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Summary English Discoveries Units 1, 2 and 3

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English Discoveries:
units 1, 2 and 3

Week 5
English IV
Review Units 1, 2 and 3

1. Nouns and quantifiers
2. Past simple: Regular verbs
3. Past simple: Irregular verbs
4. Past simple: Questions
5. Modals: Can
Nouns and quantifiers 1
Quantifiers are words or phrases which show the number or amount of some object. Some
quantifiers are used with both count and noncount nouns. Some other quantifiers are only used
with count or noncount nouns, but no with both.
Some (statements)

There are some books on the shelf. (count) There is some fruit on the table. (non-count)
Nouns and quantifiers

Any (questions and negative sentences)

Are there any girls in your There aren’t any onions in the
class? (count) salad. (count)

Is there any butter? (non- There isn’t any homework

count) today. (non-count)
Nouns and quantifiers

A lot of

There are a lot of red apples


There is a lot of noise in here

Nouns and quantifiers
Used with count nouns only:

A few

I haven’t got many friends.

He has a few books.

How many chairs are in that classroom?

Nouns and quantifiers
Used with non-count nouns only:

Much A Little

I haven’t got much time.

I only want a little juice.

How much milk do you want?

Past simple: Regular verbs 2
To talk about past events and actions.

Affirmative [Form]

Regular verbs in the past simple end in –ed.

[Subject + Verb+ed + Rest of sentence]


Joe walked home alone last night

We played football last week.

[Subject + Verb+ed + Rest of sentence]

Examples: Joe walked home alone last night
Past simple: Regular verbs

Verbs ending in –e, take only –d: live/lived.

With verbs ending in consonant+y, change the y to i:

carry/carried try/tried

Past simple is often used with adverbs: yesterday, last
week/month, year…, ago.
Past simple: Regular verbs

Negative [form]
Put did not (didn´t) in front of the verb.
[Subject + did + not + verb + rest of sentence]
They did not call me last week.
Ruth didn’t study last night.

Negative [form]
Put did not or (didn´t) in front of the verb
[Subject + did + not + verb + rest of sentence]
They did not call me last week.
Ruth didn´t study last night.
3 Past simple: Irregular verbs

Some verbs have irregular forms in the past simple. You will have to learn
them by heart. Here is a list of some of the most frequent verbs:

Come Came Go Went wear Wore

Do Did Have Had Think Thought
Drink Drank Hear Heard Say Said
Eat Ate Know Knew Sell Sold
Find Found Leave Left Sit Sat
Get Got Make Made Sleep Slept
drive drove meet met write wrote
Past simple: Questions 4

Yes/No Questions
Use: To ask questions about past actions/events that need an
answer of “yes” or “no”

Form: Put did / didn’t in front of the subject.

[Did/didn´t + subject + verb + rest]

Did you walk yesterday?

Didn´t they buy the book last week?

Past simple: Questions

Use: To ask questions about the past that begin with these question words: What,
when, where, who, why, how.

Form: Questions about the subject [Who/What + past verb + rest]

• Who told him?

• What made that noise?

• Questions about the rest of the sentence: [Wh-word + did + verb …]

• When did you leave school?

• Where did they buy that?

Past simple: Questions


John: Did you ask the boss about money?

Rose: Yes, I did.

John: Well, what did she say?

Rose: She said no.

5 Modal: Can

The modal can is used with verbs and adds a special meaning. Like most modals, can has
more than one meaning.
Joe can speak French. (ability)
You can leave early. (permission)
It can be hot here. (possibility)
Modal: Can


Like other modals, can goes before the verb and only has one form.

Affirmative [can + verb]

John can swim quickly.

You can go to the movies with your friends.

Negative [Can + not + verb]

Diane can’t swim.

Beth cannot meet us tonight.

Modal: Can

Yes/No Questions
[Can + subject + verb + rest of sentence]
Can you help me?
Can I leave now?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot/ can´t.
Modal: Can

[Wh-Word + can…verb…]

When can you help me?

Danny: Can you open it?

Keith: No, I can´t. I can´t open it.

Danny: Let´s ask Butch. He can do it.

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Página 3
<a href="">Vintage photo created by freepik -</a>
<a href="">Food photo created by lifeforstock -</a>
Pagina 4
<a href="">School photo created by master1305 -</a>
<a href="">Food photo created by timolina -</a>
<a href="">Food photo created by stockking -</a>
<a href="">School photo created by freepik -</a>
<a href="">Background photo created by lifeforstock -</a>
<a href="">Hand photo created by pch.vector -</a>
página 5
<a href="">Book photo created by freepik -</a>
<a href="">Background photo created by freepik -</a>
<a href="">School photo created by freepik -</a>
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<a href="">Business photo created by freepik -</a>
<a href="">Milk photo created by freepik -</a>
<a href="">Fruit photo created by azerbaijan_stockers -</a>

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<a href="">Business photo created by pressfoto -</a>
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<a href="">Education photo created by pressfoto -</a>
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