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The Structure of An Essay

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The Structure Of An Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "The Structure of an Essay" might seem deceptively
straightforward, given the apparent specificity of the subject. However, delving into the intricacies of
this seemingly simple theme reveals a paradoxical challenge. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of
information, but in the nuanced balance required to address the topic comprehensively without
succumbing to redundancy.

To begin with, one must navigate the delicate balance between formality and creativity. While
elucidating the fundamental components of essay structure – introduction, body, and conclusion –
one is compelled to maintain a certain level of creativity to keep the discourse engaging. This dual
demand can often pose a challenge, requiring a writer to strike an equilibrium between adherence to
conventions and the injection of original thought.

Furthermore, the challenge extends to the depth of analysis. One must not merely scratch the surface
by outlining the structural elements but delve into the rationale behind each segment. Discussing the
purpose of an introduction, the role of supporting evidence in the body, and the significance of a
robust conclusion involves a nuanced exploration that demands intellectual finesse.

Another layer of complexity arises when considering the diverse approaches to essay structure across
different disciplines and genres. The expectations for an essay in literature differ from those in
scientific writing, and adapting to these varied requirements requires a writer to possess a versatile
understanding of the topic.

In addition to the academic considerations, the challenge persists in the need for clarity and
coherence. Balancing intricate concepts while ensuring that the essay remains accessible to a broader
audience can be a tightrope walk. This requires meticulous planning to present information in a
logical sequence, avoiding convoluted language that may alienate readers.

In conclusion, while the topic of "The Structure of an Essay" might appear deceptively manageable,
its exploration unravels a tapestry of challenges. The writer is tasked not only with navigating the
formal conventions but also with infusing creativity, depth, and adaptability into the discourse. It's a
demanding endeavor that necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the subject and an adept
command of linguistic nuances.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or a myriad of other topics, a valuable resource is , where a wealth of writing expertise awaits to simplify the intricate task of essay
The Structure Of An Essay The Structure Of An Essay
Primark Analysis


Primark is an Irish clothing brand, with over 200 stores over the world in countries such
as Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands or Belgium. It is
considered one of the most important fast fashion leaders in the UK retailing market. Its
main and notable differentitive key points is producing large volume of clothing and
selling them at a very cheap price. It has several lines to cover as many targets as
possible such as women clothing, men clothing, shoes, accessories, baby clothing,
children clothing, underwear, swim wear, night wear and house clothing. It has different
brands for each sector, the main ones are:

Atmosphere womenswear/footwear
Active meanswear
Backswings womens and mens ... Show more content on ...
Psycho graphic segmentation:

Social class: Low socioeconomic class, they have low disposable money.
Lifestyles: Students or working poeple
Personality type: Low fashion oriented, they dont care about what others think of their
way of dressing.
Spending attitude: Usually they dont have a lot of money to spend so they usually are
careful about on what they spend it on.


According to the UK s mosaic classification I would say Primark consumers belong to

the groups:
Group H: New Homemakers
New Homemakers live in homes which are likely to have been built only in the last
five years. These homes can take a variety of forms: small well appointed flats in new
brown field inner city locations suitable for young, single people, many of whom rent
from private landlords; small starter homes designed for people on average incomes;
mixes of flats and houses in larger new developments where local councils have
required developers to include some affordable housing alongside more luxurious
homes. Learning how to use financial products, surviving on a budget and managing
debts are concerns for many in this group. It is a market for which many suppliers can
productively convert to direct debit as a means of payment and for email as a means of

Group K: Upper Floor Living

Upper Floor Living people are on limited incomes and rent small flats
Transference And Counter-Transference

Transference and Counter Transference

Harriet L. Wiley
Mississippi College

Transference and counter transference are natural behaviors. The literature under review
has focused on the expression of counter transference and transference in many ways.
The value of recognizing both are acknowledged due to them being dually important by
having positive and negative behaviors depending on the approach. The knowledge
provided would help provide insight and comprehension reflected in the quality of care
which the clients receives. Both transference and counter transference will be defined
and explained for a better understanding, ... Show more content on ...
Conscious Transference is when a therapist chooses to share the affect the client is
having on their feelings (Fuertes, 2013). It can also be when a therapist share an
experience they have that relates to what a client is sharing. In this process, it helps the
client and therapist understand each other better and it allows trust to grow. The client
should have several ways on how to approach or gain perspective when it comes to
communicating with others. Useful counter transference is geared to the client and
assists their growth, while the therapist can continue to focus on building a positive
relationship with the client (Oelsner, 2013). In order to have a positive relationship with
a client there should be a personal bond between a therapist and client. If trust is gained it
should limit counter transference and with trust between the client and counselor a level
of comfort comes that will help build a strong relationship. Developing healthy
boundaries and being mindful of counter transference as it can come into the therapy
sessions will eliminate future issues and the therapist can making the client first priority
(King, Obrien,
Essay on Sexuality and Desire in Jane Austen s Mansfield...
Sexuality and Desire in Jane Austen s Mansfield Park

In a letter to her brother dated 1814, Jane Austen boasted about a compliment she had
received from a friend on her most recent work, Mansfield Park: It s the most sensible
novel he s ever read (263). Austen prided herself on creating literature that depicted
realistic characters and honest situations, but perhaps more importantly, she strove to
create fiction that was moral and instructional as well as entertaining. So what does
sensible say about the sexual? In Mansfield Park, the answer appears blaringly before us,
as we repeatedly witness sexuality and desire represented in the darkest of terms, and
often resulting in the most sinister of outcomes. Those who ... Show more content on ...
Mary is remarkably pretty (35) and wins the Bertrams over with her lively dark eye,
clear brown complexion, and general prettiness (37) and her brother, after just a few
visits, is declared, most agreeable young man the sisters had ever known (37). Henry
(who I will discuss in greater length momentarily) sees Maria and Julia as conquests,
women to be won over just for the sake of doing so. Mary, however, is sincere in her
emotions toward Edmund (at least, as sincere as Mary Crawford could ever be), but the
combination of Edmund s desire for her and her own seductive nature makes her a
precarious character.

Perhaps Mary s biggest problem is that she is too knowledgeable for her own good. Her
skepticism and cynical attitude often seem out of place at the naïve and sheltered
Mansfield Park, particularly when compared to the ideological views of Edmund. Unlike
Edmund, who is strikingly ignorant about the matter, Mary becomes preoccupied with
understanding Fanny s position in society, and subsequent availability, inquiring, pray, is
she out, or is she not? (42). Later, she remarks to Edmund, unaware that he is soon to be
ordained, upon the apathy she feels (and blindly assumes others feel, as well) about
attending church:

Cannot you imagine with what unwilling feelings the former belles of the house of
Rushworth did many a time repair to this chapel? The young Mrs. Eleanors and Mrs.
Bridgets‹starched up into seeming
Equality In Military
For years, women s rights advocates have been calling for an expansion and inclusion
of women in all military positions. The argument is that women have already been in
combat and these feminist groups asserts that the current exclusion of women is a form
of sex discrimination. While it is true that women have in been in a firefight, these
women on the ground are mostly auxiliary forces serving as medics or liaisons for
female civilians.
However, the idea of placing women in direct combat in an infantry position is a different
question altogether. It is important to realize that gender equality should not be a factor
in recruiting infantry personnel. An effective fighting unit should have speed and tempo,
lethality, readiness, survivability ... Show more content on ...
Segal, Smith, D. Segal and Canuso (2016) argues that women s integration is no
different than the integration of African Americans and the repeal of Don t Ask, Don
t Tell (DADT). During World War II, white soldiers who were in more contact with
black soldiers were less opposed to racial integration. Likewise, the repeal of DADT
was a non issue because there was already a closed and sustained contact. In the same
way, male peers would accept women in combat as shown in the interaction with
Military Occupation Code (MOS) positions that allow gender integration. The CMR
(2015) disputes these by asserting that unity of purpose of war and not gender diversity
is what will strengthen the armed forces. Rather, racial integration strengthened the armed
forces and fulfill a military
Thomas Jefferson Analysis
Thomas Jefferson. A E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.
In the article Thomas Jefferson , Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826) was the 3rd President
of the United States, the founder of the Democratic Republican US (Democratic
Republican Party: Republican), and is one of the advocates of self greatest zeal by
modern times. He was born April 13, 1743 at Shadwell, Virginia, then a desolate border
region, in a family of small Anh. When he was young, he studied at home. Then he
studied at the College of William Mary (1760 1762). At 23, he became a lawyer. Seven
years later, he quit practicing with a decent property and with a deep antipathy for
lawyers, and live the life of a rural nobleman independent. However, interest in ... Show
more content on ...
He contributed to the United States a lot. He was popularly appointed to be one of five
people committee in Congress to discuss about the possibility and format of
independence declaration. That committee assigned young man from Virginia to produce
a draft document that particularly stated these colonies had the right to rebel against the
British government and become independent without the Great Britain Royal s control.
Thomas Jefferson idealized and wrote out the Declaration of Independence in 1776. In 17
days, he wrote the first draft of the document. That draft was considered to be
predecessors of the final document. The committee passed the draft and submitted to the
Continental Congress June 28, 1776. Besides, he also wrote the Virginia Statute for
Religious Freedom in 1777, which inspired the formation for the First Amendment of US
Constitution. With the presence at the birth of a new country, Thomas Jefferson was
considered as one of the nation Founding Fathers. In addition, when he has sworn into the
office to become the third president, he reduced the national debt by a third and
improved state of the economy. He sent an army to fight the Barbary pirates who were
harassing American merchants and commerce in the
Africa In The Late Nineteenth Century
At the point when the Period of Dominion started in 1875, it affected Africa from
multiple points of view. No place was the opposition for provinces more extraordinary
than in Africa. Europeans followed North and South Africa part up the mainland. Egypt
and Sudan were assumed control by England to acquire the Suez Trench. Colonialism
added to Africas economy and transformed it into a landmass of provinces.

Until well into the 1800 s Africa was generally obscure to Europeans. They controlled
under ten percent of the landmass. By 1882 England, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and
Spain were all asserting parts of Africa. In 1900, they had partitioned ninety percent of
Africa into states. Albeit European boats had for a considerable length of time exchanged
at ports along the coast, they brought back little learning of Africa s inside. Later
Europeans began investigating the mainland. The best known of these travelers was
David Livingstone. This Scottish teacher put in thirty years in focal Africa, and gave
Europeans their initially itemized data about Africa and its kin.

In the mid 1800 s Africa south of the Sahara contained more than seven hundred diverse
ethnic gatherings. Most were composed into groups in view of ties of custom and
family. Once in a while, an effective gathering framed a state that was ... Show more
content on ...
The Suez was critical to England. Guarding the trench turned into a basic piece of
England s outside approach. Subsequently, when battling softened out up 1882, England
assumed control over the territory and transformed Egypt into a protectorate. Next the
English turned their thoughtfulness regarding Sudan. Water from the Nile Stream was
crucial to the general population of Egypt. The English trusted that they needed to control
the headwaters of the Nile to protect Egypt and the channel. In this manner, in 1898
England vanquished Sudan and made it an apartment
Comparing William Blake s Songs Of Innocence And
In William Blake s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, many of the poems
correlate in numerous aspects. For example, The Chimney
Sweeper is a key poem in both collections that portrays the soul of a child

The Chimney Sweeper in Innocence vs. The Chimney Sweeper in Experience

In William Blake s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, many of the poems
correlate in numerous aspects. For example, The Chimney
Sweeper is a key poem in both collections that portrays the soul of a child with both a
naïve and experienced persona. Blake uses the aspects of religion, light versus dark
imagery, and the usage of the chimney sweeper itself to convey the similarities and
differences of the figure in both poems.

The ... Show more content on ...

After Tom awakes from this dream, he was happy and warm with the knowledge that
with God, there was no need to fear death.

However, in Songs of Experience, the outlook on life and death is not so joyful. The
religious imagery is not so much as in Songs of
Innocence, possibly because people tend to believe more religiously when innocence
dominates terrible experiences. In the latter poem, however, the little black thing has
been clothed in the clothes of death by his parents forcing him to become a chimney
sweeper. His parents have gone to praise God and his Priest and King, who make up a
heaven of our misery and the boy cannot understand this as he
sings the notes of woe and not happiness. This chimney sweeper does not have the
innocence and hopefulness of the chimney sweeper in Songs of Innocence. This child
possesses experience of hardship and does not hold much faith in God and religion. This
version of The Chimney
Sweeper lacks the hopefulness and faith found in the former version although it is the
same setting, factors, and occupation.

William Blake conveys both innocence and experience with the literary technique of
light versus dark imagery. In Songs of Innocence, Blake discusses the issue of soot on
several instances. In the beginning verse, the young chimney sweeper slept in soot,
showing the incorruptibility and despair of the young child. Also, Tom Dacre s
white hair was shaved so that the dark soot

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