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Linear Equation in Two Variables

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High School Department

Flora A. Ibana Campus
Kapitan Isko St, Daet, Camarines Norte

Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Grade: 8 Olive & Ebony Quarter: 3rd Quarter

Week: ________________


A. Content Standards The learners will demonstrates key
concepts of linear inequalities in two
variables, systems of linear inequalities in
two variables and linear functions.

B. Performance Standards The learners will is able to formulate and

solve accurately real-life problems
involving linear inequalities in two
variables, systems of linear inequalities in
two variables, and linear functions.

C. Learning Objectives:
Competencies/Objectives  Identify if the given equation is a
Write the LC code for each linear equation in two variables;
 Determine if an ordered pair is a
solution of a given linear equation;
 Plot a graph of a linear equation;
 Solve problems involving linear
equations in two variables.
II. CONTENT Linear Equation in Two Variables
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials Math Matters , Rex Education
pages Author: Dante S. Salazar
Mar Joseph Q. Fernandez
Talento T. Castro
(p. 92-99)
3. Textbook pages (p. 92-99)
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
5. Iba pang kagamitang White board, marker, TV and Laptop
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous A. Daily routine
lesson or presenting Prayer
the new lesson B. Checking of attendance
C. Motivation

Who do you think is in the picture? Student:
That’s correct! Very good!

His name is Rene Descartes and He

introduced the Cartesian Coordinates plane
that involves the construction of two
perpendicular number lines, one horizontal
and vertical, whose point of intersection
called origin.

This is the Cartesian Coordinate Plane

a) A
vertical line is named y-axis and
the horizontal line is x-axis
b) The two axis divide the plane into
four quadrants that are numbered
counter clockwise direction. (I, II,
c) Every point in the plane can be
described in terms of an ordered
pair (x, y) or (abscissa, ordinate).

Under the first quadrant what is the value

of X and Y?

How about Under the second quadrant

what is the value of X and Y?
Student: both X and Y are
Under the third quadrant what is the value Positive
of X and Y?
Student: the X is Negative
Under the fourth quadrant what is the and the Y is Positive
value of X and Y?
Student: both X and Y are

Student: the X is Positive

and the Y is Negative
B. Establishing a purpose Since you know now what is Cartesian
for the lesson lets proceed to Linear Equation in Two

So A linear equation in two variables is an

equation that can be written in the standard
Ax + By = C, where a, b and c are real
numbers and a and b are not both zero; and
the exponent of the variables must be 1.

NOTE: the coefficient A must be positive.

4x = 9 + 2y
Is this the standard form?

What we need to do to make it in the Student: No

standard form?
4x = 9 + 2y Student: Transposition
-2y -2y
4x – 2y = 9
a = 4, b = -2 and c = 9

C. Presenting Make me Form! Student:

examples/instances of 1. 5x = 3y + 6 1. 5x - 3y = 6
the new lesson 2. 3y = 4x +10 2. 4x - 3y = -10

Now you already know the transposition to

make the equation in standard from.

So now we will get the value of the

variables x and y and we will proceed to
graphing the solution of the equation.
3x – y + 1 = 0
Find the value of y when x is -1,0,1,2
x -1 0 1 2

First using this equation 3x–y+1=0 we will

find the value of y by using transposition.
3x – y + 1 = 0
-3x -3x
-y + 1 = -3x
- 1 -1
-1(-y = -3x -1)-1
y = 3x +1
to find the value of y substitute the given
value of x and then simplify.
y = 3x + 1
y = 3(-1) + 1
y = -3 + 1
y = -2
x -1 0 1 2
y=3x+1 -2 1 4 7

D. Discussing new Find me!

concepts and Try to answer this.
practicing new skills #1 2x + y = 12
Find the value of y when x is -3,0,3,6 x -3 0 3 6
x -3 0 3 6 y= 18 12 6 0
y -2x
Okay very good!
So next Let’s try to graph this equation.
2x + y = 12
Find the value of y when x is -3,0,3,6
x -3 0 3 6
y=-2x 18 12 6 0

To graph the linear equation:

a. Find at least two to three solutions in the
b. Plot the solution of the equation.
c. Connect the points to straight line.

All the points touching the line are the

solutions of the equation 2x+y=12.
E. Discussing new Find and Graph!
concepts and Try to answer this.
practicing new skills #2 y=x-3
Find the value of y when x is -3,0,3,6 x -4 -2 0 2
x -4 -2 0 2 y -7 -5 -3 -1
Okay very good!

F. Developing mastery Find and Graph me!

(Leads to Formative answer this in your notebook
Assessment 3) 4x + 2y =6 4x + 2y = 6
Find the value of y when x is -3,0,3,6 2y = -4x + 6
x -2 0 2 4 y = -2x + 6
y x -2 0 2 4
y 10 6 2 -2

G. Finding practical Tina went to the bookstore to buy some Solution:

applications of school supplies. She needs to buy some Let x = the number of
concepts and skills in permanent markers that cost Php45.00 permanent markers Tina can
daily living each and some cartolinas for Php9.00 each. buy.
How many each kind can she buy for Let y = the number of
Php180.00? cartolinas she can buy.
Equation 45x + 9y = 180
45x + 9y = 180
9y = 180 – 45x
y = 20 – 5x
x 1 2 3 4
y = 15 10 5 0
H. Making generalizations So again who introduce the Cartesian Student:
and abstractions about Coordinate Plane? RENE DESCARTES
the lesson
What is the standard form of linear Student:
equation? Ax + By = C

If the value of variable x is given, how to Student:

find the value of variable y? Substitute given the value of
variable x then simplify to
find the value of variable y.
I. Evaluating learning Find and Graph me!
answer this in your one whole sheet of
-3x + 5y = 4 -3x + 5y = 4
Find the value of y when x is -3,0,3,6 5y = -3x + 4
−3 4
y= x+
x -2 0 2 4 5 5
−3 4
y= (−2)+
5 5
6 4
y= +
5 5
y= or y = 2

x -2 0 2 4
y 2 4 −2 −8
5 5 5

J. Additional Activities Assignment:

for application or
remediation In your notebook, answer the following:
1. What is SLOPE?
2. Give the four kinds of Slope.

Prepared by:

Kristine D. Bu~
Student Teacher

Checked by:
Dolores Garcia
Cooperating Teacher

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