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Modelling Zero Waste Behavioural Intent The Moderating - 2024 - Cleaner and Res

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Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

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Modelling zero waste behavioural intent: The moderating role of perceived

behavioural control and Socio-Demographic factors
Euodia Isabella Botha *, Melanie Wiese
Department of Marketing Management, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0081, South Africa


Keywords: The global culture of consumerism is fuelling the climate crisis. An increase in household consumption and the
Theory of planned behaviour waste it creates holds many negative implications for consumers, businesses, brands, and governments alike.
Zero waste Thus a shift towards zero waste (ZW) behaviours among consumers is essential. To address a lack of under­
Transformative consumer research
standing of ZW behaviours among individuals, this study investigated the intention to engage in these behaviours
Sustainable development goals
Perceived behavioural control
through the lens of the original theory of planned behaviour (TPB), with perceived behavioural control (PBC) as
moderator. A survey of 486 South Africans validated the original TPB’s ability to successfully model ZW
behavioural intent, and confirmed the role of perceived behavioural control as moderator as opposed to its
popularly accepted role as predictor. Various socio-demographic variables also played a significant moderating
role in the model. This study also contributes to seven of the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the
United Nations (UN), and adds to the emerging stream of transformative consumer research (TCR). Several
practical strategies are also offered to assist marketing practitioners and governments in increasing ZW behav­
iours to create a better environmental, economic, and societal future.

1. Introduction competitive advantage (Wilbury Stratton, 2012) and increasing sales

(Kronthal-Sacco & Whelan, 2019). The increase in household con­
The world is facing a climate crisis (NASA, 2021; United States sumption and waste creation also impacts governments, as it requires
Environmental Protection Agency, 2021) that is being fuelled by a the costly establishment of landfills (Statistics South Africa, 2018),
global culture of consumerism (Bothun, 2018). More than half of the which contribute significantly to CH4 emissions and the climate crisis,
world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the main contributor to and thus threaten the agriculture, forestry, and tourism industries of
climate change, is as a direct result of household consumption (Ivanova these governments. This is especially detrimental to developing coun­
et al., 2016), and managing the waste that stems from this consumption tries such as South Africa that are economically dependent on these
causes further GHG emissions (Vergara & Tchobanoglous, 2012). industries (Schroders, 2016).
Besides the obvious environmental consequences, these issues also Businesses, brands, and governments miss out on the economic
have societal and economic implications. Climate change has prompted benefits embedded in plastic waste, much of which is currently being
more and more consumers to adopt sustainable behaviours (i.e. ‘green’ sent to landfill (European Commission, 2012; Godfrey & Oelofse, 2017).
or environmentally friendly) (Peattie, 2010; Deloitte, 2021) such as the While South Africa has a well-established recycling industry, and one of
use of sustainable products (International Trade Centre and European the best performing recycling rates globally (Plastics SA, 2020; Green­
Commission, 2019), especially in developing countries such as South cape, 2020), only 34.5% of the country’s general waste was recycled in
Africa (Nielsen, 2015). Ignoring this growing call for sustainability 2017 (DEA, 2018). This leaves ample room for improvement in the
(Deloitte, 2020) puts businesses and brands at risk in respect of their recycling sector, improvement which could help alleviate some of the
reputation, financial performance, regulatory compliance, and con­ many socio-economic challenges facing South Africa, such as a high
sumers switching to more sustainable competitors (Wilbury Stratton, unemployment rate, crime, and poverty (Sadan & De Kock, 2020). The
2012), among other things. These businesses and brands also miss out on country’s informal recycling sector created approximately 60,000 job
the potential opportunities offered by sustainability, such as gaining a opportunities in 2019 (Plastics SA, 2020) and may create even more

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E.I. Botha), (M. Wiese).
Received 11 September 2023; Received in revised form 27 January 2024; Accepted 31 January 2024
Available online 9 February 2024
2666-7843/© 2024 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
E.I. Botha and M. Wiese Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

employment opportunities if a culture of recycling is fostered amongst Kopaei et al., 2021; Taylor & Todd, 1995), this study is one of the first to
South Africans. study these dimensions holistically as ZW behaviours, and to investigate
To address environmental, social, and economic-related issues, such the TPB’s ability to model ZW behavioural intent at an individual level.
as those mentioned above, the United Nations (UN) proposed the 2030 Fifth, by investigating consumers’ ZW behavioural intent, this study
Agenda for Sustainable Development, which set 17 sustainable devel­ contributes to seven of the UNs (2023) SDGs and addresses the lack of
opment goals (SGDs) for UN partner countries to work towards (United business-related research on these SDGs (Bolton, 2022). Finally, by
Nations, 2023). addressing sustainability issues, this study also contributes to the
The SDGs drive the view that promoting economic growth should go emerging stream of TCR research (Bolton, 2022).
hand in hand with fighting climate change (United Nations, 2023; Jones The article is structured as follows: a review of the relevant literature
et al., 2018). Fighting climate change, tackling the increase in and a formulation of appropriate hypotheses are followed by an outline
consumption-induced household waste, and addressing the of the study’s methodology, a presentation of its results, and a discussion
above-mentioned and other environmental, societal, and economic of the findings, managerial implications, theoretical contributions,
threats and opportunities presented by these issues requires a major shift limitations, and avenues for future research.
from the current ‘take-make-waste’ linear economic model to a regen­
erative circular economy (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019; Mission 2. Literature review
Zero Academy, 2023). Making the abstract concept of a circular econ­
omy a reality requires, among other things, actual changes to the world’s 2.1. Zero waste
consumption practices (Kangas et al., 2019), and addressing the con­
sumption behaviours of individuals and households is particularly The term ‘zero waste’ (ZW) was first used by Paul Palmer in 1973
important, as this accounts for more than half of the world’s GHG (Palmer, 2004 in Zaman, 2015) to describe the process of recovering
emissions (Ivanova et al., 2016). resources from chemicals. More recently ZW has been defined as “the
Consumers have the power to mitigate global warming by making conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, con­
better consumption decisions (Dubois et al., 2019); but how can con­ sumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials
sumers be motivated to make better consumption decisions and reduce without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that
their household waste? The answer to society’s waste problems, and one threaten the environment or human health” (Zero Waste International
that holds many benefits for the environment, economy, and society Alliance, 2018a). This definition implies that the concept of ZW aims to
alike (Tangri et al., 2022; Zaman, 2022), and that contributes to the minimise waste at the level of resource extraction, production and
SDGs (United Nations, 2023), is zero waste (ZW) (Zaman, 2015). consumption (Zaman, 2022). From a consumption perspective specif­
While ZW is a concept that can be widely applied, whether in entire ically, ZW means to be a careful consumer (Kim-Marriott, 2021) that
cities, businesses, communities, or households (Zaman, 2022), this study changes their lifestyle to be more sustainable, reduces their production
focuses on ZW practices of individual consumers that have been largely of waste and CO2 emissions, and in so doing lowering their impact on the
neglected by researchers (Săplăcan & Márton, 2019). environment (Pedersen, 2017). Such ZW behaviours commonly include
Consumers who adopt ZW behaviours try to lessen their impact on consuming and shopping less, avoiding the purchase of single-use
the environment (Pedersen, 2017) by engaging in reduce, reuse, recycle, products (e.g., bottled water, disposable plastic bags) and goods with
and composting behaviours and, in so doing, sending less waste to unnecessary packaging, reusing products as many times as possible, and
landfill (SF Environment, 2020). This principle of ZW can be applied to recycling and composting household waste.
any part of the consumption of products and services (from shopping to Bea Johnson, the “fairy godmother of the modern ZW movement”
consumption and disposal), and provides consumers with concrete ac­ (Matters, 2018), documented her family’s journey to a ZW lifestyle in
tions they can take to curb their consumption and household waste her book Zero waste home (2013). Johnson (2013) presented a 5R
creation (Săplăcan & Márton, 2019). approach towards living a ZW lifestyle and minimising household waste
To be able to encourage ZW behaviours among consumers, and creation, according to which consumers should “refuse what you do not
especially in developing countries such as South Africa, one must first need; reduce what you do need; reuse what you consume; recycle what
understand what drives these behaviours (Steg et al., 2016). Thus, as a you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and rot (compost) the rest”.
starting point, the purpose of this study is to determine whether ZW Researchers have adopted multiple definitions for Johnson’s (2013)
behavioural intent can be modelled using the theory of planned 5Rs (i.e. ‘refuse’, ‘reduce’, ‘reuse’, ‘recycle’, and ‘rot’) (Raghu &
behaviour (TPB), a model that has shown great success in modelling Rodrigues, 2022; Mills, 2012; T’ing et al., 2020; Susanto et al., 2019).
similar pro-environmental behaviours (Li et al., 2020; T’ing et al., 2020; The first of the 5Rs (‘refuse’) has been defined as avoiding the accu­
Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022; De Leeuw, Valois, Ajzen & Schmidt, 2015; mulation of items (Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022) and not purchasing un­
Rastegari Kopaei, Nooripoor, Karami, Petrescu-Mag & Petrescu, 2021; necessary items (Bogusz et al., 2021). Johnson (2013) defines ‘refuse’ as
Taylor & Todd, 1995). minimising indirect consumption by saying ‘no thank you’ to items such
Besides this main research question, this study seeks to address as disposable plastic bags, by refusing freebies, and by refusing printed
various other gaps in the literature, the first of which is the general lack receipts at shops and business cards you are not going to use.
of green consumer-behaviour-related research in developing countries ‘Reduce’, the second ‘R’, has been defined as avoiding use (T’ing
(ShabbirHusain, 2020) such as South Africa. Second, while green con­ et al., 2020), using less (Mills, 2012; Ali & Yusof, 2018), and minimising
sumer behaviours have been extensively studied using the well-known waste (Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022). Johnson (2013) refers to ‘reduce’ as
3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) framework (Aguilar-Salinas et al., 2017; minimising consumption where possible by, for example, donating or
Attiq et al., 2021; Khan, Ahmed & Najmi, 2019; T’ing et al., 2020), the selling items, buying bulk and carpooling.
5R ZW hierarchy proposed by Bea Johnson (2013) may better encap­ The third ‘R’ (‘reuse’) has been defined as using items for as long as
sulate individuals and their households’ waste minimisation efforts. This they are useable (Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022) and using items again
study addresses this issue by using the 5R ZW hierarchy to investigate rather than disposing of them (Ali & Yusof, 2018), including the use of
ZW behavioural intent among consumers. Third, this study contributes reusable, refillable and rechargeable items (Johnson, 2013).
to the lack of research on ZW behaviours at household (Săplăcan & Researchers have defined the fourth ‘R’ (‘recycle’) as the conversion
Márton, 2019; Zaman, 2015) and individual level (Spiteri, 2021). of waste into a useable form (Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022), turning old
Fourth, while the TPB has been extensively used to model the adoption items into new ones (Ali & Yusof, 2018), being knowledgeable about
of the five individual dimensions of ZW behaviours (Li et al., 2020; T’ing recyclability of materials Johnson, (2013) and collecting, separating and
et al., 2020; Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022; De Leeuw et al., 2015; Rastegari processing recyclable waste (T’ing et al., 2020).

E.I. Botha and M. Wiese Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

Some researchers consider the last ‘R’ (‘rot’) to form part of ‘reduce’ reusable and refillable product alternatives, sorting and recycling waste
(Mills, 2012) or ‘recycle’ (Tonglet et al., 2004). This study adopts and composting) that do not require high levels of PBC. According to the
Johnson’s (2013) view that composting should be a separate ‘R’, and TPB, consumers are more likely report intentions aligned with their
that it refers to composing, or recycling, one’s organic waste. attitudes and subjective norm, when their PBC is high (Hagger et al.,
‘Refuse’ and ‘reduce’ address the creation of waste before con­ 2022). Consumers generally hold positive attitudes towards sustain­
sumption takes place, ‘reuse’ addresses thoughtful consumption, and ability issues such as recycling and often perceive it as a socially
‘recycle’ and ‘rot’ address how to handle what is discarded post- commendable. Nonetheless, their intent and behaviour to recycle is
consumption; and together these five behaviours or Rs constitute ZW often dependent on their perceived capability of engaging in these
behaviours (Johnson, 2013). practices (Rosenthal, 2018).
Throughout the study the terms refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot Because of a lack of research that has used the originally formulated
will be given in italics when referring to these terms as defined above. TPB (Ajzen, 1985), this study turned to studies using the reformulated
TPB to help to develop some of its hypotheses. The reformulated TPB has
2.2. Theory of planned behaviour been extensively used to model the adoption of a variety of green be­
haviours (Al Mamun et al., 2018; Chan, 2001; Nameghi & Shadi, 2013),
Ajzen’s (1985) theory of planned behaviour (TPB) proposes that an including the five dimensions (5Rs) of ZW behaviours: refuse (Raghu &
individual’s attitude to performing a behaviour, and the subjective Rodrigues, 2022), reduce, reuse, recycle (De Leeuw et al., 2015; T’ing
norms related to the behaviour, determine the individual’s intention to et al., 2020; Ali & Yusof, 2018; Susanto et al., 2019), and rot (Rastegari
perform that behaviour. The more positive the individual feels about a Kopaei et al., 2021; Rahman et al., 2022; Graham-Rowe et al., 2015).
behaviour (i.e. their attitude) (Ajzen & Madden, 1986) and the greater Some of these studies found only attitude to predict intentions to
the perceived social pressure to perform the behaviour (i.e. subjective reduce, reuse, and recycle (Ali & Yusof, 2018; Susanto et al., 2019); others
norms) (Ajzen, 1991), the more likely the individual is to perform the found both attitude and subjective norms to predict intentions to reduce
behaviour (i.e. intention) (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975 in Davis, 1986). The (La Barbera & Ajzen, 2021), reuse (Nguyen et al., 2017), recycle (Stry­
theory further posits that the effect of attitude and subjective norms on dom, 2018) and rot (Graham-Rowe et al., 2015); while some found
intentions depends on the perceived behavioural control (PBC) the in­ subjective norms to be the only significant predictor of reduce and recycle
dividual has over performing the behaviour (Ajzen, 2020). The easier an intentions (Khan et al., 2019; La Barbera & Ajzen, 2020). Despite these
individual believes the behaviour will be to perform (Ajzen, 1991), the divergent results, the original TPB is still viewed as a valuable lens
stronger will be the effect of their attitudes and subjective norms on the through which to study ZW behaviours, since the majority of reviewed
amount of effort they’re willing to exert to perform the behaviour studies, even though they used the reformulated TPB, found both atti­
(Abraham & Sheeran, 2003). In turn, their behavioural intention de­ tude and subjective norms to have a significant effect on the intention to
termines whether they perform the actual behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). engage in refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot behaviours (Li et al., 2020;
After research had established PBC to have mostly main effects in the T’ing et al., 2020; Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022; De Leeuw et al., 2015;
model, Ajzen (1991) reformulated the TPB with PBC as a predictor of Rastegari Kopaei et al., 2021; Taylor & Todd, 1995), the five dimensions
intention rather than as a moderator. It is this reformulated model that that collectively make up ZW behaviours (Johnson, 2013). We thus
has been popularly applied by researchers to model a wide range of hypothesise the following:
behaviours (Ajzen, 2020). However, recent studies have indicated that
H1. There is a positive relationship between attitude and ZW
PBCs role in the TPB is indeed that of a moderator (Earle et al., 2020;
Hukkelberg et al., 2014; Yzer & van den Putte, 2014). These studies also
successfully employed the TPB by investigating the effect of attitude and H2. There is a positive relationship between subjective norms and ZW
subjective norms on behavioural intent, without measuring actual intentions.
behaviour and the relation between intention and behaviour. Given that
As postulated in the original TPB (Ajzen, 1985), and as mentioned
research on ZW behaviours amongst consumers is in its infancy
previously, the effect of attitude and subjective norms on intentions
(Săplăcan & Márton, 2019), and literature suggests that several factors
depends, or is moderated by, the perceived control an individual has
could influence ZW behavioural intention (Ali & Yusof, 2018; La Bar­
over performing the behaviour (PBC) (Ajzen, 2020). Research has
bera & Ajzen, 2020, 2021; Rastegari Kopaei et al., 2021), this study
confirmed PBCs moderating effect (Castanier Deroche & Woodman,
investigates ZW behavioural intent through the lens of the original TPB
2013; Earle et al., 2020; Hukkelberg et al., 2014; Yzer & van den Putte,
(Ajzen, 1985).
2014), albeit seldom in a green behaviour-related context. However,
This study’s adoption of the original TPB (Ajzen, 1985), and inves­
since the original TPB postulates that PBC moderates the relationship
tigation of PBC as a moderator of the attitude-intention and subjective
between intentions and its predictors; and, since this moderating effect
norm-intention relationships, is deemed suitable for theoretical and
has been established in the context of reduce behaviours (La Barbera &
practical reasons, similar to the approach of Liu et al. (2021). First, while
Ajzen, 2021), a dimension of ZW behaviours (Johnson, 2013), we
interest in the moderating role of PBC within the TPB has been
hypothesise the following:
increasing in recent years, little empirical evidence exists to support this
version of the TPB (La Barbera & Ajzen, 2021). It may, however, be H3. PBC has a moderating effect on the relationship between attitude
theoretically meaningful to better understand PBC as a moderator in the and ZW intentions.
TPB, as this could aid researchers in understanding what psychological
H4. PBC has a moderating effect on the relationship between subjec­
processes help shape behaviour (Liu et al., 2021). Second, studies that
tive norms and ZW intentions.
have adopted this version of the TPB have focused mostly on PBC as a
moderator of the intention-behaviour relationship, neglecting the Background factors such as demographic characteristics are also
moderating effect of PBC on the attitude-intention and subjective assumed to have an indirect influence on intentions, and can provide
norm-intention relationships (La Barbera & Ajzen, 2021). Third, given researchers with valuable information that is not provided by the theory
recent success of using the TPB with PBC as moderator in research on itself (Ajzen, 2020). Socio-demographic elements have an important
recycle (Liu et al., 2021) and reduce (La Barbera & Ajzen, 2021) behav­ effect on environmentally friendly behaviours (ShabbirHusain, 2020);
iours, PBC is expected to act as a moderator within the similar context of but these effects seem to be inconsistent across studies and to depend on
ZW behaviours as well. Like recycle and reduce behaviours, ZW behav­ which green behaviour is in question (Zhang & Dong, 2020). For
iours comprise of a multitude of simple actions (e.g., saying no thank example, one study on reuse behaviours found gender to moderate both
you to consumption opportunities, avoiding consumption, using the attitude–intention and subjective norm–intention relationships in

E.I. Botha and M. Wiese Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

the TPB (Sun & Wang, 2020), while another found only the attitude­ sustainable purchase decisions established education as a moderator of
–intention relationship to be moderated (Nguyen et al., 2017). The ZW the attitude–intention relationship (Delistavrou, 2022; Chekima et al.,
movement is being led by women (Clark, 2016); so, despite these 2016). As these findings are inconclusive, this study seeks to establish
inconclusive findings, this study hypothesises the following: whether education acts as a moderator in the context of ZW behavioural
H5. Gender moderates the relationship between attitude and ZW
intentions. H11. Education moderates the relationship between attitude and ZW
H6. Gender moderates the relationship between subjective norms and
ZW intentions. H12. Education moderates the relationship between subjective norms
and ZW intentions.
As in the case of gender, the previous findings related to age’s
moderating role were not cohesive. Age moderated the attitude­ Fig. 1 below shows the study’s conceptual framework and stated
–intention relationship with regard to reuse behaviours in one study (Sun hypotheses.
& Wang, 2020); but both the attitude–intention and subjective
norm–intention relationships in another (Moon, 2020). Regardless of 3. Methodology
these conflicting findings, the age of an individual, and specifically the
generation to which they belong, is believed to play a role in ZW 3.1. Sample and data collection
behaviour adoption: Generation Z (individuals born between 1997 and
2013) (Beresford Research, 2021) have been found to adopt sustainable The study’s data was collected using a self-administered, web-based
behaviours more than other generational groups (Deloitte, 2021), while questionnaire created using Qualtrics, an online survey platform. After
a significant number of Generation Y (Millennials – that is, individuals obtaining ethical clearance (EMS086/22), a pre-test was conducted
born between 1981 and 1996) (Beresford Research, 2021) indicate that among research professionals from a convenience sample of the study’s
they are actively choosing sustainable products or that they buy from population, and minor adjustments were made to the questionnaire
sustainable brands (PWC, 2021). This, and the fact that the ZW move­ based on the feedback received. A link to the final questionnaire was
ment is being led by young millennials (Clark, 2016), leads us to distributed (posted, shared, or ‘boosted’ via a paid advertisement) on
hypothesise the following: some of South Africa’s most used social media platforms (Kemp, 2022)
namely Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp, constituting
H7. Generation moderates the relationship between attitude and ZW
non-probability convenience sampling. Gathering data from a
non-probability convenience sample using social media was deemed
H8. Generation moderates the relationship between subjective norms appropriate as social media are a key driver of the ZW movement
and ZW intentions. (Săplăcan & Márton, 2019) and several studies investigating similar
constructs within the context of environmentally friendly behaviours
With regard to income, a study on reuse behaviour found the atti­
were successful in their use of this sampling technique (Botetzagias
tude–intention relationship to be moderated (Sun & Wang, 2020), while
et al., 2015; Pandey et al., 2023; Ybyraimova, 2023).
a study on waste minimisation behaviours found neither relationship in
A total of 517 responses were collected, and after cleaning and
the TPB to be moderated (Ertz et al., 2021). Despite these findings, it is
coding the data, inspecting it for out-of-range values, and removing 31
known that income affects the likelihood of purchasing sustainable
responses that contained missing values, a final sample size of 486 was
products (Kronthal-Sacco & Whelan, 2019) and that following a ZW
realised. This is well within the acceptable range, based on the sample
lifestyle is costly (Kim-Marriott, 2021). We thus hypothesise the
sizes of previous studies investigating similar constructs (Ham et al.,
2015; Emekci, 2019; Al Mamun et al., 2018; Watson & Smith, 2020).
H9. Income moderates the relationship between attitude and ZW The demographic profile of the respondents indicates that about two-
intentions. thirds of them were female (66%) and only one-third were male
(33,1%). Most of the respondents were aged 25–34 years (42,2%), fol­
H10. Income moderates the relationship between subjective norms
lowed by those aged 18 to 24 (22,2%), 35 to 44 (18,5%), and 45 to 54
and ZW intentions.
(12,8%). Almost half of this study’s respondents could be categorised as
Findings related to the moderating effect of education have also been belonging to Generation Y (Millennials – that is, born between 1981 and
inconsistent: a study related to reduce, reuse, and recycle behaviour found 1996) (49,8%), followed by Generation Z (those born between 1997 and
no moderating effects in the TPB (Attiq et al., 2021), while studies of 2012) (28,4%), and Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1980)

Fig. 1. The study’s conceptual framework.

E.I. Botha and M. Wiese Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

(18,9%) (Beresford Research, 2021). unconstrained models. In cases where the chi-square values showed a
The income categories used in this study were defined according to difference of more than 3,84 for a relationship path, moderation was
the guidelines suggested by the Bureau of Market Research (BMR) present (Awang, 2014). Furthermore, to understand better the moder­
(Momentum, 2021). Based on these income categories, most of this ating effects in the model, several simple slope analyses were conducted
study’s respondents could be categorised as the low emerging middle using Hayes’ (2012) PROCESS macro in SPSS.
class (25,1%), followed by the emerging middle class (22,2%), those
with low income (20,8%) or very low income (17,3%), while only 14,7% 4. Results
of the respondents formed part of the realised middle class, emerging
affluent, and affluent and wealthy categories. 4.1. Measurement model, reliability, and validity
Most of the respondents had obtained a tertiary qualification
(60,5%), followed by those who had completed their secondary Before beginning the structural model testing, the fit of the mea­
schooling (33,5%). To be able to conduct further statistical analyses, the surement model and the reliability and validity of the constructs were
income and education variables had to be regrouped into three (low, low assessed. Initial results revealed two indicator items with factor loadings
to middle, and middle to high) and two (secondary schooling or lower, of below 0,5 (ATT1 and ATT3, both related to the attitude construct);
and tertiary qualification) categories respectively. these items were thus excluded from further analysis (Hair et al., 2014).
The CFA showed an acceptable model fit, as X2(p) = <0,001; X2/df =
3.2. Questionnaire and measures 2068; RMSEA = 0,047; CFI = 0,975; IFI = 0,975; SRMR = 0,0383.
Following the assessment of the measurement’s model’s fit, reli­
Screening questions were used to confirm that the respondents were ability and validity were assessed (Table 1).
adult South Africans. Then, to ensure compatibility between the All CR and CA values were above 0,7 (Hair et al., 2014), indicating
behaviour of interest and the study’s constructs, an explicit definition of convergent validity. The AVE values for attitude, PBC, and intention
ZW behaviours was provided to respondents. The definition provided were all above 0,5 (Malhotra, 2020), and, while the subjective norm
was as follows: construct’s AVE value was above only 0,4, the construct’s composite
Zero waste behaviours refer to behaviours that try to minimise the reliability score was higher than 0,6, indicating acceptable convergent
amount of waste you as a consumer create and dispose of. These validity (Malhotra & Dash, 2011; Malhotra, 2020). None of the factor
behaviours include, amongst others, avoiding or saying ‘no thank loadings was above 0,9, indicating discriminant validity (Kline, 2023).
you’ to products you do not need (refuse), reducing your consump­
tion in general, reusing products, recycling and composting (rot). Table 1
Confirmatory factor analysis, means (reliability and validity assessment).
The main constructs of the survey instrument were constructed using
items from existing scales adapted to the context of this study. The scales ITEMS LOADING
measuring attitude (five items), subjective norm (three items), PBC
Attitude: Engaging in ZWB in the near future will be … 0,784 0,775 0,548
(three items) and intentions (three items) were adapted from Taylor and Pleasant – unpleasant 4,27 0,885 0,744
Todd (1995) and Madden et al. (1992), using the suggestions of Ajzen Useless – useful 4,63 0,754 0,783
(1991) as a guideline. Attitude was measured on a semantic differential Enjoyable - 4,07 1027 0,691
scale, while subjective norms, PBC, and intentions were all measured on unenjoyable
Subjective norms: The people who … 0,732 0,707 0,485
a five-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly
… influence my 3,40 0,987 0,757
agree (5). The questionnaire concluded with questions about re­ decisions think that I
spondents’ demographic information such as gender, age, income, and should engage in
education. ZWB.
… are important to me 3,32 1038 0,786
think that I should
3.3. Data analysis engage in ZWB.
… are important to me 3,90 0,903 0,513
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28 was would approve of me
used to test the model using two-step covariance-based structural engaging in ZWB.
Perceived behavioural control 0,819 0,713 0,601
equation modelling (CB-SEM).
Whether or not I 3,98 0,971 0,763
First the measurement model was run, after which its reliability and engage in ZWB is
validity were assessed. In accordance with the recommendations made entirely up to me.
by Kline (2023), model fit was evaluated by assessing several approxi­ I have complete control 3,85 1033 0,770
mate fit indexes: the Steiger-Lind root mean square error of approxi­ over the amount of
ZWB I engage in.
mation (RMSEA), with its 90% confidence interval (≤0,08) (Malhotra, Whether or not I 3,91 1015 0,792
2020); the Bentler comparative fit index (CFI) (≥0,90) (Malhotra, engage in ZWB
2020); the incremental fit index (IFI) (≥0,90) (Hair et al., 2014); and the effectively is
standardised root mean square residual (SRMR) (≤0,08) (Hu & Bentler, completely within
my control.
1999). Construct validity was assessed using composite reliability (CR)
Intentions 0,846 0,854 0,648
and Cronbach’s alpha (CA) values, and convergent validity was tested I intend to engage in 4,13 0,773 0,753
using the average variance extracted (AVE) and the loadings of the in­ ZWB in the near
dividual items that form each construct. future.
Second, the structural model was run, and model fit was assessed in I will try to engage in 3,13 0,781 0,849
ZWB in the near
the same manner as described for the measurement model. future.
Finally, the study’s hypotheses were tested. The statistical signifi­ I will make an effort to 3,19 0,766 0,810
cance of the relationships among the study’s constructs was estimated, engage in ZWB in the
and multigroup CFA analyses were conducted to test for moderation. To near future.
conduct the multigroup CFA analyses, the study’s sample was grouped All factor loadings were significant at the 0.05 level; SD = standard deviation; M
according to each of the moderating variables, and the chi-square values = mean; CR = composite reliability; CA = Cronbach’s alpha; AVE = average
of the constrained models were compared with those of the variance explained; ZWB = zero waste behaviours.

E.I. Botha and M. Wiese Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

Furthermore, as can be seen from Table 2, each of these square roots (on strongest for Generation X and those in the low to middle income
the diagonal) was greater than the correlations among the constructs, category. H7 and H9 were not supported, as the attitude–intention
indicating discriminant validity (Hair et al., 2014). relationship was not moderated in the case of Generation Z and the low
As the above results confirmed the reliability and validity of the income groups.
study’s measurement model, the structural model was run to test the
hypotheses. 5. Discussion and managerial implications

4.2. Structural model and hypotheses testing The global culture of consumerism (Bothun, 2018), the household
consumption of products and services, and the management of the waste
The structural model showed an acceptable model fit, as X2(p) = it creates, are responsible for large amounts of GHG emissions and
<0,001; X2/df = 2708; RMSEA = 0,059; CFI = 0,975; IFI = 0,975; SRMR contribute significantly to climate change (Ivanova et al., 2016; Vergara
= 0,0383. The relational hypotheses were thus tested. & Tchobanoglous, 2012). While the UNs SDGs addresses such climate
The statistical significance of the relationships among the study’s change and sustainable consumption-related issues in order to ensure a
constructs was estimated. Both paths in the model were statistically sustainable future for all (Jones et al., 2018), TCR is needed to provide
significant, and both H1 and H2 were supported, as attitudes (B = 0,187, governments, businesses, and consumers with practical research find­
t-value = 4,431, p < 0,001) had a weak positive relationship and sub­ ings that enable them to actually address these societal issues (Ozanne
jective norms (B = 0,530, t-value = 7,451, p < 0,001) had a strong et al., 2011; Ozanne Mick & Pechmann, 2015).
positive relationship with consumers’ intentions to engage in ZW Research on sustainable consumption practices such as ZW behav­
behaviours. iours contributes to the emerging stream of TCR and to addressing the
In addition to analysing the structural model’s fit, a model compar­ SDGs (Ozanne et al., 2015). ZW provides consumers with concrete ac­
ison was performed to determine whether the original TPB is better able tions they can take to curb their consumption and waste creation
to model ZW behavioural intent than the reformulated TPB. The first (Săplăcan & Márton, 2019). ZW thus represents a solution to society’s
model, in which PBC acted as a moderator of the attitude-intention and waste problems (Zaman, 2015), and holds many benefits for environ­
subjective norm-intention relationships, had lower information criterion ment, economy, and society alike (Tangri et al., 2022).
values (AIC = 106,997; BIC = 194,908) than the second model, in which However, to encourage ZW behaviours among consumers, it is
PBC acted as a predictor (AIC = 159,287; BIC = 284,873). This indicates important first to understand what drives such behaviours (Steg et al.,
that the original TPB, in which PBC acts as a moderator, is indeed better 2016). To this end, the purpose of this study was to determine whether
able to model the adoption of ZW behavioural intent. the ZW behavioural intent of South Africans could be modelled using the
theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and to explore the moderating role of
PBC. The role of several socio-demographic variables in ZW adoption
4.3. Moderating effects were also investigated, as such elements have been proven to affect
environmentally friendly behaviours (ShabbirHusain, 2020).
To examine the moderating effects of PBC, gender, generation, in­ The study’s results revealed that the TPB, with PBC as a moderator,
come, and education on the two relationship paths in the model, can indeed successfully model ZW behavioural intent. In line with pre­
multigroup CFA analyses and simple slope analyses were conducted. The vious studies related to refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot behaviours
findings are summarised in Table 3 below. (Li et al., 2020; T’ing et al., 2020; Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022; De Leeuw
With regards to PBC, respondents were grouped into two groups: low et al., 2015; Rastegari Kopaei et al., 2021; Taylor & Todd, 1995), the five
versus high PBC. Those individuals with scores of four or less on a five- dimensions that collectively constitute ZW behaviours (Johnson, 2013),
point Likert scale were classified as having low PBC, while those with a this study found attitude and subjective norms to have significantly
score of more than four were classified as having high PBC. The results positive effects on ZW intentions. Establishing that these significant
showed that PBC moderated both relationships in the model; and the positive effects hold true for ZW behaviours collectively (as opposed to
simple slope analyses revealed both relationships to be stronger for in­ its five individual dimensions) is important, as the concept of ZW is a
dividuals with high as opposed to low levels of PBC, supporting H3 and holistic approach to addressing the world’s waste problems (Zaman,
H4. The relationship between attitude and intention was much stronger 2015).
for individuals with high PBC, while the relationship between subjective In line with previous studies investigating some of the individual
norms and intentions was only slightly stronger for individuals with high dimensions of ZW behaviours (Săplăcan & Márton, 2019; De Leeuw
PBC. et al., 2015; Khan et al., 2019), this study’s findings showed that attitude
Gender and education also moderated both relationships in the had a significant positive effect on ZW intentions (H1). Consumers who
model, supporting H5, H6, H11, and H12. Simple slope analyses showed are more positive towards ZW behaviours are more likely to engage in
the impact of attitude on intentions to be strongest for females and in­ these behaviours (Ajzen & Madden, 1986). Positive attitudes to ZW
dividuals with a tertiary qualification, while the impact of subjective behaviours could be cultivated by creating an awareness of ZW behav­
norms on intentions was strongest for males and individuals with a iours via marketing communications (Anvar & Venter, 2014). These
secondary or lower level of schooling. communications should be factual and explained well (Nameghi &
Both generation and income only moderated the subjective Shadi, 2013), and could leverage the positive effect of social influence
norm–intention relationship, supporting H8 and H10. The simple slope on attitudes by, for example, targeting individuals’ friends and family
analyses indicated that the impact of subjective norms on intentions was (Anvar & Venter, 2014). Furthermore, careful attention should be paid
to the information provided by the labels on ZW products (Cerri et al.,
Table 2 2018) and the affordability of engaging in ZW behaviours (Anvar &
Correlation and square root of AVE’s matrix. Venter, 2014), as these factors also affect consumers’ attitudes. Busi­
ATT SN PBC INT nesses, brands, and governments could, for example, use their websites
ATT 0,740 and publications (blogs, magazine and newspaper articles etc.) to
SN 0,409 0,696 disseminate the facts about the benefits of ZW behaviours for consumers
PBC 0,274 0,442 0,775 and the environment alike. These communications should also frame the
INT 0,457 0,632 0,491 0,805 attributes of ZW products and behaviours as gains rather than losses
ATT = attitude; SN = subjective norms; PBC = perceived behavioural control; (Dolgopolova et al., 2021). For example, marketing campaigns could use
INT = ZW intention. memorable slogans such as “Less trash, more cash” or “Be an

E.I. Botha and M. Wiese Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

Table 3
Variable grouping, chi-square differences, and slope analyses results.
Variable Grouping Path

Attitude-Intention Subjective norms-Intention

Group N % Con Uncon Diff. Slope Con Uncon Diff. Slope

PBC Low 306 62.96 62.502 46.935 18.567 0,3231 150.679 46.935 103.744 0.3658
High 180 37.04 71.541 50.534 21.007 0,6343 112.188 50.534 61.654 0,3660
Gender Males 161 33.4 43.999 39.632 4.367 0,4465 88.894 39.632 49.262 0,4449
Females 321 66.6 90.741 64.260 26.481 0,4991 189.846 64.260 125.586 0,4129
Gen GenX 92 19.5 45.977 40.791 5.186 0,6292 74.820 40.791 34.029 0,5166
Gen Y 242 51.3 68.857 52.273 16.584 0,4946 133.221 52.273 80.948 0,3779
GenZ 138 29.2 33.00 31.837 1.163 0,4339 72.666 31.837 40.829 0,4943
Income Low 185 38.1 41.9 39.492 2.408 0,4061 106.301 39.492 66.809 0,3844
Low to middle 230 47.3 70.834 46.070 24.764 0,5497 122.439 46.070 76.369 0,4310
Middle to high 71 14.6 47.251 37.996 9.255 0,4477 65.118 37.996 27.192 0,3669
Edu Secondary 175 37.1 51.191 38.528 15.663 0,4984 93.371 38.528 54.843 0,3620
Tertiary 294 62.7 70.631 55.631 15 0,4777 157.504 55.631 101.873 0,4870

PBC = perceived behavioural control; Gen = Generation; Edu = education; Con = Constrained; Uncon = unconstrained; Low PBC

environmental hero, go zero” to create an awareness of ZW behaviours the subjective norms–intention relationship may be because the previ­
and to communicate the gains or benefits of engaging in them. Con­ ous studies only investigated the reduce dimension of ZW behaviours (La
sumers should also be incentivised to publish online reviews of ZW Barbera & Ajzen, 2020; Li et al., 2020). For both the attitude–intention
products and -services they’ve used, as this can lead to a more positive and subjective norm–intention relationships, the moderating effect was
impression and sales of ZW products and services (Ma et al., 2022). stronger for individuals with high as opposed to low PBC. This means
The study’s results further showed subjective norms to have a strong that the easier an individual feels it would be to perform ZW behaviours,
positive effect on ZW intentions (H2) – stronger than in previous studies the stronger would be the effect of their attitude and subjective norms on
investigating individual dimensions of ZW behaviours (Rastegari Kopaei their intentions to engage in these behaviours, and the more likely they
et al., 2021; Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022). This is also in contrast to a would be to engage in these behaviours. As individuals’ PBC is based,
previous study on ZW principles that established a negative association among other things, on the difficulties they think they would face when
between these constructs (Săplăcan & Márton, 2019). The strong effect engaging in the behaviour in question (Ajzen & Madden, 1986), such as
of subjective norms on ZW intentions may be because many South Af­ an increase in price or the effort, skills, or knowledge required to engage
ricans already implement ZW practices in their daily lives (Watson & in ZW behaviours (Testa et al., 2021), doing so should be made afford­
Smith, 2020), such as refusing single-use plastic bags at grocery stores, able and easy, and awareness should be created of the convenience and
donating items they no longer need, buying in bulk, recycling, and practicality of engaging in such behaviours. Businesses, brands, and
composting their household’s waste (Johnson, 2013). Behaviours such governments should emphasise how easy and financially beneficial it is
as these may thus be the norm, and South Africans may experience to engage in ZW behaviours, and in so doing remove the barrier of
perceived social pressure to perform them (Ajzen & Madden, 1986). ‘difficulty’ these individuals perceive. Phrases such as “Zero trash, more
Social media marketing is an ideal tool to leverage this strong positive cash” or “Five simple steps to wasting less” could be used in social media
impact of subjective norms on ZW intentions; and communicating the campaigns to emphasise the financial benefits and simplicity of ZW
benefits of engaging in ZW behaviours via social media and using behaviours.
appropriate social media influencers could improve the public’s atti­ The results revealed gender (H5, H6) to moderate both relationships
tudes to ZW behaviours and the related subjective norms, thus making it in the model. In line with a study conducted on refuse behaviours (Gulid
more likely that individuals would engage in ZW behaviours. Businesses & Yansomboon, 2022), attitude had a stronger impact on intentions
and governments could, for example, publish and promote their ZW among females than among males. Subjective norms’ effect on in­
awareness campaigns on social media platforms, and even approach tentions, on the other hand, was found to be stronger among males – a
South African public figures such as sports stars, artists and musicians, or finding that contrasts with those of multiple green behaviour-related
other prominent individuals to help to disseminate the benefits of ZW. studies that found gender to have no effect on this relationship (Sun &
These prominent figures would also act as social influencers, helping to Wang, 2020; Nguyen et al., 2017). These contrasting findings may be
make ZW behaviours the new societal norm, and in so doing pressure because these previous studies investigated only the reuse dimension of
consumers to behave in a similar manner. The impact of social influence ZW behaviours.
could be further leveraged by highlighting the growing trend that is ZW Previous studies on reuse behaviours found age to moderate only the
lifestyle adoption to South African consumers (Sajid, Zakkariya & Ertz, attitude–intention relationship (Sun & Wang, 2020) or neither rela­
2023), or by launching competitions that challenge friends and families tionship in the TPB (Cao, 2023). This study, on the other hand, found
to adopt ZW behaviours in order to produce as little household waste as generation to moderate only the subjective norm–intention relationship
possible over a certain period of time in order to win a ‘ZW starter kit’ (H9) and not the attitude–intention relationship (H8). The fact that
containing ZW products. Leveraging consumers’ relationships with these previous studies investigated only the reuse dimension of ZW be­
family and friends (interpersonal relationship), as well as their re­ haviours may explain the contrasting findings. In line with a study on
lationships with public figures like influencers, businesses and govern­ reuse behaviours that found subjective norms’ impact on intentions to be
ments (public relationships) are both effective strategies to promote stronger for older age groups (Moon, 2020), this study found the sub­
reduce behaviours (Li et al., 2023). jective norms–intention relationship to be strongest among Generation
PBCs role as a moderator of the attitude – intention relationship (H3) X. This supports the idea that different generations rely on the opinion of
is in line with previous studies on reduce behaviours (La Barbera & their peers to different extents during green decision making (Wang,
Ajzen, 2020; Li et al., 2020), while PBCs moderation of the subjective 2017). Generation did not moderate the attitude–intention relationship,
norm–intention relationship (H4) contrasts with these same studies, as moderation was present only for Generation X and Generation Y, not
which found a negative (La Barbera & Ajzen, 2020) or no significant for Generation Z. While this finding is in line with one study on reuse
moderating effect (Li et al., 2020). These contrasting findings regarding behaviours (Sun & Wang, 2020), it contrasts with another (Moon, 2020)

E.I. Botha and M. Wiese Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

in which not only did Generation Z moderate the relationship in ques­ reducing one’s impact on the environment and its natural resources
tion, but the moderating effect was strongest among younger age (SDG 15) by adopting more sustainable consumption patterns such as
groups. The lack of moderation by Generation Z in this study may be reducing, reusing, and recycling (SDG 12). By reducing the production
explained by Generation Z’s lack of environmental concern Pop et al., and disposal of waste, ZW behaviours ultimately also contribute to
2020); and the contrast with the findings of the previous studies fighting climate change (SDG 13). Some researchers argue that all
mentioned above may be because they investigated only the reuse marketing research should address the SDGs; yet very few business-
dimension of ZW behaviours. related studies have done so (Bolton, 2022).
Like generation, income moderated only one of the relationships in Second, by addressing sustainability issues this study also contrib­
the TPB. In contrast to the findings of a study on reuse behaviours (Sun & utes to the emerging stream of transformative consumer research (TCR),
Wang, 2020), which found income to moderate only the attitude­ academic research that investigates consumption-related issues to create
–intention relationship, this study found the opposite: that income a better world for both consumers and the environment (Ozanne et al.,
moderated only the subjective norm–intention relationship. With regard 2015). There is a need for useful and credible research by marketers to
to the attitude–intention relationship, this study found that moderation address the complex changes driven by environmental and economic
was present only for the low-to middle- and middle-to high-income changes (Bolton, 2022) and TCR seeks to provide such practical research
groups, not the low-income group. This may be explained by the fact findings that governments, businesses, and consumers could use to drive
that living a ZW lifestyle is costly (Kim-Marriott, 2021); attitudes’ effect societal change (Ozanne et al., 2011). A sustainable future requires
on ZW intentions may thus be strengthened only in the cases of in­ governments, businesses, and society to change their mind-sets and
dividuals who have the financial means to act on their positive attitudes. behaviours (Jones et al., 2018); and understanding ZW behavioural
The subjective norm–intention relationship, on the other hand, was intent among South African consumers is a step towards changing
moderated in the case of all three income groups, with the strongest consumer behaviour for the better.
effect present in the low-to middle-income group and the weakest in the Third, by conducting a South Africa-based study, this study addresses
middle-to high-income group. Thus, even though there may be less of a the general lack of green consumer behaviour-related research in
financial barrier to adopt ZW behaviours, more affluent individuals are developing countries (ShabbirHusain, 2020).
less likely to engage in ZW behaviours because of social pressure than Fourth, the TPB has been able to successfully model the adoption of
other income groups. refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot behaviours (Li et al., 2020; T’ing
Like gender, education moderated both relationships in the model. In et al., 2020; Raghu & Rodrigues, 2022; De Leeuw et al., 2015; Rastegari
contrast to a study on reuse behaviours by Chekima et al. (2016), which Kopaei et al., 2021; Taylor & Todd, 1995) – behaviours that collectively
found attitude to have a stronger impact on intentions for individuals make up ZW behaviours (Johnson, 2013) – but this study is one of the
with tertiary qualifications, this study found the opposite: that attitude first to use the TPB to study these five dimensions holistically as ZW
had a greater impact on intentions for individuals with a secondary or behaviours. Furthermore, the above-mentioned studies employed the
lower level of schooling. With regard to the subjective norms–intention popularly accepted TPB rather than Ajzen’s (1985) original formulation
relationship, the findings showed that this relationship was much of the TPB. Recent studies, however, have proven the original TPBs
stronger for those with a tertiary qualification, which is in contrast to a success in modelling behaviour (Castanier et al., 2013; Earle et al., 2020;
study on recycle behaviours (Issock et al., 2020) that found education to Hukkelberg et al., 2014; Yzer & van den Putte, 2014), and this study
have no moderating effect. Once again, these contrasting findings may confirmed this in the context of ZW behaviours.
be because Chekima et al. (2016) and Issock et al. (2020) investigated Fifth, the above-mentioned studies employed the popularly accepted
only single dimensions (reuse and recycle) of ZW behaviours. This study’s reformulated TPB (Ajzen, 1991) as opposed to the original formulation
sample also contained a disproportionate number of individuals with a of the TPB (Ajzen, 1985). By adopting Ajzen’s (1985) original formu­
tertiary qualification, which may have affected these findings. lation of the TPB, in which PBC plays a moderating as opposed to a
The findings related to the moderating role of the above socio- predictive role, this study addresses the stark lack of green
demographic variables suggest that the effect of individuals’ attitudes behaviour-related research using Ajzen’s (1985) original theory.
to ZW behaviours on the likelihood that they would engage in these Sixth, ZW has been widely investigated in the production and waste
behaviours is strengthened in the case of females and individuals with a management context, but research at household (Săplăcan & Márton,
secondary or lower level of schooling. The effect of subjective norms 2019; Zaman, 2015) and individual level (Spiteri, 2021) has been
related to ZW behaviours on the likelihood of these behaviours being neglected. Studies have investigated ZW from a production and supply
performed is strengthened in the case of males, those who belong to perspective, but have largely neglected studying the waste problem from
Generation X, those who earn a low to middle income, and those who the demand side or from the consumer perspective (Săplăcan & Márton,
have a tertiary qualification. The marketing campaigns suggested above 2019).
that would be aimed at improving individuals’ attitudes to engaging in Finally, green consumer behaviours have been extensively studied
ZW behaviours should thus be primarily focused on females and in­ using the well-known 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) framework (Agui­
dividuals with a secondary or lower level of schooling, while the use of lar-Salinas et al., 2017; Attiq et al., 2021; Khan et al., 2019; T’ing et al.,
social media marketing to influence subjective norms related to ZW 2020). However, this framework was derived from the waste manage­
behaviours should be targeted first at men, individuals who belong to ment hierarchy (Brennan et al., 2014), a tool developed with legislation
Generation X, those in the low to middle income category, and in­ and policy development in mind (Price & Joseph, 2000), and the 3Rs
dividuals who hold a tertiary qualification. may thus not be the most suitable framework to study households’ and
individual consumers’ ZW behaviours.
5.1. Theoretical contributions While the 3Rs fail to encapsulate the full extent of ZW waste
reduction efforts (Zero Waste International Alliance, 2018b), the 5Rs
In addition to the study’s main research findings and its managerial proposed by Bea Johnson (2013) was conceptualised specifically with
implications, this study makes several theoretical contributions. individual’s and households’ waste minimisation efforts in mind.
First, by investigating consumers’ ZW behavioural intent, this study However, this is one of the first studies to use this 5R approach to
directly contributes to seven of the UNs (2023) SDGs. The aim of investigate ZW behaviours among consumers.
engaging in ZW behaviours is to reduce household waste, a practice that
prevents water pollution (SDG 6), the pollution of marine life (SDG 14), 6. Limitations and recommendations for future research
and waste’s generally negative impact on the environment (SDG 11). ZW
behaviours also encompass using resources more efficiently (SDG 8) and While this study makes several valuable contributions, it is worth

E.I. Botha and M. Wiese Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 (2024) 100177

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