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The effectiveness of using an explicit language learning strategy-based instruction in developing secondary school students' EFL listening comprehension

skills Context of the problem Although listening is necessary for fostering language learning, there is little emphasis on teaching listening comprehension skills in secondary schools. This lack of instruction causes deficiency in students' listening comprehension skills. In addition, both teachers and students are examoriented and since exams are in the form of pencil and paper, some teachers completely neglect teaching listening comprehensions skills. Other times teachers change listening comprehension tasks into reading passages by reading the transcript orally to the students or by giving them a written copy to read and answer questions Hence, this study was an attempt to develop students EFL listening comprehension skills via applying a strategy-based instruction based on the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach which highlights the importance of teaching language learning strategies. Therefore, the present study attempted to answer the following questions: 1. What are the principles of the language strategy-based instruction used for the present study? 2. What is the effectiveness of the language strategy-based instruction used for the present study in developing first year secondary school students' EFL listening comprehension skills? Sample of the study The sample of the present study consisted of 80 first year secondary school female students. They were drawn from first year 11 secondary school students at El-Shimaa Secondary School for Girls, Benha, Qalyoubiya Governorate, Egypt. Listening comprehension According to Vandergrift (1999, p. 168), listening comprehension is "a complex, active process in which the listener must discriminate between sounds, understand vocabulary and grammatical structures, interpret stress and intonation, retain what was gathered in all of the above, and interpret it within the immediate as well as the larger socio-cultural context of the utterance". Thus, listening comprehension involves a great deal of mental activity on the part of the listener. Vandergrift's definition indicates that listening comprehension involves bottom-up and top-down processing of incoming speech.

For Rost (2005, p. 503) listening comprehension encompasses receptive, constructive, and interpretive aspects of cognition. Therefore, listening comprehension is "a complex cognitive process that allows a person to understand spoken language". the present study researcher defined listening comprehension as "a complex process in which listeners have the ability to use information in the oral text or spoken language to guess meaning of new items; predict outcomes; understand and construct meaning; find the specific facts, information or ideas; and determine the central thought or ideas represented in the text". CALLA The present study researcher defined CALLA as an instructional approach that incorporates learning strategy instruction presented through five phases (preparation, presentation, practice, evaluation, and expansion) for helping students learn conscious processes for facilitate the acquisition of new skills

Conclusion The main objective of this study was to explore the effect of using an explicit language learning strategy-based instruction based on the CALLA approach on developing secondary school students' EFL listening comprehension skills. Unlike the control group students, the experimental group students achieved development in their EFL listening comprehension skills this development might be attributed to using the explicit language learning strategy-based instruction based on the CALLA approach. Thus, using the five phases of CALLA (preparation, presentation, practice, evaluation, and expansion) was proven to be effective in enhancing students' knowledge and use of listening comprehension strategies and consequently developing their listening comprehension skill. The effectiveness of using strategy-based instruction based on the CALLA approach in teaching different types of listening comprehension strategies to enhance students listening comprehension skills or competence was investigated by researchers such as: Al-Hriree ( 2004, p. 2) & Coskun (2010, p. 34).The results of their studies are consistence with that of the present study. These two studies dealt only with metacognitive strategies, but the present study included teaching metacognitive, cognitive, social and affective strategies. Integrating metacognitive, cognitive, and social affective strategies enabled the students to get the benefits of each type. Training the students on using social/affective strategies such as self-talk and asking questions for clarifications helped them in overcoming their anxiety towards conducting listening comprehension tasks. This conclusion has been drawn by advocates of strategy instruction such as Cohen (2007, pp. 57-71), Harris & Gasper (2001, pp. 15-16), and Kinoshita (2003, p. 1). Different types of listening activities presented through the five phases of the CALLA approach and its principles provided the students with opportunities to develop their overall EFL listening comprehension skill and its sub-skills. So, the traditional idea of only exposing students to listening

texts should be replaced by a more effective approach in which students receive strategy training in order to develop their listening comprehension skills. This purpose was also sought by other researchers such as Abo-Hdid (2000), Carrier (2003), Goh (2000), and Kohler (2002). To conclude, it should be noted that the success of strategy training depends on teachers' awareness of the value of providing strategy instruction. Hence, foreign language teacher development should include the area of learning strategies in particular. This conclusion was also reached by Lawes & Santos (2007, pp. 221-237). Recommendations In the light of the findings and conclusions of the study, it is recommended that: (1) More time and effort should be exerted to develop EFL listening comprehension skill and its sub-skills. (2) English language tests should include sections for testing listening comprehension skill which will guarantee more attention on behalf of both teachers and their students. (3) English language courses should include elements of explicit listening strategy teaching to help students take charge of their own learning of listening comprehension. (4) English language strategy instruction should go through the five phases of the CALLA approach: preparation, presentation, practice, evaluation and expansion. (5) Students should learn different types of language learning strategies (i.e. metacognitive, cognitive, and social/affective strategies) to use before, during and after listening to facilitate their understanding of oral texts. (6) Positive feedback should be used by teachers to encourage their students to perform listening comprehension tasks. (7) Students should be taught how to self-evaluate their listening comprehension and thus developing their metacognitive awareness of their listening comprehension process. (8) Motivational training should accompany listening strategy instruction. Examples of motivational training are modeling by teacher, scaffolding instruction and co-operative learning. (9) Teachers should monitor their students' listening strategies use by systematic observation and note-taking on their students' use of strategies to help them in making decisions about the need for more practice. (10) EFL teacher preparation courses and in-service staff development should integrate information and skills to provide strategy instruction in listening comprehension.

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