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Lif Vis Pol Intp Unit 1a

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Life Vision Poland Intermediate plus Unit Test 1 A

A Grammar: Present tenses

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1 I (have) classes until 3 p.m. on Thursdays, so let’s meet at 3.30 p.m.
2 Emily is on holiday and (not / stay) at home this week.
3 Ajay (always / talk) talk about his travels. I can't stand it.
4 (you / work) on any exciting projects at the moment?
5 Learning a foreign language (help) people understand a different culture.
6 My train usually (leave) at 9 a.m., but today it left at 9.15 a.m.

B Grammar: Perfect tenses

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

An Unusual Cafe
I1 (graduate) from university two years ago. I 2 (work) at another
company when I3 (have) the idea to open a cafe that also sells plants. So I did it! By
the time I opened the cafe, I 4 (complete) a coffee-making course. Running a
business was a new experience for me, but it’s been a success.
The cafe 5 (win) three awards so far. Lately, I 6 (learn) how to grow
plants that I can use in the kitchen.


C Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences. There are two options
you do not need to use.

film studio costumes actor plot script lines location part

1 Richard Freyman played the of a boy who goes on an adventure.

2 The film has so many characters that it's impossible to follow the .
3 Sam visited many places in Argentina when choosing a for the new film.
4 The oldest in the world is in Ealing, London. It was built in 1902.
5 Before starting a fashion label, she designed for films.
6 I think she made the dialogue in the sound natural.

D Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.
1 I like novels because they make you guess who committed the crime.
A ☐ mystery B ☐ romantic C ☐ blog

2 My dad reads to find out what’s happening in the world right now.
A ☐ newspapers B ☐ thrillers C ☐ diaries

3 I prefer reading because I like learning about real people and events.
A ☐ poetry B ☐ non-fiction C ☐ short stories

Life Vision Poland Intermediate plus • Unit Test 1 A 1

4 Jack wrote a novel about two friends who fall in love.
A ☐ mystery B ☐ romantic C ☐ science fiction

5 It’s a book of . Each one can be read in 20 minutes.

A ☐ publishers B ☐ novels C ☐ short stories

6 Anjali loves because she likes stories with lots of pictures.

A ☐ comics B ☐ diaries C ☐ journals


E Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Match the nouns with their definitions. There are two extra definitions that you do not need
to use.
1 storage A a program for a computer
2 software B the activity of writing instructions for
3 backup computers
4 sound effect C the activity of filming drawings or
5 animation models so that they seem to move
6 smartphone D the ability to use a computer well
E the activity of keeping information on a
F a copy of the documents on your
computer, in case something happens
to the original documents
G a mobile phone that can do some of
the things that a computer can do
H a noise that is made specially for a
movie or video to make it seem more

Life Vision Poland Intermediate plus • Unit Test 1 A 2

F Reading: Recognizing topic sentences
Six sentences are missing from this text. Choose the correct sentence for each gap. There are
two sentences which you do not need to use.

Past reviews New movies FAQ Contact

New movie review

By Priya Mansour
Castle Walls, which was released last month and is in cinemas now, is a historical drama by the
well-known director George Winters. It tells the story of a prince whose efforts to win political
power have serious consequences for his personal relationships. In the end, he is forced to choose
between his family and his ambitions.
The language that the characters use is not an accurate reflection of how people actually
spoke at that time, which is probably a good thing for modern cinema audiences but may annoy
some history fans! Personally, I think this was a good decision by the writers and the director
because it helps us to understand how the characters are thinking and feeling.
It even includes one or two jokes, which work well judging by the reaction of the audience
when I saw the movie. The dialogue is always natural and convincing. Near the end, the prince
gives a long and moving speech which deals with some of the main themes of the drama and is
the real highlight of the movie.
The visual effects are not very impressive by today’s standards, and even the costumes look
slightly home-made. Sometimes it’s more like watching a stage play than a movie, but this is not
necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, a lack of money forces a director to be more creative, and I
think this was the case for this movie.
This was certainly a financial risk, as audiences are more likely to go and see movies that
include at least one big name. However, in my opinion, it was a great decision as both actors –
Richard Henderson and Linda Moss – are fantastic. Neither of them was famous before this
movie, but I am sure that they will be in the future.
The actor playing the king did not seem old enough for the part, and the grandfather was
difficult to understand at times. Fortunately, these two characters were only on screen for short
The story is exciting, the characters are true to life and the themes are interesting. It certainly
made me glad to be alive now rather than in the 1500s!

A Although the performances were generally good, one or two were disappointing.
B The script is well written and has some very exciting moments.
C At times, however, the music sounds too modern for this type of movie.
D The movie is set in the 1500s, on the border between England and Scotland.
E Surprisingly, Winters chose to offer the two main parts to new actors.
F As a result, the second half of the movie is less interesting than the first.
G Many things in the movie make it worth seeing, especially if you
enjoy historical dramas.
H There were some financial problems during the making of Castle Walls, and this
shows at times.

G Listening: Identifying who said what

Listen to three friends discussing which film to watch. Choose the correct answer for
each question.
1 Who has already seen Danny and the Big Band?
A ☐ Anna B ☐ Ben C ☐ Jakub

2 Who doesn’t like romantic comedies?

A ☐ Anna B ☐ Ben C ☐ Jakub

Life Vision Poland Intermediate plus • Unit Test 1 A 3

3 Who’s looking for information on The Journey of the Elephants?
A ☐ Anna B ☐ Ben C ☐ Jakub

4 Who finds some bad reviews of one of the films online?

A ☐ Anna B ☐ Ben C ☐ Jakub

5 Who doesn’t like mysteries?

A ☐ Anna B ☐ Ben C ☐ Jakub

6 Who has plans to watch one of the films with relatives?

A ☐ Anna B ☐ Ben C ☐ Jakub


H Speaking: Maintaining a conversation

Six phrases are missing from this text. Choose the correct phrase for each gap. There are two
extra phrases which you do not need to use.
Ed I think that going to the cinema is an old-fashioned activity. Nobody does it any more!
Molly 1 a moment. That’s not true! I went to the cinema last week.
Ed Yes, but in general, watching movies at home is much more popular. 2 , I think cinemas will probably
disappear in the next 20 years.
Ajay 3 I agree. I think people will always enjoy going to the cinema. It’s more sociable.
Ed But it can be very expensive. 4 , cinema tickets cost about £12. You can watch movies at home for a
whole month for that price!
Ajay 5 on that. I think £12 is a good price for a night out.
Molly 6 on that, Ajay. I think it’s cheaper than a lot of other activities.

A I’m with you

B Hang on
C I’m not sure
D When you think
E All things considered
F I’d take a different view
G In my experience
H I’d go for

I Writing: Making writing more interesting

Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.
1 The ending was so that it made me cry.
A ☐ aggressive B ☐ moving C ☐ confusing

2 I felt lost at times because the plot was a bit .

A ☐ confusing B ☐ clever C ☐ enjoyable

3 Definitely one of the most books I’ve read. I just couldn’t put it down!
A ☐ friendly B ☐ aggressive C ☐ enjoyable

4 Be ready for a very ending. I didn’t expect it at all!

A ☐ friendly B ☐ surprising C ☐ successful

5 With millions of copies sold, it’s her most book yet.

A ☐ confusing B ☐ surprising C ☐ successful

Life Vision Poland Intermediate plus • Unit Test 1 A 4

6 The main character is so that she solves the mystery on her own.
A ☐ clever B ☐ aggressive C ☐ moving


Life Vision Poland Intermediate plus • Unit Test 1 A 5


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