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Scope and Sequence

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Scope and sequence

Unit Vocabulary Grammar Language in use

Describe people’s lives and interests Who’s …? Who likes …? Who wants
(sea animals, musical instruments, to …? Where do you live? How do
p4 you go to school?
food, leisure activities, months)
Holiday The world around us Past simple question forms: Did verb + …ing: I love skateboarding.
1 news
Prepositions of place and activities he hide in his wardrobe? Yes, he
did. Was it scary? Yes, it was.
I don’t mind surfing.
Leisure activities
Reading time 1: True travellers’ tales of kindness    Play 1: Jane and the special butterfly
Different Prepositions of movement verbs with to + infinitive: He could / couldn’t and when clauses
2 lives
Verbs and action verbs wanted to climb the mountain. But
now he needs to run.
in the past: Could you whistle a tune
when you were eight? Yes, I could.
Review 1
Super Bikes and cycling must and mustn’t for obligation: Give directions: First, we go straight
3 cycling
Describing a city bike ride You must look. You mustn’t listen
to music.
on to the hospital. And then, we
turn right.
Reading time 2: Journey to the Centre of the Earth    Play 2: Peter and the skateboarding competition
People at Jobs Comparative form of long Superlative form of long adjectives:
4 work
Adjectives adjectives: Mary’s cake is more
creative than Ruben’s.
Mosquitoes are the most dangerous.
Review 2
At the doctor’s should and shouldn’t for advice: Clauses of purpose: Let’s go to the
Be healthy! You should be active. You shouldn’t bakery to buy some bread.
5 Be happy!
Adjectives and verbs for staying
healthy eat too many sweets.
Stories from The natural world Past continuous: Yesterday at Ask questions using the past
6 far away
Verbs and pronouns six o’clock, he was sleeping. He
wasn’t doing his homework.
continuous: Where were you going?
I was going to the school concert.
Verbs and activities
Review 3
Technology Technology Defining relative clauses: This is Use possessive pronouns: Is that your
7 time
Inventions the man who invented the first
camera? Yes, it’s mine.
Possessive pronouns
Reading time 3: The colours of life    Play 3: Vicky helps
Parts of plants and animals will / won’t for future predictions: Ask questions using will:
8 Our world
p96 Science and technology It’ll grow. It won’t grow. Will children stilll use books? No, they
won’t. I think they’ll use laptops.
Review 4
Planet Using water Zero conditional: If it’s warm, What happens if + present simple:
9 water
The water cycle snow melts. What happens if you put the marble in
the water? It sinks.
Reading time 4: Unusual hotels    Play 4: Freddy’s music
Physical descriptions Present perfect: He’s caught the Ask What’s the matter? and make
Let’s be
10 detectives!
Pronouns and detective words
Around the house
thief. Oh no! He hasn’t caught the
suggestions: What’s the matter?
I’m really tired. Let’s do something
Review 5

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Reading and Sounds and
Listening Speaking Writing Think about it!
Learning skills spelling

Text messages: interpret Listen for specific Ask questions A text message: Let’s do a survey ch or ck
preferences information about a holiday writing messages /k/
How do you learn best? photo

A traditional story: interpret Listen for specific Give a A story: write a Appreciate how people j or g
emotions information presentation summary make different choices /dz/
Asking classmates for help

A leaflet: identify specific Follow directions Give directions A leaflet: write a list Play the Bike Grid game soft c (s)
information with bullet points /s/
Using what you know

A blog: develop inferential skills Listen for opinions Talk about A blog: writing a Let’s find out: opinions er or or ending
Using prefixes to change meaning preferences blog about jobs /ə/

A magazine article: understand Listen for specific A dialogue at A letter: writing a Plan healthy meals gh or ph
detail information the doctor’s letter /f/
Asking questions

A story: interpret cultural references Listen to Act out a play A story: using Play a storytelling game le or al ending
Learning new vocabulary using sequence a story adjectives and /(ə)l/
colour adverbs

r An informational website: relate to Listen for specific Give a An informational Compare and contrast Double letters
your own knowledge information presentation text: including devices
Working out the meaning of words information

Poems: infer meaning Listen to sequence Play a game A poem: writing Predict the future of our silent gh
Finding a word in a dictionary information poems world

A factual text: interpret data Listen for specific Talk about how Diagrams: writing Plan a campaign silent letter h
The importance of graphs information you use water a factual report

Emails: understand writers’ Listen to compare Tell a A story: writing a Play the Are you a silent letters b,
emotions information convincing story superstar? game w and k
Self-motivation story

9780230490109 AS PB4_pp001-144.indb 3 30/09/2016 10:18

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