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High School Department

Flora A. Ibana Campus
Kapitan Isko St, Daet, Camarines Norte

Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Grade: 8 Olive & Ebony Quarter: 3rd Quarter

Week: ________________


A. Content Standards The learners will demonstrates key concepts of linear
inequalities in two variables, systems of linear
inequalities in two variables and linear functions.

B. Performance Standards The learners will is able to formulate and solve

accurately real-life problems involving linear
inequalities in two variables, systems of linear
inequalities in two variables, and linear functions.

C. Learning Objectives:
Competencies/Objectives  Illustrate the slope of a line and
Write the LC code for each  Define and identify the different kinds of
II. CONTENT Slope of a Line
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Math Matters , Rex Education
pages Author: Dante S. Salazar
Mar Joseph Q. Fernandez
Talento T. Castro
(p. 100-111)
3. Textbook pages (p. 100-111)
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR)
5. Iba pang White board, marker, TV and Laptop
kagamitang Panturo
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous A. Daily routine
lesson or presenting Prayer
the new lesson B. Checking of attendance
C. Motivation

Our friend Luis is riding his bike. He goes up two

different hills. Which hill will be harder for Luis to
pedal up?


Later on, Luis is going down two hills. Which hill will
he gain more speed on?



The measure of how hard it is for Luis to pedal up the

hill, or how fast Luis goes downhill is known as slope.
Here is the formal definition for slope.
B. Establishing a Slope of a line – The ratio of vertical distance and
purpose for the horizontal distance between two points.
lesson Slope is the number that measures the steepness of a
line. (Students listen
The slope of a line is denoted by the symbol m. quietly)

Here is an easy way to remember slope:

rise Vertical change
m= =
run Horizontal change

Vertical change
change in y
Horizontal change change in x

When we think about the rise or change in y-values,

this can be positive, with a move up, or negative, with
a move down. Similarly, with the run or change in x-
values, this can be positive, with a move to the right,
or negative, with a move left. If we want to get more
specific, the slope of a line is the change in y per one-
unit change in x. If we had a line whose slope is 7, this
translates into:
rise 7
m= =
run 1

For this line, the line rises 7

units for each 1 unit move to
the right.

what is the slope?

Student: m=

C. Presenting Another method that can be used to find the slope of a

examples/instances line is known as the slope formula.
of the new lesson Slope Formula:
y2 – y 1
x2 – x1
To break down our formula, we start with the
lowercase letter "m". We mentioned earlier, the
lowercase letter "m" is used to denote slope. The x and
y variables are meant to represent data obtained from
two points (ordered pairs) on the line. In other words,
we can take any points on the line and label one point
as: ( x 1 , y 1) and the other as: ( x 2 , y 2). The 1 and 2 in
these ordered pairs are known as subscripts. These are
read as ("x-sub-one", "y-sub-one"), ("x-sub-two",

For example; The line that passes through the points:

(0,-6) and (3,0)
First, we pick one point and label it as: ( x 1 , y 1), then
the other point will be labeled as: ( x 2 , y 2). Let's use
(0,-6) as our first point and (3,0) as our second point.
x1 = 0
y1 = -6
x2 = 3
y2 = 0
y 2− y 1 0−(−6) 0+6 6
m= = = = =2
x 2−x 1 3−0 3−0 3

Try it!
The line that passes through the points:
(0,-3) and (7,-2).
Okay, Student1
(Students1 write the
answer on the board)
x1 = 0
y1 = -3
x2 = 7
y2 = -2
y 2− y 1
Let’s check! m=
x 2−x 1
Okay, Very good. −2−(−3) −2+3
= =
7−0 7−0
D. Discussing new So since you know how to get the slope, then now I
concepts and introduce to you the Four Kinds of Slope
practicing new skills The slope of a line can be positive, negative, zero or
#1 undefined.

The slope of a line can be positive, negative, zero or


The graph moves upward from
left to right.

The graph moves downward
from left to right.

The graph of a line is horizontal.

The graph of a line is vertical.

Find the slope of a line passing through the given
points and draw the graph.
1. (3,5) , (-2,3)
y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1
3−5 −2 2
= = =
−2−3 −5 5

What kind of slope is this?

2. (2,1) , (2,-4) Students: Positive

y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1
−4−1 −5
= =
2−2 0

What kind of slope is this? Students: Undefined

3. (-2,4) , (1,-5)
y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1
−5−4 −5−4 −9
= = = =-3
1−(−2) 1+2 3
Students: Negative
What kind of slope is this?

4. (7, -2) and (-7, -2).

y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1 Students: Zero
−2−(−2) −2+2 0
= = =
−7−7 −7−7 −14
What kind of slope is this? Yes Ma’am


Okay very good!

E. Discussing new So we understand how to find the slope of a line using
concepts and the slope formula, we can move into using a quicker
practicing new skills method. When we solve a linear equation in two
#2 variables for y, we are placing the equation in what is
known as slope-intercept form. The slope-intercept (Students listen
form of a line lets us know the slope and y-intercept quietly)
from a simple inspection of the line.

Slope-Intercept Form:
y = mx + b
where m represent the slope
b represent the y-intercept, and
x and y represent the numbers in the ordered pair.

Example: Find the slope of the line by placing the

equation in slope-intercept form.
4x - y = -20
Solve the equation for y:
4x - y = -20
-y = -4x - 20
y = 4x + 20
When our equation is in slope-intercept form, the slope
is given to us as the coefficient of the x variable. In
this case, our coefficient of x is 4, which means the
slope of the line is 4. We can prove this by choosing
two points on the line and using our slope formula. We
know one point would be the y-intercept of (0, 20).
As another point, we could plug in a 0 for y and solve
for x.

0 = 4x + 20
-4x = 20
x = -5
This gives us an ordered pair of (-5,0). Let's plug
these two points into our slope formula. We will label
(0,20) as point 1 and (-5,0) as point 2.

(0,20) and (-5,0)
y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1
0−20 −20
= = = 4 We can see that our slope is 4
−5−0 −5
either way. Moving forward, we will place an equation
in slope-intercept form to obtain the slope since it is a
much faster approach.

Try this!
Find the slope of the line by placing the equation in
slope-intercept form.
y – 2x = -6 Solve the equation for
y – 2x = -6
y = 2x – 6
slope is 2 the y-
intercept is (0,-6)
0 = 2x -6
-2x = -6
the ordered pair is (0,-
6) , (3,0)
y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1
Any question or clarification? 0−(−6) 6
= = =2
3−0 3
Okay very good.
none ma’am
F. Developing mastery Find the Slope of each Line
(Leads to Formative 1. 16x – 9y = 30 1. 16x – 9y =30
Assessment 3) 2. 13x - 4y =17 -9y = -16x + 30
3. y = -18 16 10
y= x−
9 3
Slope =
2. 13x – 4y = 17
-4y = -13x + 17
13 17
y= x−
4 4
Slope =
3. y = -18
Slope = 0

G. Making What is the slope formula? Students:

generalizations and Slope Formula:
abstractions about
the lesson m=

How about the Slope-Intercept Form? Students:

y = mx + b
H. Evaluating learning Find the Slope and Plot on the graph to determine
if the slope of a line can be positive, negative, zero
or undefined.
1. (1,3) , (0,-1)
2. (-2,1), (3,2)
3. (5,6) , (1,3)
Find the slope of the following linear equations.
1. 3x – 4y = 12
2. 9x – x + 3y + 8 = 0
I. Additional Activities Assignment:
for application or Take 3 pictures of anything you want that shows
remediation steepness or a slope. To be submitted next meeting.

Prepared by:

Kristine D. Bu~
Student Teacher

Checked by:

Dolores Garcia
Cooperating Teacher

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