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Investigating The Effectiveness of Self-Directed Vocabulary Learning Using A Mobile App

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Jurnal Dialektika Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Vol. 11 No. 2 September 2023 – February 2024

Page 109 – 125



Michael Recard 1
Hananto 2
Komilie Situmorang 3
the Lecturer of English Education Study Program
Universitas Pelita Harapan – Tangerang
Phone: +62 813 1736 9131
the Lecturer in Faculty of Liberal Arts
Universitas Pelita Harapan – Tangerang
Phone: +62 858 1424 8180
the Lecturer in Faculty of Nursing
Universitas Pelita Harapan – Tangerang
Phone: +62 813 9651 3279

This paper presents the results of a study aiming to
investigate the effectiveness of Self-Directed Vocabulary
Learning using a mobile app involving 185 Indonesian EFL
students from 2 Faculties in Banten, Indonesia. This study
Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang 109
has been shaped by the theory of motivation and self-
directed vocabulary learning, focusing on academic words
using a mobile application. This study used a quasi-
experiment research method involving control and
experimental groups with pre-and post-test data collection
techniques. The data were analyzed using descriptive
statistics to summarize the test scores and N-Gain to
calculate the difference between the pre-and post-test
scores. The N-Gain scores of the two groups show
significantly different results. The n-gain of the control
group was low (-0.04), while the n-gain of the experimental
group was moderate (0.67). It can be concluded that self-
directed vocabulary learning works only with properly
motivated students. On the other hand, self-directed
learning may not work with students with low motivation.
It is recommended that EFL teachers explore new ways to
motivate students in self-directed vocabulary learning.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Self-directed Learning,

Motivation, Mobile App

A. Introduction
Acquiring skill in a foreign language requires
mastering vocabulary as a crucial element. A strong
vocabulary forms the foundation of effective
communication in any language. When it comes to
learning a new language, especially English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesia, the importance
of having a large vocabulary cannot be emphasized
enough. Qian and Lin (2019) stress that having a rich
vocabulary is crucial for effectively expressing ideas,
feelings, and emotions. Moreover, knowing words and
their meanings helps in comprehending conversations,
texts, and various forms of media (Brooks et al (2023);
Solati-Dehkordi & Salehi (2016); Bancha & Tongtep

110 Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang

This study discusses into detail about how
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students learn
vocabularies with a Self-Directed Approach. In
addition, it investigates how the Academic Word List
(AWL), which is designed for academic settings. The
AWL can be accessed through the VIBE learning tools.
VIBE, which stands for "Vocabulary Item Bank of
English," was created to provide a flexible and
comprehensive vocabulary learning experience. In
particular, the study's examination of the program's
effectiveness, especially how it changed over time to
become Online Answer Sheets (OAS) and how it is
used through the Moodle Learning Management
System for online learning, is very interesting. One of
the main points of interest is how the asynchronous
structure of the sessions affects EFL students' ability to
learn and remember words.
The article employs a quasi-experimental
approach, involving a sample size of 185 students from
two faculties located in Banten, Indonesia. The study
conducted pre- and post-tests, which were derived from
the Academic Word List (AWL), to evaluate the
effectiveness of self-directed learning. Descriptive
statistics and Normalized Gain (n-Gain) were
employed for analysis. The findings elucidate the
impact of the self-directed learning technique,
emphasizing the importance of motivation in
influencing learning outcomes. The purpose of the
study is to compare the effectiveness of self-directed
learning by giving different motivations to two groups
of students. Thus, the paper presents two research
1. What are the differences in vocabulary knowledge,
as measured by pre- and post-tests based on the

Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang 111

Academic Word List (AWL), between the
experimental and control groups?
2. How do rewards and competitions implemented in
the experimental group influence motivation levels
and subsequent vocabulary acquisition?

B. Literature Review
1. Vocabulary Threshold
How many words do EFL learners need to
know? The vocabulary threshold refers to a critical
number of words in a language that learners need
to reach in order to achieve a certain level of
proficiency or functional competence. This
threshold allows learners to engage in basic
communication and comprehend a significant
portion of spoken and written language.
Learners should prioritize learning the most
common and useful words first. These are often
referred to as high-frequency words or core
vocabulary, which make up a significant portion of
everyday communication. Building a strong
foundation with the most essential vocabulary
allows learners to engage in meaningful
conversations and comprehend a wide range of
texts. For example, reaching a vocabulary threshold
of around 1,000 to 3,000 words is often seen as
essential for basic communication and
comprehension in everyday situations (A2 to B1
levels in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages – CEFR).
Learners should prioritize learning the most
common and useful words first. These are often
referred to as high-frequency words or core
vocabulary, which make up a significant portion of
everyday communication. Building a strong
foundation with the most essential vocabulary

112 Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang

allows learners to engage in meaningful
conversations and comprehend a wide range of
texts. For example, reaching a vocabulary threshold
of around 1,000 to 3,000 words is often seen as
essential for basic communication and
comprehension in everyday situations (A2 to B1
levels in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages – CEFR).
An exploration of innovative strategies,
especially student-oriented strategies was needed.
Student-oriented strategies are important in
enhancing vocabulary acquisition and retention as
they are more engaging, hence increasing
interaction (Shabaneh & Farrah, 2019) which then
reduces boredom in learning. One student-oriented
strategy used in this study is using the VIBE
learning app.
VIBE (Vocabulary Item Bank of English)
was developed in an attempt to train and gauge
students’ vocabulary abilities (Hananto,
2013).VIBE is a data bank to provide a versatile
vocabulary learning experience (Hananto,
2013).The versatility was proven in the way it
turned into an application called OAS (Online
Answer Sheets) (Situmorang et al., 2023) and used
in a webinar in 2022 to socialize the use for EFL
learners and test its ability to gauge the
participants’ vocabulary capability.
VIBE was also used recently with the
means to gauge Universitas Pelita Harapan
students’ vocabulary capability through Moodle
asynchronously. Moodle is an LMS (Learning
Management System) which is an application often
used for asynchronous teaching and learning
processes (Simanullang & Rajagukguk, 2020).
Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang 113
Moodle transforms all sorts of learning media into
website forms, and students are then facilitated to
learn asynchronously (Simanullang & Rajagukguk,
2020). Asynchronous learning, according to
Perveen (in Amiti , 2020), provides students with
material in many forms and is accessible anytime
and anywhere.
2. Asynchronous Learning Activities Involve Self-
Directed Learning
Self-directed learning can be defined as
creating an experience that empowers learners to
make decisions about the information they want to
become proficient (Hiemstra, 2013).Self-directed
learning, according to Knowles (1975) a process in
which individuals take the initiative, with or
without the help of others, in diagnosing their
learning needs, formulating goals, identifying
resources for learning, choosing and implementing
appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating
learning outcomes. The SDL approach is a
fundamental shift for educators because it moves
them from being a purveyor of information to
assuming the role of the learning situation, and
often joining the students in earnest as a co-learner
as they learn instructional skills (e.g., facilitation)
and knowledge (e.g., context beyond their
expertise). The instructor is a supplier for learning
goals and any needed resources (Abraham, 2005).
To differentiate the essential between self-paced
learning and self-regulation, Self-paced learning is
when the student is able to do their assignments
even though they have a deadline at their own pace.
While Self-regulation attaches great importance
and maximizes one’s self-interest in the long term.
Thus, producing learners who are able to resist
impulses for their own welfare. First, the instructor

114 Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang

must understand what SDL is and the essential keys
of the SDL process before developing Self-directed
learning. In short, developing more independent
learners is necessary and requires a personal
approach by teachers from an early age to help
students be able to discipline themselves by their
3. Learner’s Motivation
The achievement and success in self-
directed learning depend on motivation. It is, in one
form or the other, always present at the root of all
human activities. Motivation is said to be the ‘heart
of learning’, ‘golden road to learning’, and ‘potent
factor in learning’, as all learning motivated
learning (Mayuri Borah, 2021). The reasons behind
the individual idea of the act are essential in
motivation. A compulsion that drives an individual
to grant their energy to the things that individual
gives. Based on Self-determination Theory (SDT),
there are two types of motivation: intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation. (1) Intrinsic motivation is an
inner force that motivates students to engage in
academic activities because they are interested in
learning and they enjoy the learning process as well
(Schiefele in Chow & Yong) ;(2) extrinsic
motivation, Marsh defines motivation as an
external stimulus that comes from outside of
learner, and which drives the learner in the learning
process. Harmer (1987) suggests three areas where
a teacher’s behavior can influence a learner’s
motivation; (1) Goals and goal setting, Students can
use the Teacher to sustain their motivation for
achieving their long-term goals by focusing on
short-term goals so the students are able to see the
results which will motivate them to continue to
Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang 115
achieve their goals by working hard;(2) Learning
environment, The emotional atmosphere and the
physical appearance of the lesson are very essential
for learners motivation; (3) Interesting classes,
Classes that are interesting and not monotonous are
the main key elements for motivation to emerge by
themselves. Teachers should be aware that
learners’ ages have different types of motivation,
so they cannot use the same methods with all
groups of learners.

C. Method of Investigation
This study has been conducted with quantitative
approaches using measurement and statistics fields to
convert empirical facts into numbers and create
mathematical models that quantify behavior,
particularly in the learning (Tracy, 2012). The
quantitative design used is Quasi-Experimental
research. It examines if a particular treatment affects a
result. By administering one group a particular kind of
treatment while withholding it from another, the
researcher evaluates this by comparing the results of
both groups on an outcome. This type of experimental
study does not put the participants into groups at
random (Creswell, 2018).
There are 185 students involved in this study
from two study faculties (Faculty A and Faculty B).
Each study program involved 2 classes. The faculties
and their classes with their number of students can be
seen in the table below, they were taking English
subjects during the even semester 2022-2023 academic
year. The courses were conducted using Moodle
Learning Management System/ LMS.
Pre- and Post-tests are based on the Academic
Word List (AWL) developed by Averil Coxhead
(2000). It comprises words that are considered
important for academic success. These words are more
116 Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang
complex and specialized than general-use vocabulary
and are often encountered in academic reading,
writing, and discussions. The tests consisted of 33
multiple-choice questions. The tests were bilingual (the
target words were in English, and the multiple choices
were in Indonesian.
At the beginning of the semester, all students
were given a pre-test to measure their knowledge of
academic words. The students were then given access
to the OAS application through the VIBE (Vocabulary
Item Bank of English) developed by Field (Hananto,
2013) to self-learn the vocabulary at their own pace.
Every week, a quiz built from the OAS application was
imported to Moodle for students to check their weekly
understanding. Faculty A students were specifically
treated with rewards to boost their motivation so they
would intentionally study the vocabulary. Each week,
the teacher drew a random list from the vocabulary in
OAS and made a live competition in class 15 minutes
before the lesson. Three students who won the live quiz
will be given a chocolate bar.
The statistical analysis used in this study is
descriptive statistics and Normalized Gain (n-Gain).
Descriptive statistics involves the summary,
organization, and presentation of data to describe the
scores of the tests. The main purpose of descriptive
statistics is to simplify and represent the data in a
meaningful and understandable way.
N-Gain is a statistical measure used to evaluate
the effectiveness of an educational intervention or
instructional strategy. It is used to evaluate the
effectiveness of educational interventions and to
determine whether the intervention had a positive
impact on student learning. A higher n-Gain value
indicates a more significant improvement in student
Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang 117
understanding or performance as a result of the
educational intervention.
The resulting n-Gain value typically ranges
from -1 to 1. The table below is used to interpret the
result of n-Gain.
Table 1. n-gain Interpretation

D. Findings and Discussion

The program started with a webinar to spread
participants’ awareness of vocabulary learning and how
to use Vibe. The Vibe webinar consisted of people from
all over the place, especially the prospective
participants. It sparked the idea that students who
receive self-paced learning using Vibe would increase
their vocabulary knowledge. The research was done in
the next semester after the webinar was held. The
program was done every week for 11 weeks, it started
with a pre-test first, then ended with a post-test. Both
experimental and control groups were given the pre-
and post-test.
The self-directed learning, supported by
Moodle, can be revisited anytime they want to check
their correct or wrong answers, so there were a lot of
means for students to learn and train. Both pre-test and
post-test cannot be revisited though. 50 multiple
questions were prepared giving the students a word,
with meanings as the options. Those vocabularies were
taken from the most frequent words by Paul Nation
(2008). Students were asked to choose the appropriate
meaning to the word asked.

118 Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang

Table 2. The Examples of the Questions
1. Abandon 2. Release 3. Source
a. Tidak kongkrit; a. Berhubungan a. Tertentu
b. Pendidikan tinggi b. Keseganan; b. Menetapkan;
Keengganan Menentukan
c. Jalan masuk c. Membebaskan c. Sumber
d. Meninggalkan d. Menghilangkan d. Tetap;

The results of the pre-tests and post-tests are

summarized using descriptive statistics. The descriptive
statistics of the control and experimental groups can be
seen in the following table:

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics Table

Control Group Experimental Group
Pre- Post- Pre- Post-
Mean 60,1 58,6 59,9 86,8
Standard Error 2,5 1,9 1,3 0,4
Median 60,6 54,6 57,6 87,9
Mode 78,8 54,6 75,8 87,9
Deviation 17,3 13,0 15,6 5,1
Variance 298,5 169,0 243,9 26,5
Kurtosis 0,9 - 0,7 -0,7 2,8
Skewness - 0,8 0,3 -0,2 -1,3
Range 81,8 51,5 78,8 33,3
Minimum 3,0 33,3 27,3 66,7
Maximum 84,9 84,9 106,1 100,0
Sum 2.764 2.755 8.509,1 11.981,8
Count 46 47 142 138

Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang 119

Table 4 n-Gain Result and the Interpretation
n-Gain Interpretation
Control Group -0,04 Low
Experimental Group 0,67 Moderate

Besides learning from the application, the

experimental group also received treatment in the form
of a live quiz and were rewarded in the chocolate bar
for winning the weekly quiz each week. They were
reminded explicitly that this was not only a self-growth
through self-paced learning but also a stage of
competition where anyone could be the winner. The
teacher actively designed a supporting situation so the
students would engage in their self-paced vocabulary
learning to later exhibit what they learned in front of
their friends. Through the pre-post and n-gain, therefore
it could be seen that the students of this group achieved
higher than any other classes.
Two factors were shown here improving their
engagement, the first being a winner and the second
winning the chocolate. These two factors were strongly
related to the motivation as described by (Mayuri
Borah, 2021). The students were driven to use their
energy and invest their time in learning the vocabulary.
Obviously, the motivation in Faculty A was extrinsic as
the stimulus given heavily influenced their vocabulary
learning process. The teachers intentionally sustain the
students’ motivation by setting the goals, the
environment, and the interesting class, meeting the
suggestion of Harmer (1987). As a result, the students
know that if they make a certain effort and dedicate a
certain amount of energy, they will get something as a
reward. This finding implies that motivation in learning
can be created in the classroom, and to create this,
teachers will have to look for ways to meet the
classroom situation.

120 Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang

E. Conclusion
The purpose of the study is to investigate the
effectiveness of self-directed vocabulary learning
using quasi quasi-experimental research design. The n-
gain of the experimental group was higher (0.67) which
can be interpreted as a moderate gain than that of the
control group (-0.04), which can be considered a low
gain. The different results of the two groups were
caused by how the students were motivated to study the
target words by themselves using a mobile app.
Other factors may influence the results such as
the students’ study loads or assignments they had to do
in the semester. It is suggested that EFL teachers
explore different ways to motivate students to
encourage students to do self-directed vocabulary
learning using freely available mobile apps. For
example, the weekly exercise scores are calculated to
be part of the student's final grades, hoping that the
students will be more serious about studying the given
materials. Alternatively, the final exam may include
vocabulary questions from the target vocabulary they
learn by themselves.

The writers would like to thank LPPM Universitas
Pelita Harapan for their generosity in giving grant for this
research number P-72-FIP/XII/2021. This grant has enabled
us to conduct this research from the beginning until the end.

Michael Recard, Hananto, Komilie Situmorang 121


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