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Happy Campers 2nd Edition Level 5 Scope and Sequence

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Scope and Sequence

Vocabulary Grammar It’s Our World

Unit 1 Possessions: necklace,

earrings, watch, glasses,
Whose necklace is it?
It’s Charlie’s.
Being Honest

Personal keys, cell phone, wallet, Whose glasses are they?

Possessions money They’re Daniel’s.
It’s mine / his / hers / yours.
Pages 8-19 Music: music stand, violin
They’re mine / his / hers / yours.
case, harmonica, drumsticks,
keyboard, microphone

Unit 2 Transportation: car, taxi, bus,

subway, train, airplane, boat,
How are you going to go?
I’m going to go by car.
and Environment
Transportation helicopter I’m not going to go by bus.
and Places Are you going to go to
Places in Town: hair salon, the pet store?
Pages 20-31 pet store, mall, arcade, Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
bookstore, food court

Unit 3 Professions: basketball

player, astronaut, mechanic,
What are you going to be?
I’m going to be a writer.
Respecting Our
What Are You carpenter, computer What’s he going to do?
Going to Be? programmer, writer, scientist, He’s going to sell tickets.
photographer She isn’t going to buy costumes.
Pages 32-43
Is he going to teach us a dance?
Talent Show: teach a Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
dance, play in a concert, buy
costumes, sell tickets, drive
a big car, make a video

Unit 4 School Trip: museum, tour

guide, dinosaur, elevator,
They’re going to have fun.
They aren’t going to forget this day.
Choosing Well

At the gift shop, exhibit, cafeteria, We’re going to be famous next

Museum aquarium year.
We aren’t going to have tests next
Pages 44-55 Future Plans: tomorrow, next
week, next year, be famous,
travel the world, stay at a

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Vocabulary Grammar It’s Our World

Unit 5 Adjectives: cute, ugly, big,

small, fat, thin, strong, weak
It’s stronger than a frog.
It isn’t bigger than a dog.
It’s Bigger! It’s uglier than a bat.
Adjectives: noisy, quiet, It isn’t cuter than a cat.
Pages 56-67 fast, slow, friendly, mean What animal is friendlier than
a shark?
A dolphin is friendlier than a shark.

Unit 6 Adjectives: dangerous,

unusual, beautiful, intelligent,
Rockets are more powerful than
More powerful, colorful, talented, Rockets are more dangerous than
Powerful interesting airplanes.
Tap dancers are as talented as
Pages 68-79 Performers: ballerina, tap
dancer, violinist, acrobat,
The violinist’s music isn’t as good
juggler, comedian
as ours.

Unit 7 Places in Town: bus stop,

playground, skating rink,
Where were you / they yesterday?
I was at the gym.
Interesting Places

Yesterday gym, airport, amusement I wasn’t at the airport.

park, post office, train station They were at the playground.
Pages 80-91 Were they at home?
Past Times: yesterday,
Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
last night, last week, last
She missed practice yesterday.
weekend, last year, last
I called you yesterday.

Unit 8 Feelings Adjectives: excited,

bored, angry, surprised, sad,
Was he / she excited?
Yes, he / she was.
Talking About
My Feelings
Feelings tired, confused, scared No, he / she wasn’t.
We went home.
Pages 92-103 Irregular Past Tense Verbs: They made their costumes.
won, wore, had, made, sang,
gave, went

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