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Speci. Slab Drain On Moti Amrol To Sangpur Road Ta. Jetpur Pavi

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Constructing Slab Drain & Approach on Bhesa Kotar
between Moti amrol to Sangpur Road Ta. Jetpur pavi
Dist. Chhotaudepur under B.U.J. Trible 2023-24
1.0 General :
All measurements shall be made in the metric system. Different items of work shall be measured in
accordance with the procedures set forth in the relevant sections read in conjunction with General Conditions of
Contract. The same shall not however apply in the case of lump-sum items. All measurements and computations
unless otherwise indicated shall be carried nearest to the following limits :
(i) length and breadth... ................................................ .... 10 mm
(ii) height, depth or thickness of earthwork, sub-base, bases,
surfacing, and structural members ......5 mm
(iii) areas, ...............................................................................0.01 Sq. Metre
(iv) cubic contents................................................................... 0.01 cubic metre
in recording dimensions of work the sequence of length, width and height or depth or thickness shall be

2.0 Measurement of lead for Materials :

Where lead is specified in the contract for construction materials, the same shall be measured as described
Lead shall be measured over the shortest practicable route and not the one actually taken and the decision
of the Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be taken as final. Distance upto and including 100 meters shall be
measured in units of 50 metres, exceeding 100 metres but not exceeding 1 KM. in units of 100 metres and
exceeding 1 km. in units of 500 metres. The half and greater than half of the units shall be reckoned as one and less
than half of the units ignored. In this regard, the source of the material shall be divided into suitable blocks and for
each block the distance from the centre of the block to the centre of placing pertaining to that block shall be taken as
the lead distance.

3. Surface Regularity of Sub grade & Pavement Courses :

The surface regularity of completed sub-base courses and wearing surfaces in the longitudinal and
transverse directions shall be within the tolerances indicated in Table below. The longitudinal profile shall be
checked with a 3 metre long straight edge, at the middle of each traffic lane along a line parallel to the centre line of
the road. The transverse profile shall be checked with a set of three camber boards at intervals of 10 metres.


Sr. Type of Longitudinal Profile with 3 metre straight Cross Profile

No. Construction edge
Maximum Maximum number of Maximum permissible
Permissible undulation permitted in any variation from specified
undulation 300m. length exceeding in profile camber template–mm
in mm mm.
18 12 10 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Earth Sub grade 36 30 - - - 15
2 Granular / lime / 23 - 30 - - 12
Stabilised Sub –
3 Water Bound 18 - - 30 - 8
Macadam with
nominal size
metal (20-50) mm
4 Semi – Dense 15 - - - 20 6
Carpet @

1. These are for machine laid surfaces. If laid manually, due to unavoidable reason, tolerance upto 50 percent
above these values in this column may be permitted. However, this relaxation does not apply to the values
of maximum undulation for longitudinal and cross profiles mentioned in columns 3 and 8 in the table.
2. Surface evenness requirements in respect of both the longitudinal and cross profiles should be
simultaneously satisfied.
3. Rectification : Where the surface irregularity of subgrade and the various pavement courses fall outside the
specified tolerances, the contractor shall be liable to rectify these in the manner described below and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge at his own cost.

(i) Subgrade : Where the surface is high, it snail be trimmed and suitably compacted. Where the same in low, the
deficiency shall be corrected by adding fresh material. The degree of compaction and the type of material to be used
shall conform to the specified requirements.
(ii) Granular/Sub-base : Same as at (i) above except that the degree of compaction and the type of material to be
used shall conform to the specified requirements.
(iii) Lime/Cement stabilized soil sub-base : For Lime/Cement treated materials where the surface is high, the
same shall be suitably trimmed while taking care that the material below is not disturbed due to this operation.
However, where the surface is low, the same shall be corrected as described herein below.
For cement treated material, when the time elapsed between detection of irregularity and the time of mixing of the
material is less then 2 hours, the surface shall be scarified to a depth of 50 mm, supplemented with freshly mixed
material as necessary and recomposed to the relevant specification. When this time is more than 2 hours, the full
depth of the layer shall be removed from the pavement and replaced with fresh material to specification. In either
case, the area treated shall not be less than 5 metres long by 2 metres wide. This shall also apply to lime treated
material except that the time criterion shall be 3 hours instead of 2 hours.
(iv) Water Bound Macadam Base : Where the surface is high or low, the top 75mm shall be scarified, reshaped
with added material as necessary and recompacted. The area treated at a place shall not be less than 5 metres long
and 2 metres wide.
(v) Bituminous Constructions : For bituminous constructions, other than wearing course, where the surface is low,
the deficiency shall be corrected by adding fresh material and recompaction to specifications.
Where this surface is high, the full depth of the layer shall be removed and replaced with fresh material and
compacted to specifications. For wearing course, where the surface is high or low; the full depth of the layer shall be
removed and replaced with fresh material and compacted to specifications in all cases where the removal and
replacement of a bituminous layer is involved, the area treated shall not be less than 5 metre long and not less than
1 lane wide.

4. Quality Control Tests During Construction :

The materials supplied and the works carried out by the Contractor shall conform to the enclosed relevant
specifications. For ensuring the requisite quality of construction, the materials and works shall be subjected to quality
control test as described hereinafter, by the Engineer-in-charge. The testing frequencies set forth are the desirable
minimum and the Engineer-in-charge shall have the full authority to carry out test as frequently as he may deem
necessary to satisfy that the materials at work comply with the appropriate specifications. Test procedures for the
various quality control tests are indicated in the respective sections of the specifications or for certain tests within this
section. Where no specific testing procedure is mentioned, the test shall be carried out as per prevalent accepted
engineering practice to the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.

5. Tests on Earthwork for Embankment Construction :

5.1 Borrow Material :
(a) Sand Content (IS : 2720 Part IV)
Two test per 8000 Cubic Metres of soil.
(b) Plasticity Test (IS : 2720 Part-V)
Each type to be tested. Two tests per 8000 Cubic Metres of soil.
(c) Density test (IS : 2720 Part VII)
Each soil type to be tested. Two tests per 8000 Cubic Metres of soil.
(d) Moisture Content Test (IS : 2720 Part-ll)
One test for every 250 Cubic Metres of soil.

5.2 Compaction Control :

Control shall be exercised by taking at least one measurement of density for each 1000 square metres of compacted
area, or closer as required to yield the minimum number of test results for evaluating day's work on statistical basis.
The determination of density shall be in accordance with IS. : 2720 (Part XXVMI). Test locations shall be chosen
only through random sampling techniques. Control shall not be based on the result of any one test but on the mean
value of a set of 5-10 density determinations. The number of tests in one set of measurements shall be 5 as long as
it is felt that sufficient control over borrow material and the method of compactions is being exercised. If considerable
variations are observed between individual density results, the minimum number of tests in one set of measurement
shall be increase to 10. The acceptance of work shall be subject to the condition that the mean dry density equals or
exceeds the specified density and the standard deviation for any set of results is below 0.08 gm/cc. However for
earthwork in shoulders and in top 500 mm portion of the embankment below the sub grade, at least one density
measurement shall be taken for every 500 square meters of the compacted area provided further that the number of
the tests in each set-of measurement shall be at least 10. In other respects, the control shall be similar to that
described earlier.

6. Following materials shall conform to the Indian Standards shown against them :
(1) ....Cement..................

(2) ....Sand for masonry.
(3).....Sand for concrete.
(4).....Coarse aggregate.
(5).....Mild Steel...
(6) ....High yield strength deformed bars
(a) Hot Rolled................................................ IS : 1139
(b) Cold Twisted............................................ IS : 1786

7. Barrel thickness of pipes of different class shall be as under :

Sr. No. Internal Diameter of pipe in mm Barrel thickness (in mm).

1 80 25 25 -
2 100 25 25 -
3 150 25 25 -
4 250 25 25 -
5 300 30 30 -
6 350 32 32 75
7 400 32 32 75
8 450 35 35 75
9 500 - 35 75
10 600 - 40 80
11 700 - 40 80
12 800 - 45 90
13 900 - 50 100
14 1000 - 55 100
15 1100 - 60 115
16 1200 - 65 115


Item No. 1 : Clearing and grubbing of road length including up rooting wild vegetation,
grass, bush shurbs, saplings and trees of girth up to 300 mm removal of
stumps, of such trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable material and
stacking of serviceable material


201.1. Scope
This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposing of all materials such as
trees, bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not exceeding 300 mm in
thickness, rubbish etc., which in the opinion of the Engineer arc unsuitable for
incorporation in the works, from, the area of road land containing road embankment, drains,
cross-drainage structures and such other areas as may be specified; on the drawings or by
the Engineer. It shall include necessary excavation, backfilling of pits resulting from
uprooting of trees and stumps to required compaction, handling, salvaging, and disposal of
cleared materials. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of earthwork
operations and in accordance with the requirements of these specifications.

201.2. Preservation of Property/Amenities

Roadside trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fences, signs, monuments, buildings,
pipelines, sewers and all highway facilities within or adjacent to the highway which are not to
be disturbed shall be protected from injury or damage. The Contractor shall provide and
install at his own expense, suitable safeguards approved by the Engineer for this purpose.

During clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall take all adequate precautions against soil
erosion, water pollution, etc., and where required, undertake additional works to that effect
vide Clause 306. Before start of operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
approval, his work plan including the procedure to be followed for disposal of waste
materials, etc. and the schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent erosion control
works as stipulated in Clause 306.3.

201.3. Methods, Tools and Equipments

Only such methods, tools and equipment as are approved by the Engineer and which
will not affect the property to be preserved shall be adopted for the Work. If the area has
thick vegetation/roots/trees, a crawler or pneumatic tyred dozer of adequate capacity may be
used for clearance purposes. The dozer shall have ripper attachments for removal of tree
stumps. All trees, stumps, etc., failing within excavation and fill lines shall be cut to such
depth below ground level that in no case these fall within 500 mm of the subgrade. Also, all
vegetation such as roots, under-growth, grass and other deleterious matter unsuitable for
incorporation in the embankment/subgrade shall be removed between fill lines to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. On areas beyond these limits, frees and stumps required to be
removed as directed by the Engineer shall be cut down to 1 m below ground level so that
these do not present an unsightly appearance.

All branches of trees extending above the roadway shall be trimm ed as directed by
the Engineer.

All excavations below the general ground level arising out of the removal of trees,
stumps, etc., shall be filled with suitable material and compacted thoroughly so as to make the
surface at these points conform to the surrounding area.

Ant-hills both above and below the ground, as are liable to collapse and obstruct free
subsoil water flow shall be removed and their workings, which may extend to several metres,
shall be suitably treated.

201.4. Disposal of Materials

All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be the property of
Government and shall be disposed of by the Contractor as hereinafter provided or directed
by the Engineer.
Trunks, branches and stumps of trees shall be cleaned of limbs and roots and stacked.
Also boulders, stones and other materials usable in road construction shall be neatly
stacked as directed by the Engineer. Stacking stumps, boulders, stones etc. shall be done at
specified spots with all lifts and upto a lead of 1000 m.
All products of clearing and grubbing which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be used
or auctioned shall be cleared away from the roadside in a manner as directed by the
Engineer. Care shall be taken to see that unsuitable waste materials are disposed of in such a
manner that there is no likelihood of these getting mixed up with the materials meant for
embankment, subgrade and road construction.
201.5. Measurements for Payment
Clearing and grubbing for road embankment, drains and cross-drainage structures shall be
measured on area basis in terms of Hectare. Clearing and grubbing of borrow areas shall be

deemed to be a part of works preparatory to embankment construction and shall be deemed
10 have been included in the rates quoted for the embankment construction item and no
separate payment shall be made for the same. Cutting of trees upto 300 mm in girth
including removal of stumps and roots, and trimming of branches of trees extending above the
roadway shall be considered incidental to the clearing and grubbing operations. Removal of
stumps left over after trees have been cut by any other agency shall also be considered
incidental to the clearing and grubbing operations.
Cutting, including removal of stumps and roots of trees of girth above 300 mm and
backfilling to required compaction shall be measured in terms of number according to the
sizes given below:-
i) Above 300 mm to 600 mm
ii) Above 600 mm to 900 mm
iii) Above 900 mm to 1800 mm
iv) Above 1800 mm
For this purpose, the girth shall be measured at a height of 1 metre above ground or at
the top of the stump if the height of the stump is less than one metre from the ground.

201.6. Rates
206.6.1 The Contract unit rates for the various items of clearing and grubbing shall be
payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all
labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. These
will also include removal of stumps of trees less than 300 mm in girth as well as stumps
left over after cutting of trees carried out by another agency, excavation and back-filling to
required density, where necessary and handling, salvaging, piling and disposing of the
cleared materials with all lifts and upto a lead of 1000 m.
201.6.2 The Contract unit rate for cutting (including removal of stumps and roots) of trees
of girth above 300 mm shall include excavation and backfilling to required compaction,
handling, salvaging piling and disposing of the cleared materials with all lifts and upto a
lead of 1000 m.
201.6.3. Where a Contract does not include separate items of clearing and grubbing,
the same shall be considered incidental to the earth work items and the
Contract unit prices for the same shall be considered including clearing
and grubbing operations.

Item No.2 :- Providing laying and Spreading Granular sub-base (Grade l)by providing close graded
material MCBT in single layer with motor grader on prepared surface ,mixing by mix in place method with
rotovator at OMC and compacted with vibratory roller 80 to 110 KN static weight to achieve desier density
etc completed.

This work shall consist of laying and compacting natural sand, murrum, gravel, crushed stone on prepared subgrade
in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. The material shall be laid in one or more layers as sub-
base or lower sub-base and upper sub-base (termed as sub-base hereinafter) as necessary according to lines,
grades and cross sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

The material to be used for the work shall be natural sand, murrum, gravel, crushed stone depending upon the
grading required. Materials like crushed slag, crushed concrete brick metal & kanker may be allowed only with the
specific approval of the Engineer.

Maximum particle size of the corresponding gradings for the natural sand, murrum, gravel, crushed stone materials
are given at Table 400-2. The grading to be adopted for a project shall be as specified in the Contract.

Physical requirements :-
The materials shall have a 10 percent lines value of 50 kN or more (for sample in soaked condition) when tested in
compliance with BS:812(Part 111). The water absorption value of the coarse aggregate shall be determined as per
IS: 2386 (Part 3), if this value is greater than 2 per cent, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material
delivered to site as per IS: 383. For Grading II and III materials, the CBR shall be determined at the density and
moisture content likely to be developed in equilibrium conditions which shall be taken as being the density relating to
a uniform air voids content of 5 percent.


IS Sieve Percent by weight passing the IS Sieve
Designation ------------------------------------------------------
Grading I Grading II Grading III
75.0 mm 100 - -
53.0 mm 100
26.5 mm 55-75 50-80 100
9.50 mm
4.75 mm 10-30 15-35 25-45
2.36 mm
0.425 mm
0.075 mm <10 <10 <10
CBR Value 30 30 20

Note:- The material passing 425 micron (0.425 mm) sieve for all the three grading when tested according to IS:
2720(Part 5) shall have liquid limit and plasticity index not more than 25 and 6 percent respectively.

Strength of sub-base:-
It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the material to be used in the sub-base satisfies the requirements of
CBR and other physical requirements when compacted and finished.

When directed by the Engineer, this shall be verified by performing CBR tests in the laboratory as required on
specimens remolded at field dry density and moisture content and any other tests for the “Quality” of materials, as
may be necessary.

Construction Operations:
Preparation of subgrade:-
Immediately prior to laying of sub-base, the subgrade already finished to Clause 301 or 305 as applicable shall be
prepared by removing all vegetation and other extraneous matter, lightly sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled
with two passes of 80-100 kN smooth wheeled roller.

Spreading and compacting:

The sub-base material of grading specified in the Contract shall be spread on the prepared subgrade with the help of
a motor grader of adequate capacity, its blade having hydraulic controls suitable for initial adjustment and for
maintaining the required slope and grade during the operation or other means as approved by the Engineer.

When the sub-base material consists of combination of materials mentioned in Clause 401.2.1 mixing shall be done
mechanically by the mix-in-place method.

Manual mixing shall be permitted only where the width of laying is not adequate for mechanical operations as in
small sized jobs. The equipment used for mix-in-place construction shall be a rotavator or similar approved
equipment capable of mixing the material to the desired degree. If so desired by the Engineer, trial runs with the
equipment shall be carried out to establish its suitability for the work.

Moisture content of the loose material shall be checked in accordance with IS:2720 (Part 2) and suitably adjusted by
sprinkling additional water from a truck mounted or trailer mounted water tank and suitable for applying water
uniformly and at controlled quantities to variable widths of surface or other means approved by the Engineer so that,
at the time of compaction, it is from 1 per cent above to 2 per cent below the optimum moisture content
corresponding to IS: 2720 (Part 8). While adding water, due allowance shall be made for evaporation losses. After
water has been added, the material shall be processed by mechanical or other approved means like disc harrows,
rotavators until the layer is uniformly wet.

Immediately thereafter, rolling shall start. If the thickness of the compacted layer does not exceed 100 mm, a smooth
wheeled roller of 80 to 100 kN weight may be used. For a compacted single layer upto 225 mm the compaction shall
be done with the help of a vibratory roller of minimum 80 to 100 kN static weight with plain drum or pad foot-drum or
heavy pneumatic tyred roller of minimum 200 to 300 kN weight having a minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 MN/m2 or
equivalent capacity roller capable of achieving the required compaction. Rolling shall commence at the lower edge
and proceed towards the upper edge longitudinally for portions having unidirectional cross fall and super elevation
and shall commence at the edges and progress towards the center for portions having cross fall on both sides.

Each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one third of the track made in the preceding pass. During
rolling, the grade and cross fall (Camber) shall be checked and any high spots or depressions which become
apparent, corrected by removing or adding fresh material. The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 Km. Per hour.

Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 per cent of the maximum dry density for the material
determined as per IS:2720 (Part 8). The surface of any layer of material on completion of compaction shall be well
closed, free from movement under compaction equipment and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose
material. All loose, segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be made good to the full thickness of layer and re-

Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work:-

The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902.

Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with Section 900.

Arrangements for Traffic :-

During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic shall be maintained in accordance with clause 112.

Measurements for payment:-

During sub-base shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic metres.

The protection of edges of natural sand, murrum, gravel, crushed stone extended over the full formation
as shown in the drawing shall be considered incidental to the work of providing granular sub-base and as
such no extra payment shall be made for the same.

The contract unit rate for natural sand, murrum, gravel, crushed stone shall be payment in full for carrying
out the required operations including full compensation for

(i) making arrangements for traffic to Clause 112 except for initial treatment to verges, shoulders
and construction of diversions,

(ii) furnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all royalties, fees, rents where
necessary and all leads and lifts

(iii) all labour, tools, machineries, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to the
(iv) carrying out the work in part widths of road where directed and
(v) carrying out the required tests for quality control.

Item No. 3 :- Providing and laying compacted WBM of Grading-I MCBT metal of size 63
mm to 45 mm in required layers including using 16% stone screening 13.2
mm size and 8% stone dust as filler including spreading watering &
consolidation by vibratory roller etc. as per MoRTH Specification
compelete as directed by Engineer - in - Charge.
Item No. 4 :- Providing and laying compacted WBM of Grading-II MCBT metal of size 53
to 22.4 mm in required layers including using 24% stone screening 11.2 mm
size and 8% stone dust as filler including spreading watering &
consolidation by vibratory roller etc. as per MoRTH Specification
compelete as directed by Engineer - in - Charge.

This work shall consist of clean crushed aggregates mechanically interlocked by rolling and bonding
together with screening, binding material where necessary and water laid on a properly prepared
subgrade/sub-base/base or existing pavement, as the case may be and finished in accordance with the
requirements of these Specifications and in close conformity with the lines, grades, cross-sections and
thickness as per approved plans or as directed bythe Engineer.

Coarse Aggregates
Coarse aggregates shall be either crushed or broken stone, crushed slag, overburnt (Jhama) brick
aggregates or any other naturally occurring aggregates such as kankar and laterite of suitable
quality. Materials other than crushed or broken stone and crushed slag shall be used in sub-base
courses only. If crushed gravel /shingle is used, not less than 90 percent by weight of the gravel/shingle
pieces retained on 4.75 mm sieve shall have at least two fractured faces. The aggregates shall conform
to the physical requirements set forth in Table 400-8. The type and size range of the aggregate shall be
specified in the Contract or shall be as specified by the Engineer. If the water absorption value of the
coarse aggregate is greater than 2 percent, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material
delivered tosite as per IS:2386 (Part 5).
Table 400-8 : Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregates for Water BoundMacadam
for Sub-base/Base Courses
S.No. Test Test Method Requirements
1) *** Los Angeles Abrasion value IS: 2386(Part 4) 40 percent (Max)
Aggregate Impact value IS: 2386 (Part-4) or 30 percent (Max)
2) Combined Flakiness and Elongation IS:2386 (Part-1) 35 percent (Max)
Indices (Total) **

* Aggregates which get softened in presence of water shall be tested for Impact valueunder wet
conditions in accordance with IS:5640.
** The requirement of flakiness index and elongation index shall be enforced only in the case of
crushed broken stone and crushed slag.
*** In case water bound macadam is used for sub-base, the requirements in respect of Los Angeles
Value and Aggregate Impact Value shall be relaxed to 50 percent and 40 percent maximum

Crushed or Broken Stone

The crushed or broken stone shall be hard, durable and free from excess flat, elongated, soft
and disintegrated particles, dirt and other deleterious material.

- 10 -
Crushed Slag

Crushed slag shall be made from air-cooled blast furnace slag. It shall be of angular shape, reasonably
uniform in quality and density and generally free from thin, elongated and soft pieces, dirt or other
deleterious materials. The weight of crushed slag shall not be less than
kN per m3 and the percentage of glossy material shall not be more than 20. It should
alsocomply with the following requirements:

i) Chemical stability : To comply with requirements of appendix

of BS:1047
ii) Sulphur content : Maximum 2 percent
iii) Water absorption : Maximum 10 percent

Overburnt (Jhama) Brick Aggregates

Jhama brick aggregates shall be made from overburnt bricks or brick bats and be free from dust and
other objectionable and deleterious materials. This shall be used only for road stretch when traffic is
Grading Requirement of Coarse Aggregates
The coarse aggregates shall conform to one of the Gradings given in Table 400-9 as specified.
Screenings to fill voids in the coarse aggregate shall generally consist of the same material as the
coarse aggregate. However, where permitted, predominantly non-plastic material such as moorum or
gravel (other than rounded river borne material) may be used for this purpose provided liquid limit and
plasticity index of such material are below 20 and 6 respectively and fraction passing 75 micron sieve
does not exceed 10 percent.
Table 400-9 : Grading Requirements of Coarse Aggregates
Grading Size Range IS Sieve Designation Percent by weight
No. Passing

1) 63 mm to 45 mm 75 mm 100

63 mm 90 – 100

53 mm 25 – 75

45 mm 0 – 15

22.4 mm 0–5

2) 53 mm to 22.4 mm 63 mm 100

53 mm 95 – 100

45 mm 65 – 90

22.4 mm 0 – 10

11.2 mm 0–5

Note : The compacted thickness for a layer shall be 75 mm.

- 11 -
Screenings shall conform to the grading set forth in Table 400-10. The quantity of screeningsrequired for
various grades of stone aggregates are given in Table 400-11. The Table also gives the quantities of
materials (loose) required for 10 m2 for sub-base/base compacted thickness of 75 mm.

The use of screenings shall be omitted in the case of soft aggregates such as brick metal, kankar,
laterites, etc. as they are likely to get crushed to a certain extent under rollers.
Binding Material
Binding material to be used for water bound macadam as a filler material meant for preventing ravelling
shall comprise of a suitable material approved by the Engineer having a Plasticity Index (PI) value of
less than 6 as determined in accordance with IS:2720 (Part-5).
The quantity of binding material where it is to be used, will depend on the type of screenings.Generally, the
quantity required for 75 mm compacted thickness of water bound macadam will be 0.06–0.09 m3 per 10

Table 400-10 : Grading For Screenings

Grading Size of Screenings IS Sieve Percent by Weight
Classification Designation Passing the Sieve
A 13.2 mm 13.2 mm 100
11.2 mm 95 – 100
5.6 mm 15 - 35
180 micron 0 –10
B 11.2 mm 11.2 mm 100
9.5 mm 80 – 100
5.6 mm 50 – 70
180 micron 5 – 25

Table 400-11 : Approximate Quantities of Coarse Aggregates and ScreeningsRequired

for 75 mm Compacted Thickness of Water Bound Macadam (WBM)Sub-Base/Base
Course for 10 m2 Area


Stone Screening Crushable Type Suchas

Moorum or Gravel
Size Compacted Loose Grading For WBM Grading Loose
Classification Range Thickness Qty. Classification& Sub-base/ Classification& Qty.
Size Base Course Size

Grading 1 63 mm 75 mm 0.91 to Type A 13.2 mm 0.12 to 0.15 Not uniform 0.22 to

to 45 1.07 m3
m3 0.24 m3

-do- -do- -do- -do- Type B 11.2 mm 0.20 to 0.22 -do- -do-

Grading 2 53 mm 75 mm -do- -do- 0.18 to 0.21 -do- -do-

to 22.4 m3

- 12 -
The above mentioned quantities should be taken as a guide only, for estimation of quantities
for construction etc.

Application of binding materials may not be necessary when the screenings used are ofcrushable
type such as moorum or gravel.

Construction Operations

Preparation of Base

The surface of the sub-grade/sub-base/base to receive the water bound macadam course shall be
prepared to the specified grade and camber and cleaned of dust, dirt and other extraneous material. Any
ruts or soft yielding places shall be corrected in an approved manner and rolled until firm surface is

Where the WBM is to be laid on an existing metalled road, damaged area including
depressions and potholes shall be repaired and made good with the suitable material. The existing
surface shall be scarified and re-shaped to the required grade and camber before spreading the coarse
aggregate for WBM.

As far as possible, laying water bound macadam course over existing bituminous layer may be avoided
since it will cause problems of internal drainage of the pavement at the interface of two courses. It is
desirable to completely pick out the existing thin bituminous wearing course where water bound
macadam is proposed to be laid over it.
Inverted Choke/Sub-surface Drainage Layer

If water bound macadam is to be laid directly over the sub-grade, without any other intervening pavement
course, a 25 mm course of screenings (Grading B) or coarse sand shall be spread on the prepared sub-
grade before application of the aggregates is taken up. In case of a finesand or silty or clayey sub-grade,
it is advisable to lay 100 mm insulating layer of screening or coarse sand on top of fine grained soil, the
gradation of which will depend upon whether it is intended to act as a drainage layer as well. As a
preferred alternative to inverted choke, appropriate geosynthetics performing functions of separation
and drainage may be used over the prepared sub-grade as directed by the Engineer. Section 700 shall
be applicable foruse of geosynthetics.

Lateral Confinement of Aggregates

For construction of WBM, arrangement shall be made for the lateral confinement of aggregates.This shall be
done by building adjoining shoulders along with WBM layers. The practice of constructing WBM in a
trench section excavated in the finished formation must be completelyavoided.
Where the WBM course is to be constructed in narrow widths for widening of an existing pavement, the
existing shoulders should be excavated to their full depth and width up tothe sub-grade level except
where widening specifications envisages laying of a stablised sub-base using in-situ operations in
which case the same should be removed only up to thesub-base level.

- 13 -
Spreading Coarse Aggregates

The coarse aggregates shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared sub-grade/sub-base in
the required quantities from the stockpiles to proper profile by using templates placed across the road
about 6 m apart, in such quantities that the thickness of each compacted layer is not more than 75 mm.
In no case shall these be dumped in heaps directlyon the area where these are to be laid nor shall their
hauling over a partly completed base be permitted. Wherever possible, approved mechanical devices
such as aggregate spreader shall be used to spread the aggregates uniformly so as to minimize the
need for manual rectification afterwards.
No segregation of coarse aggregates shall be allowed and the coarse aggregates, as spread
shall be of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine material.

The surface of the aggregates spread shall be carefully checked with templates and all highor low spots
remedied by removing or adding aggregates as may be required. The surface shall be checked
frequently with a straight edge while spreading and rolling so as to ensure a finished surface as per
approved drawings.
The coarse aggregates shall not normally be spread more than 3 days in advance of the subsequent
construction operations.

Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregates, rolling shall be started with three
wheeled power rollers of 80 to 100 kN capacity or tandem or vibratory rollers of 80 to 100 kN static
weight. The type of roller to be used shall be approved by the Engineer basedon trial run.
Except on superelevated portions and carriageway with unidirectional cross-fall, where the rolling shall
proceed from inner edge to the outer, rolling shall begin from the edges gradually progressing towards
the center. First the edge/edges shall be compacted with roller running forward and backward. The roller
shall then move inward parallel to the center line of the road, in successive passes uniformly overlapping
preceding tracks by at least one-half width.
Rolling shall be carried out on courses where coarse aggregates of crushed/ broken stone are used, till
the road metal is partially compacted. This will be followed by application of screenings and binding
material where required in Clauses 404.3.6 and 404.3.7.
However, where screenings are not to be applied as in the case of aggregates like brick metal, laterite
and Kankar for sub-base construction, the compaction shall be continued untilthe aggregates are
thoroughly keyed. Rolling shall be continued and light sprinkling of watershall be done till the surface is
well compacted.. Rolling shall not be done when the sub- grade is soft or yielding or when it causes a
wave-like motion in the sub-grade or sub-base course.

The rolled surface shall be checked transversely with templates and longitudinally with3 m straight
edge. Any irregularities, exceeding 12 mm, shall be corrected by loosening the surface, adding or
removing necessary amount of aggregates and re-rolling until the entire surface conforms to the desired
camber and grade. In no case shall the use of screenings bepermitted to make up depressions.

Material, which gets crushed excessively during compaction or becomes segregated, shall be removed
and replaced with suitable aggregates.
Application of Screenings
After the coarse aggregates have been rolled to Clause 404.3.5, screenings to completely fill the
interstices shall be applied gradually over the surface. These shall not be damp or wet at the time of
application. Dry rolling shall be done while the screenings are being spread so that vibrations of the

- 14 -
roller cause them to settle into the voids of the coarse aggregates. The screenings shall not be dumped
in piles but be spread uniformly in successive thin layers either by the spreading motions of hand
shovels or by mechanical spreaders, or directly from tipper with suitable grit spreading arrangement.
Tipper operating for spreading the screenings shall be equipped with pneumatic tyres and operated so
as not to disturb the coarse aggregates.
The screenings shall be applied at a slow and uniform rate (in three or more applications) so as to
ensure filling of all voids. This shall be accompanied by dry rolling and brooming with mechanical
brooms, hand brooms or both. In no case shall the screenings be applied so fast and thick as to form
cakes or ridges on the surface in such a manner as would prevent filling of voids or prevent the direct
bearing of the roller on the coarse aggregates. These operations shall continue until no more screenings
can be forced into voids of the coarse aggregates. The spreading, rolling, and brooming of screenings
shall be carried out in only such lengths of the road which could be completed within one day’s

Sprinkling of Water and Grouting

After application of screenings, the surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water, swept androlled. Hand
brooms shall be used to sweep the wet screenings into voids and to distribute them evenly. The
sprinkling, sweeping and rolling operation shall be continued, with additional screenings applied as
necessary until the coarse aggregates have been thoroughly keyed, well-bonded and firmly set in its full
depth and a grout has been formed of screenings. Care shall be taken to see that the sub-base or sub-
grade does not get damaged due to the addition of excessive quantities of water during construction.
In case of lime treated soil sub-base, construction of water bound macadam on top of it shall
be taken up after curing as per Clause 402.3.9 and as directed by the Engineer.

Application of binding material : After the application of screenings in accordance with Clauses
404.3.6 and 404.3.7, the binding material where it is required to be used (Clause 404.2.7) shall be
applied successively in two or more thin layers at a slow and uniform rate. After each application, the
surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water, the resulting slurry swept in with hand brooms, or
mechanical brooms to fill the voids properly, and rolled during which water shall be applied to the wheels
of the rollers if necessary to wash down the binding material sticking to them. These operations shall
continue until the resulting slurry after filling of voids, forms a wave ahead of the wheels of the moving

Setting and Drying

After the final compaction of water bound macadam course, the pavement shall be allowed to dry
overnight. Next morning hungry spots shall be filled with screenings or binding materialas directed, lightly
sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled. No traffic shall be allowed on the road until the macadam
has set. The Engineer shall have the discretion to stop hauling traffic from using the completed water
bound macadam course, if in his opinion it would cause excessive damage to the surface.

The compacted water bound macadam course shall be allowed to completely dry and set before the
next pavement course is laid over it.
Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work

The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of

Clause 902.

- 15 -
Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the
Engineer in accordance with Section 900.

The water bound macadam work shall not be carried out when the atmospheric
temperature is less than 10°C in the shade.

Reconstruction of Defective Macadam

The finished surface of water bound macadam shall conform to the tolerances of surface regularity as
prescribed in Clause 902. However, where the surface irregularity of the courseexceeds the tolerances or
where the course is otherwise defective due to sub-grade soil mixing with the aggregates, the course to its
full thickness shall be scarified over the affected area, reshaped with added material or removed and
replaced with fresh material as applicable and re-compacted. The area treated shall not be less than 10
sq.m. In no case shall depressionsbe filled up with screenings or binding material.

Arrangements for Traffic

During the period of construction, the arrangements for traffic shall be done as per
Clause 112.

Measurements for Payment

Water bound macadam shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic metres.


The Contract unit rate for water bound macadam sub-base/base course shall be payable in full for
carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause
401.7 (i) to (v), including arrangement of water used in the work as approvedby the Engineer.

- 16 -
Item No.5 : Providing and laying compacted of specified quarry spall in side shoulders
including carriage of materials and spreading on prepared base including compacting as per
MORTH specification etc. complete.

1. The quarry spauls shall be approved quarry as approved by the Ex. Engineer prior to collection.
Filling of boxes, shall not be allowed till the metal is broken to the specified site.
2. The quarry spaul shall be as uniform in size as possible. The quarry spaul shall be hard, tough,
solid durable of local quarry of close texture, free from decay and weathering. The stone shall be
angular and roughly cubical in shape and round elongated or flaky materials shall be rejected. No
sound or long rubble or angular chips smaller than specified size shall be allowed.
Grading for quarry spauls
IS:Sieve Grading - I Grading - II Grading - III
75mm 100 - -
53mm - 100 -
26.5mm 55-75 50-80 100
9.50 mm - - -
4.75mm 10-30 15-35 25-45
2.36mm - - -
0.425mm - - -
0.075mm < 10 < 10 < 10
CBR Value greater than 20 25 20

Material passing through 425 micro sieve for all the three gradings when tested according to I.S.
2720 (Part-5) shall have liquid limit and plastic index not more than 25 and 6 respectively.
3. All unsound, weathered or disintegrated stone obtained from the under surface layer of the quarry
or other layers of boulders shall be rejected.
4. Wherever any doubt as to whether above requirement are satisfied in whole or part of the
collection it shall be got screened by the Contractor if so ordered by the Executive Engineer, and
for which no extra payment shall be claimed by the contractor
5. Any collection which does not fully satisfy the above requirements is liable to be rejected all
6. Regular stacks shall be made by the contractor on a fairly level ground. All the stack shall be
marked by white wash immediately on being measured and recorded by the Engineer-in-charge.
7. The rate includes blasting the rock, if any, breaking the quarry spauls, stacking measuring in
pharas etc. complete.
8. Stacks shall as per actual requirements and any materials in excess shall have to be transported
by the contractor at the places directed by the Executive Engineer at the risk and cost of the
9. While stacking materials the depositing should commence at one end of the K.M. and carried
continuously towards the other end unless the Executive Engineer shall direct otherwise and as a
rule measurements shall be taken after metal for halt kilometer or Km. has been fully collected.
Any fraction of these distance shall not be measured up.

- 17 -
10. The measurements shall be recorded in on Cum. basis on level computing method after rolling
and consolidation and shall be paid accordingly.
 Spreading quarry spauls in grade & camber complete.
1. The quarry spauls shall be only be allowed to be spread after the written permission of the
Executive Engineer is obtained.
2. The permission for spreading the metal shall be given by the Executive Engineer if
(i) The full quantity of a particular mile(kilometer)is completely collected.
(ii) The collection of metal-is also completed in the adjoining two miles (Kilometers)
(iii) The measurements are recorded in the Measurement book.
3. Q. S. shall if required, be screened, if containing rubbish dust, grass etc. it shall than be filled in
basket & conveyed where required and spread evenly on the prepared surface be given twisting
motion to the basket at the time of spreading. The surface shall then (15 m) by means of templates
and strings as well as with camber boards and spirit level.
4. Between the straight length and curves and at the meeting points of the convex and concave
portions of the reverse curves, the change in camber of the road, due to super elevations shall be
made as well as with camber boards and spirit level.
5. At the time of spreading Q. S. small quantity (about 4 to 5 percent) of metal as directed, shall be
retained at the first instance. It shall be spread later 0:1 after partial consolidated as required to
rectify the camber and to fill up the hollows if any. No extra amount shall be paid for this.
6. Measurements shall be paid as per the measurements of collection less the quantity remained to
be spread and on cubic metre basis.
7. The rate includes the cost of screening the Q.S. if any spreading, sectioning, with template and
adding reserved quota of metal, while/oiling is in progress for making good hollows and camber.
8. The surface shall be brought to the required camber which shall be checked at every 50 ft.( 15 M)
by means off templates of while the necessary of the in between shall tested by strings and
corrected as required.
9. The centre line shall first be marked in the subgrade which is properly consolidated and has
uniform carnber and grade as required
10. The Q. S. shall be laid for a small length on 25 ft. (8 M.) and then the edge stones shall be laid.
11. Pegs shall be driven on either side of the road and joined with strings true and parallel with a
distance between they equal to the width be laid with over metal similarly.
12. The Q. S. shall be laid as close as possible so as too leave minimum possible interstices and
13. Before roiling is allowed on soling the side berms shall be filled upto the top of the soling and at
least 3'-0" (1 m.) on either side so as to prevent metal layer getting disturbed at times during
rolling. The rate is inclusive of all the operations as stated above.
14. Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregates rolling shall be started with three
wheeled power roller of 8 - to - 10 tone capacity or tendum roller or equivalent vibratory roller. The

- 18 -
weight of the roller shall depend upon the type of the aggregate and be indicated by Engineer-in-
15. Except on super elevated portions where the roiling shall proceed from inner edge to outer, rolling
shall from the edges gradually progressing towards the centre. First the edge / edges shall be
compacted with roller running forward and backward. The roller shall then move inward parallel to
centre line of the road, in successive passes uniformly lapping preceding tracks by at least one
half the width.
16. Rolling shall continue until the aggregate is thoroughly keyed and the creeping of the aggregate a
head of the roller is no longer visible. During rolling, slight sprinkling of water may be done, if
necessary. Rolling shall no be done when the sub grade is soft or yielding or when it causes a
wave like motion in the sub grade or sub base course.
17. The rolled surface shall be checked transversely and longitudinally with templates and any
irregularities corrected by loosening the surface, adding or removing necessary amounts of
aggregate and re - rolling until the entire surface conform to desired camber and grade. In no case
shall the base of screening be permitted to make up depression.
18. The blindage material where it is required to be used shall be applied successively in two or more
thin layer at a slow and uniform rate. After each application, the surface shall be copiously
sprinkled with water, the resulting, slurry swept in with hand brooms or mechanical brooms to fill
the voids properly and rolled during which water shall be applied the wheels of the rollers, if
necessary to wash down the binding material sticking to them. These operations shall continue
until the resulting slurry after filling of voids forms a wave ahead of the wheels of the moving roller.
19. After the final compaction of water bound macadam course, the road shall be allowed to any over
night Next morning hungry spots shall be filled with screenings of binding materials as directed
lightly sprinkled with water, if necessary and rolled. No traffic shall be allowed on the road until the
macadam has set. The Engineer - in - charge shall have the discretion to stop hauling traffic from
using the completed water bound macadam course, if in his opinion, it would cause excessive
damage to the surface.
20. Payment shall be made in Cubic meter basis.

- 19 -
Item No.6: Earthwork in cuting in all sorts of soil and soft murrum including
conveying and spreading the stuff, embankment as and where directed
with all required lead and lift.

1. The land width required for the roadway, gutter side slopes and catch water gutters shall be cleared
of all trees having a girth of 30 cms. and less, loose, stones, vegetation, bushes, stuff and all other
objectionable materials. The roots of trees and stuff shall be removed to a depth of 30 cms below
the grade formation and slopes and excavation filled up with excavated materials and compacted.
All the materials cleared will be the property of Government. Useful materials shall be arranged in
convenient stacks along the road boundary or as directed lead, and handed over to the department
in convenient sections. Unsuitable materials shall be burnt or otherwise disposed off by the
contractor at his own cost without causing any nuisance, inconvenience or damage to the work,
property or people in the neighborhood. If the materials are to be disposed off outside the road land,
necessary permission from the privet land owners shall be taken, by the contractor and royalty etc. if
any paid by him without claiming compensations. In all cases the materials shall be disposed off in a
neat manner.
2. After clearing the site, the alignment of the road shall be properly set out true to lines, curves slopes,
grades and sections as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor
shall provide all labour and materials such as lime, strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stones mortar,
concrete etc. required for setting out alignment establishing beech marks and giving profiles. The
contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the B. Ms. profiles alignments and other stakes and
marks as long as they are required for the work in the opinion of the Engineer. If the contractor
defaults in this respect even after the direction by the Engineer within the specified time, they may
be restored by the Engineer at the levels etc. If there is any disagreement the contractor shall inform
of it in writing to the officer concerned with the specific reference to the section before starting further
work. Once the work is started, no cognizance of any complaint shall be taken. Merely not signing of
the book shall not be deemed as disagreement.
3. Profiles of the section including the road side gutters to be excavated shall be laid at suitable
intervals of 10 m. to 50 m. or other intervals as directed by Engineer to conform to the curved or
straight alignment, sections, grades and side slopes. The line out shall be clearly marked and
profiles of embankments where excavated Materials are to be used shall set up with the toe line
marked on each side. The road way section shall first be excavated in steps. These steps shall be
smoothened to the required slop when the excavation reaches the road formation. The contractor
shall on no account excavate beyond the slopes or below the specified level or outside the section. it
shall not be paid for and the contractor shall be required to fill ups at his own cost such extra
excavation in the road portion, with approved materials of the embankment grade in layers, watered
and fully compacted to attain maximum density laid down for the embankment in its relevant item.
The Engineer may measurement ridges and dead end to be left at specified intervals or places and
kept intact till ordered to be removed for the purposes of check measurements. The cutting shall be

- 20 -
finished neatly smooth and evenly to the correct lines, curves, grades if loose, shall be scarified
watered and compacted to the same density as the embankment. The section side stops and catch
water gutter shall be maintained by the contractor at his own cost in such a way that the formation
and gutters will be drained by providing for necessary diversions etc. and not damaged due to
obstruction of any drainage. Necessary passages shall be provided for leading away seepage,
springs, surface flow or rainwater safely make good to damage at his own cost, If it is necessary in
the execution of the work to interrupt existing surface drainage, irrigation channels sewers or under
drainage, temporary arrangement shall be provided till Such time as is necessary. The contractor at
his own cost shall make good the interrupted drainage and sewer etc. unless separately provided in
the tender any damage to the exiting works or work in hand caused as a result of his operations or
negligence shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost. Road side gutters shall be
excavated to the specified sections and shall be measured along with the main cutting in cubic
4. If slides occur in the cutting they shall be removed as ordered by the Engineer. If finished slopes
slide into the roadways before the final acceptance of the work, such slides shall be removed by the
contractor and shall be paid for at the contract rate for the class of excavation involved provided the
slides are not die to any negligence of the contractor. The classification of the material in slides shall
conform to its conditions at the time of removal and payment made accordingly regardless of its prior
condition. Care shall be taken to see that excavation is arranged in a safe way so that there will be
no risk to the workmen by slides, falling materials, boulders and collapsing sides etc.
5. If there is traffic nearby or there are towns and villages in the neighborhood, barricades and or traffic
signals shall be provided day and night for the duration of the work in such a way as to prevent
accidents. Warning signals shall be displayed at 7mt. from the danger point on both sides giving
sufficient warning. If necessary, signalers shall be stationed at each end to regulate traffic where it
is heavy. Measures shall be taken to see that the excavation does not affect or damage adjoining
structures or property. If there is damage to property, injury to workers, the members of the public,
animals etc., due to the negligence of the contractor, he will be responsible and liable to all the
consequences including compensation.
6. All the cutting stuff materials shall be property of Government. When the use full excavated material
is to be used in embankment with all lead and all lift, it shall be directly deposited at the required
location in specified layers. No handing or conveyance charges shall be paid ff the material is
temporarily deposited elsewhere and subsequently conveyed to site of deposition. The sequence of
operations at convenient places, without interfering with the drainage in any way. If no Governments
land is available but the excavated useful stuff is to be stacked temporally before use under the
same agreement, the contractor shall make his own arrangements for the stacking of this material
not required for use on embankment or unsuitable materials may be used on his own to uniformly
widen embankment to flatten slopes and to fill-low places in the road land, if so permitted by the
Engineer. Material not required for any use whatsoever may be disposed of by the contractor at his
own cost in a manner approved by the Engineer. The excavated material shall not be deposited

- 21 -
within 3 m. from the top edge of slope or toe of the bank. The land shall be measured from the
junction point of cutting and embankment with all lead and lift on either side. The work shall be read
as with lead.
7. If the contractor does not wish to utilise the quantity of cutting within the specified lead for any
reason, then he may do the embankment work with the earth from other sources (except borrow pits
in the length of the road where cutting stuff is to be utilised) but in that case the full or part quantity
on acceptable quality stuff for which payment is made or to be made will be deducted from the net
quantity of the earth work in the embankment arrived at, within the chainage measured as above.
8. The Contractor rate shall be a unit of one cubic metre for the start mentioned in the wording of the
item of excavation acceptably completed, limited to the dimensions shown on the plans or as
directed by the Engineer. Excavation shall be measured in its original position by taking linear
measurements after its is entirely completed. The quality shall be worked by cross section the
average area method. When the classification of the strata changes, the contractor shall bring this to
notice of the Engineer, who will then verify and if necessary take levels for the changes strata for
purpose of measurement.
9. Earth work in cutting shall be made in hard soil such as stiff heavy clay, hard shale or compact murrum,
requiring grafting tool or pick or both and shovel, closely applied and gravel and rubble stone having maximum
diameter direction between 75 and 300 mm and soft conglomerate. The classification of cutting shall be
decided by the Engineer-in-charge and his decision shall be binding on the contractor. Mode of measurement
shall be measured after removal of ever burden by tucking cross section at suitable intervals in the original
position before the work starts and after its completion areas.
10. Earth work in cutting shall be in soft rock such as lime stone, sand stone, literate, hard conglomerete of
ther soft rock which may be quarred or split with crow bars. Boulders which do not require blasting and
any rock which dry state may be hard, requiring blasting but which when wet becomes soft and manageable
by means other than blasting. The classification shall be `decided by the Engineer in charge and his
decision shall be final and binding on the contractor.
11. Mode of measurement shall measure after removal of over burden by taking cross section at suitable
intervals in the original position the work starts and after its completion and computing the volumes in
cubic metre by method of average and areas, payment shall be made on CMT basis. The rate shall
include the cost of labour, tools to complete the job, Name of work :
Payment shall be made in Cubic meter basis.
The rate shall include the cost of labour tools to complete the Job.

- 22 -
Item No.07 :- Earthwork for embankment including breaking clods, dressing with all lead and
lift (including watering and consolidation) from borrow area within all lead and

Description: These Specifications shall apply to the construction of embankments including sub grades, earthen
shoulders and miscellaneous backfills with approved materials obtained from roadway and drain excavation, borrow
pits or other sources. All embankments, sub grades, earthen shoulders and miscellaneous backfills shall be
constructed in accordance with the requirements of these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and
cross-sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

Materials and General Requirements.

Physical requirements :
The materials used in embankments, sub grades, earthen shoulders and miscellaneous backfills shall be soil,
murrum, gravel, a mixture of these or any other material approved by the Engineer. Such materials shall be free of
logs, stumps, roots, rubbish or any other ingredient likely to deteriorate or affect the stability of the embankment sub
The following types of material shall be considered unsuitable for embankment:

(a) Materials from swamps, marshes and bogs;

(b) Peat, log, stump and perishable material; and soil that classifies as OL,OI,OH or Pt in accordance with
(c) Materials susceptible to spontaneous combustion;
(d) Materials in a frozen condition;
(e) Clay having liquid limit exceeding 70 and plasticity index exceeding 45; and
(f) Materials with salts resulting in leaching in the embankment.

Expansive clay exhibiting marked swell and shrinkage, properties (“free swelling index” exceeding 50 percent when
tested as per IS:2720-Part 40) shall not be used as a fill material. Where an expansive clay with acceptable “free
swelling index” value is used as a fill material, sub grade and top 500mm portion of the embankment just below sub
grade shall be non-expansive in nature.

Any fill material with a soluble sulphate content exceeding 1.9 grams of sulphate (expressed as SO3) per liter when
tested in accordance with BS:1377 Test 10, but using a 2:1 water-soil ratio shall not be deposited within 500 mm or
other distance described in the Contract, of concrete, cement bound materials or other cementations materials
forming part of the Permanent Works.

Materials with a total sulphate content (expressed as SO3) exceeding 0.5 per cent by mass, when tested in
accordance with BS: 1377 Test 9 shall not be deposited within 500 mm or other distances described in the contract,
of metallic items forming part of the Permanent Works.

The size of the coarse material in the mixture of earth shall ordinarily not exceed 75mm when being placed in the
embankment and 50 mm when placed in the sub grade. However, the Engineer may at his discretion permit the use
of material coarser than this also if he is satisfied that the same will not present any difficulty as regards the
placement of fill material and its compaction to the requirements of these specifications. The maximum particle size
shall not be more than two-thirds of the compacted layer thickness.

General Requirements:
The materials for embankment shall be obtained from approved sources with preference given to materials
becoming available from nearby roadway excavation or any other excavation under the same Contract.

The work shall be so planned and executed that the best available materials are saved for the sub grade and the
embankment portion just below the sub grade.

Borrow materials: Where the materials are to be obtained from designated borrow areas, the location, size and
shape of these areas shall be as indicated by the Engineer and the same shall not be opened without his written
permission. Where specific borrow areas are not designated by the Employer/the Engineer, arrangement for locating
the source of supply of materials for embankment and sub grade as well as compliance to environmental
requirements in respect of excavation and borrow areas as stipulated, from time to time by the Ministry of

- 23 -
Environment and Forests, Government of India and the local bodies, as applicable, shall be the sole responsibility of
the Contractor.
Borrow pits along the road shall be discouraged. If permitted by the Engineer, these shall not be dug continuously.
Ridges of not less than 8 m width should be left at intervals not exceeding 300m.Small drains shall be cut through
the ridges to facilitate drainage. The depth of the pits shall be so regulated that their bottom does not cut an
imaginary line having a slope of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal projected from the edge of the final section of the bank, the
maximum depth in any case being limited to 1.5 m. Also no pit shall be dug within the offset width from the toe of the
embankment required as per the consideration of stability with a minimum width of 10 m.

Haulage of material to embankments or other areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient spreading and
compaction plant is operating at the place of deposition.

No excavated acceptable material other than surplus to requirements of the Contract shall be removed from the site.
Should the contractor be permitted to remove acceptable material from the site to suit his operational procedure,
then he shall make good any consequent deficit of material arising therefore.

Where the excavation reveals a combination of acceptable and unacceptable materials, the Contractor shall, unless
otherwise agreed by the Engineer, carry out the excavation in such a manner that the acceptable materials are
excavated separately for use in the permanent works without contamination by the unacceptable materials. The
acceptable materials shall be stockpiled separately.

The Contractor shall ensure that he does not adversely affect the stability of excavation or fills by the methods of
stockpiling materials, use of plants or sitting of temporary buildings or structures.

The Contractor shall obtain representative samples from each of the identified borrow areas and have these tested
at the site laboratory following a testing programme approved by the Engineer. It shall be ensured that the sub grade
material when compacted to the density requirements as in Table 300-2 shall yield the design CBR value of the sub

Construction Operations :
Setting Out: After the site has been cleared to Clause 201, the work shall be set out to Clause 301.3.1.The limits of
embankment/sub grade shall be marked by fixing batter pegs on both sides at regular intervals as guides before
commencing the earthwork. The embankment/sub grade shall be built sufficiently wider than the design dimension
so that surplus material may be trimmed, ensuring that the remaining material is to be desired density and the
position specified and conforms to the specified side slopes.

Dewatering: If the foundation of the embankment is in an area with stagnant water, and in the opinion of the
Engineer it is feasible to remove it, the same shall be removed by bailing out or pumping, as directed by the
Engineer and the area of the embankment foundation shall be kept dry. Care shall be taken to discharge the drained
water so as not to cause damage to the works, crops or any other property. Due to any negligence on the part of the
Contractor, if any such damage is caused, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair./restore it to
original condition or compensate the damage at his own cost.

If the embankment is to be constructed under water, Clause 305.4.6 shall apply.

Stripping and Storing topsoil: In localities where most of the available embankment materials are not conducive to
plant growth, or when so directed by the Engineer, the topsoil from all areas of cutting and from all areas to be
covered by embankment foundation shall be stripped to specified depths not exceeding 150 mm and stored in
stockpiles of height not exceeding 2 m for covering embankment slopes, cut slopes and other disturbed areas where
re-vegetation is desired. Topsoil shall not be unnecessarily trafficked either before stripping or when in a stockpile.
Stockpiles shall not be surcharged or otherwise loaded and multiple handling shall be kept to a minimum.

Compacting ground supporting embankment/Sub grade:

Where necessary, the original ground shall be leveled to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment, scarified,
mixed with water and then compacted by rolling.
Where so directed by the Engineer, any unsuitable material occurring in the embankment foundation shall be
removed and replaced by approved materials laid in layers to the required degree of compaction.
Embankment or sub grade work shall not proceed until the foundations for embankment/sub grade have been
inspected by the Engineer for satisfactory condition and approved.
Spreading material in layers :
The embankment and sub grade material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 200mm
compacted thickness over the entire width of embankment by mechanical means, finished by a motor grader and

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Moisture content of the material shall be checked at the site of placement prior to commencement of compaction; if
found to be out of agreed limits, the same shall be made good. Where water is required to be added in such
constructions, water shall be sprinkled from a water tanker fitted with sprinkler capable of applying water uniformly
with a controllable rate of flow to variable widths of surface but without any flooding. The water shall be added
uniformly and thoroughly mixed in soil by balding, dicing or barrowing until a uniform moisture content is obtained
throughout the depth of the layer.

If the material delivered to the roadbed is too wet, it shall be dried, by aeration and exposure to the sun, till the
moisture content is acceptable for compaction. Should circumstances arise, where owing to wet weather, the
moisture content can not be reduced to the required amount by the above procedure, compaction work shall be

After adding the required amount of water, the soil shall be processed by means of graders, harrows, rotary mixers
or as otherwise approved by the Engineer until the layer is uniformly wet.

Clods or hard lumps of earth shall be broken to have a maximum size of 75 mm when being placed in the
embankment and a maximum size of 50 mm when being placed in the sub grade.

Embankment and other areas of fill shall, unless otherwise required in the Contract or permitted by the Engineer, be
constructed evenly over their full width and their fullest possible extent and the Contractor shall control and direct
construction plant and other vehicular traffic uniformly over them. Damage by construction plant and other vehicular
traffic shall be made good by the Contractor with material having the same characteristics and strength as the
material had before it was damaged.

Embankments and other areas of unsupported fills shall not be constructed with steeper side slopes, or to greater
widths than those shown in the Contract, except to permit adequate compaction at the edges before trimming back,
or to obtain the final profile following any settlement of the fill and the underlying material.

Whenever fill is to be deposited against the face of a natural slope, or sloping earthworks face including
embankments, cutting, another fills and excavations steeper than 1 vertical on 4 horizontal, such faces shall be
benched as per Clause 305.4.1 immediately before placing the subsequent fill.

All permanent faces of side slopes of embankments and other areas of fill formed shall, subsequent to any trimming
operations, be reworked and sealed to the satisfaction of the Engineer by tracking a tracked vehicle, considered
suitable by the Engineer, on the slope or any other method approved by the Engineer.

Compaction: Only the compaction equipment approved by the Engineer shall be employed to compact the different
material types encountered during construction. Vibratory rollers of suitable size and capacity as approved by the
Engineer shall be used for the different types and grades of materials required to be compacted either individually or
in suitable combinations.

The compaction shall be done with the help of power roller of 80 to 100 kN static weight with plain or pad foot drum
or heavy pneumatic tyred roller of adequate capacity capable of achieving required compaction.

The Contractor shall demonstrate the efficacy of the equipment he intends to use by carrying out compaction trials.

When density measurements reveal any soft areas in the embankments / subgrade / earthen shoulders, further
compaction shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer. If inspite of that the specified compaction is not
achieved, the material in the soft areas shall be removed and replaced by approved material, compacted to the
density requirements and satisfaction of the Engineer.

Drainage : The surface of the embankment/subgrade at all times during construction shall be maintained at such a
cross fall (not flatter than that required for effective drainage of an earthen surface) as will shed water and prevent

Repairing of damages caused by rain/spillage of water :

The soil in the affected portion shall be removed in such areas as directed by the Engineer before next layer is laid
and refilled in layers and compacted using appropriate mechanical means such as small vibratory roller, plate
compactor or power rammer to achieve the required density in accordance with Clause 305.3.6 If the cut is not
sufficiently wide for use of required mechanical means for compaction, the same shall be widened suitably to permit
their use for proper compaction. Tests shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer to ascertain the density
requirements of the repaired area. The work of repairing the damages including widening of the cut, if any, shall be
carried out by the Contractor at his own cost, including the arranging of machinery/equipment for the purpose.

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Finishing operations:

Finishing operations shall include the work of shaping and dressing the shoulders/verge/ roadbed and side slopes to
conform to the alignment, levels, cross sections and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer subject to the surface tolerance described in Clause 902. Both the upper and lower ends of the side slopes
shall be rounded off to improve appearance and to merge the embankment with the adjacent terrain.

The topsoil, removed and conserved earlier (Clause 301.3.2 and 305.3.3) shall be spread over the fill slopes as per
directions of the Engineer to facilitate the growth of vegetation. Slopes shall be roughened and moistured slightly
prior to the application of the topsoil in order to provide satisfactory bond. The depth of the top soil shall be sufficient
to sustain plant growth, the usual thickness being from 75 mm to 150 mm.

Where directed, the slopes shall be turfed with sods in accordance with Clause 307. If seeding and mulching of
slopes is prescribed, this shall be done to the requirement of Clause 308.

Construction of Embankment and subgrade under special conditions.

Earthwork for widening existing road embankment :

When an existing embankment and/or subgrade is to be widened and its slopes are steeper than 1 vertical on 4
horizontal , continuous horizontal benches, each at least 300 mm wide, shall be cut into the old slope for ensuring
adequate bond with the fresh embankment / subgrade material to be added. The material obtained from cutting of
benches could be utilized in the widening of the embankment/subgrade. However when the existing slope against
which the fresh material is to be placed is flatter than 1 vertical on 4 horizontal, the slope surface may only be
ploughed or scarified instead of resorting to benching.

Where the width of the widened portions is insufficient to permit the use of conventional rollers, compaction shall be
carried out with the help of small vibratory rollers/plate compactors/power rammers or any other appropriate
equipment approved by the Engineer. End dumping of material from trucks for widening operations shall be avoided
except in difficult circumstances when the extra width is too narrow to permit the movement of any other types of
hauling equipment.

Earthwork for embankment and subgrade to be placed against sloping ground:-

Where an embankment /subgrade is to be placed against sloping ground, the latter shall be appropriately benched
or ploughed/scarified as required in Clause 305.4.1 before placing the embankment/subgrade material. Extra
earthwork involved in benching or due to ploughing / scarifying etc. shall be considered incidental to the work.

For wet conditions, benches with slightly inward fall and subsoil drains at the lowest point shall be provided as per
the drawings, before the fill is placed against sloping ground.

Where the contract requires construction of transverse subsurface drain at the cut-fill interface, work on the same
shall be carried out to Clause 309 in proper sequence with the embankment and subgrade work as approved by the

Earthwork over existing road surface:-

Where the embankment is to be placed over an existing road surface, the work shall be carried out as indicated

(i) If the existing road surface is of granular or bituminous type and lies within 1 m of the new subgrade
level, the same shall be scarified to a depth of 50mm or more if specified, so as to provide ample bond
between the old and new material ensuring that at least 500 mm portion below the top of new subgrade
level is compacted to the desired density.
(ii) If the existing road surface is of cement concrete type and lies within 1 m of the new subgrade level the
same shall be removed completely.
(iii) If the level difference between the existing road surface and the new formation level is more than 1 m.
the existing surface shall be permitted to stay in place without any modification.

Embankment and subgrade around structures :-

To avoid interference with the construction of abutments, wing walls or return walls of culvert/bridge structures, the
Contractor shall, at points to be determined by the Engineer suspend work on embankment forming approaches to
such structures, until such time as the construction of the latter is sufficiently advanced to permit the completion of
approaches without the risk of damage to the structure.

- 26 -
Unless directed otherwise, the filling around culverts, bridges and other structures upto a distance of twice the height
of the road from the back of the abutment shall be carried out independent of the work on the main embankment.
The fill material shall not be placed against any abutment or wing wall, unless permission has been given by the
Engineer but in any case not until the concrete or masonry has been in position for 14 days. The embankment and
subgrade shall be brought up simultaneously in equal layers on each side of the structure to avoid displacement and
unequal pressure. The sequence of work in this regard shall be got approved from the Engineer.

Where it may be impracticable to use conventional rollers, the compaction shall be carried out by appropriate
mechanical means such as small vibratory roller, plate compactor or power rammer. Care shall be taken to see that
the compaction equipment does not hit or come too close to any structural member so as to cause any damage to
them or excessive pressure against the structure.

Construction of embankment over ground incapable of supporting construction equipment.

Where embankment is to be constructed across ground which will not support the weight of repeated heavy loads of
construction equipment, the first layer of the fill may be constructed by placing successive loads of material in a
uniformly distributed layer of a minimum thickness required to support the construction equipment as permitted by
the Engineer. The Contractor, if so desired by him, may also use suitable geosynthetic material to increase the
bearing capacity of the foundation. This exception to normal procedure will not be permitted where, in the opinion of
the Engineer, the embankments could be constructed in the approved manner over such ground by the use of lighter
or modified equipment after proper ditching and drainage have been provided. Where this exception is permitted, the
selection of the material and the construction procedure to obtain an acceptable layer shall be the responsibility of
the Contractor. The cost of providing suitable traffic conditions for construction equipment over any area of the
Contract, will be the responsibility of the Contractor and no extra payment will be made to him. The remainder of the
embankment shall be constructed as specified in Clause 305.3.

Embankment construction under water :

Where filling or backfilling is to be placed under water, only acceptable granular material or rock shall be used unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer. Acceptable granular material shall consist of graded, hard durable particles
with maximum particle size not exceeding 75mm. The material should be non-plastic having uniformity coefficient of
not less than 10. The material placed in open water shall be deposited by end tipping without compaction.

Earthwork for high embankment :-

In the case of high embankments, the Contractor shall normally use the material from the specified borrow area. In
case he desires to use different material for his own convenience, he shall have to carry out necessary soil
investigations and redesign the high embankment at his own cost. The contractor shall then furnish the soil test data
and design of high embankment for approval of the Engineer, who reserves the right to accept or reject it.

If necessary, stage construction of fills and any controlled rates of filling shall be carried out in accordance with the
Contract including installation of instruments and its monitoring.

Where required, the contractor shall surcharge embankments or other areas of fill with approved material for the
periods specified in the Contract. If settlement of surcharged fill results in any surcharging
Material, which is unacceptable for use in the fill being surcharged, laying below formation level, the Contractor shall
remove the unacceptable material and dispose it as per direction of the Engineer. He shall then bring the resultant
level upto formation level with acceptable materials.

Settlement period :- Where settlement period is specified in the Contract, the embankment shall remain in place for
the required settlement period before excavating for abutment, wing wall, retaining wall, footings, etc. or driving
foundation piles. The duration of the required settlement period at each location shall be as provided for in the
contract or as directed by the Engineer.

Plying of Traffic :
Construction and other vehicular traffic shall not use the prepared surface of the embankment and/or subgrade
without the prior permission of the Engineer. Any damage arising out of such use shall, however be made good by
the Contractor at his own expense as directed by the Engineer.

Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work :-

The surface finish of construction of subgrade shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902. Control on the
quality of materials and works shall be exercised in accordance with Clause 903.

- 27 -
Subgrade Strength :-
It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the borrow area material to be used in the subgrade satisfies the
requirements of design CBR.

Subgrade shall be compacted and finished to the design strength consistent with other physical requirements. The
actual laboratory CBR values of constructed subgrade shall be determined on undisturbed samples cut out from the
compacted subgrade in CBR mould fitted with cutting shoe or on remoulded samples, compacted to the field density
at the field moisture content.

Measurements for Payment :-

Earth embankment/subgrade construction shall be measured separately by taking cross sections at intervals in the
original position before the work starts and after its completion and computing the volumes of earthwork in cubic
metres by the method of average end areas.
The measurement of fill material from borrow areas shall be the difference between the net quantities of compacted
fill and the net quantities of suitable material brought from roadway and drainage excavation. For this purpose, it
shall be assumed that one cu.m. of suitable material brought to site from road and drainage excavation forms one
cu.m. of compacted fill and all bulking or shrinkage shall be ignored.
Construction of embankment under water shall be measured in cu.m.
Construction of high embankment with specified material and in specified manner shall be measured in cum.
Stripping including storing and reapplication of topsoil shall be measured in cu.m.
Work involving loosening and recompacting of ground supporting embankment/subgrade shall be measured in cu.m.
Removal of unsuitable material at embankment/subgrade foundation and replacement with suitable material shall be
measured in Cu.m.
Scarifying existing granular/bituminous road surface shall be measured in Square metres.
Dismentaling and removal of existing cement concrete pavement shall be measured vide Clause 202.6.
Filter medium and backfill material behind abutments, wing walls and other retaining structures shall be measured as
finished work in position in cu.m.


The Contract unit rates for the items of embankment and subgrade construction shall be payment in full for carrying
out the required operations including full compensation for :
(i) Cost of arrangement of land as a source of supply of material of required quantity for construction unless
provided other wise in the contract.
(ii) Setting out;
(iii) Compacting ground supporting embankment/subgrade except where removal and replacement of
unsuitable material or loosening and recompacting is involved;
(iv) Scarifying or cutting continuous horizontal benches 300mm wide on side slopes of existing embankment
and subgrade as applicable;
(v) Cost of watering or drying of material in borrow areas and/or embankment and subgrade during
construction as required;
(vi) Spreading in layers, bringing to appropriate moisture content and compacting to specification
(vii) Shaping and dressing top and slopes of the embankment and subgrade including rounding of corners;
(viii) Restricted working at sites of structures;
(ix) Working on narrow width of embankment and subgrade;
(x) Excavation in all soils from borrow pits/designated borrow areas including clearing and grubbing and
transporting the material to embankment and subgrade site with all lifts and leads unless otherwise
provided for in the contractor.
(xi) All labour, material, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work to the
(xii) Dewatering and
(xiii) Keeping the embankment/completed formation free of water as per Clause 311.

In case the Contract unit rate specified is not inclusive of all leads, the unit rate for transporting material
beyond the initial lead, as specified in the contract for construction of embankment and subgrade shall be inclusive
of full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary on account of the additional haul or
transportation involved beyond the specified initial lead.

Measurement shall be taken and paid in Cu.m.

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Item No. 08:- Rolling and watering of earthwork in layers with power roller including filling in
depressions which occur during the process.

1. For spreading materials in layers and bringing the appropriate moisture content, the embankment
materials shall be spread uniformly over the entire width of the embankment in layers not
exceeding 250mm in loose thickness. Successive layers of embankment shall not be placed until
the layer under construction has been thoroughly compacted to the requirements set down here
under :-
Moisture content of the materials shall be checked at the source of supply and if found less than
that specified for compaction, the same, shall be made good either at the source or after spreading
the soil in loose thickness for compaction. In the latter case, water shall be sprinkled directly from
a hoseline or from a truck mounted water tank, and flooding shall not be permitted under any
If the materials delivered to the road bed is too wet it shall be dried, by evaporation and exposure
to the sun. till the moisture content is brought done to acceptable standard for compaction Should
circumstances arise. Where owing to wet weather, the moisture content cannot be reduced to the
required level by the above procedure, work of compaction shall be suspended.
Moisture content of each layer of soil shall be checked in accordance with IST 2720 (Part-ll) and
unless otherwise mentioned shall be so adjusted, making due allowance for evaporation losses,
that at the time of the compaction it is in the range of 1 percent to 2 percent below the optimum
moisture content determined in accordance with ISI (Part-VII). Highly expansive clays shall
however be compacted at 2 to 4 percent above the optimum moisture content
After adding the required amount of water, the soil shall be processed by means of harrows, rotary
mixers or as otherwise approved until the layer is uniformly wet. Clods or hard lumps of earth shall
be broken to have maximum size of 150mm when being placed in the lower layers of the
embankment and a maximum size of 60mm when being placed in the top 0.5 meter portion of the
embankment below the subgrade.
Hauling equipment shall be dispered uniformly over entire surface of the previously constructed
layer to minimize cutting of uneven compaction Where the embankment is to be constructed on
low area ground that will not support the weight of trucks of other hauling equipment, the lower
part of the fill should be constructed by dumpling successive loads in a uniformly distributed layers
of a thickness not greater than that necessary to support the hauling equipment while placing
subsequent layers.

Only compacting equipment approved by the Engineer-in-charge shall be employed to compact
the materials. The contractor shall demonstrate the efficiency of the plants he intents to use for
carrying out compaction trials.
Each layer of the materials shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in Table 1.2

- 29 -
1.2 Compaction requirements for embankment.
Sr. Type of Work / materials Field dry density as per centage of maximum
No. laboratory dry density as per IS:2720(Part-VII)
1. Top 0.5 meter portion of embankment below Not less than 100.
subgrade level and shoulders.
2. Other portion of embankment. Not less than 95
3. Highly expensive class 85 to 90

Subsequent layers shall be placed only after finished layer has been tested according to M.O.S.T.
specification clause 902 and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
When density measurements reveal any soft areas in the embankment further compaction shall be
carried out as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. If insite of that the specified compaction is not
achieved, the materials in the soft areas shall be removed and replaced by approved materials and
compacted to the density requirement to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

3. Measurements for Payment :

Consolidation of earth embankment construction shall be measured by taking cross section at
intervals in the original position before the work starts and after its completion and computing of
the volume of earthwork in cubic meters by the method of average and areas. The measurement
of fill material from borrow area shall be the difference between the net quantities of suitable
materials brought from roadway and drainage excavation. For this purpose it shall be assumed
that one cubic meter of suitable materials brought to site from roadway and drainage excavation
from one cubic meter of compacted fill and all bulking or shrinkage shall be ignored Stripping
including storing and reapplication of top soil shall be measured as volume in cubic meter.

4. The contract unit rate includes cost of mechanical roller required for consolidation including all
labour, equipments fuel, hire charges, tolls and incidentals necessary.

- 30 -
Item No. 09 :- Providing and laying Tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) at the rate of 2.50 Kg /
10 Sq.M. on the prepare bituminous surface etc complete as directed with all labour
and materials

This work shall consist of the application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous material to
an existing bituminous, cement concrete or primed granular surface preparatory to the superimposition
of a bituminous mix, when specified in the Contract or instructed by the Engineer. The work shall be
carried out on a previously prepared surface in accordancewith Clause 501.
Materials Binder
The binder used for tack coat shall be Rapid Setting Bitumen Emulsion Grade RS-1 complyingwith IS:8887
or suitable low viscocity paving bitumen of VG 10 grade conforming to IS:73. The use of cutback
bitumen (Medium Curing grade) as per IS:217 shall be restricted only for sites at sub-zero temperature or
for emergency applications as directed by the Engineer. Thetype and grade of binder for tack coat shall be
specified in the contract.
Weather and Seasonal Limitations
Bituminous material shall not be applied to a wet surface or during a dust storm or when the weather is
foggy, rainy or windy or when the temperature in the shade is less than 10ºC. Where the tack coat
consists of emulsion, the surface shall be slightly damp, but not wet.

Construction Equipment
The equipment used for tack coat shall be self-propelled or tractor towed bitumen pressure distributor
equipped for spraying the material uniformly at a specified rate. Hand spraying of small areas,
inaccessible to the distributor, or in narrow strips, shall be permitted with a pressure hand sprayer, or as
directed by the Engineer.

Preparation of base
The surface on which the tack coat is to be applied shall be clean and free from dust, dirt, and any
extraneous material, and be otherwise prepared in accordance with the requirements of Clause 501.
Immediately before the application of the tack coat, the surface shall be swept clean with a mechanical
broom, or by other means as directed by the Engineer.

Application of tack coat

The binder shall be sprayed on the base at the rate specified in Table 500.2. The normal range of
spraying temperature for a bituminous emulsion shall be 20°C–70°C. Paving bitumen if used for tack coat
shall be heated to an appropriate temperature in bitumen boilers to achieve viscocity less than 2 poise.
The normal range of spraying temperature for a cutback shall be 50°C-80°C. It shall be the responsibility
of the Contractor to carefully handle the inflammable bituminous cutback material so as to safeguard
against any fire mishap. The binder shall be applied uniformly with the aid of either self-propelled
tractor towed bitumen pressure distributor capable of spraying bitumen at specified rates and temperature
so as to provide a uniformly unbroken spread of bitumen. Work should be planned so that no more than
the necessary tack coat for the day’s operation is placed on the surface. A spraying trialshall be carried out
to demonstrate the efficacy of the equipment for uniformity of spread within specified tolerances.

Table 500.2 Rate of Application of Tack Coat

- 31 -
Type of Surface Emulsion Rate of Spray of Binder
i) Normal bituminous surfaces 0.20 to 0.25
ii) Dry and hungry bituminous surfaces 0.25 to 0.30
iii) Granular surfaces treated with primer 0.25 to 0.30
iv) Cement Concrete Pavement 0.30 to 0.35

Curing of tack coat

The tack coat of emulsion shall be left to cure until all the volatiles have evaporated before any
subsequent construction is started. No plant or vehicles other than essentially required for construction
shall be allowed on the tack coat.

Quality Control of Work

For control of the quality of materials supplied and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of
Section 1800 shall apply.

Arrangements for Traffic

During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be made in accordance with the
provisions of Section 100.

Measurements for Payment

Tack coat shall be measured in terms of surface area of application in square metres.

The contract unit rate for tack coat shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations
including for all components listed in Clause 401.7 and as applicable to the work specified in these

- 32 -
Item No. 10 :- Providing, laying and rolling 25 mm thick open graded premixed bituminous
carpet with B.T. aggregate as specified and using bitumen (VG-30) for using
bitumen for mixing with aggregate at the rate of 3.36% i.e. 33.60 kg/M.T. of total
mix including heating and mixing in drum mix plant and spreading the same with
paver finisher and consolidation with roller as per MORTH specification including
necessary firewood, oil, lubricants, labour charges etc. using contractor's own
drum mix plant and equipment, tools etc. completed in accordance with the
requirement of specification.

Note: For This Item Not Consider 2.50 kg./10 Sq.M. For tackcoat (VG30)

511.1 Open-graded Premix Surfacing using viscosity bitumen or Cutback.

511.1.1 Scope: This work shall consist of the preparation, laying and compaction of an open graded premix
surfacing material of 25 mm thickness composed of small sized aggregate premixed with a bituminous binder on a
previously prepared base, in accordance with the requirements of these specifications, to serve as a wearing course.
511.1.2 Materials

511.1.2.1 Binder :- The binder shall be a bitumen of a suitable viscosity grade as specified in the Contract or as
directed by the Engineer, and satisfying the requirements of IS:73.

Viscosity Grade (VG) Bitumen Specification as per IS 73 : 2006

Characteristics VG - 10 VG-20 VG-30 VG-40

Absolute Viscosity 60C, poises, min 800 1600 2400 3200
Kinematic Viscosity 135C CSI, min 250 300 350 400
Flash point, C, min 220 220 220 220
Solubility in trichloroethylene, % min 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0
Penetration at 25C 80-100 60-80 50-70 40-60
Softening point, C min 40 45 47 50
Test on residue from thin film oven test / RTFOT :
(A) Viscosity ration at 60C, max 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
(B) Ductility at 25C, cm, min after thin film over test 75 50 40 25

511.1.2.2 Aggregate - The aggregate shall conform to Clause 504.2.2 except that the water absorption shall be
limited to a maximum of 1 percent. The Polished Stone Value, as measured by the test in BS 812-(Part 114), shall
not be less than 55.

IS Sieve (mm) Cumulative Per cent Passing by

Weight of Total Aggregate
26.5 100
19 90-100
13.2 56-88
4.75 16-36
2.36 4-19
0.3 2-10
0.075 0-5
*Bitumen content, % by weight of total mixture 3.3-3.5
Bitumen Penetration Grade 35 to 90
* For conditions in cooler areas of India or where the per cent passing 0.075 mm sieve is on the
higher side of the range, appropriate bitumen contents may be upto 0.5 per cent higher, subject to the
approval of the Engineer.

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511.1.2.3 Proportioning of materials :- The materials shall be proportioned in accordance with Table 500-23.

511.1.3 Construction operations

511.1.3 Weather and seasonal limitations - Clause 501.5.1 shall apply.

511.1.3.2 Preparation of surface - The under lying surface on which the bituminous surfacing is to be laid shall be
prepared, shaped and conditioned to the specified lines, grade and cross-section in accordance with Clause 501. A
prime coat where needed shall be applied in accordance with Clause 502 as directed by the Engineer.

TABLE 500-23.
a. Nominal Stone size 13.2 mm (passing 22.4 mm sieve and retained on 0.18 m
11.2 mm sieve)
b. Nominal Stone size 11.2 mm (passing 13.2 mm sieve and retained on 0.09 m
5.6 mm sieve)
Total 0.27 m
Binder (quantities in terms of straight run bitumen)
3 3
a. For 0.18 m of 13.2 mm nominal size stone at 52 kg bitumen per m 9.5 kg
b. For 0.09 m3 of 11.2 mm nominal size stone at 56 kg bitumen per m 5.1 kg
Total 14.6 kg

511.1.3.3 Tack coat - A tack coat complying with Clause 503, shall be applied over the base preparatory to laying
of the surfacing.

511.1.3.4 Preparation of premix :- Hot mix plant of appropriate capacity and type shall be used for the preparation
of the mix material. The hot mix plant shall have separate dryer arrangement for heating aggregate.
0 0
The temperature of the binder at the time of mixing shall be in the range of 150 C to 163 C and that of the aggregate
0 0
in the range of 155 C to 163 C provided that the difference in temperature between the binder ands aggregate at no
time exceeds 14 C. Mixing shall be thorough to ensure that a homogeneous mixture is obtained in which all particles
0 0
of the aggregates are coated uniformly and the discharge temperature of mix shall be between 130 C and 160 C.

The mix shall be immediately transported from the mixer to the point of use in suitable vehicles or hand barrows. The
vehicles employed for transport shall be clean and the mix being transported covered in transit if so directed by the

511.1.3.5 Spreading and rolling - The pre mixed material shall be spread by suitable means to the desired
thickness, grades and cross-full (camber) making due allowance for any extra quantity required to fill pup
depressions, if any. The cross-fall should be checked by means of camber boards and irregularities leveled out.
Excessive use of blades or rakes should be avoided. As soon as sufficient length of bituminous material has been
laid, rolling shall commence with 8-10 tonne rollers, smooth wheel tandem type, or other approved equipment.
Rolling shall begin at the edge and progress towards the centre longitudinally, except that on superelevated and uni-
directional cambered portions, it shall progress from the lower to upper edge parallel to the centre line of the

When the roller has passed over the whole area once, any high spots or depressions, which become apparent, shall
be corrected by removing or adding premixed materials. Rolling shall then be continued until the entire surface has

- 34 -
been rolled and all the roller marks eliminated. In each pass of the roller the preceding track shall be overlapped
uniformly by at least 1/3 width. The roller wheels shall be kept damp to prevent the premix from adhering to the

In no case shall fuel/lubricating oil be used for this purpose. Excess use of water for this purpose shall also be

Rollers shall not stand on newly laid material. Rolling operations shall be completed ion every respect before the
temperature of the mix falls below 100 C. Joints along and transverse to the surfacing laid and compacted earlier
shall be cut vertically to heir full depth so as to expose fresh surface which shall be painted with a in coat of
appropriate binder before the new mix is placed against it.

511.1.3.6 Seal coat - A seal coat conforming to Clause 513 of the type specified in the Contract shall be applied to
the surface immediately after laying the surfacing.

511.1.4 Opening to traffic - No traffic shall be allowed on the road until the seal coat has been laid. After the seal
coat is laid, the road may be opened to traffic according to Clause 513.4.

511.1.5 Surface finish and quality control of work - The surface finish of construction shall conform to the
requirements of Clause 902. For control of the quality of materials supplied and the works carried out, the relevant
provisions of Section 900 shall apply.

511.1.6 Arrangements for traffic - During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic shall be made in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 112.

511.1.7 Measurement for payment - Open graded premix surfacing shall be measured as finished work, for the
area instructed to be covered, in M.T. The area will be the net area covered, and all allowance for wastage and
cutting of joints shall be deemed to be included in the rate.

511.1.8 Rate - The contract unit rate for open graded premix surfacing shall be payment in full for carrying out the
required operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 501.8.8.2. (i) to (xi).

511.2 Open graded premix surfacing using cationic bitumen emulsion

511.2.1 Scope: This work shall consist of the preparation, laying and compaction of an open graded premix
surfacing of 25 mm thickness composed of small sized aggregate premixed with a cationic bitumen emulsion on a
previously prepared surface, in accordance with the requirements of these specifications, to serve as a wearing
511.2.2 Materials

511.2.2.1 Binder - The binder for premix wearing course shall be cationic bitumen emulsion of Medium Setting (MS)
grade complying with I.S.8887 and having a bitumen content 65 percent minimum by weight. For liquid seal coat RS
grade of Cationic bitumen emulsion shall be used. Where expressly specified in the Contract MS grade emulsion
shall be used or otherwise directed by the Engineer. Slow Setting (SS) grade Cationic bitumen Emulsion shall be
used for premix seal coat.

511.2.2.2 Aggregate: The requirements of Clause 511.1.2.2 shall apply.

511.2.3 Proportioning of materials
The materials shall be proportioned as quantities given in Tables 500-24 and 500-25.
A) Premix Carpet :

- 35 -
a. Coarse aggregate nominal 13.2 mm size; passing IS 0.18 m
22.4 mm sieve and retained on IS 11.2 mm sieve
b. Coarse aggregate nominal 11.2 mm size; passing IS: 0.09 m
13.2 mm sieve and retained on IS 5.6 mm sieve
B. For seal coat:
Refer to clause 500.13
For 10 m area

A) For Premix Carpet 20 to 23 kg

B) For Seal Coat:

a. For liquid seal coat 12 to 14 kg

b. For premix seal coat 10 to 12 kg

511.2.4 Construction operations

511.2.4.1 Weather and seasonal limitations - Clause 501.5.1 shall apply except that the minimum air temperature
0 0
for laying shall be 10 C. Cationic bitumen emulsions shall not normally be stored below 0 C

511.2.4.2 Preparation of surface - The underlying surface on which the premix surfacing is to be laid shall be
prepared, in accordance with the requirements of Clause 504.3.2 for a newly primed surface and in accordance with
Clause 507.4.2 where an existing bituminous surface is to be overlaid.
511.2.4.3 Preparation of binder - Before opening, the cationic bitumen emulsion drums shall be rolled at slow
speed, to and fro, at least 5 times, for a distance of about 10 metres, to distribute any storage sedimentation.

511.2.4.4. Tack coat: A tack coat complying with Clause 503 shall be applied over the surface preparatory to laying
of the surfacing where specified in the Contract, or directed by the Engineer.

511.2.4.5. Preparation of premix - Premixing of cationic bitumen emulsion and aggregates can be carried out in a
suitable mixer such as cold mixing plant as per IS: 5435 (revised) or concrete mixer or by pay loaders in exceptional
cases where approved by the Engineer. Where specified in the contract continuous mixing operation shall be done
either in batch or continuous hot mix plant suitable for emulsion mixes.

When using concrete mixer for preparing the premix, 0.135 cu.m (0.09 cu.m of 13.2 mm size and 0.045 cu.m of 11.2
mm. size) of aggregates per batch shall be used which quantity will cover 5 sq.m of road surface with 20 mm
average thickness.

The aggregates required for one batch should be prepared adjacent to the mixer.

First the coarse aggregate of 13.2 mm size shall be placed into the mixer followed by 5 to 6.5 kg of cationic bitumen
emulsion and then the 11.2 mm size aggregate shall be added, followed by 5 to 6.5 kg of cationic bitumen emulsion.
After the materials have been mixed thoroughly, the mix shall be immediately transported to the laying site in
suitable vehicles. Too much mixing shall be avoided.

When mixed manually by shelves, with the approval of the Engineer, 0.06 cum. of aggregates can be conveniently
mixed in one heap, with appropriate quantity of emulsion. It is preferable to make the aggregates damp before
mixing as it reduces the effort required for mixing and also helps to get better coating of aggregates. The 13.2 mm

- 36 -
size aggregates and emulsion are mixed first and then the 11.2 mm size aggregates and remaining quantify of
emulsion are added and mixed. Too much mixing shall be avoided.

511.2.4.6 Spreading and rolling: The premixed cationic bitumen emulsion and aggregates shall be spread within
10 minutes of applying the tack coat. All levelling, raking, etc. should be completed within 20 minutes of the time of

The mix should be spread uniformly to the desired thickness, grades and crossfall (camber) making due allowance
for any extra quantity required to fill up depressions, if any. The cross fall should be checked by means of camber
boards and irregularities leveled out. Too much raking is to be avoided.

The rolling shall start immediately after laying the premix. A smooth wheeled tandem roller of 8-10 tonnes shall be
used, unless the Engineer, based on the results of laying trials approves other compaction methods, if necessary.
While rolling, wheels of roller should be clean and kept moist to prevent the premix from adhering to the wheels. In
no case shall fuel/lubricating oil be used for this purpose. Use of water for this purpose shall be strictly limited to an
absolute minimum.

Rolling shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre longitudinally except in the case of
superelevated and uni-directional cambered sections where rolling shall be carried out from the lower edge towards
the higher edge parallel to the centre line of the road.

After one pass of roller over the whole area, depressions or uncovered spots should be corrected by adding premix
material. Rolling shall be continued until the entire surface has been rolled to maximum compaction and all the roller
marks eliminated. In each pass of the roller the preceding track shall be overlapped uniformly by at least 1/3 width.
Roller(s) shall not stand on newly laid material. Joints both longitudinal and transverse to the road sections laid and
compacted earlier, shall be cut vertically to their full depth so as to expose fresh surface which shall be painted with
a thin surface coat of binder before the new mix is placed against it.

511.2.4.7 Seal coat: A seal coat, conforming to Clause 510 or Clause 513, as specified in the Contract, shall be
applied 4 to 6 hours after laying the premix carpet.

511.2.5 Opening to traffic: Traffic should not be allowed over the premix surface with or without seal coat, for 6 to 8
hours after rolling. In case of single lane roads, traffic shall be allowed onto the surface once it has reached ambient
temperature, but speed must be rigorously restricted to not more than 16 km per hour. If any premix material is
picked up by vehicle tyres, the spot shall be filled up by new mix. If traffic conditions permit, the road shall not be
opened until a full 24 hours after laying.

511.2.6 Surface finish and quality control: The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of
Clause 902.

For control of the quality of materials supplied and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of Section 900 shall

511.2.7 Arrangements for traffic: During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be made in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 112.

511.2.8 Measurement for payment:

Open graded premix carpet shall be measured as finished work, for the area specified to be covered, in
square metres at the specified thickness, in cubic metres or in tonnes weight as specified in the contract. The area
will be the net area covered, and all allowances for wastage and cutting of joints shall be deemed to be included in
the rate.

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511.2.9 Rate:

The contract unit rate for premix carpet and seal coat shall be payment in full for carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for all components listed below :

(i) Making arrangements for traffic to Clause 112 except for initial treatment to verge, shoulders and
construction of diversion;
(ii) Preparation of the surface to receive the material.
(iii) Providing all materials to be incorporated in the work including arrangement for stock yards, all royalties,
fees, rents where necessary and all leads and lifts;
(iv) Mixing, transporting, laying and compacting the mix, as specified.
(v) All labour, tools, equipment, plant including installation of hot mix plant, power supply units and all
machinery, incidental to complete the work to these Specifications;
(vi) Carrying out the work in part width of the road where directed;
(vii) Carrying out all tests for control of quality and
(viii) The rate shall cover the provision of bitumen at the rate specified in the contract, with the provision that
the variation in actual percentage of bitumen used will be assessed and the payment adjusted accordingly.
(ix) The rates for premixed material are to include for all wastage in cutting of joints etc.
(x) The rates are to include for all necessary testing, mix design, transporting and testing of samples, and
cores. If there is not a project specific laboratory, the Contractor must arrange to carry out all necessary
testing at an outside Laboratory, approved by the Engineer, and all costs incurred are deemed to be
included in the rate quoted for the material.
(xi) The cost of all plant and laying trials as specified to prove the mixing and laying methods is deemed to be
included in the Contractor’s rates for the material.

Bitumen quantities are to be as stated in Table 500-23 for premix, 2.5 Kg per 10 sq.m for tack coat, 13 kg
per 10 sq.m. for liquid seal coat and 11 kg per 10 sq.m. for premix seal coat. The rate will be adjusted according to
actual material used.

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Item No. 11:- Providing & laying Bitumen seal coat with 0.18 Cmt/ 10 Smt. of stone chips 6mm size &
binder grade VG-30 content at the rate of 4.50 % by total weight of mix . Hot mix laying
process is including heating the asphalt aggregate continuous batching, transporting the
mix and spreading the same by paver finisher & consolidation with power roller including
providing necessary fire wood, oil, lubricant, labour charges, higher charges of machinery
etc, complete.

The work shall consist of construction of premix seal coat as wearing course on a previously prepared base
to the requirement of these specification.
2.1 Binder: The binder shall be straight run bitumen of viscosity grade VG-30 satisfying the requirement of IS:73.
The actual grade of the binder to be used shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge and it shall have to be brought
by contractor to the site at his own cost unless otherwise specified in schedule 'A'.
Viscosity Grade (VG) Bitumen Specification as per IS 73 : 2006
Characteristics VG - 10 VG-20 VG-30 VG-40
Absolute Viscosity 60C, poises, min 800 1600 2400 3200
Kinematic Viscosity 135C CSI, min 250 300 350 400
Flash point, C, min 220 220 220 220
Solubility in trichloroethylene, % min 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0
Penetration at 25C 80-100 60-80 50-70 40-60
Softening point, C min 40 45 47 50
Test on residue from thin film oven test / RTFOT :
(A) Viscosity ration at 60C, max 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
(B) Ductility at 25C, cm, min after thin film over test 75 50 40 25

2.2 Coarse aggregates: The coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone or crushed gravel.
These shall be clean, durable, of cubical shape, free disintegrated pieces, organic or other deleterious matter and
adherent coatings. The aggregates shall preferably be hydrophobic and of low porosity and shall satisfy the physical
requirements set forth in Table given in Item No. 18 Para 2. Except that the upper limit for water absorption value
shall be one percent.
2.3 Fine aggregates; The fine aggregates shall consist of crusher run screenings, natural sand or a mixture of both.
These shall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated, dry and free from injurious, soft of flaky pieces and organic or
deleterious substances.
2-4 Filter: The filler, where required, shall be an insert material the whole of which passes 600 micron sieve at least
90 percent passing 150 micron sieve and not less than 70 percent passing 75 micron sieve. The filler shall be
cement, stone dust, hydrated time, fly ash and other non-plastic mineral matter approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
2.5 Aggregate gradation : The mineral aggregates, including mineral filler shall be so graded or combined as to
conform to gradings set forth in tables below:
Table : Aggregate gradation Pre-Mix Seal Coat
Sieve Designation Percentage by wt passing through Sieve
For type 'A' For Type 'B'

12.5 mm - 100
10 mm 100 70-100
4.75 mm 40-85 20-40
2.35 5-20 5-20
75 micron 0-4 0-4

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2.6 Proportioning of materials : The binder content for premixing shall be 45.00 kg per M.T. (4.5% by weight)
for mixing aggregate.
The quantities of aggregates shall be sufficient to yield the specified thickness after compaction. The
contractor shall get the job-'mix formula for the mix approved by the Engineer-in.-charge before starting the work.
2.7 Variation in Proportioning of material : The Contractor shall have the responsibility of ensuring proper
proportioning of materials in accordance with the approved job mix formula and producing a uniform mix. A variation
in binder content of ± 0.3 percent by weight of total mix shall, however be permissible in individual specimen taken
for quality control tests vide MOST Specification Section 900.
3.1 Weather and seasonal limitation : Premix seal coat shall not be laid during rainy weather or when the base
course is damp or wet.
3.2 Preparation of base : The base on which premix seal coat is to be laid shall be prepared shaped and
conditioned to the specified, lines, grade and cross section in accordance with MOST Specification Clause 601 as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The surface shall be thoroughly swept" and scraped clean and free of dust and
foreign matter.
3.3 Tack coat (if applied) : Application of binder : Binder shall be rapid setting emulsion shall be used and
approved by the Engineer-in-charge and sprayed on the base at the rate specified hereafter. The rate of spread in
terms of straight run emulsion shall be 2.50 kg per 10 square metre area for an existing bitumen treated surface. The
binder shall be applied uniformly with the aid of sprayers. The tack coat shall be applied just ahead of the oncoming
bituminous construction.
3.4 Preparation of the mix : Hot mix plant of adequate capacity and capable of producing a proper and uniform
quality shall be used for preparing the mix. The plant should be continuous type having a co-ordinated set of
essential units such as dryer for heating the aggregates, device for feeding by weight or volume the required
quantities of aggregates, a binder heating and control unit for metering out the correct quantity of heated binder
together with a paddle mixer for intimately mixing of the binder and aggregates. For details regarding Hot mix plant
the Annexure 'A' may be referred.
The temperature of-binder at the time of mixing shall be in the range of 150° C - 177° C and aggregates in
the range of 150° C -163° C provided also that at no time shall the difference in temperature of the aggregates and
the binder exceed 14° C.
Mixing shall be throughout to ensure that a homogeneous mixture is obtained in which all the particles of the mineral
aggregates are coated uniformly.
The mix shall be transported from the mixing .plant to the point of use in suitable vehicles. The vehicles
employed for transport shall be clean and be covered over in the transit if so directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
3.5 Spreading : The mix, transported from the hot mix plant to the site, shall be spread by means of self propelled
mechanical paver with suitable screens capable of spreading, tamping and finishing the mix, true to specified grade,
line and cross sections. The temperature of mix at the time of laying shall be in the range of 121° C -163°C.
Longitudinal joints and edges shall be constructed true to the delineating lines parallel to the centre line of
the road. Longitudinal joints shall be offset by at least 150 mm from those in the binder course. All joints shall be cut
vertical to the full thickness of the previously laid mix and the surface painted with lot bitumen before placing fresh
3.6 Rolling : Immediately after the spreading of mix, it shall be thoroughly compacted by rolling with a set of rollers
moving at a speed not exceeding 5 km per hour. The initial or break-down rolling shall be with 8-12 tonne three
wheeled rollers and the surface finished by final rolling with vibratory rollers or suitable pneumatic rollers. Rolling

- 40 -
temperature shall not be less than 100°C in any case the rolling shall be completed the temperature of mix falls
about 80° C.
The roller wheels shall be kept damp to prevent the mix adhering to them but in no case shall fuel lubricating
oil be used for this purpose. Rolling shall commence longitudinally from the edge and progress towards the centre
except that at super elevated portions, it shall progress from the lower to upper edges parallel to the centre line of
the payment. The roller should proceed on the fresh material with rear or fixed wheel leading so as to minimize the
pushing of the mix and each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one third of the track made in the
preceding pass Rolling shall continue until the entire surface has been rolled to compaction and all the roller marks
Traffic may be allowed immediately after completion of the final rolling when the mix has cooled down to the
surrounding temperature.
The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of most specification Clause 901.Control
on the quality of material and works shall be exercised by the Engineer-in-charge in accordance with MOST
Specification Clause 902.
The provision of MOST Specification Clause 105 shall apply as regards the flow to traffic during
The payment shall be made on the tonnage basis of the weight of mix of aggregates and bitumen. For this
purpose the contractor shall have to install a weigh bridge of suitable capacity for the purpose of weighment of
dumpers at suitable place at his cost as directed. Weight of empty dumper and weight of loaded dumper will be
recorded in bound and numbered register on plant side.
Department will be free to get some loaded dumper test checked at other weigh bridge. Weigh bridge will be
periodically got calibrated and verified from weight and measure authorities.
For the purpose of application of tack coat if the theoretical area as per sanctioned estimate for basis of tonne differs
with the actual area of work done in the field, then the reduction in or addition to payment shall have to be effected to
the contractor on proportionate basis depending upon the area reduced or exceeded respectively.
Weigh of mix materials will be done in presence of responsible person, not less than the rank of supervisor
of Department, Deputy Executive Engineer or Assistant Engineer or Addl. Assistant Engineer if so authorized.
Record of each dumper will be maintained separately in bound and numbered register which will be
maintained by the departmental representatives and signed by the contractor. Proper gate pass system shall be
established for the vehicles coming to the plant site and out going from the plant site. The location of the kilometer,
hectometer in which individual dumper are unloaded will be recorded carefully.
The Contract unit rate for seal coat shall be for payment for carrying out the required operations including full
compensation for all components listed in MOST Specification Clause 503.7.

- 41 -
Item No. 12:- Providing and laying ordinary cement concrete M-250 For a concrete
pavement made by Trimix system and mixed with heavy duty floor hardner
at the rate of 4.00 Kg./Sq.M. including curing etc. complete over prepared
sub base including providing and fixing centering of MS channels of
required thickness as per required level slope, Grade and thickness of
concrete road including leveling of placed concrete with surface vibrators
finishing surface with power floater and trowel light brooming on the surface
including providing construction joint of 10 mm x 25 mm by using concrete
cutter machine etc. complete as directed.
NOTE :- This work must be consist of furnishing and placing Ready mixed grade concrete
/ self Loader (flory) for reinforced cement concrete work of M25 grade obtained by
any company approved by Engineer in charge

In the designation of a concrete mix, letter "M" refers to the mix and the number the specified 28
days works cube compressive strength of that mix on 250 mm. cubes expressed in kg./cm2.

The ordinary concrete mix shall generally be specified by volume. For cement which normally
comes in bags and is used by weight, volume shall be worked out taking 50 kg of cement as 0.035
cubic meter in volume. While measuring aggregate by volume, ramming or hammering shall not
be done. Proportioning of sand shall be as per its dry volume In case it is dump allowance for
"bulking" shall be made as per IS:2386(Part-III).

Only black trap type of coarse aggregate shall be used.

A mix leaner than M-100 (1:3:6) i.e. Cement Concrete 1:5:10 or Cement Concrete 1: 4: 8 may be
used for non-structural parts, if provided in the contract. In such case grading of aggregates shall
be by volume. Other requirements for mixing, placing and curing shall be the same.

Ingredients required for ordinary concrete containing one 50 Kg. bag of cement of different
proportions of mix shall be as given in Table below

Grade of Mix By Total quantity Proportion of fine Quantity of

Concrete volume of dry aggregate to coarse water per 50
aggregate by aggregate kg of cement
volume per 50 (liter)
kg of cement
1 2 3 4 5
M-100 1:3:6 300 General 1:2 for fine 34
aggregate to coarse
M-150 1:2:4 220 32
aggregate by volume but
M-200 subject to a upper limit 30
M-250 1:1:2 100 of 1:1.5 and lower limit 27


1. 0 WATER

- 42 -
1.1 Water shall not be salty brackish and shall be clean reasonably clear and free objectionable
quantities of silt and traces of oil injurious alkalis salts organic matter and other deleterious
material which will either weaken the mortar of concrete or cause efflorescence or attack the steel
in R C C container for transport storage and huddling of water shall be clean, Water shall confirm
to the standard specified in I S 455 -1978

1.2 If required by the Engineer in charge it shall be tested by comparison with distilled water
compression shall be made by means of standard cement tests for soundness time of setting and
mortar strength as specified in I S 269-1976 Any indication of unsoundness charge in time of
setting by 30 minutes or more or decrease of more than 10 percent strength of mortar prepared
with distilled water sample when compared with the result obtained with mortar prepared with
distilled water shall be sufficient cause for rejection of water under test.

1.3 Water for curing mortar concrete or masonry should not be too acidic or too alkaline
1.4 It shall be free of elements which significantly affect the hydration reaction or otherwise
interface with the hardening of mortar or concrete during curing or those which produce
objectionable stains or other unsightly deposits on concrete or mortar surfaces

1.5 Hard and bitter water shall not be used for curing

1.6 Potable water will generally found suitable for curing mortar or concrete


2.1 Cement shall be ordinary Portland slag cement as per IS 1624 -1974 or Portland slag cement as
per IS 455-1976

2.2 Cement shall be stored above the ground level in perfectly dry and water tight sheds. Wherever
bulk storage containers are used, their capacity should be sufficient to cater to the requirements at
site and should be cleaned at least once every 3 to 4 months. The aggregate shall be stored in such
a way as to prevent admixture of foreign materials. Different size of fine or coarse aggregate shall
be stored in separate stock-piles sufficiently away from the each other to prevent intermixing the

3.0 SAND
3.1 Sand shall be natural sand, clean well graded, hard strong durable and gritty particular free
from immures amounts of dust, clay, kankar modules, soft: or flaky particles shall alkali salts,
organic matter, learn mica or other deleterious substance and shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-charge. The sand shall not contain more than 8 percent of slit as determined by field
test if necessary the sand.
Coarse Sand: The fineness modules of coarse sand shall not be less than 2.5 and shall not exceed
3.0. The sieve analysis of coarse sand be as under:

I. S. Sieve Designation % by wt. passing

4.75 mm 100
2.36mm 90 to 100
1.18 mm 70 to 100
600 MC 30 to 100
300 MC 85 to 70
150 MC 00 to 50

- 43 -
3.2 Fine Sand: The fineness module shall not exceed 1.0 the sieve analysis of fine sand as under:

IS. Sieve Designation % by wt. passing

4.75 mm 100
2.3 6mm . 100
1.18 mm 75 to 100
600 MC 40 to 85
300 MC 05 to 50
150 MC 00 to 10


4.1 Coarse aggregate shall be machine crushed stone of black trap and hard, strong, dense, durable,
clean and free from disintegrated pieces, organic and other deleterious matter. .

4.2 The aggregate shall be generally cubical in shape unless special stones of particular quarries
are mentioned. Aggregate shall be machine crushed from the best black trap. Aggregate shall have
no deleterious reaction with cement. The size of the coarse aggregate for plain cement concrete
and ordinary reinforced cement shall generally as per the table given below.
IS Sieve % passing for single sized aggregate of nominal size
63 mm 100 - -
40mm 85-100 100 0
20mm 0-20 85-100. 100
16mm - - 85-100

IS Sieve % passing for single sized aggregate of nominal size

12.5 mm
10mm 0.5 0.20 0.30
4.75 mm - 0.5 0.5
2.35 mm - - -

Note: This percentage may be varied some what by the Engineer-in-charge when considered
necessary containing better and strength of concrete.

4.3 The grading test shall be taken in the beginning and at the change of source of material as
indicated in I.S. 383-1970 and I.S. 456-1978. Aggregate shall be stored separately and handled in
such a manner so as to prevent the intermixing diff aggregate if the aggregate are covered with
dust, they shall be washed with water to make them clean.

4.4 All materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration of their quality and fitness for the
work. Any material which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered
defective by the Engineer-in-charge shall not be used in the work. The aggregate shall be stored in
such a way as to prevent admixture of foreign materials. Different size of fine or coarse aggregate
shall be stored in separate stock-piles sufficiently away from the each other to prevent intermixing
the materials.

- 44 -

5.1 Before stating concrete the base of form work shall be cleared of all loose materials leveled
watered and shall be coated with an approved material to prevent adhesion of concrete to the form
work as directed.

5.2 The ordinary concrete mix shall generally be specified by volume. For cement which normally
comes in bags and is used by weight, volume shall be worked out taking 50 kg of cement as 0.035
cubic meter in volume. While measuring aggregate by volume, shaking, ramming or hammering
shall not be done. Proportioning of sand shall be as per its dry volume. In case it is dump,
allowance for "bulking" shall be made as per IS: 2386 (Part-III).


6.1 The ordinary concrete mix shall generally be specified by volume. For cement which normally
comes in bags and is used by weight, volume shall be worked out taking 50 kg of cement as 0.035
cubic meter in volume. While measuring aggregate by volume, ramming or hammering shall not
be done. Proportioning of sand shall be as per its dry volume In case it is dump ,allowance for
"bulking" shall be made as per IS:2386 (Part-III).

Note: The proportions of the aggregates shall be adjusted from higher limit to lower limit
progressively as the grading of the fine aggregates becomes finer and the maximum size of coarse
aggregate becomes larger.

Example:- For an average grading of the fine aggregate (that is Zone II of S:383-1963) the
proportions shall be 1: 11/2, 1:2 and 1:3 for maximum size of aggregates 10mm, 20mm and
40mm.respectively (after carrying out sieve analysis).
6.2 For any other item of construction not covered by items! (I) to (v) as specified on the drawing
or as directed by the Engineer in-charge in case It is not specified on drawing. For heavily
reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams nominal maximum size of
aggregate shall usually be restricted to SqM. less than the minimum lateral clear distance between
the main bars or less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement, whichever is the smaller only
black trap type of coarse aggregate should be used. Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand
shall be free dust and such other substances. The sand be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
All materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration or intrusion of their quality and
fineness for the work. Any material which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise
considered defective by the Engineer-in-charge shall not be used in the work.



7.1 Dry coarse and fine aggregate and cement shall then be mixed thoroughly by turning over to
get a mixture of uniform colour.

7.2 Enough water shall then be added gradually and the mass turned over till a mix of required
consistency is obtained. In case of hand mixing quantity of cement shall be increased by 10 per
cent above that specified. The quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete
of required workability for the purpose

- 45 -
7.3 The concrete shall be mixed in a Batch Mix Plant/RMC Plant/ Flory. At the site of work
Hand mixing may however be allowed for smaller quantity of work if approved by the Engineer-
in-charge. When hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in-charge in case of break-down of
machineries and in the interest of the work. Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30
minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to be
the Engineer in-charge, the first batch of concrete from the mixer shall contain only two thirds of
normal quantity of coarse aggregate. Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing
from one type of cement to another. .

7.4 The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the Engineer-in charge.
Concrete shall be so transported and placed so that no contamination, segregations or loss of its
constituent material takes place. All form work and reinforcement contained in it shall be cleaned
and made free from standing water, dust, snow or ice immediately before placing of concrete. No
concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of the Engineer-in-charge
has been obtained.

7.5 Mixing shall be done on a smooth watertight platform large enough to allow efficient turning
over the ingredients of concrete before and after adding water, Mixing platform shall be so
arranged so that no foreign material shall get mixed with concrete nor does the mixing water flow

7.6 Cement in required number of bags shall be placed in a uniform layer on top of the measured
quantity of fine and coarse aggregate, which shall also be spread in a layer of uniform thickness on
the mixing platform.

7.7 Unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-charge, concrete shall not be dropped into place
from a height exceeding 2 meters. When chutes are used they shall be kept clean and used in such
a way as to avoid segregation. When concreting has to be resumed on a surface which has
hardened, it shall be roughened, kept clean, thoroughly wetted, and covered with a 13 mm. thick
layer of mortar composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as in the concrete mix itself. This
13 mm. layer of mortar shall be freshly mixed and placed immediately before placing of new
concrete. Where concrete has not fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed by scrubbing the
wet surface with wire or bristle brushes, care being taken to avoid dislodgement of any particles of
coarse aggregate. The Surface shall then be thoroughly wetted, all free water removed, and the
coated with neat cement grout. The first layer of concrete to be placed on this surface shall not
exceed 150 mm. in thickness, and shall be well rammed against old work particular attention being
given to corners arid Close spots.

7.8 If concreting is not started within 24 hours of the approval being given, it shall have to be
obtained again from the Engineer-in-charge. Concreting being given, it shall proceed continuously
over the Area between construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete
which has been in position for more than 30 minutes unless a proper construction joint is formed.
Concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of its discharge from the mixer
unless carried in properly design agitators, operating continuously, when this time shall be within
2 hours of the addition of cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of its discharge from the
agitator. Except where otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge, concrete shall be deposited
in horizontal layers to a compacted depth of not more than 0.4-S-metre when internal vibrators are
used and not exceeding 0.30 meter in all other cases

- 46 -
7.9 In the case of reinforced concrete work workability shall be such that the concrete surrounds
and properly grips all reinforcement. The degree of consistency which shall depend upon the
nature of work and methods of vibration of concrete shall be determined by regular slump, tests.
Following slump shall be adopted for different types of works.

Type of work vibrators used. Slumps

Where vibrators Are Where are not
Mass concrete in R.C.C. foundations 10 - 25 mm 80 mm
footings and retaining walls.
(ii) Beams, slabs and columns simply 25 – 40 mm 100-120 mm
(iii) Thin R.C.C. section or section with 40 – 50 mm 125 -150 mm
mm. congested steel

M-250 grade concrete is being placed over the prepared sub-base

[ii] Leveling of the surface is done using TREMIX surface vibrator. The vibrator runs over channels, placed as per
required level and slope and simultaneously level surface of the concrete.

[iv] Immediately before drying, the surface is floated with a skim power floater as per instruction of
Engineer-in-charge. The surface shall be prepared as per requirements and instructions. For smoother
surface requirement, the surface is trowel with same machine mounted with trowel ling blades. floor
hardener Should be used at the rate of 4 Kg/Sqm to get hard wearing surface.

[v] Construction joints upto 1/4 of the slab depth are cut afterwards. They give clear and straighter
theoretical cracking line in the case of unexpected stresses. m Groove cutting is done within 48 hours from
casting at the floor.

[vi] After surface vibrator and finishing the surface with power floater and trowel light brooming on the
surface, expansion joint size 20 x 115 MM shall be provided with filling the expansion joints having size 20
x 20 MM by using Joint Sealent as per manufacturers specification and directed by Engineer-in-charge.
The expansion joints filled with Joint Sealent.

[vii] Making a construction joints by cutting of joints of size 3 MM x 20 MM by using of concrete cutter
machine construction joint are filled with Joint Sealent an esoteric cold applied joint sealant, which ensures
performance of expected functions at the joints.

[viii] Concrete should be cured in normal way (Water pending) or the surface is covered with a plastic
sheet or gunny bags. In any method, the surface should be always kept wet with water. Curing must be
done for atleast 14 days or as per directed by Engineer-in-charge.

[ix] The machineries used for the above process shall be of standard technical specification attached
separately herewith. (i.e. surface vibrator, vacuum pump,suction mal top cover, filter pad, skim floater etc.)

[x] The Workmanship and process for vacuumed dewatering, water cement ratio concrete placing,
surface vibration, vacuum processing floating. Trowel ling and curing shall be carried out as per attached
literatures and as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge.


Beam Lengths (meters) :4.2 meters
Weights (Kgs) : 41 Kgs

- 47 -
Beam Spacing (mm) : 300
Beam Height (mm) : 100
Vibrator Unit : Elecrtically operated on 3 Phase V, 415V,
50Hz. A.C. Supply
Power input (Walls) : 450
Vibrator (Vib/min) : 2860

Rated current (Amp.) :1.5

Centrifugal Force (N) : 1350-4600
Weight (Kg) :19

Supply : 3 Phase V, 415V,50 Hz.A.C.Supply
Power (Kw) : 2.1/1.8
Current(Amp.) : 6/4
Motor Speed (rpm) : 3000/1500
Final Speed (rpm) : 115/57
Working Diameter (mm) : 1000
Max.Reach (Meter) :3

Diameter of Floating Disc(mm):985

Weight of Floating Disc(Kg) :16

11.0 Curing :
11.1 Immediately after compaction, concrete shall. be protected against harmful effects of weather,
including rain, running water, shocks, vibration, traffic, rapid temperature charges, frost and
driving out process shall be covered with wet jute bags or the similar absorbent material approved
by the Engineer-in-charge soon after the initial set, and shall be kept continuously wet for a period
of not less than 14 days from the date of placement. Masonry work over- the foundation concrete
may be started after 48 hours of its laying but the curing of concrete shall be continued for a
minimum period of 14 days.

11.2 After the final set, the concrete shall be kept continuously wet if required by pounding for a
period of not less then 7 days form the date of placement. Hard and bitter water shall not be used
for curing

Core testing :- The points from which coes are to be taken and the number of cores
required shall be at the discretion of the Engineer incharge and shall be representative of the
whole of concrete concerned . In no case however shall be fewer than three cores be tested.

Cores shall be prepared and tested as described in IS-456

Concrete in the member represented by a core test shall be consider acceptable if the
average equvivalent cube strength of the cores in equval to at least 85 % of the cube
strength of the grade of concrete specified for the corresponding age and no individual core
has a strength less than 75 %.

12.0 Mode of Measurement & Payment :

- 48 -
12.1 The payment will be made on Cubic Meter basis of the finished work if test result of core is
found satisfactory.

12.2 In reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted. The slab
shall be measured as running continuously through and the beam as the portion below the slab.

12.3 All necessary labour, materials Equipment, etc for sampling, preparing test cubes, curing etc.
shall be provided by the Contractor. Testing of the materials and concrete may be arranged by the
Engineer in charge in an approved laboratory at the cost of the contractor

12.4 The unit rate concrete shall include the cost of all materials, tools and plant required for
mixing, placing in position, compacting, finishing as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge,
curing and all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to complete
the structure or its components as shown on the drawings and according to these specifications.
They shall also include the cost of making, fixing and removing of all centering and forms
required for the work.

12.5 The concrete shall be measured for its length breadth and depth, limiting dimensions to those
specified on plan or as directed.

12.6 The rate shall be for a unit of one cubic meter.

- 49 -
Item No. 13 : Providing and fixing Hectometer as per I.R.C. type design including
painting, lettering etc. complete (ii) Fixing in C.C. 1:5:10

The work covers the supply, painting, lettering and fixing of Hectometer stone.

The dimensions of the stones and the size, colour, arrangement of letters and scripts
shall be as per I.R.C. - 26 type designs. The Hectometer stone shall be precast cement
concrete 1:2:4 for which relevant specification shall be followed. The stone shall be
bedded into the ground with adequate foundation in C.C. 1:4:8 as indicated in the drawings
or in the relevant I.R.C. Specifications or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The
orientation and location of the stones shall be as indicated in the drawings or in the relevant
I.R.C. Specifications or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

The measurement will be taken in Numbers of Hectometer stone Fixing in C.C.
1:5:10 at site.

The contract unit rate for Hectometer stones shall be payment in full compensation
for furnishing, all labour, materials including providing necessary reinforcement, tools,
equipment and making the stones, painting and lettering and fixing at site and all other
incidental costs necessary to complete the work to the specifications.
Payment shall be made carried out on Number basis.

- 50 -
Item No. 14:- Providing and fixing Guard stone as per I.R.C. type design
including white washing etc. complete (ii) Fixing in 1:5:10

The guard stone shall be approved quality as per I.R.C. type design and of 20 x 15 cm. size
and its length shall not be less than 75 cms. The top portion shall be rounded. The top 38 cms.
shall be chiseled dressed on all sides. The size, shape and dimensions of the guard stone shall be
exact and shall be neatly dressed and finished.

The guard stone shall be fixed in earth. Rate includes all labour & curing etc. necessary for
work. The exposed part of the guard stone shall be given three coats of white wash. Any
excavation necessary for fixing to guard stones shall be done by the contractor at his own cost. The
measurement for payment shall be per Number of guard stone fixed in position.


The contract unit rate for Guard Stones shall be payment in full compensation for furnishing
all labour, materials including providing necessary reinforcement, tools, equipment and making the
stones white washing and fixing at site and all other incidental, taxes, costs, necessary to complete
the work to these specifications.

Payment shall be made carried out on Number basis.

- 51 -
Item No. 15 : Citizen' s information Board- Providing and fixing of typical information board as
per instruction. Two MS plates of 1.6 mm thick, of 900 mm x 750mm size fixed at top
& bottom duly welded with MS angles of 25 x 25 x 5 mm thick M.S plate shall be
welded by two vertical M.S flats & four horizontal M.S flates 5 mm thick to 75 mm x
75 mm of 12 SWG square tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade
blocks of 600mm x 600mm x 750 mm, below ground level. Painting New letters &
figure of any shade with ready mixed synthetic enample paint of superior quality in
required shade and colour, All sections of framed posts and steel tube will be
painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paints as per detailed drawing.

The sign board shall conform to IRC-67-1977 and nineth schedule of the motor vehicle Act. It
shall be providing and fixed as directed by the Engineer in charge.
1.2 Traffic Signs having retro-reflective sheeting :
1.2.1 General Requirements :
The retro-reflective sheetings used on the sign shall consist of white or coloured sheeting having a smooth
outer surface which has the property of retro-reflection over its entire surface. It shall be weather resistant
and show lifting or curling and shall have negligible shrinkage or expansion. A certificate of having tested
the sheeting for these properties in an unprotected outdoor exposure facing the sun for two years and its
having passed these tests shall be obtained from a reputed laboratory by the manufacturer of the sheeting.
The reflective sheeting shall be either of engineering grade material with enclosed lens or of high intensity
grade with encapsulated lens/ micro prismatic type. The type of sheeting to be used would depend upon the
type, functional hierarchy and importance of the road.
1.2.2 High Intensity Grade Sheeting : Encapsulated Lens Type :
This sheeting shall be of encapsulated lens type consisting of spherical glass lens elements, adhered to a
synthetic resin and encapsulated by a flexible, transparent water proof plastic having a smooth surface.
The retro reflective surface after cleaning with soap and water and in dry condition shall have the
minimum co-efficient of retro-reflection (determined in accordance with ASTM Standard E:810) as
indicated in Table 800-1.
TABLE 800-1

Observation angle Entrance Angle White Yellow Orange Green/ Blue

(in degrees) (in degrees) Red
0.2 -4 250 170 100 45 20
0.2 + 30 150 100 60 25 11
0.5 -4 95 62 30 15 7.5
0.5 +30 65 45 25 10 5.0
When totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than 90% of the values of retro reflectance indicated in
Table 800-1. At the end of 7 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 75% of its original retro-reflectance.
1.3.2 Engineering Grade Sheeting :

- 52 -
This sheeting shall be of enclosed lens type consisting of microscopic lens elements embedded beneath the
surface of a smooth, flexible, transparent, water-proof plastic, resulting in a non-exposed lens optical,
resulting in a non-exposed lens optical reflecting systems. The retro-reflective surface after cleaning with
soap and water and in dry condition shall have the minimum coefficient of retro-reflection (determined in
accordance with ASTM Standard E-810) as indicated in Table 800-2.
TABLE 800-2
Observation Entrance White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue
angle (in Angle (in
degrees) degrees)
0.2 -4 70 50 25 9.0 14.5 4.0
0.2 + 30 30 22 7.0 3.5 6.0 1.7
0.5 -4 30 25 13.5 14.5 7.5 2.0
0.5 +30 15 13 4.0 2.2 3.0 0.8 When totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than 90% of the values of retro-reflectance
indicated in Table 800-2. At the end of 5 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 50% of its original retro-
1.1.3 Messages/Boarders : The messages (legends, letters, numerals etc.) and borders shall either
be screen-printed or of cut-outs. Screen-printing shall be processed and finished with materials and in a
manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. Cut outs shall be of materials as specified by the sheeting
manufacturer and shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by the manufacturer.
1.1.4 For screen-printed transparent coloured areas on white sheeting, the co-efficient of retro-reflection
shall not be less than 50% of the values of corresponding colour in Tables 800-1(a), 800-1(b) and 800-2 as
1.1.5 Cut out messages and borders, wherever used, shall be made out of retro-reflective sheeting (as per
Clause 1.1.2) except those in black which shall be of non-reflective sheeting.
1.1.6 Colour : Unless otherwise specified, the general colour scheme shall be as stipulated in IS:5
"Colour for Ready Mixed Paints".
Blue IS Colour No.166 : French Blue
Red IS Colour No.537 : Signal Red
Green IS Colour No.284 : India Green
Orange IS Colour No.591 : Deep Orange

The colours shall be durable and uniform in acceptable but when viewed in day light or under normal
headlights at night.
1.1.7 Adhesives : The sheeting shall either have a pressure sensitive adhesive of the aggressive-tack type
requiring no heat, solvent or other preparation for adhesion to a smooth clean surface, or a tack adhesive
activated by heat, applied in a heat-vacuum applicator, in a manner recommended by the sheeting
manufacturer. The adhesive shall be protected by an easily removable liner (removable by peeling without

- 53 -
soaking in water or other solvent) and shall be suitable for the type of material of the base plate used for
the sign. The adhesive shall form a durable bond to smooth, corrosion and weather resistant surface of the
base plate such that it shall not be possible to remove the sheeting from the sign base in one piece by use of
sharp instrument. In case of pressure-sensitive adhesive sheeting, the sheeting shall be applied in
accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Sheeting with adhesives requiring use of solvents or
other preparation for adhesive shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
1.1.8 Refurbishment: Where existing signs are specified for refurbishment, the sheeting shall have a
semi-rigid aluminium backing pre-coated with aggressive-tack type pressure sensitive adhesive. The
adhesive shall be suitable for type of material used for the sign and should thoroughly bond with that
1.1.9 Fabrication : Surface to be reflectorised shall be prepared to receive the retro-reflective sheeting. The smooth
plain surface before the application of retro-reflective sheeting. If the surface is rough, approved surface
printer may be used. After cleaning, metal shall not be handled, except by suitable device or clean canvas
gloves between all cleaning and preparation operation and application of reflective sheeting/primer. There
shall be no opportunity for metal to come in contact with grease, oil or other contaminants prior to the
application of retro-reflective sheeting. Complete sheets of the material shall be used on the signs except where it is unavoidable. At
splices, sheeting with pressure sensitive adhesive shall be overlapped not less than 5 mm. Sheeting with
heat-activated adhesives may be spliced with an overlap not less than 5 mm or butted with a gap not
exceeding 0.75 mm. Where screen printing with transparent colours is proposed, only but jointing shall be
used. The material shall cover the sign surface evenly and shall be free from twists, cracks and folds. Cut
outs to produce legends and borders shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by the
1.1.10 Warranty Durability : For each lot of sheetings procured, the contractor shall obtain from
the manufacturer a 7 years warranty for satisfactory field performance including stipulated retro-
reflectance of the sheetings of high intensity grade and a 5 years warranty for the engineering grade and
submit the same to the Engineer. In addition, a 7 years and a five years warranty for satisfactory in-field
performance of the finished sign with retro-reflective sheeting of high intensity grade and engineering
grade respectively, inclusive of the screen printed or cut-out letters/legends and their bonding to the retro-
reflective sheeting shall be obtained from the contractor/supplier and passed on to the Engineer. The
contractor/supplier shall also furnish a certification that the signs and materials supplied against the
assigned work meet all the stipulated requirements and carry the stipulated warranty.
Processed and applied in accordance with recommended procedures, the reflective material shall be
weather resistant and following cleaning shall show no appreciable discolouration, cracking, blistering or
dimensional change and shall not have less than 50 percent of the specified minimum reflective intensity

- 54 -
values Tables 800-1 and 800-2) when subjected to accelerated weathering for 1000 hours, using type E or
EH weatherometer AASHTO Designation M 268).
1.2 Installation :
1.2.1 Sign posts, their foundations and sign mountings shall be so constructed as to hold these in a proper
and permanent position against the normal storm wind loads or displacement by vandalism. Normally signs
with an area upto 0.9 sq.m. shall be mounted on a single post, and for greater area two or more supports
shall be provided. Sign supports may be of mild steel, reinforced concrete or galvanised iron (G.I.). Post-
end(s) shall be firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation. The work of
foundation shall conform to relevant specifications as specified.
1.2.2 All components of signs and supports, other than the reflective portion and G.I. Posts shall be
thoroughly descaled, cleaned, primed and painted with two coats of epoxy paint. Any part of mild steel
(M.S.) post below ground shall be painted with three coats of red lead paint.
1.2.3 The signs shall be fixed to the posts by welding in the case of steel posts and by bolts and washers
of suitable size in the case or reinforced concrete or G.I. Posts. After the nuts have been tightened, the tails
of the bolts shall be furred over with a hammer to prevent removal.
1.3 Measurements for Payment :
The measurement for standard cautionary, mandatory and information sign shall be in number of different
types of signs supplied and fixed as per above details and specifications.
1.4 Rate :
The contract unit rate shall be payment in full for the cost of making the road sign, including all materials,
installing it at the site and incidentals to complete the work in accordance with the specifications.

- 55 -
Item No.16:
Supply & fixing logo board of diamond size (600 X 600mm) 16 gauge & board plate size
(900x 250mm) 16 gauge thick M. S plate and 2.40 meter deep length single angle 75x 75x 6
mm size including fitting and painting lettering with luminous colour as per drawing etc

i) The board will be a composite unit consisting of three M.S. Plates of 1.6 mm thickness (16
SWG). The top most plate will be in diamond shape of 600 mm x 600 mm size, welded over welded M.S.
flat iron frame of 25 mm x 5 mm size on back on edges. The middle plate will be 1200 mm x 150 mm size
welded over welded M.S. flat iron frame of 25 mm x 5 mm size on back on edges. The main lower most
M.S. plate will be 1500 mm x 600 mm size, welded over welded M.S. angle iron frame of 25 mm x 25 mm
x 5 mm size. Welding of all the sheets over angle and flat iron frame will be done neatly to have plain
surface on one side. The angle iron frame of the lower most plate and flat iron frame of the middle plate
will be welded to two nos. 75 mm x 75 mm (12 SWG) sheet tubes posts placed at 1125 mm apart centre to
centre. The top of the middle plate will be flushed with the top of 75 mm dia medium steel tube posts and
these posts will be embedded in cement concrete M15 grade blocks of 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm below
ground level. The height of bottom of the lower most plate will be 1200 mm from normal ground level and
the bottom of middle plate will be 100 mm above the top level of the lower most plate. The diamond
shaped plate mounted over flat iron frame will be connected to middle plate by square steel section of 47
mm x 47 mm thickness 12 SWG having a spacing of 100 mm between the diamond shaped plate and
middle plate and this square section will be welded to the bottom point of the diamond shaped plate.

(ii) All M.S. plates will be stove enameled on both sides in furnace at required temperature; the
lettering and borders, etc. of middle and bottom plate, PMGSY logo on top plate and back of all steel
plates will be painted with ready mixed synthetic enamel paints of superior quality in required shade and
colour as specified. All the sections for frame and posts will be painted with primer and two coats of
Epoxy paint. The steel tube below ground level will be painted with three coats of Epoxy paint. The
design, painting and lettering will be done as per approved drawing.

- 56 -
Item No. 17 :- Providing and fixing Junction board of M.S. plates and angles as per
standard I.R.C. design of size 150cm x 120cm including fixing in C.C. 1:4:8 with necessary
excavation, painting figuring and lettering on board etc. complete.

1. These boards should be fixed at a distance of 120 meter from the centre line of the
crossing and they should be located on the left hand side of the road in the direction of the
traffic and facing the traffic.
2. The board will be located in such a way that the edge of the board towards the centre of
the road will be at the distance of 4.57 metres from the centre of a National Highway and
3.66 metres from the centre of State Highway or Major District Road.
3. The bottom of the board should be 1 metre above the road surface and the board shall be
at right angle to the centre line of the road facing the direction of traffic.
4. The size of the Junction board of M.S. Plates and angles shall be as per standard
confirming to IRC type design of size 150cm x 120cm.
5. The board shall be fixed in concrete 1:4:8 and the projection of this above the road level
shall be 4 x 45 cms and a height of 24 cms above the road level and the top is to be
finished tapering from the height of 15 cms.
6. The board shall be supported by the angle iron parts of MS angle as shown in the
standard type design.
7. The size of letters and figures shall be 8 cm. for English and 10 cms. For Devnagri and
Gujarati scripts.
8. The post shall be painted in black and white reflective strips 23 cm. in height.
9. The board shall be painted in black and white reflective strips 23 cm. in height.
10. On this board tables shall be painted in yellow with black and the tablets shall have 5 cm.
clear distance from the board.
11. Each such tablet shall be 61 cm. in length and 33 cm. in height, arrow lines indicating the
direction of the road at the junctions shall be painted in black and shall have a thickness of
4 cm.
12. All letters and figures shall be painted in Black.
13. The work shall be carried out as per design as per the instructions of the Engineer-in-
charge. The measurements shall be recorded and paid on Number basis for board fixed
in position.

- 57 -
Item No.18 :- Supplying and fixing Road sign board of M.S plates and angle iron
including painting lettering etc. complete including fixing in C.C 1:4:8 with
necessary excavation etc. complete as per I.R.C type design (ii) Reflective

 Reflective Type :

1. The board shall consist of a 90 cm x 90 cm in angular plate of 6mm thickness at the

top and a 30 cm x 61 cm rectangular plate of 6 mm thickness below if fixed at
suitable distance. This shall be fixed to the angles iron post of 75mm x 75mm x
6mm size by means of welding or reverting as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
The angle iron pose shall be split at the bottom end to 10 cm (minimum) in length
and shall be fixed at right angle to the central line of the road in ordinary concrete of
grade as specified in the item using hand broken metal, field metal or gravel. Two
steel bars of 12 mm dia. shall also be embedded in concrete for fixing as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge. The top of the post shall be at a height of 25 cm. as
above the ground level. Concrete platform shall be of the size 45 cm x 45 cm x 45
cm and shall project 2.5 cm above ground level and shall be at least 60 cm below
ground level. Total height of post shall be 3 mt. (minimum). The exposed platform
shall be neatly finished and its shape shall be as directed by the Engineer-in-
2. The post will be painted with two coats alternatively in black and white strips 23 cm
in height after applying one coat of anticorrosive paint. The paint shall be of
approved quality. The board shall be painted with approved colour and lettering
shall be in accordance with I.R.C. 30 (Standard) letters and Numerals of different
heights for use on Highway designs) and as per notified signs of Motor Vehicle Act.
3. The measurement for payment shall be per Number of sign board fixed in position.
4. The unit rate includes the cost of materials, labour tools, drilling of holes, riveting or
welding fixing curing, lettering, painting as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

- 58 -
Item No. 19 : Road marking with hot applied thermoplastic paints with reflectorising glass
beads on bitumin surface providing and laying a hot applied thermoplastic
compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms per sqm
area, thickness of 2.5mm is excluding of surface applied glass beads as per
IRC:35-2015. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and
holes. zebra patta /bump patta lane/center line/ edge line/cut patta. The white
colour marking should provide liminance coefficinet on cement road shalll be min
130 mcd/m2/lux and Asphalt road shall be min 100 mcd/m2/lux during the service
life during the day time. The marking should meet the performance criteria for
night time reflectivity, wet reflectivity and skid resistance as mentioned in the
section-15 of IRC 35-2015. Warranty for the Retro reflectivity should be two years.
1.1. General
The colour, width and layout of road markings shall be in accordance with the code of practice of
Road Markings with paints, IRC: 35 and specified in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

1.2. Materials
Road marking shall be of hot applied thermoplastic compound and reflectorised paint specified in
the item and the material shall meet the requirements as specified below.

1.3 Hot Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking

1.3.1 General:
(i) The work under this section consists of marking traffic stripes using a thermoplastic
compound meeting the requirements specified herein.
(ii) The Thermoplastic compound shall be screeded /extruded or to the pavement surface in a
molten state by suitable machine capable of controlled preparation and laying with surface
application of glass beads at a specific rate. Upon cooling to ambient pavement
temperature, it shall be produce an adherent pavement marking of specified thickness and
width and capable of resisting deformation by traffic.
(iii) The colour of the compound shall be white or yellow (IS colour no. 356) as specified in the
drawings or as directed by the engineer.

1.3.2 Thermoplastic materials General:
The thermoplastic material shall be homogeneously composed of aggregate, pigment, resins and
glass reflectorizing beads. Requirement:
I composition the pigment, beads and aggregate shall be uniformly dispersed in the resin. The
material shall be free from all skins, dirt and foreign objects and shall comply with requirements
indicated in Table 800:-3.


(Percentage by weight)
Component White Yellow
Binder 18.0 min. 18.0 min.
Glass Beads 30 - 40 30 - 40
Titanium dioxide 10.0 min. -
Calcium 42.0max. See
Carbonate and
I nert Fillers
Yellow pigments - Note

- 59 -
Note: Amount of yellow pigment, calcium carbonate and inert fillers shall be at the option of the
manufacturer, provided all other requirement of this specification are

II Properties :

The properties of thermoplastic material, when tested in accordance with ASTM 036/IS-3262
(Part-I) shall be as below:

A) Luminance:
White: Daylight luminance at 45 degree 65 percent min. as per AASHTO M 249.
B) Drying time:
When applied at a temperature specification by the manufacturer and to the required
thickness, the material shall set to bear traffic in not more than 15 minutes.
C) Skid resistance: not less than 45 as per BS 6044
Cracking resistance at low temperature : The material shall show no cracks on application
to concrete blocks.
E) Softening point: 102.5 + 9.5 C as per ASTM 0 36.
F) Flow resistance: Not more than 25 percent as per AASHTO M 249.

Yellowness index (for white thermoplastic paint) : not more than 0.12 as per AASHTOM 249.

III Storage Life : The materials shall meet the requirement of there specifications for period of one
year. The thermoplastic material must also melt uniformly with no evidence of skins or un-melted
particles for the one year storage period. Any material not meeting the above requirements shall
be replaced by the manufacturer I supplier I contractor.
IV Reflectorisation : shall be achieved by incorporation of beads the grading and other properties
of the beads shall be as specified in clause 803.4.3 of MORT&H specification.
V Marking: Each container of the thermoplastic material shall be clearly and indelibly marked with
the following information.
The name, trademark or other means of identification of manufacturer. Batch number. Date of
manufacture.(Colour (white or yellow).
Maximum application temperature and maximum safe heating temperature.
VI Sampling and testing : The thermoplastic material shall be sampled and tested in accordance
with the appropriate ASTM/BS method. The contractor shall furnish to the employer a copy of
certified test reports from the manufacturer of the thermoplastic material showing results of all
tests specified therein and shall certify that the materials meets all requirements of this

1.3.3 Reflectorizing glass beads: General : The specification covers types of glass beads to be used for to production of
reflectorised pavement markings.

Type 1 beads are those which are a constituent of the basic thermoplastic compound vide Table
800-3 and type-2 beads are those which are to be sprayed on the surface vide clause 803.6.3 The glass beads shall be transparent, colourless and free from miliness, dark particles and
excessive air inclusions. This shall conform to the requirements spelt out in clause 803.4.3.3. Specific requirements

Gradation : The glass beads shall meet the gradation requirements for the two types as given in Table

- 60 -

Percent Retained
Sieve size
Type 1 Type 2
1.18 mm 0 to 3 -
850 micron 5 to 20 0 to 5
600 micron - 5 to 20
425 micron 65 to 95 -
300 micron - 30 to 75
180 micron 0 to 10 10 to 30
Below 180 Micron 00 to 15

Roundness : The glass beads shall have a minimum of 70 percent true spires.
Refractive index: The glass beads shall have a minimum refractive index of 1.50.
Free flowing properties: The glass beads shall be free of hard lumps and clusters and shall dispense
readily under any conditions suitable for paints striping. They shall pass the free flow test. Test methods : The specific requirement shall be tested with the following methods.

Free flow test: Spread 100 grams of beads evenly in a 100 mm diameter glass dish. Place the dish in a
250 mm inside diameter desiccators which is filled within 25 mm of the top of a desiccators plate with
sulphuric acid water solution (specific gravity 1.10) cover the desiccators and let is stand for 4 hours at 20
to 29 degree C. Remove sample from desiccators, transfer beads to a pan and inspect for lumps or
clusters. Then pour heads into a clean dry glass funnel having a 100 mm stem and 6 mm orifice. If
necessary, initiate flow by lightly tapping the funnel. The glass spheres shall be essentially free of lumps
and clusters and shall flow freely through the funnel.
II. The requirements of gradation, roundness and refractive index of glass beads and the amount of
glass beads obtained from a reputed laboratory showing results of all tests specified therein and shall
certify that material meets all requirements of this specification. However, if so required, these tests may
be carried out as directed by the engineer.
1.3.4 Application properties of thermoplastic material. The thermoplastic materials shall readily get screed/extruded at temperatures specified by the
manufacturers for respective method of application to produce a line of specified thickness which
shall be continuous and uniform in shape having clear and shar8 edges. The materials upon heating to application temperatures shall not exude fume~, which are toxic,
obnoxious or injurious to persons property.
1.3.5 Preparation:
The materials shall be melted in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction~ in a heater fitted
with a mechanical stirrer to give a smooth consistency to the thermoplastic materials to avoid local
overheating. The temperature of the mass shall be within the range specified by the manufacturer
and shall on no account be allowed to exceed the maximum temperature started by the
manufacturer. The molton material should be used as expeditiously as possible and for
thermoplastic materials which has natural binders or is otherwise sensitive to prolonged heating
the materials shall be maintained in a molten condition for more than 4 houses.
ii) After transfer to the laying equipment the material shall be maintained within the temperature
range specified by the manufacturer for achieving the desired consistency for laying.1.3.6
Properties of finished road marking:
The stripe shall be note be slippery when wet.
The marking shall not lift from the payment in freezing weather.
After application and proper drying the stripe shall show no appreciable deformation of
discoloration under traffic and under road temperatures up to 60 C.
The marking shall be deteriorate by contact with sodium chloride calcium chloride or oil drippings
from traffic.

- 61 -
The stripe of marking shall maintain its original dimension3 and position.
Cold ductility of the material shall be such as to permit normal movement with the road surface
without chopping or cracking.
The colour of yellow marking shall conform to IS colour no. 356 as given in IS : 164.

Reflectorised Paint: Reflectorised paint, if used, shall conform to the specification by the manufacturers
and approved by the engineer. Refleciorising glass beads for reflectorising paints where used shall
conform to the requirements of clause 803.4.3.

1.3.7 Marking shall be done by machine. For locations where painting cannot~ be done by machine,
approved manual n~:lti1ods shall be used with prior approval of the engineer. The contractor shall
maintain control over traffic while painting operations are in progress so as to cause minimum
inconvenience to traffic compatible with protecting the workmen.
1.3.8 The thermoplastic materials shall be applied hot either by sereeding or extrusion process. After
transfer to the laying apparatus, the material shall be laid at a temperature within the range
specified by the manufacturer for the particular method of laying being used. The paint shall be
applied using a screed or extrusion machine.
1.3.9 The pavement temperature shall not be less than 10 C during application.
All surfaces to be marked shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt, grease, oil and all other
foreign matter before application of the paint.
The material, when formed into traffic stripes, must be readily renewable by placing on overlay of
new material directly over an old line of compatible material. Such new material shall so bond itself
to the old line that no splitting or separation takes place.
Thermoplastic paint shall be applied in intermittent or continuous lines of uniform thickness of at
least 2.5 mm unless specified otherwise. Where arrows or letters are to be provided, thermoplastic
compound may be hand-sprayed. In addition to the beads included in the material, a further
quantity of glass beads of type-2, conforming to the above noted specification shall be sprayed
uniformly into a monolayer on to the hot paint line in quick succession of the paint spraying
operation. The glass beads shall be applied at the rate of 250 grams per square meter area.
1.4.4 The minimum thickness specified is exclusive of surface applied glass beads. The method of
thickness measurement shall be in accordance with appendices B and C of BS - 3262 (Part-3)
1.4.5 The finished lines shall be free from ruggedness on sides and ends and be parallel to the general
alignment of the carriageway. The: upper surface of the lines shall be level, uniform and free

1.5 Measurement for Payment:

1.5.1 The painted marking shall be measured in sq. meters of actual area marked (excluding the
gaps, if any).
1.5.2 In respect of markings line directional arrows and lettering, etc. the measurement shall be by
1.6 Rate: The contractor unit rate for road markings shall be payment in full compensation of
furnishing all labour, materials, tools, equipment, including all incidental costs necessary for
carrying out the work at the site confirming to these specification complete as per the approved
drawing(s) or as directed by the engineer and other incidental cost necessary' to complete the
work to these specifications.

- 62 -

(1) Agency should carry out the such type of work by only of thermoplastic paint laying machine
(power driven only) with temperature controller and automatic mixing arrangement of glass beads
in required proportion.
(2) After completion of the laying of thermoplastic paint work, two years guarantee for durability and
reflectivity as per M.O.R.T.H. specification for road and bridge works clause 803 should be given
by the bidder in the writing.
(3) Guarantee security deposit shall be retained @ 10% of the cost of the item of thermoplast paint
from the R.A. bills, which will be released after expiry of guarantee period.
(4) Agency who carry out the such type of work shall have an experience of carrying out similar type
of work.
(5) Test certificates as per M.O.R.T.H. specification for road and bridge works clause 803.3.2.2 (vi)
should be furnished of reputed laboratory before.

- 63 -
Item No. 20:- Village name Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium
sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90x60 cms. rectangular as
per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching;
coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;
reflectorised with High Intensity Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-
4 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.3mtr long stand post of
Iron Angle 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame
fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality
epoxy coatings in black and white bends. the details of symbol or inscription /
numerals for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The
fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg
including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in
charge. A warranty for 7 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third
party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (B) Class-B

The work of providing and fixing Village name board shall be executed as
per relevant specifications of Item No.15 of this contract and as per approved
drawing. The measurement shall be in numbers of board supplied and fixed in

Item No. 21:- Hazard Marker Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 1.5 mm
aluminium sheet / 3 mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90x30 cms.
rectangular as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process &
acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality
epoxy paint ; reflectorised with High Intensity Prismatic Grade retro
refiectivesheeting of Type-4 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest
M.O.S.T.Specifications; 1.8mtr long stand post of Iron Angle 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB
Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of
35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends.
The details of symbol for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in
charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for
each leg including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of
engineer in charge. A warranty for 7 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from
original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report
from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor.
(B) Class-B Type-4 Retro Reflective sheeting

The work of providing and fixing Hazard Marker Sign board shall be executed
as per relevant specifications of Item No. 15 of this contract and as per
approved drawing. The measurement shall be in numbers of board supplied
and fixed in position

- 64 -
Item No. 22:- Chevron sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 1.5mm aluminium
sheet / 3mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 60x50cm rectangular as per
design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching;
coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;
reflectorised with High Intensity Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-
4 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.3 mtr long stand post
of Iron Angle 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame
fabricated from suitable size iron angle of35x35x3mm; painted with bestquality
epoxy coatings in black and white bends. the details of symbol or inscription /
numerals for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The
fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg
including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in
charge. A warranty for 7 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third
party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-B
Type-4 Retro Reflective sheeting

The work of providing and fixing Chevron Board shall be executed as per
relevant specifications of Item No.15 of this contract and as per approved
drawing. The measurement shall be in numbers of board supplied and fixed in

Item No. 23:- Cautionary Warning Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90 x 90 x 90 cms.
equilateral triangle as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting
process & acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of
best quality epoxy paint ; reflectorised with High Intensity Prismatic Grade retro
refiectivesheeting of Type-4 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest
M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of Iron Angle 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB
Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of
35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends.
The details of symbol for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in
charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for
each leg including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of
engineer in charge. A warranty for 7 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from
original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report
from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor.
(B) Class-B Type-4 Retro Reflective sheeting

The work of providing and fixing Cautionary Warning Sign Board shall be
executed as per relevant specifications of Item No.15 of this contract and as
per approved drawing. The measurement shall be in numbers of board supplied
and fixed in position

- 65 -
Item No. 24:- Regulatory / Mandatory Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 60 cms. Dia Circle
as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid
etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy
paint ; reflectorised with High Intensity Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of
Type-4 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand
post of Iron Angle 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame
fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality
epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The details of symbol for each board
shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in
1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg including excavation, curing
etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 7 years
for the Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3
year outdoor exposure test report from third party test lab for the product offered
shall be submitted by contractor. (B) Class-B Type-4 Retro Reflective sheeting.

The work of providing and fixing Regulatory / Mandatory Sign Board shall be
executed as per relevant specifications of Item No.15 of this contract and as
per approved drawing. The measurement shall be in numbers of board supplied
and fixed in position

Item No. 25:- Men at work (2' x 2') sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 1.5 mm
aluminium sheet /3 mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 60cmx60cm as
per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching;
coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;
reflectorised with High Intensity Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-
4 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.3 mtr long stand post
of Iron Angle 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame
fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 50x50x5mm; painted with bestquality
epoxy coatings in black and white bends. the details of symbol or inscription /
numerals for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The
fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg
including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in
charge. A warranty for 7 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third
party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (B) Class-B
Type-4 Retro Reflective sheeting.

The work of providing and fixing Men at work (2' x 2') sign Board shall be
executed as per relevant specifications of Item No.15 of this contract and as
per approved drawing. The measurement shall be in numbers of board
supplied and fixed in position

- 66 -
Item No. 26:- Danger Plate sign :-Providing & fixing sign board made out of 1.5 mm aluminium
sheet / 3 mm ACP (aluminum Composite Panel), size 30cms diameter circle,
pretreated with phospheting process and acid etching, painted with one coat of
epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint reflectorised with retro
reflective sheeting as per latest M.O.S.T. specifications. A warranty for 7 years for
the Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3
year outdoor exposure test report from third party test lab for the product offered
shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-B Type-4 Retro Reflective sheeting

The work of providing and fixing Danger Plate sign Board shall be executed as
per relevant specifications of Item No.15 of this contract and as per approved
drawing. The measurement shall be in numbers of board supplied and fixed in

Item No. 27:- Diversion sing board :-Diversion Ahead Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards
made out of 2mm aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size
180x60 cms. rectangular as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with
phospheting process & acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and
two coats of best quality epoxy paint ; reflectorised with High Intensity Prismatic
Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-4 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest
M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.1 mtr long stand post (2 Nos.) of Iron Angle 50 x 50 x
5mm / 50NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size
iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and
white bends. The details of symbol for each board shall be as per the instruction
of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x
60 Cms. for each leg including excavation, curing etc.complete under the
supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 7 years for the Retro reflective
sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure
test report from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by
contractor. (B) Class-B Type-4 Retro Reflective sheeting

` The work of providing and fixing Diversion sing sign Board shall be executed
as per relevant specifications of Item No.15 of this contract and as per
approved drawing. The measurement shall be in numbers of board supplied
and fixed in position

- 67 -
Item No. 28 : Cat Eye / Road Stud / RPM: Supplying of Raised Pavement Markers made of
polycarbonate and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with Micro prismatic lens
(No Glass bead lens) capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the
lens face and shall support a load of 13635 kgs. tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280
Type H and complying to Specifications of Category A of MORTH Circular No
RW/NH/33023/10-97 - DO III Dt 11.06. 1997. The height, width and length shall not
exceed 20 mm, 130 mm and 130 mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 Sqcm on
each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 +/- 5 degree. The body of the marker should
having finger grip for easy and accurate placement and application with epoxy /
bituminous Adhesive as recommended by the manufacturer of the marker. The colour of
the marker should be as per the IRC 35-2015 and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

1.0 General
The colour, configuration, size and location of cat-eye for highways other than
Expressways shall be in accordance with the code of Practice for Road Signs, IRC:67 or as
shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The cat eye shall be reflectorised as shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. It shall be of retro-reflectorised type and made of encapsulated lens type
reflective sheeting vide Clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting as per these
In general, cautionary and mandatory signs shall be fabricated through process of
screen printing. In regard to informatory signs with inscriptions, either the message could
be printed over the reflective sheeting, or cut letters of non-reflective black sheeting used
for the purpose which must be bonded well on the base sheeting as directed by the
1.2 Materials :
The various materials and fabrication of the cat eye shall conform to the following
The adhesive materials shall be of standard quality and it shall be high
resistance quality against heavy moving vehicles.
The materials shall be used for the body of the cat-eye is of high density PVC
The dimensions and size of the cat-eye shall be as per IS standard. The retro-
reflective sheeting used on the cat-eye shall consist of the white or coloured sheeting
having a smooth outer surface which has the property of retro reflection over its entire
surface. It shall be weather resistant and show colour fastness. It shall be new and unused

- 68 -
and shall show no evidence of cracking, scaling, pitting, blistering, edge lifting or curling
and shall have negligible shrinkage or expansion. A certificate of having tested the sheeting
for these properties in an unprotected outdoor exposure facing the sun for two years and its
having passed these tests shall be obtained from a reputed laboratory, by the manufacturer
of the sheeting. The reflective sheeting shall be either of Engineering Grade material with
enclosed lens or of High Intensity Grade with encapsulated lens. The type of the sheeting to
be used would depend upon the type, functional hierarchy and importance of the road.
High intensity grade sheetings : This sheeting shall be of encapsulated lens type
consisting of spherical glass lens, elements adhered to a synthetic resin and encapsulated by
a flexible, transparent water-proof plastic having a smooth surface. The retro-reflective
surface after cleaning with soap and water and in. dry condition shall have the
minimum co-efficient of retro-reflection determined in accordance with ASTM
Standard E:810).
TABLE 800.1

Observa- Entrance White Yellow Orange Green/ Blue

tion (in angle (in Red
degree) degree)
0.2 -4 250 170 100 45 20
0.2 + 30 150 100 60 25 1.1
0.5 -4 95 62 30 15 7.5
0.5 + 30 65 45 25 10 5.0

When totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than 90 percent of the values of retro
reflective indicated in Table 800-1. At the end of 7 years, the sheeting shall retain at least
75 percent of its original retro-reflectance.
Engineer grade sheetings : This sheeting shall be of enclosed lens type consisting of
microscopic lens elements embedded beneath the surface of a smooth, flexible, transparent,
water proof plastic, resulting in a non-exposed lens optical reflecting system. The retro-
reflective surface after cleaning with soap and water and in dry condition shall have

- 69 -
the minimum co-efficient of retro-reflection determined in accordance with ASTM
Standard E:810) as indicated in Table 800.2.
TABLE 800.2

Observa- Entrance White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue

tion (in angle (in
degree) degree)
0.2 -4 70 50 25 9.0 14.5 4.0
0.2 + 30 30 22 7.0 3.5 6.0 1.7
0.5 -4 30 25 13.5 4.5 7.5 2.0
0.5 + 30 15 13 4.0 2.2 3.0 0.8

When totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than 90 percent of the values of retro
reflective indicated in Table 800-2. At the end of 5 years, the sheeting shall retain at least
50 percent of its original retro-reflectance.
1.3 Processed and applied in accordance with recommended procedures, the reflective
material shall be weather resistant and, following cleaning, show no appreciable
discolouration, cracking, blistering or dimensional change and shall not have less than 50
percent of the specified minimum reflective intensity values (Table800-l and 800-2) when
subjected to accelerated weathering for 1000 hours, using type E or EH Weatherometer
(AASHTO Designation M 268).
The Cat-Eye shall be installed directly on road surface, after cleaning completely by
removing all dust and other foreign materials from the surface of the road.
The measurement of Cat-Eye shall be in numbers, these shall be measured in No.
1.6 RATE :
The Contract unit rate shall be payment in full for the cost of making Cat-Eye,
including all materials, installing it at the site and incidentals to complete the work in
accordance with the specifications.

- 70 -
Item No. 29 :- Providing Crash barrier including ISMB 150x75x5 mm size 2.0 meter C/C
in length and W shape GI 3 mm plate in Single rows including providing
Foundation block of Size 0.45 x 0.45 x 0.0.6 in 1 :2:4 for CC work etc.. as
per detailed drawing providing and fixing with nuts & bolts welding as
required and one coat of redoxide and two coat of approved oil paint &
sticking reflective sticker of Red / Yellow radium etc. complete.


810.1. General
810.1.1. This work shall consist of furnishing and erection of metal beam crash barrier of dimensions
and at locations as shown on the drawing (s) or as directed by the Engineer.
810.1.2. Metal beam crash barrier shall generally be located on approaches to bridge structures, at
locations where the embankment height is more than 3 metres and at horizontal curves and
location as specified by Engineer in charge.

810.2. Materials
810.2.1. Metal beam rail shall be corrugated sheet steel beams of the class, type, section and thickness
indicated on the plans. Railing posts shall be made of steel of the section, weight and length as
shown on the plans. All complete steel rail elements, terminal sections, posts, bolts, nuts,
hardware and other steel fittings shall be galvanized. All elements of the railing shall be free
from abrasions, rough or sharp edges and shall not be kinked, twisted or bent.
810.2.2. Steel beam elements and terminal sections shall be galvanized (zinc coated, 0.55 kg per square
metre, minimum single spot) unless otherwise specified. The galvanizing on all other steel
parts shall conform to the relevant IS Specifications. All fittings (bolts, nuts, washers) shall
conform to the IS : 1367 and IS : 1364. All galvanizing shall be done after fabrication.
810.2.3. Concrete for bedding and anchor assembly shall conform to section 1700 of these

810.3. Construction Operations

810.3.1. The line and grade of railing shall be true to that shown on the plans. The railing shall be
carefully adjusted prior to fixing in place, to ensure proper matching at abutting joints and
correct alignment and camber throughout their length. Holes for field connections shall be
drilled with the railing in place in the structure at proper grade and alignment.

810.3.2. Unless otherwise a specified on the drawing, railing steel posts shall be given one shop coat of
paint (primer) and three coats of paint on structural steel after erection, if the sections are not
galvanised. Any part of assembly below ground shall be painted with three coats of red lead
810.3.3. Splices and end connections shall be of the type and designs or shown on the plans and shall be
of such strength as to develop full design strength of the rail elements.

- 71 -
810.4 Installation of Posts
810.4.1. Holes shall be dug or drilled to the depth indicated on the plans or posts may be driven by
approved methods and equipment, provided these are erected in proper position and are free
from distortion and burring or any other damage.
810.4.2. All post holes that are dug or drilled shall be of such size as will permit proper setting of the
posts and allow sufficient room for back filling and tapping.
810.4.3. Holes shall be back filled with selected earth or stable materials in layers not exceeding 100
mm thickness and each layer shall be thoroughly tamped and rammed. When back filling and
tamping are completed, the posts or anchors shall be held securely in place.
810.4.4. Post holes that are drilled in rock and holes for anchor posts shall be back filled with concrete.
810.4.5. Posts for metal beam guardrails on bridges shall be bolted to the structure as detailed on the
plans. The anchor bolts shall be set to proper location and elevation with templates and
carefully checked.

810.5 Erection
810.5.1. All guardrail anchors shall be set and attachments made and placed as indicated on the plans or
as directed by the Engineer.
810.5.2. All bolts or clips used for fastening the guardrail or fittings to the posts shall be drawn up
tightly. Each bolt shall have sufficient length to extend at least 6 mm through and beyond the
full nut, except where such extensions might interfere with or endanger traffic in which case the
bolts shall be cut off flush with the nut.
810.5.3. All railings shall be erected, drawn and adjusted so that a length of 3 metre. The railing barrier
shall be erected true to line and grade.
810.6. Tolerance
The posts shall be vertical with a tolerance not exceeding 6 mm in a length of 3 metre. The
railing barrier shall be erected true to line and grade.

810.7. Measurements for Payment

810.7.1. Metal beam railing barriers will be measured by linear metre of completed length as per plans
and accepted in place. Terminals/anchors of various types shall be paid for by numbers.
810.7.2. No measurement for payment shall be made for projections or anchors beyond the end posts
except as noted above. Furnishing and placing anchor bolts and/or devices for guard rail posts
on bridges shall be considered incidental to the construction and the costs thereof shall be
included in the price for other items of construction.
810.7.3. No measurement for payment will be made for excavation or back filling performed in
connection with this construction.
810.8. Rate
The Contract unit rate shall include full compensation for furnishing of labour, materials, tools,
equipments and incidental costs necessary for doing all work involved in constructing the metal
beam railing barrier complete in place in all respects as per these Specifications.

- 72 -
Item No. 30:- Supplying and fixing reinforced concrete heavy duty non-pressure pipes
with collars for culverts including setting and joining the pipes in C.M.
1:2 watering and laying (To level of slops of I.S. 458 / 1971 Class NP4 of
following internal diameter.(i) 300mm dia..
Item No. 31:- Supplying and fixing reinforced concrete heavy duty non-pressure pipes
with collars for culverts including setting and joining the pipes in C.M.
1:2 watering and laying (To level of slops of I.S. 458 / 1971 Class NP4 of
following internal diameter.(ii) 450mm dia..
tem No. 32:- Supplying and fixing reinforced concrete heavy duty non-pressure pipes
with collars for culverts including setting and joining the pipes in C.M.
1:2 watering and laying (To level of slops of I.S. 458 / 1971 Class NP4 of
following internal diameter.(iii) 600mm dia..

1. This shall consist of furnishing and installing reinforced cement concrete pipe of the type diameter
and length required at the location shown on the drawings or as ordered by the Engineer-in-
2. Reinforced concrete pipe shall be of NP-4 type conforming to the requirements of IS : 458 and
shall be of dia. as specified in the item. Each consignment of cement concrete pipes shall be
inspected, if necessary and approved by the Engineer-in-charge either at the place of manufacture
or at the site before their incorporation in the works.
NP3, NP2 and NP1 pipes are used for R.C.C. Pipes. Where the testing of pipes will not be feasible
the contractors will have to produce a certificate from the' manufacturer on company's letter head
in the given' hereinafter from.
Production of such certificate will not however relieve the Contractor form his responsibility of
supplying pipes of required standard and will have to bear the loss or damage caused to the work
on account of defects found subsequently during execution. It will also be necessary to purchase
these pipes from manufacturer having standard equipments for carrying out various tests as per IS
: 458 at his factory.
Form of Certificate for NP-4,NP-3, NP-2, NP-1 Pipes


Manufacturer or R.C.C. Pipes produce R.C.C. pipes as per the requirement of IS : 458 and also
carry out the required test at out place, We have acquired equipments for carrying out test and are
prepared to carry out tests at our factory sites. We have experience of manufacturing of pipes of
years. The pipes supplied by us to

Satisfy the requirement of IS:458.


- 73 -
Manufacturer's Sign ___________________

3. No pipes shall be placed in position until the foundations have been approved by the Engineer-in
charge. Where two or more pipes are to be laid adjacent to each other, they shall be separated by
a distance equal to at least half the diametre of the pipe subject to minimum of 600 mm. The laying
of pipes on the prepared foundation shall start from the outlet and proceed towards the inlet and
be completed to the specified lines and grades. The pipes shall be fitted and matched so that
when laid in works they from a culvert with a smooth uniform invert. Any pipe found defective or
damaged during laying shall be removed at there cost of Contractor.
4 The pipes shall be jointed either by collar joint or by flush joint in the former case the collars shall
be of R.C.C. 150 to 200 mm. wide and having the same strength as the pipes to be jointed.
Caulking space shall be between 13 and 20 mm. according to the diametre of the pipes caulking
material shall be slightly wet mix of cement and sand in the ratio of 1:2 rammed with caulking
irons. Before caulking the collar shall be so placed that its centre coincides with that of pipes and
an even annular space is left between the collar and the pipes. Flush joint may be shaped to from
a self centering joint with a joining space 13 cm wide. The joining space shall be filled with cement
mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand) mixed sufficiently dry to remain in position when forced with a
trowel or rammer. Care shall be taken to fill all voids and excess mortar shall be removed. All joints
shall be made with care so that their interior surface is smooth and consistent with the interior
surface of the pipes. After finishing, the joint shall be kept covered and damp for at least four days.
5. R. C. C. pipes shall be measured along their centre between their inlet and outlet ends in linear
6. The rate for the pipes shall include the cost of pipe including loading, unloading, handing, storing
laying in position and joining complete.
7. The rate shall be for a unit of one running meter.

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Item No. 33 :- Excavation for foundation upto 1.5M. depth including sorting out and stacking
of useful materials and disposing of the excavated stuff upto 50 meter
lead.(A) Loose of soft soil.
Item No. 34 :- Excavation for foundation in sand,gravel,clay soft soils and murrum etc.
including shoring and strutting and dewatering as necessary and disposing
of the excavated stuff as directed . (A) Depth up to 3.0 mt
Item No. 35 :- Excavation for foundation in hard murrum and boulders and very stiff or
sticky, clays and other similar strata including shoring and strutting and
dewatering as necessary and disposing of the excavated stuff as directed .
Item No. 36 :- Excavation in large boulders and soft rock by welding including shoring,
strutting and dewatering as necessary and disposing of the excavated stuff as

 All sorts of Soil

Any soil which generally require close application of picks or jumpers or scarifies to loosen it stiff
clay, gravel and stone etc. fall under this category.
1. Excavation for structures shall consist of the removal of materials for the construction of
foundations for bridges, culverts, retaining walls, head walls, cut off walls, pipe culverts
and other similar structures, in accordance with the requirements, of these specifications
and the lines and dimensions shown on the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer-in-
charge. The work shall be include all necessary sheeting, shorting, bracing, draining and
pumping and the removal of all logs, stumps, scrubs and other deleterious matter and
obstruction necessary for the foundations, trimming bottoms of excavations back filling
and clearing up the site and the disposal of all surplus materials.
2 After the site has been cleared the limits of excavations shall be set out true to lines,
curves, slopes and sections as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. The contractor shall provide all labour, survey instruments and materials such as
strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stones, lime, mortar-concrete etc. required in connection
with the setting out of works and the establishment of bench mark, centre line stones and
other marks and stakes as long as the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge, they are
required for the work.
3 Excavation shall be taken to the width of the step of the footing. The contractor at his own
expense shall put up necessary shoring , strutting and planking or cut slopes to a safer
angle or both with due regard to the safety of personal and works and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer- in - charge.
4 The depth to which the excavation is to be carried out shall be is shown on the drawings,
unless the type of materials encountered is such as to require changes, in which case the

- 75 -
depth shall be as ordered by the Engineer-in-charge.
5 Where water is met with in excavation due to stream flow, seepage, rain or other reasons,
the contractor shall take adequate measure such as bailing pumping, to keep the
foundation trenches dry when so required and to protect the green concrete // masonry
against damage by erosion or sudden rising of water level. The method to be adopted in
this regard and, other details thereof shall be left to the choice of the contractor but subject
to approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall however
not relieve the contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of dewatering, and
production arrangements and for the quality and safety of the works.
6 Pumping from the interior of any foundation enclosure shall be done in such a manner as
to preclude the possibility of movement of water through any fresh concrete. No pumping
shall be permitted during the placing of concrete or for any period of at least 24 hours
thereafter, unless lot is done from a suitable sump separated from the concrete work by a
water tight wall or other similar means.
7 The bottom of the foundation shall be leveled both longitudinally and transversely or
stepped as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Before footing is laid, the surface shall be
slightly watered and rammed. In the event of excavation having been made deeper than
that shown on the drawings or as otherwise ordered by the Engineer-in-charge, the extra
depth shall be made up with concrete or masonry of the foundation grade at the cost of
the contractor. Ordinary filling shall not be used for the purpose to bring the foundation to
level. If there are any slips or blows in the excavation, these shall be removed by the
contractor at his own cost.
8 Near towns, villages and all frequented places, trenches and foundation pits shall be
securely fenced, provided with proper caution signs and marked with red lights at night to
avoid accidents. The contractor shall take adequate protective measures to see that the
excavation operations do not affect or damage adjoining structures.
9 Back filling shall be done with approved materials after concrete or masonry is fully set
and carried out in such a way as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure. All
space between foundation masonry or concrete and the sides of excavation shall be
refilled to the original surface, making due allowance for settlement in 250 mm. loose
layers, which shall be watered and compacted.
10 All the excavated materials shall be the property of the Government. Where the
excavated materials is to be used in the construction of embankment, it shall be directly
deposited at the required location with in 100 meters lead.
11 All useful materials not intended for use in the bank, shall be stacked neatly on
Government land as directed by the Engineer-in-charge with ion 100 meters lead.

- 76 -
Unsuitable and surplus materials not intended for use shall be disposed off as directed by
the Engineer - in - charge.
12 Excavation for structures shall be measured in Cubic Meter for each class of materials
encountered, limited to the dimensions shown on the drawing or as directed by the
Engineer - in - charge. Excavation over increased width cutting of slopes, shoring,
shuttering and planking shall be deemed as convenience for the contractor in executing
the work and shall be measured and paid for separately.
13 The contract unit rate for the items of excavation for structures shall be paid in full for
carrying out the required operations including . . .
1. Settings out and fixing bench marks and center lines stones.
2. Construction of necessary shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal.
3. Removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions
for placing the foundations including trimming of bottoms of excavations.
4. Foundation sealing, dewatering including pumping.
5. Foundation sealing, including necessary dewatering including pumping and making
necessary cofferdam to facilitated construction work.
6. Back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials with in all lifts
and lead up to 100 meters.
All labour, materials, tools, equipment, safe guards and incidentals, necessary to
complete the work to the specification.
14. Excavation shall be for ordinary soil such as vegetable or organic soil, turf slit, and loam,
clay, mud, plat, black cotton soil, soft shale or soft murrum a mixture of these and similar
material which yields to the ordinary application of pick and shovel, rake or other ordinary
digging equipment. Removal of gravel or any other nodular material having diametre in
any one direction not exceeding 75 mm occurring in such strata shall be deemed to be
covered under this category. The classification of excavation shall be decided by the
Engineer-in-charge and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
15. Excavation shall be in soft rock or such as lime stone, sand stone, laterite, hard
conglomerate or other soft or disintegrated rock which may be quarried or spilt with crow
bars, boulders which do not required blasting having diameter in any direction of more
than 300 mm. and any rock which in dry state may be hard, requiring blasting but which
when wet become soft and manageable means other than blasting. The classification of
excavation shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge and his decision shall be final and
binding on the contractor.
16. Excavation shall be in any rock or boulders for which the use of mechanical plant for blasting is
required. The classification of excavation shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge and his
decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Merely the use of explosives in excavation

- 77 -
will not be considered as a reason for higher classification unless blasting is clearly necessary in
the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge.

17. In the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge where blasting is prohibited for any reason, excavation
shall be carried out by chiseling, wedging or any other agreed method.

18. Blasting shall be, carried out only with the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge. All the
statutory law, regulation rules etc. pertaining to the acquisition, transport, storage, handling and
use of explosives shall be strictly followed.

19. The Contractor may adopt any method or methods of blasting consistent with the safety and job
requirements after approval from the Engineer-in-charge.

20. The magazine for the storage of explosives shall be built to the designs and specifications of the
Explosives Department concerned and located at the approved site. No unauthorised person shall
be admitted into the magazine which when not in use shall be kept securely locked No matches or
inflammable material shall be allowed in the magazine. The magazine shall have an effective
lightning conductor. The following shall be hung in the lobby of magazine.

(a) A copy of the relevant rules regarding safe storage both in English and in the language with which
the workers concerned are familiar.
(b) A statement of up to date stock in the magazine.
(c) A certificate showing the last date of testing of the lightning conductor,
(d) A notice that smoking is strictly prohibited.

21. In addition to these the Contractor shall also observe the following instructions and any further
additional instructions which may be given by the Engineer-in-charge and shall be responsible for
damage to property and any accident which may occur to workmen of the public on account of any
operation connected with the storage, handling or use of explosive and blasting. The Engineer-in-
charge shall frequently check the Contractors compliance with these precautions.

All the materials tools and equipment used for blasting operations shall be of approved type. The
charge may specify the type of explosives to be allowed in special cases. The fuse to be used in s
shall be sufficiently water resistant as to be unaffected when immersed in water for 30 minutes
warning of the fuse shall be uniform and definitely known to permit such a safe length being cut as
will permit sufficient time to the fire to reach safely before explosion takes place. Detonators shall
be capable of giving effective blasting of the explosives. The blasting powder explosives
detonators etc. shall be fresh and not damaged due to damp, moisture or any other cause. They
shall be inspected totally and removed immediately.

22. The blasting operation shall remain in the charge of competent and experienced supervisor and
workmen who are thoroughly acquainted with the details of handling explosives and blasting
23. The blasting shall be carried out during fixed hours of the day preferably during the midday lunch
hour or at the close of the works as ordered in writing by the Engineer-in-charge. The hours shall
be made known to the people in the vicinity. All the charges shall be prepared by the man in
charge only.

24. Red danger flags shall be displayed prominently in all directions during the blasting operations
people except those who actually light the fuse shall be prohibited from entering this area. The
flags shall be planted 200 metres from the blasting site in all directions and all persons including
workmen shall be excluded from the flagged area at least 10 minutes before the firing, a warning
whistle being sounded for the purpose.

25. The charge holes shall be drilled to required depths and in suitable places. Blasting should be as
light as possible consistent with through breakage of the material necessary for economic loading
and hauling. Any method of blasting which leads to overshooting shall be discontinued.

- 78 -
26. When blasting is done with powder the fuse cut to the required length shall be inserted into the
hole and powder dropped in. The powder shall be genly tampered with copper roads with rounded
ends. The explosive powder shall then, be covered with tamping materials which shall be tempted
light but firmly.

27. When blasting is done with dynamite and other high explosives, dynamite cartridges shall be
prepared by inserting the square cut end of a fuse into the detonator and finishing ft with nippers at
the open end the detonator gently pushed into the primer leaving 1/3rd copper tube exposed
outside. The paper of the cartridge shall then be closed up and securely bound with wire, or twine.
The primer shall be housed into explosive. Bore holes shall be of such size that the cartridge can
easily go down. The holes shall be cleared of all debris and explosive inserted. The space of about
20 cm. above the charge shall then be gently filled with dry clay, passed home and the rest of the
tamping formed of any convenient material gently packed with a wooden rammer.

28. At a time, not more than 10 such charges will be prepared and fired. The man in charge shall blow
a whistle in a recognised manner for cautioning the people. All the people shall then be required to
move to safe distances. The charge shall be lighted by the man in charge only. The man in charge
shall count the number of explosions. He shall satisfy himself that all the charges have been
exploded before allowing the workmen to go back to the work site.
29. In case of a misfire, the following procedure shall be observed

(1) Sufficient time shall be allowed to account for the delayed blast. The man in charge shall inspect
all the charges and determine the, missed charge.

(2) If is the blasting powder charge R shall be completely flooded with water. A new hole shall be
drilled at about 45 cm. from the old hole and fired. This should blast the old charge. Should it not
blast the old charge, the procedure shall be repeated till the old charge is blasted.

(3) In case of charges of gelitine, dynamite, etc. the man in charge shall gently remove the tamping
and the primer with the detonator. A fresh detonator and primer shall then be used to blast the
charge. After natively the hole may be cleared of 30 cm. of tamping and the direction then as
curtained by placing a stick in the hole. Another hole may then be drilled 15 cm. away and parallel
to it. This hole shall then be charged and fired, the misfired hole should explode at the same time.
The man in charge shall at once report to the Contractor’s office and Engineer-in-charge all cases
of misfire, the cause of the same and what steps were taken in connection there with.
30. If a misfire has been found to be due to defective detonator or dynamite, the whole quantity in the
box from which defective article was taken must be sent to the authority directed by the Engineer-
in-charge for inspection to ascertain whether all the remaining materials in the box are also
31. A careful and day to day account of the explosives shall be maintained by the Contractor in the
approved register and manner which shall be open to inspection by the Engineer-in-charge at all
32. Excavation shall be measured after removal of over burden by taking cross-sections at suitable
intervals in the original position before the work starts and after its completion, and computing the
volumes in cubic metres by the method of average end areas. Where it is not feasible to compute
volumes by this method because of erratic location of isolated deposits, the volumes shall be
computed by other accepted methods. At the option of the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall
leave depth indicators during excavation of such shape and size, and in such positions as directed
so as to indicate the original ground level as accurately as possible. The Contractor shall see that
these remain in fact till the final measurements are taken. Where cross sectional measurements
could not be taken due to irregular configuration, or where the rock is admixed with other classes
of materials, the volumes shall be computed on the basis of stacks of excavated rubble after
making 40 percent deduction there from.

33. Payment shall be made on Cu.m. basis.

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Item No. 37: Providing & filling in foundation with ordinary cement concrete M-100 mix and
providing necessary pin headers including formwork, vibrating, ramming and
curing complete.
1. In case of ordinary concrete, mix is not required to be designed by preliminary tests and
proportions of cement. tine aggregate and coarse aggregates are specified by volume as given in
table below for different four grades designated as ordinary M-100, M-150, M-200 and M-250.
2. In the designation of a concrete mix letter M refers to the mix and the number to the specified 28
days works cube compressive strength of that mix on 100 mm cubes expressed in kg./cm.
3. The ordinary concrete mix shall generally be specified by volume for cement which normally
comes in bags and is used by weight, volume shall be worked out taking 50 kg. of cement as
0.035 cubic meter in volume. While measuring aggregate by volume, stacking, ramming or
hammering shall not be done proportioning of sand be as per its dry volume. In case it is dam,
allowance for bulking shall be made as per IS : 2386 (Part-III).
4. In gradients required for ordinary / concrete containing one 50 kg. bag of cement for different
proportions of mix shall be as given in Table below.
Grade of Mix by Total quantity of dry Proportion of fine Quantity of
concrete volume aggregates by volume per 50 aggregate to coarse water per 50
kg. cement to be taken as aggregate kg. of cement
sum aggregate of the max.
individual volumes of fine &
coarse aggregates, maximum
(1 cubic metre : 1000 Liters)
1 2 3 4 5
Ordinary Litres Litres
M-100 1:3:6 300 General 1:2 for fine 34
aggregate to
M-150 1:2:4 220 Coarse aggregate 32
by volume but
M-200 1:1.1/2:3 160 30
subject to a upper
M-250 1:1:2 100 limit of 1:1.1/2 & a 27
lower limit of 1:3.

Note :- The proportion of the aggregates shall be adjusted from upper limit to lower limit progress grading
of the final aggregate becomes finer and the maximum size of coarse aggregate becomes larger.
Example : For an average grading of fine aggregate (that is zone II of IS : 383 - 1963) the proportions
1:1 1/2,1:2 and 1:3 for maximum size of aggregates 10mm, 20 mm and 40mm respectively
(after carrying out sieve analysis).
Note:- A mix leaner than M-100 (1:3:6) may be used for non structural part, if provided in the contract. In
such cases grading of aggregates shall be by volume. Other requirements for mixing, placing and
curing shall the same.
5. Following shall be the maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate for the different items of work.

Sr. Item of construction Maximum nominal size of

No. coarse aggregate

- 80 -
i R.C.C. well curb, R.C.C. well steining and 40 mm
R.C.C. Piles
ii. R.C.C. well steining 63 mm
ii Well cap or pile cap, solid type piers, abutments 40 mm
and wing walls and their per caps
iii R.C.C. works in cross girders, deck slab, wearing 20mm
coat, kerb, light post, blast walls, approach slab etc.
and hollow type piers, abutments, wing walls and
their pier caps
iv R.C.C. bearings 20 mm
v For any other item of construction not covered As specified on the drawing
by items (i) to (v) or as desired by the Engineer
in charge in case it is not
specified on drawing.
For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams, nominal maximum
size of aggregate shall usually be restricted to 5 mm. less than the minimum lateral clear distance
between the main bars or 5mm. less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement whichever is the

6. Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand. It shall be free from dust and such other
substances. The sand shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

7. All materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration or intrusion of their quality and fitness
for the work. Any material which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered
defective by the Engineer-in-charge shall not be used in the work

8. Cement shall be store above the ground level in perfectly dry and watertight sheds and shall be
stocked not more than eight bags high. Wherever bulk storage containers are used. their capacity
should be sufficient to cater to the requirements at site and should be cleaned at least once every
3 to 4 months. Cement more than 3 to 4 months old shall invariably be tested to ascertain that R
satisfies the ascertain requirements. The aggregates shall be stored in such a way as to prevent
admixture of foreign materials. Different sizes of the fine or coarse aggregate shall be stored in
separate stock piles sufficiently removed from each other to prevent intermixing the materials.

9. The water for mixing shall be portable water to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The
quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required workability for the

10. For all work concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with other accessories
shall be kept in first class working condition and so maintained throughout the construction. Mixing
shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and uniform colour of the entire mass is
obtained and each individual particle of the coarse aggregate shows complete coating of mortar
containing its proportionate amount of cement. In no case shall the mixing be done for less than 2
minutes after all ingredients have been put into the mixer.

11. When hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for small jobs or for certain other
reasons, it shall be done on a smooth watertight platform large enough to allow efficient. Turning
over of the ingredients of concrete before and after adding water. Mixing platform shall be so
arranged that no foreign material shall get mixed with concrete nor does the mixing water flow out.
Cement in required number of bags shall be placed in a uniform layer on top of the measured
quantity of fine and coarse aggregate. Which shall also be spread in a layer of uniform thickness
on the mixing platform ? Dry coarse and fine aggregate and cement then shall be mixed
thoroughly by turning over to get a mixture of uniform color. Enough water shall then be added
gradually through a nose and the mass turned over till a mix of required consistency is obtained. In
hand mixing quantity of cement shall be increased by 10 percent above that specified.

12. Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before
putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-charge the first batch of

- 81 -
concrete from the mixer shall contain only two third of normal quantity of course aggregate. Mixing
plants shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of cement to another.

13. The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
Concrete shall be so transported and placed that no contamination, segregation or loss of its
constituent material takes place. All from work and reinforcement contained in it shall be cleaned
and made free from standing water, dust, snow or ice immediately before placing of concrete. No
concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of the Engineer-in-charge
has been obtained.

14. If concreting is not started with 24 hours of the approval being given, it shall have to be obtained
again from the Engineer-in-charge. Concreting then shall proceed continuously over the area
between construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has been
in position for more than 30 minutes unless a proper construction joint is formed. Concrete shall be
compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of its discharge from the mixer unless carried in
properly designed agitators, operating continuously, when this time shall be within 2 hours of the
addition of cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of its discharge from the agitator. Except
where otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-charge, concrete shall be disposed in horizontal
layer to a compacted depth of not more than 0.45 metre when internal vibrators are used and not
exceeding 0.30 metre in all other cases.

15. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-charge concrete shall not be dropped into place
from a height exceeding 2 metres. When trucking or chutes are used they shall be kept clean and
used in such way as to avoid segregation. When concreting has to be resumed on a surface which
has hardened, it shall be roughened swept clean, thoroughly wetted, and cleaned with a 13 mm.
thick -layer of mortar composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as in the concrete mix itself.
This 13 mm. layer of mortar shall be freshly mixed and placed immediately before placing of new
concrete. Where concrete has not fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed by scrubbing the
wet surface with wire or bristle brushed, care being taken to avoid dislodgement of particulars of
coarse aggregate. The surface shall then be thoroughly wetted. All free water removed and then
coated with neat cement grout. The first layer of concrete to be placed on this, surface shall not
exceed 150 mm. in thickness and shall be well rammed against old work particular attention being
given to corner and close spots.

16. All concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogenous mass with the assistance of
Vibrators, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for exceptional cases, such as
concreting Under water, where vibrators cannot be used Sufficient vibrators in serviceable
condition shall be kept at site so that spare equipment is always available in the event, of break

17. Immediately after compaction concrete shall be protected against harmful effects of weather
including rain, running water shocks, vibrations due to traffic, rapid temperature changes. Fast
drying put process, it shall be covered with wet sacking Hessian or other similar absorbent
material approved by the Engineer-in-charge soon after the initial set. It shall be kept continuously
wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date of placement. Masonry work over the
foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours of it’s laying but the curing of concrete shall be
continued for a minimum period of 14 days.
18. Form work shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for forming the concrete,
together with all temporary construction required for their support. Formwork shall however be
delivered into following two district categories :-

(1) Shuttering i.e. from work required for forming the concrete
(2) Scaffolding i.e. formwork required for supporting shuttering.
Forms for shuttering shall be constructed only, in metal suitably lined. Forms for scaffolding shall
be constructed of metal or timber. Both shuttering and scaffolding shall be or substantial rigid
construction and shuttering shall be true to shape and dimensions show on the drawings. All bolts
and reverts shall be counter-suck and well ground to provide a smooth, plane surface.

- 82 -
19. Forms shall be mortar tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of ties and bracings to
prevent any displacement or sagging between supports. They shall be strong enough to withstand
all pressure, ramming and vibration, without deflection from the prescribed lines occurring during
and after placing the concrete. Screw jacks of hardwood wedges where required shall be provided
to make up any settlement in the form work either before or during the placing of concrete.
Suitable camber shall be provided in horizontal members of structure specialty in long spans to
counteract the effects of any deflection. The framework shall be so fixed as to provide for such
camber. Forms shall be as constructed as too removable in sections in the desired sequence,
without damaging the surface of concrete or disturbing other sections. Unless otherwise specified
or directed. Chamfers or fillets of size 25 mm x 25 mm shall be provided at all angles of framework
to avoid sharp comers.

20. The inside surface of forms shall except in the case of permanent from work or where otherwise
agreed to by the engineer-in-charge be coated with an approved material to prevent adhesion of
concrete to the from work. Release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacture's instruction and shall not be allowed to come into contact with any reinforcement of
prestressing tendons a and anchorage shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturers instruction and shall not be allowed to come into contact with any reinforcement of
prestressing tendons and anchorage. Different release agents shall not be used in from work of
concrete which will be visible in the finished works.

21. Special measures shall be taken to ensure that the framework does no hinder the shrinkage of
concrete because without these cracking could occur before the from work is removed. Wherever
applicable arrangement must be made to ensure that the from does not restrain the shortening
and hogging of the beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons. The formwork should take
due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative camber so as to ensure the correct
final shape of the structures having regard to the deformation of false work, scaffolding or propping
and the instantaneous deformation due to various causes affecting prestressed structures. Where
there are re-entrant angles in the concrete section, the formwork should be removed at these
sections as soon as possible after the concrete has set in order to avoid cracking due to shrinking
of concrete. Formwork shall be tight enough to prevent any appreciable loss of cement during
vibrations. Suitable tolerances should be provided in the formwork, immediately before concreting
all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned. Contractor shall give the Engineer-in-charge due notice
before placing any concrete in the forms to permit him to inspect and accept the false work and
forms as to their strength alignment and general fitness, but such inspection shall not relieve the
contractor of his responsibility for safety of machinery materials and for results obtained.

22. The Engineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance by the contractor of his intention to strike any
for work. While fixing the time for removal of formworks. Due consideration shall be given to local
condition, Character of the structure, the weather and other condition that influence the setting of
concrete the removal of The load supporting of soffit forms any commence when concrete has
attained strength and of the materials used in the mix. Where field operations are controlled by the
strength test of concrete, the removal of the load supporting of soffit forms may commence when
concrete has attained strength equal to at least twice the stress to which the concrete will be
subject at the time of striking props including the effect of any further addition of loads. When field
operations are not controlled by strength test of concrete the vertical forms of beams, columns and
walls may be removed after 2 days. The props of slabs and beams may be removed after 14 and
21 days respectively. All from work shall be removed without causing any damage to the concrete.
Centering shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner as to avoid any stock or
vibrations. Supports shall be removed in such a manner as to permit the contract the concrete to
take stresses due to its own weight uniformly and gradually. Where internal metal ties are
permitted they or their removable parts shall be extracted without causing any damage to the
concrete and remaining holes filled with mortars. No permanently embedded metal part shall have
less than 25 m. cover to the finished concrete surface. Where it is intended to reuse the framework
R shall be cleaned and made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

23 Immediately after the removal of forms, all exposed bars or bolts passing through the Cement
concrete member and used for shuttering or any other purpose shall be cut inside the Cement
Concrete member to a depth of at least 25 mm. below the surface of the concrete and the resulting

- 83 -
holes filled by cement mortar. All fins cause by from joints, all cavities produced by the removal of
from ties and all other holes and depressions, honeycomb spots, broken edges or corner and
other defects shall be thoroughly cleaned, saturated with water and carefully pointed and rendered
true with mortar of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions used in the grade of
concrete with mortar or cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions used in the grade of
concrete that is being finished and of as dry a consistency as is possible to use. Considerable
pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in all voids. Surface
which has been pointed shall be kept moist for a period of 24 hours. If rock, pockets /
honeycombs, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge are of such extent of and character as to
affect materially or to endanger the life of the strength or the steel reinforcement he may declare
the concrete defective and require the removal and replacement of the portions of the structure

24. In the case of reinforced concrete work, workability shall be such that the concrete surrounds and
properly grips all reinforcement. The degree of consistency, which shall depend upon the nature of
work and. methods of vibration of concrete shall be determined regular slump test. Following slump
shall be adopted for different types of works.

Type of Work Slump where Slump where

vibrator is used vibrator is not used
1 Mass conc. In RCC, foundation 10 to 25 mm 80 mm
footing and retaining walls
2 Beam slab and column with 25 to 40 mm 100 to 120 mm
simply reinforced
3 Thin RCC section or congested 40 to 50 mm 125 to 150 mm

25. Works strength tests shall be made in accordance with IS : 516. Each test shall be conducted on
ten specimens five of which shall be tested at seven days and the remaining five at 28 days. The
samples of concrete shall be taken on each day of concreting and, cubes shall be made at the rate
of one for every 5 cubic meter of concrete or a part thereof. However if concreting done in a day is
than 15 cubic meter, the minimum number of cubes can be reduced to 6 with the specific
permission of the Engineer-in-charge. Similar works tests shall be carried out when ever the
quality and grading of materials is changed irrespective of the quantity of concrete poured. The
number of specimens may be suitable increased as deemed necessary by the Engineer-in-charge
when procedure to tests given above reveals a poor quality of concrete and in other special cases.

26. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less than the specified
works cube strength. 20 per cent of the cubes cast each day may have values less than the
specified strength, provided the lowest value is not less than 85 percent of the specified strength.

27. R.C.C. work shall have exposed concrete surface. Centering design and its erection shall be
approved by the Engineer-in- charge. One carpenter with helper will invariably be kept throughout
the period of concreting. Movement of labour and other persons shall be totally prohibited over
reinforcement laid in position. For access to different parts, suitable mobile platforms shall be
provided so that steel reinforcement in position as not disturbed. For ensuring proper cover, mortar
blocks of suitable size shall be cast and tied to the reinforcement. Timber, kapachi or metal pieces
shall not be used for this purpose. Concreting of important structural members shall always be
done in the presence and under the supervision of departmental person not below the rank of
Asstt. Engineer / Addl. Asstt. Engineer / Overseer or as instructed by the Engineer-in-charge. After
removal of 'form work and suturing, the executive Engineer shall inspect the work and satisfy by
random checks that concrete produced is of good quality. Plastering shall not be allowed to the
exposed faces of concrete.

28. In reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted. The slab shall
be measured as running continuously through and the beam as the portion below the slab.

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29. All necessary labour, materials, equipment etc. for sampling, preparing test cubes, curing etc. shall
be provided by the Contractor. Testing of the materials and concrete may be arranged by the
Engineer-in-charge in an approved laboratory at the cost of the contractor.

30. The unit rate for concrete shall include the cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant required for
mixing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting finishing as per directions of the Engineer-in-
charge, curing and all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to
complete the structure or its components as shown on the drawings and according to these
specifications. The rate shall also include the cost of making fixing and removing of all centers and
forms required for the work.

31. The payment will be made on cumt. basis of the finished work.

Item No. 38 Providing and casting in situ ordinary cement concrete M-150 mix and providing
necessary pin headers including shuttering, scaffolding, laying, vibrating, curing
and finishing complete without V-Groves. (A) Height from 0.0 M. to 5.0 M.

The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No. 37 except the work is for
providing & casting in situ ordinary cement concrete M-150 mix and providing
necessary pin headers including shuttering, laying, vibrating, curing and finishing
complete without V-grooves for all heights.

Item No. 39 Providing and casting in situ ordinary cement concrete M-200 mix and providing
necessary pin headers including shuttering, scaffolding, laying, vibrating, curing
and finishing complete without V-Groves. (A) Height from 0.0 M. to 5.0 M..

The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No. 37 except the work is for
Providing and casting in situ ordinary cement concrete M-200 mix and providing
necessary pin headers including shuttering, scaffolding, laying, vibrating, curing

Item No. 40 Supplying and fixing reinforced concrete heavy duty non-pressure pipes with collars
for culverts including setting and joining the pipes in C.M. 1:2 watering and laying
(To level of slops of I.S. 458 / 1971 Class NP4 of following internal diameter. (vII)
1200 mm dia.

The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No. 32 except the work is for
Supplying and fixing reinforced concrete heavy duty non-pressure pipes with
collars for culverts including setting and joining the pipes in C.M. 1:2 watering and
laying (To level of slops of I.S. 458 / 1971 Class NP4 of following internal diameter.
(v) 900 mm dia.

- 85 -
Item No.41 :- Providing ISI Mark TMT bar Fe-500 D reinforcement for RCC Work including
bendinf, binding and placing in position complete as per detailed drawinngs for
Solid slab, Abutment cap, dirt wall & Pier cap & Also for the (For Temperature
Reinforcement of Abutment, Return & Pier)


This work shall consist of furnishing and placing coated, or uncoated or high strength deformed
reinforcement, bars (intentioned) of the shape and dimensions shown on the drawings and conforming to
these Specifications or as approved by the Engineer in charge.
2.1. TMT Bars
Reinforcements may be either T.M.T. tensile steel, high strength deformed bars. They may be
uncoated or coated with epoxy or with approved protective coatings.
2.2. T.M.T. bars reinforcement for R C C work shall conform IS 432 (Part II) 1966 and shall be of tested
quality. It shall also comply with relevant part of IS 456-1966.
2.3. All reinforcement shall be clean and free from dirt, paint, grease or oil, all scale or loose or thick
rust at the time of placing.
2.4. All steel shall be procured form original producers no re-rolled steel shall be incorporated in the
2.5. Only new steel shall be delivered to the site every bar shall be inspected before placing to its
position and defective brittle or burnt bar shall be discarded cracked ends of bars shall be
3.0. Pitch
3.1. Distance between bars shall be as specified in drawings and as directed by the Engineer in
Charge all bars shall be placed at an accurate distance from each other and shall be bind tightly to
maintain the desired pitch Suitable means shall be provided for holding bars securely in position.
4.0. Binding wire
4.1. Mild steel binding wire shall be of 1.63 mm or 1.22 mm (16 to 18 gauge diameter and shall
conform IS 280-1972.
4.2. The use of black wire will be permitted for binding reinforcement bars. It shall be free form free
from dirt, paint, grease or oil, oil scale or loose or thick rust and any other undesirable coating
which may prevent adhesion of cement mortar at the time of binding
4.3. Only new binding wire shall be delivered to the site all binding wire shall be inspected before
binding to its position and defective brittle, rusted, used wire, shall be discarded
5.1. Uncoated reinforcing steel shall be protected from rusting or chloride contamination.
Reinforcements shall be free from rust, mortar, loose mill scale, grease, oil or paints. This may be
ensured either by using reinforcement fresh from the factory or thoroughly cleaning all
reinforcement to remove rust using any suitable method such as sand blasting, mechanical wire
brushing, etc. as directed by the Engineer. Reinforcements shall be stored on bricks, racks or
platforms and above the ground in a clean and dry condition and shall be suitably marked to
facilitate inspection and identification.

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5.2. Portions of uncoated reinforcing steel and dowels projecting from concrete shall be protected
within one week after initial placing of concrete with a brush coat of neat cement mixed with water
to a consistency, of thick paint. This coating shall be removed by lightly tapping with a hammer or
other tool not more than one week before placing of the adjacent pour of concrete. Coated
reinforcing steel shall be protected against damage to the coating. If the coating on the bars is
damaged during transportation or handling and cannot be repaired, the same shall be rejected.
6.0. Workmanship
6.1. The work shall consist of furnishing and placing reinforcement to the shape and dimensions shown
as on the drawings or as directed by The Engineer in charge.
6.2. Reinforcing steel shall conform accurate to the dimensions given in the bar bending schedules
shown on relevant drawing
7.1. Bar bend g sched ule shall be furnished by the Contractor and got approved by the Engineer
before start of work.

7.2. Reinforcing steel shall conform to the dimensions and shapes given in the approved bar bending
7.3. Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or directed by the Engineer using a
proper bar bender operated by hand power to obtain the correct radius of bends and shape.

Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will damage parent material or the coating
bars bent during transport or handling shall, be straightened before beinng used on work and shall
not be heated to facilitate straightening.
8.1. The reinforcement cage should generally be fabricated in the yard at ground level, and then shifted
and placed in position. The reinforcement shall be placed strictly, in accordance with the drawings
and shall be assembled in position, only when structure is otherwise ready for placing of
concrete. Prolonged time gap, between assembling of reinforcements and casting of concrete,
which may result in rust formation on the surface, shall not be permitted.

8.2. Reinforcement bars shall be placed accurately in position as shown on the drawings. The bars,
crossing one another shall be tied together at every intersection with binding wire (annealed),
conforming to IS:280 to make the skeleton of the reinforcement rigid such that the reinforcement
does not get displaced during placing of concrete, or any other operation. The diameter of binding
wire shall not be less than 1 mm.
8.3. Bars shall be kept in position usually by the following methods:
In case of beam an slab construction, industrially produced polymer cover blocks of thickness
equal to the specified cover shall be placed between the bars and formwork subject to Satisfactory
evidence that the polymer composition is not harmful to concrete and reinforcement. Cover blocks
made of concrete may be permitted by the Engineer, provided they have the same strength and
specification as those of the member.

- 87 -
8.4. In case of dowels for Columns and walls the vertical reinforcement shall be kept in position by
means of timber templates with slots in them accurately, or with cover blocks tied to the
Reinforcement Timber templates shall be removed after the concreting has progressed up to a
level just below their location.
8.5. Layers of reinforcements shall be separated by spacer bars at approximately One meter intervals.
The minimum diameter of spacer bars shall be 12 mm or: equal to maximum size of main
reinforcement or maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is greater. Horizontal
reinforcement shall not be, allowed to sag between supports.

8.6. Necessary stays, blocks, metal chairs, spacers, metal hangers supporting wires etc, or other
subsidiary, reinforcement shall be provided to fix the reinforcements firmly in its correct position.

8.7. Use of pebbles, broken stone, metal pipe, brick, mortar or wooden blocks etc as devices for
positioning reinforcement shall not be permitted.

8.8. Bars coated with epoxy or any other approved protective coating shall be placed on supports that
do not damage the coating. Supports shall be installed in a manner such that planes of weakness
are not created in hardened concrete. The coated reinforcing steel shall be held in place by use of
plastic or plastic coated binding wires especially manufactured for the purpose.

8.9. Placing and fixing of reinforcement shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before
concrete is deposited.
9.0. Lapping

9.1. All reinforcement shall be furnished in full lengths as indicated on the drawing. No splicing of bars,
except where shown on the drawing; will be permitted without approval of the Engineer. The
lengths of the splice shall be as indicated on drawing or as approved by the Engineer. Where
practicable, overlapping bars shall not touch each other, and shall be kept apart by 25 mm or 1 1
1/4 times the maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is greater, If this is not feasible,
overlapping bars shall be bound with annealed steel binding wire, not less than 1 mm diameter
and twisted tight in such a manner as to maintain minimum clear cover to the reinforcement from
the concrete surface. Lapped splices shall be staggered or located at points, along the span where
stresses are low.
10.0. Welding

10.1 Splicing by welding of reinforcement will be permitted only if detailed on the drawing or approved
by the Engineer. Weld shall develop an ultimate strength equal to or greater than that of the bars

10.2. While welding may be permitted for T.M.T. reinforcing bars conforming to IS:432, welding of
deformed bars conforming to IS: 1786 shall in general be prohibited. Welding may be permitted in
case of bars of other than S 240 grade including special. Welding grade of S 415 grade bars
conforming to IS:1786, for which necessary chemical analysis has been secured and the carbon
equivalent (CE) calculated from the chemical composition using the formula:

- 88 -
CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mg + V + Ni + Cu
6 5 15
is 0.4 or less.

10.3. The method of welding shall conform to IS:2751 and IS:9417 and to any supplemental
specifications to the satisfaction of the Engineer
10.4. Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or as directed by Engineer in
charge using the proper bender tool, operated by hand or power to attain proper radius of bends.
Bars shall not be bend or straightened in a manner that will injure the material. Bars bent during
transport or handling shall be straightened before being used in the work. Bars shall not be heated
to facilate bending.

10.5. Unless otherwise specified a 'U' type hook at the end of each bar shall invariably be provided to
main reinforcement. The radius of the bane shall not be less then twice the diameter of the round
bar and the length of the straight part of the bar beyond the end of the curve shall be at least four
times of the diameter of the round bar. In case of bars which are not round and in case of
deformed bars, the diameter shall be taken as the diameter of circle having an equivalent effective
area. The hooks shall be suitably encased to prevent any spiting of the concrete.

10.6. All reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed in exact position shown on the drawings and
shall be securely held in position during placing of concrete by annealed binding wire not less than
1 mm in size and by using say blocks or metal chairs spacers, metal hangers, supporting wires or
other approved devices at sufficiently close intervals, Bars shall not be allowed to sag between
supports not displaced during concreting or any other operations of the work. All devices used for
positioning shall be of not corrodible material wooden and metal supports shall not extended to
the surface of the concrete, except where shown in drawings. Placing bars on layers of freshly laid
concrete as the work progresses for adjusting bar spacing shall not be allowed. Pieces of broken
stone or brick and wooden blocs shall not be used Layers of bars shall be separated by spacer
bars pre-cast mortar blocks or other approved devices. Reinforcement after bending placed in
position shall be maintained in a clean condition until completely embedded in concrete, Special
care shall be exercised to prevent any displacement of reinforcement in concrete already placed.
To prevent reinforcement form corrosion, concrete cover shall be provided as indicated on
drawings. All bars protruding from concrete and to which other bars are to be sliced and which are
likely to be exposed for a period exceeding 10 days shall be protected by a thick coat of neat
cement grout.

10.7. Bars crossing each other where required shall be secured by binding wire (annealed) of size not
less than 1 mm in such a manner that they do not slip over at the time of fixing and concreting.
As far possible bars of full length shall be used in case this is not possible, overlapping of bars
shall be done as directed by the Engineer in charge When practicable overlapping bars shall not
touch each other, but be kept apart by 25 mm Where no feasible overlapping bars shall be bound
with annealed wires not less than 1 mm thick twisted tight The overlaps shall be staggered for
different bars and located at points along the span where neither sheer not bending moments is

10.8. Whenever indicated on drawing or desired the Engineer in charge bars shall be jointed by coupling
which shall have a cross section sufficient to transmit the full stresses of bars The end of the bars
that are jointed by coupling shall be upset for sufficient length so that the effective cross section at
the base of threads is not less than the normal cross section of the bar. Threads shall be
standards threads Steel for coupling shall conform to IS 226.

10.9. When permitted or specified on the drawings joints of reinforcement bars shall butt-welded so as
to transmit their full stresses Welded joints shall preferably be located at points when steel will not
be subject to more than 75 percent of the maximum permissible stresses and welds so staggered
that at any one section not more than 20 percent of the rods are welded Only electric are welding
using a process which excludes air form the molten metal and conforms to any or other special

- 89 -
provisions for the work shall be accepted Suitable means shall be provided for holding bars
securely in position during welding It shall be ensured that no voids are left in welding and when
welding is done in two or three stages previous surface shall be cleaned properly Ends of bars
shall be cleaned of all loose scale rust stages paint and other foreign matter before welding Only
competent welders shall be employed on the work. The M S electrodes used for welding shall
conform IS 814 Welded pieces of reinforcement shall be tested. Specimen shall be taken form the
actual site and their number shall frequency to test shall be as directed by the Engineer in charge.


11.1. For the purpose of payment the bar shall be measured correct up to 10 mm length and weight
payable works out at the rate specified below

Sr. Diameter of steel weight of Sr. No Diameter of weight of steel

No steel per steel per running
running meter meter
1 6 mm 0.22 Kg / Rmt 8 20 mm 2.47 Kg / Rmt
2 8 mm 0.39 Kg / Rmt 9 22 mm 2.98 Kg / Rmt
3 10 mm 0.62 Kg / Rmt 10 25 mm 3.85 Kg / Rmt
4 12 mm 0.89 Kg / Rmt 11 28 mm 4.83 Kg / Rmt
5 14 mm 1.21 Kg / Rmt 12 32 mm 6.31 Kg / Rmt
6 16 mm 1.58 Kg / Rmt 13 36 mm 7.99 Kg / Rmt
7 18 mm 2.00 Kg / Rmt 14 40mm 9.86 Kg / Rmt

11.1. Excess consumption over 5% will be charged at penal rate.

11.2. Reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks, if any, separately for different diameters as
actually used in work, excluding overlaps. From the length so measured, the weight of reinforcement
shall be calculated in tonnes on the basis of IS: 1732. Wastage, overlaps, couplings, welded joints,
spacer bars, chairs, stays, hangers and annealed steel wire or other methods for binding and placing
shall not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the rates for

11.3. The contract unit rate for coated/uncoated reinforcement shall cover the cost of material, fabricating,
transporting, storing, bending, placing, binding and fixing in position as shown on the drawings as per
these specifications and as directed by the Engineer, including all labour, equipment, supplies,
incidentals, sampling, testing and supervision.

The unit Rate for coated reinforcement shall be deemed to also include cost of all material, labour,
tools and plant, royalty, transportation and expertise required to carry out the work. The rate shall also
cover sampling, testing and supervision required for the work.

11.4. The rate shall be for a unit of one Kg.

- 90 -
Item No. 42 :
Providing and casting in situ Controlled cement concrete M-250 for R.C.C. works in pier
cap abutment cap and dirt wall including controlled cement concrete M-300 Bed block or
pedestal or required size below bearings as per detailed drawings, centering, scaffolding,
curing &, vibrating & finishing etc. competed.

The work shall consist of producing, transporting, placing and compacting of structural concrete including
fixing formwork and temporary works etc. and incidental construction in accordance with these Specifications and in
conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
All materials shall conform to Section 1000 of MORTH SPECIFICATION 5th Revision.
1703.1 The grades of concrete shall be designated by the characteristic strength as given in Table 1700-1,
where the characteristic strength is defined as the strength of concrete below which not more than 5 percent of the
test results are expected to fall.
Table 1700-1: Grades of Concrete
Type of Concrete / Grade Designation
Characteristic Strength
High Performance
Nominal Mix Concrete Standard Concrete in MPa
M15 M15 15
M20 M20 20
M25 25
M30 M30 30
M40 M35 35
M45 M40 40
M50 M45 45
M50 50
M55 55
M60 60
M65 65
M70 70
M75 75
M80 80
M85 85
M90 90

1. Normal Mix Concrete is made on the basis of nominal mix proportioned by weight of its main ingredients -
cement, coarse and fine aggregates and water.
2. Standard concrete is made on the basis of design mix proportioned by weight of its ingredients, which in
addition to cement, aggregates and water, may contain chemical admixtures to achieve certain target values
of various properties in fresh condition, achievement of which is monitored and controlled during production
by suitable tests. Generally concrete of grades up to M50 are included in this type.
3. High Performance Concrete is similar to standard concrete but contains additional one or more mineral
admixtures providing binding characteristics and partly acting as inert filler material which increases its
strength, reduces its porosity and modifies its other properties in fresh as well as hardened condition.
Concrete of grades upto M90 are included in this type.
4. For concrete of grades higher than M90, the design parameters may be obtained from specialized literature
and experimental results.
1703.2 The minimum grades of concrete and corresponding minimum cement content and maximum
water/cement ratios for different exposure conditions shall be as indicated in Table 1700-2.

- 91 -
1703.3 For concrete subjected to sulphate attack the minimum grades of concrete, minimum cement content and
maximum water/cement ratios and types of cement for different concentration of sulphate content shall be as
indicated in Table 1700-3.

Table 1700-2: Requirement of Concrete for Different Exposure Condition using 20 mm Aggregate
Exposure Maximum Water Minimum Cement Minimum Grade of
Condition Cement Ratio Content, kg/m 3 Concrete
Moderate 0.45 340 M25
Severe 0.45 360 M30
Very Severe 0.40 380 M40
i. All three provisions given in the above table for a particular exposure condition, shall be satisfied.
ii. The term cement for maximum w/c ratio and minimum cement content shown in Table includes all
cementitious materials mentioned in Clause 1715.2. The maximum limit of fly ash and ground granulated
blast furnace slag in the blended cement shall be as specified in 18:1489 (Part 1) and 18:455 respectively.
iii. For plain cement concrete, with or without surface reinforcement, the minimum grade of concrete can be
lowered by 5 MPa and maximum water/cement ratio exceeded by 0.05.
Cement content shown in the above table shall be increased by 40 kg/m3 for use of 12.50 mm nominal size
aggregates and decreased by 30 kg/m3 for use of 40 mm nominal size aggregates.

Table 1700-3: Requirement of Concrete Exposed to Sulphate Attack

Concentration of Sulphates as SO3
Minimum Maximum
In Soil Type of Minimum
Cement Water/
Class SO3 in 2:1 In Ground Cement (Note Grade of
Total SO3 Contact Cement
Water: Soil Water, g/l ii) Concrete
% kg/m3 Ratio
Extract, g/l
1 Traces <1.0 <0.3 280 0.5 M25
PPC or
2 2.0 to 0.5 1.0 to 1.9 0.3 to 1.2 330 0.5 M25
-SRPC, 330 0.5 M25
3 0.5 to 1.0 1.9 to 3.1 1.2 to 2.5 -PPC or
PSC 350 0.45 M30
4 1.0 to 2.0 3.1 to 5.0 2.5 to 5.0 -SRPC 370 0.45 M35
-SRPC with
5 >2.0 >5.0 >5.0 protective 400 0.4 M40

Note: If the requirements of maximum water/cement ratio, minimum grade of concrete and minimum cement
content from other durability considerations as given in Table 1700-2 are more stringent than those given in this
table, then the former will govern.
OPC : Ordinary Portland Cement, PPC: Portland Pozzolona Cement. PSC: Portland Slag Cement, SRPC: Sulphate
Resisting Portland cement.
The minimum cement content shall be as low as possible but not less than the quantities specified in Table 1700-2
and 1700-3.
The maximum cement content excluding any mineral admixtures (Portland cement component alone) shall not
exceed 450 kg/cu.m.
1703.4 Concrete used in any component or structure shall be specified by designation along with prescribed method
of design of mix i.e. 'Design Mix' or 'Nominal Mix'. For all items of concrete, only design mix shall be used, except
where nominal mix concrete is permitted as per drawing or by the Engineer. Nominal mix may be permitted only for
minor bridges and culverts or other incidental construction, where strength requirements are up to M 20 only.
Nominal mix may also be permitted for non-structural concrete or for screed below open foundations.

- 92 -
1703.5 If the Contractor so proposes, the Engineer may permit the use of concrete of higher grade than that
specified on the drawing, provided the higher grade concrete meets the specifications applicable. The additional cost
of such higher grade concrete shall be borne by the Contractor.
Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall design the mix in case of design rnix concrete or propose
nominal mix in case of nominal mix concrete, and submit to the Engineer for approval, the proportions of materials,
including admixtures to be used. Water-reducing admixtures (including plasticisers or super-plasticisers) may be
used at the Contractor's option, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
1704.1 Requirements of Consistency
The mix shall have the consistency which will allow proper placement and compaction in the required position.
Every attempt shall be made to obtain uniform consistency. Slump test shall be used to measure consistency of the
The optimum consistency for various types of structures shall be as indicated in Table 1700-4, or as directed by the
Engineer. The slump of concrete shall be checked as per IS:516.
Table 1700-4: Requirements of Consistency
Type Slump (mm) (at the Time of
Placing of Concrete
1 a) Structure with exposed inclined surface requiring low 25
slump concrete to allow proper compaction
b) Plain Cement concrete 25
3 RCC structure with widely spaced reinforcements; e.g. solid 40-50
columns, piers, abutment, footing, well steining
3 RCC structure with fair degree of congestion of 50-75
reinforcement; e.g. pier and abutment caps, box culverts, well
curb, well cap, walls with thickness greater then 300 mm
4 RCC and PSC structure with highly congested reinforcements 75-125
e.g. deck slab girders, box girder, walls with thickness less
than 300 mm
5 Under water concreting through tremie e.g. bottom plug, cast 150-200
in-situ piling

Not with standing the optimum consistency indicated against SI. No. 1 to 3, the situation should be property assessed
to arrive at the desired workability with the adjustment of admixture in each case, where the concrete is to be
transported through transit mixer and placed using concrete pump. Under these circumstances, the optimum
consistency during placement for the items of work of SI. No. 1 to 3, can be considered ranging from 75 mm to 150
mm. This is, however, subject to satisfying the other essential criteria of strength, durability etc. and approval of the
1704.2 Requirements for Design Mixes
1704.2.1 Target Mean Strength
The target mean strength of specimen shall exceed the specified characteristic compressive strength by at least the
current margin.
The current margin for a concrete mix shall be determined by the Contractor shall be taken as 1.64 times the
standard deviation of sample test results taken from at least 40 separate batches of concrete of nominally similar
proportions produced at site by the same plant under similar supervision, over a period exceeding 5 days, but not
exceeding 6 months.
Where there is insufficient data to satisfy the above, the current margin for the initial design mix shall be taken as
given in Table 1700-5 :
Table 1700-5: Current Margin for Initial Design Mix
Current Margin Target Mean Strength
Concrete Grade
(MPa) (MPa)
M15 10 25
M20 10 30
M25 11 36
M30 12 42
M35 12 47
M40 12 52
M45 13 58
M50 13 63

- 93 -
M55 14 69
M60 14 74
M65 15 80
M70 15 85
M75 15 90
M80 15 95
M85 16 101
M90 16 106

The initial current margin given in Table 1700-5 shall be used till sufficient data is available to determine the current
margin as per Sub-Clause 1704.2.1 (i).
1704.2.2 Trial Mixes
The Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer to enable him to be present at the time of carrying out trial mixes
and preliminary testing of the cubes. Prior to commencement of trial mix design, all materials forming constituents
of proposed design mix should have been tested and approval obtained in writing from the Engineer. Based on test
results of material draft mix design calculation for all grades of concrete to be used in the works, shall be prepared
after taking into account the provisions in the Contract Technical Specifications Guidelines of IS:10262, IS:SP:23
and IRC:112 and submitted to the Engineer for approval.' Prior to commencement of concreting, trial mix design
shall be performed for all grades of concrete and trial mix which has been found successful, shall be submitted by
the Contractor and approval obtained. During concreting with the approved trial mix design, if source of any
constituents is changed, the mix design shall be revised and tested for satisfying the strength requirements.
The initial trial mixes shall be carried out in a laboratory approved by the Engineer. However, Engineer may permit
the initial trial mixes to be prepared at the site laboratory of the Contractor, if a full fledged concrete laboratory has
been established well before the start of construction, to his entire satisfaction. Sampling and testing procedures shall
be in accordance with these Specifications.
When the site laboratory is utilized for preparing initial mix design, the concrete production plant and means of
transport employed to make the trial mixes shall be similar to those proposed to be used in the works.
For each trial mix, a set of six cubes shall be made from each of three consecutive batches for purposes of testing.
Three cubes from each set of six shall be tested at an age of 28 days and three at an earlier age approved by the
Engineer. The cubes shall be made, cured, stored, transported and tested in accordance with these Specifications.
The mean strength of the nine cubes at 28 days shall exceed the specified characteristic strength by the current
margin minus 3.5 MPa.
1704.2.3 Control of Strength of Design Mixes
 Adjustment to Mix Proportions
Adjustment to mix proportions arrived at in the trial mixes, shall be made subject to the Engineer's approval, in order
to minimize the variability of strength and to maintain the target mean strength. Such adjustments shall not be taken
to imply any change in the current margin.
 Change of Current Margin
When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall recalculate the current margin in accordance with clause
1704.2.1. The recalculated value shall be adopted as directed by the Engineer, and it shall become the current margin
for concrete produced thereafter.
 Additional Trial Mixes
In case any changes are observed in the properties of fresh concrete and/or strength of hardened concrete on the basis
of early age tests, additional mixes and tests shall be carried out during production, so as to control and bring the
quality of concrete within acceptable limits. In case of any change in the source or properties of materials, the design
of mix shall be established afresh.
1704.3 Requirements of Nominal Mix Concrete
Requirements for nominal mix concrete unless otherwise specified shall be as given in Table 1700-6.
Table 1700-6: Requirements for Nominal Mix Concrete
Total Quantity of dry Maximum Quantity of
Aggregate by mass per 50 water for 50 kg of Cement
Proportion of Fine to (Litres)
kg of cement to be taken as
Concrete Grade Coarse Aggregate (by
the Sum of individual
masses of fine and coarse PCC RCC
M 15 350 Generally 1:2, subject 25
to upper limit 1:1.5
M 20 250 2 22
and lower limit of

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1704.4 Additional Requirements

Concrete shall meet any other requirements as specified on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. The overall
limits of deleterious substances in concrete shall be as follows:
Total acid soluble chloride content in the concrete mix expressed as chloride ions shall not exceed the following
values by mass of cement.
Prestressed concrete 0.10 percent
Reinforced concrete (in severe, very severe
or extreme exposure condition) 0.20 percent
Reinforced concrete in moderate exposure condition 0.30 percent
The total water soluble sulphate content of the concrete mix expressed as S03, shall not exceed 4 percent by mass of
cement in the mix.
For concrete made with Portland pozzolona cement, Portland blast furnace slag cement or mineral admixtures, the
setting time and rate of gain of strength are different from those for concrete made with OPC alone. Such modified
properties shall be taken into account while deciding the de-shuttering time, curing period, early age loading and
time of prestressing. Additional cube samples may be required to be taken for verifying the concrete properties.
1704.5 Suitability of Proposed Mix Proportions
The Contractor shall submit the following information for the Engineer's approval :
Nature and source of each material
Quantities of each material per cubic metre of fully compacted concrete
Either of the following :
Appropriate existing data as evidence of satisfactory previous performance for the target mean strength, current
margin, consistency and water/cement ratio and any other additional requirement (s) as specified.
full details of tests on trial mixes.
Statement giving the proposed mix proportions for nominal mix concrete
Any change in the source of material or in the mix proportions shall be subject to the Engineer's prior approval.
1704.6 Checking of Mix Proportions and Water/Cement Ratio
In proportioning concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate shall be determined by weight. Where the
weight of cement per bag as given by the manufacturer is accepted, a reasonable number of bags shall be weighed
separately to check the net weight. Where cement is weighed from bulk stock at site and not by bag, it shall be
weighed separately from the aggregates. Water shall either be measured by volume in calibrated tanks or weighed.
All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. Their accuracy shall be
periodically checked.
The specified water/cement ratio shall always be kept constant and at its correct value. To this end, moisture content
in both fine and coarse aggregates shall be determined as frequently as possible, the frequency for a given job being
determined by the Engineer according to the weather conditions. The amount of water to be added shall then be
adjusted to compensate for variations in the moisture content. For the determination of moisture content in the
aggregates 18:2386 (Part III) shall be referred. Suitable adjustments shall also be made in the weight of aggregates to
allow for their variation in weight due to variation in their moisture content.
1704.7 Grading of Aggregates for Pumped Concrete
Materials for pumped concrete shall be batched consistently and uniformly. Maximum size of aggregate shall not
exceed one-third of the internal diameter of the pipe.
The grading of aggregates shall be continuous and shall have sufficient ultra fine materials (material finer than 0.25
mm). Proportion of fine aggregates passing through 0.25 mm shall be between 15 and 30 percent and that passing
through 0.125 mm sieve shall not be less than 5 percent of the total volume of aggregate. Admixtures to increase
workability can be added. When pumping long distances and in hot weather, set-retarding admixtures can be used.
Fluid mixes can be pumped satisfactorily after adding plasticisers and super plaslicisers. Suitability of concrete shall
be verified by trial mixes and by performing pumping test.
1705.1 Chemical Admixtures
Chemical admixtures such as superplasticisers, or air entraining, water reducing, accelerating and retarding agents
for concrete, may be used with the approval of the Engineer.
As the selection of an appropriate concrete admixture is an integral part of the mix design, the manufacturers
shall recommend the use of any one of their products only after obtaining complete information of all the
actual constituents of concrete as well as methodologies of manufacture, transportation and compaction of
concrete proposed to be used in the work. Admixtures/additives conforming to IS:9103 may be used subject to
approval of the Engineer. However, admixtures/additives generating hydrogen or nitrogen and containing chlorides,

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nitrates, sulphides, sulphates or any other material likely to adversely affect the steel or concrete, shall not be
The general requirements for admixtures are given in Clause 1007 of these Specifications.
Compatibility of the admixtures with the cement and any other pozzolona or hydraulic addition shall be ensured by
for avoiding the following problems :
Requirement of large dosage of super plasticiser for achieving the desired workability,
Excessive retardation of setting,
Excessive entrainment of large air bubbles,
Unusually rapid stiffening of concrete,
Rapid loss of slump
Excessive segregation and bleeding.
1705.2 Mineral Admixtures
For use of mineral admixtures, refer Clauses 1714.1 and 1715.2.
The size (maximum nominal) of coarse aggregates for concrete to be used in various components shall be as given in
Table 1700-7.
Table 1700-7: Maximum Nominal Size of Coarse Aggregates

Maximum Nominal Size

Components of Coarse Aggregate

I) RCC well curb 20

ii) RCC/PCC well steining 40
iii) Well cap or Pile Cap Solid type pier and abutment 40
RCC work in girder, slabs wearing coat, kerb, approach slab,
iv) 20
hollow piers and abutments, pier/abutment caps, piles
V) PSC Work 20
vi) Any other work As specified by the Engineer

Maximum nominal size of aggregates shall also be restricted to the smaller of the following values:
10 mm less than the minimum lateral clear distance between individual reinforcements
10 mm less than the minimum clear cover to the reinforcement
One quarter of minimum thickness of member
The proportions of the various individual sizes of aggregates shall be so adjusted that the grading produces the
densest mix and the grading curve corresponds to the maximum nominal
Unless specified otherwise, equipment for production, transportation and compaction of concrete shall be as under:
Production of Concrete :
For overall bridge length of less than 200 m - batch type concrete mixer, diesel or electric operated, with a minimum
size of 200 litres automatic water measuring system and integral weigher (hydraulic/pneumatic type).
For overall bridge length of 200 m or more - concrete batching and mixing plant fully automatic, with minimum
capacity of 15 cum per hour.
All measuring devices of the equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. Their accuracy
shall be checked over the range in use, when set up at each site and thereafter, periodically as directed by the
Engineer. Size adopted for the concrete mix.
The accuracy of the measuring devices shall fall within the following limits :
Measurement of Cement ± 3 percent of the quantity of cement in each batch
Measurement of Water ± 3 percent of the quantity of water in each batch
Measurement of Aggregate ± 3 percent of the quantity of aggregate in each batch
Measurement of Admixture ± 3 percent of the quantity of admixture in eqch batch
Transportation of Concrete:
Concrete dumpers minimum 2 tonnes capacity
Powered hoists minimum 0.5 tonne capacity
Buckets handled by cranes
Transit truck mixer

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Concrete pump
Concrete distributor booms
Belt conveyor
Cranes with skips
For Compaction of Concrete:
Internal vibrators size 25 mm to 70 mm
Form vibrators minimum 500 watts
Screed vibrators full width of carriageway (upto two lanes)
1708.1 General
Prior to start of concreting, the Contractor shall submit for approval of the Engineer, his programme along with list
of equipment proposed to be used by him for batching, mixing, transporting and placing concrete.
1708.2 Batching of Concrete
In batching concrete:
The quantity of cement, aggregate and mineral admixtures, if used, shall be determined by mass.
Chemical admixtures, if solid, shall be determined by mass.
Liquid admixtures may be measured in volume or mass, and
Water shall be weighed or measured by volume in a calibrated tank.
The concrete shall be sourced from on-site or off-site batching and mixing plants, or from approved Ready Mixed
Concrete plants, preferably having quality certification.
Except where supply of properly graded aggregate of uniform quality can be maintained over a period of work, the
grading of aggregate should be controlled by obtaining the coarse aggregate in different sizes and blending them in
the right proportions when required, the different sizes being stocked in separate stock piles. The materials should be
stock piled several hours, preferably a day before use. The grading of coarse and fine aggregate should be checked as
frequently as possible to ensure that the specified grading is maintained.
The water/cement ratio shall always be maintained constant at its correct value. To this end, determination of
moisture content in both fine and coarse aggregates shall be made as frequently as possible, depending on weather
conditions. The amount of added water shall be adjusted to compensate for any observed variations in the moisture
content. To allow for the variation in mass of aggregate due to variation in moisture content, suitable adjustment in
the mass of aggregate shall also be made. Accurate control shall be kept on the quantity of mixing water, which
when specified, shall not be changed without approval.
1708.3 Mixing Concrete
1708.3.1 Mixing at Site
All concrete shall be machine mixed. In order to ensure uniformity and good quality of concrete the ingredients shall
be mixed in a power driven batch mixer with hopper and suitable weigh batching arrangement or in a central mix
plant. Hand mixing shall not be permitted. The mixer or the plant shall be at an approved location considering the
properties of the mixes and the transportation arrangements available with the Contractor. The mixer or the plant
shall be approved by the Engineer.
Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed, a uniform colour of the entire mass is obtained and
each individual particle of the coarse aggregate shows complete coating of mortar containing its proportionate
amount of cement. In no case shall mixing be done for less than 2 minutes. It shall be ensured that the mixers are not
loaded above their rated capacities and are operated at a speed recommended by the manufacturer. When mineral
admixtures are added at the mixing stage, their thorough and uniform blending with cement shall be ensured, if
necessary by longer mixing time. The addition of water after the completion of the initial mixing operation shall not
be permitted.
Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before putting in a new
batch and also before changing from one type of cement to another.
1708.3.2 Ready Mix Concrete
Use of ready mix concrete proportioned and mixed off the project site and delivered to site in a freshly mixed and
unhardened state conforming to 18:4926, shall be allowed with the approval of the Engineer.
1708.4 Transporting Concrete
Mixed concrete shall be transported from the place of mixing to the place of final deposit as rapidly as possible by
methods which will prevent the segregation or loss of the ingredients. The method of transporting or placing of
concrete shall be approved by the Engineer. Concrete shall be transported and placed as near as practicable to its
final position so that no contamination, segregation or loss of its constituents materials take place.
Concrete may be transported by transit mixers or properly designed buckets or by pumping. Transit mixers or other
hauling equipment when used should be equipped with the means of discharge of concrete without segregation.

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During hot or cold weather, concrete shall be transported in deep containers. Other suitable methods to be reduce the
loss of water by evaporation in hot weather and heat loss in cold weather may also be adopted.
When concrete is conveyed by chute, the plant shall be of such size and design as to ensure practically continuous
flow. Slope of the chute shall be so adjusted that the concrete flows without excessive quantity of water and without
any segregation of its ingredients. The delivery end of the chute shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit.
The chute shall be thoroughly flushed with water before and after each working period and the water used for this
purpose shall be discharged outside the formwork.
In case concrete is to be transported by pumping, the fresh concrete should have adequate fluidity and cohesiveness
to be pumpable. Proper concrete mix proportioning and initial trials should ensure this. The conduit shall be primed
by pumping a batch of mortar through the line to lubricate it. Once the pumping is started, it shall not be interrupted,
as concrete standing idle in the line is liable to cause plug. The operator shall ensure that some concrete is always
there in the pumps receiving hopper during operation. The lines shall always be maintained clean and free of dents.
Pipelines from the pump to the placing area shall be laid with minimum bends. For large quantity placements,
standby pumps shall be available. Suitable air release valves, shutoff valves etc. shall be provided as per site
requirements. The pumping of priming mix i.e. rich mix of creamy .consistency, to lubricate the concrete pump and
pipelines, shall precede the pumping of concrete. Continuous pumping shall be done to the extent possible. After
concreting, the pipelines and accessories shall be cleaned immediately. The pipes for pumping shall not be made of
material which has adverse effect on concrete. Aluminium alloy pipelines shall not be used.
1708.5 Placing of Concrete
All formwork and reinforcement contained in it shall be cleaned and made free from standing water, dust, snow or
ice immediately before placing of concrete.
No concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of the Engineer has been obtained. If
concreting is not started within 24 hours of the approval being given, the approval shall have to be obtained again
from the Engineer. Concreting shall proceed continuously over the area between the construction joints. Fresh
concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has been in position for more than 30 minutes, unless a proper
construction joint is formed.
The concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its original position to avoid re-handling. Methods of
placing should be such as to preclude segregation. Care should be taken to avoid displacement of reinforcement or
movement of formwork. To achieve this, concrete should be lowered vertically in the form and horizontal movement
of concrete inside the forms should, as far as practicable, be minimised.
The concrete shall be placed and compacted before its initial setting so that it is amenable to compaction by
vibration. The workability of concrete at the time of placement shall be adequate for the compaction equipment to be
used. If there is considerable time gap between mixing and placing of concrete, as in the case of ready mixed
concrete plants or off-site batching and mixing plants, concrete mix shall be designed to have appropriately higher
workability at the time of discharge from the mixer, in order to compensate the loss of workability during transit.
This is generally achieved by suitable chemical admixtures. Keeping these considerations in view, the general
requirement for ready mixed concrete plants or off-site batching and mixing plants, is that concrete shall be
discharged from the truck mixer within two hours of the time of loading. A longer period may be permitted if
suitable retarding admixtures are used.
In wall forms, drop chutes attached to hoppers at the top should preferably be used to lower concrete to the bottom of
the form. As a general guidance, the permissible free fall of concrete may not exceed 1.5 metres and under no
circumstances shall it be more than 2 metres. When free fall of larger height is involved, self compacting concrete
having adequate fluidity, cohesiveness and viscosity and which uniformly and completely fills every corner of the
formwork by its own weight without segregation, shall be used.
Except where otherwise agreed to by the Engineer, concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers to a compacted
depth of not more than 450 mm when internal vibrators are used and not more than 300 mm in all other cases.
Concrete when deposited shall have temperature of not less than 5°C and preferably not more than 30°C and in no
case more than 40°C. In case of site mixing, fresh concrete shall be placed and compacted in its final position within
30 minutes of its discharge from the mixer. When the concrete is carried in properly designed agitator operating
continuously, the concrete shall be placed and compacted within 1 hour of the addition of cement to the mix and
within 30 minutes of its discharge from the agitator. It may be necessary to add retarding admixtures to concrete, if
trials show that the periods indicated above are unacceptable. In all such matters, the Engineer's decision shall be
1708.6 Compaction of Concrete
Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by vibration or other means during placing and worked around the
reinforcement, tendons or duct formers, embedded fixtures and into corners of the formwork to produce a dense
homogeneous void-free mass having the required surface finish. When vibrators are used, vibration shall be done
continuously during the placing of each batch of concrete until the expulsion of air has practically ceased and in a
manner that does not promote segregation. Over-vibration shall be avoided to minimize the risk of forming a weak

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surface layer. When external vibrators are used, the design of formwork and disposition of vibrator shall be such as
to ensure efficient compaction and to avoid surface blemishes. Vibrations shall not be applied through reinforcement
and where vibrators of immersion type are used, contact with reinforcement and all inserts like ducts etc., shall be
When internal vibrators are used, they shall be inserted vertically to the full depth of the layer being placed and
ordinarily shall penetrate the layer below for a few centimetres. The vibrator should be kept in place until air bubbles
cease escaping from the surface and then withdrawn slowly to ensure that no hole is left in the concrete, care being
taken to see that it remains in continued operation while being withdrawn. The internal vibrators shall be inserted in
an orderly manner and the distance between insertions should be about one and half times the radius of the area
visibly affected by vibration. Additional vibrators in serviceable condition shall be kept at site so that they can be
used in the event of breakdown.
Mechanical vibrators used shall comply with 18:2502, 18:2506, 18:2514 and 18:4656.
Construction joints shall be avoided as far as possible. In no case shall the locations of such joints be changed or
increased from those shown on the drawings except with the express approval of the Engineer.
Joints should be positioned where they are readily accessible for preparation and concreting. Construction joints
should be positioned to minimize the effects of the discontinuity of the durability, structural integrity and appearance
of the structure. As far as possible, joints should be provided in non-aggressive zones, but if joints in aggressive
zones cannot be avoided, they should be sealed. Joints should be located away from the regions of maximum stress
caused by loading; particularly where shear and bond stresses are high.
In beams and slabs joints should not be near the supports. Construction joints between slabs and ribs in composite
beams shall be avoided. For box girders, there shall be no construction joint between the soffit and webs.
Joints should be either vertical or horizontal. For a vertical construction joint, the lifts of concrete shall finish level or
at right angles to the axis of the member. Concreting shall be continued right up to the joint.
Before resuming work at a construction joint when concrete has not yet fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed
thoroughly. The surface shall be roughened, taking care to avoid dislodgement of coarse aggregates. Concrete shall
be brushed with a stiff brush soon after casting, while the concrete has only slightly stiffened. If the concrete has
partially hardened, it may be treated by wire brushing or with a high pressure water jet, followed by drying with an
air jet, immediately before the new concrete is placed. Fully hardened concrete shall be treated with mechanical hand
tools or grit blasting, taking care not to split or crack aggregate particles. The practice of first placing a layer of
mortar or grout when concreting joints, shall be avoided. The old surface shall be soaked with water, without leaving
puddles, immediately before starting concreting. The new concrete shall be thoroughly compacted against it.
Where there is likely to be a delay before placing the next concrete lift, protruding reinforcement shall be protected.
In all cases, where construction joints are made, the joint surface shall not be contaminated with release agents, dust,
or sprayed curing membrane and reinforcement shall be firmly fixed in position at the correct cover.
The sequence of concreting, striking of forms and positioning of construction joints for every individual structure,
shall be decided well in advance of the commencement of work.
When it is necessary to deposit concrete under water, the methods, equipment, materials and proportions of mix to
be used, shall be got approved from the Engineer before any work is started.
Concrete shall not be placed in water having a temperature below 5°C. The temperature of the concrete, when
deposited, shall not be less than 16°C, nor more than 30°C.
Coffer dams or forms shall be sufficiently tight to ensure still water conditions, if practicable, and in any case
to reduce the flow of water to less than 3 m per minute through the space into which concrete is to be
deposited. Coffer dams or forms in still water shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar through the
joints in the walls. Pumping shall not be done while concrete is being placed, or until 24 hours thereafter. To
minimize the formation of laitance, care shall be exercised not to disturb the concrete as far as possible while it is
being deposited.
All under water concreting shall be carried out by tremie method only. The number and spacing of the tremies
should be worked out to ensure proper concreting. However, it is necessary to have a minimum number of 2 tremies
for any concreting operation, so that even if one of the tremies goes out of commission during concreting, the other
one can be used to complete the work. The tremie concreting when started should continue without interruption for
the full height of the member being concreted. The capacity of the concrete production and placement equipment
should be sufficient to enable the underwater concreting to be completed uninterrupted within the stipulated time.
The top section of the tremie shall have a hopper large enough to hold one full batch of the mix or the entire coritents
of the transporting bucket, as the case may be. The tremie pipe shall not be less than 200 mm in diameter and shall
be large enough to allow a free flow of concrete and strong enough to withstand the external pressure of the water in
which it is suspended, even if a partial vacuum develops inside the pipe. Preferably, flanged steel Pipe of adequate
strength shall be used. A separate lifting device shall be provided for each tremie pipe with its hopper at the upper

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end. Unless the lower end of the pipe is equipped with an approved automatic check valve, the upper end of the pipe
shall be plugged with a wadding of gunny sacking or other approved material before delivering the concrete to the
tremie pipe through the hopper, so that when the concrete is forced down from the hopper to the pipe, it will force
the plug (and along with it any water in the pipe) down the pipe and out of the bottom end, thus establishing a
continuous stream of concrete. It will be necessary to raise the tremie slowly in order to allow a uniform flow of
concrete. At all times after placing of concrete is started and until all the required quantity has been placed, the lower
end of the tremie pipe shall be kept below the surface of the plastic concrete and shall not be taken out of concrete.
This will cause the concrete to build up from below instead of flowing out over the surface and thus avoid formation
of layers of laitance. It is advisable to use retarders or suitable super plasticizers to retard the setting time of concrete,
which shall be established before the commencement of work.
1711.1 Concreting in Cold Weather
Where concrete is to be deposited at or near freezing temperature, precautions shall be taken to ensure that at the
time of placing, it has a temperature of not less than 5°C and that the temperature shall be maintained above 4°C
until the concrete has hardened. When necessary, concrete ingredients shall be heated before mixing but cement shall
not be heated artificially other than by the heat transmitted to it from other ingredients of the concrete. Stock-Co
piled aggregate may be heated by the use of dry heat or steam. Aggregates shall not be heated directly by gas or on
sheet metal over fire. In general, the temperature of aggregate or water shall not exceed 65°C. Salt or other
chemicals shall not be used for the prevention of freezing. No frozen material or materials containing ice shall be
used. All concrete damaged by frost shall be removed. Concrete exposed to freezing weather shall have entrained air
and the water content of the mix shall not exceed 30 litres per 50 kg of cement. To counter slower 17 setting of
concrete, accelerators can be used with the approval of the Engineer. However, accelerators containing chloride shall
not be used.
1711.2 Concreting in Hot Weather
When depositing concrete in hot weather, precautions shall be taken so that the temperature of wet concrete does not
exceed 30°C while placing. This shall be achieved by using chilled mixing water, using crushed ice as a part of
mixing water, shading stock piles of aggregates from direct rays of the sun, sprinkling the stock piles of coarse
aggregate with water to keep them moist, limiting temperature of cement below 30°C at the time of use, starting
curing before concrete dries out and restricting time of concreting as far as possible to early mornings and late
evenings. When ice is used to cool mixing water, it will be considered as part of the water in design mix. Under no
circumstances shall the mixing operation be considered complete until all ice in the mixing drum has melted. The
Contractor will be required to state is methodology for the Engineer's approval when temperatures of concrete are
likely to exceed 30°C during the work.
1712.1 General
Concreting operations shall not commence until adequate arrangements for concrete curing have been made by the
Contractor. Curing and protection of concrete shall start immediately, after compaction of the concrete.
The concrete shall be protected from:
Premature drying out particularly by solar radiation and wind
High internal thermal gradients
Leaching out by rain and flowing water
Rapid cooling during the first few days after placing
Low temperature or frost
Vibration and impact which may disrupt the concrete and interfere with its bond to the reinforcement.
Vibration caused by traffic including construction traffic.
Concrete shall be protected, without allowing ingress of external water, by means of wet (not dripping) gunny bags,
hessian etc. Once the concrete has attained some degree of hardening (approximate 12 hrs after mixing), moist
curing shall commence and be continued through the requisite period. Where members are of considerable size and
length, with high cement content, accelerated curing methods may be applied, as approved by the Engineer.
1712.2 Water Curing
Water for curing shall be as specified in Section 1000 of these specifications.
Sea water shall not be used for curing. Sea water shall not come into contact with concrete members before they
have attained adequate strength.
The concrete should be kept constantly wet by ponding or covering or use of sprinklers/ perforated pipes for a
minimum period of 14 days after concreting, except in the case of concrete with rapid hardening cement, where it
can be reduced to 5 days. Water should be applied on surfaces after the final set. Curing through watering shall not
be done on green concrete. On formed surfaces, curing shall start immediately after the forms are stripped. The
concrete shall be kept constantly wet with a layer of sacking, canvas, hessian or similar absorbent material.

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1712.3 Steam Curing
Where steam curing is adopted, it shall be ensured that it is done in suitable enclosure to contain the live steam in
order to minimize moisture and heat losses. The initial application of the steam shall be after about four hours of
placement of concrete to allow the initial set of the concrete to take place.
Where retarders are used, the waiting period before application of the steam shall be increased to about six hours.
The steam shall be at 100 percent relative humidity to prevent loss of moisture and to provide excess moisture for
proper hydration of the cement. The application of steam shall not be directly on the concrete. Steam curing is
applied in enclosures or tunnels through which concrete members are transported on a conveying system.
Alternatively, portable enclosures or plastic covers are placed over precast members and steam is supplied to the
enclosures. The rate of increase or decrease of temperature should not be more than 10°C to 20°C per hour and the
maximum temperature shall be about 70°C. The maximum temperature shall be maintained until the concrete has
attained the desired strength required at the end of steam curing period and shall be decided by prior trials. When
steam curing is discontinued, the air temperature shall not drop at a rate exceeding 10°C per hour, until a temperature
of about 10°C above the ambient temperature outside has been reached. Steam curing of concrete shall be followed
by water curing for at least 7 days. The concrete shall not be exposed to temperatures below freezing for at least six
days after curing.
1712.4 Curing Compound
Membrane forming curing compounds consisting of waxes, resins, chlorinated rubbers etc. may be permitted by the
Engineer in special circumstances. Curing compounds shall not be used on any surface which requires further
finishing to be applied. All construction joints shall be moist cured and no curing compound shall be permitted in
locations where concrete surfaces are required to be bonded together.
Liquid membrane forming compounds shall conform to ASTMC 309 and the curing efficiency shall be as per
ASTMC 156.
Curing compounds shall be continuously agitated during use. All concrete cured by this method shall receive two
applications of the curing compound. The first coat shall be applied immediately after acceptance of concrete finish.
If the surface is dry, the concrete shall be saturated with water and curing compound applied as soon as the surface
film of water disappears. The second application shall be made after the first application has set. Placement in more
than two coats may be required to prevent streaking.
The membrane formed shall be stripped off after 14 days, when curing is complete. Impermeable membranes, such as
sheet materials for curing concrete conforming to ASTM C 171 or polyethylene sheeting Covering closely the
concrete surface, may also be used to provide effective barrier against Evaporation.
Immediately after the removal of forms, exposed bars or bolts, if any, shall be cut inside the concrete member to a
depth of at least 50 mm below the surface of the concrete and the resulting holes filled with cement mortar. All fins
caused by form joints, all cavities produced by the removal of form ties and all other holes and depressions,
honeycomb spots, broken edges or corners, and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned, saturated with water and
carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar. The mortar shall be of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the
proportions used in the grade of concrete that is being finished and of as dry a consistency as possible. Considerable
pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in all voids. Surfaces which have been
pointed shall be kept moist for a period of twenty four hours. Special pre-packaged proprietary mortars shall be used
where appropriate or where specified in the drawing.
All construction and expansion joints in the completed work shall be left carefully tooled and free from any mortar
and concrete. Expansion joint filler shall be left exposed for its full length with clean and true edges.
Immediately on removal of forms, the concrete work shall be examined by the Engineer before any defects are made
good. The work that has sagged or contains honeycombing to an extent detrimental to structural safety or
architectural appearance of the member, shall be rejected. Surface defects of a minor nature may be accepted. On
acceptance of such work, the same shall be rectified as directed by the Engineer.
1714.1 Production of Concrete
In order to improve the durability of the concrete, use of blended cement or blending of mineral admixtures, is
permitted. The maximum limit of flyash and ground granulated blast furnace slag in concrete, shall be as specified in
Clause 1715.2. Blending at site shall be permitted only through a specific facility with complete automated process
control to achieve the specified design quality or through RMC plants with similar facility.
1714.2 Modified Properties
For concrete made with Portland Pozzolona Cement, Portland Blast furnace slag cement or mineral admixtures, the
setting time and rate of gain of strength are different from those of concrete made with OPC alone. Cognizance of
such modified properties shall be taken in deciding de-shuttering time, initial time of prestressing, curing period and
for early age loading.

- 101 -
1714.3 Compatibility of Chemical Admixtures
Compatibility of chemical admixtures and super plasticizers with Portland Pozzolona cement Portland blast furnace
slag cement and mineral admixtures shall be ensured by trials outlined in Clause 1705.
1714.4 Additional Tests
In addition to the strength tests prescribed in other Sections of these Specifications, the following additional tests are
required to be carried out from considerations of durability.
Rapid Chloride Ion Permissibility Test
Rapid Chloride Ion permeability test on as per ASTM C 1202 at 56 days for extreme, very severe and severe
conditions of exposure. The permissible value of Chloride-Ion permeability for extreme condition 800 Coulombs
very severe condition 1200 coulombs and severe exposure condition 1500 coulombs.
Water Permeability Test
Water permeability test as per DIN: 1048 Part 5-1991 shall be carried out as described in Clause 1717.2.5.5.
1715.1 General
High Performance Concrete shall be used where special performance requirements of high strength, high early
strength, high workability, low permeability and high durability for severe service environments, are required.
Production and use of such concrete in the field shall be carried out with high degree of uniformity between batches
and very stringent quality control.
1715.2 Materials
Cement, mineral admixtures, chemical admixtures, aggregates and water shall conform to Section 1000 of these
Specifications and this Section.
Flyash when used, shall neither be less than 20 percent nor shall be greater than 35 percent of the total by mass of
ordinary Portland cement and flyash and shall conform to grade-1 of IS:3812.
Ground granulated blast furnace (GGBS) slag when used, shall neither be less than 50 percent nor greater than 70
percent of the total mass of ordinary Portland cement and GGBS and shall conform to 18:12089.
Silica fume conforming to 18:15388 shall be used.
The cement content of concrete inclusive of any mineral admixtures shall not be less than 380 kg/m3. The cement
content excluding any mineral admixtures (Portland cement content alone) shall not exceed 450 kg/m3. The
water/cement (cement plus all cementitious materials) ratio should generally not exceed 0.33 but in no case shall be
more than 0.40.
1715.3 Compatibility of Admixtures
Compatibility of the superplasticiser and admixtures with the cement and any other Pozzolanic or hydraulic dilutes
shall be ensured by trials as outlined under Clause 1705.
1715.4 Characteristic Strength and Target Mean Strength
Characteristic strength and the initial target mean strength of concrete shall be as given in Table 1700-8.
The target mean strength shall be calculated as per Clause 1704.2 after obtaining data on standard deviation from
sufficient samples.
Table 1700-8: Characteristic Compressive Strength and Target Mean Strength
Specified Characteristic
Grade Target Mean Strength
Compressive Strength at 28
Designation (MPa)
days (MPa)
M40 40 52
M45 45 58
M50 50 63
M55 55 69
M60 60 74
M65 65 80
M70 70 85
M75 75 90
M80 80 95
M85 85 101
M90 90 106

1715.5 Workability and Other Requirements

Workability, concrete mix design, field trial mixes, chloride and sulphate contents shall be a laid down in other
Sections of these Specifications.
1715.6 Mixing of Concrete

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The concreting plant and means of transportation employed to make trial mixes and to transport them to
representative distances shall be similar to the corresponding plant and transport to be used in the works. The
optimum sequence of mixing of ingredients shall be established by trials. Mixing time may be longer than in normal
grade concrete mixes.
The temperature of concrete at the time of placement shall not exceed 25°C. The temperature of concrete at the
mixing stage should be lower, to allow for rise in temperature during transport. When considerable distance of
transport is involved, particular attention should be paid to ensure retention of slump as targeted for placement.
1715.7 Prototype Testing
Mock-up trials or prototype testing may be carried out to ensure that the concrete can be satisfactorily placed and
compacted, taking into account the location of placement and provision of reinforcement, and required adjustments
made in concrete mix design and/or detailing of reinforcement.
1715.8 Curing of Concrete
High performance concrete containing silica fume is more cohesive than normal mixes hence, there is a little or no
bleeding and no bleed water to rise to the surface to offset water loss due to evaporation. Plastic shrinkage cracking
is possible, if curing is not proper. Initial curing should commence soon after initial setting of concrete. Concrete
should be covered with moist covers, opaque colour plastic sheets or suitable curing compound. Final moist curing
should commence after final setting of concrete and continue for at least 14 days.
1715.9 Additional Tests for Concrete
Apart from the strength tests prescribed in other Sections of these Specifications, the additional tests as specified
under Clause 1714.3 shall also be carried out.
Tolerances for dimensions/shape of various components shall be as indicated in these Specifications or shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
1717.1 Concrete shall conform to the surface finish and tolerance as prescribed in these Specifications for respective
1717.2 Random sampling and lot by lot acceptance inspection shall be made for the28 days cube strength of
1717.3 Concrete under acceptance, shall be notionally divided into lots for the purpose of sampling before
commencement of work. The basis of delimitation of lots shall be as follows:
No individual lot shall be more than 30 cu.m in volume
Different grades of mixes of concrete shall be divided into separate lots.
Concrete of a lot shall be used in the same identifiable component of the bridge.
1717.4 Sampling and Testing
Concrete for preparing 3 test cubes shall be taken from a batch of concrete at point of delivery for construction,
according to procedure laid down in 18:1199.
A random sampling procedure shall be adopted which ensures that each of the concrete batches forming the lot under
acceptance inspection has equal chance of being chosen for taking cubes.
150 mm cubes shall be made, cured and tested at the age of 28 days for compressive strength in accordance with
18:516. The 28 day test strength result for each cube shall form an item of the sample. Tests at other age shall also be
performed, if specified.
Where automated batching plant/Ready Mixed Concrete Plant is located away from the place of use and the time gap
between production and placement is more than the initial setting time or where any ingredients are added
subsequent to mixing, separate sets of samples shall be collected and tested at batching plant and at location of
placement. The results shall be compared and used to make suitable adjustment at batching plants so that properties
of concrete at placement are as per the requirements.
1717.5 Test Specimen and Sample Strength
Three test specimens shall be made from each sample for testing at 28 days. Additional cubes may be required for
various purposes such as to determine the strength of concrete at 7 days or for any other purpose.
The test strength of the sample shall be the average of the strength of 3 cubes. The individual variation should not be
more than ±15 percent of the average. If variation is more, the test results of the sample are invalid.
1717.6 Frequency
The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with Table 1700-9.
Table 1700-9: Minimum Frequency of Sampling
Quantity of Concrete in Work, m3 No. of Samples
1–5 1
6 – 15 2
16 – 30 3

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31 – 50 4
4 plus one additional sample for each additional 50 m3 or
50 and above
part thereof

At least one sample shall be taken from each shift of work.

1717.7 Acceptance criteria
1717.7.1 Compressive Strength
The concrete shall be taken as having the specified compressive strength when both the following conditions are
The mean strength determined from any group off our consecutive non-overlapping samples exceeds the specified
characteristic compressive strength by 3 MPa.
Strength of any sample is not less than the specified characteristic compressive strength minus 3 MPa.
The quantity of concrete represented by the test results include the batches from which the first and last samples
were taken, together with all intervening batches.
When the concrete does not satisfy both the conditions given in (1) above, representative cores shall be extracted
from the hardened concrete for compression test in accordance with the method described in IS: 1199 and tested to
establish whether the concrete satisfies the requirement of compressive strength.
Evaluation of compressive strength by taking cores may also be done in case of doubt regarding the grade of
concrete used either due to poor workmanship or based on results of cube strength tests.
The locations from which core samples are to be taken and their number shall be decided so as to be representative
of the whole of the concrete under consideration. However, in no case shall fewer than three cores be tested. Cores
shall be prepared and tested as described in IS:516. Concrete in the member represented by a core test shall be
considered acceptable if the average equivalent cube strength of the cores is equal to at least 85 percent of the cube
strength of the grade of concrete specified for the corresponding age and no individual core has strength less than 75
percent of the specified strength.
1717.7.2 Chloride and Sulphate Content
The total chloride and sulphuric anhydride (S03) content of all the constituents of concrete as a percentage of mass
of cement in the mix shall not exceed the values given in this Section.
1717.7.3 Density of Fresh Concrete
Where minimum density of fresh concrete is specified, the mean of any four consecutive non-overlapping samples
shall not be less than the specified value and any individual sample result shall not be less than 97.5 percent of the
specified value.
1717.7.4 Density of Hardened Concrete
Where minimum density of hardened concrete is specified, the mean of any four consecutive non-overlapping
samples shall not be less than the specified value and any individual sample result shall not be less than 97 .5 percent
of the specified value.
1717.7.5 Permeability Test
Water permeability test as per DIN:1048 Part 5-1991 shall be carried out as described below:
A cylindrical test specimen 150 mm dia. and 160 mm high shall be prepared.
After 28 days of curing, the test will be conducted between 28 and 35 days. The test specimen shall be fitted in a
machine such that specimen can be subjected to a water pressure of up to 7 bars. A typical machine is shown in
The concrete specimen shall be subjected to a water pressure of 0.5 N/mm2 from the top for a period of 3 days. The
pressure shall be maintained constant throughout the test period. If the water penetrates through to the underside of
the specimen, the test may be terminated and the specimen rejected as failed.
After 3 days, the pressure shall be released and the sample shall be taken out. The specimen shall be split in the
middle by compression applied on two round bars on opposite sides above and below.
When the split faces show signs of drying (after 5 to 10 minutes) the maximum depth of penetration in the direction
of height shall be measured with the scale and extent of water penetration established.
The mean of maximum depth of penetration obtained from three specimens thus tested, shall be taken as the test
result and it shall not exceed 25 mm.
1717.7.6 If the concrete is not able to meet any of the standards of acceptance as prescribed, the effect of such
deficiency on the structure shall be investigated by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer may
accept the concrete as sub-standard work. Any additional work required by the Engineer for such acceptance, shall
be carried out by the Contractor at his cost. In case the concrete is not found to be acceptable even after
investigation, the Contractor shall remove the rejected concrete forthwith.

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1717.7.7 When durability of concrete is desired the rapid chloride ion permeability test as stated under Clause
1714.3.1 shall also be performed in addition to above tests.
Structural concrete shall be measured in cubic metres. In reinforced or prestressed concrete, the volume occupied
by reinforcement or prestressing cables and sheathing shall not be deducted. The slab shall be measured as running
continuously through and the beam as the portion below the slab.
1719 RATE
The contract unit rate for structural concrete shall cover costs of all materials, labour, tools, plant and equipment
required for mixing, transporting and placing in position, vibrating and compacting, finishing and curing as per this
Section or as directed by the Engineer, including all incidental expenses, sampling and testing, quality assurance and
supervision. Unless mentioned separately as an item in the contract, the contract unit rate for concrete shall also
include the cost of providing, fixing and removing formwork required for concrete work as per Section 1500 of
these Specifications.
If the concrete is found to be acceptable by the Engineer as sub-standard work, the Contractor· shall be subjected to
reduction in his contact unit rate. For deficiency in compressive strength of concrete when accepted by the Engineer,
the reduction in rate shall be applied as under:

The payment will be made on cumt. basis of the finished work.

Item No. 43 :- Providing and casting in situ Controoled Cement concrete M-250 for R.C.C.
solid slab including centering, scaffolding curing and finishing complete.

The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No. 42 except the work is for
Providing and casting in situ Controoled Cement concrete M-250 for R.C.C.
solid slab including centering, scaffolding curing and finishing complete

Item No. 44 :- Providing and casting in situ Controoled cement concrete M-250 for average 75
mm thick wearing coat laid as directed including tamping ,vibrating, finishing,
curing and filling in joints with bitumen complete.

The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No. 42 except the work is for Providing
and casting in situ Controoled cement concrete M-250 for average 75 mm thick wearing coat
laid as directed including tamping ,vibrating, finishing, curing and filling in joints with bitumen

- 105 -
Item No. 45 :- Providing and fixing in position mild steel dowel bars in pier caps or
abutments caps for anchorage in fixed end as per detailed drawing
including cutting, bending and welding complete.

1. For Mild Steel, specifications for M.S. reinforcement shall be apply.

2. The I.S.I. Mark M.S. dowel bars shall be provided and anchored in pier caps / abutment

caps for anchorage as per detailed drawings for fixed ends. G.I. Pipes and other materials

such as mastic asphalt as directed by Engineer-in-charge or as per drawing shall be

provided G.I. pipes shall as approved by Engineer-in-charge.

3. The payment shall be made per number of dowel bars in anchored condition.

4. Unit rate shall include cost of all materials, labour and equipments to complete the Job.

Item No.46 : Providing and fixing in position mild steel dowel bars in pier caps for
anchorage in free end as per detailed drawings including cutting, bending and welding

Specification Should be same as above item no.45 take Dowel Bar in free end instead of
for Dowel Bar in fixed end .

- 106 -
Item No. 47:-

Providing and filling sand in between the top and bottom plugs with good sand in layers including
compacting as directed.

1. The sand to be used for filling shall be coarse, granular, clean free from dust and deleterious
matters obtained from a source as approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Sand between returns
shall confirm to IS : 383.
2. After the bottom plug has been laid and tested for leakage the level of its top shall be
ascertained and recorded and the well shall be filled with sand under water in suitable layers not
exceeding 30 cm. at a time and each layer well compacted by rodding to maximum density
upto the level of the underside of the plug as per detailed drawing or as directed by the
3. Sand between returns and below raft foundations shall be filled in suitable layers not exceeding
30 cms. At a time and each layer shall be well compacted.
4. Mode of measurements shall be the total cubical content (in cmt) of the area covered by sand
5. Unit rate include the cost of material, labour and tools and plant to complete the work.

- 107 -
Item No. 48:- Providing and laying weep hole in abutment and returns by using A.C.
pipes of 100 mm dia. with laying in proper grade and jointing complete etc.
as per detailed specification.

The weep holes in the masonry and returns shall be provided of the A.C. pipes of 100 mm

dia. The pipe shall be fixed of suitable length & in full thickness of the masonry / concrete work.

Necessary C.I. grating shall be provided on back side of abutment & returns on the inlet of

opening of weep holes.

Materials the A.C. pipes of 100mm dia.

The Asbestos cement pipe of diameters specified in description of the item shall conform

to I.S. 1626-1900. The interior of pipe shall have a smooth finish, regular surface & regular

internal diameter.

The tolerance in all dim. shall be as per IS 1926-Part-I 1980.

The grating shall be of C.I. 100 mm. dia. & per IRC specification.

The weep holes shall be provided 1 meter C/C shall be placed in staggered. After laying

weep holes, it shall be clear of earth and other materials from its complete length.

The rate shall be paid on Number basis.

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Item No.49 Providing and laying filter media 600 mm thick as directed at back of abutment,
returns and wing walls as per detailed specifications.

1. Well graded pebbled or metal of 40 mm to 63 mm. size shall be used. The grading and tolerances
of metal of pebbles shall be as under :-

Sr. Percentage by weight

No. of Size Range Sieve designation
No. passing through the
1 63 mm. to 40 mm 90 mm. 100-00

63 mm. 85-100

50 mm. 35-70

40 mm. 00-15

20 mm. 00-05

The size shall be 40 mm. to 63 mm. where in tolerance limit for over size shall be upto 15% and
that for lower size should be upto 15% and below 20 mm. it shall be allowable upto 5%. The filter
Materials shall be tightly placed to a thickness of not less than 600 mm. and provided over the entire
surface behind abutments, wings or return walls to the full height.

2. Materials shall be first stacked in boxed of 2 m. 1.1/2 m. x 0.5 m. size on fairly level ground and

3. The measurement for payment shall be made on Sq.m. basis of Specified Thickness.

4. The unit rate includes the cost of materials, scaffolding labour and tools to complete the work.

2504.2.2 Filter Medium

The material for the filter shall consist of coarse sand, gravel or stone. One or more layers
of graded materials, to act as a filter medium, shall be provided underneath the pitching, to
prevent loss of the embankment material and build up of uplift head on the pitching.

The gradation of the filter material shall satisfy the following requirements :

- 109 -
Notes :

1. Filter design may not be required if embankment consists of CH or CL soils with liquid
limit greater than 30, resistant to surface erosion. In this case, if a layer of material is
used as bedding for pitching, it shall be well graded and its D 85 size shall be at least
twice the maximum void size in pitching

2. In the foregoing, D15 means the size of that sieve which allows 15 percent by weight of
the filter material to pass through it and similar is the meaning of D 50 and D 85 (15 being
replaced with 50 and 85 respectively).

3. If more than one filter layer is required, the same requirement as above shall be followed
for each layer. The finer filter shall be considered as base material for selection of coarser

4. The filter shall be compacted to a firm condition. The thickness of filter is generally of the
order of 200 mm to 300 mm. Where filter is provided in two layers, thickness of each layer
shall be 600 mm.

Item No.50 :- Providing G.I./PVC 100 diameter water spout including necessary iron

grating as per drawing.

1. Material for the water spout shall be as mentioned in the item as per MORTH standard
drawing and shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.
2. Water spout shall be 100 mm. internal dia. cast iron grating shall be provided at the entry
and shall be fixed in the recess so as to be flush with the road surface. The quality and
size of the grating shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge. The water spouts
shall project at least 10 cm. outside the concrete and shall be rigidly fixed in it. The grating
and G.I./PVC pipes shall be painted with two coats of anticorrosive black bitumen paint.
3. Measurement shall be per number of water spout fixed.

4. Unit rate includes cost of all materials, labour and tools to complete the work.

- 110 -
ITEM NO. 51 Providing 12 mm thick pre-moulded asphalt filler joints as per drawing.

1. Open joints shall be constructed at the location as directed by the Engineer-in-charge using a
wood strip metal (plate or other suitable material which is subsequently removed. When
removing the material, care shall be exercised to avoid chipping or breaking the corners of the
concrete. The edge of the concrete, at the joints, shall be well finished. Reinforcement shall
not extend across an open joint.

2. When preformed filler is to-be provided, the filler shall be placed in correct position before
concrete is placed against the filler. The filler material shall from part of the joint and while
concreting the slab, care shall be taken to prevent the former being displaced. After the work
is completed, the exposed face of the joint shall be cleaned of all loose material sticking to it.

3. The material used for filling expansion joint shall be bitumen impregnated fell. Impregnate felt
shall conform to the requirement of IS; 1838, and shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-
charge. The joint shall consist of large pieces and assembly of small places to make up the
required size shall be avoided.

4. The expansion joint shall be measured in Square metres. Thickness of the expansion joint will
be 20 to 25 mm. Width of expansi6n joint shall be equal to full depth of the slab.

5. The rate shall include the cost of all materials, labour, equipments & incidental charges for
fixing the joints complete in all respects as per these specifications and as shown on the

- 111 -
Item No. 52 :- Providing and fixing mild steel dowel bars of minimum 32mm dia. for anchoring
by drilling holes in foundation strata including necessary bending, hooking of
dowel bars and grouting the holes complete as per detailed drawing and as

1. This item provides for necessary Fe 500D TMT steel bar of 32 mm. dia. for anchoring in
foundations strata as per detailed drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For this
purpose, 100 mm holes shall be kept in steining itself at regular intervals as shown in drawing or
as directed by Engineer in-charge. Mild steel bars shall be supplied by the department at the rate
and place shown in schedule A of the tender. The item includes transporting the bars to the site of
work, handling, cutting, bending, hooking and placing the same in position a3 required as per
drawing. The grout holes shall be not less than 100 mm. dia. The anchorage length of bars shall
net be less than 60 times dia. of bar. Grouting of grout hoie shall be of 1:2 proportion (1 part of
cement, 2 pairs of sand) and shall be done under pressure as directed. These dowels bars shall
be inserted through holes kept in the well steining to the bottom of the grout holes. Grout holes
shall not be less than 1 Mt. in depth. In case, no dowel bars are ultimately decided to be provided
in the holes of the steining kept for the purpose, the same shall be filled with the concrete of the
same proportion as of well steining at the cost of the contractor.
2. Mode of measurement will be per number of dowel bar considered as one number from bottom of
grout hole to the top of steining.
3. The payment shall be made per Running meter dowel bars in anchored condition
4. Unit rate shall include cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant and grouting the steining holes
to complete the work.

- 112 -
Item No. 53 :- Providing temporary all weather and fair weather diversion suitable for the
traffic during construction period of the bridge including providing
necessary drains and all safety measures including red lamps/signals at
night for traffic etcFor HP Drain.

1.0 The item provides for the diversion of road by suitable means such as by clearing site
including necessary where cutting, necessary Drain, earth work in cutting and
embankment and by providing & Compacting 100 mm thick layer of Quarry spall.
as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge. This item includes necessary consolidation
to earth and metalling by power roller including watering as per requirement. The
contractor shall take all necessary precautionary measures including red lamps / signals at
night for traffic and maintaining etc.
2.0 The contractor shall plan construct and maintain satisfactorily. The diversion shall be
maintained through out the complete construction period of the H.P. drain works. After
completion of the construction of H.P. drain works and open for the traffic, the diversion
shall be remove immediately and all the dismantled road materials shall be cleared from
the site of work.
3.0 The measurement for paying will be per Nos. of diversion is required to be made.
4.0 The unit cost includes all materials, labour and equipment to complete the job will have to
be constructed and maintained till all operations to complete the entire H.P. drain work are
completed as may be necessary.
5.0 Necessary earthwork of good availability earth shall be carried out for required length &
6.0 Compensation damage charges to field / local authorities will be paid by Agency.
7.0 Material used in diversion should be reuse in Road work which is 70% cost of
material will deduct from Running bill.

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Item No. 54 : Dismentaling the existing structure including removing and stacking the
dismentelled materials as and where directed. (A) R.C.C. work

1.0. Workmanship
1.1. The demolition shall consist of demolition of one or more parts of the building as specified or
shown in the drawings. Demolition implies taking up or down or breaking up. This shall consist of
demolishing whole or part of work including all relevant items as specified or shown in the
1.2. The demolition shall always be planned before hand shall be done in reverse order to the one in
which the structure was constructed. This scheme shall be got approved form the Engineer-in-
charge before starting the work. This however will not absolve the contractor from the
responsibility of proper and safe demolition.
1.3. Necessary propping, shoring and under pinning shall be provided for the safety of the adjoining
work or property, which is to be left intact, before dismantling and demolishing is taken up and the
work shall be carried out in such a way that no damage is caused to the adjoining property.
1.4. Wherever required, temporary enclosures or partitions shall also be provided. Necessary
precautions shall be taken to keep the dust nuisance down as and where necessary.
1.5. Dismantling shall be commenced in a systematic manner. All materials which are likely to be
damaged by dropping from a height or demolishing roof, masonry etc. shall be carefully
dismantled first. The dismantled articles shall be properly stacked as directed.
1.6. All materials obtained from demolition shall be the property of Government unless otherwise
specified and shall bee kept in safe custody until handed over to the Engineer-in-charge.
1.7. Any serviceable materials, obtained during dismantling or demolition shall be separated out and
stacked properly as directed with all lead and lift. All unserviceable materials, rubbish etc. shall be
stacked as directed' by the Engineer-m-charge.
1.8. On completion of work, the site shall be cleared of all debris rubbish and cleaned as directed.
2.0. Mode of measurements and payment
2.1. Measurements of all work except hidden work shall be taken before demolition or dismantling and
no allowance for increase in bulk shall be allowed. The demolition of lime concrete shall be
measured under this item. Specification for deduction for voids, openings etc. shall be on same
basis as that employed for construction of work.
2.2. All work shall be measured in decimal system as fixed in its place subject to the following limits;
unless otherwise stated hereinafter : (a) Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 mt. (b)
Area shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 sq. mt.(c) Cubical contents shall be worked out to the
nearest 0.01 Cu.m.
2.4. The unserviceable materials shall be stacked as directed by Engineer-in-charge with all leads and
2.5. The rate shall include cost of all labour involved and tools used in demolishing and dismantling
including scaffolding. The rate shall also include the charges for separating out and stacking the

- 114 -
serviceable materials properly and disposing the unserviceable materials with all lead and lift. The
rate also includes for temporary shoring for the safety of the portion not required to be pulled down
or of adjoining property arid providing temporary enclosures or portions where considered
2.6. The rate shall be for a unit of one cubic meter.

Executive Engineer
Panchayat (R & B) Division,

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