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What Are The Drivers and Barriers For Green Business Practice Adoption For Smes?

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Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593

What are the drivers and barriers for green business practice adoption
for SMEs?
Junia A. Purwandani1 · Gilbert Michaud2

Accepted: 8 June 2021 / Published online: 16 June 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021

The depletion of natural resources as a byproduct of widespread, global economic growth has urged entrepreneurs to think
about the environment when starting or conducting business. However, several of these smaller-sized firms struggle with
implementing environmentally conscious business practices, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which
represent more than 95% of all private sector firms. This study uses a survey method to assess and better comprehend the
key drivers and barriers of green business practices by SMEs in the State of Ohio (USA). Results from our study show that a
majority of respondents reported that they have implemented green practices, broadly defined, within their business. The two
main drivers for deciding to engage in such practices are internal motivations and the opportunity to obtain a better public
image. However, respondents also noted a lack of capital as the central barrier to implementing green business practices. We
also observe that smaller firms, and firms located in urban areas, are more familiar with green business practices than larger
firms and firms that are located in rural areas. Our results can be used by government and business actors alike, especially
in states comparable to Ohio, as a benchmark to consider better strategies, programs, and policies for implementing green
business techniques. Overall, this research helps to better discern best practices and ways to develop more prosperous SMEs
without undermining the quality of the environment.

Keywords Green businesses · Small and medium enterprises · Sustainability · Adoption

1 Introduction economic development (Elliot 2005; Gibbs 1997), coupled

with a growing awareness of environmental issues (Michaud
Continued economic growth and expansion across the globe 2019; Severo et al. 2021), spurred the development of ‘green
has led to concerns about the depletion of natural resources, business practices’ to emerge in greater force in the latter
air pollution, and broader climate change challenges (Balsa- half of the twentieth century (Bergquist 2017; Čekanavičius
lobre-Lorente et al. 2018; Rao and Yan 2020; Riekhof et al. et al. 2014). In 2011, the United Nations Environment Pro-
2019; Rosales 2008; Zhu et al. 2019). Moreover, several gramme (UNEP) published a seminal report that defines a
scholars have contrarily indicated that global economies green economy as one which results in “improved human
cannot be sustained if the current rate of natural resource well-being and social equity, while significantly reduc-
consumption continues, as climate change also inhibits posi- ing environmental risks and ecological scarcities” (United
tive economic growth (Abidoye and Odusola 2015; Alagid- Nations 2011, para. 9). The progress toward such a green
ede et al. 2016; Chandio et al. 2020; Lal et al. 2011). The economy, specifically through business-related activities,
long-standing public concern about the sustainability of may be a way to address current environmental challenges
and allow more sustainable future economic expansion.
The contemporary process of defining and researching
* Gilbert Michaud aspects of this green economy began around 2008 with the
establishment of the Green Economy Initiative by UNEP
Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, Ohio (United Nations 2011). This green economy aims to shift
University, The Ridges Building 22, Athens, OH 45701, from the ‘business as usual’ paradigm to one with regulatory
measures and strong financial incentives for green invest-
School of Environmental Sustainability, Loyola University ments, innovation, sustainable consumption behavior, and
Chicago, 1032 W. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60660, USA

578 Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593

information-sharing for businesses (Ryszawska 2015). This serve as key drivers, and limited access to capital as a key
greening of the economy has been an appealing concept to barrier, to engaging in green business practices. We also
governments and businesses alike, as it aims to provide a observe that smaller firms, and firms located in urban areas,
simultaneous solution to both economic and environmen- are more familiar with green business practices than larger
tal issues. Green economy-related strategies are frequently firms and firms that are located in rural areas. Our paper
perceived as a pathway to sustainability, as the phrase has concludes with synthesizing takeaways and implications for
also been associated with similar ones such as ‘sustainability future policymakers and SMEs interested in green business
development’ (Loiseau et al. 2016). practice adoption, as well as study limitations and questions
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an essential for future research.
part in the creation of goods and services, as they account
for more than 95% of all enterprises, as well as roughly two-
thirds of employment, across the Organization for Economic 2 Literature review
Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries (Organi-
sation for Economic Co-Operation and Development 2018). 2.1 The importance of SMEs in the green economy
There are 36 countries that are members of the OECD,
including Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United The definition of an SME varies by country and by industry,
States (U.S.). In the U.S., there are roughly 28 million SMEs, among other factors (Ribau et al. 2018). According to the
which account for over 60% of the country’s total employ- OECD glossary, SMEs are “non-subsidiary, independent
ment (Ashton et al. 2017; U.S. Small Business Administra- firms” that employ a “small number” of workers (Organisa-
tion 2021). In general, SMEs are enterprises that have less tion for Economic Co-Operation and Development 2005,
than 500 employees (U.S. Small Business Administration para. 1), with micro-enterprises generally having a maxi-
2021). Due to their large volume, SMEs can potentially mum of 5–10 employees, and small firms having up to 50
serve as a central driver of ‘green innovation,’ or innovative employees. In the U.S., OECD points out that a firm with
practices that reduce environmental harm through business fewer than 500 employees is considered to be an SME. In
activities (Aboelmaged and Hashem 2019). Though SMEs’ addition to the number of employees, methods used to clas-
individual-level environmental footprint may be lower than sify SMEs may include annual sales, profits, the value of
their large firm counterparts, their collective impacts can assets, or some combination of these variables (Organisation
actually exceed many large businesses. As a result, reducing for Economic Co-Operation and Development 2005).
the negative environmental impacts of SMEs may be a path SMEs play an important role in all OECD economies
forward for greening the larger economy. Moreover, green- (e.g., supporting local jobs), but, globally, account for 70%
ing a business may also provide benefits to SMEs directly, of industrial pollution (Hillary 2004). In the European Union
both internally (e.g., improved employee ethical behavior) (EU), 64% of industrial pollution is caused by SMEs, but
and externally (e.g., positive public image) (Hillary 2004). few of them proactively engage in actions to reduce their
The greening of the economy has been a topic of interest environmental impact (Organisation for Economic Co-
for many, in direct response to the growing public demand Operation and Development 2018). SMEs, thus, represent
for more environmentally conscious businesses. There potentially important drivers of broader green innovation,
has been a considerable growth of green business ideol- which can also enhance SME performance and add business
ogy and practice in the U.S. (Depken and Zeman 2018). value through the promotion of sustainability (Aboelmaged
However, a larger percentage of the historic literature has and Hashem 2019; Broccardo and Zicari 2020; Gupta and
examined large enterprises, and there is a growing, yet still Barua 2018; Topleva and Prokopov 2020). Despite the large
underdeveloped, suite of studies specifically focused on the number of SMEs in most nations, including the U.S., their
environmental-related business practices of SMEs. While a importance as key players in green innovation is sometimes
number of papers have found a strong relationship between overlooked (Allen and Malin 2008).
environmentally friendly business practices and firm perfor- Researchers, policymakers, and several others gener-
mance (e.g., Ndubisi and Nair 2009), it remains necessary ally agree that entrepreneurship convincingly spurs eco-
to continue to better understand how SMEs play a role in nomic growth and development (Acs et al. 2018; Klofsten
adopting such practices. Our paper aims to accomplish this et al. 2019; Urbano et al. 2019). Entrepreneurs often have
task, using the U.S. State of Ohio as a case study, first by the capability to adopt innovative practices since they are
reviewing the prior literature, and then discussing our sur- usually smaller-sized organizations that are more flexible
vey method, results, and key conclusions. In particular, we compared to larger organizations (Benzidia and Makaoui
aim to answer the research question: what are the drivers 2020; Ndubisi and Nair 2009). In recent years, entrepreneurs
and barriers for green business practice adoption for SMEs? have started to incorporate and consolidate their environ-
We find that internal motivations and a better public image mental concerns and create eco-friendly businesses (Allen

Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593 579

and Malin 2008). This shift is important since, in order to (Ndubisi and Nair 2009). Among the terms or phrases avail-
thrive in the future, businesses should have the ability to able to describe this concept of green entrepreneurship, the
efficiently use their resources and develop their expertise to following are the most commonly used: ecoentrepreneur-
address the challenges of environmental constraints (Men- ship, ecopreneurship, environmental entrepreneurship,
guc and Ozanne 2005). Opportunities for environmentally sustainable entrepreneurship, ecological entrepreneurship,
sustainable actions by smaller businesses are also supported enviropreneurship, and sustainopreneurship. All of these
by the growing number of consumers who are willing to pay labels refer to entrepreneurs and smaller businesses that
extra for eco-friendly products (Gregory-Smith et al. 2017; desire to decrease their impact on the environment and root
Namkung and Jang 2017). their activities in sustainable, environmentally friendly, and
green principles (Gast et al. 2017). Green entrepreneurship
2.2 Green business practices is also defined as “entrepreneurship through an environmen-
tal lens,” or creating value through ecological innovations
A green economy is generally defined as one that minimizes and products (Gevrenova 2015, p. 322).
negative environmental impacts while improving the well- Further, the concepts of green entrepreneurship or green
being of society through jobs and economic growth (Gas- business share the same foundational beliefs as the circular
paratos et al. 2017; Georgeson et al. 2017). Here, jobs and economic system in its attempt to minimize environmental
wage development are, in part, determined by public and impact. The concept of a circular economic system refers
private investments that diminish carbon emissions, foster to a process that re-utilizes waste or any byproduct mate-
the utilization of efficient energy, and protect the ecosystem. rials (Kirchherr et al. 2017; Prieto-Sandoval et al. 2018),
A green economy is perceived as a way to achieve green such as low-grade lumber being a byproduct of high-grade
growth, a development that focuses on ensuring the continu- lumber from wood industries. This concept benefits not
ity of the environment while, at the same time, promoting only the economy through cost savings, but also the envi-
economic growth (Danish and Ulucak 2020; Loiseau et al. ronment through emission reductions and related attributes
2016). Though economic growth has produced many ben- (Rizos et al. 2016).
efits, it has also resulted, over many years, in the depletion There are various practices that can be applied when
of natural resources and degradation of ecosystems (Everett a business wants to implement greener behaviors. For
et al. 2010; Rao and Yan 2020). In order to achieve greener instance, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) pro-
industrial growth, investment and innovation that reinforces vides recommendations on several strategies for businesses
environmental sustainability and encourages new economic to explore, including becoming energy efficient, improv-
opportunities could be catalyzed (Loiseau et al. 2016; Men- ing waste management, and utilizing renewable energy
sah et al. 2019), especially given the continued rise in human (Chang and Slaubaugh 2017). Ashton et al. (2017) studied
population. the adoption of such green business practices among small
Greener businesses base their activities on the standard manufacturing enterprises in the Greater Chicago area, and
of environmental sustainability, minimize the damaging found that adopting energy efficiency in facilities, as well
environmental impact of their operations, and strive to uti- as recycling materials such as metal, paper, and plastics,
lize renewable energy resources (Čekanavičius et al. 2014). were the most common green practices implemented in these
Green businesses can also be more narrowly defined as an firms. A similar study by Depken and Zeman (2018), which
enterprise that has a green output as a product (Brown and focused on SMEs in Iowa, also found that waste reduction
Ratledge 2011), such as a solar photovoltaic module manu- and recycling were the most implemented green practices,
facturer. For the purposes of this study, we define green busi- followed by deploying energy efficiency measures. Chang
ness practices as efforts that a company makes to decrease and Slaubaugh (2017) studied businesses across the U.S. and
negative impacts on local and global environments, the found that using less paper, conserving water, and adopting
economy, and society. energy efficient technologies, among other green practices,
Walley and Taylor (2002), in their typology of green are preferred by the companies they studied, as they have
entrepreneurs, explained that the term ‘green’ is used to immediate impacts on a firm’s financial benefits.
define an action toward environmental sustainability. In their
work, ‘green business’ and ‘green entrepreneurship’ are used 2.3 Drivers for green business practice adoption
interchangeably, as green entrepreneurship also simultane-
ously pursues economic, environmental, and social prosper- There have been a number of studies in recent years that have
ity. Amidst rapid global population growth, industrializa- discussed or investigated the drivers of sustainable business
tion, and economic development, green entrepreneurship has practices, broadly speaking, for SMEs (e.g., Aboelmaged
emerged with a promise to provide efficient and safe opera- 2018; Aboelmaged and Hashem 2019; Bartolacci et al. 2020;
tions while being environmentally and socially responsible Caldera et al. 2019; Chege and Wang 2020; De Steur et al.

580 Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593

2020; Johnstone 2020; Johnstone and Hallberg 2020; Pizzi perceived internal responsibility for the environment were
et al. 2021; Singh and Sarkar 2019; Wahga et al. 2018). among the core adoption factors (Rahbauer et al. 2016). In
While it is clear that green businesses practices are desired a case study to explore the development of green practices
by many SMEs, being mindful of environmental concerns within micro-businesses, Parry (2012) confirmed this notion,
may also help businesses find new market opportunities, as reporting that the formation of green strategies within small
well as discover potential areas for cost reduction in daily businesses are closely linked to the ethical principles of the
operations (Rao et al. 2009). Fundamentally, Hillary (2004) business leaders, which often flow into the ethical behavior
classified the various benefits of greening a business into of employees.
internal and external benefits. Internal benefits are advan- A seminal study by Bansal and Roth (2000), examining
tages acquired that are related to the internal operation of the motives of why companies go green, comprehensively
SMEs, while external benefits are related to external interac- classified the drivers of corporate ecological responsibility
tion. The internal benefits are often divided into three dis- into four main areas: (1) legislation, (2) stakeholder pres-
tinct categories: (1) organizational benefits (e.g., improved sure, (3) economic opportunity, and (4) ethical motives.
working conditions and safety), (2) financial benefits (e.g., Many others have included commercial benefits (e.g., Cama-
cost savings from materials efficiencies), and (3) people ben- cho and Fernandez 2018; Parry 2012; Wahga et al. 2018) as
efits (e.g., improved employee ethical behavior). Relatedly, an additional factor in why businesses adopt green practices.
external benefits are also divided into three categories: (1) This idea is supported by the fact that there is an increas-
commercial benefits (e.g., gaining competitive marketing ing number of companies that are pursuing sustainability to
advantage), (2) environmental benefits (e.g., reduced pol- seek new market advantages, in addition to promoting public
lution), and (3) communications benefits (e.g., creating a image and reputation through pollution reduction and new
positive public image). communications (Chang and Slaubaugh 2017). Research
Many authors (e.g., Baah et al. 2021; Chege and Wang regarding the social and environmental responsibility of
2020) have indicated that internal financial benefits, such as SMEs in Latin America by Vives (2006) also found that
cost savings, could be achieved by practices such as waste profit was considered an important factor in engaging in
incineration, cutting down on paper use, and turning off elec- green practices, in addition to compliance with legislation
tronic appliances when they are not in use. For instance, (e.g., Johnstone and Hallberg 2020). Others have noted bet-
Čekanavičius et al. (2014) found that while shifting to green ter relationships with the community and the public sector,
business practices usually required certain additional costs, as well as the desire to improve relations with clients and
they can also bring tangible benefits such as lower materi- suppliers. Table 1 concisely summarizes selected research
als costs, and, thus, increased profit. Despite such poten- papers by authors revealing the motivations for implement-
tial advantages, SMEs are not always aware of the financial ing green business practices, most similar to our own, many
benefits that are associated with environmentally friendly of which also employ survey methods. While internal moti-
initiatives (Rao et al. 2009). vations are rather consistently found to be a key driver for
The personal values of a business owner, and their inter- green business practice adoption across studies, the results
nal intimacy and responsibility for employees and commu- remain relatively mixed.
nities (e.g., De Steur et al. 2020), may also affect the level
of sustainability of an SME (Vives 2006). A study regard-
ing the adoption of renewable energy by German SMEs
showed that entrepreneurs’ personalities reflected by their

Table 1  Drivers for green business practice adoption found in selected prior studies
Drivers Author
Bansal and Vives (2006) Parry (2012) Čekanavičius Rahbauer Ashton Depken
Roth (2000) et al. (2014) et al. (2016) et al. (2017) and Zeman

Required by market/customers √ √ √ √
Required by Government √ √ √ √
Investment opportunity √ √ √ √
Internally motivated √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Community pressure √ √
Better public image √ √ √

Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593 581

2.4 Barriers for green business practice adoption pursue green practices. The results of their study proposed
effective policies and a framework by government and poli-
Regardless of their precise size and industry sector(s), SMEs cymakers, such as environmental tax benefits and low-inter-
face different kinds of barriers in incorporating green prac- est loans. Comprehensively, it is apparent that mixed results
tices into their operations, which have sometimes been exist in prior studies concerning the adoption of green busi-
slow and challenging (Teh et al. 2020). According to Rao ness practices, as a product of various methods, geographies
et al. (2009), SMEs often expressed their intention to opt analyzed, and questions asked.
for voluntary environmental initiatives, as long as the pro-
cess was not too expensive and not too daunting (Wu 2017).
Yet, SMEs are often unaware that there are many financially 3 Methods
attractive opportunities for environmental improvement,
such as tax breaks and subsidies from governmental entities 3.1 Sample design
(Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
2018). Often, these SMEs are busy increasing their produc- For this study, we employed a non-probability convenience
tivity and focusing mainly on their product outcomes (Rao sample, with the population being every known SME in the
et al. 2009). A lack of necessary skills and expertise also State of Ohio (USA) that employs 1–500 workers. Ohio
commonly prevents SMEs from embracing new opportuni- was chosen as a representative case study given the authors’
ties, even when they are generally aware of the potential familiarity with the state, as well as its diverse business and
of improving competitiveness (Organisation for Economic political structures across its distinct regions, which compre-
Co-Operation and Development, 2018). hensively embodies what might be found in most other U.S.
The complexities in implementing green business prac- states. We gathered business email addresses from publicly
tices were examined in a study by Gupta and Barua (2018). available data on the LexisNexis database. LexisNexis is a
These authors discussed overcoming barriers to green inno- digital research tool that provides a convenient and cost-
vation, and classified the impediments into seven clusters: efficient method to access to extensive business records and
(1) organizational or managerial, (2) technological, (3) finan- other information (Michaud and Jolley 2017). In particular,
cial and economic, (4) external partnership and stakeholder we utilized the ‘Company Dossier’ function in LexisNexis
engagement, (5) government support, (6) market and cus- to search for companies in Ohio, and gathered ancillary data
tomers, and (7) knowledge and information-related barriers. such as address and employee count. We then sorted this
They argued that organizational- or managerial-related barri- list by employee count, and only included businesses with
ers often come from the lack of commitment by management 1–500 employees to meet the definitional standards of SMEs
to green practices since they prefer to run a business in a as previously identified. The Company Dossier mines data
conventional way, and they strive to avoid unexpected risk from numerous company and financial sources for more
from innovation. Moreover, they indicated that the techno- than 240,000,000 public and private companies worldwide
logical, as well as knowledge and information-related, bar- (LexisNexis 2019).
riers are mainly present due to the resource constraints that
are often found within SMEs. Unlike multinational firms 3.2 Study area
that can support technological advancement through their
research and development activities, SMEs often depend on The U.S. State of Ohio is divided into five general districts:
the readily available technology in the market (Chang and (1) the Northwest District (24 counties), (2) the Northeast
Slaubaugh 2017). District (15 counties), (3) the Southwest District (16 coun-
Financial and economic issues may also serve as both ties), (4) the Central District (10 counties), and (5) the
a driver and barrier toward the adoption of green business Southeast District (23 counties). The state has a diverse
practices. Gupta and Barua (2018) explained that, while geography, with many major cities and metropolitan areas,
financial incentives by reducing costs can drive some to which include Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Fur-
adopt green practices, the high cost of investing in green ther, more than 25% of Ohio’s land cover is forest and more
innovations often hampers SMEs from making such shifts. than 50% is farmland (Restoring Prosperity 2010). Ohio’s
This financial challenge of implementing green innovation economy consists of core industries such as advanced manu-
is understandable, given the uncertainty on payback peri- facturing, energy and chemicals, financial services, food and
ods, and has been noted in prior studies (e.g., Ormazabal agribusiness, and healthcare (JobsOhio 2010).
et al. 2018). Gupta and Barua (2018) also note the lack of
support from external stakeholders such as governments,
business partners throughout the supply chain (e.g., Kumar
et al. 2019), and customers as deterrents for SMEs to further

582 Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593

3.3 Data collection and into two different locations, rural and urban. Consistent
with prior studies using a rural/urban dichotomy, all counties
A survey method was utilized to collect data regarding that are not designated as parts of Metropolitan Areas by
the implementation of green business practices by SMEs the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) were con-
in Ohio. To make our set of questions more manageable sidered rural in this study. Below, Fig. 1 displays our study
in response time and more efficient in its administration, area, broken down into the rural (green) and urban (purple)
most of the questions used were close-ended. As opposed dichotomy, while also displaying the number of respondents
to open-ended questions, subjects were presented with lists from each county (as indicated by the yellow dots by size).
about common green business practices, and then asked, in
the questionnaire, to what extent their companies engaged
in those practices. 4 Results
The questionnaire itself consisted of 12 questions (see
Online Appendix A), and was divided into the following 4.1 Background of the respondents
sections: (1) demographics (i.e., firm size, industry sector,
and location), (2) types of green business practices imple- After the close of our survey, in December of 2019, there
mented, (3) motivations to implement current green business were 178 recorded responses, and, after being sorted and
practices or to implement green business practices in the cleaned, there were 140 total responses to be analyzed, 49
future, (4) barriers in implementing green business practices, of which came from the Chambers of Commerce portion
and (5) types of support needed to better implement green of the sample. Some of our cleaning involved eliminating
business practices. To minimize bias that may be caused by the respondents that had the same IP address and answers.
different interpretations of ‘green business practices,’ we There were also some unfinished responses, and responses
provided the definition of green business practices that is that did not provide consent. In total, our response rate was
used for this study in the questionnaire itself. 8.4%, which is within the typical range of similar external
Our survey was sent out directly to 1672 SMEs’ email surveys. The demographic data of respondents are sum-
addresses from LexisNexis, as well as to an additional marized below in Table 2, with many small and urban
set of SMEs through 229 Chambers of Commerce across SMEs that responded.
the State of Ohio. Chambers of Commerce are non-profit The survey first asked about the SMEs’ familiarity with
organizations with an objective to promote the interests of green business practices, and their perceived importance
businesses, who have several local SMEs as their members. of such green practices (see Table 3). In other words, the
Due to privacy concerns and the importance of anonymity goal here was to assess to what extent SMEs incorporate
in the survey, in this study, instead of sharing their mem- green practices while conducting their normal businesses
bers’ email addresses with the researchers, some Chamber operations. A majority of the firms (70.7%) claimed
of Commerce sent out the survey to their members on behalf that they were somewhat familiar with green business
of the researchers. practices, which they perceived as somewhat important
The Ohio-based SMEs were sent our online questionnaire (66.4%). Very few SMEs (11.4%) were not at all famil-
via Qualtrics to examine whether or not they incorporate iar with green business practices, and even fewer (7.9%)
green practices within their businesses, and what the driv- viewed these green practices as not at all important.
ers and barriers of implementing the green practices were.
Since we only sent the survey to businesses who had an
email address listed in the LexisNexis database, the unit of 4.2 Green business practices
analysis does not have the same chance of being included
in the sample, and, thus, we acknowledge that this sampling In our survey, roughly two-thirds of the respondents
method has a potential for biased estimates. This research reported that they have implemented green practices, to
measured data only at a single point in time, where data were some extent, within their business. Figure 2 displays the
collected from October 29 to December 12 of 2019. types of green business practices that the sample of SMEs
implemented, as well as the frequency of each type. This
figure also shows the differences between small versus
3.4 Data analysis medium enterprises, as well as between enterprises that
are located in rural versus urban areas. Though each group
For data analysis, our results distribution was disaggregated has different preferences in implementing a green practice,
according to company size and geographical location. In ‘recycling materials’ and ‘reducing waste’ are shown as
particular, we divided company size into two distinct groups: the most common practice, and ‘pursuing green certifica-
small (1–50 employees) and medium (51–500 employees), tion’ as the least utilized practice across each group.

Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593 583

Fig. 1  Map of study area and respondents by County

Next, respondents who do not implement green prac- green business practice implementation, as this emerged as
tices within their business were asked to identify the chal- the top challenges across all four groups. Concerns about
lenges that they faced in terms of implementing green additional work burdens were also prevalent.
practices. Below, Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the chal- After identifying the challenges, respondents were then
lenges among each group. Here, it is clear that firms are asked to suggest the types of support that might encourage
concerned about the potential for increasing costs due to them to implement green business practices. Table 4 shows
the frequency of each type of support desired. These data

584 Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593

Table 2  Demographics of SME respondents in this study main driver for implementing green business practices,
Demographic variable Percentage (%) followed by ‘better public image.’ Internal motivation
often refers to the personal value of the business owner
Industry sector and their ethical principles. Ashton et al. (2017, p. 2136)
Food, agriculture, and forestry 2.8 described this internal motivation as “personal belief,
Construction, utilities, and transportation 6.4 awareness, and commitment to social and environmental
Wholesale and retail trade 9.3 responsibility.” More than 7% SMEs utilized the ‘other’
Manufacturing 19.3 option, and listed specific items that have motivated them
Service industries (e.g., healthcare, financial, etc.) 27.9 to implement green practices within their business. Fig-
Other 34.3 ure 4 shows the distribution of the drivers on each groups.
Total 100 The implementation of green business practices can
Firm size generate several benefits. Benefits noted by the SMEs in
Small (1–50 employees) 80.0 our sample are reported in Fig. 5. Interestingly, firms that
Medium (51–500 employees) 20.0 have actually implemented practices notice reduced costs
Total 100 (though this might be the reason, and not the effect, of green
Region practices).
Urban 77.1
Rural 22.9 4.4 Barriers to implementing green business
Total 100 practices

The Ohio SMEs who have implemented green practices

Table 3  Familiarity with green business practices and perceived within their business identified a number of barriers in doing
importance so. Figure 6 displays the distribution of the barriers across
Degree Frequency (n) Percentage (%) our four groups. Lack of capital seemed to be a major barrier
for the smaller SMEs, as well as the SMEs located, interest-
ingly, in more urban areas.
Not at all familiar 16 11.4
Respondents who have experienced barriers were then
Somewhat familiar 99 70.7
asked to identify the types of support that they need to
Very familiar 25 17.9
address those barriers. Again, the desire for government
Total 140 100
assistance, especially with respect to costs, was a major fac-
Perceived importance
tor, as shown in Table 5.
Not at all important 11 7.9
In sum, the core green business practices that were identi-
Somewhat important 93 66.4
fied as being implemented from SMEs in Ohio were recy-
Very important 36 25.7
cling and reducing waste. We also found that internal moti-
Total 140 100
vation, and aiming for better public image, were the main
drivers for SMEs to adopt green business practices. Con-
versely, the main barriers for SMEs in Ohio to adopt green
are congruent with the results from Fig. 3 in the sense business practices varied depending on business size
that cost is a major concern, as the two most common and location, but, generally, included lack of capital, lack of
responses in Table 4 relate to subsidies and tax incen- support from partners, and other financial constraints.
tives. Education and training emerged as less important
here, contrary to the findings from some prior studies. This
perhaps suggests that most SMEs know about green busi- 5 Discussion
ness practices at this point, but are largely looking for the
appropriate capital to implement such strategies. Our survey showed that roughly 70% of our respondents
are somewhat familiar with green business practices, and
4.3 Drivers of implementing green business that over 66% of the respondents perceive green business
practices practices as somewhat important. We observe that smaller
firms, and firms located in urban areas, are more familiar
In the literature review, Table 1 shows that a truly wide with green business practices than larger firms and firms
variety of factors drive SMEs to implement green practices that are located in rural areas. Further, both small and urban
within their business. However, in our survey, about 60% firms were shown to perceive green practices to be more
of respondents reported that ‘internal motivation’ was the important than medium and rural firms.

Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593 585

Fig. 2  Green business practices implemented by surveyed SMEs

5.1 Implementation of green business practices In addition to the close-ended questions regarding green
business practices, respondents also were able to choose the
At large, more than 65% of our respondents have imple- ‘other’ option and identify an alternative green practice that
mented green practices within their business operations. they have implemented. One respondent reported that they
Recycling appeared to be the most implemented green use less paper in their efforts to be more environmentally
practice, with cardboard and paper as the most recycled friendly. Having a Zoom call instead of traveling for a meet-
materials. Pursuing green certification was the least com- ing was also reported as a green practice by respondent.
mon practice within each group, perhaps because business Both practices can save costs in many circumstances.
owners are less enthusiastic about practices that may benefit Besides looking at the types of green business practices
the public more than the business itself (see: Chang and and simply calculating their frequency, a cross-tabulation
Slaubaugh 2017). analysis was also performed to see if there was a relationship
between firms’ size and the level of engagement in green

586 Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593

Fig. 3  Challenges for implementing green business practices

Table 4  Types of support Type of support Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

desired by SMEs
Government-funded program(s) to provide financial and/ 26 18.6
or technical assistance
Governmental tax reduction 22 15.7
Support from the community 14 10.0
Support through seminars and workshops 12 8.6
Support in providing training for employees 9 6.4
Other 9 6.4

Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593 587

Fig. 4  Drivers for implementing green business practices

practices. Results from this analysis show that the smaller as they often require more resources, including specific sets
SMEs, as well as those located in urban areas, were more of knowledge and expertise, which can be a challenge for the
knowledgeable with green business practices than larger businesses (e.g., Depken and Zeman 2018). However, results
SMEs, as well as those located in rural areas. Results from from our analysis show that smaller SMEs in the sample are
a chi-square test indicated that the relation between familiar- reported to be more engaged in green business practices.
ity with firm size, and location of the firms, is statistically Smaller SMEs are perhaps more likely to implement
significant. Further, we implemented a similar method to green business practices since they are smaller and inher-
analyze the perceived importance of green business prac- ently more flexible. The nature of stakeholder pressure in
tices. With significance, smaller and more urban SMEs were small businesses, where customers have closer relationships
shown to perceive green practices to be more important than with business owners, may also play a role in pushing busi-
medium and more rural SMEs. Prior research has found that nesses to be greener (Parry 2012). Results from our sur-
small businesses are less likely to implement green practices, vey also showed that urban enterprises are more engaged

588 Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593

Fig. 5  Benefits for implementing green business practices

in green business practices. This may be due to the fact that knowledge and information-related challenges are mainly
urban SMEs typically have greater access to facilities and present due to the resource constraints that are often found
technology that will enable them to implement green prac- within SMEs. These challenges could potentially be avoided
tices, such as more accessible recycling facilities (Desilver if information on the benefits of implementing green busi-
2016). ness practices was more widespread. One respondent also
Respondents who do not implement green business pointed out that it might be challenging for government
practices were asked about the challenges that they faced. agencies to fund such green initiatives.
Most respondents cited increasing costs and additional work In addition to identifying the challenges, respondents
burden as the two main challenges in implementing such were asked to indicate the types of support that might
practices. Some of the respondents also held the percep- encourage them to implement green business practices.
tion that adopting green business practices will reduce their Government-funded programs to provide financial and/
profits, and, thus, they do not see benefits of adoption. These or technical assistance was identified to be the primary

Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593 589

Fig. 6  Barriers for implementing green business practices

Table 5  Types of support to Types of support Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

address barriers
Governmental tax reduction 22 15.7
Support from the community 20 14.3
Government-funded program(s) to provide financial and/ 20 14.3
or technical assistance
Support in providing training for employees 17 12.1
Support through seminars and workshops 14 10.0
Other 6 4.3

590 Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593

support that SMEs needed. Additionally, many respond- Most respondents noted that governmental support is the
ents also mentioned a governmental tax reduction to key approach needed to strengthen green practice imple-
encourage them to implement green business practices. mentation. Assistance via favorable tax incentives, as well
as programs that provide financial and technical assistance,
5.2 Drivers and benefits for implementing green were also noted as key types of support. Finally, support
business practices from the community was also seen as an important aspect
of a greener business in our sample.
Respondents who do implement green business practices
were asked to identify their main drivers for implement-
ing such practices, and the majority cited internal motiva- 6 Conclusions
tion as the key motivating factor. Internal motivation was
frequently displayed as a sense of ‘it is the right thing to The findings from our study bring forth several implications
do’ or ‘environmental responsibility.’ Better public image for both SMEs directly, as well as government agencies and
was also frequently observed in our responses, with 27% of policymakers. For SMEs thinking about, or just beginning
respondents noting it as a key driver for implementing green to develop, green business practices, it may be easier to start
practices. Some respondents also mentioned other drivers, with lower-cost strategies, such as recycling materials and
such as being motivated by employees and clients, as well reducing waste. These types of strategies are more easily
as the availability of the financing options. implementable, with benefits that are more readily realiz-
Our respondents were also asked to identify the benefits able, and these practices have been found to directly contrib-
of implementation, and they noted reduced operational costs ute to a company’s financial profits (Broccardo and Zicari
as the main advantage for such adoption. Survey respond- 2020; Chang and Slaubaugh 2017; Topleva and Prokopov
ents also identified an improved community well-being as 2020). For more advanced SMEs that have already imple-
a benefit. Nevertheless, there were some respondents who mented some level of green business practices, more pro-
were uncertain of the benefits. For instance, one claimed gressive (and costly) actions, such as adopting renewable
that there were complaints from the employees when con- energy, may be an alternative path forward. The installa-
ducting green practices (e.g., more work for employees to tion of renewable energy (such as rooftop solar) can offer
separate waste into multiple bins). This suggests that green multiple benefits, such as improvement in environmental
practices are still perceived, by some, as burdensome for quality through emissions reductions, and supporting local
SMEs in Ohio. contracting jobs (Burke and Stephens 2017; Menegaki 2008;
Millstein et al. 2017; Pitt and Michaud 2015). In addition
5.3 Barriers and challenges for implementing green to potentially adopting renewable energy, SMEs may want
business practices to further pursue formal green certification. This certifica-
tion can have several benefits, such as an increase in prod-
Though a majority of SMEs in Ohio have implemented some uct demand and popularity from consumers (Tseng et al.
form of green business practices, they still face numerous 2018), as well as an improved employee engagement with
barriers in the process. To illustrate, a lack of capital was the business.
identified as the main barrier by a large percentage of our Beyond the direct implications for SMEs, governmental
respondents. Though financial incentives via costs savings entities and policymakers attempting to encourage green
can drive SMEs to adopt green practices, the high cost of business practices could provide additional financial assis-
investing in green innovations and a lack of capital may tance, such as tax reductions, or related incentives and sub-
impede SMEs to greening their businesses. Second, admin- sidies. These policymakers should investigate the extent to
istrative burden was indicated as another main barrier, espe- which their specific state or locality already has tax exemp-
cially for the smaller and more urban SMEs. Respondents tions for energy efficiency or renewable energy investments,
also mentioned other barriers, such as cost prohibitions, long such as operationalized via the Database of State Incentives
payback periods, laborious, and how recycling facilities are for Renewable and Efficiency (DSIRE) in the U.S., and
unaffordable. These barriers have been previously identified examine the intricacies and effectiveness of these programs
by scholars such as Rao et al. (2009), who suggested that to understand both gaps and opportunities for new program
SMEs will express their intention for environmental initia- implementation.
tives, as long as the process is not too expensive and not too In addition, the State of Ohio, in particular, could adopt
daunting. better programs to encourage green business practices,
In order to minimize the barriers faced by SMEs in this such as seen in other states such as New York and New
realm, various support structures may be needed to encour- Jersey, among many others. To illustrate, the State of New
age further implementation of green business practices. York has the New York Green Business Program, which

Environment Systems and Decisions (2021) 41:577–593 591

provides benefits and recognition to businesses that are can use the results of this study to better comprehend the
committed to operating sustainably and protecting natural specificities of green business practice development and
resources (Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay 2017). Partici- related decisions in their respective regions.
pant firms are able to market themselves as environmental
leaders, as well as have access to a network of other sus- 6.1 Limitations and questions for future research
tainability leaders in the region, and also receive technical
assistance from the Pollution Prevention Institute. Simi- Given this study’s survey response rate, the usual limitations
larly, the State of New Jersey has developed a series of that apply to lower-response surveys, i.e., limited variation
sustainable business guides and funding to assist SMEs in in answers to some survey questions, limited variation in
adopting sustainable business practices and reducing their demographics of respondents, and likely under-representa-
environmental impact (State of New Jersey Department of tion of some groups at the expense of other groups, apply to
Environmental Protection 2019). our results. Thus, readers should treat these results as sug-
Moreover, state governmental agencies can foster the gestive rather than fully conclusive. One particular methodo-
implementation of green business practices by provid- logical limitation of this study was the concept of selection
ing additional information and raising awareness about bias, in which the researchers did not have full control of the
these practices. Such an educational strategy may be use- recipients of the survey given the distribution techniques of
ful in diminishing misconceptions that green practices are the various Chambers of Commerce of which the survey
complex, costly, and overly burdensome. The Department was sent to. It is also worth noting that the responses were
of Energy and Environmental Protection in the State of uneven in terms of the distribution of the firms’ location and
Connecticut, as an example, provides guidelines for busi- size of the employees, with small and urban SMEs largely
nesses to adopt more sustainable practices, which may be dominating the respondents.
an educational model that a state like Ohio, or other lag- Moving forward, a better way to access appropriate SME
gard policy states, could implement. Yet another example email addresses, especially in the US context, is needed for
comes from the Green Chamber of San Diego County, future research of this variety. Our study areas could also
California (now U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce), be expanded, perhaps even to other countries, for a more
which educates communities and businesses on sustain- comprehensive investigation to enhance generalizability
ability matters (Hardwick 2011). This advocacy program beyond just the State of Ohio. Such an approach would help
also discusses other potentially challenging barriers, such researchers develop a more robust, and perhaps even ran-
as a lack of financial support. Additionally, as SMEs often dom, sample that would allow the use of advanced statistical
depend on the readily available technology in the market methods of analysis. Firms’ characteristics, such as the age
(Chang and Slaubaugh 2017), government can foster par- of firms, might also need to be specified for a deeper trend
ticipation by making sure that off-the-shelf green options analysis. We believe that future research can use our initial
are available. Though green business practices can offer investigation and build on our findings, and that the use of
both financial savings and environmental protection, their a theoretical framework could also help provide ground-
adoption remains generally uncertain, especially amid the ing or testable concepts in future studies of small business
economic disruption felt by the recent global health pan- sustainability.
demic (i.e., COVID-19), which may make it more chal-
lenging for SMEs to adopt green practices in the shorter Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 10669-0​ 21-0​ 9821-3.
term, as they have less capital to invest or put at risk.
It is well known that the broad goals of business and
economic development are to improve and enhance pros-
perity for all, such as through new workforce opportunities Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no competing
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ing concerns about environmental sustainability, causing
elected officials, state and local practitioners, and many
others to think creativity about ways to pursue economic References
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