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The San People

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- They are called BUSHMEN by the Boers.

- The Xhosa call them the Abutwa.
- Shona people call them Masiri/Mandiwonerepi.
- The San people were given all these names because they are short and they also disappeared in
- Today they are found in the Kalahari desert in Botswana (Zimbabwe’s neighbor to the west).

San settlement

- San people lived in doom-shaped huts.

- They also stayed in caves.
- Their groups ranged from 50 people and below.
- They survived through hunting and gathering thus they were called hunter and gatherers.

San social life

- Stayed in groups of between 50 people and below.

- When the group grew to exceed 50 people they would split into two groups.
- San are the ancestors of people who today reside in Southern and Central Africa.
- They used Ostrich egg shells to fetch water and used fire sticks to make fire.
- The community was headed by the community chiefs.
- The wife of the chief supervised the tribal fire and never allowed it to die out.

San economic life

- They practiced hunting and gathering.

- They devised many hunting methods like traps e.g. fish traps/fish baskets made of reeds for
catching fish and animal traps e.g. net traps and pit traps for trapping animals.
- They used poisoned arrows and spear to kill the animal quickly.
- They also used bows and arrows and throwing spears.
- Poison was extracted from roots, barks of trees and from poisonous snakes, spiders and
- Small animal, reptiles and other large animals were killed.
- Meat was cooked fresh or dried.
- San people also ate gathered fruits, bulbs and nuts.
- They also used hooks made from sharpened bones to catch fish like shell fish.
- Fibres were spanned to make traps e.g. sisal fibres.
- Clothing was light and loose for easy working.
- They used skins for clothing and blankets.
- They wore ornaments made from seeds, berries, shells and also used pieces of wood to make
bracelets and necklines.

- They also practiced leather work to make bags and clothes.

- They were nomadic meaning that they moved from place to place or from one place to another.

Rock paintings

- Painted rocks and cave walls and engraved ostrich shells.

- They made paints of several colours.
- San rock paintings showed their lifestyles and beliefs.
- Pictures, drawn included themselves, animal and hunters chasing and killing animals.
- San got most of their resources for survival from the environment.

San political life

- They had no centralized political system or government.

- There was a group leader or community chief.
- Their groups ranged from 35 to 50 people per-group.
- Change of location was decided by the whole group with leader coordinating.
- San societies had no classes or hierarchy, all people were equal.
- This was the stage of early communalism.

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