Flexible Pavement Construction
Flexible Pavement Construction
Flexible Pavement Construction
Flexible pavement:
Flexible pavements are those, which on the whole have low flexural strength and are
rather flexible in their structural action under the loads.
The flexible pavement layers reflect the deformation of the lower layers on to the
surface of the layer.
A typical Flexible pavement consists of four components:
Surface course (wearing course)
Base course
Sub base course
Soil sub grade
view of
Fig 1: A
Rigid Pavement:
Rigid pavements are those posses note worthy flexural strength. The stresses
are not transferred from grain to the lower layers as in case of flexible pavement
layers. The rigid pavements are made of Portland cement concrete-either plain,
reinforced or prestressed concrete. The plain cement concrete slabs are expected to
take up to about 40 kg/cm flexural stress. The rigid pavement has the slab action and
is capable of transmitting the wheel load stresses through a wide area below
the layers of pavement materials placed over it. The load on the pavement is
ultimately received by the soil sub grade for dispersion to the earth mass. It is
essential that at no time, the soil sub grade is overstressed. It means that the pressure
transmitted on the top of the sub grade is within the allowable limit, not to cause
excessive stress condition or to deform the same beyond the elastic limit. It is
necessary to evaluate the strength properties of a soil sub grade. This helps to designer
to adopt the suitable values of the strength parameters for design purpose and in case
this supporting layer does not cum up to the expectations, the same is treated or
stabilized to suit the requirements.
Sub-base and Base Course: - These layers are made of broken stones, bound or
unbound aggregate. Some times in sub-base course a layer of stabilized soil or
selected granular soil is also used. In some places boulders stones or bricks are also
used as sun-base or soling course. When the sub grade consists of the grained soils
and when the pavement carries heavy wheel loads, there is a tendency for these
boulders stones or bricks to penetrate into the wet soil, resulting in the formation of
undulation and uneven pavement surface in flexible pavement.
Base course and Sub-base course are used under flexible pavement primarily
to improve the load supporting capacity by distributing the load through a finite
thickness. Base course are used in rigid pavement for:
Preventing pumping
Protecting the sub grade against frost action
Quality: - Totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that relies
on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
Quality control: - Operational techniques of controlling quality activities (e.g.
Inspection and testing) used to verify technical and quality requirement for services
and or products.
Quality Assurance: - All those planned and systematic actions necessary to
provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy the given
requirement for quality.
Quality Audit: - It is a managerial tool used for reviewing the hole or part of the
quality system by internal or external agencies not connected with operation of QA
Both Quality control and Quality Assurance are combined together and forms
a high quality finished road.
Fill material
Stability of foundation, and
Stability of slopes
1. The toe line and centre line are marked and pegs will be driven.
2. The material shall be dumped in site at respective location.
3. The material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 200 mm
compacted thicknesses over the entire width of the subgrade by mechanical means and
will be graded with grader to the required camber.
4. Moisture content of the material shall be checked and extra required will be added.
5. The moisture content of each layer shall be checked and it should be within the range of
OMC +1% to OMC -2 percent. If moisture content is found out of these limits the same
will be brought within limits by addition of water or by aeration as the case may be.
6. The compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of 8 to 10 ton static
weight. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in the
specifications which are mentioned at the end of this document for reference. The rolling
pattern will be finalized in trial stretch.
7. Loose pockets if any will be removed and replaced with approved material.
8. The above stages shall be repeated till the top level of the subgrade is reached to the
specified levels and grades. The top levels shall be checked and shall be within +20mm to
- 25mm of designed level.
9. All relevant QA and QC documents will be maintained for all stages of subgrade
10. In case the original ground is in sub grade level or is in cutting and if the density after
compaction is not 97% minimum the ground will be loosened up to a depth of 500mm
and will be compacted as per MORTH 305.3.
Vibratory compactor
Water Tanker
2 No.
16 No
2 Nos.
2 Nos.
2 Nos.
4 Nos.
Plasticity test: Each type to be tested, 2 tests per 3000 cum of soil
Density tests: Each soil type to be tested, 2 tests per 3000 cum
Deleterious Content test: As and when required by the Engineer.
Moisture content test: 1 test for every 250 cum. Of soil
Site tests
Type of Work
IS:2720, Part 7
- Not less than 14.4 k N/m3
- Not less than 15.2 k N/m3
60 - 80%
IS : 2720 - PART 4
IS : 2720 - PART 5
IS : 2720 - PART 8
IS : 2720 - PART 2
IS : 2720 - PART
IS : 2720 - PART
IS : 2720 - PART
9 - 18%
for Emb.=Min 2%
for SG =Min 6%
IS : 2720 - PART 2
OMC +/- 1%
2 TESTS / 3000
2 TESTS / 3000
2 TESTS / 3000
1 TEST / 250
1 TEST / 3000
1 TEST /
1 TEST / 1000
1 TEST / 1000
Sub-base is the lowest of all the pavement layers consisting of natural sand, moorum,
gravel, crushed stone or combination thereof necessary to comply with the grading requirements.
The scope of work includes laying of Granular Sub-Base of thickness 150 mm in one
layer over approved formation.
a) Fraction of material passing the 22.4mm sieve shall have a soaked CBR of 30% or
b) The fraction passing the 0.425mm sieve shall have liquid limit not greater than 25 and
a Plasticity Index (PI) not greater than 6.
c) The soaked 10% fines value (KN) shall be greater than 50.
d) If the water absorption is greater than 2% the soundness test IS 383 shall be carried
Motor Grader
Vibratory compactor
Water Tanker
1 No.
1 No.
6 No
1 No
1 No
Construction Methodology:
1. Obtain materials from approved sources. The material should be natural sand, moorum,
gravel, crushed stone, crushed slag, brick metal, kankar or a combination thereof and it shall
conform to grading and physical requirements indicated in Table.
2. Remove all vegetation and other extraneous material etc. from the subgrade already
prepared, lightly sprinkle with water, if necessary, and roll with two passes of 80-100 kN road
roller or any other suitable compactor/vibratory other?
3. The sub-base material should be spread in layers not exceeding 100 mm compacted
thicknesses. If suitable vibratory rollers are available, the compacted thickness of layer can be up
to a maximum of 225 mm.
4. When the sub-base material consists of a combination of materials, mixing shall be
done mechanically by the mix-in-place method, except for small sized jobs.
5. Each layer shall be uniformly spread and thoroughly compacted. Spreading and
compaction shall be carried out as per Clause 401.4.2 of the MORD Specifications.
6. Compaction should be carried out at OMC, with a tolerance limit of () two per cent. If
the loose material is dry, as compared to OMC, water should be added by sprinkling and
thoroughly mixed for uniform wetting. If it has more water than the optimum, it should be left
exposed to sun and aeration till the moisture content is acceptable for compaction. Each layer
should be compacted to 100 per cent maximum dry density as per standard Proctor Test-IS 2720
(Part 7).
7. Approval of the Engineer should be obtained for each layer. Such an approval would
require surface level and compaction control tests.
8. The earthen shoulders should be constructed simultaneously with the sub-base
(iii) On clayey sub grades, the material passing IS Sieve 0.075 mm should not exceed 5
per cent.
(iv) CBR value: The material with a minimum CBR value of 20 will be acceptable for
granular Sub-base. In case the sub base material of the requisite CBR is not available within
economical leads, the sub base material meeting any of the specified grading and other
requirements with a soaked CBR of not less than 15 can be permitted with the approval of the
competent authority.
(v) The wet aggregate Impact Value (IS: 5640) shall not exceed 50.
2. Horizontal Alignment: - The edges of the sub-base shall be correct within a tolerance limit of
() 30 mm in plain and rolling terrain and () 50 mm for hilly terrain.
3. Surface Levels: - The tolerance in surface level for granular sub-base will be restricted to (+)
10 mm and (-) 20 mm.
A grid of 10 m by 2.5 m may be formed to check the surface level. The cross profile
should conform to the required camber.
4. Surface Regularity: - The maximum permitted difference between the sub-base and 3 m
straight edge shall be 12 mm for longitudinal profile and 10 mm for cross profile. The cross
profile should conform to the required camber.
5. Degree of Compaction: - Density shall be 100 per cent of maximum dry density for the
material determined as per IS: 2720, Part 7.
1 No.
1 No.
6 No
1 No.
1 No
1 No.
1 No.
Construction Methodology:
1. The surface to receive Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) shall be prepared as per sub-section
2. WMM shall be prepared in an approved mixing plant with mixing arrangements like
the pug miller pan type mixer of concrete batching plant. For small quantities of WMM, the
Engineer may permit the use of concrete mixers.
3. Optimum moisture for mixing shall be determined in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part 7)
after replacing the aggregate fraction retained on 22.4 mm sieve with material of 4.75 mm to
22.4 mm size.
4. Lateral confinement for WMM should be provided by laying material in adjoining
shoulders along with the wet mix layer, refer Sub-section 407.
5. Immediately upon mixing, the aggregates shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon
the prepared sub-base, in required quantities. In no case should the material be dumped in heaps,
directly on the area where it is to be laid. The mix may be spread either by a paver-finisher or
motor grader.
6. Thickness of a single compacted WMM layer shall not be less than 75 mm. When
vibrating or other approved types of compacting equipment are used, the compacted thickness of
up to 200 mm may be adopted.
7. The surface of aggregate shall be carefully checked with templates and all high or low
spots should be remedied by removing/ adding aggregate as required. The thickness of layer shall
be tested with depth blocks.
8. No segregation of large and fine aggregates shall be allowed.
9. After the mix is laid to proper thickness, grade and cross fall/ camber, the same shall be
uniformly compacted with a suitable roller. Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is
at least 100% of the maximum dry density as per IS: 2720 (Part 7).
10. If the surface irregularity of WMM course exceeds the permissible tolerances, the full
thickness of layer shall be scarified over the affected area, reshaped by adding premixed material
or removed and replaced with fresh premixed material as applicable and re-compacted. The area
treated in this manner shall not be less than 5 m long and 2 m wide. In no case shall depressions
be filled up with unmixed and un-graded materials or fines.
11. After final compaction of WMM, the road shall be allowed to dry for at least 24
12. Preferably no vehicular traffic should be allowed on the finished WMM surface till it
has dried and the wearing course has been laid.
Construction Methodology:
1. Bituminous primer should be slow setting bitumen emulsion, use of cutback being
restricted to areas having subzero temperature or for emergency operations.
2. The prime coat should be applied only on the top most granular base layer, over which
bituminous treatment is to be applied. The granular base surface should be swept clean of dust
and loose particles and where required, lightly and uniformly sprinkled with water to moist the
3. The primer should be sprayed uniformly over the dry surface of absorbent granular
base, using suitable bitumen pressure distributor or sprayer capable of spraying primer at
specified rates and temperature so as to provide a uniformly unbroken spread of primer. Normal
temperature range of spraying emulsion should be 20C to 60C. The rate of application depends
upon the porosity characteristics of the surface to be primed and is given in Table.
Viscosity at 60C
Rate of
Type of
10 sq m(kg)
30 60
14 28
stabilized soil
70 140
33 66
Gravel base
250 500
117 - 234
12- 15
4. A very thin layer of coarse sand may be applied to the surface of the primer to prevent
it from getting picked up under the wheels of vehicles delivering materials for construction of
bituminous layer.
5. The surface should be allowed to cure preferably for 24 hours. Unabsorbed primer
should be blotted with sand using the minimum quantity possible.
To avoid fire and other hazards following precaution shall be taken:
1. The workmen when handling hot Emulsion shall always use protective clothing, heat
resistant gloves, heavy-duty shoes and goggles.
2. Spillage of primer on the ground shall be avoided.
3. Fire will not be used in the Hot Mix Plant area or near the bitumen sprayer.
4. Fire extinguisher (1 No. Of 5 kg weight) will be kept with bitumen sprayer. This shall be
installed in the driver cabin of bitumen sprayer.
5. Smoking will not be allowed around primers spraying area.
6. First aid box shall be kept in driver cabin of bitumen sprayer. These shall include all
necessary items for tackling bitumen related injuries.
7. Fire blanket (1 No.) shall be kept in the driver cabin bitumen sprayer.
8. In case of minor burn cold water will be applied; first aid medicine/ointment and dressing
will be done. In case of major burn, burn will be covered and taken to the hospital
DENSE BITUMINOUS MACADAM (DBM): DBM is a bituminous road mix consisting of graded aggregates, bitumen and filler. It is
used in main pavement course.
The scope of work includes construction of single layer of not more than 100mm thick
Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) course over Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) layer treated with
primer and Tack coat.
The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of penetration grade 60/70 as per Indian Standard
Specifications for Paving Bitumen IS: 73 and of penetration indicated in Table 500-10 for
dense bitumen macadam. The bitumen shall be procured from Indian Oil Corporation limited
from Mathura Refinery and tested in the field laboratory as per prescribed /standard testing
The coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed rock, boulder or other hard material
retained on the 2.36 mm sieve. They shall be clean, hard, durable, of cubical shape, free from
dust and soft or friable matter, organic or other deleterious matters and adherent coating and shall
be conforming to the requirement of the specification. The aggregate shall be tested in the field
laboratory in regard to their physical and gradation requirement as prescribed in the methods of
The fine aggregate will consist of crushed or naturally occurring mineral material or a
combination of the two, passing 2.36 mm sieve and retained on the 75-micron sieve. They shall
be clean, hard, durable, dry and free from dust and soft or friable matter, organic or other
deleterious matter. The fine aggregate shall be tested in the field laboratory in regard to their
physical and gradation requirement as prescribed in the methods of testing.
Filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust, hydrated lime or
cement as approved by the Engineer.
The Job mix formula for DBM will be worked out in advance in the field laboratory. It
will be ensured that the Job Mix Formula is based on a correct and truly representative sample of
the materials that will actually be used in the work. The mix in regard to its different ingredients
shall satisfy the physical and strength requirements of technical specifications.
The detailed testing reports of the JMF shall be submitted to the Engineer for his
approval well in advance.
The approved JMF shall remain effective till any change in the source of material is
required. The JMF shall be worked out with the new source of material in advance and shall be
got approved from the Engineer before its use.
Hot Mix Plant of 120 TPH, Apollo make, Batch type
: 1 No.
Mechanical Broom
: 1 No.
Air Bitumen Distributor
: 1 No.
Sensor Paver
: 1 No.
Tandem Roller
: 1 No.
Pneumatic Tyre Roller (PTR)
: 1 No.
: 8 No or as per Lead
Water Tanker
: 1 No.
Construction Methodology:
1. Prepare the base on which bituminous macadam course is to be laid and shape to the
specified lines, grade and cross-section.
2. Apply prime coat over the base preparatory to laying of the bituminous macadam.
3. Bituminous Macadam should be prepared in a Hot Mix Plant of adequate capacity
Ensure manufacturing and rolling temperatures for Bituminous Macadam as given in Table.
Max. 170
Min. 110
Max. 165
Min. 100
Min. 100
4. Transfer the mixed material quickly to site of work and lay by means of an approved
self-propelled mechanical paver.
5. Commence initial rolling with 80-100 KN rollers (three-wheel or tandem type),
beginning from the edge and progressing towards the centre longitudinally. On super elevated
portions, rolling should progress from lower to upper edge parallel to centre line of pavement.
Thereafter, do intermediate rolling with vibratory or pneumatic tyred road rollers. This should be
followed by final rolling while the material is still workable.
6. Any high spots or depressions noticed after the roller has passed over the whole area
once should be corrected by removing or adding premixed material. Rolling should recommence
thereafter. Each pass should have an overlap of at least one-third of the track made in the
preceding pass. Rolling should be continued till all roller marks have been eliminated.
7. For single lane roads no longitudinal joint is required, while for double-lane roads
longitudinal joints may be required depending on the paver width.
8. For making longitudinal or transverse joint, cut the edges of the bituminous layer laid
earlier to their full depth so as to expose fresh surface and apply a thin coat of binder. Lay
adjacent new layer and compact flush with the existing layer.
9. Cover the bituminous macadam with the wearing course within a period of 48 hours. If
there is any delay in providing wearing course the bituminous macadam surface should be
covered with a seal coat before opening to traffic.
colder regions of India or where the percent passing 0.075 mm sieve is on the higher side
of the range, appropriate bitumen contents may be up to 0.5 percent higher, subject to the
approval of the Engineer.
2. Horizontal Alignment
The edges of the bituminous macadam base should be correct within a tolerance limit of
() 30 mm in plain and rolling terrain and () 50 mm in hilly terrain.
3. Surface Level
The tolerance in surface level of the bituminous macadam would be () 6 mm.
4. Surface Regularity
The maximum allowable difference between the road surface and a 3 m straight edge
would be 12mm for longitudinal profile and 8 mm for cross profile.
BC is a bituminous road mix consisting of graded aggregates, bitumen and filler. It is
used in main pavement course.
The scope of work includes construction of single layer of not more than 50mm thick
Bituminous Concrete (BC) course over Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) layer treated with
Tack coat.
MIXTURE DESIGN: The Job mix formula for DBM will be worked out in advance in the field
laboratory. It will be ensured that the Job Mix Formula is based on a correct and truly
representative sample of the materials that will actually be used in the work. The mix in regard to
its different ingredients shall satisfy the physical and strength requirements of technical
The detailed testing reports of the JMF shall be submitted to the Engineer for his
approval well in advance.
The approved JMF shall remain effective till any change in the source of material is
required. The JMF shall be worked out with the new source of material in advance and shall be
got approved from the Engineer before its use.
Hot Mix Plant of 120 TPH, Apollo make, Batch type: 1 No.
Mechanical Broom
: 1 No.
Air Compressor
: 1No.
Bitumen Distributor
: 1 No.
Sensor Paver
: 1 No.
Tandem Roller
: 1 No.
Pneumatic Tyre Roller (PTR)
: 1 No.
: 8 No or as per Lead
Water Tanker
: 1 No.
Construction Methodology:
1. Prepare the base on which bituminous concrete course is to be laid and shape to the
specified lines, grade and cross-section.
2. Apply tack coat over the base preparatory to laying of the bituminous concrete.
3. Bituminous concrete should be prepared in a Hot Mix Plant of adequate capacity
Ensure manufacturing and rolling temperatures.
4. Transfer the mixed material quickly to site of work and lay by means of an approved
self-propelled mechanical paver.
5. Commence initial rolling with 80-100 KN rollers (three-wheel or tandem type),
beginning from the edge and progressing towards the centre longitudinally. On super elevated
portions, rolling should progress from lower to upper edge parallel to centre line of pavement.
Thereafter, do intermediate rolling with vibratory or pneumatic tyred road rollers. This should be
followed by final rolling while the material is still workable.
6. Any high spots or depressions noticed after the roller has passed over the whole area
once should be corrected by removing or adding premixed material. Rolling should recommence
thereafter. Each pass should have an overlap of at least one-third of the track made in the
preceding pass. Rolling should be continued till all roller marks have been eliminated.
7. For single lane roads no longitudinal joint is required, while for double-lane roads
longitudinal joints may be required depending on the paver width.
8. For making longitudinal or transverse joint, cut the edges of the bituminous layer laid
earlier to their full depth so as to expose fresh surface and apply a thin coat of binder. Lay
adjacent new layer and compact flush with the existing layer.
9. Cover the bituminous concrete with the seal coat within a period of 24 hours before
opening to traffic.