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ESR of High Technological Steels

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Electroslag Remelting of High Technological Steels

Research · November 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3305.6721


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2 authors:

Hossam Ahmed Halfa A. M. Reda

Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute Zagazig University


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Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 2015, 3, 444-457
Published Online November 2015 in SciRes.

Electroslag Remelting of High

Technological Steels
Hossam Halfa1,2, A. M. Reda2,3
Steel Technology Department, Central Metallurgical R&D Institute (CMRDI), Helwan, Egypt
Department of Physics, College of Science & Humanities, Shaqra University, Al-Dawadme, Saudi Arabia
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

Received 23 September 2015; accepted 6 November 2015; published 9 November 2015

Copyright © 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

This work aims at the suitability of electroslag process on production of high technological steels
such as Maraging steel, modified high speed tool steel (niobium, high nitrogen, and free nitrogen)
has been investigated. The experimental results show that high recovery of alloying elements
during electroslag remelting of such steels especially high nitrogen tool steel. The previous results
are attributed to the slag used in electroslag protect the molten metal from atmospheric oxygen.
Also higher recovery of alloying elements during remelting high nitrogen high speed tool steel are
due to partial dissolution of nitrides during remelting of such steel which increase nitrogen con-
tent above the molten slag which decrease the partial pressure of oxygen leads to protection of
molten metal from further oxidation. Also, the results show that, produced ingots are free from
internal pipes, porosity and other surface defects. Microstructure obtained for remelted steels are
very fine and well distributed for all steel under investigation. In the case of electroslag remelted
Maraging steels lower non-metallic inclusions with very fine inclusions and redistribution re-
tained austenite with very fine structure leads to increasing all tensile properties of investigated
steels. In the case of high speed tool steels, also the structure is very fine, well distributed, densely
and short carbides with lower non-metallic inclusions contents. High cooling rate accompanying
with electroslag process has a great effect on type, morphology and content of carbides precipi-
tated in both nitrogen and niobium modified tool steels.

Electroslag, Maraging, Cobalt Free, Tool-Steel, Nitrogen, Niobium

1. Introduction
Maraging steels were originally developed at the Inco R and D Center [1]. They were produced by American

How to cite this paper: Halfa, H. and Reda, A.M. (2015) Electroslag Remelting of High Technological Steels. Journal of Min-
erals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 3, 444-457.
H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

Steel Industry and finally by production on a worldwide basis. These alloys are iron nickel martensites that are
hardened by precipitation of Mo and Ti containing inter-metallic compounds. The absence of carbon in the al-
loys confers significantly better harden-ability, toughness and weld-ability compared to conventional high
strength steels. Notable developments in recent years have been cobalt free grades of Maraging steels, and
number of other specialized compositions [2].
A combination of Co and Mo was found to produce much greater hardening during Maraging than the sum of
the individual Co and Mo hardening contributions [3]. Work with the Co-Mo hardening system led to the de-
velopment of three new Maraging steels compositions, the so-called 18 Ni (200), 18 Ni (250) and 18 Ni (300)
alloys. The numbers in parenthesis refer to the nominal recovery strengths of the alloys in Ksi units after aging.
Titanium was also added to these alloys as a supplemental hardener [4]. The properties of these alloys were con-
siderably better than the earlier 25 Ni and 20 Ni steels.
High speed steels are high alloyed carbon steels with a complex pattern of carbide. They are employed in cut-
ting tools operating at high speeds. Further, nitrogen and niobium have been used in the recent years as alloying
elements in many steel grades [5] [6]. AISI M41 high speed tool steels may be considered as high speed AISI
M2 tool steel but with addition of cobalt (5% - 10%). The increased cobalt aids the crystallization of primary
carbonitride phase colonies. Size and quantity of such colonies increasing with the higher cobalt alloying be-
cause cobalt removes carbon and nitrogen from the solid solution resulting in increasing the carbonitrides quan-
tity [7].
It seems very attractive to examine the possibility of alloying the high speed steel with niobium and nitrogen
and study its effect on the refining and mechanical properties of one of the most important high speed steel
(AISI M41).
These quality steel grades require sophisticated production technology. The properties of Maraging steel and
high speed tool steels containing niobium and nitrogen depend to a large extent on the production and refining
technology which affect the recovery and homogeneity of alloying elements as well as the cleanness of the pro-
duced steel [8].
The contamination of these steels with non-metallic inclusion (NMI), the homogeneity of matrix composition
and zone segregation of alloying elements has great influence of their properties.
Among the different refining processes such as vacuum arc remelting, electron beam remelting, plasma arc
remelting and electroslag remelting, electroslag remelting (ESR) process is considered as the most distinguished
secondary refining process due to its reality, economical production cost, low needed investments, system with
non-complicated upgrading and the competitive and high efficiency in refining different and complicated steel
grades. ESR of Maraging, high speed tool steels containing niobium and nitrogen have many advantages that
could be concluded in the improvement of quality structure, chemistry, processing, application and properties
The improvement in the quality of steel ingots produced by ESR process arises from obtaining sound ingots
with complete absence of pipes and porosity, clean smooth surface and high product yield. The structure of ESR
ingots may be improved through the uniformity, elimination of banding and zone segregation, control over the
direction and rate of solidification, control of grain size and control of carbides size [9] [10].
ESR process produces much cleaner ingots with smaller and uniform non-metallic inclusions (NMI), un-
iformly chemical composition, higher recovery of alloying elements, controlled reduction of undesirable ele-
ments, ability to correct out the electrode chemistry by proper slag chemistry and protection of molten metal
from atmospheric oxidation. ESR process improves the processing of steel ingots as it improves the weld-ability
and the workability and needs fewer critical conditions in electrode castings [9]-[11].
Refining of steels by ESR process improves their properties through improvement of ductility, impact transi-
tion characteristics, transverse properties, elevated temperature properties and corrosion resistance [9]-[11].
This work aims at study the suitability of electroslag process on production different advanced material such
as Maraging steel, niobium containing, high nitrogen and free nitrogen high speed tool steels.

2. Experimental Work
2.1. Melting
With the objective of this study, cobalt free low nickel newly developed Maraging steel and a new grade of
modified super hard high speed tool steel (niobium containing, nitrogen free and nitrogen containing) AISI M41

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

have been produced. The investigated steels were produced by double melting routine [8] [10] [11]. A medium
frequency induction furnace (IF) was used to produce the investigated steels (Maraging and modified high speed
tool steels). The molten metal was casted in form of rods with 75 mm diameter and 120 mm height, where these
rods were forged and used as consumable electrodes in ESR process. Such electrodes were electro-slag remelted
under pre-fused calcium fluoride (CaF2) based slag with different additions of alumina (Al2O3), calcium oxide
(CaO) and titanium oxide (TiO2). These slags have approximately the same density and different viscosity and
interfacial tension, Table 1.

2.2. Evaluation
2.2.1. Non Destructive Test and Chemical Analysis
The produced ingots were first examined by radiographic tests to make sure they are free from solidification de-
fects. Then the produced ingot was cut in the longitudinal and transverse directions to physically examine the
presence of any cavity or holes. To evaluate the efficiency of ESR process, effect of slag chemical and physical
properties and the behavior of alloying elements during the refining process, samples from consumable electrode
produced by air melting induction furnace, IF and ingots produced by electroslag remelting, ESR at the top and
the bottom of the ingots were taken both at the center, half radius and the edge then chemically analyzed by us-
ing spectrographic analysis (SPGA).

2.2.2. Maraging Steel

Maraging steel obtained from air melted induction furnace, IF and electroslag remelting, ESR were cut into 10
mm × 10 mm square specimen pieces for observation under optical microscope. Careful machining and grinding
first flattens the specimen surface. The flat surface was then polished using emery paper (80 - 1200 grit). Final
polishing of the sample surface has been carried out on a polishing cloth smeared with paste of fine particles of
alumina to ensure scratch-free polished surface. In order to reveal the surface details, the polished surface of the
samples are finally etched with an etchant containing 1 gm of CuCl2 + 30 ml HCl + 50 ml HNO3 + 100 ml H2O.
Subsequently, the metallographically polished and etched samples are observed in an optical microscope with
reflected light at different magnification.
A quantitative determination of the volume fraction of the existing phases in bulk specimens, especially the
retained austenite, is essential for the evaluation of the Maraging steel properties. The amount of retained auste-
nite in investigated Maraging steel was evaluated by X-ray measurements. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) was
carried out in BRUKER AXS D8-advance diffractometer with the Cu–Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å) in the
Bragg-Brentano configuration operated at 40 KeV and 50 mA. XRD patterns were recorded with step size of
0.02˚ and step durations of 4 s at each step. The volume fraction of austenite, VA, was calculated by the follow-
ing equation:
=VA 1.4 I A ( I M + 1.4 I A ) (1)

where IA is the average of the integrated intensity from the (111)A and (200)A planes and IM is the intergraded in-
tensity from the (110)M planes. The correction factor 1.4 was determined experimentally by many investigator
[13] [14].
The investigated Maraging steel was solution-treated at 820˚C for 1 h and then air-cooled to room tempera-
ture. The aging treatments were performed at optimum condition [15]. To investigate the mechanical properties,
the plane strain tension Maraging steels test specimens were made according to ASTM specification E-8. The
data reported in this investigation are average values of three tests for each investigated steels.

Table 1. Chemical composition and physical properties [12] of synthetic slags at 1600˚C.

Chemical composition, Wt% Physical properties

Slag No.
CaF2 CaO Al2O3 TiO2 Density gm/cm3 Viscosity poise Interfacial tension mN/m
ESR1 70 15 15 -- 2.55 0.25 1375
ESR2 52.5 -- 22.5 25 2.75 0.8 1050
ESR3 70 -- -- 30 2.8 3.0 700

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

2.2.3. High Speed Tool Steel

Produced high speed tool steels were heat treated where they are packed annealed at 870˚C for 1 hour then left
to cool slowly in the furnace. The steel is then hardened by austenitization at 1220˚C for 20 minutes. During the
heating cycle, samples are held at 400˚C for about 5 minutes and then held at 810˚C for 5 minutes for equalizing
the specimen temperature [16]. Samples were quenched from the austenitizing temperature by means of forced
air cooling. Quenched samples were tempered twice at optimum conditions [8] and then air cooled. Quenched
and full heat treatment samples (quenched and Double tempered at optimum tempering temperature for 1 hour
and then air cooled) were polished and finally lapped by diamond paste of 1 µm size prior to etching with 2%
natal solution and digital micrographs were recorded using optical (Axiovert 40 MAT, Carl Zeiss, Switzerland).
Identification of the exact nature of the carbides was difficult by XRD analysis of the bulk specimens due to
their small amount. Therefore, carbide particles were electrolytically extracted from investigated steel specimens
following the report of Nykiel and Hryniewicz [17]. XRD analysis of the extracted carbide particles were done
in an identical manner to that for bulk specimens. The phases in the extracted carbide particles and bulk speci-
mens were identified from the XRD profiles with the help of PHILIPS X’Pert software.
Samples used for optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were polished and finally lapped by di-
amond paste of 1 µm size prior to etching with 2% natal solution and digital micrographs were recorded using
optical (Axiovert 40 MAT, Carl Zeiss, Switzerland). Precipitates were analyzed using the connected energy-
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) unit.

3. Results and Discussion

Radiographic tests for produced steel ingots after ESR process show that the produced ingots are free from in-
ternal and external solidification defects.

3.1. Maraging Steels

3.1.1. Recovery of Alloying Elements
Table 2 shows the chemical composition of consumable electrodes produced by induction furnace and ingots
electro-slag remelted under different investigated slags. Samples were cut and subjected to evaluate chemical
analysis, and hence the recovery of alloying elements was evaluated. The recovery of alloying elements in all
ingots produced by electroslag remelting (ESR) process using any of the three calcium fluoride slags are given
in Table 3. The recovery can be defined as metal out wt% divided by metal in wt%.
As it is clear from Table 3, high recovery values for all elements were obtained by electroslag remelting un-
der all investigated slags. However, remelting under either slag 1 or slag 3 produced steel ingots with much

Table 2. Chemical composition of the consumable electrodes and the produced ingots by ESR
processes of investigated steel.

Chemical composition, wt%

Steel No. Process
C Si Cr Mo Ni Al Ti
IF 0.0386 0.318 4.97 2.95 12.54 0.113 0.677
ESR1 0.06 0.378 5.03 2.97 11.1 0.0374 0.117
ESR2 0.0567 0.345 4.52 3.01 10.96 0.0123 0.108
ESR3 0.058 0.432 4.81 2.94 11.9 0.0629 0.27

Table 3. Recovery* of different elements during ESR process.

Recovery, %
Steel No. Process
C Si Cr Mo Ni Al Ti
ESR1 155.44 118.87 101.21 102.03 88.51 33.10 17.28
M3 ESR2 146.89 108.49 90.95 99.07 87.40 10.85 15.95
ESR3 150.26 135.85 96.78 99.66 94.90 55.66 39.88
Recovery = Metal output/Metal input * 100.

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

higher elements recovery comparing with that obtained by remelting under slag 2.
The small deviation in chemical composition in produced ingot than consumable electrode may be attributed
to transfer of oxygen from atmosphere into metal through slag enhancing oxidation process. Thus, most alloying
elements (expect carbon) are slightly lower in ingot than consumable electrode. On the contrary to the other al-
loying elements, carbon content in the ingot is slightly higher than consumable electrode. This behavior may be
attributed to the effect of carbon content in slag at the start of operation. This slag was pre-fused in an arc fur-
nace. Carbon is picked up by slags to some extent. The greatest degree of carbon pick up is with slag containing
free lime, the lime combining with the graphite to form carbide
CaO + 3C= CaC2 + CO (2)

XRD showed CaC2 in investigated slags after fusion. As it is usual for refining under such slags, the carbon,
C in the slag enters the metal being refined, and carbon (C) is expected to be increased during ESR operation
and this explains the slight higher carbon content in the ingot comparing with the consumable electrode. In the
process of remelting under slags containing metals of variable valency, metal such as Al, Fe, Mn, Ti anions of
these metals ( AlO −2 , FeO −2 , MnO −2 , TiO −2 ) diffuse through the slag to the metal. Their passage to the metal is
accelerated substantially by convective current in the metal. At the slag-metal interface, anions of trivalent met-
als are reduced to bivalent ones, as shown in Equation (3):

( )
2 MeO −2 + [ Fe
= ( ) (
] 2 Me2+ + Fe2+ + 4 O2− ) ( ) (3)

Since oxygen passes from the slag to the metal by the reaction:

( Fe ) + ( O ) =[ Fe] + [O]
2+ 2−

Equation (3) shows that high oxygen dissolved in the molten metal which lead to high loss of alloying ele-
ments that have high affinity to oxygen Ti, Al, Cr, Mo, Ni in the molten metal pool. Table 3 illustrates the vari-
ation of different alloying elements content in the produced steels remelted under the different investigated slag
compositions comparing with the initial alloying elements content in consumable electrode. It is clear from Ta-
ble 2 that the degree of oxidation of alloying elements is depending on the slag composition and residual deoxi-
dation elements. The variation in alloying elements content depends on the affinity of such elements towards
oxygen. Element which has a low affinity towards oxygen such as Ni and Cr, its content has a little change. On
the other hand, titanium with its higher affinity towards oxygen suffers from a high change in its content.
It is known that [18], there are two valances of chromium (Cr2+ and Cr3+) dissolved in their slag. The ratio
Cr2+/Cr3+ increases with increasing temperature, decreasing oxygen potential and decreasing slag basicity. Under
ESR condition, i.e. in the basic slags and at low oxygen potential (at slag-metal interface), the bivalent chro-
mium predominates in the slag. As the chromic oxide particles in the slag react with de-oxidant elements Ti, Al
in molten metal droplets and slag metal interfaces, resulting in some recovery back into the steel. The tempera-
ture and molten metal composition have a significant effect on the direction of the reaction. Chromium is recov-
ered from slag by reducing its oxide with Ti, Al, Si. Under this reducing condition (molten metal/slag interface
and molten metal droplet/slag interface) the reaction to be considered is as formulated below
2 ( CrO ) + [Si ]= 2 [ Cr ] + ( SiO 2 ) (5)

2 ( CrO ) + [ Ti ]= 2 [ Cr ] + ( TiO 2 ) (6)

3 ( CrO ) + 2 [ Al] = 2 [ Cr ] + ( Al2 O3 ) (7)

As it is seen from experimental data, the higher slag basicity (high CaO) and the higher de-oxidant elements
content of steel, the lower is the change of chromium, i.e. the greater the chromium recovery from the slag.
Due to the high affinity of titanium towards oxygen to form TiO2 and its affinity to nickel to form Ni-Ti in-
termetallic compound, it could be expected that for high titanium steels content, the losses of titanium and Ni
content either by forming titanium oxide or Ni-Ti intermetallic compound is associated with increment of chro-
mium in the produced ingot. The decreasing of Ni content in different steels may be explained by formation
Ni-Ti intermetallic compound with rather big volume which picked in slag layer during ESR process.

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

Unfortunately, due to the lack of published data on the nature of alloying elements during ESR process, one
could expect the oxidation behavior of alloying elements during the electroslag process in the following:
• As the temperature of slag bath rises above the melting point of the metal, droplets melt off the tip of the
electrode fall through the slag.
• As the temperature of fallen droplet is fairly high, the oxidation of constituent elements is taken place de-
pending on its affinity towards oxygen.
• Increasing the wetting of fallen droplet with slag, i.e., decreasing the interfacial tension represents a protec-
tive layer against diffusion of oxygen towards metal droplet with the result of decreasing the oxidation rate and
hence increasing the recovery of alloying elements.
• Inhibition of the diffusion of oxygen towards metal droplet by increasing the slag viscosity results in increas-
ing the recovery of alloying elements. So one could expect that among the three used slags, the slag with the
highest viscosity and the lowest interfacial tension will lead to the highest recovery of alloying elements Ni, Cr
and Ti.
The recovery of alloying elements in ESR can be carried with the physical properties of slags, Table 2 and
Table 3. Table 2 and Table 3 show clearly the effect of slag viscosity and slag/metal interfacial tension on the
behavior of different alloying elements during ESR process. Among the three investigated slags, slag 1 has the
lowest viscosity and highest interfacial tension. As the temperature of slag bath rises above the melting point of
the metal, droplets melt off the tip of electrode fall through the slag. Inhibition of the diffusion of oxygen
through slag towards metal droplet by increasing the slag viscosity results in decreasing the oxidation of alloy-
ing elements and consequently increasing of the recovery of these elements, Table 3. Furthermore, increasing
the wetting of fallen droplet with slag, i.e. decreasing the interfacial tension, represents a protective layer against
diffusion of oxygen towards metal droplet with the result of decreasing the oxidation rate and hence increasing
the recovery of alloying elements, Table 3. This explains the higher recovery of alloying elements by remelting
under either slag 2 or 3 comparing with that obtained by remelting under slag 1.
The role of slag viscosity is clearly shown in steels with high titanium content. Increasing the slag viscosity
from 0.25 poise (slag 1) to 3 poise (slag 3) through 0.8 poise (slag 2) is accompanied by increasing the recovery
of Cr, Ni, Mo and Ti alloying elements.
Generally, we can conclude that, there is a trend to increase the recovery of alloying element, i.e. decreasing
the losses during ESR process by increasing the viscosity of used slag and decreasing the slag/metal interfacial
tension of used slag.
Furthermore, increasing the TiO2 content in the used slag increases the tendency to equilibrium situation
(Ti)/[Ti], which in turn decreases the oxidation of titanium element at metal droplet/slag interface. This pheno-
menon leads to decreasing the percentage of Ti losses. So, it is expected that the highest recovery of titanium
will be obtained by increasing TiO2 in slag 3% to 30%.

3.1.2. Metallography
Figure 1 shows the microstructure of different heats of Maraging steel under investigation produced by induc-
tion furnace (IF) and electroslag remelting (ESR) after optimum aging conditions. Microstructure of steel pro-
duced by both IF and ESR comprises martensite + retained austenite. By comparing between microstructure of
investigated steels we found that, the structure of ESR are very finer, well distributed and free from segregation
or band structure than IF steels.
Typical optical micrographs of the material produced by IF and aged under optimum condition are shown in
first column in Figure 1. The microstructure, in general appeared lamellar in morphology. The prior-austenite
grain boundaries could not be resolved easily. The bright patchy regions, shown by arrows in the micrograph,
correspond to regions having considerable volume fraction of reverted austenite. The presence of inter lath aus-
tenite, though not fully resolved, is also indicated in the microstructure.
The optical micrographs of the material produced by ESR in the peak-aged conditions are shown in Figure 1.
The microstructure in the peak-aged condition essentially consisted of packets of martensite, within prior-aus-
tenite grains. The austenite grains, which had transformed into packets of martensite, could still be recognized
due to the preferential etching along their boundaries and also due to the fact that the martensite packets within
an austenite grain did not extend beyond the respective prior-austenite grain boundary. The martensite substruc-
ture could not be observed because of the narrowness of the martensite laths. During aging of the steels under
investigation the well-known precipitation reactions occur which leading to hardening. It is generally believed

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

Figure 1. Metallographical microscope observation of investigated steel before and after ESR.

that initial precipitation in cobalt free molybdenum containing Maraging steel at 480˚C occurs as Ni3Mo, which
on prolonged aging is replaced by either Fe2Mo or the σ phase [19]. Since the alloy additionally contains tita-
nium as a supplemental hardener, the precipitation of Ni3Ti has also been reported; alternatively, it has been
suggested that part of the titanium may be present in the molybdenum precipitate, i.e. as Ni3(Mo, Ti) [2]-[20].

3.1.3. Effect of ESR Process on Austenite Reversion

The percentage of retained austenite influences significantly the mechanical properties of Maraging steels: li-
miting its usefulness as a high strength material (i.e. dual phase). Further deterioration in the mechanical proper-
ties of Maraging steels is obtained by micro-segregation of retained austenite in localized area i.e. the solute se-
gregation to the existing dislocations that causes dislocation locking.
It is clear from Figure 1 that ESR process under any of the investigated slags leads to uniform distribution of
austenite grain. It is expected that this redistribution of austenite grains may improve the mechanical properties,
Table 4.
The amount of retained austenite formed after solution treatment and after aged at optimum condition for
consumable electrode produced by IF and ingots produced from different heats of ESR were studied using X-ray
diffraction, Figure 2. For IF steel, after solid solution annealing treatment at 820˚C for 1 h (air cooled), with no
refrigeration treatment, about 1% ± 0.5% retained austenite was detected X-ray diffraction results confirmed that
there is a complete martensite transformation after solution-treatment for investigated steels as shown in Figure

3.1.4. Mechanical Properties

The effect of ESR process on the mechanical properties of investigated steels is summarized in Table 4. Table 4,
represents the average of four results at room temperature.
Examination of these results reveals generally the strong positive influence on the mechanical properties i.e.,
ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield tensile strength (YTS), and reduction of area. Table 4 illustrates the influ-
ence of ESR slages on the yield strength and elongation comparing with that of steel melted in induction furnace.
It was noticed that ESR process has a rather smaller effect on the recovery strength of steel with lowest content
of Ti.
As mention above the actual factors which control the mechanical properties of these steels are:
• solid solution strengthening.
• precipitation strengthening.
• retained austenite in martensite matrix.
By studying Table 4, the effect of Mo and Cr on the mechanical properties of investigated steels was clarified.
The contribution of Mo and Cr and Mo in ultimate tensile strength indicates that the positive effect of Cr and
Mo may be attributed to solid solution strengthening mechanism of each element. However, the strength incre-
ment of some investigated steels is accompanied by deterioration of steel ductility (Elongation). This deteriora-
tion could not be attributed to the aggregate of austenite grains only but also to initial chemical composition of
steels and its contamination of NMI. The negative effect of NMI, Ti and Mo content on steel ductility is com-
pensating by the positive effect of both Cr and austenite content.
It well known that [21]-[24], a portion of titanium in solution is precipitated during solution treatment as
Ni3Ti, which has been confirmed by dilatometry studies, causing intermetallic precipitation strengthening.
In high titanium steels, titanium in excess of stoichiometric with nitrogen and carbon and did not precipitate

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda


M (110)


M (211)

M (220)
A (111)

M (200)
A (200)
Intinisty (a.u)

M (110)


A (111)

M (211)
M (200)

M (220)
A (200)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
2 theta






Arbutary unit

400 b)









0 20 40 60 80 100
2 theta

Figure 2. (a) X-Ray pattern of M3 Maraging steel before ESR. a) Solid solution annealing at 820˚C, b) Solid
solution annealing at 820˚C and Aging; (b) X-ray diffraction pattern for steel M3 after ESR. a) Under slag 1
(70/15/15), b) Under slag 2 (52.5/22.5/25), c) Under slag 3 (70/30).

Table 4. Mechanical properties of investigated Maraging steel.

Heat treatment
Mechanical properties measurements
condition Retained
Steel No. Process
Temp. Time, Austenite, % Y.S U.T.S Reduction
Elong., %
˚C hr (MPa) (MPa) of area, %

IF 400 1 1 1211 1225 15 45.5

ESR1 425 2 7.1 1224 1239 13.7 63.3

ESR2 425 2 7.6 1327 1334 14.1 53

ESR3 425 4 1.9 1114 1149 11.7 45.5

All reading is average of three measurements.

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

as intermetallic compound could be in solution causing solid solution strengthening. Consequently, the streng-
thening effect of titanium solution treated Maraging steel is combined effects of solid solution, microstructure
refinement, non-metallic precipitation and intermetallic precipitation strengthening.

3.2. High Speed Tool Steel

3.2.1. Recovery of Alloying Elements
Table 5 and Table 6 show the chemical composition of consumable electrodes produced by induction furnace
and ingots remelted under different investigated slags. Samples were cut from top to bottom at surface and cen-
ter positions to evaluate the recovery of alloying elements. The recovery of alloying elements in all ingots pro-
duced by electroslag remelting (ESR) process using any of the three calcium fluoride slags are given in Table 7
and Table 8. Recovery can be defined as “metal-out Wt% divided by metal-in Wt%”.

Table 5. Chemicalcomposition of the high nitrogen and free nitrogen steels (wt%).

Chemical composition, Wt%

Steel grade process
C Si Cr Mo Co V W N
IF 0.917 0.429 4.085 4.213 5.012 2.115 6.53 0.045
ESR1 0.948 0.453 4.05 4.128 4.991 1.995 6.288 0.008
ESR2 0.859 0.345 3.733 3.89 4.95 1.838 6.108 0.036
ESR3 0.922 0.421 3.975 4.132 5.01 2.058 6.463 0.031
IFN 0.902 0.509 3.785 4.200 4.78 2.128 6.815 0.135
ESRN1 0.929 0.501 3.658 4.038 4.99 2.058 6.745 0.093
ESRN2 0.939 0.489 3.520 4.043 5.005 2.003 6.241 0.114
ESRN3 1.053 0.494 3.615 4.163 4.995 2.158 6.915 0.117
Note: IF = air melted induction furnace heat (free nitrogen). ESR1 = free electroslag remelting (free nitrogen) under slag no. 1.
ESR2 = electroslag remelting (free nitrogen) under slag no. 2. ESR3 = electroslag remelting (free nitrogen) under slag no. 3. IFN =
air melted induction furnace heat (nitrogen containing). ESRN1 = electroslag remelting (nitrogen containing) under slag no. 1.
ESRN2 = electroslag remelting (nitrogen containing) under slag no. 2. ESRN3 = electroslag remelting (nitrogen containing) under
slag no. 3.

Table 6. Chemical composition of the niobium containing high speed tool steels (wt%).

Chemical composition, Wt%

Steel No. process
C Si Cr Mo Co V W Nb
HSS-Nb IF IF 1.22 0.452 4.02 4.52 5.04 2.03 6.13 0.71
HSS-Nb 1 ESR1 1.07 0.323 3.73 4.19 4.98 1.83 6.08 0.677
HSS-Nb 2 ESR2 0.98 0.252 3.78 4.24 5.04 1.85 6.03 0.639
HSS-Nb 3 ESR3 1.12 0.452 3.83 4.28 5.15 1.9 6.04 0.685

Table 7. Recovery* of different elements during ESR process.

Recovery %
Steel No. process
C Si Cr Mo Co V W
ESR1 103.4 105.6 99.3 98.0 99.4 94.3 96.3
M41 ESR2 93.7 80.5 91.5 92.5 98.6 86.9 93.5
ESR3 100.3 98.2 97.4 98.0 99.6 97.3 99.0
ESRN1 102.9 98.4 96.6 96.1 104.4 96.7 99.0
M41N ESRN2 104.1 96.1 93.0 96.2 104.7 94.1 91.6
ESRN3 116.7 97.0 95.5 99.1 104.5 101.4 101.5
Recovery = Metal output/Metal input * 100.

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

Table 8. Recovery* of different elements during ESR process niobium containing high speed tool steels.

Recovery, %
Steel No. process
C Si Cr Mo Co V W Nb
HSS-Nb 1 ESR1 87.7 71.46 92.78 92.70 98.81 90.15 99.18 95.35
HSS-Nb 2 ESR2 80.33 55.75 94.04 93.81 100 91.13 97.57 90.00
HSS-Nb 3 ESR3 91.80 100 95.27 94.70 102.18 93.60 98.53 96.48
Recovery = Metal output/Metal input * 100.

As it is clear from Table 7 and Table 8, high recovery values for all elements were obtained by electroslag
remelting under all investigated slags. However, remelting under either slag 1 or slag 3 produced steel ingots
with much higher elements recovery comparing with that obtained by remelting under slag 2.
It is noticeable that recoveries of alloying elements in ESR are high. This result could be attributed to the
physical properties of slags, Table 7 and Table 8. Among the three investigated slags, slag 2 has the lowest
viscosity and highest interfacial tension. As the temperature of slag bath rises above the melting point of the
metal, droplets melt off the tip of electrode fall through the slag. Inhibition of the diffusion of oxygen through
slag towards metal droplet by increasing the slag viscosity results in decreasing the oxidation of alloying ele-
ments and consequently increasing the recovery of these elements. Furthermore, increasing the wetting of fallen
droplet with slag, i.e. decreasing the interfacial tension, represents a protective layer against diffusion of oxygen
towards metal droplet with the result of decreasing the oxidation rate and hence increasing the recovery of al-
loying elements. This explains the higher recoveries of alloying elements by remelting under either slag 1 or 3
comparing with that obtained by remelting under slag 2.
It is also noticeable that recoveries of alloying elements are higher for steel M41N comparing with that of
steel M41. This could be explained by the behavior of nitrogen during remelting process. A part of nitrogen
transfers to slag and surrounding atmosphere from the consumable electrode. This is expected to reduce the par-
tial pressure of oxygen and retard oxidation process with the consequence of increasing the recovery of alloying
As it is clear from Table 8, high recovery values for niobium was obtained by electroslag remelting under
slag no. 1 and slag no. 3 with lower viscosity. This result can be also attributed to the same reasons of nitrogen
containing and nitrogen free high speed tool steel.

3.2.2. Metallography High Speed Tool Steel

One of many advantages claimed for electroslag remelting (ESR) process is that of lowering local solidification
time which affects the type of carbide formed during solidification process and helps in forming fine carbides
with higher alloying element and higher carbon content.
For high nitrogen containing steels, the nitrogen alloying leads to form broken eutectic lattice and reduce eu-
tectic colonies. This effect is very noticeable when the carbon is also reduced and the reduced size of the eutec-
tic colonies is proportional to N/C ratio which has strong effect on steel properties.
Table 9 and Table 10 summarize the chemical composition and structure of the observed precipitates. The
obtained results show that in the traditional grade with normal nitrogen content, which arose from the break
down of atmospheric nitrogen, contains carbides and some carbonitrides rich in chromium (Cr), tungsten (W),
and molybdenum (Mo) while the nitrogen alloyed grade contains the carbonitrides precipitates with large con-
tent of nitrogen. Vanadium and iron form the major alloying elements constituents in the precipitates while Cr,
W, and Mo form the minority. One of the most important observations is that cobalt (Co) forms trace constitu-
ents in the traditional grade while it is found with larger amount in the nitrogen alloyed grade.
Matrix of high speed steels consists of well-tempered martensite and the carbides causing secondary hardness
[25]-[28]. Microstructure of correctly heat treated high speed steel should consist of a hard and homogeneous
matrix with a high volume fraction of fine and uniformly distributed carbides both the un-dissolved during aus-
tenitizing and being formed during tempering.
In the matrix, carbide of almost the same grain size is precipitated evenly and densely in ESR ingots as
shown in different microstructure photos, Figure 3. The above mentioned improvement of the shape, size and
distribution of carbides precipitated in ESR ingot could be attributed to shorter holding time of molten steel

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

Table 9. EDS analysis of NMI of investigated nitrogen free high tool speed steel, AISIM41.

Composition, Wt% Type

C N V Cr Fe Co W Mo MxCy

1.9 0.03 0.55 0.87 8.15 0.65 17 69.8 M6C

3.02 -- 1.42 2.5 21.6 1.8 45.5 21 M4C

3.3 -- 1.16 2.35 20.4 1.78 47.8 20 M23C6

5.5 0.35 1.5 3.45 23.1 1.69 43.3 20.5 M2C

6 0.44 59.7 5.8 7 1.3 11.7 14.2 VC

Table 10. EDS analysis of NMI of investigated nitrogen high tool speed steel, AISIM41.

Composition, Wt% Type

C N V Cr Fe Co W Mo MxCy
0.61 0.019 0.28 0.73 16 1.18 5.67 74.7 M16C M16C0.8N0.2
0.98 0.17 0.7 1.32 17.9 1.35 20.5 55.1 M16C12 M12C0.87N0.13
5.18 15.23 9.02 1.95 59.4 5.9 0.16 1.76
MC + 2MN

Figure 3. Metallographical observation for investigated high speed tool steel.

and directional solidification, which do not allow elements, above all carbon to segregate. Therefore, carbides
grow longer and thicker and make their distribution more uniform.
X-ray diffraction pattern confirms the presence of the phases recognized from the metallographic observations.
The presence of MC, M6C, M2C and M23C6 carbides is ascertained depends on the chemical compositions of
steels. The chemical composition of the carbides was determined using EDS microanalysis in the SEM.
Typical composition of carbides in wt%, as determined by EDS microanalysis are presented in Tables 9-11.
For all steel under investigation, the major chemical elements in M6C carbide are tungsten, molybdenum and
iron. For standard high speed tool steel, AISI M41 M2C carbide contains nearly four times as much-chromium
and three times as much-vanadium as M6C carbide. Molybdenum in M6C carbides is three times greater than
M2C carbides while tungsten in M2C is two times greater than M6C.
On the other hand, for niobium containing steel, molybdenum and in particular tungsten concentrations in
M2C are generally less than in M6C. The considerable amount of iron in the M2C carbide is presumably due to
the high cooling rate during solidification, as high cooling rates are prevailing in the ESR process. As well as
MC carbides are vanadium rich carbide in standard steel while in niobium containing steel, this carbide mainly
consists of niobium which dissolve considerable amount of vanadium, tungsten and molybdenum. EDS micro-

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

Table 11. EDS analysis of NMI of investigated Nb-containing high speed tool steels.

Composition, Wt% Type

Steel No.
C Ti V Cr Fe Nb W Mo MxCy

HSS-1Nb 8.66 -- 1.14 4.47 78.05 -- 4.5 3.18 M2C

HSS-1Nb 12.65 -- 8.7 6.4 22.97 -- 26.62 22.65 MC

HSS-1Nb 10.62 -- 4.03 5.5 49.75 -- 19.9 13.21
M2C + MC
HSS-2Nb 11.22 -- 8.48 6.2 26.33 -- 30.6 16.94 MC

HSS-2Nb 17.5 -- 5.67 5.03 35.4 -- 20 16.23 M3C4

HSS-2Nb 12.72 -- 1.85 4.44 67.3 -- 7.47 5.64 M4C3

HSS-2Nb 11.68 -- 3.81 5.18 48.91 -- 14.55 11.39 M2C + MC

HSS-2Nb 23.85 -- 4.7 4.00 35.56 -- 17.8 12.66 M2C

HSS-3Nb 21.77 0.67 8.6 1.07 6.65 53.3 4.22 3.77 NbC

chemical analysis of carbide precipitated during cooling/solidification of investigated steel show that the M6C
carbides in AISI M41 contain two times more tungsten than niobium containing steels, Table 11. From the re-
sults summarized in Table 11, the M2C and M4C3 type carbides may precipitate also in certain solidifica-
tion/cooling conditions. The fine (dispersive) carbides of the MC, M2C and M4C3 types precipitate during solidi-
fication in electroslag remelting process. The considerable amount of the M2C carbide is presumably due to the
high cooling rate during solidification/cooling, as high cooling rates are prevailing in the ESR process. From the
result of X-ray diffraction and micro-chemical analysis, carbides precipitate from standard steel specimens has
been identified mainly as MC, M2C, M6C and M23C6 on the other hand; decrease of M23C6 carbides for niobium
containing steels was presumably.

4. Conclusions
4.1. Recovery and Homogeneity of Alloying Elements
• Recovery of all alloying elements in ESR is very high.
• Higher recovery of alloying elements is obtained by ESR under slag of high viscosity and low interfacial ten-
sion (slags 1 and 3).
• The new production technique “air induction melting followed by ESR” is suitable technique for production
this kind of steels.

4.2. Microstructure
• In the case of Maraging steels, the structure of induction heats are lath martensite + austenite and NMI. On
the other hand microstructure of ESR ingots was very fine and well distributed and austenite grain are impeding
between lath martensite.
• For high speed tool steels, solidification parameters in electroslag remelting process not only change the
amount of carbides precipitated but also the morphology and the chemical composition of this carbides.
• Nb-alloying improves the shape, size and distribution of carbides precipitated in the produced ingot.
• For high speed tool steels, added niobium causes a strong stabilization of the MC carbide and the MC stabili-
ty strongly increases with increasing niobium content.
• Extracted carbides precipitated from investigated electroslag remelted steel specimens have been identified
mainly as MC, M2C, M6C and M23C6. But niobium carbides (NbC) precipitated from niobium containing steels
restricted the formation of M23C6. Quantity of M23C6 carbides precipitated from niobium containing steel is low
than that precipitated from standard steel.
• The main carbides in the free nitrogen and nitrogen contained high speed steels are M6C and M7C3.
• The nitrogen contained high speed steel has the highest precipitates content among the investigated steels.

H. Halfa, A. M. Reda

4.3. Mechanical Properties

• ESR process has a positive effect on tensile strength properties of Maraging steel. This is due to its effect on
reducing the NMI content, improving the homogeneity of matrix composition, minimizing the zone segregation
of alloying elements and improving the NMI distribution.
• Retained austenite inter-lathe film can increase the strength by transforming to martensite during tensile test
similar to behavior of trip steel. For this steel, retained austenite has a positive effect on all tensile ductility

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