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Health Education

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January Week 1:
I. Objectives

To introduce the topic of early pregnancy prevention and its importance in adolescent health.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Early Pregnancy Prevention and its Significance B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on early pregnancy prevention C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Handouts on early pregnancy prevention
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to energize students and prepare them for the
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by discussing the importance of the day's topic - early pregnancy prevention.
2.Present key facts and statistics related to early pregnancy among adolescents.
3.Explain the physical, emotional, mental, and social consequences of early pregnancy on adolescents and their babies.
4.Discuss the impact of early pregnancy on the educational and career prospects of young individuals. A. Group Sharing
and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to discuss their understanding of the topic and share any personal experiences or thoughts related
to early pregnancy.
3.Each group should identify potential challenges faced by adolescents in preventing early pregnancy and possible
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Invite each group to share their insights and solutions with the entire class.
3.Provide feedback and clarification on any misconceptions.
4.Emphasize the importance of making informed choices and seeking support when it comes to sexual health.
5.Assign homework or reading materials for further exploration of the topic.
To deepen the understanding of the physical consequences of early pregnancy on adolescent girls and their babies.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:

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January Week 2:
I. Objectives

Physical Consequences of Early Pregnancy B.

Health Education Textbook
Online resources on the physical effects of early pregnancy C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Visual aids depicting the physical consequences of early pregnancy Handouts with
relevant information
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and set a positive tone for the
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by reviewing the previous week's discussion on early pregnancy prevention.
2.Introduce the specific topic for the day: the physical consequences of early pregnancy.
3.Use visual aids and examples to explain the physical changes that occur in the body of an adolescent girl during
4.Discuss the potential health risks for both the mother and the baby, including complications during childbirth.
5.Share real-life stories or case studies to illustrate the impact of early pregnancy on physical health. A. Group Sharing
and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to discuss and reflect on what they've learned about the physical consequences of early pregnancy.
3.Encourage students to share their thoughts and feelings about the topic.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Ask each group to share their reflections and insights.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of making informed decisions regarding sexual health and the physical
risks associated with early pregnancy.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to the topic for further exploration.
To explore the emotional and mental health consequences of early pregnancy on adolescents.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Emotional and Mental Consequences of Early Pregnancy B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on the emotional and mental effects of early pregnancy C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)

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January Week 3:
I. Objectives

Visual aids depicting emotional and mental consequences Handouts with relevant
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and prepare them for the
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin by reviewing the previous week's discussion on the physical consequences of early pregnancy.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: the emotional and mental consequences of early pregnancy on adolescents.
3.Use visual aids and real-life examples to discuss the emotional challenges that pregnant adolescents may face, such as
stress, anxiety, and depression.
4.Explore the impact of societal stigma and judgment on the mental well-being of pregnant teenagers.
5.Discuss the importance of emotional support and mental health resources for pregnant adolescents. A. Group Sharing
and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to discuss and reflect on the emotional and mental consequences of early pregnancy.
3.Encourage students to share their thoughts and empathize with the emotional struggles faced by pregnant adolescents.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Ask each group to share their reflections and insights.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of addressing the emotional and mental health needs of pregnant
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to the topic for further exploration.
To discuss the social consequences and stigmatization associated with early pregnancy among adolescents.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Social Consequences and Stigmatization of Early Pregnancy B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on social consequences and stigma related to early pregnancy C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Visual aids depicting social consequences and stigma
Handouts with relevant information
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and set a positive tone for the
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.

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January Week 4:
I. Objectives

C. Health Session (30 minutes)

1.Begin by reviewing the previous week's discussion on the emotional and mental consequences of early pregnancy.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: the social consequences and stigmatization associated with early pregnancy among
3.Use visual aids, real-life examples, and case studies to discuss how society often negatively perceives and treats
pregnant teenagers.
4.Explore the impact of social exclusion, bullying, and discrimination on the lives of pregnant adolescents.
5.Discuss strategies for reducing stigma and promoting a supportive environment for pregnant teenagers.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to discuss and reflect on the social consequences and stigma related to early pregnancy.
3.Encourage students to brainstorm ideas for creating a more inclusive and understanding society. I. Feedback and
Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Ask each group to share their reflections and ideas.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of reducing stigma and providing support to pregnant adolescents.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to the topic for further exploration.

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February Week 1: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

To understand the risks of early/teen marriage and unplanned parenting in the context of early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Risks of Early/Teen Marriage and Unplanned Parenting B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on the risks of early marriage and unplanned parenting C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Case studies and scenarios
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a quick energizing exercise or mindfulness activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin by reviewing the previous week's discussions on social consequences and stigma related to early pregnancy.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Risks of early/teen marriage and unplanned parenting.
3.Use case studies and real-life scenarios to discuss the challenges faced by adolescents who marry early or become
parents without planning.
4.Explore the impact of early marriage and unplanned parenting on education, financial stability, and emotional well-
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to analyze a case study and identify the risks and consequences of early marriage and unplanned
3.Encourage students to discuss possible solutions and support systems.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Ask each group to share their findings and solutions.
3.Provide additional insights and guidance as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of making informed choices to avoid these risks.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to responsible sexual behavior and decision-making.
To explore prevention strategies, including abstinence, as a primary method of avoiding early pregnancy.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Prevention Strategies: Abstinence and Responsible Sexual Behavior B.

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February Week 2: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Health Education Textbook

Online resources on prevention strategies C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Visual aids illustrating prevention methods
III.ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes) Begin the class with an energizing exercise
or mindfulness activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Review the previous week's discussion on the risks of early/teen marriage and unplanned parenting.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Prevention strategies, with a focus on abstinence as a primary method.
3.Discuss the concept of abstinence and its effectiveness in preventing early pregnancy.
4.Explore responsible sexual behavior, including the importance of consent and communication in relationships.
5.Provide information on where to access contraceptives and sexual health resources.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to create a short skit or role-play demonstrating a situation where abstinence and responsible
sexual behavior are practiced.
3.Encourage creativity and thoughtful discussions within each group.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group present their skit and discuss the importance of abstinence and responsible behavior.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about making informed choices and understanding the importance of consent.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to prevention methods.
To understand various contraceptive methods and their effectiveness in preventing early pregnancy.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Contraceptive Methods: Types and Effectiveness B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on contraceptive methods C.
Whiteboard and markers

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February Week 3: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Projector and screen (if available)

Visual aids illustrating contraceptive methods
Handouts with information on different contraceptives
III.ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes) Begin the class with an energizing exercise
or mindfulness activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Review the previous week's discussion on prevention strategies, including abstinence and responsible sexual behavior.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Contraceptive methods and their effectiveness in preventing early pregnancy.
3.Discuss various contraceptives such as condoms, birth control pills, and intrauterine devices (IUDs).
4.Explain the pros and cons of different contraceptives and their effectiveness rates.
5.Emphasize the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for contraceptive advice. A. Group Sharing
and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a specific contraceptive method to research and present to the class.
3.Encourage students to discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and proper usage of their assigned contraceptive
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group present their findings and discuss the various contraceptive methods.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about informed decision-making regarding contraception.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to responsible sexual behavior and contraceptive choices.

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February Week 4: Early Pregnancy Prevention


I. Objectives

To review and assess the knowledge gained in February regarding early pregnancy prevention.

II. Subject MatterA. Topic:

Review and Assessment of Early Pregnancy Prevention B.


Health Education Textbook

Quizzes or assessments prepared by the teacher C.


Whiteboard and markers

Projector and screen (if available)

Assessment papers and answer sheets

III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)

Start the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students.

B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)

Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.

C. Health Session (30 minutes)

1.Begin with a quick recap of the topics covered in February related to early pregnancy prevention.

2.Distribute the assessment papers to students to test their knowledge on the subject.

3.Allow students to complete the assessment individually or in pairs.

4.Collect and review the assessments.

A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)

1.Discuss any common misconceptions or areas where students may need clarification.

2.Encourage students to share their thoughts on what they have learned during the month.

I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)

1.Provide feedback on the assessments and acknowledge areas where students have shown improvement.

2.Emphasize the importance of the knowledge gained in early pregnancy prevention.

3.Engage in a class discussion about responsible sexual behavior and decision-making.

To discuss the importance of making informed choices and responsible sexual behaviors in early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Informed Choices and Responsible Sexual Behaviors B.
Health Education Textbook
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March Week 5: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Online resources on responsible sexual behavior C.

Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Case studies or scenarios illustrating responsible sexual behavior
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and set a positive tone.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin by reviewing the previous month's discussions on early pregnancy prevention, including abstinence and
contraceptive methods.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Making informed choices and responsible sexual behaviors.
3.Discuss the importance of consent, communication, and mutual respect in relationships.
4.Present case studies or scenarios to illustrate responsible decision-making in various situations.
5.Highlight the significance of understanding the potential consequences of one's actions.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a scenario related to responsible sexual behavior and ask them to discuss and propose appropriate
3.Encourage students to consider the consequences of their choices.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their proposed responses and discuss the importance of making informed, responsible choices.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about building healthy relationships and decision-making skills.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to responsible sexual behavior.
To explore the impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in relation to early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Consequences of STIs and Their Relation to Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on STIs and their consequences C.
Whiteboard and markers

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March Week 6: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Projector and screen (if available)

Visual aids illustrating STIs and their effects
Handouts with relevant information
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a quick energizing exercise or mindfulness activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by reviewing the previous week's discussion on making informed choices and responsible sexual behaviors.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: The consequences of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and their relation to early
pregnancy prevention.
3.Discuss common STIs, their symptoms, and modes of transmission.
4.Explain how untreated STIs can lead to complications such as infertility and unintended pregnancies.
5.Emphasize the importance of safe sex practices and regular STI testing.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to research and present information about a specific STI, including its symptoms, transmission, and
prevention methods.
3.Encourage students to discuss strategies for promoting safe sex and STI prevention.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group present their findings and discuss the consequences of STIs.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of safe sex practices and regular STI testing.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to STI prevention and awareness.
To promote healthy relationships and decision-making skills for adolescents in the context of early pregnancy
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Healthy Relationships and Decision-Making Skills B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on healthy relationships and decision-making C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)

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March Week 7: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Role-play scenarios or case studies

III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and create a positive
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Review the previous week's discussion on the consequences of STIs in relation to early pregnancy prevention.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Healthy relationships and decision-making skills.
3.Discuss the key elements of a healthy relationship, including respect, communication, and mutual support.
4.Present role-play scenarios or case studies that involve decision-making related to relationships and sexual activity.
5.Highlight the importance of setting boundaries and seeking guidance when faced with difficult decisions.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a role-play scenario and ask them to act out how the characters can make informed, responsible
decisions within the context of a healthy relationship.
3.Encourage students to discuss their experiences and insights.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their role-play scenarios and decision-making outcomes.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about building healthy relationships and decision-making skills in adolescence.

To review and assess the knowledge gained in March regarding early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Review and Assessment of Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Quizzes or assessments prepared by the teacher C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Assessment papers and answer sheets
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)

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March Week 8: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin with a quick recap of the topics covered in March related to early pregnancy prevention, including informed
choices, STIs, healthy relationships, and decision-making.
2.Distribute the assessment papers to students to test their knowledge on the subject.
3.Allow students to complete the assessment individually or in pairs.
4.Collect and review the assessments.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Discuss any common misconceptions or areas where students may need clarification.
2.Encourage students to share their thoughts on what they have learned during the month.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Provide feedback on the assessments and acknowledge areas where students have shown improvement.
2.Emphasize the importance of the knowledge gained in early pregnancy prevention.
3.Engage in a class discussion about responsible sexual behavior and decision-making.

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April Week 1: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

To understand the importance of family and community support in preventing early pregnancy among adolescents.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Family and Community Support in Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on family and community support in adolescent health C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Case studies or real-life examples
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and create a positive
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Review the previous month's discussions on healthy relationships and decision-making skills.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: The role of family and community support in preventing early pregnancy.
3.Discuss the importance of open communication with parents and trusted adults.
4.Share case studies or real-life examples of adolescents who received support from their families and communities to
prevent early pregnancy.
5.Highlight resources and organizations that can provide support to teenagers in need.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to brainstorm ways in which families and communities can support adolescents in making
responsible decisions related to sexual health.
3.Encourage students to discuss the challenges and benefits of seeking support.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their ideas on family and community support.
3.Provide additional insights and guidance as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of a supportive environment for adolescents.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to family and community support in early pregnancy prevention.

To discuss the importance of communication and consent in responsible sexual behaviors.

II. Subject MatterA. Topic:

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April Week 2: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Communication and Consent in Responsible Sexual Behaviors B.

Health Education Textbook
Online resources on effective communication and consent C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Role-play scenarios or case studies
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a quick energizing exercise or mindfulness activity to engage students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by reviewing the previous week's discussion on family and community support in early pregnancy prevention.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: The importance of communication and consent in responsible sexual behaviors.
3.Discuss effective communication skills and the significance of clear, honest conversations with partners.
4.Explain what consent means and how it should be freely given, informed, enthusiastic, and revocable.
5.Use role-play scenarios or case studies to demonstrate how communication and consent should be practiced in
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a role-play scenario and ask them to act out a situation that demonstrates effective communication
and consent.
3.Encourage students to discuss the importance of consent and respectful communication. I. Feedback and
Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their role-play scenarios and discuss what they learned.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the significance of communication and consent in responsible sexual behaviors.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to these topics.
To address myths and misconceptions surrounding early pregnancy and contraception.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Myths and Misconceptions about Early Pregnancy and Contraception B.
Health Education Textbook

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April Week 3: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Online resources on common myths and misconceptions C. Materials:

Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
List of common myths and misconceptions
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and create a positive
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by reviewing the previous week's discussion on communication and consent in responsible sexual behaviors.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Addressing myths and misconceptions about early pregnancy and contraception.
3.Discuss common myths and misconceptions, such as the effectiveness of contraceptive methods and the risk of
4.Provide accurate information and statistics to debunk these myths.
5.Emphasize the importance of relying on credible sources for information about sexual health. A. Group Sharing
and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a specific myth or misconception to research and debunk with accurate information.
3.Encourage students to discuss strategies for countering misinformation.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group present their findings and discuss the importance of accurate information.
3.Provide additional insights and clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the significance of dispelling myths and seeking reliable sources of information.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to responsible sexual behavior and contraception.
To review and assess the knowledge gained in April regarding early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Review and Assessment of Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Quizzes or assessments prepared by the teacher C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)

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April Week 4: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Assessment papers and answer sheets

III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin with a quick recap of the topics covered in April related to early pregnancy prevention, including family and
community support, communication, consent, and dispelling myths.
2.Distribute the assessment papers to students to test their knowledge on the subject.
3.Allow students to complete the assessment individually or in pairs.
4.Collect and review the assessments.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Discuss any common misconceptions or areas where students may need clarification.
2.Encourage students to share their thoughts on what they have learned during the month.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Provide feedback on the assessments and acknowledge areas where students have shown improvement.
2.Emphasize the importance of the knowledge gained in early pregnancy prevention.
3.Engage in a class discussion about responsible sexual behavior and the significance of accurate information.

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May Week 1: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

To explore the importance of setting goals and planning for the future in the context of early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Goal Setting and Future Planning in Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on setting goals and planning for the future C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Worksheets on goal setting and future planning
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and create a positive
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by reviewing the previous month's discussions on responsible sexual behavior, communication, consent, and
dispelling myths.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: The importance of goal setting and planning for the future in early pregnancy
3.Discuss how setting goals, such as educational and career aspirations, can motivate adolescents to make responsible
4.Present activities and worksheets on goal setting and future planning.
5.Emphasize the role of supportive adults and mentors in helping students achieve their goals. A. Group Sharing
and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to discuss and share their individual goals and plans for the future.
3.Encourage students to consider how their goals relate to making responsible decisions.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share some of their goals and plans.
3.Provide additional information or guidance as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of goal setting and future planning in preventing early pregnancy.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to setting and achieving goals.
To understand the importance of financial literacy and its role in early pregnancy prevention.

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May Week 2: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

II. Subject MatterA. Topic:

Financial Literacy and Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on financial literacy for adolescents C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Budgeting worksheets and financial literacy resources
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a quick energizing exercise or mindfulness activity to engage students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin by reviewing the previous week's discussion on goal setting and future planning.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Financial literacy and its role in early pregnancy prevention.
3.Discuss the basics of financial literacy, including budgeting, saving, and making informed financial decisions.
4.Present budgeting worksheets and resources for students to practice creating a budget.
5.Emphasize how financial stability can influence decisions related to relationships and family planning. A. Group Sharing
and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a budgeting scenario and ask them to create a budget for a hypothetical situation.
3.Encourage students to discuss how financial decisions impact their ability to achieve their goals. I. Feedback and
Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their budgeting scenarios and budgets.
3.Provide additional insights and guidance as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of financial literacy in making responsible choices.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to financial literacy.
To explore the benefits of peer support and education in early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Peer Support and Education in Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook

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May Week 3: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Online resources on peer education and support C.

Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Peer education materials and handouts
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and create a positive
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by reviewing the previous week's discussion on financial literacy and its role in early pregnancy prevention.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Peer support and education in preventing early pregnancy.
3.Discuss how peer support can provide a safe space for adolescents to discuss sexual health and make informed
4.Present peer education materials and handouts on early pregnancy prevention.
5.Highlight the importance of peer leaders and role models in the school community.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Instruct each group to discuss the benefits of peer support in addressing issues related to early pregnancy and
responsible sexual behavior.
3.Encourage students to share personal experiences or examples of peer support.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their insights and reflections on peer support.
3.Provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the role of peers in promoting responsible decisions related to sexual health.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to peer education.
To review and assess the knowledge gained in May regarding early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Review and Assessment of Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Quizzes or assessments prepared by the teacher C.

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May Week 4: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Whiteboard and markers

Projector and screen (if available)
Assessment papers and answer sheets
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin with a quick recap of the topics covered in May related to goal setting, financial literacy, and peer support in early
pregnancy prevention.
2.Distribute the assessment papers to students to test their knowledge on the subject.
3.Allow students to complete the assessment individually or in pairs.
4.Collect and review the assessments.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Discuss any common misconceptions or areas where students may need clarification.
2.Encourage students to share their thoughts on what they have learned during the month.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Provide feedback on the assessments and acknowledge areas where students have shown improvement.
2.Emphasize the importance of the knowledge gained in early pregnancy prevention.
3.Engage in a class discussion about responsible sexual behavior and the significance of setting goals, financial literacy,
and peer support.

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June Week 1: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

To discuss the importance of emotional and mental well-being in early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Emotional and Mental Well-being in Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Online resources on emotional and mental health C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Role-play scenarios or case studies
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and create a positive
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by reviewing the previous month's discussions on financial literacy and peer support in early pregnancy
2.Introduce the topic for the day: The importance of emotional and mental well-being in early pregnancy prevention.
3.Discuss how emotional and mental health can influence decision-making and relationships.
4.Present role-play scenarios or case studies that involve managing stress, emotions, and relationships.
5.Highlight the role of self-care and seeking support in maintaining emotional and mental well-being. A. Group Sharing
and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a role-play scenario related to emotional and mental well-being.
3.Encourage students to act out how the characters in the scenarios can address emotional challenges and make
responsible decisions.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their role-play scenarios and discuss the importance of emotional and mental well-being.
3.Provide additional insights and guidance as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the significance of emotional and mental health in preventing early pregnancy.
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to emotional well-being.
To explore the impact of peer pressure on decision-making in early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:

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June Week 2: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Peer Pressure and Decision-Making in Early Pregnancy Prevention B.

Health Education Textbook
Online resources on handling peer pressure C.
Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Scenarios depicting peer pressure situations
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a quick energizing exercise or mindfulness activity to engage students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin by reviewing the previous week's discussion on emotional and mental well-being in early pregnancy prevention.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Peer pressure and its impact on decision-making.
3.Discuss various forms of peer pressure, including positive and negative influences.
4.Present scenarios depicting peer pressure situations related to relationships and sexual activity.
5.Highlight strategies for resisting peer pressure and making responsible choices.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a peer pressure scenario and ask them to brainstorm ways to respond to the situation.
3.Encourage students to discuss the importance of assertiveness and communication in handling peer pressure.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their strategies for dealing with peer pressure.
3.Provide additional information or guidance as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the challenges of peer pressure and the importance of making informed, responsible
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to handling peer pressure.
To discuss the importance of consent and healthy boundaries in early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Consent and Healthy Boundaries in Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook

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June Week 3: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Online resources on consent and boundaries C.

Whiteboard and markers
Projector and screen (if available)
Role-play scenarios or case studies
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students and create a positive
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Start by reviewing the previous week's discussion on peer pressure and decision-making in early pregnancy prevention.
2.Introduce the topic for the day: Consent and healthy boundaries in relationships.
3.Discuss what consent means and why it's essential in any sexual activity.
4.Present role-play scenarios or case studies that illustrate situations requiring consent and boundaries.
5.Emphasize the importance of communication, respect, and setting and respecting boundaries in relationships.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Divide the class into small groups.
2.Assign each group a role-play scenario related to consent and boundaries.
3.Encourage students to act out how the characters in the scenarios can establish and respect boundaries.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Reconvene as a whole class.
2.Have each group share their role-play scenarios and discuss the significance of consent and healthy boundaries.
3.Provide additional insights and guidance as needed.
4.Engage in a class discussion about the importance of clear communication and mutual respect in preventing early
5.Assign homework or reading materials related to consent and boundaries.
To review and assess the knowledge gained in June regarding early pregnancy prevention.
II. Subject MatterA. Topic:
Review and Assessment of Early Pregnancy Prevention B.
Health Education Textbook
Quizzes or assessments prepared by the teacher C.
Whiteboard and markers

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June Week 4: Early Pregnancy Prevention
I. Objectives

Projector and screen (if available)

Assessment papers and answer sheets
III. ProcedureA. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity or mindfulness exercise to engage students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or updates they have come across.
C. Health Session (30 minutes)
1.Begin with a quick recap of the topics covered in June related to emotional and mental well-being, peer pressure,
consent, and boundaries in early pregnancy prevention.
2.Distribute the assessment papers to students to test their knowledge on the subject.
3.Allow students to complete the assessment individually or in pairs.
4.Collect and review the assessments.
A. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
1.Discuss any common misconceptions or areas where students may need clarification.
2.Encourage students to share their thoughts on what they have learned during the month.
I. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
1.Provide feedback on the assessments and acknowledge areas where students have shown improvement.
2.Emphasize the importance of the knowledge gained in early pregnancy prevention.
3.Engage in a class discussion about responsible sexual behavior, emotional well-being, peer pressure, consent, and

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