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EE405 - Digital Electronics

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Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering Syllabus)

Course Objective:

The educational objectives of this course are

 To present a problem oriented introductory knowledge of Digital circuits and its applications.
 To focus on the study of electronic circuits.
Teaching / Examination Scheme

Teaching Scheme Total Evaluation Scheme Total

PR. /
VIVO Marks
Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Marks Marks Marks Marks

EE-405 3 0 0 3 3 3 70 30 20 00 120

Detailed Syllabus
1. Number system and codes:Binary, octal, hexadecimal and decimal Number systems and their
inter conversion, BCD numbers (8421-2421), gray code, excess–3 code, cyclic code, code
conversion, ASCII, EBCDIC codes. Binary addition and subtraction, signed and unsigned binary
numbers, 1's and 2's complement representation.
2. Boolean Algebra: Basic logic circuits: Logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Ex-OR, Ex-
NOR and their truth tables, ), Universal Gates, Laws of Boolean algebra, De-Morgan's theorem,
Min term, Max term, POS, SOP, KMap, Simplification by boolean theorems, don’t care condition
3. Logic Families: Introduction to digital logic family such as RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS, IIR,
HTL etc., theircomparative study, Basic circuit, performance characteristics, Wired logic, open
collector output etc
4. Combinational Logic: The Half adder, the full adder, subtractor circuit. Multiplxer de-
multiplexer, decorder, BCD to seven segment Decorder,encoders.
5. Flip flop and Timing circuit : set-reset laches, D-flipflop, R-S flip-flop, J-K Flip-flop, Master
slave Flip flop, edge triggered flip-flop, T flip-flop.
6. Registers & Counters: Synchronous/Asynchronous counter operation,Up/down synchronous
counter, application of counter, Serial in/Serial out shift register, Serial in/Serial out shift register,
Serial in/parallel out shift register, parallel in/ parallel out shift register, parallel in/Serial out shift
register, Bi-directional register.
Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering Syllabus)
Lesson Planning
SR No. No. of % Weightage
Hours in Exam

1 05 Number system and codes:Binary, octal, hexadecimal and decimal

Number systems and their inter conversion, BCD numbers (8421-
2 05 15 gray code, excess–3 code, cyclic code, code conversion, ASCII,
EBCDIC codes. Binary addition and subtraction, signed and unsigned
binary numbers, 1's and 2's complement representation.

3 10 Boolean Algebra: Basic logic circuits: Logic gates (AND, OR, NOT,
NAND, NOR, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR and their truth tables, ), Universal
20 Gates, Laws of Boolean algebra, De-Morgan's theorem, Min term,
Max term, POS, SOP, KMap, Simplification by boolean theorems,
don’t care condition

4 10 Logic Families: Introduction to digital logic family such as RTL,

DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS, IIR, HTL etc., theircomparative study, Basic
circuit, performance characteristics, Wired logic, open collector output

5 05 Combinational Logic: The Half adder, the full adder, subtractor

10 circuit. Multiplxer de-multiplexer, decorder, BCD to seven segment

6 05 Flip flop and Timing circuit : set-reset laches, D-flipflop, R-S flip-
10 flop, J-K Flip-flop, Master slave Flip flop, edge triggered flip-flop, T

7 05 Registers & Counters: Synchronous/Asynchronous counter

operation,Up/down synchronous counter, application of counter,
Serial in/Serial out shift register.
Serial in/Serial out shift register, Serial in/parallel out shift register,
parallel in/ parallel out shift register, parallel in/Serial out shift
register, Bi-directional register

TOTAL 45 100

Instructional Method & Pedagogy

 At the start of course, the course delivery pattern , prerequisite of the subject will be discussed
 Lecture may be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, black board, OHP etc.
 Attendance is compulsory in lectures and laboratory, which may carries five marks in overall
Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering Syllabus)
 Two internal exams may be conducted and average of the same may be converted to equivalent of
15 marks as a part of internal theory evaluation.
 Assignment based on course content will be given to the student for each unit/topic and will be
evaluated at regular interval. It may carry a weight age of five marks in the overall internal
 Surprise tests/Quizzes/Seminar /Tutorial may be conducted and having share of five marks in the
overall internal evaluation.

Students Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course

 The student can acquire the basic knowledge of measurement principles and their application in
electrical engineering.
 The students will be able to effectively employ electrical and electronics instruments for
measurements of various electrical quantities.
Recommended Study Materials

Text &Reference Books:

1. Digital Fundamentals by Morris and Mano, PHI Publication

2. Fundamental of digital circuits by A.ANANDKUMAR,PHI Publication
3. Digital Fundamaentals by FLOYD & JAIN, Pearsons Pub
4. Fundamentals of Logic Design by Charles H. Roth Thomson

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