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Topic Webs For Early Years

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Bilingual Education Programme

Topic webs for

Early Years

September 2021
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
(Author: Eric Carle) 1º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

Children will learn that some animals do not look like their Days of the week.
parents. Food, apple, pear, plum, strawberry, orange, cake, ice cream,
Eric Carle is a renowed children’s author whose books are pickle, cheese, salami, lollipop, pie, watermelon, egg, moon,
very appealing. This is an engaging theme. caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly, tiny, big, fat, nibble, week.
On _______ he ate through __________
I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I’m tired

Initial sounds: m, a, s, d, t, l, n, p, g, o

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will build up new vocabulary, learning As scientists we will develop an understanding of changes
fruit, food and days of the week from the story. We will learn over time (life cycle).
to listen with increasing interest and join in where appropiate.
We will learn to show care and concern for living things and
As readers we will look at the pictures to predict what is enviroment.
happening. We will repeat words or phrases from the story.
We will begin to talk about what we have observed from the
As writers we will begin to give meaning to marks we make life cycle of a caterpillar.
in our activities related to the story. We will work together to
We will use ICT to represent information from the story.
create a class book to display in the library.

Physical development Expressive Arts and Design

As artists we will experiment with blocks, colours and marks
We will imitate drawing simple shapes such as circles and
to create our own caterpillars/butterflies/food from the story.
lines, while beginning to use three fingers (tripod grip) to hold
writing tools. We will make believe by pretending to be caterpillars and the
butterflies. We will act out the story using props, e.g. puppets
We will become more independent in self care, feeding
on a stick.
ourselves and drinking without spilling.

Mathematics Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will learn to express our own preferences, likes and
As mathematicians we will learn to recite numbers to 10 in
We will learn to express our feelings, needs and wants (I’m
We will begin to make comparisons in relation to size and use
hungry, I’m thirsty, I need the toilet).
some language of quantity (more and a lot).
We will learn the days of the week in relation to chronology.
We will begin to understand talk about immediate past and SMSC
future events (before, later, next).
Learn to self regulate, understanding how our behaviour may
affect ourselves and others.

© British Council (2021)

Dear Zoo
(Author: Rod Campbell) 1º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

Children will learn to show care and concern for animals. Tall, short, big, small, fierce, scary, naughty, zoo, animals,
perfect, pets, jumpy
The book has repetitive language.
This is a giraffe.
Rod Campbell is a renowned children’s author.
It is tall.
I can see a _____________
Initial sounds: m, a, s, d, t, l, n, p, g, o

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will be looking at the title and cover As scientists we will find out about the animals in the story.
and predicting what the story might be about. We will describe We will look at their different body parts, coverings and prints.
the different animals seen in the story. We will retell the story.
We will investigate what they eat.
We will join in with songs and rhymes related to animals.
We will investigate how a zoo-keeper looks after these animals
As readers we will discuss the adjectives used to describe
and how we should look after our pets.
the animals. We will sequence the pictures from the story. We
will match labels to the pictures. We will understand that animals need food, water and shelter.
As writers we will use marks to write the names of the animals We will use non-fiction books and internet.
and label the illustrations. We will do shared writing with the
teacher and write a letter to the zoo. We will work together to
create a class book.

Expressive Arts and Design

As artists we will look at pictures of animals and use different
Physical development
media to create pictures of them.
For gross motor skills, we will move confidently in a range of
We will explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques,
ways, safely negotiating space and exploring different ways
experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
of moving as different animals: slithering, crawling, walking,
jumping, hopping. We will make a zoo for our small world animals using
re-cycled materials.
For fine motor skills, we will use playdough/clay to mould and
shape animals. We will use scissors to cut out. We will use and
explore a variety of tools (markers, crayons, paintbrushes,
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We will use circle time to share our own interests and
Mathematics experiences with animals .
As mathematicians we will be consolidating numbers to 5. We will think about the well-being of others and build
connections based on shared interests.
We will count and match, play number games, learn number
rhymes and songs. We will collaborate to design and make a zoo for our small
world animals, listening to ideas and taking turns.
We will use size language to describe the different animals.
We will measure and weigh toy animals.
We will use positional language to talk about where the SMSC
animals are.
We will develop a climate or ethos within which all pupils can
grow and flourish, respect others and be respected. We will
encourage children to listen to each other and respect each
others answers and opinions.

© British Council (2021)

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
(Author: Bill Martin. Illustrations: Eric Carle) 1º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

It is a magical picture book to read aloud to young children. Questions: What do you see ? Do you see ____?
This classic will help them develop language and gain the skill Colours, animals
of prediction thanks to the simple texts, rhythmic nature of the Word order (colour + animal)
language and repetitive structures. Structure: I see a ______ looking at me
Eric Carle is one of the best known illustrators of all times.
Initial sounds: m, a, s, d, t, l, n, p, g, o

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will be looking at the cover page As scientists we will be identifying animals from the story by
and describing what we can see. We will be sequencing and looking at a range of photos. We will discover some physical
retelling the story with a hands-on brown bear and brown features such as hair, feathers or scales and how they can
bear colouring learning chain. We will identify and say the move.
correct name of the animals.
We will find out different habitats where animals live.
As readers we will be choral reading with the simple text
We will learn how to use simple computer programs to paint
and the repetitive structures of the book. We will learn to
the different animals from the story.
distinguish between the words and the pictures on a page. We
will match colours and animals by identifying initial sounds.
As writers we can label each animal and colour from the
story. We will use marks to start producing simple sentences. Expressive Arts and Design
As artists we will explore colour and how colours can be
changed. We will use a range of materials with different
textures such as construction paper, paint brushes, rubber
ducks, feathers to paint, cut and paste.
Physical development
We will create simple movements of animals in response to
For our fine motor skills, we will be able to use one handed
music (singing along the story).
tools such as scissors to make snips.
As for our gross motor skills, we will be moving freely and with
pleasure and confidence in a range of ways such as crawling,
walking, galloping, trotting, hopping, jumping, and so on as we Personal, Social and Emotional Development
pretend to move like the animals from the story. We will be keeping play going by responding to what others
are saying or doing.
We will be looking at models to reward good sharing and turn-
Mathematics taking.
As mathematicians we will be counting and reciting numbers We will learn to know how many children can play in certain
up to 10. areas or games.
We will begin to match numeral and quantity correctly.
We will represent numbers using fingers, lego bricks, buttons,
etc. SMSC
We will learn about shapes by playing a range of matching We will discuss emotions and feelings by looking for instance,
games with colours, animals and shapes. at the blue horse from the story.
We will reflect upon the importance of being different and
respecting ourselves and others.

© British Council (2021)

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
(Author: Michael Rosen) 1º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

Children will learn why it is important to face fears and how Characters, family, trip, enormous, afraid, careful, hibernation
learning to overcome fear is a big accomplishment, but
It’s a (place), It’s a cave, it’s a forest.
sometimes caution is a good thing too. The book has repetitive
language and rhythm as well as alliteration. We can’t go (preposition) it. We can’t go over it, we can’t go
under it, we can’t go in it.
Michael Rosen is a renowned children’s author and we can
watch a video of the author performing the story. Phonics
Initial sounds: m, a, s, d , t, I, n, p , g, o

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will be looking at the title and cover and As scientists we will find out about bears. What types of
predicting what the story might be about. We will talk about the habitat do they live in? What do they eat? What is hibernation?
different settings seen in the story and encourage the children
We will draw maps of the story showing different settings and
to share their own ideas and experiences, thinking of some new
places, imagining that they are travelling through the different
story settings to include in their own version of the story. Then
story settings. We will learn how to use a selection of ICT
we will be retelling the story and performing it.
equipment to record ourselves retelling the story.
As readers we will learn what onomatopoeia means and find
examples of onomatopoeia in the story. Also, we will discuss
the prepositions seen throughout the story (under, over and
through) and introduce and explore these words using small- Expressive Arts and Design
world toys. As artists we will look at pictures of bears and use paint and
As writers we can label each setting and write speech crayons to create pictures of the bear. We will explore the
bubbles for the characters with help of teacher scribing. We use of colour and shading in the illustrations and the effect
can also write a new page as a shared writing activity where it causes.
the family come across another hurdle and invitations for a We will explore different textures and materials to create finger
teddy bear picnic. puppets and a collage of the different settings seen in the story.
We will create our own 3D bear.
We will use percussion instruments to make the sound of the
Physical development different settings seen in the story. We will use a variety of
building materials to build our own caves.
For gross motor skills, we will explore different ways of moving
through the different settings in the story. The children could
role play moving through each setting using a different
movement. For example, they could tiptoe through the cave, Personal, Social and Emotional Development
skip through the grass and do big steps through the mud. We
will create an outdoor obstacle course related to the story. We will be using circle time to think about our own feelings
We will go through a range of obstacles representing the and those of the bear from the story. We will discuss the
different settings. We will use benches, climbing equipment, character of the bear. What was his behaviour like? Why? Was
mats and cushions. he a friendly bear? Why? Talk about the children’s favourite
teddy bears and why they are special.
For fine motor skills, we will use scissors to cut out and
assemble the pieces to make our own bear model and Using the illustrations in the book, add some speech bubbles
playdough to mould and shape story characters to use in and talk about what the characters might be feeling and saying
small world activities. at different parts of the story. Talk about making friends and
being friendly. How could the bear make friends? How do we
act towards our friends? Discuss ideas with the children.
We will set up a role play bear cave area which will inspire the
children to work together to be friends and act out the story.
As mathematicians we will be consolidating numbers to 5
and will make a bear number line to play ordering games,
missing number games, matching and counting games.
We will practise using positional language to describe
the location of the bear and demonstrate the prepositions We will discover the importance of facing fears with
from the story (next to, on and behind). We will follow adult determination but being careful. We will learn the importance
instruction to place the bear correctly (in the cave). of overcoming obstacles.

© British Council (2021)

Monkey Puzzle
(Author: Julia Donaldson. Illustrator: Axel Scheffler) 2º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

Children will learn that some animals do not look like their Jungle, patterns, rainforest, textures, environment,
parents. camouflage, extinction, croak, habitat, squawk, hiss, creature
Julia Donaldson is a renowned children´s author whose
books are very appealing. Phonics
Initial sounds: revisión of 1º de infantil and
c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, sh, r 

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will be looking at the title and cover As scientists we will look at the creatures in the story. We
and predicting what the story might be about. We will learn will learn different parts of animals (beak, wing). What do they
the names of the animals. We will look at the rhyming patterns eat? Where is the story set (habitat)? What is the weather like?
in the story. We will perform parts of the story. We will think
We will match adult and baby animals and look at similarities
about the noises that each animal makes (croak, squawk, hiss)
and differences.
and imitate them.
We will look at the patterns and textures of the animals in
As readers we will look at the pictures to predict what is
the story and will investigate what camouflage means and
happening. We will look at adjectives used to describe the
how it helps them. How are these animals adapted to this
different animals and look for synonyms. We will associate
action verbs to how each of the animals in the story moves.
We will learn how to use a selection of ICT equipment to We will use ICT to create our own pictures. We will use a
record ourselves retelling the story. programme to create a bar graph of our favourite animals.
As writers we will attempt to write the animals names. We
will work together to create a class book to display in library.
Expressive Arts and Design
As artists we will look at pictures and we will use different media
Physical development (e.g. collage) to create our own animals and jungle scenes.
For gross motor skills, we will explore ways of moving as We will use percussion instruments to create the sound of the
different animals. For fine motor skills, we will use scissors to jungle (rain, rustling leaves, birds).
practise cutting out.
We will develop our own story props (animal masks) for our
We will use playdough/clay to mould and make our own 3D jungle role play corner.
We will use story props and other resources to act out
different characters from the story. We will perform to different
As mathematicians we will consolidate matching numeral
and quantity correctly. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We will use comparative and superlative language (bigger, We will talk about identity and discuss who we are, what we
smaller, the biggest). look like and whether or not we look the same as our parents/
We will use familiar objects and common shapes to create
and recreate patterns and build models. We will talk about our experiences about being lost and what
we should do in this case.
We will look at the monkey’s expression throughout the story,
SMSC how is he feeling? We will develop our empathy and try and
put ourselves in the monkey’s situation.
We will consider the human impact and environmental issues
linked to jungles and rainforests.

© British Council (2021)

The Tiger who Came To Tea
(Author: Judith Kerr) 2º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

Children will learn about generosity and greed or maybe just Stripy, furry, hungry, fridge, tap, saucepans, cupboard, bath,
a different lifestyle and how to deal with unexpected events. tea, teapot, kitchen, ring, door, milkman, grocer, key, dark,
road, street lamp, café tin, packets

Structures: a stripy tiger, the tiger is ________

Initial sounds: revisión of 1º de infantil and
c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, sh, r

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will be looking at the title, front and As scientists we will learn about healthy and unhealthy food in
back covers and predicting what the story might be about. We Sophie’s family house and what tigers like to eat. We will look
will look at adjectives used to describe the tiger (big, furry and at the tiger and its usual habitat and lifestyle. We will learn
stripy) and we will think of more adjectives to describe it. We about different ways to get food: by buying and cooking it or by
will perform parts of the story (like the tea party, hopefully with hunting. Where does the tiger get his food from? We will learn
a tiger). about the lifestyle of a tiger and how it differs from ours.
As readers we will look at the pictures to predict what will We will help children to see the ways in which their cultures and
be happening. We will learn how to use a selection of ICT beliefs are similar sharing and discussing practices, resources,
equipment to record ourselves retelling the story. celebrations and experiences. We will learn different parts of
the tiger (tail, paws, whiskers). We will explore how they move
As writers we will attempt to write a tea party invitation and
and how they eat.
a shopping list of some tea-treats that we would like to eat in
shared writing activity with the teacher. We will work together
to create a class book to display in library with a giant tiger.
Expressive Arts and Design
As artists we will explore different materials and different food
Physical development containers, experimenting with colour, design, texture, shape
and form. Some tins in the pictures are not labelled, so we can
For gross motor skills, we will explore ways of moving as tigers
try to imagine what might be in them.
in the living room and in the kitchen and ways of moving as
tigers at a tea party. We will create masks and puppets for each character to perform
the story and recreate our own tea party. We will realise tools
For fine motor skills, we will use scissors to make snips and will
can be used for a purpose when we use construction materials
hold a pencil near point between first two fingers and thumb
to build Sophie’s house. We will make up a simple song that the
with good control. We will use playdough/clay to mould and
tiger could have sung to Sophie’s family.
make our own 3D tea-treats.

Mathematics Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will demonstrate friendly behaviour, initiating conversations
As mathematicians we will consolidate numbers matching
and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults
numeral and quantity correctly.
while learning about the manners we should have when visiting
We will also encourage use of mathematical language someone’s house.
(number names to ten).
We will learn how to play in a group, extending play ideas
We will encourage estimation and will count up objects from through role play activity. We will start looking into being more
a large group. outgoing towards unfamiliar people and more confident in new
social situations. We will develop our empathy and try placing
We will emphasise the empty set and introduce the concept
ourselves in the tiger’s and Sophie’s position. We will be aware
of nothing or zero.
of possible dangers, while recognising the importance of
We will begin to talk about the shapes of everyday objects exploration and risk-taking.
(round and tall) and of 2D shapes showing awareness of their
similarities in the environment.
We will explore the properties of different objects, weight SMSC
and measure. We will begin to understand and use positional
We will focus on safety; is it safe to invite a stranger to our house?
We will think about how we need other people in our lives and we
will talk about respecting and understanding others.
© British Council (2021)
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?
(Author: Bill Martin Jr.) 2º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

This book helps children grow an interest in animals. Lion, hippopotamus, flamingo, zebra, elephant, leopard,
roaring, snorting, fluttering, braying, snarling.
They will learn more about zoo animals and the sounds they
make. Questions: What do you hear ?
Structure: I hear a (animal + sound) in my ear
Children will see, hear, identify and imitate  the sounds of
various animals found at the zoo. Sentences: The polar bear is _____
The polar bear is big. The polar bear is soft. The polar bear
is white.

Initial sounds: revision of 1º Infantil and c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h sh, r

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will use talk to connect ideas, explain As scientists we will talk about some of the things  we have
what is happening and anticipate what might happen next in observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects.
the story. We will build up vocabulary that reflects the breadth We will look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and
of our experiences, learning the names of the animals in the change when learning about animal physical features such as
story. We will look at the rhyming patterns and build a repertoire beak, wing, hair, feathers and how they move and the habitat
of animal songs.  We will  learn to use intonation, rhythm and they live in as opposed to living in  a zoo.  We will show care
phrasing to make the meaning clear to others. and concern for living things and the environment and will
consider why polar bears are white. 
As readers we will join in with repeated refrains and anticipate
key events and phrases in rhymes and stories. We will start We will look at fiction and nonfiction books about zoos to raise
noticing speech and punctuation marks in the story. awareness about animal needs.
As writers we will write a simple description with a given We will talk about why things happen and how things work when
structure from the story and a range of adjectives. learning about melting and freezing and the characteristics
of liquids and  solids related to the North Pole and the ice.
We will learn how to use a selection of ICT equipment to create
a bar graph of the class favourite animal.
Physical development
We will move freely and with pleasure and confidence in a
range of ways, such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, crawling,
walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding and hopping like
Expressive Arts and Design
zoo animals. As artists we will selects tools and techniques needed to shape,
assemble and join materials in order to create our own animals. 
We will show some understanding of how good practices
with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can We will imitate movement in response to music  and  use the
contribute to good health. We will draw lines and circles children´s  voices to create the sound of the animals. We will
using gross motor movements and use one-handed tools and construct with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources
equipment. We can make snips in paper with child scissors. and will use simple tools and techniques competently and
We will hold pencil near point between first two fingers and appropriately to perform the story and make a zoo corner for
thumb and use it with good control and copy some letters the classroom.
when writing animal names.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Mathematics We will learn to explain our own knowledge and understanding
As mathematicians we will consolidate numbers to 10, and ask appropriate questions of others when talking about the
select the correct numeral to represent 1 to 5, then 1 to 10 animals in the story. We will learn to tolerate delay when needs
objects and begin to use the language of size. are not immediately met and understand that wishes may not
always be met (e.g. when sharing the toy zoo animals and take
We will use descriptive words like ‘big’ and ‘little’ and use
turns to play with them).
comparative and superlative language.  We will learn not
only objects, but anything can be counted. We will show We will adapt behaviour to different events, social situations
interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making and changes in routine, when we perform the story to
arrangements with objects. We will learn to order two items by understand about the animal’s feelings.
weight or capacity using specific equipment in the sand/water.

We will consider the survival and the protection of the polar
© British Council (2021) bear habitat.
We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt
(Author: Steve Metzger) 3º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

Children will learn that leaves change colour in autumn, why Leaf, hunt, mountain, lake, waterfall, forest, under, tall, over,
it is important to face challenges cooperatively and explore climb, through, around, lake, across, dark, skunk, waterfall, cold.
forward and backward sequencing. Pick up, Let’s find, Come on, We can’t go, Let’s go, We have
This book gives children the opportunity to experiment with to go, What’s that? We’re coming to a______, to go back, to
different ways of moving. The book has repetitive language. be home, We made it.
Autumn colours. Adjective + noun order.

Revise 1º and 2º Infantil and  j, v, y, w, th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk 

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will look at the title, author and As scientists we will comment and ask questions about
illustrations predicting what the children will hunt and name aspects of our familiar world such as the place where we live
the season in which they think the story occurs. We will or the natural world,  joining in a nature walk gymkhana around
be performing and retelling the  story. We will make sure the classroom or outdoors when possible. 
the audience can hear us and use the new vocabulary
We will develop an understanding of growth, decay and changes
appropriately. We will repeat rhyming sentences.
over time examining change in the school garden trees. 
As readers we will be reading simple words and repetitive
We will show care and concern for living things and the
sentences from the story. We will use onomatopoeias. We will
environment by hanging a bird feeder on a branch and observing
explore autumn features outdoors and in non-fiction books
birds eating seeds and preparing themselves for winter. 
focusing on the difference between fiction/non-fiction. We
will focus on the adjective + noun order. We will learn about basic geographical features:  mountain,
forest, waterfall and lake. We will find similarities and
As writers we will write labels for autumn colours, geographical
differences in our own city or places we know using a map.
features that appear in the story and autumn woodland
We will  create our own nature walk map.
animals. We will pay attention to the exclamation marks and
discuss why we think we use them and when. We will be looking for Tricky Words on the interactive board and
upload the digital pictures on the laptop to talk about them.
We will write simple words on the computer using the
Physical development keyboard and the mouse.
We will  show understanding of the need for safety when
tackling new challenges  and consider and manage some
risk. We will negotiate space safely and will  climb over a Expressive Arts and Design
mountain (bench), crawl through a forest (tables), leap
We will  begin to build a repertoire of songs and dances
over waterfall rocks (sensory discs) and row on a lake
such as Here comes the fall and The mulberry bush, we can
(rope).  We will learn about and  reproduce onomatopoeias
perform outdoors.
(huff!, puff! squish! squash!,splish! splash! plip, plop!).
As artists we will explore what happens when we mix colours
(warm and cold) as we paint the autumn leaves.
Mathematics  We will construct with a purpose in mind, using a variety of
resources and play cooperatively as part of a group to act
As mathematicians we will learn about  addition and
out the narrative.
subtraction using one more or one less. We will count beyond
10 finding the total number from different groups. We will manipulate materials to achieve a planned effect (build
our own bird feeder using recycled materials and seeds).
We will learn about positional language to describe where we
are using “behind” and “next to”.
We will count story actions and stages using forward and
backward sequencing.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We will learn to  take into account what others say and will
work cooperatively in order to achieve the same target
(picking up leaves together).
We will show understanding of the need for safety when
We will consider the importance of facing challenges with
tackling new challenges and consider and manage some risk
determination and resilience.
during our nature walk.

© British Council (2021)

Handa’s Surprise
(Author: Eileen Brown) 3º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

Children will learn why it is important to show sensitivity and Fruit and vegetables
care for others’ needs and feelings and that relationships are My favourite fruit is ______
important. I like ______
______ is lighter/heavier than ______
Children will learn about life in another country.
______ is the heaviest
How many ______?

Revise sounds and letters covered during previous years
(1º, 2º) and j, v, y, w, th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will be looking at both the title and As scientists we will be identifying, naming and labelling the
cover and predicting what the surprise and the story might different fruit and the vitamins they have. We will investigate
be about. Then we will be retelling the story and performing the habitat and the diet of the animals in the story. We will
a selected scene. learn about the senses and carry out experiments.
As readers we will be finding out about fruit, animals and Africa We will make sure we are healthy and fit, learning about
through a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, including different food groups and making sure we have a balanced
atlases, maps and travel guides. We will use adjectives to diet.
describe the different exotic fruit.
We will be acting out the story and taking digital pictures to
As writers we will be writing lists of animals and fruit, retell it. We will be learning how to use digital sources.
descriptions of main characters and animals. As a shared
We will learn to use a programme to make a bar graph.
writing activity with the teacher we will write short, simple
information texts about Africa. We will be learning about We will learn about similarities and differences between
speech bubbles to give the characters a voice. ourselves and others and among families, communities and
traditions. We will talk about the features of own immediate
environment and how it might vary.
Physical development
We will show increasing control and co-ordination in large and
small movements as well as moving confidently in a range of
Expressive Arts and Design
ways. As artists we will be developing our skills in paint, pencil and
We will handle equipment and tools effectively, including
pencils. We will explore different textures and materials to create
simple representations of events, people and objects.
We will learn about the importance of a healthy diet and talk
about ways to keep healthy and safe. We will represent our own ideas, thoughts and feelings
through design and technology, art, music, dance, and role
Mathematics We will use available resources to create props to support
our role play.
As mathematicians we will be consolidating numbers to 10
and gathering information for data handling activities. We will
be learning about word problems counting fruits and animals.
We will learn about positional language and fractions (portions
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
of fruit). We will be learning about weight, ordering objects We will be thinking about how we can work together and help
from lightest to heaviest. others.
We will think about sharing and how to manage our emotions.
We will be confident to speak in a familiar group, we will talk
SMSC about our ideas.
We will discover the importance of respecting others and
We will talk about how our behaviour can affect others and
caring for friendships. We will learn about how we are all
that some behaviour is unacceptable.
special in different ways.

© British Council (2021)

Peace at Last
(Author: Jill Murphy) 3º Educación

Why? Key Vocabulary + Structures

We will enjoy reading this must-have story as there is the right Homes, rooms, places, household objects.
amount of repetition and predictability that young children Onomatopeia
love as well as a funny surprise ending to appeal to that stage Patterned language. So he went to sleep in (the kitchen); Mr
of their development. The sound effects are wonderful for Bear went to the (garden); I can hear the (tap); The tap went
reading aloud as are the lovely illustrations with details which DRIP DRIP
children can easily pick out. Expression: I can’t stand this.

Revise sounds and letters covered during previous years (1º, 2º)
and j, v, y, w, th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk.

Communication and Language Understanding the World

As communicators we will be looking at the title and cover As scientists we will look closely at similarities, differences,
and predicting what the story might be about. Then we will be patterns and change by finding out about animals that are
retelling the story and performing scenes in different groups. nocturnal. We will be investigating why we have night and day.
As readers we will reading words (rooms/places) and simple We will be learning about shadows and how they are formed.
sentences (patterned language). We will learn onomatopeia We will be using books about space to find out about the
to read out different noises in the story. moon and its shapes.
As writers we will be writing simple sentences based on the We will be acting out our class book story based on Peace at
story (Mr Bear was tired, Baby Bear was tired, I can hear the Last and taking digital pictures to retell it.
We will complete a simple programme on the computer by
looking at the different clocks in the illustrations and use a
painting program to draw our own clock.
Physical development We will be learning about maps and plans as representations
Throughout our PE lessons we will be stretching our bodies of space in two dimensions and flat images.
to improve our flexibility and care for ourselves. We will be We will also be comparing our homes with the ones from the
exploring different ways of moving. past and describing similarities and differences between now
We will also show understanding of the need for safety when and then by looking at a range of household objects.
tackling new challenges, and consider and manage some

Expressive Arts and Design

Mathematics As artists we will be looking at a range of photographs of
As mathematicians we will be counting up household objects different places at night. Then we will be painting our own
by saying one number name for each item. We will sort a pictures of places in the dark by using different techniques
range of household objects into the right rooms or places. We and materials. We will also be drawing some objects and their
will use everyday language related to time. We will be using shadows.
mathematical names for solid 3D shapes and flat 2D shapes We will be designing a simple machine that might help Mr. Bear
by creating our own house. sleep as well as making a new mobile to hang above baby
bear’s bed.
We will be listening and singing traditional bedtime songs in
SMSC English and then composing one to help Mr. Bear to sleep.
We will give pupils the opportunity to understand human
feelings and emotions, the way they impact on people and
how an understanding of them can be helpful. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We will be thinking about how our feelings and emotions
might affect other people, for example, when we feel tired or
upset, just like Mr. Bear.
We will also think about how to take steps to resolve conflicts
in our daily routines and to accept others’ opinions.

© British Council (2021)

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