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Ict Life Cycle

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Department of Education and Training

ICT Project Lifecycle

Why we are doing this
To define the How, Why, What, When, Where and Estimated Cost of the project for approval by the Project Board.

Note: These activities, tasks and outputs are not the complete list but are indicative of the key areas of focus per stage. Refer to the approved, published DET methodology for full details.

Idea Definition
Why we are doing this
To seek formal approval to progress to the Start-Up Stage.

Start Up
Why we are doing this
To gather sufficient information so that a decision can be made that the idea should progresses to a project.

Why we are doing this
To define what the business needs in business-oriented language. To also determine and define the agreed to be business processes.

Architecture and High-level Design

Why we are doing this
To define what the proposed solution architecture and high-level design would be for review, endorsement and approval by key stakeholders.

Solution Definition and Selection

Why we are doing this
To finalise how to proceed e.g. buy, build and do nothing. Including the revision of the supporting business case.

What you'll need to do

Prepare Idea Definition Describe the opportunity Discuss idea with Portfolio Investment Office (PIO) Determine strategic alignment Define statement of need Describe proposed initiative Define scope Identify Core Business functions Identify potential dependencies Identify potential impacts Identify potential benefits Identify estimated costs Identify funding source Undertake initial scan of stakeholders Discuss idea with Enterprise Architecture Council Complete Idea Definition document and seek Business Sign-Off Seek endorsement Submit Idea Definition document to Portfolio Investment Office

What youll need to do

Project Management Establishment Adopt project governance Produce Project Brief Determine project strategy/approach Confirm Senior Responsible Officer/Project Executive and appoint Project Manager Initiate Planning Develop the Initiation stage plan Determine initiative benefits and costs Non-financial business benefits Financial benefits Estimated costs for remaining Stages Estimated costs for ongoing operation Identify funding source and agree tolerances Fully identify stakeholders Undertake Project Assurance Planning Perform initial risk analysis include information security high level business impact assessment Undertake high level Options Analysis Assess alignment with Enterprise Architecture Produce high-level outline of business case Seek funding approval

What youll need to do

Mobilise governance and project team Develop the project plan Define plan of work, including Develop Product Breakdown Structure Develop Product Descriptions Determine Product dependencies Determine Deployment strategy

What youll need to do

Identify high-level business requirements Business process review Define As-is business processes Define To-be business processes ( mapped according to EAC BPMN notation. ) Develop detailed business requirements Plan detailed business requirements gathering Gather and compile business requirements (functional and non- functional, including confidentiality /integrity/privacy/availability) Categorise requirements, identifying mandatory, desirable or highly desirable. Include detailed to-be business process definitions in docs. Review and obtain stakeholder commitment Develop conceptual, Enterprise Architecture-aligned solution design Business, Information, Applications, Technology, Security, Standards Define change management approach Determine Transformational changes Undertake As-Is assessments Develop and undertake stakeholder engagement and communications plans Create stage plan for next stage, update project plan and refine business case

What youll need to do

Analyse current and define future operational environments Describe and analyse current operational environment Describe detailed opportunity/ problem/compliance requirements Design and review future operational environment Conduct gap analysis Develop logical, Enterprise Architecture - aligned solution architecture design Perform detailed and rigorous Options Analysis Identify best options (mix of build, buy, rent, do nothing) Assess and recommend options Create stage plan for next stage, update project plan and refine business case ICT change strategy

What youll need to do

Select solution Define solution acquisition/development strategy & determine selection approach Identify solution options Define and weight selection criteria ITO preparation/submission/responses Evaluate options and recommend solution
(includes vendor analysis and negotiation)

Refine preliminary risk assessment Develop risk management plans Refine budget/costs for project and ongoing operation Identify Security requirements Confirm Information Security Classifications Set up project controls Assemble Project Initiation Document (PID) Conduct End Stage Assessment Create stage plan for next stage, update project plan and refine business case Mobilise Project Team

Revise future operational environment Conduct detailed risk assessment Identify and categorise risks Update project risk register Obtain endorsement Define execution strategies Develop master test plan & test strategy Develop ICT change management implementation and support strategy Develop physical, Enterprise Architecture - aligned solution architecture Revise communications plan Review project costs and benefits Review costs, contingency and confidence, desired outcomes and benefits Document costs and benefits Perform cost/benefit analysis Establish benefits tracking report Confirm funding approval Submit revised business case Accept or reject revised business case Approve funds for remainder of project Develop change management plan Revise communications plans

Groups consulted
Portfolio Investment Office (PIO) Enterprise Architecture Council (EAC) Business/Client areas

Groups consulted
PMO - EAC ICT Operations - Application Services ICT Service Support and Planning Information Security Business areas

Groups consulted
PMO EAC Business/client areas

Groups consulted
EAC PMO ICT Operations - Application Services Information Security Business/client areas

Groups consulted
EAC PMO ICT Operations

Groups consulted
PMO EAC ICT Operations - Application Services Strategic Procurement Business areas

- Application Services

Idea Definition document, endorsed by the Business

Project Brief, including outline of Business Case Project Approach (high-level options) Initiation Stage Plan

Project Initiation Document (PID) Benefits Realisation Plan Refined business case Security plan - Assurance Plan Project management outputs* - Project checkpoints / highlights / end stage reports - Risk and issue registers - Refined project budget/costs

Solution architecture (conceptual) Change management approach Business requirements specifications Information security plan Requirements traceability matrix Capacity risk assessment Stakeholder engagement plan Communications plan

To-be solution definition Detailed Options analysis document Solution architecture (logical) Software requirements specification Solution architecture checklist

Final options assessment Solution development strategy Master test plan and test strategy Solution architecture (physical) Software requirements specification Benefits realisation plan & tracking report Change impact assessment plan Solution architecture checklist Revised business case Project management outputs*

Project management outputs

Project management outputs*

Information Committee, or its delegated body, approves that the Idea progresses to the Start Up stage.

Information Committee, or its delegated body, approves that the Idea progresses to the Project Initiation stage.

Project Board authorises next stage.

Project Board authorises next stage.

Project Board authorises next stage.

Information Committee, or its delegated body, authorises the next stage, based on a recommendation from the Project Board.

* Project management outputs include all identified products required for the management of a project,
including the various stage plans, regular reports, budget positions and milestone reports.

Buy Solution
Why we are doing this
To undertake a structured process to procure a packaged ICT software solution.

Design and Configure Solution

Why we are doing this
To undertake a structured process to design configuration changes to the procured package solution to meet agreed requirements.

Test Solution
Why we are doing this
To ensure that the solution and associated business processes meet the agreed functional and non-functional requirements.

Deploy Solution
Why we are doing this
To ensure the solution is deployed into the agreed business areas with the least possible impact on business users, and to ensure that appropriate systems and processes are in place to provide ongoing support.

Close Project
Why we are doing this
To ensure that project materials are appropriately archived, lessons learnt are gathered, and that any outstanding issues are handed over to appropriate business areas for management.

Business Operations
Achieving Benefits
Why we are doing this
To manage the realisation of business benefits.

What youll need to do

Develop Significant Purchase Plan Develop and finalise system specifications Advertise tender Evaluate Offers Do due diligence on preferred vendor Assess GITC compliance Make recommendations Seek financial approvals Advise successful tenderer Advise unsuccessful tenderer Agree to a Contract

What youll need to do

Re-confirm Gap Analysis Mobilise Product Specialist/s (As part of tender process?) Undertake impact analysis Establish Development / Test /Production environments Establish/Utilise ITIL change management process Develop individual configuration specifications for changes Refer significant changes to EAC Develop deployment plan

What youll need to do

Perform acceptance testing Execute test plan (including functional and non-functional testing) Manage testing and initiate rework Report test progress (against planned test completion criteria) Obtain customer acceptance on the successful completion of the UAT. Implement and refine change management plan Develop and test training materials Update and test training Conduct final risk assessment Create stage plan for next stage, update project plan and refine business case Prepare production release authorisation

What youll need to do

Implement solution Perform Data Migration Monitor implementation readiness Execute implementation plan Execute support plan Confirm future operational environment is implemented Measure and analyse quality of implemented solution Implement Change Deliver training and evaluate Identify and communicate quick and long term successes Monitor stakeholder reactions to change Adjust change implementation and communication plans Obtain operational customer acceptance Business unit acceptance Operations acceptance Revise benefits realisation plan and benefits tracking report Create stage plan for next stage, update project plan and refine business case

What youll need to do

Review project performance Plan post-project review Conduct end project review Prepare lessons learned report Document feedback and learning for Enterprise Architecture

What youll need to do

Verify project benefits Report actual and forecast project benefits Assess documented project benefits Submit benefits tracking report Update operational plans and any central benefits database Evaluate change effectiveness Evaluate quality of implemented solution Close benefits realisation process Communicate close Prepare final benefits tracking report Stop benefit reporting Release resources

Groups consulted
Strategic Procurement Unit EAC PMO Vendor Management

Groups consulted
EAC ICT Operations - PMO - SDAT

Significant Purchase Plan Evaluation Report Approval Minute Letters to tenderers Signed Contract

Test level plan & test cases Deployment plan Project management outputs*

Package knowledge Ensure knowledge capture and hand-over is complete Hand over benefits tracking to business owner Monitor/measure/verify project benefits Update benefits documentation Hand over benefits tracking Hand over outstanding risks and issues to business unit/operations Handover solution operation to business unit/operations. Provide User Support. Close Project Finalise costs Prepare end project report Finalise risk and issue registers Hold close out team meeting Asset registration (software/hardware)

Project management outputs*

Project Board authorises next stage.

Project Board authorises next stage.

Review delivered risk treatments Review project benefit performance

Detailed Design
Why we are doing this ...
To undertake a structured process to develop a detailed design for a solution that meets agreed requirements.

Build Solution
Why we are doing this
To use the agreed detailed design to build a solution that meets agreed business requirements.

What youll need to do

Produce detailed design Detailed design specifications Product planning Develop test plans and use cases Create stage plan for next stage, update project plan and refine business case

What youll need to do

Establish development environments, development tool bench, and confirm development standards Develop common functions, services, interfaces, data migration scripts and specific functionality Conduct unit testing and targeted integration and performance testing Conduct peer reviews of developed product Build a product test release and migrate into test environments Develop technical support documentation, data dictionary Develop user support documentation, manuals, on-line help, Helpdesk Knowledge Base scripts Development deployment plan

Groups consulted
PMO ICT Operations Business areas - Application Services

Groups consulted
PMO EAC ICT Operations RTMs Business areas

Groups consulted
Business areas PMO EAC ICT Service Support and Planning ICT Operations - Application Services

Groups consulted
Business areas PMO ICT Operations

- Application Services

- Application Services

Test summary & acceptance Information security risk management plan Training plan Training materials Production release authorisation Project management outputs *

Deployment and support plans Training evaluation Solution architecture checklist Operational acceptance OLA/SLA Business area sign/offs

Lessons learned report, including feedback on Enterprise Architecture End project report Post-project review plan Refined budget/cost projections for on-going operation Revised benefits realisation plan
Project management outputs*

Business as usual operation and reporting Post-project review report Final benefits report

Groups consulted
EAC - PMO ICT Operations - Application Services ICT Service Support and Planning Information Security

Groups consulted
EAC - PMO ICT Operations - Application Services ICT Service Support and Planning Information Security

Project management outputs *

Test plan and test cases Detailed design specification Deployment Strategy Project management outputs*

Develop product solution Technical support documents Data dictionary Deployment plan User Manuals and On-line help, Helpdesk Knowledge Base scripts,

Project Board authorises next stage.

Project Board authorises next stage.

Project Board confirms the Project Closure and notifies the Information Committee.

Business Owner notifies Information Committee of benefits achieved.

Project management outputs*

Project Board authorises next stage.

Project Board authorises next stage.

Version: 2

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