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Effect of Cerium and Lanthanum On The Microstructurea ND Mechanical Properties of AISID 2 Tool Steel

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Materials Science & Engineering A 571 (2013) 193–198

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Effect of cerium and lanthanum on the microstructure and mechanical

properties of AISI D2 tool steel
Mohammad Ali Hamidzadeh n, Mahmood Meratian, Ahmad Saatchi
Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: AISI D2 tool steel has excellent wear resistance with high dimensional stability. This type of steel is
Received 20 November 2012 suitable for making molds. This paper describes investigations into the effect of adding Ce/La on
Received in revised form microstructure of AISI D2 type cold work tool steels obtained by means of optical microscopy, scanning
29 January 2013
electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and image analyzer.
Accepted 31 January 2013
Available online 14 February 2013
The results showed that after modification with Ce/La, the morphology, size and distribution of M7C3
carbides change greatly. The carbide network tends to break, and all carbides are refined and
Keywords: distributed homogeneously in the matrix, and also reduce the size of chromium carbides and increase
Cold work tool steel the dissolution of carbides during heat treatment. The results of mechanical tests show that the
Grain refinement
toughness of the alloy increased about 75% without reducing the hardness of the alloy.
Mechanical characterization
& 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction volume ingots and technical restrictions in ingot casting of these

alloys, there is no possibility of increasing the cooling rate in
AISI D2 steel is in group of cold work tool steels. There are high order to reduce cell size, dendrite arm or fragmentize of second-
chromium carbides in the microstructure of these alloys due to ary phases. In other words, for technological reasons, thermal
the presence of high chromium ( 12 wt%) and high carbon (1.5– modification cannot be effectively used to improve the casting
2.35 wt%) contents that cause excellent wear resistance and high properties. In such cases, it is necessary to use chemical mod-
strength properties. Due to their high abrasion resistance proper- ification by adding small quantities of some chemical elements.
ties, they are used in the molds [1–4]. Recently, adding niobium and titanium has been investigated
Alloy elements such as chromium and carbon segregate for refining the eutectic chromium carbides in high chromium
seriously during solidification of this alloy. So, eutectic carbides cast iron (HCCI) and high alloy tool steels. Presence of these
often form a network along dendrite boundaries in as-cast elements can lead to the formation of ‘‘TiC’’ and ‘‘NbC’’ carbides at
microstructure, which reduce fracture toughness greatly. These a higher temperature than the eutectic carbides, reducing the
continuous networks of chromium carbide cause deep cracks in carbon content in the melt and thereby the volume fraction of the
large ingots during hot deformation, that sometimes lead to eutectic carbides. Continuity of net-like eutectic carbides greatly
the collapse of large ingots [5,6]. To solve this problem in the decreases by adding titanium and niobium, and toughness of
production process of high-alloy tool steels, today’s modern ingots cast increases. Replacing eutectic carbides with titanium
manufacturing techniques such as powder metallurgy and spray and niobium carbides (with high hardness) causes an increase in
forming are alternative methods to replace conventional ingot abrasion resistance of the alloy [8–13]. But conditions of heat
casting. In these methods, due to rapid solidification of molten treatment of these alloys changed because heat stability of
steel, an alloy is produced in which very fine and uniform austenite and ferrite phases areas change. So, heat treatments
dispersion of carbides occurs in comparison to conventional ingot of these alloys need more investigations after adding elements of
casting [7,8]. But, conventional ingot casting is still used for lower niobium and titanium. On the other hand, by adding Ti and Nb
production costs, due to the high cost of production equipments into D2 tool steel, chemical composition and heat treatment of
and their high technology. Thus, ingot casting modification is a the new steel is not according to standard of D2 tool steel.
basic option in producing high-alloy tool steels. Because of high Formation of TiC or NbC carbides decreases the amount of
chromium eutectic carbides. The dissolved chromium content
increases in the matrix and amount of carbon reduces in the
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ98 9126526950; fax: þ98 01213230583.
matrix. The hardenability of new alloy changes due to quantities
E-mail addresses:, of dissolved carbon and chromium as well as, ‘‘martensite start’’ (M.A. Hamidzadeh). (MS) and ‘‘martensite finish’’ (MF) temperatures change.

0921-5093/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
194 M.A. Hamidzadeh et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 571 (2013) 193–198

Recently, in many investigations rare elements have been used

in order to improve high alloy tool steels. These elements change
the morphology of eutectic carbides and are better distributed in
the matrix of alloy. For example, Wang et al. [14] found that
addition of a desirable amount of boron could alter the carbide
morphology of high chromium ledeburite steel from strip eutectic
and rosette eutectic into divorced eutectic. Moreover, they stu-
died the effect of trace additions of RE–Te–B multiple modifier in
the microstructure of CD-2 steel and concluded that with com-
bined addition of trace amounts of these elements, the carbide
morphology changed from net-like to granular form [15]. It was
also pointed out that CD-2 steel with granular carbide possesses
higher toughness and resistance to crack propagation than con-
ventional CD-2 steel with net-like carbides as well.
It is reported that by adding small amounts of some modifying
agents to high carbon, high alloy steels, the eutectic solidification
progress of austenite/carbides can be modified, and therefore, the
grain size, shape and distribution of carbides in the matrix can be
improved [14–16]. Pan et al. [16] have shown that by adding K/Na
modifier to high speed steels, the continuous carbide network
along dendrite boundaries could be broken up and that carbides
are distributed homogeneously in the microstructure.
Previous studies used very small molds (e.g, using impact
sample size, ‘‘10  10  55 mm3’’) in their experiments and rapid
solidification of molten alloy happened [14–17]. Due to differ-
ences in experimental conditions (rapid freezing) and in ingot
casting of tool steel (slow freezing), the authors can not rely on
the results of their researches. In this study, the addition of trace
elements was studied for improving the structure of D2 tool steel.
But the extent of possible experimental conditions was similar to
ingot casting, and the cooling rate of molten alloy was slow.
Fig. 1. Schematic design of the casting (unit: millimeters). The samples for
metallographic examinations as well as impact test samples were taken from
the A-part of the cast block.
2. Experimental procedure
Table 1
2.1. Materials and casting Chemical composition of steel used in this investigation, the remaining is Fe.

The alloy used in the present study conforms to AISI D2 tool Element C Cr Mo V Mn Si S P
steel, the chemical composition (in wt%) of which is: 1.5% C, 11.5%
(wt%) 1.45 11.45 0.58 0.88 0.37 0.18 0.01 0.025
Cr, 0.85% V, 0.6% Mo, 0.37% Mn, 0.2% Si, and Fe in balance. Firstly,
the alloy was melted in a 25 kg capacity medium frequency
induction furnace by using non-oxidation process. Once the alloy 2.2. Microstructural analysis
was melted in a furnace under argon gas atmosphere, about 0.1%
pure aluminum was added to deoxidize the melt. The microstructures of samples were characterized via optical
After dross and slag removal, the melt was cast into a dry CO2- microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive
silicate mold at a pouring temperature of about 1600 1C. The mold spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). For metallographic
was formed in a Y-shaped geometry corresponding to ASTM examinations, the samples were prepared by grinding and polishing,
standard A571M [18] as shown in Fig. 1. and were etched electrochemically in a solution of 1 gr CrO3 þ
The melt was being cast at 1600 1C in two molds without 100 ml pure water with a power supply set to 10 V for about 60 s
adding a reformer (No. 1) and by adding a modifier (No. 2). The [20]. With this arrangement, the eutectic carbide volume fraction as
modifier included 65% Ce and 30% La, and was added about well as the size of grains was measured by using image analysis
‘‘0.03% wt’’ to the melt in the runner during pouring process. The software (Clemex Vision PE). The reported values for each sample
analyzed chemical compositions of set of samples produced for were taken from at least 10 measurements in different fields with a
this investigation are shown in Table 1. magnification of 200 times. The existing phases in the structure
The heat treatment of the specimens consisted of austenitizing were determined through XRD analysis using a diffractometer
at 1130 1C for 3 h with subsequent slow cooling in the furnace to (X’Pert Philips) operated at 30 kV and 25 mA with Cu Ka radiation
700 1C and holding at this temperature for 2 h [19]. Afterward, the (l Cu Ka ¼1.5405 Å). The local chemical microanalysis was also
samples were slowly cooled in the furnace to room temperature. carried out an EDS system (IFIABT-SR50 Eds) attached on SEM.
This heat treatment schedule was chosen in order to simulate the The mechanical properties reported for experimental specimens
cooling condition of steel ingots in industrial scale. are Charpy impact toughness and hardness. Room temperature
Samples for microstructural examination and mechanical testing impact tests were performed by using an Amsler Charpy impact
were taken from the same locations of castings, pointed by arrows in testing device. The size of specimens was 10  10  55 mm3 without
the scheme shown in Fig. 1, in order to guarantee exactly the same a notch according to ISO 5754 [21]. The reported impact toughness
cooling condition for samples during solidification. Because it was value for each sample is the average of three test results. The bulk
necessary to make sure, the obtained microstructures were controlled hardness measurements were carried out using Rockwell ‘‘C’’ scale
only by the modifying element but not by the cooling rate. with a load of 150 kgf applied for 30 s.
M.A. Hamidzadeh et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 571 (2013) 193–198 195

Fig. 2. Optical micrographs show the effects of modifier on the morphology and distribution of eutectic carbides: (a) No. 1, unmodified steel and (b) No. 2, modified steel.
‘‘A’’ indicates the eutectic carbides and ‘‘B’’ indicates the matrix of alloy.

3. Results and discussion Table 2

The quantitative analysis of metallographic samples.
3.1. Solidification structure of the D2 steel
Sample Dendrite Eutectic carbide Volume fraction of
Number Arm diameter (lm) eutectic carbide
As observed in Fig. 2a, the microstructures of D2 steel in a state Spacing (lm)
of cast decomposes to austenite and continuous net-like eutectic
carbides. Three main solid–liquid reactions proceed during soli- As-cast As-cast Heat As-cast Heat
treated treated
dification of the melts [1,22,23]:
NO. 1 70.2 36 32 18.2 14.8
NO. 2 42 27 23.2 12.8 10.2
(i) Austenite precipitates from the melts:
The reported values for each sample were taken from at least 10 measurements in
L-Lþ g ð1Þ different fields with a magnification of 200 times.

The volume fraction of austenite phase increases by decreas- These carbides form as net-like chromium carbide at dendrite
ing the melt temperature and, simultaneously the remaining boundaries. But in Fig. 2b, the eutectic structure is finer and the
liquid is saturated by carbon and alloy elements. Residual network chromium carbides are approximately broken. As indicated
melts and austenite form chromium carbides during the in this figure, the morphology of some eutectic carbides become
reaction of eutectic. isotropic as cerium and lanthanum are added.
(ii) Eutectic transformation (from  1289 1C): Table 2 shows the results of quantitative metallography samples.
L-M7 C3 þ g ð2Þ As seen, dendrite arm spacing (DAS) decreases in modified samples
and diameter of the eutectic chromium carbides decreases in
modified samples, too. The percentage of eutectic carbide phases is
A eutectic reaction occurs between carbon and alloying
low after improvement. Diameter and percentage of eutectic carbide
agents such as Mo, V, Cr in the retained melts, and ledeburite
phase decrease in all samples after heat treatment due to partial
comes into being. The ledeburite is composed of eutectic
dissolution of eutectic chromium carbide. It should be noted that the
carbides and austenite.
change in size and morphology of the eutectic structure is important
(iii) Finally, the M3C phase is formed as part of the peritectic
since it has a direct influence on the mechanical properties. On the
reaction (from  1183 1C):
other hand, adding modifier elements of Ce/La to the alloy caused a
Lþ M7 C3 -g þ M3 C ð3Þ decrement in the eutectic carbide volume fraction from 14.8 vol% in
sample No. 1 to 10.2 in sample No. 2.
This reaction completes the solidification process. Since the Fig. 3a shows the backscattered electron (BSE) micrographs of
former reaction involves solid-state diffusion, it is relatively sample No. 1 without improvement. The eutectic chromium
slow and rarely completed. Therefore, the M3C content in the carbides are as a black phase, and also there are very fine iron
final microstructure can be ignored. As observed in Fig. 2a, carbides as spherical or blade shapes. The iron carbides are
austenitic is fully developed. Because of the high speed of uniformly distributed in the matrix. In Fig. 3b, (BSE) micrographs
solidification, equilibrium phases can not form, which could of the improved sample No. 2 can be seen. The chromium carbides
be due to the possibility that some high cooling rate is are in the form of hexagonal blocks. The carbide particles are
converted from austenite to martensite. observed in the matrix of this alloy. The white particles are
observed in the center of some eutectic chromium carbides. Like
the previous sample, there are very fine iron carbides.
The quantitative EDS analysis of the areas specified is con-
3.2. Effect of Ce–La on the microstructure ducted, and the results are reported in Table 3 and Fig. 4. From
comparison of data in Table 3, it can be noticed that by adding
Fig. 2b shows the effect of Ce/La addition on the microstructure Ce/La, the percentage of chromium, vanadium and molybdenum is
of AISI D2 after heat treatment. As seen in the figure, the eutectic increased in the matrix. On the other hand, the atomic percentage
microstructure is dark. Generally, both samples showed a micro- of chromium, vanadium and molybdenum has decreased in the
structure comprising dendrites of austenite separated by interden- eutectic carbide.
drite eutectic carbides. As seen in Fig. 2a, the microstructure of steel XRD was performed on the samples, and the results are shown in
includes coarse austenite dendrites together with eutectic carbides. Fig. 5. According to the results of XRD analysis in Fig. 5, there are high
196 M.A. Hamidzadeh et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 571 (2013) 193–198

Fig. 3. Enlarged backscattered electron images of eutectic carbides in (a) sample No. 1 and (b) sample No. 2 steel. Circles indicate needle-like and spot-like secondary

Table 3 Also, after hot working, dissolving of large amounts of ele-

Quantitative EDS analysis results of the microstructural constituents in micro- ments (Cr, C, Mo and V) in austenite increases the hardenability of
graph of SEM.
alloy. Consequently, reduction in size of eutectic carbides leads to
Phase Sample Secpt Metallic element (at%) shorter austenitizing time and increase hardenability. Increase in
type Number type the interface between carbide and austenite causes to increase in
V Mo Cr Fe diffusion rate for the alloying elements and shorter dissolution
time of carbides in austenite.
Matrix NO. 1 ED 0.30 0.67 8.14 89.01 Gray region
NO. 2 ED 0.45 0.8 8.73 88.35 According to the analysis of the results of EDS (see Fig. 4), the
M7C3 NO. 1 ED 7.49 2.80 45.00 36.83 Black region white particles are composed of cerium, lanthanum and impurity
NO. 2 ED 7.05 1.10 44.89 38.64 elements such as sulfur, phosphorus and oxygen. It appears that
these white particles are oxi-sulfide cerium on which chromium
The values are based on an average of 3 different points per sample.
carbides nucleated non-homogeneously. It indicates that the
white particle in Fig. 3b is CexOyS such as Ce2O2S acting as the
intensity peaks of ferrite in the results. The low intensity peaks of heterogeneous nucleus of the eutectic carbide.
residual austenite and carbide phase (M7C3) can be seen. According to These inclusions must have two conditions to become effective
XRD results, by adding modifier elements to the alloy, ferrite and heterogeneous nuclei [24–26]:
austenite and eutectic carbide phase values do not change appreci- First, the melting point of these inclusions is higher than the
ably; therefore it is concluded that the ferrite phase is the dominant eutectic temperature. Secondly, the lattice misfit between the
phase in samples, and that there are small amounts of residual inclusions and the eutectic carbide is less than 6%.
austenite in the alloys. According to the formula in Ref. [26,27], the DG of Ce2O2S at
With regard to the fact that the alloying elements of vanadium, the temperature of 1500 1C is  576,367 J/mol, which indicates
molybdenum and chromium are present in the alloy and that the that Ce2O2S can be formed at the temperature of 1500 1C, and can
XRD results clearly show the formation of ferrite and austenite, the exist in the melt when cerium is added.
amount of alloying elements is present in ferrite and austenite Ce2O2S and M7C3 carbide have a close-packed hexagonal
phases as solid solution in the crystal structure. During the cooling structure with the lattice arameters: a ¼0.4008 nm, c¼ 0.6833 nm
of steel from high temperature, austenite is decomposed to ferrite and a ¼0.688 nm, c ¼0.454 nm, respectively [27–29]. The lattice
and cementite phases. Due to the presence of alloying elements in misfits between (1010) Ce2O2S and (1010) M7C3, and (1010)
austenite, the eutectoid transformation can be very slow and so Ce2O2S and (1010) M7C3 are 1.60% and 0.69%, respectively, which
some of these phases are metastable at room temperature because are less than 6%. Therefore, Ce2O2S can act as heterogeneous
there is plenty of carbon in the cold-work tool steel. nuclei of the eutectic M7C3 carbide and refine eutectic carbides.
These data show that the gray region (matrix) in the Fig. 3(a The relationship between crystallizing planes of Ce2O2S and M7C3
and b) is composed mainly of iron with small amounts of is shown in Fig. 6 [27,30].
chromium, vanadium and molybdenum. Therefore, combined On the other hand, cerium and lanthanum are combined
with XRD results (Fig. 5), it can be concluded that the matrix of strongly with sulfur and oxygen and drive them out of the melt.
samples is a solid solution of chromium, vanadium and molybde- As Fe–C metallurgy and crystallization theory indicate, surface
num in a-Fe (ferrite). The carbide forming elements of M7C3 tension of the melts will increase if [S] and [O] are removed, and
carbides are mainly chromium, a small quantity of vanadium and the melts are purified. In addition, this will lead to an increase in
molybdenum. the nucleation free energy of the crystalline phase so that it may
Due to reduction in size of eutectic carbides, the interface need more energy to form crystal nucleus [16]. As a result, crystal
between matrix and carbide particles increases. Thus, the amount nucleation occurs at lower temperature, liquid line during solidi-
of eutectic carbides dissolved, increases during annealing. The fication falls down, and the degree of super cooling of eutectic
amount of alloying elements (such as Cr, Mo, V and C) increases in reaction is enhanced. All the above have resulted in the modifica-
the austenite during annealing. By decreasing the temperature, tion of the microstructures of high alloy tool steels. All carbides
the solubility of alloying elements reduces in the austenite phase. are refined and distributed homogeneously in the microstructure,
Then, austenite phase decomposes to ferrite phase and fine and carbide network along dendrite boundaries breaks up
carbides. These fine carbides are consisted mainly of elements completely.
of Fe, Cr and Mo. Uniform distribution of fine carbides in the
matrix causes to hardness uniformity in the alloy. In addition, 3.3. Effect of Ce–La on the mechanical properties
these fine carbides dissolve quickly in austenite before hot
deformation which leads to improvement in hot workability of Table 4 shows the mechanical properties of the steels studied
the alloy and short time preheating. in this investigation, which include hardness, and Charpy impact
M.A. Hamidzadeh et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 571 (2013) 193–198 197

Fig. 4. Representative EDS spectrum and quantitative composition analysis of cerium and lanthanum-contained precipitate in Fig. 3.

No. 1 and No. 2 steels (without modification and modifier added

steels) in impact tests are shown in Fig. 7. As shown in Fig. 7a, the
fracture surface of steel No. 1 is predominantly cleavage faceted, and
the cleavage facets can be seen to be very broad. However, the
fracture surface of steel No. 2 (Fig. 7b) shows a mixed fracture mode
of ductile fracture along the matrix and cleavage fracture of
interdendrite M7C3 carbides. Fracture happens by a process invol-
ving crack initiation, and crack propagation and sometimes fast
The very low impact toughness values of steels No. 1 appear to
be due primarily to their large volume fraction of hard and fragile
M7C3 carbides with net-like distribution. It is obvious that the
M7C3 carbide phase is much harder than the ferritic matrix;
therefore, the cracks initiation and propagation readily occur
either at the weak eutectic carbide/matrix interfaces or by the
eutectic carbides themselves fracturing at relatively low stress
levels [31,32]. Therefore, less energy is absorbed for specimens’
failure which results in a decrease in impact toughness in steels
No. 1.
Accordingly, in steels No. 2 impact toughness can be enhanced.
Fig. 5. X-ray diffraction pattern of (blue line) steel No. 1, (red line) steel No. 2, in Steel No. 2 shows the highest impact toughness value because of
annealed condition. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure better distributed carbides.
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

toughness. Result of hardness shows that heat treated samples

hardness are less than as-cast samples. This case can be due to 4. Conclusions
transformation residual austenite and martensite to ferrite and
partially dissolution of eutectic chromium carbides during heat This study was carried out to investigate the effects of cerium
treatment. Generally, matrix hardness as well as the type and and lanthanum on the morphology of M7C3 eutectic carbides in
volume fraction of eutectic carbides are the main factors affecting AISI D2 alloy. The results obtained are summarized as follows:
the overall bulk hardness. As the results show that hardness of
samples in both as-cast and heat treated samples has not been a
significant change after modification of alloy. (1) In the microstructure of unmodified AISI D2 alloy, massive
It is obvious that the steel No. 1 represents the lowest impact M7C3 eutectic carbides are connected to each other to form a
toughness of 8 70.5 J/cm2, and the modification can increase the network along dendrite boundaries.
impact toughness value by 75%, to 14 70.7 J/cm2 for steel No. 2. (2) After Ce/La modification, the morphology, size and distribution
Generally, the impact toughness is affected by the combined of eutectic carbides change greatly. M7C3 eutectic carbides are
action of interdendrite carbides characteristics and grains sub- refined and distributed homogeneously in the microstructure,
structure. The poor impact properties of steel No. 1 can be simply and carbide network breaks up approximately.
attributed to the presence of continuous network of eutectic (3) Cerium oxy-sulfide inclusions can act as the heterogeneous
carbides in its microstructure (see Fig. 2a). The major reason for nuclei of M7C3 eutectic carbides to enhance nucleation and
improvement in toughness is refining and uniform distribution of improve the refinement of eutectic carbides.
eutectic carbides (M7C3) after adding modifier elements. (4) After Ce/La modification, AISI D2 steel with refined carbide
Fractography observation was also conducted to clarify the effect possessed higher impact toughness, without decreasing in
of modification on the impact toughness. The typical fractographs of bulk hardness.
198 M.A. Hamidzadeh et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 571 (2013) 193–198

Fig. 6. Relationship of crystallizing planes of Ce2O2S and M7C3: (a) (1010)Ce2O2S//(1010)M7C3; and (b) (1010)Ce2O2S//(1010)M7C3. The hollow circle represents the atoms
in Ce2O2S, the solid circle and solid square represent the octahedron and tetrahedron in the M7C3 carbides, respectively [29].

Table 4
Mechanical properties of steels utilized in this study. The numbers after ‘‘ 7 ’’ indicate the standard deviation from the mean value.

Sample numberer As cast hardness Heat treated hardness Impact energy

(HRC) (HRC) (j)

NO. 1 unmodified 437 1 21 7 1 8 70.5

NO. 2 modified 207 1 207 1 14 70.7

For each alloy, the reported values are average of minimum 3 tests.

Fig. 7. Typical SEM fractographs showing the fracture surface of impact sample for (a) unmodified steel, No. 1 and (b) modified steel, No. 2.

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