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Lesson Plan

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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 7


a. Define the differences of each type of Interjection;

b. Construct a sentence for each type of Interjection;

c. Identify an appropriate expression for each sentence;

d. Construct sentences using Interjection through a Picture analysis

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Students can use interjections in word problems or in explaining

solutions to math concepts, showing emotion and emphasis.

2) Science - Interjections can be used in science experiments to express surprise,

excitement, or understanding of scientific phenomena.

3) History - Interjections can add emotion and context when discussing historical
events or figures, making the subject more engaging.


Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: None

Anecdote 1 - Share a traditional Filipino story that uses interjections to express


Anecdote 2 - Describe a scene from a Filipino movie where interjections play a

significant role in conveying the characters' feelings.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Index cards with different interjections

1) Idea - Students act out short skits where they must use the interjection on their
card appropriately.

2) Idea - Divide students into groups and have them create a short play incorporating
various interjections.Explore:Explore:

Activity 1: Interjection Charades

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Flashcards with different interjections

Significance: Enhances understanding of various interjections through interactive



1) Students will pick a flashcard and act out the emotion associated with the

2) Other students guess the interjection being portrayed.

Rubric - Accuracy of portrayal - 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the purpose of using interjections in communication?

2) Can you give an example of an interjection that expresses surprise?

3) Explain how interjections can enhance the tone of a sentence.

Activity 4: Interjection Storytelling

Materials: Storybook with examples of interjections, whiteboard, markers

Significance: Develops storytelling skills and understanding of interjections in


1) Read a story aloud, pausing at interjections for students to identify and discuss
their purpose.

2) In groups, students create their own short stories incorporating different types of


- Story coherence and flow

- Correct usage of interjections

- Creativity in storytelling

Assessment Questions:

1) How do interjections enhance the storytelling experience?

2) Can you identify and explain the difference between mild and strong interjections?

3) Why is it important to use interjections appropriately in writing and speaking?

Activity 5: Interjection Sentence Construction Game

Materials: Sentence strips, interjection word cards, timer

Significance: Improves language fluency and sentence structure


1) Students draw an interjection card and a sentence strip, then have a set time to
construct a grammatically correct sentence using both elements.

2) Peers evaluate the sentences for accuracy and creativity.


- Sentence structure and grammar

- Use of appropriate interjection

- Time management

Assessment Questions:

1) How can interjections change the tone of a sentence?

2) Discuss the impact of using interjections in dialogue versus narrative writing.

3) Can you provide an example of a sentence where an interjection is necessary for

clarity or emotion?

Activity 6: Interjection Picture Analysis

Materials: Various images depicting different emotions, writing materials

Significance: Encourages critical thinking and observation skills


1) Show students a picture and ask them to write a sentence using an appropriate
interjection that matches the emotion portrayed in the image.

2) Students share their sentences and discuss how the interjections enhance the


- Relevance of interjection to the image

- Clarity of expression

- Connection between interjection and emotion in the picture

Assessment Questions:

1) How can visual cues in a picture influence the choice of interjection in a sentence?

2) Explain the importance of context when selecting an interjection for a specific


3) In what ways do interjections contribute to effective communication in written and

spoken language?


Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction

Provide a detailed explanation of the different types of interjections, using examples

and encouraging student participation and questions.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1 - Students create a comic strip using interjections in dialogue to convey


Task 2 - Write a short story where interjections are used effectively to enhance the


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Question 1 - How do interjections contribute to the overall tone of a sentence?

Question 2 - Differentiate between an interjection and other parts of speech.

Question 3 - Provide examples of interjections used in everyday conversations.

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Encourage students to apply interjections in discussions on current events or social

issues to express their opinions effectively.


1) Reflective Journal - Write a reflection on how interjections can make written and
spoken language more engaging.

2) Creative Writing - Compose a short story incorporating at least five different

interjections to emphasize emotions and

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