway Surveys Alloy
Electrical or Electronic Engineering
Workboats < 24 mtrs <500GT GRP/FRP
Workboats < 24 mtrs <500GT Steel
Workboats < 24 mtrs <500GT Aluminium
Workboats < 24 mtrs <500GT Wood
Workboats < 24 mtrs <500GT Alloy

26 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Member News
What has certainly become apparent and
CARGO & COMMERCIAL SURVEYOR SPECIALISATIONS pointed out is that there are a number of
Categories Sub Categories commercial ship surveyors claiming to have
a range of skills enabling them to also survey
Additional Surveying Services Compass Adjusting a small 10 metre yacht and vice versa. Whilst
Additional Surveying Services Fishing Vessels a few such people do exist, they are rare and
Additional Surveying Services Guard Vessels surely we all know that too?
Additional Surveying Services Hydrographic Surveys
Additional Surveying Services Specialist Surveys Having reviewed the list of specialisations at
Additional Surveying Services Superintendency their recent meeting in some detail, the PAC
Auditing eCMID Inspections has agreed two new lists (one for commercial
Auditing ISM ship and the other for yacht and small craft
Auditing ISO (Relevant to Marine Operations) surveyors) that are printed here and which will
Auditing OVID Inspections come into force imminently.
Auditing SIRE (Ship Inspection Report)
Auditing Navigation Assessor
Cargo Surveys Breakbulk Cargoes
Cargo Surveys Bulk Cargoes
Cargo Surveys Bulk Oil Cargo Measurement
& Bunker Surveys
Cargo Surveys Container Damage & Suitability
Cargo Surveys Containerised Cargoes
Cargo Surveys Draught Surveys
Cargo Surveys Heavy Lift & Project Cargoes
Cargo Surveys LPG & LNG Cargoes Chief Executive Officer, Mike Schwarz,
Cargo Surveys Oil & Chemical Cargoes commented, “The review of members’
Cargo Surveys Refrigerated Cargoes surveying experience listings is long overdue
Cargo Surveys Ro-Ro Cargoes and is a large, yet essential project likely
Casualty Investigation to take many months to complete. I am
delighted to see some new specialisations
Classification Society Surveys
on the list, such as MCA coding examiner
Commercial Hull Survey and guard vessels to name but two. We plan
Commercial Hull Survey On / Off Hire Surveys to work with each and every member in the
coming period to ensure their specialisations
Electrical or Electronic Engineering
are up to date and accurate.”
Machinery Surveys Condition & Damage
Marine Insurance Representation Cargo Where it is obvious, IIMS will transfer a
Marine Insurance Representation Hull member’s existing specialisation to one of
Marine Insurance Representation Machinery the new ones, (if necessary). It is a fact that
Marine Insurance Representation Marine Warranty Surveys members who joined years’ ago may well
no longer perform the functions they did
Offshore Dynamic Positioning and were approved to do then but will have
Offshore Heavy Lift developed new skills not showing on their
Offshore Jackup profiles. Please check your listing and make
Offshore Marine Warranty sure it actively reflects the work you do
Offshore Pipe & Cable Laying and the marine surveying activities you are
Offshore Seismic competent to undertake. There is no cost for
P&I Club Surveys Cargo amending your listing, but evidence will be
P&I Club Surveys Condition & Entry Surveys required if you want to add new ones.
P&I Club Surveys Machinery
PAC Chairman, Capt Chris Kelly, summed
Salvage it up very well when he said, “Ultimately, it
State or Government Surveys Flag state is about the IIMS accurately reflecting the
State or Government Surveys Port state substantiated marine surveying experience
of the membership and promoting this
Towage experience to the wider marine world
Workboats through the IIMS website and the Marine
Surveyor search App.”

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 27

Member News Geoff Waddington takes At the Annual General Meeting of the International Institute of Marine
over as IIMS President at AGM Surveying held at Murrills House, Portchester on 16th June 2020, Geoff
Waddington took up the position of President of the Institute, a position
he will hold for the next two years. Geoff replaces Dubai based Capt
Zarir Irani who has held the position since 2018.

In normal times, a short ceremony would have taken place as the

President’s medal was formally handed from the outgoing to the
incoming President, but this year, for obvious reasons, the Annual
General Meeting was held in an online only capacity. However, a short
video had been pre-recorded showing Capt Zarir Irani seeming to hand
the medal through a Zoom screen to Geoff Waddington who appeared
to take delivery of it. The wonders of modern technology and a fun
gesture not lost on the large online audience.

As he accepted the President’s medal from Capt Zarir Irani, Geoff

took the opportunity to thank him for his two years of unequivocal
service to the Institute. Geoff went on to say how keen he was to
see the membership entry
level to Institute membership
being maintained and spoke
passionately about the need to
raise standards throughout the marine surveying profession. He also made
a point of thanking the IIMS head office staff for their dedication during
what has been the most challenging of times in recent months.

With Geoff’s elevation to the post of President, Peter Broad has moved up
to Vice President, and Capt Ruchin Dayal was elected by the membership
to the vacant role of Deputy Vice President.

Geoff Waddington will be known to many IIMS members. For a number of

years, he was Chairman of the IIMS Education Committee and instrumental
in developing and shaping the distance learning Diploma programme.

Having started his career as a junior marine engineer fifty years ago on ex-second world war steamships, Geoff
was trained to be an engineering technician (artificer) and later a shipwright. Being a shipwright involved
surveying ships’ structures for the Royal Navy and also smaller vessels for the Royal Marines, but his other job
was small craft surveying. Having retired from the Royal Navy Geoff took up a career as a ship repair manager in
a Southampton shipyard. He then took to small craft surveying which led to small craft shipping, which in turn

led to breakbulk cargo, out of gauge cargo and dangerous goods.

af n

Geoff said, “In never ceases to amaze me that there was no qualification to be a marine surveyor and this has

been my goal ever since. I look forward to working with the IIMS CEO as we move towards implementation of a


formal accreditation scheme which recognizes marine surveyors worldwide for their specialisations”.

af n


Votes had been pre-cast prior to the AGM using an secure online voting
T tr


The IIMS Management

tne i

mechanism and were as follows:


Board recommends keeping


Election of the IIMS Election of Capt Ruchin Dayal to the 2021 fees at the same


Management Board en-bloc the post of Deputy Vice President level as this year
T tr

v af



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ruovaf nI

71 In favour 77 In favour

71 In favour




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1 Abstention

6 Abstentions 7 Abstentions







0 Against 0 Against

1 Against




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5. 7





28 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93



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ruo etsb

vaf A
n agA



Member News
2020 IIMS Roll of Honour

At the recent Annual General Meeting broadcast live from the Institute’s Head Office
in Portchester, several honours were announced by the Management Board. On this
occasion, none could be present to have the honour personally bestowed upon them,
but certificates to recognise their achievements have been sent to the recipients.

Those recognised for their work were as follows:

John Excell Omprakash Marayil

has been awarded an has been awarded an
Honorary Fellowship. Honorary Membership.
John has been a stalwart of At the end of 2019
the Institute for a number following the 10th Branch
of years and is recognised Anniversary, Omprakash
for his contribution as completed his two-year
Chairman of Large Yacht term as Chairman of the
& Small Craft Marine UAE Branch. IIMS wanted
Surveying as well as to recognise his work as
his contribution to the leader of the Branch locally
Institute’s management over that period.
board and Certifying
Authority committee.

Capt Eugene Curry Karen Brain

has been awarded an has been awarded an
Honorary Fellowship. Honorary Membership.
As he retires from active Known to many members,
surveying life, IIMS wanted Karen runs Matrix
to acknowledge the work Insurance, one of the
Eugene has put in behind IIMS insurance scheme
the scenes over a long providers for yacht and
period. A familiar face at small craft surveyors.
Institute UK Conferences Karen is a familiar face and
over the years, Eugene pops up to run incisive
has been a long- seminars and is a regular
standing member of the contributor to the Report
Professional Assessment Magazine for the benefit of
Committee, responsible surveyors worldwide.
for assessing the merits of
new applications.

Uday Moorthi Elliott Berry

has been awarded an has been awarded
Honorary Fellowship. a Fellowship.
Upon recommendation Over the years, Elliott’s
from the IIMS UAE Branch, career has developed
Uday Moorthi has been significantly, and the
recognised for his work Institute is keen to
over many years with acknowledge his progress.
the Branch, including a In addition, he has
previous two-year term authored three IIMS self-
as Chairman. He remains help handy guides.
influential in Branch affairs
to this day.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 29

Member News Surveyors upskill and learn courtesy of knowledge in the area specifically of paint coatings for
yachts by explaining both the theory and process as
the IIMS series of online seminars
well as giving some practical tips on the most common
Once it became clear earlier in the year that many paint faults to look for.
marine surveyors were facing an enforced career
break due to the pandemic that hit many parts of Video run time: 1 hour 40 minutes
the world hard, IIMS acted swiftly and organised a
Available to purchase for download at
series of what turned out to be outstanding online
seminars. The presentations covered a variety of
key surveying topics, each delivered by an expert in
Business Compendium broadcast on 18 April by
their field. Hundreds have taken advantage joining Mike Schwarz
the seminars live, whilst others chose to purchase
the video content for viewing at a later date due The IIMS CEO brought his 40
to unavailability or time zone differences. Eleven years’ of business management
seminars were delivered between April and August experience and knowledge to the
producing about 20 hours of video run time in total. screen in this long session with a
short presentation on each of the
IIMS would like to thank all those who have supported following topics: Basic marketing
these broadcasts and is delighted that so many tips | How to give good customer care | Preparing a
decided to use the downtime to upskill, refresh and simple budget | Managing cashflow | Looking good on
learn new skills. the web | Preparing a strategy plan | Preparing a Twitter
strategy | An introduction to search engine optimisation.
Here is a review and showcase of what the Institute
has delivered with a short overview of each one. These Video run time: 2 hours and 7 minutes
videos are pay per view and are not freely available.
They are available for direct download at a modest cost Available to purchase for download at
from the IIMS website archive. View the collection at
Inspecting Critical Equipment on Crew Transfer
How to Conduct a Complete Mast & Rigging Survey Vessels broadcast on 22 April by
broadcast on 2 April by Kim Skov-Nielsen Mike Proudlove

Kim kicked the series off attracting Mike Proudlove has enjoyed a
over 100 delegates for what long career as a marine surveyor;
turned out to be something of however, these days he is firmly
a masterclass on mast and rig on the other side of the tracks
surveying using a series of photos operating and managing a fleet
to illustrate his presentation. He of crew transfer vessels for Offshore Turbine Services,
spoke about how to include the based in South Devon. In his informative presentation,
findings and recommendations in the report as well as Mike gave a detailed overview on some of the key areas
caveats to include. Kim touched on all types of rigging of concern that anyone surveying a crew transfer vessel
from rope to galvanised steel wire to carbon, as well as should look for and be aware of.
looking at different types of masts too, whilst reminding
surveyors to keep a clear focus on their personal safety. Video run time: 1 hour and 41 minutes

Video run time: 2 hours and 26 minutes Available to purchase for download at
Available to purchase for download at Introduction to Yacht Coating Failures & Paint Defects
broadcast on 27 April by Matthew Potts
Introduction to Yacht Coatings broadcast on 16 April
by Tim Bannister After Tim Bannister’s popular
seminar on coatings there were
Tim Bannister, Technical Support requests from surveyors to go
Specialist with AkzoNobel, deeper into this subject. At
gave the most comprehensive short notice, Matthew Potts,
presentation on yacht coatings. Technical Support Specialist
A qualified Registered Marine with AkzoNobel, stepped up to
Coatings Inspector, he showed give this in-depth overview of a complex subject. In
off his extensive knowledge of the subject. Through his presentation he covered: Above waterline paint
his presentation, Tim have general surveyors more defects and failures | Below waterline paint defects

30 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Member News
and failures | Brightwork/Varnish defects and failures | advice on contracts and terms of business given too.
Paint testing equipment.
Video run time: 3 hours 12 minutes
Video run time: 2 hours and 3 minutes
Available to purchase for download at
Available to purchase for download at
Moisture Meters, New Tramex Gauge & Osmosis
Gathering Evidence broadcast on 6 May by broadcast on 29 June by Nigel Clegg
Capt John Noble
Nigel Clegg is an undisputed
Capt John Noble spent about 40 expert in his field and
years in the marine surveying he delivered the most
business and developed a comprehensive seminar covering
specialism having attended over the use of moisture meters,
60 major casualties including the challenges of spotting and
BRAER, SEA EMPRESS and ERIKA. dealing with the age old problem
His involvement in these casualties often lead him to of osmosis and gave a and short overview and glimpse
deal with matters of causation and gathering evidence. of the next smart generation meter, the new Tramex.
Additionally, John acted as an expert witness on about
70 cases in a number of jurisdictions all of which made Video run time: 2 hours 19 minutes
him the perfect choice to deliver this important seminar.
Available to purchase for download at
Video run time: 55 minutes

Available to purchase for download at Multiple Echo Thickness Measurement broadcast on 21 July by Jon Sharland

Giving Expert Witness broadcast on 14 May by Jon is something an expert with

Karen Brain Tritex gauges as one would
expect given that he works for
Giving expert witness was them! But his depth of knowledge
presented by Karen Brain, Matrix of how the science works is
Insurance, a long-standing advisor second to none and in this
to the Institute. As she explained valuable seminar, he gave surveyors a ‘chapter and
in detail the key function of an verse’ review of how the technology works and the
expert witness is to express an essentials that a surveyor needs to know, including
independent expert opinion based on the information how to mitigate against getting false readings.
that is provided. Karen gave examples of the special
report formats that an expert witness is expected to Video run time: 1 hour 3 minutes
provide and highlighted the pitfalls to avoid!
Available to purchase for download at
Video run time: 1 hour 23 minutes

Available to purchase for download at Surveying & Inspecting Small Craft Engines broadcast on 4 August by Geoff Waddington

Report Writing (for Yacht & Small Craft Marine Current IIMS President, Geoff
Surveyors) broadcast on 18 June by Mike Schwarz Waddington, really understands
and Paul Homer small craft engines, having been
involved with them over many years.
Your hosts and presenters for He knows what makes them tick
this important seminar were Paul and the reasons why they develop
Homer, Chairman of Standards faults and fail. This seminar gave surveyors a real insight
and Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO. This into what is an area that many are frightened or unsure to
three-hour seminar brought the cover in depth in their surveys and reports due to a lack of
art of report writing bang up understanding of modern small craft marine engines.
to date by providing the essential information that a
yacht and small craft surveyor needs to consider when Video run time: 2 hours 49 minutes
gathering the information and then compiling his/
her report. Suggested clauses for use in the report to Available to purchase for download at
protect against possible litigation were shared and

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 31

Member News

If you would like to reserve and purchase a copy of this

book, please email Holly Trinder at
and we will email you an invoice or call her on
+44 23 9238 5223. On receipt of your payment
we will despatch this handsome book.

Marine surveying for new motor yachts by Capt Mark Souter

IIMS has nearly 30 copies of this beautifully produced large format hardback book written by Mark Souter
which weighs in at almost 2 kilos! Running to 370 pages, the book was originally sold for over £100 when first
published, but IIMS is pleased to offer members the publication at just £39.50 including post and packaging to
any worldwide location.

John Kilhams reviewed the book when it was first published. He said, “This is an interesting book and
approaches the subject of marine surveying from a new angle. Marine surveyors are generally surveying used
or second-hand boats. But it is my opinion that this book would be of great assistance to a client intending to
instruct on the construction of a new build vessel. There is information on the responsibilities of all parties with
details on check lists and contracts. The book would be extremely useful in the training of surveyors as it covers
almost all the issues a surveyor is likely to become involved in. There have been many books written on marine
surveying, but this is different and would be an asset in any surveyor’s library”.

About the author

Capt Mark Souter MIIMS was born in Australia where he qualified as an A grade electrician. He came to the UK and bought his first yacht ‘Gipsy Moth’,
previously owned by Sir Francis Chichester. Since then Mark has qualified as a Master of Yachts (MCA) at Warsash Maritime Centre. He received a
diploma in marine surveying with accreditation in superyachts and also gained a certificate in Naval Architecture.

For over 30 years Mark has worked as a professional Captain aboard superyachts.
In between his Captain’s duties he has project managed and surveyed new build
yachts in the USA, Italy and Greece.

Print of ‘Lively Lady’ donated to the Institute

Elly Bryant, a long-standing member of the IIMS team working

in the finance department, was handed a print of Lively Lady
by her parents following a house clear out and they decided to
donate it to IIMS. The picture is now hanging in pride of place
on the stairway up to the office and we are grateful to Elly and
her family for this kind donation.

‘Lively Lady’ was painted by Laurence Bagley (1922 – 1983), an artist born locally in Southampton, United
Kingdom. He was best known for his marine and aviation paintings, but he was also a writer and illustrator. This
print proved to be his most financially successful work during his career.

Throughout the 1970’s Laurence painted dozens of impressions of Vosper Thornycroft warships, hovercraft and
weapon systems which were widely reproduced in the company’s sales literature.

It is said that he had been a keen yachtsman, sailing mainly with an old friend who owned an 8-ton McGruer
sloop. He spent many a sailing weekend away, sometimes crossing the channel to Cherbourg. Rumour has
it though, that he was not an ideal crew as he was always grabbing for his sketchbook! Eventually Laurence
bought his own yacht, a 6-ton Hillyard “Fjord” which he kept on the River Hamble.

32 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Member News
IIMS publishes two new handy guides in paperback and downloadable pdf formats

In recent weeks, the twenty third and twenty fourth handy guides in the IIMS series, ‘What a marine surveyor
needs to know about’, have been published in paperback and downloadable pdf formats.

The 23rd handy guide is entitled ‘What a Marine Surveyor Needs to Know About On-Off Hire Condition and Bunker
Surveys’ and the 24th is ‘What s Marine Surveyor Needs to Know About Corrosion, Electrolysis, Galvanism, Anodes & MIC’.

What a Marine Surveyor Needs to Know About On-Off Hire Condition and
Bunker Surveys is authored by experienced Capt Allen Brink. On-Off hire
condition bunker surveys are a requirement for the commercial trade of
vessels in that vessels are hired from their Owners by Charterers who trade
the cargo internationally. The survey of the vessel is undertaken either
before the vessel is delivered into a Charter, or re-delivered from a Charter.
The reports should include a detailed description of the vessel itself, the
structural condition of the cargo spaces and main deck areas surrounding
the various cargo compartments and hatches, the ship’s hatch covers, the
cargo gear and space. Additionally, you will inspect and report on paint
coating and cleanliness, the quantity of bunkers remaining on board,
verification of the validity with respect to the vessel’s certification, portable
equipment and securing materials, container securing equipment and so on.

Author Capt Allen Brink brings his many years’ experience into play. At an
impressive 244 pages, the publication contains examples of a number of
templated reports which the surveyor can adapt for his/her use. There are
photos to assist, diagrams and examples of the certification the surveyor
needs to inspect and report too. The handy guide also contains a detailed appendix with a selection of marine
terms, to assist the marine surveyor when conducting inspections of ships for charter purposes.

The first person to review Allen’s new handy said, “This is a labour of love and reflects Allen’s immense
knowledge and experience. I can’t think of a more valuable piece of work, not only for the survey industry, but
for the maritime industry as a whole. One of the hardest things for lawyers is to deal with reports which are not
logically set out or written in English which judges and other lawyers can understand. So well done! This will add
great value to the industry.”

What a Marine Surveyor Needs to Know About On-Off Hire Condition and
Bunker Surveys is available in paperback at £30 plus post and packaging or as
a downloadable pdf for just £28. Click for details at

What a Marine Surveyor Needs to Know About Corrosion, Electrolysis,

Galvanism, Anodes & MIC by Jeffery Casciani-Wood and Elliott Berry.
Practising marine surveyor, Elliott Berry FIIMS, and veteran, retired
surveyor, Jeffrey Casciani-Wood HonFIIMS, have combined to produce this
authoritative 120 page handy guide.

The guide presents some detailed equations to help to explain the science
along with plenty of practical tips to help the marine surveyor to understand
this essential, yet complex subject as they try to debunk some of the long
held myths.

In Part 1 the authors consider the many and varied types of corrosion and
their causes, including the often-misunderstood microbial corrosion. The
opening definition ‘Corrosion is the degradation of a material by its environment’ gives little clue to the depth
of valuable information that follows. Part 2 introduces the surveyor to the various cathodic protection systems
that exist, including a lot of information about the correct use of anodes. Part 3 is an excellent glossary with
descriptions of cathodic protection terms that any surveyor should be familiar with.

What a Marine Surveyor Needs to Know About Corrosion, Electrolysis, Galvanism, Anodes & MIC is available in paperback
at £25 plus post and packaging or as a downloadable pdf for just £22. Click for details at

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 33

The elephant
in the room:
An opinion article by IIMS
Chief Executive Officer, What do
Mike Schwarz
remote surveys
mean for the
marine surveying

“So, let’s be clear right from the start. As I am always keen to point out, I am neither a technical man, nor am
I a marine surveyor. However, I am very much engaged with finding digital solutions to old ways of working
and love to embrace technology. So, I totally understand the logic behind remote marine surveys and respect
those who are driving this agenda and the developers who are defining the extraordinary digital solutions to
make it happen. I know, however, from dialogue with surveyors around the world, that this is a challenging
concept for some to grasp. I personally remain unsure which side of the fence I am on.

34 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

I am keen to stimulate debate amongst IIMS members and the wider marine surveying community about the
merits (or otherwise) of conducting remote surveys. In this article I have given my personal opinions and have
collated as much detail, evidence and opinion from industry leaders involved in these activities as I could find
from other sources, most notably Classification Societies who are leading the charge in this area.“

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 35

Many things have changed in DNV GL reported back in March that of hi-tech remote marine surveying?
the past few months and not all they had completed over 15,000 Ultimately though, the surveyor
of them good as we have learnt remote surveys already. Obviously, must still understand what he or
to cope with tragedy and a new they see the merit in working this she is looking at or being shown
way of living courtesy of the way and the pandemic has driven through a smartphone screen. There
pandemic. COVID-19 certainly has their agenda. Further proof, if it can be no difference in that sense
a lot to answer for, but out of the were needed, can be found in four in terms of the required knowledge
situation that was forced upon the news articles published recently on and experience. This means that the
profession, a new way of surveying the IIMS web site: education of the next generation of
is fast emerging, particularly in marine surveyors remains the same,
the area of commercial ships and • Bureau Veritas completes a or does it? Those coming into the
offshore assets. I refer to remote remote marine survey on LNG profession will need to learn new
surveying, actually not new, but dual fuel harbour tug PSA Aspen skills, apart from the ‘old fashioned’
probably unimaginable to most of technical ones, such as how to
us just a few years ago; and a shock • RINA (Classification society) become an IT wizard, for that will
to the system of more traditional performs statutory and class become an essential part of the role.
surveyors and those sceptics surveys remotely They will also need to understand
amongst us too undoubtedly. They the limitations of remote surveying,
are suddenly fashionable - the talk • DNV GL’s remote surveys surge if indeed there are any.
of the town it appears - and the
pandemic has fuelled the latent • Lloyd’s Register makes the case The Classification Societies have
demand for remote surveys. for remote surveys reported a massive uplift in the
demand for remote surveys. This
Can a vessel really be successfully So, do remote surveys mean the flies in the face of the fact that the
surveyed remotely? The answer is end of the marine surveyor? In my industry has been relatively slow in
of course yes, but how detailed is opinion, certainly not and far from it. adopting new digital technologies
a remote survey and what depth But we are dealing with change on a and to its detriment.
of information does it reveal to major scale, the like of which has not
the surveyor who is watching on a been seen in the profession before. To spell it out simply, conducting
laptop or tablet? I do not have the The role of the remote surveyor to remote surveys and inspections
experience personally to be able to look and interpret the data, to report means that marine surveyors do
answer those rhetorical questions, and make recommendations on not have to be physically present on
but I know there will be members what he or she sees is unchanged. board a vessel or marine asset. This
who can and who will fall on both But for many I am certain being dovetails perfectly, of course, with
sides of the debate. It would make denied the opportunity to work in the social distancing requirements
for an interesting discussion. the open air and to get their hands brought about by COVID-19. Instantly
Whilst I can see the possibilities for dirty, surely some of the appeal one can see the health benefits by
commercial ship surveys, I remain of the job, will be sorely missed. not putting the surveyor, or indeed
more sceptical as to the surveying Surely this outdoor freedom would the crew, in a potentially harmful
of yachts and small craft remotely. disappear if the lot of a surveyor is situation. Instead, by using an online
However, the fact that some of to be sat endlessly at their electronic connection or video streaming link,
the ‘majors’ are seeing merit in device observing remotely and then the remote surveyor can provide
remote surveying of larger vessels reporting? That has to be a game support to vessels anywhere in the
makes me think we must keep an changer. Perhaps it will encourage world with documentation, images,
open mind and take onboard their people from a different background video and input provided by clients
learnings and experience. to seek opportunities in the world and crewmembers.

36 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

It is anticipated that remote eliminating the scheduling and
inspection devices are likely to safety risks from flying, driving,
become commonplace in the or a boat transfer that may be
future, even post pandemic, involved in getting an expert to
replacing or assisting the physical the right location. Removing these
attendance of surveyors. As travel uncertainties means that a
previously stated, what we are 30-minute surveying job can be
dealing with is a seismic change completed much more efficiently
that may well challenge those who for all parties.
are half way through their careers,
but which will become second According to Wilson, a wide range
nature to new entrants into the of surveys can be managed through
profession. They call it progress. video and picture evidence using
Let’s now review what is going on everyday technologies and he
amongst some of the Classification believes that the scope of remote
Societies as far as remote surveying surveys will continue to increase as
is concerned. the capabilities of the technologies
increase and its cost effectiveness is
Here is Lloyd’s Register’s (LR) current improved.
thinking on remote surveying.
A remote survey may be
The Classification Society has now appropriate when:
undertaken hundreds of remote
surveys, says LR Chief Surveyor, - The vessel is at sea when
Iain Wilson, in a bold opening damage is sustained
statement, with the “people who - The vessel is at a port, terminal of shipping’s age‑old procedures
understand the technology pushing or location where the services as access to ships in ports, and oil
for it and using it.” of a surveyor are not available and gas assets in offshore waters, is
- The location is remote, and no barred. Yet ships continue to fulfil a
At present, a remote survey, which other surveys are due vital role in the global supply chain
LR defines as a process without - A minor statutory finding and energy facilities can’t easily be
physical surveyor attendance, can relates to the verification switched off. Both must continue
be used for smaller tasks such of documentation or the to operate efficiently and safely
as verifying a repair has been replacement of spare parts whether surveys are due or not.
undertaken or ensuring minor - A Condition of Class (COC)
damage has been rectified. relates to the verification Nick Brown, LR’s Marine &
of documentation or the Offshore Director, believes that
Wilson explains and accepts replacement of spare parts the dramatic uptake of remote
that while remote surveys aren’t - The outstanding services and support is a trend
always the answer to everything, documentation can be readily that will inevitably continue,
they can ensure that there are verified using electronic and likely gather pace, long after
fewer attendances on a vessel communication the virus. His sentiment is borne
and a reduction in the number out by LR’s frontline experts -
of interventions that may be Surveys undertaken remotely James Forsdyke, Head of Product
required through the year. This are still viewed with caution by Management, and Sean van der
is a huge advantage for owners some, but experts at LR believe Post, Global Offshore Business
and operators and has significant that reticence over new survey Manager. Both experts agree
benefits for LR’s surveyors, he says. methods, which make the most of wholeheartedly with Brown’s
digital technology, is misplaced. thinking. They highlight LR’s
A surveyor’s skill is rooted in James Forsdyke, LR’s Head of recent focus on remote services,
analysing the collected data. Product Management, and Sean notably its team of Remote
Undertaking an inspection can van der Post, LR’s Global Offshore Survey Champions located in
be time consuming and remote Business Manager, explain some no fewer than 16 of the world’s
surveying techniques can facilitate of the reasons why the interaction key shipping and offshore hubs.
a more efficient collection of data between hardware, software These experts can be linked
while allowing surveyors to focus and human expertise offers an digitally to their clients whenever
their energies on the interpretation unbeatable formula. necessary, and LR’s systems
of the evidence, he explains. are ‘technologically agnostic’,
Restrictions on travel amid the meaning that connectivity can be
Remote surveys can also spare a COVID‑19 pandemic are forcing based on Microsoft Teams, Skype
surveyor from the rigours of travel, unprecedented change on some or WhatsApp.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 37

The RINA web site is revealing.
Currently, it says, the following
surveys can be managed with
remote survey techniques:

- Three months tail shaft

survey extension
- Continuous Machinery
Survey items
- Documentary verification
- Management of minor
- Bottom inspection with
ship afloat
The team are interconnected by receiving dramatically more added - Radio Survey
digital communications, real‑time value from this service, he says, - Survey for change of name
data transfer, live streaming and all which is faster, more accurate, more - Lay-up surveys
of the other technologies that have incisive and no longer the result of - Survey for change of load line
been developed recently, but which one person’s physical attendance, - ISM SMC-DOC audits
the virus has now made essential. often limited to a few hours. - ISPS ISSC audits
The remote survey champions are a
hub of excellence who support and Van der Post points to one As further proof of acceptance,
guide LR’s frontline colleagues and recent development, forced on The Liberian International Ship &
clients alike with remote surveys, organisations like LR by COVID‑19, Corporate Registry has approved
ensuring consistent practices and which amounts to a sea change. the use of RINA’s remote technology
safety at all times. Furthermore, Previously, he says, no new for inspections of Liberian-flagged
Forsdyke believes that LR’s remote procedure could be undertaken vessels. It is anticipated that the
inspection techniques, combined without detailed preparations, risk decision by the Liberian Registry
with digital data transfer and the assessments and meticulous rules, could shortly be followed by other
expertise of top specialists, can written and prepared in advance. flag administrations.
provide an equivalent service to Safe working practices are, of course,
physical attendance. essential, he says, but now the “The shipping industry is currently
approach is “why can’t we do this facing an unprecedented challenge
In times past, a traditional survey remotely?” rather than “we must and shoulders the responsibility
would involve a surveyor travelling send someone as soon as possible”. of maintaining the flow of
to a location, going onboard a ship, international trade during this
meeting key personnel and then Both recognise the continued crisis,” said Alfonso Castillero, COO
heading to the master’s office to hesitance in the industry; as of The Liberian International Ship &
check on the validity of certificates industry stakeholders collectively Corporate Registry.
and other documents. It’s a process gain more experience of
that could take a significant using remote techniques and “To ensure operational continuity, it
proportion of the available time. demonstrate the capability, is vital that we remain flexible and
Then the surveyor would undertake Forsdyke and Van der Post believe adjust our procedures in a way that
the actual survey. Forsdyke there will be continued acceleration protects personnel from exposure
compares this to modern banking of adoption and LR is poised to lead to the virus, while also increasing
applications, where you still need that sea change. efficiency. RINA’s remote inspection
a whole range of valid documents technology facilitates the normal
before you can proceed, but now Moving on to RINA. Their website operation of our fleet by making
you upload all your documents in says that nowadays, one of the vessel inspection completely
advance, for pre-validation, making biggest economic challenges in accessible during a time when
the process infinitely more efficient. every market is to avoid expensive surveyor travel is near impossible.”
And he asks, ‘why can’t classification travel when it is not necessary. For
be the same?’ some identified occasional surveys, The American Bureau of Shipping
RINA now provides a digital service (ABS), another Classification
Far from reducing the role of the for crediting such inspections Society, has expanded and
human being, Forsdyke says that remotely ensuring an equivalent extended its remote survey options
latest techniques enhance it. LR’s reliability without the burden of and has seen rising demand for
experts in a particular field are time, money and resources. That these survey services. The company
instantly available to pass opinion sounds hugely compelling. So what decided to expand its remote
on a specific issue, live‑streamed types of remote surveys will RINA survey options for vessel owners
and on the scene. The client is offer their clients? and extend its remote survey and

38 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

audit services for equipment and where appropriate. However, where of IRClass said, “Our remote survey
materials manufacturers and other possible and with flag approval, system is working very well indeed
key service provider firms. IRClass is increasingly turning to and is a practical and innovative
the use of remote surveys and way for our surveyors to carry out
“As organizations rely more inspections. These are based the emergency safety assessment of
heavily on remote and virtual on self-checks by the master/ a ship around the various restrictions
operations, ABS is making it easier chief engineer of the vessel using in place. Our surveyors can now deal
for vessel owners and equipment the IRClass survey checklist and with surveys, audits and inspections
manufacturers to leverage digital remote assessment of supporting from the safety of their own homes
applications by offering even documentation, photographs/ subject to flag approval.”
more remote surveys and audit videography by an IRClass surveyor.
options,” Christopher J. Wiernicki, Facilities for video conferencing “I can see remote inspections
ABS Chairman, President and Chief including live video streaming for continuing to revolutionise
Executive Officer, said. viewing specific sections of the ship classification services long after the
or equipment for cross verification, COVID-19 outbreak using digital
ABS has expanded its remote are also proving to be invaluable technology and real time, risk
offerings to include drydocking tools for IRClass’ surveyors. based, data driven decision making
extensions and radio renewals and process - in not too distant a future,”
will offer additional remote services The International Register of he continued.
in the near future. Additionally, it Shipping states that for remote
has extended its remote survey surveys and inspections, the Bureau Veritas (BV) seems to have
and audit services to existing surveyors do not have to be really caught the remote surveying
equipment manufacturing and physically present on board a bug and is running with it fast.
external specialist clients enrolled vessel. As a result, they say, a In early February BV performed
in ABS programs in the United remote survey can be conducted an engine test conducted jointly
States, South America and Europe. anywhere in the world without the between Paris and a facility in
According to ABS, access to remote surveyor’s physical presence. This China with multiple stakeholders
surveys and audits allows for also enhances survey flexibility witnessing the test process. A BV
business continuity, particularly and the efficiency of survey. Going machinery expert located in Paris,
during challenging times that on, they say a survey without the BV network office in Germany
may create scheduling conflicts, attendance has benefits for both and an equipment maker in Europe
personnel or logistical issues such their customers and surveyors; were able to witness testing in a
as the current COVID-19 period. however, safety must always facility in China where BV surveyors
be and remains their ultimate were present.
The Indian Register of Shipping consideration and target. However,
(IRClass) has turned to remote remote surveys will be permitted Laurent Leblanc, Senior Vice
surveys to maintain the validity of only for ships maintaining class President, Technical & Operations,
ships’ certificates and to support with INTLREG. BV, says, “This capability is really just
global trade, while ensuring the starting to make an impact for our
wellbeing and safety of staff. All The following surveys, which may clients and stakeholders but we are
of its office based staff are now be permitted using remote surveys well advanced in developing the
working remotely from their techniques by the International necessary evolution to our rules,
homes and the company has also Register of Shipping (INTLREG), are our procedures and connecting the
provided specific guidelines to its shown below. Such surveys could remote survey technology with our
surveyors to follow precautions be subject to prior approval from digital platforms and tools.”
and country specific advisories the flag administration:
when planning surveys.
- Classification Surveys (annual)
IRClass says that due to COVID-19, - Condition of Class Surveys
some ships may experience - Minor damage and repair
operational challenges such as surveys for hull and machinery.
non-availability of drydocks, spares, - Extension of Surveys (Class
or technicians. In addition, surveys conditions, Propeller shaft,
and audits may, in some cases, not Boiler etc.)
be conducted because surveyors - Continuous Surveys Machinery
are unable to attend the ships due (CSM)
to travel restrictions or quarantine. - Change of Owner, Change of
vessel name / flag.
IRClass is working closely with its - A case by case approval
clients and may also consider the
postponement of non-critical work, Suresh Sinha, Managing Director

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 39

“Remote service delivery will thanks to live-streaming solutions; surveyors. Ship operators are able
become a part of everyday life for continuous improvement in the to receive immediately updated
us. The capability does not replace quality of service; and cost control and verified electronic certificates,
our surveyors but allows speed of through overall reductions in travel which make their business dealing
access and connectivity between time and arrangements. with class, authorities and vendors
teams and stakeholders to enable much more efficient. This has all
decisions to be made quickly and Herman Spilker, vice president been backed by expert teams in
with confidence.” of the North Europe Zone for the regions and through our DATE
BV, commented: “The remote hubs, which cover technical and
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore service delivery is led by a survey requests around the globe
has opened its first remote survey team of experienced surveyors 24/7 and have solved 500,000 cases
centre, located in the major and follows eight years of since the launch of the service five
maritime hub of Rotterdam. The development experience. In years ago.”
centre is focused on supporting 2012 we started developing the
remote service delivery capability procedures allowing administrative Remote surveys were first rolled out
and is part of BV’s North European verifications to be conducted by DNV GL in October of 2018 and
Zone head office and BV’s Zone remotely, Bureau Veritas is now have been gaining in popularity
Marine Operations Centre. able to offer a comprehensive ever since. In 2019, for some survey
range of survey items which can be types, up to 25% of all surveys were
Laurent Leblanc again says, “This is performed remotely. The applicable conducted remotely, with more
a new and important milestone in survey items include classification than one third of customers having
the Bureau Veritas global strategy surveys and specific statutory utilised the service at least once.
of Digital Classification using digital items which can be agreed by flag
technologies to transform the administrations.” DNV GL says that with its new
operating model of classification for remote approach to machinery
the benefits of its clients.” DNV GL reports it has seen a surge planned maintenance, Machinery
in remote surveys as vessel owners Maintenance Connect (MMC),
BV has conducted a full program leverage the greater flexibility and instead of requiring surveyors to
of tests and proof of concepts efficiency they provide and the travel to each individual vessel and
confirming that the relevant impact of the global COVID-19 crisis go onboard, machinery data can
technologies are now mature has reinforced the value of remote be processed via algorithms and
enough to enable remote surveys. survey services. Remote surveys presented to customers on a digital
Technologies used include are not new for DNV GL with some dashboard. This enables the survey
optimised live-streaming solutions; 15,000 surveys and inspections of a complete fleet in one process,
connected devices (smart phones, undertaken since the launch in while unlocking new insights into
tablets, Go-Pro cameras, smart October 2018. vessel and fleet performance.
glasses, augmented reality); and
connectivity on board – with DNV GL stresses the importance “Once we have the verified data,
improvements from 4G networks to their customers to continue to get going with MMC we sit
and 5G yet to be realised. to operate and deliver without down with management for an
disruptions to class services, initial company audit that also
Significant benefits to clients and at the same time without functions as their annual survey,”
include speed of response and no compromising the safety of crews says Rolf Petter Hancke, Surveyor
travel or waiting time; optimisation and surveyors. Remote surveys and Principal Engineer at DNV GL.
in the decision-making process have provided the flexibility “This reduces the time required
customers need, with global round significantly, in one case we
the clock coverage, and improved completed surveys on 49 vessels in
efficiency through reduced travel roughly four hours, something that
times and increased availability. would normally take 50 separate
onboard surveyor visits. And the
“In these challenging times we are data is all right there – easily and
seeing the benefits of the full scope directly accessible by management
of digitalization initiatives that we in real time.”
have been building up over the
past few years,” says Knut Ørbeck- So there you have it. Irrefutable
Nilssen, CEO, DNV GL – Maritime. evidence it would seem and
“The use of remote surveys has like it or not, remote surveys are
meant that we have been able happening and are here to stay. A
to limit disruption to customer giant step for the marine surveying
operations resulting from travel profession or fool’s gold? Let’s
bans or quarantines involving our discuss and debate!

40 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

All you need to know
about surveying, and
more, in just 24 hours

FEST 2020

Monday 30th November & Wednesday 2nd December

what surveyors ought to know about


Part II
If all else fails, use ******* great nails
Traditional shipwright’s working rule - Orchard Dock, East London.

in many point types. Each point When driven, the threads like those
has certain advantages for certain of the gripfast type separate the
applications but the diamond wood fibres, which then lock into
point is a general purpose point for the rings, thus resisting removal.
wood use. It is the most common, Spiral threaded nails (called screw
least expensive and is easy to or drive nails) turn when they are
BY Eur. Ing. Jeffrey start. Oval nails are oval in section
– see Figure 12 and 16. Selection
driven, much like wood screws and
actually form a thread in the wood
N. Casciani-Wood of the correct nail head depends fibres. They offer good holding
Hon FIIMS upon the hardness of the wood, power. Spiral threaded nails are
the chance of the head working specifically designed for use with
through and the type of work to be hardwoods and dense materials.
Wire Nails done. A finishing nail, for example, Ring shank nails, sometimes called
must have good holding power deformed shank nails, are nails with
Ordinary steel wire nails are never yet be inconspicuous. The various ridges or grooves along the shank
used in the boat’s structure as they common types of nail that the and are similar to screws in that
rust very quickly but they may be marine surveyor may come across they have a specially designed head
found in the interior joinery work are discussed (in alphabetical order): which allows them to be hammered
or under the sole through the below the timber’s surface. They
bearers. Although steel nails are 1. The Annular or Ring Nail have a much better holding power
the most commonly used, nails are than nails with a smooth shank
also made of aluminium, stainless because the rings act as wedges to
steel, copper, brass, bronze and keep the nail firmly in place. The
plastic. Aluminium, copper, brass, Figure 5 The Annular or Ring Nail pattern of ridges along the shank
bronze, stainless steel and plastic of the nail can vary depending on
nails are rust proof but bright This type of nail which hole is the manufacturer and the intended
steel nails will rust so they should sometimes called a gripfast nail use of the nail. Some brands have
not be used where rusting would found is found in various forms very shallow rings that provide a
cause discoloration or staining. and in all of them the shank has small amount of extra grip, while
The thickness of the materials to a unique either annular or screw others have much larger ridges.
be nailed determine the length of thread. When the nail is driven, Some have spiralling grooves, while
the nail required but the amount of the grooves on the shank turn the others have a neat set of ridged
stress or weight the materials will wood fibres into small wedges rings. This type of nail is better
bear should also be considered. which grip the shank tightly and suited for the harder timbers and
Nails are typically sold by length in add to the withdrawal resistance. areas where more securing strength
Britain but in America by their so- The teeth of the nail hold it in place is required. All of the above nail
called penny weight size indicated firmly and such nails are often types need suitably sized pilot
by the symbol d and, in a throwback used for fixing plywood and similar holes as they are hard to drive.
to Colonial days, meant the number materials. The annular and spiral
of pennies they cost per hundred threaded nails can be distinguished 2. The Clout Nail and Tack
nails. Many head styles are available from a knurled nail by the smooth
and each offers advantages for shank between the head and the
certain applications. The flat head beginning of the thread. Annular
is a general purpose head that is threaded nails (sometimes called Figure 6 The Clout Nail
the most popular and the most ring shank nails) offer the maximum
economical. A flat countersunk holding power in a number of The clout nail is a short usually
head leaves a smooth surface as specific applications. They are best galvanized round headed wire nail
it levels out with the top of the used with softwoods and plywood used to fasten fabric to a wooden
surface driven into. Nails come but have many other applications. structure such as felt to a wooden

42 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

hull prior to sheathing the hull with very common and is most likely 10. The Sprig
copper. The tack may be of steel or to be seen on softwoods and
copper and is used for light wood thin timber. The flat head makes
work such as the manufacture it easier to hammer the nail in
of the wooden template used straight and the head has more Figure 14 The Sprig
for marking off a shell plate. It is surface area to give it increased
sometimes also used to hold the accuracy when hammering. This nail has no head and is
nibbed end of a scarph in wooden generally only used for securely
boat planking.
6. The Hardboard Pin fixing window glass into wooden
frames prior to dressing with putty.
3. The Corrugated Fastener
Hot dipped, zinc coated nails have
Figure 10 The Hardboard Pin good rust protection. This method
is considered the best way to
This is a diamond shape headed coat nails as they are submerged
Figure 7 The Corrugated Fastener pin rather than a nail and is often in hot, molten zinc. Nails can be
hidden when used on certain double dipped for heavier plating.
This is, strictly, not a nail but will materials such as hardboard. Galvanized nails are coated through
sometimes be found in joints a tumbling process. The coating
in poor quality joinery working 7. The Lost Head or is applied by sprinkling zinc chips
holding the corners of wooden on steel nails in a barrel and
frames firmly together. They are Bullet Head Nail rotating the barrel in a furnace to
generally of mild steel and rust melt the zinc and coat the nails.
leaving bad stains. While the nails may look the same
Figure 11 The Lost Head or as hot dipped, they may not be
4. The French or Round Bullet Head Nail evenly coated and threads may fill
up. Electroplated nails have the
Head Wire Nail The lost head or bullet head nail as coating applied with high voltage
it is called in America is one of the electric current. Mechanical plating
most versatile and common types involves rotating cold nails in a
Figure 8 The French or Round used in outfitting woodwork. It is a barrel with zinc dust. Glass pellets
Headed Wire Nail general purpose nail that comes in in the barrel hammer the zinc dust
a range of sizes and the head allows onto the nails. The nails are then
This is the nail commonly used for it to be punched below the timber’s immersed in a chromate rinse that
general work. It is unattractive in surface to conceal it. gives them a gold or green colour.
shape and can split wood when This process leaves the threads
hammered into position. The risk 8. The Oval Wire Nail relatively clean but the coating can
of splitting the wood can be much be thin. Electroplating occurs when
reduced if the point is blunted nails are immersed in an electrolytic
by placing the head on a hard Figure 12 The Oval Wire Nail solution that deposits a thick film
surface and striking the point with of zinc on the nails when an electric
a hammer before using the nail so This is a long nail and care must be current is run through the solution.
that, when driven, the nail tears a taken when it is hammered into the Although the finish is shiny, it is
guide hole in the wood. The term wood. If the long axis of the oval is also prone to rust because the
French is used as the nails were aligned with the wood’s grain, it is thin plating oxidizes away. These
first produced in France. The nail likely to split the wood. nails are best used in interior
is sometimes used for outside use applications. Aluminium nails have
and is often galvanized to prevent 9. The Panel Pin the advantage of being rustproof
rusting and staining. Its head is but must be made thicker than
countersunk in a similar manner to galvanized steel nails to prevent
that of a screw so that it holds well bending. This thicker diameter
when hammered into timber. Figure 13 The Panel Pin may cause wood to split but they
are suitable for exterior uses.
5. The Flat Head Nail This pin is commonly used in Bright finished nails have a bright,
interior joinery when attaching uncoated steel finish for use where
sheets of plywood to a timber corrosion resistance is not required.
frame. It is also used when forming They are slightly shorter than the
Figure 9 The Flat Headed Nail glued joints to hold the pieces same d size common nail.
together until the glue has set.
The flat head nail is similar to They should always be treated with
the French wire nail and is also suspicion as they rust and break.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 43

Pop or Blind Rivets However, the marine surveyor should be aware that pop rivets have a limited
individual strength and should only be used for fastening together light
Although bolting is probably the gauge materials and they should also be confined to joining together parts
most common form of fastening with a combined thickness or grip of not more than 12 mm (½”) as, above
in the marine world, the method is that thickness, they tend to work and lose their hold.
somewhat restricted because of the
need to screw a nut over a washer Round Head (Button Head in America) Shell
on one – usually the hidden – end
for the bolt. There are many marine Diameter
Shell Grip
applications where the back to the
work cannot be accessed and, in such
cases, it is common poractice to use Flange Shank Rivet in Place
Stem, Pin or Mandrel
pop rivets. The fastenings are also-
called blind rivets and are so-called Figure 15 Pop or Blind Rivets
because there is no necessity to Figure 15 Pop or Blind Rivets
reach the blind or hidden part of the Pop rivets are a two part item consisting of a shell and a headed stem also-
work. The use of pop rivets is fairly called a pin or madrel. They are assembled such that the shell can be pushed
common in non-marine or motor into a pre-drilled hole in the items to be joined. The rivet is set by pulling the
industry work and is fairly widely pin through the shell with a special tool oiperated by hand, pneumatics or
spread in fibre reinforced plastic electricty causing the latter to deform and so clamping the items to be joined
boats as well. Its chief advantage is tightly together. After the the pieces are clamped tightly, the excess of the pin
that it can be done by one man by snaps off and is discarded. A small length of the pin remains inside the shell to
inserting the rivet into a pre-drilled ensure that the clamping forced is retained by the shell.
hole through both items to be joined
and pulling the rivet tight with a The force necessary to snap off the pin is governed by the amount of shell
special hand tool till the headed wire deformation required and a groove cut to a specific diameter just below the
stem, pin or mandrel snaps or pops. head. The rivet is designed to prevent too much force being developed so
The method is fairly typically found damaging the two pieces of material being fastened bearing in mind that
in securing aluminium strip rubbing too little force may fail to secure the joint. The rivet develops a clamping
strakes to the deck edges of frp boats. force to secure the joint and it is essential that the pin does not break at a
The use of such fastenings should be load lower than the claping force as, if that occurs, the integrity of the joint
confined to areas above the water as may be compromised.
the rivets cannot be made watertight.
Pop rivets are designed to clamp together specific thicknesses of material
The use of blind rivets in most and the amount of deformation in the shell when setting depends upon that
applications has proven to be so-called grip range. If the grip range is less than it should be, the rivet is
superior and cost effective when too long and excessive material will be left on the blind side of the joint and
compared to other fastening more pulls will be needed to break the pin. If, on the other hand, the grip
methods. Welding, sheet metal range is too large, the rivet is too short and insufficient material may be left
screws, nuts and bolts and solid rivets on the blind side to adequately secure the joint.
are all comparitively most labour
intensive. The three main reasons for Pop rivets are regularly manufactured in different materials which, in a marine
using blind or pop rivets are: environment, makes them particularly vulnerable to galvanic corrosion. Table
4 shows which matals may or should not be used together.
1. The unit cost of pop rivets is
much lower than other forms Table 4
of fastening and up to fifteen Compatible Pop Rivet Materials
rivets a minute can be installed Metal Being Joined
without specialised labour.
Al/Zn coated Zinc coated Stainless
Shell Material Aluminium Copper Brass
2. Pop rivets are available in Steel Steel Steel
many different types, sizes and Aluminium Yes Yes ? No No No
materials to meet the demands Steel Z/P No Yes Yes No No No
of any particular application.
Nickle Copper No No No Yes Yes Yes
3. The materials to be joined are Stainless Steel ? ? ? Yes Yes Yes
permanently clamped and, Copper No No No Yes Yes Yes
provided that the correct
rivet is used, can withstand Yes Compatible. ? Some corrosion may occur in marine
both severe environmental No Incompatible. These metals must environments but can be minimised by the
conditions and vibration. not be used with each other. judiscious use of paints or anodising.

44 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

The shell may be of stainless steel Fastening Withdrawal Resistance
or an aluminium alloy and the pin
or mandrel is made from a copper One point that has to be considered Zinc galvanizing, if smooth,can
alloy wire. The flanges come in two is the security of the fastening i.e., improve the resistance but if rough,
sizes, the smaller size is satisfactory its withdrawal resistance. Wire as is more common, can have the
for metal but for wood or frp the nails driven into green oak or opposite effect. A nail with a sharp
larger diameter flange is necessary hemlock are almost impossible to tapering point can penetrate the
to spread the load. pull once the timber has seasoned wood more easily and does less
and dried whereas the same nails damage. It results in a more strongly
Cut Nails driven into woods with low tannin bound nail but, because they tend
content become progressively to have a wedge effect, such nails
Occasionally the marine surveyor easier to pull as the wood dries. tend to make the wood split.
will come across so-called cut nails. Corrosion of the metal of the
These are stamped out of 2 mm or nail can temporarily improve the The holding power of a nail is
3 mm thick mild steel plate and are resistance to withdrawal but it is determined by its length, diameter
sometimes used in securing deck often accompanied by hydrolysis and the shape of the shank
planking as hidden fastenings. of the wood (nail sickness) which whether round, grooved, square
They rust badly, disintegrate negates any increase in withdrawal or threaded. Smooth shank nails
and are not at all suitable for the resistance due to that cause. The give the least holding power. The
marine environment. Cut nails are primary factors that control the common smooth shank nail as used
sometimes used in conversions and resistance of a nail to withdrawal in general carpentry and wood
new construction to fasten down are the density or hardness of the framing is often, in Britain, called a
interior cabin sole boards but are, wood, the nail diameter and depth French wire nail. Threaded nails are
nevertheless, rare in boat building of penetration. Other factors which used in wood construction because
and should be avoided. have a lesser effect are the nail point of their superior performance
shape, type of shank (smooth or but relatively few tests have been
Designation of ring shank), the presence and type conducted on nails larger than
Fastenings of surface coatings and the length three inches (12d.). Experience
of time the nail has remained in has suggested that threaded nail
Boat nails and spikes are the timber. Nails driven into end withdrawal design values are too
designated by their length and grain have a considerably lower conservative although the average
dumps and coach screws by their resistance to withdrawal than those withdrawal strength of threaded
length and diameter. Coach bolts driven across the grain. Differences nails has proven to be greater than
are designated by their length and also exist depending upon whether that of smooth shank nails of the
diameter. Wire and cut nails are the timber is plain or quarter (rift) same diameter. In comparison of
usually designated by their length sawn. Some timbers, particularly experimental withdrawal strength
in the United Kingdom but, in a cedar, split more easily radially than to existing design procedures for
practice dating back to Colonial tangentially and cedar used for assigning allowable withdrawal
times, in the United States they are planking is probably best quarter strength design values, annular
as noted above rather curiously sawn to prevent the ends of the shank nails show the greatest
designated by the number of plank splitting when fastening off. difference. Threaded nails - annular,
pennies by which they used to be Pine, larch and oak on the other spiral and knurled - provide the best
purchased. In the days when the hand, from the author’s experience holding power and performance.
author was serving his time all bolts are best plain sawn for the same Barbed nails which have horizontal
had Whitworth threads but these reason. The resistance of the nail or herringbone indentations in the
days they are more likely to have can be improved by using coatings. shank hold better than smooth nails
metric threads. Cement, for example, does increase but far less than threaded nails of
resistance in soft woods but not equal size. Nails with twisted or
hard wood as the coating is usually fluted shanks equal or exceed the
lost in driving the nail. The use of barbed nail in holding power but
Chinese or Swedish galvanizing also provide less hold than nails with
improves resistance to withdrawal. rolled on threads.

Surveying tip:
When driving French wire nails, it is good practice to turn the nail head down onto a hard surface
and to slightly blunt the point with a hammer. That enables the nail to be more easily driven and
also increases its holding power. It also reduces the possibility of the wood splitting.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 45

Square Square
Shank Length Shank Length

Size Round Diameter


Copper Diameter
Boat Nail
Spike Dump Drift
or Wrought Nail Bolt
Snap Head (Button Head in America) Gauge Width

Square Neck Shank

Shank Length
Nut Wood Screw

Coach Bolt Oblong top plate

A A Shank
Length Screw
Diameter Length Holes
AA Length
Flat side
Oval French Cut Nail Coach Screw Caprail Bolt
Nail Wire Nail (2 mm thick) (Lag Bolt in the U.S.)` (rare)
Figure 16 Typical Fastenings
Figure 16 Typical Fastenings

BluntSurveying tip are easily

ended cut nails plating were similar to coach bolts through the sides and bottoms
driven but damage the wood but with a flat head. They are usually of the individual planks. The side
leaving them easy to withdraw. galvanized. The grain in the dowell spikes driven through horizontally
Using guide holes prior to driving over the bolt head should align with are usually driven into pre-bored
the nail also reduces the possibility the grain of the wood being secured. holes to prevent the timber
of splitting. Lengths of unclenched It is a sign of good shipwrightry. splitting horizontally. See Figure
round or square bar iron used 17 below. The process is called side
for fastenings are called drifts. Hidden (or Blind) spiking. The nails driven through
Coach bolts were used in wooden the side of the deck plank into the
structures but for bolting steel parts
Fastenings beam underneath are called tosh
together hexagon headed bolts Good quality decks are often nails or, in America, toe nails and
which do not have the square neck laid with hidden fastenings, the process of driving them is called
were used. Deck bolts for securing i.e., the decks show no sign of toshing or, in America, toe nailing.
wooden decking to steel beams or the fastenings, which are put in House carpenters call the process

46 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Caulking seam 3 mm maximum Spike Treenails2
Quarter sawn To overcome the difficulties of iron
decking 2t/3 spikes or clenched copper nails,
Tosh Nail t boats, particularly those built in
Scandinavia, are often fastened by
Beam Spike a very ancient form of fastening
called treenails (pronounced along
the London River as trennels or
Figure 17 Hidden (or Blind) Fastenings trunnels). They are most commonly
Figure 17 Hidden (or Blind) Fastenings used to hold the planking of
skew nailing. When two such nails mm (¼”) thick mild steel plate and wooden boats on to the main
are driven at an angle to each are of about 75 mm to 90 mm (3” framing or timbers. Treenails, as
other the process is referred to as to 3½”) square area. Whether they the name implies, are nails turned
dovetailing or tusk nailing. are punched out plain washers or out of wood. They may be of oak,
sheared out plate washers they have ash, locust or other tropical hard
Washers a smooth (slightly rounded) edge woods of durable quality. Where
and a sharp edge and should always beech is used it must be confined
All nuts have to be bedded down on be laid with the sharp edge faying to to the bottom not higher than the
washers so that, when tightening the timber. This is a small point often floor (wrung) heads. The treenails
the nut, the wood or other material ignored by the amateur builder or must be straight and of regular
underneath is not torn to pieces. repairer and is often the give away octagonal or round form, being
Sometimes, in order to spread the to poor construction. The diameter either machine cut, compressed
load, washers are also fitted under of the hole through the washer is or planed, not grain cut or knotty
the heads of keel, bilge keel, stem usually the diameter of the bolt plus and must be free from sap. The
and sternpost bolts as well as under 1 mm. Where they are required to marine surveyor should note that
the nuts. Washers, which have to be watertight, washers are fitted treenails should be of good quality
be fitted the correct way, are of two underneath with a boat cotton or and of a description equal to the
main types: oakum grommet. Plate washers are best material through which they
also fitted with a layer of felt. Both are driven. They must be tightly
• plain or ordinary washers. grommet and felt should be well driven and in all cases the treenails
• plate washers. luted with a suitable material which, should be efficiently caulked or
in the author’s youth, was white lead wedged on the outside. Not less
Engineering bolts or studs would but, these days, may be a resin, epoxy than two thirds of the treenails
have machined washers but these paint or something like Sykaflex. should be driven through the inside
are unlikely to be found in wooden Nuts requiring extra security because planking, clamps or other structural
boat construction. Plain washers of their purpose may be fitted with items. The lay and spacing of the
are the standard washers purchased a split pin but that is rare in boat treenails depends upon the width
from any ironmongery shop and construction. Usually such bolts are of the plank being secured and
are usually of about 2 to 2½ times fitted with a lock nut i.e., a second whether or not the frames behind
the diameter of the bolt for which nut on the same bolt or a nylock nut. are sistered. They can be of plain,
they are to be used in diameter. The lock nut is usually about three wedged or wedged and fox wedged
They are punched out of mild steel quarters of the thickness of the main types. The simple types are called
sheet about 1½ mm to 2 mm thick. nut and should be fitted first with the plain treenails and have no wedges
Plate washers are sheared out of 6 main nut on the outside. in either the head or the toe. Plain
treenails are, however, incapable
of closing a joint and the marine
Rounded edges Fit this way down
surveyor should bear that fact in
mind when surveying repaired
boats with that form of fastening.
Bolt diameter In all cases planks above eleven
Ragged edges (+ 1 mm) Ragged edges inches in width must be double
Washer diameter fastened and those betwen eight
and eleven inches in width must
Figure 18 Section through a Ring Washer (Exaggerated)
Figure 18 Section through a Ring Washer (Exaggerated)
2.A treenail mooter was the specialist artisan often a retired shipwright employed to produce the different treenails at the shipbuilding site and to
smooth them and make them the proper size Mooting was the name given to the process of making a treenail exactly cylindrical or octagonal to the
given diameter or size called the moot using a tool similar to a pencil sharpener and called a mooting plane. The word moot was also used as a noun
to describe the treenail’s diameter. Hence, when so made, it was said to be mooted. In Chatham dockyard in 1698 there were two treenail mooters to
2,593 shipwrights. It was all done by hand and must have been an extremely boring even though a highly skilled job. These days treenails are turned
by lathe. The etymology of the verb to moot is unknown. Trennels were often called pags and the task of fitting and driving them, pegging off.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 47

be treenailed alternately double The diameter of the treenail with a wedge or a crossed pair of
and single unless bolts are used should not exceed one third of wedges. Once driven the head
through intervening frame timbers the thickness of the plank being (outer end) of the treenail is split
and, if less than eight inches width, secured and, as a rough guide and a hardwood wedge driven
then the planks should be singly to sizes, planking 32 mm (1¼”) into the split with the long edge of
treenailed. On planks over 100 mm thick laid on heavy grown frames the wedge lying transverse to the
(4”) wide, the treenails are laid with need treenails about 16 mm (⅝”) grain of the planking. Where extra
the outer edge of the drilled hole diameter or moot while 50 mm (2”) security is required and to improve
three quarters of one diameter in thick planking requires treenails their holding quality, the points of
from the two edges of the plank. of 22 mm (⅞”) diameter. To take the treenails are sometimes fitted
On planks under 100 mm (4”) width such treenails the hole is drilled also with fox wedges on the inside
the treenails are fitted alternately right through the plank and the in which they are said to be foxed
either side of the centreline of the timber and the length of the or fox tailed. This latter requires
plank with the distance between treenail should be such that the the holes drilled in the planking/
the outer edge of the treenail hole point lies slightly shy of protruding timbers to take the treenail to be
to the edge of the timber being out of the inner side of the frame blind i.e., not drilled all the way
not less than three quarters of timber. A treenail so driven that through. If done correctly this is a
one treenail diameter. The heads the point or inside end is flush very efficient means of fastening
of the treenails should sink about with the inside of the frame timber a wooden joint. The hole is drilled
two mm (⅛”) below the surface on was said to be wood on wood or through the plank but only about
varnished work to enable therm to peg and peg. Wedged or keyed two thirds to three quarters of the
take a resin skim. treenails are fitted on the outside way through the frame timber

Plank Drift same diameter Head

all the way through

Head Wedge Slot

Main Drift Diameter
Second Drift Diameter

Point Wedge Slot

Frame or timber Point Lead

Drift drilled for a Plain Wedged and Fox Wedged
or a Back Wedged Treenail Drifted Treenail
Head wedge slot


⅞d moulding Length

Toe wedge slot
Blind Hole or Drift drilled Fox Wedged and Fox
for a Fox Wedged Treenail Wedged Plain Treenail
Figure 19 Details of Treenails
Figure 19 Details of Treenails

48 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

producing a blind hole. Before the Table 5 exactly of the same size. For if
treenail is inserted into the hole the Details of Treenails that is not the case, it will be
point end is split and a hard wood almost impossible, without a
wedge inserted. The so-called Thickness of 12 25 30 50 60 75 great deal of trouble, for even
fox wedge should lie transversely Plank an expert workman to drive the
to the grain of the frame timber. mm treenails. The marine surveyor
The treenail is then driven home should be aware that treenailing
Diameter of Drift 10 12 12 20 22 25
and the head wedges fitted as for off was often frequently
ordinary wedged treenails. The performed by the less skilled
head and point wedge slots are Width across Flats 6 7 7 8 9 10 workmen. On Scandinavian
laid at right angles to each other. Eight Squared built vessels the treenails are not
If driven correctly, this method of Treenail mm cross cut with slots but drilled
fastening is very strong indeed and, with a small diameter hole down
once fitted, a wedged treenail is Once the shipwright has started the centre which is then wedged
virtually impossible to remove. If to drive the treenail he must not open with a spike or peg of shaped
such a treenail is properly driven, it stop for, if he does, he will not hardwood – usually a different
will draw the plank close up to the be able to start it moving again timber to that from which the
timbers. If when driving a treenail, and they are the Devil’s own job treenail itself is fashioned. They are
the wood through which it is driven to bore out. A treenail cracked, said to be pegged or spiked rather
splits along the grain because bent or nipped between the than wedged. After fitting, a short
the treenail is too tight, the wood plank and the frame due to bad time is allowed to settle the timber
is said to be rent. Such rents or driving was said to be necked and and then the ends of the treenails
rendings are very difficult to caulk must - often with some difficulty extending outside the surface of
or chinse especially so in softwood - be drilled out and replaced. The the hull are dubbed off leaving a
planking. Where the timbers treenail should be about ¾ mm smooth surface. When pegging
are laid in pairs i.e., sistered, the (1/32”) greater in diameter than treenails or driving spikes the
treenails are fitted at each frame the drilled hole. To ease entry marine surveyor should be aware of
with one treenail fitted into each and the driving of the treenail the the following points:
sister. The length of the treenail toe is slightly chamfered and the
that actually grips the wood treenail dipped in linseed oil. The • the form of the point of the
through which it is driven is called treenails should be made from common spike is such that it
its drift. Long treenails could be well open air seasoned wood and inclines not to follow the hole.
best driven with two drifts instead should be made and driven with
of one - the hole being bored accuracy and care. They should • spikes driven close to the
with two augers of different sizes, be properly rounded and of equal holes, but not into them,
instead of one. To improve the grip diameter from the point to within will have their withdrawal
of the plank the treenails are often a quarter of their length from the resistance lowered.
dovetailed i.e., with the point of head where they should begin to
the treenails leading alternately swell a little. When treenailing off • if the holes are not too large
forward and aft3. (or pegging off as it was sometimes and the spikes follow the
called) the bottom and topsides, it holes closely, the resistance
was the general custom to double to withdrawal usually will be
bore each timber on the breadth increased.
Surveying tipS: of a strake if it exceeded 10 inches
The marine surveyor and to double and single bore all • if the pegs or spikes do not
is recommended to narrow strakes; that is, to double follow the holes, the resistance
look carefully at the bore one timber and single bore the to withdrawal may be greatly
treenails to see that next alternately. One thing which reduced.
they are not driven from both should be particularly attended to
inside and out in the same by marine surveyor at this time, is • the driven end of the treenail
holes, that they do not check to see that all the augers for any is usually slightly reduced in
the plank and are properly particular part of the vessel are diameter to form a lead.
wedged on both ends.
3. It is fancied by some that one of the factors that resulted in the general superiority of the
The author does not Royal Navy over the French in Napoleonic times was that the British ships were fastened with
recommend round treenails - treenails which were stronger and lighter and the French ships were fastened with iron spikes
the best form for every purpose resulting in much weakness due to nail sickness. A moot point but see Dr. Sam Wlillis’ Hearts
of Oak trilogy. When the author as a young man was working as a shipwright the gang was
being eight square - whether given orders to break up two old badly rotted wooden lighters, which had been fastened by
hand or machine made. fox wedged treenails. They also had hooked wedged scarphs in the keel and other longitudinal
timbers. It was found impossible to break the vessels up and, eventually, to get rid of them, they
had, with much difficulty, to be burned.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 49

Cyber Security & Ships
Do we understand | Are we preparing | Can we sustain

Capt Ruchin C Dayal

With widely reported cyber-attacks on networks of mega shipping companies like Maersk
and Anglo Eastern, cyber security awareness and the run to compliance is gaining momentum.

The maritime industry has been overtaken by technology, and while we are struggling to come
to terms with it, cyber-attacks on maritime infrastructure are gaining critical momentum. In
this article, I have tried to identify some of the vulnerabilities existing onboard merchant
ships, analyse them and look at the road ahead.

50 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

The Challenges The Mind-Set

Geographical isolation exposes and it enables communication in community, but it must be taken
mariners to a set of unique challenges situations of emergency and distress. seriously to avoid catastrophic
such as navigating through rough consequences. Cyber risks can be
waters, onboard multi-tasking, Unfortunately, any type of technology managed by applying logical and
liaising with authorities and even has the potential to be used for technical controls, unfortunately
evading pirate attacks. Technology on malicious purposes. Cyber security changing the mindset of an
ships plays a significant role to help awareness and culture is relatively already tired ship crew is often the
maneuvering through these conditions new on the agenda of the maritime biggest challenge.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 51

cyber environment Let’s start at the beginning!
is a BAD IDEA. As
recommended by First things first – what is IT
BIMCO, it may be and what is OT?
essential to have
an experienced To put it simply – software and
third party to assess hardware, where the output is
cyber security risks data, such as communication by
onboard ships. way of speech, text (email, records,
accounts, etc) can be termed as
The Ship Staff Information Technology or IT.
Onboard examples include onboard
How many computers and accessories,
readers have been emailing systems, calling systems,
receiving seemingly accounting systems, etc.
unrelated mails
in their accounts? On the other hand, software and
Mails declaring hardware, where the output is
winners and asking action (closing of valves, alarms,
for addresses of balancing power loads, etc.)
bank accounts to can be termed as Operational
make deposits are Technology or OT. Onboard
not uncommon, examples include ECDIS, Power
however, casual Management, Integrated
social-media Automation System of engine
behavior is making (SCADA). Consider an air-
targeted phishing conditioner, the thermocouple
Ship Managing & Budgets relatively easy. sensing the temperature of input
With the internet available to the crew all air will regulate the start and stop
Almost all the merchant the time, fresh challenges have emerged of the compressor. Simple PLC
navy fleet comprises of a in the already crowded security landscape (programmable logic controller)
multi-vendor IT, OT and – personalized mails, often quoting very operation – code or firmware
ICS environment; each private information are finding their way enabling this action is OT. Or
vendor using hardware and into individual mailboxes. Hardworking take the example of a washing
software to accomplish but poorly informed crew are finding their machine, where a sequence of
assigned scope, with no minds getting overwhelmed by these events is controlled for the cycle
bearing on scalability, mails. The combination of hard-work and a selected – stop water, open
overall compatibility or the disturbed mind can be lethal – for the crew soap, start rinsing and so on – all
existing and future security. as well as for the safety of the ship. Many controlled by PLC code.
With passage of time, companies have adopted a “responsible
vessels tend to significantly social media policy”, within the existing SMS OT systems in the engine room are
start looking different in documentation, which is a great idea, but often referred to as ICS – Industrial
networks and cabling to hard to implement. Control Systems and are critical to
when they were delivered. shipboard operations.
Seldom are network plans
updated, nor is there an While both IT and OT are using
inventory of the physical code (software), their outputs are
network paraphernalia nor different. What do we do when
of the software being used our laptop hangs? Most often than
onboard. In a few ships not we restart the machine, with
where managers have windows autosaving our work, we
been careful to implement can retrieve most of the data we are
some sort of order for the working on, however, OT systems
onboard IT, the control and are online and critical to the
integrity of maintained safety of the vessel. Can we simply
data is grossly erroneous restart the ECDIS or the steering
and is often devoid of any gear, especially when in enclosed
OT and ICS elements. waters? Of course not, and hence
the criticality of ensuring that these
Expecting the office IT team systems perform seamlessly each
to understand the onboard time and every time, ALWAYS.

52 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Let us try and list out some of the
common OT systems onboard and
understand their vulnerability

Vulnerabilities are inherent

weaknesses or flaws in
a system that have the
potential to be exploited
by malicious parties, in the
form of a threat.

The Global Positioning System emergency response, and traffic

(GPS) or the Global Navigational control. However, disrupting or
Satellite System (GNSS) manipulating GPS signals is fairly
simple. INTERTANKO has recognised
Many critical systems on board this risk and published an advisory
rely on the Global Navigation document in 2019, where there is
Satellite System (GNSS) for safe extensive information on jamming
navigation, communication, and spoofing of the GPS signals.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 53

It may be noted that Jamming AIS – Automatic of the system. Making decisions
of a GPS signal, where the GPS is Identification System based on potentially incorrect
unable to show a position is fairly information can have catastrophic
easy to detect but it is difficult The Automatic Identification results. Furthermore, AIS data is
to detect a spoofing attack, System (AIS) is a ship to ship and publicly available via websites and
where the position may only be shore radiobroadcasting system, apps such as Vessel Finder, Marine
marginally in error, nonetheless using VHF (Very High Frequency). Traffic and Equasis; this brings
slowly but surely misleading every Working on a hand-shake about another set of problems,
instrument connected to the set. principle, the AIS provides data where the position and route of the
This kind of an attack used to be a of experienced traffic and feeds ships becomes public knowledge
war-time remedy for enemy fleets, the radar and ECDIS, making the and is ripe for a targeted attacker.
however, there is ready technology environment more meaningful.
available for using this in most As a practice (right or wrong), it is ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display
parts of the world. routinely used to establish radio Information System
contact with oncoming targets in
Manipulated Global Positioning high traffic density areas. AIS is also The Electronic Chart Display
System (GPS) signals have caused used in Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), Information System (ECDIS)
collisions, groundings, and search and rescue operations (SAR) has revolutionised modern day
environmental disasters. Hence and accident investigation. Integrity navigation and is mandated
imperative that while technology of the transmitted information is by the IMO for all commercial
has eased up the position fixing critical to situational awareness and vessels. The challenge with the
environment on the bridge, we collision avoidance at sea. system is that it uses electronic
understand its limitations and do charts which need to be up to
not replace the good old radar AIS transponders communicate date; while the corrections/
bearing and distance fixes or the over the air without any corrected charts can be
parallel indexing techniques. authentication or integrity received over the internet, the
checks. This vulnerability can be exposure this creates can have a
As a best practice, compare the easily exploited by introducing debilitating effect on the vessels
position on the GPS set itself and supplementary signals via a primary element – Navigation.
that on the ECDIS or Radar – should Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Most companies are aware of
be done at-least once a watch in place fake “man-in-water” beacons, this glaring vulnerability and
open sea conditions and every hour rendering the ship invisible or have established adequate SOP’s
when coasting. corrupting the information signals for handling the process.

54 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

many of the standard makers have
their own firewalls or VPNs as a
standard accessory, there are many
who have neglected basic security
precautions to make way for crisper
budgets. More often than not, an
array of devices and protocols from
different vendors and technological
eras are often “bolted together” to
produce an integrated automation
system. It is crucial for integrators,
implementers, and operators of
ICS to understand the system’s
limitations and the vulnerabilities
of its components and protocols.

A major concern is that operators and

engineers routinely bypass security for
convenience and efficiency, which could
However, ships continue to parameters onboard, including have a very serious effect on the entire
experience ECDIS failures attributed temperature, pressure, level, organisation. This behaviour is mostly
to this vulnerability. Additionally, viscosity, flow control, speed, torque, attributed to the lack of awareness and
more often than not, ECDIS software voltage, current, etc. However, the competence, the commercial pressures
is run on legacy operating systems process of inter-connecting many (time and money) and unfortunately to
like Windows XP, which are no longer of these systems, without much plain non-adherence to security policies
supported; with sensory feeds concern for any cyber security (unforgivable).
coming in from a multitude of other elements, ends up producing a
onboard systems such as Radar, highly automated albeit vulnerable VSAT – Very Small
Navtex, AIS, etc, each operating environment. Furthermore, most Aperture Terminal
within their own OS, a wide surface of these ICS are based on outdated
for a compromise is created. operating systems like Windows A Very Small Aperture Terminal
XP and Windows Server 2000. It (VSAT) is a communications station
ICS – Industrial Control Systems is surprising that even Industry used to send and receive data via
leaders like Kawasaki Man and ABB, a satellite network. VSATs enable a
Onboard Industrial Control amongst others are still using these range of communication and safety
Systems (ICS) form the basis legacy systems on ships delivered as services including GMDSS, ECDIS, AIS,
for automation in modern day recently as 2019. phone, internet, cargo management,
shipping. Use of an ICS reduces vessel routing, crew welfare, and
man-power requirements, hence Much of the onboard ICS network is weather forecast. Most of the VSAT
reduces human errors, increases connected to the vessels ethernet IP’s stand exposed to open internet
efficiency and prolongs equipment network for onward transmission and coupled with default passwords
life. ICS controls and monitors key of data to vendors, office, etc. While being persisted with, are open to
attack. This holds true even for ships
delivered in 2020. Hence, while the
ships geographic location is available
via AIS aggregators, this vulnerability
of the VSAT invites hackers to get into
VSAT interfaces and make available
all the details of the hardware in use.

Furthermore, vendors generally

publish default credentials on their
websites and many terminals run
with unchanged default factory
settings, for years, including
administrator usernames and
passwords. Once an attacker finds
an open VSAT interface, they can
upload malicious software and
compromise the network, enabling
access to critical control systems.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 55

The concept of cyber security is
novel to many maritime stake
holders, and it is timely to raise
awareness about the existing
countermeasures. IMO Res 428
mandates that cyber security
elements need to be addressed
and integrated with the company
safety management system
no later than the first renewal
verification for DOC after 1st
Jan 2021. Industry guidelines
from BIMCO, complemented by
the BIMCO onboard guide and
workbook provide perspective to
the compliance requirements of Res
428/MSC-FAL.1/Circ. 3.

It is essential for companies to

earmark commensurate budgets
for engaging professionals to work
with the inhouse ship managers as
well as with the office IT team.

Defence-in-depth be integrated with their present-day It is important to understand

safety management systems. that securing the maritime
Cyber Security is a long-term cyber environment “in depth”
management commitment with The notion that a cyber Security creates an all-encompassing
commensurate budgets. Every Solution can be bought off the shelf is protection mantle and builds
organisation must adopt custom a myth, and nor can a single solution resilience to external and
made cyber processes which can work for every organisation. internal threats. This layered

56 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

approach is depicted in Recommendations
the adjoining figure and & Deliberations
includes procedural
and technical A.The need of the hour is a
countermeasures Cyber Security Program
on each layer. integrating the following:

1. The Policy 1.Philosophy

Defence begins The basis of the framework:
with the IMO Res 428/MSC-FAL Circ.
organisation’s 3, The ISO 27001 standard,
leadership, NIST, BIMCO/Industry
where strategies Guidelines, Class guidelines,
are formed, etc; pragmatically combining
and policies are elements to culminate in
made. These policy policy making, establishing
statements must be scope, purpose and objectives,
exhaustive, covering risk assessment and
anti-malware software, application of controls.
information classification,
OT firmware patching, 2.Technology
remote access protocols,
application patching 6. Culture: Imperative that Hands-on knowhow of
amongst a host of others. the management stays shipboard and office
2. The Implementation: committed to establishing, networks (IT and OT) within
Policies must be backed implementing and sustaining relevant context | adequate
up by the plan for a cyber hygiene culture. This experience in integrating
implementation, which will must be a long-term initiative shipboard processes with
include Role Development, and the process of change is technology | Development
Procedures and records. often sluggish and slow. and deployment of a cyber
3. Access Control: 7. Develop a system of Internal security management tool.
Physical measures to and External Audits:
prevent unauthorised A necessity for any system, 3.Trade
personnel from gaining dynamic analysis of audit
access into a vessel and to IT data will help in modifying Integrating the Philosophy
and OT onboard elements. processes, addressing gaps and Technology with the
4. Network Rationalisation and assist in continually nuances of ship operation and
and Segregation: improving the system. management, in a pragmatic,
Establish the physical practical and sustainable
layout and condition of manner, with the appropriate
the shipboard network – cost to benefit to risk ratio.
produce logical and physical
network plans. Segregate B. Management team
IT and OT networks by for cyber security
establishing an IDMZ.
Establish relevant Many companies
redundancies. who may have designed
5. Training: and implemented their
None of the above safety management
will work if the systems in the past and
Master and crew have a fairly decent
do not have basic sized IT cell, are in the
knowledge for process of establishing
correctly using a cyber security
of technology and management system
equipment (IT and entirely in-house. While
OT), understand the this may seem like a logical
existing vulnerabilities and solution, it really is not the ideal
appreciate the threat and one, for several reasons; let me
risk in the current landscape. list out a couple.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 57

1. Barring a few, IT professionals design of the system should be
are, by and large, concerned such that it works for the ship-
with hardware and software staff rather than the ship-staff
relating to solving day to working for the system. The
day information processing cyber security program must
challenges. Writing code for
custom software, maintenance
be inculcated in the seafarer’s
culture. IT professionals cannot Conclusion
of code, setting up remote be expected to understand this I would like to conclude with
sharing and meeting systems, culture, let alone designing a request to the men in-
sifting thru software products, something to integrate with it. charge, the decision makers
etc. is usually their forte. They – the Company Chairmen,
are not seafarers and seldom Hence, Establishing, Implementing Presidents, General Managers,
appreciate the nuances and sustenance of an efficient and Technical Superintendents,
of the day to day ship life. effective cyber security system must DPAs, CySO’s, involved in
Furthermore, it’s just not fair to be entrusted to an independent ship management – Please
expect them to understand the dedicated team with commensurate recognise the risk landscape
working of onboard ICS. marine and technological of today, when shipboard
From an organisational professional qualifications. One of connectivity is relatively
environment point of view, the prime requirements of engaging slow and appreciate the
it is rather difficult to accept with a professional vendor should be situation in the future when
vulnerabilities within systems certification under ISO 9001 & 27001. the connection speeds pick
and processes designed by up. Ships satellite terminals
ourselves, isn’t it? C. Customised Training will become sitting ducks
of Ship Staff for cybercrime. Furthermore,
2. A management system must technology and information
comprise of policies, roles, Develop custom training material, overload is an overwhelming
procedures and records as relating to onboard equipment. experience for the seafarer; a
a minimum, and has to be I strongly recommend a one-day co-mingling of professional
auditable for compliance networking training program roles and social expectations
via objective evidences, for deck officers and engineers, are draining the emotionally
however, the balance which includes practical fragile sailing men and women.
between actual compliance training – making contact with Urgently addressing their
and evidence of compliance shore support and following training needs and responsible
must be established in a bold, instructions on remote sessions, self-regulation of social media
pragmatic and sustainable understanding network designs behaviour by knowledge
manner. With enough on the and basic trouble shooting. empowerment is the need of
plate of the ship-staff, adding the day. Do not adopt a system
additional duties and records Establish a system of onboard for complying with statutes,
by way of checklists, forms, drills and exercises along rather develop a culture, wherein
entrees, etc, will not go down with digitised training, in line statutes are complied with
well with them and the process with company’s competence naturally and organically. Please
will falter at the very start. The management systems. act today. Act now!!!

About the writer Capt Ruchin C Dayal Master Mariner-MMI, India

Captain Dayal is the CEO AMS-SAMS(USA), FIIMS-UK, AFNI-London, MAIMS-Australia
of eDOT Solutions, which designs,
implements and manages Cyber Security Solutions
for ship owners and managers. | +91 832 2501715 | |

58 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

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The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 59

shipping: by Christos Chryssakis

the role of
Business Development Manager
at DNV GL – Maritime

internal Internal combustion

engines (ICEs) represent
the dominant technology in

marine propulsion today. If
ICEs are to play a role in the
decarbonization of shipping,
suppliers, regulators,

shipowners and engine
manufacturers will have to
agree on viable alternatives
to carbon-based fuel.

60 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

With the current focus on
alternative marine power
sources, it’s easy to overlook
the overwhelmingly dominant
position of the internal
combustion engine, or ICE, in
marine propulsion. The marine
two-stroke ICE is so well proven
and so well established that it
will continue to have a central
place in ship propulsion for
decades to come.

If demands for decarbonization

in shipping are to be met, the
question then becomes one
of fuel; which fuels can be
green enough, and available
soon enough, to satisfy stricter
emissions regulations, and how
will engine makers adapt to the
new norm of fossil-free fuel?

Making the ICE transition

“All the big engine makers are

looking at alternative solutions,
everything from energy sources to
engine technology,” says Christos
Internal combustion engines can burn nearly any type of fuel but
Chryssakis, Business Development manufacturers must have some certainty where to invest their resources.
Manager at DNV GL – Maritime.

Chryssakis believes that internal

combustion power will be the critical mass in low-carbon fuels to The emergence of
dominant force in shipping for reach the IMO emissions targets ammonia as fuel
the next 20–30 years, due both for 2050, he says. These targets
to the development timelines for stipulate a 50 per cent reduction Already a familiar industrial
alternative power solutions and in greenhouse gas emissions and commodity, ammonia is one fuel
to the time it will take for those a 70 per cent reduction in carbon alternative steadily attracting more
solutions to become a force in the intensity by 2050. “Some of this interest in the industry. “Ammonia
marine market. will be achieved through efficiency is a good way of storing hydrogen,
measures, but the rest will have to but it has different handling
“In the meantime, if we manage to come from alternative fuels.” requirements than natural gas,”
find good alternative fuels, ICEs can Chryssakis says. Ammonia takes up
compete,” he says. “The big two- The role of DNV GL will be to provide less space than hydrogen, but it is
stroke engines are close to efficiency fact-based figures on how much both toxic and corrosive. Existing
limits, but gains can be made in fuel is needed and how it will be class rules for ammonia as a cargo
other energy efficiency technology produced. “We are now updating our and as a refrigerant are a good
that will open the way for smaller energy transition model based on starting point for developing rules
engines consuming less fuel.” the latest learning and regulations,” for ammonia as a fuel, he says, but
says Chryssakis. emissions still represent a challenge.
Finding the right ICE fuels “The technology required to burn
While markets and regulations will ammonia in an internal combustion
So what is the right combustion dictate price, another key issue is engine is still being refined.”
fuel for the future? “That is the big how fuels are produced. “Alternative
question,” Chryssakis confirms. “It fuels have to be produced with Emissions from combusted
is still open to discussion, but we renewable energy and in a ammonia may contain a high
are learning a lot about some of sustainable manner or they will amount of nitrous oxide (N2O), a
the more likely options.” While still ultimately not help to reduce the powerful greenhouse gas, even
searching for the right solution, overall carbon footprint,” Chryssakis small amounts of which present a
shipping will soon need to achieve points out. risk to the environment. “We might

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 61

be able to clean this exhaust, but The case for bridge fuels better under constant loads, so
the technology is not proven.” Small they need batteries to even out
amounts of unspent ammonia may Despite its status as a fossil fuel, consumption.” Then there are the
also be emitted, Chryssakis says. LNG should not be discounted issues of fuel access and storage to
“Anything over 30 ppm locally can as a short and medium-term resolve, as well as fuel production
be dangerous, and as little as 5 ppm solution, Chryssakis maintains. methods. Fuel cell life expectancy
can be smelled.” “LNG can contribute a 15–20 per also remains a significant variable,
cent greenhouse gas emissions he notes.
Chryssakis mentions the option reduction, and it can also serve as
of ammonia tankers burning their a basis for using other fuels in the The relative attractiveness of
cargo as fuel, much the same future. Evolving engine technology different power solutions will
as modern LNG tankers do. But could also reduce methane slip from vary between segments as well,
this technology will first gather LNG.” All engine makers are working Chryssakis says. “For example,
momentum in newbuilds, he to resolve this issue, he points out. cruise passengers might be
maintains, while regulations and “No one wants to risk stranded willing to pay a premium for
contracts favouring sustainable assets of ships unable to sail cleaner ships. But how quickly are
power will drive retrofits. The cost because of emissions restrictions.” consumer attitudes changing in
of producing ammonia will also the same direction?” That being
influence decisions. If so-called bridge fuels are said, charterers and owners in
abandoned, he says, the alternative the transport trade are becoming
A host of green ICE alternatives is to continue burning oil while in more attentive as consumer
pursuit of the “perfect” solution. sentiment shifts towards green
Burning hydrogen in combustion “But we cannot bet safely today on alternatives, and they are actively
engines is another option, says a solution that will not be available seeking alternatives, he confirms.
Chryssakis. And though hydrogen until 2035 or 2045. It is better
contains no carbon atoms, to work with what we have, and “We have a zero-emission strategy,
and thus emits no CO2 when concentrate on building a future- but we must also be prepared for
consumed, it is often produced proof infrastructure that can match markets to evolve. Many in the
using natural gas. Hydrogen can future ships.” industry want to follow their hearts
be used to partly replace LNG in one direction or another, but we
in combustion engines, thereby With internal combustion do not know enough about the
reducing their carbon footprint. technology providing the highest right direction yet.”
efficiency for decades to come,
Biofuels have long been considered LNG is a key bridge fuel as the Keeping ICE options open
an alternative to petroleum-based search for a feasible carbon-
fuel, but producing them at scale neutral alternative continues. “Right now we are still in the
remains an issue. “Large-scale phase where we need to explore
production, including facilities, Competition to ICEs all available options for ICEs. The
has not performed well enough most important thing is not to close
to justify realization, either With internal combustion doors too early. We can experiment
economically or technically,” says technology providing the highest today with what is available until
Chryssakis. “For example, if it takes efficiency for decades to come, the best alternative emerges,”
50 years for a forest to mature, and LNG is a key bridge fuel as the says Chryssakis.
only two per cent can be harvested search for a feasible carbon-
annually if we are to ensure neutral alternative continues. ICEs can accommodate nearly
regeneration, that would limit all types of fuel, he says, but
access to sustainable feedstock.” Chryssakis notes that batteries the market must be ready or
with currently available manufacturers will not be able to
Synthetic fuels can use the same chemistries are approaching the justify committing their design
infrastructure and engines as physical limits of energy storage. capacity. “There are so many balls
petroleum fuels, but they will need “New storage chemistries may in the air now that stakeholders are
to be produced from renewable emerge that can offer tenfold facing very complicated decisions,”
energy in order to qualify as green. improvement, but they are still Aabo acknowledges. In such an
“The issues right now are scaling up not proven on a commercial scale, environment, engine manufacturers
production, and identifying suitable and probably the first applications believe they can offer a robust
energy sources,” Chryssakis says. “For will be seen in automobiles, not option. “We know that ICEs will
example, it has been estimated that large units like ships.” provide the highest efficiency
we would need 8 km2 of solar panels possible in the foreseeable future.
to produce enough ammonia to Fuel cells are more suited than Unless something completely
operate one large container vessel batteries when size is an issue, unexpected turns up, ICEs will be
for a single year.” he says. “But they perform around for many years.”

62 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Search and Rescue
Algorithm identifies
hidden “traps” in
ocean waters by Jennifer Chu
MIT - Massachusetts
Institute of Technology

New method may help quickly identify regions where

objects -- and missing people -- may have converged.

The ocean is a messy and turbulent The team demonstrated the uses data in a way that it hasn’t
space, where winds and weather technique in several field been used before, so it provides first
kick up waves in all directions. When experiments in which they deployed responders with a new perspective.”
an object or person goes missing drifters and human-shaped
at sea, the complex, constantly manikins in various locations in the Peacock and Pierre Lermusiaux,
changing conditions of the ocean ocean. They found that over the also a professor of mechanical
can confound and delay critical course of a few hours, the objects engineering at MIT, who oversaw the
search-and-rescue operations. migrated to the regions that the project, and their colleagues report
algorithm predicted would be their results in a study published
Now researchers at MIT, the strongly attracting, based on the today in the journal Nature
Swiss Federal Institute of present ocean conditions. Communications. Their coauthors
Technology (ETH), the Woods Hole are lead author Mattia Serra and
Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), The algorithm can be applied to corresponding author George Haller
and Virginia Tech have developed a existing models of ocean conditions of ETH Zurich, Irina Rypina and
technique that they hope will help in a way that allows rescue teams Anthony Kirincich of WHOI, Shane
first responders quickly zero in on to quickly uncover hidden “traps” Ross of Virginia Tech, Arthur Allen
regions of the sea where missing where the ocean may be steering of the U.S. Coast Guard, and Pratik
objects or people are likely to be. missing people at a given time. Sathe of the University of
California at Los Angeles.
The technique is a new algorithm “This new tool we’ve provided can
that analyzes ocean conditions such be run on various models to see Hidden traps
as the strength and direction of where these traps are predicted
ocean currents, surface winds, and to be, and thus the most likely Today’s search-and-rescue
waves , and identifies in real-time locations for a stranded vessel operations combine weather
the most attracting regions of the or missing person,” says Thomas forecasts with models of both ocean
ocean where floating objects are Peacock, professor of mechanical dynamics and the ways in which
likely to converge. engineering at MIT. “This method objects can drift through the ocean,

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 63

to map out a search plan, or regions involve integrating snapshots of theory, developed by Serra and
where teams should concentrate the ocean velocity due to waves Haller at ETH Zurich, to uncover
their search. and currents to slowly generate an hidden attracting structures in
uncertain trajectory for where a highly unsteady flow data.
But the ocean is a complicated space missing person or object may have
of unsteady, ever-changing flow been carried. “We were a bit skeptical whether
patterns. Coupled with the fact that a mathematical theory like this
a missing person has likely been The new Eulerian approach uses would work out on a ship, in real
continuously floating through this the most reliable velocity forecast time,” Haller says. “We were all
unsteady flow field for some time, snapshots, close to the point where pleasantly surprised to see how well
Peacock and his colleagues say that a missing person or object was it repeatedly did.”
significant errors can accumulate last seen, and quickly uncovers
in predicting where to look first, the most attracting regions of the “We can think of these ‘traps’ as
when using a simple approach that ocean at a given time. These Eulerian moving magnets, attracting a
directly predicts the trajectories of a predictions are then continuously set of coins thrown on a table.
few drifting objects. updated when the next batch The Lagrangian trajectories of
of updated velocity information coins are very uncertain, yet
Instead, the team developed a becomes available. the strongest Eulerian magnets
method to interpret the ocean’s predict the coin positions over
complex flows using advanced, The team has named their approach short times,” Serra says.
data-driven ocean modeling and TRAPS, for its goal of identifying
prediction systems. They used TRansient Attracting Profiles, or “The key thing is, the traps may not
a novel “Eulerian” approach, in short-lived regions where water have any signature in the ocean
contrast to more commonly used may converge and be likely to pull current field,” Peacock adds. “If you
“Lagrangian” approaches — objects or people. The method is do this processing for the traps,
mathematical techniques that based on a recent mathematical they might pop up in very different

Image courtesy of the researchers/

A new MIT-developed search-and-rescue algorithm identifies hidden “traps” in ocean

waters. The method may help quickly identify regions where objects — and missing
people — may have converged.

64 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Image courtesy of the researchers/

The team demonstrated the technique in several field experiments in which they
deployed drifters and human-sized mannequins in various locations in the ocean. They
found that over the course of a few hours, the objects migrated to the regions that the
algorithm predicted would be strongly attracting, based on the present ocean conditions.

places from where you’re seeing are so strongly attracting and search-and-rescue algorithms, and
the ocean current projecting robust to uncertainties that they potentially save many more people
where you might go. So you have should overcome these differences lost at sea.
to do this other level of processing and pull everything onto them.”
to pull out these structures. “People like Coast Guard are
They’re not immediately visible.” The team ran their modeling and constantly running simulations and
prediction systems, forecasting the models of what the ocean currents
Out at sea ocean’s behavior and currents, and are doing at any particular time
used the TRAPS algorithm to map and they’re updating them with the
Led by WHOI sea-going experts, out strongly attracting regions over best data that inform that model,”
the researchers tested the the course of the experiment. The Peacock says. “Using this method,
TRAPS approach in several researchers let the objects drift they can have knowledge right now
experiments out at sea. “As with freely with the currents for a few of where the traps currently are,
any new theoretical technique, it is hours, and recorded their positions with the data they have available.
important to test how well it works via GPS trackers, before retrieving So if there’s an accident in the last
in the real ocean,” Rypina says. the objects at the end of the day. hour, they can immediately look
and see where the sea traps are.
In 2017 and 2018, the team sailed “With the GPS trackers, we could That’s important for when there’s
a small research vessel several see where everything was going, a limited time window in which
hours out off the coast of Martha’s in real-time,” Peacock says. “So we they have to respond, in hopes of a
Vineyard, where they deployed at laid out this initial, widespread successful outcome.”
various locations, an array of small pattern of the drifters, and saw
round buoys, and manikins. that, in the end, they converged This research was primarily
on these traps.” funded by the National Science
“These objects tend to travel Foundation’s Hazards SEES
differently relative to the ocean The researchers are planning to program, with additional
because different shapes feel the share the TRAPS method with support from the Office of
wind and currents differently,” first responders such as the U.S. Naval Research and the German
Peacock says. “Even so, the traps Coast Guard, as a way to speed up National Science Foundation.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 65

The Making of
the new Norwegian
research vessel
RV Kronprins
Haakon By Jan Bremnes
With thanks to Øystein Mikelborg, Per Wilhelm Nieuwejaar and Einar Vegsund for their contribution to this article.

This article was first published at This photo from

Norway is a maritime country with a very long coastline, plus it is very much a polar nation
with 80% of its sea territory and 45% of its land mass north of the Arctic circle. It is the only
country with territorial claims both in the Arctic and the Antarctic. In spite of this, Norway has
not had a purpose-built polar research vessel since Roald Amundsen’s Maud (1917), having
instead relied on converted commercial vessels for such purposes. That has all changed,
however, now that Kronprins Haakon has come into service. This article provides insight into
the making of this new multi-purpose research vessel.

66 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Crows nest
observation deck
Helicopter facilities
• Trawling Cargo elevator
• MEBO drill rig
• Coring Large high-
• 2D/3D seismic capacity crane for
• Towed vehicles logistic support

Multi discipline
laboratory facilities
«Scientific hangar»
With access over
the side or through
Open working deck Space for logistic-
with low freeboard and lab-containers
and easy access
over the side

Kronprins Haakon was a long time in the making. The design contract was awarded to Rolls Royce Marine in 2008, but it
was not until 2013 that the Norwegian Parliament allotted €145 million for the construction and outfitting of the vessel.

Year-round Operations hangar and the landing platform France Giant Calypso corer and
in the bow area. The vessel is other instruments for sampling
Kronprins Haakon is a multi- designed with a large open work the water column or the seafloor.
purpose research vessel built deck where the stern is formed There is also a separate CTD
according to the new Polar Code like a stern trawler. In addition to hangar for water samples next to
as a PC3 Ice-breaker class ship, ‘ice gallows’, trawl winches have the main hangar. The Norwegian
suitable for year-round operations been installed for both pelagic company Seaonics has delivered
in multi-year ice. The Norwegian and bottom trawling, enabling the complete state-of-the-art handling
Polar Institute, the Institute of vessel to trawl in both open and equipment for extreme conditions,
Marine Research, and the University ice-covered waters. On the port and the package includes winches,
of Tromsø will use her jointly, side of the stern there is a hangar cursor system for safe moon pool
mainly in the Arctic, but also in the for deploying the Hugin AUV. deployment of ROV and scientific
Antarctic. equipment, deck cranes, and
With its 100 metres (330 feet) The work deck also has facilities for overboard systems, including
in length and 21 metres (70 seismic operations and a seafloor A-frames and launch and recovery
feet) breadth, the vessel caters drill rig, such as the MeBo driller, systems (LARS).
for up to 55 persons, including and with its grid of container
scientists, researchers, students fixing points it can deploy, tow On-board laboratories
and crew members. It will be a and recover a variety of mobile
good observation platform for equipment and towed vehicles, Inside the ship there are 15
researchers for their work under using the A-frame installed at the laboratories for the researchers on
extreme climate conditions. The stern. scientific cruises, including Wet
ship is a multi-purpose vessel that Geology/Benthos laboratories
covers different fields of research Handling Equipment for analysing coring samples,
work such as stock assessment, ice samples and to determine
oceanography, geophysics, marine In front of the working deck there invertebrate species composition,
biology and marine geology. is the main hangar, with a 3 x 4m abundance and size from benthic
moon pool and opening to the sediments, and an isotopic lab to
The vessel is designed to carry two starboard side, for deployment of monitor radioactive contamination
helicopters, with the helicopter ROVs such as the Ægir6000, Kley (gamma and beta emitters) in the

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 67

The cursor system for deployment through the moon pool

environment and an environment for extreme force when breaking signature, and a huge effort was
toxicology laboratory to study the ice. Head of design at Rolls-Royce made to optimise the system and
harmful effects of various chemical, Marine, Mr Einar Vegsund, was make it acceptable (propeller,
biological and physical agents on responsible for the design of electric motors, steering gear etc.).
living organisms. There are also Kronprins Haakon, and says the
laboratories to examine water following about his work on this The new RV Kronprins Haakon
samples, collections from plankton design: is ice classed according to PC-3
net and fish collected from the ICE-BREAKER notation and the
trawl. Most of the laboratories are “Noise signature and air bubble propellers must have the strength
located on the 3rd deck, which sweep down is a challenging to ‘eat’ ice of 1.5m thickness. The
is the same as the working deck, task for all oceanographic vessel is equipped with two ducted,
to make the workflow as easy as research vessels and even more 5-bladed fixed pitch propellers with
possible. To store and conserve challenging for ice-going vessels a diameter of 4,500mm and has
samples during the cruise there are since the hull and propulsion been designed to be free of sheet
four cooler rooms and two freezer systems must be designed to cavitation at speed up to 11 knots.
rooms. In addition, there is space meet the extreme environmental
for three container laboratories conditions in polar areas. Design propellers have been tested
outside on the work deck. The and verified in the large HYKAT
vessel also hosts an auditorium As ship designers, we have to cavitation tank at HSVA, Germany.
for 50 persons and a separate balance several contradictory Other machinery and auxiliary
education lab. On the 9th deck, requirements and find the systems have been designed
above the bridge, there is an optimum balance between according to low noise principles
observation room for sea mammal efficiency, noise, ice-breaking being resiliently mounted on well-
and bird observations. capability, redundancy, reliability, stiffened foundations.
manoeuvrability, seakeeping, etc.
Contradictory requirements A high number of acoustic sensors
The main source of underwater are hull mounted in the forward
Designing a research ice-breaker is radiated noise is normally the part of the vessel and exposed to
not an easy task. On the one hand, propellers. Due to the requirements disturbances from air and particles
you have the demand for a silent for manoeuvrability in ice-covered generated by the bow as it pierces
vessel with minimum Underwater areas an azimuthing type of the water and waves. In order to
Radiated Noise (URN) and bubble- propulsion system was selected, avoid damage to the sensors from
free zones for all transducers, and even though this is not the type ice they are flush mounted and
on the other, there is the need of system with the lowest noise protected by titanium windows.

68 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Any piece of equipment protruding be provided by the state-of-the-art Two keels
the hull will be damaged when the and industry standard HiPAP 501
vessel is ice-breaking and therefore system. Also part of the delivery is Also unique to the Kronprins Haakon
no gondola or appendix is allowed. the KM series of Simrad scientific is its ability to collect scientific data
The hull itself has an extreme systems, including a new EK80 both when operating in ice and
requirement for smoothness and wideband split beam fisheries in open waters. To achieve this,
welded connections are grinded acoustics system, modern scientific the vessel is equipped with two
to avoid vortexes. The vessel is multibeam systems ME70 (looking retractable keels (drop keels) that
also designed with a carefully downwards) and MS70 (looking secure an optimal environment for
designed keel diverting the sideways), and omnidirectional the acoustic instruments. Two drop
water flow from the bow away sonar SH90 in addition to the new keels are needed because there is not
from the sensors at the bottom SU90 that can detect and track enough space for all the equipment
of the hull. Computational Fluid biology for several kilometres in one keel. The port drop keel
Dynamics (CFD) software are around the vessel. Kronprins contains: ADCP 38 kHz and EM 710.
probably the best tool to use when Haakon also carries the new The starboard drop keel contains:
investigating details of hull design Simrad FX80 trawl monitoring EK 80, MS 70, ME 79, ADCP 150 kHz.
and arrangement of hydroacoustic system, which can provide a live However, as the drop keels cannot be
sensors and Rolls-Royce used this camera feed from the vessel’s deployed when the vessel is breaking
actively during the entire ship sampling trawl. ice, the Kronprins Haakon also carries
design process.” an additional acoustic package of
Unlike other existing research flush mounted EK 80 echosounders
ice-breakers, the Kronprins in ice protected arctic tanks, so data
Acoustics package Haakon is designed and can be collected even when the
equipped with acoustics that vessel is operating in ice.
Under the keel, the ship is outfitted can both measure and quantify
with a large acoustics package biology in all components of the Communications and navigation
from Kongsberg Maritime (KM). marine ecosystem. Quantitative systems are mainly supplied by
This package includes deep and multibeam (ME 70 and MS 70) and Norwegian companies, such as the
medium depth multibeam systems omnidirectional sonar systems (SU K-Bridge Integrated bridge system
for bottom mapping, including the 90 and SH 90) target areas close to from Kongsberg Maritime and
EM 302, EM 710 and EA 600, while the surface and near the bottom Dynamic Positioning (DP) system
systems such as SBP300 and TOPAS where traditional echo sounders from Rolls Royce Marine. These
can be used to look at sub-bottom cannot be used. systems will assist the crew with
structures. Position reference will safe sailing and operations.

• 38 kHz ADCP
• 150 kHz ADCP
• transducers both in drop keels and in • Medium range omni-directional fisheries sonar
arctic tanks in the hull. • long range omni-directional fisheries sonar

Scientific Multi Beam Sonar with transducer

mounted in drop keel.

• Scientific Multi Beam Echo Sounder with

transducer mounted in drop keel.
• Medium Depth Bathymetric Multi Beam
Echo Sounder
• Deep Water Bathymetric Multi Beam Echo
Sub Bottom Profiler Sounder

Single Beam Echo Sounder with 12 kHz Scientific Split Beam Echo Sounders: 18, 38,
transducer mounted in "arctic tank" in the hull. 70, 120, 200 and 333 kHz with transducers
both in drop keels and in arctic tanks in the hull.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 69

Report outlines
i ne
u s

huge potential
for offshore
wind and those
involved with
the sector
Offshore wind currently represents
just a small piece of the world’s energy
supply. But that’s changing faster than
ever before as new and existing players
look to tap the huge resource potential
being unlocked by shrinking costs and
technological advances, as outlined in
a recent comprehensive market report.

In the coming
two decades, the
rapidly maturing
offshore wind
market is expected
to become a
business as the
pace of installed
capacity growth
according to World
Energy Reports’
(WER) Outlook
for Offshore
Wind Power: The
Frontier of Future
Energy, which was
published in June.

70 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Growing, with wind potential to be technically
capable of supporting more
other energy sources, including
fossil fuels. In the years ahead this
huge potential than 120,000 GW of electricity momentum will only build as costs
production capacity (equating to continue to fall.
Globally, the total installed energy approximately 420,000 TWh), which
capacity for both onshore and is more than 20 times greater than The growing volume and size
offshore wind farms at the end current world demand. of offshore wind projects, along
of 2019 totalled 651 gigawatts with improving supply chain
(GW), or about 10% of global By 2040, WER forecasts offshore competencies larger, more
electricity generating capacity, wind capacity will increase to efficient turbines (the current
according to the WER report. somewhere in the range of 340 GW- largest is 14 megawatts (MW)),
While just 25.5 GW, or less than 560 GW, led by Europe and China, and the utilization of offshore
0.5%, of that installed capacity is with newer entrants the U.S., Japan, transmission substation hubs
currently located at sea, the rate South Korean and India among have all helped to reduce offshore
of new installations offshore has top markets. The report identifies wind’s levelized cost of energy
been growing at a much faster rate some 500 GW of projects and (LCOE). According to WER, LCOE
since 2010: 26% compound annual development zones currently in the has declined from a global
growth rate (CAGR) compared to planning and development stages, average $170/MWh in 2010 to
14% for onshore. Even amid the mainly coming from Europe, Asia strike prices of $60/MWh to $110/
current coronavirus pandemic, and the U.S. Details for each project MWh in 2016 to 2018 European
WER expects this trend to continue, are laid out in the report as well as and U.S. auctions. Recent prices
with 16 GW of additional offshore in a corresponding online database. have been seen as low as $47/
capacity to be added in 2020 and MWh in recent European
2021, driven primarily by ongoing auctions. WER says declining
activity in the well-established
Northern European sector as
Lower costs LCOE is allowing offshore wind to
compete with fossil fuel projects
well as the newer, fast-growing Offshore wind farms are not new; in European and Chinese markets.
Chinese market. China, already they have been around for decades. It’s still a different story in the
the leader onshore, emerged as a So why is offshore wind taking off U.S., but WER sees cost parity by
major offshore wind player in 2018 faster now than ever before? WER’s the end of next decade. Today,
and has continued to expand its report points to a combination of installation capital expenditure
substantial project pipeline. factors helping to grow offshore (capex) cost for bottom-fixed
wind’s role in the word energy mix. turbine projects averages just
When comparing onshore wind The simplest but most important over $3,000 per kilowatt (KW) with
vs. offshore in terms of untapped reason for growth is that offshore transmission. WER projects this
potential, it’s clear that offshore wind has made great strides over will fall to fall to $2,500/KW by
is simply unmatched. The WER recent years to become increasingly 2030 and $1,900/KW by 2040.
report estimates global offshore cost competitive compared to

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 71

Floating future Tampen project, and Principle
Power’s WindFloat, being used
over the next two decades.
Much is still on the table for the
Another significant factor leading to on the 50 MW Kincardine project, gamut of suppliers and marine
a major jump in projected installed but WER’s report looks at more services firms, as 80% of offshore
capacity over the coming years is than 50 floating wind concepts wind projects detailed in the
the advancement and commercial in various stages that are being report and database are still in
demonstration of floating offshore studied across the globe. Just early stages of planning and
wind turbines, which open up as is occurring for traditional development.
new areas to exploit: specifically, fixed-base turbine projects, the
in deeper waters where the increasing size of floating projects With a pipeline of activity so
construction of wind farms was not and the industrialization of the hull large, there’s plenty of work to be
previously feasible. Currently almost construction process is helping had by existing players and new
all offshore wind power generation certain concepts reduce project entrants alike. We’ve already seen
comes from bottom-fixed turbines, LCOE. For example, as Equinor a number of traditional offshore
which are restricted to water depths matures the technology, it aims to oil and gas players—from
of about 60 meters or less. However, bring the LCOE of Hywind projects operators such as Shell, Total,
as concepts continue to evolve and to €40 -60/MWh by 2030. Equinor and Repsol, all the way
become proven, floating turbines down the supply chain—transfer
will enable wind farm construction A pipeline of more than 50 GW of their skillset into the offshore
in deeper waters that hold some floating capacity requiring $93 wind market over the years. For
80% of the world’s wind capacity billion to $148 billion of capex these firms and others, including
potential. Representing another investment has been identified traditional offshore oil and gas
boost for overall capacity potential, by WER. As is the case in the players such as yards for jacket
these areas are typically further from bottom-fixed segment, the U.K. and HVDC substation fabrication,
shore where the wind generally presently has the largest floating as well as for construction and
blows stronger, resulting in higher pipeline at more than 25 GW, assembly of floating foundations,
turbine capacity factors. followed by Norway (more than opportunities abound as projects
5 GW) and Japan, the U.S., South get larger, deeper and further
Today’s most proven floating Korea, Ireland, France and Taiwan, from shore.
wind turbines are Equinor’s each with multi-GW pipelines.
Hywind, employed on the 88 MW WER’s report highlights the Offshore wind farms need
development of a much large servicing, creating even more
pipeline after the middle of this work for a wide range of support
decade, with potential zones providers from boatbuilders to
discussed in the U.S., Japan, turbine technicians and marine
Norway, U.K. and France. surveyors. In Europe, for example,
onshore operation support bases
are having associated positive
Big potential means impacts (long-term direct jobs,
and bolstered local supply
big opportunities chains) in port regions that
had been historically active but
Forecasted near and long-term have struggled more recently
increased activity bodes very due depressed oil and gas and
well for the global supply chain. shipping markets. Using the
WER expects offshore wind current UK $94,000/MW/year
projects will require between $1 operational expenditure (opex)
trillion and $1.5 trillion of capex cost, the current pipeline of
projects could require up to $46.6
billion of annual opex spend
within the next decade, says WER.

72 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

y d o
Wh ner-
co n t a i
s t a c k s
s h i p a n d
l l a p s e
c o l i a b l e ?
By Are Solum
Senior Claims Executive,
Lawyer, Arendal wh o i s e r v i e w of the
c h g i v e s a n ov c o l l apse,
h i a c k
t h i s a r ticle, w t a i n e r ship st i t h the
In f c o n g w
i c a l c a uses o w h e n dealin
ty p l i c a t ion s c u s s ed.
li m p re d i s
the lega abilit y claims a v e n ting
g l i p re
resultin o n i s key to
n d i n g c aus a t i
i n e l i a bilit y in
Understa ut also to deter
s, b
i n c i d e n t a s e s.
n d i v i d u al c
Heavy weather has been one of the fundamental
challenges for carriers since the dawn of shipping.
Advanced technology for voyage planning and
weather routing helps the Master, but his judgment
will be questioned if an incident occurs. Containers,
the securing mechanisms and container stacks are
exposed to great forces when container ships move
in heavy weather. Parametric and synchronous roll
resonance phenomena have caused several serious
accidents to container ships during the last years.

Parametric rolling describes large spontaneous

rolling motions occurring in head or stern seas
and has to do with dynamics of the length of
ship and waves as well as the vessel’s wave
encounter period. A vessel’s roll angle can
increase from comfortable rolling motions to
over 30 degrees in only a few cycles causing
excessive acceleration on the container
stacks. Synchronous rolling is caused by the
ship’s rolling period becoming synchronous
with the wave period. The waves may
then cause resonance, meaning that the

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 73

ship may lose control over the roll height influences the natural period The weight of cargo will be
angels as the action of the wave of rolling of a hull and a low GM will declared by the shippers. Mis-
rolls the vessel increasingly over. cause the vessel to roll excessively declaration of weight is an
with too large movements. A high industry problem and may cause
Size matters as bigger vessels GM implies greater initial stability considerable difficulty for cargo
move differently in the sea against overturning, but high GM is stowage planners as they rely
compared with smaller vessels. For also associated with shorter periods on cargo details as declared by
example, investigations following of roll which will cause rapid the shippers. If numbers are
the APL China incident in 1998 movements and greater forces on inaccurate, or even deliberately
revealed that large box ships with the cargo stowage. Hence, the GM mis-declared, the integrity
large bow flares are particularly will have to be correct - not too of container stacks may be
exposed to parametric rolling. high, not to low. jeopardized.
Furthermore, the containers on
board the largest container vessels Cargo stowage inside containers Lashing and securing of
are stowed up to 40 meters above causes problems as a container thousands of containers in
the waterline and 60 meters stack is only as strong as its large stacks onboard is a major
wide across the deck. When ships weakest container. If cargo inside challenge. Failure to do it correctly
and container stacks of these one container starts to shift, may have serious consequences.
dimensions start rolling, you it may have a domino effect In simple terms containers on
do not have to be a physicist to on the stack. There have been deck are attached to each other
understand that container stacks severe cases where one piece of with twist locks in the four corners
will be subject to great forces when cargo has damaged its container of the container. Further lashing
the vessel starts to move with the structure resulting in the collapse rods are attached between the
motions of the sea. of a complete row of containers. container stack and lashing
Therefore, the Container Securing bridges or hatch covers. Each
Ship stowage plays an important Manual (CSM) must be followed twist lock and lashing rod needs
factor because weight distribution accurately, and further stowage to be in its right place to work
on-board also influences the guidelines should be sought and be able to withhold required
vessel’s motions at sea. The GM is for problematic cargoes. One of forces. Inadequate securing,
a measurement of the initial static the challenges is that container missing or failing twist locks
stability of the vessel. It is of the carriers largely depend on and lashings that become loose
utmost importance to get the GM shippers, freight forwarders or are probably among the more
within the right range before the their sub-contractors to pack and common causes of containers lost
voyage. This represents challenges secure cargoes adequately. Errors at sea. Failures in securing have
in terms of correct cargo planning are inevitable. caused severe incidents.
both ashore and on-board. In
practice, advanced software will The container is designed to fit Multiple causes often make cases
do most of the job, but computer the purpose of containing cargo, complex, not least when working
programs depend on correct but if exposed to excessive weight with liability. In most cases there
software development, correct data pressure from excessive loads, are elements of several of the
entered as well as human interaction containers may suffer structural abovementioned causes which
and, ultimately, human decisions. failure. Container shells are exposed lead lawyers deep into legal
to wear and tear, rough handling considerations about issues such
The metacentric height (GM) is and operations which may weaken as proximate causes, intervening
calculated as the distance between their structure. If one container causes, independent sufficient
the centre of gravity of a ship and fails, the rest of the stow above and causes and foreseeability.
its metacenter. The metacentric around will follow.

74 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

TYPICAL LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS the carrier is not obliged to improve This principle was set out in The
stowage inside the container. This Gosse Millard case (Gosse Millard
Assuming that causation is responsibility will normally lie on v Canadian Government Merchant
established, the next step is applying the shipper’s side, see also Hague/ Marine, 1927, KB 432): “If the
the law to the particular facts. We will Visby Rules, article 4, rule 2 (n). cause of the damage is solely, or
now look at some of the reoccurring even primarily, a neglect to take
legal issues for cargo claims and When cargo is shipped in apparent reasonable care of the cargo, the
charterparty claims with a focus on good order and condition but is ship is liable, but if the cause of
seaworthiness. discharged damaged, the carrier the damage is a neglect to take
bears the burden of proving either reasonable care of the ship, or some
Containerised cargo is usually that the damage occurred without part of it, as distinct from the cargo,
shipped on the container shipping fault (H/V rules Article 3, rule 2), or the ship is relieved from liability”.
lines’ standard terms of carriage that it was caused by an excepted This means that if a container
which usually incorporates the peril within Article 4, rule 2 - Volcafe stack collapse is solely caused by
Hague or Hague-Visby Convention Ltd v CSAV, 2018, UKSC 61. error in cargo stowage, there is no
(the Hague Visby Rules). exemption from liability for the
The “excepted perils” and non- carrier based on the Hague/Visby
Whether or not the contractual fault provisions of the Hague/ Rules, Article 4 rule 2 (a).
carrier of cargo is liable for damage Visby Rules
or loss of cargo will be determined 2. Perils of the sea
by whether the carrier is in breach 1. Error in management of the ship
of his duties under the convention, The Hague/Visby Rules, Article
or whether the damage occurred The Hague/Visby Rules, Article 4, rule 2 (c) states that “Neither
as a result of perils for which the 4 Rule 2 (a) states that “neither the carrier nor the ship shall be
carrier is exempt from liability. the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage
responsible for loss or damage arising out of (…) perils, dangers
The carrier’s fundamental duty is to arising out of (…) act, neglect, or and accidents of the sea or other
properly care for the cargo. default of the master, mariner, pilot, navigable waters” In Scrutton on
or the servants of the carrier in the Charter Parties and Bills of Lading,
Under Hague Visby Rules, Article navigation or in the management 20th Edition, Article 112, Justice
3 Rule 2, the carrier shall “properly of the ship.” Scrutton has defined such perils
and carefully load, handle, stow, to include “perils peculiar to the sea
carry, keep, care for, and discharge It might be possible for carriers to or to a ship at sea, which could not
the goods carried.” This requires rely on negligent navigation as an be foreseen and guarded against
the carrier to adopt a solid system excepted peril if it can be proven by the shipowner or his servants as
to fulfil its obligation throughout that there was, for example, a lack necessary or probable incidents of
the time the cargo is in the carrier’s of good seamanship in deciding to the adventure”. Hence, the starting
custody. For instance, if lashings of sail in severe weather conditions. point under English law is that
container stacks appear to come Also, failure to take the action such a peril must be “of the sea”
loose during the voyage the carrier necessary to prevent excessive in the sense that the loss must be
is under an obligation to correct the rolling may be considered failure attributed to natural causes.
problem and tighten the lashings. to properly navigate and therefore
This is a contractual obligation exempt the carrier from liability. The criteria “could not be foreseen”
meaning that the contractual carrier means that the peril must be
is contractually bound even if he is “Management of the ship” does beyond what is reasonably
not the actual carrier and in direct not include management related foreseeable and could be avoided
control of crew onboard. Generally, to the cargo under English law. by the carrier. This has naturally

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 75

made the “perils of the sea” Bill of Lading claims and exercise due diligence to make the
defence increasingly more difficult seaworthiness ship seaworthy may follow by both
for carriers as technology has terms of contract and background/
developed. For general weather The Hague/Visby Rules, Article case law. This was discussed in FC
conditions throughout the 3, rule I (a) sets out one of the Bradley & Sons Ltd. v. Federal Steam
voyage, carriers will usually be fundamental duties of the carrier: Navigation Co. (1926) 24, LLOYD’S
expected to have the necessary “The carrier shall be bound before REP 446.
equipment to avoid the peril. and at the commencement of the
However, the defence remains voyage to exercise due diligence The classic definition of
possible. For example, unusually to make the ship seaworthy.” seaworthiness is that “the ship
high or challenging waves may The Hague-Visby Convention must have the degree of fitness
be considered unforeseeable and governs carriage of goods under which an ordinary careful owner
exempt the carrier from liability. contracts of carriage but is often would require his vessel to have at
Experts have debated whether incorporated in charter contracts the commencement of her voyage
parametric rolling or resonance, by way of “paramount clauses”. A having regard to all the probable
which can occur in even moderate question of seaworthiness may, circumstances of it”.
weather conditions, is foreseeable. however, differ from Bill of Lading
The forces on container stacks may claims and charter party disputes. A question which often arises
for example be considerably higher in container stack collapse
if the vessel experiences resonant An important point for claims cases is to what extent the ship
rolling in moderate weather than under Bills of Lading is that and equipment was sound
in more usual rolling and pitching “seaworthy” will also mean and correctly applied upon
in exceptional extreme conditions. “cargoworthy” under English law. departure and whether it was fit
The legal landscape is yet to be See for instance Bills of Lading, Sir to withstand the ordinary perils
completely clarified. Richard Aikens, Richard Lord and of the sea. Hence, seaworthiness
Michael Bools ch. 10.99. This means will be considered in context with
3. No fault or privity of the carrier that the carrier’s obligations as to what the owner could reasonably
seaworthiness may vary in respect foresee in terms of occurring sea
Hague/Visby Rules, Article 4, rule of different cargo consignments perils. For instance, inadequacies
2 (q) exempts the carrier form under different contracts of with regard to the vessel’s lashing
liability for damage occurring carriage: the containers, storage and securing equipment in a stack
“without the actual fault or privity and stowage must be fit for collapse case could be enough to
of the carrier, or without the actual purpose. If not, the carrier may be render the vessel unseaworthy. In
fault or neglect of the agents or in breach of the Hague/Visby Rules, the Moore case it was held that “if
servants of the carrier.” This is Article 3, rule I (a). cargo, whilst properly stowed, is not
usually referred to as the “catch all properly lashed and in consequence
exception” and, crucially, carriers Charterparty claims and shifts so as to undermine the
can rely on this exception if they seaworthiness vessel’s stability, the vessel will be
are able to prove that there was unseaworthy at the outset” (Moore
no fault on their part. In container Ultimate liability for damages v. Lunn (1922) 11 L1. L. Rep. 86,92).
stack collapse cases, the carrier and liabilities arising out of a
may typically argue there is no container stack collapse case Furthermore, if there is an
fault on his part if the fundamental will often end up as a discussion excessive top heavy stow on
duties to care for the cargo is regarding seaworthiness between departure which compromises
fulfilled, and thereby refute liability (contractual) carriers of cargo and the stability of the container stack
under the contract of carriage. The the actual carrier (the shipowner) itself, the vessel may arguably be
“non fault” exception is extended under charterparty contracts. The in unseaworthy condition due to
to fault by the carriers’ servants. shipowner’s fundamental duty to the error in stowage.

76 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Ship documents such as a several causative factors. Passage should be, and will be, removed.
sound passage and weather planning and seaworthiness The ultimate liability for the costs
routing are a frequently visited may, however, occasionally be and losses will often end up in
elements in causation debates relevant for determining liability dispute under charterparties.
following container stack in a stack collapse scenario if it
collapse incidents where heavy transpires that failure in passage To conclude, the law often applied
weather plays a part. The recent planning is causative. in stack collapse cases is over one
court decision in the CMA-CGM hundred years old and made to fit,
Libra case (Alize 1954 v Allianz In addition to cargo claims and the sometimes uncomfortably, with
Elmentar Versicherungs AG (“the legal implications under bills of modern ships and technologies.
CMA CGM Libra”)) examines lading, liability for environmental Regrettably, container stack
how poor passage planning damages has been high on the collapse cases have serious
can cause a navigational error, agenda in connection with the consequences considering both
which in turn may render the severe incidents in recent years. monetary losses, ship safety and
vessel unseaworthy. The CMA- When containers and cargo drift in environmental impact. There is
CGM Libera case is a different the ocean or end up on shorelines, no doubt that carriers, insurers,
case scenario (grounding), authorities will usually turn to the lawyers, judges, and arbitrators
and the discussions in heavy “waste producer” which is usually will continue to be challenged by
weather stack collapse cases considered to be the shipowner or the complexity of container stack
will differ as there are usually operator of the vessel. The waste collapse cases for years to come.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 77

Seawork Asia 2020
24 to 26 NOVEMBER 2020 | Shanghai Expo Center, China

Seawork Asia is where buyers, Seawork Asia also offers a high-

sellers, influencers and Key sectors level 1 day Forum focusing on
current hot topics, enhancing the
legislators come together for Seawork Asia will have
three day exhibition. Industry-
three invaluable days every key exhibitors and visitors
leading speakers are lined up
from the following sectors:
two years, all keen to reap to impart in-depth knowledge
the benefits of business in and share their expertise on new
- Workboat and floating
technical developments and
the rapidly expanding Asian plant design, build,
industrial trends; providing a
commercial marine market. repair & maintenance
general overview of the existing
- Patrol, police and commercial marine, workboat and
The first Seawork Asia took place in coastguard vessels patrol boat market.
2014 and has gone from strength - Marine equipment
to strength since. The exhibition - Marine civil engineering Working together
takes place every two years; and construction Business Match meetings with
Seawork Asia 2018 attracted more VIPs such as China Coastguard,
- Dredging and coastal
than 100 exhibitors and more than China Rescue, vessel operators
5,700 attendees from 12 countries, and the China Maritime Pilots
- Marine contracting, Association (CMPA) take place
bringing 240 brands and 5,000
vessel & port services during the exhibition.
products to the event.
- Marine renewable
The exhibition offers an interactive energy The CMPA has worked with
platform to the Asian market, - Commercial diving & Seawork Asia since the exhibition’s
including key networking underwater services inception in 2014. 2018 saw the
opportunities such as the - Safety and training CMPA hold the China Pilot Boat
exhibition banquet and dedicated Equipment and Safety Seminar
- Staffing, manpower & during Seawork Asia with more than
presentation slots.
recruitment 100 representatives from various
The ideal platform for world- - Marine finance, pilot agencies and well-known
renowned maritime brands and insurance and legal domestic and foreign suppliers
organisations, 96% of Seawork Asia - Logistics and marine attending the conference. During
visitors either authorise or influence transportation the seminar, guests discussed the
the purchasing decisions of the important issue of pilot boarding
companies they represent. and disembarking safety.

78 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

This year’s China Pilot Boat the new RiZhao pilot vessel. TAP grants support UK SME’s to
Equipment and Safety Seminar will enter new markets by exhibiting
continue to promote the coordinated John Wells, director of Hadrian at overseas trade fairs; promoting
development of pilot production and Safety Rails, says, “Seawork Asia their goods and services to an
safety, discuss reform and improved has been an extremely useful international audience. Grants
communication and promote the platform to introduce the Hadrian are aimed at less experienced
scientific development of pilot boats. name into the Chinese Market for exporters, defined either in terms
the first time. It has been a very of the company’s exports as a
The 2020 edition will see the run worthwhile venture for Hadrian percentage of total sales or the
up to the 14th-Five-Year plan for Safety Rails as we have not only had company having been exporting
China which gets underway in the opportunity of a presentation less than 10 years. Contact
2021. The members of the CMPA slot to the China Maritime Pilots Seawork Asia to register interest
are particularly interested to meet Association delegation and follow for a TAP grant.
more international companies in the up series of meetings with the
industry focusing on both the design Senior Pilots. In addition, we have New to Seawork Asia
and construction of pilot vessels. made some invaluable contacts. Every Seawork Asia exhibition
Hadrian Deck Safety Systems has attracts new exhibitors from across
Winning new business now been installed on a number of the commercial marine industry.
Seawork Asia presents a unique boats within China.” Two companies that are joining
opportunity for organisations to Seawork Asia 2020 for the first time
build and maintain their market Business support are Nanjing Compressor and Chuntai
positions in China and the East Companies exhibiting at Seawork Communication Technology.
Asian Region. One such company is Asia could be eligible for business
Hadrian Safety Rails. support from the UK Government. Supplier to some of China’s most
TAP (Trade Access Programme) well-known vessels, Nanjing
Designed for ease of installation, grants are just one of the business Compressor (Nanjing Xinjuan
or retrofitting, to work boats, support programmes available from Marine Compressor Co., LTD) is to
buildings and structures, the the UK Department for International exhibit at Seawork Asia for the first
Hadrian Safety System provides a Trade and Seawork Asia is part of time. The company’s compressors
functional integrated safety system this year’s programme. are installed on the ocean-going
for inspection and maintenance Yuanwang 1~8, snow escort,
purposes and a solution to modern Recent news reports saw 3.2% military and research vessels.
fall protection problems with growth in China’s GDP in the
a proactive restraining system three months to the end of June Specialists in thermal imaging,
for multiple users. Following a compared with the same period Chuntai Communication
successful Seawork Asia 2018, last year; early days but possibly Technology supplies high-end
exhibitor Hadrian Safety Rails has one of the first global signs of an maritime shipborne tracking
seen yet another of its renowned economic recovery from the effects systems and hand-held portable
safety systems fitted, this time to of COVID-19. thermal imaging night vision
equipment. With more than 20
system types available, Chuntai
Communications Technology is able
to advise on and supply specific
solutions to customs enforcement,
maritime fire service, maritime
Search and Rescue, pilotage,
marine police enforcement, marine
scientific research, armed police
patrol and other official clients.

Seawork Asia 2020

The fourth edition of Seawork Asia
will take place at the Shanghai Expo
Center from 24-26 November 2020.
For further details and information
on opportunities available, call
+44 1329 825335 or email Jo Miller at
Seawork Asia’s organisers, Mercator
Media, at
We look forward to meeting you at
Seawork Asia 2020.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 79

Better oil detection
sensors reduce cost
of oily bilge

Over 70 percent
Around the
of the earth that
world people
we live on is made up have agreed
of oceans, lakes, and upon the
rivers. These water ways importance
of keeping our
have become integral
waters clean and regulations are set
parts of our lives. internationally and domestically by Oily wastes and
One look at a marine regulatory bodies to keep pollution waste oils are by-products
traffic map will put into levels in check. In international of operating ocean-going vessels,
waters, the International Maritime which generate millions of tons of
perspective just how such wastes annually. Oily bilge
Organization (IMO) limits bilge
busy our vast oceans water discharges to 15ppm. The water is the mixture of water,
are every minute of the U.S Coast Guard (USCG) also limits oily fluids, lubricants and grease,
day. Not only do we use the discharge of oil in bilge water cleaning fluids and other wastes
to 15ppm in US territorial waters that accumulate in the lowest part
these waters for trade of a vessel called the bilge from a
and further limits special use areas,
and travel, but they such as inland waterways and the variety of sources including engines,
also provide unique Great Lakes where vessel operators piping, and other mechanical
ecosystems and are must adhere to a 5ppm discharge and operational sources found
limit or a total restriction on vessel throughout the machinery spaces
necessary for the lives of a vessel. Most of these wastes
discharges. Violations of these
of billions of species regulations can result in large fines are generated in the vessel’s engine
including our own. as well as criminal prosecution. room and end up in the bilge >>

80 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

before being discharged overboard.
It is at this time that your oily water
separator and bilge oil content
monitor are put to the test.

Since 2005, when MEPC.107(49)

began being enforced, light scatter
technology has ruled the oil content
monitor market. However, despite
the technology’s apparent popularity, A set of water samples showing increasing turbidity (left to right), as well as changes
OCM’s that use this technology are in colour. Illustration courtesy Village of Chase, British Columbia
often plagued with considerable
maintenance needs, false positive constant 15ppm alarms. However, we wavelength “signature”. Using
high readings, and false negatives find that their problems are usually fluorescence, these compounds
from misreads of ultra-emulsified oils. misdiagnosed to the OWS, when can be detected as an actual
This all comes down to how the these the real culprit is their Oil Content concentration of oil in water, with
OCM’s detect oil molecules. Monitors,” Ketchum states. detection limits down to the parts
per billion level.
Light scattering detection technology Old ships and dirty bilges covered
works by shining a laser light into an in rust, silt, soot, and ash will often By focusing readouts on a specific
oily waste water sample. This laser require considerable maintenance wavelength, a fluorescence-based
gets reflected off various molecules to ensure proper operation of the monitor can ignore solids such as
in the water, attenuating the light monitor and sadly, even attempts to rust or silt and is less affected overall
energy before it is absorbed by photo clean the ship bilge could result in by turbidity, ultimately preventing
detectors on the opposite side of the further issues for a light-scatter OCM. false positive high readouts.
cell. The scattering of light in general Surfactants and detergents that are Fluorescence is also capable of
is dependent upon the oil droplet used to clean the dirty surfaces are detecting ultra-emulsified oils to
size and refractive index as well as the designed to breakdown oil particles the parts per billion level, far greater
concentration of droplets. This ratio into tiny, ultra-emulsified particles. than competing light scatter OCMs.
of light energy into light energy out In many cases, the photo detectors
correlates to a concentration level in in light scattering OCMs are not By putting proper oil detection
parts per million. sensitive enough to detect an ultra- technology in place, it is possible to
emulsified oil of less than 10 microns save man-hours and the enormous
Steve Ketchum brings over a in size. This could result in a false costs associated with pumping oily-
decade of experience onboard negative, allowing ultra-emulsified waste off to a barge or replacing an
Navy ships to his position as the oils to be discharged over the side oily water separator system. NAG
Director of Product Development & of the ship producing a tell-tale oil Marine’s TD-107s features a small
Environmental Product Management sheen on the water. footprint and offers a modular,
at NAG Marine and has had ship removable detection cell for simple
efficiency in mind when working The maritime industry needs an swap-out by the end-user via plug-
with Turner Designs Hydrocarbon updated solution, and fluorescence and-play connections. It is IMO
Instruments in developing NAG’s technology is poised to be just MEPC.107(49) Compliant and US
latest oil content monitor. “The laser that. NAG Marine has been on the Coast Guard approved.
light is not discriminating,” Ketchum forefront of using fluorescence oil
explains. “In other words, it cannot detection technology for the last
tell if a molecule is oil, particulate, or decade and recently released an
sediment. In situations where there updated model of their TD-107s
is a lot of turbidity, the light in / light Bilge Oil Content Monitor.
out ratio of a light-scatter oil content
monitor will interpret this as a high Fluorescence based OCMs, such
concentration of oil and you’ll waste as the TD-107s, overcome the
a lot of man-hours trying to fix a false problems posed by light scatter by
positive high alarm.” using UV fluorescence technology to
detect oil molecules in bilge water.
These interferences keep the onboard Oil is comprised
oily water separator in recirculation, of fluorescent
often causing confusion over where compounds, each
the real issues lie. “We’ve come having a unique
across numerous ship Engineers who
contact us to replace their Oily Water Simplified UV
Separator because they are stuck with fluorescence oil detection cell diagram (NAG Marine)

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 81


Making ship
systems smarter
with simulation

82 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Source: Wärtsilä

“We have a vision of a more efficient, more

connected, smart marine ecosystem,” says
Neil Bennett, Global Director of Simulation
at Wartsila Voyage. “Being part of the
development of autonomous shipping is
fundamental to shaping that future.”

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 83

Simulation is integral to developing set of algorithms and an interface Warsash’s simulation centre with
autonomous systems. The that could be retrofitted to any size one of the scale models it currently
computer models that underpin of ship.” uses for ship handling training at a
simulation-based training – dedicated facility, Timsbury Lake.
capable of replicating almost A much larger project was the By using a simulator programmed
infinite permutations of marine Europe-wide, EUR 43 mn, Sea Traffic with a scale model of the vessel
environments, vessel traffic Management initiative. Ten simulator and the lake area to control a real
situations, and ship equipment training centres – the European vessel, the project will provide a
– are the same that are used Maritime Simulator Network – more realistic training experience
to inform the decision-making worked together with the goal of for remote seafarers.
capabilities of intelligent systems. understanding and then facilitating
Deployed in real time with real the kind of data exchange that “One of the biggest barriers to
people in simulators, those same will be crucial for safely operating training for remote operations is
models can be used to test and autonomous vessels. the capacity to test on full-scale
validate the human-machine ships,” says Mills. “Using a real
interface and, eventually, to teach Wärtsilä, as a simulation provider, vessel would be expensive and
the crew how to use those systems. took part in this project, which Mills dangerous if something went
describes as an attempt to establish wrong. Simulations are great for
Three projects at Solent “air traffic control at sea.” One key learning pilot skills, but cannot
University, Southampton in the goal was understanding the data provide that jeopardy.”
UK highlight the diverse roles that sharing needed between ports,
simulation plays. The university’s vessels, and other stakeholders – The risk of putting a dent in one
research staff in the Warsash such as ship service providers and of the scale models on Timsbury
School of Maritime Science and onward logistics companies – to Lake will provide that dose of
Engineering recently participated enable “just-in-time” sailing. realism. The fact that students
in the MAXCMAS project – a will be operating manned models
GBP 1.4 mn, two-year project in Three hundred vessels were fitted the same area will also allow
which autonomous vessels were with tools to collect and transfer data. researchers to study the interaction
programmed to obey maritime Studying interactions between these between remotely operated vessels
regulations for the avoidance vessels provided important insights and manned craft.
of collisions. The project tested into how sea traffic could be better
the algorithms it had developed managed to optimise vessel voyages To assist in autonomous and
by modelling scenarios using and port calls – reducing fuel cost advanced navigation projects
simulation before a live trial and emissions. But even with so many such as these, Wärtsilä has created
was conducted onboard an vessels participating, the number of an open approach that makes it
autonomous minesweeping vessel times ships would meet each other simpler for universities and research
in Weymouth Bay. physically would have been rather institutions to deploy its simulation
limited. With the help of the simulator technologies. While Wärtsilä often
network, they met virtually, giving provides the hardware for such
Building in seamanship researchers the opportunity to collect projects – including 3D screens and
more data faster. control units reproducing bridges
Preparing vessels to obey – it is the software that is more
regulations written with human critical. This includes the operating
seafarers in mind is not a simple Remote control training platform as well as models of sea
task, explains Terry Mills, Senior areas and ship systems that can
Simulation Technician at Solent A new potential project builds then be used in simulator rooms or
University, Southampton. “The on Solent’s strong previous fed into computers as needed.
regulations are well written, but experience in remote and
are always open to interpretation. autonomous ship systems. The One example is the Intelligent
And the interpreter is a human. university is bidding for funding Shipping Technology Test
A machine sees rules in black to extend its investigations into Laboratory (ISTLAB) at the
and white, so we had to build in training seafarers in remote Satakunta University of Applied
seamanship. We ended up with a operations. The project aims to link Sciences (SAMK) in Rauma,

84 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Finland. The lab, among the The IntelliTug project enhances “Interpretation depends on
first of its kind, is designed as a the tug masters’ capabilities context,” says Ozersky. “The
testing environment for remotely through heightened situational acceptable distance between
controlled, autonomous vessels. awareness and eases the task vessels is one example. Less than
Wärtsilä recently delivered a of addressing other complex one mile would be unusual in open
navigation simulator and specific demands they may face. water but very normal in a harbour.”
mathematical models for the
project. They will be used to Alexander Ozersky, Deputy Simulation meets machine learning
carry out simulated testing of General Manager of Intelligent The artificial intelligence for AIM
remote-controlled vessels that the Systems, Wärtsilä Voyage, and other products – including
organisers hope will culminate in a explains: “Every system separately Wärtsilä’s Vessel Traffic Services for
real-world case study. was complex, and once you managing traffic in ports – needs to
connect them it was going to be absorb the habits of local traffic and
even more challenging. We took refine its simulations based on its
The smart tug of tomorrow the decision to try and debug observation of how vessels actually
all the pieces in the simulation move. So far, the system has
The benefits of early-stage using the actual control and collected data on traffic movements
simulation testing are already a mathematical model of the at several ports. With each new set
being seen in one real-life engine. From an engineering of data, the simulations become
application – the IntelliTug perspective, we saved a huge more realistic.
project, a collaboration between amount of time, making quick
Wärtsilä and Singapore’s leading mistakes as cheaply and as safely This combination of simulation
harbour and terminal towage as possible.” and machine learning will be
operator, PSA Marine. The project critical in controlling autonomous
aims to develop the smart tug Testing the integration of systems vessels. It is already available in
of the future by retrofitting on an autonomous vessel is one decision-support software today
Wärtsilä’s smart navigation thing; providing the systems and is being trialled in autonomous
system on PSA Marine’s harbour involved with the intelligence to navigation systems. Before it is
tug, PSA Polaris. Through the make decisions in complex marine let loose on a wider scale, there
simulator, the team tested environments is another challenge are many problems to be solved.
the integration of cutting- entirely. Here, the capability to Among these are the ways in which
edge technologies deployed simulate scenarios is just one autonomous vessels interact with
– including collision avoidance building block. Another necessary other automated systems that do
software and system usability – foundation is the ability for systems not follow similar protocols – let
with feedbacks from PSA Marine’s to learn from experience. alone the even less predictable
tug masters. The success of the ways in which manned craft may
simulations boosted the project It is a challenge that Wärtsilä has respond to autonomous ships.
team’s confidence to proceed already addressed in its Advanced
with the next stage of the Intelligent Manoeuvring (AIM) Neil Bennett concludes: “Our
testing. In March 2020, Wärtsilä function, part of its package simulation technologies are
and PSA Marine successfully of artificial intelligence tools. providing researchers with a
completed initial sea trials for the AIM is a track prediction system platform to run these studies, and
IntelliTug project. and anti-collision support tool we are constantly being challenged
designed to improve situational by the need to advance our
The smart navigation system, awareness and reduce the technology further. We can already
comprised of Wärtsilä’s Dynamic probability of officer inattention do a lot with the technologies we
Positioning system, a sensor or poor judgement leading to have, and we are evolving products
suite and a newly developed an incident. It anticipates that to meet the needs of future
sensor fusion engine, allows the vessels will move in compliance autonomous vessel systems.”
tug master to carry out passage with collision regulations, but also
planning while maintaining safe needs to account for how humans
distances from other vessels interpret those regulations in Source: Wärtsilä
during autonomous navigation. various situations.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 85

Wakashio Grounding
and Oil Spill:
Was the
Mauritian Government
By Professor Christian Bueger, who is the
director of SAFE SEAS and a professor of
International Relations at the University of
Copenhagen. He has been studying issues of
maritime security, counter-piracy operations,
capacity building and maritime domain
awareness since 2010 and has widely published
in the area.
The devastating oil spill that No oil spilled at the grounding. recovery operation was put on
wreaked havoc on Mauritius’ The Mauritius coast guard halt. The sea was too rough.
coastline raises the question of took preventive actions. The
whether the response by the government activated its National By August 5th observers spotted
government was appropriate. Oil Spill Contingency Plan the next some minor oil sheen around the
Was the country unprepared day. By the 28th of July, the Dutch vessel. The “the risk of oil spill was
for a disaster of this scale? salvage company Smit Salvage had still low”, the minister argued.
Were officials over-confident or been contracted to work with local Only hours later, the MV Wakashio
misjudged the risk? logistics giant CELERO to keep the flooded and started sinking the
MV Wakashio afloat and pump next morning. Oil started to spill
Evidence indicates that Mauritius out the over 4,000 tons of oil and into the sea at a high rate. As
was very well prepared; the diesel. When the first out of four a result, the disaster that is by
event did not come as a surprise. tugboats arrived three days later, now well documented unfolded.
Importantly, the country dealt the recovery operation was ready Government officials radically
with similar incidents very to begin. changed their tone.
successfully before. Yet, a public
inquiry will have to address a The responsible minister for the In reaction, the prime minister
number of questions. environment said that he was not only declared a “state of
confident that all “necessary environment emergency”, but also
First analyses indicate that precautionary measures to said that the nation did not have
weather was not the problem. prevent any kind of pollution at “the skills and expertise to refloat
Yet, the vessel deviated from the sea” had been taken. stranded ships.” The minister of
usual course that traffic in the fisheries, told international news
region takes. The ship was on a The weather conditions were media, “This is the first time that
collision course. against the minister’s plans. The we are faced with a catastrophe of

86 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

this kind and we are insufficiently As part of these projects, between As the records show,
equipped to handle this problem.” 2003 and 2012, the country held representatives from the ministry
five larger exercises and drills on of environment and the ministry
The foreign minister called oil spill prevention. Moreover, of fisheries of Mauritius attended.
upon the UN, the EU, India its Mauritius had plans to conduct an They gave a presentation on
neighbour France, as well other exercise later this year. the countries “national oil spill
countries and organizations for preparedness status”. The records
emergency assistance. In short, the country benefitted of the meeting reveal, first, that
from quite substantial capacity officials were very well aware that
These public statements by building assistance by the United the country is at a high risk of oil
governmental officials raise the Nations family and other actors. spills due to the vicinity of one
questions whether authorities Governmental representatives of the world’s busiest shipping
were unaware about the risk and regularly participated in routes. Second, it documents
unprepared. workshops and conducted that the country had a range of
training exercises. sophisticated planning, response
Mauritius was prepared and disaster assessment tools.
A look into the archives reveals that Level of Preparedness Third, the Mauritian officials
the government was anything but Only some months before the highlighted that not all elements
unprepared. The opposite seems disaster occurred, governmental of the strategy were very practical,
the case. It shows that until the officials attended a workshop and that some components of it
disaster, Mauritius was the ‘poster’ on the theme. In March 2020 the were missing, such as a wildlife
boy of regional oil spill prevention. UN Environmental Programme response plan.
Mauritius was one of the first organised the workshop on
African countries to finalize in 1990 ‘Cooperation in preparedness The presenters emphasized
an oil spill contingency plan with and response to marine pollution that regional cooperation was
support from the International incidents’ in Zanzibar. not working very well, and that
Maritime Organization and the UN
Environmental Programme.

Between 1998 and 2003, Mauritius

was one of the beneficiaries of
the Western Indian Ocean Island
Oil Spill Contingency Planning
project run by the World Bank.
Through the assistance of the
project, the government updated
the national contingency plan.
Workshops and training were
conducted, and a regional
agreement signed.

The Marine Highway

Development and Prevention
Project running from 2007
to 2012 continued this
work. Funded by the Global
Environmental Facility the
country received more training
in oil spill prevention and
reviewed the plan. After the end
of this project Mauritius received
training under the UNEP’s
Regional Seas Programme and
the Nairobi Convention.

In addition, the country is also

one of the main beneficiaries of
the MASE project of the European
Union under which maritime
security structures are developed
for the region.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 87

the country has too “limited Is this the explanation why the the ship early on. Better
resources in terms of funds and minister of environment was maritime surveillance might
human capacity”. so confident that all was under have recognized the ship earlier.
control? It is likely the case. We need to know if the disaster
Earlier incidents could have been prevented by a
In disaster response, a good plan is The Mauritius oil spill tells us coastguard interception.
not enough. Practical experience what can happen even if you are
matters. Did Mauritian authorities well prepared. Planning does not Finally, the regional dimension
encounter any real-life incidents? always go as intended. Capacity needs to be looked at. Why
While not necessarily at the scale building and training has its limits. did the regional mechanisms
of the MV Wakashio incident, for maritime security and
authorities had to deal with two A public inquiry: Questions to ask environmental disaster developed
major cases in the past years. Mauritius will need to launch a in the diverse capacity building
public inquiry into the accident. The projects had no role at all in the
In April 2005 a collision occurred investigation will certainly establish response? Would it have made
off Port Louis between the MSC that the government’s response a difference if the government
Katie and the MV Nordsun. The was not perfect. It will identify areas relied on the expertise of
MSC Katie sustained cracks and in which the agencies could have organizations such as the
was grounded on a reef to avoid performed better. Regional Maritime Information
sinking. Mauritian authorities Fusion Center?
successfully prevented an oil spill. First, the authorities had stocked an
insufficient amount of containment Learning these lessons will help
An incident that was very similar equipment such as booms. The other countries to prepared for
to the grounding of the MV response had to wait for equipment and prevent the next disaster.
Wakashio occurred in June 2016. to arrive or rely on the improvised Moreover, the lessons might lead
The MV Benita went aground not devices made by volunteers. to a better integration of Maritime
to far from the site of the current security and environmental efforts
oil spill. While the vessel was Second, was the right salvage in capacity building. Perhaps they
damaged, a salvage company company chosen and did the will even assist in building a less
was quick on site. The contractors Dutch experts have the right fragmented regional architecture
pumped the fuel out of the strategy? The ship owner in the Western Indian Ocean.
vessel, and only a very minor spill Nagashiki Shipping contracted
occurred. The company tugged the company. Yet, It is important
the MV Benita away to India. On to know how the experts
route the vessel sank. cooperated and coordinated This article originally
with the coast guard and the appeared on
As a result, Mauritius was not government overall. and
only aware of the risk and had is republished with
elaborated planning tools, A third major question concerns their permission.
authorities also had experience whether maritime situational
with incidents of this kind. awareness could have detected

Photo Credit: IMO

IMO helping to mitigate the impacts of MV Wakashio oil spill in Mauritius

88 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Shipbuilding in dire straits:
global ordering hit hard
in the first half of 2020

by Jasmina Ovcina, author at Offshore Energy

There has been a dramatic fall in shipbuilding activity during the first half of
2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic curbed owners’ willingness to order new
ships amid market uncertainties and restricted access to capital.
Based on data from VesselsValue, Service, cited by Yonhap, paints The ongoing situation has
the number of ordered ships in a similar picture, with global new also impacted the number of
the first half of 2020 has almost shipbuilding orders totalling delivered vessels, with a lot of
been halved when compared to 5.75 million compensated gross slippage being reported so far
the same period a year earlier. tons (CGTs), or a total of 269 this year.
Namely, the valuations agency’s ships being ordered during the
record shows that in the first January-June 2020 period. VesselsValue told Offshore
half of 2020 there were around Energy-Green Marine that at
332 new ship orders across The tally is believed to be the this point in 2019 there were
all sectors, a 47 % fall when lowest since 1996. 873 live vessels delivered,
compared to a total of 625 while there are 758 this year.
orders in the first half of 2019 According to Clarksons, Chinese The UK-based maritime online
across all sectors. shipbuilders secured the majority valuation provider explained
of orders totalling 3.51 million that being halfway through the
This is further down from the CGTs, or 145 ships, followed by year means over half of the 2020
corresponding 2018 figures that South Korean shipbuilders with vessels were expected to be live.
equalled 881 orders. 1.18 million CGTs, or 37 ships, However, there are a lot of ships
and Japanese players with still on order which are likely to
Data from Clarksons Research 570,000 CGTs, or 36 ships. slip further into 2021.

90 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93


The shipbuilding sector has been

battling the dry spell for some
time, which has driven some
industry majors to join forces
and consolidate ranks.

This has been the case with

Japanese shipbuilders which are
faced with fierce competition
from South Korea and China.
The consolidation wave
among Japanese shipbuilders
has been in progress since
2016, with Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries (MHI) launching
talks to form alliances with
three compatriot shipbuilders Outlook This imbalance left the container
– Imabari Shipbuilding, Oshima shipping market in a worse
Shipbuilding and Namura The pandemic has hit European condition at the end of the
Shipbuilding. shipbuilders, predominantly decade than at the start.
engaged in the constriction
The downturn has seen China of cruise and RoRo vessels, So, how do we save the
merge its top shipbuilders China extremely hard, as yards face shipbuilding industry from going
State Shipbuilding Corporation construction delays from cruise bust if ordering of new ships is
(CSSC) and China Shipbuilding liners and seek to secure financing not the solution?
Industry Company (CSIC). for continuation of activity on
existing ships. Since the beginning Restricted demand growth
Meanwhile, South Korean of this year, we have seen German prospects coupled with
top builders, Hyundai Heavy shipbuilder FSG file for insolvency overcapacity across shipping
Industries and Daewoo and more recently Kleven Verft markets are clear indicators that
Shipbuilding & Marine filing for bankruptcy after a loan the industry must up its efforts
Engineering (DSME), are termination. when it comes to demolition
undergoing a regulatory review and retiring old, inefficient
of their proposed merger. Operations at STX Offshore & fleet. On the other hand, with
Shipbuilding Co. in Korea ground the growing pressure for the
to a halt after unions launched a industry to cut its emissions and
general strike on June 1 calling decarbonize there is also the
for an end of unpaid furloughs, need to build greener and more
as reported by the Korea Herald. technologically advanced ships.
The cost-cutting measures
impacting the workforce are The survival of shipbuilding
being pursued as the shipbuilder companies is likely to depend on
failed to secure any new orders the shipbuilders’ ability to rise to
since the beginning of this year. the occasion and speed up the
construction of zero-emission
Aside from COVID-19 related ships. Be it hydrogen, ammonia,
impact on new ordering, there or electrically powered, one
is also the issue of vessel this is certain: the clock on
overcapacity in the industry decarbonizing is ticking and
at a time when demand is the time has come to make that
constrained, particularly in giant step into the future.
the container shipping sector.
BIMCO’s data shows that in Returning to ‘business as usual’
the last three years of the past is not an option, and the new
decade, demand outgrew the reality of demand downturn and
fleet as the TEU capacity of the economic troubles shows that
fleet grew by 75.6% whereas for shipbuilding it will probably
demand measured in volumes mean the survival of the
was up 46.1%. toughest and most innovative.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 91

of m te
By David Pestridge MIMMS

David is a yacht and small craft surveyor based in the UK south west
region. He founded White Hat Marine Surveying in 2008 when he retired
from the British Army after a 17 year career with the Royal Electrical and
Mechanical Engineers.

Building on 20 years’ experience as a sailor and boat owner he completed

the highly respected IIMS Diploma in Yacht and Small Craft Surveying.

David is a Chartered Engineer, has a Master’s Degree in science and is a

member of the IIMS management board.

Sacrificial anodes are something themselves fix a problem that is out are used (fresh, brackish or salt
every boat owner should be aware of control. That all sounds rather water). We can deduce which
of, yet not every boat owner will nebulous doesn’t it? metals are more susceptible to
need them. The principle is quite galvanic corrosion by considering
simple; the material that the boat The process we are concerned their relative potential in a series
is made of and the environment in with here is galvanic corrosion; known as the Galvanic Series. Here
which it is kept has the propensity the corrosion of one metal in the is a simplified galvanic series for a
to cause serious metal loss through presence of another where both selection of typical marine metals
corrosion if things get out of are electrically connected by a in salt water (the relative order of
balance. Sacrificial anodes are there conducting medium. The variables the metals may change slightly in
to help mitigate minor imbalances here are the types of metal involved different marine environments).
in this situation but cannot in and the medium in which they

92 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Gold – Most ‘noble’ metal This brings us to the final anode that is approximately
consideration, how effective is 300mm long, it should be effective
Titanium any given anode? The choice of to a distance of about 2 meters in
anode material is dependent on any direction.
Stainless steel 316 (passive) the medium in which the vessel is
Stainless Steel 304 (passive) predominantly used. Magnesium A sacrificial anode’s effectiveness
anodes are best suited to fresh is directly proportional to the
Silicon bronze water, aluminium for brackish purity of the metal from which it
waters and zinc for salt water. An is cast. Zinc anodes must be more
Stainless Steel 316 (active) easy way to remember this is to than 99% pure zinc if they are
remember how water flows with to function effectively and their
Monel 400 this cunning euro-mnemonic performance is greatly reduced by
Phosphor bronze “Mountains Am Zee”: M (fresh the presence of impurities such as
water – magnesium) A (brackish lead or iron. So, whilst high quality
Admiralty brass – aluminium) Z (sea – zinc). Next zinc anodes from a reputable
to consider is the size of the supplier are expensive, you are
Cupronickel anode and how much metal it can paying for this guarantee of quality
Brass plating ‘protect’. There is no precise answer that the anode will do its job. There
as to how effective any individual are plenty of lesser quality anodes
Yellow brass anode will be as its position, available online which come at a
electrical contact and the size and greatly reduced price. These are
Naval brass 464 composition of nearby metals all typically cast by scrap merchants
influence its performance. As a melting down old zinc fittings and
Tungsten rule of thumb however, we should part worn anodes without the
Stainless Steel 304 (active) expect a typical anode to be equipment or expertise to refine
effective to a distance of 6-7 times the resultant metal. As is nearly
Chromium plating its own length. So, for a typical always the case; you get what you
3.5kg magnesium narrowboat pay for.
Cast iron
Mild Steel
Zinc anode
Aluminium anode
Magnesium anode – Least
‘noble’ metal
So, whilst it would be really useful
to build our boats out of gold and
titanium, they are not the most
practical of hull building materials
for several reasons. You may be
surprised to see plain old mild steel
so far down the table and that
is probably the most significant
observation to make. Mild steel is
readily corroded by almost all of
the other marine metals, however
that is mitigated by what is called
the surface area effect, whereby a
less noble metal (e.g. a steel hull)
can lead to the corrosion of a more
noble metal (e.g. a small brass skin
fitting) due to the imbalance in
their relative surface areas. Narrowboat anodes can be fitted as either welded or bolt on

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 93

along the hull sides, fitted below
the waterline and just above the
chine. A final few key ‘rules’. Don’t
fit them on the bottom plate as
they will get snagged or rubbed
off or the hull will rest on them
when the hull is slipped and never
paint anodes as that stops them
working completely.

The use of anodes on FRP sailing

and motor yachts is slightly more
nuanced given the absence of
a large steel hull and instead a
non-conducting hull material.
Here we are concerned with the
various metal through-hull fittings,
the propshaft/s, propeller/s, p
brackets, outdrives and any below
the waterline hull fastenings used
in the construction. Most modern
Part wasted magnesium anode with deep irregular pits boat propellers are cast from either
manganese bronze or stainless steel
mixed with several other alloying
components to deliver a strong,
durable propeller which is corrosion
and erosion resistant and all within
a cost envelope. Skin fittings
found on FRP vessels on the other
hand range from domestic grade
yellow passivated brass bathroom
fittings to top quality cast fittings
from reputable companies such as
Blakes. Here the surface area of the
propeller can outmatch a nearby
low quality fitting or the presence
of a couple of top quality fittings
can outmatch the propshaft or
rudder bearings. Due to the lack of
electrical connectivity offered by
the hull itself, we now introduce
the principle of bonding to enable
the sacrificial anodes to be suitably
‘connected’ to the full suite of skin
Fully wasted zinc anode – ‘well sucked lollipop’ fittings and other machinery to be
protected. This is done internally
So how can we make best use of leaves much of the mid-section with suitable marine grade tinned
this knowledge to keep our boats of a narrowboat unprotected. copper strand wire and marine
in good order? The deductions Given that this is where we often grade fittings.
we make here are very dependent find the heads and the galley
on what type of vessel we are with their associate through-hull
considering, what is has been built fittings, this can lead to galvanic
from and where it is being used. corrosion in this area of either
Narrowboats are most commonly the hull or the skin fittings if
found with a pair of anodes fitted they are made of cheap non-DZR
at the bow and another pair (dezincification resistant) brass.
fitted at the stern, typically on the So for a narrowboat, the optimum
swim, with occasionally a smaller anode fitting plan is to fit them
anode on the rudder. Noting in pairs on either side at 1m from
our observation regarding the the bow, 1m from the stern and
effective range of an anode, this then evenly spaced at 4m intervals

94 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

They are not particularly expensive
but are worth the outlay for the
protection that they offer, especially
if the vessel spends a lot of time
connected to shore power.

A more thorough (and expensive)

solution is to fit an isolation
transformer, which introduces a
physical break in all three incoming
shore power wires and transfers
power onto the boat magnetically
via the transformers windings. This
can provide a very safe electrical
environment for working on the
vessel’s electrical systems and
for any swimmers in the water as
the boat is no longer physically
connected to the shore side power
circuit. They are also excellent
at preventing local stray current
New saildrive zinc anode corrosion, but that is a subject for a
blog in itself.

In summary:

Fit the right anodes for your

environment “Mountains-Am-Zee”

Buy quality anodes from a

reputable source

Fit them according to the vessel

type at the recommended scaling

Make sure they are below the water-

line but not on the bottom plate

Consider whether the vessel

needs bonding

Examine the shore power connection

and upgrade it if possible

Do not paint anodes or grounding plates

Bronze grounding plate

A final consideration in how to with propshafts, props and if a skin Other reading on this topic
protect the boat from galvanic fitting is compromised the vessel is The author refers you to an excellent,
corrosion is the risk posed to it at risk of sinking. recently published handy guide
by other vessels via shore power which covers this and related matters,
connections. The earth wire is A galvanic isolator (sometimes co-written by Jeffrery Casciani-Wood
connected as a common ground also referred to as a zinc saver) is HonFIIMS and Elliott Berry FIIMS that
for all vessels and the pontoons fitted into the vessel’s earth wire is available from the IIMS.
themselves. There have been immediately after the shore power
What A Marine Surveyor Needs to
many instances of vessels suffering connection socket and before the Know About Corrosion, Electrolysis,
dramatic and, in some cases, earth wire connects to the boat Galvanism, Anodes & MIC is available
terminal corrosion due to the electrics in any way. It is a solid- in paperback at £25 plus post and
faulty connections of shore power state device which blocks any stray packaging or as a downloadable
terminals or nearby vessels, which currents and prevents the boat’s pdf for just £22. Click for details at
can turn your own hull into one anodes being used to protect
massive anode and wreak havoc nearby vessels and the pontoon!

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 95

Each quarter The Report brings
you an update on some of the new
products and innovations to hit the
boating, shipping and maritime industry.

Hyundai SeasAll
focuses on diesel
Hyundai SeasAll has released a
trio of new diesel engines, the
new SB30-OB outboard and a
pair of engines based on the 6.7 litre
‘G’ family produced by parent company
Hyundai-Kia Motors. The two new medium
speed G7 engines are the G300 and G350
and turn at 2,500 and 2,800rpm respectively.
They feature solenoid-controlled common rail fuel
injection and an electrically activated waste-gate turbo charger.

With an easily accessible seawater impeller, eco-type oil filter and electric oil
extraction pump, the new engines and suitable for both commercial use and larger pleasure craft.

“The diesel outboard market is expected to expand decisively compared to the existing gasoline outboard
market in Korean waters,” explained Seung-Kab Jeong, Hyundai SeasAll’s chief executive. “As a result we expect
the S30-OB to play a significant role as a cash cow in the company.”

Introducing a new
friction reducing fairlead
The A.597 roller fairlead from performance
sailing hardware manufacturers Allen is a cam
cleat accessory for mainsheet jammers and is
designed to reduce friction and wear from the
mainsheet system.

This product was developed on feedback from

some of the world’s most knowledgeable
Finn sailors at the 2019 Finn World Masters.
Feedback from some of these greats in the
sport included; reducing the friction involved
when pumping or playing the mainsheet
through a mainsheet jammer.

The A.597 replaces the standard fairlead on a mainsheet

jammer with a roller system. Initially designed to fit with the
range of mainsheet jammers available from Allen, but can also
be easy installed to any cleat with a 38mm fixing hole centrer.

96 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93


Evoy develops 150 hp electric

outboard motor together
Evoy’s vision is to eliminate emissions from boats. Norway based
Evoy is focused on the commercial market with an inboard
propulsion system for boats between 20 and 40 feet. The goal
is to have the new electric outboard completed and ready for
the market in first quarter of 2021. The prototype outboard is
based on a 90 hp and with a more powerful lower leg, it will
likley perform equivalent a 150 hp petrol engine with electric
propulsion. The testing will be carried out in the fall of 2020 will
give the final results on performance and range.

Ocean Signal announces compact EPIRB
A new Emergency Position Indicating Rescue Beacon (EPIRB) features a 30%
reduction in size compared to other EPIRBs and a 10-year battery life. Ocean
Signal said it has developed the world’s most compact Category 1 (auto-deploy)
EPIRB – the SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro. Weighing 422g, the EPIRB1 Pro measures just
178mm (h) by 89mm (w) by 100mm (d).

The SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro is designed to release automatically from the

Category 1 Auto Deploy Bracket once submerged in water and float
free from a sinking vessel. When floating on the surface, it will then
transmit the boat’s distress message to alert rescue authorities. Users
of the EPIRB1 Pro can expect their beacon to be located within
100m, 95% of the time, within five minutes of the distress signal.

Ocean Signal’s SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro communicates the location

of the survivors to search and rescue services in three ways – the
designated 406MHz Cospas-Sarsat satellite system with position
provided by an integrated GPS receiver, a 121.5MHz homing
beacon, plus a high brightness LED strobe light to maximise
visibility in low light

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 97


Vetus expands its

thruster series
Vetus has expanded its BOW PRO thruster
series with two new larger Boosted models,
the BOWB180 and BOWB210 launched. The
latest models are energy efficient and have
longer runtime, utilising features such as
heading hold or position keeping.

A third connection on the motor leads

the current to an internal charger,
stepping up the voltage from 12 volt
to 24 volt or 48 volt. This allows a
12V or 24V charging source,
such as the propulsion
engine alternator, to
charge a 24V or 48V
battery bank. The
thruster battery bank
is charged any time the
thruster is not being used.

Innovative Volabo electric motor expect by year end

The company behind the innovative Volabo electric motor has announced that
they have now put the motor into series production with the first units being
available at the end of the year.

Developed and tested for both marine and automotive use, the
Volabo electric motor uses a unique form of stator windings that
allow much better torque and a more compact design. In marine
form it will produce 80kW of peak power and a nominal power
of 50kW and it is expected to match the Recreational Craft
Directive requirements.

A feature of the Volabo motor is that it operates

at 48 volts DC which the company claims is a
‘safe to touch’ voltage. This means that the wiring
and clamping technology is much simpler and
technicians do not require extensive training and

The motor can be mounted either vertically or

horizontally due to a reinforced end shield
and this makes it suitable for connection to
saildrives, outboard motors, shaft drives and
z-drives. The 50kW power output has been
selected to meet the propulsion requirements
of a wide variety of craft including RIBs and smaller
workboats where electric propulsion is in demand.

98 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93


Schottel launches
retractable rim
A German propulsion expert has launched
a retractable variant of its rim thruster
that covers the power range up to
500kW. Designed for low-level noise and
vibration, the Schottel Retractable Rim
Thruster (SRT-R) has been developed
from the company’s existing rim thruster
(SRT). Optimised by CFD (Computational
Fluid Dynamics), the internal propeller
blades are hydrodynamically designed to
be highly resistant to cavitation.

The SRT-R can cover a thrust radius of 360 degrees. This offers additional versatility, and also allows the thruster to
be optimally adapted to any requirement and operation profile, including dynamic positioning operation or as a
take-home device.

The SRT is an electric propulsion system. The electric motor stator is installed in the outer part of the tunnel, while
the propeller blades are attached to the inside of the rotor. This results in a space-saving and low-weight thruster.
It converts electric power directly into propulsion power. Surrounding water permanently cools the electric
motor, preventing it from overheating.

Stay tension can be measured in realtime via smarttune

Cyclops Marine has launched a simple-to-install load sensor that
accurately measures stay tension in real time and transmits rig-loads
wirelessly to a smartphone or boat instruments.

The smarttune load sensor is the

first in a new smart range
of load sensors and
enables users
to measure
and repeat
their fastest
control their
forestay sag
and headsail
shape, alongside the mast bend
to manage the mainsail shape for optimal racing
performance in all conditions, on all points of sail.

The load sensor can be swapped in for the existing turn screw in minutes
and showing the live rig load on the user’s smart device seconds later.

The load sensor also shows the rig live load so the crew know they are not overloading it, plus sends live data to mast
instrument displays and mobile apps, creating a better communication link between trimmers, tactician, and helm.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 99

By Karen Brain

In life most things are simple, and this is so if basic guidelines are
followed in what ever you do in your business and personal life. It is so
easy to overlook, neglect to do or decide in a fleeting moment of haste
that a step is not necessary and so omit it; and those omissions can
often lead to substantial long-term grief.

In this short article we are going to look at a few basic steps that should
be undertaken when dealing in business i.e. when forming a binding
agreement (a contract) to reduce the possibility of “grief”.

We start by asking three basic questions: consideration is a required element of

forming a binding agreement (a binding
1. Do you know who instructed you?
contract) and this can be money or
2. Do you know who your client is? monies worth.
3. Do you know if your terms and conditions • Have you advised them before accepting
are accepted? the job that all your work is undertaken
So, a scenario is: You take a telephone call under your terms and conditions; these
from a person, perhaps a sales broker, asking may be standard terms and conditions?
you to undertake a survey on a vessel for Let’s go back a stage. A contract (a binding
which he has a potential purchaser. Business agreement) may be oral or written and is
for you may be slow, or it seems a good formed by:
opportunity or you know the broker well. So,
• Offer
you say yes you will do the survey.
• Acceptance
• Have you formed a binding agreement
• Consideration
(oral contract) at this point? Good
question. Not if the amount to be charged • Intent to create legal relations
has not been discussed and agreed; • Certainty

100 | The Report • September 2020

2020 •• Issue
The last two elements are normally quite and conditions, they agree to your terms and
obvious so we will not concentrate on these conditions by accepting your offer of services.
in this article. Whatever you do, you must make sure your
terms and conditions apply to your contract
In the above scenario who is offering and (your binding agreement) with your client.
who is accepting?
If you agree with the sales broker to do the
It should be made clear that you as a survey what is his status? Is he an agent of
surveyor are offering your services at the the potential purchaser? Has he become
agreed price with your terms and conditions your client? Payment for a service is just one
applying; the client should be the one element that is looked at by courts when
accepting your offer, preferably in writing. deciding who are the parties to a contract.
You may have formed a contract with more
Your terms and conditions may be attached than one person by accident. Thus, the
to an email or included as an attachment to rule is, always write to your client before
a letter and you may request they are signed commencing work and ensure they confirm
and dated by your prospective client and you are working for them only and that they
that they return a signed and dated copy to accept your terms and conditions.
you before you undertake the work – this is
preferable. Or you decide to refer to your It is helpful if you always state in your
terms and conditions applying to all your survey report that the survey is only for the
work and direct them to an attachment to benefit of your client “Mr Bloggs” and there
an email or an inclusion in a letter. Another can be no reliance on the document for
alternative is to state your terms and other parties and neither do you have any
conditions apply to any work you undertake liability to anyone else except your client
and refer them to a copy on your website by and that the document cannot be released
providing the URL; you may do the latter and to any other party without your written
still ask them to confirm they agree to your agreement. You may wish others to be able
terms and conditions. There are different to rely on the survey report and if so you
options available to incorporate terms and would need to add that other parties can
conditions in a binding agreement. rely on the survey report but only if you
give your written agreement (consent). The
A final catch all is to state that even if they decision is yours as to how wide you wish
do not confirm they agree to/sign your terms your liability to be to parties.

So, three simple things to remember:

Matrix Insurance Services Ltd -
• Know who is instructing you Provider of professional indemnity
• Identify your client by confirming scheme for IIMS members
in writing to your client your
instructions, your offer and Karen Brain
supply them with your terms and
Managing Director –
conditions at this point
solicitor non-practising
• Ensure your terms and conditions
are accepted by your client Tel: 01892 724060
“put everything in writing”

TheReport September 2020 • Issue 93 | 101
Report •• September
The root of most
problems with contracts
is caused by common
formation problems. By Karen Brain

Contracts and law govern and fundamentally affect the

operation and functioning of businesses. As such, businesses
and their personnel should be aware of and understand the
formation of contracts and their key elements that will affect
the relationship and liabilities to their clients.

First you have to ascertain if a binding discretion and flexibility in accepting or

contract (a binding agreement) actually rejecting that offer.
exists. Secondly, if so, what terms have been 4. An option is to send out all
incorporated into the contract. correspondence marked “subject to
contract”, until you wish to form a binding
This article “dips” into the arena of contract. This clarifies that communications
forming contracts. It is not meant to be a are invitations to treat and avoids you
comprehensive overview of contract law, potentially being bound to the other party
which is highly complex, it merely seeks to inadvertently.
summarise the fundamental elements of a 5. Check that your standard terms are
contract which a business should consider included in your contracting procedures
when contracting with other entities. and ensure those staff forming contracts
understand how to ensure to include your
Offer terms and conditions in a contract.
1. An offer is a promise by one party to enter Acceptance
into a contract with another party.
2. An offer must be (a) specific (i.e. 1. Acceptance is a final and unqualified
unambiguous/unequivocal); (b) complete; assent to an offer.
(c) capable of acceptance; and (d) 2. It must be communicated to the offeror
made with intention of being bound by to be effective, however, conduct can
acceptance. sometimes constitute acceptance.
3. An invitation to treat is not an offer. An 3. Do not forget that contracts can be made
example of this is a shop window. If you are by email/orally and they do not have to
not dealing on your own standard terms, be formal written documents; and you
it may be beneficial to send an invitation can modify contracts also in this way by
to treat and wait for the other party to intention or accident. So, the rule is “use
return with an offer. This then gives you the informal communications with caution!”

102 | The Report • September 2020

2020 •• Issue
Sometimes it is better to consider heading by which an obligation binding on some
all emails with “subject to contract” as a person is created or confirmed.
failure to do so runs the risk of forming 4. Past consideration is no consideration, i.e. if
a contract without the intention and/or a party performs a pre-existing obligation,
having the appropriate protection. it does not constitute consideration for a
4. Now for the battle of the forms. At what new obligation.
point is the contract formed? Which party’s 5. In most cases consideration is obvious
terms will apply? If a party offers to contract but if you are not sure it exists either
on its own terms, which the other party acknowledge in an agreement the
accepts but then imposes its own terms, existence of some consideration (e.g. £1) or
there is no acceptance but rather a counter- execute the agreement as a deed.
offer. Each party wants to ensure its terms
are the last set of terms despatched prior to Intention
performance, at which point the contract 1. A contract cannot be made unless the
between the parties is formed. parties have a mutual intention to create a
5. Acceptance is the final step before the legally binding agreement.
contract is formed and becomes binding, 2. An intention to create legal relations is
unless the other party agrees to vary the presumed in commercial situations but it is
terms of the contract at a later date; so at always better to make it clear.
this point normally no other terms can be
incorporated into the agreement, unless Certainty
the agreement provides for it.
1. The agreement must be complete. It
Consideration must not lack an essential term which
1. A promise cannot be enforced unless constitutes the fundamental purpose of
there is consideration given or promised in the agreement.
exchange for it. 2. The agreement must not be vague or
2. Consideration does not need to be ambiguous i.e. uncertain.
adequate, however, it must have some 3. Although in some circumstances a court
value (monies or monies worth). may decide to fill in perceived “gaps” in a
3. Deeds do not require consideration to be contract in accordance with the parties’
given. A deed is a written document which intentions at the time, this should not be
is executed with additional formalities and relied on.

Do think
So, carefully
three simple when
things toyou are forming
a •binding agreement (a contract) with Matrix Insurance Services Ltd -
Know who is instructing you
one or more parties to ensure you have Provider of professional indemnity
• Identify your
incorporated yourclient by confirming
terms and conditions scheme for IIMS members
in writing to your client
in the contract that you may your
wish to rely
instructions, your offer and supply Karen Brain
on at a future date.
them with your terms and conditions
at this point Managing Director –
solicitor non-practising
• Ensure your terms and conditions are
Matrix Insurance Services Ltd. and the author of this article do
not by your
accept any liability client
for any errors or omissions in this article. Tel: 01892 724060
The information contained in this article is for general use only
and is not intended to constitute legal or insurance advice and
should not be treated as a substitute for such advice.
“put everything in writing”

TheReport September 2020 • Issue 93 | 103
Report •• September
A day in
the life of...
Mike Schwarz caught up with veteran,
retired surveyor, Jeffrey Casciani-Wood, aka
Mog as he is known, just a month before his
90th birthday. Happy birthday Jeffrey
from the IIMS family.

Believed to be the Institute’s

second oldest member, he
will turn 90 next month and
held the position of President
between 1997 and 2000. Many
members will know and have
met Jeffrey - most would sum
him up as a character with an
encyclopaedic knowledge of
the surveying profession. He
has enjoyed a rich life, much
of it devoted to the marine
surveying profession. His
knowledge and experience of
the marine industry is vast and,
although retired for a number
of years, Jeffrey just loves to
keep his hand in and continues
to contribute in any way he can.
His latest article on fastenings,
Part II of which is published
in this edition of The Report,
is another fine example. Mike
went in search of the man
behind the character.

104 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Question 1
A view over West India Docks from the east. Blackwall basin is the round dock in
How many years did you practise
the middle fore ground. On the day I started work the shipwrights were docking a
as a marine surveyor and what was destroyer in the drydock that leads off the basin (underneath the two white sheds in
the appeal of the profession that the middle foreground to the left of the basin).
drew you into the industry?

I actually started learning

about surveying when I was an
apprentice. Often we would
drydock a ship which was
undergoing one of the Class
surveys when it was necessary
to ‘open up the lifeboats’ also for
survey. They were mainly wooden
clinker-built lifeboats and I knew
the class surveyor quite well
because I was the only lad doing
the job. He would frequently ask
me what I had found, have a quick
look at any defects I told him
about, write in his notebook and
then clear off. A couple of days
later we would have repaired the
defects, boxed the boat up and
that was it. He would also often
ask me how busy we were and, if
we were not too busy, he would
‘find’ non-existent defects to give
us some work. When I finally gave
up working as a shipwright in 1957,
I worked for some eight years in
the drawing office at Blackwall yard
after which I started working in
1965 for a city consulting engineer.
In that role I was classed as a
surveyor finally setting out on my
own in 1970. I officially gave up Question 2 and, I think that I am right in this
work as a surveyor when my wife Given that you have been retired when I say that I am probably
died in 2005, so the answer is 43 for a number of years what is it that the only one in the IIMS who has
years plus! drives you on to remain current in worked under enemy fire in the
the market, even today, by which second world war. I remember
What was the appeal? My father I mean writing magazine articles, working on a ship in what is now St.
died when I was aged just 10 publishing handy guides, attending Katharine’s Yacht Harbour, London
and he had been in the ‘Andrew’ and presenting seminars? and watching the last of the flying
(The Royal Navy) in the first world bombs go over. Some memories I
war and the (probably wildly When I first started as an would prefer to forget.
exaggerated) tales of those days apprentice, Bert Powell, the charge
thrilled me and, from a very early hand who had the job of teaching I really enjoy writing those papers
age, I wanted to go to sea like me said, “This aint a trade, son, it’s a and booklets because I know that
my dad. When I reached the age disease, and what you’ll need most they help many people to pick
of 14, my mother told me that, of all is a sense of humour!” He up some of my own hard-won
because of her circumstances, was right on both counts. I simply knowledge which I enjoy sharing. I
I had to leave school and go to caught the disease. It is incurable. learned very early on that the best
work. She had a good friend The sense of humour grew over the way to learn is by making your own
called Gus Forsberg who was the years. The profession has given mistakes even though you hide
Company Secretary of a shipyard me a very interesting life. I have them by calling them experience.
at Blackwall, and he offered to travelled to over seventy different It is better, if you can, to learn
give me a job. I was delighted. I countries, visited every continent the lessons from someone else’s
started work there on the 1st day and sailed on a number of seas mistakes and those papers and
of January 1945. The rest, as they including several trips on trawlers booklets often contain knowledge
say, is history. and the (in)famous Liberty ships, gained that way.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 105

Question 3
What in your opinion have
been the biggest and most
challenging changes over the
past 50 years in the surveying
profession and have they
necessarily improved a
surveyor’s lot?

The coming of the container with

the consequent disappearance
of the break bulk general cargo
ship and the merchant marine
and, subsequently, the closure
of many commercial docks and
nearly all the British shipyards.
That has resulted in many people
coming into the profession who
do not have that background of
shipyard work and/or seagoing
experience that I had behind
me. That has been a very big
Blackwall Yard No 2 dry dock. The last on the London river and now a listed building. challenge and has meant that
the folk who do try to follow the
profession have to start from the
Taking UTS Measurements on a Narrowboat in the Dry Dock at Enfield. ground (or waterline) up, often
when they are already mature
adults. I am often privately
horrified at some of the things
I have heard surveyors say, or
seen what they write, although I
am willing to grant that it is not
really their fault. It is usually due
to lack of experience and I do not
envy them.

Question 4
What was the most useful item
of kit in your toolbox and why?

My hand hammer. I still have

my shipwright’s 2 lb. spike
pein hammer and it is very
useful. I wouldn’t part with
it. A classic example of its use
is when carrying out a survey on
a steel Dutch barge or similar.
Although an ultrasonic machine is
absolutely essential and necessary
and will tell you the local thickness
of a shell plate, a hammer blow
will tell you the general condition
of a much wider area of plating,
but you need training to both
learn where to hit and to hear
and understand the timbre of the
sound of the blow. Surprisingly,
the hammer testing of a steel
plate is not a ‘teach yourself’ trick
of the trade.

106 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Question 5
What are the biggest
challenges facing modern day
marine surveyors, particularly
those who did not come into
the business the way you did
as an apprentice in a shipyard?

The biggest challenge is

getting the necessary breadth
of experience. Many of
them only have experience
of say frp yachts with no
experience of wood, steel or
ferro-cement construction. A
good surveyor should be able
to survey a vessel whatever
her material of construction,
give a reasonably good idea of
the condition of her rig and a
similar superficial report on the Isle of Dogs and the West India Docks. I built the last two vessels to be built on the London
condition of her machinery. river at Limehouse hole - bottom right where the two big sheds can be seen. We used to call
It would help, in my opinion, it the Hog yard. Blackwall Basin is the circular dock off to the left.
if everyone who took the
Diploma course in marine
surveying, had to attend a
minimum number of training
days before setting out on his
or her own. Ideally, he/she
would also have spent some
time with and understudying
an experienced surveyor. I
realise that raises problems
and would be difficult to
enforce and/or practice, but
it is the only and very best
way to gain knowledge and
to understand the necessary
experience. Another challenge
is to gain the ability to write
a good quality and accurate
report in good English. Often,
it is simply badly written
English that gets a surveyor
into trouble with his clients.

Question 6
Which two aspects of your work
as a marine surveyor are you
most proud of and gave you the
most pleasure? Me receiving my Lifetime
The second was the receipt of Achievement Award to celebrate 70
The first I would say is that I was the Lifetime Achievement Award years in the surveying and maritime
world at the 2015 IIMS Conference
responsible for building the last presented to me at the IIMS
dinner aboard HMS Belfast, London.
two ships (large rubbish barges Conference dinner aboard HMS Together with Capt Bertrand
actually) to be launched into the Belfast as a length of time in the Apperry (IIMS President at the time)
London river in the old Hog Yard at business momento. I was very and Mike Schwarz (centre).
Limehouse Hole. It is underneath deeply moved by that. The men I
a concrete roundabout now. Sic served my time with at the Orchard
transit Gloria mundi! Dock would have been proud of me.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 107

Question 7 Question 8 whether a boat is built of iron or
How important is it for a marine Given your extensive experience, steel manufactured by a particular
surveyor to be a member of a what are the three best bits of method by the grinding method.
professional body such as IIMS advice you can pass directly on That knowledge helps not only to
and what part should such an to the current generation of know where to look for defects in
organisation play in today’s surveyors and those just making a structure but also to know WHY
modern world? their way in this game? they are there.

To answer the first part of the Whenever you leave a job to Build yourself a good library of
question: Very important indeed. go home ask yourself “What reference books and technical
Practising surveyors should be have I learned today?” and papers on all types of boats,
encouraged to attend the various answer it honestly. boatbuilding practices and
training events and strive to move materials, and do not scorn it
up the membership scale. They Learn as much as you can about because the book was published
should also be encouraged to the material from which the boat before you were born. I learned
write articles for The Report and is built. If it is wood, start learning why steel made in a Bessemer
to share their knowledge with about timber from the moment the converter is not allowed in sea
others. They should be very proud seed that yields the tree falls into going classed ships from a book
of being an important part of the the ground. Similarly, for frp, steel that was published when my
engineering profession. and ferro-cement. You should be mother was just eight years old!
able to identify quite accurately
The second part is more difficult
to answer. I think that one of the
things that should be considered
is that organisations such as IIMS
bring to the attention of the
public at large and, perhaps more
importantly, the Members of
Parliament and Government, the
importance of the various branches
of the engineering professions,
especially marine surveying.

108 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

Question 9
If you had your time over again,
would you change anything?

Yes. I had passed the Essex County

Scholarship when I was 11 and
was receiving a good combined
education at a Technical College
when family circumstances forced
me to leave. As I was under 16
when I started work, I had to have
one day off a week to keep my
hours under the legal maximum.
I should have used that day to
go to Poplar Technical College to
continue my education. I didn’t
and so wasted much time. Had
I have done so I would have had
an HNC by the time I was a third-
year apprentice and probably a
doctorate by the time I was 22. I
regret that time wasted and the
only excuse I have is that I didn’t
have anyone to guide me. If I
could go back, I would definitely
change that.

Question 10
I understand you have been
writing an anthology of your life as
a marine surveyor. What can you
tell me about this work and when
might we be able to read it?

I wrote the history of the first part

of my life for my family and they
keep nagging me to bring it up
to date. That is available now. It
takes the reader, more or less, to
the end of my apprenticeship.
For the last ten years, however, as
time allows in a very busy life, I
have been writing a Manual on the
Marine Surveying of Small Craft
based upon my experience of the
profession. Volume 1 is on the final
edit stage. Volume 2 is in draft form
and Volume 3 almost complete. It is
based on my experience of working
in the profession from the age of
14. I think that it will be ready in a
year from now.

This poster was produced to advertise

The London Graving Dock and Thames
Shipyards exhibition. The Thames
Festival Trust put on this exhibition about
the ship and boat building industry on
the River Thames to recognise the history
and heritage of the London Graving Dock
Co, based in Blackwall since 1617.

The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93 | 109

Averil and me with eldest grandson Jason and his wife Raksha, Jasmine and Roisin
their daughters (great grand daughters) in Tower Gardens, London. This is just one
small part of my lovely family.

Question 11 Question 12
I recall you saying that another Apart from drinking tea and Sibelius, Mozart and Beethoven but,
great grandchild is expected. How completing the newspaper when I am alone, I still love to listen
many grandchildren and great crossword every day, what other to a good brass band march; but
grandchildren do you have and hobbies do you have? my favourite pleasure is listening
how do you possibly keep up to to Myfanwy or Cwm Rhondda sung
date with them all? Would you I have often said that, D. V., I shall by a good Welsh Male Voice Choir –
advise any of them to become a die of too much blood in my tea the most beautiful sound on Earth.
marine surveyor? stream. I like to play Scrabble I am an Anglo-Welsh-Italian-east
with Averil and to do the ‘Tory London Cockney mongrel and
Norma, my wife of fifty-three Dailygraph’ cryptic crossword it stirs the Welsh-Italian part of
years, two months and sixteen every day as it keeps my brain my soul like nothing else. I loved
days, gave me three sons and two working. As for other hobbies, for singing Hen Wlad fy Nhadau when
daughters. My eldest son, Alan, many years I played the double Wales played England in the Rugby
died five years after my wife. I B flat contrabass tuba and/or the (Union of course) matches but, as I
have ten grandsons and six grand G bass trombone in a Salvation have a voice like a crow with a sore
daughters and, to date, twenty- Army brass band. I had to give throat, it used to annoy my poor
two great grandchildren. Daisy, that up some fifteen years ago as wife (and the neighbours) no end.
unfortunately, was still born. All it became physically too difficult. I Happy days.
being well, my granddaughter love classical music and particularly
Janine will deliver my twenty third enjoy listening to Schubert,
great grandchild (a boy) at the end Photograph of Barking Citadel YP Band in 1941.
Middle row, third from the left: me on 2nd horn.
of September. As far as keeping up
to date is concerned, fortunately,
I have a very dear friend called
Averil, who keeps a diary with all
their names, addresses and dates
of birth and regularly updates
me on such important matters as
birthdays. They cost me a fortune
at Christmastide. Anastasia, my
eldest great granddaughter is
eighteen. Give me another few
years and perhaps I shall see
my great-great-grandchild. My
daughter with whom I live has said
that I shouldn’t advise any of them
to go into my profession – you
have to love ships and boats and
ignore everything else! Not strictly
true but well on the way.

110 | The Report • September 2020 • Issue 93

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