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Cynthia Herrera 3/2/3024

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Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educator
The Effective Teacher as a person…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

I greet students at the door. Invests time before and after school. For me, it’s
before school.

Core Values (TIU3)

Caring- I care about my students and their Honesty-sometimes really is the best policy.
safety and health.

Additional Notes:
Psychology 101 Review (TIU5)
Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivists Humanism

Learning is a View learner like a Learner brings own Focus on human

change in computer -learning past experiences and freedom, dignity,
involves a change in cultural factors to
behavior caused and potential. It
knowledge stored in every situation.
by an external memory, not just Learner constructs is necessary to
Brief stimulus. Reward change in knowledge, learning study the person
Description: reinforces the behavior. They is different for each as a whole. This
behavior. focus mental person. Instruction theory deals with
processes (rather should encourage
Punishment the social-
than observable students to discover
derives behavior. behavior as the principles for emotional side of
behaviorists). themselves, and the learning.
curriculum should
spiral to build upon
prior knowledge.

Ivan Pavlov Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky Abraham Harold

B. F. Skinner John Dewey Maslow
Albert Bandura Erik Erikson
Benjamin Bloom
Associated: Jerome Bruner

IGNITE the Brain for Learning – The Neuro Nine (TIU6)

1. Relationship 4. Retrieval 7. Re-exposing

2. Rigor 5. Routing 8. Rehearsing

3. Relevance 6. Retaining 9. Recognizing

Stages of Development (TIU7)

Social Emotional Physical Mental Characteristics /


Fear of dark and injury. Likes Jumps with feet Dresses/undresses self. Asks Talkative
2 -4 yr olds to share, cooperative play together. Mature motor a lot of questions. Tells
with other children. May control. Ball skills stories. Understands 2-3
have an imaginary friend. simple things to do at once.
improve – throwing and
Becomes competitive and Understands that books are a
doesn't want to lose. catching. May be ready source of pleasure and uses
Develops an understanding to learn to ride a bike by pictures to help them follow
of rules, but still finds taking 4-5. Cuts on the line with the story. Learn their letters,
turns difficult. Needs scissors. counting, and colors. The
structure and routine to feel most important mode for
safe. learning is play.

5- 8 yr olds They enjoy make-believe Muscle coordination and They also have a difficult
stories and play. These control is uneven and time making choices and Mini adults
children value winning, incomplete. Muscle decisions; they are hesitant Are wrapped up in self.
leading, and being first. They coordination and control is and indecisive. They learn to Learning how to be
are competitive; they try to uneven and incomplete. write letters and numbers, friends. May have several
boss and are unhappy if they often backward. Understand
lose. Have a positive the value and use of money.
best friends. Naturally
attitude about school. Short attention span. curious and want to
make sense of their
Becoming critical of physical world.
Children can be loud and These children are
appearance increases.
rude at times and tend to be developing a sense of morals
9-11 yr olds Energy abounds, and Like group activity. Group
moody and sensitive. based on what they have
children may become and club memberships are
Children want to be more learned from adults. They
overstimulated when important. Have interests
independent of adults. need to know and
participating in competitive that often change rapidly,
Backtalk and rebellious understand "why;" and feel
physical activities. Children jumping from one thing to
behavior, fear of unknown, independent and free to
this age need 10 to 11 hours another. Show
death, nonacceptance. express themselves.
of sleep each night. independence by
disobedience, backtalk, and
Having moved from concrete rebelliousness.
to abstract thinking,
Adolescence is a period of adolescents enjoy cognitive Self-Conscious, Have
Become concerned about
12-14 yr olds rapid growth and physical activities. They need to be intense feelings related to
issues of justice and
change allowed to find solutions to sex. Are beginning to
fairness. Success is essential
their problems, learn from question the authority and
for adolescents. Comparison
their mistakes, test ideas, and values of parents. Getting
with others is difficult for
form opinions. However, over the age of fantasy.
them, especially with their
they still need the support
and guidance of adults.

Coordination and strength Arguing skills improve. Want adult leadership roles.
increase. Boys develop sex Reasoning skills improve. Have widespread feelings of
15-18 yr olds characteristics such as deep inferiority and inadequacy.
Teenagers detach Decision-making skills
voices and body hair. Are beginning to think of
themselves from their Always hungry; appetite is improve. Learns to evaluate
leaving home for college,
parents. They feel great. Sweating increases the credibility of various employment, marriage, etc.
mature and want to be Sexual desires and fantasies sources of information.
an adult. Desire group increase. Becomes able to anticipate
acceptance and will the consequences of
follow peer dress and different options.
behavior norms.
Hattie’s most effective influences on instruction (throughout SS)
Strategy 1: A Clear Focus for the Lesson
Strategy 2: Offer Overt Instruction
Strategy 3: Get the Students to Engage With the Content
Strategy 4: Give Feedback
Strategy 5: Multiple Exposures
Strategy 7: Get Students Working Together
Strategy 8: Build Students’ Self-Efficacy

What is Academic Language? (SS1)

The language students need to work in school. Vocabulary words.

Strategies to teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Frayer Model 3. Word Games

2. Word Walls 4. Wheel of Fortune Game

Tomlinson’s Strategies for Differentiation (note at least 4) (SS2)

• Using graphic organizers

• Student Discussion
• Think Pair Share
• Think Aloud
Marzano’s Strategies for Success (SS4 – SS9) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2

Cooperative Grouping Four Corners Round Robin

Brainstorm Map Anchor Chart

Graphic Organizers

Venn Diagram KWL Chart

Advanced Organizers

Similarities / Differences Compare / Contrast T chart

Plot Diagram Cornell Notes

Summarizing & Notetaking

Cues & Questions One Question, One Comment, Last Word 1-Minute Paper

Bloom’s Verbs and Technology Apps (SS9 and SS11)

Create Canva, Slide Show Creator, WeVideo, Spotify for Podcasters. Adobe Spark Video

Notion, Google Meet, X(Twitter), Adobe Spark Page, Miro White Board, Weebly by
Simply Mind, Popplet, Padlet, Wufoo, Thinglink, Excel

IPEVO Whiteboard, KOMA KOMA, iRig Recorder LE, Google Docs,
Apply Sketchbook.

Feedly, Adobe Express: Graphic Design, Tumblr, Clips, Airtable, Annotate
- Text, Emoji, Stickers and Shapes on Photos and Screenshots
Google, Mind Mapping – MindMeister, VoiceThread, Microsoft
OneNote, Apple Reminders, Quizzlet
Components of a social emotional learning program (SS12)

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Teachers (SS13)

The Effective Teacher implements instruction that……

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

I can create assignments that are clear for my To create lesson plans that are challenging for
students. my students but no to the point where it becomes
too difficult.

Create a welcoming space (CBM3)

Greet students with a good morning or good afternoon.

Smile at students and find a compliment to give.

Ask how they would like to be greeted.

Reassure them that you are always available to talk.

Have students pick a positive fortune cookie note before leaving class.

Leave students with a handshake or greeting.

Lemov’s techniques to “Teach like a Champion” (CBM4)
1. Technique Three: Stretch It. This technique pushes a teacher to accept
correct answers and ask students to add depth or nuance to their answers.
Technique 11: Draw the Map. Drawing the map is controlling the
environment by wisely grouping students through the seating chart.
3. Technique 21: Take a Stand. This technique encourages students to have
opinions and to take stands on those opinions.
4. Technique 26: Everybody Writes. What goes on the board needs to go in
the notebooks.
Technique 34: Seat Signals. Simple hand signals simplify requesting
routine interruptions, such as using a bathroom or getting a pencil, and can
eliminate some of the waste of time that plagues instruction.
Technique 41: Threshold. This threshold is the one at the door. By
meeting and greeting students as they enter, you can set the tone for your class.
7. Technique 48: Explain Everything. Be sure your students understand why
you do what you do. The "WHY" is an important part of instruction.

Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM7)

• What are you doing?
• What are you supposed to be doing?
• Are you doing it?
• What are you going to do about it?

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (CBM10)

The Effective Teacher establishes classroom management and organization that…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Provides instruction bell to bell.
Maintain a clean and orderly classroom. Establishes smooth transitions between
Set a clear and firm behavioral expectations. activities
Categories of Disabilities in SPED (E4)
Characteristics Impact on Classroom
Autism A neurological disorder. Cognitive abilities Perseverate on a topic. Struggle to attend to a task or
range from gifted to cognitively delayed. appear to not be paying attention. Have difficulty
Usually identified in the first three years of sharing/taking turns or call out answers. Have difficulty
life. 4:1 male to female ratio with noise or visual stimuli. Struggle with transitions or
change to routine. Fidget, rock, flap, stimulate, echo or
mimic phrases. Run or fight in stressful situations. Have
difficulty with volume control, cadence, and intonation.
Combination of vision and hearing loss,
Deaf/Blindness though not necessarily complete deafness Require Information to be introduced deliberately
and/or complete blindness. A wide range of and systematically. Utilize the service of a
cognitive and developmental abilities. specialized Support Service Provider (SSP)

Need special seating, being in view of the teacher.

May also have difficulty with speech, Need written supplements to oral instruction like
reading, and writing skills. May use speech, visual aids/cues. Require eye contact prior to
Deafness lip-reading, hearing aids, and/or another speaking. Have difficulties with social/emotional
amplification system. American Sign or interpersonal skills. Exhibit some form of
Language (ASL) may be their first language articulation difficulty. Become frustrated and may
and English may be their second. have behavioral concerns. Use hearing devices,
which DO NOT return hearing to normal.

Hyperactivity. Aggression or self-injurious Exhibit inappropriate behavior under ordinary

Emotional Disturbance behavior. Withdrawal. Immaturity. Learning circumstances. Not be able to maintain
difficulties. relationships. Display inappropriate manifestation
of physical symptoms or fears in response to
school or personal difficulties.

Articulation difficulties and language delays. Wear hearing aids or FM systems. Read lips or
Hearing Impairment Easily frustrated. Difficulty with oral use ASL. Need a quiet environment with many
expression. Difficulty with social/emotional visuals to be successful. Need a slower rate of
skills. speech and clear enunciation.

Intellectual Disability Struggle with overall academics. Struggle Not be working on grade level materials. Not
with attention, memory. Struggle to make understand social norms. Struggle with problem-
generalizations. Trouble interacting socially. solving across all areas (academic as well as
functional living skills).

Hampered speech and communication skills. Require multiple services. Use alternate
Multiple Disabilities Challenges with mobility. Need assistance communication methods. Require alternate
with everyday tasks. Usually has medical curriculum materials.

It is difficult to generalize characteristics of Have no cognitive concerns. Be integrated into the

a student who qualifies under OI. For general education setting all the time. Use
Orthopedic Impairment example, a child with spinal cord injury assistive technology.
could have immobility limited to one side of
his or her body, just the arms or legs, or total
paralysis. A child with cerebral palsy may
have movement but need a wheelchair since
walking may be difficult.
Slower reading rate. Frequent spelling errors
Reading. Writing. Oral Language. Math. Difficulty copying. Difficulty memorizing basic
Specific Learning Disablility Study Skills. facts. Difficulty describing events. Difficulty
interpreting subtle messages.

Other Health Impariment Asthma, ADHD, Diabetes, Epilepsy,

Cancer, Arthritis.
ARD Timeline Activity (E5)

#1 Response to Intervention

Initial Referral Within 60
#3 Notice and consent or refusal
to provide initial evaluation

#4 Full Individual and initial
Evaluation completed
# Eligibility Determination
Made by ARDC
1 s

Annual IEP Review

3 Year Reevaluation

#8 Graduation / Dismissal
Modifications and Accommodations (E6)
Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that the Adapt the time allotted and allowed for Increase the amount of personal assistance to keep
learner is expected to learn or the the student on task, to reinforce or prompt the use
learning, task completion, or testing.
number of activities students will of specific skills. Enhance adult-student
complete prior to assessment for relationships; use physical space and
mastery. environmental structure
Example Example Example
Reduce the number of social studies Individualize a timeline for completing a task; Assign peer buddies, teaching assistants,
terms a learner must learn at any one pace learning differently (increase or decrease) peer tutors, or cross-age tutors.
time. Add more practice activities or for some learners.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem type, Adapt how the student can
delivered to the learner or the rules on how the learner may respond to instruction.
approach the work.
Example Example
Use different visual aids, enlarge text, plan Example Instead of answering questions in writing,
more concrete examples, provide hands-on allow a verbal response. Use a
activities, place students in cooperative Allow the use of a calculator to figure communication book for some students, or
groups, pre-teach key concepts or terms math problems, simplify task directions, allow students to show knowledge with
before the lesson.
or change rules to accommodate learner hands-on materials.

Participation Notes:
Definition Alternate Goals - Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same
materials. When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to severe
Adapt the extent to which a disabilities. EX: In a social studies lesson, expect a student to be able to locate the
learner is actively involved in colors of the states on a map, while other students learn to locate each state and
the task. name the capital.
In geography, have a student hold
the globe, while others point out

Types of Assistive Technology (E7)

Taaaaaaaaaayaaaaaapes AAAAAA
of Assistive Technology
1. Closed Captioning
(SP7CPE) 4.

2. Classroom Seating 5.
Voice Amplification System

Text to Speech System

3. Visual Timers 6.
Venn Diagram of 504 and IDEA (E9)

D, G, H, I, K, L A, C, E, F, J, P,

Use the letters below and type them in the appropriate box above.

A) Requires written consent.

B) Must provide impartial hearings for parents who disagree with the identification, evaluation, or
placement of the student.
C) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
D) Requires that parents have an opportunity to participate and be represented by legal counsel –
other details are left to the discretion of the school.
E) An impartial appointee selects a hearing officer.
F) Describes specific procedures.
G) A hearing officer is usually appointed by the school.
H) No "stay-put" provisions.
I) Does not require that parents are notified prior to the student's change of placement, but they still
must be notified.
J) Provides "stay-put" provision (the student's current IEP and placement continues to be
implemented until all proceedings are resolved.
K) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights
L) Does not require parental consent.
P) Parents must receive ten days' notice prior to any change in placement.
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

Have supplies ready for students who may not Be conscious of comments regarding their
1. 4.
have materials. attire.

2. Be understanding of their social behaviors, they 5. Have a closet of snacks for students who
may not know how to act if they weren’t taught. may not have food at home.
3. Provide access to computers, along with 6. Provide students with contacts of support.
entertainment reading in case of a project.

Guthrie and Humenick Strategies to increase reading motivation (R4)

1. Provide content goals for reading,

2. Support student autonomy.

3. Provide interesting texts.

4. Increase social interactions among students related to reading.

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it

1. Word Map - I would use this when new vocabulary words are introduced. - Visual organizer.

Exit Slips – Would use this at the end of lesson to see if students understood the lesson. – Student
2. written response to check for understanding.

Writing conferences -Meeting with teacher throughout the writing process. – Meetings to discuss
3. student work.
Echevarria et al.’s -Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)
Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

Prepare the lesson Graphic Organizers, Highlighted Text, Leveled Study Guides

Build background Cloze Sentences, Visual Vocabulary, Concept Definition Map

Explanation of Academic Task using step by step, use
Make verbal communication understandable
graphic organizers, using scaffolding.
Learning strategies (this one should be easy!) Use Mnemonics, Make a word splash, Create graffiti
Opportunities for interaction Give students time to answer, Play Four Corners, Use Native Language
Practice and application Plan for hands on practice, Have students create graphic organizers, Model
correct English.
Lesson delivery
Objectives should be stated orally, Objectives should be written on the board,
Make sure to use your time correctly and not leave students bored.
Review and assess
Relate words to other words with same breakdown, Use systematic studies of
the vocabulary words, Use exit tickets,

Reflections on the Reading STAAR (TL4)

1. While I didn’t get any wrong answers on these questions, I can see where there would be trouble with question #6, asking the
main conflict of the story. All four answers were mentioned in the story, so there’s not much to eliminate at first. However,
upon really reading and rereading the answers, there are two possible answers. The first being that he doesn’t really know the
name of the customers, he only refers to them by their order, multiple times throughout the story. Also, if the student only
reads the story once, they would probably have skipped that their names were mentioned unless notes were being taken. The
second one was about not being with his friends. He didn’t complain much about missing out but I think the students could
possibly relate,

Reflections on the Math STAAR (TL4)
1. I got question #1 wrong and I can see why a student would too. While I did the order of operations
correctly, I didn’t use my positive and negative symbols correctly. I subtracted them and did not add the
negatives, resulting in a -23 and while I didn’t see it as a choice, I did see the number 27 and selected that
answer. So I do see how a student would lean toward the answer I picked and not the correct choice, A.
2. I got question #5 wrong and I can see why. A student can narrow down the choices to A&B by order of elimination. I picked
letter A because I was counting the lines and while at first glance B looks like it would be 33% because there’s 9 lines.
However, when you look at it again and count the lines on A, there’s 11 which would be just under 25% but no less than 20%.
It’s not until you count not lines, but by increments of 2, you can see where answer B is stopped at 2/8, or ¼ equaling to 25%.

3. %

Jimmy’s Report Card (TL6)

(Complete the calculations in all the colored boxes)

Mathematics NAME: Jimmy

Unit Test scores Benchmark
9 wks 1 grading Period Standards Grades Percent Absences
average Grade

Unit 1 8.2 76 75 62 0
unit 2 8.3 86 83 75 1
Unit 3a 8.4 92 94 95 0
Unit 3b 8.5 68 71 55 4
Average Percent 80.5 80.75 71.75
Weighted Average
30% = 0.3
Value 40%= 0.4 30%= 0.3
Weighted Percent 24.15 32.3 24.52

77.975 =
Final Percent 78
C10 + D10 +
Final Letter Grade C E10
Three professional goals for my classroom (TL8)
1. Having many ESL students at my campus that are from Mexico and Central America, I see the struggle
they have with classwork and the language barrier from teachers who don’t speak Spanish. I would like
to make sure that my lesson plans are incorporating effective strategies to help these students want to
learn just as well as keeping them engaged.

2. I want to be able to have my students want to come to my classroom and not just want to learn but for it
to feel like a safe space for them. Many of the students I will be working with are from all walks of life
and I would like my classroom to be the class where they are taught with instruction catered to their
learning without feeling like they might be different.

3. I will make sure to always treat my students with respect. I will let them know my appreciation for the
effort they provide in the classroom even on days that students may not want to or do very little as well
as when students may try to test their limits.

Vision of an Educator (TL11)

Reflect on the 5 elements posted in the assignment to create your Vison statement:
In my classroom you can expect to see a variety of advanced organizational charts and differentiated
learning. I will also be having students use cooperative learning. I would like to incorporate reciprocal
teaching techniques within my lessons. My students will be using laptops, using apps and YouTube to
support their learning. Some of the important elements of lesson planning that needs to be incorporated for
student success are cooperative groupings, anchor charts, kwl charts, word walls, strategies for notetaking
and cues and questions. Some of the non-negotiables in my classroom are to be always respectful to
everyone and to other people including their property. Another would be to use appropriate language and
that it is not foul. I ask that students not be rude and interrupt while others are talking. I would also request
that my students come to class prepared and ready to learn. I can assure that all students have an equal
opportunity to master learning by knowing who my students are and creating lesson plans that are tailored to
their needs.
Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)
The Effective Teacher as a professional…..

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

I can maintain a positive attitude in difficult I will need time for me to effectively design and
situations. implement quality lessons.

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)

The Effective Teacher monitors student progress and potential by…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

I can check for understanding and provide I will need firsthand experience to communicate
feedback. student progress to parents & administrators as


A. List 14 approved CTE Programs of Study (also known as Career Clusters) from the TEA CTE page.
B. List a CTSO for each Career Cluster from the Texas CTE page.

1. A. 2. A. 3. A.

B. B. B.

4. A. 5. A. 6. A.

B. B. B.

7. A. 8. A. 9. A.

B. B. B.

10. A. 11. A. 12. A.

B. B. B.

13. A. 14. A.

B. B.

15. Who is the state contact for your specific career cluster? Include career cluster, Name and email:

16. List at least three Industry based certifications that students could achieve in your specific career

17. While on the Texas CTE website, in the Career Cluster pages for your specific cluster, list at least
three resources that are housed here for teachers.

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