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Think 2 - Unit 3

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f u n c t io n s : comparing things and

actions; asking for and offering help
gram m ar: comparative and
superlative adjectives (review);
(not) as ... as; making a comparison
stronger or weaker; adverbs

E N T E R T A IN M E N T v o c a bu la r y: types o f films; types

of T V programmes; expressions
with get

R E A D IN G Look at the pictures and the title of the article

on the next page. W h at do you think the article
1 Match the words and pictures. W rite 1-6 in is about?
the boxes.
1 the high price of horror films
1 a video game 2 a concert 3 a film
2 the salaries of famous film actors
4 a play | 5 a sports event 6 a T V programme
3 a film that was made very cheaply
2 Е2 Н Я П И W hich of these kinds of
entertainment do you like? Tell your partner. El. И>ЙЬ>1Ё Read and listen to the article and check
your ideas.
3 Е2 Н ЗШ Э W ork in small groups. Talk about the
things in Exercise 1. Say why people like or don't Read the article again. Find:
like them. Use the words in the list to help you. 1 two examples of very expensive films.
relaxing interesting fun expensive 2 two reasons why it is possible to say that Monsters
crowds friends enjoyable was successful.
3 four reasons why Monsters wasn't expensive to make.
I think people enjoy watching 4 the amount of time Gareth Edwards worked on the
a film because it is relaxing. film after filming.

\ □ □

E - IP lx J

o n a s m a ll b u d g e t
Do you n eed m illions of which is cheaper than the usual
d o lla rs to m ak e a m ovie? No. 35mm film. (The film equipment
Do you need millions of dollars cost only $15,000 altogether.)
to make a successful movie? Most There is also the fact that they
people would answer ‘Yes' to that used real locations, not a studio.
question. But would they be right? And the cast of the film were
Edwards himself and two friends
We’re used to hearing about really of his —all the extras in the film
expensive Hollywood films. The were people who were just there,
1997 Oscar-winner Titanic cost and they weren’t paid. that the final film looks nearly
$200 million to make, and more
as professional as big, fancy
recently, Spider Man 3, one of the Most importantly. Edwards did
Hollywood productions.
most successful films of 2007, had a most of the production work
budget of more than $250 million. himself. He spent eight months Not everybody liked Monsters,
editing Monsters and then five of course. One person said: ‘That’s
To be successful, however, a film months creating the special effects. 90 minutes of my life that I’ll never
doesn’t need to be as expensive as And he did it all at home on his get back.’ But overall, it was very
the big Hollywood blockbusters. computer, using non-professional well received. And at least it wasn’t
An example of this is the 2010 software. The amazing thing is expensive to make.
movie Monsters, which cost less
than half a million dollars to make.
Monsters is set in Mexico and is the
story of two people trying to escape
from aliens and get back to the
USA. The film won several awards Spending wisely
and got very good reviews from
1 Read the sentences. How much do you agree with each one?
many film critics —for example, the
Write a number: 1 (I agree) or 2 (I'm not sure) or 3 (I don't agree).
website Moviefone put Monsters at
number 3 in its list of the best sci-fi 1 If something is expensive, you can be sure it’s really good.
films for 2010. 2 Expensive things are usually not worth the money.
How did 3 You can find really good things that don't cost a lot of money.
they make
4 It doesn't matter how much something costs.
the film so
cheaply? 5 It's crazy to like something just because it is expensive.
First of all.
it only took 2 Compare your ideas in the class.
three weeks
I do f t agree with number one. Some expensive things aren't good.
to film, and
the film crew was just seven people
bo you think so? I agree with it. Ifyou buy
in a van. Secondly, the man who
made the film, Gareth Edwards, cheap things, they’re usually not good.
decided to film it with digital video,

GRAM M AR 3 Complete each sentence with ideas of your own.

Comparative and superlative 1 Football isn’t as exciting as skiing .

adjectives (review) 2 Football is more exciting than g o l f _____ .

3 Potatoes are healthier than__________.
1 Complete these sentences about the article
4 Potatoes aren't as healthy as _ _ _ _ _ .
on page 31 with the correct form of the words
5 English is easier than__________.
in the list. Then complete the rules.
6 English isn’t as easy as__________.
good cheap boring expensive
7 Watching T V isn't as good as__________.
1 They used digital video because it’s 8 Watching T V is better than__________.
than 35mm film.
2 Moviefone thought Monsters was one of the 4 Complete the second sentence so it has the same
films of the year. meaning as the first. Use the word in brackets.
3 Most Hollywood films are __________than 0 Ben’s sister is younger than him. (old)
Monsters. Ben's sister isn't a s old a s him.
4 One person thought Monsters was the
1 Travelling by train is faster than travelling by bus. (slow)
film ever.
Travelling by train_____________ travelling by bus.
(not) as ... as comparatives 2 Tom is 1.65. Sue is 1.65, too. (tall)
Tom ____________________ Sue.
2 Look at the examples of (not) a s ... as to
3 Dogs are noisier than cats, (quiet)
compare things. Answer the questions. Then
complete the rule. Dogs __________________ _ cats.
4 This mobile phone costs €225. And the bicycle costs
Extras aren't as expensive as actors.
€225, too. (expensive)
Monsters looks as professional as Hollywood films.
The mobile phone_______________ the bicycle.
1 W h o are more expensive: extras or actors? 5 Jo thinks geography is easier than history, (difficult)
2 Do Hollywood films look more professional than Jo thinks geography_______ history.
6 M y room is tidier than yours, (untidy)
M y room _____________ ______ yours.
R U L E : W hen we want to say that two things
are (not) the same, we can use (not) ______ +
adjective +_______ P ro n u n c ia tio n
Words ending in /э/
Go to page 120.

VO CABULARY Can you think of an example of

Types of films l',W U !.I.U U ,n fr each kind of film? Are there any films which
are more than one kind?
1 Write the types of films in the list under the pictures.
action film animated film documentary Madagascar is an animated
comedy horror film romantic comedy (rom com) and it’s a
science fiction (sci-fi) thriller

5 ------- 6 _____________ 7 ______ 8

1 c 1 ^ 1 Listen to Part 1 of an interview. W h y is Making a comparison stronger
Sandra Allen a guest on the radio show? or weaker
1 She won a prize for acting.
1 Read the sentences. Circled the phrase that
2 She won a prize for making a film. has a different meaning from the other two.
3 She made a film and hopes to win a prize. Then complete the rules.

2 IL 1)1 Listen to Part 2 of the interview. 0 I think independent movies are a lot / much /
Choose the correct answers. (o'little) more interesting.
1 I had to make it о little I a lot I a bit shorter.
1 She chose one of the actors for her film because
2 The final script was a little / much / far better than
A he wanted to act at school.
the first version.
В he had useful things for making the film.
C he was in th e fo o tb all team . R U L E : U se __________/ __________ I far to make a
comparative stronger.
2 W hen she wrote the script for the film, Sandra
A tried to make it shorter. Use a bit I __________to make a comparative
В included a lot of different people and places.
C asked a frie n d to im p ro ve it.
2 Rewrite these sentences using the words in
3 Sandra says that the most important thing for
making a film is
A having special e q u ip m e n t. 0 Snakes are more dangerous than bears, (a lot)

В seeing th e final film in y o u r head. S n akes are a lot more, dangerous than bears.
C e d itin g th e film to m ake it shorter. 1 M y brother is taller than me. (a bit)
2 M y new phone's better than the old one. (far)
3 zm Listen to Part 3, in which Sandra says
3 Her nails are longer than yours, (a little)
what her film is about. Complete the text.
4 The film's more exciting than the book, (much)
It starts in a school classroom - 1used my school of
course, and 1__________sitting around. And the two 3 W rite sentences comparing these things.
actors are sitting talking 2_______ __and they start
Use m uch/far/ a lot, or a bit/ a little.
saying how everything is really boring, you know? 1 watching T V / reading a book (interesting / easy)
And another guy is watching them and 3__________, I think watching T V is a lot more interesting
and th en he gets u p an d w alks d o w n a c o rrid o r into than reading a book — a n d i t ’s fa r easier, too.
4 _______. And in there, we see him pull a big, black 2 a mobile phone / an MP4 player (useful / expensive)
handle - and everything goes into5__________! And
3 gorillas / snakes (dangerous / beautiful)
everyone at the school is surprised and 6__________
4 English / A rt (difficult / interesting)
but they don't know what's happened. So the film is
5 my country / USA (big / beautiful)
about how everyone really, really wants to get the
colour7__________. In the end, everything does go
8....._______. And the couple in the film are in the same
place, but now they see it 9

The film of my life
1 W rite some ideas for a film script based on your life.
Think about these things as you write.

1 How old are you at the beginning of the film?

2 Which other people will be in the film with you?
3 W hat will be the funniest scene in the film?
4 How will you end the film?

2 SPEAKING W ork in pairs. Talk about your films.

1 Read the T V listings. Write the type of programme on each channel.

I. CH A N N EL 1 CH A N N EL 2 CH A N N EL 3 CH A N N EL 4 CH A N N EL 5

8.00 pm 8.00 pm 8.00 pm 8.00 pm 8.00 pm

Down Double Your 19th-century The News The Jordan
Our Street Money House Baker Show
Y our favourite s o a p J a s o n O a t e s is t h e h o s t O u r reality s h o w A ll t h e n e w s a n d s p o r t Jo rd an B aker presen ts
c o n tin u e s w ith J im of the p opular g a m e c o n tin u e s , n o w w ith fro m a ro u n d th e w orld. h er co m p letely n e w
a n d A m a n d a having sh o w w h ere the only e ig h t of th e tw elv e W ith M ic h a e l W e b ste r. c h a t sh o w . S h e talk s
a n a rg u m e n t, w h ile c o n te s ta n ts c a n w in c o n t e s t a n t s , a ll liv in g in to g r e a t cele b rity
A l e x s t i l l c a n ’t f i n d a j o b . £ 1 0 ,0 0 0 - a n d th en a h o u se from 2 0 0 y ears g u e sts an d a sk s th em
Tom has asked Joanna d o u b l e it! T h e r e a r e a g o . It i s n ’t e a s y l i v i n g th e q u e stio n s th at
t o m a r r y h i m b u t s h e ’s q u e s t i o n s o n all k i n d s w ith n o electricity, n o e v e r y o n e w a n ts to
got s o m e d oubts, an d of to p ics to te st h eatin g a n d n o 2 1 st- k n o w t h e a n s w e r s to.
th e n h e r friend T racey e v e r y o n e ’s g e n e r a l ce n tu ry tech n o lo g y a t T onight, ath le tic s sta r
tells h e r a f e w th in g s k n o w le d g e . W h ich of all. A n d it's e v e n m o r e S ally M a lo n e .
ab o u t Tom that sh e t o n i g h t ’s p l a y e r s w i l l d ifficu lt w ith c a m e r a s
d id n 't k n o w ! g e t th e c h a n c e to o n you 2 4 h o u rs a day.
d o u b le th eir m o n e y ? ( D o n ’t f o r g e t t o h a v e
y o u r p h o n e r e a d y to
v o te .)
1 opera
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I

2 Read the programme descriptions again. Answer Work in groups. Choose one of
the questions. the programmes to watch tonight. Tell the
others why you chose it.
1 Which two programmes have contestants?
2 Which three programmes have presenters?
I' m going to watch bauble Your Money
3 Which programme has actors in it?
because I really like quiz shows. You can learn
4 Which programme asks viewers to participate?3
things, and it's fun to watch the contestants —
3 Шик Read these tweets. Match the tweets with especially when they get the answers wrong!
the programmes.

Adam Windsor @adamgwindsor *'’ Adverbs and comparative adverbs
They were really bad this week. I answered aH
me questions easily. I did better than them! All Look at the sentences from the T V listings.
that money and nobody won it! Complete them with the words in the list.
popular easy easily carefully
Jennv Kool @kooljenny 1 It isn’t ___ ______living without electricity.
Ия ha She needs to think carefully before she
2 I answered the questions_________ .
says yes More carefully than her sister before
¥ S e got mamed. Reckon she should say Hoi tot 3 She needs to think_________ .
4 He’s the host of a _________ game show.

Paul @earlybird2015
Can't understand what Gavin says when
he speaks. He should speak more clearly-
W Going to vote him oft. Hope Jackie wins lot

2 Circle the adverbs in the previous exercise. Then VO C ABULARY

complete the rules with adjective and adverb.
Types of T V programmes
1 Look at the different types of T V programmes.
Can you think of an example for each one?
• Use a n ___________ to talk about a noun:
He’s a s lo w ru n n e r .
• Use a n ___________ to talk about a verb:
He r u n s slo w ly.
W e usually form a n __________by adding -ly
(or -ily) to the , but some adverbs are
irregular: fast ->fast, g o o d -» well. chat show new s

3 W rite the adverbs.

quick 4 good
careful __________ 5 bad
drama series cartoon
clever __________ 6 easy
clear 7 fast

4 Look at the examples of comparative adverbs

from the tweets on page 34. Then complete
the rules. g am e show reality show
1 She should think more carefully than her sister did.
2 He should speak more clearly.
3 I answered the questions better than them.

To form the comparative of most regular sitcom

adverbs, add the w o rd _________ before the
If an adverb has one syllable, make the
comparative by adding -er: soon -» sooner, шШштт
hard ->harder, fast -» faster. U 'd N L L A
sports program m e talent show
• There are some irregular comparative adverbs:
badly -4 worse, well ->better.
• Notice that the comparative o f early is written earlier. 2 S P E A K IN G W ork in pairs. Ask and answer the

1 W hat kind(s) of programmes do you really like?

5 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative
2 W hat kind(s) of programmes do you really NO T like?
adverb forms of the words in brackets.
3 W hat programme on T V now do you always
0 Sue runs fa s te r (fast) than me. watch? W hy?
1 Graham writes__________(clear) than me. 4 W hat programme on T V now do you never watch?
2 You need to do your homework__________ W hy?
(careful) if you want to get good marks. 5 How do you watch T V programmes - on TV, on
3 Sorry, I don’t understand. Can you speak your phone, on a tablet...?
__ (slow), please?
4 The party starts at ten o'clock, but you can come
(early) if you want to. W R IT IN G
5 I only got 22% in the test, but you did even
A paragraph
(bad) than me!
6 Sandra always works__________(hard) than the W rite a paragraph about your T V habits.
other kids. • Use your answers to the questions in Vocabulary
7 Martina speaks English______ ___ (good) than I do. Exercise 2 to help you.
• Try to use grammar and vocabulary from the unit
(comparative adjectives, words for T V programmes, etc.)
P H O T O S T O R Y : episode 2
Look at the photos and answer the questions.
W h y d o e s M e g a n w a n t to b e an extra in th e film ?
W h y is M e g a n u n h a p p y in th e last p h o to ?

E x tra * L aiHMti Now read and listen to the photostory.

Check your answers.

LUKE Don’t get too excited, Megan. You’re not going

LUKE Guys, guys! Guess what! to meet him. Or even see him, probably.
OLIVIA They’re going to make a film here. RYAN Don’t be so sure, Luke. The thing is, they want
LUKE Oh. Right. You've heard then? extras for the film.
RYAN We have. They're going to do some filming LUKE Extras?
in the park. For a new sci-fi movie. And MEGAN You know - the people who stand around
Megan's really excited. and do things but don't say anything.
MEGAN I really am. Gregory Harris is in the film. LUKE Oh, come on, Megan. Everybody knows what
He’s so cool. In fact, I think he’s my favourite extras are.
actor of all time!

MEGAN Oh, sorry. Anyway, they’re going to

choose people to be extras today. One o’clock
at the Sports Centre in town. I’m definitely OLIVIA Have a look at this, guys. The time was
going. Imagine - me, in a film with Gregory eleven o’clock, not one o’clock.
Harris! MEGAN Oh, no! I read it wrong. I saw eleven
OLIVIA Ryan’s going, and so am I. How about you, and thought it was one! Oh, how could I be
Luke? so stupid?
LUKE OK, why not? One o’clock at the Sports LUKE Looks like you're not going to meet
Centre? Let’s all meet there then. Gregory Harris after all, Megan.
MEGAN Oh, leave me alone, Luke!


3 W o rk in pairs. Discuss w hat happens next in the 2 Use a phrase from the list to com plete each
story. W rite dow n your ideas. sentence.

W e th in k Ryan g o e s to s e e th e film d ir e c to r to try get home got bored got there

get a drink get angry got better
to help M egan .
1 The film was terrible - after 20 minutes,
4 Ш Л И W atch to find out how the story I __________and fell asleep.
continues. 2 I was really late for school-when I __________
it was already ten o'clock!
M ark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
3 There's still a long way to go. W e won't
1 Tony Gorman is from Britain. ___ before midnight, I think.
2 He is the director of the film .___ 4 He was ill for about a week, but then he
3 He buys a coffee for Megan. ___ , I’m happy to say.
4 Megan listens to Tony's phone call. ___ 5 It was just a joke. Please don't__________with
5 Megan recognises the second man who comes into me!
the coffee s h o p .___ 6 If you want, we can__________in that cafe in
6 She comes back to the park with an autographed the town centre.
photo of Gregory H arris.___
3 M atch the questions and answers.

PHRASES FOR FLUENCY 1 Let's go and get a drink. □

2 W hen do you get angry with people? □
1 Find the expressions 1-6 in the story. W h o says
3 Do you ever get bored watching T V ? □
them ? H ow do you say them in your language?

1 Guess what? 4 Have a look [at this] l

W hat time do you get to school?
Do you ever get a cold?

2 In fact,... 5 Looks like...
a W hen they say things I don’t like,
3 Come on, ... 6 ...after all.
b Usually about eight o'clock,
2 Com plete the conversation. Use the expressions c OK. The shop over there sells water,
in Exercise 1. d Sometimes - in winter, usually,

JIM Hi guys.1__________? I’m in the football team! e Only when it’s a programme I don't like.
M IK E You're joking!
4 N ow w rite your answers to questions 2-5
JIM No, I'm not.2__________at this. It's the team list.
M IK E But you're not a good player, Jim .3__________,
you're terrible!
A LIC E O h,4__________, Mike! He’s not so bad.
SUSIE That's right. And the school has picked him to
play, so 5__________you’re wrong, Mike.
M IK E Well, I guess so. Asking for and offering help
JIM Yes. I’m good enough for the school team
1 Look at tw o sentences from the video. W h ic h one
6 i
is asking for help? W h ich one is offering help?

1 Can I help you?

2 Could you help me with something?
W o r d W is e
Expressions with get 2 N ow look at these sentences. A re they asking or

Look at the sentences from the unit so far. offering help?

Choose the correct meaning of get in each one. 1 Can you lend me a hand?

1 They're trying to get back to the USA. 2 Do you need any help?

2 Can I get you another drink? 3 Have you got a few minutes?

3 W h o will get the chance to double their money? 4 Is everything OK?

4 Don’t get too excited, Megan.

W o rk in pairs. Use the questions in
a become c go, arrive Exercises 1 and 2 to act out conversations in a
b receive d bring, buy shop, at home, at school and other places.

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