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Shift to Floating Seawater Desalination

In order to reduce environmental issues

and supply timely to meet demand

Toshifumi Kokubun
Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

November 24th, 2014

Floating desalination plants

2 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Current situation of desalination market
Global desalination market has been expanding dramatically from 2000s and already
formed big market especially on North America and Middle East.
Its market is expected to grow up to more than 13 billion USD in Saudi Arabia, 10
billion USD in UAE and 11 billion USD in United States (2007-2016).
Saudi Arabia
$ billion

3 Source: Global Water Intelligence “Global Water Market 2014” © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.
Future trend of desalination construction market
Desalination plant construction market is expected to increase significantly both on in
terms of monetary amounts and of capacity.
 Global desalination market is expected to reach 15 ~ 20 million m3/day every year in
capacity-basis after 2026
 In terms of monetary amounts, developing market of the desalination plant is
predicted to reach over 14 billion USD in 2018 and will continue at, at least , the
same amount year after year.
Global desalination market (single year basis)
million USD

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Actual Prediction
Source: “GWI DesalData’s long-range desalination market forecast”, Global Water Intelligence “Global Water Market 2014”

4 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

The desalination industry is facing crucial issues and is in
need of a drastic solution to stabile growth
Risk factor Reduce profitability

Extension of time for completion with Delay of
the environmental assessment monetization

Increase in
Unexpected additional construction
construction ×
cost of the environmental facility
cost Rising the interest
cost caused by

many uncertainty
Declining demand due to
climate change
decrease in
Ⅳ sales stability
Alteration of the contract due to
political uncertainty

Drastic solution to improve profitability

is necessary

5 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Ⅰ Problems of land-based facility 1:
Prolonged project
Background of desalination plant in Carlsbad, California
 In early 1990s, since Southern California was suffered from continuous drought for 5 years, and
the amount of water provision was limited to one third of the standard level, they began to plan
the building of a desalination facility.
 However, it took over 10 years to carry out the bid, and the construction was finally started in 2013
and operation is supposed to start in 2016, although it was originally planned to begin in 2011.

Early 1990’s Start Planning

Jan,2008 Poseidon awarded as vendor

“We will start to operate from Over

2011” (CEO Comment, Poseidon) 20yrs!

June, Construction
2013 Start

2016 Operation Start?

Source: The Wall Street Journal (June 21, 2013 & January 17, 2008)

6 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Ⅱ Resolving case of the damage by seawater collection of
floating desalination plant
 The environmental damage by seawater collection has been increasingly focused on
the construction of a land-based facility, and a large cost is now paid to collect the
water from the bottom of the sea offshore.
The case of a desalination plant in Victoria, Australia
Relatively expensive cost of plant
construction in Victoria, Australia
 Desalination plant in Victoria costs
5.9 billion USD is much expensive than that
of in Saudi Arabia which costs 1 billion with
same desalination amount.

The feed-water pipeline is

implemented on the bottom of sea
to avoid intake small species. Rich green remains
Source: ASPECT Studio &

7 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Ⅲ Problems of land-based facility 2:
Low utilization
 The Sydney plant was commission when water reached below the critical level.
 After a few years water availability improved considerably because of good weather
condition in Sydney and the plant forced to shut down in 2012.
The case of Sydney Desalination Plant
Jan 05’ Sydney Phase Jan 10’ Jul 12’ Plant
1 Decision Point commissioned was shut down
Maximum level of
water storage,
Sydney (100%)

Actual available
water level

Critical level of
water storage,
Sydney (50%)

Source: Australian Bureau of Metrology

8 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

The floating desalination plant will be an effective solution for
the stable growth in the desalination business
Reduce the uncertainty Reduce opposition campaign
 Move somewhere else when
 Minimize harmful effect on the
demand and country risk changed.
environment costal area.
 Production will be made prior to
 Preserve diversification of the
obtaining the order based on
shallow sea.
demand prediction.

Enable to separate

9 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Actual performance of the Floating Desalination
Plants and generating huge business opportunity
by top company’s strategy

10 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Actual performance of the floating desalination plant

 Floating desalination plant has been utilized as a temporary

solution and already demonstrated many cases in several area.
 Floating desalination plant can be quickly implemented,
incrementally add its capability, and can easily moved to other
area upon request after finishing its expected role.

Saudi Arabia Cypriot Thailand

 A floating desalination  The Cypriot government  In 2006, A desalination

facility was introduced in decided to build a floating facility was quickly
2008 until a permanent desalination as a introduced upon the
land-based facility was temporary solution from request within 2 months.
built in 2009. 2008 to 2013.
• 4000㎥/day
• 52,000㎥/day • 20,000㎥/day
• USD2.27/㎥ • EUR1.38/㎥

11 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Case 1: Water Standard
 American water-related engineering company, Water Standard Company (WSC), has
launched the business of a floating desalination plant, called “Seawater Desalination
Vessel (SDV),” from 2008.

SDV system by Water Standard Compared with a land-based

desalination facility, our SDV is
WATER STANARD superior economically as well as in
Water Flow environmentally.
 The cost of collecting seawater is
Seawater Desalination Transportation Use smaller, because the plant is located
on the sea.
Boat installed Desalt-plant Pipe facility City
 The cost of protecting the coastal
environment is smaller, because
seawater can be used for
the process of diluting waste liquid.
 The damage to the ecosystem is
smaller when seawater is taken.

Source: Water Standard, Houston, IEEE spectrum, TX (PRWEB) June 28, 2011 Amanda Brock

12 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Case 2: IDE and Hyflux

IDE We will raise sales portion of the floating desalination in the future.
Approximately 15% to 20% of the new desalination plants will be
Global top tire floating model.

Hyflux used Singapore International Water Week to demonstrate

a model of its floating desalination production vessel that will be able
to produce 30,000㎥/day at maximum capacity.
The first full-scale vessel could be produced in six months’ time and
its likely destination is the Middle East, Hyflux has suggested.



Source: Water Review 4/8/2014

13 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.
The effectiveness and opportunity for the ship based floating
desalination plant
Type of water demand

1 Urbanization
increase Incremental, Sudden,
National Unpredictable events

The size of Ship Based floating
desalination plant can adjusted
by adding or reducing the
number of ship upon demand
3 Climate fluctuation.

4 Disaster

14 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Potential market of the floating desalination plant
15% to 20% of the whole new desalination plant demand is the floating model and
being strategically implemented in top tier company’s mid term plan.
Assuming the realization of this plan, market will generate at least $1.5billion to 4billion
every year until 2025.
Driver 1 The size of floating desalination Driver 2
Adverse wind to land plant manufacturing market will Increase demand suitable
based plant be at least $1.5billion to 4billion for floating plant
① Strict environmental until 2025
regulation on onshore ④ Incrementally expand
plant Latin the gap between
America, population growth and
② Difficulty to accept the Africa US 4.7% capacity of the water
increasing cost for 12.7% 13.4%
municipality is causing EU
delay in construction 12.7% ⑤ Intensifying water
schedule Asian, shortage in the
advanced country
③ Request from investor Middle
to raise the number of East, ⑥ Increase in natural
floating model in order 42.0% disaster
to reduce project risk

15 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Floating business other opportunities

16 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

New other opportunities for floating solution in the near future

New opportunities for creating floating demand

Raising awareness of the Effectiveness of offshore location of the LNG based electric
limited damage to our power plant against Tsunami will become more
infrastructure from Tsunami commonsense.

Hydrogen transportation will increase drastically as a newly
electric power source.

Accelerating hydrogen Offshore hydrogen storage will be needed in order to

society around the world accumulate the byproduct hydrogen at nearby offshore rig.

The floating wind power generation from distant seas will

increase by utilizing hydrogen transportation technology.

Japan seeks an opportunity to make the first case of floating desalination

plant and expand these models in global market as an effective solution
17 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.
Floating LNG electric power plants might be the new standard
Floating LNG electric power plant
Developed and introduced to Japan by Sevan

 Smooth generating efficiency in load, range from

70 to 700 MW.
 Unaffected by earth quakes and subsequent
catastrophic impacts.

Sevan proposed it to Japan as a Post-Fukushima

LNG electric power plant.

18 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Anticipated additional opportunities in the near future
Expanding business opportunities
time line

Floating Within
desalination 3 years

Robust Within
electric Hydrogen gas 5 years
power turbine will be
implemented in
the near future

Hydrogen Within
society 10 years

19 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Proposal to solve environmental issues and reduce the
business risks of the desalination plant
Global issues
 It drastically increases the worldwide risk of the damage to the marine ecosystem if we
rely on land-based plants to cover all exploding demands of sea-desalination in the future.
 It also increases the business risks for desalination plant company to invest the additional
cost for the facility to avoid environmental risks or the consensus building with
residential group, which raises the risk of slowing down the private investment for
ensuring adequate supply.

Solutions by governments and international organizations

 To solve these global issues above, we suggest;
1. Promote the shift to the floating desalination plant and accelerate the technology
2. Establish new environmental regulation for accelerating the shift desalination plant
location from land to seaborne.
3. Raise general awareness of the effectiveness to the floating LNG electric power plant
and obtain the hydrogen business opportunity proactively.

20 © 2014. For information, contact Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

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