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Patterns of Development

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The idea for this book was born one night after a grueling conversation with my then eleven-year-old son. He had
come home from his progressive middle school unnaturally quiet and withdrawn, shrugging off my questions of
concern with uncharacteristic irritability. Where was the sunny, chatty boy dropped off that morning? What had
befallen him in the perilous halls of middle school? I backed off but kept a close eye on him, watching for clues.
After a big bowl of his favorite pasta, he sat on a sofa in my study and read his science textbook as I wrote at my desk.
We both enjoyed this simple yet profound togetherness, the two of us focused on our own projects yet palpably
connected. As we worked under the soft glow of paper lanterns, with the heat on high and our little dog snoring at his
feet, my son began to relax. I could feel a shift as he began to remember, deep in his body, that he was home, that he
was safe, that he did not have to brace to protect himself from the expectations of the outside world. Walker brings her
audience into her experience with her son by narrating step-by-step what happened and what she noticed when he
returned from school. It’s not only a personal story but also one that she will show has wider significance in the
culture. Narration has the advantage of drawing readers in because everyone loves a good story.

I make friends, over time, with the other “girls” who work my shift: Nita, the tattooed twenty-something who taunts us
by going around saying brightly, “Have we started making money yet?” Ellen, whose teenage son cooks on the
graveyard shift and who once managed a restaurant in Massachusetts but won’t try out for management here because
she prefers being a “common worker” and not “ordering people around.” Easy-going fiftyish Lucy, with the raucous
laugh, who limps toward the end of the shift because of something that has gone wrong with her leg, the exact nature
of which cannot be determined without health insurance. We talk about the usual girl things—men, children, and the
sinister allure of Jerry’s chocolate peanut-butter cream pie.

The next summer Hayes headed into the field. He loaded a refrigerated 18- wheel truck with 500 half-gallon buckets
and drove east, followed by his students. He parked near an Indiana farm, a Wyoming river, and a Utah pond, filled his
buckets with 18,000 pounds of water, and then turned his rig back toward Berkeley. He thawed the frozen water,
poured it into hundreds of individual tanks, and dropped in thousands of leopard-frog eggs collected end route. To find
out if frogs in the wild showed hermaphroditism, Hayes dissected juveniles from numerous sites. To see if frogs were
vulnerable as adults, and if the effects were reversible, he exposed them to atrazine at different stages of their

My own two sons, now twenty-one and seventeen, have read (in public and private schools) Shakespeare, Hawthorne,
and Melville. But they’ve also slogged repeatedly through the manipulative melodramas of Alice Walker and Maya
Angelou, through sentimental middlebrow favorites (To Kill a Mockingbird and A Separate Peace), the weaker novels
of John Steinbeck, the fantasies of Ray Bradbury. My older son spent the first several weeks of sophomore English
discussing the class’s summer assignment, Ordinary People, a weeper and former bestseller by Judith Guest about a
“dysfunctional” family recovering from a teenage son’s suicide.
My memories of my arrival in Hanover, New Hampshire, are mostly of the color green. Green cloaked the hillsides,
crawled up the ivied walls, and was reflected in the river where the Dartmouth crew students sculled. For a girl who
had never been far from Crown point, New Mexico, the green felt incredibly juicy, lush, beautiful, and threatening.
Crown point had had vast acreage of sky and sand, but aside from the pastel scrub brush, mesquite, and chamiso,
practically the only growing things there were the tiny, stunted pines called pinion trees. Yet it is beautiful; you can see
the edges and contours of red earth stretching all the way to the box shaped faraway cliffs and the horizon. No horizon
was in sight in Hanover, only trees. I felt claustrophobic.
If the physical contrasts were striking, the cultural ones were even more so. Although I felt lucky to be there, I was in
complete culture shock. I thought people talked too much, laughed too loud, asked too many personal questions, and
had no respect for privacy. They seemed overly competitive and put a higher value on material wealth than I was used
to. Navajos placed much more emphasis on a person’s relations to family, clan, tribe, and the other inhabitants of the
earth, both human and nonhuman, than on possessions. Everyone at home followed unwritten codes for behavior. We
were taught to be humble and not to draw attention to ourselves, to favor cooperation over competition (so as not to
make ourselves “look better” at another’s expense or hurt someone’s feelings), to value silence over words, to respect
our elders, and to reserve our opinions until they were asked for.

Good families prize their rituals. Nothing welds a family more than these. Rituals are vital especially for clans without
histories because they evoke a past, imply a future, and hint at continuity. No line in the seder service at Passover
reassures more than the last: “Next year in Jerusalem!” A clan becomes more of a clan each time it gathers to observe
a fixed ritual (Christmas, birthdays, Thanksgiving, and so on), grieves at a funeral (anyone may come to most
funerals; those who do declare their tribeless), and devises a new rite of its own. Equinox breakfasts can be at least as
welding as Memorial Day parades. Several of my colleagues and I used to meet for lunch every Pearl Harbor Day,
preferably to eat some politically neutral fare like smorgasbord, to “forgive” our only ancestrally Japanese friend,
Irene Kubota Neves. For that and other things we became, and remain, a sort of family.


Great novels can help us master the all-too-rare skill of tolerating—of being able to hold in mind—ambiguity and
contradiction. Jay Gatsby has a shady past, but he’s also sympathetic. Huck Finn is a liar, but we come to love him. A
friend’s student once wrote that Alice Munro’s characters weren’t people, he’d choose to hang out with but that
reading her work always made him feel “a little less petty and judgmental.” Such benefits are denied to the young
reader exposed only to books with banal, simple-minded moral equations as well as to the students encouraged to
come up with reductive, wrong-headed readings of multilayered texts.

Persuasion is not just something that is useful to marketers and salesmen, however, Learning how to utilize these
techniques can help you become a better negotiator and make it more likely that you will get what you want, whether
you are trying to convince your kinds to eat their vegetables or persuade your boss to give you that raise.
Because influence is so useful in so many aspects of persuasion techniques have been studied and observed since
ancient times. It wasn't until the early psychologist began to formally study these powerful tools of human influence.

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