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Ubd Narrative Writing

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“Knowledge must be gained by

ourselves. Mankind may supply us

with the facts; but the results,
even if they agree with the
previous ones, must be the work of
our mind.”
(Benjamin Disraeli)
Sample Learning Plan In
English I

Basic Features and

Elements of Narrative
Desired Results / Outcomes
 General Standard:
- The learner demonstrates literary and
communicative competence through
his/her understanding of the different
genres of Philippine Literature and
other text types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine culture.
 Content Standard:
- The learner demonstrates
understanding of the distinctive
features, aesthetic elements and
underlying objectives of varied types of
Philippine narratives using the most
appropriate language forms and
Performance Standard:
- The learner tells a story creatively
and proficiently.

Concept Matrix Topic:

- Basic Features and Elements of
A. Essential Understanding
Students will understand that:

Narratives are interesting accounts of

people’s ideas, feelings and values
pertinent to their, culture and society.
 Prior Knowledge:
-The students may be thinking that:
1. Narratives have to be long in order for details/elements
to be complete.
2. Narratives are always told in the order in which an
event occurred.
3. Folk narratives are simplistic explanations of things
around us.
4. Philippine folk narratives do not have the elements of
5. Philippine folk narratives are copied after western ones.
6. Verb tense is all about correct form or structure
and that it has nothing to do with proficient
7. Each narrative element is independent from the
other elements.
8. A narrative is pure fiction and its conflict has
nothing to do with real-life situations.
9. Comic strips are trivial illustrations of narratives.
 New Knowledge
1. Narrative may be short but can contain the
essential elements.
2. Narratives use elements like plot, characters,
conflict, and theme in order to tell story in
clear and exciting way.
3. Narratives, are behaviors that provide
insight on the culture and beliefs of a nation.
4. Philippine narrative reflect our uniqueness
and cultural identity as a people. Tales have
special features that make them distinct
from one culture to another.
B. Essential Questions
1. Why study Philippine narratives?
2. How do I write a narrative proficiently and
3. How can verbs in the simple past tense with
their time markers facilitate to proficiently
tell a story?
C. Transfer Goals
-The students can tell a story by
1. Using correct verb tense (in this lesson-
simple past tense with its time markers) to
facilitate time consistency and coherence;
2. Logically integrating the elements to develop
the theme or to signify human experiences;
3. Significantly illustrating traits of
characters in comic strips.
D. Objectives (Knowledge, Skills, and
Attitudes or KSA)
1.The students will know… (K)
a. Basic features and elements of narrative
b. Types of narratives
c. Narrative devices
d. Forms and functions of verbs in the simple past
e. Time markers/signals to use in the simple past tense
2. The students will be able to… (S)
a. Abstract the distinctive features and elements
of narratives
b. Clarify the objectives of narratives
c. Classify samples of folk narratives
d. Trace the development of action in a story
e. Illustrate traits of characters through comic
f. Use details to find meaning and connection
among the elements of narratives
g. Explain how narrative features work
together to help one understand and
appreciate narratives
h. Relate conflicts in narratives to real life
i. Use diagrams, charts, drawings, and other
visuals to illustrate understanding of ideas
j. Use multimedia and technology in the
presentation of anime comic strips
k. Use correct forms of verbs in the simple
past tense
l. Use appropriate time markers to express
past actions
m. Formulate clear questions and appropriate
n. Point the Filipino values and traditions as
mirrored in the narrative.
o. Retell an adapted narrative.
3. The students must be able to
a. Work with others cooperatively and collaboratively
b. Exhibit respect for others by not talking out of turn
c. Manifest diligence in learning by finishing tasks
d. Take pride in being a Filipino through its folk
Assessment Evidence
 Performance Task (GRASPS)
A. Task Overview
In an effort to promote appreciation of
Filipino folk narratives nationwide, the
National Book Development Board has
commissioned your publishing house for a
Being a graphic designer/writer of a popular
children’s book, you were asked by the
publishing house to develop write and
illustrate a relevant and representative
Philippine folk narrative as an anime comic
strip. Since their target market is the 10-12
year old upper elementary students,
they want your work to present creatively the
elements of narrative and exhibit a
craftsmanship that will ensure the product’s

B. Evidence at the level of understanding

The learner should be able to demonstrate
understanding covering the six (6) facets of
Illustrate traits of characters in a map/guide.
Make meaning out of details used in a folk narrative.
- Create an anime comics strips of a folk narrative
- Use multimedia and technology in the presentation
- Use simple past tense, appropriate time markers.
Judge on the uniqueness of an anime comic strip
presentation using agreed upon criteria
Relate to other’s experience in search for meaning in
Realize one’s capability to construct meaning from a
wide range of narrative texts
C. Evidence at the level of performance
The learner artistically creates an anime comic strip
based on a folk narrative following these criteria:
1. Focus/Theme
2. Characters
3. Problem/conflict
4. Development of action
5. Creativity
6. Craftsmanship
 Tests and Quizzes
A. Elements of Narrative
B. Identifying simple past tense of the verb
and time markers in a selection
C. Filling in time markers in a narrative text
D. Story map (analyze features of folk
E. Quiz (internet on verbs simple past tense)
F. Abstraction activity (simple past tense of
 Students Work Samples:
A. Activity Sheets
B. Academic Prompts
C. Writing drafts
D. Homework
 Informal Checks for Understanding
A. Background Knowledge Probe
B. Learning Logs
C. Journal Entries

 Others
A. Recitation
B. Participation in Group work
Stage 3:
Learning Plan
EU – Narratives are interesting accounts of
people’s ideas, feelings and values pertinent to
the development of their culture and society.
EQ – Why study Phil. narratives?
Sub. EQ: - Why are narratives important?
Introduction of Essential
What do the following have in common?
A. Legend of the First Banana
B. Avatar
C. Si Malakas at Si Maganda
D. The Parable of the Prodigal Son
E. The Monkey and The Tortoise
F. Aqua Bendita
H. The Last Prince
Interaction with different
Resources to answer the EQ.
( Teachers, self, students, peer, content,
technology, materials)
1. What is your favorite story?
2. How many of you share the same story?
3. What makes that story your favorite?
4. How many parts of the plot does your story
5. Does your story follow the traditional triangle
plot? Explain.
6. Did you have difficulty identifying the plot of
your story? Why or why not?
7. Which element of the plot is the easiest to
identify in your story? The most difficult?
Explain why?
8. What role does the plot play in making this
your favorite story?
9. What is the lesson or message related to you
by your favorite story?
10. Would this message have the same impact to
you if someone had directly told you this?
Why or why not?
11. What does this tell us about stories?
Integration of Findings From
Different Resources
1. Make a Learning LOG.
Learning Log #1
What I thought What I think
Before... Now……
Before I used to think Now, I’ve learned
That….. That…..
2. – Choose from any of the concepts your have
learned today.
- Using the above Learning Log, write down new
ideas or insights you have learned or unlearned
after our lesson regarding this concept.
3. Ask the students to share their “before-
after” entries.
4. Ask for a generalization about the lesson.
- Narratives are interesting accounts of
people’s ideas, feelings and values pertinent to
the development of their culture and society.
a. Ideas – studying narratives enable us to
probe into the minds and ways of our
ancestors since their answers are reflective
of their time.
b. Feelings – studying narratives help us touch
base with our feelings, helping us emotionally
rehearse for situations similar to the
narrative taken up in class.
c. Values – studying narratives enable us to
get hindsights on how are our ancestors made
sense of what they value in their lives, giving
us an insight into our own value system.
http:// users. Aber. Ac. Uk/ jmp/ ellsa
elements. Html
this site presents the basic elements of
short story.
http: // reading. Pppst. Com/elements. Html
this site features a # of PowerPoint
presentations about the elements of literature.
Eugenio, Damiana (ed)(1993). The Myths; Phil.
Folk Literature Quezon City:

Pickering, James H and Hoeper, Jeffrey (1994)

Literature (4th ed) New York: Macmillan
Publishing Company.
24 Things To Remember
(Collin Mc Carty)
Your presence is a present to the world.
You’re unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the day just one at a time.

Count your blessings, not your troubles.

You’ll make it through whatever comes along
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.

Don’t put limits on yourself

So many dreams are waiting to be realized.

Decisions are too important to leave to chance

Reach for your peak, your goal, your prize

Nothing wastes more energy than worrying

The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it
Don’t take things too seriously
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a long
Remember that a lot…….goes forever
Remember that friendship is a wise
Life’s treasure are
Realize that it’s never too late
Do ORDINARY things in an
Have health and hope and happiness
Take the time to wish upon a star
GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!

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