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Present Simple and Continuous 2024

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Our world
— A —
Reading and vocabulary Everyday life

1 SPEAKING Which of these things are most important
to you? Which are least important? Number them
1 (most important) to 7 (least important).
education family : free time friends: happiness
■ health ■ success
W h a t do you love? W h a t do you fear? W h a t ’s in
2 Read the article about a film called Life in a Day. y o u r p o ck et? These are the questions from the film Life
What things are important to people in the film? in a Day. D irector Kevin Macdonald asked people around
the w orld to answer the questions and send in a video
STRATEGY 5 clip from a typical day. H e was interested in creating a

Scan n in g for specific inform ation picture o f the world, a digital time capsule for the future.
O n 24 July 2 0 10, people from Africa, Europe, America,
If you need to find specific information in a text, like
Antarctica and Asia recorded events on their mobile
a name or a number, you do not need to read every
phones and digital cameras and uploaded the results
word. You can quickly scan the text for key words.
io onto YouTube. Altogether there w ere 8 1,000 video clips,
To scan a text:
o r 4,500 hours o f footage. It to o k Macdonald and a team
decide what information you want to find: a number,
o f researchers seven weeks to make them into a film.
a date, a time, a name.
move your eyes quickly down the page until you find The film starts at midnight.The m oon is high in the sky,
the information. elephants are bathing in a river in Africa and a baby is
■ do not read whole sentences until you have found is sleeping. A t th e same time, in other parts o f the world,
your answer people are getting up, brushing their teeth and making
breakfast. In the next minutes o f the film, which is one and
3 Read the strategy. Scan the article to complete a half hours long, w e watch everyday routines from more
sentences 1-7. You will find the information in than 140 different countries and see the connections
paragraphs 1 and 2. 20 between them. In one scene an American girl is playing
1 The film is by a director called with her hula hoop, in another a child is working as a
2 People recorded their day on shoeshine in Peru. O n e looks privileged, the other is poor;
July 2010. but then the shoeshine boy shows us his favourite thing -
3 They sent in ............................................. video clips. his laptop. He's very proud o f it because he earned the
4 There w ere..................................... hours of footage. 25 money to pay for it.
5 It took...................................weeks to make the film.
'W e all care about the same things,' says the director and
6 I he film is minutes long.
in some ways he’s right. Family and friends are the things
7 There a re .................................. countries in the film.
most people love and many o f them are keen on sports,
like football. But then one man says he loves his cat and
4 Read the article. Are the sentences true (T), false (F)
3o another loves his fridge because it doesn’t talk back!
or not given (NG)? Correct the false ones.
Monsters, dogs and death are the things most people fear
1 People recorded short video clips of a special day.
O n e young girl is anxious about growing up and a man
2 The film begins at the start of a new day.
3 People in the film have friends in other countries. in Antarctica says,Tm afraid o f losing this place/ But when

4 I he director thinks we worry about different things. asked,'W h a t’s in your pocket?', the answers are surprising.

5 People in the film don't have typical things in their 35 W e don't see an ID card, a shopping list, o r a bus ticket.

pockets. Instead, one person has a gun, then another shows us

6 I he man with em pty pockets feels ashamed because car keys for his Lamborghini. A po orer man says he has
he hasn't got any money. nothing. He's not ashamed o f his poverty because he
7 The young woman is happy with her life. adds,'But w e are alive.’
8 Most people want to be rich and famous. 40 The film ends just before midnight, with a young woman
in her car It's raining outside and she's fed up with her
life. She was excited about Life in a Day, but her day was
to o boring to film. 'I just w ant people to know that I’m
here,’ she says.‘W h a t she really wants is to be different, to
45 matter;’ says Macdonald. In Life in a Day, that's w hat most
people want.

4 O u r w orld

1 B ■ G ram m ar and listening Around th e w orld


Eighteen-year-old Peter H anson is w orking for V olunteer Africa
for a m onth. He's building a n ew sch o o l in a village in Tanzania
with four other volu n teers. 'At th e m om ent, w e're talking to
him about the project.

W hat do you th in k o f T anzania? 5Are you w orking on

It's a n in terestin g place! 2I like it h e re b e c a u se p e o p le are th e school today?
friendly, b u t it’s very different from hom e. The village W ell, I'm n o t w o rk in g right
d o e s n ’t have electricity o r ru n n in g w ater, so w e cook n o w b e c a u s e it’s o n e o’clock.
over a fire a n d carry w a te r fro m a river. Life is h ard . This a fte rn o o n I’m lea rn in g
3W hat do you do every day?
I get up at 7.00 a.m . b e c au se l alw ays start w ork early. It’s W hat a re you d o in g th is w eek?
a difficult job, especially w h e n it’s hot, a n d 4it’s very hot 6W e’re p a in tin g a c la ssro o m on T hursday, b u t we
in th e sum m er. W e often finish at 12.30 p.m . a n d w e d o n ’t a r e n ’t w orking this F riday b e c a u s e th e sch o o l is
usually w ork in th e afternoons. However, l som etim es o p e n in g . W e’re o rg an izin g a p a rty a n d w e ’re very
teach English to th e children in th e village, o r w e play a excited a b o u t it!
gam e of football in th e evening. I'm never bored.

1 SPEAKING Look at the photos and the map. Where is Tanzania? What are the people doing?

2 Read the profile from a magazine. How does Peter describe these things?
life in the village the work the weather the people

Present sim ple an d present continuous

3 Read the profile again. Match sentences 1-6 in the profile to rules a-f.
We use the present simple:
a to talk about routines or habits, especially with adverbs of frequency such as always, often, etc.
and time expressions such as everyday.
b to talk about facts and general truths.
c with verbs that describe states: believe, hate, know, like, love, need, prefer, understand, want.

We use the present continuous:

d to talk about actions that are happening now.
e to talk about actions that are happening around now.
f to talk about planned future arrangements.

Reference and practice 1.1 Workbook page 104

6 O u r w orld

Make questions. Then work in pairs and answer the

Peter / build / a school on his own?
2 he /always /w o rk /in the mornings?

Every year thousands of young people 3 w h a t/ h e / d o / a t the moment?

4 the children / sometimes / learn English /
1 [take] time out from their
in the afternoons?
work or studies and travel abroad. Some of them
5 Peter / paint classrooms / every day?
2 (not stay] in hotels and they
6 w h a t/ P e te r/ d o / th is Friday?
3 (not lie) on the beach and
sunbathe. Instead, they 4 [help)
5 Complete the text about voluntourism with the
people in developing countries with local projects.
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
This new way of travel is called ‘voluntourism’.

According to a recent travel survey, 2 5 % of 6 1.01 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at photos
young people are interested in voluntourism. 1 and 2. What are the people doing? What type of
Organizations like BUNAC and Raleigh International
projects are they working on? Listen to the podcasts
and check your answers.
5 [match] people to
projects around the world. These organizations
7 1.01 Listen again and complete the information
6 (make) a big difference in
about Josep and Rosie in the table.
countries where children 7 (not go)
to school, or people 8 (not have) Josep Rosie My project
access to medical facilities. Volunteers often Name of Sea Turtle
9 (build) new schools and project
medical centres in Africa and Asia. Location dosta R-ica
South America is a very popular destination, too, Number of seven
and right now hundreds of volunteers people
10...................................(work] there. Eighteen-year- Duration one month
old Maria Black is a volunteer from the UK. At the to.oo p.m. -
moment, she 11 (teach) hours i.oo a.m.
English in Chile. ‘At the end of this week I
Difficulties no clean water
12...................................[fly] home, but more
Benefits learning a new
volunteers 13 (arrive) tomorrow.
It’s a great experience, so I
(want) Current collecting
activity rubbish
to volunteer again next
summer. You see the
8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the advert. Then
world, learn about
read the instructions.
different cultures and
help people, too.’ Student A
Imagine you are a volunteer on one of the projects
below. Complete the table in exercise 7 for your project,
then phone your friend. Ask them to join you.
Student B
Your friend is on a volunteer project and wants you to join
them. You need to know more about the project before
you decide. Use the ideas in exercise 7 to help you.

Volunteers wanted!
• Health First: Build a medical centre in India.
• Monkey Business: Protect orang-utans in Borneo.
• One World: Teach children English in Tibet.
Want to help? Call: 01614960735

O u r w o rld 7

Grammar reference and practice 1

1.1 Present sim ple and present 1 Choose the correct words.

continuous 1 Carol g o / g o e s to school by train.

2 M y father often flies / fly to Italy for his work.
Present simple 3 Helen washes / wash her hair every day.
4 Our friends don't lives / live very far from here.
A ffir m a tiv e a n d n e g a tiv e
5 Does / Do Paul have a big family?
1 6 M y sister don't / doesn't finish school at 4 p.m.
We live
You don't (= do not) live 2 P ut th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m a ke sentences.
They in a city. 1 don't / 1/ have breakfast / usually /.
She 2 your brother / a new car / every year / buy / does / ?
doesn't (= does not) live
3 never / before eleven o'clock / we / go to bed /.
Q u e s tio n s a n d s h o r t a n sw e rs

4 is/o fte n / P a u la /la te for class/.

we Yes, 1do.
you No, 1don't. 5 we / at home / sometimes / have our lunch /.
they live in a city?
he 6 always / Simon's parents / in the evening / watch TV /.
Yes, he does.
Does she
No, he doesn't.
it 7 have / in the afternoon / rarely / lessons / they /.

Sp ellin g rules: third person sing ular 8 c in e m a / y o u / g o / d o / t h e / to / o fte n / ?

Most verbs: add -s
Verbs ending in -s, -s/i, -ch, -o, -x: add -es
Present continuous
Verbs ending in consonant + -y: change -y to -ies
A ffirm a tiv e a n d n e g a tiv e
'm (= am)
W e use the present simple to talk about:
'm not (= am not)
habits and everyday routines, normally with adverbs
of frequency such as always, usually, often, sometimes, He
's (= is)
rarely and never. W e can also use time expressions such She
isn’t (= is not) playing tennis.
as every evening / Monday / winter or in the morning / It
evening, etc. We
're (= are)
I sometimes get up late on Sunday. You
aren't (= are not)
Diana travels to Latin America every summer. They
Note that adverbs of frequency go immediately
Q u e s tio n s a n d s h o rt answ ers
before the main verb, but after the verb be. Longer
time expressions usually go at the end of the sentence. Yes, 1am.
Am 1
Do you always do your homework before dinner? No, I’m not.
The school is never open on Sunday. he
Yes, he is.
The school usually closes in the afternoon. Is she
playing tennis? No, he isn't.
■ facts and general truths. it
Annika and E lly come fro m the Netherlands.
December isn't a warm month in Europe. Yes, w e are.
Are you
states. Some verbs that describe states are believe, hate, No, we aren't.
know, like, love, need, prefer, understand, want.
Erdem knows the names o f all countries in Africa.
S p e llin g rules: -ing form
Do you want to work on one o f o u r projects?
Most verbs: add -ing
Verbs ending in -e: remove -e and add -ing
Verbs ending -ie: change -ie to -ying
Short verbs ending consonant + vowel + consonant:
double the final consonant and add -ing

104 G ram m ar reference and practice 1

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