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The road pavements shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of

this Article and in compliance with the appropriate Articles 2A, 66, 68, 69, AA, AB,
AC, AD of TSY.


The levels of pavement courses shall be determined from the vertical profile, the
crossfalls and the pavement course thicknesses, as described in the Contract. The
levels of any point on the constructed surface of the pavement courses shall be
within the appropriate tolerances stated in Table 1.

Table 1 Tolerances in surface levels of pavement courses

Friction Layer ± 6mm

Upper asphalt mix layer and binder course ± 6mm
Asphalt base course ±10mm
Aggregate road base and sub-base course ± 15mm

The combination of the permitted tolerances in the levels of different courses shall
not result in a reduction of the total thickness of the asphalt layers by more than
15mm nor a reduction in the thickness of the upper asphalt mix layer by more than
5mm, from that specified.

For checking compliance with the above tolerance table, measurements of surface
levels shall be taken by means of levelling or dipping at 10m centres longitudinally
and 2m centres transversely. At junctions, the grid point spacing shall be as agreed
with the Engineer. In any length of pavement, compliance with the requirements of
Table 1, for all pavement courses except the final course, shall be regarded as met
when not more than one measurement in any consecutive ten longitudinally or one
in any transverse line, exceeds the tolerances permitted in the table, but this one
measurement shall not exceed 5mm more than the tolerance for the layer
concerned. For the final course (friction layer) the surface tolerance is as given in
Table 1, at any point of the surface.


AE.3.1 Longitudinal regularity

The longitudinal regularity of the surfaces of the friction layer, the top asphalt mix
course, the binder course and the asphalt base shall be such that the number of
surface irregularities is within the relevant limits stated in Table 2.

An irregularity is a variation not less than 4mm or 7mm of the profile of the road
surface as measured by the rolling straight edge, set at 4mm or 7mm as appropriate.
No irregularity exceeding 10mm shall be permitted.

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Compliance with the Table 2 shall be checked by the rolling straight edge along any
line or lines parallel to the edge of pavement on sections of 300m selected by the
Engineer, whether or not it is constructed in shorter lengths. Sections shorter than
300m forming part of a longer pavement shall be assessed using the number of
irregularities for a 300m length pro-rata to the nearest whole number. It is
recommended that per each traffic lane, as well as the hard shoulder lane, one line
of measurement should be taken.

Table 2 Maximum permitted number of surface irregularities

Surfaces of friction layer, upper Surfaces of binder course,

asphalt mix layer, binder asphalt base course,
course(1), hard shoulders and and lay-bys
hard strips
Irregularity 4mm 7mm 4mm 7mm
Length (m) 300 75 300 75 300 75 300 75
Motorway and
20 9 2 1 40 18 4 2
major roads
Other roads(2) 40 18 4 2 60 27 6 3
(1) If the binder course surface is going to be trafficked for some period of time
(2) Low speed roads (≤ 50km/h).

Where the total length of pavement is less than 300m, the measurements shall be
taken on 75m lengths.

During measurements, the rolling straight edge shall be moved at a speed of

approximately 2km/h.

AE.3.2 Transverse regularity

Pavements shall also be measured transversely for irregularities at points decided

by the Engineer by means of a 3m long straight-edge placed at right angles to the
centre line of the road. The maximum permissible deviation of the pavement surface
below the straight-edge is :

- 4mm for the friction layer course or the upper asphalt mix course, and
- 6mm for the asphalt base course.

Prior to checking regularity of an asphalt mix course the final surface shall be
suitably cleaned of loose materials. All measurements shall be carried out as soon
as possible after the constructing of the asphalt layer and before the road is open to
traffic, so as, in case of non compliance with the requirements, the rectifying works
do not affect the progress and time schedule for completion of works.

Prior to the commencement of the laying of asphalt mixtures, the Contractor shall
furnish the Engineer with a Method Statement outlining the method he intends to
adopt in order to achieve the above mentioned tolerances.

The 3m long straight-edge beam shall also be used for checking the longitudinal
regularity of the pavements with total length less than 75m long or in locations where
the use of rolling straight edge is impracticable. The permitted tolerances, in this
case, are as those given above.

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AE.4.1 General

Where any pavement area does not comply with the requirements for surface
tolerance, regularity, thickness, materials properties or compaction, the Contractor
will agree with the Engineer the full extent of the area which does not comply with
the requirements and will make good the surface of the pavement course in the
manner described below, at his own expense.

AE.4.2 Base/Sub-base course

The top 75mm of unbound material shall be scarified, re-shaped with material added
or removed as necessary, and re-compacted all to Specification requirements. The
area treated shall not be less than 30m long and 2m wide or such area to be
determined by the Engineer as necessary to obtain compliance with the

AE.4.3 Asphalt base, binder course and upper asphalt mix course

These shall have the full depth of the layer removed and replaced with fresh material
laid and compacted to Specification.

Where the surface levels of the above layers are too high or too low, the area
rectified shall be the full width of the paving laid in one operation and at least 5m
long, if asphalt base course or 15m long if binder course and upper asphalt mix

Where the number of surface irregularities exceeds the limits specified in paragraph
AE.3, the area to be rectified shall be 300m or 75m long, as appropriate, and the full
width of the lanes affected, or such area to be determined by the Engineer as
necessary to make the surface regularity conform with the limits.

The asphalt repair works will be carried out with the same mechanical means as in
the original construction.

Testing of the surface for compliance with the Specification requirements shall be
carried out as soon as practically possible after completion of the remedial works
and before the road is opened to traffic.

AE.4.4 Friction courses

As described in appropriate Articles of AA, AB, AC and AD of TSY.


The materials used in the subject project shall meet all the quality requirements of
the Contract. All the materials intended for the project shall be tested and approved
prior to their use. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the sources of the
intended materials and the Engineer will approve the sources prior to delivery of the
materials to the subject site. Delivery of materials produced from commercial
manufacturing processes will be accompanied by the manufacturer’s certification

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and an independent test report from an approved laboratory showing that the
materials comply with the Specification requirements.

Materials shall be so stored and handled as to assure the preservation of their

quality and fitness for the subject project. Materials, even though approved prior to
storage or/and handling, may again be inspected and tested prior to their use in the
works. All storage sites shall be reinstated to their original condition at the
Contractor’s expense prior to the issue of the Completion Certificate.

The Contractor shall take all necessary protection measures in the storage, handling
and stockpiling of materials to prevent contamination of the materials by dust, mud,
rain or other extraneous and contaminant materials. The protective measures that
the Contractor proposes to take shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide a fully equipped site laboratory with suitable facilities at
or very near the asphalt batching plant to enable himself and/or the Engineer to
carry out all necessary tests on the raw materials and mixes. Such facilities will be
subject to the Engineer’s approval and the preparation of asphalt mixes shall not be
allowed until the facilities have been approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall bear all the costs pertaining to obtaining specimens of
materials, asphalt mixes and samples cut from the paving courses after compaction,
including the provision of all the necessary equipment and plant for obtaining these
specimens and samples. This work shall be performed in the presence of the
Engineer. The Engineer will take possession of the samples upon their removal from
the carriageway.

The Contractor shall provide a portable coring machine and bits for taking 100mm
and/or 150mm diameter full depth cores of all bituminous paving courses. The
coring machine shall be available to the Engineer at any stage throughout the
execution of the works.

All test holes made by the taking of pavement cores or otherwise shall be backfilled
with an identical asphalt mixture material by the Contractor, at his own expense,
without delay and compacted to the density requirements specified in the Contract
and to the surface tolerance requirements specified in this Article.

Materials that do not conform to the requirements of the Specifications shall be

rejected and removed immediately from the site of the works unless otherwise
instructed by the Engineer.


AE.6.1 Prime coat

Immediately before applying the prime coat, all loose dirt, earth and other
objectionable material shall be removed from the surface manually or by mechanical
means (brooms, power brooms etc.). Any ruts, soft spots or unacceptable
irregularities in the surface shall be repaired in accordance with the instructions of
the Engineer. If the Engineer so requires, the surface shall be lightly bladed and
rolled immediately prior to the application of the prime coat. The Engineer may direct
that a light application of water be made just prior to the application of prime coat to

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facilitate penetration. Priming shall not be permitted by the Engineer when there is
free water present on the surface.

After preparing the road surface as above, the prime coat shall be applied by means
of the distributor at the temperature and rate directed by the Engineer or as specified
in the Contract. Hand-spraying of restricted or inaccessible areas is permitted,
subject to the approval of the Engineer. During application, a uniform distribution of
the prime coat shall be achieved as well as full coverage of the area to be paved.
When applied by the distributor in two or more lanes, care shall be taken that the
application of bituminous material along the overlap lines is not in excess of the
specified amount. Excess bituminous material shall be removed from the surface.

The surface of structures, kerbstones and other appurtenances adjacent to areas

being treated shall be protected in such a manner as to prevent their being spattered
or marred.

The prime coat shall be uniformly applied with the distributor within a maximum of 48
hours preceding placement of asphaltic concrete paving. No traffic shall be permitted
on the primed surface until the asphaltic material has penetrated and dried and, in
the judgement of the Engineer will not be picked up under traffic. The Contractor
shall maintain the primed surface in a good clean condition, and prior to the
application of the next course, dirt or other objectionable materials shall be removed.

AE.6.2 Tack coat

The full width of the surface to be treated shall be cleaned with a power broom or
power blower to remove dust, dirt or other objectionable materials. The surface
should be dry when treated.

Immediately after cleaning the surface, the diluted emulsified asphalt shall be
applied by means of the distributor at the temperature and rate directed by the
Engineer, or specified in the Contract. Hand spraying of restricted, inaccessible
areas is permitted, subject to the approval of the Engineer. Tack coat shall be
applied uniformly and full coverage of the area to be paved shall be achieved. When
applied by the distributor in two or more lanes, care shall be taken that the
application of bituminous material along the overlap lines is not in excess of the
specified amount. Excess bituminous material shall be removed from the surface.

After application, the surface shall be allowed to dry until it is in a proper condition of
tackiness to receive the superimposed course. Tack coat shall be applied only so far
in advance of the superimposed course placement as is necessary to obtain this
proper condition of tackiness and shall not be more than 24 hours preceding the
placement of the covering course. Until the superimposed course is placed, the
Contractor shall protect the tack coat from damage. If, in the opinion of the Engineer,
loss of the bond capability has taken place, an additional tack coat shall be applied
to the surface of the previous lifts as directed by the Engineer.

If the tack coat is unavoidably damaged by rain or dust, or paving operations

delayed longer than 24 hours, it shall be allowed to dry or shall be cleaned again by
a power blower and when directed by the Engineer, a subsequent light application of
tack coat applied to the surface. No additional payment will be made for this work.

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The surface of structures, kerbstones and other appurtenances adjacent to areas
being treated shall be protected in such a manner as to prevent their being spattered
or marred.

Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, a tack coat is not necessary between layers
of freshly placed courses, he may by written direction eliminate the tack coat, in
which case there will be no payment for tack coat for the areas concerned.


Prior to the commencement of the works, for unbound layers, asphalt works and for
each new asphalt mix, a trial section greater than 100m and less than 300m must be
constructed by the Contractor and tested in accordance with all the Specification
requirements by the Engineer. The trial section shall contain at least one 100m
continuous length of longitudinal joint, if these joints are anticipated in the execution
of the asphalt works, and at least one transverse joint equal to the width of the laying

If all the test results prove to be satisfactory this trial section can be incorporated into
the subject contract, otherwise the materials from the trial section shall be removed
from the site. In this case the expenses for the construction and the removal of
materials is born by the Contractor.

After successful construction of the trial section, for all future works, the same
mixing, spreading and compacting plant, the same materials or asphalt mixture and
the same key personnel must be used. Should any changes be made to the above
criteria, a new trial section must be constructed by the Contractor and inspected and
tested by the Engineer.

Complementary trial section requirements are also given in the appropriate Articles
of TSY which specify the various asphalt mixtures.



AE.8.1 Unbound material

AE.8.1.1 Mixing

Mixing of the aggregate materials to obtain the required gradation shall be carried
out in the quarry or in a suitable mixing plant.

Further mixing of the aggregate mix with water to obtain the required optimum
moisture content for compaction shall be carried out with one of the following
methods ensuring homogeneous mixing:

a) Mixing in a central plant, i.e. addition of water in the mixer

b) Mixing on site, i.e. addition of water during laying with motor grader or other
agreed mechanical means.

The method adopted is subject to the approval of the Engineer.

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AE.8.1.2 Hauling

Unbound material shall be transported to the site in clean vehicles and shall be
protected from the weather both during transit and awaiting tipping. In case where
the mixing of water and aggreagates was carried out in a mixer the material shall be
transported to and laid and compacted on site without delay.

AE.8.1.3 Laying

The material shall be placed and spread evenly without delay. The spread shall be
carried out by a paving machine or a spreader box approved by the Engineer or a
motor grader that levels off the material to an even depth.

The unbound layers shall be laid in one or more layers so that the compacted
thickness of each layer shall not exceed 200mm or be less than 100mm.

AE.8.1.4 Compaction

Compaction shall be carried out and be completed immediately after laying and shall
be in accordance with the specification requirements. Special care shall be taken for
the compaction of the areas adjacent to longitudinal or transverse joints so as
compaction is also in accordance to specification requirements.

Compaction shall be carried out with static, or vibrating steel rollers or pneumatic
tyre rollers, with minimum total weight of 8 tons.

The number of required passes of a roller (or a combination of rollers) for adequate
compaction shall be determined on site during the construction of the trial section.
The compaction shall be measured by means of sand replacement method and/or a
nuclear density meter,

AE.8.2 Bituminous materials

AE.8.2.1 Mixing

Mixing of the materials for the production of the hot asphalt mixtures shall be carried
out in central mixing pants and in accordance with the procedures and techniques
described for each mixing plant used.

AE.8.2.2 Hauling

Bituminous materials shall be transported in clean vehicles and shall be covered

over when in transit or awaiting tipping. The use of dust, light vegetable oil, or non
solvent liquid on the interior of the vehicles to facilitate discharge of the mixed
materials is permissible, subject to the approval of the Engineer, but the amount
shall be kept to a minimum. Any excess shall be removed by tipping or brushing.

AE.8.2.3 Paving

The mixed material shall as soon as possible after arrival at the site be supplied
continuously to the paver and laid without delay. The rate of delivery of materials to
the paver shall be so regulated as to enable the paver to be operated continuously
and it shall be so operated whenever practicable.

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The rate of travel of the paver and its method of operation shall be adjusted to
ensure an even and uniform flow of material across the full laying width, freedom
from dragging or tearing of the material and minimum segregation.

The asphalt layers, except friction layer, shall be laid in one or more layers so that
the compacted thickness of each layer shall not exceed 100mm or be less than
40mm. The friction layer shall be laid in one layer so that the compacted thickness is
as required.

AE.8.2.4 Compaction

The compaction shall start as soon as rolling can be effected without causing undue
displacement of the mixed material and shall be completed while this has at least the
minimum rolling temperature. Rolling of the asphalt mixtures shall take place in the
longitudinal direction and parallel to the axis of the road.

No roller shall stand on newly laid material while there is a risk that it will be
deformed thereby and no roller shall change longitudinal direction behind a paver on
uncompacted material.

The breakdown rolling shall be carried out with 8 10 tons smooth-steel rollers
travelling at a speed of under 5 km/h (80m/min), with the drive wheel facing the
paver. The range of temperature to carry out breakdown rolling should be 130-160
°C, depending on the type of asphalt mix. Rolling shall start from the longitudinal
joint and then from the lowest side of the mat progressed towards the high side. he
roller is to overlap on successive passes by at least half the width of the rear roll.

Secondary rolling is to be achieved by means of an 8-12 tons Pneumatic Tyred

Roller (PTR) travelling at a speed of under 12km/hr (200m/min). The overlapping on
successive passes when using a PTR must be at least the nominal width of one tyre.
The temperature of the mat for secondary rolling should be in the range of 120-
140°C, depending on the type of asphalt mix.

Finishing rolling should be undertaken with steel wheel roller using no vibration and
shall be completed when the minimum temperature of the mat is approximately 90
°C, depending on the type of asphalt mix. Rolling should continue until all roller
marks and other surface irregularities are removed and the required degree of
compaction has been achieved. Avoid excessive rolling. The compaction shall be
measured by means of core sampling and/or by a nuclear density meter.

The use of vibrating roller during breakdown and secondary rolling will be decided
upon its effectiveness during the construction of the trial section. The use of
vibrating rollers is not allowed at any stage of rolling open graded asphalt mixtures.

During rolling, prevent the mixture from adhering to the rollers by using a very small
amount of water or other material approved by the Engineer.

If the material fed to the paver is in excess of 200tons/hr, an additional breakdown

roller is to be utilised. The necessity of using an additional roller during the other
stages of compaction will be determined by the Engineer.

For friction layers, compaction requirements shall comply with the specified as given
in the appropriate Article of TSY.

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AE.8.2.5 Paving at bridge joints

When a paver laying asphaltic material approaches an expansion joint at a bridge or

viaduct, the joint shall be suitably protected and the paver shall be taken out of use
as soon as there is a danger of the material being laid fouling the joint. The small
unpaved area adjacent the joint shall be filled with asphalt mix manually.

AE.8.2.6 Hand-raking

Hand-raking of all asphalt mixtures including the friction materials which have been
laid by a paver and the addition of such materials by hand-spreading to the paved
area for adjustment of level will be permitted only in the following circumstances:
i) at the edges of the layers of material and at gullies and manholes.
ii) at the approaches to expansion joints at bridges or viaducts.
iii) where otherwise directed by the Engineer.

Hand laid work shall conform to all the Specification requirements of the Contract.

AE.8.2.7 Joints

Where joints between laying widths or transverse joints have to be made, the
material shall be fully compacted and the joint made flush in one or other of the
following ways:

i) by heating the joint with any approved joint heater at the time when the additional
width is being laid. The heater shall raise the temperature of the full depth of the
course to a figure within the rolling temperature range specified for the material and
for a width not less than 75mm on each side of the joint. In this case, however, the
Contractor shall have available for use in the event of breakdown, equipment
necessary for operating method (iii).

ii) by using two or more pavers operating in echelon where this is practicable and in
sufficient proximity for adjacent widths to be fully compacted by continuous rolling or
by using a multiple-lane-width paver.

iii) by cutting back, with a suitable saw cutter, the exposed joints to a vertical face of
not less than the specified thickness discarding all loosened material and coating the
vertical face completely with bituminous emulsion suitable for the purpose, before
the next width is laid.

All joints shall be offset at least 300mm from parallel joint in the layer beneath.

All joints on the traffic lane are to be arranged so that they are along the proposed
white lines.


This section contains general description and requirements for the equipment for all
works to be provided by the Contractor and shall include but not be limited to that
specified herein.

The machinery and tools utilised in construction involved in all works shall be in good
working condition and the Contractor shall maintain and preserve them for the whole

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duration of the job. The Contractor shall supply adequate quantities of such
machinery in first-class operating condition in order to execute the work with due
speed and precision.

The Engineer shall approve the machinery and tools prior to the commencement of
work. Equipment approved for use shall not be removed from the site without the
approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with the manufacturer’s catalogues,
specifications and other published data for the equipment and machinery he
proposes to use.

The materials shall be mixed by means of an approved type mixer and proven
suitability for producing an asphalt mixture complying with all the requirements of the

The mixing plant may be either automatically or manually controlled but in the latter
case two control operators shall be provided.

The heating system of the tanks storing the binder shall be so designed that the
binder will not be degraded during heating. Suitable means shall be provided for
maintaining the specified temperatures of the binder in the pipelines, weigh buckets,
spray bars and other containers or flowlines.

Satisfactory means shall be provided (dosage system) to obtain the proper amount
of materials in the mix within the tolerances specified, either by weighing or
volumetric measurements.

In the case of a drum mixer, the system shall control the cold feeding of each
aggregate fraction and of the filler by mass, by means of a load cell or another
device regulating the feed automatically, and by immediately correcting any variation
in mass which results from moisture or from any other cause. The cold feed shall be
regulated automatically in regard to the binder feed so as to maintain the required
mix proportion.

Suitable dust collecting equipment shall be fitted to prevent pollution of the

atmosphere in accordance with the requirements of the current law.

The fuel chosen and control of the burner shall be such as to ensure the complete
combustion of the fuel in order to prevent pollution of the atmosphere and the

The asphalt mixture shall be laid by an approved type of self-propelled mechanical

spreader and finisher capable of laying to the required widths, thickness, profile,
camber or cross-fall, without causing segregation, dragging or other surface defects.

All pavers for hot asphalt mixtures shall be self-propelled fitted with automatic
electronic screed controls to maintain the required levels, cambers and cross-falls.
The pavers shall also provide activated heated screeds. Where skids are used they
shall be at least 9m long or as specified by the Engineer. The pavers for
microsurfacing mixture shall be in accordance to the description given in Article AA.

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Compaction shall be done by means of approved flat steelwheel, vibratory or
pneumatic-tyred rollers. The frequency as well as the amplitude of vibratory rollers
shall be adjustable. Vibratory rollers shall be used only where there is no danger or
damage being done to the asphalt or other layers.

The rollers shall be self-propelled and in good working condition, free from backlash,
faulty steering mechanism and worn parts. Rollers shall be equipped with adjustable
scrapers to keep the drums clean and with efficient means of keeping the wheels
wet to prevent mixes from sticking to the rollers.

No leakage of any nature may occur in the rollers.

The mass and/or tyre pressures shall be such so as to ensure proper compaction to
comply with the Specifications of surface finish and density.

The Engineer will have the right to stop the use of any equipment or plant which he
deems to be inferior to the quality required and to instruct the removal of such
equipment and to have it replaced by suitable equipment or to alter the method of
operation at any time. The Contractor shall immediately comply with such

The Contractor shall not be allowed to use any equipment or plant before obtaining
the approval of the Engineer, and the Contractor shall undertake to follow sound
technical methods in operation and to engage skilled and trained operators,
mechanics and labour to carry out the works. The Engineer will have the right to
request the removal of any operators, mechanics or labour and to instruct suitable
replacement thereof at any time he deems such action is necessary.


Unbound materials and bituminous mixtures shall be placed only when the surface is
dry and free of frost and ice and when the prepared roadbed or underlying surface is
in a satisfactory condition. Unbound materials in a frozen condition shall not be
incorporated in the Works.

Laying of the bituminous mixtures shall not be permitted when the placement
temperatures do not comply with the temperature requirements given in Table 3.
Also, bituminous mixtures shall not be laid during rain, fog or dust storms.

Table 3 Temperature limitations for placement of bituminous mixtures(1)

Thickness Minimum air Surface

Paving course temperature temperature
(mm) (oC) (oC)
Upper asphalt mix course
All 10 13
and friction layers
All other asphalt mix Less than
4 7
courses 75mm
All other asphalt mix 75mm or
0 2
courses more
(1) For microsurfacing refer to Article AA.

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Any vehicle or construction plant travel on pavements under construction must not
cause any damage to the subgrade or pavement courses already constructed.

Construction traffic or other traffic in general, is only allowed to travel on a new

asphalt course after complete compaction has been achieved and the surface
temperature of the course is less than 40 oC, or as agreed by the Engineer.

No traffic is allowed on freshly applied prime or tack coat other than asphalt haulage
trucks after the surface is sufficiently dry.

Any damage caused by the traffic during construction shall be rectified by the
Contractor at his own expense.

All wheels moving over completed and approved unbound or asphalt bound surfaces
shall be kept free from detrimental materials.


Where a new pavement construction abuts an existing bituminous layer which has to
be reduced in level or overlaid to match levels and alignment, the existing surface
shall be milled to a depth which will allow the specific thickness to be laid. The edges
of the old pavement shall always be cut to a vertical face with a saw cutter and
treated in compliance with this Article.


All street furniture (manholes, gullies, grates, etc.) shall be adjusted to the finished
road surface level. The cost of the required works shall be incorporated into the
Contractor’s rates for asphalt works.

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